sickonthedancefloor · 3 months
All Hands On Deck - part 2
Sickies: OT7 Caretakers: Themselves + Managers
Part: [one]
Hoseok didn’t think he was ready for this. Here he had Jungkook, weirdly both pale and green-tinted, in a wet, vomit-sprayed tee and looking on the verge of crying. Before Jungkook could even consider apologizing, Hoseok merely shushed him softly, reaching a hand up to swipe his cheeks in comfort before tears could even begin to fall. His youngest dongsaeng, despite being taller and more muscular than him already, looked so small standing next to him with how sick he was. There was something about his big eyes being so watery and upset that pulled at Hoseok’s heartstrings immediately.
He was very weak for his members.
“It’s okay, Jungkook-ah, let’s get you changed and in bed. Sound good?”
He received a small hum in agreement, as the younger dancer dropped his face against Hoseok’s shoulder. Oh no… not vomit on the Balenciaga… It was honestly inevitable. He’d definitely have to ask one of the managers for their cleaning trick to get it out later for sure. But first… His hand rubbed small circles on Jungkook’s back as he walked him away from the bathroom, away from the new noises of vomiting from behind the door. It seemed to upset Jungkook further to hear it, and the last thing Hoseok wanted to do was have him sick again, and in the hallway where the clean-up would be harder. The two shuffled awkwardly and slow, but it didn’t seem to nauseate the youngest further, so Hoseok was alright with the pace.
“H-hyung,” Jungkook murmured. “Jin-hyung’s—”
“Hm? Jin-hyung?”
Jungkook pointed at the door. Ah… that made sense.
“Oh, you mean Jin-hyung’s room?” Hoseok guessed. That got a soft laugh and a thumbs up. Perfect, honestly; Jin’s door was closer, anyway. Hoseok merely shuffled to Jin’s room, leading Jungkook inside. Jungkook looked at the bed, but Hoseok merely held onto him, grabbing his shirt. “Come on, let’s get you changed into something cleaner. Okay, hands up.”
Jungkook looked so little. As Hoseok pulled the shirt from him, he couldn’t help but coo at how he scrunched his face. Once off, Hoseok just turned it inside out and dropped it near the door, before helping Jungkook out of his baggy jeans. He was like a child again, like that young teen who was so shy but still crawled into their beds when he felt too lonely or upset or just wanted comfort. Cute. Once in just his boxers, Hoseok led him to sit on the bed, ruffling his hair affectionately. “Stay right here, I’m gonna see what Jin’s got that you can fit.” For good measure, he moved the desk trash can next to the bed.
Hoseok tossed Jungkook’s pants, and his own sweatshirt (feeling too warm for it now anyway, he guessed someone turned the heater up for one of their sick members) to the pile and went to rummage through Jin’s closet for something light. He managed to dig up a simple dark tee and basketball shorts, and dressed Jungkook quickly as he noticed his eyes shutting. He was more than thankful that Jin and Jungkook fit the same clothes; it made it easier, for sure. Hoseok tugged the blanket back as he eased their maknae to lay down, then just ran his hands through Jungkook’s hair until the younger fell asleep.
Once he seemed settled, Hoseok sighed, leaning his head on the side of the bedframe. What a day… It was already giving him a headache, but he was glad to at least be helpful.
In the bathroom, on the other hand, Jin wished for peace. But all he received was a sharp stench of putrid, vile vomit that seemed rather discomforting being two distinctively different scents of yuck. He honestly didn’t think puke could have identifying smells, but whatever Taehyung was expelling before him had some odd, creamy scent to it that made his own stomach feel uncomfortable. But just taking a sharp breath upward, he merely continued to rub Taehyung’s back, thankful that his curls were at least short enough to stay out of his face.
Taehyung’s vomiting was calmer than Jungkook’s in a sense. Less loud, bouncy motions but more harsh, almost twitching gasps as he coughed up whatever wanted to make its way up his esophagus. He had tried to speak twice, barely getting out Jin’s name, and a broken apology, before he merely gave up. Taehyung had a shaky hand braced on his knee, fingers white-knuckled gripping his sweatpants as if it was the only lifeline he had between staying upright and falling into the porcelain nightmare (oh god, Jin realized, that was going to be a nightmare to clean).
“It’s okay, Taehyung-ah,” Jin said calmly. His hand on Taehyung’s back formed a fist and he rubbed his knuckles with a little more force on Taehyung’s back. Something more of a sensation, hopefully a bit of a distraction. “Try to take a breath now, hm?”
Taehyung coughed up a mouthful and then spit. Jin took the opportunity to flush, hoping to reduce some of the smell. But ever the diligent dongsaeng, Taehyung tried to take a breath. His shoulders slumped and he eased back. And took a second breath.
“I’m here, Taehyung-ah. You’re okay. Just keep breathing—or… that, I guess.”
On Taehyung’s next breath, he gagged and immediately lifted himself back to the toilet, regurgitating out another thick mouthful of sludge. His hand on Jin’s hand merely loosened his grip and he swatted at him, albeit shaky and weakly.
“I know, I know. Not funny. But you always laugh at my jokes.”
Taehyung swatted him again, and coughed. He heaved again, but nothing came out.
“See, my jokes cured you.”
But another heave, and a mouthful of pure bile escaped. Taehyung was running on empty, and Jin could see it. He continued rubbing his back, encouraging him to take another breath. It took Taehyung another few minutes of dry heaving before he managed to sink back, forehead dropping on the toilet. Jin smiled.
“Good job, you stopped. Let’s wait a few minutes before we move, just in case.”
Taehyung just nodded as his eyes closed, his body trying to succumb to at least a few moments rest before Jin made him move. Jin let him have these extra moments in peace, just keeping one hand rubbing his back but now in slow circles. It gave Jin time to send a one-handed text message to Namjoon, letting him know their second youngest was also ill. This was already proving to be a disaster. They were going to need back-up, that was for sure.
From his spot on the couch, Yoongi looked towards the bathrooms on the left. He’d begun rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he heard Jungkook, but he was wide awake the moment Taehyung also disappeared. This already wasn’t good, and they hadn’t bought that much juk. They’d need more… and given whatever the two had, Yoongi figured he may as well begin messing with inventory.
He yawned as he stood, stretching his arms upward. The noise was enough to have Namjoon looking at him with a frown. “You’re not sick too, are you?”
Yoongi shook his head. “Wouldn’t dream of getting sick before you, Joon. I’m just going to make some juk. I have a feeling we’re going to need more, if Hobi-ah hasn’t come back from checking on them.” He really, really hoped Hoseok wasn’t also sick; that man hated throwing up, the last thing they really needed was an anxiety attack flaring up from anyone over illness. At least, for now, Namjoon and Jimin seemed alright, so after reassuring their leader that he was okay, Yoongi merely trekked his way into the kitchen and went to pull out the big pot. He’d make enough juk to last them a few days; thankfully it wasn’t hard at all. Opening the kitchen, he went to work, glad that Hoseok had organized their kitchen prior.
As Yoongi began cutting green onions, he realized he wasn’t alone. Despite seeming exhausted, Namjoon was out standing by the counter, frowning at his phone as he reread Jin’s updates. “Ah… Hyung, what can I do to help?”
Yoongi smiled. “Can you go check on Hobi and Jungkook? Hobi might need some help. Juk should be ready within the hour.”
An easy task. Namjoon gave a thumbs up and headed down the hall to peer in Jungkook’s room, then Hoseok and Jimin’s, only to find both empty. He just decided to search each room to find them, peering briefly into Yoongi’s empty bedroom before he landed on Jin’s. And there he saw Hoseok running his hand through Jungkook’s hair, Jungkook curled up next to him with his head in his lap on their oldest hyung’s bed. When Hoseok spotted Namjoon in the doorway, he smiled, holding a finger to his lips.
“Did he just fall asleep?”
Hoseok nodded. “I wanted to wait a little before giving him medication in case he could eat anything.”
“Yoongi-hyung’s making juk.” He wheeled over the desk chair to sit in, so he wouldn’t move the bed. “He thinks we’re going to need more.”
With a sigh, Hoseok nodded again. “I wouldn’t be surprised… Someone else is going to get it, I bet. When it’s done, let me know?” It only took a few minutes more before Jungkook began snoring, and the two sighed in relief. He was out. The rappers spent a few moments discussing their gameplan on if more of them came down with this—double line the trash cans, keep their two sick members comfortable, try to keep their medications on schedule. Check everyone just to be safe. Hoseok texted the managers their update while Namjoon headed out to give Jin and Yoongi their new update. The juk would take a bit, so he didn’t rush.
As he made it to the bathroom closest to his room, he knocked lightly. “Jin-hyung? You in there?”
“Ahhh, Namjoon-ah! Yeah, I’m in here. Careful if you open the door, Taehyungie’s legs—”
Namjoon was not careful. Upon immediate push of the door, he immediately knocked the wood onto Taehyung’s legs. Similar to Hoseok and Jungkook, Taehyung had taken Jin’s lap as a pillow, but with a damp towel over his eyes. He groaned but otherwise did not move, and Jin immediately began to fuss as Namjoon apologized.
“Is he sick too, Jin-hyung?”
“He spent ten minutes vomiting and now he won’t get up. And he won’t let me get up. Joon-ah, I can’t help him from down here! We don’t even have a traditional Korean bathroom, I could have just hosed down the mess but no, we have to clean it up! I could have just hosed Taehyung off of me—”
With that, Namjoon laughed, squeezing in and kneeling next to them. Taeyhung, while not as tall as Jin or Namjoon, had put on a significant amount of muscle on his frame, rivaling Jin in terms of weight already. And so much of it was muscle; but his reluctance to move overtook Jin’s attempt to keep him from the floor. It was a lose-lose situation for Jin. Taehyung’s button-up had vomit stains all along the front, and was damp with sweat. Jin had wiped his face already, but the younger vocalist seemed comfortable with the cloth blocking the light.
“Headache, Tae-yah?” Namjoon asked.
He received a mumbled ‘yes’. Fever confirmed by touch. Chills, possibly from the floor, possibly the fever. With a sigh, Jin rubbed his back again.
“Come on, let’s try to make it to the room with Joon, yeah?”
Taehyung grumbles again. “’m dirty…”
“It’s okay buddy, you’ve been sick. You want to try and take a bath?”
That gets the young singer to groan, his hand reaching up to press the cold cloth over his eyes. “I don’t want to move… Every time I move I get woozy.”
Jin sighed, stroking his hair. “Well, let’s at least try to get you changed and clean so you’re more comfortable.”
“Not… not yet.” Taehyung grumbled. He kicked a foot lazily to the side, but it bumped Namjoon’s leg—exactly what he was planning. “Go ‘way.”
Namjoon chuckled softly, patting Taehyung’s shoulder from where he sat. He was pretty sure Jin would catch it, being in proximity of now two vomiting members, but he wasn’t going to stress out over it. As Jin leaned his head back against the wall, he reached a hand over to swat at Namjoon too.
“Just bring him some fresh clothes? We’ll be out when we can, okay?”
Namjoon nodded and scurried out, returning five minutes later with a fresh pair of pajamas. On his way out, he added: “Oh, Jungkook’s taken over your bed.”
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sickiesope · 2 months
Energy boost
Sickie: Taehyung
Caretaker: Jungkook
TW: emeto
Taehyung woke up tired today. He didn't sleep the best and just feels overall sluggish. Taehyung can usually hide that he's tired and is good at covering up his yawning in public. But he just hates that feeling weighing him down. They're filming a short dance number for army today and he needs a lot of stamina.
Taehyung doesn't like coffee at all and doesn't understand how Yoongi can drink so much of it. He can't stand the smell or the taste. He's trying to think of another quick fix and wound up buying an energy drink. It's strawberry flavored so he figured he'd try it.
"Since when do you drink energy drinks?" Yoongi teases.
"It tastes better than that burnt hot bean water" Taehyung sasses playfully.
"Maybe, but coffee doesn't make you crash like those do" Yoongi smirks.
Taehyung found it tasted pretty sweet; a little too sweet from what's he's used to but he drank half of it and already feels a little more perky. It gives him more hope about the day. When finished his stomach feels.. weird. He drank that pretty fast. His stomach gurgles with the fizzy drink bubbling up. He burps and pauses for a minute. He feels the caffeine kicking in and rushes to get prepared.
The guys stand in position and Taehyung tries to stay still. He's all jittery and his stomach keeps going off. He doesn't know if anyone else can hear it and palms it cautiously.
"Everyone in place!"
The music starts playing and the choreography is fast pace. Taehyung's body keeps up with the movements but he regrets having that energy drink. The liquid swishes and sloshes inside his stomach with each jump and turn. It feels like his stomach is a bottle being shaken and bubbling up, ready to go off. But he can't stop now, they're halfway through the song. Then his stomach burbles and Taehyung stumbles and hiccups, almost tripping.
"Cut!" They all stop and look at him.
"Tae, why'd you stop?" Hoseok asks.
Taehyung wants to say his stomach hurts but doesn't want to throw off the day. He already messed up and doesn't want people getting mad at him. "I-I'm fine--" *he burps mid sentence.* Taehyung covers his mouth, flustered.
They all look at him strange. Yoongi is looking with concern. That wasn't exactly a small sized can he chugged.
"Ugh, sorry.. I'm sorry, I can keep going." Taehyung says quickly. He just wants to get through this.
"Hmm okay, let's try again" Hoseok gestures them to walk back to starting position. Taehyung puts a fist to his mouth and descretely burps again. He wants to think it helps but isn't sure. His stomach feels queasy and he worries he'll throw up instead. The cameras are going again and he definitely doesn't want that.
On the second take Taehyung isn't as fast, his stomach hurts with all the movements and sloshing. His body can't handle it and his stomach lurches. Taehyung hiccups again and bends over, holding his abdomen. Suddenly he belches and his stomach opens the floodgates, spewing out a fast large wave. 
"Whoa Tae!" Jimin and Jungkook jump back, they were closest to him and just missed getting splashed. Taehyung can't say anything as his stomach is still forcing out it's contents.
The music stops and everyone is shocked at what just happened. Namjoon waves at the staff to stop the cameras and the members run to Taehyung. Taehyung falls to his knees clutching his middle. He sighs in disbelief but his stomach cuts him off with another hard retch. He pants and looks at the pink puddle on the floor. "Ugh, why did I have that?" Taehyung mutters.
Yoongi looks at the young vocalist sympathetically. "It's okay Tae, it could've happened to anyone."
Taehyung feels ridiculous and thought forsure they would scold him but everyone was benevolent and understanding.
Taehyung wasn't thrilled about the car ride back. His stomach's still complaining after all that vomiting. He tries to rub it but he's so tired. Whenever the car hits a bump or a turn his stomach gurgles, making him moan quietly.
"Awwh hyung, that drink really upset your tummy huh?" Jungkook put his hand on Taehyung's stomach. Taehyung just nods as his sick stomach churns. Jungkook wants to help it and starts rubbing lightly "how does this feel?"
Taehyung hums approvingly, letting JK take over. The maknae's hands feel so nice. Taehyung yawns and leans on Jungkook closing his eyes. He's crashing. Jungkook looks and smiles fondly, shifting a bit to make it more comfortable.
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sicjimin · 4 months
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— Hide the Baby Away —
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a.n : prepare for a veeery long read ! (i tried my best to cover everything in this request but it definitely gonna get waaaay too long more than this one soo, that's the ending that i will choose, i hope you don't mind anon!) (and as always, i'm sosososo sorry this taking soo long i hope you're still around to see this) (and i hope my rusty writing can do justice to your request)
tw : mpreg, emeto, graphic descriptions of vomit
Namjoon calls falls into the empty hallway as the younger practically run out the moment their lift stops on their apartment floor. His heart thumps loudly against his ribcage as he sees his boyfriend buzzing on his feet in front of the door—his left hand visibly shaking as he tries to typed out the code but comes to no avail as it beeps red.
"Baby .. breathe", Namjoon tries his best to sound calm as he quickly types the codes. He can't hide his winces when he heard a loud gag followed by a quick shuffles of Jungkook's feet running inside-then it's a loud thump of closed door and a loud belch.
''Baby .. Kook?", Namjoon knocks on the door, knowing that Jungkook often let the door locked when he's sick saying that it was gross and he didn't want to let Namjoon see him like that, full of snot and smell like vomit; that Namjoon respond with a scoff and rolling his eyes, like hell he gonna cares. His thoughts come to an end when another loud belches echoes from inside followed by sounds of good amount of liquid filling the bowl.
Gosh ... why is Jungkook so sick?
"Kook .. let hyung help?"
It meets with a silence, a little cough, before the knobs turns and click. Namjoon shuffles inside, quickly rushing towards the little window near the bathtub— opened it to let a fresh air exchange the foul scent of vomit. His shoulder deflates as he sees the younger propped in front of the toilet—one hands on his knees, and other holding the toilet to keep his balance. His big doe eyes that Namjoon loves and usually sparkles, now it becomes bloodshot, glassy, and tired.
"Baby ..", Namjoon shuffles closer, his hand immediately circling the younger waist, letting him to lean his weight against him.
"Are you feeling better?" Jungkook sniffles, shaking his head, before spitting saliva into the already filled bowl. Namjoon takes it to flush the toilet before the sight making his boyfriend sicker. "Still more?"
"Mhm", Jungkook hums, taking a deep breath, brushing his hair back, before he wracked with a cough. Namjoon reacts quick, as he takes the long black lock on his palms, and tighten his grip on the latter waist—just in time when Jungkook sways forward, bends closer the toilet bowl and lets out another loud belch, then throws up once again, the retching and vomiting becoming more violent as the minutes pass. His stomach muscles contract and flutter, as if they are squeezing out the last of his lunch. At one point, some solid food comes back up. He continues to gag and belch even after most of his lunch has already been thrown up and only water and stomach acid left.
"Sshh .breathe, Kook .. breathe. You're empty" Namjoon murmurs behinds as the younger starts to dry heaves. His hand hasn't stops moving around Jungkook's body in a worried manner--brushing his hair, rubbing his back, moves to massaging his nape, and now wiping the cold sweats that starts to form.
"Hyung .", Jungkook leans back with a deep sigh of relief. "..I think it's out. I'm... feeling better", he finally manages to mumbles.
"That's good .. lets clean you up, okay? Are you feeling dizzy?", Jungkook nods a little, his eyes flutters, as if he could fall asleep on his feet in this instant.
Namjoon ruffles his hair, quickly helping his boyfriend rinse his mouth, settles him on the couch, before fussing in the kitchen to make warm chamomile tea.
"You're okay?", Namjoon plops on the couch as he hands the warm cup, can't help the high-pitched worried tone that emits from him. "What's wrong?"
Jungkook hums, mumbling a small thankyou as he takes a small cautious sips. To be completely honest, the nausea still lingers ; his stomach still feels bloated and like someone was rolling his guts around in spinning wheel. "I think i got motion sickness hyung", he mumbles. "I've already feel sick in the car .. and i dont know, the lift movement is too much and suddenly i want to puke", he adds, shrugging as if it's not a big deal. It's not, in his opinion. Everyone get motion sick all the time, like Jimin ! So Namjoon actually doesn't need to be this worry !
"But you rarely got motion sickness though ...", Namjoon trails off, fidgeting with the younger hands that now becomes sweaty—maybe the after effect from vomiting. "You sure? You don't want to go for a check up?"
Namjoon's worry actually isn't baseless. His boyfriend has thrown up 3 times this week alone—yeah, it's not in a sequence, that it makes the younger easily brushed it off ; either it's bc he eat too much, eat too fast, the food taste goofy, or else. But he feels like there's something more to it.
"No hyung .. don't worry too much. It's really just motion sickness. I feel fine now", Jungkook says, pressing a kiss on the older palms and giving it a reassuring brushes.
Namjoon sighs, deciding to trust the younger on this. In the end, he's the one that knows his body better, right?
Namjoon should've known that it's not a mere motion sickness. He should've pushes his boyfriend to go for a check up—if he did that, they won't end up in this situation.
"Hyung ...", Jungkook hisses. His eyes squeezed shut, making a crinckle at the corner of his eyes. He's in so much pain, Namjoon could tell as much—as his body shaking, and his grips on Namjoon's arms is digging on his skin. "Hurts ..", he croakes out, before gasping for air and then coughing—that quicks morph into another gag.
