#chat; orion
samxbradford · 7 months
closed starter for @orionxblakely where: downtown, wherever their apartments are
The scenery drowned in the muffled sound of music playing. The door leading to his apartment was only partially shut, barely keeping the warmth within the confines of his home as he stepped over the threshold, out into the cold corridor. Feet were wrapped in two different pairs of socks as his knuckles connected with the door to the neighboring abode. One. Two. Three. His knocks were loud enough to call for anyone's attention, loud enough to make one thing clear - this was urgent. A borderline emergency.
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harlowhanlon · 8 months
closed starter for: @orionxblakely WHERE: Book Haven
Tender fingertips caressed the spines of books collected in the shelves to her right. Bright eyes read the script, all those titles and names and creeping indecisiveness crawled beneath her skin. Harlow remembered vividly, the day she began to fall in love with literature, on that rainy summer day. Her father's personal library had been a playground as good as any and she'd eaten up the written words as though to appease an intense hunger.
Now she felt no different, with only few other people frequenting the book store, Harlow's mind fell a little more at ease and a tender smile found its way to plump lips. It was merely a whisper of an expression. Only noticeable to those who paid enough mind to the small details.
"Excuse me?" Slowly tearing her attention from the shelves, she diverted her gaze at a man she believed to have seen here before. "Hi, sorry. Do you work here?" Without missing a beat, she continued. "I have a question. I'm looking for a christm- a present for my dad. His preferences lean more toward classic literature and I wondered if you had any recommendations."
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fxreflyes · 5 months
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the Dog Star✨
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cherrytimemachine · 9 months
Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology and the Outliers.
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infamous-if · 10 months
This is more of a writing question as I really admire your work and I’m trying to write my own IF but am kind of stuck. I’ve done a lot of the character drafting and plot drafting, but when it comes down to actually sitting down and WRITING the story (even just a small portion) I just get stuck.
So I guess my question is, is how did you start writing the actual story of Infamous? How do you get about moving the story along?
Thank you and OK! This is going to be long because I'll share my beat sheet for the first act of Infamous!
So I've talked about this very briefly, but I will never stop championing beat sheets. I get so many questions every day asking me how I write so much and so quickly, and it's because I already have a layout planned that's basically just holding my hand. I'm not a magical wizard with a writing wand (though I wish...)
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This is a traditional novel system and my only background is writing traditional novels. Infamous is my first IF, and I did have to tweak how I approach writing because they're just not the same. IFs are different because they're essentially multiple novels in one. One route can look completely different to another route, but the basics at least helps you with narrative plotting.
Once you recognize the building blocks of a story, it'll become easier to write it. For example, here's the beat sheet for Hunger Games. It is known that Hunger Games follows a beat sheet beat by beat and does it very well.
I will give you my beat sheet for Infamous
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MC has a dream of the final goal of the band. It's meant to mirror what the end goal of the story is supposed to be. Ruining it by wakening up is meant to hook the reader by making them realize it's not true yet. Set up the story conflict: the tour. I introduce the characters and their dynamics (orion getting angry at MC for sleeping, Rowan joking around with Orion, Iris and Devyn etc.) I foreshadow a few things and I set up the stakes of the tour and how much the band needs this. (They talk about their gigs and how they want to do more.)
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The inciting incident for INFAMOUS is winning the audition and finally getting on tour. That's what incites the story! The first dilemma is getting into a fight at the party due to cheating allegations. Now the reader is aware that this isn't all sunshine and daisies. We're all just fucked, basically. j/
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Well. This is pretty obvious. Having to make a choice on the bus. It helps that the tour hasn't started yet and both options deal with characters that have conflict with MC and the band (Seven and UWB) so now it's like: this decision will impact the rest of the tour, and makes it much bigger than just choosing to ride with a band every other week.
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obviously this is all spoilery but your goal is basically: how do i make my MC suffer as much as i can? conflict is fun to read, it's what drives people to continue watching/reading/ investing. For IFs it goes beyond that, because people like making decisions on how to fix conflict or make it worse!
I love talking technical writing on my personal @amyreads I don't talk about it much here because it can get boring. But yeah! If you have more questions you can swing by there :)
That's all! I hope it helps a bit! <3
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devilart2199-aibi · 2 months
okay wait now im curious what's your favorite ships from each continuity you've read/watched
Oh geez this is hard! HMMMM 🤔
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G1: Powerglide x Astoria, Seaspray x Alana and Mirage x Cliffjumper bc it's really wacky 😂 I feel like there's more that I can't think of rn
Beast Wars: Blackarachnia x Silverbolt and Tigatron x Airazor 🥺🥺🥺
TFA: Blurr and Shockwave just Bc all the art is fantastic, I honestly don't get the pair myself, but maybe i missed something 😂 love is being crushed in a hydraulic press
TFP: HMMM 🤔 probably just Breakdown x Knockout?
