#chomp monster tale
persai-design · 1 year
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The buddies of my first Metroidvania
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Monster Tale is a DS game about a schoolgirl and an orange creature combining forces and laying down sick tag-team combos and Third Strike references on a world that was given the Lord of the Flies treatment with kid dictators. 
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antondis0 · 7 months
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Hilda and Chomp
Hilda dressed as Ellie from Monster Tale, next to hilda is Ellie's partner Chomp.
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mushroomaisha · 1 year
A rough doodle with a pencil and school pens.
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I haven't been able to get my creative juices going cuz high school really sucks but an image of Ellie wearing those clothes have been haunting me so I decided to draw it while I have no school work.
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katabay · 9 months
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uh. try to stay with me for a second. so incest motifs are a huge part of medieval lit. you see it in arthuriana cycles, you see it in romances, it's a whole thing.
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Incest and the Medieval Imagination, Elizabeth Archibald
so robin hood. both adaptions and the text itself, tend to get interesting with guy of gisborne. and I will say that while I found the media being discussed in this text absolutely fucking insufferable to watch, the discussion on it was delicious, impeccable, show stopping
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Mouvance, Greenwood, and Gender in The Adventures of Robin Hood and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Brian J Levy and Lesley Coote
and with regards to discussions on the origin text (which I love and adore forever)
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Horseplay: Robin Hood, Guy of Gisborne, and the Neg(oti)ation of the Bestial, Stuart Kane
we're. getting to the point, I promise. guy of gisborne and the sheriff in my own "adaption" are not cousins, but brothers in law (fucked up brothers in law are my thing over on my other blog. brutus and cassius? I'm there. caligula and lepidus? all over that, baby!) because I'm aiming for an adjacent transgression.
on the topic of adjacent transgressions and guy's comment in this comic about cannibalism: there's an overlap in various genres of literature, predominantly in branches of horror and tragedy: between cannibalism and incest. (additionally! a lot of texts will take on christian subtexts and allusions, so there's a bonus homoerotic cannibalism discussion happening wrt communion that I'll get into in the future) it's about. chomping. the teeth, you know.
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Managing Monsters, Marina Warner
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Statius and Virgil: The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid, Randall T. Ganiban
there's a 100% chance I will revise the sheriff's design at some point, but I wanted to draw the flowers exploding out of the spine so bad
AND FINALLY, the neck focus on guy is half due to his fate in his origin tale (beheaded) and half my own invention: I girl-with-a-green-ribboned him. a little narrative necromancy, if you will.
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harringtonstilinski · 6 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Six: The Monster
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) (eventually) Word Count: 2,879 Warnings: lil’ bit more angst, canon violence (aka; steve gets his ass kicked) Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! I’m sorry this is late! We get a small Henderson!Sibling interaction in this chapter! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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“I just don’t understand why we’re coming out here,” Carol said from the backseat. “She obviously doesn’t wanna talk to you.”
“That’s… that’s not it,” Steve said.
“Oh, really?” I said. “Because no girl in their right mind would wanna blow off King Steve.”
“She took the words right out of my mouth,” Carol said.
“Liv, you saw her,” Steve said. “She was acting weird. Something was wrong.”
“She’s stressed because of Will,” I retorted. “So am I, but so what? Who cares?”
“You’re worried about her?” Carol asked.
“What?” Steve and I asked.
“Aww, he is!” Carol leaned forward, putting her arm around Steve, saying,” Aww, Steve has a heart.”
Taking her arm off of him, Steve asked her to stop as she moved to the backseat.
“Oh, Stevie’s in love,” Tommy boasted.
I shrunk in my seat, getting very uncomfortable. I crossed my arms and looked out the window.
I’m not sure if Steve sensed my uncomfortableness or was just tired of the two in the backseat, but I jumped and looked over at Steve as he shouted, “Shut up!”
He looked over at me, saying, “Sorry,” in a quiet voice, knowing that I hate loud noises due to my anxiety. 
Steve pulled up next to the Wheeler house, and I just… looked at it. I felt Steve’s eyes on me, so I looked at him. “I’ll be right back.”
I nodded, tightening my arms. I hated that Steve left me in the car with the two popular wannabe idiots. I watched Steve climb up to Nancy’s window when Carol asked me, “So, how long have you liked Steve?”
“What?” I asked, confused. I looked back at her, seeing her smiling while chewing on her gum. I sighed, “You’re annoying,” while turning back towards the front.
“What was that?” she asked.
“You look like a damn cow chomping on that gum.”
Steve entered the car just then, demeanor completely changed. He looked over at me and the look in his eyes told me he saw something he didn’t like. He tilted his head just a little, his tell tale sign of him asking me a specific question. 
I nodded my head, sighing. “Yeah,” I whispered. “I’ll stay.”
After he took Carol and Tommy home, Steve and I rode back to his house, the tension intense. I looked out the window, playing with my fingers. When I looked over at him, he was just… calm.
“Do you wanna…” 
“No,” he said.
I nodded my head, afraid he knew we were lying to him earlier.
When we got to his house, he put the car in park and killed the ignition. We sat there for a moment before he just… got out. I looked down at my fingers, taking a few breaths. I half expected him to have already been in his house, but when I looked up, he was waiting for me at the front passenger tire.
I got out and closed the door, following him inside his house where his parents actually sat in the living room. Did they acknowledge us? Nope.
Steve and I went straight to his bedroom, him going to his pajama drawer as I went to the phone in his bedroom. I called my mom, letting her know that I was going to be staying at Steve’s and that I would call her in the morning.
When I turned around, Steve was standing at the foot of his bed holding a pair of sweats and another one of his shirts that I loved. I grabbed them and went into the bathroom to change, quickly brushing my teeth with a spare toothbrush I found. 
I went back into Steve’s room, finding him sitting on the side of his bed before I sat down next to him, facing him with my legs crossed. I looked at my hands and waited a moment before asking, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Did you know she was with Byers?”
“With him, with him? No, I thought she was with you.”
“No, I mean hanging out. Is that why she ditched me today?”
“I really don’t know,” I said, looking back down at my hands.
I felt the bed move as he got up. Watching as he paced the room, I said, “Steve–”
“You’re lying to me.”
I sighed, closing my eyes. “I knew they were hanging out.”
“Dammit, Liv.”
“But I didn’t know he was going back to her house! I know they started hanging out a little because of Will going missing–”
“How do you know him?”
“I babysit Will from time to time. Dustin, my little brother, is best friends with him, as well as Mike, Nancy’s little brother. We all know each other.”
He sighed. “I can’t believe this.”
“Can’t believe what?”
“That she’d cheat on me,” he whispered.
“Do you honestly think she’s cheating on you?”
“Why else would she be hanging out like that with that weirdo?”
“Why are you so obsessed with this?”
“Because he had his arm around her!” he all but yelled.
“You put your arm around me! What the hell is the difference?”
“She’s my girlfriend! You’re my best friend!”
“Maybe they’re friends now, Steve. Have you ever thought of that?!”
I could feel the anger rolling off of him, so I did the one thing I used to do when he would get this angry with his dad; I wrapped my arms around his middle and pressed my ear to his chest. I could feel him trying to resist until he put his arms around my shoulders and sighed. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m just a little upset.”
“I understand,” I said. “And it’s okay to be upset.” I looked up at him, into his beautiful brown eyes. “Just don’t take it too far.”
He kissed my forehead, just like he used to and suggested we lay down. It didn’t take long before I fell asleep to the sound of Steve’s breathing.
When I woke up the next morning, I heard him say, “Yeah. Today. Theater. Just get everything and get down there.”
I sat up and rubbed my eye a little, yawning. “What’s going on?”
He looked at me, walking back to my side and sitting on the mattress. “Nothing. Uhm… do you wanna hang out again today? I can take you home, let you shower and change, check on your mom and little brother.”
I smiled a little. “I’d like that, thank you.”
He changed into some normal clothes for the day, telling me it’s okay if I left my clothes. 
“I’m not sure you want me to do that.” He looked confused, so I told him they were Nancy’s clothes and that I’d probably better take them with me. 
We left his house a few minutes later, arriving at mine about ten minutes later. He’d asked me to meet him at the movie theater a little later, and I agreed, thinking we’d be watching a movie.
After I went inside, I showered and changed, running into Dustin in the hallway. I instantly hugged him, asking him where he was after the funeral. I could feel the confusion running off of him, so I pointed down the hall, silently telling him to go along with it. He gave some bullshit excuse that even I didn’t believe. 
He asked me to go with him to Mike’s house, so I followed him on my bike, letting him know that I had to meet Steve at the movie theater in just a little while. We walked into the Wheeler’s basement, seeing that El’s tent that Mike had set up was torn down.
Mike sighed before saying, “I just… I can’t believe she didn’t come back.”
“She’s gotta be close,” Dustin said.
“Wait, back up,” I said. “What do you mean, didn’t come back?”
Dustin quickly explained to me about how while they were following the magnetic field, they kept going around in circles. Turns out that El was using her powers to mess with the magnetic field. She threw Lucas back with her powers at one point and he went home mad as all hell. El ended up disappearing while Mike and Lucas were fighting.
“She said it wasn’t safe,” Mike said. “She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn’t betray us.”
“Mike, calm down,” Dustin said.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I never should’ve done that.”
“Wait, you yelled at her?” I asked, arms crossed.
“I didn’t mean to!”
“Mike, this isn’t your fault,” Dustin said.
“Yeah, it’s Lucas’.”
“It wasn’t his fault, either.”
“Look, I’d love to sit here and figure out who’s fault it was for whatever happened, but I have to go,” I said. “I have to go meet and help Nancy with something.” I kissed the top of Dustin’s head. “Be safe, and please for the love of God, make things up with Lucas.” 
I walked outside and got on my bike, making my way to the theater where Steve was standing at the bottom of a ladder while Tommy H. was on the top of it, spray painting All The Right Moves with Nancy The Slut Wheeler.
“Oh, my–” I said, covering my mouth. I looked at Steve, who had an apologetic look on his face. “Don’t you dare. You could’ve called her and broken up with her, not do this.”
“I bet she’s with Byers right now,” Steve said.
“Maybe! I don’t know! I’m not her keeper!”
He sighed and looked back at Tommy, who was climbing down the ladder. When he saw me, he smiled and said, “Come to join the party?”