"Kook-ah .. ssshh .. you're okay, breathe", Namjoon breathes out, biting his lips, as he keeps brushing the younger hair that falls off while holding the bag at the same time. He winces when Jungkook's face turns completely white as he's struck with a wave of nausea, and he instantly dives towards the bag—adding the weight to the bag. Another round of foul liquid gushes out of his system, and he shudders at the sensations. Jungkook's grips tighten at his boyfriend's arms, feeling miserable as the retching eventually subsides, though they'll likely continue to come back for the time being. "Gosh, I feel so sick..." he groans, closing his eyes.
"You are .. love", Namjoon sighs, now his free hand moves to the younger nape, that now glistens with sweat. "Want water?"
Jungkook shakes his head weakly, "No ..", he sniffles. "Later .. it will come back up", he sighs as he feels his boyfriend massages his nape, it helps a little bit to ease his discomfort—especially since it distracts his from the fact that he can feel the food sloshing around in his stomach and his intestines still squirming and churning with every small, minor wave of nausea.
"Still feeling sick?", Namjoon asks, can't hide the panic and worry mixing in his tone.
"Mhm", Jungkook coughs, and spits as saliva pools in his mouth. It's making him even nauseous. He takes a few deep breathes, before groaning and diving his mouth over the plastic bag again as yet another wave hits him, and heaves yet again. This time, however, there's next to nothing to come up.
"It's just water...", Jungkook groans tiredly, leaning back against the bedrest. He can feel the waves continuing to come, but at least they're not expelling anything other than clear, tasteless liquid. It's probably just the remaining water he drank earlier, and his stomach still trying to settle.
Jungkook hums, letting himself melts against the bed as he feels dizzy and exhausted. "You can put it somewhere hyung .. i will clean that up in the morning", he quietly mumbles, feeling bad that he woke up the older at ass crack dawn and making him hold his disgusting vomit bag. "Hyung ...", he calls again when there's no answer. He can hear the latter shuffling around the room, but he can't bring himself to open his eyes. Too tired to do so.
He almost dozes off when suddenly there's a weight that jostles the bed. "Hyung?", Jungkook sleepily mumbles, scooting closer in search for the older body to cuddle on. " 'm sorry ..."
"Ssshh .. sleep now, Kook", Namjoon coos, pulling the younger closer and plays with his hair until his breathing become falls into a calm rhythm.
Jungkook gasps, as he stares at the puddles of brown vomit contrasting with the white bathtub. He sucks a deep breath, in an attempt to calm himself down, as he looks around and check if the shower still running. He exhales a relieved breathe as he's sure that the sound his gagging earlier must have get drown out and his boyfriend is currently somewhere away from the bathroom. He quickly washes the mess away, and prepped himself up—he needs to be quick or Namjoon might grow suspicious and worry again if he's taking way too long. His bouts of vomits earlier already taken quite awhile—that he swallow the lingering nausea down, and he only hopes that it wont manifest into another vomiting session.
He's tired—and scared.
He knows that morning sickness is the consequence of being pregnant—but he never thought that it will come this early, only 2 weeks in his pregnancy, and how it becomes harder for him to control. It has morph into the strong urge to vomit or gag, not only waves of nausea like the first week—so it's getting harder to hide from his boyfriend too.
But he can't tell him.
Not when he himself hasn't come into acceptance yet.
There's too much things that comes after having a baby. There's too much things that need to change or even put in a rest as he gonna go with the pregnancy, and all while putting a risk for the things he and the members has put for months. And he hasn't did /that/ talk with Namjoon too ; what if he hates the baby? what if he hasn't vision himself with a baby? what if he deemed Jungkook isn't fit for taking care a baby and he didn't want to stuck around for so long with him? what if he— "Kook? Are you still in there? Are you okay?"
Jungkook gasps. He didn't realize that he had been holding his breath as he spirals. He takes a deep breathe, groaning quietly as nausea pooling back at the base of his stomach.
"Yeah hyung .. wait a minute", Jungkook yells, quickly splashing his face with cold water to ease his anxiety and nausea before going out.
"I have made breakfast", Namjoon's grin is the first thing that greets him as soon as he opened the bathroom door.
Jungkook chuckles, his hand unconsciously moving up to his abdomen and rest on top of it at the mention of food. "Hyung? You're not allowed in the kitchen except for making drinks!"
"It's only an egg and toasted bread, Kook .. i know my limitations", Namjoon rolls his eyes as he guided the younger to the kitchen.
Breakfast was hard—but to his luck, Jungkook managed to get it down without heaving it up immediately all over the counter. With each bite, he fights off another wave of intense nausea, though he forces herself to just eat. The taste of the food, the texture, the smell... it's all a massive hurdle to get through, but he knows his body needs the calories and nutrients—and he can't make his boyfriend growing anymore worried. Not before he get the couraged to tell him himself.
After taking the last bite, he washes everything down with a big gulp of tea—letting himself slip with a loud and nauseating belch when Namjoon was getting ready, and shoved a mint flavored candy to his mouth as they went to the company.
The candy works wonder, as he managed to go through his day up until lunch, and hasn't felt the urge to barf yet again. The nausea was coming in an constant waves, especially when he was moving around excessively—but it's nothing he couldn't handle.
Jungkook almost cheered on himself.
He calls it quits at his 5th schedule that day—a back to back meeting and make up test for their photoshoot the next day. Maybe it was a mix of smelling different scents of makeup products, hairspray, and new fabrics at the makeup tests ; and now watching the monitor for 45 minutes—that still gonna go for the next 30 minutes—that makes his body breaks.
The meeting room is in a full blast of AC, but Jungkook could barely feel the breezing coldness as he starts growing hot. He shuffles on his seat, and taking a deep breath. He feels dizzy—and not dizzy like the whole room is spinning, but it feels like he's about to straight up passed out right now. He huffs, trying to fiddles with his pen and look away from the overwhelming graphic on the screen, hoping that it would make his body feels normal again.
Taehyung nudges him, snickering when he knows the younger isn't paying any attention and ready to tease him—but bites it back when he sees how pale the younger is, "Kook ..? Are you okay?", Taehyung shuffles his chair close, and whispers to him.
Jungkook breathes, lowering his head as he shakes his head quietly. He closes his eyes, rubbing them hard and blinking rapidly. "I feel faint hyung .."
"What?", The elder looks worried, he can see the sweat running down his forehead. Taehyung takes hold of his hand, squeezing tightly. His eyes widen when he feels it sweaty and cold. "Fuck .. Kook-ah .. let's get out of here, can you stand up?"
Jungkook gulps, "I think i'm going to puke hyung", he grimaces at the way his mouth tastes bad. He belches then, as quiet as it can be, but loud enough for the older to hear. Taehyung squeezes his hand harder, looking around to find someone who might have a trash bin nearby.
"Taehyung-ah", Seokjin hisses, kicking his chair when he sees the younger visibly looking distracted, not even bothering to hide it as he spins around his chair and throwing his gaze everywhere. "The meeting!"
Taehyung frowns at him, for a second forgetting that Seokjin is the eldest and he's currently in a meeting—when he hears a quiet gag and the grips on his sleeves is tighten. "Jungkook is sick!", he hissed back, and before the latter could reply or chides him more, he dashes towards the door, snatching the trashcan there and hurriedly put it under Jungkook's mouth.
Everyone attention has diverted, and instead of the monitor, they put their focus at the commotion. "Is Jungkook okay?" "We can stop the meeting here" "Go bring him water" "Shouldn't he go to the doctor?" "I will call the doc below"
Everything tunes into a white sounds, losing against his own erratic breathes and heartbeat. He feels like he's coccooned by nausea—it's so thick and demanding to be let out that he barely aware that his hyung already grouped around him ; someone was holding his hair, someone's arms is around his shoulder, someone is holding the bin, someone is fanning him to get him a fresh air, someone is saying something, someone is— "Sorry"
That's all Jungkook managed to utter before his stomach belches violently, and he feels a hot, greasy mess flow up his throat and into his mouth—then he heaves up the last meal he had. Gone all of his breakfast. It's not the usual soupy chunks, but a thick and clumpy mess. "Fuck ...", he curses in between his attempt to catch a breath. He grips the trash can even tighter, his teeth gritted in shame and misery as his body tries to purge the food he couldn't contain.
Jungkook feels like he was in dazed and disconnected from everything as he throw up. Only when he left dry heaving and his stomach got nothing to put out, he's aware of 6 worried gazes around him. "Hyung ...", he croaks, wiping the remaining mess off his chin. His voice was hoarse and scratchy from how hard he coughed out his guts. And it hurts, but at least the nausea went away.
Namjoon immediately rushes over to Jungkook's side and rub circles on his back, while Jimin hands him a bottle of water. Jungkook take a little sip, and let himself fall into his boyfriend shoulders. He feels exhausted.
"Baby .. let's get you checked up", Namjoon said softly, and strokes his hair. "They already called him to come to this floor. They are waiting at the lounge"
Jungkook shoots up at that. Everything just come into a full pieces in his brain. "What? No!"
"Kook-ah .. you literally just throwing up a tons in front of us, why didn't you tell us that you're sick?", Yoongi perks up. His usual tired cat eyes now morph into a frown.
"No .. i'm fine! I already feel a lot better. It's just food messing up with me", Jungkook argues, "I'm fine hyung .. really"
"You have been throwing up a lot, Kook. There's literally nothing wrong to get check up. I'm worried. They will give you medications at best", Namjoon sighs, quietly locking gaze with the eldest for a help. Jin catches his signal, as he crouched in front of the youngest that now fiddling with the hem of his sleeves, definitely anxious about the thought of seeing the doctor for a reason that no one knows. "Kook-ah .. do you want hyung to call the doctor to this room? Everyone is worried, especially Joonie", Jin chuckles, "I have lost count how many times he has been pacing while ranting to me"
Jungkook perks up at that, "He did?"
"Of course! How could i not?!", Namjoon suddenly shoots up from his seat, chairs thudded loudly against the table. "Woah .. calm down, hyung", Jimin and Yoongi snickers at that.
Namjoon blushes at his sudden outburst, red hues blashing all over his cheeks goes up to his ears. "Of course i worried, Kook .. you have been throwing a lot, especially yesterday .. and last night?", he sits down again, ruffling his hair in visible distress. Jungkook bites his lips. He feels bad.
"I know that there's something more like motion sickness and a mere food messing up with you won't make you sick that much .. and often, that just doesn't make sense. But i just don't want to be pushy because i'm afraid you will get mad and—"
"Baby .. breathe", Jungkook chuckles at his boyfriend rambles. It's adorable.
Namjoon indeed take a deep breathe as he composes himself, "So .. doctor?"
"It's just a check up, Kook. If nothing wrong then you will only get medications and go home. I will even let you pass the dance practice", Hobi chimes in, gaining a loud, "Oh nooo, hyung i'm sick too", from Taehyung and Jimin at the sides.
Jungkook smiles, anxiety slowly fading away. "I don't need to see the doctor hyung, well maybe i can ask for a meds but i already know what's wrong", he mumbles, "Promise don't get mad for me?", he looks up at his boyfriend.
"Why did i need to get mad? You did something?"
"Yeah you did something hyung"
"What? What did i do?", Namjoon looks even more confused, and if it's not because of the loud thumping of his heart, Jungkook definitely gonna burst into good laughs.
"It's morning sickness"
"Yes you were sick this morni—what?"
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crystalsnow95z · 8 months
please sick tae with a high fever? caretaker anyone!
Ooh my favorite person to write for ♡ sorry for the random angst.. I don't know why that popped into my head.
Let’s just get right into it.
Tw; meantion of upset stomach but no emeto.
"Huh? Pause the game, Seo-joon-sii is calling me.." Jungkook picks up the phone. "Hello?"
"Hello. Are you home?"
"Yeah, im just playing a game." Jungkook answers politely. "Why?"
"Oh good. I called a taxi to bring Taehyungie home and want to be sure someone's there to help him."
"Huh? Help? What happened?" Jungkook jumps to his feet. "Is he okay?"
"No, nothing bad. He got a little too drunk.. him and woo-sik both.." Seo-joon speaks apologetically into the phone, feeling partly to blame for not cutting them off sooner.
"I'll be sure he gets to bed safely. Thank you." Jungkook relaxes. "Have a good night." He hangs up. Taehyungie-hyungie must've wanted to show he was a man and could drink just as much as the others..
"What was that about?" Jin asks with concern on his face. "Is Vuu okay?"
"Yeah, he's fine. He just overdid it with drinking.." Jungkook texts Taehyung to see if he'll reply.
Hyung where are you?
Taehyung replies.
I'm coming to home. 3 minutes now.
"I'll go get him pajamas to change into." Jin gets up, going to Taehyung's room.
"I'm gonna wait for him." Jungkook puts on a face mask and waits outside, keeping his eyes cast down, pretending to be too interested in his phone when someone passes by. I'm glad my hair is black right now. It's easier to wait without being recognized.
It doesn't take long for the taxi to come, Taehyung staggering out towards him. "Jeon jungukkkie hi." He greets him warmly.
"Hi hyungie.." Jungkook smiles when Taehyung wraps around him in a hug. "Let's get you inside."
"Jungkook-ah? Did I tells you?" Taehyung speaks excitedly with a bit of slur to his words. "Why we went out?"
"Why hyung?" Jungkook leads him inside, going towards Taehyungs room already knowing the answer. He told him before he went out but loved to see his hyung happy.
"Seojunnie-hyung got the lead role in a new kdrama!" Taehyung says proudly. "He's gonna look so cool.. it's a..ah..oh no.. I forgot the role.." he finished with a pout.
"Oh? Is that what you were celebrating?" Jungkook presses his lips together to stop himself from laughing at his cute expression.
"Yeah! Huh..hyungie? What are you doing here?" Taehyung questions when he sees Jin in his room.
"I'm here to help Kook-ah with you. Let's get you out of those jeans baby." Jin takes over leading Taehyung to his bed, sitting him on the edge.
"I don't need help.. I got it.." Taehyung unbuttoned his jeans, standing to get them off but sways into Jin.
"Tete be careful. Let hyung help." Jin holds Taehyung by his shoulders to steady him while he gets his jeans off, changing into the pajama pants Jin pulled out.
"There we go. Now the shirt, too." Jungkook tugs the shirt over Taehyung's head, putting a fresh one on.
"Here, Tae, drink some water." Jin offers him a water bottle. "Careful not to spill.." he adds as an afterthought when Taehyung takes a drink.
"Mm..I don't want it Hyung..my stomach hurts.." Taehyung hands the water back to Jin.
"Your stomach hurts? Did you eat enough while you were there? Do you want me to make you something?"
"I ate while I was there..but it was too spicy for me..it wasn't supposed to be spicy Hyung.." Taehyung whines, Jin biting his lip to stop himself from laughing at Taehyungs whiny pout.
"Poor Tete..I'll warm you up some of the leftover stir fry we had for dinner, okay? Let's go eat." Jin takes Taehyung by the hand, Jungkook taking the other.
"What's going on?" Jimin asks when he sees them pulling Taehyung.
"Taehyungie is very tipsy.. we're gonna try to sober him up some.." Jin explains, going to the fridge. "Don't worry we got it. Go back to sleep.."
"Taehyung-Ah, wake up..it's time to get ready for practice." Namjoon turns on the bedroom light, pulling the blanket.
Taehyung woke up the next morning feeling awful.. his head was pounding, and he felt dizzy when he sat up, his muscles aching when he moved. "I'm up..I'm up.."
Namjoon smooths down Taehyung's wild hair. "You feeling okay? You look pale."
"I think I'm okay. I must've drank too much last night.." Taehyung rubs the sleep from his eyes, wincing at the brightness in the room.
"You'll be okay. You're still young." Namjoon turns off the light for him. "Go take a shower and eat. You'll feel better."
Taehyung nods, taking a quick shower. The hot water eases some of the pain, but as he gets dressed again, he feels his body starting to ache again.
"I didn't think I drank that much.." he whines when he takes a seat next to Jimin in the dining room, leaning against him. "My head hurts... no. My body hurts.."
"Aw my poor Tete. Do you want me to make you some Haejangguk? I think we have all the ingredients.." Jimin asks, getting up. "I'll get you some juice.."
Taehyung didn't feel hungry, but was willing to try anything to try to ease the pain. "Yeah, that would be great. Thanks Minni." Taehyung gulps down some water, placing his head on the table.
"Morning Jiminie, Taehyungie. Taehyungie, are you okay?" Hoseok greets them with a yawn.
"He woke up hungover, but it's okay. I'm taking care of him." Jimin answers for him.
"Could I maybe skip practice Hobi-hyung? I really don't feel well..I feel like I'm gonna be sick.." Taehyung asks softly, looking up at Hobi with round puppy eyes.
"You shouldn't miss practice. Not when we're in the middle of learning new choreography. You should've thought about that before you went out last night." Hoseok hated being strict, but he couldn't give him special treatment. Not when they made Yoongi do several practices hungover. "But you can ask Namjoonie."
Namjoon had the same answer as Hoseok, so the seven boys went to practice together. Taehyung felt a little better after eating, but he still felt dizzy when he made quick movements, and his muscles still ached when he moved.
"Tae you're out of sync." Hoseok points out when Taehyung's feet don't hit the floor at the same time as the others. "You're going to slow."
"I'm sorry.. I'll get it.. right this time." Taehyung panted, already feeling exhausted despite only being halfway through the practice. He knew what he had to do, but his body just wasn't moving quickly enough.
"Let's take a break.." Hoseok tells them, feeling sympathy for the young vocalist. Everyone scatters to get water, use the restroom or just take a seat leaning against the mirror.
Taehyung sits where he stands, laying flat on the floor. "I'm so tired.." he whines softly, trying to stretch out to see if it'll help his muscles stop aching.
Yoongi and Hoseok go over to him the younger rapper running a hand through Taehyung's sweaty hair. "You're doing the best you can and that's all I ask. Don't look so sad."
"I know what to do. I do. I'm just really tired..I know I can do it..I just can't right now.." Taehyung says with a frustrated sigh, leaning into Hoseok's touch, feeling comfort in the warmth of his hand.
"You'll be okay baby..you'll feel better after a good meal and a nap." Hoseok gently scratches his head.
"Here Tae. Drink some water." Yoongi offers him a water bottle. "You need stay hydrated."
Taehyung sits up, leaning against Hoseok. "I didn't think I drank that much.. I think I'm done drinking for a while." He sips the water, but it feels heavy in his stomach. "I don't think I've ever been this hungover.."
"You've always been a lightweight." Yoongi states bluntly. "You don't need to drink much V."
"I drank less than the others, though.." Taehyung pouts.
"Why don't you just watch for a bit? It looks like you got the moves down. You just need to get on beat." Hoseok suggests, feeling awful for forcing Taehyung to push himself.
"No, no, I'll get it right. I know it. I just can't get my body to keep up with my thoughts. I can picture it in my head." Taehyung explains, feeling irritated with himself for holding the others back.
"It's okay. We still have a few weeks before we perform it live. You'll get it right then. I know it." Hoseok ruffles his hair. "Just watch and listen for now, okay? You can sleep it off when we get home."
Taehyung nods, watching Hoseok gather the others to start practice again. He tried his best to listen to the choreographer's advice and the ideas of the other members on how to improve it, but he couldn't keep focused. It's so bright in here..it hurts..
Taehyung only planned to keep his eyes closed until the throbbing headache became more manageable, but it wasn't long until he fell asleep.
"Should we wake him?" Jimin asks when he notices Taehyung slowly falls over to one side. "He must be really tired to fall asleep even with us having all the back up dancers.."
"I'll ask staff to take him home. He's learned his lesson on pushing his limits." Namjoon bends down to touch the floor."He'll get sick if he sleeps on the floor like that. It's cold.."
Jimin nods, going over to Taehyung, rubbing his hand across his chest to wake him. "Tete, wake up.."
"Mm.. Minnie I don't feel good.. I just want to sleep.." Taehyung whines, sitting up and leaning into Jimin. "I can't.."
"I know, baby. Hyung says you can go home. You can sleep there.." Jimin rubs his hand across Taehyung's back. "Come on. Up you go." He pulls him onto his feet.
