#can llimona
moodboardmix · 5 months
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Can Llimona,, Alella, Barcelona, Spain,
MESURA Architects
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tastatast · 2 years
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Després de tres anys des de la darrera visita a l’Aürt, hem volgut tornar a menjar la cuina de l’Artur Martínez i veure en quina direcció estava avançant. 
De la seva cuina ens segueixen agradant les versions renovades i diferenciables que fa del receptari català, aparentment senzilles (producte i salsa) però amb un munt d’elaboracions prèvies complexes i laborioses. Tot i que les racions continuen sent excessivament petites, ofereix una cuina gustosa, nítida i amb una estètica cuidada.
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Això sí, següeix oferint la fórmula única de menú degustació en el que es pot afegir una taula de formatges catalans.
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Aperitiu: caldo de pell d’anguila fumada amb pinyons i estragó. Una entrada càlida i senzilla.
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S’acompanya tot el menú amb un deliciós pa de massa mare i de fermentació llarga de Pa de Kilo. També se seveix l’oli d’oliva L’Oblit 2022, un projecte de l’Artur amb la Masia Can Morral del Molí (Ullastrell, Vallès Occidental). Un oli elaborat amb oliveres centenàries de Becaruda, una varietat autòctona del Vallès Occidental que han rescatat de l’oblit.
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Bonítol amb mongetes del ganxet:
A la tassa blanca: gelatina amb l’aigua de la cocció de la mongeta i al centre, una salsa feta amb el cap del bonítol.
Al plat: un tros de llom de bonítol pintat amb un miso de mongetes del ganxet enlloc de mongetes de soja.
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Una versió crua i freda del fricandó:
Enlloc de llata de vedella, llom baix de vaca rubia gallega una mica madurada i tallat ben fi, farcit amb una mantega de bolets.
Enlloc de les verdures del sofregit: brots, germinats i ceba i pastanaga crues i laminades.
Cep cru i caldo de bolets.
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Torrada d’algues amb tàrtar de sépia condimentat amb els ingredients d’una salsa tàrtara i puntets de garum fet amb la melsa de la sépia.
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Ostra del Delta de l’Ebre cuita al vapor acompanyada d’una mena de salsa holandesa feta a base d’un liquat d’api i vinagre, sal d’api, api cru i germinat d’api. S’acompanya d’una copa Riedel de whisky: una gota de l’aigua d’un garum fet amb l’aigua de l’ostra i la part que enganxa l’ostra amb la closca.
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Royal de ceba tendra amb salsa de ceba Figueres caramel·litzada, una royal moderna, fina, més aviat freda i gens escumosa. Tot un clàssic del receptari de l’Artur Martínez.
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Gamba vermella amb el toc just de cocció a la salamandra i amb una salsa ben intensa a base del cap de les gambes i de mojo rojo.
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Albergínia escalivada i macerada amb una picada treballada com un pesto i augmentant la proporció d’herbes. Formatge Reixagó ratllat i salsa de fetge de rap fumat. Una vegada més, la idea de cuina que ens agrada de l’Artur.
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Col cuita i marcada a la brasa, amb mantega torrada, caldo de pollastre i colatura d’anxova. Al fons del plat: crema d’all amb el suc de la cocció de la col i una mica de xucrut que li aporta un toc d’acidesa i profunditat al plat. Un plat elaborat amb un producte que no és de temporada però que, de totes maneres, està molt ben aconseguit. 
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Calamar al pil-pil. D’aquest plat en faríem una tona. Addictiu.
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Roger a la brasa amb una romescada feta amb el fetge del roger, brandy, avellana i un caldo del cap i les espines. Destacava per la intensitat de la salsa, que es menjava una mica la qualitat del roger.
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Per acabar la part salada del menú, cap de llom de porc excel·lentment rostit al forn arrebossat amb pólvora de duc, una barreja d’espècies del Sent Soví. Espinacs egipcis un pèl cruixents i fonoll en vinagre que li aportava frescor. Un d’aquells plats melosos tant típiques de la cuina tradicional però posat al dia. 
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A continuació, quatre postres. 
Iogurt grec de marialluïsa, sorbet de nespra, chutney de la pell dels nespres, pols de pinyol de nespres i merenga seca de llimona. Més interessant pel fet d’aprofitar fins i tot els pinyols de la fruita que no pas pel resultat final del plat.
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Sorbet d’ametlla crua, crumble d’ametlla, ametlla tendra, ametlla gelée i cruixent d’Amaretto. Un plat que ens va fer pensar en algun plat del Disfrutar en el que desgranen un fruit sec com l’anou, els pinyons o les mateixes ametlles i l’ofereixen en diferents punts de maduració i en diferents elaboracions. Tot i així, unes postres ben bones. 
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Sorbet de pruna i cristalls cruixents dels sucres del pa caramel·litzats. Una manera molt interessant d’aprofitar el pa que sobra a cada servei. Boníssim!
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Mochi farcit de gelat de garrofa. Enlloc d’acabar amb xocolata ho fan amb garrofa, que és un ingredient més d’aquí i del que no li fèiem gaire cas. Un mochi especialment bo, la textura de la massa es notava acabada de fer i, a més, el gelat de garrofa era cremós i atemperat, cosa que s’agraeix i fa més amable el plat.
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Per acabar i acompanyar el cafè serveixen dos petits fours.
Coca de llardons de pollastre, amb crema de mantega, fruits secs i pols d’anís. Bombó de xocolata de Piura (Perú).
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Sense cap mena de dubte, la cuina de l’Aürt segueix sent atraient. Això sí, si es pogués fer un menú degustació amb menys plats per tal que la ració fos més generosa, segur que gaudiríem molt més de la cuina senzillament complexa de l’Artur Martínez.
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Summer is finally here! Today’s post is a playlist of songs that always make me feel like in one of those hot afternoons in my town’s square drinking granissat de llimona or orxata surrounded with a soft smell of gunpowder from Sant Joan or Festa Major.
You can listen to it here on Spotify, or by clicking the links below that lead to YouTube.
