#cant wait for that song to come out on Spotify and I can listen to it on repeat for several days
quodekash · 20 days
FUUUUUUUUUUUCKing hell theyre gonna kiss today????
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hes so grumpy already I love this so much
the silent conversations chain and toey are having with their eyes oml I cant
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pls this is so funny
theyre both deeply in love with someone else so it's jsut so unnatural to them
BUT ALSO id like to mention that the first thing chain did when he had to pretend to be hitting on toey was put his arm around his shoulders and rest his hand there. which is what he's literally ALWAYS doing with pun, no matter when it is, he's always standing next to pun with his hand resting on one of his shoulders
its like he associates his time with pun as being in a romantic relationship 👀
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theyre lost in their own little world 🥺
this is too funny, the cuts from "chain. chain what happened next." to ✨soulful dramatic guitar music✨
im sad they didnt actually kiss but also im not surprised
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half convinced theyre already dating, they just cant be bothered saying anything so theyre waiting for others to ask them about it
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if I ever have a romantic partner, this is what I want
I cant explain it, I just wanna run up to them with pure joy and excitement, and for them to hold me back by just pushing against my skull
it just seems perfect, idk why
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genuinely think I might be more invested in their friendship than all the romantic relationships in this show
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im fucking CRYING
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my king matt, this was so unnecessary and I love everything about it
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why does it suit him so well tho
they should kiss again I think
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I feel everything about this image on a spiritual level
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look its really funny but I do feel bad cos this day is not even a little bit fun for him
like q is having a complete shit time
poor chain doesn't love amusement parks but he has to go on the rides with toey to keep up the facade cos toey loves these rides 😭
and its even worse realising Q also seems to love amusement parks, so he would be having a fucking amazing time if he could just go on all the rides next to Q cos they both love it so much 😭😭
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fuckin FINALLY
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I mean to be fair it was REALLY obvious
im surprised no one noticed earlier but also its a bl so im not at all surprised to find out theyre all fuckin dumbasses
a lot of the time watching bls ill be like "I want that" but its usually as a joke
but THIS?? the fucking adhd bastard (me) who just wants to be near their partner and compliment and always stimming and just having a swell fucking time while the other one loves them but is mildly tired but also in adoration? FUCKIN GIMME
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also how the fuck has Q not realised, theyre all so fucking obvious
also also I cant explain it it just feels deeply as though pun and chain are for real dating they just havent told anyone yet
ill make a post about it all at some point maybe (I definitely wont)
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hear me out tho, this gets even funnier if he's actually already in a committed relationship that no one knows about yet
I dont think it's secret dating, it's just 'not super obvious dating to try and see JUST how oblivious all our friends are. its been three years at this point and still no one's said anything. we're starting to lose all hope.'
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I love tan so much, the little wave
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what the FUCK
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what the FUCK FUCK???
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[insert that gif of the crowd of people in the bar going insane]
holy fucking shit dude holy fucking shit
my legs are literally shaking idk if I can do this
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im gonna be here all day
I dont even need to watch the rest of the episode now
I can just go to bed if I want and watch the rest later or smth
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dude I cant wait for q to realise that toey is milk frappe guy
omg making out in a haunted house, what a dream
the workers watching on the security cameras probably had a blast that day
how funny would it be if there'd been a scare actor in the shadows in that room with them and they'd been about to scare them but they were too shocked with that tender kiss to remember they have a job
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he needs to lie on his bed and just stare at his roof and think about that for a while
tbh same
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look at him 🥺 he's so lost in that memory
welp on that note I think im done for now
I might finish the ep with my silly thoughts+screenshots later but for now tis the time for sleep
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whyse7vn · 3 months
[ jung hoseok x reader ]
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HOSEOK ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
hoseok: wyd
y/n: can you talk to me like you love me pls
hoseok: there was sm love in that wyd i don’t what ur talking about actually
y/n: it felt like i was whore number 32
hoseok: ur literally whore 12???
y/n: you barely know 7 people let alone 12
hoseok: you literally said ur whore 32 so clearly i know more than 12 people
y/n: i said that it FELT like i was whore 32 not that i was
hoseok: let’s have sex
y/n: no
i’m listening to butterfly rn
ur interrupting
hoseok: no that’s actually so crazy cuz i wrote that song for you babe
y/n: ???
hoseok: and if you translate it the lyrics into hyroglifics it actually about why we should fuck rn
y/n: that is not true at all
also you did NOT write it according to my spotify
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hoseok: i wrote it in my heart
y/n: ok
hoseok: do you like me
y/n: no not when ur wasting my time like rn
hoseok: maybe i just want to talk to you
y/n: ur boring
hoseok: wait why ur spotify in english ☠️☠️
this bitch can’t speak korean ohmygod 🤣💯😭🤦🏻‍♂️
y/n: and ur trying to fuck???
hoseok: i love you
y/n: i love you more
hoseoki: call me daddy
y/n: NO
hoseok: WHY ☹️
y/n: how many times do we need to go through this
you have thrown up BOTH times i’ve called you it
hoseok: what if i’ve changed
y/n: stop talking to me
hoseok: :p
maybe you need to encourage me more
a hoseokssi fighting~🥺🙏🏼💘
before you say it and i might not throw up
y/n: stop talking about it
hoseok: fine 😒
y/n: btw do you know where my pink hat is
cant find her i’m real upset
hoseok: btw i have not one clue where it is!!!
sorry to hear ur upset
don’t cry pretty
y/n: so ur telling me you don’t have it rn
hoseok: i don’t
y/n: answer the ft then
hoseok: i don’t want to
y/n: what if i’m naked
hoseok: are you?
y/n: no
hoseok: i’m not answering then
y/n: you have my hat hobi
hoseok: that is not true
babe ur like going insane i think
not good
let’s get you to a doctor
y/n: bring my hat home rn
hoseok: what hat?
y/n: i will NOT let you gaslight ur way out of this
hoseok: gaslighting isn’t real ur just insane
telling you we need to see a doctor asap no newjeans
y/n: don’t lose my hat pls
hoseok: why would i lose it
y/n: so you do have it
hoseok: whaaaatttttt
y/n: whatever just don’t lose it
hoseok: ok 😁
y/n: yeah
hoseok: miss you
y/n: is that why you took my hat?
hoseok: say you miss me back ohmygod
y/n: i miss you back
is that why you took my hat?
hoseok: wait babe ur spitting 🔥🗣️
y/n: i don’t spit
hoseok: no ur right
ur a good girl and swallow
y/n: ok bye
hoseok: ok i’m sorry come back 😢
i just want to fuck
y/n: ur life story at this point
hoseok: not true
there are times i don’t want to fuck
y/n: times like????
hoseok: i don’t have my thinking cap on rn
but if i did
i could name you times i didn’t want to
y/n: sure
hoseok: sure
y/n: sure.
hoseok: shorts tight as hell rn
y/n: shorts???
are you not cold
why are you wearing shorts rn it’s still cold outside
hoseok: my dick just THAT big i fear
y/n: jung hoseok
hoseok: ok i’m sorry this time i’m fr sorry
like actually babe
y/n: i prefer when you don’t lie to me
hoseok: my fault
did you believe i was sorry tho
y/n: no
hoseok: damn fr???
ur saying i’m not built for this kdrama life
y/n: you barely built for this one
hoseok: LMAOOOO
that wasn’t funny
if you thought i laughed ur wrong
don’t say things like that
i’m upset now
y/n: sorry babe
hoseok: it’s ok i forgive you
y/n: thx >_<
hoseok: is this you finally admitting ur in love with me
y/n: only a little
ur ego it’s getting a bit much these days
hoseok: always knew you loved me 💘😍
y/n: loved
hoseok: ?
y/n: past tense
hoseok: love
y/n: i didn’t say to change it
my love you in the past fr fr
hoseok: fr??
y/n: for real man
hoseok: man
y/n: yup
hoseok: remember when we were just friends
y/n: remember when we didn’t even know each other
hoseok: lowkey
take me back 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
y/n: that was my joke
you nasty little thief
hoseok: i’m not joking
y/n: if we breakup one day
ur gonna think back to this moment
and be like man
i was off my head
this was all my fault
why would i say some fucked up shit like this man
hoseok: you were gonna say the same thing tho?
y/n: but i didn’t
hoseok: ok
would you love me as a worm tho
y/n: i don’t even love you as you are rn
hoseok: OK WHAT
you said you love me
y/n: LOVED
get it right
hoseok: ok wtf man
y/n: you wouldn’t love me as a worm
hoseok: who said that???
not me
ask me the question
y/n: would you still love me as a worm?
hoseok: no!!
