#cars headcannons
microwavedfishsticks · 6 months
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New Cars prank of them putting this on eachother while asleep
Same scenario for a humanized thing, where they put this on each other's cars while they're away XD
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Fillmore used to have rough anger issues and it is part of the reason he started meditating in the first place
Some of the radiator springs citizens refuse to believe someone like Fillmore could’ve had a reaction bigger than an eyebrow raise
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azurecryofox · 2 years
WGP Cars headcanons
Shu: Has an explosive atomic sneeze that sounds like this.
Jeff: He'll start saying something, then he doesn't know where it's going and trails off when talking.
Raoul: Will give an "Ayo?" face when asked a dumb question
Lewis: Will sometimes be in a daze... until startled.
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thatonelightyear · 2 years
First Race HCs
nervous energy- like. so. much. jitters.
but then the moment he gets on the track it's just all gone
runs on adrenaline high for the next 100s of laps
yk the whole : I guess i never thought i couldnt' stuff? Yeah that came from right after
whoaaa look at all the lights and all the bling... is this what it feels like to be recognised?
pushed and pushed, gave 130%
finished just shy of top 5
the exhilaration stayed for a long while
Strip Weathers
Tried to look calm on the outside, pretty shaky on the inside though
Just in awe. The track is huge-
once the race starts, he's just in the zone
everything feel right, from the roar of the crowd to the asphalt thrumming beneath his tyres
"and that was the moment i realised this was where I belonged"
crashed out 30 laps from the chequered due to a particularly squeezy restart
can't wait for the next race
Chick Hicks
went to his father for advice before the start, instantly got shot down
"what do you mean you won't do well? I expect nothing less than a top 10- 5 would be best, of course. Do whatever it takes."
"...yes sir"
showed concern for a particularly wrecked racer - his dad just snapped at him to keep racing though
rookie mistake caused him to wreck a few others, but he was told repeatedly "as long as you do well, it doesn't matter"
realised he loved the glitz and glamour after.
father gave him a tongue-lashing for being "too soft" and showing concern
he wanted to make his dad proud - he wanted to be good
as long as I win, nothing else matters.
HCs for our fav tiebreaker trio! (Chick's emotional damage definitely shaped his obnoxious character man...) But yeah these were fun
Please send me asks for headcannons, on that note XD
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cheeriochat · 1 month
Hmmmm DMC headcannons 3!!!!
This one's a bit wordy
• Dante and Vergil are the type of twins that when they are close by, are touching in any way possible. Sitting together? Dante is leaning on Vergil. Standing together? Vergil has his arm resting on Dantes shoulder. Walking together? They keep bashing into eachothers side. They can spend time apart (obviously) but when they are close there is always some form of contact.
• Nero felt phantom pains where his hand used to be, but when his arm grew back they kind of just became ordinary pains. He wasn't sure if it was a side affect of growing a whole ass arm back or something but he was happy when they went away.
• I kind of think Kyrie would have depression. I mean she went through a lot and lost her parents and brother but she lived, so I feel like she would have survivors guilt but due to constantly being busy she wouldn't really have the time to process it. It's a sad headcannon but I feel like it just seems right :(((
• On a bit of a lighter note, I feel like Kyrie would have a good support system though. I mean she has Nero obviously, but also I think she would have Lady, Trish and Dante there for her and eventually Vergil too.
• Talking about Trish, Lady and Dante. I feel like Lady and Trish would go shopping Bayonetta 2 style, and have Dante carry all their stuff around. (He gets compensated for his work when they stop at a Cafe and he gets a parfait, although he doesnt mind helping his friends)
• Nero has a huge sweet tooth, but because of the kids, he can't keep anything to satisfy his need for sugar around long enough. Vergil likes to buy him sweet stuff though as a form of peace offering. He's found Nero likes Lemon Sherbets, Sour patch kids, and controversially, Liquorice.
• Vergil likes Hotpot and Shabu Shabu. I don't know, I just feel this in my soul.
• Dante is jealous that Vergil gets a tail and he doesn't. Vergil is jealous Dante's horns are fancier than his. They are both content with the wings that they have. (Also vergil has long skinny fangs with sharp teeth and Dante has wider, stubbier (but still as equally sharp) fangs with more "human" teeth)
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hc that one time kobra accidentally filled the trans am with diesel (they have no fucking clue how) and party actually started to cry
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hard-deck-confessions · 10 months
After his mother, Bradley’s favorite person was always Maverick. His earliest memory was sitting on top of the piano at Kansas City Barbeque while his dad and Mav belted out a less than beautiful rendition af Great Balls of Fire and then being carried out dozing off in Mav’s arms. Although, he's not sure if he really remembers that day or if he can just picture it so vividly because Mav talked about it so often. Mav talked about a lot of memories with Goose. He told some stories so much, Bradley had them memorized word for word.