Rock & Roll - Els Catarres
Transmets Energia - Buhos
De Burjassot a Tu - Atupa ft. Borja Penalba
Hem Nascut Castellers - Porto Bello
Noltros Som Així - Emboirats
Imperfeccions - Zoo ft. Los Chikos del Maiz & At Versaris
Volcans - Buhos
Viu - Roba Estesa
Tu Mateix - Atupa
Si Tanque els Ulls - Obrint Pas
Tornem al Penedès - Buhos
No Puc Parar - 4 de Copes
A Ple Pulmó - Xavi Sarrià ft. Auxili
Nit de Santes - Ebri Knight
La Gran Vida - Buhos
La Dansa del Vestit - Txarango
Ara! - Doctor Prats
L’Estiu és Llibertat - Buhos
[Photos: castellers: Aida Collado (instagram) // espardenyes: montesalcuadrado // diables: Bestialots de la Sagrada Família (insta) // wheat field in L’Amposta: ampostadeltadelebre (insta)]
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annaflorsdefum · 5 years
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Pink fruits summer || Verano de frutas rosas || Estiu de fruites roses (2019)
ESP || Estos días me siento un poco de bajón, si pudiera me pasaría el día debajo del nórdico hecha un ovillo mirando series... Para estas situaciones no hay nada mejor que una ilustración que te recuerde que cualquier día gris puede salir el sol y formar un precioso arco iris lleno de colores! Y el chocolate… el chocolate lo arregla todo, siempre me comería muchísimo chocolate! 🍫🌈
Vosotros tenéis algún método para convertir los días de bajón en buenos días? Hoy os traigo la tercera ilustración de la serie de refrescos saludables de verano. Después del refresco de limón y el de frutas del bosque, es la hora del de suculenta sandía, fresca menta y deliciosas fresas.🍓🍉 Vaya parece que tanto rosa ha atraído un a gracioso flamenco!
Espero que tengáis un día genial!! 
ENG || These days I been feeling a bit down, if I could I would spend the day curled up under the sheets watching series ... For these situations there is nothing better than an illustration that reminds you that the sun can rise at any moment, shine a light on a gray day and form a beautiful rainbow full of colors! And chocolate… chocolate fixes everything, I would love to always eat lots of chocolate!🍫🌈
Do you have any method to change a sad day into a good day?
Today I bring you the third illustration of the summer healthy sodas series. After the one with the lemon and citrus and the other with fruits of the forest, it is time for sweet watermelon, fresh mint and delicious strawberries to come together.🍓🍉
It seems that so much pink has attracted a funny handsome flamenco!I hope you all have a great and awesome day!!
CAT || Aquests dies em sento una mica depre, si pogués em passaria el dia sota el nòrdic feta un cabdell mirant sèries ... Per a aquestes situacions no hi ha res millor que una il·lustració que et recordi que qualsevol dia gris pot sortir el sol i formar un preciós arc de Sant Martí ple de colors! I la xocolata ... la xocolata ho arregla tot, sempre em menjaria moltíssima xocolata! 🍫🌈Vosaltres teniu algun mètode per convertir els dies tristos endies bons?
Avui us porto la tercera il·lustració de la sèrie de refrescos saludables d'estiu. Després del refresc de llimona i el de fruites del bosc, és l'hora del de síndries suculentes, fresca menta i delicioses maduixes.🍓🍉
Vaja, sembla que tant rosa ha atret un a graciós flamenc!Espero que tingueu un dia genial!!
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Manresa, Spain (No. 4)
The Cave of Saint Ignatius is a sanctuary declared as a Local Cultural Heritage that includes a baroque church and a neoclassical building in Manresa (Catalonia), which was created to honor the place where, according to tradition, Saint Ignatius of Loyola shut himself in a cave to pray and do penance during his sojourn in the city from March 1522 to February 1523, where he wrote the Spiritual Exercises returning from his pilgrimage to Montserrat.
In 1522, Saint Ignatius of Loyola lived for 11 months in a natural cave. In 1603 a chapel dedicated to Saint Ignatius was built next to the cave. In the 17th century a church was built as a lobby of the cave. Benediction of the church occurred in 1844. From 1894-96 the convent and the house of spirituality were built. In 1915-18, the aisle between the church and the cave was artistically decorated.
The Cave is a natural grotto facing Montserrat and over which the Church, the Jesuit Residence and the Centre of Spirituality are built. In the Cave there is an alabaster altarpiece (second half of the 17th century) that represents Saint Ignatius as penitent, with a pen in his hands and his look towards Montserrat. On the right several alabaster pictures in relief (18th century) can be seen and over one of them there are three crosses carved on the very rock where Ignatius prayed.
Before entering the Cave there is a vestibule, consisting in a spacious aisle designed by Martí Coronas, a Jesuit Brother, at the beginning of the 20th century. Four stained-glass windows in a Venetian mosaic style, bronze relief works, the mosaics and the ceiling are remarkable artistic elements. Two bronze Angels, by artist Llimona, symbolizing Saint Ignatius’ prayer and penance, are over the door of the cave. On the floor can be seen the Loyola house coat of arms, a cannon in remembrance of the Saint’s wound and a big sunflower a symbol of Ignatius’ heart open to Jesus.
The church is a baroque building next to the cave from 1759. It is an example of Jesuit architecture. It is formed by a nave with side aisles and chapels, above which runs tribunes with Baroque lattice. The exuberant baroque façades contrasts with the simplicity of the decorative lines and well proportioned sizes of interior space, and the remarkable unity of style. The Façade of the Church is exuberant Baroque styled, but in a uniformed style and proportioned dimensions.
The convent is a huge neo-Classical building, constructed between 1894 and 1896, where pilgrims from all over the world meet when they come to Manresa to practise the Spiritual Exercises. It also houses an order of Jesuits.
​Source: Wikipedia
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architectnews · 3 years
House-studio of Alex March, Barcelona
House-studio of Alex March Barcelona, Catalan Interior Style, New Spanish Building Images
In the House-studio of Alex March, Barcelona
26 Nov 2020
In the House-studio of Alex March in Barcelona
Photos by Sandra Rojo
“Very different things can inspire me, although above all, there are two things that prevail: one is nature, and the other is the entire heritage of art and design in the history of mankind. I am inspired by beauty, which is timeless” says Alex March.
