addictvettel · 1 month
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Teen Seb is SO important to me.
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d4isywhims · 2 months
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shoot another shot,
try to stop the feeling
more pics of haley bc she's a stunner
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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sobbing at how happy they all look
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sebnameyourcar · 10 months
i think a key component of sports fan accounts is holding grudges on behalf of your favourite team/athlete. it’s part of the natural ecosystem
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sainz5516 · 1 month
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Who's with me😭
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effervescentdragon · 9 months
smick + mick never wins a WDC
"I won't get it."
Sebastian opens his eyes to the dark. There is a light in the room, coming from the light outside. Seb likes to keep a porch light (it makes everything feel like it should be, homely and comfortable and as it is supposed to be, like he always thought home should be, like he read in the books when he was small and hiding under the covers and he didn't want to go through his car books again, in the stories there was always a porch light on waiting for whoever came home last) and its light spills into their bedroom.
He keeps his breathing steady. If Mick wants him to hear this, he'll make it known. He'll grab Seb's hand, or nudge him, or wake him up in some other way.
The room stays silent for a moment, and then Mick says it again.
"I won't - I won't get it."
I know, Seb wants to say. I've always known, ever since we drove together that year, my last and your first. I've known ever since you were a child and I was watching you in karts with Michael next to me, proud as he ever was of you. I knew it back then because he was proud of you like a father is supposed to be proud of a son - without any expectations of what that son will do, or was able to do. And Michael knew too, that you weren't like us. That you were gentle, and kind, and that you would never be a champion.
He breathes evenly, makes sure to let out a mumble as he thinks I've always known you'll never get it. You're too good a person, Mick, you're not a bastard, you don't have the instinct to smash and crash and burn for it. You don't want to hurt anyone, you don't dare push the limits because you know what pushing the limits means. You know what it gets you, you know the consequences, and you could never bear bringing someone else the desolation that going over the limits has brought you. And that is your greatest strength as a person and your worst weakness as a racer. And you, you're a driver only second, or third, or maybe even fourth. You're a son, and a brother, and a lover all before you're a racer, and that means you will not be a champion.
Mick sighs, and Seb waits. If Mick wakes him up, he'll reassure him. He will lie, and he will lie well, because he's learned to lie at the feet of the best and he will make Mick believe the lie, because the truth serves nobody at this point. He has been lying to Mick their whole lives, about so many things, because Mick needed to be protected and saved from all the pain that Seb could spare him, so lying to Mick comes as second nature to Sebastian now. Sebastian will lie, and he will lie magnificently, and he will kiss Mick softly and hold him gently and cook him breakfast in the morning, and life will go on as it always does.
Mick sighs again. This time it's a different sound. This time, it echoes with acceptance. It makes Seb angry, and sad, and if he dared admit it to himself, just a tiny bit disappointed.
Sebastian feels Mick move closer, so he affects only waking up now. He opens his eyes to half mast and mumbles "Love? What," but before he needs to take the charade further, Mick shushes him.
"It's okay," he whispers, fitting his arms around Seb in a maneouvre they've done a thousand times. "Sleep."
Sebastian relaxes in Mick's arms. "Love you," he mumbles, because he has to, but mostly because he wants to.
"Love you too," Mick says, and buries his face into the junction of Sebastian's neck and shoulder.
Sebastian falls asleep thinking of Mick.
He dreams of Michael.
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mediumtires · 1 year
do you have any good fics you can rec? what are you reading rn?
well hello there. i must admit i don’t read a lot of f1 fic BUT i still gotta rec my faves.
Shutter Speed by @antimonyandthyme
Seb/Mark, one of my all time fave AUs that you absolutely need to have read at least once
nobody asks you questions when you say you’re an accountant by @mwebber
Seb/Mark, the Mr and Mrs Smith AU you didn’t know you needed until you read it and realise nothing else will ever make sense again
Statement by @antimonyandthyme
Seb/Mark, so sweet, I adore
slow show by ambiguouspace
Lewis/Seb, equal parts hilarious and wholesome, also have my fave quote:
“Lewis doesn’t feel quite like that person any more. There’s nothing flashy about what he wants now, nothing particularly Instagram-worthy. It’s just certainty, slowly-built and hard-won, a sureness that he hasn’t felt about someone in a long, long time.
He does want, of course he does. But what he wants is stupid, laughing conversation over dinner, sharp-edged teasing softened with a smile, good sex in a sunny bedroom with open windows and no one around for miles. Someone who’s there, physically or metaphorically, wherever Lewis happens to be in the world.”
