fayegonnaslay · 2 months
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Marlene Dietrich in Monte Carlo, 1956; Photo by Mario de Biasi
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padfoot-lupin77 · 3 months
Is it a coincidence that all my fav characters are in urgent need of therapy?
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arggghhhsstuff · 1 year
Here's your reminder that straight up trashing on lily evans because you prefer james in a mlm relationship is Not Okay and deeply rooted in misogynity. She is a fictional character whose only action was to protect her son with her life. She did nothing wrong; she just saved her son by loving him. That's literally it. That's all we know about her. That and the description made by remus later in the books: a loving and kind woman. Now if you don't like her character, that's fine, I don't care. I don't necessarily agree with you but I won't come at you either. But don't you dare shit on her just bc she's a woman getting 'in the way' or your favorite mlm ship because that's fucked up on so many levels. And don't get mad at people calling out your behavior, because it is misogynistic.
I think many people in the fandom aren't ready for this conversation, but it has to be said: This fandom is deeply, deeply misogynistic. It has a problem with female characters, not matter the era we're talking about. They are ignored, underestimated, left out in favour of male characters. It's not a mistake or an oversight: it's decision, a choice made by writers and artists to not focus on the girls.
Like, do you know how hard it is to find a fanfiction where a woman is the main character? And it's even worse if she's in a wlw relationship. I don't think i've ever read a 'marylily raising harry' fic, when we have dozens of fics where harry is raised by wolfstar or jegulus. No hate against those, they're great, but come on. Don't tell me you don't see a pattern here. It's the same as everywhere else: people just don't care about the girls. It's exhausting. It's fucking exhausting and I'm sick of seeing the same bullshit over and over again. Like. I am a queer teenage girl. I would like, too, to see myself represented by and in a fandom constituted (mostly) of queer individuals, just like me.
But no. It's like the world is not aware of the existence of lesbians. They exist! They are very much a real thing and would like fics where they are represented, for fuck's sake. The worst part is that I'm not even surprised; angry, yes, and disappointed, but bot surprised. It happens every time.
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barkingbonzo · 23 days
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Marlene Dietrich photographed by John Engstead
Marie Magdalene "Marlene" Dietrich (27 December 1901 – 6 May 1992) was a German and American actress and singer whose career spanned from the 1910s to the 1980s.
In 1920s Berlin, Dietrich performed on the stage and in silent films. Her performance as Lola Lola in Josef von Sternberg's The Blue Angel (1930) brought her international acclaim and a contract with Paramount Pictures. She starred in many Hollywood films, including six iconic roles directed by Sternberg: Morocco (1930) (her only Academy Award nomination), Dishonored (1931), Shanghai Express and Blonde Venus (both 1932), The Scarlet Empress (1934), The Devil Is a Woman (1935). She successfully traded on her glamorous persona and exotic looks, and became one of the era's highest-paid actresses. Throughout World War II, she was a high-profile entertainer in the United States. Although she delivered notable performances in several post-war films, including Billy Wilder's A Foreign Affair (1948), Alfred Hitchcock's Stage Fright (1950), Billy Wilder's Witness for the Prosecution (1957), Orson Welles's Touch of Evil (1958), and Stanley Kramer's Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), she spent most of the 1950s to the 1970s touring the world as a marquee live-show performer.
Dietrich was known for her humanitarian efforts during World War II, housing German and French exiles, providing financial support and even advocating their American citizenship. For her work on improving morale on the front lines during the war, she received several honors from the United States, France, Belgium, and Israel. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Dietrich the ninth greatest female screen legend of classic Hollywood cinema.
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movie--posters · 1 year
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marlenmckinnon · 2 months
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aka a six-part edit of our unstoppable (semi) OCs — part two
HARRY POTTER, MARAUDERS’ ERA; Marlene Mckinnon and Evan Rosier mixed with I will meet you at the graveyard by Cleffy
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talonsandwings · 1 year
hey neil and craig great show um how do you expect me to just go to sleep tonight
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doeinthemeadowess · 1 year
Quem: @mckinncnx
Local: Barraca de Marlene McKinnon
Quando: Witchella, Dia 2
A bruxa estava em estado de negação enquanto repassava em sua cabeça tudo que tinha acontecido no dia anterior, ou melhor, o que ela se lembrava do dia anterior. E se tinha alguém que poderia ajudar Meadowes nessa situação, essa pessoa era Marlene McKinnon. Dorcas conhecia a bruxa desde seu primeiro ano em Hogwarts e já tinha perdido a conta de quantas vezes tinha recorrido até Marls para resolver um problema ou simplesmente desabafar sobre a sua vida. “Marls, something happened…”, começou a dizer enquanto procurava pelas melhores palavras para explicar o que tinha acontecido. “Digamos que eu acabei comendo um biscoito diferenciado e por sorte a Lils cuidou de mim e impediu que eu fizesse mais besteiras. Talvez eu posso ter mandado um berrador me declarando para o Moody”, Doe conhecia Alastor há tempos devido a amizade do bruxo com seu irmão mais velho, Christopher, e quando mais nova tinha chegado a nutrir uma paixonite pelo mais velho. “Eu não me lembro muito bem das coisas que aconteceram, apenas me lembro de alguns detalhes do dia anterior”.
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lilykat-evans · 1 year
where; the townhouse whom; vixens
“I have news and no one is allowed to be mad at James for it. Okay?”
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rosecoloredmaddox · 2 years
where; outside Marlene’s place whomst; marlene @hauntedscreams​
Rose still couldn’t believe she actually had a date. A date with Marlene. Marlene who was cute and witty and outgoing. Maybe this wasn’t really a date, and they were just two friends getting drinks? That made more sense logically and emotionally, but if that was the case she was maybe a little overdressed. Brose had been really disappointed she’d insisted on wearing long sleeves, but if it was a date date then showing off her pox scars seemed... a little brave, honestly. She was probably overthinking this.
Chewing on her lip, Rose knocked on the door. “Marlene? It’s me! Umm, it’s Rose.”
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songbirdsmelodies · 2 years
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❛ but friends don’t look at each other like we do. ❜ Marlene burst out at once, and as soon as she realized the implication of her statement, she regretted it. Think before speaking, Lene. Of course, the air between them would be awkward now. Abashed, she turned he gaze away from Sirius, looking down, and mumbling a ