#changeling is european mythology
goryhorroor · 1 year
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horror sub-genres • mythological horror
this horror genre is rooted in the mythos of a culture. these films are based on the legends we heard growing up that scared us. this sub-genre is closely associated with folk horror.
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majachee · 1 month
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Some design notes under cut:
In mythology, changelings are humanoid creatures that have been placed by fae (broad generalized term) in place of a human child, though there are also some stories here and there of adults being taken and replaced by changelings.
Changelings, based on my limited research, only really refer to the creature left behind during some good ol cradle robbing. They are related to the fae, though. Fae, or faeries, cover a broad range of different creatures in all sorts of European mythos, however, from elves to trolls to imps. In more modern art and stories, fae are drawn as tiny little humans with bug-like wings and long, flowing hair. But there have been less flattering depictions throughout history.
Taking the origin of the mythos, and the obvious bug inspiration in the show, I've decided to redesign these two to look like impish little sprites! Changelings in my AU are smaller than the average pony, usually reaching their chin or shoulders. They have thin, flexible bodies that are protected by an exoskeleton! Their jaws are an odd mix of mammalian and insect, so they can expand and protrude their lower jaws while their upper jaw stays fixed to their skull. Their tongues are thin, based on nectar-drinking bugs and animals like butterflies and hummingbirds.
Most changelings have two wings, only Pharynx and Thorax have four wings (reformed form only.)
Pharynx is also a bit taller than the average changeling drone... Have fun imagining how tall Thorax is. Height chart coming eventually.
Their tails are loosely based on a scorpion's stinger, but I took more inspiration from cartoony imp/devil tails in art and cartoons! 😇
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The Magical Girl Guide to: Faerie Witchcraft
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A post a long time in the making, it's finally time for it to get out of my drafts. I've talked about specific faeries in the past but never a sweeping generalization on faerie witchcraft it, so let's change that this 2024.
Faerie witchcraft at its core is a path of witchcraft that revolves around communicating with the folk, working with them, calling on them and leaving them offerings as thanks for their assistance. That is the biggest generalization I can make about the path, but what that core looks like can be very different from faerie witch to faerie witch. So, let's talk about the faeries.
(As always, these 'magical girl guides' isn't the 'end all be all'. These are barely the tip of the iceberg. Always look at other's experiences/UPG and of course make sure to do more extensive research beyond a post on Tumblr.)
What are faeries?
Faerie, Faery, Fairy, Fae, Fey, Fay, it doesn't matter how you spell it, we are all referring to the same thing ー the Good Neighbors.
By definition, faeries are "is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European culture a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural qualities."
There are no real single origin for faeries so much as a collection of folk beliefs from all over.
Other Way to say Faerie
Ao sí/Aes sídhe
Daoine sídhe
The Good Folk
The Good Neighbors
The Fair Folk
The Folk
The Gentry
The Good People
Changeling - a substitute left by a faerie after kidnapping a human. Can sometimes be one of their own, other times it is glamoured rocks and sticks. Was used as an explanation for stillborn children in the past.
Seelie - the "faerie good guys" in stories.
Unseelie - the "faerie bad guys" in stories.
The Wild Hunt/Sluagh/Underfolk - a group of supernatural hunters in a never-ending hunt/chase. The perception of the Wild Hunt changed after the introduction of Christianity to the isles.
Wild/Solitary Fae - faeries with no Court affiliations, not to be confused with the Wild Hunt.
Trooping Faeries - live in communities and are known for singing and dancing.
Also simply referred to as Faerie, this is the home of the faeries.
Thought to be divided into the four Seasonal Courts of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The Spring and Summer Courts represent the Seelie Court while Autumn and Winter represent the Unseelie Court. These lands are considered to be eternal displays of the season they are.
faeries in folklore
We would literally be here all day if I talked about faeries in folklore. Y'all know faerie folklore and mythology is ancient X'D so this category isn't really all that important.
In these stories, faeries can be anything from benevolent to tricksters to someone out to get it back in blood.
faeries in media
Just as expansive as the faerie folklore post. Faeries are becoming more and more frequent in pop culture with books such as the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, The Spider Wick Chronicles also by Holly Black, Sarah J. Maas' ACOTAR series and even in older TV shows like True Blood.
