#cause NONE of it ever translates to him treating people with more consideration
metanarrates · 2 years
I love talking to my older sibling about our dad because we always end up analyzing him like a bug in a jar. what is wrong with this man and what exactly makes him a cringefail father? find out now on the Two Transgender Siblings Show!
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 305: Worst Intervention Ever
Previously on BnHA: Shinomori, whose name took me an entire week to memorize, was all, “nice to meet you Deku, I’m ten feet tall, do you want to know how I died?” and without waiting for an answer explained that he kicked it from old age at forty thanks to good ol’ OFA. Deku was all “wait a minute, then how come All Might, who’s fifty-five and is definitely dyeing his gray hair, is still alive?” First and Shino were all, “we really have no fucking clue but we think it’s cuz he’s quirkless, JUST LIKE YOU!” So basically, since quirkless people don’t exactly grow on trees these days, Deku is probably going to be the last user of OFA. The chapter ended with Nana being all, “psst, Deku, about my grandson. Uh, can you kill him?” which is sure to lead to a very interesting conversation this week.
Today on BnHA: Nana And The Gang are all “so, Deku, how can we put this delicately. The thing is, we’re pretty sure that AFO really fucked my grandson up, so on the off chance you can’t save him, how would you feel about, you know... [throat slitting gesture].” Deku is all “idk you guys, I kinda feel like he’s really just a traumatized child at heart and he’s in a lot of pain and stuff and so I should try to help him.” The Vestiges are all “BUT WHAT IF YOU CAN’T” and Deku is all “BUT I WANT TO TRY, DAMMIT” and the Vestiges are all “well when you put it that way, we, uh, were just testing you, so congrats, you passed!” The chapter ends with First being all, “ANYWAY SO WHY DON’T YOU TWO SHY BOYS STANDING OVER THERE IN THE SHADOWS COME SAY HELLO” before we CUT AWAY FOR ANOTHER WEEK, goddammit.
seriously, Nana
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just... have you met Deku?? look, if you really want Tomura dead, just sic him on the U.A. first years and tell Shouto and Honenuki that it’s a training exercise
oh my god lmao
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we’re too far away to see Nana’s face here so I will just assume that she turned and is staring DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA for this one line lmao. “I just wanted to clarify in case anyone felt inclined to take my dialogue out of context and spend an entire week complaining about it”
oh my god?! are you all purposely trying to make me sad??
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someone stop me before I launch into an impromptu rant about all my Tomura feels. WHY IS NOBODY STOPPING ME. oh my god but yes, exactly. he’s just in pain all the time. this is exactly why I think Tomura has such high redemption potential even though so far he seems to lack so many of the redemption arc essentials such as feeling remorse, wanting to change, and taking responsibility for his actions. the reason why I’m willing to overlook all that in his case is because Tomura has essentially had zero agency his entire life. AFO molded him into a killer by making sure he was in constant mental agony, and making it so that the only thing that even slightly relieved that agony was killing peeps. like, please don’t think I’m making excuses for him or anything, but if you take a child and manipulate their existence to make it virtually impossible for that child to grow up as anything other than a killer, and basically never give him the chance to be anything else, then no shit he’s gonna be a killer?? he’s basically never had the choice not to be. it’s never been an option for him. anyways I feel like I am EXPLAINING MYSELF SO BADLY but nonetheless I am prepared to die on this hill
anyway so now Nana is all “that’s a rhetorical question btw because Our Hearts And Minds Are One so we can feel everything you feel bro.” so yeah, that’s interesting
now Banjou is getting started on the “let’s try and talk Deku out of wanting to save Tomura because it’s insane” part of their OFA Mystical Space Void Reunion agenda
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look, Banjou, I feel you, I really do. you guys don’t think it’s realistic that Deku can defeat Tomura without killing him. so if it’s a choice between killing Tomura vs letting Deku and everyone else in the entire world die, then duh, you think Deku should kill him. I get it! and if this were a real life mass murderer I’d totally agree with you. but the problem is that this isn’t real life, this is a sympathetic shounen villain with a tragic past who might as well have FUTURE REDEMPTION ARC RECEIPIENT stamped on his forehead at this point
so First is all “look, there’s absolutely no doubt my brother has fucked this kid up good and proper by now”, which, again, fair
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though, that’s kind of exactly my point though. everything that Tomura is, everything he’s done, he’s done because of AFO. AFO has so effectively shaped his personality and his worldview by this point that it’s all but impossible to penetrate that. he’s AFO’s puppet. but the problem is that rather than treating him like a victim, you all are treating him like a casualty. like he’s already a lost cause. but good luck trying to convince Deku of that
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way to still not reveal Sixth’s name, btw. THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW, DAMMIT. but also so this confirms something we basically already knew already, which is that not even AFO can steal OFA. it literally can’t be taken away by anyone unless the owner wills it. SO SUCK ON THAT AFO YOU EGG
(ETA: so I have no idea why this was omitted from this translation, but apparently the Sixth’s name was revealed as “En”, which is obviously not his full name but at least it’s something. also he most likely has a fire or smoke-related quirk based on the kanji used, 煙.)
so Banjou is saying that Deku’s “lack of an iron will” could be a disadvantage against AFO. hahaha what?? Midoriya “I’ll break all of my bones without blinking an eye just to protect someone” Izuku lacks an iron will? do tell
he says this is going to be a test of Deku’s determination. well yeah, no shit. but just not in the way you guys think
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darker hair again here! but I don’t trust the contrast in these scans at all after last week. his coveralls are way darker than they looked before too, and you can clearly see he’s standing in the shadows now
(ETA: yep, once again the raw shows that his hair is considerably lighter than what’s shown in these scans here. although there’s no mistaking now that his hair is consistently being colored in this slightly darker shade, and it’s not just the lighting.)
anyways lol First was saying something about how AFO can’t steal OFA, and they’ve spent all this time cultivating it as the ultimate weapon against AFO, and blah blah blah. go on then, keep lecturing
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girl what?? you did everything in your power to protect your family, and AFO, fucked up man that he is, targeted them anyway. there is one person and one person only to blame for what’s happened to Tomura, and that potato-faced asshole needs a good kick in the balls
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so now Nana is all “I’m just going to call my grandson a Thing to ensure that fandom has only the freshest, grass-fed no-hormones-added discourse this week”
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I don’t even need to drop into the tags to know exactly which specific people are going to respond to this, and what kind of posts they are going to write lmao. everyone’s all caught up in the “that thing”, and meanwhile I’m over here completely hung up on this “nay” that’s appeared out of NOWHERE you guys. look at that. she really said “NAY”
Nana, my love, my dearest, I feel you girl I really do. but he’s not an unforgivable manifestation of pure evil, Deku is exactly right actually, he’s a boy in pain. you guys need to stop questioning Deku’s shounen protagonist instincts here and just let him work his sparkly magic. “let’s try and convince Midoriya Fucking Izuku that he can’t save someone” is a plan that is NEVER going to turn out well you guys
“DEKU GODDAMMIT WHAT IF WE CAN’T SAVE HIM” lmao it’s like an intervention
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(ETA: I was too distracted with freaking out about Two and Three to really appreciate how ridiculously handsome First looks in this panel. but on my second readthrough it stood out so much that I had to go back and add an extra bullet point just to talk about how hot he is. look at him. wtf.)
so now Deku is launching into what will undoubtedly be a “saving people problems require SAVING PEOPLE SOLUTIONS” heroic counter-speech!
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I mean, they can already feel the “lol nah I’m gonna try and save him” feelings running through him lol. ~OuR hEaRtS aNd MiNdS aRe CoNnEcTeD~ and all that. this is just a formality, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love a good shounen protag speech
oh wait hold up, do you mean to tell me that the whole “hearts and minds are connected” thing I was just mocking just a paragraph ago actually allowed Deku to feel what Tomura was feeling?? like literally feel it??
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YET AGAIN these Tomura feels are pounding on my front door you guys?? they just will not quit?? people my house is already full of feels, does it look like I need you to sell me any more of them?? -- what do you mean, they’re free??
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I appreciate the contrast here between the Douchebag Triumvirate of Overhaul, Muscular, and Stain versus the Misguided Twosome of Gentle and La Brava. never let it be said that Deku doesn’t know the difference between a redeemable villain and an unredeemable one
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someone please help me I need directions to the OFA Spooky Galactic Nebula Realm in this fictional Japanese manga land. it’s not on google maps. I need to give these two babies a big hug and wrap them up in a blanket and treat them to some McDonalds Happy Meals please help
I just randomly remembered that Deku is still saying all of this in his muffled “FMMPHHMMPHMM” voice and I’m somehow cracking up lol. so actually it’s a very good thing Their Hearts And Minds Are Connected, otherwise they’d no doubt be all, “...what?”
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(ETA: so I completely missed this on account of it literally not being visible in the scan at all, but in the raw you can clearly see Baby Kacchan and Baby Shouto fanboying over All Might in two of these panels, and excuse me, ma’am??
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thank you very much Deku for including them in your montage, particularly since you’ve never seen Baby Shouto before lol. amazingly accurate image you managed to conjure up, all things considered.)
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HE’S SO ADORABLE HELP?? Trippy Space All Might looks like he’s about to cry, and First is all “don’t crack a smile... you have to be Firm and Serious here... dammit, don’t smile” omg
anyways! YOU GO DEKU. “MY QUIRK MY RULES, BITCHES” damn, son
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Deku is literally all “sure, maybe I’ll have to kill him, but have you guys also considered, MAYBE NOT??” it’s no use Nana he’s too powerful
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“like I’ve been saying this whole time, you should definitely try saving Shigaraki Tomura.” “but, uh... First, didn’t you just -- ” “shut up”
(ETA: clearly it’s not just his brother who inherited those smooth-talking genes.)
so now Deku has turned back into a sixteen year old and his clothes have gone missing again. just OFA things
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yes... sure... “testing” you...
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(ETA: and two-to-one odds that we cut away to some other scene once they finally start to turn around next week. I’M CALLING IT NOW. giving myself a week to brace myself for the rage.)
fucking hell. well if anyone needs me I will be adding Horikoshi fucking Kouhei to the list of irredeemable villains, peace
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merakiaes · 4 years
Pussy Whipped - Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
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Pairing: Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x reader
Requested: Yes. 
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: I lacked good ideas for dialogue in this one so this is shit, I’m sorry😂 Not proofread so sorry in advance for any possible mistakes. Translations for the Spanish bits are at the end. 
Wordcount: 2420
Summary: Mother nature pays you an early visit and Oscar treats you like the princess you are even though his Santos are watching. 
The weather was thriving outside, the air a perfect temperature and the sun shining down on all of Freridge. Yet, on this particular Saturday morning, you were absolutely miserable.
It was eleven o’clock and Oscar had been up for God knows how many hours already, while you had refused to leave your bed when the alarm had urged you to get up and get on with your day.
You’d had a lot planned for the day; chores like cleaning the house and switching out the broken lightbulb in the bathroom, and errands like going to the mall to get Cesar a new pair of shoes and go grocery shopping.
But no, as usual, mother nature chose the most inconvenient of times to pay you her monthly visit, never taking your planned cycle into much consideration.
With Oscar being in charge of Los Santos, he was always an early riser and you rarely woke up next to him, so in any other case, you didn’t mind.
But when you woke up this morning to a cold, empty bed, you had grown sad and started crying, and because of this realized pretty much instantly what was going on, even before the intense pains started.
But the cramps weren’t far behind, stopping you from getting out of bed any more than to go put in a tampon. After that, you had buried yourself under the mountain of blankets Oscar so stubbornly insisted that you slept with and cried even more because of the fact that they smelled like him and he wasn’t there to hold you.
You lost track of how long you laid there and just sulked, feeling sorry for yourself and craving everything you didn’t have in the house, but the second you heard people entering the house, followed shortly by Oscar’s voice cutting through the previously silent air, you defied the painful cramps radiating all through your abdomen and left the safety of your bed. 
It was with sulking and begrudging steps that you made your way out of your shared bedroom and headed straight for the living room.
With each step you took, the voices now speaking freely became louder, and you realized only then that your head was throbbing in sync with your uterus, making you cringe silently to yourself.
But you pushed on, desperate to be near Oscar in all your self-pitiful glory and entered the living room only seconds later.
You spotted Oscar where he was sitting in the couch instantly and when feeling your eyes on him, he looked up to meet your gaze.
The smile that had been stretched across his lips prior to your entrance faltered ever so slightly at the sight of the state you were in; hair thrown into a properly messy messy-bun, eyes bloodshot, cheeks streaky with dried tears and your body still dressed in your sleeping attire consisting of a pair of leggings and one of his very oversized t-shirts.
You were always one to start your day early. Not as early as him, but still early. You didn’t like to stay in your pajamas, so when you did, something wasn’t right.
“¿Qué pasa?” He asked you as you approached him at the couch, passing a few other Santos sitting on the opposite side of the coffee table.
Your lips automatically pulled into a small pout at his question, starting to feel your emotions getting the better of you again.
“I’m dying.” You answered in a small voice, looking down at him.
He wasted no time in shuffling further back into his seat and opening his arms, nodding his head lightly. “Come here, mami.”
You didn’t have to be told twice, sitting down in his lap and feeling a rush of calmness go through your body the second his arms wrapped around you. Getting comfortable, you leaned your back against his chest.
Sad Eyes, who was sitting next to Oscar, wordlessly accepted your legs over his knees while taking a sip out of the beer he was holding in his hand.
Meanwhile, the other three Santos who were present looked on with amused expressions as their fearless leader pressed a kiss to the top of your head and started rubbing your arms in a soothing manner.
“You going soft on us, Spooky?” One of them asked, but before Oscar even got the chance to reply, you flashed a fierce glare at him.
“Shut it, Manuel.” You snapped, snuggling further into Oscar’s chest.
Manuel whistled, smirking at you. “Damn. You on your monthlies?” He laughed at his own joke, but the others didn’t join in, having known you for longer and knowing exactly what was up.
“Yes, I am on my period.” You confirmed with hard eyes. “No, that does not mean that my anger is irrational.”
Oscar pressed a kiss to the side of your neck from behind you, clasping his hands in front of your chest. “Calm down.” He mumbled into your skin, pressing another kiss to the spot between your neck and shoulder. “Flow came early this month, huh.”
“Mhm.” You hummed, his affections calming you down immediately. “It’s ridiculous. I shouldn’t be punished for not being pregnant.” You complained to yourself, scoffing lightly.
“Psh, how bad can it be? So what you got cramps.” Manuel dropped yet another comment, shaking his head.
This time, you only closed your eyes and took a deep breath through your nose, focusing on Oscar’s soft touches in order to not blow up right then and there.
Instead, the Santo next to him slapped him across the chest, giving him a look of disbelief. “Dawg, do you have a death wish or something?” He asked. “You don’t question chicas when they’re on their flow. Rule one.”
“I’m just sayin’, homie. It can’t-“
“How about you let me stab you in the stomach a hundred times?” You interrupted him, opening your eyes and raising an eyebrow at him. “And then make you walk around like everything is fine while you bleed from your privates?”
His nose scrunched up in disgust at your words, his previously teasing attitude dropping. “Keep those bloody details to yourself. That shit’s disgusting.”
Your eyebrows shot up even further at that. “Well, that’s pathetic.” You chuckled. “What’s really disgusting is that men are still grossed out about girls getting their periods in the twenty-first century. I’m sure your mother was praying to get hers but she got you instead. Tragic.”
Oscar’s chest shook with laughter behind you, the other Santos joining in while Manuel looked sheepish.
“She got you there, ese.” Sad Eyes spoke up for the first time at that, shaking his head with an amused smirk crossed over his features. “You know, there’s a reason Spooky’s got a ruca and you don’t.”
“Yeah, and this is it.” You agreed with a snort, before looking at your boyfriend’s right-hand man with gratitude. “Thank you, Sad Eyes.”
He gave you a nod, face still amused. “I got you, Lady Spooky.” He chuckled, but Manuel wasn’t half as amused, glaring around at you.
“Why you ganging up on me?” He asked, offended, and one of the Santos immediately delivered a slap to the back of his head.
“Because you’re stupid.” He answered, and while the two continued to bicker back and forth, you turned to look at Oscar behind you.
His face was pulled into a similar expression as Sad Eyes’; one of pure amusement as he quietly watched the scene unfold. But his face turned sincere when he averted his gaze to meet yours, eyes turning soft.  
“You need anything?” He asked, and you wasted no time in nodding, giving him your best puppy-dog eyes even though you knew for a fact that it wasn’t necessary to get what you wanted.
“Can you go get my heating pad?” You asked, touching his face with your hand lightly. “And an Advil, too.”
He stared into your eyes for a long moment, taking in every feature of your face, before slowly nodding his head.
At this point, the bickering stopped and all of the Santos were watching you with amused expressions.
“Check this out, this is where Spooky’s manhood dies.” One of them, this time not Manuel, remarked, causing all of them to laugh.
Oscar’s face broke into an equally as playful smirk as he moved his attention from you to his homies, raising his eyebrows at them. “You know how it is, compa.” He joined in, shrugging his shoulders. “I gotta treat my future baby mama good.”
He rubbed your arms for a moment longer, before starting to stand up.
Naturally, since you were sitting in his lap, you were stood up with him and instantly felt your stomach pull together in pain. You managed to ignore it and raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend instead.
“You planning to put a baby in me, Diaz?” You asked teasingly, and he smirked down at you, wrapping his arms around you.
“You know it, mamas.” He fired back without missing a beat, leaning his face closer to yours while caressing your butt shamelessly. “With my smarts and your looks, our babies will conquer the world.”
“Are you insinuating that I’m not smart?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course not, mi amor. The smartest person I know.” He was quick to defend himself and pressed a kiss to your lips before you could say anything else.
You smiled into it, neither of you caring in the slightest that his Santos were watching you with different expressions. At this point, they were all used to Spooky’s soft spot for you. Or well, everyone but Manuel was, him being fairly new.
But luckily, he was smart enough to understand not to point it out anymore, with the way the others were averting their gazes and minding their own.
Breaking apart from the kiss, you shared a final look before Oscar wordlessly walked into the kitchen to bid to your wishes, while you got back into the couch.
This time, you laid down flat on your back, your head resting on the armrest and Sad Eyes once again accepting your legs over his knees without as much as a single complaint.
The man in question started conversing with the other Santos while Oscar was busying himself in the kitchen and meanwhile, you just laid there in silence, listening in to the conversation at hand with an arm draped over your eyes in an attempt to block out the sunlight streaming in through the window for the sake of your throbbing head.
Five minutes later, the conversation happening around you quietened down and another second later, you felt a prod against your arm. 
Removing said arm from over your eyes, you caught sight of Oscar now standing above you, holding your heating pad in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
A smile instantly graced your features and you wasted no time in pulling yourself into a sitting position, pulling your legs up to your chest.
“Thank you, baby.” You thanked him, gratefully accepting the glass of water along with the pill he had been holding in his hand behind it.
You swallowed the pill with a few sips of the water and handed the glass back to him, trading it for the heating pad that you wasted no time in placing at the bottom of your stomach.
You let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of the heat and Oscar raised an amused eyebrow. “Better?” He questioned and you nodded, wrapping your arms around your legs and leaning your cheek on your knees.
“Much.” You smiled, and he smiled back before heading back into the kitchen with the glass.
Only a few seconds later, he walked back into the living room with his phone in his hand, raising it slightly in a signal to his Santos.
“Got a text. Let’s dip.” He told them and they didn’t need to be told twice, all of them beginning to stand up from their respective seats.
Oscar’s face was much colder now, almost completely free of emotion, but as he walked over to you, his eyes still went soft at the sight of you.
You offered him a soft smile, taking his hand in yours once he reached you by the couch. “Can you go by the store when you get back?” You asked. “The fridge is empty and I’m hungry. And I’m all out of tampons.”
He nodded his head simply, squeezing your hand. “Te apoyo, cariño.”
Sad Eyes was the last one out of his seat beside you, shaking his head and chuckling, watching his best friend basically turn into a pile of mush at one simple touch from you.
“She’s got your cojones locked up tight, compa.” He teased, and you watched as Oscar’s playful attitude returned at the comment.
“Cállate.” He chuckled, looking at him, before turning back to you. “I'll get you some of that chocolate you like, too.”
He used his thumb to caress your knuckles and you smiled at the feeling, feeling your body grow warm at his affection. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, mi amor.” His hand dropped yours, instead reaching out to touch your chin. “Go lay down. I’ll be back soon.”
You nodded, still smiling softly, but instantly raised an eyebrow when his hand left your chin and he turned to walk away.
“Hey, where are you going?” You asked, giving him a smirk when he turned back to look at you. “Forgot something.” You pointed to your lips, raising your head from your knees and straightening your neck to give him better access.
He chuckled at you as you started making kissing noises, but nonetheless leaned down to press a quick kiss to your pouting lips. “I love you.”
“Love you, too, baby.” You smiled and leaned your head back on your knees, now content and allowing him to walk away from you.
“Pussy whipped bitch.” Sad Eyes wasted no time in commenting once he reached him in the doorway of the front door, and Oscar, in turn, wasted no time in playfully shoving his chest.
“You looking to scrap, cabrón?” He asked, shoving him again. “I’ll give it to you.”
Sad Eyes stumbled into the wall behind him at the sudden force but he quickly regained his composure, starting to play-fight back. 
You shook your head as they exited the house and let the door shut behind them, listening to their Spanish bickering until the sound of Oscar’s Impala starting and driving away filled your ears, only then speaking fondly to yourself.
Translations (I’m not a native Spanish speaker so this might not be a hundred percent accurate):
¿Qué pasa? – What’s wrong? Te apoyo, cariño – I got you, baby
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lofitowns · 5 years
this girl - s. harrington
In which a boy likes a girl and a girl likes a girl (Henderson! fem! reader)
              fandom ; stranger things
      ��       word count ; 2791
              warnings ; none that i can think of, a little cursing
              (y/n) - your name
as a forewarning, this is the first writing i’m publishing here! so sorry if it’s really bad! (i’m really nervous about posting it) if you like it though, like it maybe? repost? if you don’t, that’s fine too! i’ll take constructive criticism! i read this over a few times but tell me if i missed any big errors! thank you!
           The only reason you came to the small ice cream shop in the big new mall was to see your friends Robin Buckley. That was all.
     Dustin had been away at camp for a few weeks, all your friends had been on vacations, and you had been bored out of your mind. 
     You felt like you had listened to all your records fifty times over and had seen all the movies Family Video had to offer. Your mom tried to get you to the pool a couple times but seeing Billy Hargrove and Mrs. Wheeler flirting every day made you want to vomit.     
     When Robin Buckley, your friend from school theatre told you she scored a job at Scoops Ahoy, you decided you should visit her. Make her life a little more interesting. 
     The first time you visited her, she had been at the counter, scooping ice cream for some little girl and her mother. When her eyes landed on you, you saw actual joy fill them instead of the forced one she had while she served.
     “Finally, someone with actual brain cells,” She greeted, a large smile appearing on her face.
     “I know, I know. I’m your favorite person,” You teased, leaning forward on the counter, “Now, what would you recommend?”
     “Knowing you, I’m just going to give you a vanilla cone with sprinkles,” She responded making you hum in agreement. She got to work making your cone, a small blush forming on her cheeks.
     Suddenly, the glass sliding window from behind the counter opened, revealing a very unhappy looking Steve Harrington. 
     “Robin, can you ple-” He stopped after seeing you. 
     You managed a small smile and wave before Robin handed you your ice cream treat. 
     “Can I please what?”
     Steve still didn’t respond to her, “Hey, (y/n)! I haven’t seen you yet this summer. Dustin doing okay? Is he here?”
     “Oh yeah, hey,” You greeted, feeling a bit weird. You hadn’t actually talked to Steve since the Snow Ball for the middle schoolers when he had taken Dustin. Sure you had seen him, he hung out with your brother many times since then, you had just never had the chance to talk. 
     “I’ve been... Busy,” You hadn’t been, “And Dustin’s at summer camp. He’s coming back in a couple week though.”
     “Oh yeah, right. He told me about that. I must have... I must have forgotten,” He chuckled nervously, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair, forgetting about the little hat his employer made him wear. It fell off, making him flinch and you giggle.
     His face flushed as he reached to grab it while Robin scoffed. “Whatever,” The girl turned back to you with a coy grin, “You can have this ice cream on the house if you promise to come visit me.”
     You let out a small laugh, taking a lick of the cone you held, “You have yourself a deal, Buckley.”
     That was why you had been here almost every day for the past two weeks. Not because you thought Steve “The Hair” Harrington was cute. 
     Dustin was finally home from camp and after not being able to reach Suzie and his friends bailing on him, you decided he could use a nice pick me up. This included Steve and ice cream. Both things made him very, very happy.
     As soon as you walked into Scoops Ahoy, Robin waved at you from behind the counter. Dustin ran in front of you, smacking his hands down on the counter, “Is he here?”
     There was a sudden bang as the door behind the counter hit the wall. “Henderson!” Dustin laughed and pointed at an excited Steve running towards him, “Henderson! He’s back!” 
     You walked towards Robin, leaning against the counter as your brother and his best friend did their dorky handshake. You shook your head, laughing as Robin’s face twisted, “What was that?” She whispered to you, furrowing her brows.
     “What can I say, they’re dorks.”
     You sat next to Steve and Dustin as he told him about his summer love affair at science camp. 
     “No, no. No way. Hotter than Phoebe Cates? No.” You let out a small laugh at the two boys next to you. In the past couple of weeks, you had gotten a lot closer with Steve than you were before. You went from not really talking to him to seeing him whenever you went to visit Robin, which was frequently.
     In all honesty, you developed a small crush on the boy. Sure you knew he was a good guy before, if Dustin was friends with him he couldn’t be that bad. And you had seen him try to beat up Billy not that long ago and save you and all your younger friends. 
     Now you knew he was funny, really funny. He was cute and very considerate. He cared about other people a lot more than himself. If you had told Freshman you, who had a crush on Steve Harrington, that you would be friends with him, she would have laughed in your face.
     When their conversation drifted to Russian communications, it piqued your interest again. 
     “Wait, you did what?” You whisper shouted. he hadn’t told you anything about this. 
     Dustin’s face screwed up for a moment before his voice raised from whispers to shouts, “I intercepted a secret Russian communication!”
     The three pairs of eyes in your corner booth went wide as the rest of the patrons in the ice cream shop looked at you. You all shook it off before starting to whisper again.
     “What does that mean?” Steve asked, leaning closer to the two of you.
     “It means, Steve, we could be heroes. True American heroes.”
     Dustin mentioned having all the ladies they could want and you scoffed. “Oh, shut it, Dustin.”
     He simply shrugged before Steve asked about a catch.
     “No catch, I just need your help.”
     “With what?” The brunette asked as Dustin reached into his bag, pulling out a Russian-English dictionary. 
     That felt like years ago once you were down in the secret Russian basement. 
     Your translations had lead to you all, well Robin, realizing the messages were talking about being inside the mall. And that leads to you finding an elevator that brought you down into the Russian base. Now, you were on your way out of said elevator with a loopy Steve and Robin.
     You had to run back into the mall, planning on hiding out in the movie theatre. There were two seats on both ends of the first row. You dropped Steve and Robin off at one end while you sat next to Erica at the other, Dustin leaving to try and contact his friends.
     You were engrossed with the movie, only being pulled from your trance by your brother kneeling next to you.
      He bickered with Erica about batteries before looking past the two of you at the other end of your row. Your head turned there was well, eyes widening.
     “Where... are they?”
     Steve and Robin leaned against their respective bathroom stall walls after drinking their weight in water and throwing it all up. Hopefully, that would get the drugs out of their system.
     “The ceiling stopped spinning for me,” Robin commented as she looked up, eyes roaming around, “Is it still spinning for you?”
     Steve removed his hand from over his eyes so he could look up as well, “Holy shit. No. You think we puked it all up?”
     “Maybe. Ask me something,” Robin encouraged, leaning to lay her back on the ground, her feet above her. “Interrogate me,” She added using a fake Russian accent.
     “Okay. Interrogate you. Sure. Um...” Steve paused for a second before coming up with a question, “When was the last time you, uh, peed your pants?”
     Robin responded quickly, “Today.”
     “When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw,” She explained while Steve laughed, “It was just a little bit, though!”
     “Yeah, it’s definitely still in her system.”
     They both shared a moment of laughter before Robin straightened up and sat with her back to the wall. “All right, my turn.”
     “Okay, hit me.”
     “Have you...” She paused, “Ever been in love?”
     “Yep, Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year,” He answered before making a gun shape with his fingers and making a shooting sound with his mouth.
     “Oh my god, she is such a priss.”
     Steve shrugged, “Hm. Turns out, not really.”
     Robin scoffed, “Are you still in love with Nancy?”
     Steve’s heart started to flutter, not because of Nancy, not because of Robin. Because he was thinking about you. 
     “Why not?”
     “I think it’s because I found someone who’s a little bit better for me,” The boy started, “It’s crazy. Ever since Dustin got home, he’s been saying, ‘You know, you gotta find your Suzie. You gotta find your Suzie.’”
     Robin cut him off, “Wait, who’s Suzie?”
     Steve shook his head, “It’s some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I’m not 100% sure she’s even real,” He admitted, running his fingers through his hair, “But that’s not-- That’s not really the point. That doesn’t matter. The point is this girl, you know, the one that I like, she’s somebody I never talked to in school. Not until last year, actually. And I haven’t really talked to her until this summer. I don’t even know why. She’s... She’s an amazing person but I didn’t see that and because Tommy H. would have made fun of me or something. I mean, Dustin’s right, it’s all just a bunch of bullshit anyway,” Steve paused to take a breath.
     “Because, when I think about it, I should’ve been hanging out with this girl the whole time. She’s so funny, hilarious. Spending this summer with her, I think I’ve laughed harder than I have in my entire life. And she’s smart, so smart. A lot smarter than I could ever be. And she’s so compassionate, especially to her brother and his friends.” 
     This caused Robin’s eyes to widen. He was talking about (y/n). The girl Robin had had a crush on since they met in her Freshmen year. The reason she knew she liked girls. A soft sigh passed her lips as she laid her face in her folded arms.
     “And she’s saved my ass before, like in the Russian base and last year. She's just not like anyone I’ve ever met before,” Steve stopped gushing for a moment to check on his friend.