y/n: kys
hoseok: my sweetheart ❤️
nah someone tell hoseok to let the daddy agenda go omg bf so crazy guys 🤦🏽‍♀️😂‼️
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
just realised joon was supposed to be next my fault LMAO
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idealspawn · 1 year
im so happy. im so happy i barely even come on tumblr anymore... i met up w the guy im seeing. he kissed me when we were sitting on a large swing :D he told me he actually already wanted to kiss me the last time we were together. we also went out to eat. i let him pick what i ordered and got the bar to make me a surprise drink so it would be fun and challenge my ed. they made a cucumber tom collins w reduced sugar(the only instruction i gave them was to not make the drink too sweet bc i dont like sweet things all that much). and!! tom collins is my fav cocktail btw!! :DD. ate a vegan burger and fries. which is also pretty cool bc i avoid bread generally. but i didnt die and it was so good. we walked around a lot and then climbed on top of this climbing pyramid?? at a playground. we lied down and just talked. i was supposed to go back to my sister's place but he asked if i wanted to stay over at his for a while. he sang to me and played his guitar and showed his cool posters and told me the stories behind them. our first KISS KISS like make out kiss was so cute too... he played a song i knew but had weird memories attached to it. i told him im glad im making new ones w it. when the chorus came on he spontaneously kissed me :D we stayed silent w our foreheads touching till the end of the song. now i can associate the song w good memories :D we cuddled and kissed a lot. i ended up accidentally falling asleep and my sister thought sth had happened to me bc my battery had died too. but it was so nice. it was all so innocent and had no implications that it had to go any further than cuddling and kisses. we were all over eachother and tbh i dont think ive ever felt this comfortable w physical touch w anyone else before. he looks at me w such adoration too.. its so sweet. he said he has discovered so much good music from looking at my spotify which is cute.. our shared playlist now shows that the songs only i listened to before are the songs in common to us. thats sweet... he is so gentle and vulnerable and open. and he likes my quirks and doesnt view them as weird. lol i have that neurodivergent rizz. no but truly. so much more happened. i wish i could talk abt everything but im so exhausted i havent slept at all for the past week bc ive been so busy w diff events. saw my ex at this one party btw. she made long awkward eye contact w me but i looked away very fast but i saw from the corner of my eye that she didnt. at the last party the roles were reversed, i couldnt stop staring at her but she broke the eye contact fast. cool to know im over her completely now. anyway, im in such a great mood that i dont think even she can ruin it. she didnt look like she was having a great time and im glad. i had so much fun and i now think she truly did me a favour by leaving me. i have glow-upped so much and she hasnt. :) i feel so loved by everyone. i cant wait to meet up w the guy again next week. we have so many fun things planned. i cant stop thinking about our goodbye kiss. it was so passionate :D and our chemistry is so good. like truly one of the best. i layed my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. when i wrapped my arm around him i felt how his heart started beating extremely fast. it was so adorable. :) we have so much in common too, its insane. like literally already starting from our childhood.
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09lover · 4 months
No wait it's EXTREMELY FUNNY that you just saw it because I was just typing out yours, but on the laptop it looked weird so I went to the phone
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Alr then, HERE IS YOUR FIRST DEDICATION IM BLASTING THIS SONG FOR YOU FROM THE ROOM NEXT OVER (please check the video, it's your song anyways :) )
SO YEAH THIS SONG IS FOR YOU NOW! LMAO JSJSJSJSJSJSJSJS WHAT CAN I SAY ITS SO YOU ITS LIKE LOOKING AT YOU IN A PICTURE :) jsjsjsjjsjs love you- speaking of that, this one is in Spanish, so I send you the video as well (has English subs)
THAT SONG IS US!! ITS LITERALLY US, I BET JSJSJSJSJS it's so us, who's who? We probably take turns tbh, we seem to be little shits towards the other, it's on our nature. With the sillies out of the way, we come to our last stop: Eine Kleine (eng cover, since it's not on Spotify the one I like)
Jort Storm came to me as a hit of realization, and then remembered the second song and thought of us and went with them, but I also wanted to give you a serious song. I love messing with you and being silly and all, but you are truly someone who became important to me. I still think you cheated with the found family thing jsjsjajsjs but... I truly, sincerely appreciate you, and I wish nothing but good things to come to you. This song means a lot to me, and as I was looking for one I saw it and something told me to give this one to you. I hope you know that I'll always be there for you, that no matter what, you'll always be able to find a friend in me, and while I might not have the answers, or I might be on the other side of the world, I'll always have your back. I love you a lot, little shit hehehe
wiahhh… three songs… and i know none of them which is either surprising or very expected yet not surprising…. BUT EITHER WAYY WAUUUU FINALLY MY TURN YEA!!! ill take a listen to all of them later when im done with dinner and perhaps invade your inbox to talk about your music selections and smile like a stupid idiot….
BUT THERES AN US SONF???? GAHHHHHAPPYHAPPY IM EXCITED TO LISTEN TO THAT ONE ESP SINCE ITS VOCALOID TOO…. well yes ive cheated but it wont change anything:D BUT TUEN YES OF COURSE, RIGHT BACK TO YOU!! even if we dont talk a lot i still want you to know i consider you as one of my closest mutuals on tumblr that i manage to continue feeling close around!! while i might be bad at comforting i still want to say im here for you regardless to listen to your problems and try to make everything better by showing my support and to also make you forget it all by trying to brighten up your day and such!!
i love you back so so so much, you dumbass…<333 maybe ill send you some occasional dms for no reason to check up on you and maybe bother you more if you dont mind<3ANYWAYS CANT WAIT TO LISTEN LATER NEHSHEHEHDH
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crystalkitty1220 · 11 months
Spotify has practically become unusable if you don’t have premium
theres 4 fucking ads in a row after listening to 2 songs, the 30 minutes of ad free listening doesn’t even work anymore and you no longer have the option to not do the 30 minutes so you end up having to sit through a dumbass popeyes ad, only for 2 more ads to show up, leading to 3 ads for 30 minute ad free listening but oh wait, I CANT EVEN GO 5 MINUTES WITHOUT ANOTHER AD ANYWAYS
Not to mention if you want to play a specific song you have to use up all your skips just to get to it because spotify is dumb as fuck and doesn’t play is it immediately, not to mention you can’t even see what songs are in an album anymore you just gotta play it and hope to god it’s what your looking for and even then they throw random ass songs from other artists into an album where it doesn’t belong
Like i was minding my own business, listening to a playlist filled with nothing but Yonkagor songs and then i’m suddenly hit with shit that you hear on the radio that you listen to spotify so that you don’t have to hear them
not to mention they fact that the minute you go on a walk and put your phone in your pocket and have headphones in, it immediately starts cutting out and it’s annoying as fuck
this is why the web, laptop, and ipad version is 10 times better because you don’t deal with this shit, not to mention you can actually listen to anything you want and you have the loop option
I am so tempted to switch to something else (other than apple music and youtube music, those also kinda suck ass)
thank you for coming to my spotify tedtalk
And this is why I don't use spotify
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thekidsarentalright · 5 months
hi bestie :3 wow it’s been a minute lol… life got so so busy but we’re surviving and vibing and i missed yelling on here with u! anyway i’m so hyped ur doing the fob census again!! very intrigued to see the 8 ball results lol… still can’t believe they played Any of those live, they’re insane and no matter what wins, i think we won as a fandom this year 😌
also holy shit we got pavlove on streaming ‼️ so ready for it to decimate my spotify wrapped for next year lmaooo 😭 folie is getting her fucking moment AS SHE SHOULD!!! i feel like i’ve been appreciating it more this year, and i already thought it was a masterpiece lmao
alsooo can u believe 2ourdust starts in a couple months?!?! bc i can’t and i’ve already made a lil countdown calendar lol… that’s this year!!! we’re gonna see them again and get more 8 ball songs THIS YEAR!!! wtf is time!!!
anyways, i hope ur doing good and having a wonderful day or that it gets better as always <3 mwah!
- 🧋 anon
omg hiiiii bestie!!! it's so nice to hear from u i Hope ur doing well, glad that u are surviving and vibing, truly all we can do in this world kfjdsnfks i missed yelling on here w you too!! soooo glad also that u and so many ppl are so hyped for the census this year hehe, so far the results are Interesting... i won't reveal anything but some of whats coming out on top for the 8 ball and medley is Not quite what i expected!! all wins tho no matter what frfr <3
YESSSSS PAVLOVE ON SPOTIFY i still cant believe we finally got it tbh... literally rip to any other song but she is gonna be the top of my wrapped, most listened to song of all time etc etc fkjdsnfk she and folie are getting their flowers finally and i LOVEE to see it <3 i think them playing pavlove live just really showed how much of a masterpiece it is like. holy grail song forever
literally cannot believe 2ourdust starts NEXT MONTH... i get to see them live again NEXT MONTH??? so cute that u have a lil countdown i do too for my shows and it's. so surreal that we're getting to see them again. more 8 balls more craziness. cannot wait to see what they might change or add aughh so exciting!!!!!!!
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asheimmortal · 11 months
Maybe I'm crazy, but I think Fangbanger is the best band on the planet right now.
And I found them on TikTok only a few months ago, then drove across the country from West Virginia to Oregon to see them.
Sometimes I feel like maybe I'm seriously messed up in the head because I can't remember if I ever listened to any other band this much. And there have been a few, but those few have a lot more albums. But I'm listening to the same 19 songs a hell of a lot now. We'll get to that in a minute.
I grew up on Duran Duran and they've been my #1 favorite band no matter what else comes along since their first album. When I was a little kid, I knew I was alone in the world, and all I had were the Duran Duran tapes my aunt gave me to help me make sense of life and figure myself out with. So music has always been how I relate to the world and move through life. The next big one was Nirvana during high school, as I related a lot to them too. At 20 I got into Rammstein more just liking the heavier sound tbh. At 30 I was introduced to Twiztid and the older stuff felt relatable, but as I got older, like over 40, I reverted back to my classic rock, 80s & some early 90s.
But here at 45, I've got a new #1 favorite band and I'm probably old enough to be their momma. LOL But they are so fucking great!!!
I can't really put my finger on what it is, or how to explain it. I loved their energy from the start, from the first live from their garage that I saw, it's like what it must've been like for the older Gen X'ers who went to punk, post punk & goth shows as teenagers in the early 80's when I was still in elementary school. But it's definitely something that can't be faked. Just the same as my other new favorite band One Way Sky is, totally different band, but they authentically have this blend of chill 70s rock & 90s alternative vibe going. To compare, I remember hearing White Stripes when they first came out and thought they sucked because they're trying too hard to sound and look like they're from the 70s. So it's definitely something special to organically have that vibe and sound and feel and energy, like it could have come from another time. And be super relevant to someone my age too. Yeah, that's why I like both of these young bands. And with their energy, and how cool they are, their music, in some small way they make me feel like I'm 18 again when I listen to them. And I think they are everything I wanted to be when I grew up.
