anime-cupid · 7 years
New Anime Imagines Blog!
Hey guys! Call me Kei. I’ve been out of the imagines blog business for quite some time now, but I’m finally ready to come back and start anew. I’m currently on my Winter Break so activity on this blog will slow down once I’m back in school again, but I’ll try to update as regularly as I can!
I write scenarios, headcanons, and drabbles (will later also start doing match-ups) for: Boku no Hero Academia, Free, Haikyuu, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kuroko no Basket, and Servamp! I’m not comfortable with writing NSFW at the moment, but I’m working on it. Aside from that, everything else should fair game! Thank you in advance for your support!
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anime-cupid · 7 years
A Super Belated Farewell & Apology
Hey everyone, it’s been a while. I’m not very good with ‘goodbyes’ so I’m going to try to not let this drag on for too long. I just want to say a few things before I let this blog go.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who’s ever supported this blog. Followers, co-admins, anons; all of you have my thanks. 
This has weighed on my mind for months, but I need to start over. I’m letting this blog go, and I’m sorry. I know how many requests this blog hasn’t been able to fulfill, but I can’t promise that I’ll get to them anymore. I feel really bad, but I’ve changed a lot these past months and I need a new beginning.
Which brings me to my next point...
I’m starting a new imagines blog. Why? Because I miss writing for people and I want to improve. Unfortunately, I won’t be catering to as many fandoms as I did on this blog, and at the moment, I’m not taking match-up requests. I will soon, though. And for any of you who’ve sent in a match-up request that I haven’t fulfilled, you’ll have priority once I start taking them. Just tell me that you read this message and I’ll bump you up to the top of my list.
From here on out, this blog will no longer be updating, but if you want to (for whatever reason) stay in touch with me, you can find me here:
@blurobolobo (my personal blog)
@imagineanimu (my new imagines blog)
Thank you all so much for supporting this blog for so long. 
Admin Kei
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Hello!! It's snake anon back from my long absence with more confidence! I just wanted to pop by and stay you're all doing a really great job with this blog ^^ have a wonderful day!
Hey there, Snake anon! It’s great to hear from you again C: Welcome back~!! ^^;; Thank you so much for the compliment
~ Stella
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Hi!! I run a kagepro / mekakucity actors blog, kagerouscenarios , here on tumblr. I was hoping i could get a signal boost or something? If not that's fine, have a lovely day
Hey there, and of course you can!
For any Kagepro fans, please check out Mod Z’s blog for all your Kagepro needs and fantasies at kagerouscenarios! The ask box is still open for requests at the moment, so go and take a look! ^^;;
~ Stella
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Hey its Pixie anon, I loved your match-ups, I was just wondering im me and Riko and Momoi (From knb) would be friends. and maybe who would be my best guy friend from gom and serin (besides izuki) Good luck with your blog! You dont have to answer because its not really your blog style but I'd really love it if you did.
Herro Pixie anon! C: I hope you won’t mind me answering this since Admin S is no longer a part of this blog :c I’m not really sure how to best answer this, but I hope you like it!
I can definitely see Momoi and Riko both being good friends with you! Even with your introverted side, neither of them are shy and will have no problems with starting a conversation with you. Both of them are also pretty outgoing and friendly, so it’d be pretty easy to talk with them and become friends. Your limitless puns might get a bit on Riko’s nerves, especially if you’re around Izuki and the two of you keep on punning, and Riko won’t hesitate to threaten the two of you to shut up. Momoi on the other hand will definitely find this trait of yours to be really cute but even then, it can get a bit too much for her to bear. Your sassy side will make conversing with them quite interesting, especially when you’re out with them hanging out.
As for your best guy friend from Seirin, I think Koganei Shinji would definitely fit that roll nicely since he’s a really friendly guy and quite talkative too. There’s bound to be a lot of fun involved when you’re hanging out with him. He’d appreciate your puns to a certain degree and though your sass might throw him off a bit, he’ll merely reply back to you normally. You being an introvert won’t be a problem since he’d most likely do most of the talking and will simply enjoy your company. You might be a bit intimidating to him at first though, and Koganei does scare easily, but your artistic talents will certainly have him in awe of you.
From the Generation of Miracles, I think Akashi Seijurou would get along great with you. Your sassy comments will certainly keep him entertained and make conversations the two of you have interesting and fun to engage in, and while your smart ass side can be something Akashi won’t care for at times, it’s also exhilarating when you chose to not listen to him. He’ll definitely appreciate your puns and would get you to teach him the way of puns since he in unable to come up with jokes himself. Your artistic ability and being part of the volleyball club is quite impressive in his eyes, especially if you can manage all of that and do a great job on it all.
~ Stella
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Hello!! Anon Candy here ^^ I'm a female, 5ft 4, long black/brown hair, brown eyes and a pale complexion. I love to read, draw and sing. I also love animals, especially cats. I am quite shy when meeting new people, but hyper when around familiar people, understanding, optimistic, funny, and get along well with many different types of people. However, I sometimes put on a front to hide my negative feelings and have a pretty low self esteem. Love your blog btw, keep it up!! :)
Hey there~!! I’m sure Kei mentioned this before, but you never got back to us?? >
Your matches are…:
Azumane Asahi (Haikyuu): Despite looking intimidating and scary, Asahi is a really gentle and quiet person, much like your shy self when it comes to meeting others. He’ll be afraid of scaring you and hesitate when it comes to approaching you but will do so with some encouraging from his friends. It’s no secret to his friends that he finds you really cute and seeing you with your friends, especially how energetic you get, reminds him a bit of Nishinoya, which makes you seem even cuter in his eyes. In comparison to him, you’re also short, adding more onto your adorable appearance. Asahi won’t know what to say to you at first and will likely wait for the perfect opportunity, which probably won’t happen at all and his first encounter with you will arise from Daichi or Suga interfering. Your ability to get along with different types of people will definitely be useful here since Asahi can be rather weak-willed and hesitant, leading to many meetings of the eyes but no words being exchanged, though if you acknowledge him with either a greeting, a smile, or a wave, Asahi will be more than happy to return such a gesture. In fact, such an act from you will have him feeling extremely happy for the rest of the day.
