#cete team
teamconductors · 2 years
Honestly, I was expecting that somehow Giratina and Volo fused to some degree as recompense for what he did alive. While at first he is reluctant to cete for the Distortion World, nothing but time makes one reflect and want to make better past actions. So now GiriVolo is a mostly rehabilitated mon, perhaps a lil cheeky on occasion but ultimately a good bean. But because their souls and consciousnesses fused in the way it did the Team Wish's Spiritomb couldn't sense that Volo was alive and "reincarnated" the whole time. So they basically tortured the ever living shit out of their beloved master without knowing...that sure would be sad :)
That would be wild!
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
Apes: a shrewdness
Baboons: a troop
Badgers: a cete
Bass: a shoal
Bats: a colony, cloud or cauldron
Bears: a sloth or sleuth; Cubs: a litter
Beavers: a colony
Bees: a swarm
Boar: a sounder
Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy
Camels: a caravan
Caterpillars: an army
Cats: a clowder, glaring, pounce, nuisance or clutter; Kittens: a litter or kindle; Wild cats: a destruction
Cattle: a herd or drove
Cheetahs: a coalition
Chickens: a brood or peep; Chicks: a clutch or chattering
Clams: a bed
Cobras: a quiver
Colts: a rag
Cows: a kine, drove, herd or fold; twelve or more cows are a flink
Coyotes: a band
Cranes: a sedge
Crocodiles: a float or bask
Crows: a murder
Deer: a herd
Dogs: a pack or cowardice; Puppies: a litter
Dolphins: a pod
Donkeys: a drove
Doves: a dule
Ducks: a brace, paddling or team
Eagles: a convocation
Elephants: a herd or parade
Elk: a gang or herd
Emus: a mob
Falcons: a cast
Ferrets: a business or fesnyng
Finches: a charm
Fish: a school, shoal, run, haul or catch
Flamingos: a stand or flamboyance
Flies: a swarm, hatch or business
Foxes: a skulk or leash
Frogs: an army or a colony
Geese: a gaggle or flock, a skein when in flight
Giraffes: a tower
Gnats: a cloud or horde
Goats: a herd, tribe or trip
Goldfinches: a charm
Goldfish: a troubling
Gorillas: a band
Grasshoppers: a cloud
Greyhounds: a leach
Hares: a down or husk
Hawks: a cast or kettle
Hippopotami: a bloat or thunder
Hogs: a drift or parcel
Horses: a team or harras
Hounds: a pack, mute or cry
Hyenas: a cackle
Jaguars: a shadow
Jellyfish: a smack or brood
Kangaroos: a troop or mob
Larks: an ascension or exaltation
Lemurs: a conspiracy
Leopards: a leap
Lice: a flock
Lions: a pride
Locust: a plague or cloud
Magpies: a tiding or tittering
Mallards: a sord
Manatees: an aggregation
Mares: a stud
Martens: a richness
Minnows: a steam
Moles: a labor
Monkeys: a barrel, cartload or troop
Mules: a pack, barren or span
Nightingales: a watch
Otters: a family, romp or raft
Owls: a parliament
Oxen: a team or yoke
Oysters: a bed
Parrots: a pandemonium or company
Partridges: a covey
Peacocks: a muster or ostentation
Penguins: a colony
Pheasants: a nest, nide or bouquet
Pigeons: a flock or flights
Pigs: a drift or drove (younger pigs), or a sounder, litter or team (older pigs)
Ponies: a string
Porcupines: a prickle
Rabbits: a colony or warren
Raccoons: a gaze
Rats: a colony, pack, swarm or mischief
Rattlesnakes: a rhumba
Ravens: an unkindness
Rhinoceroses: a crash
Sharks: a shiver
Sheep: a drove or flock
Skunks: a stench
Snakes: a nest or knot
Sparrows: a host
Squirrels: a dray or scurry
Starlings: a murmuration
Stingrays: a fever
Storks: a mustering
Swans: a bevy or lamentation, a wedge when in flight
Tigers: an ambush or a streak
Toads: a knot or knab
Trout: a hover
Turkeys: a gang, posse or rafter
Turtles: a bale or nest
Vultures: a venue
Wasps: a pledge
Weasels: a colony, gang or pack
Whales: a pod, school or gam
Wolves: a pack or route
Wombats: a wisdom
Woodpeckers: a descent
Zebras: a zeal
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pedro-pascall · 5 years
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I was waiting for you.
(Tuna you read my mind)
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trollhuntersstuff · 3 years
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BADGER CHARACTERISTICS Smallish • Patriotic • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Taxidea taxus
COLLECTIVE TERM: A cete of badgers
Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path.
Like most carnivores badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and tend to be particularly well-dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities, but because of their small size, sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. Having the heart of a tiger is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.
Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.
Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their heads. Their towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, they sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.
Badgers are highly regarded as leaders, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical statures can limit their political or business ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, for like their weasel cousins, badgers are opportunists and will team up with more thoughtful animal personalities to offset their impetuous natures. As salespeople, they have few equals and jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are perfect for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers, they might be somewhat overbearing, but they are always fair and rational. Badgers don't exhibit much of an ego and – while rooting for opportunities, always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.
A bearlike animal with short, powerful legs and strong claws, the badger is armed with musk glands (like its close relative the skunk), and relies on its powerful and stocky three-foot-long body to protect itself. Because of their nocturnal habits, they are rarely observed in the wild, although they are common throughout Northern Europe and the United States. A badger's response to danger can be quite astonishing. When threatened, the hair on its body stands on end and it suddenly looks twice its normal size. When combined with a violent snarling sound, its blustering reaction is enough to frighten off any would-be predator.
Engineer • Soldier • Reporter • Police
 Basketball • Gambling • Golfing • Hunting • Fishing • Debating
As a hot-blooded mammal, the badger thrives on the excitement of new relationships and sexual conquests. But this incorrigible flirt and voracious lover is untraditional when it comes to matters of romance... no roses and chocolates for this feisty character. To celebrate an anniversary, it's more likely to be found climbing a mountain than spending a quiet night at home.