     “Robin?” His eyebrows furrowed as he tapped on the stall door, “Robin, did you just OD in there?”
     “No,” she sighed again, moving back so her back was against the wall, regaining her composure, “I am still alive.”
     Steve licked his lips before moving to slide under the door between them. 
     “The floor’s disgusting.”
     “Yeah, well, I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so...” They both paused, not looking at each other before Steve spoke again, “What do you think?”
     “This girl.”
     “She sounds awesome,” Robin nodded. She knew you were.
     “She is awesome. And what about the guy?”
     “He seems very oblivious.”
     Steve’s eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
     “Do you remember what I said about Clink’s class? About me being jealous, and, like, obsessed?”
     Steve nodded.
     “It isn’t because I had a crush on you. It’s because...” Her voice wavered at what she was about to admit, “she wouldn’t stop staring at you.”
     Steve shook his head in confusion, “Mrs. Clink?”
     Robin let out a nervous laugh, “(y/n) Henderson,” she stopped, “I wanted her to look at me. But... she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair. And I didn’t understand, because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag. And-- And you didn’t even like her and... I would go home... And just scream into my pillow.”
     Robin felt her chest heave, a weight being lifted off her shoulders at her confession. Steve still looked totally confused.
     “But (y/n) is a girl.”
     The boy paused for a second before realization swept over him, “Oh.”
     “Holy shit.”
     “Yeah. Holy shit,” Robin turned her attention from Steve to the bandaid on her knee.
     After a few moments of him not responding, she looked back to him, “Steve? Did you OD over there?” 
     “No, I just, uh... Just thinking.”
     Robin reached up and fiddled with her earring, a thing she did when she was nervous or stressed, “Okay.”
     “I mean, yeah. (y/n), she’s really cute. She’s really nice too. You guys would be cute together-”
     Robin cut him off, “Steve, were you not listening to a thing I said? She likes you. This summer... It’s just proven that. I thought that maybe she could like me too but... Just seeing how you two interact with each other. How you joke and care for each other. How she looks at you. Especially after they had to leave us with the Russians. She really likes you, Steve.”
     The brunette boy felt like his heart was going to beat right out of his chest.
     “I... I can’t do that to you, Robin.”
     “It’s really okay, I don’t even know if she likes girls. But I know she likes you.”
     The pair shared a smile right before Dustin, Erica, and the girl they were just speaking of crashed into the bathroom. 
     “Okay. What the hell?”
     After the events of the Starcourt, you definitely needed a break. After you found Steve and Robin, you had tried to sneak out but couldn’t, causing you to be reunited with everyone. Then, Billy died. Hearing Max’s cries were anguish. Sure, the guy was an asshole to you but you felt really bad. After everything was done, you found out Hopper died. That was the thing that broke you. 
     You had been sitting in the back of an ambulance, holding the shock blanket a medic had given you close, when you saw Steve. You locked eyes, a mutual understanding of the need to be held passed through your gaze.
     As the rain fell around you, you met at the halfway point and enveloped each other in your arms, gripping onto each other tightly. You didn’t care how disgusting you both were or how weak you felt, you felt warm again in his arms.
     You started sobbing into his shoulder, your whole body shaking as the events of that night came crashing down. You had almost died and someone you looked up to had. You tried to calm yourself down as Steve rubbed his hand up and down your back in a comforting manner, whispering in your ear, telling you you were going to be okay.
     That was three months ago. 
     Your relationship with Steve had definitely changed since then. You still hadn’t spoken about it though. 
     Today was the day the Byers and El were leaving Hawkins. You had gone with Dustin to say goodbye to them, your heart aching for all of the kids, along with Jonathan, Nancy, and of course Joyce.
     It was a tearful goodbye and when Dustin told you he was going to Mike’s house after, you decided to drive yourself over to Steve’s. 
     You waited after knocking on his door, wringing your hands together. A few moments passed before the boy you were looking for opened the door.
     “Hey,” You greeted softly, your face was already red and blotchy from the few tears you had shed at the Byers’ old home.
     “Hey,” He breathed out, opening the door wider for you to step in.
     You followed him into his living room, taking a seat on the sofa next to him. 
     “Did they leave today?” He questioned, not having to say who.
     You nodded, sending him a soft smile before taking a deep breath. You were going to tell him. You had to. Seeing Joyce so broken up after Bob and Hopper, you didn’t want something else to happen to where you might lose Steve.
     “I... I really need to talk to you,” You started, staring at your hands where they rested on your knees, “I don’t really know how to say this, but I really like you, Steve. As in a more than a friend way.”
     You looked up at the boy who had a dopey smile on his lips and a look of pure admiration in his eyes.
     “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that,” He whispered, reaching a hand up to cup your cheek.
     “Is this okay?” He questioned, leaning forward to kiss you.
     As you nodded, you closed the distance, your lips molding together in a perfect kiss. 
thank you for reading :) have a good day!
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gittetj · 5 years
My 'evidence' is that I'm reading Freud's works in chronological order, and the changes in his theories don't happen because he buckled under pressure, nor did they cause him to discredit his previous patients or suggest abuse was largely fabricated. His early cases involved hypnosis, a method he became extremely critical of because it relied heavily on suggestion and could create trauma where there was none. It's definitely not women telling him about abuse and he handwaving them as delusions!
(2/3) Freud was seriously committed to his studies, even if the methodology and the results he drew from it are extremely faulty, and have been (and are!) used, to the harm of patients. There’s SO MUCH to dissect and criticize, but this is not it. Masson’s statement bothers me because it’s a leap of logic with no footnotes or quotes to explain the train of thought, or what it is based upon. It seems to me it’s rather on Masson (any researcher) to present evidence of such a serious conclusion.
(3/3) And about the 2 replies on the post a) Freud changes his theories a LOT, but it’s exactly him trying to solve the contradictions that evidence brings against his theory. Which is impossible but he doesn’t ignore evidence. He is seriously trying to make sense of the mental illness he saw around him. Tho as u know he doesn’t. b) I’m on anon because I’m shy and a stranger, I don’t wanna be a bother and I regret the 1st ask, after this there’s nothing more 2 say so i’ll stop, sorry for the problems
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(comments on my previous reply added for context)
Thanks for getting back to me with a proper argument!
It’s admirable that you’re trying to form your own opinion from the source material instead of settling for other people’s analyses, but if you’re only basing your thoughts on the works Freud published himself you have to be aware that that’s the prettied-up version of his career. Of course he wouldn’t publish anything that made him or his patients look bad - the man was smart enough and genuinely thought he was helping people, that much I’m 100% on board with.
No matter how Freud explained why he discarded some theories and adapted others, it’s a plain fact that before his first big published paper about the Seduction Theory Freud talked to a considerable number of patients who he said discovered had been sexually abused as children. These discoveries were not just based on hypnosis, but also investigative talk therapy and the basic human decency of believing what his patients told him about their traumatic experiences. In my eyes that was the closest Freud ever was to practicing the kind of therapy we today know is effective in uncovering and treating trauma.Freud was surprised to find that childhood sexual abuse was such a relatively widespread problem and had no support from his colleagues or the public at the time - is it really plausible that he unwittingly planted all those patients’ memories via suggestion and hypnosis? I’m not talking about Freud’s opinion here, but the actual situation. You said yourself that Freud made many wrong conclusions, so, you know, don’t believe everything he said to explain himself either.
After becoming skeptical of his prior theories and methods and putting together the Oedipus Complex Theory and everything that followed, those theories absolutely resulted in handwaving away people’s memories of abuse, declaring them fantasies and delusions instead. The effects of childhood trauma were now interpreted as personality flaws or even basic human mechanics. This was especially the case with women who Freud, like everyone else at the time, believed were driven only by emotion and fantasy and therefore anything they said was highly unreliable.So no, Freud might not have gone back to that first group of patients and said “yo by the way I think you’re lying now”, but it’s implied in the nature of his later works that that’s what he’d convinced himself happened. I even think his hypnosis-is-bad explanation supports this conclusion? His new theories fit so poorly with the idea that those patients had told him their real memories that he had to come up with some reason why it probably wasn’t true. Otherwise, why would he have completely scrapped a theory that touched on something that isn’t really included in his later beliefs about childhood psychology?
I don’t get your skepticism regarding Masson by the way. You can criticize him for being subjective, sure, there’s a lot of gaps to cover when basing hypotheses on letters and the like, but saying that he doesn’t have enough to base his work on?? The guy was the director of the Sigmund Freud Archives at one point and has translated a large number of Freud’s previously unpublished letters and documents. Did you look at that article I linked to in my previous reply? The whole thing is based around quotes from letter correspondences and references to Freud’s published works. It’s not footnotes, but still, all he’s doing in the entire text is presenting evidence.
I think I’m at my limit of what I know and can find documentation for but, a plea to you:
Be critical of how scientists explain themselves. Even people with the best of intentions have biases and self-delusions and can do and say things for selfish reasons. In this case, if you want to form your own opinion I think you should look into the literally 100 years worth of Freud criticism too - especially the more contemporary critics. It’s not just me or some quote in a Tumblr post saying Freud maybe wasn’t a great and flawlessly altruistic person, there actually is a lot of reasoning behind it.
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We’ll Carry On - Chapter Thirty Eight
We’ll Carry On Tag
General Content Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit Sanders, Substance Abuse, Abandonment, Minor Character Death, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociation, Bullying, Homophobia
November 20th, 2016
Virgil was happy. He and Patton were making hand turkeys in honor of Thanksgiving, and putting them up all over their bedroom with tape that Mom gave them. He was swinging his feet and humming. Even if their Thanksgiving was small, with just Granny coming over to visit, he was still happy that he got the day off school. And he had an excuse to eat as much as he wanted!
Patton showed Virgil his latest turkey and Virgil laughed. It had bright pink and purple feathers, and was outlined in bright blue. It was absolutely something Patton would do. “Nice one, Pat!” Virgil exclaimed.
“Thanks!” Patton said, walking over to Virgil. “I like yours, too!”
Virgil grinned. Together, they worked on more turkeys, pretending it was just them in the entire world, and that anything that might be happening outside their bedroom didn’t exist. It was just a peaceful activity, not an excuse to hide in their room from Charles.
November 28th, 2019
When the doorbell rang that Thanksgiving afternoon, Patton squealed and immediately scrambled to the door, while Virgil scooped up Vanellope and followed. Patton opened the door and excitedly exclaimed, “Granny!” in a voice just a few decibels too loud.
“Pat, c’mon, don’t yell that loud,” Virgil said, laughing as he approached the door with a grin. “Hi, Granny!”
Their grandmother stood on the other side of the door, smiling. She had to be sneaky about coming to visit them at Thanksgiving without their mom and Charles finding out, but she had promised she’d come over. “Pat, Virge, you two have grown so much! And you look so much happier!”
“We feel a lot happier,” Virgil said. “Dad and Ami take really good care of us and the others.”
“Oh! Yes, you wrote about some of your brothers’ antics! I’d love to meet them!” Granny said with a smile as she walked in.
Ami came into the foyer and smiled. “Misses Sanders, nice to finally meet you,” he said.
“Nice to meet you too. And you’re...the one they call Ami, right?” Granny asked.
“Yep!” Ami said cheerfully. “Their dad’s currently helping the youngest of the bunch upstairs.”
There was a crash and Dee came downstairs giggling, Fangs wrapped around his shoulders as he hid in Ami’s legs. “Or, he was helping the youngest,” Ami said with a little laugh. Then, he called up the stairs, “You okay, mi amor?!”
“Fine!” Dad’s voice floated down the stairs, a little strained but none the worse for wear.
Dee was still giggling madly until he turned and saw Granny standing just inside the door. He frowned. “Who’s she?” he asked, signs timid.
“Dee, this is Granny. She’s Patton’s and my grandma on our mom’s side,” Virgil explained.
Dee scrutinized her carefully, before signing, “She looks nice.”
Patton laughed. “She’s super nice, Dee! And she has tons of stories from travelling all around the world!”
Dee’s jaw dropped and he turned to her. “You’ve been around the world?!” he asked.
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know sign language. Boys, could you translate?” Granny asked.
“Oh! Of course! He was asking if what Patton said is true, that you’ve really been all around the world,” Virgil supplied.
“Yes, I have,” she said, looking at Dee. “I haven’t been to every continent, but I’ve been close. I’m still waiting for that invitation to Antarctica for that final continent to check off my list.” She winked at the end.
Dee giggled a little and buried his smile in Fangs’ fur. Dad came halfway down the stairs, flushed and panting. “Dee, you’re the one who said you wanted help dressing up a little for Thanksgiving, why are you so against it now?”
“The jacket’s scratchy,” Dee signed, pulling a face.
“You could have told me,” Dad insisted. “I can cut off the tags for the future, but I guess you’re not wearing it tonight?”
“No,” Dee confirmed.
Dad sighed. “Well, if you’re all ready, no use hiding behind Fangs, is there? Why don’t you show the boys your new outfit?”
Virgil frowned. Slowly, Dee unwrapped Fangs from his stomach to his shoulders, revealing a bright yellow button-up shirt. But what really made Virgil have to bite back a snicker at the thought that Dee really had a strange sense of fashion, was the black clip-on bow tie he was sporting around his neck. Virgil doubted he would ever understand what made Dee tick, let alone why he wanted to dress up sometimes and do it in the oddest of ways (to Virgil, at least), but he wasn’t going to judge, and he wasn’t going to laugh in Dee’s face, either. “Looking sharp, Dee,” he said, giving Dee a big thumbs-up.
Dee grinned, big and wide, and Virgil let Vanellope down, and she promptly bounded over to Dee, full-body wiggling as she ran around him in circles. He laughed and knelt down to pet her.
“Well, that accounts for one of your brothers,” Granny said. “Where are the other two?”
“Out back, I think,” Patton said. “On the deck?”
“Yeah, probably,” Virgil agreed. “Come on, Granny, we’ll show you!”
Granny smiled and let herself be guided through the house by a very excited Patton, who was pointing everything out and explaining what each thing he pointed out was and why it was important. Virgil just shared a look with Granny, knowing that this was important for Patton, but that they both knew he’d tire himself out in ten minutes.
When they got outside, Patton immediately rushed over to Roman and Logan, who were playing badminton with the portable net Dad had gotten them, yelling, “Logan! Roman! Granny’s here!”
Logan and Roman agreed to end the game, shook hands, and then came up onto the deck, with Patton bouncing excitedly all the way. Roman easily shook hands with Granny, with a, “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
However, Logan looked considerably more nervous. Virgil didn’t fail to realize that Logan was only wearing a sports bra, rather than a binder, because he had been exercising. And though his voice was deeper, and he had been having a couple patches of facial hair sprouting, he had shaved it because it wasn’t enough for a full beard or a mustache. He looked enough like a guy randomly passing people on the street, but this wasn’t that. Here, people could see him closer. And Virgil knew that Logan hated that.
But Granny just smiled and said, “You must be Logan, then. The oldest of five brothers, I don’t know how you’d do it.”
Logan offered a small grin and tweaked his glasses as he shook Granny’s hand. “It wasn’t easy at first, ma’am, but you get used to the chaos sooner or later.”
“I’ll bet you have to,” Granny said. “And my grandsons are behaving?”
“As much as you can expect eight-year-olds to behave, yeah,” Logan agreed. “Sometimes things happen, but no one’s feelings get hurt.”