Befriending Asahi most likely will be a slow process but will speed up when you feel comfortable opening up to him. Your optimism is like a bright ray of sunshine to him since his thoughts can stray to the negative side and result in him feeling a bit down. Having you to inform him of the positive things/possibilities will certainly lift up his spirits. You having a sense of humour is also definitely a plus. Your ability to be understanding will especially help Asahi because of his somewhat weak will and his tendency for his thoughts to stray to the negative. While his teammates will reassure him, it’s different if such reassurance and confirmation comes from you, since you’d be seeing things from a different perspective. The same will also extend to you, whenever you’re feeling negative. Asahi might hesitate in asking you what’s wrong but he’ll show his worry through his actions instead. He’ll offer you a drink or a snack at lunch, he’ll hang around you more often, and send you messages throughout the day. You putting up a front won’t trick him into believing you’re okay when you’re not. When Asahi finds out about your low self-esteem, he’ll definitely be really understanding about it. While he doesn’t think lowly of himself per se, he can see where you’d be coming from. That doesn’t stop him from trying to reassure you that he thinks you’re amazing and a great person just the way you are. You being you is what attracted him to you in the first place. Even if you don’t excel at drawing or singing, being able to witness you doing those things has Asahi in awe as it is. Your voice is beautiful, definitely music to his ears, and your drawings are definitely ten times better than what he can ever produce.
Okumura Rin (Ao no Exorcist): Rin isn’t the best when it comes to interacting with females, especially shy ones, and he might come on as a bit too strong at first but beneath his brash personality is a kind hearted and supportive person, which would go well with your personality. Despite your initial shyness and the awkwardness that lingers in the air whenever you two are together, Rin will at least attempt to start a conversation, though most of the time will most likely be spent staring off into the distance and occasionally glancing at you. The tense atmosphere will likely get to him after some time, which will lead him to probably start questioning you, which might make you uncomfortable. If that discomfort becomes obvious from your facial expression and how you’re acting, Rin will definitely shut up since he’ll feel bad for making you feel that way, but if not, he’ll likely keep asking you questions about yourself. Upon finding out your love for animals, cats in particular, will likely spark an interest in Rin since he does have Kuro, and Rin will ask you if you have any pet cats of your own before telling you about Kuro. Having this as a common ground makes it much easier for the two of you to have future conversations.
Every time Rin sees you, he’ll definitely call out your name in greeting and wave at you, before going over towards you if it’s not before classes or a mission. Talking to you is a lot of fun for him and your hyper side is always one he likes seeing. He’s rather energetic and an outgoing person so it’s likely that when you get hyper, he’ll also be in pretty high spirits and go along with whatever you have planned. Your optimistic and funny nature is also something Rin loves about you. He’s not one to look at the negative side of things so your optimism really helps him stay focused on the positive. When things take a turn for the bad or he’s having a not so great day, he’ll know that he can turn to you to cheer him up. With your understanding and ability to get along with different types of people, it definitely won’t be hard for you to help Rin to calm down and to see things from his point of view. He can be a bit immature at times and a bit clueless too, so Rin might not be that quick to catch onto you putting up a front. As long as you’re smiling, it’ll seem like nothing is wrong, but if you continue to do this for a long time around him and other people, Rin will bound to notice. He won’t outright ask you what’s wrong though, instead turning to gently prodding you and telling you that he’s here for you if you ever need him. Rin will only do this for so long though, and eventually he will ask you outright what’s wrong because he doesn’t like seeing you pretending to be happy when you’re not. Finding out your low self-esteem will puzzle him at first because he finds it hard to comprehend. There’s so many good traits about you, especially your personality, so he doesn’t get why you think lowly of yourself. Rin will try to convey such feelings to you and let you know how much he cares for you. There’s no need for you to put on a front, at least not around him. Rin might hesitate a bit in saying so but he’ll repeat such words as many times as he needs to make you feel better.
Kishitani Shinra (Durarara): Your shyness is no match for Shinra’s outgoing personality and once he’s taken an interest in you, there’s no end to seeing this guy around. Your ability to get along with different types of people is quite intriguing to him, and upon seeing for himself how well you can do this, Shinra finds himself wanting to get closer to you and to understand how you can do so. He has no qualms about approaching you out of the blue to ask you about it but if your shyness prevents you from actually answering his questions in detail, Shinra will merely give you a friendly smile to reassure you. He won’t give up at all. Each time he happens to spot you around town, he’ll happily call out to you with a wave, possibly earning the attention of other people too. Even though he’s interested in how you function as a person, especially how you can be so understanding of others and get along well with people of different personalities, Shinra will also be quite interested in you and won’t hesitate to ask you questions about your hobbies and your likes/dislikes. Of course, he’ll also tell you things about himself, even if you don’t ask. He finds your love for animals to be really adorable, which coupled with your appearance and stature, makes you appear really cute in his eyes and Shinra will definitely let you know so. Letting him know of your pastimes will certainly lead him to wanting to see your drawings and hearing you sing. He won’t pressure you into doing it of course, but he will bring it up quite a few times.
Upon growing closer to you and having you open up more around him, Shinra will be ecstatic to see this hyper side of yours. He’s a pretty cheery and upbeat guy and will indulge you in whatever you chose to do because it’ll lead to him getting a chance to see a side of you he’s never witnessed before. Your optimism is also greatly welcomed by Shinra and so is your humour! Sharing jokes and teasing each other will definitely be a thing between you two. Since you like to read, he’ll give you some time to yourself to do so and maybe he’ll pick up a book too~
If you put on a front around Shinra, he’ll figure that out quite quickly Having gotten to know you fairly well and spent so much time with you, Shinra will be able to tell when something just isn’t right or when you’re not being genuine. He’ll definitely confront you directly about it, wanting to know just what the issue is. It’s better to let things out after all than to bottle it all inside and he will try to coax you into doing so. If your negative feelings arise from your low self esteem, Shinra will try to comfort you to the best of his ability. To him, there’s no need for you to think so lowly of yourself but letting you know such things likely won’t change your mind about yourself, so instead, he’ll try to show you how special you are to him by actions instead. Shinra won’t be satisfied until you think better of and believe in yourself.
~ Stella
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Happy Happy Birthday, Mel~!
Happy birthday, Mel! I hope you have a great day today and all the days to come in the future, that you’re having a lot of fun and that you’re smiling lots <33 I hope you’ll like this little gift c: ~ Stella
Kuroko no Basuke: Akashi Seijurou x Reader
The whirling sound being created by the mixer blocks out most other noise, leaving Akashi to be able to concentrate solely on following the instructions written in front of him. Taking one glance into the mixing bowl, the butter and sugar he had put in earlier is now nicely creamed together. Next should be the eggs. All Akashi needs is to crack three eggs into the mixture. That’s simple enough and he knows he’s seen the chefs cracking eggs without problem plenty of times so it can’t be that hard. Things are certainly easier said than done though, as Akashi finds out after managing to drop an egg onto the kitchen counter besides the mixing bowl and somehow managing to get egg whites on his apron.