When a badger finally does settle down, it usually mates for life and proves to be a passionate and committed partner. Loyalty is imperative to the badger, and it is not shy about demanding reciprocation; nothing is more unpleasant than dealing with a badger who feels cheated. Partners who manage to accept their intense natures will experience an exquisite and unrelenting love affair.
These carnivorous personalities appreciate someone who can give them a run for their money, and when kept guessing, badgers will respond with a high level of interest. The adventurous spirit of the canine family particularly intrigues them and the badger's finest moments come in a relationship with the intellectually challenging and physically adept wild dog. Sensitive animal personalities like mice, cottontails, porcupines, and peacocks are advised to give this aggressive animal a wide berth, while unions with stubborn bear, wolf or wildcat personalities can be quite fulfilling. With their common tenacious attitudes, these partnerships will retain their intensity for a long time.
Since badgers need a little challenge in their lives, all their partners are advised not to back down to their sometimes unreasonable demands.
Tagging: @changeling-prinx , @katanamasako , @pawnshopsouls , @daylightisminetoconsume , @healing-and-promises , @omalahsocs , @moonfrost-614-queen-of-darkness
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seaprofound · 4 years
Discover Your Animal Personality
You Are A Badger
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BADGER CHARACTERISTICS: Smallish • Patriotic • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive SCIENTIFIC NAME: Taxidea taxus COLLECTIVE TERM: A cete of badgers 
Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life’s challenges. Good-looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path.
Like most carnivores, badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and tend to be particularly well-dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities, but because of their small size, sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger’s tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. Having the heart of a tiger is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.
Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their heads. Their towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, they sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.
Badgers are highly regarded as leaders, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical statures can limit their political or business ambitions. This doesn’t deter them from running races they are destined to lose, for like their weasel cousins, badgers are opportunists and will team up with more thoughtful animal personalities to offset their impetuous natures. As salespeople, they have few equals and jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are perfect for the badger’s get-up-and-go personality. As managers, they might be somewhat overbearing, but they are always fair and rational. Badgers don’t exhibit much of an ego and – while rooting for opportunities, always generate a great deal of respect from their peers. 
Engineer • Soldier • Reporter • Police • Basketball • Gambling • Golfing • Hunting • Fishing • Debating
As a hot-blooded mammal, the badger thrives on the excitement of new relationships and sexual conquests. But this incorrigible flirt and voracious lover is nontraditional when it comes to matters of romance… no roses and chocolates for this feisty character. To celebrate an anniversary, it’s more likely to be found climbing a mountain than spending a quiet night at home.
When a badger finally does settle down, it usually mates for life and proves to be a passionate and committed partner. Loyalty is imperative to the badger, and it is not shy about demanding reciprocation; nothing is more unpleasant than dealing with a badger who feels cheated. Partners who manage to accept their intense natures will experience an exquisite and unrelenting love affair.
These carnivorous personalities appreciate someone who can give them a run for their money, and when kept guessing, badgers will respond with a high level of interest. The adventurous spirit of the canine family particularly intrigues them and the badger’s finest moments come in a relationship with the intellectually challenging and physically adept wild dog. Sensitive animal personalities like mice, cottontails, porcupines, and peacocks are advised to give this aggressive animal a wide berth, while unions with stubborn bear, wolf or wildcat personalities can be quite fulfilling. With their common tenacious attitudes, these partnerships will retain their intensity for a long time.
Since badgers need a little challenge in their lives, all their partners are advised not to back down to their sometimes unreasonable demands.
Wild Dog
Tagged by: nobody ‘cause I created it uwu Tagging: @lightbringer, @avisplumis, @blessdsun, @reignofolympus, @distrcss, @astrotechne, @extrahoo, @veneficiaregnat, @scoobysnacked, @hollowedpie, @ghostkiiing, @gulldrengur, @caelorex, @multimentium, @hellsholyground, @mcdgxd, @hellconsumed, @cauterisen, @limelited, @baltuism, @desxderium, @sinnedfirst, @rotinthedark, @hoopsheartthrob, @awolxsiblings, @grandtheftautobot, @pumpcursed, @heedingcalls, @seajudge, @insurgentt, @roipale, @vynepyre, @demonsired, @ichorflows & youuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!! just say that I tagged you, ok.
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Discover Your Animal Personality!
You Are A Badger! Badger Characteristics Smallish • Patriotic • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive Scientific Name: Taxidea taxus Collective Term: A cete of badgers
Confidence Personified Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path.
Badgers Surprise Everyone with their Toughness Like most carnivores badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and tend to be particularly well-dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities, but because of their small size, sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. Having the heart of a tiger is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall. Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.
Badgers in the Workplace Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their heads. Their towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, they sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight. Badgers are highly regarded as leaders, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical statures can limit their political or business ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, for like their weasel cousins, badgers are opportunists and will team up with more thoughtful animal personalities to offset their impetuous natures. As salespeople, they have few equals and jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are perfect for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers, they might be somewhat overbearing, but they are always fair and rational. Badgers don't exhibit much of an ego and – while rooting for opportunities, always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.
The Wild Badger A bearlike animal with short, powerful legs and strong claws, the badger is armed with musk glands (like its close relative the skunk), and relies on its powerful and stocky three-foot-long body to protect itself. Because of their nocturnal habits, they are rarely observed in the wild, although they are common throughout Northern Europe and the United States. A badger's response to danger can be quite astonishing. When threatened, the hair on its body stands on end and it suddenly looks twice its normal size. When combined with a violent snarling sound, its blustering reaction is enough to frighten off any would-be predator.
Careers & Hobbies Engineer • Soldier • Reporter • Police Basketball • Gambling • Golfing • Hunting • Fishing • Debating
Love & Friendship As a hot-blooded mammal, the badger thrives on the excitement of new relationships and sexual conquests. But this incorrigible flirt and voracious lover is untraditional when it comes to matters of romance... no roses and chocolates for this feisty character. To celebrate an anniversary, it's more likely to be found climbing a mountain than spending a quiet night at home.