I rolled my eyes and went down the nearest alley, sitting on a concrete step, Tommy going back to his spray painting on the wall. I just shook my head and looked down at the ground. A pair of shoes came into my view, so I looked up to their owner; Steve.
“Look, I’m really sorry I dragged you into this,” he said, looking almost… regretful. “I know you don’t like this, and I know I’m the one you dragged you here. Just–”
“I won’t say anything,” I said. “Unless she asks.”
He lightly chuckled as Carol was telling Tommy that he wrote like a three year old. He moved a little out of the way as I went to stand, looking at what Tommy was doing.
“Wow, Tommy,” I said, sarcastically. “I didn’t know you could spell. I guess you did learn something last year.”
Nicole snickered as Tommy turned to face me, eyes moving up and down before he said, “Yeah, well, at least I don’t hide shit.”
“Aw, hey there, princess,” Carol said. 
I looked over and watched as Nancy made her way towards us. I scratched my temple and moved to stand beside Steve.
“Uh-oh,” Tommy said. “She looks upset.”
“Shut up, Tommy,” I said.
I watched as Nancy slapped Steve on his cheek out of nowhere. Moving to stand kind of in between them, I held my hands out a little, saying to Nancy, “Calm down, Nance.”
“Calm down?” she asked, voice quivering a little. She looked at Steve and asked, “What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” Steve asked. “What’s wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can’t believe that I was actually worried about you.” He looked at me for a split moment, eyes asking for backup.
“What are you talking about?” Nancy exclaimed.
I sighed and said, “I wouldn’t lie, Nance.”
“You don’t wanna be known as the lying slut now, do you?” Carol piped up.
Looking back at her, I said, “Shut up, Carol.”
“Speak of the devil,” Tommy said. 
I looked over and saw Jonathan standing behind Nancy. She turned and looked at Jonathan before looking back at Steve, asking “You came by last night?”
I just looked at Steve looking down at her as Carol said, “Ding, ding, ding! Does she get a prize?”
“Carol, knock it off,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Look, I don’t know what you saw, but it wasn’t like that,” Nancy tried to explain.
Steve’s eyes went up to look at the oldest Byers boy and said, “What, you just let him in your room to–” He blinked and looked back at Nancy before finishing his sentence with, “Study?”
“Or for another pervy photo session?” Tommy asked.
Reaching behind me, I hit Tommy in his stomach. “Shut. Up.”
“We were just–” Nancy said.
“You were just what?” Steve asked. “Finish that sentence. Finish… the sentence.”
She looked at me, asking me with her eyes to back her up now. A few more seconds went by and I took a step towards Steve. I knew exactly what they were up to today and I know that she needed me, but I was kind of upset at her for ditching me for Barb. I wasn’t about to let Steve hanging by doing what she did to me.
He scoffed and said, “Go to hell, Nancy.” He took a step back towards me as Jonathan took one towards Nancy.
“Come on, Nancy,” Jonathan said. “Let’s just go.”
I grabbed Steve’s arm because I knew exactly what was about to go down, but he lightly shoved my arm away while addressing the Byers boy.
“You know what, Byers?” Steve said. “I’m actually kind of impressed.”
“Steve,” I said.
“I always took you for a queer, but I guess you’re just a screw-up like your father,” he said, shoving Jonathan as they walked.
“Steve!” I started walking towards him, trying to get in between him and Jonathan so that something bad wouldn’t go down.
Steve just kept trying to keep me behind him as he continued to taunt Jonathan. “Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That house is just full of screw-ups.”
“Steve!” I exclaimed at his choice of words.
“You know, I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised,” Steve continued. “A bunch of screw-ups in your family.”
“Jonathan, leave it,” Nancy said at the same time I said, “Steve, stop it.”
“I mean, your mom–”
“Steve, stop!” I said.
“I’m not even surprised what happened to your brother. I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers, their family, it’s a disgrace to the entire–”
Nancy and I were yelling at Steve to stop antagonizing Jonathan, but he wouldn’t listen to us ‘cause Jonathan just turned around and punched Steve right on the left side of his face.
When Steve turned to me when he got punched, his shoulder bumped mine. I couldn’t move as I watched him turn a little towards Jonathan. He put his hand on my stomach to push me back as I said, “Steve, no!” to no avail.
Steve launched himself towards Jonathan, wrapping his arms around the oldest Byers boy, putting him on the hood of the car behind them. Steve then got a better grip on Jonathan sending him down the concrete below.
“Steve, stop!” I said, sternly. Again, to avail.
Steve got on top of him for a second before Jonathan rolled them over as Tommy said, “Kick his ass, man!”
“Steve,” Nancy and I said.
He ended up kneeing Jonathan in his side to make him get off of him. Steve tried standing as Jonthan did, the Byers boy getting the advantage by punching Steve in the face again.
“Get in there, he’s going to hurt himself,” Carol said. Wow. She actually does have a brain.
Tommy shoved Jonathan off of Steve, which gave me the clearance I needed to try and get in front of my best friend to talk some sense into him, but as I got in front of him, Steve put his hands on my shoulders and lightly pulled me out of the way as he said, “Hey. Hey! Get out of here! Get out of here! Get out of here!”
Tommy moved as Nicole wrapped her arms around me, trying to keep me in place. We all watched as Jonathan swung at Steve, who ducked before landing a punch to Jonathan, who swung another punch at Steve, causing him to go down. 
“Jonathan, stop!” Nancy and I said.
“Stop! You’re going to hurt him!” I exclaimed, slightly struggling to get out of Nicole’s hold as Jonathan punched Steve again.
Steve went to the ground and Jonathan kneeled next to him, bringing him up by his jacket and punching him again.
“Cops!” Tommy said.
“Shit!” I exclaimed, looking down the alley.
“Jonathan, get off of him!” Nancy yelled.
Three punches, a lot of yelling about cops, plus yelling at Jonathan to stop punching Steve and him also accidentally punching Callahan, Tommy finally got Steve off the ground.
Tommy and Steve started running just as Callahan and I made eye contact.
“Back to the station for you,” he said to me. 
“Shit,” I said before I bolted away from him, going in between Tommy and the car parked in front of me. I didn’t stop running until I found Steve’s car, asking him for his keys. All I could hear as we were running was Callahan calling my name and saying that I was in big trouble and sooner or later I was gonna find myself at the station again.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! i have no excuse why this late. i really don't. but, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: i know that some of y’all are waiting to see your requests, and i promise i’ll get to them. the writer’s block hit really bad with them. atb is the only thing i have motivation to post for at the moment.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on December 12, 2023
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hugsandchaos · 7 months
WARNING: Contains graphic descriptions/depictions of death, including one character death. Please don’t read it you don’t like this. Those who do read this, I really hope this isn’t rushed or sloppy. With that out of the way; Happy Halloween!
Ton-Ton smiled at the fifth s’more placed in front of him and chomped down at it, getting the whole thing into his mouth with that one bite.“This is fun!” He said with his mouth full. Dozer cringed inwardly at this action, but simply looked away to try to ignore it.”We should definitely do this more often!” Ton-Ton added before finally swallowing his food.
Skya nodded in agreement.”Yeah, it’s nice spending a bit of time away from the garage.” She said. Above them, the clouds that seemed to be ever-present in the dark forest blocked what could’ve been a beautiful view of the night sky, but at least the slightly increased darkness made the lightning bitbugs’ glow nicer to look at. The dark forest was also eerily quiet beyond the sounds of the lightning bitbugs and the group—
Everyone turned around, some of them scared while others calmer, and were very surprised to see D-structs standing there. A broken twig laid in front of his right tread, which Revvit believed could suggest that it was on purpose to get their attention instead of it being an accident. After all, they hadn’t noticed him until it snapped, and they should’ve heard his treads or something. Still, it was understandably hard to believe that an entire t-trux, and a scraptool, managed to sneak up on them. For some weird reason, D-structs was carrying Skrap-It by biting his back. He looked around the camp and found a branch near his own height, and reached over to place Skrap-It on it.
They snapped out of the surprise they felt, except Click-Clack, who screamed and sprinted into one of the bins of spare bits.“What is it now? Here to ruin our camping trip?” Skya asked sarcastically. Dozer lowered his blades and got ready to charge, but luckily spotted Ty raising one of his tiny arms to signal him to chill.”Relax, we’re just here having a good time.” He said.
“I’m not here to fight either.” D-structs replied. The group went quiet. The dark t-trux sounded almost nothing like himself. It was obviously his voice, but certainly not his usual tone. He sounded... a little scared. It was assertive in a way, like he was calm and serious, but also paranoid. Hearing that kind of voice from D-structs of all trux made the group wonder what could be going on that would make him worried about them. They glanced at each other, confused and a little scared, until Ton-Ton spoke up.”Uh, dude, what are you talking about? And why do you sound like that?” He asked, sounding pretty scared himself at the end.”It’s creeping me out.” He added with a quiet tone.
“I’m trying to be nice, so listen up, scrap heads. You really shouldn’t be here. You got extremely lucky last time you went in, but maybe not this time.” D-structs said. He glanced up at the sky, and when he saw nothing but the clouds, he looked back down at them.”Stay in this group, and we’re all going to leave right now.” He instructed. No one knew what exactly do to. They felt compelled to listen because of how out of character this was for him, but they didn’t exactly trust him. For pretty obvious reasons. The air was more tense than chilly, until Ty unexpectedly let out an irritated groan.“Is this about the monster trux? It’s just an old story!” He said exasperatedly. He knew that it had been around for long enough to get good roots in the minds of the crater’s inhabitants, but he was honestly tired of trux believing the silly old tale. D-structs ignored him at first and placed the lanterns in Ton-Ton’s bed.“You’re right. The monster trux is a story I made up.” He said.
“WHAT?!?” The entire group shouted. Even Ty. He still didn’t believe it, but he was just as confused as to why D-structs would make something like that up. D-structs’ eyes widened and he looked around in alarm, hoping there was a chance their collective shouting wouldn’t alert... whatever he was paranoid over — of their whereabouts. Most of the group didn’t notice his sudden anxiety and glanced over at Ty with confused looks.”I thought you didn’t believe in the monster trux, Ty.” Dozer said with a hint of sarcasm.
Ty shook his head and ignored the tone.“I don’t, but what?! And why?!” He asked. Revvit nodded, he agreed that the question really needed an answer.“Because of what’s actually here. Telling the truth wouldn’t have worked.” D-structs replied.