Mav was a constant in Bradley's childhood. He made sure he was there for every birthday, every Christmas, and on the anniversary of Goose's death he always took Bradley and Carol out for the night. If he was on land near by, he was there every Wednesday for family dinner—there was always an extra place set for Goose those nights.
When Bradley was in 3rd grade and didn't want to be in his school's Father's Day program, Mav dropped everything to be there, he didn't even bother to change out of his jumpsuit. He didn't care that he would face discipline for rushing off before debriefing; the look on Bradley's face when he saw Mav right next to his mom in the front row was enough to get him through a lifetime of reprimands.
Mav was the one who taught Bradley to ride a bike. He put band-aids with (somehow) poorly drawn smiley faces on every scraped knee and elbow during the very long process because, while Bradley might have been a natural pilot, biking did not come as easy. Mav took him to ball games on the weekends in the summer when he could and made sure he had the best swing on his little league team. He helped him fix up Goose’s old truck and then taught him to drive it. He never lost his temper, but instead laughed every time Bradley stalled it.
“Damnit!” Bradley would yell, slamming his fist on the steering wheel in frustration. “I swear, I'm never going to get this thing out of the neighborhood!"
“Just calm down and try again, kid.” Mav would say with a smile a mile wide. “You've got this."
Mav was the only person Bradley thought to call at 3am after hiking a mile in the pouring rain to the nearest gas station because he'd gotten his truck stuck in a ditch taking a corner too fast. Mav was there in 20 minutes. And instead of reprimanding him about his carelessness, Mav bought the shivering teen a hot chocolate and told him the story of how he wrecked his dad's old beloved car when he was in high school.
When Bradley graduated from high school, Mav gave him Goose's helmet. He'd pulled strings 16 years prior to keep the helmet from being repurposed for another pilot and paid a pretty penny to get it, but he'd never tell Bradley that. Bradley only found out when he joined the Navy himself.
Maverick loved Bradley like his own kid, and he felt responsible for him because, despite what any military hearing said, he would always blame himself for Goose’s death. That was why pulling his papers was the hardest decision he'd ever made and the easiest at the same time. He tried not to regret it, but Maverick hated feeling Bradley pull away from him; he hated that he wasn't one of the kid’s favorite people any longer.
But Bradley's favorite person never stopped being Maverick, it was only Rooster that couldn't face Captain Pete Mitchell.
Until he could.
- Hazard
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stonermujer · 5 months
What about Quackity teaching you how to drive?
Its night time, maybe midnight, and youre on his lap, while he explains you what to do (and tries to ignore how hard he's getting)
His hands would be on top of yours and you guys would be in a completely empty parking lot.
He most definitely tucked himself into his belt because he knew he’d get hard from the feeling of your ass on his dick.
Not to mention it was dark and no one would see you too. He’d rest his chin on your shoulder whispering in your ear.
“Amor I need you.”
His hands would squeeze your hips and he’d lead you to the back seats. You lied on your back, legs wrapping around his waist as he pumped into you, car shaking.
The small confines of the car made everything hotter, steamy even, as his chest pressed flushed to yours. He’d lean down into your ear so you could hear his pleased moans.
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mykelneedssleep · 3 months
I’m living for the amount of Aaron doesn’t know how to drive headcannons I’m seeing on my dash recently
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argumentativeaxolotl · 2 months
Hello again! Could I make a request? I would like you to write headcanons about lightning being that young racing driver in the modern world, I don't know why, I can only think of the fact that he spends a lot of time playing mini games on his cell phone lol. You could add doc too, I love the dynamic
I love this! I gotchu! I’ll likely add more later down the line too if I can think of any!
“Modern” Cars(Humanized?) Headcanons!
- Lightning is 100% an iPad kid and nobody can tell me otherwise
- He would 100% be the Gen Z racer 😭:
“McQueen! McQueen do you have anything to say after you won today’s race?!”
“I’m standing on business.”