When a badger finally does settle down, it usually mates for life and proves to be a passionate and committed partner. Loyalty is imperative to the badger, and it is not shy about demanding reciprocation; nothing is more unpleasant than dealing with a badger who feels cheated. Partners who manage to accept their intense natures will experience an exquisite and unrelenting love affair.
These carnivorous personalities appreciate someone who can give them a run for their money, and when kept guessing, badgers will respond with a high level of interest. The adventurous spirit of the canine family particularly intrigues them and the badger's finest moments come in a relationship with the intellectually challenging and physically adept wild dog. Sensitive animal personalities like mice, cottontails, porcupines, and peacocks are advised to give this aggressive animal a wide berth, while unions with stubborn bear, wolf or wildcat personalities can be quite fulfilling. With their common tenacious attitudes, these partnerships will retain their intensity for a long time.
Since badgers need a little challenge in their lives, all their partners are advised not to back down to their sometimes unreasonable demands.
Tagged By: Solen from @onehell-of-apilot   Tagging: @captnspck @poewingsdameron @sithdestined @belzinone @negotiaetor @boybountied @cfmartyrs @crispydiplomatbonkghost @belzinone @echoedforce @thaneirstaer @fshto @lvkexskywvlker @healeroffee @greyfulcrum @masterofthelivingforce   @psychometrictouch @cfmartyrs @startrailed @empathyjedi  @sithmade @xxanatoss @rcfekjwtaardby   @trustforce  @resistancexfighters @sarcasticxjedi  @regretdestined @thezabrakassassin @lady-proudmoore @anierous-sunblade  ...and everyone else who wants to do the prompt!    
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ixruiin · 4 years
BADGER CHARACTERISTICS Smallish • Patriotic • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive SCIENTIFIC NAME: Taxidea taxus COLLECTIVE TERM: A cete of badgers
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Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path.
Like most carnivores badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and tend to be particularly well-dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities, but because of their small size, sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. Having the heart of a tiger is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.
Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.
Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their heads. Their towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, they sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.
Badgers are highly regarded as leaders, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical statures can limit their political or business ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, for like their weasel cousins, badgers are opportunists and will team up with more thoughtful animal personalities to offset their impetuous natures. As salespeople, they have few equals and jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are perfect for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers, they might be somewhat overbearing, but they are always fair and rational. Badgers don't exhibit much of an ego and – while rooting for opportunities, always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.
A bearlike animal with short, powerful legs and strong claws, the badger is armed with musk glands (like its close relative the skunk), and relies on its powerful and stocky three-foot-long body to protect itself. Because of their nocturnal habits, they are rarely observed in the wild, although they are common throughout Northern Europe and the United States. A badger's response to danger can be quite astonishing. When threatened, the hair on its body stands on end and it suddenly looks twice its normal size. When combined with a violent snarling sound, its blustering reaction is enough to frighten off any would-be predator.
Engineer • Soldier • Reporter • Police Basketball • Gambling • Golfing • Hunting • Fishing • Debating
As a hot-blooded mammal, the badger thrives on the excitement of new relationships and sexual conquests. But this incorrigible flirt and voracious lover is untraditional when it comes to matters of romance... no roses and chocolates for this feisty character. To celebrate an anniversary, it's more likely to be found climbing a mountain than spending a quiet night at home.
When a badger finally does settle down, it usually mates for life and proves to be a passionate and committed partner. Loyalty is imperative to the badger, and it is not shy about demanding reciprocation; nothing is more unpleasant than dealing with a badger who feels cheated. Partners who manage to accept their intense natures will experience an exquisite and unrelenting love affair.
These carnivorous personalities appreciate someone who can give them a run for their money, and when kept guessing, badgers will respond with a high level of interest. The adventurous spirit of the canine family particularly intrigues them and the badger's finest moments come in a relationship with the intellectually challenging and physically adept wild dog. Sensitive animal personalities like mice, cottontails, porcupines, and peacocks are advised to give this aggressive animal a wide berth, while unions with stubborn bear, wolf or wildcat personalities can be quite fulfilling. With their common tenacious attitudes, these partnerships will retain their intensity for a long time.
Since badgers need a little challenge in their lives, all their partners are advised not to back down to their sometimes unreasonable demands.
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What animal are you?
Teresa Lisbon
BADGER CHARACTERISTICS Smallish • Patriotic • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive SCIENTIFIC NAME: Taxidea taxus COLLECTIVE TERM: A cete of badgers
Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path.
Like most carnivores badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and tend to be particularly well-dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities, but because of their small size, sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. Having the heart of a tiger is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.
Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.
Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their heads. Their towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, they sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.
Badgers are highly regarded as leaders, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical statures can limit their political or business ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, for like their weasel cousins, badgers are opportunists and will team up with more thoughtful animal personalities to offset their impetuous natures. As salespeople, they have few equals and jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are perfect for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers, they might be somewhat overbearing, but they are always fair and rational. Badgers don't exhibit much of an ego and – while rooting for opportunities, always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.
A bearlike animal with short, powerful legs and strong claws, the badger is armed with musk glands (like its close relative the skunk), and relies on its powerful and stocky three-foot-long body to protect itself. Because of their nocturnal habits, they are rarely observed in the wild, although they are common throughout Northern Europe and the United States. A badger's response to danger can be quite astonishing. When threatened, the hair on its body stands on end and it suddenly looks twice its normal size. When combined with a violent snarling sound, its blustering reaction is enough to frighten off any would-be predator.
Engineer • Soldier • Reporter • Police Basketball • Gambling • Golfing • Hunting • Fishing • Debating
As a hot-blooded mammal, the badger thrives on the excitement of new relationships and sexual conquests. But this incorrigible flirt and voracious lover is untraditional when it comes to matters of romance... no roses and chocolates for this feisty character. To celebrate an anniversary, it's more likely to be found climbing a mountain than spending a quiet night at home.
When a badger finally does settle down, it usually mates for life and proves to be a passionate and committed partner. Loyalty is imperative to the badger, and it is not shy about demanding reciprocation; nothing is more unpleasant than dealing with a badger who feels cheated. Partners who manage to accept their intense natures will experience an exquisite and unrelenting love affair.