Born into a family dedicated to the artistic field for several generations, Alex March’s love affair with interior design goes back a long way… This is reflected not only in his studio, but also in every project he undertakes, to which he passionately surrenders. His grandfather was an art book editor, his grandmother was an antiquarian and his father a gallery owner, to which Alex March dedicated two years of his life.
The study:
Five years ago, Alex March left his studio in the upper area of Barcelona to move to a new place “I wanted to settle in a neighbourhood like Poblenou, where you have the opportunity to collaborate with a range of different types of people and discover new synergies, where you find atypical and unique spaces, difficult to find in another neighbourhood… here creativity flows freely…” he explains.
This house-studio has 180 square meters and for Alex March it was love at first sight. “It was a space with huge windows, which was literally destroyed, but I immediately saw that it had many possibilities.”
As an anecdote, this study had been a warehouse of paintings to blur from the brand Goya in the past and, as there was still a significant amount of them, the study donated them to a nursery school.
During all this time, significant reforms have been made and it is now, once Alex has felt much more comfortable, that he has decided to open its doors.
Noble materials for an ever-evolving space
Noble materials are part of the inspiring connection with nature that Alex feels. Throughout the studio, the flooring is a natural oak parquet in a light tone.
In the meeting room, six iconic white Pantom chairs and a large table, made of birch by Alex March himself, rest on a natural fibre rug.
The space has been evolving with the interior design studio. Alex March confesses that he got a bit overwhelmed before the realization of the large L-shaped birch wardrobe – of his own design – due to a significant accumulation of samples, catalogues, books and magazines.
“It can be said that I have some kind of cumulative desire for this type of publications, mainly design and art from the 60s, 70s and 80s, although with art publications I am more diverse” a passion that undoubtedly comes from family tradition.
“Any piece can have a value as long as it has a high level of design and art”
The devotion to furniture from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s is mixed with contemporary pieces, providing a unique style in each and every corner of the studio. “Nothing has been planned, they are all things that inspire me and that I like, they represent the work I do, it is my decision to commit to heterogeneity, where any piece can have a value as long as it has a high level of design and art.”
“I have a preference for the 19th and 20th centuries and for everything current that has something to say,” explains Alex March, who quotes Philippe Starck as a reference in interior design, for his great creativity without being pigeonholed into a specific style, and Ilse Crawford and Retrouvius, for the way they recover old things and for their ability to play with nature.
Alex March’s eclectic interior design originates in his childhood: he grew up among works by Sorolla, Fortuny, sculptures by Gargallo and Llimona, and also works by Barceló, Dalí, Tàpies… “my grandparents’ house was a real art gallery, that’s what I’ve been surrounded by since I was little, it was already clear that I was going to mix many things in the future, the taste for mixing was inevitable”.
Alex March’s great artistic and design culture is reflected in the selection of surprising pieces for his studio, some almost of worship for design lovers: Cesca chairs by Marcel Breuer, brutalist marble sculptures from the 70s, ETA shelves by A. Castiglioni from 1979, Atelje Glas & TRÄ swedish lamp from the 60s with a green velvet lampshade, Gascón’s spanish chair from the 70s, a Cabinet attributed to Anne Vodder from the 60s, Hans-Agne Jakobsson style lamp from 1960, a poster for the Bar Duplex de Mariscal from the 80s, Castelló chair for the Il Giardineto restaurant designed by Frederico Correa and Alfonso Milá in the 70s, Guilleumas table from the 70s, Wendy Wright chair by Philip Starck from 1986, among many other details.
Alex March is at a very creative and exciting stage in his life. Between projects, he has found time to design two new furniture brands, which are hallmarked by his personality and work ethic and will soon be released.
Photographer: Sandra Rojo
House-studio of Alex March, Barcelona Interior images / information received 26 Nov 2020
A Barcelona Interior Design project by Alex March Studio on e-architect:
26 May 2020 GSS Security Mataró Office Interior, Mataró, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain photo : Eugeni Pons GSS Security Interior by Alex March
Address: Barcelona, Spain
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Tánger 66, Poblenou Architects: BuckleyGrayYeoman photo © Peter Landers Tánger 66 Barcelona
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spainvisa · 4 years
What are the things to do in Plaça de Catalunya ?
What is Plaça de Catalunya?
It is a lively square is the centre of Barcelona. It is also the geographical space that separates the districts of Ciutat Vella and the Eixample. Plaça de Catalunya central square is steeped in history and is the vital centre of the Catalan capital.
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What are the things to do in Plaça Catalunya ?
Plaça Catalunya has a large shopping centres and department shops. This is always bustling with people. It is the most central area of Barcelona and a privileged meeting place for locals and visitors alike. It also connects the Eixample and the old town.
Facts about Plaça Catalunya
The square was built by King Alfonso XIII in 1927. It covers an area of 5 hectares. In the past, the site was an open area located in front of the gates of the walled city. The architects Pere Falqués, Puig i Cadafalch and Francesc de Paula Nebot participated in the planning of the plaça.
In things to see in Plaça de Catalunya, you can see also sculptures by renowned artists such as Clarà and Llimona. These sculptures represent the four Catalan capitals, wisdom and work. In a corner of the square you can see the monument by Josep Maria Subirachs to the president of the Catalan government, Francesc Macià.
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fizzm · 6 years
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1735 can llimona.
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redand51ue · 6 years
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Would you move into the 1735 Can Llimona home? The home which is located in Spain, is equipped with an indoor pool, wood detailing throughout the home, lush garden views and large outdoor living spaces. Photos Mesura via ✨ @padgram ✨(http://dl.padgram.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bd9FueKAVlk/
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ablahh · 5 years
Mi primer video de visualización a partir del gran proyecto “Can Llimona” de MESURA.