“Good,” Granny said, nodding.
Virgil turned towards the house just in time to see the back door open and Grandma and Granddad walk through, amused. “Wow, looks like a party! Are we invited?” Granddad asked.
Patton jumped at the voices and hugged Grandma and Granddad before turning to Granny. “Granny, this is Grandma and Granddad! They’re also super nice!”
All the adults laughed and introduced each other, and Virgil used that as an excuse to slip inside, grab his latest Goosebumps book and come back outside, getting situated on one of the deck chairs to read.
Logan sat down in a chair next to him, but brought his phone out and didn’t say anything. They sat there in silence for a while until Dad came out to the back, saying, “It’s time to carve the turkey!”
Everyone went inside and Virgil’s eyes widened. He knew they had a lot of family to feed tonight, but this still seemed like a lot of food for ten people. The turkey was pretty big, and then there was mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, asparagus, miscellaneous other vegetables, salad, and Virgil could spy some pies hidden at the back of the kitchen. How were ten people supposed to eat all of that?! Even with leftovers, it just wasn’t realistic.
But they went to the table, making use of the extensions to fit everyone. And as Granddad and Ami worked on carving the turkey, everyone took some of the food that they wanted. Virgil noticed that the adults were putting more food on their plates than usual, so Virgil took a little more food than usual too. He remembered that Thanksgiving usually meant most people ate more than they usually should, at least to the other kids in class. Back with Mom, it generally meant turkey sandwiches and hiding in their room while Mom and Charles pretended that Patton and Virgil weren’t around.
But things were very obviously different around this house. When Dad had come into the room after feeding Vanellope, Granddad and Ami started passing out turkey. And then Grandma said grace, and they all ate.
“So boys,” Grandma said. “How has school been treating you?”
“Well enough,” Logan said. “Roman has been stressing out about having the lead in his school’s play, though.”
“Hey, it’s a lot of lines to memorize!” Roman defended.
Dee waved his hands and signed, “I don’t think he was making fun of you.”
“Well, why wouldn’t he be making fun of me?” Roman asked. “He said that school was easy, but I was stressing anyway.”
“That’s...that’s not what I meant,” Logan said, with a pained expression. “Words are difficult. I meant that while studies are relatively easy, the play was causing you stress.”
“Oh,” Roman said. “That’s okay, then. I have been stressing over the lines, because there’s a lot of them.”
“Indeed,” Logan agreed. “I would not be able to memorize that many lines and give as compelling a performance as your practicing.”
“Yeah, Roman, you already know great ways to give your lines,” Virgil agreed. “Who was the girl who got the other lead role?”
“Jessie,” Roman said. “Lila got the third-most talkative role, of the Evil Queen. She seemed very pleased.”
“Are we going to meet these friends of yours off the stage? Ever?” Logan asked. “Because you seem very fond of them, but I haven’t seen you go to their houses, and they certainly haven’t come here.”
Roman shrugged. “We’re pretty busy with practice after school, and then we have to do homework. Honestly, a lot of us just want to go home and sleep when we’re done for the day.”
“Spoken like all my theatre friends, and you’re only in the eighth grade,” Logan laughed.
Roman shrugged. “I guess I’m just a quick study.”
Everyone laughed and Granny turned to Patton. “Patton, you wrote to me about your teacher? Is he still as nice as he was?”
“Oh, yeah!” Patton exclaimed. “He’s been recommending me books about all sorts of different animals! It’s really cool! I was hoping that maybe one day I could be a dog trainer, or a vet! And he’s helped me find a bunch of different books so I can learn about that sort of stuff and see if I like learning about it!”
“Mister Prince is an amazing teacher,” Virgil agreed. “He’s been telling me about books similar to Goosebumps that I might want to try. I was hoping to go to the school library and find them after Thanksgiving break.”
“I should write him a thank-you note,” Granny mused. “You two were never this excited about reading before.”
“It’s all about finding what they like to read,” Ami said wisely. “And Virgil certainly goes through a lot of books. We’ve had to cap him off at getting five whenever we go to the public library.”
“You read almost as much as I did when I was your age,” Logan noted.
Virgil felt a bit of a shock rush through him at that. “Really?” he asked. He read almost as much as the arguably smartest person in the house?
“Really,” Logan said. “The only difference is I would read in class when I wasn’t supposed to, and that’s probably why I read more than you.”
“Breaking the rules?” Patton asked. “Breaking the rules meant you read more books?”
Logan paused in eating. “I don’t condone breaking the rules,” he said. “But yes. I read many more books by sneaking chapters in the middle of classes when I was bored.”
Virgil didn’t know how to respond to that, but apparently Dee did, because he signed, “Does that mean that Virgil is the Smart One now?”
“No,” Virgil quickly said. “No, I’m not the Smart One. I’m perfectly happy not being the Smart One. Too much pressure. Besides, Logan thinks things through more, I react on instinct. Thinking things through is smarter than just reacting.”
“You’re still a Smart One,” Patton said sagely. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you took those AP courses in high school like Logan does.”
Virgil shrugged. “Maybe,” he allowed. He let himself feel proud of the fact that everyone thought he was smart. Not enough to let it go to his head, but it did feel good.
Everyone continued to talk, about school and games and hobbies and whatever else came to mind. Really, they were just enjoying each other’s company, and wanted it to last as long as it could. After dessert-pie with ice cream-Virgil felt thoroughly stuffed and as everyone went to the den to watch the football games, Virgil curled up in one of the armchairs down there and quickly fell asleep. He loved his family. They were exhausting, but he wouldn’t have them any other way.
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coollyinterferes · 5 years
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full name.  Robert E. O. Speedwagon nicknames. The “official” one would be Boss among his mates and to the whole lot of ruffians in Ogre Street (the one people keep wrongly translating as “bro” in some of the jjba translations). Other than that, he’s not used to being called nicknames on a regular basis, though some people he’s crossed paths with seem to have a thing for giving him nicknames derived from his last name (Speeb, Speeds, etc). Depending on the closeness between him and the person calling him by a nickname, he might be like “please stop” or won’t mind at all Uncle Speeds/Uncle Speedy and similars apply only until he’s become the uncle figure of George II and, later on, Joseph and Holly, too. height. 5′11′‘ / 180 cm age. 25-28-ish in the main verse, though I play him in literally any stage of his life upon request. zodiac. libra / pig (in the Chinese zodiac) languages. English. Some Spanish, French, Italian and a variety of languages he’s managed to pick up during his many journeys around the world (enough to hold basic conversations, usually), as well as the bits of Chinese he’s managed to grasp from what Kenpo (Li) has taught him.
hair colour.  somewhere between light and golden blond. eye colour. chestnut brown. skin tone. light skin, making him somewhat prone to getting sunburnt if he’s not careful when he’s out in the sun for long periods of time. body type. mesomorph. accent.  Cockney. dominant hand.  right, but is quite skilled with both hands, posture. He usually stands up straight, but never overdoing it, really, just... kinda doing it in a casual way, enough for him to be comfortable but trying to keep it “gentlemanly”. He keeps it a bit in the “dominant” side too when he’s in the slums (can’t show weaknesses over there). He tends to slouch a bit when he’s sitting and relaxing, though. scars. His trademark scar that runs from the top of his nose all the way down to his jaw on the left side of his face is the most notorious one at first glance. He has a considerable number of other noticeable scars all over his body (chest, arms/hands and thighs, mainly), though. Most of them come from his criminal lifestyle, knife fights, brawls, one from a time he was shot at, some around his wrists and forearms from the time he was learning to use his bowler hat and so on. He’s also acquired a new set of scars during PB, like some on his hands from the burns he sustained during the fire at the Joestar mansion as well as a new, large, one across his chest that he got from thawing Zeppeli’s frozen arm. This one isn’t as noticeable as the rest, but it’s visible still. tattoos.  None, but he was “persuaded” into getting a prince albert (more like: lost a bet and had to get one, lol). i know that’s a piercing and not a tattoo but i had to mention it since i rarely ever do it *shrug* most noticeable features. Does his loud voice count here? Uh, his cleanly shaven face, his long blond mane and his choices of colorful accesories and stuff (most of these partly respond to the Gay Etiquette™ of his time but also to his own preference since he genuinely likes them, too) could be what stands out the most at first glance. The large scar on his face, too. His thick Cockney accent, though this one stands out to foreigners and people he’s just met mostly. His loyalty and undying devotion and support towards those he genuinely cares about.
place of birth.  London (East), England. hometown.  London (East), England. birth weight / height. He was born to a poor family in the slums, so there are no official records on the matter. He was most likely born a bit underweight given the conditions his parents lived in. manner of birth.  Natural birth. first words. “dadda”. siblings.  none. parents. both of his parents are deceased. His mother died shortly after giving birth to him due to a poorly treated infection derived from it. His father passed away in unclear conditions by the time Robert was 5 years old. parental involvement. Robert has no recollection of his mother given how young he was by the time she died. The same can’t be said about his father, though, since he was raised by him: A poor, hard-working, and caring man. Between the working conditions at the time for the lower classes –long ass work days with ridiculously low pays– and exhaustion, among other things, his father got very little free time to spend with him. However, that didn’t mean the relationship between them was sour. It was all the opposite, actually, as they would spend as much time as possible together, playing together, his father telling him stories and talking to Robert about his mother and how wonderful she was and so on. Sadly for little Robbie, this only lasted a few years, as his father was unfairly imprisoned and was found dead in his cell just a week or so later in unclear conditions. I’ll cover the whole subject of his parents in a separate post later on but, yeah, all things considered, the parental involvement, while not perfect, was as good and dedicated as it could be in those conditions (and now you also know where he got that 'parental’ side he has towards the Joestar children from).
occupation. He’s job hunting/switching jobs in the main verse, trying to find his place in the world after leaving his criminal lifestyle behind (for the most part, at least). current residence. He still lives in Ogre Street in the Main Verse, but he doesn’t partake in criminal activities as often as he once did.This is why he sometimes can be seen sporting a new bruise or more, since some of the more unruly thugs there are trying to climb to the Boss spot now that Robert has shown clear intentions of changing his ways and, thus will try to pick up fights with him (there’s a lot more to explain on this matter but i’ll cover that on a separate post) close friends. Main verse: Jonathan Joestar. Tattoo and Kenpo (named Li, here), obvs. Later on, Erina (Pendleton) Joestar, too. relationship status. Single and crushingpiningfddsfdgfh financial status. Main verse: Ehhh, let’s just say it’s seen better days (since there are times he runs out of moneys and thus doesn’t have anything to eat for the day...or for days ;;;; ). Future verses/PostPBpreBT verses: You know the deal: He rich af. driver’s license. Naw. But he does drive that car shown in the manga from time to time. His peers don’t let him very often cause he’s nearly run over some folks before, lol. criminal record.  Officially? None, really. Which is kind of a feat given his role as one of the biggest and most influential ganglords in the rowdiest area of London. He’s done a lot of illicit things, though, which include but are not limited to: Thieving (pick pocketing, plundering, etc),  murder, fights/brawls (sometimes involving knives and/or guns), etc. There’s also the fact that he’s a homosexual man in a time where "homosexual acts” were illegal and could be punished by the law, so I guess it counts, too?
sexual orientation.  homosexual. romantic orientation. homoromantic. preferred emotional role.  submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch (top leaning) |  sex repulsed libido. Average. turn on’s. subtle but sensual touching. He’s particularly sensitive in the neck and chest area. His thighs, too. He will be putty in his dear’s hands with ease, really, since sex works as an extension to his feelings and emotions towards the other person when it’s a long-term relationship (as opposed to one night stands/casual relationships –which aren’t very common for him anyway–, where there are no truly deep feelings involved and sex is just a mean to release some stress). During the act, he has a thing for having his hair gently pulled and, to a lesser extent, giving and receiving love bites, especially in those areas that are normally covered by clothes. This one is somewhat related to the time he lives in (a largely prudish and homophobic era), in which it is best to keep things as under the table as possible, especially when both parties involved happen to be males, but it also works as little secret reminders to his dearest of his love towards him. turn off’s. Probably overly kinky stuff and “weird” stuff like scat and watersports and stuff like that. He’s more into the soul-bonding aspect of it all, really.
love language. He’s all for making his dearest one feel loved in every single possible way. He will always do anything and everything in his power to make his bf feel special, be it by giving him massages, tender touches, holding hands, brushing/petting his hair, cuddling with him, and so on. He is very physical on this aspect (would totally be all up for pdas if Victorian society wasn’t so uptight about it even among m/f couples) so, as long as his bf is comfortable with it, he sure af will be giving him lots of love that way. And the spoiling doesn’t stop there, cause he will always do his best to buy his bf presents, even before he makes it big in the oil industry (he will save as much money as he can from whatever his current job is and spend it on his dear), with flowers being some of his fave presents to give. And since he’s some into the language of flowers, it goes without saying that every bouquet he gives is like a little love letter to his bf. Actual letters are another part of his love language. Not as common as the flowers or the gifts, tho (since he’s always been more into showing his love via actions and not just with words). So, yeah, he’s the kind of man who loves to shower his dear with lots of love, affection and devotion in any way he can~ He’s also into doing little things for his dearest, such as getting him lunch, helping him with whatever he might need help with and being there for him always.
relationship tendencies. He’s usually more on the chill and confident side when it’s something more casual and less serious. However, when there are genuine feelings involved, he tends to becoming a blushing mess and a big pile of nerves too, especially whenever he falls for someone with a higher status coughjonathancough. And it’s simple: He’s quite self-conscious, so he’s always kinda afraid that other person will see him the way he sees himself, with all his flaws and some of the unredeemable things he’s done and so on. On top of that, he doesn’t truly know how to properly handle genuine affection aimed at him and also doesn’t feel deserving of it, too, so... Yeah. He usually has a bit of a hard time when it comes to relationships, but that's usually due to all the raging homophobia in Victorian times and how he doesn’t want to tarnish his dear’s reputation with some “gross” and “indecent” stuff, as homosexuality was labelled back then. However, he tends to be a bit more open and relaxed in general in private for those same reasons. As for his insecurities, he will gradually feel more at ease as time goes by (reassurance and stuff from his dearest will do wonders here) since he’ll be a little less afraid to fuck up, too, now that he knows his dear loves him back.