Hell, I'm working on a novel that has to do with faeries.
Since starting my own journey working with the fair folk I've come to learn that your fae working experience is shaped by the fae you go out of your way to interact with, the fae local to your area, what the folk feel comfortable sharing with you and what they feel comfortable letting you share with others.
A faerie witch whose experience centers around the flower faeries local to their area is going to be different from a faerie witch whose experience centers around Unseelie fae. Same for someone who only focuses on transactional relationships with the fae (ex. leaving out home baked goods weekly for a brownie, the brownie takes care of the home and that's the extent of their relationship) vs a someone where their path focuses on enveloping themselves in faerie culture and learning about it on a more personal level (ex. befriending a Court local to your area).
For me personally, my fae work experience centers around wild fae like selkies and death fae like banshee and dullahan. Both of which are very personal and has me enveloped in the cultures of these faeries. No transactions here but something deep and personal, like family. It's influenced the witchcraft I've chosen to incorporate into my craft as an eclectic witch and things I experience on a daily basis. (I do have guides on both selkies and banshee if you are curious. Dullahan post is in progress.)
Because of this, your prospective relationship with fair folk and what that may bring in your life is going to be very personal to you, I've found. There will be some overlap, of course. You'll run into someone and go 'oh damn, me too!!'. But it will still be special and unique to you.
It can be as personal as you want it to be. It can be as impersonal as you want it to be. It's up to you.
As such, I can't really make a generalized UPG post about what working with fae is like. There are so many kinds of faeries out there that it would take forever to complete! And one person's daily UPG can look vastly different from someone else's.
I don't believe it's as rampant as it used to be in witchcraft-related spaces as it was in say 2016, but there will always be people who will say things like 'avoid working with faeries in general' or 'fae work is only best for the experienced. If you're a bigger, fuck off'. But I personally think that, like with any craft, as long as you take the time to baby step your way into it, study as you go along, then fae work isn't something that should be gatekeeped to the experienced.
Seelie vs Unseelie: A Lesson in Faerie Morality
There's a huge misconception about these two faerie categories that Seelie means 'good faeries' while Unseelie means 'bad faeries'.
So the best thing someone can do when stepping into the world of fae work is completely disregard that notion. You can meet Unseelie fae who don't mind mortal company and then meet a Seelie faerie who doesn't fuck with humans in the slightest. I think it would better to think of it as faeries who commit to the right or left-handed paths and even then that's putting human morality on it. Human morality and faerie morality are not the same and the faster you realize that, the better it'll be for you.
What you might find atrocious, faeries might go 'that's not so bad'.
What you might find 'not so bad', faeries might find despicable.
Unseelie courts tend to be a bit less welcoming than Seelie courts in a general sweeping overgeneralization. That’s not to say there aren’t Unseelie fae that wouldn’t interact with humans, but a good majority probably won’t be happy to see a human frolicking about the place unattended. So if you ever feel the desire to visit an unseelie court, I’d wait until you’re more experienced working the fae and having the etiquette down
How important is etiquette?
I've personally found that the closer you are to a faerie, the less important etiquette is.
I don't speak to my selkie friends the way I speak to the flower faeries that are local to my area. The way I talk to banshee I know is very different than how I talk to banshee I don't know.
So yes, it is important to learn the proper etiquette to avoid angering a faerie. But the closer you get to the specific folk in your lives, should the relationship go beyond acquaintanceship/transactional, you'll find yourself speaking a bit more casually with them over time.
Faerieland: A Personal Dive
The home of the Good Neighbors.
You can go to Faerie by way of the astral or by slipping into a pocket of Faerie found in our realm (ex. you're on a nature hike and suddenly you've found yourself walking into a revel).
You could write a 50 page dissertation on the courts of Faerie and still not be done covering it. There are hundreds of Courts outside of the main few that you'll hear tossed around by fae workers and folklore enthusiasts and even with those known few there can be dozens of Sub-Courts.
I've met faeries from the Flower Court, a Summer pixie who came from a specific sub-Court called the Lake Court. I've heard of fae workers talking about Winter Sub-Courts that have to do with specific wintery holidays. So yes, there's definitely more than just the Seasonal Courts.
