#can we at least bond over the sexy characters
bigtittiecomitte · 8 months
“Murder Drones is better than The Amazing Digital Circus 🤓”
“The Amazing Digital Circus is better than Murder Drones 🤥”
NUH UH 🗣🔥🔥
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auseyre · 1 month
Prompt 14 -KP Superlatives (dealer's choice)
1. Best Hair -Tankhun, and not just because I have a thing for red hair...okay mostly because I have a thing for red hair. But what can I say, it was at least 3 different shades, it was snatched. It was fab. 
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Runner Up -Kinn. I know Mile cut his hair for this role and once it was free, it seemed to take the opportunity to fluff up as much as possible. It’s gloriously wild and poofy. 
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2. Best James Bond Roleplay - Kinn in the white tux
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Runner Up-Porsche and his various spying on Kinn
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3. Best Comedic performance in a serious role -Pol. I know the prevailing theory is that he was hired to be a companion for Tankhun more than a bodyguard, but he still has bodyguard training so he can actually protect Khun and he’s still included in bodyguard activities, but yeah.
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Runner Up -Gun. This man never met a dramatic moment he couldn’t drag over the top kicking and screaming. 
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4. Best Prop - Red Ducati motorcycles. These get ridden more than Porsche. Everybody looks good on them. Both Kinn and Vegas let Porsche drive. They actually have passenger helmets that look like they’d protect precious skulls(looking at you Between Us and Love in the Air).  
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Runner Up - Kinn’s lucky gun. It’s just sexy and romantic that he gave it to Porsche as a token, okay. It’s also the gun Porsche is using when he’s contemplating killing the man who he thinks killed his parents (which is an interesting meta that I am not doing, nope).  
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5. Best Unhinged Moment - Pool pants y’all. In a show full of unhinged moments, this one is supreme for me. I still shudder thinking about it. 
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Runner Up - Atticwife Nampheung (pictured hearing this plot point for the first time)
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or Mouth Dildo?
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I couldn’t decide. Both are unhinged in entirely different ways and are perfect examples of the tonal whiplash of that show(something I adore shrugs). 
6. Best Serious Performance in a comedic role -Jom. I side-eye the comic relief characters but KP was awesome with this? Like every character is heart-warming instead of annoying and still funny. I probably should have done an underrated character post for Jom tbh. I love him. I love the way he supports his friends, giving Porsche the money he won on the fight, staying up to the point of exhaustion helping Tem deal with his broken heart. For all his goofiness, he’s smart and observant and I still think he was deliberately fucking with Kinn, who even if he didn’t know he was Porsche’s boss, was clearly some rich guy out of his element and only there because he was crushing on Porsche. It’s a small role and it could have been just a throwaway part but it’s so much better than that because who he is says a lot about who Porsche is and shows why he became such good friends with the misfit gang. 
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Runner Up -Yok. Definitely not an underrated character. I think we all know that Yok is the shit. But again, she’s not just funny and fabulous, she’s smart and she loves Porsche and rolls with all the weirdness he brings with him and gives him great advice and becomes a safe person for Tankhun. She turns what could have been a caricature into the only mature, caring, functional, non-evil “adult” character in the show. 
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7. Best Product Placement - Peppermint Field Black Inhaler. I know it seems like the bread is a shoo-in here, but hear me out. Black Inhaler was willing to let their product be used during illegal underground fighting and public sex. The Bread is great but it can’t compare to that. 
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Runner Up -Bread obvs
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8. Best Facial Feature -Vegas’ smirk 
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Runner Up(s) -Kinn’s eyebrows
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Pete’s fake smile
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Chay’s doe eyes
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Kim’s killer glare/dead-eyed stare/flirty smize (the boy does a lot with his eyes)
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9. Best Visual Joke - Kinn reading a coffee-table book about coffee while waiting on Porsche to bring him coffee. 
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Runner Up-Pol whipping out a finger gun 
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10. Best Use of A BL Trope -  Spongebath. Using this comedically as a deliberate seduction technique, basically acknowledging that it’s kind of ridiculous, works very well, letting Porsche’s goofball side and Kinn’s clueless side really shine. It also lets their uncontrolled horniness and Porsche’s ass shine -right in front of Pete’s salad eventually, but oh well. 
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Runner Up(s) - Baby is a clumsy bunny(which I think is what @absolutebl calls it, I couldn’t find the exact post)  -the show uses Porsche’s literal tripping as a foreshadowing of his figurative trip up, showing that while he can talk the talk of a bodyguard i.e. ... wear the snazzy suit, he can’t yet walk the walk. He proves that by his behavior on his first bodyguard gig. 
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Singing - Can I say that @AbsoluteBL’s hatred of this trope makes me giggle because my mother hates singing so much that I had to verbalize an SNL musical sketch to her instead of letting her watch it? Anyway, this one is pretty obvious, but still notable because they didn’t just let Jeff, Mile, and Barcode show off their pipes. They wove music in as a subplot that allowed it to stand as a character marker for not just Kim, but Chay and Kinn. I feel like “Between Us” scarred me for life with bad singing awkwardly shoved into the plot for no reason, so KP gets so much love from me for this. 
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Bonus: Best Hype Man 
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Seriously, this guy is more excited than Gun about this coup attempt. He has been waiting years for this. And now my head-canon is that he used to work for the main family and when he was injured in the line of duty, Korn tossed him out and Gun took him in for spite and he’s nurtured a seething hatred for Korn since then. 
Bonus: Sexiest Gesture - Kinn’s finger come hither. 
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 40
Okay, here we go boys: jumping ahead six years from Partition to 1953, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth Two, and wow, this episode hits extremely very differently when the last thing you watched was the Tale of the British Empire (Derogatory).
It's the Idiot's Lantern. At one point a character declares that even though they're losing the Empire, at least the coronation can still give us pride. Yikes.
Anyway, happily, we get Tennant and Rose, who have a lot of chemistry, but unfortunately this is a Mark Gatiss episode. Fortunately, it's edited by RTD, so it is much more interesting than it might have been. Unfortunately, it's still Gatiss trying to write a Spunky Woman, so inevitably, Rose has a shining moment of brilliance where she immediately spots that Evil TVs are stealing people's faces and wanders off to interview the guy responsible, only to be immediately imperilled and then absent for the rest of the episode, trapped inside a telly. Ah well. Could be worse, this could be Amy or River with Smith. Rose can at least pass the sexy lamp test. And doesn't get subjected to sentences like "Of course you're a psychopath, you're a woman."
So yeah, there's an alien that was executed, but rather than dying it made it into an electrical form and thence to 1950s televisions (this is not really explained.) It feeds on the electrical signals of human brains, which is pretty stupid, since it's inside TV sets which have a far higher voltage, but okay. It's planning to feed on the 20 million people who will watch the coronation, and thus have a body again. The Doctor thwarts it by... idk it's really unclear, just electrocuting it somehow in an extended scene that was way too thin on explanations to justify the number of "plot twists" it attempted. "Plot twist! Your wiring hasn't worked!" Okay but we are not electricians and this is fantasy electrical wiring, so this means nothing to us, Gatiss. Honestly though, as sci-fi plots go, it's... fine. Not amazing, but there are much worse.
The side plot revolves around one family - mum, dad, son and grandmother, except the grandmother is fed on and so doesn't have a face. In a series of very poorly acted and directed scenes, it is made painfully clear that the father is a violent domestic abuser, at one point promising to beat the gay out of his son. Nonetheless, in an absolutely baffling and utterly gross scene at the end, as his wife throws him out and he leaves in shame, Rose and the Doctor both tell the son that he nonetheless must forgive his abuser and make amends because "He's your dad." Rose even straight up says that not forgiving his abuser would make the son stupid. It is utterly, utterly unnecessary, and I am entirely baffled by what moral I was supposed to take away from it. I can only assume Gatiss was watching too much American telly when he wrote it? It's the sort of thing you see super commonly in American telly over here - "He's your dad! You have to forgive him, because he's your dad! Let's reconcile the strained father-son bond!" It's almost as common as a boxing episode, which American telly always has. Even Babylon 5 had a boxing episode. Even Leverage. They all do.
Anyway it's wank, and it takes what was otherwise a blandly inoffensive showing to Fuck Me What An Awful Episode.
Still no proper sign of why Rose is particularly special! I mean they have GREAT chemistry, but it's all in the acting, really, though it's increasingly clear that she's maybe the most people-focused of all of them (except Donna). Sigh. Maybe we'll get a non-Moffat/Gatiss Rose episode soon, and then we can finally know.