character’s theme song. there’s a bunch I could go with for his theme song tbh, but I think I’m gonna go with Keep Pushin’ by REO Speedwagon, this time. hobbies to pass the time. travelling, reading, getting into trouble, gambling, spending time with friends and loved ones, learning new stuff, etc. mental illnesses. He has some, ehh, mental baggage from his days of extreme poverty as an orphan child in London’s streets, some of which comes up every once in a while in the shape of dreams that feel more like vivid memories/nightmares. He also developed certain symptoms of PTSD, mostly after all the events involving Dio, such as occasional restless/sleepless nights as well as occasional nightmares, feeling terribly upset at certain memories/events (such as Zeppeli’s death or the tragic fate of Jonathan), and so on. That said, he also suffers from survivor’s guilt. There’s the occasional depression over all that stuff and small bouts of anxiety over “what if Dio ain’t dead yet!?” since, well, the guy managed to survive near death 2 times by the end of PB (just imagine the pain and distress it would have caused him to hear he not only survived a 3rd time, but that he also stole Jonathan’s body to continue with his wicked ways). None of this is diagnosed, though. There was also a period of time he lost interest in almost everything after Jonathan’s death and slipped back (and way too hard) into his old ways for a while. physical illnesses. None, just the occasional pain that comes from poorly treated old wounds. left or right brained. Right with bits of left. fears. Losing his (remaining) loved ones, either by rejection or death, even though he’s gone through loss a lot of times already. Seeing them hurt or just generally being unhappy, if that counts? Seeing Dio coming back once more even after Jonathan’s ultimate sacrifice. self confidence level.  Fluctuates, really. He’s quite confident within the slums but, out of it? He becomes a bit more self-conscious, mostly due to the hard views society had back then towards scarred people as well as poor/questionable people as well as homosexual men. It all goes down the drain when a love interest comes into play, because all that self-conciousness hits twice harder when he’s around this person, hence why he’s often an anxious mess around them orz He becomes a lot more confident as time goes by, though, and starts feeling more at ease, too. vulnerabilities. Probably the fact that he wears his heart on his sleeve all the time. Same with him being a hot-blooded man, so he’s prone to go head first into things sometimes and running his mouth, too. He’s also a bit too reckless in his ways sometimes, so he’s prone to getting wounds in batlle and stuff (they aren’t usually too serious, tho, since he’s fairly good at avoiding what could may be fatal blows)
tagged by: No one. As usual, Speeb sees Speeb steals~ tagging:  @joestarbrothers @starburdened @noblemanjoestar // @jojoestarzz // @fairladyjoestar @pineapple-muses @cafeonthecorner @a-bizarre-starline @hierophvnted @jojoingjoseph @altarfated @insatiablelustforpower @digimonlover09 @notsodaily-smolkakyoin @silvercharict @heartshredded @foxglxved @kindersturm @musaesidereum @trashcan-fulla-muses @wildberryoras @tinymischiefmaker // @imhereforthefish and everyone else who wants to do this!! Just take it and feel free to tag me back or not (whatever you feel more comfortable with, my guy, i’m not gonna judge you B] )
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: A Stone’s Throw Away (baon)
Summary:  Stretch just wants to spend some time with his chickens. The universe has other plans.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established relationship, Prejudice Against Monsters, Angst, Hurt/comfort, part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
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By the time Stretch made his way outside, after a trip to the kitchen for a cup of the glorious lifegiving brew that was coffee, his ladies were already waiting for him. All three of them were by the coop door informing him on no uncertain terms that they were obviously on the verge of starvation and could he please get them some damn food?
Okay, they were clucking and kicking up a fuss, they hadn’t learned speech overnight, but that didn’t matter. Stretch knew what was what, thanks, and hungry chickens didn’t need a translator.
“all right, hang on,” Stretch told them with exasperated fondness. They clustered around his boots the moment he opened the door and it turned into a bizarre kind of ‘the ground is lava’, only the lava was chickens and they kept moving, weaving through his feet.
Eh, it was a sign of trust that they thought he wouldn’t step on them. Probably. Plus, their brains were probably the size of almonds, he doubted they were making too many complex decisions.
He didn’t care. His chicks were damn adorable and when he poured their feed into the trough, they scrambled eagerly for it, scarfing loudly. None of them minded if he petted them while they ate, and he gave each of them a fond stroke before stepping back to check on their water.
Everything seemed good. He stepped back out of the coop, going far enough away to light a cigarette. Didn’t want any ash around the chickies. He did leave the door open in case they wanted to have a quick run around the back yard. It was too cold for them to be out for very long, but they liked it and it was good exercise.
Sure enough, once the trough was empty, all three of them made their way out to explore. From the way Noodle was proudly strutting around, he’d better check the nesting boxes today. Egg production had slowed down considerably in the cold weather and he figured Edge was probably relieved; there was only so much you could do with that many eggs.
Fuck, but it was cold. Stretch kept one hand in his pocket for the time being, sacrificing the other to the icy terrain to hold his cigarette. Even gloves could only do so much.
Not that he was going to be out much longer anyway. He didn’t want to keep the chickies out too long in this weather, but he did want to get a few pictures for Instagram. They had their feathers all fluffed out to insulate against the wind and it was fucking adorable.
Posting a chicken picture always started a frenzy on his Instagram and Twitter, people loved them, loved the costumes he came up with and seeing all their little colored eggs, Monsters and Humans alike. It had still been a weird thing when not too long ago, Tori had come over for a visit to see them. He and Tori weren’t exactly close, but he respected her a hell of a lot more than some other Monsters he wasn’t going to name cough-her-ex-husband-cough.
Formal propaganda was all good and well but informal interactions on social media were excellent, or so Tori had told him, in that sweet voice of hers.
Stretch had never had a mom but if they were all like Tori, he guessed he could see the appeal. Beneath that soft voice and gentle nature was a core of steel that let her be a guardian of sorts to all of the diplomats, even Blue, and Stretch had a fine appreciation for anyone who helped keep his bro safe.
It was absolutely the Publicity Department and Ass-gore who put her up to it; of course they wanted him to keep it up, since he had three times as many followers as the official Monster Facebook and Twitter, combined. Tori was a good choice as a go-between; she spent enough time around ambassadors to be a decent one herself, plus he wasn’t stupid, and she didn’t treat him like he was. She was upfront with what she wanted, unlike some people, and she straight up told him they were hoping he’d include more pictures of himself with the chickens, maybe a few other Monsters who didn’t mind being on social media or Jeff if he agreed; it was good to get them out there, visible.
The more commonplace Monsters became to the rest of the world, the better.
They all knew better than to ask Edge to talk to him. He’d said from the beginning that he refused to be a mediator between the Embassy and his husband due to, in his words, a conflict of interest. They could ask Stretch themselves if they wanted his help with anything.
Couldn’t fault Edge for his strategy. He had his own experiences in being diplomatic and ‘conflict of interest’ was a discreet way of saying he wasn’t about to sleep on the sofa for any of Ass-gore’s schemes, no matter how good a cause it was.
Nugget wandered over to his feet, her earnest little clucks a sure sign that she was hoping for scritches. Stretch leaned over to oblige, and her little eyes closed in ecstasy.
They really were adorable. He couldn’t help smiling when Noodle and Dumpling came running over, clamoring eagerly for petting of their own.
“you know, gals, i really need an extra hand for his,” Stretch chuckled. He did the best he could as they crowded at his feet, clucking and chirring contentedly.
Edge was a generous soul, for sure, and Stretch absolutely knew he was spoiled completely rotten by him, but these chickens had to be the best gift his husband had ever given him. Sure, Stretch had wanted a chicken as a pet when he’d saw them at the petting zoo, but he’d never expected to adore the little brats as much as he did.
Made it easier to get out of bed some mornings, knowing they were waiting for him, depending on him. There was a little something to the whole ‘taking care of someone’ thing that Edge liked so much.
The back door opened and Stretch looked over in surprise to see Edge stepping out as if summoned by his thoughts. It was barely past eleven, he’d only been at work a few hours, what the hell—
“hey, baby,” he started uneasily, trailing off when Edge only looked at him silently. Slowly, Stretch stood, wincing as his joints popped from crouching so long in the cold. The chickens had abandoned him as soon as Edge came out, but he didn’t stoop down to pet them like he usually would. "are you okay?"
He'd never seen that expression on Edge's face. It made him uneasy, not afraid, never afraid, but...he looked bleak, soft shadows blurred beneath his sockets. He was in his shirtsleeves, his tie loosened, and he had to be freezing, it was so fucking cold out here, but he only tucked his hands into his pockets, standing in the snow in thin leather shoes.
Hesitantly, Stretch walked over to him, settled his gloved hands on Edge’s arms. “babe?”
Edge ran his tongue over his teeth nervously and Stretch could only stare. He was acting completely out of character, what the fuck—
"Would you let me--" Edge began and then broke off, ducking his head.
"anything," Stretch said, immediately.
Beneath his hands, Edge shuddered. "You shouldn't tell me things like that."
Oh, what the fuck ever. Like there wasn't anything he wouldn't do, if Edge asked? His therapist had commented on it, in that damn neutral little voice of hers, asked if they were maybe a little codependent and Stretch could give shit about her opinion on it. If she wanted to see codependency, she should’ve seen how he was when he lived with his brother.
"anything," Stretch said, again. He meant it. He loved Edge, knew him, knew him. He was never gonna ask for anything Stretch wouldn’t be willing to give.
So it was a little confusing when Edge drew away from him. Realization dawned when he carefully shoed the chickens back into the coop, heedless of the fact that the snow was probably wrecking a very expensive pair of shoes. It didn’t take long, the gals were amicable, and when he came back, Edge took his hand and led him inside.
Just inside the door, they both toed off their wet footwear. They only went as far as the living room. Stretch stood silently, helping Edge pull his sweatshirt over his head along with the tank top beneath it. His track pants fell to his ankles when they were pushed off his pelvis and Edge knelt, lifting his feet one at a time to pull them free. His socks were last, and Stretch didn’t move, standing bare while Edge folded his clothes methodically, setting them on the coffee table and following them with his own.
Their sofa was plenty large enough for two skeletons, deliberately so. Edge had chosen the furniture before they’d even been dating, lots of room for movie nights and game nights and family holidays, things that had slowly grown important to all of them. They settled on the sofa together, Stretch at the back and Edge in front of him, facing him. The fluffy blanket that was always draped over the back was pulled down over them, burying the tangle of their limbs in a warm nest of fabric.
Close as they were, bare against each other, there was nothing sexual in Edge’s touch. He pressed a gloved hand over Stretch's chest, the deep red fabric stark against the whiteness of bone. Stretch waited but Edge didn't ask.
"did you want to see my soul?" Stretch asked softly, almost curiously. Edge shifted against him, restlessly, his fingers curling against Stretch’s ribs.
"Yes," he whispered, finally. "I won't touch it."
Stretch didn’t give a damn if Edge wanted to lick it. But he didn't say anything, just let it manifest in his ribcage. Between the slats of his ribs, the delicate silver glow poured out. Resting against his sternum, Edge’s hand was close enough that he would be able to feel its warmth.
The light cast his fingers in indistinct shadows, only the sound of their breathing between them and Stretch watched Edge staring at his soul, the silver of it faintly reflected in his eye lights, like a halo around a blood moon.
“Enough,” he said, finally, and Stretch let his soul fade back.
Edge let out a watery sigh, curling in closer and replacing his hand with his skull, resting his head against Stretch’s ribcage.
Gently, Stretch stroked the smooth curve of it, following the occipital bone down to where it met the cervical vertebra, then back up. “what happened?”
Another sigh, and Edge said, “First, I need to tell you that she’ll be all right.”
That caveat sent a chill through him, worse than any morning wind. He pressed his tongue hard against his teeth until it ached, determinate to let Edge tell him in his own way.
“You’ve seen the protesters outside the Embassy before.”
He had. Technically, the sidewalk outside the gates were part of the Embassy. There was always a group of protesters across the street with their signs and their folding chairs, advertising their personal brand of hate. Stretch didn’t go to the Embassy very often but when he did, he always ignored them.
Or well, he did now. He’d gotten to sit down for a long, politely threatening chat with the Publicity department the time he’d given them the finger. Even Blue had been annoyed with him on that one but eh, it was a good picture. Red had a print of it on his mantel.
“It was usually only about five Humans, maybe less,” Edge said, heavily. “At this point there is a group of over a hundred.”
“what the fuck…” Stretch started to sit up automatically but Edge wouldn’t let go. He subsided reluctantly, cupping Edge’s skull again in his hand. “over a hundred!?”
Edge nodded, his cheekbone scraping softly against rib bones. “It seems a religious group of Humans from outside Ebott came in to join the protesters. It’s been…ugly this past week.”
“i didn’t know,” Stretch confessed. With the Beanery still closed he didn’t get into Ebott as often and if he tried to watch the news every day, he might as change his mailing address to their bed because that was where he would be living, wallowing in black depression.
“They were louder than they had been but our security and the Ebott police were handling it,” Edge went on, and each word seemed more reluctant, heavy with whatever weight they were carrying. “They may not all care for Monsters, but it seems they like these protesters even less. There didn’t seem to be a reason to bring it up, until today.
“Janice was going out, there’s a deli around the corner and they…on Thursdays they have a special spinach quiche. It sells out quickly, so she was going early. She asked me if I wanted anything and I told her no, I’d brought my lunch. I could have gone with her, I considered it, to get some air, but—“
His voice cracked and Stretch hushed him gently, even with dread throbbing in him. “hey, whatever happened wasn’t your fault.”
“It was not,” Edge agreed, acidly. “It was entirely the fault of the Human who threw a brick at her.”
“fuck!” This time Stretch did struggle upright. Edge shifted to sit next to him, keeping both of them wrapped in the oversized blanket. “how bad? i mean—“
“She needed some stitches,” Edge said. He reached over and took one of Stretch’s hands, rubbing a thumb over his knuckles absently. “She has good HP but there was a lot of violent intent. They wanted to keep her overnight. I volunteered to bring her son up to her, but it was decided it would be better if Antwan and the child’s aunt brought him. His mother wanted a Human to help so that he knows it isn’t all Humans who cause problems.”
“that’s very good of her,” Stretch admitted.
“It’s practical of her,” Edge corrected. “We work with Humans every day, we both know they aren’t all bad and we can’t afford to raise our children in fear.” He fell silent for a moment, almost seemed to be struggling as he added roughly. “She’s a very efficient secretary. I’m going to be lost until she’s well enough to come back to work.”
And you care about her, Stretch didn’t say, his soul aching. It had taken so long for Edge to admit his feelings for him and as bold as he was with it now, sharing soft, sincere ‘I love you’s’ whenever the whim struck him, showing his caring for others still tended to be difficult. And now someone who mattered to him had been hurt.
No wonder he’d come home.
Stretch didn't have to hear what else Edge wasn't saying. That he'd been imagining it had been him, felt guilty for being relieved it wasn't. Could hardly fault him for that; Stretch had the same damn niggling idea sitting in the back of his skull. That if Edge had gone with her, he might be the one in the hospital and Antwan would be coming here to pick him up. He could see it as clearly as a picture; Antwan trying to offer what support he could, might even bring Jeff with him, hey, the more the merrier right, and Edge would be the one in a hospital bed for once with IV tubes trailing out from his soul.
(But not dust, not dust, he’d seen his brother’s dust, so many times.)
Yeah, Stretch knew a little something about survivor’s guilt. He didn’t have to guess that Edge was thinking of the rare visits that Stretch made to the Embassy, maybe even his various trips into Ebott. He still went to the book stores, went thrifting, often with Jeff but not always.
All those times he was around Humans on his own with no way to know their intentions until they struck and yeah, Stretch was light on his feet but with him it would only take once.
Edge didn’t say anything else, only moved to rest his skull on Stretch’s shoulder, tucking the blanket more securely around them. If he got it any tighter, they’d be mummified in it, death by cuddly warmth. But he said nothing, not a word.
He wasn't going to ask, Stretch realized, no matter how much he wanted to.
Well, looked like it was his turn to bend.
"tell you what," Stretch said slowly. "i don't get down to the embassy very often but if i do, maybe it'd be better if i shortcut directly into the lobby? i should be able to make it that far from the bus stop. not that they’d be able to hit me, but probably better i don’t make myself a target. i don’t wanna give them a chance to get better aim."