I always let people who frequent this blog what I can and cannot do and what I have and have not done. So in the spirit of keeping things transparent, I've only ever visited two Courts in Faerieー the Autumn Court and the Death Court. I can't really tell you much direct information about the other Courts because of that.
So I can't really give any 'here's a place I recommend visiting in Faerie' beyond a simple 'avoid any place embroiled in politics'. Any court going through serious issues whether that’s a change in power or what have you, won’t be the best place to visit.
Stick to well-populated places to start. You’ll likely find less problems there than say remote areas of Faerie. Just know, Faerie can be as terrifying as it is beautiful.
As for leadership, that looks different from Court to Court, Seelie to Unseelie.
I usually hear more about matriarchal rulership in Faerie, but there are faerie kings.
Who counts as 'Fae' and who doesn't?
If they consider themselves fae, they're fae. If they don't consider themselves fae, they aren't. That's really all there is to it. I've met merfolk who consider themselves faeries and I've met merfolk who consider faeries separate entities from themselves.
So in my experience, I've found that you just learn what the entity in question thinks of themselves as and respect that.
I'm just trying to keep faeries out my space tbh
You'll find the old timey methods to be very suitable. Iron, salt sprinkled around and so and so forth.
And should be out and about in nature, and you want to enjoy a hike without the fair folk messin' with ya, I'd recommend keeping an item of clothing inside out, carrying rowan or iron charms. And keeping to the trails. Faeries are more likely to avoid areas with heavy human foot traffic.
suitable offerings
The disclaimer here is that these are general offerings that most faeries should like. Should you ever find yourself working frequently with a faerie or find yourself the companion of one, there could be other things that they specifically like or dislike. But you usually can’t go wrong with:
Anything from nature like flowers, leaves, etc.
But should you be trying to get the attention of a faerie of a specific species, fine tune your offerings to that type of faerie. Seashells for selkies, bones for dullahan and so on and so forth.
how to gain the attention of a faerie
1) old fashioned offerings
2) astral travel
3) spirit attraction spell
I’m not a promoter of conjuring or otherwise, forcefully bringing a spirit to your vicinity. Think about it like this: you’re at a wedding. You’re best friend in the entire world is getting hitched to the love of their life, and you’re among the audience. You’re welling up with emotion and pride for your friend to have made such an important milestone in their life when… Suddenly, you’re not at their wedding anymore.
No, instead you’re looking at some random stranger who summoned you to their home who say it’s because they’re interested in working with those of your kind. You wouldn’t be too happy about this, would you? 
Not only is conjuring or summoning bad for the entity, it can be bad for you if this entity isn’t easily forgiving of being torn away from their personal life to your home and you can end up paying the consequences for it. Instead, I recommend a spell that attracts entities to your home or if you’re sufficiently prepared, astral travel it up.
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bendingfantasy · 2 months
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Siofra is an intriguing Irish female name that denotes an ‘elf’ or ‘fairy.’ The name is also used to refer to a sprite or any supernatural entity. Siofra has only been in use since the 18th century, making it a unique and new name.
In Germanic mythology and folklore, the Elf is a particular category of human-like magical creature. The Icelandic Poetic Edda and Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda both make reference to elves, which are particularly prevalent in North Germanic mythology. Elves have been regarded in medieval Germanic-speaking societies as beings with magical abilities and extraordinary beauty who were ambivalent toward common people or capable of aiding or hurting them.
Fairies and sprites also find roots in European mythology. There are also references to a changeling, a type of fairy. This Gaelic belief has origins in old Irish superstitions. It was formerly believed that when the parents weren’t looking, elf children would be switched for newborns by changelings.
This Irish name has been employed by famous people like Sofra Cléirigh Büttner, who is an Irish middle-distance runner. She competed in the 800 meters at the 2017 World Athletics Championships. Sofra O’Leary, an Irish attorney and judge on the European Court of Human Rights, is another renowned figure who shares the name Siofra. She's one of two that I have to put up for Valentines day. She is wearing a teal and black cinderella dress with pearly lace and diamonds on it.Her long dangling earrings are pearl and gold. She had a pearl and gold tiara type crown. She has long redish hair put up in a bun in the back. I also found these cool pointy ears on the web.I will add the link to the ears so ya'll can have them.I hope you enjoy her as much as I did making her. DON'T FORGET HER MESHES or SHE WON'T SHOW CORRECTLY.