Meanwhile, shout out to the best actor of the whole episode: Cardiff, doing amazingly in it's starring role as Totally London, Honest. Funny story! I remember this episode being filmed, because my mate Emyr accidentally wandered into the street they used to film the street party, and had the surreal experience of going "Hang on... why are there flags? Why... is it the 50s? Am I in the 1950s? How has this happened? What's that box - oh it's the TARDIS I see what's happened."
(This has happened to me TWICE in St Ffagans and once in the Brangwyn Hall. Common South Walian experience.)
Ummm... no plot threads! I don't think. None resolved, none added. Well, that's about right for Gatiss.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. The Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?)
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years?
How does the Doctor survive River
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
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shima-draws · 7 months
Saw your tags and omg HARD AGREE. Dragon Cry is SO bad nfkanmdsa
Actually yes thanks for giving me the excuse to rant. Hold on. I'm typing furiously rn.
-Okay first of all they gave us the most ridiculously confusing plot I've ever seen. The twist with Sonya being Animus was kinda cool but they never really. Explained why she had a bond with him? She mentioned he used to be kindhearted at some point but we never see that literally ever at any point in the movie?
-The storyline is so all over the place it's a HOT mess. Especially the scene right after Natsu escapes the weird bird cage thing he runs off to find the others and suddenly they're all there? For some reason? Where did they come from. Why didn't they have a little reuniting scene. I literally rewound the movie to make sure I didn't accidentally skip a scene but nope they just made the most awkward cut/story progression in history I guess!!!
-The fanservice was so. SO bad. Like yeah the majority of the time I can at least tolerate it but this time it just made me extremely uncomfortable. Why are Erza and Lucy's boobs SO fucking large. Why did they have to make Lucy dance in like two strips of cloth. I thought I woke up in an alternate universe where Fairy Tail was a hentai. I genuinely wanted to vomit lmao
-The animation style really threw me off like I can tell it was either animated by a different studio or they wanted to try a different art style for the movie? But it just felt wrong and the proportions and faces were weird and. Yeah idk.
-What was up with the Three Stars?? Iirc we never got to learn their names or what their motivations were they were literally just. There. And they were built up to be these super powerful wizards only to get their asses kicked by FT like two scenes later. I get that being a movie obviously the fights had to be shortened but they literally did the same thing in Phoenix Priestess but WAY better. They really were like yeah uh we need some enemies for Team Natsu to fight let's just go with these guys and not give them any personality or backstory or motivations. (Except for the doll dad he was okay I guess)
-WHY WAS LEVY THERE. LITERALLY. ACTUALLY. She literally did nothing she served NO purpose in the movie she was just there?? Did they just want to shove in as many cameos as possible??? I know generally Levy isn't much of a fighter which is fine, I was kinda expecting them to do a Gajevy scene where Gajeel rescues her from some soldiers or smth which would have been fine but they didn't even do that. She literally just stood there and had like 2 voice lines. GO GIRL GIVE US NOTHING
-SPEAKING OF CAMEOS this is more personal beef than anything but man WHYYY wasn't Loke in the movie,, my boy my beloved my stupid idiot lion I'm so mad he wasn't even onscreen for like, 5 seconds
-I'm sorry but Juvia was so unhinged this movie her possessive/stalker behavior over Gray was actually super fucking creepy lmao
-What did they do to Happy. What the FUCK did they do to Happy
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-ALSO the scene where Happy and Lucy were crying over Natsu and we got tons of flashbacks from his POV of people who are important to him? WHY THE FUCK WASN'T HAPPY THERE?? They literally showed everyone from Fairy Tail precious to Natsu except Happy and I'm just sitting here like. HELLO?? You are SO wrong for that
-I will say I DID enjoy the little Nalu teasers we got especially the scene where Natsu showed Lucy the stars 🤧
But yeah I was here for this and this only:
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The Nalu + Happy family bonding moments made it OKAY
Anyway sorry rant over. Dragon Cry bad. Natsu's brief moment of looking half dragon was a super sexy character design choice but the buildup is not worth it imo
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vital-information · 4 months
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"But, for at least part of the 1999-2000 TV season, Freaks And Geeks was a beacon to anyone whose high school experience was awkward, boring, humbling, or painful—basically, anything other than the sexy and stylish depictions that had dominated teen-centered movies and shows. It begins with a feint in the pilot episode, one of best series introductions ever. Director Jake Kasdan scans the high school track, seeking out a very blond football player (Gabriel Carpenter, in a role not unlike his appearance in 1999’s Drive Me Crazy) who’s confessing his affection to a very blond cheerleader in the bleachers. This early encounter is the extent to which Freaks And Geeks would engage with the kind of prepossessing teens who were frequently the subjects of these shows. This decision, Feig tells The A.V. Club, was based on having “grown up on such a diet of teen stuff being about beautiful people who were so cool with everything, including sex. It didn’t reflect anything I grew up around. You would see those kids; they were around. But they weren’t my group. They weren’t the majority of the kids that I knew.”
The camera ventures under the bleachers, where Daniel Desario (James Franco) is holding court among the other “freaks,” before panning over to our protagonist, Lindsay Weir (Linda Cardellini), who’s lurking nearby, ever between groups. The camera keeps moving, settling on an altercation between the “geeks”—Lindsay’s brother, Sam (John Francis Daley), and his friends Bill Haverchuck (Martin Starr) and Neal Schweiber (Samm Levine)—and a bully named Alan (The Sandlot’s Chauncey Leopardi). Lindsay comes to their rescue, but inadvertently offends Sam by referencing his diminutive stature. Lindsay is insulted by Alan’s buddies for her trouble, and Sam stalks off. This opening scene is a prime example of the brand of subversion found in Feig’s good-hearted show. A lesser series would have dedicated at least five minutes to Lindsay making up her mind, either in approaching the freaks or standing up for her brother. In Feig’s pilot, Lindsay acts decisively and still gets it wrong, which is not how this is supposed to go—that is, not on network television, and certainly not on the powerhouse network that was NBC in the late ’90s.
That was far from the last time Freaks And Geeks would defy expectations. In the same episode, we learn Lindsay is in the midst of an existential crisis brought on by her grandmother’s death. Hearing from her grandmother, the kindest and best person Lindsay had ever known, that there was nothing waiting on the “other side” leaves her questioning everything. So the former mathlete goes looking for answers in unlikely places, including under the bleachers and on the “smoking patio” with the freaks. Lindsay bonds with the freaks, especially Kim Kelly (Busy Philipps), whose depths were just as filled with teen-girl fury as insecurity. She even manages to win over the caustic Ken Miller (Seth Rogen). But her behavior flummoxes her parents, Harold (Joe Flaherty) and Jean (Becky Ann Baker), and to a lesser extent, her brother. Lindsay’s quest, which unfolded over the course of the season, was probably just as baffling for NBC executives (and possibly viewers). She wasn’t mollified by a new relationship with sweet stoner Nick Andopolis (Jason Segel), nor did she quickly learn her lesson and return to her high-achieving best friend Millie’s (Sarah Hagan) side. The absence of easy answers became a defining element of Lindsay’s life, as well as of the show.
But Freaks And Geeks was always just as optimistic as it was realistic, which is a key part of its enduring appeal. It’s a show about survival, about how a found community can help you muddle through anything. Despite the labels, Feig’s characters are all basically good people—failing that, they’re people who are capable of doing better."
Danette Chavez, "Why Freaks and Geeks Is the Teen Show that Endures"
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Wireless 2022 Recs
Another year, anther fantastic H/D Wireless collection with so many treats! We got spoiled with 58 gorgeous art and fic works across all kinds of tropes and lengths. I wanna give a special shout-out to the sexy shorts celebrating friends with benefits and fuck buddies - two of my favourites tropes! - and the gorgeous long fics full of aching and healing for our Chosen One. It was impossible to pick only a few works among so many beautiful, evocative creations, so here are my 17 favourites including art! Keep in mind that my picks are 100% based on my personal tastes and the intention is to celebrate this Fest and to spread some love before the reveals. I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I did, and on that note make sure to also check the amazing recs @the-starryknight shared! Happy readings :)
Bright Side by @floydig (T, 2k) ☄️ - brilliant short, sharp and atmospheric, with a gripping sense of space and an impressive amount of story and character packed within. Harry is Draco’s parole officer and they’re both a bit sad and broken but bonding over heat and music and shared trauma, they might find a bit of hope together.