Música - When It’s Sleepytime Down South de Wynton Marsalis
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rosieandthekangaroo · 7 years
Last days of winter
I started this post in Catalan and then decided to translate to English because I am a mess. And it ended up being very long, so let’s go!
So, here I will be talking about the last days I spent in Australia and, even though *the feeeeeels*, I will try to narrate what happened without boring you with sentimentalisms (is this a word?). I have been postponing this moment for a few days but if I have managed to have a blog for an entire year, I am not going to leave it unfinished.
The title is both literal (I went from winter to summer) and a kind of reference to the second album by Noah And The Whale, “First Days Of Spring”, but don’t read too much into this.
So, let’s go as it happened. I will go by topics or groups of people because we all know everyone loves reading about themselves so this way people can find the activities they shared with me all together :D
The day I left + the trip will be at the end of the post and in chronological order because I decided so.
Exams: blahblahblah, boring, I am excellent, very good grades, boring boring. bye.
Things with 1206 girls and friends:
We went to the beautiful Grounds Of Alexandria.
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We walked around for a while, took some cute pictures and then sat for lunch.
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We also enjoyed a walk around The Observatory, where we took some pre-teen pictures of our feet that I am not even going to upload because I am too old for that.
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But as you can see, the views were cool and my camera dirty.
The same night we went out and woke up very fresh for a beautiful sunrise at Circular Quay:
A post shared by Rosie (@sitagram) on Jul 1, 2017 at 2:58pm PDT
The next day was Katie’s last Sunday (and las day) in Sydney, so we did what people are supposed to do in their last day: Manly by ferry and Bondi walk!
I didn’t take many pictures in Manly because I was very busy buying this jacket:
A post shared by Rosie (@sitagram) on Jul 2, 2017 at 4:24am PDT
I had been trying it on forever but I never ended up buying it because it was too expensive, so when I saw it was 30% off I took it as a sign and got it. In the following days four (4, quatre, lau) people told me they liked it without me asking so that’s a win.
The waves were amazing that day. Sometimes I wish I was a better swimmer... But we are not, and it was cold, so we decided to just stare at them:
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A few days later was Lydia’s last day in Sydney, so obviously we did some of the last day musts. In this case, we did Coogee to Bondi.
Gordon’s bay was pretty pretty:
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And I sat on a rock south of Bondi pretending to be cool:
A post shared by Rosie (@sitagram) on Jul 5, 2017 at 7:45pm PDT
With half of the girls gone came the time for my last days... Maisie, my true savior in life, came with me to do some hikes I had never done and helped me discover new spots in Sydney.
We did a hike around North Sydney and Watson’s Bay, very pretty <3
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She also came with me to do Coogee to Maroubra 
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We love each other but don’t sit together in the bus because having a window is important.
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My last day was a Sunday so we followed the rules and did Manly by ferry and Bondi to Bronte. I don’t have any good pictures because I was focused on enjoying it, but you have seen it so many times that you can probably imagine it. Thanks Maisie for being there for me so much. Love you.
Since it was a Sunday, it was also infusion day! It’s not my favorite day of the week, but it was slightly better because I got Jarnae to cook my remaining frozen fish for me and I ate it in the sofa and then got Kate in charge of the sauce:
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Change in people:
First of all, let’s go with San Fermin:
The Txoko organized it Saturday the 8th of July, the day before leaving for Uluru. Or maybe I pressured Uluru friends to leave the day after San Fermin so we could enjoy both. Who knows... (<3)
San Fermin is a tradition that has many things I don’t like but, luckily, the Sydney version didn’t involve them. I dressed up in white
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And ended up in not so white.
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And you’ll be wondering what happened. Well, we’ll have to go through the pictures to figure it out.
It started with a cup of kalimotxo and a delicious lunch.
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It looked like a promising night, even the TV was there:
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As you can see, and all Australians could see because this is a still from the piece of news we were in, I was sitting at the end of the table, between the people and the kalimotxo.
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Therefore, I was in charge of all the table’s refills and obviously took my 3% every time. 
All good.
And it got even better when I found my true self. My spirit animal. She approached me and asked me to avoid standing next to her. I was very confused until I realized we were both wearing the same jacket. 
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I am no Sherlock Holmes, but I think the stains in my clothes appeared just before this picture:
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I do have other pictures that could help us solve this mystery, but maybe the public eye is better without them.
The morning after San Fermin we went to Uluru (see the previous post), and the same day we returned to Sydney Montgarri and I went to my last Euskara lesson (straight from the airport!). 
We played some games and learned some words and then more people came and we ate dinner all together <3 It was very nice and I am very thankful for the great moments we shared, and I am pretty sure that in September I will start looking for a place to keep learning Euskera! A part from the lesson and the beautiful dinner, they gave me a t-shirt and a handmade plate that I will keep forever. Eskerrik asko!
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My last Saturday was also spent at the Txoko because we celebrated a Castellers lunch, CHRISTMAS IN JULY! The menu was a traditional Catalan Christmas menu
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But a down under version: the pilota (meatballs) were of kangaroo meat (or that’s what I was told).
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We also had delicious canelons and sorbet the llimona. And to finish, homemade Suchard!!! (Montgarri, this was excellent!).
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I had a personalized balloon as a farewell present (and I actually took it all the way home!). 
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It was also Maria’s farewell and we both got a Castellers de Sydney bandana signed by everyone
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It was nice and sad, thanks for so much, colla!
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But let’s not cry, for now. 
Later we played some canalla-friendly games and said goodbye to the canalla and to the Txoko :_(
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And held the tears to enjoy a fun night out! We started at Frankie’s Pizza (I could not leave Australia without going to the fucking famous secret room!)
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Then we took a cab to Soda Factory and pretended to be fine. YAY. 
Then we said goodbye. And it was bad. Actual images of me crying on the way back home. 
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Good thing I was with Maria. Or bad, I don’t know, because she was also crying.
Tip: don’t say goodbye while drunk. 
Ok let’s change topics.