His lips curve into a frown at seeing his own mess. It would’ve been easier if he had just asked one of his chefs to bake a cake for him instead. No matter how complicated the cake he wants it to be or how detailed the decorations, his chefs would surely be able to get it done without much of a problem. That’s mainly what Akashi did for your past birthdays and on special occasions. You always smiled and looked really happy when eating them but this year, Akashi wanted to do something special for you. He’s never tried baking before but there’s no harm in trying, is there? Failure is not something he knows after all. The second try is the charm, as the saying goes, and once they’re blended with the sugar and butter mixture, other wet ingredients are added according to the recipe. Now he just has to deal with the dry ingredients.
Correct amounts of flour, baking soda, and salt are measured and poured on top of each other, sitting in a pile on a sieve above another mixing bowl. Sifting the ingredients together is pretty simple, but a few times, Akashi moved the contraption a bit too fast, sending up puffs of floor to decorate his face and apron. This is looking more and more like a pain to clean up but the image of you smiling at seeing the completed cake pushes him forward. His pride won’t let me quit halfway either. The mixer is turned back down to incorporate the dry ingredients, the whirling sound filling the silent air again.
No other sound besides the mixer can be heard throughout the Akashi mansion. Everyone that works there had been told by Akashi to stay out of the kitchen until he’s done with his baking so they all know better than to intervene, but footsteps echo through the hallway, heading towards the kitchen. The sound goes unnoticed by Akashi as his ears are filled with the whirling of the mixer and his eyes are carefully watching the batter change in texture.
With almost perfect timing, you tentatively call out to him just as he’s turned off the mixer. He quickly turns in your direction, eyes widening ever so slightly as he blinks. “(F/n)?” You’re not supposed to be here for another two hours, which should’ve been enough time Akashi to finish baking and decorating the cake. He knows you like to be early to prevent yourself from being late, but you’re a bit too early for this.
“S-Sorry, did I come at the wrong time?” Your eyes flicker between your boyfriend, the messy countertop, and the floor. You take a few steps back so that you’re not actually in the kitchen and bite the inside of your cheek nervously.
“It’s fine, (f/n). You’re just here a bit earlier than I anticipated,” Akashi replies, flashing you a reassuring smile. “I was planning to surprise with you a cake.”
His statement catches you off-guard and you can’t help your mouth from falling open into an o shape in surprise. That certainly explains the mess on the countertop and the spills on him. While it had seemed obvious that Akashi was making something in the kitchen, it never occurred to you that he was baking a cake for you. “For me…?” you can’t help but echo.
“Of course, today is your birthday, (f/n),” Akashi answers you, a light chuckle escaping his lips. He walks over towards you, taking a hold of one of your hands in his and with a gentle tug, pulls you into the kitchen. “As you can see, this isn’t turning out as well as I had hoped.”
“I’m sure it’ll taste great, Akashi-kun!” you exclaim after glancing at the batter. It’s hard to tell how the cake will end up just by looking at it now and even if its appearance comes out looking off, it’s the taste that matters most.
Your confidence in his baking skills makes Akashi smile and he presses a soft kiss to your forehead, causing your cheeks to turn a light pink. “Thank you, (f/n). Since you’re here, how about you help me out?”
“I’m not really good at baking,” you murmur.
“Neither am I,” Akashi states, gesturing to his messy surroundings which earns him a giggle from you.
“Okay then, if you don’t think I’ll get in your way.”
“(F/n), you’ll never get in my way.”
Your cheeks darken in colour, embarrassed by his words but you follow Akashi’s instructions in pouring out the batter into a cake pan. Holding onto a spatula, you try to smooth out the batter so that it’s covering inch of the pan but the batter seems to refuse to cooperate. Akashi steps behind you, wrapping one arm around your waist while his other hand holds onto yours, showing you just how to get the spatula to move as you want it to.
When that’s done, Akashi slides the pan into the oven, timing it for about forty minutes. Now all he has to do is wait and hope it turns out alright. He turns to face you, catching your flickering gaze, and smiles at you before grabbing a hold of both your hands. “While we wait for the cake to bake, how about I give you your present?”
“You really didn’t have to get me a present, Akashi-kun, it’s enough just getting to spend time with you,” you inform him with a shake of your head, though you still end up smiling at him and nodding afterwards. You’ve told him that same sentence every year and the year after, Akashi still ends up getting you something. That just seems to be how things are.
“Nonsense, (f/n). I like getting you gifts, especially for your birthday,” Akashi replies, “Come, it’s in my room.”
He leads you toward his bedroom, leaving you no choice but to follow. You can’t even begin to imagine what sort of present he has in store for you this year but one thing you know for sure is that you’ll love it. You always do after all.
“Happy birthday, (f/n),” Akashi states with a smile, handing you a small box. “Please look forward to your birthday cake.”
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Match up? I'm about 5'7 with boy-short hair and I am plus sized and unashamed. I am confident with the way I look. I consider myself to be open minded, and I dont care if people dont like me. I love art and anything creative.. and I obsess over cats.
Sorry for the lateness and thanks for being patient! ^^;; I hope you’ll like your matches C:
Your matches are…:
Eren Yeager (Shingeki no Kyojin): Eren finds your confidence and your attitude of not caring if other people don’t like you to be very attractive. While he himself isn’t bothered if other people don’t like him, he isn’t a very confident person when it comes to himself. He knows that he’s messed up doing things in his life that have endangered other people, leading to a lot of hurt and pain that he can never undo, so his confidence in himself is quite low. Seeing you going through life with your head held high is just really awe-inspiring to him. There isn’t much going on in his mind besides getting rid of the titans and escaping the walls though, so for him to strike up a conversation with you about anything else will be hard. Your creativity will certainly intrigue Eren even more though, considering how he’s never been exposed much to art, so seeing your creations for the first time will blow away his mind. Your creativeness will also help a lot when it comes to thinking up ideas. Eren’s impulsivity generally prevents him from thinking things through thoroughly and he usually tackles problems head on. You can provide him with a different perspective.