"I'll get you home Taehyung-sii." A staff member approaches.
"Thank you.." Taehyung bows, only able to bow his head before he felt dizzy, falling forward.
"We'll probably not get home until tonight. Try to eat something before bed, okay?" Jimin gives Taehyung a hug. "Feel better, Tae."
Yoongi stretches, limbs stiff from sitting in the same position too long. He's been working since he came home from practice, obsessing over a new song he's been trying to perfect for months. He checks his phone, eyes widening when he sees 2:58 AM on the screen.
"It's already almost three?"He tries to get a drink from his water bottle but finds it empty, discarding it into his trash bin already overflowing with papers he's tossed aside.
He gets up to go to the kitchen, slipping on wetness of a mysterious liquid covering the floor. When he looks around, he jumps when he sees a figure sitting in front of him leaning against the fridge. "Aiish.. You scared me." Yoongi sighs when his eyes adjust to the darkness, hand on his racing heart. From the silhouette,it had to be either Jungkook or Taehyung. "What are you doing?Did you fall? Are you hurt?" He reaches for the shadowy figure, hissing when he feels the heat coming off their cheek. When he doesn't feel Jungkook's cheek scar, he knows who is in the kitchen with him. "Sh*t..You're burning up, Taehyungie.."
Taehyung jumps when he feels Yoongi touch him but relaxes when he recognizes the voice. He stays quiet for a few more moments mind foggy with fever. "Hyung...I'm sorry..the..the water.. I dropped it.." Yoongi hardly recognizes it as Taehyung's voice, it coming out raspy and slow.
"So that's what it was.. don't worry about that. I'll clean it up. First, let's get you to bed." Yoongi slowly pulls Taehyung to his feet, feeling the younger trembling. "Did you get hurt when you fell?"
"Jus..just.." Taehyung stops talking,swaying as another wave of vertigo hits him."Yoongi..Hyung..dizzy.." It's been that way for the past twenty minutes, unable to make it to his feet without another wave washing over him. "Dizzy.." he whimpers in a panic.
"It's okay..it's okay.. I got you.." Yoongi holds Taehyung by his waist, gently stroking his back. "We can stay like this for a bit longer, okay?"
Taehyung nods, leaning against Yoongi, reaching for his hand. Even with his eyes closed standing completely still he felt like he was spinning. "I don't feel well.." he whispers, clutching Yoongi tighter.
"I know, Taehyungie, I know.. it looks like you weren't just hungover. I'll take care of you. I'm sorry i didn't notice sooner.." Yoongi strokes his hair, waiting for the vocalist to stop leaning against him so heavily.
"Are you feeling a little better? You think you can walk for me Taehyungie?" Yoongi speaks gently.
Taehyung stays quiet for a few more seconds, slowly opening his eyes to test if the wooziness really died down. "Y..yeah..slowly.."
Yoongi turns on his phone flashlight to get them safely around the spilled water, walking close to the wall. "That's it, Taehyungie, almost there.. let's get you to bed."
"What's going on..?" Namjoon asks sleepily when he hears Yoongi and Taehyung enter the room.
"Taehyungie is actually sick. He's running a fever.." Yoongi places Taehyung on the bed, placing his phone on the side table.
"What? How bad is it?" Namjoon rushed out of bed, going to Taehyung to touch him, feeling the heat from his cheek. "Sh*t..do we have medicine?"
"We have Tylenol.." Yoongi goes to get up, but Taehyung doesn't let go of his hand. "Could you go get it along with the thermometer?"
"Of course hyung." Namjoon quickly leaves the room.
"Hyungie.. I'm cold..will you cuddle me...?" Taehyung squeezes Yoongi's hand. "Just a little bit?"
Yoongi lays next to him, unable to turn him down when he looks so helpless. Taehyung's usually bright, playful eyes were dulled, already drooping closed from exhaustion. His skin looked pale except for his cheeks that were flushed with fever, and his brown hair looked black from the sweat that pasted his bangs to his forehead. Yoongi's heart ached in sympathy for the vocalist, gently pushing his bangs behind his ear. "You really aren't doing well, Tete.."
"Hyungie, I..I still wanted water..I dropped it.." Taehyung suddenly remembers why he left the room in the first place when a dry cough rattled his chest.
"I know, baby. It's okay. I'll get Namjoon-ah to get you some." Yoongi answers softly, tensing up when he feels himself sweating from just holding his ailing dongsaeng. I need to cool him down..
"Hyung.." Taehyung whimpers when another wave of dizziness washes over him, leaving him feeling nauseous. He takes a handful of Yoongi's shirt into his fist, clenching it tightly.
"What's wrong, Taehyungie?" Yoongi's heart races with anxiety when the only response he gets his a low groan,unsure on what to do to try to help.
"Yoongi what happened?" Namjoon rushes into the room when he sees Taehyung clinging to Yoongi trembling from the cold chills.
"I don't know.. we need to cool him down.." Yoongi takes the water bottle from Namjoon, placing the bottle on the nape of Taehyung’s neck.
"Please..that's cold.." Taehyung jumps when he feels the cold touch his skin, shivering violently against Yoongi.
"Just endure it for me, okay? Just for a little bit.." Yoongi speaks in a soothing tone. "Just for a few minutes, okay?"
Namjoon gently places the thermometer in Taehyung's ear, eyes widening. "It's almost at 40.. fu*k I should've checked in on him when I came into the room. We could've helped him before it got this bad.."
"We don't have time to worry about the past Joon-ah. We need to focus on taking care of him now." Yoongi takes a few breaths to calm his nerves. I'm the oldest.. I need to stay calm..
Yoongi relaxes a little when Taehyung loosens the grip on his shirt. "Are you feeling a little better Tae? Do you think you can swallow some medicine for me?"
"Not..as..dizzy.. but it hurts.. to move.." Taehyung speaks slowly, trying to gather his thoughts.
"It'll only be a minute. Please, Tae?" Yoongi pleads softly.
Despite trying to hide it, Taehyung could still hear the fear in the deagu rapper's voice. "Okay.. okay.." He slowly sits up with Yoongi's help, moaning softly. His muscles screamed in protest, his body trembling with effort.
Namjoon quickly shakes out two pills, gently parting Taehyung's lips to get them in his mouth. He didn't trust Taehyungs shaky hands not to drop them. "Here Taehyungie, drink some water." He quickly offers the water after pushing them into his cheek.
Taehyung takes a mouthful of water, swallowing down the medicine.
"Good, good.." Namjoon controls how much water Taehyung takes, making him take smaller sips after swallowing the medicine. "Nice and slow. You don't want to make yourself sick.."
Taehyung takes another few drinks before laying down yawning into Yoongi's chest. "I'm so..Sleepy.."
"It's okay to sleep now.. that's all I wanted.." Yoongi draws small circles with his fingers across Taehyung's back. It doesn't take long for the younger to fall asleep again. "He's still shivering. Do you think we should get him to a doctor?"
"Let's wait to see if the medicine helps first. I don't want a repeat of last time if I can help it.." Namjoon's heart races faster at the memory. A sasaeng had seen him entering the hospital a few months ago and pretended to be sick so they could see him. Namjoon woke up to her in his hospital room filming him while he slept the blanket pushed off him and his hospital gown pulled up...
He could still hear her screaming while security took her away. Namjoon jumps when he feels Yoongi touch him, reaching for his hand to pull him out of the memory.
"Hey..it's okay. We'll wait it out a bit, and if it doesn't help, we'll call staff to come with us.. nothing like that will happen to Taehyungie, okay?"Yoongi promises, rubbing his thumb across Namjoon’s knuckles. "Why don't you go get a bowl of water and a cloth. We should try to swipe off the sweat, and it'll help cool him down."
"Alright.." Namjoon leaves the room, letting out a short scream when he sees Jin in the hallway. "Aiish, you scared me, hyung. What are you doing up?"
"I woke up to use the bathroom. Have you seen Yoongi? He wasn't in the room when I got up." Jin says with concern about the wrong member.
"Yoongi is fine. He's with Taehyungie.. it turns out he wasn't just complaining over a hangover.. he's running a high fever.." Namjoon tells the older member. "I'm going to get water so we can give him a sponge bath."
"What? Taehyung is sick?" Jin's shoulder brushes against Namjoon's as he rushes past him, going straight to Taehyung.
"Seokjinnie-hyung?" Yoongi questions in surprise when he sees him entering, but he doesn't reply too focused on the young vocalist, placing his hand at the nape of his neck.
"Mn..." Taehyung let's out a quiet hum, moving away from Jin's 'cold' touch.
"Aiigo, my poor baby.. have you given him anything?" Jin whispers, running his hand through Taehyung's hair. "How high is it?"
"We got him to take some Tylenol a few minutes ago, but if it doesn't work, we need to get him to the hospital.." Yoongi explains in a distressed whisper. "Hyung, could you go with Namjoon? He's still a bit shaken by what happened when he went to the hospital.."
That's why he was easily spooked..
"I'll take care of Joon." Jin leaves to the kitchen where Namjoon was filling a large bowl with water.
"Hey, it's okay. You and Yoongi have things under control, you're doing everything right. Taehyungie will be fine." Jin gently massages Namjoon's shoulders, feeling the tension within them. "Take a deep breath for hyung.."
Namjoon turns off the water, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. "I'm sorry..I'm sorry. I know this isn't helping.."
"It's okay to be scared Joon-ah. Don't apologize." Jin hugs Namjoon from behind. "You don't need to be sorry for your feelings.."
Namjoon puts his hands on Jin's, feeling his anxiety melting away underneath the olders touch."Thanks, Hyung.. I'm okay now.."
"Good, now let's go back to the room, okay? I'll take this." Jin lets Namjoon go, taking the bowl from the sink and carrying it to the room. Namjoon quickly grabs a wash cloth from the bathroom, following after.
"You okay now, Namjoon?" Yoongi asks softly when he enters.
"Yeah. I'm okay now. Sor.." Namjoon trails off when he recalls Jin's words. "Don't worry. I'm fine."
Jin takes the cloth from Namjoon, dipping it in the water and wringing out the excess water and wiping it down Taehyung's arm.
Taehyung shivers, clinging closer to Yoongi. "It's cold.." He mumbles softly only Yoongi picking up on it.
"It's okay..i got you.." Yoongi strokes his hand through Taehyung's hair. "We're just trying to help. It's okay." He continues to say sweet nothings while Jin continues to gently wash the sweat from his body, letting out a sigh with he notices the shivering stop.
"It's working.." Yoongi whispers with a soft smile. "I don't think we'll need a hospital, Joon. We can handle this together."
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mikrokoskooks · 9 months
Just a stomach ache (rewrite)
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Namjoon and Seokjin
TW: Emeto, medically inaccurate, pain, stomach aches mentions of vom!t
*Knock knock knock*
“Who is it?” Jungkook mumbles sitting up in his bed and glancing over at the door. “It's Namjoon,” the older man says sounding a bit weak  “What is it hyung,” Jungkook starts sleepily “It's the middle of the night”
“I don't feel well kook-ah.” Jungkook looks worried at the sudden announcement “Why? What's wrong”  “My stomach hurts...” Namjoon states placing his hands on his abdomen, his pale face now becoming more clear to the youngest. “Will you be okay?” The rapper gives no response and suddenly passes out. “Hyung!?”
Jungkook gasps and looks around him, sighing in relief when he realizes It was just a nightmare, a horrible horrible nightmare. He decides he should go to Namjoon's room and check to see if he was truly alright but when Jungkook shuffles forward in his bed his stomach gifts him with a rather nasty cramp.
He winces and rubs his stomach adding pressure in an attempt to massage away the pain but it's unsuccessful and he just causes himself more discomfort. Although the sudden pain is an inconvenience he still manages to make it to Namjoon's room, Minus a slight detour to the medicine cabinet for some Pepto Bismol.
Jungkook knocks on his hyungs bedroom door and awaits a response. “Jungkook...? What's wrong? ” Namjoon asks looking up from his novel. “I had a bad dream about you hyung, you said u felt ill and I wasn't much help to you, and then you just, well, fainted,” Jungkook says freaking out a little “So I came to check if you were okay."
Namjoon smiles at the boy's cuteness and bursts out laughing “Oh Jungkook, what am I going to do with you it was just a dream silly of course I'm fine.”
Jungkook nods slowly and goes to sit on Namjoons bed, the older pulling him into a hug as he does so. They lie like that and chat for a while until Jungkook starts squirming around in the rapper's arms. Namjoon releases him, “You alright?”
The youngest lets out a sound of agreement, “Yeah my stomach just feels weird.” Namjoon looks the boy over scanning for any visual symptoms such as pale skin or flushed cheeks but there are non. “Weird how?” Namjoon asks trying to get a grip on the situation.
“Weird like cramps, random cramps,” Jungkook answers palming his stomach gently. He tries to think of a logical diagnosis for himself but they all seem too extreme. “When did they start?”
The vocalist thinks for a second before answering, “Just before I came to your room, I was getting out of bed then it happened.” Namjoon nods and opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by a low gurgle from the youngest's tummy.
Jungkook lets out a groan at the sudden commotion in his insides. “Did you eat something bad?” “No, just the pasta you made.” Jungkook yawns and then grins, “That was probably it then.”
Namjoon playfully rolls his eyes, “Hey, my cooking isn't that bad you know.” He looks next to him and sees Jungkook gradually falling asleep so he stops talking. He pulls the covers over the vocalist and strokes his hair till he's fully asleep.
— — —
Namjoon lies in his bed fast asleep, he'd only just decided to put the book down and snooze. (I love that word, snooze. A cheeky snooze) Unfortunately, his sleep is disturbed by a bright light coming from under the bathroom, he tries to ignore it but it's just too bright.
As he gets up to turn it off he notices Jungkook missing, ‘maybe Jungkook's using it’ he thinks to himself. But when he goes to knock on the door weak-looking Jungkook staggers out. Namjoon was stunned he looked way worse than he did earlier on.
“Hyung? Did I wake you up 'm sorry” Jungkook manages to say his voice almost a whisper. Namjoon speaks up “No, no you didn't wake me up kook-ah but what's wrong?” The youngest cheeks flush with embarrassment “I threw up... I'm sorry” he says tears forming in his eyes.
Namjoons heart breaks at younger words “Aww Jungkook, don't be sorry you can't help it, baby.” Namjoon pulls the boy into a hug rubbing his back gently. It seems to be helping calm the maknae so Namjoon is caught off guard when the Jk suddenly pushes off him and bolts back into the bathroom.
*GLARGBLE * (best retching ever okay 👌🏾😭)
Jungkook bends over the bowl, bringing up everything he'd had for dinner. His hand are wrapped tightly around his stomach and his breathing is fast and painful. Namjoon follows him in and gasps, “Oh Jungkook, you poor thing” he cooes
Jungkook doesn't say anything but nods his head he truly feels horrible. After a good 10 minutes, he finishes vomiting he wipes his mouth and flushes the toilet. As he prepares to stand up his vision suddenly starts to go spotty and he passes out luckily landing on Namjoon.
The rapper sits there in shock and worry, he doesn't quite know what to do all he truly knows is something is seriously wrong with Jungkook. Namjoon pulls out his phone and calls Seokjin he would know what to do as the oldest. Wouldn't he?
“Yah Namjoon-ah it's 2 in the morning what do you need,” Seokjin asks sounding annoyed his beauty sleep was interrupted. “It's Jungkook he's really poorly. He's thrown up for ages and he's just fainted" Seokjin ends the calls and fast footsteps are soon heard through the hallway.
He busts into Namjoon's room and finds a worried Namjoon with a pale unconscious Jungkook in his lap. “Oh my god” Seokjin exclaims “What- how did this happen?” Namjoon puts a hand on his head, “I don't know he said he had stomach cramps and then he puked lots then he just..” he gestures down to him and Jin gets the point.
“We need to take him to the hospital, Joon I think he's really unwell, feel his forehead he's burning up” Just then jungkook starts to regain consciousness. His eyes flutter open but then he hugs his stomach and whines in agony. “Oh, hyung,” Jungkook says abruptly.
Seokjin smiles nervously and gives a small wave before saying “Jungkook honey, we're gonna take u to the hospital, okay, something's not right ” Jungkook makes a face and shakes his head “Noo, I'm not going to the hospital I'm finee seee” he says weakly before promptly leaning forward and vomiting.
"Oh," he mutters before passing out again. “Joon call an ambulance,” Seokjin says strong authority in his voice. “Already on it hyung” They both look at Jungkook scared about what's wrong with him but they know he'll be okay since he's their golden maknae.
— — —
“Acute Appendicitis,” The doctor says “He needs to go to surgery immediately.” “Will he be okay?” Namjoon asks biting his lip anxiously. “Yes you brought him in in time, he will be just fine”
Seokjin and Namjoon both thank the doctor and wait in the waiting room until Jungkooks surgery is over. They're happy they got the boy in at the right time because they don't know what they would do without their golden maknae who they loved so much.
—After the surgery—
Both Jin and joon are allowed into the room to see jungkook he looks much better than earlier and he looks peaceful in his sleep. Seokjin goes over and hold his hand masarging it gently “I love you jungkook but if you ever get sick like this again hyung's heart might just break” Namjoon hums in agreement. “Sorry hyung,”Jungkook whispers “I love you too.”
Do you guys like this or the original more?