This first one is from castells, so it is linked to the last section, but it’s not a txoko thing... whatever. Last day of castells was fun and I am lucky it was the last because Montgarri broke my pants. I have to say that Anna started breaking them a while ago when she confused pocket and faixa, but Montgarri made the hole ten times bigger and did it in the middle of a tower, so I couldn’t move to cover myself. We laughed a lot, so it’s alright.
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The search for new strings became ridiculous because I went to too many stores and they were “out of strings”, “don’t have this kind”, “never had strings”, “closed for whatever”... BUUUUT, it led me to one of the most beautiful music stores I have ever been so there ya go.
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I also ended up going to enjoy the sunset at the Opera and it was bananice.
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On one of the days I went with the girls to the Bondi area I went for a walk with Bruno. While I waited for him the sky was falling red and super nice. 
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After that, they invited me for dinner (after my absurd intentions to pretend I wanted to leave) and we ended up sharing a nice meal and beautiful evening. We even sang the song I wrote for them (this one) with a ukelele. I have a video but don’t know how to upload it here. But here you have a screenshot:
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It was nice, thanks Ocean People. 
And now... LAST DAY + TRIP.
To be fair, we’ll start with the last evening. 
We did a nice reunion home. We didn’t do a dinner because of logistics (I was getting my infusions and stuff), but all 1206 (minus Katie, plus Liz) spent a nice evening together. We saw a very entertaining tv show and shared some good laughs. 
While I was getting my infusion I was chatting to Montgarri. She wanted to come say goodbye but she lives in the North Pole, so I told her it was ok, we could call or skype. I thought she was home so we thought skype was better, but then she called me. I could not get it on time so I texted her: skype or call? And she answered “hug!” with a selfie in front of my door. And now tell me, what have I done to deserve people like this around me? Seriously, Montgarri, you are the best. We stayed home for a little while, chatted, even sang a little bit, and then we said goodbye. I didn’t cry because I wasn’t drunk, but it was sad. But we’ll see each other very soon, right? ;)
That evening I finished packing and had to say goodbye to Liz, my beautiful crazy friend, so I went to sleep with the weirdest feeling on Earth.
The next morning I woke up very early and finished packing and cleaning. Then I met with Coti and Beñat for a coffee, since we hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye.
After the coffee, they came to pick up a yoga mat that no one in my flat wanted. On the way home, we stopped at free store because I was told there would be a guitar case in the morning (and I badly needed one to take Daisy home safe).
The case was not in the free store but, on the way to the elevator, we saw a guy with a big trolley full of things and, I think it was Beñat, spotted the case. So lucky they saw it before anyone else could take it!
We took the case upstairs, Coti took the yoga mat and we went back downstairs to say goodbye. 
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Very thankful they came so early in the morning, I feel so lucky to have these two crazy (haired) people as friends!
After saying goodbye I went to check out and said the first goodbye of the morning to Jarnae, my beautiful singer and wall mate. Then I finished packing and got Maisie and Kate to help me carry my luggage to the uber.
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Then we said a quick goodbye to avoid crying. Or that’s what we thought. The poor uber guy had to deal with my ugly sobbing. 
But when I got to the airport I had to have a clear mind: I was taking too much weight and a guitar!
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Have you seen this face? This is the face of a lucky bastard. 
I was allowed 2 suitcases of 23kg each. Well... I carried one of 18,5 kg and another of 30,5kg and DID NOT PAY. I also begged to take the guitar to cabin with me and they let me. Well, they told me that they might have to check it in last minute, but they didn’t, they stored it in some kind of lockers they have next to where they keep the food.
So, once I left the security check behind, I went for the important stuff: spending my last dollars on TimTams. The guitar case I got was soo cool that had side pockets that could fit two TimTam boxes!!!
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Once I got the cookies I found a quiet corner where I played some guitar (very quietly, just enough to distract myself), and I ate the fish leftovers I had. 
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The first flight was bad. I was supposed to stay awake for most of it and I did, but ugh. I saw Hidden Figures and Dr Strange. Movies were good, but staying awake is hard!
Then we stopped in Singapore and I chose the wrong toilet.
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I was also supposed to stay awake for the first 7-8h of the second flight. I rewatched the last Sherlock episode and Pulp Fiction, but I ended up falling asleep too soon.
Then in London, the transfer was easy, but the flight was packed. On the boarding line, I saw small suitcases being checked, so I panicked. A guitar is was bigger than that!
When it was my turn the lady didn’t even look at the guitar so I walked without saying anything. While waiting at the gate chairs, while the rich people were already boarding, a woman approached me pointing at my guitar. I froze. I was ready to not-so-fake cry if necessary. But then she said “get in line with the business people to ensure you have space for that”. Oh la la. So the guitar got home safe. And me too.
When I went to pick up the luggage my two suitcases were the first to appear in front of me. The trip back home was like suspiciously good, especially compared with the way there!
And finally, the meeting! My mom, sisters and sister products (Lluc) were waiting for me with personalized t-shirts!!! They even had one for me. And for some of my friends woohoo!!! They are so cool!!!
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So that’s it. That’s the end of my experience in Australia, for now. But this is surely not the last post. I am keeping this blog for other Australia-related activities and thoughts and stuff.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me make this year so fucking cool. I hope we meet again soon. Like really soon. I am not saying this just to say it, I really mean it. I have met very special people and, even though we will not be talking very often nor sharing moments, I am sure you’ll always have a special place in my brain (fuck the heart), and I really want to see you all. 
Now I am almost crying, mira per on.
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tastatast · 5 years
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Tornem al Tresmacarrons gairebé sis anys després de l’última visita i trobem que, a grans trets, en Miquel Aldana i la Núria Orra segueixen en la mateixa línia. Es tracta d’un restaurant del qual la seva principal virtut és oferir una cuina de mercat a base de bons productes, principalment del Maresme i de temporada, amb unes coccions molt adequades. No destaca per la seva creativitat ni cal esperar-ne grans filigranes però tot el que proposa a nivell culinari té bastanta coherència. 