These carnivorous personalities appreciate someone who can give them a run for their money, and when kept guessing, badgers will respond with a high level of interest. The adventurous spirit of the canine family particularly intrigues them and the badger's finest moments come in a relationship with the intellectually challenging and physically adept wild dog. Sensitive animal personalities like mice, cottontails, porcupines, and peacocks are advised to give this aggressive animal a wide berth, while unions with stubborn bear, wolf or wildcat personalities can be quite fulfilling. With their common tenacious attitudes, these partnerships will retain their intensity for a long time.
Since badgers need a little challenge in their lives, all their partners are advised not to back down to their sometimes unreasonable demands.
Tagged By: @copadjacent
Tagging: Steal it.
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kalijhomentethi · 4 years
The Animal In you
BADGER CHARACTERISTICS: Smallish • Patriotic • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive SCIENTIFIC NAME: Taxidea taxus COLLECTIVE TERM: A cete of badgers
Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium-sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path.
Like most carnivores badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and tend to be particularly well-dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities, but because of their small size, sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. Having the heart of a tiger is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.
Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.
Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their heads. Their towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, they sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.
Badgers are highly regarded as leaders, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical statures can limit their political or business ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, for like their weasel cousins, badgers are opportunists and will team up with more thoughtful animal personalities to offset their impetuous natures. As salespeople, they have few equals and jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are perfect for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers, they might be somewhat overbearing, but they are always fair and rational. Badgers don't exhibit much of an ego and – while rooting for opportunities, always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.
A bearlike animal with short, powerful legs and strong claws, the badger is armed with musk glands (like its close relative the skunk), and relies on its powerful and stocky three-foot-long body to protect itself. Because of their nocturnal habits, they are rarely observed in the wild, although they are common throughout Northern Europe and the United States. A badger's response to danger can be quite astonishing. When threatened, the hair on its body stands on end and it suddenly looks twice its normal size. When combined with a violent snarling sound, its blustering reaction is enough to frighten off any would-be predator.
As a hot-blooded mammal, the badger thrives on the excitement of new relationships and sexual conquests. But this incorrigible flirt and voracious lover is untraditional when it comes to matters of romance... no roses and chocolates for this feisty character. To celebrate an anniversary, it's more likely to be found climbing a mountain than spending a quiet night at home.
When a badger finally does settle down, it usually mates for life and proves to be a passionate and committed partner. Loyalty is imperative to the badger, and it is not shy about demanding reciprocation; nothing is more unpleasant than dealing with a badger who feels cheated. Partners who manage to accept their intense natures will experience an exquisite and unrelenting love affair.
These carnivorous personalities appreciate someone who can give them a run for their money, and when kept guessing, badgers will respond with a high level of interest. The adventurous spirit of the canine family particularly intrigues them and the badger's finest moments come in a relationship with the intellectually challenging and physically adept wild dog. Sensitive animal personalities like mice, cottontails, porcupines, and peacocks are advised to give this aggressive animal a wide berth, while unions with stubborn bear, wolf or wildcat personalities can be quite fulfilling. With their common tenacious attitudes, these partnerships will retain their intensity for a long time.
Since badgers need a little challenge in their lives, all their partners are advised not to back down to their sometimes unreasonable demands.
Akali might also be an eagle.
EAGLE CHARACTERISTICS: Attractive • Self-confident • Impatient SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aquila chrysaetos COLLECTIVE TERM:  A convocation of eagles
“There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.” - Carl Sandburg
Universally admired for its soaring spirit, the eagle has a striking presence that exudes a powerful sexual energy. As is typical of bird personalities, their high metabolisms make them edgy and unable to remain in one place for long. These fascinating creatures are natural explorers and nothing gets their juices flowing more than an exotic locale and their effervescence makes them appealing lovers. However, their obsession for freedom makes them difficult creatures to tame.
Sleek and well groomed, the eagle's looks are striking, even if they occasionally have minor aesthetic flaws (perhaps a bald spot or big nose), and they exude a strong sexual energy that turns heads. They enjoy most outdoor activities and have a particular affinity for extreme sports like sky diving, rock climbing, or bungee jumping.
Eagles do not adjust well to the confines of office work where they easily become unsettled and perform poorly, unless the work is creative and challenging.
Outdoor jobs are coveted, and eagles enjoy working in the hot sun as a construction worker, serving in a natural setting as a park ranger or piloting the friendly skies. The proverbial legal eagle, they also enjoy the creative freedom of litigation, police, and detective work. However, eagles do not adjust well to the confines of office work. When they find themselves in this kind of career they become unsettled and perform poorly, unless the work is creative and challenging.
Eagles are truly at their best when performing for others. Like the wild eagle whose aerial displays attract a large audience, they are in their element when singing, acting, or telling stories. But their enthusiasm for life comes at a price -- because even when their spirits are low -- they feel obliged to always seem upbeat.
Perhaps from its use on the seal of the United States of America, the eagle has become the most familiar of birds. Most eagles are solitary and only come together in groups when prey is plentiful.
Eagles take a variety of small animals for food and are not averse to eating carrion, and a spectacular method of feeding is the eagle's habit of robbing ospreys. By constantly harrying an osprey carrying a captured fish, the eagle forces the bird to drop the fish, and sometimes they will even grab the fish from the osprey's talons while in mid-flight.
Eagles are quite comfortable with their own company, and prefer to first feather their nests -- by achieving a level of success in their personal lives -- before rushing into commitment.  They relish the challenges that intimacy brings and, when they do tie the knot, their strong nesting instincts make them loyal and dedicated partners. Eagles are attracted mainly to independent mammal personalities like the fox, wolf, and wildcat, but they are not above trolling for companionship amongst smaller animal personalities:  mice, snakes, shrews, and moles are particularly vulnerable to the eagle's lusty appetites.
Ultimately, the eagle's perfect match is the mountain goat with whom it shares a love for solitude and mountain top vistas. There is an instant connection with these enigmatic animals and the relationship is destined for great heights.