- Doc keeps a book of slang because he can’t understand what the fuck Lightning’s saying half the time 😭
- Lightning will doom-scroll all day if you let him
- he needs to have something playing on his phone or he needs to watch something in order to eat
- I feel like he’d livestream on Instagram while he’s racing and make some dumb commentary
- He 100% makes Twitter posts bashing Chick Hicks and Francesco Bernoulli
- He has an extremely popular YouTube channel
- He did an apology video(one “Logan Paul” styled one for PR and one genuine one after Radiator Springs)
- His favorite mobile games include: Fruit Ninja, Temple Run, Candy Crush, and Plants Vs. Zombies
- Doc actually insists Lightning play Candy Crush and Fruit Ninja since 1) Candy Crush is Doc’s favorite and 2) Fruit Ninja could help with Lightning’s hand-eye coordination
- He 100% bullies people on Roblox and goes into those Roleplay games to become “pretty princess / don’t touch my tail / weird kid / cute but doesn’t know it” type shit because he finds it hilarious(me too)
- He 100% downvotes other players in the fashion games so he can get a perfect score
- Lightning sits in the weirdest fucking positions when he’s engrossed in his little phone games. Like he’ll be broken into a croissant in the back seat while playing PvZ. Doc one time found him scrunched up in a small corner of the room, on his stomach, with his legs over his head and pressed into the wall in a giant L-formation while watching YouTube
- He’s really, really, really bad at Mario Kart
- Lightning and Mater will play games on call over Discord
- Lightning doesn’t know shit about technology, but whenever Doc needs help with something involving a game console or his phone or a game or something of the like, Lightning will always somehow know how to fix it or beat the level or whatever
- He’s an Apple user and does not fuck with any other brand for phones(he hates Apple computers tho)
- He 100% buys and uses all the phone cases of his merch(including the knock-off ones)
- Doc is a boomer and Lightning always has to help him set things up on phones
- Lightning has spent 107 hours on the Olive Garden app
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All Might drives a truck
Headcanon by me
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Lightning normally doesn’t get super stressed over things so when something does stress him out it normally hits him hard.
He actually has a few grey hairs from stress. He says he dyes his hair for fun (which is partly true) but he also does it to hide the grey hairs even though they aren’t too noticeable unless you get close and really look for them
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I have a headcannon that earthspark!Bumblebee has a fear of Car washes. I don't know why i think that but for some reason i do and i might make a short blurb or something with that headcannon
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thatonelightyear · 2 years
Next Gen HCs
first try for the next gens ayo?! (lowkey excited)
Jackson Storm
obsessed with keyboards - like - the clicky noises?? the lights?? (mechanical keyboards)
90% sure a cat is his spirit animal
addicted to energy drinks smh
staunch believer that diet coke is less sweet than normal coke (i beg to differ)
likes drawing - he does it in the trailer in between races - he's actually really good at it!
the kind to game until 2am
non-existent sleep schedule
Chase Racelott
intrigued by Brick Yardley's collection of plants
sometime during the off season, he asks Brick to teach him plant care
now has a million succulents in his trailer
secretly thinks green looks the best on him (i mean he ain't wrong)
can't ever turn down a fan
the first time he won, that's when he understood what it meant to truly love a sport
actually feels a ton of pressure from his... family history - tries not to let it get to him tho!
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starlight-nerd · 16 days
Bedannibal Headcannons prt. 7
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Roadtrip headcannons because I said so.
1. Bedelia absolutely does not want to be there. She would have rather taken a plane and gotten to their destination within a few short hours rather than sit in a car for almost a full day.
2. Hannibal is more than happy to drive them. Unlike Bedelia, he enjoys long drives and managed to coax a sleepy Bedelia into the car at 4am before she was awake and cognitive enough to realize what he was doing and put up a fight.
3. Hannibal drives the whole time, with the only stops being to re-fuel the car and use the restroom.
4. Bedelia is the one playing with the radio, picking out the music since Hannibal doesn't often use his car radio.
5. Since Hannibal didn't pack any normal road trip snacks. He packed only freshly prepared fruit and vegetables, Bedelia slipped into the gas station during one of the stops when Hannibal was re fueling the car, and purchased a bag of trail mix, the kind with the m&ms in it.
6. Hannibal definitely does the 'dad tax' thing while he's driving, holding his hand out for some of whatever Bedelia is eating until she gives it to him.
7. Idle chatter from time to time fills the car between the two, but most of the ride is pretty quiet.
8. Bedelia definitely falls asleep at some point, but doesn't sleep long. Hannibal probably passes another car on the highway and she wakes up again.
9. When it comes to idiot drivers, Hannibal mumbles his road rage under his breath and Bedelia just rolls her eyes at the idiots driving ability.
10. When they finally reach wherever they were going, Bedelia is the first out of the car, and makes it clear that next time, they're flying, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Hannibal just chuckles.
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idiotlosingsanity · 14 days
Tony Stark - Iron Man
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