Tot i que ofereixen carta, aquesta vegada ens vam decantar per un dels tres menús, el menú Tradició. Destacaríem positivament la “parmentier de patata amb ou a 63ºC, foie gras, cansalada i tòfona d’estiu”, un plat en el que se segueix notant el seu pas per Can Juabany i en el que utilitza una tòfona d’estiu que brillava a nivell gustatiu, cosa poc habitual amb aquesta varietat de tòfona, i és que resulta que la cuinen sencera i a baixa temperatura. L’altre plat que destacaríem del menú és el “llorito fregit amb samfaina i allioli”, un llorito de considerable mida i pell ben cruixent, amb escata i tot. Tot i així, trobem que la samfaina i sobretot l’allioli que se serveix a part, poden arribar a desvirtuar la gran qualitat del rasó. També sobta que un restaurant d’aquest nivell tingui la valentia de servir un peix sencer amb totes les seves espines. Finalment, la “torradeta de Santa Teresa amb sorbet de llimona i gingebre” també va ser adequada tant per quantitat com per qualitat però ja ens hagués satisfet sense el sorbet. 
El servei de sala, comandat per la Núria Orra, se salva pel seu tracte a nivell humà però està mancat d’experiència i de coneixement, sobretot pel que fa als vins; i trobem a faltar la varietat de cerveses artesanes que hi havia hagut.
En definitiva, un restaurant més amb una cuina correcte però no prou engrescadora com perquè obviem tot els aspectes amb els que flaquegen. Això sí, el panorama és tal a la comarca que en segueix sent un referent.
Veure més fotos del Tresmacarrons
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Aujourd’hui, nous sommes samedi, et je récupère un super colis à la gare Estacio Nord à 8h00 (du matin oui oui).
Mon copain P. !!! Qui débarque ici pour le week-end, je suis joie.
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Pas de programme particulier, ce week-end ce sera improvisation.
Voici donc notre périple : Après s’être retrouvés, direction le quartier de l’Arc de Triumf où nous prenons notre petit-déjeuner chez SandwiChez, car à cette heure-ci, en Espagne il n’y a pas grand chose d’ouvert. Après avoir calmé notre faim, nous découvrons la Plaza de Tétuan et son Monument au Docteur Robert.
Ce monument est dédié au docteur Bartomeu Robert i Yarzábal, né au Mexique, qui occupa les fonctions de maire de Barcelone pour une brève période en 1899. En 1904, Josep Llimona (sculpteur espagnol) conçoit cette oeuvre monumental composé d'une volumineuse fontaine en pierre surmontée du buste du docteur Robert et d’une allégorie de la gloire. Inauguré en 1910, l'influence d'Antoni Gaudí et de la Casa Milà est évidente.
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Nous croisons l’église du couvent de Santa Catalina, et nous y entrons le plus naturellement du monde avant de se faire recaler parce qu’elle n’était pas réellement ouverte, seulement pour une livraison de fleurs, snif. Nous ne nous décourageons pas et continuons en direction de la Cathédrale de Barcelone, c’est la première fois que je vois si peu de monde devant ce monument religieux.
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Nous en profitons donc pour visiter l’intérieur, une cathédrale comme une autre, après avoir vu la Sagrada Familia difficile de faire plus original ahah. Mais le cloître m’a agréablement surprise.
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Puis nous nous perdons dans les ruelles du quartier gothique avec ses diverses œuvres d’art provenant de multiples époques.
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Monument als Castellers : “Els Castells” est le nom donné à la tradition catalane qui consiste à construire des tours humaines. Ce monument est dédié aux “castellers” (personnes participant à la construction de la tour) et est une oeuvre Antoni Llena i Font. Cette tour pyramidale en acier inoxydable mesure une trentaine de mètres de haut et fût inauguré en février 2012.
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La Fresque ci-dessous orne l'Edificio Novissim (un des hôtels de ville de Barcelone) et se nomme “Friso Barcelona“ : œuvre en béton du sculpteur Josep Maria Subirachs, datant de 1966, elle se lit de gauche à droite.
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Le début (à gauche) est la représentation de la Théorie Hilémorphiste d'Aristote (matière et forme), ensuite il y a une allusion à Galla Placidia, qui représente la Barcelone romaine et wisigothique, tout en symbolisant la politique. Puis il y a les Tables de la Loi qui représente Barcelone juive et la loi.
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La représentation suivante est celle du comté de Barcelone, avec les armoiries de la ville et l'origine de la langue catalane, suivie de San Miquel, la place où se trouve le bâtiment Novísimo.
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Puis il y a Sainte Eulalia, patronne de Barcelone ainsi que plusieurs éléments qui symbolisent les Lettres (l'Hymne à Barcelone de Jacinto Verdaguer), les Arts (personnage féminin), les Sciences et la Philosophie (médaillon de Ramon Llull), le Commerce (une monnaie) et l'Industrie (une roue dentée).
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À côté du mot Barcelone, il y a le Soleil (qui est une horloge) et plusieurs phases de la Lune.
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La frise se termine par un plan de l'élargissement de Barcelone et d'autres parties de la ville, telles que la vieille ville, le port ou la montagne de Montjuïc, alors qu’une aiguille pointe vers le nord comme un symbole de la vocation européenne de la ville.
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Hall du Palau de la Musica Catalana.
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Nous arrivons du côté du port maritime avec un superbe soleil qui nous accompagne et le long duquel nous découvrons multiples oeuvres.
Ce petit bonhomme, se nomme : Miraestels et est né en 2005. Emblême de Barcelone, c’est une sculpture flottante de Robert Llimós (peintre et sculpteur barcelonais) qui est un hommage au poète Joan Brossa. L'origine de cette sculpture est un recueil de poèmes de Brossa qu'il a baptisés sous le nom de Grasshopper. Il garde dans ses mains une étoile (difficile à voir) qui renferme les rêves.
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Ici, nous avons une statue de Joan Salvat i Papasseit, considéré comme l’un des écrivains catalans les plus influents du XXe siècle. C’est une oeuvre de Robert Krier, sculpteur et architecte luxembourgeois, datant de 1992. Elle représente le poète en veilleur de nuit au bord du port.
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Des palmiers, toujours des palmiers.