Tachibana Makoto (Free!): A big fan of cats himself, seeing you around the felines would catch Makoto’s eye and without hesitation, he’d approach you, though it’s mainly so he can play with the cats. Of course, Makoto will also try to make conversation with you, it’d be rude not to after all! Conversations between the two of you might start off simple, centering mostly on both your love of cats, but Makoto will certainly ask you about yourself after introducing himself to you. Whenever Makoto sees you around, he’ll definitely call out to you, waving and smiling at you. Each interaction between you two will lead to you each knowing more about the other. Finding out your love of art and creativeness sparks an interest in him and he’ll enthusiastically ask if he can see your creations. Makoto is always surprised at how amazing Haru’s creations are and wants to see yours, not to compare, but just to be in awe of. Your confidence in your appearance and ability to not let what others think of you bother you also has Makoto in awe of you. He is not a mentally strong person and can be rather weak hearted, so if other people were to talk bad things about him, it’d certainly bother him quite a lot. It just seems really impressive to him that you don’t let such things get to you.
Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basuke): Also someone that’s drawn to your confidence and not caring if other people dislike your attitude, it’s mostly your appearance that attracts Aomine to you in the first place. He’d openly stare at you when seeing you around and won’t look away if caught, perhaps even smirking at you. The decision to approach you is most likely prompted by Momoi, and though Aomine might hesitate over this, he’d still be pretty smooth when first exchanging words with you. The more conversations the two of you have, the more Aomine finds himself attracted to you. Your not caring about other people’s thinking attitude is quite refreshing and hearing you wave off haters is amusing for him. Aomine is also someone that won’t care about others’ opinion of him, unless they want to start a fight, and likes the fact that the two of you are of the same mind. Aomine is rather lazy so being creative is not something he’d bother putting energy into but finding out your love of art will interest him. He’ll try to find ways of looking at your creations or asking you in a roundabout way, not wanting to admit that he’s interested in seeing them.
~ Stella
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anime-cupid · 8 years
I'm 5'2, curvy, I've hazel eyes, light brown hair and fair skin. I'm sensible, shy, caring, empathic, creative and sometimes pessimistic, insecure and indecisive. Love reading, writing, drawing, rock music, cats, hockey, basket and football!
Hello there anon~! Sorry for the long wait and thanks for being patient with us. Hopefully you’ll like your matches ^^;; And since you didn’t provide us with a name to call you by, I’m going to refer to you as Sensible Anon. If you’d like something else then please leave us a message C:
Your matches are…:
Saotome Yoichi (Owari no Seraph): Despite his own bashfulness and slight hesitation when it comes to approaching people at first, Yoichi certainly will help to balance you out with his kindness and gentle personality. While he’s not the strongest physically, if he sees you in trouble or needing any sort of help, he’ll certain offer it, or if he can’t, he’ll run off to probably find Yuu who will most likely be able to lend a helping hand, and this results in the first time the two of you exchange words. Your shyness will be easily noticeable by him and this might make Yoichi recoil slightly too since he doesn’t want to scare you or offend you in any way. Trying to keep a conversation with you won’t be easy on him either since in his group of friends, Yoichi is normally the one that tries to calm people down when an argument flares, not the one that ignites the conversation, but from your outer appearance, Yoichi is drawn to you and wants to get to know you more. Even with his occasional stuttering and awkward silences, he doesn’t give up in making conversation with you and will cheerfully greet you when he happens to cross paths with you.
Your caring and empathetic side will certainly entice Yoichi as he has a strong resolve to protect his friends, and seeing these sides of you will most likely lead him to thinking that you care about your own friends just as much. Your sensibility will also help Yoichi keep a level head since he hates conflict and would rather not fight, but such a thing in this torn up world is impossible. Having you there to keep him in check and remind him of more important things will most definitely help him out. Yoichi will always be there to help you out, especially when you get all pessimistic about things. While he’s not the happy-go-lucky type of guy, Yoichi is generally cheerful and full of smiles, which he will use to his advantage to try to make you feel happier. While the world is indeed full of misfortunes, he’ll be sure to remind me of the good things too, maybe even trying to get you to laugh and smile. He might panic internally at hearing about your insecurities but of course, he’ll try his best to reassure you right away! He likes you just the way you are after all, and he doesn’t see any fault with you. He can’t help you with your indecisiveness however. Your fondness of sports certainly intrigues Yoichi and he’ll be more than happy to try out both hokey, basketball and football, and if he finds they’re not for him, he’ll still attempt to play with you once in a while to make you happy. And since you like to read and write, and you have a creative side, Yoichi will definitely encourage you to write some stories of your own so he can read them. Artistic talent isn’t something he has so your works will definitely impress him!
Kobori Koji (Kuroko no Basuke): Being a rather calm guy that mainly stays in the background, he isn’t one to be noticed a lot by other people but his calmness helps in aiding others speak to him. It won’t be any different when with you. It might be through a mutual friend or that you two are classmates but interacting with you goes quite smoothly with Kobori. Your personality draws him to you and even with your shyness, it won’t be a problem for him to get past. Interactions between the two of you will tend to be more on the slow side at first. Kobori isn’t the most outgoing person and he wouldn’t want to scare you off either. Making conversation with you might be a bit hard at first while the two of you try to find something in common to talk about, but upon discovering your love of basketball, along with other sports, Kobori will find it much easier to talk with you, asking you questions about what position you play and if you’d like to come watch one of his basketball practices or matches one day. He isn’t knowledgeable in hockey or football though, but since those are sports you enjoy, Kobori will certainly ask you more about them, and if it sounds like they’re something you really like playing, he’ll even venture to ask you to teach him how to play too so he can join you. Kobori isn’t an avid reader by far but he does like picking up some books to relax with from time to time and since you like to read and write, he’ll be sure to ask you for any book recommendations you might have and might even ask you if he can read your writing. It’s impressive to him, the fact that you can both write and draw, and your creativeness is quite appealing to him.
Hanging out quite a lot with you merely cements the fact that you’re a gentle person in his mind which makes Kobori want to be around you even more. There’s something about seeing you caring about others that warms his heart and he can’t help but want to see more of you. He wouldn’t like to see you being pessimistic or insecure though, and while he understands that such feelings are normal to a certain degree, he’ll always do the best he can to cheer you up and to bring you out of such negative moods. How about visiting the pet store to look at the cats? Or going to the music store and browsing through their selection of rock music? The library just got some new books, do you want to check them out? His concern for you might not be obvious but he’ll show you just how much he cares for you through his actions.