It’s been one year since the war, and Draco is on probation. He lives in a shitty muggle flat in the middle of nowhere in California and delivers pizza. Harry is Draco’s probation officer who visits far too often. Read my rec here.
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks (E, 3k) 🦊 - BAMF Draco being brilliant and bossy while topping from the bottom, yes please 👏🏻 Harry and I have no choice but to enjoy the ride. Thrilling plot, A+ dialogue and excellent characterization, charming & hot!
Mens Rea: the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed.
Nothing Compares by @maesterchill (T, 3k) 🚲- be still my heart, this combines perfect Amsterdam aesthetics and casual-not-so-casual melancholy pining that will leave you soft with aching. A gorgeous take on Auror partners with all the feels packed within 3k.
Working in the International Auror division doesn't exactly lend itself to Harry finding love or having any sort of relationship, what with all the unsociable hours and catching bad guys and never being in one location for more than a few days. Not to mention the permanent fixture of his partner, Malfoy. So, how does a song about lost love end up being the thing that helps Harry find love, in the location he least expected it? Read my rec here.
like freedom by @softlystarstruck and @babooshkart (M, 4k) 🏜 - sweet road trip romance with photographer Harry and a gorgeous and soothing desert scenery. Quiet, intimate and contemplative, this is a perfect comfort read with sublime art pieces that will take your breath away.
Harry doesn’t know the exact moment his life changed. Maybe it was the day Draco Malfoy unwillingly turned up at his front door, or the moment the plane’s landing gear went up and London-Heathrow fell away below them. Maybe it was in the dusty swirl of red rocks and motel rooms somewhere between Tennessee and California. Maybe it wasn't a single moment at all, but a whole series of them, captured with Harry's camera. Read my rec here.
if the world was ending by @saltwatergarden (M, 4k) ☕️ - end of the world angst, that’s what I’m talking about baby!!! Tragic and bittersweet but in a very gentle and hopeful way that makes all the hurt worth it! I’m living for this protective Draco, he pines so beautifully…
The world is ending again, but it's far less dramatic this time. Harry Potter tries to save the day. Draco wishes he wouldn't.
Closer by @pennygalleon (M, 5k) 🛋 - give me all the roommate pining!!!!! I can feel Harry’s gentle yearning running through my body, their dancing around each other infuriatingly charming and sweet, plus a satisfying resolution!
All who know them are convinced that Harry and Draco are a couple. But that's just ridiculous.
To Make A Way by @cavendishbutterfly (E, 5k) 🎥 - movie nights + fwb to lovers, this is peak romance with poetic prose and so much tenderness my fragile heart can barely take it. I don’t ever wanna leave this verse.
When Harry finds Draco in the back row of the cinema, he doesn't mean to accidentally befriend him. Or fuck him. Or catch feelings. The thing is, Draco only does casual.
An Emerald In The Sky by @corvuscrowned (M, 7k)⏳- unfollow me now, this time travel AU is gonna be the only thing I talk about for the next month fuck, what the fuck!!!!! Literally obsessed with this, my favorite fic of the year so far. Get ready for my screaming after reveals MA
The hardest part about shagging an Unspeakable is that they’re not allowed to speak of anything. All Draco knows is that Harry works in Time. Harry works in Time, and while he’s out there in all of that time, it is as unforgiving to him as it is to anyone. Somewhere along the way, Draco realizes he's been thinking in lines, when he should have been thinking in circles. Read my rec here.
You Know the Feeling by @sorrybutblog (M, 12k) 🌯 - such a special fuck buddies to lovers, organic and refreshing with hot smut and lots of physical intimacy. I love the casual summer-y vibes and the whole soft clueless boyfriends realizing how smitten they really are with each other.
Harry’s not sure why he’s started hooking up with Malfoy. Boredom, or the heat of the summer, maybe. Whatever it is, it’s nothing too complicated. Right?
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (M, 15k) 🪢 - FAMILY FEELS all around, my heart is bursting with love for these soft dads who are also best friends who are also in love! Complex marriage bond dynamics perfectly executed and a touching arc with autistic Scorpius, who brings two idiots together through their unconditional love for him.
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year. Read my rec here.
Paper Rings by @lettersbyelise (E, 50k) 💼 - break up make up journey with hot daddy divorce lawyer Draco and the gentlest 8th year romance nostalgia! I loved the parallel narratives and the slow burn full of gentle remembrance, so wistful!
When Harry’s in need of a divorce lawyer, he has no choice but to turn to the best in the trade. Draco Malfoy’s reputation for discretion is flawless, and his track record for winning cases is close to perfect. But he’s also ruthless, passionate, and as infuriating as ever, and the brief relationship he and Harry had in Eighth Year still feels painfully fresh despite two decades spent apart.
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k) 🧚‍♂️ - one of the best fics I’ve read this year, soothing, inventive and atmospheric, an ethereal fae tale with craftsman Harry and his beautiful healing journey with Draco’s help. This Harry stole my heart with his talent, strength and vulnerability. Bonus points to the immersive dream aesthetics and the political subplot!
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature. Read my rec here.
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 77k) 🐦 - forget Fantastic Beasts, this is the movie we deserve! A touching and deeply immersive romance with fascinating creatures, organic slow burn full of UST and longing, and a moving healing path for these lovely down and out Harry and Draco.
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all. Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. Read my rec here.
A Case of You by @epitomereally (E, 97k) 🔮 - another break up make case fic with glorious UST, Unspeakable Draco and a great slow burn. Loved Harry here, mysterious and authoritative, and Draco is equally capable and good while embracing his vulnerability. Thrilling, romantic, emotionally satisfying!
Draco was doing just fine working as an Unspeakable in Paris, hanging out with his living and ghostly pals, inventing new spells, and definitely not thinking about Potter. Then, Lucius just had to break out of prison and turn his world upside down. Now, Draco has to return to England, where he is forced to confront how family ties bind us—and one infuriatingly fit Harry Potter. Read my rec here.
close to fine by @getawayfox (T) 🌉 - sunset romance! Such a pretty art style, I felt like I was right there feeling the soft pull of those summery vibes
The thing about summer is that the clock that rules the rest of our lives is temporarily turned off.
Every Feeling That I Get by @sugareey-makes-stuff (T) 🤜🏾🤛🏻 unique style and intense gritty vibes full of tension and want! H A N D S
The events from their malicious past somehow bring Harry and Draco together in a new way.
Eternal Refuge by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (T) 👾 - the COOLEST concept, and perfectly executed! I love all the tiny details and interactive format, really intriguing and creative.
Draco Malfoy has been through so much already that there's no point in dreaming about someone whisking him away on some kind of adventure. The future has other plans. A concept sheet for a video game.
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
For character opinions Gravel.
God, I love Gravel. On top of being a legitimately valuable unit, she's a fun character.
Gravel's crush on the Doctor is honestly super hilarious to me, because, like... compared to other gachas, or at least the ones I've seen and/or played, Arknights isn't super horny and doesn't go all that hard on the fanservice. Like, yeah, there are plenty of sexy characters and all, but they're more restrained than, like, Fate Grand Order, where almost every character is designed in such a way as to shove as much of their tits and/or ass into the camera as possible and some of the art is practically softcore porn. Sure, we have some outliers like Zofia's E2, but even that is positively restrained by the standards of some of the other gachas out there.
Arknights doesn't have a ton of characters drooling over the player character, either. Yes, there are some, of course there are, this is a gacha game, where a major part of the appeal is the relationships the player can form with the recruitable characters, it makes sense to have some waifu/husbandobait because sex sells and horny players spend money, but Arknights doesn't go overboard with it, and even the characters that clearly want to have sex with the player have well-defined roles in the narrative and distinct, robust relationships with other characters (assuming that the narrative has actually focused on them and they weren't released eons before they were actually relevant to the story, like Platinum).
The characters in Arknights have widely varied relationships with/opinions of the Doctor. Some of them are crushing pretty hard and very open about their feelings (Gravel, Whislash, etc.), some are implied to be into the Doctor but aren't as obvious about it (Skadi, Swire, etc.), others have strong bonds that aren't obviously romantic and can be interpreted as you wish (e.g. Nearl), others view the Doctor as a mentor or a coworker without any romantic implications, some even see the Doctor as a parental figure more than anything, a few don't particularly care for the Doctor one way or the other, and a handful just fucking hate them. Like, don't get me wrong, I am far from unaware of or immune to the allure of a woman who's made it clear that her number one goal in life is to go down on me, but I find the variety of feelings about the player character in Arknights refreshing and like the way the characters feel like they actually exist in the world as their own 3-dimensional people instead of accessories to the player.