The first song I really related to and felt was Vertigo, then when I heard Disappear, yeah it certainly fit what happened at that time and it was a good driving force to get me to literally disappear 2600 miles away like "🖕 you I'm gone!" LOL And another older one that is absolutely great is Death in December. I really did cry the first time I heard it. It's such an amazing song!
So it definitely takes some work to find all of the songs that they've ever put out into the world, and I've counted 19 between YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud where there is more of the older stuff. And even with YouTube, you'd need to know that they were The Faint Endless before becoming Fangbanger. So here's the list I got:
Artificial Flowers
Light Switch
Once a Catholic, Always a Masochist
Don't Cry
Malice in Wonderland
Plan B
We Were Once Invincible
Celestial Revenge
Take Me Down
Horrible Things
Death in December
Love Object
Midnight Son
Stay Away
I Love Huffing Paint
And the unfinished song they played on their live yesterday is as great and I cant wait to hear that again. I just think they're fucking fantastic, I love their wild energy, some of the songs or even some lines from other songs are so intense, like they know my 45 of years of pain and suffering, and some stuff is just plain fun and fun to see live. If you like vampires, you should check out their latest release, Midnight Son. 😈🧛😁 And that'll take you to a playlist where you can hear a lot of their stuff. But def go buy their songs on Amazon or Apple.
I've left links all throughout the post for you to go check them out and follow them. I hope I can get more people listening to them.
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rrxnjun · 1 year
I ACTUALLY YELLED SEEING LIEBESTRAUM WAHHHHH;-;-;;-;-;-;-;; THANK U SO MUCH FOR WRITING IT I CANT WAIT TILL JUNE;-;;-;-; i cannottttt tell u how happy u actually made me with that wahhdhfjf
OOO MAN☹️☹️I HOPE UR MENTAL HEALTH WILL GET BETTER!!!! AND U DONT SUCK!!! TAKE UR TIME WITH IT u shouldn't listen to them when ur not in the mood for them it will deff ruin the vibes so take all the time u need!!!!
i agree with that the only good noise music i listen to now is all from nct and when i hear other bgs' i'm just😟😟😟 IM SURE HE WAS AMAZING CUZ ALL OF THEM WERE🤌🤌 the song genuinely slaps so i'm not surprised if it makes it in there
well idk people said i study a lot so i just accepted the fact but i never feel prepared enough so;-; tbh the percentage is lower just to pass💀 but i need the plus point for uni and that's the limit for getting it but yeah i feel like it shows that hungary does not go for making people smarter lmao💀 I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THE POINT LIMITS FOR GETTING INTO UNI wahhh the whole thing is dumb🫠 thank u!!!! i have three more speaking exams so i'm shitting my pants rn😃OH NO☹️ i hope u passed the second one exams suck so i hope it didn't hit u hard!!!! GOOD LUCK WITH THEM!!! IM SURE U WILL DO GOOD ON THEM!! MANIFESTING SO HARD!!!! I HOPE U ARE DOING WELL AND ARE TAKING CARE OF URSELF!!!! (liebestraum anon💓💕)
(the review reply: art sucks for that reason sm;-; but i deff learned after a few times of that happening with me as well to just sleep on it and throw it out after but it still amuses me how can art have this effect in a way (idk how to explain what i mean rip) AND THANK U FOR NOT HATING IT U JUST MADE ME THE HAPPIEST PERSON ISTG!!!)
IM REPLYING TO THIS ASK LITERALLY SO LATE THAT THE FIC IS DROPPING TOMORROW LMAO ADJSK i have to warn u tho its quite different to the original draft i had and the teaser i posted from it 😶😶 hope you still end up liking it !!!
SJSJ thank you thank you 😔😔 you are always so sweet and understanding ily mwah.
nct noise is the only good noise in kpop. there i said it. 😶 (this is a joke there are a few more good noise songs from diff groups pls dont jump me im targeting one fandom in specific w this yes) like nct could do any of your favs songs but could your favs do sticker? no. thats right.😌 AHHH im glad u liked my babies cix i was told by spotify that they are my top listened to artist of the last 4 weeks so. 😃 yeah. they also had a comeback like 2 days ago if u wanna check that out cough cough
if people tell u that, its probably true AHAHA 😭😭 me and my friend were talking the other day like i dont even study that much like i get to the 2 hour mark and i go well 🤷‍♀️ thats it for the day ig. like i dont have any more brain capacity LMAO. Oooh i do get you w the uni points stuff!! me being a straight A student was what got me into uni too bc switching from business hs to psychology was actually kind of insane coming from me LMAOOO i had no bonus points from biology or anything so my grades helped a TON since i fucked up the entrance exam too lol 😭😭😭 im rooting for you !!!! I feel like slovakia doesnt really care abt that either ?? there are definitely better and worse unis tho and i unfortunately attend the one thats one of the best so they kinda care..😔 SPEAKING EXAMS ARE THE WORST THEY SHOULD BE CANCELLED LIKE THATS 3 TIMES THE STRESS U HAVE WHEN TAKING A WRITTEN ONE. i hate those sm omg i am PRAYING for you (i have only one speaking one this semester and i am mentally preparing for it for the last few weeks) i actually passed the second try (with an E, but i still did it....) and i have another exam w the same professor this friday so..🤞
i am trying to learn how to be patient w art (and life) so it prevents me tearing everything out and throwing it out.....so you are right abt that AHAHA thats a good advice to take
as always i hope youre doing good, taking care of yourself and having a good time!! mwah
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janggtoco · 1 year
hello <3 sorry i live in asia i think you’re asleep/about to sleep whenever i send asks 😭
how was the cb!! i personally love all the songs on the album. i’m an ass shaker AND depressed so they truly catered to my demographic. my ranking: super - idubilu - fuck my life - fire - dust - april shower (april shower is the only one i’m not CRAZY crazy about really, but i like it still!) what’s your opinion on each song on the album?
being on twitter during this cb is giving me whiplash tbh they’re breaking records and people cheered woohooo then here come [redacted members of a fandom] who are trying to discredit them and saying the vilest most immature shit i’ve seen. i saw one related to bin and i wanted to actually pick a fight but they deleted their account after getting flak. pussy. i’ve been so riled up that i actually started streaming religiously (like i followed the streaming guidelines and all) to drive up views and streams out of spite and sheer pettiness. youtube spotify apple music youtube music YOU NAME IT LMAOOOO they’re truly testing me as a “hag”
and it’s nice to see that you’re going to therapy 🩵 how’s that going for you so far? i hope your therapist is a good fit <3 and know that whenever you feel lonely or that everyone hates you, you have a friend here who will listen n actually likes you (me)!!
have a great week ahead <3 sorry if this was long !
-🐻‍❄️ (can i use that? “hi it’s the same anon from before, the one who likes to check in on you” is getting long 😮‍💨)
lol that's okie! your asks are always a pleasure to wake up to. it's a nice start to my day and makes me smile :3 i hope i do the same for you <3
i love the comeback! personally, this mini is fighting going seventeen for my fave album from them because i enjoy every song to some extent! i cant wait to see the mcountdown performance tbh!! the choreo looks insane and the tiktok challenge is lowkey sadistic 😭 my ranking is idubilu - april shower - fml - dust - super - fire! i really enjoy all of the songs though, fire and super is more of just like.. if i'm running/work out songs for me though lol. idubilu is MY song though. probably my fave song of theirs along with i don't know and good to me like she's THAT girl!!
it's a certain toxic part of a certain fandom that just can't accept the organic growth that svt has... anything svt does is always "well, they wouldn't be this big without [redacted]" or "so funny they think they have global influence like [redacted]".. what's funny is i never cared about streaming but i too started streaming out of spite just bcs they pissed me off so much 😭 they're pretending to be mad over photocards just to discredit the fact the carat fanbase is HUGE and not full of people who will mass buy albums just to throw them away. i may be a hag but at least i have the money to buy albums ! (also sick to hear that they're using bin's name for stupid fanwars. it's really so upsetting to see the lengths kpop stans will go to..)
and therapy is going really well actually 🥺 i really like my therapist and she's been really understanding with everything and opened my eyes on a lot.. it's funny, every week she says "i'm still trying to put the puzzle of you together" because i bring up some new trauma or event every week 😭 but she's so nice and i'll tell her about youtube videos i'm watching and stuff she always gets so excited with me. it's weird going every week but it's definitely needed and it's kind of a nice catch up and to process everything that happened in the past week! and that's so nice anon :((( ngl, your first message came during a really rough and dark day and it was weird just knowing that someone you haven't interacted with cares enough to reach out.. i don't think i properly thanked you but.. thank you :(( your messages help more than i think you even know <3
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woozi · 1 year
yza beloved 🥰🥰🤍
first of all, did you listen to jinyoung's title track?? how do you feel about it? <3 the whole concept pictures, teasers felt so unreal 😭 i couldn't believe it's finally happening. i'm so happy <3 he came out with such a vibe-y, dancey song i love it! and ofc the rest 4 emotional songs ❤️‍🩹😭 served c*nt in concept pictures and emotional lyrics in the album lmaoo, while we're on this topic how have you been liking the albums def released recently 🥺? i saw jaebeom is also releasing something soon but haven't gotten time to check the details hfjdjd
black eye literally went on top of my 'on repeat' playlist after just two kr three days and it's still there!! hdjdjdkd i love it so much, the composition, lyrics and mostly vernon's voice 😭🔥 this kind of genre fits him so well <3 i want him to release an album already 😔. i said this before too ( to so many people 😭💀) when 2 minus 1 came out, that he gives a mix of 5sos - green day vibes, i love it so much 😋
also the band live performance was so goood HDSKJSKSKSBD HE LOOKS SO FINE IN MV AS WELL AS BAND LIVE VIDEO AND ALSO FULL AGREE WITH YOU THEY SHOULD'VE USED THE BLACK TANK TOP FIT MORE 😭😭😭😭 I CAN'T HDDJDJ (never thought i'd get biaswrecked by him at all 😭) the way they created the band live video was great! but i wish they used the green screen a little less 😭 just personal preference. also so so excited about booseoksoon comeback <3 january is a gift which keeps giving ( i say this without even knowing what date bss single is dropping 💀) hdksks love that
love to know that you got to have some time for yourself, hope work load - deadlines aren't too much <3 ( if there are any more ), hope your real break comes soon!!
also, have you started any series or drama? i'm currently watching doom at your service, a year late but im finally here dhdjdj it's been great so far! i really love the character seo inguk has played 😭🤍 ( the pace in some episodes is a little slow to my liking </3 but it's bearable because of the cute couple, not really liking the sub plot 😭, can you tell i solely started it because of seo inguk?- ) anyway yes the drama is good 🤍😭
thank YOU for hanging out, i always have fun 🥺🤍 sending best days wishes as always, love you yza <333 rest well in between of work!