Cyberverse: Windblade x Slipstream!! and Hotrod x Soundwave. Hotrod x Soundwave is kinda just bc if feels really random to me and that they are some of my favs 😂 I've also seen some cute art.
Earthspark: BreakBee is all I can think of 🤔
Shattered Glass: can't think of any
IDW 1.0: Windblade x Chromia (I haven't read all of it yet but the random ones I have I like them) (yes I know I know I really have to read it I'm just a horrible procrastinator 😭)
IDW 2.0: Knockout x Breakdown and Nautica x Roadrage. I feel like there is quite a few from this one I'm just not remembering 😔
And I think that's it?? I'm definitely missing somethings, but I'll probably remembering later hahaha
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sixoclockuty · 1 month
(sorry for the bad quality)
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(for those who can’t see what it says, here:
first photo: “I do hope Starlo grows out of this state eventually.”
second photo: “He neees to find himself a wife and settle down.”)
i can’t find solomon’s dialogue but do yall ever think about this. and how solomon says something like “i think he thinks we hate what he’s doing, but that’s just not true”
like hm. hmmmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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samthecookielord · 9 months
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my friend is going to pax west and i wanted her to get something signed for me... so i spedrun this as fast as possible sfdhfdshjfsd
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basilcruzzzz · 4 months
Dysfunctional Fam™
Dysfunctional Fam™
sunboi: yo guys why poseidon looks mad
messenger pigeon: wdym bro
sunboi: he looks ready to turn someone into a dolphin
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: ey! That’s ripping me off!
sunboi: fine he looks ready to turn someone into a horse happy
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: very
seaking: ATHENA.
Athena Parthenos: Poseidon.
sunboi: soooo
What’s wrong people???
free therapist here yk
Athena Parthenos: it has been years poseidon
Let. it. Go.
sunboi: so were ignoring the free therapist offer
interested in a calm the heck down lollipop?
Athena Parthenos: so what?
Your son was ugly anyways.
seaking: GASP
messenger pigeon: bro got so mad he couldn’t even speak properly
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: lmao screenshotted
Athena Parthenos: Stop being childish, Hermes, Dio.
messenger pigeon: hey, listen, im just tryin to break the tension for our readers
Athena Parthenos: what
drunk_on_LOOOOVE: what
sunboi: what
seaking: what
messenger pigeon: what
sunboi: moving on-
You two @seaking and @Athena Parthenos take this to the Dms
Me and Hermes here need to talk privately too.
messenger pigeon: what..?
sunboi: you heard me, messenger boy
dms, now.
messenger pigeon: … sure.
sunboi > messenger pigeon
sunboi: why are you hiding from me, hermes?
messenger pigeon: what do you mean?
sunboi: youre avoiding me
You wont even look at me
What are you hiding
messenger pigeon: i cant tell you, apollo
sunboi: what do you mean?!
Is someone threatening you?
If they are i swear on the styx im going to toss them in the worst pits of tartarus
messenger pigeon: NO NOTHING LIKE THAT!
I just…
I cant say
sunboi: hermes please
I need to know
I dont want to be like this anymore
messenger pigeon: apollo…
Its supposed to be a secret
sunboi: so? 
That’s not as important as us
messenger pigeon: its about artemis
I just thought that, you know,
It wouldnt be fair to tell you to keep it from her
sunboi: i can hide something from her
I swear!
ive gotten better
Tell me
messenger pigeon: alright. Ill tell you
Its about orion
He’s returned.
sunboi: no.
No, no, no, no, no
It cant be
messenger pigeon has sent a video
messenger pigeon: this is the video hephaestus saw on cams
This is why he took so long to respond
im sorry apollo
sunboi: artemis is goig to finds outtr
yuo knwo that riughts???
messenger pigeon: eventually, maybe
but not now.
sunboi: i dont knwo whaat illl do if orion comes back
Wha t if artemis seeshim and brings him to olympus
Thentheyll both hate me
I dont want artemis to hate me
messenger pigeon: apollo thats not going to happen
Shes your sister
she’ll stick by you
I know youre panicking
Want to call?
sunboi: mhm
messenger pigeon started a call that lasted 6 hours
messenger pigeon > machines <3
messenger pigeon: hephaestus
machines <3: you told him, didnt you?
messenger pigeon: how did you know?
machines <3: I saw the messages in Dysfuntional Fam
messenger pigeon: well, you’re right
machines <3: do you really believe that he’ll manage to keep it a secret?
messenger pigeon: well it seems he hasnt kept a secret from artemis in a long time
But we dont know, so maybe he has
machines <3: i suppose thats fair
But its just a guess
not fact
messenger pigeon: are you angry?
machines <3: no, no
I should’ve expected it, really
after those issues with the cows were ironed out, you and apollo were inseparable
messenger pigeon: thanks for understanding, hephaestus
machines <3: no problem, brother
sorry for not posting but hereeee
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gnomey22 · 9 months
An onslaught of Failtopia text posts
Haven’t made these in a while, and I’ve barely featured the series’ most chaotic character in them. Time to change that
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brainrot-stitch · 17 days
Glass dip pen doodles 🔥
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the-masked-artist05 · 7 months
Fun fact about Orion and Nyx [and by extension their parents and Materia]: their "fur" isn't fully fur, but instead a mix between regular animal fur and bird feathers [I call it furthers until I come up with a better name for it.] The quill and shaft are thinner than regular feathers but are by no means weaker. Instead of vane or regular feathers material, the fur protrudes out of it instead. It can grow long like fur and hair and acts similar to the two.
Another fun fact about them is that their teeth are long and thin like an angler fish but more uniform like a shark. Their teeth are strong and possess a bite force akin to that of a crocodile. Also, they're retractable! :)
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orionfantasies · 22 hours
What are your selfships and how would you describe them in.. let's say.. 4 words? :3
Odhdidh this is going to be tricky to answer 💀 I have two main selfships but four selfships in total ✨ surprisingly they're divided equally into two different medias funnily enough 💀
For Genshin specifically
Venti x me (main) - which I've dubbed as venori✌️ - four words.... two immortals in love (that's the best I can come up with LMAO)
Lyney x me (side) - has no ship name yet unfortunately 😔 - four words.... love at first show
Twisted Wonderland
Idia x me (main) - idion which sounds a lot like idiom 💀 - four words.... socially anxious geeks bonding
Lilia x me (side) - all I'm thinking of is lilori which in hindsight is actually really funny for the ship name, Ooo wait lilion could work too 🤔 - four words.... angst waiting to happen
Thank you for the ask Vi <33 was fun staring into space trying to decipher only four words to describe each selfship 💕
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insecuregodcomplex · 14 days
buddie + O
O. The stars or space.
The quiet blanketed around them, the world asleep for the night. Even Buck was quiet — although he couldn't keep his foot from tapping. Eddie wordlessly reached out and took his hand, wrapping it in his own. He didn't have to look at Buck to know a gentle smile played across his face. "I don't want to leave L.A., but, man, sometimes I forget what a sky full of stars looks like." "You ever learn how to look for constellations?" Eddie asks, turning his face to him. "I tried," Buck began, "but never managed to do it right. At this point, I just try to look for patterns. That's all that's really visible in the city, anyway." With a small grin, Eddie cast his eyes to the view above them. "Looking for patterns is half of it. Once you start knowing what patterns you're looking for, they start coming easier." He points up. "Look north, and find one of the brightest stars. Using the North Star, you can find the Little Dipper. See how —" Buck cuts him off with a kiss. "Sorry. It's hot when you know stuff." "I know stuff!" Eddie retorts. "Maybe that's why you're so hot all the time." Buck's eyes flicker with a mischievous glint, and Eddie pulls him in with a roll of his eyes and a smile of his own.
thanks for sending!
send me characters and a letter for a quick story!
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cherrytimemachine · 9 months
Senator Shockwave
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amyreads · 1 year
this will probably be as long as shit so im sorry in advance but i just had to say that u are such a skilled writer its absurd. ur character building is absolutely insane and honestly u have one of my favourite writing styles in general, not just in interactive fiction
also orion has absolutely taken up my entire brain space rent free like holy shit hes comfy in there ..... imo the fucker is definitely touch starved but like by choice because he is insane
:,) thank you <3 and favorite writing style in general is such high praise MY HEART
hehe and oh he is def touch-starved honestly some of the content of his pov chapter surprised me, it does give a lot of insight to his route so thats fun hehe
im glad you enjoy infamous and never apologize for writing anything long !
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