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stabby-apologist · 5 years
Collective Names for Animals
When animals gather in collective groups, they are called the following:
Apes: a shrewdness
Badgers: a cete
Bats: a colony or a camp
Bears: a sloth or a sleuth
Bees: a swarm
Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy
Camels: a caravan
Cats: a clowder or a glaring,
Kittens: a litter or a kindle,
Wild cats: a destruction
Cobras: a quiver
Crocodiles: a bask
Crows: a murder
Dogs: a pack,
Puppies: a litter
Donkeys: a drove
Eagles: a convocation
Elephants: a parade
Elk: a gang or a herd
Falcons: a cast
Ferrets: a business
Fish: a school
Flamingos: a stand
Fox: a charm
Frogs: an army
Geese: a gaggle
Giraffes: a tower
Gorillas: a band
Hippopotami: a bloat
Hyenas: a cackle
Jaguars: a shadow
Jellyfish: a smack
Kangaroos: a troop or a mob
Lemurs: a conspiracy
Leopards: a leap
Lions: a pride
Moles: a labor
Monkeys: a barrel or a troop
Mules: a pack
Otters: a family
Oxen: a team or a yoke
Owls: a parliament
Parrots: a pandemonium
Pigs: a drift or drove (younger pigs) or a sounder or a team (older pigs)
Porcupines: a prickle
Rabbits: a herd
Rats: a colony
Ravens: an unkindness
Rhinoceroses: a crash
Shark: a shiver
Skunk: a stench
Snakes: a nest
Squirrels: a dray or a scurry
Stingrays: a fever
Swans: a bevy or a game (if in flight: a wedge)
Tigers: an ambush or a streak
Toads: a knot
Turkeys: a gang or a rafter
Turtles: a bale or a nest
Weasels: a colony, a gang or a pack
Whales: a pod, a school, or a gam
Wolves: a pack
Zebras: a zeal
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arsalanweaver-blog · 5 years
Kako zaraditi novce
Online poslovi za rad kod kuce se sve aktualniji, kako za ljude koji zele da rade tako i za poslodavce. Vecina ljudi bi voljela da je u mogucnosti da zaradi novac na Internetu radom od kuce. Medutim, pronalazenje legalnog online posla koji bi mogli raditi od kuce za mnoge nije nimalo lako. Postoji hiljade firmi koje nude legalne online poslove za rad od kuce ali njihovo pronalazenje zahtjeva dosta rada i znanja. Naravno, otezavajuca okolnost su i mnostvo online prevara vezanih za ovu vrstu poslova. Veliki broj ljudi koji traze poslove s kojima moze da se ostvari online zarada lako postaju zrtve online prevara. To je razlog zasto postoje neke kompanije koje ulazu novac i vrijeme na pronalazenje online poslova cineci ih dostupnim ljudima koji traze dodatnu zaradu sa radom od kuce. Neke od ovih kompanija nude ove informacije kao besplatnu mogucnost za sve zainteresirane za rad kod kuce, dok neke naplacuju naknadu za pokrivanje svojih troskova (vrijeme koje oni provode u pretrazivanju i pronalazenju ovih poslova). U vrijeme pisanja ovog clanka ponuda ovih kompanije je bila relevantna i tada nije bilo nikakvih indikatora koji bi govorili da se radi o prevari, naprotiv, reference su im bile dobre a poslovi stvarni. Ukazivanjem na mogucnost da se radi o mogucoj prevari, provjerili smo ponovo ove kompanije i utvrdili da njihova ponuda nije kao sto je tada bila i da postoje opravdane sumnje u mogucu prevaru. Nadamo se da cete razumjeti da smo imali najbolje namjere i da svakako nismo zeljeli da preporucujemo potencijalne online prevare. Nakon ovog gorkog iskustva, ocigledno je da cemo morati da se vratimo nekim nasim ranijim clancima i provjerimo njihovu trenutnu vjerodostojnost. Trenutno najpopularniji sajtovi na kojima mozete pronaci online poslove (i koje sa sigurnoscu mozemo preporuciti) su Freelancer.com, Elance.com, oDesk.com i vWorker.com.
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EmailPostingJobs.com je jedna od kompanija koja naplacuje svoje usluge ali zato nudi jedan od najlaksih nacina da zaradite novac na Internetu koji je inace jako tesko pronaci. Posao je slanje e-mailova. U osnovi, vi ste placeni za slanje e-mailova kompanije njenim klijentima. Placeni ste za svaki e-mail koji posaljete. Zarada se krece od 5 dolara pa do 25 dolara za svaki e-mail koji posaljete. Jedina stvar koju morate imati da bi mogli raditi ovaj posao od kuce jeste e-mail adresa. To je sve! My Data Team Global: Prije svega treba reci da i u ovom slucaju kompanija naplacuje svoje troskove a nudi mozda trenutno najtrazeniji online posao za rad od kuce a to je unos podataka. My Data Team Global je jedna od najpoznatijih i najpouzdanijih kompanija koja nudi poslove unosa podataka. Njihova ponuda poslova unosa podataka od kuce ukljucuje tradicionalne poslove unosa podataka, obradu teksta, generalnu transkripciju, poslovne kodiranje, snimanje podataka, pretrazivanje podataka i ostalo. Dobra stvar ove kompanije jeste ta da su dizajnirali svoje poslove unosa podataka na nacin da svako moze da ih obavlja, jednostavno i lako. Dakle, nije vam potrebno nikakvo iskustvo da bi kako zaraditi novce radeci od kuce poslove unosa podataka. Kod vecine ovih poslova, za njihovo obavljanje je potrebno samo 30 do 40 minuta dnevno. Naravno, vi mozete da uzmete vise poslova, radite vise i zaradite vise. ProfitArticle.com naplacuje naknadu korisnicima kojima nudi poslove pisanja clanaka za web sajtove i kompanije. Postoje na hiljade web sajtova kojima je potreban novi sadrzaj svakog dana. ProfitArticle.com je kompanija koja pronalazi ove poslove i nudi ih ljudima koji zele na ovaj nacin da zaraditi novac na Internetu. Jedan od glavnih razloga zasto je jako mnogo ljudi odustalo od pokusaja da rade od kuce jeste taj da je vecina poslova bila neka prodaja. Pisanje clanaka se svodi na to da vi dobijete temu o kojoj treba da napisete clanak i sajt na koji da ga dostavit. To je to! U zavisnosti od toga koliko vremena i truda ste spremni uloziti u pisanje, mozete ostvariti zaradu do 150 dolara dnevno. LocalDataEntryJobs.com je dobro poznata i pouzdana kompanija koja svojim clanovima besplatno nudi online poslove za veliki broj poslodavaca. Jedini zahtjev je da imate racunar i pristup Internetu. Mozete da radite od kuce, kada zelite i koliko zelite, sve dok posao odradujete u zadanom roku. Iznos novca koji moze da zaradite zavisi od vrste posla koja je na raspolaganju, vase sposobnosti i spremnosti da naporno radite i naravno, broja utrosenih sati.