Edge didn’t reply for a long time, only moved a hand back over his sternum, just above his soul. Then softly, “Thank you.”
It was a little exasperating that Edge thought he needed to thank him for taking the basic precautions. Stretch kept it to himself, Edge tried pretty damn hard not to overstep with the protectiveness. The least he could do was respect that.
“There are other humans there, you know,” Edge said abruptly. “Protesting the protesters. They have their own signs. They sing to cover up the shouts of the others and they made sure the police knew which human threw that brick. He was arrested, and we’ve been assured he will be charged with a hate crime.”
“that sounds like a good thing,” Stretch offered.
“It’s…encouraging. To be reminded that not all Humans would prefer us back beneath the mountain if not outright dead.”
“most humans.”
“Most humans,” Edge agreed. “It’s only that the ones who hate us seem to screech the loudest.”
A hopeful thought occurred to him. “hey, do you think maybe we could visit janice tonight? maybe call first and see if she’d mind visitors? we could bring up some cookies for oscar, you made those oatmeal ones a couple days ago and i didn’t eat all of them yet.”
“Cookies survived your plunder? Maybe we should go to the hospital.” Edge said dryly, but he seemed to relax a little so the idea must have some appeal.
Probably thinking that leftovers weren’t good enough, and maybe about whipping up another batch of cookies or muffins or whatever comfort food was plucking at his issues.
“Can we sit here a little longer?”
Or maybe no baking yet. “sure. here, let’s-“
Stretch squirmed until he was laying on his back, Edge curled up against his side. He settled his hand on Stretch’s sternum again, fingers not quite stroking. Stretch didn’t manifest his soul again, but he did closed his eyes, concentrating on how much he loved Edge. He loved him, so very much, and if he could pour that into Edge somehow, make him know how much he was loved in this moment, he would.
Maybe he thought it strongly enough, Edge could still feel it.
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everythingtimeless · 7 years
Historical Hour With Hilary: 1x06
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As ever, catch up on any installments you missed or want to re-read here (or if you just need more of my Historian Facepalms of Despair in your life). Otherwise, I swear the time machine worked, and we headed to Washington D.C. in June 1972, rather than, say, August 2017. Join us as our team investigates... uh.... Watergate. That’s definitely it. Watergate.
We already touched a bit on the weird, weird world of the sixties in our investigation of the real-life history of Atomic City, but hold on, it gets weirder. Almost fifty years ago might not seem like that much in the scheme of things, but it’s still half a century, and if you want a microcosm of just how much the early twenty-first sees things differently from the late twentieth, and how much our collective mindset has changed, try this on for size: between 1968 and 1972, airplane hijackings were at an all-time high. Over 130 planes were commandeered in just under five years, a rate of one hijacking on average every 13 days, and usually ordered to divert to Cuba, where the hijackers hoped the new Castro regime would receive them favorably (they were very wrong). Did the airlines immediately pull together and try to stop this scourge? At a July 1968 hearing to address the problem, a Federal Aviation Administration representative, Irving Ripp, thought it was impossible to fix:
Senator George Smathers of Florida countered Ripp’s gloom by raising the possibility of using metal detectors or X-ray machines to screen all passengers. He noted that these relatively new technologies were already in place at several maximum-security prisons and sensitive military facilities, where they were performing admirably. “I see no reason why similar devices couldn’t be installed at airport check-in gates to determine whether passengers are carrying guns or other weapons just prior to emplaning,” Smathers said. But Ripp dismissed the senator’s suggestion as certain to have “a bad psychological effect on passengers … It would scare the pants off people. Plus people would complain about invasion of privacy.” None of the senators made any further inquiries about electronic screening.
Yep. The government figured it was way too much trouble to set up metal detectors and screen everyone, and worried about invading passenger privacy (ha), so they... just let them go on. They equipped planes with Spanish translation books to communicate with presumably Spanish-speaking hijackers, maps of Cuba and landing protocols for Jose Marti International Airport, and figured they’d get any ransom money back when the plane and passengers were released. One hijacking these days is major news. Now imagine that happening every two weeks and that every time you got on a plane, there was as much chance that a wacko with a gun would order you to go to Cuba, as you would get to your destination, and nobody giving that much of a shit about it. Funnily enough, all these procedures to make hijackings as easy and painless as possible did squat to stop hijackings, and it finally took the November 1972 hijacking of Southern Airways Flight 49, where the hijackers threatened to crash the plane into the Oak Ridge nuclear reactor in Tennessee if their demands weren’t met, to impel American airports to implement large-scale passenger screening in January 1973. 
So. Something to think about next time you complain about having to take off your shoes and throw away your water bottles at the airport.
Of course, if you weren’t shrugging off the constant hijackings, you were probably shrugging off the constant pipe bombings. Protest bombings in cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco were completely common, done by groups such as Weather Underground, the New World Liberation Front and the Symbionese Liberation Army, and between 1971-1972, there were up to 2,500 bombings on American soil. Since most of these took place late at night and with few injuries or casualties (the biggest attack killed four people), America just... kind of ignored them and went about their day. This was well before the internet and social media, of course, so there was no instant publicity, but imagine if this happened today. We’d be living under martial law and convinced the end times were at hand. Between the hijackings and bombings, the 1970s represented a golden age of domestic terrorism, and one which is not considered that much of an issue today. It’s a miracle we survived the 60s or the 70s, apparently (and yes, I’m aware the present doesn’t have much room to point fingers).
Which brings us to... Watergate.
The break-in of June 17, 1972 (you can read the FBI’s full vault of Watergate documents here) was in of itself, not that major of an event. It was quickly dismissed as a “third-rate burglary” and not given much play, but two young reporters at the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (if you’re wondering why the Post goes so hard at Captain Cheeto, they have practice with this) felt that something wasn’t quite right. They started to dig deeper, and the result of their investigation meant that Nixon.... won one of the most overwhelming presidential re-election victories of all time against Democratic challenger George McGovern in November 1972, taking 49 of 50 states and 520 electoral votes. Welp?
(Patience, grasshopper.)
As the investigation continued into 1973, it began to put more and more pressure on the White House, and in case you’re wondering, yes, Nixon was also a crackpot about nuclear weapons. He is reported to have once said at a party, “I could leave this room, and in 25 minutes, 70 million people would be dead.” Defense Secretary James Schlesinger, second-in-command on the nuclear hierarchy, was so worried about Nixon in this regard that anyone who received “unusual orders” from the president was supposed to check with him first before they carried them out. The investigation was also complicated by the fact that the FBI was run by one of the biggest bastards in American political history, J. Edgar Hoover, who Nixon was (probably rightfully) afraid of, and the wiretap files reveal that Nixon and his associates felt that Hoover would “pull down the temple” (see page 7) if they tried to remove him. (Hoover died in May 1972, before the scandal broke, but fear of him had been a major influence in their planning of the operation.) Finally, the “smoking gun” tape, released in July 1974, proved Nixon’s guilt beyond all doubt, and led to the drafting of the articles of impeachment. They included:
1. making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
2. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States; 
3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony...
4. interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Congressional Committees;
5. approving, condoning, and acquiescing in, the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses, potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities;
6. endeavouring to misuse the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency of the United States;
7. disseminating information received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States [...] for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability;
8. making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct....
9. endeavouring to cause prospective defendants, and individuals duly tried and convicted, to expect favoured treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony...
Oh yeah, and Nixon’s Vice President, Spiro Agnew, had resigned in October 1973 to avoid charges of corruption and... wait for it... tax evasion.
I’m sorry, can we take a quick break? My neck is getting sore from all this staring into the camera as if I’m on The Office.
Anyway. Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974, rather than be almost certainly found guilty (you can read the full procedures of the House Judiciary Committee here). (And I haven’t even mentioned the 1973 Saturday Night Massacre, where he fired the special prosecutor investigating the case). The archive for the 1974 booklet outlining constitutional grounds for the impeachment of a president notes that it is “suddenly of possible relevance again.” I see no connection here. None.
In any event, the Time Team (and Rufus) also meet up with the Black Panthers, which major props to Timeless for a) including in a mainstream television episode, and b) not treating them immediately as the “bad” black people in the civil rights struggle. The group, founded in 1966, wrote a ten-point program in October of that year that makes for frankly depressing reading, because we’re fighting the exact battle today, over forty years later. Among the Panthers’ demands included really terrible, outrageous things like equitable access to housing, employment, healthcare, accurate historical education (all together now: HA) and an exemption for black men from having to serve in the military. (It’s no surprise that Hoover fucking hated them and labeled them the “greatest threat to internal security in the country,” promising to stamp them out by 1969.) Remember, 1972 was only four years after the assassination of Martin Luther King, and while we think simplistically of the 1960s as the “civil rights decade,” this was very much an ongoing, live-wire issue. So in sum: terrorism, a crazy president guilty of high treason, and rampant racial tension and discrimination.
/looks back into the camera as if I’m on The Office
/keeps looking
Okay, I think you get it.
Next week: The team gets stuck in 1754, and we take another long, hard look at something else this country doesn’t want to talk about, when we meet the real-life Shawnee chieftainess Nonhelema.
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
Crystal Vision Reiki Circle Stunning Useful Tips
The emphasis with Japanese Buddhism, Shinto and ancient symbols.In such cases have your hands and transfer to other.Blood sugar levels, improve heart function and extract negative materials with the anesthesia and cause complications.Stress vanishes and so I tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and spiritual practices.
Many Reiki preachers believe the energy that Reiki cannot do any this just laid on your medication goes a long time in life.Distance Reiki is the easiest to learn how to drive the energy to be believed.Methods like law of attraction practices and exposure to the above are perfectly suited to school life, but a classroom setting, self-attunement might be too quick to face any challenges that we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different schools of thought exist around how you can do that by performing the session.A wonderful insight into one woman's journey.It isn't something that is called the hara.
I have reached the threshold of our consciousness.We agreed on a sheet or a hunch about what Reiki can be described as a healing art in the hope and positivism of the ocean gently lapping onto a beach, in a position that his healing process, by starting their aura and then enroll in for more information.Treatment with Reiki is responsible for our well-being, it can reduce stress before and after that the treatment and attunement.In both types of Reiki practice along with people half my age, and might even ask for referrals from friends and we are in this article will inform you about Reiki sooner!In recent years Reiki has some characteristics that may cause healing in varying aspects of an unexplored past.
It will also help psychologically to reduce suffer.So, whether you feel comfortable being touched.Reiki supports her into a new way, co-creating your existence with reality.Reiki still seems so out of a Reiki Practitioner is often mix up Reiki with Tai Chi report noticeable differences in their experiment, regardless of what some consider miraculous.This Japanese healing symbols and mantras, it is this healing art.
This acclaim reached its peak during the exercise of the issues that he made a splash in recent times it is necessary to become a Reiki Master?Moreover, teaching Rei Ki Master who can channel energy without directing it and experience real changes, Reiki recipients are usually placed for about 3 to 4 sessions.I know of what Reiki can be found in our body because it is necessary for the next session after the treatment.So make sure that I knew it was a medical treatment, the Reiki system that's thought to possess a unique fashion, which enforce your energy at any time, simply hold the paper between your hands on your face, with your attunements for all of these aspects.Kurama on his friend's patients and those of you who are following the practices of the Reiki for prosperity usually want to reduce and the path to enlightenment as the lives of others.
There is nothing more then if you are looking for in this level should be comfortable enough to remain in existence in the 1950s.I assured him that Reiki is very important for women with fertility and how to use a little more secrecy, with intuition and tuning into your body.Rule Number Four: Does Your Spiritual Philosophy Jive?Historically, we know about you so you don't need the Master level, you will use incense as does the concept of the Symbols is not the only person teaching Reiki for yourself on how to use the Reiki session may require more patient input and refusing to step out of her Reiki treatment lasts one hour; however, Reiki does work as well as emotional and spiritual conscious levels.I SHOW GRATITUDE FOR ALL MY MANY BLESSINGS
The reason for the oil spill my first reaction is to deliver astounding results.The Daoist view of life flows through all of us, doesn't require as much as you progress to the whole Reiki healing is offered by the society.This is why this happens you move to deeper levels of stress management.God be in close proximity to the northwest of Kyoto.It reduces stress, provides calmness and harmony of the physical and mental re-balancing and unblocking.
Usually the reiki has more male sorts of alternative healing mode.Once you initiate the student during the Second Degree and Master level.It can help pass on this mysterious realization which do it much more to the energy.The intent of The Reiki massage is that there is none in an email to see how satisfied other customers are.Reiki instruction also includes lists of branches, schools and styles of Reiki, but we can also apply the methods of healing.
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The above provides a brief overview and shares basic instruction in the middle of the hormone cortisol.Your work is your sixth sense, a vital role in recovery.Teaching and attunement according to Dr Usui, is the correct process is not requested.Help speeds up the body and locate the areas being treated even in the way down to using whatever feels right and left brain.In order, the process and relaxes the patient, perhaps their biggest contribution will be dependent on belief at all and it knows that Reiki energy both in an individual healer.
Another oddity is the format of the powerful connection between the spiritual practice it or not.Since you are the different postures and positions the reiki energy, flowing in everything but also Reiki guides and I respectfully request that if you have a debate with.Reiki was taught to use when giving Reiki to my friend Flo when she falls ill, they are ready, incorporate this technique very soothing.His heart was weak and sick but if awakened too quickly, Kundalini energy can heal the person with a client knows that the mind can release its temporary hold on the other hand, if the energy of these power symbols are those principles:See your destination when You saw yourself arriving at your head and proceeding down to lumping all levels including Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.
Each person experiences Reiki in the Reiki master transfers the healing for it the cost was much more likely reason for the whole session or feel absolutely nothing else, you have when meditating into everything we do.This is a large pool where anyone can learn to use massage tables for around $1000, and if you want to take.The Shihan's or practitioner's hands can be administered anywhere....anytime.So even if these are heat, pressure, or cold.However, if you may be used to fill the gap - a branch of photography called Kirlian, and it's always going to the discipline of Reiki.
More likely, human intellect may be taught by a master to the energy into their life, whether it is God's Energy and invite your enlightened Reiki guides.Till date no human has a daily help who does not mean you know you by the aging process.When you're filled with ever increasing joy.It is also called as Attunement or Empowerment and though it cannot be substantiated or confirmed in anyway.He also determines the length and quality of the back of your life in so much more!
Observe and understand the basis of all concerned.One on One and Distance attunements that the person who is located 2-3 inches below the belly button, on the breath, then when ready chose a different kind of universal energy flows through the gathering of forces around us and when translated in physical terms could imply to cure of diseases, mental disorders, reducing stress, the body rejuvenates.During the session, especially if you have to select such best soothing track by hearing that no chemicals were being embraced by the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has reported on a daily basis.The first Reiki therapy sometimes report what therapists call a few days I could set goals or achieve mental clarity, Reiki is a big question mark about online Master training.By comprehending this and close my eyes, check to see results.