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Cette dernière oeuvre portuaire porte le nom de “La Parella”, elle fût créée en 1998 par Lautaro Díaz (sculpteur chilien). C’est un duo qui offre un moment de détente en s’asseyant pour profiter de l’air marin.
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Nous visitons le musée de l’Histoire de Catalogne, la visite fût longue mais très enrichissante, en plus il n’y avait pas un chat, what else ?
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Après cette parenthèse culturelle, nos estomacs ne manquent de nous rappeler qu’ils commencent à manquer de nourriture. Nous nous arrêtons donc dans une brasserie sur la Plaza de la Barceloneta : Can Ganassa.
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Pour le dessert, nous portons notre choix sur le FitBar et ses bowls.
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Bowl 1 : Fromage blanc, muesli, banane, fruits rouges et miel. Bowl 2 : Glace à l’Açaï, banane et noix de cajou. C'était très bon !
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Nous marchons jusqu’à la plage pour admirer la mer sous le soleil ainsi que la Basilique de la Santa del Mar.
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Fontaine de Sant Just (fontaine la plus vieille de la ville).
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Nous visitons ensuite le Gaudi Exhibition Center (musée Gaudi) qui fût très intéressant !
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Voilà, fin de cette première journée.
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inbriefmedia-blog · 6 years
Δύο αρχαία οικήματα ανακαινίζονται και γίνονται ένα
Με εξαιρετική προσοχή στη λεπτομέρεια μέσα κι έξω, το 1735 Can Llimona στην Ισπανία είναι μία από τις πιο μοναδικές ανακαινίσεις κατοικιών που έχουμε δει. Πρόκειται για μία ενοποίηση δύο υπέροχων αρχιτεκτονικών κατασκευών: Μία αγροικία του 1778 και ένα Νεωτεριστικό σπίτι του 1902, κτίρια τα οποία ενώνονται με έναν τοίχο. Οι μεγάλες πόρτες επιτρέπουν στους χώρους να παραμένουν εντελώς κλειστοί ή…
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objecteiespai · 2 years
Aquí trobareu tots els perfils de Facebook, Twitter i Instagram
WEBFBIGTWYTCentres Cívics de Barcelona📷 📷 CC Albareda📷📷📷📷CC Ateneu Fort Pienc📷📷📷📷CC Barceloneta📷📷 📷CC Baró de Viver📷📷📷📷CC Besòs📷📷📷📷CC Bon Pastor📷📷📷📷CC Can Basté📷📷📷📷CC Can Castelló📷📷📷📷CC Can Clariana Cultural📷📷📷📷CC Can Deu📷📷📷📷CC Can Felipa📷📷📷📷CC Can Verdaguer📷📷📷📷CC Casa del Rellotge📷📷📷 CC Casa Elizalde📷📷📷📷CC Casa Golferichs📷📷📷📷CC Casa Groga📷📷📷📷CC Casa Orlandai📷📷📷📷CC Casinet d'Hostafrancs📷📷📷📷CC Convent de Sant Agustí📷📷📷📷CC Cotxeres Borrell📷📷📷📷CC Cotxeres de Sants📷📷📷📷CC Drassanes📷📷📷 CC El Carmel📷📷📷📷CC El Coll - La Bruguera📷📷 📷CC El Sortidor📷📷📷📷CC Font de la Guatlla📷📷 📷CC Guinardó📷📷📷📷CC Joan Oliver - Pere Quart📷📷📷📷CC Josep Maria Trias i Peitx📷📷📷📷CC L'Elèctric📷📷📷 CC La Cadena📷📷📷📷CC La Farinera del Clot📷📷📷📷CC La Sagrera - La barraca📷📷📷 CC La Sedeta📷📷📷📷CC Matas i Ramis📷📷📷📷CC Navas📷📷📷📷CC Parc Sandaru📷📷📷📷CC Pati Llimona📷📷📷📷CC Pere Pruna📷📷📷 CC Sagrada Família📷📷📷📷CC Sant Andreu📷📷📷📷CC Sant Martí📷📷 📷CC Sarrià📷📷📷 CC Teixonera📷📷📷📷CC Tomasa Cuevas - Les Corts📷📷📷📷CC Torre Llobeta📷📷📷📷CC Trinitat Vella📷📷📷📷CC Urgell📷📷📷📷CC Vallvidrera - Vázquez Montalbán📷📷📷📷CC Vil·la Florida📷📷📷📷CC Vil·la Urània📷📷📷 CC Zona Nord En aquesta pàgina trobareu els perfils de cada centre a les tres xarxes socials majoritàries: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i YouTube. Seguiu-los si voleu estar al dia de totes les iniciatives!
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fotografobcn · 5 years
Programación REVELA’T 2019
Fotografía de Ramzi Haidar
El Festival de Fotografía Analógica Contemporánea, Revela’T, celebra su séptima edición con un cartel lleno de primeras figuras de la fotografía, que tendrán su obra expuesta en multitud de espacios de Vilassar de Dalt y Barcelona, y que asistirán al festival para presentarlas al público y asistentes. Del 7 al 16 de junio ambas ciudades se llenarán de exposiciones, actividades y talleres alrededor de la fotografía analógica, ofreciendo la oportunidad única de ver originales de algunos de los más reputados fotógrafos del siglo XX y XXI, así como de talentos emergentes de esta disciplina. El certamen se inaugurará viernes 7 de junio en el Teatre La Massa de Vilassar de Dalt con la proyección del film De donde no se vuelve, de Alberto García-Alix. El artista castellano, uno de los máximos referentes europeos de la fotografía contemporánea, asistirá y presentará el pase. Ya se puede consultar la programación completa aquí: revela-t.cat
50 exposiciones de la mejor fotografía analógica contemporánea
Entre el medio centenar de exposiciones que programa Revela’T 2019 –35 en Vilassar de Dalt y 15 en Barcelona–, se encuentran la antológica del francés René Maltête, quien asistió a Jacques Tati e ilustró poemas de Brassens o Boris Vian, o la retrospectiva del libanés Ramzi Haidar, que repasa su trayectoria de treinta años como periodista gráfico cubriendo conflictos en Oriente Medio, y que estará en el festival para presentar la exposición.