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rideretremando · 2 years
Nomi collettivi di animali in inglese
Apes: a shrewdness
Badgers: a cete
Bats: a colony, cloud or camp
Bears: a sloth or sleuth
Bees: a swarm
Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy
Camels: a caravan
Cats: a clowder or glaring; Kittens: a litter or kindle; Wild cats: a destruction
Cobras: a quiver
Crocodiles: a bask
Crows: a murder
Dogs: a pack; Puppies: a litter
Donkeys: a drove
Eagles: a convocation
Elephants: a parade
Elk: a gang or a herd
Falcons: a cast
Ferrets: a business
Fish: a school
Flamingos: a stand
Foxes: a skulk or leash
Frogs: an army
Geese: a gaggle
Giraffes: a tower
Gorillas: a band
Hippopotami: a bloat
Hyenas: a cackle
Jaguars: a shadow
Jellyfish: a smack
Kangaroos: a troop or mob
Lemurs: a conspiracy
Leopards: a leap
Lions: a pride
Moles: a labor
Monkeys: a barrel or troop
Mules: a pack
Otters: a family
Oxen: a team or yoke
Owls: a parliament
Parrots: a pandemonium
Pigs: a drift or drove (younger pigs), or a sounder or team (older pigs)
Porcupines: a prickle
Rabbits: a herd
Rats: a colony
Ravens: an unkindness
Rhinoceroses: a crash
Shark: a shiver
Skunk: a stench
Snakes: a nest
Squirrels: a dray or scurry
Stingrays: a fever
Swans: a bevy or game (if in flight: a wedge)
Tigers: an ambush or streak
Toads: a knot
Turkeys: a gang or rafter
Turtles: a bale or nest
Weasels: a colony, gang or pack
Whales: a pod, school, or gam
Wolves: a pack
Zebras: a zeal
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pedro-pascall · 6 years
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fabulousfabes · 4 years
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So it’s a flock of birds and a parade/heard of elephants, you herd? —Whenever animals gather in groups, they are formally called: Apes: a shrewdness of Badgers: a cete of Bats: a colony, cloud or camp of Bears: a sloth or sleuth of Bees: a swarm of Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy of Camels: a caravan of Cats: a clowder or glaring of; Kittens: a litter or kindle of; Wild cats: a destruction Cobras: a quiver of Crocodiles: a bask of Crows: a murder of Dogs: a pack of; Puppies: a litter of Donkeys: a drove of Eagles: a convocation of Elephants: a parade of Elk: a gang or a herd of Falcons: a cast of Ferrets: a business of Fish: a school of Flamingos: a stand of Foxes: a skulk or leash of Frogs: an army of Geese: a gaggle of Giraffes: a tower of Gorillas: a band of Hippopotami: a bloat of Hyenas: a cackle of Jaguars: a shadow of Jellyfish: a smack of Kangaroos: a troop or mob of Lemurs: a conspiracy of Leopards: a leap of Lions: a pride of Moles: a labor of Monkeys: a barrel or troop of Mules: a pack of Otters: a family of Oxen: a team or yoke of Owls: a parliament of Parrots: a pandemonium of Pigs: a drift or drove of (younger pigs), or a sounder or team of (older pigs) Porcupines: a prickle of Rabbits: a herd of Rats: a colony of Ravens: an unkindness of Rhinoceroses: a crash of Shark: a shiver of Skunk: a stench of Snakes: a nest of Squirrels: a dray or scurry of Stingrays: a fever of Swans: a bevy or game of (if in flight: a wedge of) Tigers: an ambush or streak of Toads: a knot of Turkeys: a gang or rafter of Turtles: a bale or nest of Weasels: a colony, gang or pack of Whales: a pod, school, or gam of Wolves: a pack of Zebras: a zeal of (at Medellín, Antioquia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFnhTzEjeff/?igshid=1a3jex81diwwo
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frodofeels · 7 years
important information you definitely need
alpaca: a group of alpacas is called a herd and a baby alpaca is called a cria antelope: a group of antelopes is called a herd and a baby antelope is called a calf ape: a group of apes is called a shrewdness and a baby ape is called a baby or infant baboon: a group of baboons is called a troop and a baby baboon is called an infant badger: a group of badgers is called a cete and a baby badger is called a cup or kit bat: a group of bats is called a colony and a baby bat is called a pup bear: a group of bears is called a sleuth and a baby bear is called a cub bee: a group of bees is called a colony, swam or hive and a baby bee is called a larva or pupa beluga: a group of belugas is called a pod and a baby beluga is called a calf buffalo: a group of buffalos is called a herd and a baby buffalo is called a calf camel: a group of camels is called a caravan or flock and a baby camel is called a calf cat: a group of cats is called a clowder and a baby cat is called a kitten cattle/cow: a group of cows is called a herd and a baby cow is called a calf cheetah: a group of cheetahs is called a coalition and a baby cheetah is called a cub chicken: a group of chickens is called a flock and a baby chicken is called a chick crocodile: a group of crocodiles is called a congregation or float and a baby crocodile is called a hatchling crow: a group of crows is called a murder and a baby crow is called a chick deer: a group of deers is called a herd and a baby deer is called a fawn dog: a group of dogs is called a pack and a baby dog is called a puppy or pup dolphin: a group of dolphins is called a pod and a baby dolphin is called a calf donkey: a group of donkeys is called a herd and a baby donkey is called a foal duck: a group of ducks is called a flock or bunch and a baby duck is called a duckling eagle: a group of eagles is called a convocation and a baby eagle is called a fledgling elephant: a group of elephants is called a herd or a parade and a baby elephant is called a calf emu: a group of emus is called a mob and a baby emu is called a chick or hatchling falcon: a group of falcons is called a cast and a baby falcon is called a chick ferret: a group of ferrets is called a business and a baby ferret is called a kit fish: a group of fish is called a school and a baby fish is called a fry fox: a group of foxes is called a lead or skulk and a baby fox is called a cub or kit frog: a group of frogs is called an army and a baby frog is called a tadpole or froglet giraffe: a group of giraffes is called a herd and a baby giraffe is called a calf goat: a group of goats is called a herd and a baby goat is called a kid goose: a group of goose is called a flock or gaggle and a baby goose is called a gosling gorilla: a group of gorillas is called a band and a baby gorilla is called an infant hamster: a group of hamsters is called a horde and a baby hamster is called a pup hare: a group of hares is called a warren and a baby hare is called a leveret hedgehog: a group of hedgehogs is called an array and a baby hedgehog is called a pup or piglet hippo: a group of hippos is called a pod or float and a baby hippo is called a calf horse: a group of horses is called a stud, drove or stable and a baby horse is called a foal hyena: a group of hyenas is called a clan and a baby