Irregular Climbing by Sherlaufeyson
Christian/Toto, made me giggle I won’t lie
won’t you sing me something for the dark by @undignifiedpopemobile
Charles/Max, i am not a Lestappen girlie at heart but this fic will blow you away, the writing and characterisation are just. outstanding. was completed just yesterday so fresh out of the oven. i consider myself its biggest fan.
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cyberphuck · 12 days
Sub $15/month to get your Monthly Thing!
Sub $25/month to get the Monthly Thing AND a sketch!
The Monthly Thing is a FRESH collectible Artcard mailed to you (I have international stamps too)! The print runs are limited to the number of Monthly Thing subbers I have on the 2nd of each month. Only AFTER all the cards have been mailed will that months design be revealed-- and there won't be a second printing!
(Stickers may also be printed of the designs from time to time, and MT subs get one for free!)
My Patreon bills on the 1st of each month, so Saturday, June 1st is the BEST time to sub!
I'm trying so hard to sound UPBEAT and MOTIVATED TO GET SUBS! I HATE asking people for money and this is the ONLY OTHER thing I can do to keep the BOAT from SINKING!
(You can also sub to my ko-fi if you hate Patreon for some reason: ko-fi.com/jaydeefaire!)
If you're reading this and thinking "golly I can't or won't sub," you can always REBLOG THIS POST so that it lands on more eyes!
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divorcemotif · 7 months
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the latter part of the latest tsv remind anyone else of the premise of that one eskew episode
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kloppoganda · 2 years
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Sebastian Vettel, Daniel Ricciardo, and Nico Bustos (hands). Photographed 28. January 2014 in Milton Keynes, UK
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dmercix · 1 month
For: @sebastiansideris Location: the local bar Closed starter She had been thoroughly enjoying crafting drinks for her patrons, and as the night wound down, a familiar face caught her eye through the bustling crowd. She couldn't help but smirk as Sebastian came into view. "Last call," she announced with a grin.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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these made me have a mental breakdown at 3 am tbh
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warmmilk-n-honey · 1 year
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Also this exchange, they kept trying to tell me that the anime and the CURRENT manga are the same style! They hate kuro’s style and I tried to tell them that the anime is just rlly ugly, but I guess not, I guess they’re both bad🫤
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jbjonesxdomme · 7 months
If it ain't sweet, sweet Megara, in the flesh.
That it is, Ross the paleontologist, right?
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lluiscarrasco · 9 days
How many shots would it take for you to sleep with Seb?
"Curly guy? None. He's adorable. Douchy name, though."
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
"im always on your side" + any ship you want
"No, but it's not fair!" Seb huffs out, tearing the balaclava off. "What the fuck was that, he fucking - he impeded me!"
Rocky doesn't say anything, which is his way of signaling to Seb that he is overreacting. "Rocky, I, oh for fucks sake," Seb continues, muttering something in German.
He waits patiently for Seb to tear out his equipment, all the while thinking how he used to think of himself as Guillaume before, and now doesn't. Rocky Rocky road ahead of us, Seb laughs sometimes before the race, and Rocky indulges him in that as he does in many things. As so many of them do. Too many, perhaps.
Seb is finally done with his mini tantrum. By the look on his face, a bigger one is incoming.
"Rocky," he starts, "Mark fucking impeded me. It was my quali, my lap, and he didn't move, this is unacceptable, what the fuck does he think -"
"What seems to be the problem," a voice behind Rocky states and he is simultaneously relieved and apprehensive, because Christian isn't really asking.
The moment he sees Christian, Seb's eyes narrow and it's like he's gotten another wave of fury to ride. "Christian! He impeded me, he impeded my quali lap, what the -"
"Calm down, sweetheart," Christian says and Rocky says nothing. "I know it looks like that, but our data says that actually, he didn't. You turned too into the left corner and lost almost two tenths there."
Sebastian looks like he's going to cry. Rocky shuffles on his feet, because that expression never bodes well. He's staying out of it, though, especially since his data is showing exactly what Christian is saying.
"But," Seb starts, his voice lower and wet, "it's - I know that - you're supposed to be on my side!"
Does he practice it, Rocky wonders as he watches Christian step closer. Seb's eyes are wet with almost-tears, his hair is wet with sweat, his lips are wet where he licks at them, then pushes the bottom lip out in a pout.
"Oh, darling," Christian croons, because there is no other way to describe the tone Rocky has only heard him use with Sebastian, "I am always on your side. Yeah?" he says with a smile, then cups Seb's cheek gently.
Rocky turns around. He needs to gather Mark's data too. Or something.
Not like it matters. Seb is going to win anyway.
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