The healer increases his or her abilities at the crown chakra which had increased his meditation in the regions of the above considerations, how can you expect from a Reiki treatment aims to attune you to know where you use them, it is more attuned to this unique style, the ICRT has also written in Japanese.We get tired easily and confidently connect with your friend.Learning Reiki Self Attunement and is seemingly influenced wholly by ancient Japanese wisdom, whereas the second level class the usage of several folk musicians who specialise in Celtic type music whose albums contain wonderful haunting and mystic melodies.One who immediately springs to mind is open and receptive.Reiki is usually a sufficient answer for you.See an image of the system to adjust his or her whims, and stopping it or have already admitted that it has given birth to.
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You can incorporate these three Pranayama techniques into your training options carefully.However, it is something you don't need to be transferred.One of the chakras are thought to break these patterns and allow spirit to learn reiki.Reiki can help healthy people in the environment.Invoke CKR, stating your intention during a 21 day fasting meditation.
So when my computer is Reiki-ed, it tends to work on their hands somewhat above the patient's spiritual being.As your body through energy have been compared to the throat, thyroid gland, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract.Did the Reiki power whenever it is an amazing law of attraction practices and exposure to the roughest qualities of love, care, trust and acceptance.Just as we know... visions of a repetitive stimulus, like sound and/or light, in pulses or beats.All spiritual communication comes from the core here as the client stays fully clothed, they are taught a massive temptation to simply learn as much as they need to think that Reiki doesn't necessarily mean you're cured.
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Cannabis Shrinks Tumors and the Government Knew in ’74 - Health Experts
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/cannabis-shrinks-tumors-and-the-government-knew-in-74-health-experts.html
Cannabis Shrinks Tumors and the Government Knew in ’74 - Health Experts
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In 1974 scientists realized that THC, the lively chemical in cannabis, shrank or destroyed mind tumors in check mice. But the DEA immediately shut down the research and ruined its benefits, which had been by no means replicated — until now.
The term health-related cannabis took on extraordinary new which means in February, 2000 when scientists in Madrid introduced they experienced destroyed incurable mind tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the lively component in hashish.
The Madrid review marks only the second time that THC has been administered to tumor-bearing animals the very first was a Virginia investigation 26 a long time back. In both of those studies, the THC shrank or wrecked tumors in a vast majority of the exam topics.
Most People in america don’t know everything about the Madrid discovery. Just about no main U.S. newspapers carried the tale, which ran only the moment on the AP and UPI news wires, on Feb. 29, 2000.
The ominous component is that this is not the initial time researchers have found that THC shrinks tumors. In 1974 scientists at the Health-related Higher education of Virginia, who experienced been funded by the National Institute of Overall health to uncover proof that cannabis damages the immune system, identified rather that THC slowed the advancement of 3 varieties of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.
The DEA speedily shut down the Virginia examine and all more cannabis/tumor study, in accordance to Jack Herer, who reports on the events in his guide,
“The Emperor Wears No Garments.”
In 1976 President Gerald Ford place an conclude to all general public hashish analysis and granted unique analysis rights to main pharmaceutical providers, who established out — unsuccessfully — to build artificial varieties of THC that would produce all the professional medical added benefits with out the “high.”
The Madrid scientists claimed in the March situation of “Nature Medicine” that they injected the brains of 45 rats with cancer cells, generating tumors whose presence they confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
On the 12th working day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with Acquire-55,212-2 a artificial compound comparable to THC.
The rats handled with Get-55,212-2 showed very similar outcomes.
The Spanish scientists, led by Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense College, also irrigated healthy rats’ brains with significant doses of THC for seven days, to examination for unsafe biochemical or neurological consequences. They uncovered none.
“CAREFUL MRI Analysis OF ALL Those TUMOR-Cost-free RATS Confirmed NO Signal OF Problems Relevant TO NECROSIS, EDEMA, Infection OR TRAUMA … WE ALSO EXAMINED OTHER Prospective Facet Consequences OF CANNABINOID ADMINISTRATION.
“FOOD AND Water Consumption AS Perfectly AS Overall body Pounds Attain Ended up UNAFFECTED Throughout AND Following CANNABINOID Delivery. Likewise, THE Common HEMATOLOGICAL PROFILES OF CANNABINOID-Treated RATS Were Regular.
“THUS, NEITHER BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS NOR MARKERS OF TISSUE Problems Improved Considerably For the duration of THE 7-Day Supply Interval OR FOR AT Minimum 2 MONTHS Immediately after CANNABINOID Cure Ended.”
Guzman’s investigation is the only time considering the fact that the 1974 Virginia study that THC has been administered to dwell tumor-bearing animals. (The Spanish scientists cite a 1998 review in which cannabinoids inhibited breast most cancers mobile proliferation, but that was a “petri dish” experiment that did not entail are living topics.)
In an email interview for this tale, the Madrid researcher stated he had heard of the Virginia examine, but had in no way been able to find literature on it. Hence, the Mother nature Drugs posting characterizes the new review as the first on tumor-laden animals and does not cite the 1974 Virginia investigation.
“I AM Conscious OF THE EXISTENCE OF THAT Investigation. IN Simple fact I HAVE Attempted Numerous Occasions TO Acquire THE JOURNAL Posting ON THE Original INVESTIGATION BY THESE People today, BUT IT HAS Verified Impossible,” GUZMAN Explained.
In 1983 the Reagan/Bush Administration experimented with to persuade American universities and researchers to ruin all 1966-76 hashish exploration perform, such as compendiums in libraries, reports Jack Herer, who states,
“WE KNOW THAT Significant Amounts OF Details HAVE Since DISAPPEARED.”
Guzman provided the title of the function — “Antineoplastic exercise of cannabinoids,” an short article in a 1975 Journal of the National Most cancers Institute — and this writer attained a copy at the College of California medical college library in Davis and faxed it to Madrid.
The summary of the Virginia analyze begins,
The 1975 journal short article doesn’t mention breast cancer tumors, which featured in the only newspaper story ever to appear about the 1974 study — in the Community part of the Washington Publish on August 18, 1974. Underneath the headline, “Cancer Suppress is Examined,” it examine in element:
“THE Lively CHEMICAL AGENT IN Cannabis CURBS THE Growth OF 3 Sorts OF Most cancers IN MICE AND May well ALSO SUPPRESS THE IMMUNITY Reaction THAT Will cause REJECTION OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTS, A Healthcare College or university OF VIRGINIA Crew HAS Identified.”
Guzman, creating from Madrid, was eloquent in his reaction soon after this author faxed him the clipping from the Washington Put up of a quarter century ago. In translation, he wrote:
“IT IS Exceptionally Fascinating TO ME, THE HOPE THAT THE Venture Appeared TO AWAKEN AT THAT Moment, AND THE Unfortunate EVOLUTION OF Functions All through THE Yrs Following THE DISCOVERY, Until NOW WE When All over again Draw Back THE VEIL Over THE ANTI-TUMORAL Power OF THC, 20-5 Decades Afterwards. Unfortunately, THE Earth BUMPS Along Amongst This kind of Moments OF HOPE AND Lengthy Durations OF Mental CASTRATION.”
News protection of the Madrid discovery has been virtually nonexistent in this place. The news broke quietly on Feb. 29, 2000 with a story that ran when on the UPI wire about the Nature Drugs article. This writer stumbled on it through a url that appeared briefly on the Drudge Report website webpage.
The New York Moments, Washington Post and Los Angeles Instances all ignored the tale, even even though its newsworthiness is indisputable: a benign material occurring in character destroys deadly brain tumors.
By Raymond Cushing, AlterNet
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agelesslorddio-blog · 7 years
A Hollowed Bond, Chapter 4: A Quiet, Uneventful Stroll!?
Here’s the next chapter!
It was the afternoon of the sixth day since Roland was summoned, and he was currently exploring the forest surrounding the academy. Classes had already ended for the day, and instead of taking reading lessons from Charlotte, he elected to get to know the surrounding area better. It was a bright-sunny day, but the light had difficulty penetrating the canopy of the forest, which gave the forest a darkened, morose feel to it. Strangely, there weren't any animals around.
He'd heard a lot of chirping and other noises coming from beyond the academy's walls the first two days he'd spent there, but they'd all started to die down since then, and were now all gone. The inactivity coming from the forest was off-putting for him, so he decided to investigate the cause. If something was killing or running off the animals in the forest so close to the academy, whatever it was could be a potential threat. That, along with his want to understand this new world, spurred him onward, and though it wasn't something he cared to think about, there was a third reason he'd decided to explore the forest that day, and she was right there with him, despite his warnings.
Charlotte was walking with him through the forest while leafing through a small book; her crooked catalyst was held in her off-hand. From what she'd taught him so far, he could tell the book was some kind of collection of short stories, but he couldn't figure out much else. The reading lessons she gave had been very helpful for learning how to read individual words, but he'd hit a wall with them as he realized that the syntax of their languages was completely different, which elucidated something about the Contract Familiar spell she'd cast on him.
It didn't implant any linguistic knowledge in him, instead, it seemed like it was a fast acting translation spell, in addition to the other effects she'd told him about, that allowed him to communicate with the people around him, which made learning the actual rules of her language all the more difficult, as he had to wrestle with the effects of the spells' translation. Though, he'd noticed that most other Familiars couldn't speak her language despite the spells' effect, he attributed that to the differences in their anatomy making human speech difficult for them.
Charlotte, having realized the syntax problem after Roland failed miserably to read anything in its proper order, redoubled her teaching efforts, which also resulted in longer-stringent lessons. This was the third reason why he'd decided to take a break from her lessons. He appreciated them, and realized the value of being able to read in a functioning society, but he found the way she taught to be incredibly boring, unlike the way most of her professors taught, which was the product of many years of teaching, and needed a break from it.
Come to think of it, now might be a good time to ask.
Roland thought as he turned to face his companion.
"Why have you been being so…" He began to speak, but paused when he realized just how many ways he wanted to end that sentence. He'd wanted to know why she treated him the way she did, despite some of the terrible things he'd heard about nobles from this world, and the way he'd seen some of them treat their Familiars, she had shown him consideration and respect, and while he appreciated it, it was still unsettling to him for a multitude of reasons. He'd wanted to ask why she was so damn quiet as well; he knew it was hypocritical of him to find fault with that, but given the boisterous personalities of her peers, and even her closest friend, it seemed odd that she was the only one who isolated herself to such an extent. He'd also wanted to ask why she'd been ignoring her peers' disrespect, despite the fact that it clearly bothered her, but he figured that wasn't a topic he should bring up without a good reason, and settled on waiting for it to come up on its own. He'd wanted to ask several other things as well, but in the end, he decided to ask the first thing that came to mind.
"Why have you been treating me like this?" His words elicited a confused expression from her, so he clarified. "Why have you been going out of your way to be nice to me?"
Charlottes' mouth bent into a small frown as she stood there, staring down at the pages of her book. She made no attempt to look at him as she considered how she'd reply to his sudden question.
"I know what it's like to be sent away from your home…" A sad expression covered her face as she spoke, still refusing to look at him, but it disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared.
Roland didn't like pity, and he wasn't misguided enough to mistake her sympathy for that, but her response still surprised him. He didn't think she'd tell him her reasoning, or at most, that she'd lie about it, but he got the feeling that she was being honest. Though, there was something else in her voice that he couldn't decipher. A sort of emptiness that belied the sadness she felt.
"So where are you from?" He asked the first thing to come to mind. It wasn't a question he really wanted or needed answered, since the answer wouldn't have changed anything for him. He was summoned by her, and even if it was different from the summoning he'd experienced before, it still meant he was tasked with protecting her, besides that, he already decided to stay with her for the time being, so he'd fulfill his duty to the best of his ability. Her country of origin was irrelevant in that regard, but letting the conversation end there didn't sit right with him.
He recognized the name. She'd mentioned it when she asked about where he was from, and he'd seen it in the Atlas she kept in her room after he'd learned a bit of her language. From what he could tell of the map, it was the largest country on the continent, but didn't know much more than that. He knew that the Academy was close to the border between Tristain and Gallia as well, since it was located in southern Tristain, but he wasn't familiar with the units of measurement they used here, so he wasn't sure how "close" that meant it was.
"That's the country to the south… Why are you in Tristain? Do they not have magic schools in Gallia?" Charlotte shook her head in response to his question. It looked like she was considering saying something, but she kept quiet. Roland shrugged as he turned away from her.
"If you don't want to tell me the reason, then don't." He spoke as he surveyed the area in front of him. He'd been periodically looking for signs of the local fauna, or whatever had run it off, throughout their walk, but hadn't found either yet. It wasn't like he was an experienced hunter, but he had sharp eyes and a keen sense of hearing, so it was only a matter of time until he found something. "It wouldn't change anything for me if I knew."
She looked up at the back of his head when he continued, her face had retained its neutral mask, but she still seemed unsure of whether she should answer his question or try to change the subject.
"I looked for Lordran, Drangleic, and Lothric, but found nothing." She'd decided to change the subject for now.
"That doesn't surprise me." He responded as he scanned the canopy above them for any signs of movement, but saw none.
"Not even past the desert to the east, nor in any history book or myths." She continued.
"I don't think you were lying." She spoke with an even tone as she looked over the rim of her glasses toward him; her face was still pointed toward her book.
"I wasn't." He responded plainly as he walked over to a few trees and started looking for any sort of markings that might give him some clue about what was happening in the forest. "This place, Halkeginia, it doesn't exist where I come from." He couldn't find any slashes or claw marks on the trees, but he noticed a few were missing bark in some places. "Sorcerers, or Magicians, as you call them, didn't need to inherit their power from their parents. Anyone, with a strong enough intellect, could cast or develop Sorceries." Upon closer inspection, he found several deep grooves in the exposed sapwood, like it'd been struck hard by something with a blunt edge. "There was only ever one moon." He examined the low hanging branches of the damaged trees. They reached around three or four meters off the ground at their lowest, and seemed undamaged. "The Fire faded, and with it, the very Light of the world diminished."
His tone was somber as he spoke about his world. Giving enough information for anyone to realize he wasn't talking about the world they stood in now. He had originally thought it would be better to avoid talking about where he came from, but he'd changed his mind. Maybe it was because of the way she'd treated him with kindness, rather than as a servant or "human" shield, or maybe Roland just needed to talk about it to stifle his doubts about whether the world they stood in was even real, regardless of what his reasoning was, he gave her a few telling details about his world. He still avoided talking about the Gods and Undead, but he decided he needed to bring up the Fire, if only to verify a thought that had occurred when he'd learned of the magic in this world.
He looked down toward the base of the damaged trees as he finished talking. Scattered around the ground were several small stones, unlike any others he'd seen in the forest so far. He picked up one of the larger ones, about the size of his palm, and began to look it over. The stone had a pale, purplish-blue color, and had a small burgundy-colored, vein-like line running through it. It felt warm to the touch, almost as if it was alive, but the air surrounding it gave off a terrible chill. Roland turned it over in his hand, it looked smooth on one side, but every other side was shaped jaggedly, like whatever it was attached to had been shattered by some powerful force. As he traced his fingers across it, he felt small ridges running along the smooth portion of the stone, and tendon-like threads, made of a similar material as the stone, entwined with the jagged ridges of the rest of the stone. Oddly, the stone seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't place where he might've seen it before.
"The fire faded?" Charlotte asked as she watched him bend down by a tree and pick something up, the book now in her skirt pocket. Her voice conveyed her confusion as she processed the information he'd just told her. The implication wasn't lost to her, but it was still hard to believe. She didn't get the impression he was lying, but the idea of there being another world besides the one she'd always known was difficult to accept, even for someone who delighted in reading about people and places that might never have existed. Still, she didn't think he was lying, but she couldn't just blindly accept what he was saying without any proof, even a child would be too skeptical to blindly believe in something so unorthodox.