hyena is called a cub or pup jellyfish: a group of jellyfish is called a swarm or bloom and a baby jellyfish is called an ephyna kangaroo: a group of kangaroos is called a court or a troop and a baby kangaroo is called a joey koalas: a group of koalas is technically called a colony, but koalas are solitary and a baby koala is called a joey  lark: a group of larks is called an exaltation and a baby lark is called a chick lemur: a group of lemurs is called a congress or a conspiracy and a baby lemur is called an infant leopard: a group of leopards is called a leap and a baby leopard is called a cub lion: a group of lions is called a pride and a baby lion is called a cub llama: a group of llamas is called a herd or flock and a baby llama is called a cria manatee: a group of manatees is called an aggregation and a baby manatee is called a calf meerkat: a group of meerkat is called a mob and a baby meerkat is called a pup mole: a group of moles is called a labour and a baby mole is called a pup  monkey: a group of monkeys is called a troop and a baby monkey is called an infant moose: a group of moose is called a herd and a baby moose is called a calf mouse: a group of mice is called a colony or horde and a baby mouse is called a pup or kitten narwhal: a group of narwhal is called a blessing and a baby narwhal is called a calf opossum: a group of opossums is called a passel and a baby opossum is called a joey ostrich: a group of ostriches is called a flock and a baby ostrich is called a chick otter: a group of otters is called a family or raft and a baby otter is called a whelp or pup owl: a group of owls is called a parliament and a baby owl is called a fledgling oyster: a group of oysters is called a bed and a baby oyster is called a spat  panda: a group of pandas is called a sleuth and a baby panda is called a cub peacock: a group of peacocks is called an ostentation and a baby peacock is called a peachick pelican: a group of pelican is called a pod and a baby pelican is called a chick penguin: a group of penguins is called a rookery and a baby penguin is called a chick pig: a group of pigs is called a drove and a baby pig is called a piglet  platypus: a group of platypuses does not have a name (sad face) and a baby platypus is called a puggle polar bear: a group of polar bears is called a celebration and a baby polar bear is called a cub porcupine: a group of porcupine is called a prickle and a baby porcupine is called a pup rabbit: a group of rabbits is called a colony or warren and a baby rabbit is called a kit or bunny raccoon: a group of raccoons is called a nursery and a baby raccoon is called a cub  rat: a group of rats is called a colony, pack, or plague and a baby rat is called a kitten or pup raven: a group of ravens is called an unkindness and a baby raven is called a chick red panda: a group of red panda is called a pack and a baby red panda is called a cub rhinoceros: a group of rhinos is called a crash and a baby rhino is called a calf salmon: a group of salmon is called a run and a baby salmon is called a par  sea horse: a group of sea horse is called a shoal and a baby sea horse is called a foal seal: a group of seals is called a pod and a baby seal is called a pup shark: a group of sharks is called a school or shiver and a baby shark is called a pup  sheep: a group of sheep is called a flock and a baby sheep is called a lamb snake: a group of snakes is called a nest and a baby snake is called a snakelet spider: a group of spiders is called a cluster and a baby spider is called a spiderling squid: a group of squid is called a shoal or audience and a baby squid is called a hatchling squirrel: a group of squirrels is called a dray and a baby squirrel is called a pup or kit swan: a group of swans is called a team or herd and a baby swan is called a cygnet  tiger: a group of tigers is called an ambush and a baby tiger is called a cub turkey: a group of turkeys is called a rafter and a baby turkey is called a poult turtle: a group of turtle is called a bale and a baby turtle is called a hatchling vulture: a group of vultures is called a venue and a baby vulture is called a chick walrus: a group of walrus is called a herd or pod and a baby walrus is called a pup whale: a group of whales is called a pod or herd and a baby whale is called a calf wolf: a group of wolves is called a pack and a baby wolf is called a pup or whelp wombat: a group of wombats is called a mob and a baby wombat is called a joey yak: a group of yak is called a herd and a baby yak is called a calf zebra: a group of zebra is called a herd and a baby zebra is called a foal or colt 
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vasilinaorlova · 7 years
ultima thule
speaking about hieroglyphic verse and ideographs, although they are under no obligation to make sense, it is great to encounter in them the euphony, the sonic bliss, transforming text into the polyphonic prose and restructuring the architectonics of the work. although the devices should not preclude us from getting the sense of what it is that is being said, like in the wonderful example from The Book of Forms by Lewis Putnam Turco:
“Synonymia is a paraphrase in parallel structures (“I love you; you are my beloved”); synthesis is consequence in parallel structures (“I love you; therefore, I am yours”); antithesis is the opposition of ideas (antinomy) expressed in parallel structures (“I love you, and I loathe you”); auxesis is the building up, in parallel structures, of a catalog or series that ultimately closes at the zenith (high point) of the set (the climax: “I love your eyes, hair, breasts; I love the way you walk and speak; I love you”). Epithomema is climactic summation at the conclusion of a sequence.” (Turco, 2012, 11) (emphases are the author’s, dotingly preserved, of course). I’d like to hear my streams read one day in their entirety (in which case everything that is written across one line should be pronounced simultaneously, maybe in one voice, maybe in different voices), but good declaimers are extremely rare. I once heard The Waste Land read in (I think it was The Waste Land but perhaps it was The Love Song) many voices; it was brutal. poetry cannot be read with theatrical intonations. I’ll leave the instructions to every possible turn of events concerning this text in the text itself. the universe rotates around the Earth in a fantastic flowery pattern.  university is anxiety materialized. collective paranoia.  so this emoticon had white gloves and whenever you signed out, it waved at you with its white little palm, a yellow round face flattened with a knowing smile.                           gloved gatekeeper                       ridiculous.           