MA CHERIE <3333333333333333
im gonna get stoned for this but i havent been keeping up with the sevens lately and am now just a svtpoppie 😭 BUT IVE SEEN ALL OF THE PHOTOS <333 its exactly what i'd expect from him tbh 😋 ALSO JB'S IS SO FJKDFJKJDFKJFDKJKFDJKFD that's so him tbh,, but also so slay of him it's v unique <3 ALSO FORGOT TO TELL U FDKJFDJKDFKJFDJ i accidentally came across ponytail on spotify 😭😭 it was on shuffle and i didnt even know it was yugyeom i was just like,, what THE FUCK THIS IS SO GOOD (and the vocals havent even kicked in yet) and when i checked it was him 😭
ALSO URE SOOOOOO VALID <3 it fits him so well and i'm glad thats the route he chose to take for his solo tbh <3 early 2000s vernon i lov u
AND IK???????????? honestly i love how raw the band ver sounds i even prefer it more than the official one fdkjdfjdf but that also has its own charm and i understand why they produced it that way <3 ALSO AGREED LMFAOOOOOOOOO 😭😭 i got the concept they were going for but it was a little distracting to me (a lil funny even) ALSO CB THIS DAY HAS COME WE ALL NEED TO BE DOLLYS <#333333333333 the thing abt the svteenies is that they just have SOOO much to offer im a lil overwhelmed at times but im also so glad i cant wait for bss and ITS 😋
AND IM ON BREAK FR <3333333 classes for the next (and my final omg??) semester start 2nd week of february hehehe BUT WBU WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO <33
nooo i've actually been looking for things to watch but all my sister has been recommending me western series (sitcoms) but those r not really my vibe fdjkfdjkdf so i'll def be checking the drama u mentioned out ehehhe 😋
I ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO OUR LIL HANGOUTS 🥺🥺 lov u even more wishing u only have sexy days ahead <33 MWAHH
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
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okay prior to Turin here's how I feel about the songs,, reasons under the cut
(link to tier maker, I added in an extra column)
- im not usually a ballad fan but this made me cry the first time I listened to it, its just so passionate !! they both have such beautiful voices and they go together so beautifully!!! I watched their Sanremo performance and it was just beautiful honest to god its in my Spotify on repeat already
- I love the way Ukraine has been combing cultural elements with modern music in Eurovision I mean we had it last year with SHUM and it just works so well!!!! that's what eurovision is about baby !!! its so catchy !!!
- im not even apologising for this its an unironic banger its at the top of my Spotify on repeat I listen to it all the time I will not stand for criticism!!! its fun and danceable and catchy and literally just iconic. I will kill myself if they don't qualify for the finals
- girlboss moment !! I wasn't sure what to expect n then I thought it was a rock ballad but its just a rock song with a build up and honestly. it slapped. I love a good punk rock drummer the high energy the guitar solo yaaaas I loved it. that drummer hot too
- man has a powerful voice!! im surprised at the uk this year I think we have a chance or scoring decently this year !! I haven't seen any live performance so I really hope hes able to hold up those high notes live !!!! kind of emotional, although not my favourite style of music. vaunt wait to see how they stage it !!!!
- very catchy song and great performance !! its got that kind of glamorous energetic sex appeal that a lot of people expect to see in eurovision !!!! its got great potential to go viral especially on tiktok as a dance challenge or anything really
- such an amazing live performance !! such a gorgeous voice !!! its a beautiful song but you still have the sense of camp portrayed through the costuming and drama of the performance and its done so well you can see the story in the performance its just so beautiful I want to move this one up to S tier now pretend its in S tier
- witchy vibes, loved it, great harmonies all four of them have such gorgeous voices . the only thing I didn't like was that lone dancer she seemed a little out of place, but im willing to bet it'll look good in Turin.
- when I first heard it I was like omg I love the vintage vibe then realised it was called disco bc its based on 70s disco bc I have no working braincells. its funky its catchy its upbeat I love it. my main man seemed a little awkward on stage Id love to see him get into it a little more but I bet they'll do great !!! love the bass line
- I love a good punk song no surprise its coming from Finland lmao I vibe with it it'll probably end up in a Spotify playlist
- he really did it for the girls and the gays !!!!!!! it was camp it was fun it was glamorous what's not to enjoy!! at times feels like a verse on a ru Paul song but I don't know if that subtracts from or adds to the vibe
- lowkey didn't think id enjoy this one but I did !! its been growing on me !!!! he has a gorgeous voice and the chorus gets stuck in my head
- its not my favourite of this years entries but it gets stuck in my head from time to time and she has such great control over his voice its gorgeous
The Netherlands- DE DIEPTE, S10
- its catchy, but its just generally not the kind of music I vive to , great ballad though
- extremely talented guy wow cant wait toes it live I bet if its staged right and this high notes come across well it'll be such an emotional performance, a little too slow paced for me and although he sung it beautifully I wonder what it would have been like if he optioned up after the bridge instead of staying low
- don't get me wrong great vocals honestly, the song itself just didn't stand out much to me . a kind of mid tier song for me.
- cultural banger girls and gays edition !!!! not my favourite entry but still pretty decent nonetheless
- love the theme Malta's been going with lately with the whole self love and worth stuff, but this years vaguely remind me of Disney channel or like that phase in 2015 where people would release songs about being confident or how strong they and that snot necessarily a bad thing its just. a thing.
- again didn't stand out for me much, but she has a lovely voice
-loved the instrumentals but it felt to me a little too broken up like I love a good bit of chreography but it felt more important than the vocals at times
- I expected to pick up a little more than it did, and folk isn't really my favourite thing but all and all its not a bad song I get why people enjoy it
- powerful voice its great, just too slow paced for me, the instrumentals vaguely remind me of Karma from last year, I vibe with that
- makings of a viral song if im honest I can see it in a few peoples Spotify playlists, just not mine really. the last chorus was beautiful that was the highlight of the song to me
- lots of potential if im honest, its just not my favourite song. nothing wrong with it, just not my style, cant wait to see how they stage it though if its staged well it'll do really well I think
- almost reminds me of tout l'univers ?? like just a specific part I feel like it could go straight into tout l'univers. overall a good song just not for me, bound to be beautiful with staging
- I don't really have any criticisms on this song, its just not my taste really,
- I enjoyed it but the rap felt a little out of place, almost like a twenty one pilots song . its not bad though
- yeah decent song, just wasn't a big fan of the staging I hope they up it a bit more at Turin. what was the point of making it look like she was playing the guitar if she was just gonna stop halfway through. the slight moment she had was good, use it let her interact with the dancer more
- I keep going back and forth over this song I don't know, It was a bit lack lustre for me but the chorus goes hard. mid tier
- I had no clue what was going on this entire song why was she singing about Megan Markle's hair. is there an issue with lack of healthcare in Serbia. I didn't really get the message
- this one felt like that 2014 phase with songs like riptide and like the vamps and everything , not exactly my favourite thing . talented don't get me wrong just not my cup of tea
- really just didn't catch my attention, too slow paced for me
- I appreciate the classic rock vibes the guitar solo went hard but at times it felt like an anime intro more than an ESC song
- I know everyones thinking like ohh youre a die hard måneskin fan you think hes a second rate damiano and I will say that I think there was an odd coincidence with timing but no, I recognise that Achille Lauro has been around a lot longer than Må and is a big celeb in Italy and San Marino it just feels a bit odd that he was only selected now given his status and I hope it wasn't influenced by må bc they have completely different sounds, every Italian celeb is a slut even world class chef Gino d'acampo. Was I confused at first, yes bc im not Italian and I didn't know him but I do now. anyway its d tier just bc I didn't vibe w the song that much I just didn't have any strong feelings on it
- im sure it'll look amazing on stage but just didn't relay have any strong feelings on it
- lowkey avicci vibes?? just wasn't a huge fan of the western vibe it had going on but I appreciate the song
- just wasn't enthused by it, I hope they do something with the staging in Turin it didn't really make me feel anything with them just sitting in chairs , I just didn't get a string stage presence from them
I don't have anything to say it just did not do it for me. I just didnt enjoy the live performance. if they use the staging to their advantage they could probably qualify but its just not doing it for me
- at first I thought it was funny but its starting to annoy me now lmaoo, but not a fan of the bridge and the whole banana breakdown . choreography slaps though
- I appreciate the cultural aspect of it, just wasn't really inspired by it , cant wait to see how it'll translate onto the stage though
this took me like 2 hours its so late but im posting it anyway
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 210 here we go
awww seb doing the intro
congratulations to milky white and her baby chocolate milk😌
seb is so funny
but seriously, clean up that milk fast or else it will smell so bad in there....
was that Lauryn just randomly doing cartwheels? idk any theatre kids irl but that seems like it's a common thing...
is it just me or has ms Jenn been getting more harsh to Ricky and Seb mainly-
like what did they do to her
no because I actually snorted with laughter at the "you came back" WHAT IS THAT VOICE-
yeah so my throat hurts now
I'm dying over here
Ricky's fake death got the whole place in tears /s
he looks like an asthmatic walrus
Seb's on piano, I love
we all know if he was the beast we'd all actually be crying✋
ok but I listen to Julia's version of home on Spotify when I want to cry-
right so gimme a second
is Ricky scratching his face.....while he's dying?