Totsuka Tatara (K Project): Being the charismatic and friendly person that he is, Totsuka won’t hesitate to approach you in the beginning, finding your outer appearance to be very captivating and wanting to tell you so. Your shyness is no barrier to him since he is a rather calm person with a laid back personality and will slowly work on chipping away your nervousness. Totsuka rather finds your shyness to be adorable but he’d prefer you smiling and openly conversing with him. Finding a topic of interest to discuss won’t be hard with Totsuka since he has a large variety of hobbies and is always up for trying new things. Having found himself at not being that great with Yata’s skateboard, he’d happily ask you about the sports you play and insist you teach him so he can join in on the fun. Rock music isn’t something he can produce on his guitar and will definitely take an interest in that too, asking you which bands you like and would recommend, and which songs are your favourites. Totsuka loves making daily videos of important events or of people he finds dear, and he’ll certainly end up video tapping you too, eventually. It doesn’t matter what it is you’re doing, he’ll find it to be fun to watch. You could be sitting reading a book or writing something or drawing something and Totsuka would still enjoy watching you through the camera lens.
Seeing your caring and empathetic sides definitely makes Totsuka smile and it warms his heart, making him glad to have met you. Unlike in his past where he was detached from almost everything, you make him want to remain with you. Totsuka isn’t exactly an outgoing or a happy go lucky person by all means but he wouldn’t want to see you down in dumps and would do his best to cheer you up, whether it simply be remaining at your side while you dwell within your thoughts, or by singing you a song on his guitar. He’d try his best to quell your insecurities by informing you of all your good points and how you always make him smile. To him, you’re perfect.
~ Stella
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Happy New Year~!!
I hope 2016 will treat you all better than 2015 has <3 May each day be filled with happiness and fun, may you always have a reason to smile and laugh, and your troubles be easily dealt with! (^v^)
And hopefully the askbox will be open for requests some time this year lol. Thank you for 2015~ ^^;;
~ Stella
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Hcs for Gladius with an s/o?
Hi Anon! Sorry for the wait! You just said headcannons so I’m hoping this is what you had in mind? If not just message us id be glad to redo it for you again! ~Admin Athena
Fluff/Romantic Headcannons for Gladius
- On his first date he would be super nervous. And as much as he is slightly embarrassed by how overbearing his family can be he’d ask them all for advice. - He’s a super tsundere. He doesn’t really like to show his emotions but he really loves it when his partner is really affectionate towards him. He’ll pretend to hate it and brush them off but they know the real him. - For some reason I get the feeling from him that he really gets flowers??? Like understands what the meaning is behind each flower and their colors and because he isn’t so great with words he would express it through flowers. - I also think that Gladius would be very infatuated with his partners hands. Long and slender, or short and round fingers he wouldn’t care. He would be fixated on how they move when his partner is talking or how it feels when their hand in intertwined with his own.
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anime-cupid · 8 years
Luffy, Law, Zoro, Sabo, Ace, Marco, Shanks, and Smoker react to their SO getting kidnapped?
Hi love! Sorry this took so long, I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! - Admin Athena
Luffy:At first he was oblivious. Luffy was too focused on the battle at hand and didn’t know you were gone until he snuck a glance at where he last saw you and saw that you were missing. First a chill ran through his body, only to be replaced by the bearing heat of his anger. He turned back to his enemy with malice in his eyes as he yelled, “WHERE IS ________?!”
Law:Law’s brain was over-calculating everything going on the battle field. He was making mental notes of the health and stamina of his crew, to the weak spots of his opponent, to how you were doing in your fight….. Only to realize that you weren’t there. Panic would course through every nerve ending and through his spine but he wouldn’t dare let that show. He kept his composure calm, and though to himself “______ is strong, they wouldn’t go down so easily.” With that signature smirk of his, he would turn his steely eyes to his opponent raise his hand and say “You’ll regret ever laying a hand on ______”.
Zoro:Even though Zoro was in the midst of battle he would feel your lack of presence the moment you were taken. When it came to you Zoro always felt like he had an extra sense, like your souls were connected. Without any fear he kept cutting down his opponents in front of him as he looked for any sign of you. As he laid his eye on your limp body behind the opposing captain he felt a violent heat surge through him as uncontrollable bloodlust overtook him. Mind focused on you and nothing but you, Zoro unsheathed his katanas.
The moment you disappeared from his side was the moment something within Sabo snapped, the edges of his clothes set ablaze. He narrowed his analytical eyes and searched the battlefield for any sight of you. The more he worried about not finding you, the more everything around him was charred to dust. As he found the captain responsible for your kidnapping, he would trap their head in his hand and whisper “Dragon Claw”.
Ace:Ace was always known for his recklessness. Whether on the ship or in battle he carried this habit wherever he went. But perhaps this time he was carried away. He was so caught up in showing off for you, to show you that he could take anyone down, that he didn’t see that you were missing. Climbing down from his high he’d tell over the noises of battle “Oi, _____. Ya see that?” When he didn’t get a response is when he would start to get worried and loose his normal carefree aura. He would grow serious and analytical as he showed his true strength as commander. His clothes would start to singe as he slowly lost the focus to maintain his ability. When he finally found who was responsible for your kidnapping he would smile, “I’ll take my time with you. You can reflect on your actions and all that you did wrong to _______.”
During battle, Marco would fly calmly overhead the cluster of bodies fighting and thrashing at each other surveying his crew, and aiding the members he could. When it registered that he has not yet seen you, he leaped into the sky once more to look for you. As he saw no sign of your presence he started to grow mad. Mad at the person responsible, and mad at himself for letting yet another person so close to him out of his sight. With an unspoken promise in his heart , he would do whatever it takes to find you.
Shanks:He was having a great time drinking as he went to your shared bedroom to collect you for yet another game. But when he saw several of your belongings broken and strewn all over the room he would drop his drink. Damn,“ he would curse under his breath. Of course his opponent would strike at the worst time, during one of his parties. The more it dawned on himthat you were kidnapped the more he would clench his hand so tightly that his knuckles would turn white as he turned around and made it back to the deck. He would make it well known to his crew that the party was over and that they will celebrate again, after they found you.
Smoker:The fight with you from earlier was still fresh in his mind. And the fact that you have given him the silent treatment hasn’t helped either. Sure Smoker was a stubborn man but when it came to you, he didn’t know which way was up. He stalked up to your chambers and knocked on your door. Quietly grumbling out a half hearted apology. When you didn’t answer the more frustrated his knocks became. ”_____, I know you’re mad at me but you can’t be THAT mad at me.“ When you still didn’t answer he took a deep drag from his cigars. “FUCK THIS IM COMING IN.” As he sifted in through the cracks in your door he saw that you were no where to be seen. The glass window above your bed broken. Shards of glass littered all over your bed. Your absence leaving a taste is his mouth more bitter than his cigars. He would narrow his eyes and clench a fist around his jitte as he stalked down the hallway, hellbent on finding you.
