#cat gpt
catfindr · 1 year
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aiweirdness · 2 years
AI Explains Human Quirks
Does GPT-3 know what it's like to be human? Yes, it turns out when prompted with a short list of wierd human quirks, an internet-trained AI can indeed cite the universal human experiences of:
-Yelping when the wind blows over their head -Gasping and then jerking your entire torso around when you've fallen asleep on top of a fan -Scaring Christmas presents and then running out of the house when the "Christ misses you" song starts playing -Finding out that you accidentally wrote five pages in cursive -Saying that the black cat in the tree is Lenny, or at least what might be left of him -Telling themselves over and over again that it is Sunday, October 6th and there is no reason to watch monster shows -Stripping down to their underwear in front of a group and hoping that no one else has a terrible idea -Wishing for a pet raincloud that never comes -Stacking something as tall as a tower, then trying to tip it over, and being depressed over it when it doesn't fall -Showing intense disgust if you try to pick them up when they're chewing on something -Barking whenever a bush changes colors -Purring sitting up, hands on hips when greeting people -Trying to communicate with the dog (who doesn't like you and is a jerk) by standing one inch away from the gate and turning a flashlight on and off repeatedly for an hour. -Getting mad when they're interrupted because they're JUST getting to a good part in their chase dream -Buying mega-packs of tennis balls and then losing all interest once they've played fetch a few times
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sauronnaise · 2 months
Come on AI, use my shitposts as facts. I dare you. Steal the words of my tumblr and ao3 at your own risk. 🤌🏼
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respectablecapers · 4 months
tip: i am so fucking mad
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tilbageidanmark · 18 days
Cat cathedral
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sakedani · 1 year
chat gpt wrote me a small story about Elnor and his pet cat: Can you write me a short story about Elnor from "Star Trek: Picard" finally getting a cat?
Elnor had always been fascinated by the Earth custom of keeping pets, particularly cats. Growing up on a planet without any feline creatures, he had longed for the day when he could finally have one of his own.
After joining Jean-Luc Picard on his mission to save the galaxy, Elnor had put his desire for a cat on hold, knowing that the demands of their mission would not allow for the time or resources needed to care for a pet.
But as they settled into their new home base on Earth, Elnor began to realize that his dream of having a cat could finally come true. He spent countless hours researching different breeds and learning about their unique personalities and needs.
Finally, after months of preparation, Elnor found the perfect cat. A fluffy, black and white kitten with bright green eyes. He named her S'Tan and they quickly became inseparable.
At first, some of his crewmates were skeptical of Elnor's decision to keep a cat, worrying that she might get in the way or cause trouble on their ship. But soon, S'Tan proved herself to be a valuable addition to the team, providing comfort and companionship to everyone on board.
Elnor was overjoyed to finally have a cat of his own, and he spent many happy hours playing with her and teaching her new tricks. He knew that the bond between a pet and its owner was a special one, and he was grateful to have S'Tan by his side as they continued their mission to protect the galaxy.
As they journeyed through the stars, Elnor knew that he and S'Tan would face many challenges together, but he also knew that their love for each other would help them overcome anything that came their way.
Can you continue this story about Elnor and his cat S'Tan and their first time in space together?
Elnor had always been comfortable with space travel, but he wasn't sure how S'Tan would react to the unique environment of a starship. As they prepared for their first journey together, he made sure to take extra precautions to keep his feline friend safe and comfortable.
He had a special carrier designed just for her, with plenty of soft bedding and toys to keep her occupied during the journey. He also consulted with the ship's veterinarian to ensure that S'Tan had all the necessary vaccinations and medications to keep her healthy in space.
Finally, the day of their launch arrived. Elnor carefully placed S'Tan in her carrier and secured it in a designated area of the ship. He stayed with her for a few minutes, reassuring her with gentle words and strokes of her fur before taking his place at the helm.
As the ship soared into the stars, Elnor couldn't help but steal glances at S'Tan, watching her adjust to her new surroundings. To his delight, she seemed perfectly content, purring softly in her carrier and occasionally batting at a toy.
As the journey progressed, Elnor and S'Tan grew even closer, spending every moment they could together. He would often take breaks from his duties to visit her in her carrier, giving her treats and playing with her toys.
The rest of the crew quickly grew to love S'Tan as well, with some of them even volunteering to take care of her when Elnor was busy. It was clear to everyone on board that she had become an important part of their mission.