Cinderella dress-maya
hair nikki 121 and base -kotehok(added just click on the names also you need both for the hair to show up)
Pointy ears CMAR not recolored or added
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 months
Hello. I know only a tiny bit about Runaways via filtration, but I see Person With Wings and they aren't generic cutesy "Renaissance painting of a Cherubim somehow anime angel" wings and I click the button, it's a whole thing. Would you like to toss out some info on that? I saw an old art and thought Moth at first but then read the description that said Morpho and went "Ah, are we doing a symbolism?" If not, sorry to ramble, but Light inside, but reflecting from the surrounding light rather than independent luminescence, but also looks dull when closed off because it is simultaneously also one's inner light even if it requires an external factor seems like it could be A Thing (as interpreted by a nerd who likes bugs and has a very Irish Catholic side of the family).
Thank you so much for this ask!!! It made me so excited to see this I'm so happy someone noticed the symbolism, because that is very intentional symbolism!
That character is named Cecelia (spoilers ahead) and she's a changeling. Her family never knew the truth about her origins and when the time came due to return to the Unseelie realm, she ran away to the Seelie Court to avoid her fate. Unfortunately, her older sister Hannah followed trying to rescue her, so now she has to explain why she's been lying her whole life and also that they're both trapped in the Seelie court unless they can break the curse over the lost human sister that Cecilia replaced. It's a very difficult conversation which sparks a small crisis of identity and she and Hannah end up not talking to each other for a bit until they make up and go rescue the Taken together.
She can shapeshift but her True Form as a faerie has the blue Morpho wings .
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So! There are a lot of themes about how when she's closed off from Hannah, she's not her true self, she's dull and kind of paranoid and her nature as a changeling spy reflects in the eyespots, and she's trying to act like something she's not to scare away anyone who tries to get close. But when she's being authentic and she knows her name and she opens up to other people, she's brilliant and colorful and reflects the light of the people around her, and shows the positive aspects of her character that people can admire.
This book is VERY inspired by Irish mythology and folktales (as well as other European fairy tales), my Catholic faith and traditions (one of the characters is based on St. Brigid which might be of interest to you), and the idea of Names being Important. One of Hannah's special interests is knowing the scientific names of the plants and animals around her, so a bunch of the species I mention have a symbolic significance, like mockingbirds and oak trees. Or sometimes they're just silly puns like King Oberon having Monarch Butterfly wings because he's.. the monarch lol
Thank you again for the ask!!
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female-malice · 1 year
glad to hear that the way astrology has been used here in asia for years to oppress women is a joke to you. guess you're just as vapid and braindead as every other white faux feminist on radblr
In the 1600s, European peasants invented the changeling myth. Faeries, who had been neutral creatures for so long, suddenly took an interest in human infants. They began stealing babies and replacing them with strange animate dolls. These animate dolls look exactly like the stolen infants. But they're different. They're changelings. The only thing to do is take the changeling back to the faery hill where it belongs. And leave it there.
In other words, leave your disabled, autistic, or sick child out in the woods to die.
Does that mean faery mythology oppresses disabled people? Or does it mean starving peasants added a cruel story to faery mythology to justify the decisions they were making?
Is it oppressive to women to make connections between life and time from an astrological perspective?
Or is it just the matchmakers and marriage arrangers who are oppressing women?
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regalfairytaleacademy · 9 months
Founder of Chamber of Secrets [ (Chapter 3) Part 5 ]
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At the library, they worked together for search the methods.
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The fairies searching every pages of books while demons collecting method books. Even the pixies coming to help them.
Desirae completely feel worried while searching the method. Rozebelle seemed aware of her pixie's sense.
"Don't worry, little flower. Whatever the universe is unfair to us, we have to remember 'let your abilities stronger, left your weakness' ."
Aura told, "Plus, 'face to face, heart to heart.' This is what you give me a simple advice to be a courage pixie."
Dulcie agreed, saying that she will try to be strong.
Desirae was thankful to them.