“What is it?” Skya asked. She was just as nervous as she was curious and excited about what could be really lurking through the trees.“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you, and there isn’t enough time. Let’s just go.” D-structs said, still surveying the area instead of looking at them. It was clear that something was bothering him enough to get him paranoid, but Ty wasn’t going to give up just yet. He wasn’t sure if he trusted him anyways.“Alright, alright, you’ve convinced me. We’ll go.” Ty agreed. The rest of the group turned to him in slight disbelief until they noticed the smile on his face.“If you can catch me!” He said before speeding off. D-structs’ eyes widened as Ty left the camp, but before he went after him, he briefly glanced at Skrap-It and gave him a quiet growl that oddly sounded a lot like clicking. Soon after they had both left, Skrap-It stayed on the branch and Ton-Ton looked up at him.”Dude, why’d he growl at you?” He asked. Skrap-It turned to look at him and shook his head.“Oh, no. He *skrrch* just said “wait here”. He has many *skrrch* different roars and growls that mean different *skrrch* things.” He replied.
“Ah, that’s cool.” Ton-Ton said.
D-structs wanted to shout for Ty to stop and come back, but he knew that would make things worse. One of Them would target them, if they hadn’t already. D-structs hoped with every circuit he had that they either had another target or weren’t in the mood for a fight. Although remembering his last encounter with them, he unfortunately knew that the second one wasn’t very likely. The only shouting he could do was in his mind. Meanwhile, Ty was completely oblivious to the danger, and while D-structs felt a bit jealous about the fact that he didn’t feel the same dread and helplessness he felt, it was always infuriating when he was ignored or not listened to.
“Hey, what’s that?” Ty asked. He quickly made a turn towards what D-structs knew was a small opening. D-structs lunged forward in an attempt to grab his tail with his jaws, but he missed and froze in knowing horror when he saw what Ty was referring to. He was too late. Ty rolled over to the stegarbasaur laying on their side with a look of confusion, which soon changed to shock once he got close enough.
There was some kind of glowing yellow liquid that slowly dissolved what remained of their left back tread and on their side, making the wound worse. Their eyes appeared open, but not awake. Not even alive.
The stegarbasaur was dead.
Upon this realization, Ty’s mind went blank and wild at the same time. What happened? What was the liquid? Was it some kind of acid? How? He hasn’t seen any acid pools outside of the Acid Baths, which was on the other side of the crater, and no acid he’s seen glows. Taking another look at the damage this poor trux died feeling, one question stood out from the rest, which was followed by another question that felt slightly less important, but still a very urgent matter.
What had done this? And was it still here?
D-stucts finally rolled out into the small clearing and saw the same thing, but wasn’t focused on that anymore. Instead, he was focused on getting him out of there and back to the others. D-structs bit Ty’s tail, which he could barely process through his mind trying to deal with the gruesome sight in front of him, and began heading back. Just as they re-entered the tree line and Ty was just about ready to move on his own again, they both heard some kind of sound. It could only be described as a metallic flap and a powerful wind, not quite like a scrapadactyl’s wing flap. It was quieter, yet also sounded stronger. Like the wings were bigger. D-structs briefly froze before continuing to drag the shocked red t-trux back to the others, but at a much slower pace. He somehow became much quieter and managed to avoid multiple pieces of debris from the treetop. Like he was trying to go by undetected, and he was doing a great job.
The sound grew closer and D-structs pulled into a particularly dense cluster of trees. He stopped pulling and lowered his head before releasing Ty’s wrecking ball, then moved in front of him. Ty snapped out of his terrified daze seeing D-structs conceal what caused it in the first place, just enough to understand what he would say.“Stay quiet.” He instructed. Ty couldn’t do anything but nod, but D-structs could tell he took in and understood every word.”Turn your beams off.” He added, turning off his own light. Ty listened and D-structs moved to hide himself in the cluster. He nearly looked as if he had vanished completely, like Ty wouldn’t have known he was there unless he had watched him go there.
The sound flew over them, followed by a strong breeze, and over the small clearing. Something dropped down from above with a small thud. A creature. Not quite like a trux, tool, or scraper of any kind. Not to Ty’s knowledge, at least.
The creature stood on two legs and had two rather long arms, each with three long claws at least half as long as the arms themselves. The claws were more straight than a scraptor’s, but still slightly curved, and it was kind of hard to see the hand they were attached to. Their head was small and not exactly round, but it seemed kind of like that.
They had a pair of wings with odd, curved pieces of metal on the forelimb and what looked like spikes from the elbow joint to where it connected to their back. The tail was just as odd. It was thin and black, which would’ve made it pretty hard to see if it wasn’t for the light of the small propellers at the joint of the wings shining on it and the glowing part of it at the end. The glowing stuff swished around like a liquid and illuminated what looked like a clear container and hook connected to the tail.
The liquid in the tail barely lit up the area around it unless something was very close, so when it moved around the rest of the creature’s body, Ty noticed that part of it was dark and... bigger. It almost appeared to be covering its actual body, shielding its back, neck, and upper part of its legs from view. It almost looked like it had no neck, especially with that weird, flowy clump of stuff on its head and dangling over the shoulders by a few inches. The creature leaned over its side and used its claws to stab into the poor trux and tear open the wound further. It lowered its head, getting closer to the open injury, and closed the gap between its head and the stegarbasaur. It began drinking the oil leaking from the wound.
Ty felt like he stopped breathing for a moment until he remembered to take a breath in to avoid passing out. He had the urge to keep his breathing as silent as possible and only took in slow, deep breaths. After a few seconds, D-structs silently came out of his hiding spot and grabbed Ty by the tail again, dragging him slowly away from the thing. The creature heard them move and whirled their head around so fast that Ty thought it was going to fall off, then he saw its face and any worry he felt about its wellbeing disappeared.
Most of its face — from the top of its head to where the nose would be — was pitch black, almost as if it’s not there, and yet it also looked as if it was there. Those moments where little bits of light would reflect onto a piece of glass were what gave the impression that the part they couldn’t see very well was simply very dark, or maybe it’s face was made of glass. It didn’t seem to have eyes, either, but instead had a sideways or stretched out X symbol piercing through the darkness. The glowing symbol made Ty feel more watched than ever before, like a cold glare through his very soul. Another indicator that it was there was that the weird white stuff on its head didn’t move underneath the head when it would move backwards.
Speaking of the weird white stuff, it looked... well, it was very tough to describe. It looked slightly clumped and moved a bit when the wind blew. Kind of like leaves or weird plants growing out of the top of its head, but not exactly plant-like. The lower part of their face was practically the opposite of the glass. It kind of curved across its face, starting up right by where the audio receptors probably were, going down a bit, then back up around the middle. Its mouth was stretched in a terrifying grin, which looked to be unnaturally wide. Knowing that whatever this creature was knew that he was there filled Ty with an unfamiliar feeling of dread. Every bit of this thing felt too different to be part of this world, from the flat feet planted on the ground up to its sadistic smile. It watched them leave for only a short while and soon began to ignore them in favor of its fresh meal.
Once they were back with the others, Ty still didn’t say a word. On the way back, he had been able to snap out of it enough to start driving on his own, but D-structs had to occasionally push him on the way back so he didn’t hit something that would’ve made more noise than he was already making. Now, they were following him in a single line, with the exception of Click-Clack, Ace, and Waldo riding in Ton-Ton’s bed, Revvit on Ty’s head, and D-structs once again carrying Skrap-It with his jaws. It was slightly irritating with everyone trying not to bump into each other or roll over each other’s treads, but none of them argued much when they saw the state Ty was in when they returned.
“Dude, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost.” Ton-Ton asked. Then he gasped.“Or the monster trux! Or the ghost of the monster trux!” He continued.
“Calm down, Ton-Ton. Panicking yourself never helps someone who is panicking.” Skya chimed in. She turned to Ty.”But he does have a point. What’s gotten into you?” She asked. Ty blinked and shook his head. He glanced over at D-structs, who was looking like he was ready to leave. Honestly, Ty couldn’t blame him.“What was that?” He asked.
D-structs lowered his head to place Skrap-It on the platform over his left tread so he could talk.“I don’t know. As far as I know, there are only three.” He replied. The group looked between the two, wondering what they were talking about and starting to get frustrated about not knowing. Except for Click-Clack, he seemed happy with not knowing.“There’s three of them?” Ty asked quietly, his voice shaking a bit. The fear in his voice was almost nothing compared to the terror he felt imagining three of those things rushing at him. Then Ty realized something. He briefly forgot all about the fear and looked at D-structs with a look of shock on his face.“That’s why you want us out.” He said. The older t-trux didn’t reply to him or glance at him, he just surveyed the area around them as they moved.
Revvit looked down at Ty’s face from his spot on top of his head.”Ty, we need to know what you saw. You’re really worrying us here.” He said. Ty didn’t respond for a few moments. He glanced over at D-structs as if expecting something from him, but then spoke when he didn’t.”There was this... this thing. I don’t know what it was. There was also a dead stegarbasaur with these weird claw marks and glowing yellow acid stuff on it, and it... I think the creature was responsible.” Ty said. The entire group went dead quiet, aside from the sound of their treads. They glanced between each other, then at Ty.“It was drinking its oil.” He added.
“Stop!! I can’t take it anymore!!” Click-Clack shrieked. D-structs spun his head around and glared right at him.“Quiet!” He snapped at him with a whisper. Click-Clack flinched from his tone and Waldo quickly pulled him back into his panic room to try to de-escalate things.
After a few minutes, Revvit spoke up again. He got the message that they needed to be quiet, so he whispered his next words.“What did it look like?” He asked. Ty opened his mouth to explain, but he was stumped. He wasn’t sure where to start, or even describe it at all. Ty tried to think of how to answer Revvit’s question, but luckily for him, there was an irritated sigh from D-structs and he began explaining.“Bipedal, straight posture, a pair of wings bigger than its body, long stinger tail, flat face mostly made up of a screen, usually has three claws on the end of each arm, but it can change them and switch for something else. I’ve seen them use chainsaws, weird long blades, four numbed claws, and something that can be launched and explodes upon contact with its target.” He explained.
Revvit turned to face him and took a few steps forward on Ty’s head, leaning slightly upwards to the other t-trux.“You’ve faced them before?” He asked. It was probably an obvious question, but he just wanted to make sure before he assumed anything.“Unfortunately.” D-structs replied.