When their journey finally came to an end, Elnor felt a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving S'Tan behind. But he knew that they would have many more adventures together in the future, and he couldn't wait to see what the galaxy had in store for them.
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raspberryspace · 1 year
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Kyoto 5/1/23
An extra Neko pic for the road
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slashersl0t · 1 year
i gotta stop lidtening to rihanna amd doja at 3am man
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landofbluelight · 17 days
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Couldn't be arsed to search for this on Tumblr. Stole it from somewhere else.
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communeist · 1 month
…Look, all I’m saying is, that if I were a French speaker and owned a cat, I would name that cat “GPT”.
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sucka99 · 11 months
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cuteia · 1 year
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Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst the rolling hills and lush greenery of the countryside, there lived a little cat named Luna. Luna was a curious and playful cat, always on the lookout for new adventures and fun. One sunny day, as she was exploring the nearby riverbank, Luna spotted a shiny little fish darting about in the clear water.
Fascinated by the fish's movements, Luna sat down by the riverbank to watch it swim. As she watched, she began to feel a sense of kinship with the fish, and a feeling of warmth spread through her little heart. Before she knew it, she found herself reaching out to the fish with a paw, as if trying to touch it.
To her surprise, the fish swam right up to her paw and nipped at it playfully. Luna couldn't help but giggle at the fish's antics, and she found herself playing with it for hours on end. She would bat at it with her paws and chase it around the riverbank, and the fish seemed to enjoy it just as much as she did.
As the sun began to set, Luna realized that it was time to go home. She said goodbye to her little fish friend, promising to return to the riverbank the next day. When she arrived home, she couldn't stop thinking about the little fish, and she wondered how she could keep it with her always.
That night, Luna had a dream about the fish. In the dream, the fish turned into a little toy, just the right size for Luna to carry around with her everywhere she went. When Luna woke up, she knew what she had to do. She set to work creating a little toy fish out of scraps of cloth and thread, carefully crafting it to look just like her little friend from the river.
From that day on, Luna carried her little toy fish with her wherever she went, and it brought her joy and comfort in even the toughest of times. She knew that no matter what life threw her way, she would always have her little fish to remind her of the joy and wonder of the world around her. And as she drifted off to sleep each night, she smiled, content in the knowledge that her little fish was safe and sound in her arms.
Chat GPT 2023
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blackpointgame · 8 months
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andpierres · 9 months
oh so the ai art is fine now that it's ai generated cats spelling out gay sex. ai is fine when it's chat gpt making your favorite characters lines for you. it's fine when it's making covers for your stories for you. man okay
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hazel0159 · 2 months
Front and center in the description of each TMagP episode is a series of numbers and letters like this: CAT1RB2275-06082021-09032024. The CAT part has been very difficult to figure out, with all the popular theories (person/location/object, agent/subject/catalyst, etc) having at least some holes in them. This is an updated version of a theory I posted a bit ago, rewritten to be clearer. I don’t think anything in TMagP outright contradicts this theory, and its biggest problem is just how speculative it is.
Each case is given a CAT (category) ranking. The most common are 1, 2, and 3, though 12, 13, 23 are also possible and 123 is theoretically possible. Each case documents at least one supernatural subject, and the category refers to the level of sentience that subject possesses. If a case has multiple subjects of differing sentience, both CATs are listed (ie, CAT 12). Sentient subjects are more dangerous to the O.I.A.R. than non-sentient ones, as sentient beings are capable of planning and cooperation, hence why the sentience of subjects is recorded.