"belle i-" *flop*
round of applause to Ashlyn for trying to make Ricky's earthworm seizure look less.... yknow
Kourtney's just dying there
did she really just disappear for 9 episodes just to come back and stare dramatically into the camera
oh so Ricky's wearing a gay shirt now too
so that's the real reason why Rini broke up, see y'all next season when Gini and caswen become canon /j
wait that was a long intro scene-
what was that look Carlos-
carlos' run is so funny to me
therapist Ashlyn to the rescue
"that is...super" son you good?
ms Jenn call Benjamin, he would willingly put his loved ones on a rocket and blast them into Venus for you....
"I don't want you kids to be disappointed" girl you do realise you're the one that's most invested in this?
"a smooth opening night" wasn't there just 1 show though-
like their opening night was closing night too
me Jenn looks like a serial killer during that clap and I'm lowkey scared for zacky
"I have notes"
oo if you're taking suggestions, lemme get my list
"mother is freaking out" uhhhhhh
"is everyone sitting down?"
*looks around awkwardly*
*big red slowly sits*
please seb was the only one sitting-
does that mean Carlos looked at Seb as soon as he walked in and assumed that everyone else was sitting too or am I a seblos clown🤡
"is this about the transformation"
she just shows up when it's convenient? is she gonna be at the sleepover too?
Seb's heavy swallow after Carlos shouts at him makes me so sad
"I never learned how to lie but I figure if I keep my mouth closed, I can't tell the truth" *nods and smiles at Nini when she asks*
why are they casually standing up all over the pizza shop, just sit at a big table and talk instead of blocking passageways and blocking off at least 6 tables-
so Cash Caswell has a bigger house than... Dennis Caswell.... who would've thought
ah yes there's the good old EJ 1.0
Nini: "boys vs girls"
Gina: *looks devastated and glances longingly at EJ*
way to be inconspicuous
"but north high should be" *cracks her knuckles in the most uncomfortable way*
good for Ashlyn for getting more confident though
oo bossy big red
"i get bossy around the power tools"
is that why Ashlyn was holding up the drill in episode 8 orrrr 🤠
Lily, leave him alone please
she's literally not blinking, is that what makes her creepy?
the diss at big red and his face afterwards is priceless
isn't that similar to what Gina's mom said to her in season 1? hmmmm
but seriously please don't try to redeem lily, let us have a character to hate, or to love because they're evil.
not everyone's a good guy.
"im not liked here and I don't know what to do"
let antoine finish his salad and it'll fix everything
"hug emoji" *gags*
y'all realize Lily's literally 14?
why is she calling a 16/17 year old from another school for personal advice-
"he gets weird around tools"
I shouldn't be laughing so hard
"deja vu maybe?" awkward silence
I'm dying here I love EJ so so so so much
"where's seb"
*cuts to seb being held hostage hoping that they'd notice he's missing and go look for him*
"don't ask"
"oh ok"
"100% real faux fur" as you should queen
sponsored by target
Kourtney is singlehandedly saving the entire show.
Seb making finger guns make me happier than it should
why is this kinda making me want to have a co-ed sleepover with my non-existent theatre friends
wait what-
you haven't talked to him all WEEK-
Carlos are you stupid /hj
Benjamin is so adorable I can't
he turned around to come back for her instead of going home. you're "what do you want Jenn🙄X act isn't fooling anyone Benjamin 🙃
1+4+16= 21st?
they placed 21st?
or do I just not remember how to convert to base ten
no ms Jenn, the kids are not eccentric 35 year olds.
aww sebby
is he thinking that Carlos is only with him cuz he's the only other openly gay guy at school-
son you are a perfect little bean don't put yourself down
yes they all ship portwell as they should.
they'll be throwing risotto at the wedding.
not the chocolates. stop there are no chocolates. please stop I'm dying.
Gina you don't have to explain yourself to her
it was a misunderstanding and it's in the past
why is Ashlyn still laughing-
exactly it wasn't a big deal please just move on Nini
Kourtney really be out here saving everything
why do I feel like when Gina finally told Ash about it, she didn't think it was that funny but wanted to feel included in the inside joke so now she brings it up randomly to show that she's in on it....I totally don't do that...
"idk, the farmer type" oh son...
Ashlyn and big red are just spilling the secrets back and forth huh?
cmon guys don't look at me like that-
"she is the best" and "we're buddies" don't sound right together
"pretty boy" "sweet boy" best ways to describe EJ
I love him.
and aw he's scared of rejection so he'll hold back just to keep her happy and not awkward how sweet
is Ricky wondering if letting her go(literally his song from last episode) was the best thing he did for Nini because he doesn't feel like it now? hmmm this is getting good
why is everyone so invested in Kourtney and Howie's relationship
oh yes Benji, that's exactly what she's doing
she couldn't follow her dream or whatever so now she's using the kids to gain some of the success she craves. why else would she have that massive hsm poster with her name on it in huge letters in her office.
just casually grab his hand with both your hands and stare at him creepily 🥰
ship jennzzara y'all
the first bump was a missed opportunity to do the baymax "falalala" as a reference to the fact that they watched big hero six while committing arson✋
wait so big red and EJ just left Ricky in the basement and now Ricky invited Carlos when they're supposed to be at the stage?
help no Ricky looks like he's about to tell Carlos he likes him (I know it's about writing the song for seb but still, look at his body language and tell me it doesn't look like that)
Ricky is so mature about this, he really just wants Nini to be happy even though he's hurting-
baby you deserve love, maybe Nini isn't the one for you but don't say you don't deserve it
why does he keep adding bro to the end like he doesn't know how to address Carlos
"let's write a song when we have like 45 minutes to get to the place and help our friends possibly win $50000 at the show in 2 weeks"
"can you hit a high C?"
"that's like the bottom of my range"
why am I laughing
this is so cool to see friendship interactions that we don't normally get to see
Nini why are you being like this-
Gina did nothing wrong??
I saw that, EJ and Gina being the only ones going in the same direction👀
right so obviously Kourtney's waiting until after the menkies to get back with Howie just in case he really is just using her as a way in to east high... obviously... right?
Why is portwell so awkward all of a sudden
OMG GINA SAY YES or not, do what you want.
the way she doubts that EJ would genuinely ask so she has to make sure it's not Ashlyn behind it
I want risotto now please
OOOOOOO what is this place that seblos is in, looks fancy....and secluded
oh wait no Ricky's just standing there
wait is it the bomb shelter
it looks so good what
@youranxiousnerd ARE YOU OK?
I like to imagine that Frankie and Joe practiced this in their apartment and just had a blast with it.
or maybe that Frankie practiced in secret like what Joe did for the climb
they're still so awkward with the dance I cant
let's appreciate Frankie's voice though
this episode really was made just for the seblos and portwell stans and you gotta love it
Seb's little "yeah" IS ADORABLE
you can't tell me that wouldn't have been the best time for them to say I love you....IF FREAKIN BIG RED WASN'T THERE
ok but wait Ricky needs more hugs like that, look at his face
the boy needs love
"bro" please don't let Ricky and Carlos go back to not talking because their friendship is amazing
EJ laughing at Ricky sounding like a cat coughing up a furball is so funny to me
I knew it was too good to be true
ok so Ricky's dead, next in line please
this episode was so short but I love it so much. this is what I signed up for for season 2✋
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pixcldust · 4 years
ft. miya atsumu, kuroo tetsuro, semi eita
with | gn!reader
warnings | swear words
a/n | NOT ME ACTING LIKE MY EXAMS ALREADY OVER 😹😹😹 n e ways have some hcs mwah ily drink some water
+ | tumblr is refusing to let me add a read more break without messing up the order/pics so please accept it without the break first 😰 i'll try to edit it in tomorrow bc it's 1am right now lmfaoo 🤪🤪
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• lowkey headcanon this guy to be kinda a night owl too
• like, unless he has a major game tomorrow, then he’ll probably be awake at 2am so feel free to shoot him a text
• but if you send him a “i cant sleep :(” then man’s gonna take it REAL far
• “my parents arent home rn so if you want to come over, i could help you… sleep ;))) ”
• he might not even be h0rny, he’s just Like That
• that’s just his sense of humor 😭😭 yea it might be mine too shush
• you just wanted to chill and chat bc insomnia’s getting the best of you, so whY-
• but once you get past that, he’d actually be really pleasant to text with
• yall might even facetime just because
• there’s just SO MUCH to talk about???
• topics range from dumb pickup lines to Deep Talk
• ngl eventually you guys might make some secsi jokes,,,, its inevitable im sorry
• no im nOT a nsfw writer
• but it’s 2am ok the Early Morning High is bound to hit different
• “damn ok im on my way,,, get those cuffs ready babe😼😼”
• JDHDNDCJ????3!%;÷)÷*?
• ur neighbours: who tF is cackling like that at 3 in the morning????
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• i think it’s 50/50 with this boy
• like he’s either still awake and reading like a nerddd or he’s fast asleep
• but if you do shoot him a text message, send him something random
• like out of nowhere, just “did you know some snails have hairy shells?”