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anime-cupid · 8 years
December Drabbles: Tachibana Makoto
This got a bit long ahaha, but it was fun to write, so I hope you like C: ~Stella
Staring constantly out the window at the relentless snowfall does little to ease your boredom. You had been looking forward to going out today with Makoto to get a head start on Christmas shopping and maybe even fool around in a few of the stores but all those plans flew out the window when the amount of snow falling from the sky increased tenfold. Even you’re not crazy enough to venture outside during a blizzard, and even if you wanted to try, you’re sure Makoto would stop you.
A pair of arms snaking around your waist and pulling you into a hug draws your attention away from the scenery outside. You tilt your head back slightly to meet Makoto’s warm and friendly gaze, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Don’t look so down, (f/n). We can go shopping another day,” he informs you.
“I know, but still,” you reply with a pout. “Why does the weather hate me like this?”
Makoto chuckles when you continue to curse the weather, as if doing so will get it to cease snowing. It’s somewhat entertaining to him though, and Makoto listens to you go on and on while leading you over to the couch. His arms are still around you, so it’s more like he’s dragging you towards the couch, and once he’s standing in front of it, you lean into him, effectively catching him off guard and leading to him to fall into the couch. You fall right along with him though and when Makoto looks up, you steal a quick kiss from his lips. “(F-F/n)!”
“You look really cute when you’re blushing, Makoto~” you comment with a giggle, getting up off of him and sitting down beside him. A pale red colours his cheeks and it even seems like his ears are burning at your comment, which only makes you grin cheekily at him. His eyes catch sight of your expression before he quickly looks away.
“Don’t tease me like that, (f/n),” Makoto mumbles, embarrassment lacing his tone of voice.
“Sorry, Makoto,” you reply, still wearing a smile on your lips. It takes him a few seconds to let his cheeks cool before he turns to look at you, acknowledging your apology. You take a hold of one of his hands and snuggle against him. The living room is rather warm, especially with a fire crackling in the fireplace, but nothing comes close in comparison to the warmth you feel cuddling with your boyfriend. “I wish we could’ve gone out today.”
“There’s nothing we can do about that.”
“Still, it would’ve been more fun,” you muse, resting your head against Makoto’s shoulder as you press yourself closer to him, your eyes flutter shut as if you’re preparing to take a nap. Besides the sound of the crackling of the firewood, silence permeates the room. Seconds tick by without you moving or any sounds coming from you, making Makoto believe that you’ve fallen asleep. He glances at you, smiling at the sight of your sleeping face before he too lets his eyes close.
Your voice breaking through the silence prevents Makoto from doing so though and his eyes snap open to see a grin on your lips. “We’re snuggled close together like two birds of a feather would be. Let’s take that road before us and sing a chorus or two. C’mon it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you~” You open one eye just in time to see surprise flash across his face and his lips curling upwards into a wider smile. Using one of your free hands, you reach up and gently poke Makoto’s cheek. “There’s a birthday part at the home of Farmer Grey. It’ll be the perfect ending of a perfect day.”
A frown briefly appears on your lips, as if in irritation of the lyrics, and Makoto can’t help but laugh lightly as you keep on singing, a smile reappearing when you get to the chorus. You keep on poking his cheek though, before you start nudging him also. It’s clear what you want and with an embarrassed laugh, Makoto joins you. “Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ing, ring ting tingle-ing too. C’mon it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you~”
Humming the melody towards the end of the song, you give Makoto a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “You sound great when singing, Makoto!” you compliment him, making him blush once more. “What other Christmas songs are there…? Which ones do you like?”
“I don’t really know of any,” Makoto replies, sheepishly rubbing at the back of his neck. He prefers listening to you singing over singing along any day but he certainly won’t deny when you ask him to join you. “What about that one you sing every year?”
You blink your eyes at him, staring up at him with slightly furrowed eyebrows. You sing a lot of Christmas songs around this time of year, you always do, so his vagueness isn’t giving you any sort of hint. The first song that pops into your mind is the first one you decide to sing.
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need. I don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree.”
Makoto’s eyes brighten at the lyrics and even if your voice can’t reach the high notes without cracking, he finds listening to you singing this particular song makes him really cheery. Like before, when you’re about to get to the chorus, you start nudging and elbowing him. While he’s heard you sing this song at least a dozen times in the past, Makoto still doesn’t really know the lyrics, except for one line, so he waits until you get to that part.
“All I want for Christmas is you~!”
He’s sure his voice isn’t as high as it should be for that part but that’s the best he can do. You grin at him though, throwing your arms around him in a hug before nuzzling him. “You’re so cute, Makoto.”
“You’re the cute one, (f/n),” Makoto counters, a light shade of red colouring the tips of his ears as he returns the hug. You disagree with that but refrain from making another comment, starting on the second verse of the song.
When one song is finished, you ask Makoto which song you should sing next, and if he can’t name anything, you end up picking whichever one you can remember, sometimes ending up singing the same song twice. It’s fun though, especially when you pester Makoto into joining you, and very quickly, you’re both laughing and smiling, having forgotten all about the terrible weather outside.
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anime-cupid · 9 years
December Drabbles: Kuroko Tetsuya
...These never turn out as I imagine them but oh well~ I like how this one turned out at least. Hope you guys enjoy. ~Stella
The sight of your town covered in snow never ceases to take your breath away, even after all these years of living here. It never feels like December without snow and once it does fall, you’re always giddy with excitement. This year is no different and you’re happily walking through the snow covered streets with your boyfriend at your side and his dog in front of you.
“Are you cold, Kuroko-kun?” you ask, turning slightly in his direction.
“No, I’m fine, (f/n)-san. Are you warm enough?” Kuroko replies before turning the question at you. There was no need for him to worry about you though. A huge grin is plastered onto your lips as you shake your head, giving his hand a squeeze. You’re both decked out completely from head to toe in winter gear, Kuroko more so than you, but even with the chilling temperature, you feel nothing but warmth, especially with Kuroko at your side. That and you’re just really happy that it snowed enough last night for it to pile up that anything else isn’t even registering in your mind at the moment.
A bark from Nigou catches your attention and surprise flashes in your eyes when Kuroko’s hand is suddenly pulled out of yours. You blink and he’s a few steps ahead of you, having been pulled along by his dog chasing after something. Kuroko looks back at you briefly with a frown though there’s amusement dancing in his eyes. It doesn’t take long for you to catch up to them and you find that you’re standing in the middle of a small park. Since the area isn’t that big, Kuroko unclips Nigou’s leash and lets the dog roam free while he watches.