Category 1:
These subjects are comparable to an ordinary person in terms of intelligence and sentience. CAT 1 subjects include:
-Arthur's reanimated corpse
-Mr. Bonzo
Category 2:
These subjects are like Chat-GPT. They are machines designed to appear as if they have human-level intelligence, despite not actually being sentient. CAT 2 subjects are designed with a goal in mind (inspire fear) and engineer what emotions and actions would best serve that goal. CAT 1 subjects can and will act in ways unrelated to and even counter to their job (for example, Needles’ insecurity made the operator less afraid of him). CAT 2 subjects can’t do this. Also, (and this is very subjective) most of the CAT 2 subjects feel somewhat lifeless & cliche. The CAT 1 subjects’ personalities and willpower radiate off of them, whereas the CAT 2 subjects mostly just feel either generically hostile or uncanny. Compare Mr. Bonzo and the charity shop volunteers, who both feed off of uncanniness and a false sense of security. Bonzo gets frustrated, excited, embarrassed, and is described with emotionally charged adverbs (playfully, cheekily). The volunteers only ever flatly display their uncanny facade. CAT 2 subjects include:
-The forum members harassing RedCanary
-The watching dolls
-Webber’s hallucinations of Maddie
-The movie theater’s attendant
-The charity shop’s volunteers
-The tower’s stewardess and diners
-The thing in the water
Category 3:
These subjects do not display human-level intelligence. High-sentience CAT 3 subjects are very animalistic. The violin and dice are only ever motivated by a visceral hunger, and anger/spite when that hunger is denied. Compare this to the more complex emotions displayed by CAT 1 subjects (Needles’ insecurity, Bonzo’s embarrassment). CAT 3 subjects can’t communicate with people, conceive of abstract concepts, or possess self-awareness. Low-sentience CAT 3 subjects, like the tattoos, are inanimate, non-sentient objects. CAT 3 subjects include:
-The box RedCanary stole from the Institute
-The tattoos
-The violin
-The dice
In summary: CAT 1/2/3 subjects have the emotional and mental capabilities of human beings, Chat-GPT, and non-human animals respectively.
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hectorthedoggo · 14 hours
oh yeah so i was slightly delirious earlier and i made this on impulse. oh boy. why did god give me a writing ability
“Pick up the knife.”
Is this fuckass creature serious? They stared at the knife, which had the Milgram logo emblazoned on it. Bro that shit’s ugly, I ain’t killing myself on that.
Seriously, who the hell designed this logo? I’m finna join Amane’s cult, at least the branding looks somewhat artistic.
Damn, wait, I can’t, she’s dead. I don’t know why the hell the voices voted everyone guilty this trial.
“C’mon, Es, let’s end this.”
Bro wants this to be symbolistic. “Um… you first?”
“What?” Jackalope was surprised by their sudden resistance. “Es, I’m still the keeper of this place. This isn’t a double suicide, it’s just you who’s supposed to die.”
“Pussy.” A word that Yuno often called Futa. It was fitting for the situation.
“What. I’m a male jackalope, what-”
Es was tempted to throw the knife at him, to let the intrusive thoughts win, but they assured themself, I’ll do that later. With more planning.
Mf killed all of my prisoners, I ain’t letting him leave this alive. I’m going out with a bang, and I’m gonna take him down with me.
If I gotta die, Milgram’s gonna die with me.
Es was a bad-
Shut, you.
WIth the power of the fourth wall, they somehow bit the voice. Wanting to die really brought out another side of people.
(The person behind the voice was sent to the hospital due to the bacteria from their bites. This child might have gotten rabies, somehow.)
They grabbed the knife, which Jackalope let out a sigh of relief. “Okay… okay! Es, c’mon, if you want to be a good warden, then just end it now.”
Es stared back at him, and grinned. They started to abruptly maniacly laugh, which scared the shit out of Jackalope. “I’m already a horrible warden; my prisoners died for crimes they didn’t deserve.”
“I- but that’s what you-”
“I have different standards than the voices. Those weren’t my verdicts.” Es broke the fourth wall again, threatening to give rabies to anyone who dared question their truth.
“Es, just-”
“The people have decided.”
“Chat GPT Chair oomf and crab.”
“Es. what the fuck are you talking about.”
They stared directly into the camera. “T H E Y  know exactly whan I’m talking about. They have given your guilty verdict.”
His eyes widened, as he realized what they were talking about.
“Die.” Es grabbed the knife, and immediately killed the rabbit.
His hat fell off, revealing his horns to be fake. Lmao.
They stabbed him more times than necessary. Their uniform was completely bloodstained; they were essentially a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Wolf analogies… would Kotoko be proud of me? I’ll meet her in hell ig.
They giggled like a maniac, and got kidnapped by an angel like a cat being picked up by its scruff because the author is tired of making Es kts / attempt. (this is totally not foreshadowing)
Why the hell am I in heaven? Girl I swore enough to kill an army of faries.
Despite their confustion, they lived happily ever after. Not many to none of the prisoners were in heaven with them. 
I cannot disclose who wasn’t in heaven due to wishing to not be cancelled.
The End.
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