Evelyn called them over, as she found something. She slowly read the page she found.
"Fairy, better known as a 'fae' or 'nymph', is a mythical creature in European folk tales, usually described as metaphysical or supernatural. While it's widely believed that they are lovable and innocent creatures, in reality, they are far from that. Fairies in folklore are evil, vengeful, and cruel. Embodying the forces of nature, they often took the form of monsters rather than the winged, elf-like creatures we associate them with today. "
This surprise everyone, especially fairy students and pixies.
Seraphine amazed in mumble, "Oh my. This remind me of Malleus, Lilia and Sebek."
Evelyn added in read, "Oh look at this one!"
- Fairies can abduct women, children, or men according to their needs, sometimes even replacing babies with changelings. But more common targets of fairies are travelers and musicians, since many fairies are said to love to sing and dance. -
They staring at the pixies, Seraphine and Sophia sternly.
They all explained, "Come on. This is a mistake from people's superstitious. We never did this malicious things in life. Moreover our family doesn't have this as a their tradition."
The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became awkward.
Evelyn cleared a throat, said, "Guys, look at this one."
- Recorded Christian beliefs from the 17th century viewed all fairies as demons. -
Cadence was stunned. "Evelyn, do you think it is true that fairies are demons?"
Evelyn guessed, "I am not sure they are demons or kind of types of creatures. But I believe some fairies like your friends are very nice."
She called them to look at the page she pointed.
- This view became more popular with the rise of Puritanism in the English Reformed Church. The great leprechaun was once a friendly house elf who was later classified as an evil leprechaun. Dealing with fairies was considered a form of witchcraft and was punished for it. -
Alcina said, "Em... Some fairies like our friends does study in school of witchcraft."
The fairies nodded.
Rozebelle called people see the note on the page she noticed.
- In William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Oberon, king of the fairies, states that neither he nor his court fear the church bells, which author and Christian apologist C.S. Lewis sees as a political separation from the elves, although Lewis makes it clear that he himself does not consider fairies to be demons in the chapter on the subject ("Long Liver") in The Discarded Image. In a time of intellectual and religious turmoil, some Victorian reappraisals of mythology viewed gods generally as metaphors for natural events, a point later refuted by other authors. This contested climate of thought contributed to the modern meaning of "fairy". -
Seraphine agreed, "It's true that you can't judge them by the cover of the book. Even you can't prejudice them to their qualities."
Lumiere interrupted them stop talking and claimed to find the method quickly.
On the half time, they are exhausting and yawning. The pixies were already fell asleep while others keep searching.
The method isn't easily find on a day.
Lumiere and Seraphine suggested everyone to continue on tomorrow.
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valleyfthdolls · 1 year
what's your opinion on changelings, or the faerie is general?
(not the ones from MLP, the ones from irish folklore that steal babies)
I find faeries to be pretty interesting, particularly in European and especially Irish folklore, but I’m biased bc I’m part Irish lol
As for changelings in particular they’re kind of weird, but something about them I get a unique sense of amusement out of, but given the stories I’ve read say they imitate the baby that was stolen but as they grow, they develop inhuman traits and deformities as a result of the changeling imperfectly imitating the human child, I find them to be uniquely… interesting. The idea of a child being stolen from their family, replaced by an imperfect copy, an imperfect imitation of a human, they have a weird allure to those stories.
My personal favorite Irish faerie is the banshee, who, yes, is a faerie, even though they’re not really the typical image of one. Unfortunately I don’t have anything interesting to say about this, banshees were just the first ones I learned about and have a special place in my heart. I also like puca- I think those I learned about where my interest was really piqued, which was during my Undertale hyperfixation when I found a series discussing real world mythology similar to things seen in undertale, and a lot of it was Irish. One of my favorite flowers is a leftover from that time lol
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ceruleancattail · 1 year
Have you ever heard of the Changeling. I'm not talking About the ones from My Little Pony I'm talking about the ones from European mythology.
Basically a changeling is a fairy baby who was switched with a human baby at disguised to look exactly like the human baby.
What would the deosomnya boys Reaction be to a Yuu that doesn't know they are changeling and thinks they are just a mentally ill human.
My requests are closed.