little vacuole of vacuum       Proust    Faust        autodidact      augur under the auspices of suspicious Zeus                                        I am fond of wearing corpses                                                                          corsets                                                                      who cares somersault: head over heels a soft leap of a spring–                                    zving!                                                                       the fish pomegranate                                                                       has wondrous caviar:                                         every bubble explodes on a biter’s teeth                             producing the most pleasant (albeit somewhat toooily)                      sensation ripe like a heavy mango:                               o, open palms and it falls. it has started a long travel of decay, acquired a black looong mark on its ready to burst side and I pity the mango, o, it is a lovely sight.                                    it springs                                       it sprouts                                         a bulbous root                                           cracks                                              it gleams                                     it has a beak                                     the ultratulip                                     ultima thule                                     mad mercurial glint endure the durée of silence, a Durer of vinegar and wine, vengeance and parlance                                               anagram                                        a maze:                                        the lion’s mane                                                                         suppose he is:                                                                         suppose she is:                                                memoir                                              grimoire                                           grimmer                                       primrose neoplatonic atheist.                                     collecting the group names of animals for years, he learned that zebras form a zeal, whereas worms a clew (a gluey word), wolves a pack in general but route in moving; weasles form a gang, and whales, a mod; vultures form venues but while circling, kettle; turkeys, rafter; toads, knot; tigers, ambush; termites, brood, but ants, army–although termits and ants are equally apt to form colonies and nests–bacteria put together a culture, and albatrosses, rookery; baboons, troop; badgers, cete; barracudas, battery; bats, cloud; bloodhounds, sute; camels, flock; cats, pounce or clatter, and sometimes nuisance, but as kittens, they form kindle and litter. cheetahs make coalition, whereas coyots, band; crabs organized cast; deer, leash; dolphins, pod; ducks, team or paddling; foxes, skulk; giraffes, tower; goats, tribe; hedgehogs, array; kangaroos, herd; nightingales, watch; pekingese, pomp; porkupines, prickle; jackrabbits, husk, but young rabbits are called nest; salmon, run; sharks, shiver or school; snails in groups are known to bring into existence the escargatoire; and swans, bevy. school of angels. flock of demons. the university mail after the winter break suggests horseback riding classes. a postcard! what is this? who sent it? reveal yourself, mysterious stranger. misanthropology. I think Nigel Thrift introduced “misanthropy” into anthropological discourse, but we’ll likely hear more on it. something visceral. Jesus Christ is crucified on the clock hands. poetry is disappointingly vague, quite unlike technical manuals. oh those were your epistles! late realizations. he invented a new material. neither rubber, nor plastic, but something in between. this material was pretty much good for no one knew what. one could produce something like paper out of it, that is to say, relatively thin, even pieces. he demonstrated a powerpoint image with a paper airplane. “all kinds of things can be made.” only it was not a paper airplane but a new-material airplane. it was all the laboratory could come out with. I suggested, a book could be eventually made out of it. “yes,” he replied, “but the issue here is, we do not know yet how toxic this new material is exactly.”                                                                                      language is sea                                                                                   elements                                                    sea but not of water                                                    of fire I think someone (Limonov, I think) lost his manuscript in prison and restored it. Nadezhda Mandelstam restored her husband’s (Osip Mandelstam’s) poems out of memory. I think it’d be swell if she did not recollect them in fact but simply wrote them herself. I do not believe it was questioned though for the distinctiveness of his style, also his poems were rhymed, which did make it possible to memorize them. it takes a much shrewder memory to store unrhymed poetry. we do memorize impressions, not words. not bits of information but something that moved us. lost manuscripts trope. libraries set on fire. I am a Herostratus at heart. I’d burn a lot. make letters perish. I wrote on the need of preserving archives, I cannot fathom why.    what a strange remark Tony Webster made when I visited him last time in his office! he said English words starting with a “z” were–what?–salty?                                                   salty?                             salty or yellow? I cannot now exactly remember. I only now am thinking about it.           I saw professor today, and he informed me that words starting with “z“ are marked, as well as the words starting with “x,” in English (mark is something that makes something un-normal), just as in Navajo words containing “m” are strange–“m” is not amongst sounds you normally encounter. I remember Nabokov (reclining in a chair, in a canvas suit, and glasses in heart-shaped frames, famous Lolita sunglasses (I believe)) claimed that letters have different colors, and of that same opinion his wife Véra was–perhaps it was something common in perception of some group of the time (but for whom? Russian kids growing up in the upper middle class and higher class families?); however of course they had different colors for different letters. well, I don’t know if letters have colors, with the exception of “A,” which (like Derrida frames it, is “the first letter, if the alphabet, and most of the speculations which have ventured into it, are to be believed.” (Derrida, Différance, Margins, 3)) is in the perception of many, red.                                                   Malevich: font, color, form. Reference Turco, Lewis Putnam. The Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics Including Old and Invented Forms. University Press of New England, 2012.
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