Despite it not being his center of attention, Revvit couldn’t help but notice Skrap-It looking up at D-structs and D-structs occasionally glancing back at him. There was something off about their expressions, and not in a bad way. It was simply a way he hadn’t exactly seen before. D-structs shrugged and Skrap-It put a clamp up against his side, which got his attention again. Skrap-It smiled and D-structs seemed to think about something before giving him a subtle nod.
While Revvit was very curious about what they were doing, he had more important matters to talk about.“Then you’re our best bet at beating them. Please, tell us what you know.” He said.
D-structs shook his head.”There is no beating them. There is no killing them, either. They reattach their limbs, and if they can’t, they’ll regrow them.” He said. Behind him, Revvit heard an irritated groan that was undoubtedly from Dozer.“What I want to know is how anyone even started believing him.” Dozer said. He raised a good point. D-structs wasn’t exactly the trustworthy type. They didn’t believe him themselves until Ty came back looking horrified and following D-structs. So how did he convince the entire crater of something so well that they took it as fact?
D-structs rolled around a tar pit and the others followed as he briefly shone his lights into the pit to let them know it was there.”They appeared pretty soon after I decided this crater would be my new territory. They’re nocturnal, hunt for oil, and one trux, around the size of a dozerstops, is usually enough to keep them from killing another for a few days, I think. I tried warning others, but that didn’t work, so I came up with a new plan.” D-structs started. Everyone glanced at each other shocked as he continued.“Next time my brother visited, I told him about it and we went out to areas where trux gather the most to talk about it again, but this time, we talked about a made up legend about the forest so others would overhear it. At first, it only made the stupid ones braver, but when entire groups of explorers never returned and attempted rescues failed, the crater began to accept it as a fact. I hoped that everyone would stay away long enough for them to leave in whatever way they came.” He finished.
At first, Revvit thought that wouldn’t answer his next question, but then he realized that it didn’t take a genius to understand why he came in after them. He had basically stated the reason in his story.“And if they get us, that would give them more food and more of a reason to stay!” He said. Dozer grunted when Ton-Ton accidentally hit his back tread again.”But we’re a group of five dinotrux and four tools. They wouldn’t stand a chance!” Dozer argued. His hotheadedness was starting to show a bit. D-structs briefly turned around to glare at him, like he was scolding him.“They would, and they have in the past. Multiple trux would go in at once, more than five, and they always met the same fate. They’re more than you think.” He said.
Suddenly, he stopped.
Ty stopped to, and that caused a small chain reaction of the group bumping into each other and getting mad about it.
“Ow, watch it, Skya!”
“Well, I didn’t expect us to suddenly stop! I can see far, but not into the future!”
“Ton-Ton, I think you scratched something!”
“Sorry, Dozer-dude!”
“Guys, be — *skrrch* — quiet!”
Everyone looked ahead to glare at Skrap-It, but he didn’t notice. He was busy looking through the trees for whatever D-structs was staring at. He growled angrily at something, and that something finally revealed itself.
Jumping down from a branch and slowly walking towards them was an odd bipedal creature, yet it wasn’t the one Ty saw earlier. This one had much thinner legs that were covered halfway up with black and yellow warning stripes. Their upper legs were halfway covered down with black, followed by another, thinner stripe of warning stripes. They had a black thing on them very similar to the first one, except it was only covering their upper body and their upper arms. The second creature walked in a slow, tense manner, like it was stalking them. D-structs kept his eyes on it as it stalked to the left and looked at them. No doubt, it was sizing up its opponents. Its tail swished around and slashed against a trunk, leaving what looked like the same yellow acid Ty saw earlier. The tree made a sizzling sound and barely dissolved, but other than that, it didn’t seem to do much damage.
Maybe it takes a lot to leave lasting damage, or maybe it’s slow. Or maybe it doesn’t work on organic matter like trees?
The creature had only been sidestepping the whole time, it didn’t come any closer than it already was and stuck close to the trees and foliage incase it needed to run. It took a step towards Ton-Ton and D-structs snapped — literally. He rushed towards the creature and snapped his jaws at It, but missed as It jumped back and leapt on top of his head. It immediately dug Its long claws into his head, making him roar and thrash his head around to try to shake It off.
Ty was the first to try to help.”Hold still!” He said. Surprisingly, D-structs stopped moving to let Ty grab It with his jaws. When Ty yanked the creature off and tossed It back into the forest, It tore some of his plating off, too. Skya saw It grab onto a tree as It collided with it and look back at them, still with that unsettling, teeth bearing smile. It crouched down and two large wings came from its back, as if from nowhere, and flapped them to propel itself forward. Skya barely had enough time to wrap her hook around It and tugged on It to prevent It from reaching Ty, but It still managed to graze the side of his face. She swung It onto the ground, where Dozer was waiting to charge at It.
He hit the creature with a good amount of force to send it tumbling into a tree. Unexpectedly, D-structs was still in the game as he grabbed It with his claw. In a swift motion, he turned around and threw It. Because of how dark it was, they couldn’t see where It ended up. In Ton-Ton’s bed, Waldo and Ace turned around upon hearing one of the bins open. Click-Clack peeked out ever so slightly.”I-Is it over?” He asked in a hushed tone.”Yes, Click-Clack, it’s over.” Ace replied.
“For now.” Waldo chimed in. Click-Clack yelped and the lid promptly closed again.
Skrap-It climbed up to see the damage done to the top of D-structs head. He made a sound of disgust and shock when he saw it and looked down at the pieces of metal that fell onto the ground.”That’s gonna leave more *skrrch* than a mark.” He said. Revvit, who was also observing what happened, nodded in agreement.”I think you’re going to need some help with that when we get out of here.” He added. Before either could respond, asking what exactly they meant by that, Skya wrapped her hook around the fallen metal and lifted it up to put it in Ton-Ton’s bed. Skrap-It and D-structs glanced at each other before D-structs turned back and continued moving.”I don’t think *skrrch* they’re going to change their mind.” Skrap-It mentioned quietly.
The group continued on, now more alert after seeing that thing for themselves. They understood why Ty looked the way he did when they came back after seeing one. Looking at that thing gave them a feeling of unfamiliar dread and... Well, the other one was hard to describe, but knowing that thing was nearby made them want to speed off. Like fighting It would be useless, even though there was only one at the time and It was only around Dozer’s height. Even worse, they didn’t know It was there until D-structs growled at It to get It to come out.
They hadn’t exactly been paying attention to where they were going as they were more focused on keeping an eye out, so they were a little confused when D-structs began leading them into a cave. As if sending their confusion, he briefly turned around.”Those things hate enclosed spaces, and they’re definitely coming back with friends, so our best bet is probably to wait in here until sunrise.” He said. The others followed inside and Skya had to duck her head really low, lower than she’d like, so she could get inside. When she lifted her head, she was even more irritated to find that she could only lift her neck a foot higher than the entrance.”Ow! And how long do you think it’ll be until morning?” She asked.
Even when everyone was inside, D-structs still stood guard at the side of the entrance from the inside, likely preparing to lunge at whatever comes in after them. He stared at the sky for a few seconds before answering.”I’d say around 6 to 8 hours.” He said. Skrap-It looked up at him from his spot back on one of his tread platforms.”That *skrrch* gives me enough time to fix your head!” He said, jumping down and running over to Ton-Ton to fetch the pieces. Waldo and Ace helped him get the pieces out of his bed and even bring it over to D-structs, who lowered his head when they got closer. Waldo and Ace dropped their sides and backed up a little, and Skrap-It did the same, except he was confident in his steps and didn’t drop his jaw when D-structs lifted the pieces onto his left tread platform. Skrap-It climbed onto it while D-structs kept his head still in front of the platform.
Without a word from either of them, Skrap-It got to work on repairing him. Revvit climbed down from Ty’s head and began approaching them to help, and nearly stopped when D-structs glared at him. He still continued to get closer and climbed onto D-structs to help Skrap-It.”Let’s see what we’re working with here.” He said. Skrap-It stepped to the side and let him have a look.
Luckily, the extra covering on his brain systems were barely damaged. Skrap-It had already fixed a few knocked out wires by wielding them together. Surprisingly, it looked like the only problem was getting the plating back on. Before Revvit said anything on how to do that, Skrap-It already had a task for him in mind.”I need you to hold the plating still.” He said. Revvit wasn’t happy about his thoughts being interrupted, but how was Skrap-It to know when and where his thoughts are going? Besides, he must already have an idea in mind, so he did just that, starting with the one placed the closest.
He pulled one onto his head and carefully stood on the systems, trying his best not to cause more discomfort than he had to. Once it was in place, Skrap-It turned on the weird thing on his head and lowered it. The reptool couldn’t quite see what exactly it was, but he had an idea judging by the blue sparks.“What are you doing?” Revvit asked.
“Wielding it *skrrch* together.” Skrap-It replied, stepping to the side very slowly.
“But doesn’t that hurt?” Revvit asked, glancing over to where D-structs eyes are. He expected an answer from the dark t-trux, but Skrap-It spoke for him instead.“He doesn’t *skrrch* talk when I’m repairing anything on his head. Yes, it does *skrrch* hurt, but he’s pretty tolerant if you ask me.” He explained. Revvit tilted his head slightly in confusion.”What about bolts for some of the edges? We have some spares, and we grabbed some of the ones that fell.” He suggested. Skrap-It stopped and looked up at him.”Wait, really?” He asked.
About ten minutes later, Skrap-It and Revvit had tightened in that last bolt and weirded the last crack. They both climbed down from the platform and D-structs lifted his head back up as both tools back up to give him room.”How does it feel?” Revvit asked. D-structs stared at them quietly, but it wasn’t a glare. He gave them both a small nod and Skrap-It smiled.”Glad to hear *skrrch* it!” He said. D-structs turned back to the entrance of the cave to check for anything.
Revvit turned to Skrap-It with a confused expression.”He didn’t say anything.” He said. Skrap-It briefly closed his eyes and raised a small claw.“Actions *skrrch* speak louder than words.” He said.