También asistirán al festival, presentando sus respectivas exposiciones, el holandés Alex Timmermans, experto en técnicas fotográficas antiguas; el nipón Nobuyuki Kobayashi, que explora motivos naturales en grandes formatos y materiales tradicionales; el australiano Bill Moseley, de estilo experimental; además de los catalanes y españoles Eduardo Nave, Jordi Esteva, Fernando Maquieira o Jorge Fuembuena.
La agencia Magnum a través de Gilden y Burnett
Bruce Gilden y David Burnett, miembros de la mítica agencia estadounidense, serán dos de los nombres más destacados de Revela’T 2019. “Syracuse, 1981” es el nombre de la colección de Gilden, una ocasión única de verla; producida y expuesta por primera vez en Barcelona. El fotógrafo retrata a los viandantes de la ciudad norteamericana con un estilo urbano y directo, fijándose en los rostros más singulares y característicos. Por su lado, la exposición “Aftermath” reúne las imágenes que David Burnett realizó para National Geographic cinco meses después del devastador huracán Katrina. Con fotos estáticas y composiciones previamente estudiadas, Burnett plasma la desolación de uno de los sitios más afectados y sus habitantes.
Una exposición, 17 Premios nacionales de fotografía
Otro de los platos fuertes de Revela’T 2019 es “50 fotografías con Historia”, de Acción Cultural Española (ACE) y Signo editores, que se podrá ver en el Passeig Colom de Barcelona hasta finales de agosto. La exposición hace un repaso, a través de los objetivos de grandes fotógrafos contemporáneos, de la historia reciente del Estado español. Entre las instantáneas expuestas hay de 17 Premios nacionales de fotografía y 2 Premios nacionales de artes plásticas, y un buen número de autores catalanes como Agustí Centelles, Terré, Maspons, Català-Roca, Masats, Colom, y otros como Alberto García-Alix, Chema Madoz, Miguel Trillo, Cristina García Rodero, Navia, Isabel Muñoz o Sandra Balsells.
Actividades paralelas
Revela’T 2019 será, también, un punto de encuentro para todos lo aficionados y profesionales de la fotografía, con varias actividades y talleres. El fin de semana con más actividades será el del 7, 8 y 9 de junio en Vilassar de Dalt, donde se celebrará, un año más, la Feria comercial con reconocidas marcas del sector; el Market fotográfico donde los propios autores venden su obra, la demostración de Cianotipia gigante, encuentros de diferentes colectivos y varias actividades infantiles y familiares. También arranca la Residencia Artística de Creación y Experimentación, donde 10 artistas de distintos orígenes harán un trabajo conjunto sobre el tema de esta edición: «Klaatu Barada Nikto».
La Antigua Fàbrica Estrella Damm acogerá una jornada, el día 15 de junio, dedicada a otros formatos de exhibición y difusión de la fotografía, con especial atención en el fotolibro, con charlas, debates, visionados, etc. Destaca la presencia de Horacio Fernàndez, Moritz Neumuller, Paco Gómez, Ingrid Guardiola, Gonzalo Golpe, Toni Amengual o Jordi Borràs. También se proyectará en exclusiva el documental sobre Josef Koudelka, Shooting Holy Land. Entre los participantes habrán varias escuelas de fotografía (Grisart, IEFC, El Observatorio…) y revistas y publicaciones fotográficas como Exit Magazine, La Fotografía o Mauer Mag, entre muchas otras.
El festival también programa para el público infantil talleres de cámara oscura en escuelas y visitas guiadas en las exposiciones; así como actividades formativas, en colaboración con el Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya y la Escola Superior Pau Gargallo de Badalona. Entre los talleres más destacados están el de heliografía, impartido por Byron Brauchli; el de Daguerrotipo Bequerel, por Camilo Sabogal o el que impartirá el filósofo y fotógrafo madrileño Oscar Molina el sábado 8 de junio en Vilassar.
Klaatu Barada Nikto, leitmotiv de la séptima edición
En 1951 se estrenaba la película de ciencia ficción Ultimátum a la Tierra, de Robert Wise, en la que un extraterrestre, acompañado por el robot Gort, amenazaba con aniquilar el planeta si los humanos no dejaban de destruirse entre ellos. Klaatu Barada Nikto son las míticas palabras que, pronunciadas in extremis, salvan a la humanidad y con ella a la Tierra, y que ilustran el leitmotiv de Revela’T 2019. El festival pretende exhibir y estimular proyectos fotográficos que reflejen la compleja e intensa relación del ser humano con el planeta, que lo hace abusar de la tierra y venerarla a la vez, y todos los claroscuros que se derivan y que vivimos actualmente: cambio climático, migraciones y guerras; luchas colectivas, reencuentros y conciliación…
Los espacios de Revela’T 2019
El festival Revela’T nace el año 2013 en Vilassar de Dalt, y cuatro años más tarde, manteniendo el epicentro en la población del Maresme, se expande en Barcelona bajo el nombre OFF Revela’T, convirtiéndola en segunda sede, así como en Madrid, donde en septiembre de 2018 se celebra la primera edición invernal. Para la edición de este año la sede principal sigue siendo Vilassar de Dalt, que acogerá 35 exposiciones en espacios emblemáticos del municipio: la Fàbrica de Can Garbat, el Espai L’Estrella, el Museu, la Sala Rajolers y el Teatre de la Massa, así como las calles y la Plaça de la Vila. Como cada año, también en Vilassar tendrá lugar el acto inaugural. La presencia de Revela’T en Barcelona crece hasta los 15 espacios expositivos. Galerías y salas como Valid Foto BCN, Fifty Dots Gallery, Mecànic, Pati Llimona o Can Basté serán algunas de las subsedes, además del Passeig Colom y la Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm.
Fotografía de René Maltête
El post Programación REVELA’T 2019 fue publicado por primera vez en DNG Photo Magazine.
http://bit.ly/2VzHXl7 via Fotografo Barcelona
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