The park is surprisingly empty, void of children pelting each other with snowballs, giving you the perfect opportunity to take in the beautiful scenery. Most of the snow covering the ground is untouched, except for a few doggy footprints, and the snow clinging onto the tree branches looks really enticing to knock over. Looking around you, you see nothing but undisturbed snow. Your lips curve into a smile as an idea pops up in your head.
“Hey Kuroko-kun, do you want to build a snowman with me?” you ask the baby blue haired male.
He blinks up at you and smiles, noting your own grin and how sparkly your eyes are. “Sure, (f/n)-san.”
“Great! It’s been so long since I’ve built one,” you state before bending down to gather some snow into a clump. It takes a bit of packing before the snow stays together without falling apart but at least now you’re able to roll it in the snow to make it bigger.
Kuroko watches you briefly before copying your actions, though in his case, the snowball he attempts to make keeps breaking into pieces. Each time he tries, he ends up with the exact same result, while your one snowball had already gotten quite big. “I don’t think I can help you with this.”
His voice draws your attention and you look over at Kuroko, crouched in front of a small pile of snow. A laugh leaves your lips as you approach your boyfriend, bending down next to him. Kuroko turns in your direction, his eyebrows furrowing slightly but otherwise his facial expression remains neutral.
“Try it like this,” you suggest, scooping up some snow before patting it in your hands. “If the snow is too fluffy it won’t stick.”
Doing as you instructed, Kuroko ends up with a small snowball in his hand. You congratulate him, earning you a small smile, and show him how you go about making it bigger by rolling it in the snow. It takes some work but soon you two have two rather big snowballs. Getting Kuroko to help you out, you two put the smaller one of the two snowballs on top of the bigger one. You have nothing on you to use to decorate the snowman with so instead, you use your finger and poke a few holes into the snow to create a face. Staring at it though, you end up laughing while shaking your head. It just looks ridiculous.
A soft chuckle also sounds from Kuroko when he sees what your creation ended up looking like. He doesn’t comment on it though, and instead calls for Nigou. His dog happily runs up to him and Kuroko easily scoops up the pup before putting him atop the snowman, like some sort of decoration.
“Kuroko-kun, what are you doing?” you question your boyfriend with a raised eyebrow though giggles are escaping you. You’re not sure if the snowman looks weirder now or if Nigou looks adorable sitting there like that.
“The snowman was missing something,” he replies, a tinge of amusement in his voice. “We did a good job on the snowman, (f/n)-san.”
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anime-cupid · 9 years
December Drabbles: Kiyoshi Teppei
Happy December guys~! I’m not sure if the other admins will (have time to) do anything special this month but I really like the holidays so I thought it’d be fun to write some holiday/wintry themed drabbles~ I’m not sure which characters are popular on here so I kind of took my pick from the guys that got the most votes from this poll. Hopefully you’ll like these C: ~Stella
This had seemed like a fun idea at first but now you’re having doubts. Attempting to smile reassuringly at your boyfriend, you can’t but cringe slightly when Kiyoshi stumbles and falls for the umpteenth time that day. You quickly skate over towards him and attempt to help him up but when Kiyoshi grabs a hold of your hand, you merely end up falling down next to him.
“Sorry about that, (f/n),” Kiyoshi states with a sheepish chuckle before pushing himself off of the ice and back into a standing positon. You wave off his apology and copy his actions, grabbing onto his hand to steady his wobbling as you skate over towards the railing.
“I think I should be the one apologizing, Teppei. I’m doing a pretty bad job at teaching you to skate, aren’t I?” you murmur with a slight frown. It had been your idea for the two of you to go ice skating since it had been years since you last did so. While you can’t do any sort of fancy tricks, you at least remember how to move forwards and backwards with semi-ease. Kiyoshi had agreed to the idea, saying it sounded like fun even though he doesn’t know how to skate. You had tried waving the idea off then, remembering about his knee but he had reassured you that it’d be fine. You can’t tell if he’s having any fun right now or not but you’re definitely sure that this is not fine.
His lips mirror your frown as he leans into you. One of his hands rests on your check and using his thumb, he gently pushes on one corner of your lips so that it curves upwards. “It’s fine (f/n), it’s fine,” Kiyoshi reassures you with a soft smile. “Maybe I’m just not cut out for skating.” It’s hard to tell by his tone if he’s serious or not and your frown merely deepens, though that’s hard to do so when his thumb is still lingering on the side of your lips.
You reach up and remove his hand from your face so that you can freely change your facial expressions. “Still, I’m sorry for today. This isn’t much fun for you, is it?”
Kiyoshi blinks and tilts his head slightly. “No, it’s been fun,” he replies, continuing before you can object. “I like watching you skate, you look beautiful.”
A splash of red colours your cheeks and you instantly redirect your gaze. “I’m just skating in circles on the ice,” you mutter lowly but a small hint of a smile blooms on your lips. “You’re certain you’re having fun, Teppei?”
“Of course. I always have fun with you, (f/n).” The warmth in his voice makes you smile widely and hesitating only briefly, you grab one of his hands and hold onto it tightly. Pushing away from the railing, you pull Kiyoshi behind you until the two of you are gliding towards the center of the ice rink.
Turning around to face your boyfriend, you take a hold of his other hand too and repeat your words from earlier, reminding him which foot to put forward first and which part he should be using. “I’ll keep holding your hands so you won’t fall anymore.”
Kiyoshi chuckles softly and grins at you, nodding his head. Balancing on the ice while moving is harder than it seems and he always wobbles. Being in motion for long doesn’t work well for him either and he’ll always end up falling onto his butt. That doesn’t discourage him much though since you’re always by his side to offer him a hand in getting back up. The idea to go ice skating had definitely surprised him at first since it never occurred to him to do such an activity, and while he’s pretty new at this, Kiyoshi is certainly having a lot of fun. Seeing you looking so concentrated with teaching him just makes it all the better for him. How can he say that he isn’t having fun?
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anime-cupid · 9 years
Happy Birthday, Admin Elle~!
Happy happy birthday Admin Elle!! (。・ω・。)ノ♡ I hope today goes great for you and that you’re happy and smiling lots! <3 Also, hopefully life and school won’t be so hard on you and we’ll be able to talk some more soon! In the meantime, I hope you’ll like this lil fic C: ~ Stella
Kuroko no Basuke: Akashi Seijurou x Reader
The chiming of the doorbell seems to echo through your rather empty house and as much as you want to ignore it, you know you shouldn’t. With a soft sigh, you put aside your textbook and walk towards the door, muttering to yourself as the doorbell rings again. The face that appears when you open the door is an unexpected one though and you’re momentarily stunned. “A-Akashi-kun?”