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sickiebabytae · 1 year
If your requests are still open and if you have time, can I request a scenerio where a member eats something way too late at night (like ramen or something) and wakes up in the morning really nauseous? My brain is screaming either Jungkook or Namjoon but I’ll leave the sickie up to you! ❤️ thanks in advance!! I love your writing
thank you so much for the request, anon!! I'm so so sorry it's taken me literally forever to get to this, and that I kind of derailed a bit when it came to the original plot 😭😭 I hope this is still to your liking!
sickie: jungkook
caretaker: namjoon
word count: 2125
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jungkook knows this will be a bad idea the moment he sets out the (six) ramen cups neatly on the table, but rational thinking isn't really in his ballpark right now. he's been feeling stressed out from their tour lately, and feels as if he hasn't been performing as well as he should be, so he thinks he needs a good stress-eating session to get his mind off of things. 
but as jungkook takes a step back and looks at the ramen cups laid out, he can't help but laugh to himself. "this is so stupid." he murmurs, pulling out his phone. this is something he thinks army might enjoy. plus, he's been trying to be more active on Twitter recently. he captions the photo with something funny and his hashtag before setting his phone down and beginning.
just as he finishes getting through the first cup and a half, lips already zinging with spice, he feels his phone vibrate against the table. he picks it up and sees it's a message from namjoon.
rapmon hyung: jungkook what the hell are you doing
rapmon hyung: I saw your post -_-
jungkook feels a sheepish smile spread across his face.
jungkook: … I'm eating my emotions
jungkook: :D
rapmon hyung: good god jungkook
rapmon hyung: this screams bad idea, you know
rapmon hyung: your stomach is going to hate you tomorrow :/
jungkook: ill be fine hyung dw
jungkook: we've got a off day tomorrow anyways, it'll be fine
rapmon hyung: you know jimin wants to go sightseeing tomorrow
jungkook: yeah, I know, I'll be okay for it :)
jungkook: please don't worry hyung, it cant turn out THAT bad
jungkook can practically hear namjoon sighing from his hotel room a few doors down
rapmon hyung: okay fine
rapmon hyung: I trust you
rapmon hyung: but don't say i didn't warn you
jungkook: ay ay captain
with that, jungkook returns to his food.
this was definitely a bad idea, jungkook thinks to himself when he's all done. well, mostly done. by the last two he couldn't bring himself to finish off the soup at the bottom. his stomach is already bloated and full beyond belief.
he decides to make light of the situation and posts an update to twitter with one photo of the (nearly) empty ramen cups and one selfie of him looking, very rightly, in pain. his lips feel swollen and his nose won't stop running and itching from the spice, eyes watery too. he throws all the cups away and shuffles into the bathroom, washing his face down and stifling a burp into his hand. he shudders and sighs. "you idiot, jungkook," the singer whispers to himself, voice thick. he pushes himself back out to his room and gets into bed. maybe lying down will help him digest, he thinks, all lessons he's ever learned in his entire life failing to come to him as his eyes start drooping closed. he feels like he's going to be sick already and he doesn't like it. maybe he'll just… rest his eyes for a moment. let the world fall silent around him. yeah, yeah that's what he'll do. 
against his will, jungkook begins to fall asleep, and he drifts off before he's even able to stop himself.
jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night, sweaty and stomach cramping. he winces and sits up instantly. "oh god- fuck-" he swings his legs over the side of the bed, but that alone forces stomach acid up that burns his throat as he burps. he places a hand over his mouth and cringes, swallowing. "shit-" he freezes in place with no idea what to do. how did this happen? he feels so much worse than when he did when he-
he fell asleep. a groan leaves his lips. he just had to have fallen asleep. his stomach is killing him, bubbling and churning. he thinks he's going to throw up. 
moving slowly, he shuffles to the table and grabs his phone. more stomach acid burns up his throat, swallowing again. he goes to text namjoon since he seemed to be the only one who was caught up with his shenanigans the night before and sees that he missed a message right before he fell asleep.
rapmon hyung: jungkook you look terrible-
rapmon hyung: did you really eat all of that??
jungkook sighs before reluctantly sending a text of his own, deciding to ignore namjoon's. he only hopes that namjoon is either still awake or won't wake up from the message notification. he just wants someone to know what's happening
jungkook: I feel sick
jungkook: really sick
jungkook: I'm really sorry :( 
jungkook shuffles back to bed and sits down, not wanting to lay back in case it makes whatever acid reflux is going on worse. he jolts with a hiccup and grimaces, untucking his shirt from the jeans he'd forgotten to change out of that keep digging into his stomach. he slips his hand in between the hemline and his abdomen to give it some leeway, sighing when it provides the slightest bit of relief. he knows he should get up and change, but he doesn't want to risk it. he feels like the tiniest movement will set his stomach off.
his phone vibrates in his other hand to jungkook's surprise and he lifts it to look at the screen to see namjoon having responded to his message.
rapmon hyung: god kid I told u
rapmon hyung: hold on
rapmon hyung: I'm coming over
jungkook's eyes widen, mortified already. namjoon cant come, he knows he looks a mess.
jungkook: no no no-
jungkook: hyung it's fine really
jungkook: I just felt like someone should know
jungkook: hyung-
as jungkook types out his next text, he hears knocking at the door followed by a hushed, "jungkook? are you in there?"
jungkook suppresses a groan and slowly pushes himself to stand, stifling a low whimper when his stomach churns in protest. he makes his way to the door, unable to straighten properly from just how full and in pain he is, and opens it with cheeks flushed with both shame and the beginnings of what might be a fever. jungkook doesn't know at this point. "hey, hyung." he murmurs. he can't bring himself to meet namjoon's eyes.
he hears the leader sigh and make his way in, warm hands coming to rest by jungkook's sides. "you idiot, come on. let's go back to bed. I'll grab you some clothes."
jungkook manages a few short nods, trudging his way back to bed and laying down in a curled up position, fighting back a grimace and laying his hand back over his stomach. he can vaguely make out namjoon shuffling around the room, grumbling under his breath. probably something to do with jungkook's clothing organization. or lack thereof; jungkook has always had a bit of an unorthodox way of storing his clothes while on tour. it's just how his brain works, okay?
still keeping his gaze averted, jungkook feels the bed dip next to him. he allows himself the smallest of glances and notices the clothes on namjoon's lap. jungkook can't help but smile; those are some of his favorite pyjamas to wear on hard days. he didn't know that namjoon had picked up on it.
"arms up." namjoon orders gently. jungkook reluctantly complies. he can't help but blush when namjoon pulls his soiled, sweaty shirt off, feeling embarrassed that namjoon has to deal with this. to top it off, jungkook shivers when the air conditioning hitting him, realizing belatedly that his bloated stomach is now on display and painfully obvious. jungkook finds himself wrapping his arms around it as quickly as possible and curling in on himself. 
namjoon sighs. "jungkook-ah, look at me please." 
jungkook shakes his head stubbornly. but before he knows it, namjoon's hand comes up to his cheek and tilts his head up, their eyes meeting. jungkook finally clocks just how welled up with tears his are, and he can see it when namjoon clocks it, too. "jungkook, are you crying??"
at that, jungkook feels his bottom lip quiver. a sob bubbles up out of him, unexpectedly. "fuck, I'm sorry-" he tries to look away again, but namjoon doesn't let up. 
"hey hey, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like such a big deal I just-" namjoon sighs again. "you're feeling really sick, huh?"
jungkook manages a pathetic nod. another sob. 
namjoon gives a nod back. "okay, that's okay." he says; it sounds like he's talking more to himself than jungkook, but the maknae is too caught up in his self pity to notice it all that much. "we can get through this, not the first time one of us has gotten knocked down."
"but… the sightseeing… the others-"
"will understand if you can't make it tomorrow." namjoon promises with a gentle smile. "now let's finish getting you changed so you don't get more sick from the cold hitting you." 
it's been an hour and jungkook has yet to fall asleep. namjoon lays next to him, having already drifted off a while ago, snoring away without a care in the world. jungkook is extremely jealous. his stomach is still gurgling and churning and it doesn't seem to want to provide him with any relief any time soon.
slowly, carefully, jungkook pushes himself up into a sitting position, afraid that he might choke on the productive burps that keep crawling up his throat. he worries at his fingers. his breathing feels short and heavy and jungkook swears under his breath. he hates this. he hates being sick. arguably more than anything in the world. he hates feeling so gross and out of control and-
great, he's crying again. jungkook shoves his head into his hands and tries not to make too much sound. this is all his fault, and he knows it, and that makes the whole situation so much worse somehow; this disaster is a product of his own making.
jungkook's head continues to swim and swirl with thoughts, and before he knows it, something heavy rushes up his throat. his mouth waters dangerously, a sour feeling coating the back of his tongue and weighing it down. he's definitely going to throw up. he feels it coming on, and fast.
throwing the sheets off himself as quickly as he can, jungkook hurries to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him, hand clamped over his mouth. he crouches in front of the toilet with a few heavy pants, white-knuckling the sides of the bowl. the first wave of vomit comes out of him with a guttural gag before jungkook can even fully process that it's happened. and then another wave comes out. and then another. and then he's rolling; more specifically, his stomach is rolling. agonizingly so. 
jungkook tries his hardest to be quiet. he really, really does. but it's difficult to do so when each round of puke rips his breath from his chest and burns the way up his throat, eliciting involuntarily whimpers and groans and pants.
he feels a warm hand on his back before he registers the fact that someone has joined him in the bathroom; namjoon. jungkook can't help but give a choked sob. "i-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I-"
"shh," namjoon hushes. "it's okay. just get everything up, it'll help you feel better."
namjoon's calm, deep voice helps some of the tension leave jungkook's muscles, but they quickly seize up again when he has to throw up once more.
after another five minutes or so go by, the last few filled with nothing but weak, unproductive gags and pants as jungkook tries to regain his breath, namjoon decides to make the executive decision that jungkook is done. the leader reaches over to flush the toilet and helps jungkook to his feet. "come on, let's wash out your mouth and go to bed."
jungkook gives a weak moan but lets himself be dragged to the sink, pliable. now that his stomach is left with nothing more than a dull ache, and waves of relief continually washing over him from the nausea finally being gone, jungkook is tired. so, so tired. he barely feels it as namjoon guides him through washing out his mouth and leading him back to bed, helping jungkook sit on the edge as namjoon shuffles off to grab a new shirt, jungkook having soiled the one he'd changed into from sweat. 
the boy is practically already out cold by the time he's been changed and tucked in. the last thing he registers is a gentle touch brushing back his hair and the familiar voice of his leader whispering for him to "sleep well, jungkookie."
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Hey I have a request💜
Jungkook with a bad and sneezy cold and fever, he become sad and cry a little bit, while the members take care of him making him soup and clean his nose for him. I would like Jungkook with stuck sneezes and cant sneeze so the members make him sneeze to help him in many ways.
Ps: Im italian so english isn't my native language Im sorry😅
Grazie per la richiesta! 💜💜 Mie piaciuto scrivere questo!
Sono felice che ti piaccia i il mio lavoro da un altro paese. (Il mio italiano non e buono. Non lo uso piu molto. Scusa!)
Pairing: OT7 - platonic intentions but ship how you want.
Words: 2684
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Cold Symptoms || Illness || Snz Content || Congestion || Graphic Descriptions of Snot || Induced Snz Content || Sick Member || Snzing on Members
See Also: @sneezyminniejo did a very similar fic recently to nearly the same request. It can be found here. They also did such a good job with it and it's such a pleasure to read! Please make sure to read that fic as well! <3
Jungkook's been fighting a cold for three days. It’s a brutal battle; there are empty blister packs and crumpled up tissues strewn about as evidence that Jungkook’s holding his own. But when he wakes on day four, it seems the cold is coming out on top. The combined efforts of cold medicine and nasal spray prove useless. He can't breathe at all though his nose, and he's hacking merciless coughs that tear through his chest. In these minutes of misery, he believes being mauled by a bear would hurt less. 
He stands in the bathroom white knuckling the edge of the sink. After a round of wet coughs, he spits the phlegmy remains down the drain and sniffles harshly. But nothing moves in his sinuses. It's an impenetrable wall of snot. He tries forcing air in, he tries forcing air out. It's all ineffective. He whimpers pitifully, splashing warm water over his face hoping that might help. Still, nothing changes. He momentarily contemplates using that neti pot that Namjoon swears by. 
The six members can hear Jungkook hitching and sniffling heavily from the bathroom. But they give him space. Jungkook was adamant from day one that "it's not a big deal" and “It’s just a small cold” and the ever so mature "I can take care of myself." So they wait. They agreed to let Jungkook come to them, when he needs it. They try not to coddle him too much, unless that's what he wants. So they are seated around the table, breakfast served, listening to Jungkook lose another battle with his nose. 
It goes on for a while and Jungkook's not coming down to eat. Seokjin cracks and stands from the table. Hoseok immediately interjects, "He said he doesn't want any help." 
"And I'm not going to help him," the elder answers nonchalantly, "I'm just feeling a little warm." He casually goes over to the home thermostat and lowers the temperature a few degrees. There’s a mischievous look in his eyes as he presses the down arrow repeatedly. The other members seem to understand what their hyung is up to. They nod collectively around the table, Seokjin retaking his seat. They don't need to speak about it, everyone already knows there’s a plan. 
There's another round of painful sounding coughs followed by throat clearing and spitting. Then they finally hear footsteps walking toward the staircase. Seconds later, Jungkook joins them at the table. His food has already gone cold. 
"Bornin, hyunds" Jungkook greets, pushing the plate aside and resting his head on the table. Maybe if he hits his head hard enough against the table, the snot clogging his sinuses will finally shift. It's a fleeting thought, and he ultimately decides not to act on it. Instead, he just sniffles thickly again. 
"Still got that cold, JK?" Jimin asks, hoping maybe Jungkook would admit that he's feeling bad. They don't have anything to do today, so what's the harm in seeking a little attention? 
"Yeah," he sniffles thickly as if to prove his point. "I dink id's gettig wordse. Id anyone else cold?" His teeth are chattering as he wraps his arms around his upper body. 
Sure, they know Seokjin lowered the temperature a few degrees in the dorms. But Jungkook makes it seem like he's sitting in a winter storm without a coat. There's several replies around the table that all convince Jungkook he's alone in feeling cold. He kind of suspected that was the case. 
Hoseok leans over uninvited and presses a hand to the maknae's forehead. Surprisingly Jungkook doesn't pull away; instead, he leans further into Hoseok's touch basking in the memory of what warmth feels like. 
"Aigoo, you feel a bit warm, bun." The dancer announces to the table. Jungkook groans in response to the news. Instead of pulling his hand away, Hoseok uses it to stroke gently down Jungkook's cheek as a comforting gesture. 
Jungkook melts at the touch. It's just the simple comfort he's been denying himself for the past three days. The same comfort he's been craving, but has been too ashamed to ask for. But now he's feverish and stuffy and miserable. And he just wants to be cuddled. 
"Hyunds," the maknae's eyes begin to water as he looks at them. He can sense their pity. He knows they won't be mad. "I deally don'd beel good." 
Jimin stands from his seat and wraps his arms around the sick maknae, pressing a long kiss to the crown of his head. No one else moves, they don't want to smother him. Besides, Jimin is the best when it comes to physical comfort. "That's okay, Jungkookie. Hyungs are here to take care of you." He reassures, wiping fallen tears off his fellow vocalist's flushed cheeks. 
Despite Jimin’s soft tones and gentle touches, Jungkook breaks down into hysterical sobs. He knows he’s been a jerk to his hyung for days and they didn’t say anything to him about it. He feels bad, physically and emotionally. And he can’t help but think that maybe if he would have let his hyungs help days ago, he wouldn’t be feeling so badly now. “Hyunds, I’b dorry. I’b do dorry.” He repeats through broken, hiccuping sobs. 
Jimin repositions so he’s sitting on Jungkook’s lap. He pulls the maknae in and buries his face into his own shoulder, petting his damp hair slightly. He doesn’t care about the mess it will make. He just wants for Jungkook to calm down. It hurts his heart to hear Jungkook wail like this. Jimin’s whispering sweet nothing and reassurances into Jungkook’s ears so quietly not even Hoseok, who is seated beside them, can hear. 
As Jungkook starts to finally calm down, Jimin makes subtle gestures to the other members. He’s got Jungkook for now. But they’re going to need a team effort if they want Jungkook to be effectively taken care of. So the table disperses to various areas of the house. Jungkook doesn’t even hear them leave. 
When he looks up, Jimin’s holding a napkin toward him encouraging him to blow his nose. Jimin doesn’t let go of the napkin, and when Jungkook turns away Jimin’s hand follows. Eventually, Jimin just cups the napkin around Jungkook’s nose and squeezes. The napkin fills, now sticky and wet against Jimin’s fingertips. But there’s room for more. And from the sound of Jungkook’s sniffling, there’s definitely more. “Good, now blow for real this time,” Jimin commands in a low assertive voice. It’s eerily close to Yoongi’s tone. Jungkook doesn’t mess around when Jimin deepens his voice. He knows it means he’s serious. Jungkook blows hard, relieved that crying had loosened his sinuses. He files it away as a quick fix should he feel stuffed up again. 
Jimin pulls the napkin away, wiping at any left over on or around Jungkook’s nose. He puts the napkin on Jungkook’s untouched plate of food and goes back to coddling. Jungkook’s on Jimin’s shoulder again, the one that’s not soiled with tears and snot, and Jimin’s rocking them from side to side. It’s a peaceful few minutes of comfort. Then Jungkook’s breath hitches and he scrunches up his nose. “Hhe- EHet-” He anticipates a sneeze and points his face away from Jimin. But he loses it as soon as it snuck up on him. “Ghuh” He sniffles and shakes his head, trying to will the sneeze back. The need is still there. Less urgent, but it will happen sooner or later. He prefers sooner. 
Jimin chuckles at the disappointed and determined look on Jungkook’s face. He knows how annoying it can be to feel a sneeze that’s not ready to come out yet. “Ah, Kook-ah, let hyung help you.” Jimin pulls Jungkook’s face back, brushing longer strands of hair against the edged of Jungkook’s nostrils. The thin strands tickle at Jungkook’s nose. And the residual chemical smell of hair dye from Jimin’s new color is strong enough for Jungkook to sense. The combination does wonders for Jungkook’s stuck sneeze. 
It’s a matter of seconds before Jungkook’s hitching and pitching with a flurry of sneezes. “Eh-NgtCHI, Heh-PFTIchu, HEI-gnxtch” He tried to turn away, but Jimin kept him tucked in. The sneezes sprayed against Jimin’s neck, some of the dampness getting in the short vocalist's hair. But Jimin doesn’t flinch or cringe. He doesn’t pull away. 
Jimin waits patiently for the fit to end and then looks at Jungkook’s face. His eyes are red rimmed, nose dripping with fresh snot that he tries to sniffle back. There’s a small pout on his lips. And the maknae’s breathing is labored, like the force of the sneezing took his breath away. He smooths over Jungkook’s hair. “Feel better?” he asks softly, reaching around the table for an unused napkin. He wishes they were closer to a box of tissues. 
“A biddle,” Jungkook replies, already wiping the drippage on the back of his sleeve in the interest of time. “I wadda sleeb,” he admits.
Jimin chuckles. “Okay, baby. The couch should be all set up for you now.” He leaps off Jimin’s lap and offers the maknae a hand. Jungkook accepts the hand and allows Jimin to guide him to the living room. Like Jimin alluded to, his personal bedding is set up on the couch. It’s clear now Jimin’s affections were meant to bide time. 
Jungkook makes himself comfortable on the pillow that’s leaned up against Hoseok’s lap. He knows Hoseok is a bit of a germaphobe, but he can’t resist getting as close to the dancer as possible. He assumes it’s okay when Hoseok coos and starts rubbing Jungkook’s arms over the blanket. 
Before he gets too comfortable, Seokjin and Yoongi emerge from the kitchen. Seokjin’s holding a steaming bowl and Yoongi’s got a small pharmacy in his arms. “You’ve gotta eat something before sleeping, JK.” Seokjin advises, “And take some medicine.” 
“Bill you feed be?” Jungkook asks in a small voice as he sits himself up. He continues to lean against Hoseok. Seokjin isn’t going to say no to such a precious request. He sits on the floor in front of Jungkook and spoon feeds him. Jungkook eats half the bowl before he says he’s full. Jungkook’s not usually the type to get full, especially on less than one serving; but Seokjin doesn’t argue it. When Seokjin steps away, Yoongi approaches with blister packs of cold medicine. 
“Do you want daytime or nighttime?” Yoongi asks before he opens anything. 
“Night,” Jungkook pleads. He just wants to be asleep. Yoongi pops the pills and hands them to Jungkook. While the maknae works to dry swallow those, he’s pouring a dose of cough medicine which Jungkook takes with only a few complaints. “Cab I dleeb now?” He’s still making a sour face from the taste of cough syrup. Yoongi smooths a fever patch into his forehead. 
Yoongi nods and settles nearby. One by one all the members come to rest around the couch. There’s a movie playing in the background but no one can give it much attention. With Jungkook’s constant thick sniffling and wet coughing, everyone’s attention is on the sick maknae. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to try the neti pot?” Namjoon offers, as is standard everytime one of the members has a cold. The answer is always a resounding no, but he’ll make the suggestion until the day he dies. In line with the tradition, Jungkook cringes at the mention. He’s terrified that he’d drown or his brain would fill with water. It’s not logical, but neither is pouring water up your nose. 
“What if we make you sneeze?” Taehyung suggests mischievously. There’s a silence among the members. Taehyung feels judged for even suggesting it, so he elaborates, “If you sneeze, you might clear up your sinuses. And finally be able to sleep.” 
Jungkook’s entranced by the idea of sleep. He’s beyond drowsy and sapped of energy since he took the night med. He’d be asleep if it weren’t for the heaviness in his chest and head. His only reservation is that he doesn’t think he has the stamina to sneeze. Each one rips out of him with such force. He doesn’t have the energy for that. But he’s willing to try. “Led’s try id.” He admits. 
Taehyung’s up and out of the room at light speed. He doesn’t tell anyone what he’s planning. The other members look around and try to come up with ways to make Jungkook sneeze. Jimin stays silent. He’d already been sneezed on today, he feels it’s someone else’s turn. Seokjin makes the first move. He blows in Jungkook’s face, a slow stream of air directed toward the top of Jungkook’s nose. It makes the maknae’s nose twitch. He hitches once. But nothing productive. 
Namjoon instructs Jungkook to look at the light, hoping that might trigger something. But the cool lighting of the dorm isn’t bright enough to trigger a reaction. Still his nose itches and he scrubs at it. Hoseok grabs a candle sitting on the side table. But when he looks at it, he notices it’s unscented. Of course all the candles are unscented. Scented candles make Jungkook sneeze. So they don’t keep them in the dorm. Yoongi shrugs and jams a finger under Jungkook’s nose.  
“Hyung, that’s how you stop a sneeze,” Jimin remarks with a chuckle. 
Yoongi stutters embarrassed, “Ya, maybe it works both ways. You never know.” Jimin raises his hands in surrender. Yoongi’s finger doesn’t have any effect on Jungkook’s stuck sneezes. He hitches again gasping for air, desperate to relieve the tickle in his nose. 