“Hey, guys! Come check this out!” Ty called out from deeper inside the cave. While they were repairing D-structs, the others were trying to think of ways to not fall asleep. Skya and Dozer decided to have an argument while Ty opted to explore with Ton-Ton to keep themselves awake. Both tools turned to the tunnel and started walking to see what he was talking about. However, Skrap-It paused and looked over at D-structs.”You coming? *skrrch*” He asked. D-structs took one more look at the area outside before turning around and rolling towards them. Skrap-It hopped onto his platform and looked down at Revvit.”Come on!” He said. Revvit glanced up at D-structs, whose only response was to roll his eyes. He hesitantly climbed up incase he was suddenly told to get off and held onto one of the railings as D-structs continued deeper into the cave.
Down with Ty and Ton-Ton, they had reached presumably the end of the cave and found what looked like an old scraptor nest. There were dead and dismantled trux and scrap everywhere. It was horrifying, and maybe Ty shouldn’t have called the others down here. He couldn’t change his mind, though, since D-structs pulled up next to them.”What do you want?” He asked, accidentally startling the two since they hadn’t heard him coming and his beams were low-light.”Dude, that was scary. I mean, you appeared out of nowhere! Do it again!” Ton-Ton said. D-structs let out a low, irritated growl and Revvit jumped from his platform onto Ty’s. Once he made himself comfortable on his head, he looked around.
“This looks like an old scraptor nest.” He said, coming to the same conclusion as Ty.“That’s what I was thinking.” He said. He rolled over to look at the rest of the large cavern and inwardly cringed at the new dead trux he saw. Both of them were glad that the scraptors who did this weren’t there. Then they found something that made their systems stop cold.
There was a t-trux down here, laying on his side. One of his spikes was broken and his lower jaw was torn apart. His tail was severed and one of his treads was bent the wrong way. The t-trux looked a lot like...
”Uh, D-structs? You know who this is?” Ty asked. Surprisingly, D-structs rolled over to investigate. Upon seeing the stranger, his jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. When Skrap-It saw the same thing, he put a clamp over his mouth. He slowly glanced up at his friend.”Is he...?” He trailed off, clearly not wanting to finish the question even if he could. D-structs slowly nodded. Skrap-It’s expression changed to one of sorrow and he put his clamp up against D-structs.
Whatever sentimental moment they were having was short lived because D-structs suddenly shot his head up and looked at the other.”We need to get out of here, now.” He said with an authority tone.
“Why? Aren’t we safe here?” Ton-Ton asked. That probably wasn’t the response D-structs wanted because he grabbed him by the tail and pulled him to the tunnel they came in from.
“No, now get moving!” D-structs replied. He began pushing Ty towards the tunnel as well. Ty grunted and turned around to glare at him. He didn’t exactly appreciate what he was doing right now.“If there’s something wrong, just say it already!” He shouted. He didn’t get why they suddenly had to leave. D-structs stopped and shot him a glare, either for shouting at him or being loud at all, but obliged to his request.“As you saw, those things have wings, ones that might be difficult to use in caves and tunnels. From what I know, they hate spaces like that. This place could be dangerous for them...” D-structs trailed off. The group wondered what he was going to say next, but Revvit quickly realized what he was hinting at and gasped in horror.“But it’s also dangerous for us!” He exclaimed. The rest of the group, aside from D-structs and Revvit, gasped.
“They were betting on us coming here!” Ty said. He began moving on his own again and looked at Ton-Ton to get him to follow, but stopped. His eyes went wide in terror and the group turned to see what he was looking at.
One of those things was already in there with them.
The creature laughed, but it wasn’t exactly a happy or evil one. It was a laugh coming from the depths of insanity. The creature opened its mouth with a sadistic grin and a deep, male voice, similar to D-structs’, came out.
“I’m over here, brother.”
It didn’t move its mouth as it spoke, as if it was its voice alone. Or perhaps not its own voice at all. After those words, all hell broke loose. D-structs let out the loudest roar they’ve ever heard from him and charged at the creature. Skrap-It cried out and held onto the railings as best as he could.”D-structs, wait!!!” He shouted. The t-trux ignored him and swung his claw around to smash the creature, but it was faster than him. It swiftly moved to the right and lunged forward to slash him. It managed to leave deep claw marks, deep enough to tear the plating and expose a few systems, and luckily, it missed Skrap-It.
D-structs grunted and swiftly spun around to growl at it as it readied itself to charge at him again, but Ty reacted quick enough to swing his own wrecking ball and smash it against the wall. D-structs rolled over to get in front of It, exposing his left side to It, but also using himself as a barrier between It and Skrap-It, who was still on the platform of his right tread. He was also a couple feet in front of the group, so in a way, he was also protecting them. The creature hissed at them, baring all of Its small, but sharp teeth. It glanced between all of them like It was trying to figure out what to do. Then It did something confusing and unbelievable.
One of Its hands retracted into the arm and was replaced by something very odd. It looked denser than the claws and had a weird point at the other end, like it was some kind of cone. No one knew how to describe it at all, but D-structs seemed to know what it was. He gasped in horror as It aimed the odd new hand at the ceiling and turned to the others.”Everyone out!!” He shouted. No one argued and began to hightail it out of there with D-structs at the back, having waited for Ty and Ton-Ton else to start leaving to go himself.
As they rushed to get out as he instructed, D-structs anticipated hearing the explosion, which would be followed by possibly the entire cave system collapsing. He didn’t know for sure if that would really happen, but he wasn’t going to take any chances. He couldn’t keep letting those things live, and the entire group dying would feed them for probably a year. Once they got up to the entrance, Dozer and Skya were already waiting for them to come back since they heard the shouting.”Go, go, go!!” Ty yelled. The two listened and were the first out, followed by Ton-Ton, Ty, and then D-structs. Even when everyone got out, D-structs kept going. Without a second thought, Ty followed him, along with the rest of the group. Behind them, they could hear some kind of rapid thumping, like something running. They all knew what it was and tried going faster without bumping into each other.
They kept going and going, anticipating an ambush every time they heard a thump until they finally breached the tree line and turned around to see the creatures. Not one, but four of them. None of them left the edge of the trees to attack, despite it still being night time. Instead, they started to leave one by one.
Once the last one was gone, the group looked at each other. The whole thing felt like it ended just as quickly as it started, even though it probably last for over an hour. They felt like they could finally breathe again, and that’s what they did.”Everyone okay?” Ty asked. He got positive confirmation from his friends, and even Skrap-It.”That was terrifying!” He said. He glanced up at D-structs.”I don’t *skrrch* think I’ll be able to sleep until *skrrch* morning.” He said. D-structs rolled his eyes and turned to leave.”Wait!” Ty said. D-structs knew what he was going to say and growled.“I still want you out of my crater.” He said. He continued his way back to his cave to finally get some sleep and ignored Ty’s second attempt to talk to him.
The stroll back was rather peaceful, especially compared to what happened. They avoided the places trux usually slept at and enjoyed the silence for a while.“Let’s *skrrch* never do that again.” Skrap-It purposed. D-structs nodded in silent agreement and looked ahead, but Skrap-It could tell he was actually looking out into the distance. He was doing that thing where he only moved to avoid obstacles when they got close enough instead of moving around a yard away from it.“There’s something you need *skrrch* to talk about, is there?” Skrap-It asked.
“Yes.” D-structs replied.
“Is it *skrrch* going to give me nightmares?” Skrap-It asked.
“Most likely.” His intimidating friend said with a light shrug. Skrap-It let out a sigh, the type that let D-structs know that Skrap-It knew whatever that was coming was going to be bad, and he wasn’t going to like it, but he was still more than willing to tough it out for him.“Alright, what’s bugging ya? *skrrch*” He asked.
The cave soon came into view, which brought them both a sense of safety, especially Skrap-It. D-structs was the type to expect being attacked in his own home.“There were smaller bite marks on my brother’s body than the ones we encountered could’ve made, and the one in the cave didn’t follow through on its threat to destroy the cave despite being able to. That wasn’t an old scraptor nest, either.” He said. Skrap-It tilted his head in confusion and thought about what he said. They reached the ramp and Skrap-It waited until they were at the top to hop off.“What does that— Ooooh! Oh, *skrrch* no. Oh, no!” He realized what that meant and ducked down despite no threat being there at the moment.“Please don’t tell me you think they have children?!” He exclaimed. D-structs didn’t answer. After all, he asked him not to and he said please. He didn’t have to, though.
“I’m so not going to sleep well.” He repeated before going inside.
D-structs made himself comfortable in one of the corners of the cave, where his back would be facing the wall and it’d be harder for him to be attacked from either side. At least without him noticing.“They overheat very easily. They might’ve gone into that other cave, but it was cool and damp. This one is hot and dry.” He said, watching Skrap-It climb onto a nearby rock and curl up.“*skrrch* Oh, thank goodness.” Skrap-It said. Despite his earlier claims that he wouldn’t sleep well, he fell asleep pretty quickly. D-structs on the other hand needed to wait around an hour before he finally managed to fall asleep.
23 notes · View notes
lorei-writes · 1 year
HC: Bunnies at Work - Kenshin
Kenshin General Headcanon
This is an old-ish headcanon prepared for the Twilight Fair edition of the @flash-exchange , for @spoopy-fish-writes . I wasn't in a position to post it here as well, and then it felt as if it was too late already... But fandom is all about sharing the joy, so how could it be too late? Everybody, feel invited to sit in for the tale of the greatest bunny wizard...
Content Warnings: none
This is a tale of Ume — „Who is she?” you may ask. The answer is not simple... Although she doesn’t brag! You see, Ume is a rabbit (she does jump rather high); Ume is a witch (her magic knows no bounds); Ume is a ... demon — But she’s very, very nice! Ume is a guardian. The best one Kenshin could have ever had
Ume owns a witch hat. She obtained the trinket after graduating from Hoppxford — special school for magical demonic bunnies.
She majored in Guardianship and Protection of Lost Souls.
Unknowingly, Kenshin has been one of the research objects included in her thesis. (Magic schools for demonic bunnies don’t seem to care much for obtaining consent). She found herself so fascinated by his case that she applied to become his guardian right on the day of her graduation.
Her first self-imposed duty was to memorise Kenshin’s preferences. She put together poems and rhymes to make the task easier on herself.
Plums are quite delicious, so it comes as no surprise: the one treat Kenshin loves are pickled plums. A snack sublime, they suit his taste — NONE can EVER go to waste!