And then we have Gravel, who walks in on this weird cryptid person in a mask and a labcoat pouring boiling water in their mouth, and immediately thinks "yup, I want that one" and ruins a pair of panties.
She's just Like That.
Also, she gives kissies. This is very important.
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evakuality · 1 year
4 years of Druck s3 - week 3
Things of note in this episode:
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1.  I know everyone says that there’s no ‘call your girlfriend’ scene in this version, but I would argue that this part operates as this moment for Matteo.  Is it the same?  Nope - it’s definitely not as charged and heightened as the moment Isak and Even share, but in this context Matteo is convinced they’re both with their respective girlfriends as David tumbles into the room with his arm around Laura and Sara is all over him and suggesting they’re going to sleep together later.  To Isak that was cool and sexy: a private moment between the two of them when they were with their girlfriends and which suggested a clandestine bond.  To Matteo it’s about the divide between them as they each embrace their ‘girlfriends’ (as he doesn’t yet know that Laura is David’s sister).  So no they don’t operate the same, but in both moments our central character experiences something that’s connected to the two girls with each of them.
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2.  I’m still not over the way this group railroaded Matteo into having this party.  Kiki is of course the ringleader but they all jump on board with her.  And the thing is, Matteo lost as soon as he started to make excuses as to why he couldn’t hold it.  ‘I don’t want to’ is a perfectly fine answer, but hey I get it.  I always try to justify why I can’t do something as well.  But it still bugs me that they didn’t take his no for an answer.  Still, at least he made use of the moment to invite David to come along.  Good work there, Matteo!
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3.  As a hard core Matteo fan, I generally do try to justify his actions but honestly, this right here was an asshole moment.  Probably his biggest one.  She’s unhappy and vulnerable and she even tells him that if they’re together she wants him to be all-in, so he really could have said ‘I’m not feeling it’ and walked away but he chose to string her along and that was a shitty thing to do and imo does justify her anger later when he dumps her.  Still, her posts about this were really awkward.  Sara, honey, this is an unhealthy relationship for you and your comment about rather fighting with him than being with someone else should be a real red flag.  You’re not happy, child!!!!  Cut him loose!
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4.  I do love how he keeps coming back to this post but is always embarrassed if someone catches him with it.  In this case, even himself.  He looks away from the phone just after this as if he’s doing something wrong.  It’s such a normal ‘I have a crush’ way to behave and I love that it’s this that pushes him to look up the movie David mentioned earlier.  This picture is starting to become not enough and so he starts trying to find other ways to get close to David.
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5.  There’s nothing more to be said here, but I can’t let this episode go without saying how much I love this part of this scene.  Everything comes together so well: acting, lighting, music, framing etc etc and this moment where he realises that weed isn’t helping his anxiety is quite powerful.  I just really love this scene and I’ll never stop saying how great it is!!
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6.  Last but not least, the almost kiss of course.  I love david here - it’s immediately after he tells Matteo that Laura is his sister and it’s such an expression of ‘can we get this into your stupid head???’ like he’s very fond (of course: David is very much into this guy) but he’s so intent on getting ‘I like YOU’ into Matteo’s head.  After this, of course, they start the slow approach to letting each other know that they very definitely do want to kiss each other, but right now David isn’t quite sure.  Of course, Matteo is about to tear up at that news, which is something of a big hint :D
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peachysunrize · 10 days
Favorite hotd ships? Might be a silly question lol, but shipping wars are real in this fandom and I would like to hear your opinion. Also, are there ships your really dislike?
I for one like Alicole, Helaemond (controversial in green fandom for some reason but idc), Rhaemond (Aemond and Rhaena would be great together in different circumstances, I'll die on this hill), Aegond (not romantically, but their sibling dynamics is everything). On the other hand, Alysmond, Daemyra or Lucemond are not my cup of tea. As for Rhaenicent, I wasn't really against it, but it seems that the writers are ready to sacrifice the consistency of the story and character arcs in order to push this ship and that's a big no.
OMG NONNIE THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!! Please keep them coming!! I love talking to y’all😭🩷✨
I have so many favorite ships! But I’ll talk about my most to least favorites! I’m also with you on Aegond so no explanation on that one<33 post is too long, I’ll put it under the cut!
1. Alicole! Always on top!!! There’s so many unresolved feelings between them. A mutual understanding and affection, they bonded over their resentment for Rhaenyra and it brought them closer and closer to the point that Fabien himself said that Cole wants what Alicent wants. Devotion, unconditional love and loyalty. And it’s so hot that Criston is also her sworn shield👀 he even killed because he thought someone disrespected her😮‍💨
2. Rhaemond! Oh this ship is my newest obsession and quite frankly, one of the most interesting ones! Rhaena and Aemond are both similar in so many aspects; both dragonless and overshadowed by their siblings, and the fact that Rhaena is Aemond’s biggest enemy’s betrothed? Yes. Give me the tension. The hatred. The enemies to lovers. I love them so much together. Grumpy/sunshine mixed with hate to love relationship✨✨
3. Helaegon! Yes, most people hate this ship for right reasons, but me…no, I love them. Yes, they’re toxic. Yes, there’s so many things wrong with their relationship, but I sincerely believe that even though they’re not in love as wife and husband, they love each other as siblings, as the parents of their children. Aegon’s not the best father and husband but I know that there’s a deep rooted affection he holds for his family. And the fact that they’re both victims of Otto’s skims…
4. Helaemond! This one is a popular one, and I love it too! It has such a unique dynamic. The second son who got nothing and craves everything given to his older brother, including their sister. I love how fans headcanon Helaena finding comfort in Aemond’s arms and vic verca.
5. Alysmond! Nah it’s probably because I’m a total Aemond girlie and don’t like seeing him with anyone lol but there’re so many things wrong with this ship. Alys is a middle aged wet nurse, and Aemond is 19, so basically there’re hints of grooming. Or even if not, Aemond takes her as his war prize, which is far from healthy. And there’s been talks about Alys manipulating Aemond into sleeping with her so she can be spared, which is still pretty toxic. It’s a no for me.
6. Rhaenicent! I love Alicent, she’s the apple of my eye, and I’m neutral with Rhaenyra, but it’s just not my thing. I like them as friends and with other people lol.
7. Daemyra! They’re both very very sexy, but I don’t like Daemon at all😭 grooming, manipulation, isolating Rhaenyra, abusive behavior… I think Rhaenyra deserves much better! (She deserves Harwin)
8. Lucemond… I can tolerate any other ship but this. Cheers to people who like them together, but it’s a very hard no for me. Luke is a child, a minor, and shipping him with an adult… yup. But also, I don’t think Aemond can ever find love for him in his heart, he took his freaking eye! And we saw how Vhagar chewed Luke so…
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super-hero-confessions · 10 months
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i really wish more homewell shippers or the boys fandom that use/like homewell type elements like the "good boy" or "sweet boy" stuff were at least more aware of the fact that homewell is a case of grooming--an obvious one--that is not portrayed as sexy. the actor and actress are sexy, don't get it twisted. but the show itself ain't subtle at all.
think of how creepy and uncomfortable literally every scene is made to be between them. not an undertone, they specifically do not play music or adjust the ambiance in a lighthearted or loving way. and sometimes even have sounds echoing eerily, specifically to make it gross and awkward.
i'm already not one for a partner pretending to be a parent, but remember how homelander was supposed to be about eight-fucking-teen in diabolical and how she was teasing him--someone she'd clearly known since he was a child and had acted as a mother figure for--and manipulating him? yeah that. that's textbook grooming. she flat out gave him the mommy issues and kink.
noir enabled the bullshit but holy hell madelyn was so much worse.
this isn't even to say that people shouldn't have fun with shipping or kinks, but just... be aware? please. i've seen too many people up and go "look how much we use homelander's literal victimhood and grooming against him to infantilize and abuse him more while pretending its just so hot and not in the slightest problematic! isn't he so cute?" with their fics or art which let me be clear. would be perfectly fine if they didn't then try to be "holier than thou" about it.
and i don't mean that lightly, i mean it very obviously shows. there are tons of people out there with kinks for control and powerplay, dom, sub, the whole shebang. myself included! i get that homelander is an extremely tantalizing and polarizing character for that and fandom can be competitive.