Taehyung runs back into the room with a shaggy throw pillow in hand. He shoves the pillow against Jungkook’s face. The surrounding members can clearly smell the strong cologne that Taehyung wears to award ceremonies. It smells as though he dipped the whole pillow into the bottle. 
Jungkook inhales a heavy dose of the cologne and is immediately thrown into a sneezing fit. “hep’tehCHU, hmf’NXTchi, he-eh'HXTt, HA’tichu, hpti’atCHI, HXTngt, Hi’TISHuu” He sneezes relentlessly into what he knows if Taehyung’s favorite snuggle pillow. Each sneeze is louder and messier than the next. They are hard on his throat and they hurt in his nose, but it’s working. He can feel mucus shift with each sneeze. He can tell just from the stickiness alone that the pillow is now covered in his snot. 
He wants to pull it away. The heavy scent of the cologne is still attacking his nose. But he doesn’t want the others to see the mess he’s made. After 13 harsh sneezes, Namjoon rips the pillow away and tosses it onto the reclining chair in the corner. “Alright, Jungkook. I think that’s enough.” He tries to keep it lighthearted, but he’s seriously concerned about Jungkook’s vocal cords after all the sneezing. 
Jungkook’s left with nothing to hide his messy face. There’s snot glistening his skin all the way down to his chin. He hastily rubs the sleeves of his sweater against his face to clean himself. He’s tearing up at the same time, embarrassed. Seokjin’s got a box of tissues in his hands. He grabs three and approaches the maknae. 
“Jungkook-ah. Don’t use your sweater. That’s not clean.” His voice is calm and sweet. “Here, hyung has tissues for you.” 
Jungkook grabs them hastily and finishes cleaning up. He throws the balled up tissues on the same chair as the pillow. He figures they should keep all of his mess together. “More, please.” Jungkook asks, his voice a lot clearer than it has been all day. Seokjin just passes the whole box. 
Jungkook blows his nose loudly three more times before he finally feels empty. Or emptier, at least. He’s now able to breathe better through one nostril and his head feels less heavy. And as expected, the sneezing fit wore him to bits. He finally feels like he can sleep. He nestles back in against Hoseok who accepts him with open arms. 
Taehyung smiles, reclaiming his previous seat. “Sleep well, Jungkookie.” He rubs the maknae’s calf. 
Still no one can focus on the movie over the sounds of Jungkook’s congested snores.
A/N: As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Hey again author nim :)
Could you please do Jimin with a really bad stomach ache in the middle dance rehearsal. Like the pains so bad he doubles over during the dance and he also ends up throwing up at some point . Could you do it with caretaker Namjoon and Taehyung
Hello again! Sure I can! Thanks for requesting again!
sick: Jimin
Caretaker: Namjoon and Taehyung
Tw: emeto, nausea, description of v*****, little bit of fluff at the end.
Word Count: 1,112
Rating: K
Jimin slept through the entire day. He was supposed to be working on his album, but he had an agonizing pain in his stomach that left him sleeping up till it was time for practice. He looked at his phone to check the time, he was gonna be late. He quickly got up and ready for practice. His stomach was still feeling awful. Jimin was the kind of person to push himself hard for practice and performance even if he was sick. The night was like every other, only this dance practice Jimin had a bad stomach ache. He'd work through a stomach ache before, mostly from anxiety and nerves. It was nothing new. He'd rather not miss practice anyway. He wanted this performance to be perfect. The dances for the new songs were challenging but he'd give it his all. He arrived at the dance studio along with other members. He set his things down took off his coat and began stretching and warming up. Leg warm-ups where he had to bend over and stretch his hands out his legs agitated his stomach. He cut that part of the stretch short. He really didn't want to do anything that bothered his upset tummy. All the members had already arrived. Once he came in they went straight to work. The practice was intense, So intense that it was hard to keep up. The ache in his stomach got worse and worse the more he moved around. He was practically breathless. Hobi would constantly have to go back and correct his movements and positions, causing them to have to start from the top more times than usual.
Namjoon happened to be near him in a certain part of the choreo He noticed how hard Jimin was struggling. This wasn't typical for Jimin. he usually learned fast. The dance instructor demonstrated the next part of the choreo, hobi caught on fast and began showing the members. Once they all understood it, they tried putting it together with the steps they'd already learned. This portion of the dance required them all to lean forward and do a shimmy back and forth. The dance step by itself looks a little silly but put together with the other moves it goes pretty well. They did it over and over in order for the members to learn it. Jimin's stomach was no longer allowing him to lean over to a certain extent. They tried the dance in full with all the steps they've learned including the new one. Jhope stands beside the instructor and watches the other members. "Something isn't right," hobi says. The instructor agrees. " Jimin, the instructor says trying to get his attention. Lean your body a little more forward so it looks more in sync. Jimin knew his stomach wouldn't like it but he did it anyway. They do the entire thing again. " it's still not right... try it again from the top." Jimin's stomach was geting extremely agitated.
" Namjoon! you missed a step" hobi says. "from the top," the instructor adds. Jimin wasn't sure if he could keep going. He was tired and his stomach was in agony. He held on to it and stood in one place as the other members got in position. He felt sick. Jimin pulled himself together and got in position. His knees felt weak beneath him. They did it again but once they were at the most difficult part of the choreo Jimin's knees gave in from under him and he doubled over in pain. Constantly bending over and moving around made the pain in his stomach unbarable. He lay on the floor clutching it. Trying to hold back tears in his watery eyes. The two closes were namjoon and taehyung. Taehyung gave a squat down and held onto Jimin's back. " Jimishi? What's the matter?" Taehyung softly asked in his ear. Namjoon crouched down gave Jimin's knee a pat and listened. Jimin couldn't speak over the strong wave of pain he was experiencing. Jimin couldn't help but cry out. Holding onto his stomach gave him no comfort. Namjoon kept trying to get him to speak and tell him what was wrong. Jimin only moaned and cried softly. They had to wait for the crying to stop to get him to speak and even then he couldn't form words. When he tried to talk an abrupt gag came out instead. Namjoon leaps into action, he runs to go find a trash can to put under Jimin. There wasn't a trash can inside the room like usual. He had to grab one from the hall. Taehyung stayed by Jimin's side and rubs his back gently. Taehyung told him he was ok, and he was going to be alright. Jimin struggled to keep his stomach down. He's been if with intense nausea. He gags wetly. He coughs and sick follows shortly after, bringing on the on slot of retches and heaves. Jimin had already made a mess on the floor and his pants by the time namjoon had arrived with the large trash can. One of the other members brought over a chair for Jimin to sit in. Namjoon guided him carefully into the chair trying his best not to jostle him. Jimin could feel sour acid climb his throat again. He threw up several times more into the trash can. His stomach was still aching and now sore. He felt incredibly lightheaded and tired. The dance instructor cut the practice short and told them all to go home. Namjoon and Taehyung stayed by his side the entire time. Taehyung would make jokes and try to make him think of other things to distract him from the pain. Namjoon made sure that h all of JImin's things were collected before leaving. Namjoom also grabbed a plastic bag for the road. Knowing Jimin, he knew that he probably hadn't felt his best the entire time and that nausea would most likely linger with him. The ride was a bit rough for Jimin. Every movement and every bump messed with his tummy. Namjoon was glad he brought the plastic bag when Jimin began to have a gagging fit. Jimin hadn't eaten much so there wasn't really anything to bring up, and he already brought up stomach acid in the dance studio. Once the three were dropped off at Jimin's apartment, they helped Jimin to bed and made sure he had jook to eat. Of course, neither Tae nor Joon could cook well so they decided to get it delivered. Once things had died down, Jimin found himself nestled in taehyungs chest with namjoon rubbing his aching stomach for him.
I hope you enjoyed it! It was very nice to write.
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the comforts of creatures (1)
creature comforts:
↳ material/bodily comforts, such as food, warmth, or special accommodations, that contribute to physical ease and well-being
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→ pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
→ genre: fantasy!au, soulmate!au, angst with a happy ending, fluff, hurt + comfort + recovery, eventual smut
→ word count: 2.1k
→ summary: you’re a prisoner here, but you can’t remember why. you can’t remember much of anything. not where you came from, not who you are, not even what you are. what happens when a pack of terrifying monsters breaks into the facility where you’re being held. not to kill you, but to...protect you?
→ content warnings: captivity (including forced sensory deprivation, effects of dehumanization), soul bond, violence, low self-worth, memory loss, protective!jin & jungkook
→ a/n: a completely self-indulgent hurt + comfort story that I wrote (and will most likely continue to write) in a frenzy because I wanted to read it :) if you’re excited to read more of this series please reblog and share your thoughts!!
series masterlist → next part
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part 1: the rescue
Something seizes inside your chest. That’s the only word your sluggish brain can muster to describe it: something, foreign yet familiar at the same time.
After so many days—days? hours? weeks?—of feeling nothing but drowned sensations, it feels like a sledgehammer to the gut.
The sheer force of it wrenches a choked gasp from your lips, and it’s the loudest sound you’ve heard in a long while. One hand reaches up to clutch at your heart, the other gripping your forehead where a violent throbbing pounds at your skull.
The intensity makes you scramble along the stone floor until your back hits the wall, the only other thing in the room that can be used to ground you.
This...thing, it grips you harder than the cold, tighter than the hunger in the pit of your stomach.
Stinging tears brim in your eyes. Even though you’re alone in the room, something else, a deep something, tells you to choke them back before someone sees. Before the pain that always follows when you let them fall past your lids.
The thing feels like hope, desperate and burning white-hot. It feels like warmth and a sigh of relief.
It feels like something he would punish you for. Because things like you aren’t meant to feel things this good.
What sounds like an explosion reverberates through the thick concrete walls. The floor trembles. You can hear people screaming, guards shouting orders over the pound of footsteps.
The sensation in your chest continues to build, unbearably so, until the tendons in your lungs feel close to tearing.
The sound of shouting and fast footfalls begins to fade, moments later replaced by ones much louder, heavier, faster.
Gunshots in the distance, one after the other. Then a deafening roar. A nonhuman roar.
It’s all so loud. The noise presses against you from all angles, closing in until you can almost feel its weight.
You cup your hands around your ears, squeeze your eyes shut, curl into a pathetic ball but it still thuds in your head. Sharp and bruising and loud loud loud.
Not that you realize it, but you’ve been without light and sound for six days.
Your brain is slow to process what’s happening, struggling to make sense of the impossible.
Because he always said that no one knew they were there, that the wards were impenetrable. Even if someone got through the wards, who would be stupid enough to attack them at their own home base?
No one is coming for you, his voice slices through your thoughts. Why would anyone ever come looking for you? You are nothing.
The heavy footsteps draw closer, along with the sound of doors banging open.
You curl further into yourself, trying to block it all out. One of those disgusting creatures from the outside must have gotten in. It’s in their nature to seek blood and destruction, after all.
Maybe you’ll be lucky enough for a quick death. But...you’re not sure you deserve it.
You are nothing.
With a horrible creak of bending metal, the door is ripped off its hinges.
The sudden flood of light makes you flinch back and shield your face. The feeling in your chest thuds against your rib cage, like your heart is trying to escape your body.
You don’t move, can’t move. Not until a deep growl puts the fear of god in your bones.
It makes you peek through your fingers just enough to see what has caused the sudden flood of light.
The shape in the doorway is anything but human. Massive and powerful, it’s too big to be fully visible through the doorway. All you can see is four muscle-corded legs that end in clawed feet, trailing red behind them. The thing’s fur is matted with something dark and wet.
The creature bends down to peer into the room, exposing a skeletal head and sharp, dripping antlers.
You meet it’s black eyes, and something akin to recognition glints in the glassy surface. Your heart thuds almost painfully.
The creature tips it’s head back and howls, flashing several rows of wolf-like teeth.
It’s much too big to fit through the door, but it rams it’s head into it anyway. Distressed whimpers fall from it’s mouth as it bucks and charges at the wall. It dents the metal, desperate in it’s attempt to get to you.
Frozen. All you can do is shrink further into the corner of the room, closing your eyes and awaiting the inevitable. Hoping it’s quick, hoping that whatever happens afterwards is better than staying here.
The metal groans, beginning to warp and buckle under the force of the creature’s antlers as it slams into it harder and harder.
A beat of silence.
You open your eyes to find the creature stepping back as much as the hallway allows. It stomps it’s feet, flexing it’s hind legs.
Huffing out a grunt, it lunges forward to charge with all it’s might.
The metal finally gives out, tearing in jagged shards so the doorway is now a giant hole.
Your stomach drops as the creature lunges straight for you, too terrified to even close your eyes for the end of it all.
But the creature doesn’t rip you to shreds with it’s teeth, or maim you with it’s claws, or impale you with it’s antlers.
It nuzzles into the crook of your shoulder, a soft whine leaving it’s panting mouth. You feel it’s wet nose nudging you all over, sniffing like it’s searching for something.
Wet against your cheek. You realize that the thing is licking your face like a dog that’s been reunited with it’s owner.
Frozen, still. You can’t make your limbs move an inch, icy fear still stiff in your veins.
The creature retreats from poking and prodding you, still panting and mewling like an excited puppy. It hops a little on it’s strong legs, nodding it’s head at you expectantly.
You...have no idea what’s going on.
You should be dead by now. The beasts from the outside are supposed to kill anything and everything that crosses their path. They’re not supposed to yip playfully and nestle their huge forehead against yours.
The creature perks it’s great head like it senses something.
You assume that it must’ve realized that you’re prey, an enemy. Pinching your eyes shut, again, you wait for the end. Hopefully it’s a merciful one.
A moment later, you feel cold hands cradling your face.
Your eyes pop open.
You can’t decide if the man leaning over you is a corpse or a god. At the same time, wondering how beauty and death can exist in the same face.
A god, from the way his brown hair is pushed back from his forehead, the way his eyes are slanted so prettily. A god because he’s tall and demands respect with his presence, those broad shoulders and sharp jawline.
A corpse, from the was his full mouth drips with blood, running down his chin and neck. Two sets of yellowed fangs peek over the plush flesh of his lips. Dark purple veins peek through his almost translucent skin, showing the shadow of his skeleton underneath.
You feel his thumbs stroking your cheeks. Tears pool in his red, bloodshot eyes.
“Oh baby,” he says sadly, looking down at your flimsy clothing, at the fresh wounds covering your body.
It makes something burn in your heart, something like pain and healing at the same time.
The corpse-like man draws you closer, hugging you to his chest as he whispers out soft hushes and sweet nothings that sound like cotton in your dull ears.
And the more he touches you, the more the feeling flares. It’s close to unbearable, stealing away your breath, vision swimming.
The other creature shifts to the ground, curling around you in a way that’s almost...protective?
A name you don’t recognize falls from the man’s mouth, and just like that, your consciousness winks out like a flickering candle flame.
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They found you. Months of desperate searching, following any and every lead, no matter how small or fleeting. Days at a time without sleeping, without eating. 
Weeks of Yoongi locking himself in his room, tearing apart his grimoires, carving runes into his skin, trying every locator spell he knew to get even a whiff of your location.
After months of feeling empty, feeling like a piece of them was dead, they finally found you.
Once Yoongi broke through the wards, storming the facility wasn’t difficult. They may have technology, firearms and sheer numbers, but they don’t have primal fury.
Because their person, their final piece, was stolen from them.
As soon as they crossed the threshold, they felt it. A sudden pain in their chest, sharp and heart-wrenching.
She’s here, and she’s hurt.
They tore through the place in a feral rage, cutting down anyone that tried to obscure their path, because they did this. They’re the ones that kept you from them.
Jungkook plowed through the outer gates, the inner gates, the front doors. No one tried to hold him back as he sprinted through the storm of bullets.
Namjoon’s smoke shielded him, not that he needed it. The frenzy of finally being close to his mate after all this time would’ve made a few bullets feel like pinpricks.
He must’ve caught your scent, because the next moment he’s rearing his head back and roaring like he’s just been struck by an arrow.
Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung all hear it, shifted into their full forms throughout the facility.
The human part of them, the animal part of them, aches with the urge to seek you out themselves. But they have to take care of the ones who did this to you, because they’ll do it again if given the chance.
Jungkook will find you, he has the best nose out of all of them.
Bounding through the halls with renewed urgency, all that fills Jungkook’s head is she’s close she’s close where is she oh god where is she?
He can smell you, or he can smell your panic, and all he can think is don’t worry, I’m coming. Just hold on a little longer.
He comes to a hallway that reeks of pain and sorrow. It’s lined with bolted doors all the way down, each filled with prisoners that stink with lingering wounds.
Tearing the doors away one by one, peering into each room, he doesn’t stop until he reaches the end of the hall.
When he looks into this room, he sees a lone figure huddled in the darkness. A wave of fear floods his nose, then the stench of infection.
He howls. A bitter, provoked howl. The sound of a creature who’s mate is in danger.
Adrenaline pumps through his veins, fur bristling as he rears and charges at the doorway with all his might.
It takes several tries, but eventually he breaks through.
He doesn’t understand why wave after wave of fear is radiating off of you. He expected you to be relieved, to jump into his arms the second you saw him.
You’ve been their mate for years. Why are you shying away like you’re afraid of him? 
When he finally breaks through the walls, you shrink so far into yourself that it looks like you might disappear.
Jungkook crowds you, sniffing you all over, searching for injuries.
He finds too many. Before he can let out another pained howl, he catches a whiff of another one of his mates.
Jin crashes into the room, looking furious and determined.
The same pleasant pain surges in the taller man’s own chest, stronger than it’s burned in months. The bite mark on his left wrist burns with it.
Jin drops to his knees in front of you, breathing in your scent for the first time in months.
Filth is smeared all over your skin. Your hair is shorter, much shorter. It looks as if it’s been cut with a blunt knife.
He too smells the infection. And the blood, of course he smells the blood.
“Oh baby,” he breathes out. “I’m so sorry. We came as soon as Yoongi found you.”
You’re staring up at him with wide, terrified eyes. And it looks like there’s nothing behind them. No relief, no recognition. Just confusion and panic.
“Baby?” Jin whispers, giving your shoulders and gentle shake, but you look as if you didn’t even hear it.
What the fuck did they do to you?
He hugs you close, your body feeling cold and weak in his hold.
He mumbles out apology after apology. I’m so sorry it took so long. I’m so sorry for what they did to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop them. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.
Something flutters in his lungs. When he looks down, he sees you take a sharp inhale.
He hangs onto that breath, waiting for you to say something, do something, anything other than sitting there shivering like you’re too scared to even flinch.
He calls your name, and you collapse in his arms.
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next part →
a/n: thanks for reading!! thoughts??
taglist: @btsiguess-kpop​
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sickonthedancefloor · 4 months
Boy in Syncope
Sickie: Hoseok Caretaker:  Namjoon (primarily) Content: fainting, fever, hospitals.
Hoseok faints during the filming of Boy in Luv.
"Was it because of overworking or did you catch a cold? Or did you just want to rest?" - Mnet interview, February 2014
This was just sitting in the drafts, and I found it while searching for a different one. Happy Holidays, everyone!
The boys had been buzzing with excitement since they woke up that morning in the dorm. Hoseok had, unsurprisingly, woken up second only to Seokjin, and the two happily shared a moment over tea as they waited for their manager to bring them breakfast. It was going to be another long day of filming, but they had been rehearsing nonstop for the past few weeks. Hoseok felt good about practice; they were going to do great.
After helping wake up the rest of the boys, they crammed into the bathroom in groups as they rushed to brush their teeth and wash faces and change. The typical days in the Bangtan household when they were grabbing things for a shoot were just consistent noise and jokes, barely even silent when they shoved food in their faces.
"You sure you're not going to finish your rice, Hoseok-hyung?" Jungkook asked as his hand gently wrapped around the small bowl.
"Aish, you food thief! Just take it." Hoseok made a stabbing motion with his chopsticks, slow enough that Jungkook managed to pull his hand and the rice bowl away before the utensils hit the table below. Carbs weren't bad, but they made Hoseok feel heavy on their mass dancing days. He just shoved a piece of pork belly into his mouth and chewed quickly before washing it down with soup.
"Twenty minutes then we've gotta head out!" Sejin called to them from his seat in the entrance way. "Make sure you all eat something!"