• he’s got a quick response time (although not as fast as atsumu) so just wait a minute for him to pick up his phone
• OH AND send him a pic of the hairy shells!!
• “thanks! i hate it!!”
• you know he’s gonna reply with an equally weird fact
• kuroo has a fair share of general knowledge too so just go wild
• will not question why you’re on the wikipedia page for snails bc lbr, he’s been there before 😔
• such a funny sweetheart about your random messages
• also he’s be awake with you throughout, even if he gets a little sleepy 🥺🥺🥺
• sir,,, hand in marriage please,,,,,,
• but definitely will throw in a “y/n, it’s almost 3:30 pls get some sleep before class tomorrow”
• hm……. no.
• his deep, kinda rough voice at 2am because he hasn’t used it in the past two hours ,,,,, mmmmmm,,,,
• lowkey he might fall asleep on call 🙊
• pls forgive him he’s just a very big babie
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• listen
• if you texted this man at 2am
• his immediate response would be “it’s too early y/n. go to sleep.”
• jkjk i love him but yall gotta admit that he’d be all 🙄😐
• “ffs y/n, you have a class tomorrow at 8”
• “and??? your point?????”
• dw he’d just take a deep breath and be like omfg why am i in love with this idiot
• yes bby he loves you mwah
• when he gets past that tho,,,
• listening to music together on spotify 😳😳
• you guys would take turns choosing songs and it’d be so cutee
• yeah he’d be into,, idk alt rock or indie rock ?
• but he’s not an ASS, he’d be okay with indie pop and mainstream and whatever else is your fave genre
• in between, he’d be so down to hearing you talk about your hobbies or a show you’ve been watching
• and like,, he’ll tell you about how he’s writing a song or what funny thing happened in his class or during training
• omg yall can video call and he’d share his screen
• both of you watching ghibli movies tgt at 3 in the morning : 🥰🥴
• it is just so peaceful being with this boy
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yagamisdiary · 2 years
this is random but i gotta share… in parasite idk if it was just me but i’m not kidding when i say these five songs literally ripped me to pieces like i can’t tell if i love the songs now or if i hate them and they were songs i’d normally listen to but literally cant listen to now without FUCKING CRYING. anyways the songs are as follows: Black Out Days, IFHY, listen before i go, Always Forever and fucking Wait like the songs and the scene you put them with… like istg you did not have to hurt me like that i’ll always be in my car or something with my spotify on shuffle and they will come on and i’ll get FLASHBACKS. to that scene 😍🤞
i physically can not listen to Black Out Days anymore 😭😭
I couldn’t listen to YKWIM? FOR MONTHSSSSSS but i finally have gotten over it and can hear it freely now
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sokkas-honour · 3 years
for spotify wrapped: #7 and zuko?
checkmate - zuko x reader
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pairing: modern!zuko x fem!reader
wc: 4.3k
warning: parties, alcohol, vomiting, kind of cheating, lmk if i’m missing smth
notes: the party in here is a kind of based off the ones i’ve gone to so they might be drastically different than they actually are lmao. if a character is very ooc for you, please lmk, i’m often scared that i differ too much from who they actually are. also i loved writing this and have been working on it for days.
you think you're funny right? calling me drunk when it's too late at night
he sat at his desk, book open as he studied for his earth kingdom history test late that saturday night when he received a call. he wasn’t very interested in answering but he reconsidered when he saw your name as the caller id. with a sigh he clicked accept.
“heyyyy zuzuuuu.” your words slurred through the phone when he finally picked up. voice sounding somewhat absent as lyrics from whatever song was on played in the background. you must’ve been yelling into the phone as the music seemed to playing rather loudly.
“hey y/n.” zuko sighed but still greeted you, a small smile forming on his lips at the fact that he was talking to you.
“did you knowww that you’re kinda cute?” you asked, a loud giggle escaping your lips at your drunken confession.
“thanks y/n.” a blushed spread accros his cheeks at your compliment.
“zuzzuuuuuuuuuu, come to the party. pleasseee.” you begged, your words starting to slur even more as you pleaded for your friend to come to the gathering.
“where are you right now?” he asked, realising that he hadn’t heard of any party during the week and hadn’t seen anything in their group chat. he had absolutely no idea where you were and who you were with.
“jet’s place. he invited me to his party with his friends.” you explained, practically shouting into the phone as the music behind you blared.
“did you go alone?” he pushed for more information, concern growing as you explained the situation. he’d heard rumours on things jet had previously done around campus and even in high school, none of it sounded any good and it rose all of his red flags.
“well no, with jet.” you stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“i mean with someone from our friendgroup.” he clarified, remembering that your drunken self probably wasn’t exactly thinking much.
“nope.” you popped the ‘p’ as you cheerily responded which earned a sigh from the firenation boy.
“what’s jet’s address? i’ll be there soon.” he concluded. he’d come to get you and let you spend the night at his place since you seemed a bit too drunk to be trusted to be left alone.
“he texted me roku valley number 35? i think? it’s this huge house.” you seemed to have sobered up as you told him where you were.
“i’ll be there in less than 15 minutes.” he informed the drunken girl and started grabbing his keys.
“see you zuuuzuuuu.” he heard you say but you didn’t hang up so he didn’t either, figuring you probably wanted to say something else.
right as he was about to grab his jacket, he heard a discussion between jet and yourself and grabbed the phone, and put it on speaker to be able to know exactly what was happening.
“hey y/n, you enjoying yourself.” jet asked, seeming to have not been affected by any alcohol yet. unbeknownst to zuko, he had handed you a bottle of beer which didn’t take you long to finish.
“yeah, i even got a friend to come.” you excitedly responded as you continued to drink.
zuko listened intently as he left his apartment to get to his car, he threw his phone in the passengers seat and started his car as another distinctive voice came up into the phone.
“so what about you and that firenation boy.” jet asked, this time no music was blaring but the voices were just muffled as your phone was in a pocket of yours. the no music meant that you had stepped out of the main room and you were probably alone with the boy.
at the realisation, zuko sped up, the roads were practically empty so he didn’t bother anyone as he couldn’t wait to come and get you.
“zuzu?” he hadn’t been paying much attention to your conversation with jet as he focused on the road ahead but the mention of his caused him to pay half attention to the call.
“i dont know. he’s like my best friend y’a know.” you explained to the boy after he had nodded, zuko deducted the last part.
he decided to just hang up as he was getting closer to his destination and before he knew it, he was in front of the house where the party took place. he parked rather hazardly on the sidewalk but he wasn’t going to be there for long, a simple get in, find you, and get out.
when he opened the door, some random generic pop song was blaring and a crowd of people were all in the center of the room, drunkenly dancing around. he had to push a path for himself to try and find you but it was a bit hard considering it was perfectly lit.
“zuko?” he heard the familiar voice of haru, a fellow classmate with whom he had shared classes with in his sophomore year of college.
“hey haru, have you seen y/n?” he didn’t feel like small talk as he was concerned for you. thankfully for him, haru seemed to pick up a small stress in his words and pointed to the kitchen with his head.
“thanks.” zuko smiled and quickly left to the direction that the earth kingdom boy had said. when he finally found it, it was practically empty apart from two people who seemed like they were about to indulge in a make out session and his eyes widened when he was able to recognise you. he’d recognise you anywhere.
“you mind leaving?” apparently he hadn’t been very discreet as the boy, who he saw was jet, moved his head to glare at the newcomer. interested, you turned around, your back now facing jet and you grinned.
“zuko!” your excitedly exclaimed, quickly leaving jet’s grip and skipped to your friend happily. to any sober person, your skipping was a mix of jumping and almost falling, and in any other circumstance, zuko would’ve found it adorable.
“hey y/n/n.” he was a tad bit surprised as you wrapped your arms around his waist but relaxed when you slightly cuddled into his chest.
“nicely played scar boy. nicely played.” jet gritted through his teeth at the fact that zuko had just taken the girl he had been flirting with away from him.
“jet that’s mean, zuko’s scar is very pretty to me.” you mumbled, not loud enough for the person that you actually wanted to hear it but loud enough for zuko to hear and it made his heart race.
telling me truths that you know all are lies, yeah, you think you're funny right?
the car ride home was quiet from both sides, zuko focused on the road while you went in and out of sleep.
when he finally parked near his apartment, he got out of the car and when he went to help you, he saw you were already out but slightly leaning against the car as you were tired.
“see zuzu? i’m not that drunk.” you gave him your signature drunken smile, earning a chuckle from him as he wrapped his hand around your waist to help you stand up.
he kept it around you as he you went up the two flights of stairs and he been kept it around you as he opened the door. you almost sprinted to bathroom as soon as the door was open, feeling the contents of the night come up.
concerned, zuko quickly shut his door and went after you. his heart broke slightly when he saw you leaned over the sink, a weak hand holding your hair back as you body ridded itself of whatever was in its stomach. he leaned down, wrapped a solid hand around your hair and rubbed circles on your back as you kept going.
when you finally felt like your stomach was completely empty, you rose your hand slightly. eyes red and cheeks puffy, you tried to give zuko some sort of joking grin but you were only met with a concerned face.
he let go of your hair and filled up a nearby cup of water and handed it you while you sat on the ground, not feeling like getting up just yet.
“spirits y/n, how much did you drink?” he bent down to your level, hand on your knee and worried eyes staring in yours.
“don’t know.” you shrugged your shoulders before slowly sipping the water.
“i guess you can tell me tomorrow morning, after you’ve rested a bit alright?” he suggested, taking the now empty cup from your hand and placing it on the sink counter. he extended his hand towards you to help you stand up and you gladly took it.
you let him guide you to his bedroom. you took a seat on his bed and absentmindedly stared at the wall in front of you as zuko grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt for you to sleep in. you staring got interrupted as you felt the clothes land on you, turning around, you saw a small smirk on his face.