what i don't get is how so many of the people who get off to the idea of further caging in a character who's been caged and controlled his whole life and making whump of him can be so blissfully unaware that their kink isn't any better or healthy than the ones that let homelander let loose to go full abusive monster or are closer to canon.
or up and try to say it somehow is.
it is straight up getting off to the idea of homelander being forced to relive his childhood trauma and exploitive grooming from vought, with a new lover. except things somehow turn out better??? leik bitch what!? you can't be serious. we saying repeated abuse from the "right" person a.k.a. vought 2.0 the trauma bond reignited somehow makes a victim better???
fine, have the kink. but you can't seriously think that's less toxic than wanting him to be set free no matter how awful that may be for everyone else.
they're both toxic.
y ' a l l.
i have literally seen people trying to say butcher's toxic masculinity hang ups are a reason he would never bottom when him and homelander have the e x a c t same toxic masculinity hang ups. they are both giant insecure cunts who have trouble with vulnerability and became sadistic sociopaths because of abuse, that is the point.
the whole point of this show is to exemplify deeply problematic things and showcase how society and people are so desensitized to those things that they either don't matter to us, slip through the cracks, or shine a light on the hypocrisy of it all. with a few nasty jokes here and there. and for some of you in fandom it sincerely is flying way over your heads like i can't.
you cannot be that dumb i just you can't. please.
like homewell, like top "less alpha than raynor" butcher, indulge in toxic kinks. just try to be aware instead of hypocritical. the show is trying to teach us some things and i think they're worth picking up.
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Deserving Makes No Difference
I felt feelings and got really fucking annoyed with how people still hold vesemir up on a pedistal even tho hes big abusive but dont give the female characters the same respect. so i wrote something about it
big big thank you to @jaskierswolf for betaing, your comments bring me great joy
CW: past child abuse, realizing past child abuse, geralt sees too much of himself in ciri and has some realizations, some good trauma talks with the bestie past midnight, geralt is a cycle breaker and thats extremely sexy of him, jaskier is the friend we all need when we fall back on our trauma bonding.
also on ao3
Training Ciri shouldn’t have been so hard. She was a fantastic student, pushed herself so hard that no one else needed to, and even enjoyed the work. No, she wasn’t what made training so hard on Geralt; it was the memories of his own training. 
He never thought about it after it was over, save muscle memory and the occasional story between the other wolves. But now that he had Ciri… the memories of belts and evenings without supper and wooden canes suddenly seemed horrific rather than a bonding memory with his cohort. He’d gone all these years thinking that was just the way it was, that he deserved it, that there was only one way to train an unruly and explosive little brat like himself. And every time he watched Ciri fumble and explode in nearly the same spot he had decades before, he flinched. No harm ever came to her, he made damn sure of it, but he was still prepared for a blow. 
After a few weeks of this realization, he told Ciri she would need to focus on controlling her chaos for the time being. 
“You said it yourself,I need to be able to protect myself. That making me better and faster and stronger is how you’ll protect me. How am I supposed to improve if I don’t train?”
The guilt trip almost worked, but Geralt needed a break, needed to think, “You can drill at the end of the day if Yennefer hasn’t completely drained you. But only if Cohen agrees to supervise.” 
Ciri scrutinized him before falling in step next to him toward their dinner, “Why not Lambert?” 
“He’s more childish than you,” Geralt snorted. 
“And Vesemir?”
Panic flooded Geralt as he did his best to keep his posture neutral, but every fiber of his being screamed not to let him near Ciri, “No.”
“Why not? He trained you. And Jaskier said he saw you cut through forty soldiers without breaking a sweat.”
Geralt took a deep breath and forced a smile, “Jaskier’s full of shit. Cohen only.”
Ciri rolled her eyes but muttered a begrudging, “Fine,” before splitting off to dig into dinner. 
When he mentioned the schedule shift to Yennefer, something sad and lonely crossed her features before she masked it with a surprisingly kind smile. He hadn’t expected her to take issue, but he was almost angry that she seemed… understanding? Empathetic?
“Must be harder for you,” Yennefer’s voice would sound condescending to someone who didn’t know her, but Geralt heard the melancholy edge, “I have no memories in this place and still it aches.”
All he could give her in response was a grimace and terse nod. 
It was slightly comforting knowing Yennefer was at least in a similar position, but she seemed just fine. The other wolves seemed just fine. Hell, he was the only one of them to take issue with anything they’d been through. From the trials to the disgusting way Vesemir mourned his lost ability to inflict the same soul-crushing pain on more innocent boys, Geralt seemed to be the only one concerned with the way anyone was handling, or better yet not handling anything. 
That night he sat on his bed, polishing his swords as he tried to wrap his mind around how he’d got there. 
Sometime after midnight, his door was shoved open by Jaskier holding a bottle of something far too strong for a human and managing to yell at him while still whispering, “Right. Put the perfectly sharp blade down before I use it on you. I swear to fuck if you scrape that whet stone more time, I’ll lose the one fucking marble I have left. And I need that one! It makes me money!” 
Stunned out of his meditation-like repetitive stupor, Geralt carefully set his things aside as Jaskier made himself at home on Geralt’s bed, “Didn’t know anyone could hear.” 
“Yes, well, these doors are shit, and I’m right across the hall,” Jaskier waved his hands as if Geralt should have caught on by now before uncorking the bottle and holding it toward Geralt, “What’s running round in that big boarish head of yours?” 
Geralt gave him a sad excuse for a smirk and took the bottle, staring at it as he whispered like he was giving some heinous confession, “I’m… I can’t imagine intentionally harming Ciri.”
Jaskier raised an eyebrow with an air of cautious optimism, “That’s good.”
He didn’t understand. Not that Geralt should expect him to, but they hadn’t spent as much time together recently. It used to be easier to talk like this with Jaskier, the bard was able to put together the broken fragments of a sentence Grealt couldn’t bear to say aloud much faster when they’d been attached at the hip. 
Frowning as he took a pull from the bottle, Geralt slowly dug the words out from where he’d buried them long ago, “But no one thought twice about beating or starving us… for the same mistakes she makes. She’s just scared…” Geralt took a deep breath and slowly forced it out, sneaking the words in on his exhale as if his pride and fear wouldn’t notice that way, “We were just scared…” 
For a long time, neither of them said a word; they both just stared at the bottle in Geralt’s hand. The air was thick and breathing too deeply felt dangerous somehow, like a sigh could break watever fragile balance they’d set up. Geralt’s mind raced, as it had been all night, reminding him of horror story after horror story that had been so normalized he and his fellow wolves had laughed as they exchanged them over meals. They almost made him sick as he imagined any of those words coming out of Ciri’s mouth. 
Finally, Jaskier spoke up, his voice soft and careful, “Is that why she’s training with Yen more?”
Geralt found himself nodding before he realized, an odd tightness behind his eyes and in the back of his throat, “It made sense before. We were nightmares, but Ciri can be worse, and I couldn’t dream…”
“You didn’t deserve it either,” Jaskier reminded him, taking the bottle from his hand and taking a conservative swig before cris-crossing his legs.
“Deserving and not deserving makes no difference. Shit still happens.” Geralt grumbled, reciting a line he’d rehearsed plenty of times before, only now it felt hollow. He didn’t believe it anymore, and he didn’t know what to do about it. 
The soft, almost proud smile Jaskier wore when Geralt risked a glance toward him was confusing, but the bard’s words were far worse, “We finally tricked you into giving a fuck about yourself,” When Geralt frowned harder at him, Jaskier continued, “Hell, Geralt, you called yourself a tool- no! Weapon when I first met you. It has taken decades to humanize you to yourself. Decades and a daughter apparently…” he trailed off with a shrug and another sip from the bottle. 
“I thought I was a selfish twit,” Geralt huffed, reaching for the bottle before bringing one foot onto the bed to rest his elbow on his knee. He didn’t think Jaskier was wrong, but he didn’t want to accept it either. Too much about how he moved through the world would change. 
“You are,” Jaskier smiled, giving a fervent nod, “You’ve great range.”
Rolling his eyes, Geralt couldn’t stop the tired smile spreading on his face, “Don’t sign me up to give a monologue.”
“Now that I have the idea…” Jaskier gave him a mischievous wiggle of his eyebrows and dodged a light backhand to his shoulder.
The liquor was starting to do its job, Geralt's limbs feeling heavier and his mind foggier. He took another long bubbling pull from the bottle before setting it on the floor, Jaskier giving a sigh of relief. It was a satisfying enough explanation for why the training grounds bothered him all of the sudden, but as he stared at a hole in the hem of Jaskier’s trousers, something kept eating at him. 