He honestly didn't have to tell them twice. Shouting of missing socks and passing shoes, grabbing any last-minute needed items, a missing pair of headphones, water, and Sejin had the gang out right on time. Everything seemed to become a whirlwind from there. They had their choreographer there for any last minute reminders, but Hoseok was also there to make sure everyone remembered. The setting of Boy In Luv's music video had been a school, with most of the dancing taking place in the classroom. The company had rented a school set for the first day of filming, and they were nothing but laughs. Honestly, filming wasn’t as tough, they were extremely prepared. For their first major comeback, they had gone all out with preparations. Long nights of practicing and rehearsals and finetuning, but it would be worth it.
Hours had passed before they knew it. Downtime for set-changes and makeup touchups had been spent playing around for the cameras or checking the footage. Hoseok had been bouncing between goofing with Taehyung and Jungkook, and talking with the choreographer and the camera staff. For some reason, things felt almost… airy.
“Hoseok-ah?” one of the makeup noonas called to him.
He’d been staring at the monitor as the choreographer checked the captured footage again, and although he was also examining it… did he almost space out? The young woman brought him back to earth, and the ground almost felt shaky as he turned to face her. She took a sheet of oil blotting paper out and pressed it against his forehead.
“You’re sweating a little, let me touch you up real fast before next take.”
He found himself smiling, closing his eyes a little as she gently pressed powder on his forehead. The noonas were nice, Hoseok liked their staff. He waited as she swept a brush over his nose and checked his cheeks, blotting out a few oily spots with rice paper. Hoseok always got sweaty if they rehearsed too hard or if it was too warm, but he was actually a little chilled in the room. When she finished, she smiled up at him. “All done.”
The director on set at that moment called out to them, one more take from the middle chorus. The footage looked good, but the producing staff wanted a different angle. Which meant one more time. The team moved back to the front of the classroom and arranged themselves, and Hoseok suddenly felt his footing leave him. He bumped right into Jimin, and both boys laughed it off.
“Okay, ready?” They nodded.
“Dul, set!”
Namjoon wasn't exactly sure what happened. One moment, they'd been dancing while the camera followed them, and the next, the staff was stopping them due to a syncing error. Hoseok had stepped out of place, which was already bizarre given their dance captain was a stickler for details. Nerves, Namjoon had been willing to dismiss it--but as he'd turned his head, he caught sight of Hoseok’s eyes rolling to the back of his skull, and the dancer crumpled almost immediately. His body hit the ground hard.
Son Sung Deuk, their choreographer, was quick to move to their aid, pushing Hoseok onto his back. "Don't crowd him."
Namjoon just stared at his fellow 94-liner, whose face had gone white as a sheet, and he felt terrified. Namjoon and Hoseok had been through a lot together as friends. They were some of BigHit's earliest trainees, and they were two of the first three in the group. They had been roommates and friends for nearly five years now, and they'd already seen each other's good and bad sides. They’d been there for each other’s first worst drunken nights, overworked injuries, seasonal illnesses… But one side Namjoon had never seen was a nearly-lifeless Hoseok looking so ashen. Hoseok had often overworked himself dancing, but not to the brink of collapse, not like this... He wasn't sure what he could do, if there was anything he could.
Faintly, Namjoon could feel a small hand grip onto his arm, and he looked down to realize it was Jimin, whose eyes were wet and worried. Namjoon automatically wrapped an arm around the younger one's shoulders and held him close, a gesture of comfort, but he had to honestly wonder if this was to comfort himself as well.
Sung Deuk felt for Hoseok's pulse, then placed a hand on his forehead to check for a fever. Hoseok, albeit unconscious, was breathing a little too hard for their liking, almost struggling with the strain of trying to keep air going, and the older man began to fan Hoseok with his hand. One of the makeup noonas rushed over with an electric fan and took over trying to cool him down.
"Hoseok-ah, wake up! Come on, kid!" His hand shook Hoseok's shoulder gently, then pat his cheek.
The boys held their breath, waiting for a response. Another staffer hurried over, bringing with her an ice pack which she pressed against his neck. A third behind them, Namjoon noticed, had an AED kit--just in case, it seemed. Namjoon’s blood ran cold—if they needed a defibrillator…
At first touch of the cold pack, Hoseok's head lulled to the side from Sung Deuk's motions, but soon he grimaced, a hand slowly moving to his head. He opened his eyes, but quickly shut them at the light.
"Hobi-hyung!" Jimin and Jungkook both squeaked out.
"Nn... what happened?" Hoseok mumbled, voice slurred in confusion. " 'm not... the dorms."
They all sighed in relief. There was some realization there, that was a good sign. Sung Deuk smiled, patting his hair carefully. "You fainted, kid. Just take a deep breath for me, we're gonna get you some help."
Hoseok frowned, his lips forming the so familiar pouting siot letter even while disoriented and confused. Although his eyes were closed, Namjoon could tell he seemed ready to cry. "It's okay, Hope-ah," he tried to encourage. His voice was trembling. He swallowed it back, for his friend’s sake. "They're gonna take care of you."
"Joon-ah...?" Hoseok asked softly. His hand in his hair balled into a loose fist, and Sung Deuk gently peeled his fingers back and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze in his own.
"Yeah. I'm here, we're all here," Namjoon answered him. Reaching a hand over he smoothed back Hoseok’s hair. His hand stroked his cheek gently, and his older friend seemed to melt under the touch. His face began to relax, turning his cheek towards the touch. It seemed to be soothing, and he was glad that even though he wasn’t sure what caused the sudden ailment, at least it was easing his pain.
The staffer with the ice pack just moved it around as she spoke with Sung Deuk in hushed tones, and the two decided to move him from the floor. “Hoseok-ah,” Sung Deuk called softly, “let’s try to sit up, okay? Joon-ah.”
Namjoon nodded, shifting a little closer. As Sung Deuk pulled Hoseok’s arm, Namjoon moved behind him to help hold him up—and Hoseok’s eyes rolled in the back of his skull again. His body felt almost too heavy as he immediately fell back on Namjoon, and for a moment Sung Deuk watched him carefully. Namjoon was absolutely horrified, holding Hoseok in his arms as if he’d break if he let go.
“What happened?” he could hear Jin asking behind them.
“I think his blood pressure dropped.” Sung Deuk sighed as the realization hit him. He’d seen this in some performers before, especially some of the hardest working trainees. “He probably overdid it and didn’t realize… We’re going to take him to the hospital.”
As Sejin hurried over, Sung Deuk reached to pull Hoseok from Namjoon, but the tall rapper was too concerned to let his buddy go. Their choreographer had to smile, and he reached a hand for Namjoon’s shoulder. “Let us carry him to the car, okay?”
Hoseok stirred at that moment, head falling to Namjoon’s shoulder. With that, Namjoon sighed, nodding. He uncurled his hands and, with Jin’s help, the three of them got Hoseok onto Sejin’s back. Sejin quickly walked with him out of the classroom, the other boys hurrying after him. It was only once they made it to the van did they turn to the group for a headcount. Teary eyes, worried faces…
“Only one of you. He’s going to be just fine, but I don’t need all six of you worrying in the waiting room,” Sejin said to the group.
It was unanimous, and with a gentle shove from Jimin who’d been clinging to his sleeve, Namjoon stepped forward. “I’ll go,” declared their leader.
With a nod, Sejin wasted no time in turning back to help Hoseok into the car. He’d come to once more, and despite being a little disoriented, was coordinated enough to climb into the van and sit on his own. Sejin moved to the front to the driver’s seat and Namjoon crawled in on the other side, but it was then that the Hoseok could see the worried faces of his band members. He seemed confused, but despite the grimace that seemed to take residence on his face, he put on a bright smile for the boys.
“I’m okay, it’s okay,” he told them softly.
“H-hyung,” Jungkook squeaked, before more tears began to fall from his cheeks. Jin pulled him close to his chest. Before they could get too emotional, Sung Deuk buckled Hoseok in and pat his shoulder. “See you soon.”
“Ah… yeah.” Hoseok gave him a shaky thumbs up. And with that, Sung Deuk closed the car door. From there, they decided to call a break for the rest of them. Missing two of them, there wasn’t much else they could do, and the boys they knew would be too worried for their fallen comrade to focus, so their filming staff didn’t make them. With their choreographer leading them back into the classroom area, they went for snacks and drinks, and the staff made sure to check on each of the boys to make sure they were physically feeling okay and staying hydrated. They couldn’t have another one falling apart on them.
The hospital had gotten to Hoseok quickly. Hoseok managed to stand on his own alright when the driver pulled the car to the front, but he looked pale and weak as Namjoon held his arm. They opted to set him in a wheelchair to lead him in, concerned about his double fainting spells, and the nurse led them to a private room in the back. A brief checking of his vitals showed no illness, but definite signs of overexertion. Preliminary scans showed no concussion, but he was dehydrated enough that the staff had attached him to an IV almost immediately.
Only a few minutes into the bag and color already began to return to Hoseok’s face. Namjoon breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at Hoseok and noticed his friend’s demeanor already perking up a little from the cot he lay on. He still looked tired, but not as pallid, and definitely seemed more aware of everything going on in the hospital. With a sigh of relief, once the doctor left, Namjoon just smacked his arm.
“Don’t scare us like that anymore, Seok-ah!”
Hoseok grinned, looking exhausted but still amused. “I didn’t mean it… I’m sorry, I ruined the shoot.”
“You didn’t ruin the shoot. Sejin-nim said we can always go back.”
Sejin, sitting in the corner, nodded as he typed away on his phone. “We can have the studio for another day. If you’re feeling better tomorrow, Hoseok-ssi, we can try again tomorrow.”
With that, Hoseok’s smile fell and he shook his head. “No, let’s try tonight. I’ll be okay.”
Sejin and Namjoon both frowned at that.
“No way, Seok-ah.”
“Yes way, Joon-ah.”
Both of them frowned at one another, until someone cleared their throat from the doorway. At the sight of the doctor, Namjoon bowed slightly and stepped back. “Doctor, he’s going to need to rest for the day after this, won’t he?”
“I’m feeling better,” Hoseok answered instead.
The doctor chuckled as he walked over. “I know you’re eager to get back, Hoseok-ssi, but we just need to make sure this won’t happen a second time.” He moved over to check Hoseok’s vitals again, pleased to know he didn’t develop a fever. He already ran warmer than normal, but his temperature hovered right at 99F. His pulse seemed back to normal too, which had him smiling. Hoseok watched the check, eyes more aware. “Well… You are stable as he is right now. What I want to do is at least get your blood sugar up, see if that will help as well.” With that, he reached into the pocket of his white coat and handed Hoseok a package of salted crackers and a granola bar. “Eat these.”
Hoseok looked at the snacks and grinned. “Thank you, Doctor!”
The doctor pat his shoulder and left the room, and Namjoon sighed, reaching over to open the cracker pack. “So you just needed water and snacks? Jeez, Hoseok-ah, next time eat the rice at breakfast!”
Laughing, Hoseok shoved Namjoon’s hand back and bit into the granola bar. Not deterred, Namjoon opened the pack anyway and stole a cracker. Hoseok just snacked lazily as Namjoon pulled out his phone and called Yoongi’s cell, amused when it was quickly on speakerphone. After reassuring them that everything was fine, they merely chatted for a few extra minutes as background noise, about their game plan. They still had to wait for the doctor’s clearance for Hoseok to leave, but they couldn’t make any rash decisions yet. The boys knew that. They were just relieved to hear Hoseok awake, laughing along with another terrible joke from Jin.
The doctor returned half an hour later, and after confirming Hoseok’s vitals were still looking good, he gave them the clearance to leave. He heavily recommended they take him home to get some rest and a proper meal later, and orders to return if systems persisted. But they were free to go.
“Guess it was just a fluke,” Namjoon said, ruffling his friend’s hair.
Hoseok swatted his hand away, but looked at Sejin the moment the doctor left the room. Sejin grabbed Hoseok’s uniform jacket and turned to look at him, but the young dancer reached up for it. “We were almost done with filming, right?”
Sejin nodded. “Just the last rose scene with the actress, and the second set before tomorrow’s film change.”
Looking up at him, Hoseok nodded. “Can we go back?”
That had the manager pausing, staring as if he didn’t hear the young man before him. But given Hoseok’s determined look… despite overworking himself to the brink, Hoseok was still ready to give it his all.
Namjoon and Sejin exchanged glances. And Namjoon turned back to his friend. “Hobi—”
“No, let’s go back,” Hoseok interrupted him. “I’m okay, I can finish the dance.”
“But Hobi, you just—”
“And I feel better now. I don’t want to set us farther back.”
Sejin sighed. “It won’t set us back. We can just book the set again; we have time through editing.”
But Namjoon could see the determination in Hoseok’s eyes. When his friend became this driven, it was very hard to say no to him. Namjoon just slumped in the chair, closing his eyes. “Take a nap, Hob-ah. If you’re still doing okay when we get there, we’ll see what Sung Deuk-nim says when we get there.”
That was as close to ‘yes’ as possible. Hoseok grinned and just leaned against Namjoon, eyes closing as he felt Namjoon’s arm drape over his shoulders. Despite his best attempt, he did doze right on his leader’s shoulders. Namjoon waited until he heard Hoseok’s little sleeping sniffle before he opened his eyes, making brief contact with Sejin from the front seat.
“He’s not going to take no for an answer even when we get back, is he,” Sejin sighed.
Namjoon nodded. “He barely listens to me on a good day about rest. But if we work through the evening…”
“I’m sure we can clear your schedules for tomorrow.” Sejin smiled, immediately opening a text message. Namjoon smiled; Sejin kept his promises, he’d make it work out.
“Pleeeease?” Hoseok begged. He was a lot more chipper when they arrived, apparently feeling loads better after the car’s power nap. The commute wasn’t a far distance, but the traffic getting back in midday Seoul rush-hour took nearly an hour. It was enough time for Hoseok and Namjoon to both catch power naps, but while Namjoon still seemed to be waking himself up, Hoseok was bright-eyed and energetic. Perhaps some of it was an act, anything to convince their choreographer to continue, perhaps it was just to convince himself.
Their choreographer sighed, giving him another once-over. He’d already briefed the others that their dance leader wanted to continue and had pushed them back to the stylists for refreshing their makeup to play it safe. They only had a few scenes left, having finished with their female co-star before Hoseok’s earlier collapse. It would be intense, primarily dancing, but Hoseok’s determination shown too brightly to be ignored.
And he was a softie. He caved immediately.
“Go revisit the stylist-noonas. Joon, you too, your hair’s flattening. We’ll resume in 30 minutes.”
Hoseok cheered aloud. His enthusiasm was infectious, the three maknae joining in on his cheers as he nearly skipped over to the stylist’s room. Jin just looked to Namjoon, who had paused to shrug off his hoodie.
“Are you sure he’s okay?” Jin asked.
“Of course not,” Namjoon grunted back. He just sighed heavily. “But he’s not going to listen to me. We’re just going to have to watch out for him. The doctor said he was okay to leave, so Hob-ah says it was just a fluke.” The two shared worried glances with Yoongi, who’d come over after fixing his shoes.
Yoongi just shook his head. As their second eldest and a great reader of people, they both silently asked for his input. Yoongi thought on it for a moment, then shrugged. “You said Sejin-nim’s clearing our schedule tomorrow, right? It’s worth letting Hobi tire himself out with a job well done. He’ll be stressed out if we don’t let him try, and then we’ll all have to wake up early tomorrow.”
That was true… they’d probably have to continue early, which wouldn’t help any of them. It wasn’t like they had healthy rest schedules, being a rookie group anyway, but if they were getting a clear schedule over pushing through one evening, it was worth trying.
They heard loud laughter coming from the stylist room, and could immediately tell it was Hoseok’s.
“That does it, then.” Jin sighed, pushing Namjoon’s shoulder. “Go on and get your curly chicken feather fixed.”
“It doesn’t look like a chicken feather, hyung!” Namjoon complained, but he hurried over to get his hair fixed as Jin gathered the maknae back over. They were in for a long evening.
It wasn’t as long as they’d thought, surprisingly enough. The seven boys gathered around the monitor behind their choreographer while he replayed their last clip of footage. It was clean, insanely clean. Their best take yet! And with that, the cinematographer clapped his hands and dismissed them for the day. With a loud cheer, the group bowed to the staff before they were lined up to film the end of the shooting sketch. Excited to be done, Yoongi went for the camera first, hamming it up with Taehyung. Namjoon glanced over at Hoseok, who looked tired but proud, glad they’d finally finished the filming and wouldn’t need to push anything further. With one final cocky phrase to the camera, Hoseok did his best to look smug, but he hurried off as dots began to swim in his vision again. As the camerawoman moved to film Jungkook and Jimin next, Hoseok found the closest seat and dropped down, sighing.
Namjoon and Yoongi just fanned him with their hands. With a thumbs up from Sejin, Namjoon reached over to ruffle his friend’s hair.
“Come on, Seok-ah, let’s go home.”
And the relieved but bright smile on Hoseok’s face was the best thing the other two rappers had seen all day. Tomorrow was a well-deserved day off.
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sickiesope · 1 year
Twenty four hours
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Jin and Namjoon
TW: emeto
Summary: Jungkook gets sick with a temporary bug. His caring hyungs look after him.🌡
Jungkook has been feeling kind of off today. He woke up still feeling tired, despite having a full night sleep. He sat down for breakfast with the others but wasn't exactly digging in. For some reason his stomach feels kind of uncomfortable. Jungkook yawns, slumped in his chair.
"Kookie, everything alright?" Hoseok notices he isn't as perky as usual.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just kind of tired" JK sits up straighter. He isn't exactly lying -- he is still tired. He drinks water and goes to get ready. They have rehearsal scheduled for today.
When the guys all leave Jungkook is doing better and he's more awake. He just needed to eat and keep himself hydrated.  He chats with Taehyung and Jimin on the ride there. They get started right away.
But two hours in he begins to feel warm and more prone to sweating. Is the building too hot? No, the other members seem to have no problem. They chatter amongst themselves, not noticing that Jungkook has gone quiet and staring into space. He's starting to feel nauseous. The food in his stomach isn't sitting well at all.
"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Namjoon finally asks.
"Um..I think I need the bathroom.." JK says quietly.
"You do look kind of pale" Taehyung mentions.
"I feel--" Jungkook is cut off when his stomach unexpectedly lurches and he quickly makes for the door. He races to the bathroom with a hand over his mouth. Namjoon and Jin follow behind. They find him bent over the sink, breathing heavily and spitting out excess saliva. Then without warning he vomits. It comes out fast and messy. He gasps in shock and grossed out at the sight, making him throw up again. Namjoon puts a hand on his shoulder "awwh it's okay Kookie, just let it out" he holds the younger by the waist to keep him balanced. Jungkook heaves and retches again, his stomach contracting in Namjoon's hold. The older winces as he feels it and JK jerks forward, throwing up more of his undigested breakfast. The eggs and toast he had now just a mess in the sink. Jungkook spits out the remainder and rests his head on Namjoon's shoulder.
"Finished?" The leader asks gently
"Yeah.. I think so.." JK answers feebly.
"You should go lay down" Jin pats his shoulder and gently leads him towards the exit. But Jungkook suddenly gags again, making him hastily turn around and run back to the sink to vomit one more time. His stomach is really messing with him today.
"Ah, Kookie.." Jin rubs his back gently.
Jungkook whimpers and starts to feel dizzy. "Hyung.." he reaches out his hand desperately, Jin taking it. "It's okay Kookie. You're okay"
The next thing Jungkook knows, he's lying on the couch with a thermometer in his mouth. He still feels queasy and his stomach hurts. Namjoon is sitting beside him, his face looking deep with concern. He takes the thermometer from JK and confirms that he has a fever.
"Gosh you're burning up Jungkookie" he feels his forehead that's warm and slightly sweaty.
"I'm okay hyung, I just puked" Jungkook blinks and tries to sit up.
"Yeah, quite a lot" Namjoon states.
Jungkook wants to say they're overreacting but another wave of nausea comes. He grabs the garbage bin nearby and heaves up more of his stomach contents. He can see traces of his dinner from last night.
"Joon hyung, I feel terrible" he whined, laying back down clutching his stomach.