You could try and send this ask again when I open them.
Thank you for understanding.
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paiges-portfolio · 3 months
Current project context and inspiration
My current project in college is about Fae, wild malevolent creatures found in European folklore. The Fairies we have in media today stem from Fae and Faeries. This project began with a trip to Manchester Museum, where I was inspired by the T-rex skeleton; this artefact invoked thoughts of mythical creatures, like dragons and eventually fairies. After some research, looking at sources like The Fairy Mythology by Thomas Keightley, I found that Fae, unlike fairies, were widely feared and seen as devilish. Many stories talking of terrifying powers, malicious acts and kidnapping were told throughout the 19th century. The most interesting to me, and the story I have based my final animation on, is about Changelings. It was believed that if a child is unbaptised by its 7th day, it was in danger of being sought out by the Fae, who would steal the baby, and replace it with their own offspring, Changelings. These creatures were described as pale, wrinkled, monstrous beings, there to take the place of their children. Meanwhile, those children were being used for various things in Fairyland, with little hope of escaping. Unfortunately, most of these stories end similarly to the witch hunts, with these creatures being set alight, or abandoned.  
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anyawritesthings · 1 year
Uncommon Mythical Creatures
This was one of the posts I archived, but I wanted to bring it back because I kind of love this topic. I never quite left my mythology phase, and while I love dragons and fae and centaurs, some variety wouldn't hurt either!
Brownies are small household spirits from Scottish folklore. At night, they come out and perform various chores and farming tasks for the home that they're residing in. It's common courtesy for the humans of the house to leave out offerings for the Brownies as thanks, usually in the form of milk or cream. Brownies are also very easily offended, though, and can turn rude if they feel they are being taken advantage of. In extreme cases of offense, they can even turn into evil Boggarts.
Banshees are from Irish mythology. These creatures are female spirits that show up when someone is about to die and wail at said person, sealing their fate. You've probably heard of the expression 'screaming like a banshee.' This is where that comes from.
A Chimera is a female creature from Greek mythology with the body and head of a lion, as well as the head of a goat sticking out of her back, and either a dragon or a snake's head as a tail (it changes depending on who you ask, but generally those are the two options). She also breathes fire and it easily angered.
The Basilisk, sometimes known as a cockatrice, is usually depicted as a reptile (aka a big ass snake), and is considered 'king of the serpents.' It has the ability to kill someone with a single glance. It also has deadly venom. Sometimes, instead of a full serpent, it is also depicted as having the head of a rooster, the tail of a snake, and scaly wings.
Related to the fae but not a full on fae. In European folklore, fae (or fairies) would steal human babies and offer them to the devil, or use them to strengthen fairy stock. They would put changelings in the place of the stolen human baby, and these changelings were often deformed or sickly in some way.
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diioonysus · 3 years
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european folklore | creatures iii
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seananmcguire · 3 years
I'm a few books into the October Daye series and I keep wondering, are we ever going to see fae of North/South American origin, or was the colonial genocide shockingly effective on the fae side? (I'm aware 'spoilers' may be the only answer I get and that's fine, I just feel compelled to ask because I keep wondering about it.)
So in the October Daye universe, the fae essentially exist and keep their world about six degrees to the side of the human world. It's entirely possible that magical things other than the fae exist, but if that's so, the fae are no more capable of seeing them than humans are of seeing the fae. From a fae perspective, it's them and humans, full stop, nothing else is out there.
All fae in this setting are descended from Oberon, Maeve, and Titania, three European mythological figures. I regret that there are some Asian fae types that were created in the early days of setting up the universe, and could not be extracted when I realized that was uncool. It's cultural appropriation to say that all the nifty mythological things in the world are descended from these three European figures. I am sorry, and would remove the Kitsune and related fae types from the setting if I could. Sadly, traditional publishing comes with very few opportunities to iterate and revise like that once something has been published, but it was inappropriate for me to include them, given the way the rest of the world works.
(As a footnote, and speaking as a folklorist--as in, I went to university to study folklore, it's literally my academic background--insisting that the Hidden People of non-European cultures are or must be treated as fae is also an act of cultural appropriation. "Fae" is a European word, and the structure of "the fae" as we commonly understand it is inextricably tied to that cultural background. So even if it weren't just the fae in this setting, you wouldn't likely be meeting fae from other parts of the world. You'd be meeting other kinds of Hidden Folk, with whatever origins were culturally appropriate.)