“I can't trust the people I called family,” the whispered words were out before he realized he’d spoken. Something in him calcified and died as he said it. He’d been thinking it for weeks, especially since Vesemir’s latest stunt, but it felt final, speaking the fact into existence. 
Geralt could just barely see Jaskier nodding his head as he spoke, “Me neither. Rotten, isn’t it?” 
“Fucking brutal.”
“Yup,” Jaskier popped the ‘p’ and rested his chin in his hand, staring at the same hole Geralt had been staring at, “What are you going to do about it?”
The question pulled Geralt up short, “The fuck can I do?”
It had been a long time since Jaskier looked at him like he was a fucking idiot, but it still had the same effect, “Tell them? Ruin their week? Lay down rules?” As he made his list, Jaskier shuffled till he was laying diagonally across the bed with his head on the pillows and somehow he still had the effect of making Geralt feel like a dimwit, “For fuck’s sake, Geralt, that's your daughter. You focus so hard on protecting her from armies and monsters, don’t forget about your own family just because no one else has given a fuck all these years.” 
“They wouldn’t starve-”
“You just said you can’t trust them. Why defend them?” Jaskier was staring him down with a challenge in his eyes and Geralt couldn’t argue with the logic. 
 Sliding his hand down his shin and resting his chin on his knee like he did when he was a boy, Geralt closed his eyes and whispered, “We were raised to need him. It’s a shitty habit.”
“I know,” Jaskier let out a long sorrowful sigh that reminded Geralt he really did know, “Maybe talk to Lambert first?”
Geralt shook his head and felt a little dizzy for it, letting himself plop over onto his side so he was curled into the little triangle of space Jaskier had left him, “He’s too angry. Probably accuse me of mutiny… Eskel would have understood.”
Jaskier’s hand flopped to his side and clumsily found its way to comb through Geralt’s hair, “Yeah?”
“You would have liked him,” Geralt mused, again feeling that enraging sting behind his eyes, “He’d have already torn into Vesemir. Was always ready for a fight…” 
Voice softer, almost like he was singing a lullaby, Jaskier hummed, “I probably would have.”
For a moment Geralt thought he’d be okay, he thought he could tell Jaskier just how betrayed he felt by the people he thought he could trust the most. How Vesemir was supposed to protect him and how he’d broken the promises he made when Geralt was too little to understand he couldn’t keep them. But all that came out were soft stuttering breaths and tears rolling down his face. 
Continuing to run his fingers through Geralt’s hair, Jaskier whispered, “Let’s sleep. You’ve done enough thinking for one night.”
Geralt sniffed and raised his head with an embarrassed grimace and nodded. Instead of a pillow, Geralt laid his head on Jaskier’s stomach, letting the bard’s slow and rhythmic breathing in tandem with the steady thrum of liquor in his veins lull him to sleep even if he dreaded the morning. 
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I'm following the shipping anthropology like it's my paid job ofc but was there anything interesting about gen preferences ? Iirc exacty if there was a question about it/what it was like but I'm curious if anyone shared
Sorry for the last response! I went over the answers many times already and one of my regrets is not digging deeper into general non-romantic dynamic preferences so I am sorry I will have to disappoint you when it comes to it since I was too short-sighted. Here are the stats for Greyjoy dynamics, some comments on Robb and Theon as friends and a few general comments on possible friendships. Character studies type of gen fanwork sadly wasn't mentioned.
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Extremely surprised by Theon & Euron being more interesting than Theon & Balon to the common fandom.
Many throbb people and also less Theon-centric people who answered the survey also spoke of Theon and Robb as friends or friends to lovers which I found interesting because this wasn't the case with other ships that are are based on somewhat positive interactions/emotions, like show! theonsa or theyne (who I don't consider his friends either).
i picked theon/robb mostly because that's been his healthiest relationship during his life but i generally don't engage with shipping content besides occasionally seeing fan art. i enjoy the dynamic of childhood friends turned lovers as well as like maybe them bonding over their mistakes in the afterlife. i like to think robb would forgive theon eventually, he doesn't seem the type to give up on his loved ones. -
Very close tie between Theonsa and Throbb for me. I enjoy a dark twist on the childhood friends trope, I like the potential for exploring Theons trauma from being a hostage vs his genuine love for Robb and Sansa
I don't feel strongly about it, I don't think Theon and Robb would ever say or do anything explicitly romantic/sexual "in canon", but I get that it can be fun to explore it. I like to explore how their friendship developed, how they grew so close, and the crushing guilt, regret and trauma of the betrayal
I live for TheonxRobb fics but mostly the ones about the war time, the angst about betraying Robb or his family, reactions to the red wedding, angsty flashbacks to their childhood and so on. it's the childhood friends to lovers to enemies to tragedy that does it for me. but when I'm in mood I can get super into fluffy fics of the two, since Robb isnt really a pov character there's much more leeway for the writer, I can read I fic about them and not be bothered if Robb is ooc (hard to be out of character when you are not much of a character lol) because I'm not familiar with inner thoughts and all that, theres more freedom for imagination.
I find Theon/Robb interesting because the themes of friendship/brotherhood/betrayal are really interesting to me. Theon's guilt, mania, depression and his complex relationship to the Starks are best shown through the Throbb (ew name lol) dynamic. I also think it's hilarious. Mordern AU throbb is insane..
I wish he was in AGOT a little more! Like I don't think we get a full conversation between Theon and Robb besides when Robb yells at Theon, which sucks because they are basically best friends.
I feel like Robb was Theon's only friend in Winterfell for a long time. Like he was the only person the idiot could sorta trust
Catra from she ra! Redemption and identity and sexy bad boy stuff again. Childhood friends to lovers. Enemy/rival of the childhood friend/lover. Most of the characters in Yellowjackets. (Jackie is Robb).
I just ignore things that bug me. I don't like calling him reek. I don't think he was "right to betray the Starks" or that he didn't betray them. I think he did betray them despite being a ward, or at the very least he betrayed robb who was his friend. Theon says as much, what he did was wrong and it supposed to be wrong.
let him have other friends in modern aus, the whole botley family is right here.
Back to the iron islands support group thing we came up with. I would really love it if Wex, Falia, Jeyne & Theon would become friends (and maybe it develops into something else with one of them, maybe it doesn't). Not found family, he has a family, but friends! Good friends who treat him right and don't look down on him. He had friends in Winterfell and he had friends in the Iron Islands! He is not unloveable or unloved but life has made it very difficult for him to keep those friendships or for those friendships to even be healthy and these three people have gone through similar situations in their life and could find some happiness and carelessness in each others company.
I need to know who his dead or grown into strangers friends were. Was Botley one of them? Was that the reason he looked down on him and Qarl later on? Was Baelor one of them? grrm why add that extremely relatable line and not expand on it?!? You know me, I know you. Killing ourselves over this.
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sktsnation · 2 years
Title: Heart Too Full of Love Summary: Kiyoomi is now a father, more than anything. Characters: atsumu, kiyoomi, minor sunaosa Words: 1,208| Notes: contains omegaverse and mpreg
Kiyoomi decided to be a stay-at-home Alpha the moment Atsumu told him they're gonna have a baby—babies, to be exact, after finding out they'll be having twins a few weeks later. No one can dissuade him from the idea—not even his omega, who's rightfully confused at the announcement.
("Not to sound ungrateful, Omi—coz I am—grateful—I mean. So much! But ya have foreign clubs knocking at yer door, begging you t'join them."
"Sure." Kiyoomi shrugs. "I can do that, but I just want to do this more. I love what we have now, Atsumu. You, me, our pups. Pups! I still can't believe it!"
"Ya better believe it! There's no turnin' back, yanno!" Atsumu had laughed, tickled at his alpha's excitement. "I'll be taking time off soon—"
"Take all the time that you need, love. Volleyball has been here way before you were born, and it'll still be here after the twins arrive.
"Not gonna lie, I'm lovin' all—" Atsumu points to all of Kiyoomi "—of this support. In fact, if I weren't already carrying yer pups, I'd ask ya for one—eep!"
"Do not tempt me, my darling. Ask and shall be arranged in a few years. Planned Parenthood and all that."
"Oh... so sexy, alpha."
"Anything for my most favorite, omega. If taking care of you means taking time off from the sport as well, then by all means, I'm here for you every step of the way."