Namjoon gently rubs his shoulder "I know Kookie, we're gonna get you home, you need to rest"
Jungkook tried to keep his pride, he doesn't like being sick and unable to work. But his stomach decides for him, making him puke once again. Everything he ate today and yesterday coming back up, followed by dry heaves. His throat is sore and burning from the efforts. He must be almost empty now he thinks. Jungkook feels exhausted and wants to fall asleep on the couch but his hyungs Jin and Namjoon are actively moving him and guiding him to a car.
"Come on Kook, let's get up. Yep, just like that" Namjoon instructs. He complies and lets them take charge. JK drifts in and out and his hand doesn't leave his stomach the whole ride home. He had a few close calls of getting sick in the car but he seemed to be out of everything. He just coughed and dry heaved a couple of times and took a five minute nap leaning on Namjoon.
They walk him to the dorm, both hyungs arms holding up Jungkook, his weight leaning on them. They take him straight to bed and place a garbage bin beside it. Namjoon goes to get water and Jin sits beside the ill maknae.
"How's your tummy feeling?"
Jungkook groans as his stomach gurgles in distress. He runs his hand over it, his doe eyes looking up at Jin. He just wants relief of this awful feeling. He's so nauseous he can barely talk. The older looks at him sympathetically "do you want the hot pad?" he tries. Jungkook nods his head slightly.
Namjoon returns with a glass of water and the hot pad. "Want a drink of water Kookie?" he offers.
Jungkook gulps, he doesn't like the thought of ingesting anything right now. But his throat hurts so he decides to have a few tiny sips.
"I think you have a temporary bug, Kook" Jin says to the youngest.
Jungkook sighed. He really went downhill quickly. The water felt nice on his throat but his stomach isn't having it. He immediately throws it back up, hurting his throat again. He whimpers in pain, tears forming in his sickly eyes. Jin and Namjoon both looked at him and then each other with sad looks of great worry. It's hard to see their poor sweet maknae in such distress.
Jungkook sighed tiredly, he just wants to stop throwing up and go to sleep. The hot pad helps a little but his tummy is still sore. "Hyungs.. I'm sorry.." he says in a quiet hoarse voice.
"No Kookie, don't say that. It's not your fault" Namjoon reassures.
"Yeah, you just focus on resting for now" Jin says, gently brushing his hair back.
Jungkook closes his eyes and eventually drifts off. He slept for half an hour but then his stomach woke him up, churning harshly.
"Oh god not again" he huffs in frustration. It seems to never end. He grabs the garbage bin and watery vomit pours out.
Jin returns to the room "awwh Kookie.. your tummy still hurts huh?"
Jungkook continues to throw up, light yellow liquid pouring into the bin. It fades off after a few more heaves and then he's just bringing up bile. Everything hurts, especially his throat and his stomach. Jungkook lets out a helpless whine.
"I think you need some medicine" the oldest decides. He doesn't know what else to do, JK can't keep water down.
"Mhm.. I guess.." he mumbles. Usually Jungkook doesn't like taking medicine but he's desperate to feel better. He takes it and yawns, burrowing himself in the blankets again.
Awhile later Namjoon goes to check on him and finds the youngest fast asleep. He looks so peaceful and relaxed that he decides to let him be.
Jungkook wakes up the next morning. His hyungs let him sleep in, which he's grateful for. His head feels significantly less heavy and he finds himself getting up with ease. He looks in the bathroom mirror and his face doesn't look pale and sickly anymore. Jungkook is finally feeling better. He washes up and gets dressed with his newfound energy.
His stomach growls, indicating his appetite is back. Or at least he hopes that's what it means. He really doesn't want to get sick again, the thought of it makes him shudder. Jungkook patted his stomach. It's completely empty, he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. He realizes he's actually really hungry. JK decides he's well enough to eat something and heads to the kitchen.
His hyungs greet him happily "Jungkookie! So glad to see you up again!" Namjoon smiles.
"How are you feeling now?" Jin asks
"Much better hyungs!" JK replies. "What's for breakfast? I'm starving!"
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sicjimin · 2 years
Sickie yoongi where he hasn't left the studio for days because he physically couldn't but nobody knows he's sick and his boyfriend namjoon is very worried but doesn't want to interrupt him in the studio because they're relationship is very new and he doesn't want to be clingy because he thinks yoongi won't like it.
But he ends up finding yoongi being sick and finally cuddles him when yoongi breaks down and tells namjoon how much he needed that, and him.
— Mistakenly Cooped In —
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To say Namjoon is worried .. is an understatement. He's frantic, almost explodes to a bubble of freaking out—you could say.
"Have you seen Yoongi?"
"Have you heard anything from hyung?"
He had been chattering that words since last night. Since the older rapper storms out of their dorm—because of their fight, and not coming back until today. Despite Namjoon has been awake until 4 AM waiting for him, only to be ushered by Seokjin with a "Maybe he's in his studio, Joon-ah. You can go there later when we go to work", and so he gives up and let himself sleep.
But another thing is .. Namjoon is a coward. He had been going there the first thing he stepped into the building. Parting his way from his members—and stand up dumbly staring at Yoongi's "Go Away" mat in front of his studio. He knows the older is there, and just with a knock, or simply pressing the bell—he knows Yoongi will open the door with that scowl on his face.
But what is he supposed to say once he meet him? "I'm sorry i didn't meant everything that i said last night?" "Do you know i stayed awake until 4AM waiting for you?" "Where were you last night? You were worrying a lot of people!" "Aha hyung, coffee?"
Namjoon groans, banging his head lowly on the door before he turns his heel. Maybe he needs to think—or even prepare the speech, along with apologies, before he faces him.
And regret floods him when Yoongi is nowhere during their meeting, or even their next schedules. Seokjin, Hoseok ... even Jungkook has tried to call him but it all useless as it goes straight to the voicemail. He bites his lips, hiding the wild thump in his chest—as anxiety starts buzzing— while the other 5 males in front of him talking about something.
Where the fuck is Yoongi?
He rubs his face, before hastily grabbing his phone and press the call button beside his hyung name—and almost throw it accross the room when it's the same lady that answers him.
"Joon-ah ..", Seokjin steps into his sight, placing his hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, "Maybe you should check on Yoongi"
Namjoon scoffs, "If he's not even pick up our calls then maybe he doesn't want to be checked on hyung"
"Are you not worried?", Seokjin frowns at the remarks.
"I am!", Namjoon sighs, ruffling his hair, "Hell i'm about to freak out"
"Then? You have gone to his studio this morning, right? Is he not there?", Seokjin looks at him. And sometimes he can be a scary oldest—as Namjoon feels small under his gaze. "I .. am?"
"Fine! I was .. but..", Namjoon trails off, head ducked in shame. "I didn't knock or anything, so .. i dont know if he was there. Maybe he is!"
Even if he didn't lift his head, he knows Seokjin is rolling his eyes on him. "And why didn't you?"
"I just don't know hyung ...", Namjoon deflates, "What if he still mad at me? What if he thinks i'm clingy? What if he's annoyed at me because i'm interrupting hi—"
"But what if something happened to him in there?", Seokjin cuts the leader rambles, and earned a shocked gasp, "Hyung?!"
Seokjin shrugs, "Don't you think it's weird for him to even missed our schedule? I mean .. we all know Yoongi is a work-freak, but missing schedule?", he states, "You live the longest with him, and he's your boyfriend! And you don't think of that?", he nudges a baffle Namjoon, before ruffling his hair and stand up, "Check on him, and if he slam the door in front of you, tell me, hyung will come there"
And Namjoon sighs.
"Ah ..", Yoongi moans in pain as he coughs, spitting the trail of thick saliva that hangs on his lips, before he heaves forward once again—trickles of water and bile sprays from his chapped lips to the bin he placed near his couch. He pants, letting his arms that been supporting him gives up, and curled himself small, when he feels like .. enough—not in the verge of vomiting (again). At least.
That was his second time throwing up since this morning. And he's too much in pain.
Tears welled on his eyes before he realized and can't stop it. Stupid Yoongi and his pride— he curses himself. He won't feel this miserable if he :
1. Not acting all mighty and storms out of the dorm at night, while it's raining, just because of his stupid fight with Namjoon. He could've run to one of their member's room, no? if he just want to avoid his boyfriend.
2. Forcing himself to work he knew he was growing fever, until dawn. Until his head pounds and he vomited as his bright screen making his stomach churn.
3. Not charging his phone when he went out and not having any emergency charger in his studio. (He was sure he has one, but maybe Jungkook stole it)—so he can't contact anyone.
4. Not telling his members, or at least his boyfriend his passcode—so no one can magically appears there and tend him
5. Having an oblivious Namjoon as his boyfriend, like, how could he didn't check on him when he was missing by ... hours? days? Did he not care at all?!
Yoongi whimpers. Teeth clattering quietly as he feels too cold. His studio is too cold. And his head hurts too much.
He wants someone.
He wants Namjoon.
He sniffles, aggresively rubbing his eyes, before hugging himself even more—and let himself fall into sleep (again).
He doesn't know how long it has been, how many hours, or even scarily, days, has passed—when theres a loud knock on his door.
"Yoongi hyung!!"
Yoongi groans, feeling annoyance bubbles in his chest as the voice is too loud for him. He grunts, but not moving an inch from his spot—not like he's physically can.
"Gosh .. shut up", he mumbles weakly, pressing his palm to his eyes.
"Baby .. hyung .. are you there?"
And that wokes him up.
"Joonie ..?", he croakes out, before stumbling on his own as he tries to dizzily stand up. "Joonie?", he calls again. Swaying on his feet before he fumbles with the lock—it takes him twice, to press the right code over his blurry eyes, before the door opened.
"Joonie ..", Yoongi swears there's tears welled up on his eyes, before he let himself slump against the younger.
"Hyung .. gosh ..", Namjoon sighs in relief once the door opened and he meets with his pale boyfrien—pale?
And before he can react further, Yoongi goes slump on him. "Fuck .. hyung? Yoongi hyung?"
A faint mumbles answers him, and Namjoon let himself relax a bit, before he freaks out about the fact that—"Hyung! You're burning up, gosh, how long have you been like this? And why don't you call—"
"Joonie ..", Yoongi whimpers, face pinched in pain as Namjoon carrying him to the couch, and fussing around him. He's too dizzy to pay attention to that. "Don't talk too much ... head hurts .."
"How can i—", Namjoon sighs, stopping himself from rambling as he bundled his boyfriend up with his padded coat and quickly calls Seokjin—informing him about Yoongi's state and asks him to pick them up.
"What should i do with you, hyung ..", Namjoon mumbles, running his fingers to cards the older hair, as the latter lays on his lap.
Yoongi hums, "I'm sorry Joon-ah ..", he mumbles, "It was stupid of me to be mad at you .. please don't be mad at me ag—"
"Baby ..", Namjoon calls, stopping Yoongi before he spirals and thrown into a full blown break down— as he already feels hot liquid seeps against his pants. He knows Yoongi is crying
"You don't have anything to be sorry, okay? Let's talk about this when you're healthy again. You scares me right now", he chuckles warily.
" 'm sorry .."
"Later, love, now .. rest? until Seokjin hyung comes"
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bultaoreunheyyy · 20 days
Title: Sleepyhead
Word Count: 2261
Summary: Nothing can wake a sick Taehyung up when he’s sleeping, except for maybe a sneeze. 
Sickie: Taehyung (snz/cold/flu)
Caretakers: Jimin, plus the others 
A/N: I wrote this with Taehyung as the sickie, since he was #2 in this poll, and also wrote it with Jungkook (#1 in poll) for an upcoming scene in long sickfic w/out title so stay tune for that soon!
Jimin’s legs are falling asleep.
He shifts a bit back and forth on the couch, testing how much he’s going to be able to move without waking Taehyung, who’s currently using his lap as a pillow, but Taehyung only keeps snoring and doesn’t react in the slightest.
Jimin sets his book on the arm of the couch and slowly unfolds his legs from their crossed position. He stretches one foot out in front of him, then the other, pointing his toes forward and sighing in relief at the pull in his aching muscles. He shifts again, leaning slightly to one side until he feels a satisfying pop in his back. He rolls his shoulders a few times for good measure and then carefully palms Taehyung’s forehead.
Taehyung is still warm, still feverish, but it’s to be expected. Jimin cards his hands through the sleeping man’s hair, smoothing it all back from his face until it’s fanned out around his head. 
Suddenly, Taehyung’s nose twitches, and Jimin sighs because he knows what’s coming next. He reaches over and plucks two tissues from the box that’s resting between Taehyung’s arm and the back of the couch, bringing them up to Taehyung’s face as he waits for the inevitable.
Taehyung’s current snore breaks off into a half-snort, half-cough, and his eyelashes flutter. His nose twitches again, his reddened nostrils flaring wide, and then Taehyung sniffles hard enough that his nose scrunches up.
“Poor thing,” Jimin murmurs as he watches Taehyung’s struggle. “Can’t even get a nap in without needing to sneeze.”
Taehyung’s lips part and he sniffles again, the sound more insistent this time. Jimin tucks the tissues around his nose and Taehyung’s eyes open just a fraction.
“Hhng,” he whines softly, congestion stopping the sound from coming out fully. 
Jimin peers down at him. “Hey, Tae. Go ahead and sneeze. I’ve got tissues.” 
“Huh?” Taehyung’s brows furrow.
Jimin pats him on the chest. “Go ahead.”
“Go…” Taehyung pulls in a shaky breath. “Hhg?”
With a soft laugh, Jimin nudges the tissues against Taehyung’s nose, but the sneeze never comes. Instead, Taehyung lets out a tiny, weak cough and then blinks hard several times, trying to keep his eyes open for long enough to focus on Jimin’s face. 
“That tickles,” he whispers, bringing one hand up to paw at his nose. His hand bumps Jimin’s hand and he whimpers when he can’t push the offending ticklish tissues away. 
“Oh,” Jimin chuckles, quickly pulling the tissues away from his nose. “I thought you were gonna sneeze. Sorry. Go back to sleep.” 
After a long pause, Taehyung tries to open his eyes again. “Don’t wanna…sleep.” 
“Do you want to blow your nose first? Here, go ahead.” Jimin situates the tissues around Taehyung’s nose once again. “Blow.” 
Taehyung snorts and sniffles but does not blow his nose.
Waiting patiently, Jimin pats Taehyung on the chest again. Taehyung doesn’t respond. With one hand, Jimin fishes his phone out of his pocket to text Jungkook, asking him to bring a cool compress and some other supplies.
Just when Jimin thinks Taehyung has fallen asleep again, he turns his head just slightly and sniffles wetly before he murmurs, “Jimin?”
“I’m right here. Go ahead and blow your nose.”
“Wanna go on a walk,” he murmurs instead after another full minute of silence.
“A what?” Jimin laughs. “Taehungie, dear, you can’t even stand right now. No walks today, okay?”
Taehyung doesn’t hear him. He’s already asleep again.
He doesn’t truly wake up after that for a few more hours, instead drifting in and out of consciousness, feverish and exhausted. 
During that time, Jungkook brings a new fever patch and a cool compress along with a much needed cup of coffee for Jimin.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Jimin moans into his coffee cup. 
“You’re gonna get sick too, you know,” is Jungkook’s reply. While he’s been very attentive to both his and Taehyung’s needs, continuously checking on both of them and bringing anything Jimin asks for, he’s worried about germs and he’s sure to let Jimin know everytime he comes near.
“I have a great immune system,” Jimin counters. 
Jungkook nods knowingly and leans on the back of the couch, his hand traveling to the back of Jimin’s neck. He massages there for a few minutes, and Jimin moans because he’s been sitting on the couch for the entire day and Jungkook’s strong hands know exactly how to find the knots in the neck.
When he’s done, Jungkook reaches down and briefly runs his fingers through Taehyung’s hair in a comforting gesture, but he’s quick to pull away. 
“I’m gonna go wash my hands,” he says. “And go breathe some fresh air. Text me if you need anything.”
“Will do,” Jimin replies, smiling gratefully. 
Taehyung doesn’t move a muscle, staying sound asleep throughout the entire exchange.
It’s a little while later when Seokjin brings Taehyung’s next dose of medicine out to the living room. 
“Has he been this warm this entire time?” He asks Jimin, hand on Taehyung’s forehead.
“No.” Jimin shakes his head. “It’s just in the past fifteen minutes or so that he’s been pretty hot. It’s definitely time for more meds.” 
Seokjin slides his hand down to cup Taehyung’s cheek. Taehyung’s eyelashes flutter, but he doesn’t wake, and Seokjin just doesn’t have the heart to wake him up. “He still has fifteen more minutes until he’s due for another dose,” he reasons, pressing the backs of his fingers to the side of Taehyung’s warm neck with a frown. “I’ll go grab him some water first.”
Seokjin brings water and then leaves after about ten minutes, promising to return soon but letting Jimin have the task of waking Taehyung up. 
“I just don’t have the heart to wake him,” is his excuse when he looks at Taehyung’s flushed, sleeping face.
“I understand.” 
After Seokjin leaves, Jimin realizes he’s starting to sweat under the warmth of Taehyung’s body. He also needs a bathroom break, so he eases himself off the couch and stretches his arms above his head. Taehyung snuffles but otherwise remains asleep. When he returns from the bathroom, it takes Jimin another five minutes to properly coax Taehyung awake, and he only stays awake long enough to let Jimin prop him upright and tip the medicine into his mouth, and then he swallows one single sip of water before he’s out again. 
Taehyung is still snoring away in Jimin’s lap when Hoseok and Yoongi return home from their long meeting. 
As soon as Hoseok is through the door, Jimin can hear him loudly explaining something to Yoongi, boisterous and full of energy like usual. When Yoongi spots Taehyung asleep on the couch, though, he puts a finger to his lips. It takes Hoseok a second to see him, and when he realizes he spins around.
“Oh! Sorry,” he whispers when he sees Taehyung and Jimin on the couch.  
Jimin just smiles and goes back to his book, tightening his arm around Taehyung protectively. Taehyung doesn’t even stir. 
When Namjoon comes to find Taehyung, he’s still sleeping in Jimin’s embrace.
“I was thinking of making him a doctor appointment,” Namjoon tells Jimin, keeping his voice low. He settles on the arm of the couch and reaches down, rubbing his hand up and down Taehyung’s arm. “I don’t really want to do it without his input but I haven’t been able to catch him awake all day.”
Jimin chuckles and sets his book down. “I say go ahead and make it. Earlier he was agreeable to the idea of going to get shots and maybe an IV if he wasn’t feeling better. 
Namjoon nods. “Okay. Will do. We can always change it later.” Glancing down at Taehyung, fondness mixed with a bit of worry in his expression, he sighs. “And how are you feeling?”
“So far, so good.” Jimin gives a thumbs up. He reaches down and brushes his fingers over Taehyung’s forehead. “Hopefully I’ll avoid catching this. He’s been having a rough time.” 
Taehyung murmurs something in his sleep and Jimin draws his hand back. Taehyung remains asleep, though, and soon he goes back, cupping his face and rubbing his thumb back and forth across his fever-hot cheek. 
“I’ll text you the details in case you want to share with Tae when he wakes up and I'm not here,” Namjoon says, and then he leaves to make the phone call. 
Jimin picks up his phone and sees that he has three texts from Jungkook, all asking if he wants something: want me to pick up more tissues at the store? and want to go to the movies on saturday if tae is better? and I’m by the cafe do u want another coffee?
He’s replying to the texts– yes, sounds fun, and YES PLEASE– when he hears a sound across the room.
“Oh.” Yoongi’s standing in the space between the couch and the kitchen, a cup of steaming hot tea cradled between his hands. “I didn’t realize he was still sleeping.”
“Poor thing is so tired,” Jimin confirms.
Yoongi walks over and sets the tea on the coffee table and then disappears back into the kitchen. A short while later, he returns with two more mugs, one for himself and one for Jimin.
They sit and sip on their tea. Taehyung sleeps on. Even when they’re done, and Jimin is ready to get back to his book, Taehyung is still asleep, snoring away with his head in Jimin’s lap. 
“I’ll make him more when he wakes up,” Yoongi says with a small smile. He picks up the mug, freezing when Taehyung suddenly sniffles.