“Hello (f/n), may I come in?” he asks politely with a soft smile.
“Sure,” you reply absentmindedly, stepping aside to let Akashi in. Once he’s inside your home, you close the door behind him and follow after him. It’s the weekend and you certainly hadn’t expected him to drop by unannounced. Exams are happening soon and you had been drowning in books and notes and thought he’d be doing the same. Though, this is Akashi you’re talking about. You’re sure that he’ll manage to get excellent marks on his exams even if he doesn’t spend hours a day studying. You, on the other hand…
“Is something wrong, (f/n)?” Akashi asks you, leading you to blink up at him. Somehow you had followed after him into your rather messy room without you taking notice.
“It’s nothing,” you answer, flashing him a small smile as you walk back to your desk, gathering up some of your notes in an attempt to make your desk appear neater. “What are you doing here for, Akashi-kun?”
He flashes a smile a you, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he watches you move around the room in a frenzy. Clearly you have been busy with studying that your room has gotten quite messy. “To see you, of course. Have you forgotten what today is?”
His question makes you pause momentarily, turning to stare at him with questioning eyes. Akashi merely chuckles and walks over to you, taking the pile of papers you had gathered from you and putting them on the nearest table before leaning into you to peck your cheek. Your eyes widen in surprise and you merely look at him.
“It’s your birthday today,” Akashi reminds you, almost as if scolding you though he’s clearly amused, if the sparkle in his eyes are of an indication. “Take a break from studying and come with me, (f/n).”
A protest forms in your throat but there’s hardly any time for your sentence to leaves your lips before Akashi silences you with a gentle kiss. You know it’s pointless to resist and deny his request so with one look at your studying material, you sigh and look expectantly at your boyfriend. “Not everyone can get good marks like you can without having to study a lot, Akashi-kun, but I’ll bite. Where are we going?”
“Just out for a walk. It won’t take long (f/n). It’ll do your brain some good to take a break once in a while,” Akashi informs you. His eyes look you over and beneath his gaze, you can’t help but blush slightly. “Get a jacket, it’s cold outside.”
You shake your head at him but comply anyways. He heads back the way he came and you follow, locking the door behind you when you’re both standing outside. This is the first time you’ve been outside today and the brightness makes you squint your eyes. It’s surprisingly sunny out but the temperature is still really cold, making you flinch when an autumn breeze blows past. Akashi takes a step closer towards you, taking a hold of your hand before using his other hand to pull the hood of your jacket closer towards your neck. Flashing a soft smile in your direction, Akashi proceeds to start walking down the road, pulling you along.
He wanted to do something bigger for your birthday. It’s a special day after all, but he knows how worried you are about your exams. Even after a few study sessions together, you still insisted on spending time yourself to review things, saying your birthday isn’t that big of a deal in comparison. Akashi doesn’t agree with that thought however but since it’s for your grades, he decided to let it go and settled with doing something small for you instead.
“So… Are we just going out for a walk, Akashi-kun?” you ask, turning your head slightly to look up at your red haired boyfriend. Your birthday had totally slipped your mind, having been drowning in textbooks and notes for the past few days, and now that Akashi has brought it up, you can’t help but wonder what he has planned this time. Akashi certainly makes you feel loved with his actions but sometimes he can take things a bit too far, no matter how many times you’ve told him that you’ll be happy by just spending time with him.
“That’s what I said, (f/n). It’s been a while since we’ve gone out together so casually anyways. Is there something else you want?” Akashi replies, meeting your gaze.
You blink and then shake your head, tightening your hold on his hand while leaning into him. “No, this is nice.” It would be nicer if it wasn’t this cold but that’s beyond your control. Being next to Akashi like this warms you up a bit though, and it is nice. While you had fun on your previous birthdays, you rather something simple like this happen instead. It’s quite calming and relaxing walking through the semi-empty streets and the chilling autumn breeze feels refreshing too, after you’ve gotten acquainted with the coldness that is.
“You’ve been studying really hard these past few days and today is your birthday so I thought that I’d reward you a bit,” Akashi comments with a smile, earning him a look of your eyebrows raising in surprise. He chuckles a bit and brings your hand up to his lips, brushing them gently over your knuckles. “You’ll see later tonight.”
You’re curious, how can you not be? “You said we were just going for a walk. I have to get back to studying, Akashi-kun, even if today’s my birthday. There aren’t that many days left until the exam, unfortunately,” you reply with a frown. “I’m well aware of that, (f/n). It won’t impede your studying, I promise.”
His words give nothing away, leaving you pondering what it is he has in mind over and over again. You just hope it’s nothing too grand. Knowing Akashi, that doesn’t seem likely, but he did consider your wishes today and merely took you out for a walk so…
Akashi pauses, making you do the same and moves his hand to beneath your chin, tilting it so that you’re facing and looking directly at him. His lips curve into a slight smirk and without giving you a chance to ask anything, his lips are on yours. The kiss is gentle and slow, and though he had caught you by surprise, your eyes instantly flutter shut as you lean into the kiss, eventually returning it.
A chuckle rumbles in Akashi’s throat as he pulls away from you, taking a hold of your hand again. “Don’t think about unnecessary things, (f/n). Forget studying for the moment. You’re here with me. Even without a grand celebration, I will make your birthday memorable.”
Something about his words make you shiver, whether it be from anticipation or something else, you’re not sure, but you do find yourself smiling at him with a roll of your eyes. “Let’s go then,” you suggest, being the one to pull on his hand as you take a step forward. It has been quite a long time since the two of you have been out together to simply enjoy time with each other so you might as well enjoy this.
“Lead the way, (f/n),” Akashi states with a laugh, “Happy birthday.”
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anime-cupid · 9 years
I'd like to say that I love your concept of emergency requests. Sometimes very disheartening things happen in life and the fact that this blog acknowledges this and does something to make others happy, it's great.
Thank you for the love, anon! C: We all enjoy, and want, to make others happy since them being happy makes us happy too. You’ll never know what life will throw at you until it happens and we want to be able to help people feel better however we can~ (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Kind of as a reminder that though requests are closed, if you’re having a bad day or are feeling down or it’s your birthday (or something special like that), you are definitely free to send something in and we’ll try our best to cheer you up or help out in any way we can! ^^;;
~ Stella
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