“how kind zuko.” you seemed to have somewhat sobered up, throwing a playful grin his direction as he turned around to let you change in privacy.
“once you’re done, i’ll just grab a thing or two and go to the living room.” he explained, meaning he was giving you the bed.
“no zuko stay, it’s fine.” you crawled to the other side of the bed in his clothes to grab his hand, trying to get him to stay.
“you sure? don’t want you throwing up on me.” he joked, earning a slap on the arm from you as you moved back to the other side of the bed to give him some space.
you had taken your phone out of your pocket and were scrolling through it as you waited for zuko to get ready.
‘had fun tonight, see you tomorrow evening? 7pm?’ you texted jet, hoping you could finish whatever you started.
‘cant wait’ was his response that came almost immediately. a smirk on your face, you shut off your phone and placed it face down on the night table next to the bed as zuko entered the room.
“who were you texting?” he asked, eyebrow raised in questioning.
“no one, just scrolling through insta.” you lied, a reassuring smile on your face as he took his spot next to you. you mumbled one last thing before placing your head on the pillow and passing out. it wasn’t loud but you made sure that it was loud enough for zuko hear it. “i love you.”
you think you're super sly, flirting with them but telling me you're mine,
zuko woke up before you, smiling at your adorable soft snoring. he knew you were going to have one hell of a hangover so he prepared the ibuprofen and the glass of water, and set it on the night table closest to you before heading to the kitchen. he figured that he might as well make breakfast for the two of you, knowing that you’d be ravenous as you had been the multiple times you’d spent the night.
the boy found himself falling asleep next to you at least a couple of times a month, this being the third in two weeks. you two had never defined your relationship but you were both there for each other. he often found himself taking a drunk you home, wether it be from a random campus party or a little get together with friends. he didn’t mind, he loved spending time with you.
he got out the pan, the eggs and the bacon. that was something he knew how to cook and it was your favourite post-drunk breakfast, you always claimed that his bacon and eggs were the best.
while he was cooking the bacon, he heard some rustling from his room and a small knowing smile spread accross his face. he could hear the floorboard creek as you stepped out of the room and arrived practically directly in the kitchen.
you had woken up to an empty bed but to a heavenly smell. once you saw zuko in the kitchen being the cause for the delicious aroma that had filled the appartment, you rubbed the last of the sleep out of your eyes and walked towards him. you thought he looked adorable as he cooked so you wrapped your arms around him and cuddled into his back. you knew exactly what this did to him.
“good morning sleepy head.” he greeted you, heart racing a bit at your proximity. zuko desperately wanted to turn around to kiss you good morning but opted for keeping his attention on your breakfast.
“good morning.” you mumbled into his shirt, too lazy to remove your head from its comfortable position which earned a small chuckle from the raven haired boy. you could feel it in his chest.
“sleep well?” he asked as you moved your head so that only your chin was against his back, letting your just stare at the ceiling.
“like a baby.” your morning voice prevented you from saying it normally so it came out more as a rasp than anything.
“figured as such, you passed out as soon as i turned off the lights. how’s the hangover?” concerned laced in the last part, moving the eggs from the pan to a plate that he had already prepared.
“better than expected, i’ll take the pill after i eat something.” you explained, trying to clear your throat in order to have a bigger range of voice.
“mind unlatching yourself? breakfast is ready.” he explained as he placed the final bacon on the two plates then turned off the stove. you reluctantly removed your arms, a small pout forming on your lips.
when zuko turned around, a plate in each hand, he laughed a bit at your childish expression but still leaned a bit down to place his lips against yours as he wanted to when you first stepped into the room.
you smiled into the kiss and it replaced the pout even after he broke it in order to place the two plates on opposites sides of the two tables. you decided to make yourself useful and went to grab the silverware.
the majority of the meal was spent in silence, a couple of giddy smiles and compliments on the food were exchanged but a conversation didn’t pick up until you were about to finish the last of your eggs.
“did jet do anything last night.” so that’s what zuko was thinking about during the meal.
“no he didn’t zuko, i wouldn’t have let him anyway. i may be drunk but i’m not dumb.” you explained, telling a small white lie in order to reassure your friend. jet and you were about to make out but zuko didn’t have to know that, even if he saw the position you two were in, it was possible to lie about the intentions.
“you sure? didn’t seem like nothing when i found you.” he sipped his water as he doubted your previous statement.
“i was a bit nervous so he was kind enough to talk me out of the funk i was in.” you lied through your teeth but kept a genuine comforting smile, even extending your hand onto the table in order for him to grab it.
“what were you nervous about? since you seem to remember last night pretty well.” he looked at your hand but refrained from bringing his up to yours.
“i only remember bits and pieces zuzu. and don’t know really, i was probably nervous about you.” you bit your lip, waiting to see zuko’s reaction to your wild claim. as you expected, his eyes widened in shock and blushed.
“me? why would you be nervous about me?” he stuttered a bit in the beginning, his heartrate picking up your confession. zuko had been head over heels for you ever since he saw you in his first class of his sophomore year, and he wished more than anything that you two would get together.
“don’t know, maybe it has something to do with that beautiful face of yours.” you brought your mug of tea that he had made up to your lips to hide your small smirk but you still sent a wink in his direction. you loved watching his whole face illuminate and his cheeks grow redder.
“oh.” was all he managed to say, too stunned to say anything. zuko had been in multiple relationships before, boys and girls, but none of them ever drove him as crazy as you did.
the rest of the morning was spent by helping him do the dishes along with a bit of cuddling on the couch as the news served as background noise. sadly, an alarm rang from your phone, reminding you that you had somewhere to go. time to kill and get ready before your little rendezvous.
“do you have to go?” zuko mumbeld, not wanting you to leave his embrace.
“yeah i set a reminder to remember to start studying for the math final.” you explained, slightly unwrapping yourself from his grip.
“that’s in a long time y/n.” zuko rose an eyebrow in confusion, unwrapping his arms from your waist to let you get up.
“yeah but i’ve been falling behind and need to catch up by myself.” you explained, grabbing your phone and put it into the pocket of the sweatpants you were wearing and you realised you were still in zuko’s clothes.
“you don’t mind me keeping your clothes that i’m wearing right? i’ll change once i get home.” you gave him your best puppy dog eyes in order to convince him to let you keep his comfy clothes.
“of course, you look hot in them. also, feel free to leave your old clothes here for the next time you crash for the night.” he eyed you up and down, loving how adorable you looked in his clothes. it wasn’t the first time he saw you in them, the number of times you needed new clothes after a party was so high he lost track. you usually kept them but returned some.
“why thank you zuko.” you teased, grabbing your coat that he had placed delicately on top of an armchair.
“see you soon?” he wishfully asked hoping you two could go out together sometime as you were about to leave the room.
“you can count on it pretty boy.” you sent him a small smirk before shutting the door behind you. behind the door was a lovestruck boy that finally had his chance.
building me up, but buttercup you lied, now in gonna ruin your life,
a couple of weeks after that night, zuko and you had spent a couple of afternoons together and zuko savoured every minute of them. you were supposed to meet him and the rest of the gaang at a coffee shop but everyone had already finished their drinks and you still hadn’t showed up.
“you sure she’s going to show up zuko? it’s y/n.” sokka took zuko out of his constant glancing at his phone to check for any messages from you. you were somewhat notorious for showing up to friend dates later then the decided time.
“she said she would be there, y/n promised me she’d be there today.” the boy insisted, opting to stare out the window when he spotted katara placing her head on aang’s shoulder.
“she’s over an hour late, let’s just head back to our place and ask her to meet us there?” aang suggested after placing a small kiss on his girlfriend’s forehead.
“yeah zuko, i love y/n just as much as you but she might just have gotten caught up with something.” toph shrugged her shoulders, trying to help everyone convince the raven haired boy to just leave the coffee shop.
“i guess you’re right. let’s go.” zuko turned his head from his outdoor gazing and smiled to his friends who all cheered a bit before everyone grabbed their jackets.
everyone walked in pairs to take up less space on the sidewalk on the way to katara’s, toph’s and aang’s apartment. zuko found himself walking side by side with suki who was talking to him about a recent goof that sokka recently made. he felt bad for not fully paying attention but he couldn’t help thinking about why you didn’t show up or even text him. you never came late to any of your dates so why be late now.
all of a sudden, he bumped into toph who had stopped walking, apparently everyone stopped walking for some reason but he was so engrossed in his thoughts he didn’t realise it.
“why did we stop.” he asked, turning his head into the direction that everyone was staring in. he squinted his eyes, trying to see what everyone was seeing.
“jet.” sokka said through gritted teeth, narrowing his eyes in the direction of the aftermentiononed boy. zuko finally spotted him, katara’s short lived highschool romance who supposedly ended badly. he had heard some rumours around campus but other than that, it seemed like a bad highschool experience.
“oh no.” he heard those two words slip out of sukis mouth as he saw who jet was with, he would recognise you from anywhere. he saw jet whispering something into your ear which earned a giggle from you before leaning in to peck his lips.
“how about we go this way.” aang nervously suggested as everyone spotted you, not wanting to make this too uncomfortable for anyone but it was too late, zuko’s heart dropped at the sight.
“yeah, sounds good to me.” he managed to say, swallowing hard as he couldn’t take his eyes off of the similar way you acted with jet. the look you gave him was the same, he thought it was reserved for him.
cause ive gotten tired of the games that you play, when you tell me you love me then you throw me away,
when he got him that night, realisation dawned on him. every time you left a bit early, claiming to go study or go see friends, you were probably lying. it solidified when he received a text from you, probably apologising for being late because you didn’t seem to notice your whole friend group down the street from you.