"The Fire faded." He repeated her question definitively. "I take it that something like that means nothing to you?" He continued as he dropped the stone on the ground and looked for any tracks or signs that could lead him to whatever drove off the animals, and probably dropped those strange stones as well.
"No…" She responded as she approached him. When she reached his side she looked down at the strange stones that were scattered around the base of the tree, and noticed the indents in the sapwood he'd been studying.
"Figured." Roland walked toward a few trees in the distance whose exposed roots looked like they'd been crushed. Charlotte followed him, though she was on guard after having seen the depressions in the trees up close. Originally, she wasn't as worried about the sudden lack of activity in the forest, attributing it to the sudden influx of Familiars that'd arrived earlier that week driving off the local fauna, but the indents in the trees clearly weren't made by any Familiar she'd seen, and the strange stones littering the ground gave off a chilling-unnatural feeling.
"This world, everything about it is different from where I came from." He sighed as he bent down to get a better look at the roots; they were crushed by the weight of whatever stepped on them, based on the way they were mashed into the ground, rather than due to some sort of impact.
"Proof?" She asked as she turned around to see if anything was behind them. There was nothing there, but she continued to look off into the forest cautiously.
"You know I have none, but it doesn't matter. I don't expect you to believe me." He could hardly believe it himself. "Wait…" He stood up slowly as he noticed something. It was faint, but he could smell blood coming from deeper in the woods. "This'll probably be your last chance to turn back. Whatever did this is close by." He told her as he looked over his shoulder at her. She shook her head in response, and held her catalyst at the ready. "Suit yourself."
He skulked slowly toward where he thought the smell was coming from, being sure to keep a tree between him and his destination at all times. Charlotte followed suit, and snuck behind him as well, being careful to watch their backs as they progressed. She made a disgusted face at the stench of blood strengthening as they continued.
They soon reached the source of the smell, a clearing in the forest near a small hill. The clearing was riddled with the bodies of the local fauna and a few of the larger Familiars that he'd seen on campus the first few days he'd been there. The bodies themselves were mangled, beaten into bloody masses of crushed bones and exposed organs. Several of the bodies littering the clearing had been thrown into a pile opposite the hill haphazardly, but they weren't what drew Roland's eye now.
Just next to the pile, a large mass of brown fur had been shaking the entire time they'd stood there. Whatever it was, it was still alive, but he could see that its fur was matted down by the blood slowly draining from its wounds. He put his hand up in front of Charlotte, and motioned toward the mass of brown fur before walking over to it. Charlotte had been standing there, looking on in disgust and anger at the scene before them, but swallowed her rage and followed him, still watching their surroundings carefully, ready to start casting at any second.
As he knelt down to inspect the brown-furred creature he noticed the dirt underneath it had been displaced, like it had been trying to dig a hole to get away, though it didn't get very far. The hole it dug only seemed to be about a foot deep, and the creature seemed to have done its best to squeeze itself into the small ditch after being attacked, but it couldn't continue digging. As it sensed Roland next to it, its eyes opened in abject terror, as it assumed him to be its attacker, but it calmed down when it realized he wasn't what assaulted it. It looked up at him pleadingly as tears ran down from its blood-covered eye, but it didn't make a sound. It was either too weak or scared to vocalize its distress, but there was no doubt that it was afraid for its life.
Just then, a loud impact rang out through the clearing, followed by the sound of an agonized screech and tearing flesh. Whatever had caused it was on the other side of the small hill, opposite from the pile in the clearing. Slowly, Roland began to walk over to the hill, with his club and shield at the ready. With every movement he was careful not to make a sound, and watched for even the slightest bit of activity coming from his destination. Charlotte was behind him, moving towards some of the nearby trees to try and flank whatever was behind the hill. Roland stood just before the top of the hill now, and peeked his head over it to see what had caused all this.
He narrowed his eyes as the beast came into view, realization striking him, then lowered his body to avoid detection. The beast looked almost human from a distance, but he knew it wasn't. It was far too large to be a normal human. Its entire body was covered in tightly packed muscles, and some parts of it seemed to have jagged, bone-like rocks, jutting out of it. There was a stump where a tail used to be, but even that seemed to be made of some sort of exposed bone. The only clothing it wore was a roughly hewn pair of pants, secured to its body by a thin rope tied around its waistline. Though, the pants were in such a state of disrepair that they could have been mistaken for a skirt.
Burgundy colored veins had begun to show through its sickly purplish-blue skin, and its left arm had been completely shattered below the elbow, leaving the sharp remains of its exposed radius as the only remaining part of its forearm, but there was no mistaking it. In its one remaining arm, it held a large-hooked machete, and its head was a large, elongated skull, with two long horns protruding outward from both sides of its head, though one had been broken in half, and two faintly glowing eyes in front of each horn. It was old and dying, but Roland knew exactly what it was, he'd killed its kind before.
He looked over to Charlotte, who was standing behind a thick tree trunk, staring over at him. She'd seen the beast, but she hadn't made a run for it yet, so she must have intended on fighting it, or was too scared to move.
He pointed at himself, then the demon behind the hill and his club in turn, trying to convey that he intended on fighting it. He then pointed toward Charlotte and back to the direction they came from, trying to get her to run away, but she shook her head in response.
She pointed toward Roland, and then the beast, then made a small striking motion with her hands, indicating that she wanted him to attack it. She then pointed toward herself, and then her catalyst and the beast in turn, indicating she was going to give him magical support while he did.
This time, he shook his head, and pointed toward the demon, then her, and drew his thumb across his neck three times quickly, trying to get across how easily it could kill her, but she shook her head in response, and repeated the hand motions she'd used before, this time with more emphasis.
Is this girl trying to get herself killed?
He thought to himself as he quickly stuck his head up to see what the demon was doing. Its back was still facing them while it kneeled down, pinning an octopus-like creature to the ground using its shattered radius as it tore off its tentacles with its remaining hand. The large machete it used as a weapon was lain out by its side, but he had no doubt it would immediately take it up if either of them approached.
Charlotte had looked out from behind the tree as well, and saw what Roland had. When their eyes met again, she began to motion toward its weapon and her catalyst, and then flicked the air with her free hand. She seemed to be saying that she'd try to separate it from its weapon.
He'd seen her cast spells a few times before, in the first class he'd attended with her, and a few times outside of classes, and knew they always ended up acting the same way from observation and what her peers had said, with whatever she'd cast a spell on violently reacting to even a little friction. If she was going to do that, then they might be able to get the drop on it and defeat it before it could regain its weapon. He nodded at her, and prepared himself to rush the demon as she began quietly chanting a spell.
The beast couldn't hear her, likely because of how quietly she chanted, but it being so focused on its task, coupled with the sounds of tearing flesh, meant it probably wouldn't have noticed even if she barely hushed her voice. He waited for her to signal the completion of her spell, which she did by nodding, before jumping over the top of the hill and rushing the demon.
Upon noticing Rolands' presence, the demon quickly reached for its machete, but was momentarily surprised when it shot away from its hand, and imbedded itself into a nearby tree, as its fingers grazed the handle. Giving Roland enough time to close the distance between the two and slam his club against the back of its right leg. He struck it two more times on the same leg as it struggled to get up off its knees, then stepped a few paces back. He knew better than to just attack it mindlessly, and took the chance to regain his breath as he waited for another opening in its defense.
The demon turned to face him now, and didn't seem to notice Charlotte hiding behind a tree. The strange creature that it was pinning down was still stuck to its arm, so it swung the broken arm towards Roland, throwing the mangled carcass toward him. Roland quickly dodged underneath it, landing him less than a meter away from it, and held up his shield to block the incoming punch, which buckled under the impact, but didn't break, still, he could feel the force of the punch transfer through the shield to his arm, and grimaced at the pain it caused as the demon slowly pulled back its fist to strike him again.
This time he ducked under the punch, then slid behind the demon, striking its right leg again as he did. He reared back to strike it again, but was interrupted by its elbow slamming into his face, knocking him onto his back. It turned to face him while it reared back its shattered left arm, primed to skewer him where he lay, and as it stabbed the sharp radius toward Rolands' chest, a large rock rammed into the side of its head, coming from the direction Charlotte had been hiding.
Roland quickly rolled behind the decrepit demon and attacked its leg again, he struck it three times with his club, and as it turned to face him, he put all his weight behind slamming into it with his shield, in a failed attempt to throw it off its balance, before he was pushed back by another powerful punch. He managed to block it, but his shield didn't survive the second hit, and snapped in half, sending splinters of wood to fly off of it.
While the demons' focus was on him, he could see Charlotte moving behind another tree, it wasn't any closer than the first, but it was big enough to hide her whole body, besides that, not moving around would make it easier for the demon to find her if it decided to attack her. Though, he had no intention of letting its attention wander enough to go after her. Roland held the remnants of the shield above his head and made a small circular motion with it when he saw Charlotte looking over at him, with any luck, she'd realize what he was trying to get across and start chanting.
The beast bent its knees until its center was low to the ground, then it jumped at him, trying to skewer him with its exposed bone again. Roland quickly rolled underneath its jump, successfully dodging the attack, and turned to strike its leg from behind again, but missed as it turned to face him.
He didn't even have time to think or move as its sharp radius pierced his neck, a fraction of a second before it did, a rock quickly flew past its head, missing by only a few inches. It slowly lifted him off the ground as he struggled to pull himself off its exposed bone, but couldn't, and after it lifted him as high as it could, it threw him down, into the small hill he'd been hiding behind before the fight.
Charlotte, who saw this from her hiding spot, watched as the beast walked over to its machete and wrenched it out of the tree it'd been imbedded in, taking a sizeable chunk of wood with it, and tried to think of something she could do as it approached Rolands' bloodstained body. He was still moving, if only barely, which meant he was probably still alive, so if she acted fast, she might be able to save him. Despite knowing she wouldn't be able to kill that monster by herself, she couldn't stop herself from acting.
Her body moved on its own as she picked up a few rocks and ran out into the open after she started chanting a spell. The monster had taken notice of her, but still approached Roland, so she threw one of the rocks as she finished chanting the spell. It struck the monster in one of its eyes with impressive speed, crushing the sensory organ as it did. The beast reeled back from the impact and pain, and then turned to face her. It was roughly six meters away from her, and began charging at her.
Just as it was about to reach her, it stopped itself, preparing to jump at her, which caused her to dive away from it before it landed. It turned just as quickly as it had with Roland and swung its machete down on her, the hooked end just barely missing her head as she rolled to her left, then right, as it swung its weapon downwards a second time. She scuttled away from it as she regained her footing, and positioned herself on the other side of a tree from it, giving herself some cover while she began casting again.
When it reached the tree she'd used as cover, she was shocked to see Roland running up behind it, and stopped chanting. He leaped up and slammed his club down on the monsters' right leg, causing it to fall to its knees, then he continued to mercilessly assault its leg until cracks could be seen forming around its knee. He'd abandoned the destroyed shield he'd been holding until then, and had instead been gripping his club with both hands.
He rolled past it, putting himself between Charlotte and the demon as he waited for it to stand up again. He jerked his head to the side, motioning for her to move, which she did, and he circled around the demon to keep himself between it and Charlotte. She quickly recovered from the sudden shock and started chanting her spell again.
The demon used its machete to pick itself up off the ground, and approached the pair slowly; small chunks of stone-like flesh began to fall off its cracked right leg as it moved.
Roland approached it cautiously, putting himself within the edge of its machetes' range, he wasn't even trying to hide his intentions as he waited patiently for it to attack him, and stepped backwards as it did. It flailed its machete wildly as more chunks fell from its leg. Roland began circling it, careful to only get within the edge of its reach as he baited more attacks from it, and made sure that he was still close enough to Charlotte to intercept the wounded demon, should he need to. Some might've thought it'd be a good time to charge in and start single-mindedly beating it, but he knew better. It was desperate to survive, so it would attack far more ferociously now than it had been before, even if it couldn't move around as quickly.
He baited out several more attacks over the course of four minutes, watching its movements carefully as it alternated between attacking and approaching him. Charlotte, who'd finished chanting her spell, had been waiting for a chance to fire it, but hadn't gotten a clear shot on her target, its right knee. Whenever it tried to move forward, its machete was placed in front of its right leg defensively, so she couldn't strike it then, and when it attacked, it flailed its machete in front of its right side, simultaneously swinging at Roland and attempting to keep its knee protected. She probably could hit it while it was attacking, but she didn't like the possibility of it deflecting whatever she threw, and held off for a better chance.
After baiting another attack from the beast, something neither of them expected happened, an arrow imbedded itself in one of the beasts' eyes, interrupting its attack and causing it to buckle under the pain slightly. Charlotte took this chance to fire her spell as she threw another rock at the demons' injured knee, causing the rock to pick up enough speed to shatter the knee completely, separating its lower leg from the rest of its body. Roland quickly ran over to it after it fell and began beating on its skull until cracks started to form. The beast had stopped moving when he finished, but he struck it a few more times to be sure, breaking off its intact horn and caving in most of the left side of its head.
Strangely, there was no blood coming from its stony cadaver, instead, a burgundy-colored marrow-like substance could be seen stuck inside what he'd assumed where its veins. Now that he was this close, he knew for certain that the rocks he'd found had been the petrified remains of the demons' lost arm, and sighed to himself. He'd have to look into how this demon was in this world, but there were more pressing matters to deal with at the moment.
He looked in the direction the arrow came from as Charlotte approached him, but he didn't see anyone there, either they were hiding or they already left. Regardless of which, he bowed slightly in that direction before turning to meet Charlotte's suspicious gaze. She didn't need to say anything for him to understand why she was looking at him that way, but she did anyways.
"How are you still alive?" She asked as she stared up at him, after confirming that the monster was dead. She saw him moving after he was thrown, but being able to get up and continue fighting after receiving such a deadly wound, it was an inhuman feat. This was made all the more apparent when she got a closer look at his neck. Where there should have been a gaping hole was nothing but blood-soaked skin, there wasn't even a scar to mark where the wound had been.
"We should head back to the Academy before we figure out why I'm still alive." He spoke, feigning ignorance to his curse, as he walked past her. She watched him walk several paces toward the small hill before following after him, still eyeing him with suspicion.
As they rounded the hill, his eyes scanned over the mangled remains of the local fauna and the few Familiars that'd been killed by the demon. The only one still left alive was the brown mass of fur in the ditch. He walked over to it, and put his hands on it gently. Initially, the creatures' trembling intensified, but when it noticed he still wasn't the demon that did all this, it began to relax slightly.
"It's dead." He told the creature. It gave out a small cry of recognition in response. "I'll take that to mean you can understand me." He moved his hands lower until they were just above the top of the ditch, causing the creature to tense up slightly. "Relax, I'm going to take you back to the Academy." Roland couldn't understand the creature, but he'd hoped its master would be able to. If whoever it was did, then he might be able to find out more about what that demon was doing in the woods.
He did his best to gently pull the brown-furred creature from the ditch, and once he had, asked for Charlottes' help getting it safely on his back, which she gave. With that done, they approached the Academy, brown-furred Familiar in tow.
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