The reason why Ume wanted to research Kenshin in particular? As she found in the registry, he had been cursed with: compassionate heart, young tragic love, ever-present death door, invincibility, and corroding sense of taste. (The prior include only the primary of his afflictions.)
What Ume did not expect was that she would have to solve a number of poltergeist infestation cases as well.
One such instance involved a voracious winged snake spirit who lingered in the castle kitchen.
Two wings growing from its head, its scales glimmered under the light like diamonds — one can only wonder why it had decided to feast on pickled plums. Only pickled plums.
It took Ume several days to realise Kenshin’s mood was growing sour. However, as soon as she became aware of the issue at hand, she hopped straight into the investigation.
The battle that ensued was a most gruesome one. Ume called upon the powers of wind, earth and fire — yet even that was not enough. Cornered, she reached deep within herself to unleash the power sealed there: the mighty chomp. It tilted the scales of battle in her favour, and so, she emerged victorious.
Spells most often utilised by Ume are: Shingen silencer, water sake-fication, Mai summoning, degrumpification, anger management and murder prevention (also known as de-stab).
Another spirit who invited itself over to Kasugayama was Tar-Tar, a small black ball of fuzz that feeds on pleasant dreams and replaces them with nightmares.
It was a powerful opponent as well. Seeing that her chances of success were slim if she were to attempt to exorcise the evil entity on her own, Ume partnered up with Mai.
While Mai comforted Kenshin in the physical realm, Ume left her body and entered his subconscious.
Tar-Tar’s pollution was overwhelming, but she did not consider failure an option. Careful to avoid the sticky substance, she ventured deeper into Kenshin’s mind.
The tricky thing about her task was that Kenshin absolutely could NOT realise she was involved in the operation at all. If she failed to hide her presence, he would remain susceptible to Tar-Tar attacks until the end of his days... But, if he banished the monster “himself”...
Kenshin of the dream was much younger, his features still being those of a boy rather than a man. His arms trembling, he gripped the training sword, a circle of armed men tightening around him. “You couldn’t save her...” they spoke.
Ume called for mist, clouds soon engulfing what was to eventually become a battlefield. She jumped forward. “Lies! Don’t listen to them!” She had a girl cry.
Kenshin looked around — the fight began. The weapon he wielded was poor, so Ume conjured him a better one. She danced alongside him, biting ankles of any of the nightmares... And just before they won, she hopped back into the reality, so that he could never know she was there.
Ume is the chief of the bunny army residing in Kasugayama. She recruited the other bunny guardians herself.
Tag List: @cilokgoang @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess @tele86
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Group F Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Ellie, a girl with medium length blue hair and green eyes. a spherical red clip is in her hair. she wears a white sleeveless dress, a brown bag slung over her shoulder, and a large red bracelet. the second image is of the Protagonist of Melatonin. he's a young man wearing a pink hoodie, black sweatpants, and pink slippers, sleeping on a couch in a dark living room, illuminated only by a TV and a small lamp. on his chest is an open laptop. the living room is populated with items like books, gaming equipment, empty cups, glasses, and paper coffee cups, and an empty pizza box. end ID]
Monster Tale is an old game for the DS (13 years old holy shit) and in my opinion a VERY underrated classic Ellie is a young girl that gets magically transported to a world filled with monsters. Soon after she meets a baby monster she names Chomp. Chomp was separated from his mother, and so Ellie sets out to help him find her and hopefully find a way home Along the way Ellie learns multiple other kids have been transported to this world, but unlike her, have been using the monsters for their own selfish desires. So she beats them up to get them to stop :p More seriously, the game is very cute and has a big message on friendship and being kind while also standing up for what you believe in. You'd think Chomp would do the fighting, but no! He mostly just assists Ellie, who fights with her handbag and this cool bracelet she found as she explores and tries to find his mom Overall she's a very sweet and caring girl, wanting to help others and do what's right, even if she has to get her hands dirty to do it. I love her a lot! Also a fun fact I thought was neat is that the team behind the game had to go through multiple publishers because they all wanted to change Ellie into a boy or an older woman, and the dev team was adamant that Ellie stays as she is.
Literally super relatable dude. Bestie has sleep problems and dreams about stuff that we usually worry or stress about. Things like money or the future or whatever. Despite the dreams feeling challenging sometimes he still manages to persevere and sleep through the night though! Not me trying to explain the plot of a rhythm game- that’s the best I can do LMAO he’s just a silly guy with a good sense of rhythm and a poor sleep schedule (omg it’s me)
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Fear of the Dark (1/7)
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: 'Underneath a sunset that feels syrupy-sweet, Eddie wanders alone around the Santa Monica breeze.' A year after Hawkin’s great ‘earthquake’ Eddie drives to the other side of the country in the hopes of dealing with his trauma in sunny California, where he finds himself infatuated with the lead singer of HEX. Upon getting to know her, he soon realizes that not all monsters live in an upside-down dimension, but not all of them are out to get him… 
//CW: female!reader / vampire!reader, eventual smut, slow-ish burn, angst with a happy ending. ST4 Spoilers - takes place a year after Vol 2 (no major character death).
A/N: Think, The Lost Boys + The Hex Girls from Scooby Doo. I know we’re all losing our minds over vampire!Eddie but I thought, what if that was the reader character though? Title comes from the song ‘Fear of the Dark’ by Iron Maiden.
Masterlist / chapter 2
CHAPTER 1. I Am A Man Who Walks Alone
August, 1987. 
Underneath a sunset that feels syrupy-sweet, Eddie wanders alone around the Santa Monica breeze. He’d never been a creature that was too fond of the sun and the scorching heat has the same effect on his muscles as it did with the ice cream cone that he’d eaten in a hurry as it dripped down his fingers. He’s thankful for the faint ocean spray that fans his face due to the rising wind of the afternoon. 
His senses mellow out, wrapped in rainbow lights of the carnival games and the people that pass him by in a colorful flurry, until his feet are too heavy in his Reeboks, urging him to sit on one of the benches at the pier that overlooks the beach. 
He watches the children splash among the waves, the old ladies folding up their chairs and heading up the wooden stairway as the curtain of the sky comes down with lilac hues, the couples playing with their dogs and the pretty girls flaunting their neon bikinis.
If he’d come here a year or two prior, he’d be out there in the sand like the rest of the people, with his naked feet kissed by the seafoam, wearing only a crop top with shorts to withstand the heat and seduce the sun to caress his skin. 
But he couldn’t now. His figure remains swallowed in an oversized Ozzy tee, so worn that its image of the Bark At The Moon album cover was already faded, with a denim jacket in place despite the weather – to make up for his leather jacket that had been obliterated – and his jeans tight around his legs. 
By all means, he could – he’d never been weary of showing skin before or occasionally indulging under the sun rays after the long Indiana winter. 
But he can’t after what happened last year in Hawkins. 
Not after he’d been submerged in hell itself and wore the battle scars to prove it, like unwanted tattoos: vicious looking gashes that traverse his forearms, neck, chest, stomach and legs where the demobats had taken the worst chomps out of his flesh, along with the grazes of their claws that had now healed into bumpy, white lightning streaks. 
At least he had come out victorious, though just barely. A second longer and he wouldn’t have lived to tell the tale and he doesn’t want to think about what could’ve been of his body, suspended in time in the Upside Down, turned into another monster. The whole thing reminds him of Dio’s lyrics from Holy Diver – ‘down too long in the midnight sea, oh what’s becoming of me?’
– ‘You can see his stripes but you know he's clean,’ – yeah well, he’s not so sure that he feels clean. The scars have healed but he still feels the phantom sensation of tentacles and vines branding him, of slime and the blood ingrained in his body despite how hard he scrubs his skin when he showers, and there was no way of washing away the memories. They come and go, bringing good days and bad – never knows how his day will turn out when he wakes up in the morning. 
Although he sometimes feels like a ghost inhabiting someone else’s limbs, a twisted part of him feels some kind of irrational way about having experienced a story right out of a metal album, as he’s spent most of his life immersed in those fantasy worlds with his headphones glued to his ears.   
He’d gotten himself and his uncle right out of Hawkins as soon as he could. With the money he had saved up he was able to help Wayne settle into a modest home in Illinois, but he had continued to drive as far as his van would take him and before he realized it, he had reached the opposite corner of the country. 
What little he knew of California came from Mötley Crüe’s videos that he’d see on MTV and whatever Billy Hargrove’s shtick was supposed to be. He despised that guy and always thought he was a poser, contributing to Eddie’s bad rep for being a metalhead by constantly acting like an inconsiderate, dangerous asshole. So when he arrived in Santa Monica he didn’t expect the calm he’d feel by this leasured lifestyle the people engaged in; nothing seemed to matter but the height of the ocean tide, seeking shade underneath the palm trees and the music that blasted from the neighborhood’s parked cars with their radios tuned into KROQ station. 
It was almost enough to soothe the turmoil in his mind. 
Which spirals down and down for so long that he doesn’t notice the nightfall wind brush his shoulders as darkness settles at the beach. He comes back to reality by a beam of light from his peripheral vision, coming from a stage being lit in the far distance of the boardwalk. 
His doe eyes turn to the sight of a crowd gathering by the stage which pulls him to stand in a trance, following the wavelengths of the bass that reverberate right in his heart and the first few beats of the drums that resound at the pit of his stomach. 
It’s like a mirage in the middle of the desert. 
He slithers in between the people until he’s right on his favorite position in the world: in the front row by the amps, so close to the band that their figures appear magnified and he’s able to see the sweat beads trailing down their bodies and the passion in their eyes as they play. 
A Cheshire grin etches on his face when he sees that this is an all-female band with four witchy looking members playing metal with a backdrop that had a pentagram for a logo with the words ‘HEX’ painted in red in front of it. He always felt enthusiastic about finding female-led metal bands, as the genre was so male dominated. They exist, contrary to popular belief, but the Warlock albums seem to get drowned at the very bottom of the record stores and Lita Ford’s solo gig after The Runaways had sadly bombed. 
These ladies could really wail; as soon as he’d made it to the front he’d been thrust into a circle pit and he had no choice but to get in there and let his body be moved by the galloping notes of the guitars and the thundering tempo. 
It feels like it’s been ages since he’s been to a show. 
He throws a few punches and pushes and aids a few crowd surfers in the pit for a while before he inches closer to the barricade of the front row to really absorb the music by focusing on the members rather than the sweaty backs and tangled hair of the moshing crowd. 