"Realistically speaking though, 'every step of the way' is still six months long—"
"Then here's to hoping you won't get tired of me even for that long.")
Naturally, Kiyoomi makes do with his promise and stays with Atsumu, bidding the team temporary farewell as he and Atsumu retreat to their house in Hyogo, near his in-laws, and, to his chagrin, Osamu.
Not that there's anything wrong with Atsumu spending time with his twin. It's just that, he's seen more of Osamu in the past month than he has, collectively, over several years. It's not all that surprising since they're two peas in a pod, but wow, his presence sure is felt.
Kiyoomi even (half) jokingly proposes to implement visiting hours—strictly for Osamu only, but Atsumu laughs it off.
("Aww—" Atsumu cooes. "Is my baby daddy jealous he doesn't get all my attention?"
"I literally have my mark on your neck—and vice versa, too, which is weirdly uncommon. I think I rank higher than a baby daddy, Atsumu."
"What do ya propose I call you then? Sir?"
"Not if you want irish twins—or triplets." He replies nonchalantly, smirking when his mate chokes upon hearing his answer, cheeks immediately flushing red.
The doorbell rings, followed by a familiar scent that is, distinctly, Osamu. Kiyoomo groans loudly, not even hiding his displeasure at the sudden (expected) intrusion.
His mate, however, is quick to laugh at him. "That's 'Samu."
"I know." Kiyoomi pouts, arms wrapping around Atsumu’s waist to pull him closer, effectively trapping him in an embrace so he can't stand up and let his twin—intruder, his mind corrects—inside their home.)
Never in his entire life did Kiyoomi ever expect Suna Rintarou to be his confidant, but he had, and Suna, in turn, unloads all of Osamu's baby fever woes on him. Suna tells him about the baby books Osamu currently keeps in their home and how he's getting mixed signals from it.
("Osamu said, and I quote: 'If I learn along with Atsumu now, then I'd be a master at childrearing by the time it's my turn, and that's a point in my favor.'" Suna shakes his head fondly. "How do I even interpret that?"
"At least Osamu didn't say now."
"That's what you think." Suna grins. "Osamu wants our kids and yours to be the same age."
"Same age." Kiyoomi deadpans, then smirks, seeing the calm look on Suna's face. "You look pleased by it."
"C'mon," Suna scoffs lightly. "It's Osamu. How the hell can i not be pleased? Besides, it's not like we bonded without expectations of a pup or two."
Kiyoomi agrees, until he remembers how he's been kicked out of Atsumu’s nest a week ago when Osamu visited them.
"I've been kicked out from the nest, by the way."
Suna winces. "I figured. For an omega who spends hours on end at your home, I can't even smell a whiff of your scent on Osamu."
Kiyoomi hums, then circles back to their previous topic. "I'm sure it's not a mixed signal anymore if he wants our kids to be the same age. I mean, Atsumu's how many months along already? You're on a time limit as it is, man."
Suna laughs. "That's true. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an omega to talk to.")
Five months later finds Kiyoomi in the hospital, hand crushed to death in Atsumu's vice grip as the omega wails when a contraction hits him again, his body working hard to deliver their babies.
Their family is outside, waiting patiently for the twins' awaited arrival. The team too. Meian had sent them a text over the group chat; it's a photo of everyone in the waiting room, each carrying a gift of their own. Then another one, this time with their family in the picture.
Needless to say, Atsumu had been in tears.
The moment the twins finally do come, Kiyoomi cries. Atsumu is in bed, tired from all the tears and childbirth, but he looks happy and content, like everything he's wanted is in the palm of his hands.
The twins lie secured against their mother's chest, skin to skin, and ever present. Kiyoomi combs Atsumu's hair away and presses a kiss against the omega's forehead, all love and care poured into that single gesture, heart too full to even put his gratitude into words.
Atsumu still understands. His eyes soften, smiling through the tiredness overtaking him.
("Hey you," he whispers, mindful of the twins asleep on his chest. "How are ya feelin'?" Atsumu asks, only to be kissed in return, a kiss so soft, so gentle, yet it leaves him breathless all the same.
"You're so strong." Kiyoomi tells him. "So unbelievably strong, it's insane." The compliment draws out a soft laugh from Atsumu's lips, barely a puff of breath, still, it's there.
Kiyoomi looks at him with stars in his eyes, the all-encompassing love the alpha has for him reflected in his gaze that the omega has no choice but to lean in for a kiss again.
"Sap," Atsumu teases when a stray tear falls on his cheek. "My big strong alpha is crying, why is that?"
"Aside from the twins being born? Everything I guess." Atsumu purrs when he feels Kiyoomi's fingers run through his hair again. "But mostly you. Just... you."
"Sap." Atsumu repeats.
"Most ardently, my love." Gently, Kiyoomi leans down to place a kiss on each twin's forehead, so carefully that his lips barely graze the skin. There's a hint of hesitation behind the gesture, as if doing so would pop the bubble of happiness around them. Atsumu, ever observant, notices this. His free hand comes up to cup Kiyoomi's face, his thumb stroking light circles against his alpha's cheeks.
"They're real, Omi."
"I know," Kiyoomi breathes. "I know. I'm still processing everything, but I know. They're... here."
"And I'm here." Atsumu reminds him. "Say it."
"You're here."
"Yup! And I love you." Kiyoomi's cheeks pink and his feels his heart balloon at the declaration. He's been Atsumu's mate for how long now, yet the magic behind those words is still the same.
"I love you.")
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targentis · 2 months
- What's your favorite character arc?
- What's your favorite details you noticed about the game?
- What's your favorite character design?
- Do you have any hcs/things you'd like about less popular characters ( the church staff, students like Raphael or Caspar, random npc )
- Idk if you particularly care about shipping, but do you have any rarepair? ( Ok, tbh that one is because of your Rodrigue fic because it was delightful. And because I saw you liked Ferdinand/Dimitri- )
- Do you have any hcs around the characters family? ( This one might also be because of your Rodrigue fic- )
- ALSO is there any platonic dynamic, especially less popular, that you care about?
- Group dynamic too! I'm pretty sure your favorite is the blue lions, but is there anything particular you enjoy/notice about the houses? ( including the Church staff! And it can consider recruits too, as well as either pre or post time-skip )
- This one is a bit cheessy but is there any song you associate with three houses in some way?
( Sorry I know it looks a bit like an interview, feel free to only answer the question you want! And I might not like/reblog your answer bc I'm shy but I'll garantee you that I will have read it! Thanks you if you decided to answer :) )
wowa sure i’ll answer all these why not HDSNDJSN
gotta say dimitri has my favorite character arc 💪💪💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥👆👆👆 they literally gave him a trauma recovery arc and it wasn’t even bad. we love the psychotic rep in this game 💪💪💪💪 the healing 💥💥💥💥💥💥 the sexy also 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
oogh. this is a Hard One. all the character design in this game slaps so hard. i’ll probably have to say post timeskip Edelgard takes the cake for me though because like…that headdress…the gravitas of the whole getup…never seen anything like it before
I LOVE CORNELIA 💥💥💥💥💥💥 i know i already talked about my trans headcanon for her but like genuinely…..she is so fascinating to me…what is trans Agarthan culture like…one must wonder…
LMAO the Rodrigue fic was a commission but i am a Rodriguela supporter forever 🫡🫡🫡 other than that yeah i like Diminand (but i’m a Cymitri truther and Yes this counts as a rarepair to me), Ashelix, whatever Ferdinand and Felix is called but Specifically as exes…i think that’s it off the top of my head. i also ship Cornelia with Valter from Sacred Stones but that’s a whole nother can of worms
OUUUU tbh i think All of my family hcs came out in that one Felix fic that everyone sleeps on HDBSBDJS i just i just i love thinking about Glenn……..and what would happen if Felix just went to therapy ONCE……… Rodrigue is a good father idc what anyone says
yes i think we were robbed of Claude and Hubert supports and i’ll die on this hill. they would have been such incredible worsties. i also really like Lorenz and Ferdinand as the most insufferable friends on the planet. and Annette and Dimitri have such cute supports that i never hear anyone talk about…faerghus four my ass, Annette is Dimitri’s REAL sibling figure ‼️ speaking of the faerghus four i hate that dynamic. Dedue and Dimitri have thee most beautiful friendship and ppl want me to believe he has a comparable relationship with the snotty rich kids he grew up with? get real. that being said Felix and Sylvain have that Exact lasting childhood bond that everyone seems to want Dimitri to have with the rest of them so. i like those two as besties i have a lot of feelings about that.
its so interesting that the Blue Lions come off as my favorite group dynamic because like…i gotta say they’re probably my least favorite as a group AKDKSNSKSA i LOVE the Black Eagles for this. (i am totally neutral on the Golden Deer. i have like zero opinions on them and i am sorry 😔) specifically though i think what gets me about the Black Eagles is that they have this…communal vibe, i guess? it makes it easy to imagine them all like hanging out with each other even though they all have such STRONG personalities. the Blue Lions…i just get the sense that they’re not all very compatible with each other if that makes sense??? it feels like i’m at an awkward family dinner every time i see them all together. it could just be that i like almost all the BE whereas there are quite a few BL i strongly dislike HHDBWNDN because recruiting my faves makes this less unbearable. also i fucking love the church staff…i especially love how supportive all the professors are of each other, and how Byleth really feels like they have a community around them while working at Garreg Mach… Gatekeeper i love you………
yes i do actually and it’s PVP by Amaranthe. i don’t actually know WHY that song makes me think of this game, the lyrics aren’t really applicable, but i have such a vivid animatic in my head every time i hear it so there you have it.