So while you may encounter changelings and fae with strong ties to human families of North or South American origin, you will not encounter fae with that direct origin, as the fae are explicitly European in origin.
If you want a more "everything exists, if there have been stories about it, it's probably real, and we can probably find it if we go looking" setting, look at my InCryptid books, which are much more tied to world folklore and mythology, and do not rely on a single point of origin for their "magical world."
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nepzero · 2 years
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Titania ティターニア
as she appears in the shin megami tensei series
Also known as: Scandalous Queen
Origin: English Mythology, Modern Fiction, European Mythology
First Appearance: Shin Megami Tensei II
Alignment(s): Neutral-Neutral, Neutral
Race(s): Fairy, Genma, Yoma, Fiend
Arcana(s): Lovers, Empress
Persona User(s): Makoto Yuki
depiction by kazuma kaneko
Titania is the high queen of the fae and the wife of the high fae king Oberon. With her faithful flower pixies by her side, she gathers magic from the moonlight. Titania resides in the Kingdom of Fairyland, where she rules over the moonlit Fairy Forest. While considered stunningly beautiful and delicate, she is also portrayed as a very proud fairy, with powers that easily match those of her husband.
She is derived from the fairy queen character in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream, which in traditional folklore had no name. In the play, Titania and Oberon are engaged in a marital quarrel over which of them should have the keeping of an Indian changeling boy. This quarrel is the engine that drives the mix-ups and confusion of the other characters in the play. Due to an enchantment cast by Oberon's servant Puck, Titania magically falls in love with a "rude mechanical" (a laborer), Nick Bottom the weaver, who has been given the head of a donkey by Puck, who feels it is better suited to his character.
The name Titania is thought to be derived from the Roman goddess Diana. It may also mean "daughter of the earth" or "daughter of the Titans." Due to the massive success of the play and its status as a classic, Titania is used to name the fairy queen in many other works of fiction.
appearances - SMT / PERSONA
Shin Megami Tensei II: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei: if... / Hazama's Chapter: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX Devil's Colosseum: Mahoutsukai Race, Boss (NG+)
Shin Megami Tensei NINE: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei V: Fairy Race
Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis: Fairy Race
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Fairy Race
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers: Fairy Race
Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon: Skill Order
Soul Hackers 2
Megami Ibunroku Persona: Fairy Order (as Queen Fly in the PSX version)
Persona 3 / FES / Portable: Lovers Arcana
Persona 4 / Golden: Empress Arcana
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: Empress Arcana
Persona 5 / Royal: Empress Arcana
profile - SMT / PERSONA
Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE
"The Queen of the Fairies, a character in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The name Titania is thought to be derived from the Roman goddess Diana. It may also mean "daughter of the earth" or "daughter of the Titans." Delicate and stunningly beautiful. Titania resides in the Kingdom of Fairyland, where she rules over the moonlit Fairy Forest."—Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE compendium
Titania can be contracted on the Shibuya field. She acts as a boss with Oberon in the silver-level instance of Shibuya Quartz. She also possesses a unique feature that reduces damage taken from other fairies.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
"The queen of the faeries and King Oberon's wife. She is based on the Roman goddess Diana. She was later seen as a faerie and was recognized as a queen in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream.""—Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers 3DS compendium
Titania begins appearing near the endgame as a random enemy encounter and possesses the MAG Drainer skill that can petrify the demon with the highest magnetite cost.
Persona 3
To reference her role in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," the protagonist can use the Fusion Spell, Summer Dream when Titania is paired up with Oberon. Summer Dream creates random effects upon execution.
Although named differently, Titania's design of the Megami Tensei series may have inspired Elfaria, the fairy queen from Odin Sphere, which was published and localized by Atlus. There is a human nation named "Titania" in the game that rarely communicates with the fairyland.
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deities, goddesses, and beings i actively believe in, worship, or follow as a practicing pagan and how they appear in my favorite JRPG; shin megami tensei and persona.
everything comes directly from the megami tensei wiki.
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