What these ladies had going on was something along the lines of – if Stevie Nicks had gone the Black Sabbath way – bottom line extraordinary in his opinion – not to mention that this is the first time he’d seen such a diverse group of women all across each instrument, given how in metal all you ever saw was white men at the center stage. 
He’s swayed however – more like, transfixed – by the lead singer and guitarist. Mesmerized as he watches you perform, with your voice that’s both raspy around the edges but potent and melodious, and your fingers masterfully fretting without missing a note. He can’t help but stare wide-eyed in utter awe –  so intensely as if trying to get your attention by mere telepathy.  
You do look back at him – more than once – and he’s certain he even sees you smirk each time your gazes meet. Every time your eyes look down at him he feels his smile growing wider until his cheeks start to hurt, and his heart beats so quickly he thinks the pace might propel him to the moon and back. 
“THANK YOU! You’ve been an amazing crowd! We’re HEX and we’ll see you guys next time, have a great night!” You exclaim out to the public. 
After the set finishes and the crowd disperses, Eddie lingers by the front row, watching you grab your instruments before descending from a metal staircase at the back of the stage, giving way to the next band. 
In another time he would’ve definitely stayed for the next act but – he doesn’t know what it is that’s drawing him to you like a lost puppy – but his feet direct him to the back of the stage, where he sees HEX pack up all the gear from their set into a van, all to similar too his own. The sight tugs at his heartstrings as he instantly recalls his own days of hauling instruments from left to right with Corroded Coffin. It’s probably what he misses the most about Hawkins. 
“Hey! Uh–” Eddie greets them awkwardly, having completely lost all touch for human interaction, which is something he’d prided himself for having a knack for – making people feel at ease with him, regardless of the type of person they were. 
“ – You guys really killed the crowd out there! I loved the set!” 
Three of the girls just stare at him expectantly with curious smiles – with you fixing something inside the van, invisible to him from behind the windows. 
“Thank you,” says the drummer – the one with short, dyed blonde hair, covered in tattoos visible from the sheer sleeves of her green dress. “We appreciate the support!” The rhythmic guitarist jumped in – the redhead with golden brown skin, piercings and a long black dress. 
“I play guitar too. Lead guitarist here, baby!” He internally cringes at his impulse of throwing around the word ‘baby’ as part of his own vernacular – doesn’t want them to think he was trying to get in their pants and make them uncomfortable. 
Thankfully the girls giggle and exchange conspiratory glances between them, finding Eddie’s nervousness charming, but also noticing that his eyes were scrambling madly to find you.  
So Eddie takes it as a sign to keep talking, “yeah I was in a band back home – Corroded Coffin. We never got a crowd like this one though, I gotta say! I just got here from Indiana and – ” 
He shuts his babbling when you come from inside the van, “-- We’re all set to go, ladies – oh, who’s this?” 
It’s in a fraction of a second that your eyes twinkle over Eddie’s sight before you school your features back to neutral. 
“Well that’s about the one thing we haven’t gotten from him,” the bassist chuckles with no ill will; the girl with rich black skin and curly hair a russet halo above her shoulders, fishnet tights and velvet robes. “What was your name again, sweetie?” 
“I’m Eddie,” he shakes his head and rolls his eyes, now all the more jittery because you had finally come into the scene – standing out to him like a gem under the moonlight. “Eddie Munson.” 
“Eddie here was just coming over to tell us that he dug the show – he’s a guitarist too,” the bassist continues. “I’m Lara,” she signals to each bandmate with merciful eyes to Eddie over the entire exchange, “Tawny over here with the rhythmic guitar, Daphne on drums and our lead,” she motions to you.
“Nice to meet you all,” While Eddie waves to the whole group, his eyes remain pinned on you alone. 
“Well, nice to meet you, Eddie." You interject. "We’d love to stay and chat but we must get going.” 
“Wait! can I – can I see you sometime? You know, get together – maybe jam? Would love to get to know the scene out here…” Would love to get to know you, is what he really means. 
The rest had gotten the clue that who Eddie was interested in was you, so they’d begun to enter the van, passing the two of you cheeky grins and waving goodbye at Eddie until it was just you, alone under the rainbow lights from the current band’s pyrotechnics blowing off from the stage a few feet from you. 
“We have a show tomorrow night at The White Rabbit Club. It’s a few blocks away from the here.” You hand him a flyer without adding anything else other than the enticing sight of you chewing at your lip and your eyes bright with the reflection of the moonbeams. 
You bare an invisible cloak around you, a barrier that would not let him in even if his initial shyness had eased without as many eyes on him as before, even if he’d seen that tiny inkling of interest in your eyes during the show and afterwards when you’d first come out of the van. 
Regardless, he takes what you give without insisting, grateful that you’d left the door open for him, if only just slightly ajar. 
“Alright, cool – I’ll see you then,” Eddie smiles as you give him one last friendly nod and turn to leave. 
But just because he’s still riding the electric buzz of your show, he cheekily shoots his shot as you walk away – “How about lunch before the show?” 
You look at him from over your shoulder and smirk, “Sorry, Eddie. I only go out at night.” 
He snorts happily from having made you smile, no matter how slight on your pretty lips. “And why’s that?” 
“I’ll tell you if you come to our show.” 
You shake your head but you laugh before hopping into the van and closing the sliding door. 
From afar, the band that had been playing was just finishing off their set with fireworks like rockets shooting towards the sky, bursting into millions of sparkling jewels against the inky backdrop of the night. 
For once, after having wandered the pier like a lone outlaw during the searing heat he feels hopeful as he looks up at the spectacle above him, with something warm and fuzzy settling inside his tummy. 
But as he makes his way back to his own van, a sudden shiver runs through his spine, making him turn to look behind him and scan the beach for a sign of life. 
No one is there. He should’ve known. 
Since Hawkins – he feels like he’s perpetually haunted, watched, ears alert for the sound of a grandfather clock signaling his doom or the screech of a demobat hauling towards him. 
But there’s nothing there. 
He just feels a little anxious when it gets dark. 
With a deep breath he continues on his way along the boardwalk to get back to the home of his car, not noticing that, right at the exit of the pier, perched above the great neon sign that read ‘SANTA MONICA PIER / YACHT HARBOR‘  
There lay a bat, nestled above the archway. 
(chapter 2)
Tagging people that have expressed their interest, but let me know if you want to be tagged (or untagged) in further updates! <3
taglist (let me know if you want to get tagged for updates!) @nihilnat @sweet--em @starsandroots
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tasteofantasy · 1 year
I wanna do this again and I also wanna bring attention to this obscure game. So reblog with a pic of your F/O and I'll assign them a Chomp form from Monster Tale!
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sulan1809 · 3 months
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Monster Tale - Um elo de amizade entre Humanos e Monstros
Monster Tale é um obscuro metroidvania lançado em 2011 para Nintendo DS pela Majesco Entertainment. Ellie, uma garota advinda do mundo humano, ela é transportada para o mundo dos monstros, fazendo amizade com Chomp, um monstrinho que tem um forte apetite. Os dois unem forças para enfrentar os Kid Kings, um grupo de jovens que está causando o terror em Monster Land. Os atributos de Monster Tale envolvem interação com objetos para melhorar as habilidades de Chomp, assim como outras missões. Basicamente ele é um tamagotchi ambulante, uma hora ele tem que ajudar a garotinha de cabelo azul, mas como a barra de life dele decresce rapidamente, Chomp tem sempre que retornar para a tela de baixo pra se recuperar e interagir com os objetos que ele encontra. Ellie, por outro lado, tem um gameplay similar com Mega Man, como por exemplo a habilidade de disparar esferas de plasma por um bracelete e escalar paredes, como em Mega Man "X". Vale ressaltar os Save Points, que lembram muito Castlevania, especialmente o título mais famoso, Symphony of the Night, o melhor trabalho de Koji Igarashi...
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volterran-wine · 2 years
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝐭𝐡; 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝 || The Children of The Moon
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For once, the woman would not be found at her desk that was still quite cluttered — this time with stained knives and rusted medical instruments. No, she was on the floor attempting to straighten a fine rug that had been placed in front of the fireplace. It was hide of a great white wolf, far larger and slightly deformed in comparison to that of a regular one. Its head pointed towards towards her guests in a fierce snarls, small cuts and scars prominent on its snout. With a tired huff did she finally stand up, dusting off her skirt before analysing her handiwork while crossing her arms.
«He did not wish to see it in the guards recreational room any longer.»
!Warnings! Blood, Gore, Death, Torture and Animal Cruelty
𝐄𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲
It was one of the easiest commands to abide by, flee and get to safety as far from here as you could. And yet he was unable to fulfil the wish of his dying mother, it was not in his nature to abandon home and hearth when the beast came to their lands. The winds were on the wolves side this full moon, he always came from the west with his hunting party — that sickly sweet scent was in the air. Besides that, the forest was still; the trees rustling in anticipation for what was to come. Since the last slaying he had grown, the largest of his kin; and he would kill the beast.
Stories of him had been passed down for generations now, a tale meant to scare their young to never stray from the pack. In his wake their homes would be razed, destroyed beyond recognition — no respect for nature itself. 
The moment he saw the torches he pounced, knowing exactly where the beast would be. Though he had taken the group by surprise, his opponent met him with a ferocity he had never seen in his life. As the beast ran for him he knocked every tree and stone out of his way, their surroundings shattering and being set aflame as they locked in combat. He had gone for his neck, maw chomping down on air as the beast got a good grip on his shoulder. Their strength were equally matched he believed, until the beast smiled and forced the two of them to the ground with a roar. When he felt his shoulder twist in an unfamiliar angle he knew the battle was over and let out a desperate howl.
But he had been alone, no pack to support him as he defended what he held dear—he did not stand a chance.
The red eyed monster looked down upon him with sadistic glee, steadily shifting his weight to the boot keeping his arm in place until it snapped. A pained howl escaped him, and in the far distance the rest of his pack answered, a final farewell before he begun his journey into the unknown. Amber eyes turned to the pale beast in defiance, he would look him in the eye until the very end. The action forced a shrill cackle out of the beast, throwing his disheveled hair pale as snow backwards and looking to the skies for a brief moment. Besides him his lackeys shifted, uneasy and clutching their torches tighter — one of them even snapped and set fire to nearby grass.