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what the Adult version of Scooby gang characters should be. or at least in my mind
After watching ten minutes of the Velma Show, and Being obsessed with reading how truly Awful it is, 
Don’t Hate watch this garbage! I have already seen articles about it getting a second season! Save us. by not watching it. Become a pirate lol 
But Hearing how Awful Mindy has ruined our favorite Gang. you know what! I’m gonna Fix what a “modern” version of each character should be/make them mature. because honestly I’m annoyed at how dirty Mindy did the scooby gang 
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Since this show is the reason we are even thinking about them as “adults”
Honestly i see her still being a Brilliant nerd, who is Kind but incredibly Quite and keeps her head stucks in books. she has a problem with “speaking out” So she’s painfully quite. but when a mystery is to be solved she opens up. and it would of been incredible to See her Struggling with her sexuality ( i saw the gif of her and Daphane) but It would of been nice to see Like her falling for Shaggy and then Struggling to be sexually attracted to Becka.. a students who is trouble and makes her flustered and then Shaggy would have to be the one to end it saying he wasn’t the Right person for her. and helps his pal Push to the realizations She’s Gay. Which would of helped bonded them closer as friends. and she has a Strange fetish for Anime lol 
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okay, this is what I see. Shaggy anxiety about ghosts is Amped up! he’s Scared of anxious about EVERYTHING! Which Leads him to take Pot to “settle the nerves. And once he has he’s nerves under control that Guy is Bonking Every girl left and right. until he’s Best friend Dave is murdered and the pot doesn’t help with the fright of Ghosts. but he gets support from his New friends. /long-time crush Velma (I KNOW SHE IS GAY! BUT I’VE SHIPPED THEM FOR A LONG TIME! LOL) And once the mystery is solved. he doesn’t want to go back to Bonking the entire school or being the local Drug dealer. because in my mind he needs to get alot of money to keep up his habit. so he becomes Pot dealer .  (he’s named does have Shag in it) so he then gets a dog.. named Scooby Doo.
okay, I see her being an influencer, Stuck up, Way too addicted to her phone and losing grips of reality, and is the most popular girl in the school. Everyone wants to be her, befriend her, And have a sexy time with her. Daphne is Rude because in her mind the WORLD revolves around Her! Until her Cousin Dave Is killed and Shaggy, Velma, and Fred bring her back to Earth. I see her and Fred having a Fling one summer. but then afterward Hate each other until they become friends and they start dating. Highly jealous, use to see Shaggy regularly  to help her “destress” incredible Rich. between her parents and all the money she makes off of Sock tok (A Rip off version of Tik tok lol) 
The most popular guy in school comes from a working-class family, he is on the football team to make his dad happy who is an “Alpha male” and turns down all of Fred’s interests. like Cheerleading, Knitting, and baking. Due to Hiding who he turly is. Fred is Angry and lashes out. not wanting to have anything to do with he mystery until he’s girlfriend. Marry Joe dies. (second murder) and he is forced to join Daphane, Shaggy and Velma. and once with him and seeing How Shaggy also Enjoys Baking they bond over that. and they Show two men enjoying things. that are mostly aimed at girls (they at one point always go for Medi pedies’ at least once a month) and Fred is a pure example that Men can be tough, and fine with their own sexuality's and like things that aren’t “meant” for them. Also. he has a fetish for Anime which he and Velma will spend Hours. watching. and will have fun mutually rubbing one off together. Fred use to go to Shaggy for weed. 
Scooby Doo! 
I Want NOTHING “muture” or creepy to change about my dog Scooby! I want them all to have messed up lives. EVERY TIME SCOOBY IS ON SCREEN. THEY ARE ON THEIR BEST BEHAVIOUR AND HE’S A GOOD BOY! 
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maskedbeliever · 1 year
Hehe what is smut but an excuse for gratuitous amounts of world building
I fucking love those ideas , renfields as an adaption to certain environments ( I’m guessing it would favour higher human population areas myself but that’s just my take) makes sense to me , humans will attempt to pack bond with a rock we’re certainly risk taking enough to attempt a negotiation with the local apex predator to get it to eat throg in the cave over the other side of the valley, I’d be willing to bet some vampires would play ball if food availability wasn’t the most pressing issue.
Vampires are people despite being horrifying monsters from our perspective ( without watering down the horror) is somthing i really loved from the original books as well it’s one of the things I enjoyed about the Valerie - brüks interactions, you get to watch his reactions as a shit scared prey animal only able to consider her actions from the angle of “all this thing thinks about all day every day is hurting me” but also consider other motives than “ to rustle human jimmies” . Like I think her behavior at the end in the desert was sort of an attempt at affection- obviously to manipulate him into staying where she wanted him and weird even for a vampire because she got raised in a lab but I think it shows that vampires are at least capable of it as their own thing rather than just pure imitation.
Anyway sorry this went all over the place, that outline sounds really great I really hope it works out .
I'm glad you like the idea! I've had such fun playing with it but totally got off the rails in the worldbuilding.
I really feel bad for the vampires in the books because baseline humans look at them and think "how can this person disrupt my life/my community/my society?" instead of "how can I make space in my life/community/society for this person?"
Like in Valerie's case I don't think there would be any reason to think she would be a violent person if she had been given the means to lead a life that let her pursue all kinds of interests and relationships. We never get to see a vampire character who has any kind of family or friends, it totally sucks for them.
I was originally thinking of just writing something quick and dirty but like so many people before me, I got too invested in backstories and characters.
Here's a chunk I've written that I like. The character names--Cyrus for the vampire and Danielle for the woman--are both placeholders unless I end up liking them a lot.
"You begin this attraction when you're still very young," he said. He'd always avoided acknowledging it, but she was grown and he could no longer hide from her affections.
"Well, I was always interested in you."
"I'm interesting," he admitted, a little smug. "But this is attraction. Am I attractive?"
He knew the answer already. "Well I think so," she said. His long fingers touched her cheek and her neck. It didn't bother him when strange humans were tense around him, but it never made him feel good, either. But a calm human? This woman showing him that his presence could be a source of ease or happy excitement? That felt miraculous.
Cyrus' academic curiosity was intense enough that if he left it unchecked, it would derail any ability to flirt. He surrendered to it for just a moment. "When do you first decide that I am attractive? Why?"
"Probably when I was about eleven, some time during the divorce," she said. Danielle brought a hand up to her face to shield her mouth in embarrassment of something she had not yet shared. "I found videos of you giving presentations. I thought you had a sexy accent."
He laughed. Vampires' mouths and throats were shaped just differently enough to make some sounds difficult in many languages. In baseline humans it would have been called a speech impediment. Combined with his refusal to use the past tense unless writing for publication, he sounded like he might have learned English later in life. "You think I'm foreign?"
She covered more of her reddening face. "I know! It's ridiculous. But I thought you were like some kind of European or something!"
All of his teeth showed when he leaned his head back and laughed again. "It's not the first time I hear this. There is a discussion among the vampiro-linguists about how to describe it and some people say vampire accent."
"Well, I don't know about other vampires," she said. Other vampires still had the capacity to unsettle her. "But when you talk, it's hot."
I think this makes a little more sense if you've heard the blindsight and echopraxia audiobooks, where the reader gives Sarasti and Valerie what really does sound like an accent, but even if you just go by the text they do speak strangely enough that they could be mistaken as non-native english speakers.
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