‘hey zuzu, i’m so sorry but not making it today. i got caught up with this highschool friend i ran into.’
the text basically aggravated him, he saw the reason why you were late and receiving a text for you lying about why you weren’t there. he decided not to bother to respond and basically just find a way to release his agression. opting not to make his phone a victim of his anger, he grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at the wall.
‘we still on for friday night? at that really good firenation restaurant?’ he heard his phone ding with a message from you right after he picked up the poor pillow that had suffered so much.
zuko was about to call you to confront you but then it hit him, you were just playing with him, you were just playing with jet. you probably only saw him as a friend but noticed his obvious feelings and decided to toy with him, or maybe that’s just what you did with everyone.
you two never actually said that you were both a thing, which is probably your excuse for all of this. but there was one thing you didn’t realise, and it was that two people could play at this game.
‘of course, see you at around six pm at zheng-ho’s delicacies?’ he smirked slightly when he got your enthusiastic text back, agreeing to meet him then and there.
the only thing left was to bring someone else into this game, someone who had previously been apart of his life in the beginning of college. she probably wouldnt mind a small rekindling without any real commitment.
he searched for her name in his contacts and clicked on it, realising it had been a while since he had contacted his sisters friend and his old girlfriend.
‘hey mai, i know it’s been awhile but wanna meet up at around five this friday?’ and sent, your single player game was now a multiplayer one.
so cry me a river 'til you drown in the lake, cause you may think you're winning but checkmate,
the rest of the gaang decided to avoid the topic during the week, letting the tension between the two of you be resolved on your own. you of course were unaware of them seeing you with jet, and even more unaware that zuko saw you kiss him, so you kept flirting with him, feeling a bit down when he didn’t always reciprocate it.
so now you stood, in front of zheng-ho’ delicacies at exactly six pm, waiting for your date with zuko. if anyone asked you, you’d say you felt a bit bad about dragging zuko into your games but it entertained you, it kept you on your toes.
you recognised the firenation boy across the street thanks to his scar. but who you didn’t recognise was the girl with long black hair that was holding his hand. he looked down at her and placed his hand on her cheek to lean down and kiss her. the action making your blood boil, what the hell was he doing.
you took your phone out to pretend you didn’t see anything, only lifting it when your heard his footsteps next to you.
“hey y/n.” he greeted you as you lifted your head with a small smile, lifting yourself up slightly to kiss him, taking him by surprise.
“good evening zuzu.” your hand immediately went to grab his, trying to show him that you had the upper hand in whatever game he was playing. you didn’t know that he saw your kiss with jet, you didn’t know that he had figured out your little game.
“shall we.” he unlachted his hands from yours, holding the door open for you with a smirk onto his face, knowing you were shaken by the change of power dynamic in whatever game you were both now playing.
yeah you may think you're winning but checkmate.
general taglist: @butterfly-skinnylegend
zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
atla taglist: @missmorosis @draqondance @biqherosix @firelady-jay @welovediaaxx
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staylavendertea · 3 years
music, ya know
this is a complete impulse of lying in bed middle of the night thoughts that i don’t even know if anyone’s gonna see that have been stemmed off the experiences of the past couple days, topic of 1:41 am mind boggle:
music and it’s aesthetic and importance in literal every sense cause it’s just that important to me
first experience of realizing this, i’ve always loved film scores and listening to music and the orchestral pieces from movies and shows, but it really seemed to hit me recently, like the fact that this week’s new LOKI episode, no spoilers, has the most badass score and a badass scene with such a perfect mix and musical atmosphere. i literally had one of my best friends over, who has a very small interest in comics, cinema, marvel in general, especially a show about a norse comic god that they know nothing about, and whilst they sat there for my own regard, watching the show like a normal human being would, i sat there clinching their hand, watching in awe as our music is louder than actors talking tv speakers spurted out the most spine tightening world building story and just wandered “jesus that was good” and whilst i will always think about the superior acting, cgi, the amount of different people that just went into those few scenes and like what was physical set and what was computer image and what the hell did i just watch that has my brain running olympic marathon circles right now?
the thought that said brain kept going back to was that fucking score. it was literally tearing apart of every corner of my head and why was it doing that?
second experience, another marvel one, but i digress. black widow (no spoilers i promise), thursday night, movie theater for the first time in i can’t even remember how long now and we set through so many previews just for fucking boss baby to start playing and the reaction of the theater to make me burst out laughing.
however whatever works in that little projection box, gets fixed and the movie is pushed to just a little before it starts, a nice small pepsi ad, the regal rollercoaster intro (if you go to regal movie theaters ya know what i’m talking about), and then i hear it - the marvel studios logo - something so musically engraved into my head that my ass that can’t sing for anything, can harmonize with the sound and makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up around movie theater surround sound. but i can’t think of that now, i’m here to watch black widow, a movie on hiatus with the rest of the world for so long now, a character i didn’t know much about it or truly, didn’t have the most connection with in the first place. yet through that one movie, i seemed to build one of those.
ofc though scarlett johansson’s beautiful acting and world building, but it isn’t until the end of the movie that i even realize why. it was the fucking score again. when i think about it, the beginning of the movie felt like all of black widows scenes in the avengers movies for me, kinda just, there. not really emotionally tugging, not bad ofc either, but just, there. in the present, watching something cool in motion. but then it hits, what i can only describe as a theme that somehow tells the entire black widow movie in one singular composition. something so badass, story telling, but also just singularly black widow-esk. i can tell you that i walked out the movie theater rambling about the composition and looking up composers.
third experience, the most recent as it was literally like 20 minutes ago and sprung one train rail of a thought process that immediately tugged me into typing this brain vomit into a tumblr post. i have playlists. for everything. and when i say everything, i fucking mean everything. i’m a writer and a reader, i have playlists mostly for the young avengers, my most utter comfort characters, and their stories i’m writing. i also have playlists/genre/specific song for about every book i read.
when i read red white and royal blue when that came out, i noticed i listened to one of the drunks by panic at the disco the entirety of the ending of the book and the words and music fit together like puzzle pieces, not only did it make the reading experience better, but i was so fucking emerged in my over hyper-imagitive brain that when i finally actually finished the book, i still never left. rewind present day to the beginning of this past june, one last stop comes out, ofc i get it the day it comes out with my anticipation building like wildfire. i start reading that night and i put on my recents on my liked songs playlist (true to true spotify user) and i slowly over the next day as i read and finish the book, windle down to the genre, then the band, to the album, to the exact song that feels like the carbon copy of the words i’m reading. that song was only ones who know by the arctic monkeys. now go back to this past week, anyone who reads the carry on series knows, anyway the wind blows came out this past tuesday. i waited till wednesday to buy the ✨pretty special addition barnes and nobles copy✨ so that the dear friend that indulged me by watching loki that same day could buy it at the same time and make a cute book date or whateva. i started reading that night and something just felt ,,, off. i didn’t know what it was, but i was living off the pure joy that simon and co give me so i ignored the feeling. until i realized why it felt off this morning. i wasn’t listening to any fucking music, literally nothing, not even queen. motherfucking. queen.
i looked for the snowbaz playlist i made when i read carry on for the first time back in 2016/2017 when i was still a freshman in high school just to remember i deleted that literally forever ago. so i made a new one. like an hour and a half ago. very inspired on how i made the playlists for the young avengers and all their stories. letting the music talk.
the fact that all these rambling thoughts have led to this conclusion makes my head hurt, but for me at least in my own experiences. music talks. a two way conversation. a radio broadcast, turning the peg until you match the same frequency thats being put out and you can hear it and understand it. it’s like when you see comedians on stages or actors on panels, they talk, you have reactions, you talk back, and so forth the loop continues until the last voice, last note, rings out. music and songs and orchestral pieces and bands and composers and lyric writers are telling you the stories in reverse. they don’t know their doing it, obviously they meant something entirely different in their creations, but it’s like literature and any work of words and storytelling. interpretation. to me, the notes, pianos, violins, guitars, drums, singers, cellos, and anything that can make sound you can think of, is telling you something. whispering in your ear as you watch or read. facial features, emotions the characters dont say out loud, outfits, they way their standing or talking or moving or interacting with anything and everything.
when i just made that carry on playlist, i played it, decided to try read some good almost 2 am fan fic as you do, my hanging on by a thread sleep brain telling me words aren’t recognizable right now, and tighten myself into a blanket to see if i can sleep at all. the playlist still plays and my never shuts up head thinks it’s own daydreams, stresses out about anything it can, that is until the song plays. the one that just speaks the carry on trilogy language. the one that i found whilst i was reading wayward son and then would play whenever i re read carry on. the one that started this whole way too long ass post in the first place. cant be alone tonight by atlas. i heard just the first sound and i saw them, as if i were in the same room, like i never even put the book down in the first damn place because i’m actually terrified of finishing it. i could see simon in his oversized hoodies, baz in an outfit that was way too good just to be sitting inside, agatha looking as pleasantly pretty as ever, penelope poking fun at shepherd, and shepherd poking fun right back; bickering, laughing, saying the dialogues i try to remember so i can write them later, existing.
in a way music doesn’t just talk, but it lives. it lives and breaths. a three way conversation you could say. characters, stories, plot, and settings talk to the music, then the music delivers us listeners the message, so that we can send one back. this literally took me over an hour to write and i should point the important note that i do have synesthesia where colors and sounds and colors and words do the association so this entire thing might be me being entirely biased, but alas, i love sound so much and if there is anyone else that feels the same ways as i do as just a simple good film score and song makes anything ten times better, feel free to talk, i will totally be awkward, but i need some music freaks like myself around so feel free to hit me up, also if you love movies and cinema also feel free to hit me up as i need movie buddies and now it’s 3 am and i will be going to bed - peace out 🛸
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