With a practiced ease did the beast swing at him, having pulled an ornate blade from his hilt and piercing through his left eye until it popped. This would not be a painless death, instead he had two of his men hold him down as he withered in pain while trying to orientate himself. The blade was cleaned meticulously before it touched his fur again, and this time it cut deep, but not deep enough. His body would not be burned like his fallen brethren before him, it would be desecrated. 
While the beast worked he began humming, the song unfamiliar as he was stripped of his thick winter coat. His eyes were black as night, wide and focused on the task. With every twist and turn of the blade he felt how the beast rummaged inside his body, there was nothing he would not take by force. Humming turned to whistles, a cheery tune as he cut the pieces off expertly. The others in the glade began to wander, watching the trees as they towered and creaked in the wind. One had looked away, unable to stomach the sight before him.
As fur and hide was ripped from his body, he prayed to his mother above that this would end. The beast inspected his work while holding it up to the light of the moon, seemingly satisfied as he handed it to a taller man with long raven hair, rolling it up in a cloth before strapping it to his back.
«A gift for your mother, Dora needs new trimmings for her cloak.»
One of the last things he felt was a searing heat blossoming from his neck, a wetness staining his fur as he desperately attempted to breath. Specks of shadow now impaired his vision as a chill settled in his bones, one amber eye still focused on the man, no, thing, that had murdered him. Though its arms were stained with blood up to the elbows, it was just as gruesome and pale in the flickering torch light, it sneered down at him.
«Filthy dog.»
A resounding crack was heard throughout the forest, the beast had come again, and claimed its prey.
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halfdeadfriedrice · 1 year
2022 Books in Review!
Some half-dead fried reflections about how my annual 100 books challenge went! With recs (a few)! Behind a cut because it's self-indulgently wordy.
This year I read:
32 manga
7 non-manga comics and graphic novels
11 audiobooks
2ish short stories (i'm SORRY i was SHORT this year and also I wanted to track them)
Which makes it 49 novel (-length, I am also counting the single prose biography here, - 39) /novellas and assorted (12) /poetry books (2) /short story (collections mostly - 5)
Things rec'd to me: 4-ish things! (one of the manga series counts)
I tried: 23 new authors!
Which does mean that traditional(ish) novel-length scifi/fantasy edged tied with graphic formats, except a bunch of them were audiobooks, so the majority (on this slightly wonky pie chart) of pages in front of my eyes this year were illustrated! Honestly a lot of this year was spent video gaming, and also; I didn't find a lot of books I liked!
My favorite books of the year: A lot of my favorite stuff this year were sequels I'd been awaiting!
The Oleander Sword - Tasha Suri Sequel to "The Jasmine Throne," it's some pragmatic, powerful, incredibly devoted queer ladies doing coups, seizing power, murdering their brothers, etc. Middle book in series, maybe I knew a bit more about how this one would go than The Jasmine Throne, which was absolutely ruthless, but I loved where it went as a sequel and I long for the third.
Into the Riverlands - Nghi Vo Technically the third in a series (The Singing Hills Cycle) about a wandering priest who collects stories for an archive - all sorts of stories, everyone's stories - but it stands alone, and it has the martial story flavor that unfortunately all the shonen anime and wuxia stories have given me a preference for. I like knight-errants and wandering samurai and People Who Punch For the Good Of Others, what can I say.
Only a Monster - Vanessa Lem Recommended in the back of CS Pacat's Dark Rise, a book I wanted to like more than I did and am hopeful about its sequel, Vanessa Lem's "Only A Monster" (first in its series?) is DOING enemies to lovers it is DOING it dark and scary and fun. Time travel but it's killing people? Can you save the people you love, and at what cost to the world? 10/10 would thrill again.
Nona the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir Third in the Locked Tomb series; it's a puzzle box unfolding, and while I love Nona, who is a perfect baby, and am obsessed with the Cam/Pal/Pyrrha dynamic, and of course the prose is wonderful and funny and scary, I am chomping at the bit for Alecto. I think, much like Gideon, which needed Harrow for me to start recommending it to people, but probably remains my favorite book in the series, I await Nona's echo. But also genuinely one of my favorite reads this year.
Undercover and Princess Floralinda and the Forty Flight Tower by Tamysn Muir Floralinda's a reread but Undercover is new; without reservation (I mean, unless you don't like dark things and a bit of gore) I recommend Muir's novellas, which are queer and loving exercises in genre and funny as hell
Flyaway - Kathleen Jennings A fairy tale sort of story, but one set in and pulling from Australian mythos; small town drama and generations of families issues and questions about personhood and all the fun things you can do with a myth. The beginning is confined - push on.
The Golden Enclaves - Naomi Novik I slipped and fell and am currently reading a slightly-more-than-mediocre HP longfic and it is making me crave a Scholomance reread, which has definitely been marketed as an HP read-instead but like, lets its characters experience challenges and narrative threats (also, the Golden Enclaves is an INCREDIBLY satisfying ending for a series. talk about sticking the landing. waow. also also, has a pragmatic manipulative ice queen playing a major role. i have a type and it's clever people who can more accurately be called 'a huge bitch'.)
Gonna throw Sas Milledge's "Mamo" in here, because the art is incredible and the story is sweet.
Manga I read:
Full Metal Alchemist - I finished this early in the year (it was my push to finish my challenge last year) early this year - I hadn't ever read it, it was a treat to see what all the fuss was about. It's genuinely such a good series, with complex moral/ethical questions and good suspense and humor.
Dungeon Meshi - Read this on slow days in the office and also while I had covid! It's a cooking manga - a party of adventurers needs to rescue one of their dead party members, and the only way to stay strong enough in the dungeon (and, they're broke, so the only way they can afford to delve) is to start cooking and eating what they see! The story is like, fine. The recipes and the focus on fictional beast cooking is the real treat here. There's also a cat girl later, which always makes me happy.
xxxHolic Rei - I figured out how to set up a manga reader on a borrowed ipad and finally finished out the xxxHolic series with its semi-sequel, Rei. I loved Rei - I like reading CLAMP stories but one of their stock main characters usually get to turn from "harassed and shouty" to "cool and mysterious" during the like, last 3 volumes, and so some more time with Cool Watanuki - this makes me feel like a jerk surely there's a better way to phrase this; Watanuki missing the No Homo character trait - whatever, it was good to see him, and it was good to get some good retconning and pursuit of a happier ending. Also, beautiful. CLAMP is always beautiful.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles - inter-reads with xxxHolic, but the library didn't have all of them, so my initial reading of Holic mised a lot of references. This is good though, because Tsubasa is Incredibly Referential to all of CLAMP's other series, which by now I have at least a passing familiarity with. I just started this one, I'll see if I keep it up. I do feel like I'm finally in a place to appreciate it!
Boys Run The Riot - High schoolers trying to invent their own fashion brand - it's half fashion and half queer coming of age for our transman main character, as he makes friends and figures out how he can live in the world (and make his fashionable mark in it).
Also some yaoi, you know.
Books I will talk shit about (is this a real category? what are you doing. Look I don't finish a lot of books I don't like so there's definitely more in my "DNR" list but these I pressed through):
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires Strange and Stubborn Endurance Hands of the Emperor
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potatocupcakeval · 2 years
entire candycane, children's hospital and colour of the sky :}
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candycane: that's my two braincells right there, just chilling 😆 the ha ha funny one and the what if we poked it with a stick one. when they collide i end up doing something that haunts me for the next twelve years :3
hospital: i am very sweet :) the sweetest :)) i will give you a funny apology card after i set your garden ablaze :))) i try my very best when it comes to arson :))))
ballpit: local cryptid reporting for duty! todays criptic schedule is full of... let's see.... release the Bees (that's a good one, never can go wrong with the Bees), Chomp Chomp, and chug seven cans of monster energy while standing in front of my enemy's house and filling their mailbox with rocks (a true classic, that one)
Also, colour of the sky does also fit considering
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...i am answering this ask at 2am :)) heavy sleeper? I barely know her!
hope you're having a good timezone, delightful! our 3am Battle of the Walmart Parking Lot will be a tale for the history books!
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
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started playing tales of symphonia and the brainrot is real so take kris as emil and ralsei as tenembre
please no spoilers!!! i just started chapter 2 and know nothing about it besides what ive played!!!
okay so me and my sister were having a chat about deltarune and she said “oh yeah kris’s whole ripping out their heart thing gives me huge emil vibes” and she convinced me to play tales of symphonia and. holy shit she was so right. i cant help but imagine kris in a ton of these games things like??? tenembre asking emil to make a pact with ragno whatever the fuck??? just replace tenembre with ralsei, emil with kris, and fucking demon lord guy with idk gaster or the angel and there u go thats the au
also theres the switches hid behind moss in the first area and you have to burn the moss. i like the idea of ralsei being like “uh what are you doing you’re supposed to burn those” and kris just chomping the moss like “why burn perfectly good food”
anyways i probably wont make any more stuff for this au idea. i just thought it sounded fun enough to draw
i couldnt decide on a color palette for this so i did one with light world kris and hatless ralsei and for the outfit i just color picked emil. and the other is roughly based off kris’s dark world palette but the internet was down so i had to just hope i remembered what they looked like lmao. i was also going to throw in susie as marta but i dont feel like coming up with a new outfit for her, i dont want her to just be normal dark world susie, and martas outfit doesnt really fit her. plus i dont really know how she’d fit into the au as like a monster since thats kind of weird unless marta is secretly a monster in some epic twist or something idk.
the game is pretty fun in that ps2 era way. its also just,,, genuinely kinda funny sometimes??? it has these optional bonus convos and theyre so cute like UGH MARTA SIMPING FOR EMIL AND TENEMBRE BEING LIKE “wishful thinking”???? YES PLEASE. theres also a part where marta sees this poster of lloyd and shes like “ew thats disgusting lets set him on fire” and tenembres like “YOU HEARD THE LADY EMIL BURN IT”. tenembre has a favorite and honestly kind as he should.
Theres another guy i think his name starts with r and he looks like axel but me and my sister just called him michael the whole time. hes the worst. like i was like “oh hes gonna get a character arc where he learns to be a good person” and my sister was like “oh no quite the opposite” and now im scared lmao
anyways yeah!!!! oh also at one point i accidentally messed it up and gave ralsei demon eyes but i dont have the screenshot on this rn as im posting so i gotta look for it later and edit it when i find it.
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