Jimin looks down and sees Taehyung’s eyelashes fluttering. He reaches down and rubs his chest, waiting for him to fall back asleep or wake up. Yoongi sets the mug back down on the coffee table in case it’s the latter, and Taehyung’s lips part with a small whimper.
“Hey,” Jimin says, rubbing his chest some more. “It’s okay, Tae. You can go back to sleep if you want.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows furrow. “Nnndhh.”
“Shh, you’re okay.” 
Taehyung’s nostrils flare, and Jimin’s eyes widen. “Oh!” He quickly grabs a tissue and holds it up to Taehyung’s face. Nose twitching, Taehyung sucks in a breath, and then his eyes flutter open only to slam shut in the next second as a massive sneeze barrels out of him.
The sneeze is so loud that it makes Jimin’s ears ring and Yoongi, despite having seen it coming, clasps a hand to his chest in surprise. 
A minute later, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin all come out to check on Taehyung.
“Sounds like someone is awake,” Namjoon says with a smile.
“That was some sneeze, Tae,” Hoseok comments. “Bless you!”
Jimin and Yoongi chuckle and watch as Taehyung sniffles and paws at his nose, eyes half closed. 
“Still waking up,” Namjoon amends his earlier statement.
There’s a sudden loud knock on the door– it sounds more like a kick– and Seokjin hurries over to check the peephole. He opens the door immediately to reveal Jungkook standing there with two trays filled with various to-go beverages. 
“Sorry,” he grins. “I didn’t have any hands to knock.” He looks past Seokjin and spots Taehyung sitting up on the couch, hair sticking up in all directions as he scrubs at his red nose. “Oh, shit, did I wake him up?”
Seokjin shakes his head. “Nope, he just woke up a few minutes ago.” He takes one of the trays and carries it into the living room.
Jungkook passes out iced coffees to everyone, and a cup of hot tea to Taehyung. “The barista said it’s sweet, but good,” he says, and Taehyung smiles blearily up at him before taking a sip. He still looks half asleep, and a minute later he’s handing Jimin his cup and sliding back into a reclining position. 
“Anyone want to keep me and Taehyungie company?” Jimin asks the room. “We can put on a movie?”
Jungkook nods and chooses the seat furthest from the pair. He pulls his knees to his chest, sipping on his iced coffee and giving a pleased hum.
Taehyung is asleep again before the movie even starts. They keep the volume low, but Taehyung is a dead weight against Jimin, snoring softly and not so much as flinching even when one of them laughs or the movie gets loud. As the movie is ending, though, he moans softly, his eyelashes fluttering. Jimin runs his fingers through his hair and smiles down at him.
“You waking up, sleepyhead?” He asks.
Taehyung’s face scrunches up. He doesn’t open his eyes, but he rolls over halfway until he’s on his side, nuzzling his nose against Jimin’s stomach. He sniffles, a low whine in his throat when Jimin pats his hip.
“Let’s get you to your bed, hmm?”
Very slowly, Taehyung opens one eye, then the other. He peers up at Jimin and hunches forward like he’s trying to curl up into a ball. He starts to move one hand up towards his face, but it smacks into Jimin’s elbow. He whimpers congestedly in frustration.
And then, he sneezes.
It’s not particularly loud, as far as a Taehyung-sneeze goes, but it is aimed directly at Jimin, completely uncovered, and forceful enough that it shakes the entire couch. 
For a moment, there’s nothing but silence.
“Wow,” Jungkook eventually says from across the room. He has a blanket wrapped around his entire head and body like he thinks it might help shield him from the germs. “Ohh, yeah. You are so gonna get sick, Jimin.” 
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mikrokoskooks · 1 year
aw that clip you reblogged of koo being nervous was so cute. do you think you could write a little drabble on that? him getting a tummyache from nerves ):
Hi anon, I agree he looked so adorable there and I hope enjoy this:)
Also I'm not really sure on what a drabble is I think it's shorter than a fic.
"This is the last round" The staff says smiling at the members as they stare at the prize food infront of them. They were determined to get some kind of meat for they're food later and all they had to do was guess someone's name from a picture of their face.
"I'd like to apologise in advance" Jungkook mumbles, he wasn't the most confident with the game and didn't want the others to be upset after.
"It's okay" Jimin reassures resting a hand the boys shoulder. Jungkook nods slightly before he start patting his stomach.
Wow was he really that nervous, his stomach was beginning hurt a dull ache forming in his middle.
"The last question is always hard Kook don't worry" Namjoon adds trying to lessen the pressure the youngest had. Although it was ment nicely, the statement only made him feel worse.
Jungkook mumbles out a small thanks hyung before preparing himself to answer. He was really taking this seriously his stomach was in knots.
Deep breaths Jungkook, Deep breaths was all that was going through his head. "Alright the staff starts, are you ready.." You can do it, deep breaths he continues to chant to himself "3..2..1.."
The staff holds up a picture of 7 fairly young boys dressed in dark clothes, their hair black and some wearing oversized gold chains around their necks.
Jungkook feels the pressure in his stomach immediately eases before he answers "BTS!" "Correct!"
"See you were worrying for nothing Kookie" The youngest smiles taking a sigh of relief, "I guess I was"
Hey, I'm sorry that this is short and not all that focused on the stomach ache hopefully, it was okay though?
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This gif🥺💗
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comfortjoonie · 3 months
Namjoon -- Sick at Comeback
Here it is! I hope you all like it. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. <3
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Namjoon blows out a slow, deep breath as he puts his mic around his ear.  He’s had a long day of feeling nauseous and feverish.  “Joon?” Hoseok says, putting his hand on Namjoon’s back.  “You feeling alright?  You look pale…”
  Namjoon nods.  “I feel a little sick to my stomach…but I should be fine.”  He starts to stand up and Hoseok puts a hand over his forehead.  
“You feel so d*mn warm Joonie, maybe you should sit this one out?” Hoseok says.  Jungkook walks into the room.
“Everything ok?” he asks, looking at Joon’s sweaty face.  “Hyung?”
“He’s sick,” Hoseok says.  “Poor thing has a fever.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows furrow.  “I can do it,” he says.
“There’s no shame if you can’t–”
“--I can, though.”  Namjoon uses his sleeve to wipe the sweat off his forehead.
“Well, we’re coming out now, okay?”  Namjoon nods at Jungkook’s words and walks up the stairs to the main area behind the curtain.  Suddenly, he feels a pain in his stomach and winces, Hoseok watching.
“Hyung, it’s o-ok…” Namjoon stutters, putting his hair behind his ear.  But it wasn’t ok, he felt like he could puke at any moment.
“Now, hyung~!” Jungkook said, grabbing Namjoon’s hand and pulling him out.  The bright lights make Namjoon’s nausea double, and he puts a hand on Hoseok for support.  He walks slowly to the front of the stage and listens to Yoongi’s speech before hearing the music start.  “D*mn…” he mumbles as he tries to find his place.
When Taehyung starts singing, Namjoon’s body goes into autopilot and he does all the choreography he’s worked so hard on for months.  His chest feels tight and he can’t breathe properly.  When his verse comes on, he mumbles the lyrics enough to make the backtrack sound fuller, but the backtrack does most of the work for him.  At the end of the take, he all but collapses onto the floor in front of the whole audience, facing his back to them with his head on his knees.  He’s trying to catch his breath when he feels Jin’s warm hand on his back.
“Joonie, baby, what’s wrong?” Jin asks in a hushed tone.  Namjoon feels a tear pricking at the corner of his eye.
“I…” he gasps for air.  “I can’t…”
“Joonie, calm down.”  All the members are gathered around the leader now.
Namjoon suddenly feels the urge to vomit and springs up to rush to the nearest toilet.  His legs are shaky but they carry him to the bathroom.  He’s too slow to shut the door before Seokjin is inside with him, and he barely manages to get the toilet lid up before he’s gagging and coughing up the little he could eat for breakfast.  Seokjin rubs his back and tells him not to cry, but Namjoon is already sobbing from the embarrassment and pain of it all.  He finally finishes and flushes the toilet, then shuts the lid and rests his face on it.
“Oh, Joonie, come on, that’s not sanitary.  Let’s get you home…”  Namjoon has started shivering from the fever.  “Someone get him a blanket!” Seokjin calls, and a few moments later Hoseok returns with a blanket that Seokjin wraps Namjoon in.
“You poor thing,” Hoseok mutters, hugging Namjoon and letting him warm up a bit.  “We should get him home,” Hoseok says.
“Bad news,” Jungkook says.  “Since we’re on the left side of the stage and the door is on the right, the only way to get him across is to walk him across the stage in front of the fans…”
Namjoon’s breathing picks up with a panic, but Seokjin soothes him.  “It’s okay Joonie.  We’ll just be honest and tell the fans you weren’t feeling well.  It’s ok.  Just breathe…” Seokjin rubs circles into Namjoon’s back and uses his thumb to wipe the tears from Namjoon’s eyes.
“Taehyung is already on it,” Jungkook says.  “He’s telling the fans that Namjoon has to go home.  Can you walk, Joonie?  A company car is waiting…”
Namjoon nods.  “I need help, though…” Jungkook instantly links arms with Namjoon and Seokjin takes his other arm.  They start walking up to the stage when Namjoon hears the crowd chanting,
“Kim Namjoon!  It’s okay!” over and over again.  When he walks into their sight, applause deafens him and he winces at the sound.  Taehyung shushes the crowd.  Namjoon can’t bring himself to show his face to the audience, so he turns away slightly so they can only see his hair and cheek.  He walks slowly with everyone else as the crowd continues to chant his name, a bit quieter.  He feels completely surrounded with love.  The members help him into a company car, and Seokjin gets in with him.
“You five keep performing.  I have the least lines and the most love for Joonie so I’ll go with him.”
“Most love for Joonie?” Jungkook’s jaw drops.  “How could you say that when I’m right here and he’s my idol?”
“How can either of you say that when I’m here and he’s my soulmate?” Hoseok asks playfully.  Namjoon smiles a little bit.
“We can discuss this later,” laughs Seokjin.  “We’ll see you all in a few hours.”
  All the members wave goodbye to Seokjin and Namjoon as the car pulls away.  Only five minutes into the ride, Namjoon is sleeping on Seokjin’s lap.
Seokjin pets his hair.  “You’re so cute like this Joonie…”  Sometimes he wished his Joon would get sick more often so he could cuddle him like this.  But he wouldn’t say that when Namjoon was feeling so bad.
Seokjin rubbed Namjoon’s back.  It was an hour-long drive.  He had plenty of time to go to sleep…but first..
Seokjin snapped a picture of Namjoon resting peacefully and sent it to the group chat before dozing off with his arm protecting Namjoon.
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crystalsnow95z · 6 months
so i actually dreamed this other night lol. could u do something with early bts (2013-14) and they’re at the airport for whatever reason, and jk starts feeling really sick but tries to endure/wait it out thinking it’s just nerves. he feels even worse and starts panicking and tells jin he thinks he’s gonna puke. jin just rushes him to a bathroom and jk starts puking really hard and crying. jin just holds him and comforts him cuz he’s never seen jk in such a state. the rest can be up to u :)
Oh gosh.. I usually don't use a certain timeline and ive never actually been on a plane..so this will be a challenge. I hope its accurate 😅
Sorry it took so long. I hope you haven't forgotten about your request 😅
This is our first time performing outside of Korea..I've been studying the Japanese lyrics but I'm still so nervous..my stomach hurts like crazy..
Jungkook leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder, trying to discretely rub his knotting abdomen. "I'm so scared, Taehyung-sii.." He whispers, confiding in the second youngest.
"It's okay Jungkook-ah.. we spent all night going over the lyrics together, and we got the moves down pact. There's nothing to worry about." Taehyung takes his hand, giving it a squeeze. "Do you want to go over them again?"
Jungkook shakes his head. "I don't want to lose my voice.. my throats already a bit sore.."
"Is Junggukkie okay?" Jin asks when he sees the youngest huddled close to Taehyung.
"Yeah he's okay. He's just nervous about tomorrow." Taehyung answers for him.
"You'll do fine Jungkook-ah. We've been practicing for months. You did it perfectly yesterday." Namjoon reassures him.
"Right.. thanks, Hyung.." Jungkook gives him a smile, but despite not feeling as nervous, his stomach still gurgled uncomfortably. The car came to a stop, Jin opening the door to lead them through the airport, everyone trailing behind.
They weren't big enough to use the private entrance, but they still had fans calling for them. He bowed to every single one of them, but each time he folded over his middle, he only ached more. I have to get used to all these eyes on me..
He grabbed onto the back of Yoongi's backpack holding the small strap tightly in his hand, temporarily blinded by one of the camera flashes he accidentally looked right into.
Yoongi takes his hand, leading him to get his passport checked. "You okay, Jungkook?"
Jungkook nods. "I'm okay. There are too many flashes..That's all." he presented his passport and ticket to the airport staff, trying to focus on the staff in front of him.
"Could you lower your face mask?" The woman asks politely.
Jungkook takes it off one ear, startled by a scream when he does this, several more flashes go trying to get a clear shot of his face. He grabs onto his closest hyung, gripping their shirt sleeve. All the attention was making him feel queasy.
"You okay Jungkook-ah?" Hoseok asks when he feels the younger grab him. He didn't mind it, wrapping his hand around Jungkooks. "You're sweating.. take your passport back, and we'll get settled on the plane."
Jungkook nods, turning to the lady who took it. "Is it okay?"
"Yes, all is well. Here you go. Have a safe flight." She smiles, holding out the passport. Jungkook's hands shook when he grabbed it, quickly putting it back into his carry on.
Jungkook tried to wait quietly for everyone to get their documents checked, but his stomach churned violently,making him feel weak. His knees threatened to buckle underneath him. I can't do this..
Jungkook urgently pulled on the eldest, trying to get his attention. "Hyung.. Jin..I..I don't feel good.. please?" He pulls aggressively on his sleeve, making him lose balance.
"Thank you Sir.."Jin puts his face mask back in place,quickly bowing to the man helping him and taking his passport back and turning to Jungkook. 'What's wrong Jungkook-ah?"
Jungkook holds his middle, his stomach giving another painful grumble, the acid trying to rise up. "I'm..I'm gonna be sick.. Hyung I need.." a wet burp stopped his words, clamping his hand over the face mask. "Hyung.." Jungkook whimpers, his doe eyes watering.
"Okay. Dont panic, i got you.."Jin starts pulling Jungkook through the airport, trying to spare him from getting sick in front of all those people.
"Hyung, where are you going?" Namjoon called to him with confusion when Jin doesn't slow down."That's the wrong way Hyung.."
"I need to take care of Kook. You take the others. I'll catch up." Jin quickly calls back, dragging his ailing dongsaeng through the crowd. Jungkook clung to his arm for support, swallowing down the bile that filled his throat. "I know, I know.. we're almost there, honey.." Jin cooed, pushing through the crowd until he finally found the bathroom.
Jungkook was trembling with effort, struggling to get his body to keep moving. He wanted to tell Jin to slow down, the quick pace only making him feel worse, but he knew the moment he opened his mouth to speak, he'd throw up.
As soon as Jin slowed down to check for an empty stall, Jungkook felt the hot sick push its way up, unable to swallow it down. Jungkook felt the warmth fill up the face mask, gagging again at the smell.
"Sh*t..Jungkook-ah.." Jin pulls him into the nearest stall, removing the soiled face mask from his face and discarding it.
Jungkook dropped to his knees in front of the toliet, Jin hardly having time to lift the seat before the next wave hit the younger. He heaved loudly, the contents of his stomach pushing up and spraying the back of the toliet. "I..I'm sorry Hyung.." he sobbed in-between gags, splashing more sick into the toliet.
Jin kneeled next to Jungkook, rubbing his back to try to comfort him. "You're really sick baby, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry for being sick. It's not your fault."
"Seokjinnie-hyung! Jungkook-ah! We need to get on the plane. There's not much time left until take off we need to go." Hoseok called urgently, looking for them, freezing when he heard Jungkook bleaching up more sick.
The flight.. the tour.. I can't be sick right now.. I'll let my hyungs down.. they trusted me to be lead vocals.. I'm letting them down..
Jungkook's stomach rippled with guilt, his breath coming out more ragged as panic set in. He tried to hold the sick down and rise to his feet, but it just erupted out of him anyway, his legs shaking violently. He hardly made a few inches off the cold tile floor before his legs become jello again, unable to support him
"Jungkook-ah it's okay, it's okay. Don't try to get up. Just let it all out.." Jin reassures Jungkook, feeling his spine arching as another round of sickness hits him,holding his bangs back as more undigested rice hits the water.
"Hoeseok-ah go on without us. T-tell the others Jungkook is too sick right now.." Jin tried to keep his voice steady, cursing himself when hears it shaking,stammering over words. He needed to be strong for the younger members.
Hoseok covered his mouth, his stomach churning at the sound of Jungkook. He wouldn't let his weak stomach win, swallowing down the bile that tried rising. I can't get sick now, Hyung needs me to tell the others... "Okay, I'll tell them. Do you need anything?"
"Focus on the flight, please? I'll take care of Jungkook.." Jin sends J-hope away, focusing all his attention to Jungkook. "Don't cry,hey.. it's okay. No one blames you. Please, Junggukkie, you need to calm down. You're only making it worse.."
Jungkook clenched the porcelain bowl tighter, his knuckles turning white. He tried to obey, but every time he tried to take a deep breath, more bile rose in his throat. "It..it..hurts Hyung.."
"I know baby.. I know.." Jin's heart thumped wildly in his chest, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. He had no idea how to calm down the mankae. I've never seen him so sick before.. he's sweating so much, I think he's running a fever.. what do I do? Should I have told Hoba to get help?
Jin tried gently rubbing Jungkook's stomach to try to give him some relief from the pain, feeling his muscles tightening underneath his palm as they pushed up another mouthful of thick bile. Jungkook whimpered, trembling in Jin's arms.
Does it hurt more when I touch him? Jin pulls away, going back to gently scratching up and down Jungkook's back. "It's okay, it's okay.. Hyungie is here, I got you.."
"You..you're g..na m..mi..s..the f..flig..ght.." Jungkook spoke in soft hiccupy sobs, Jin hardly able to understand him."I..i..t..m..f..au..t."
"Jungkook don't worry about that. I chose to stay with you. We'll figure that out when you're better. Right now all I care about is you. You need to breathe, you're gonna pass out.. please.. you need to stop crying..it's not the end of the world." Jin reassures the mankae, keeping his voice calm.
Jungkook nods, his body swaying. Each deep breath made his muscles scream with pain, clenching his teeth with a moan. He takes another deep breath, feeling his lungs fill with air that he desperately needed.
"That's it.. Good, good.. ah..are you gonna be sick again? It's okay.." Jin coos softly, smoothing out Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook shook his head, dry heaving with a whimper. He leans against Jin, trying to get warmth from the older member."I'm..i'm okay.." I..I don't have anything left in my stomach. It hurts. Make it stop.
Jin wraps around Jungkook, trusting him not to get sick on him, gently rubbing his stomach hesitating until he feels Jungkook softly sigh, gently circling his abs with more confidence. "Do you feel a little better now?"
"It hurts to breathe.. my stomach hurts.." Jungkook whimpered, his voice coming out as a raspy whisper. "And..I'm cold.."
"We need to get you out of that wet shirt..here Gukkie, sit up just for a minute okay?" Jin gently helps him sit up. "Arms up honey."
Jungkook lifts up his arms, Jin tugging the shirt over his head and quickly taking off his jacket and gently leading the younger’s arms into the sleeves, zipping it up.
"There..is that better Gukkie?" Jin asks, pushing Jungkook's hair out of his face.
The maknae nods, looking for his phone to check the time, eyes tearing up when he sees they missed the flight. Jin takes it away from him. "Th..the flight.."
"No Gukkie. Don't worry about that." Jin scolds softly, kissing his forehead. "I'll get us there. I promise. Just take it easy.."
Jungkook buries his face in Jin's shoulder. "I'm sorry.." He sniffles, trying to control himself. "I-I'm sorry.."
"Aiigo..it's okay.. I'm not upset. No one's upset with you. We'll just call the company and see what to do. Okay?" Jin hugs him close to him, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jungkook nods, sniffling to try to avoid getting snot all over Jin. "I..I think I'm..I'm okay now.. thanks for staying with me.."
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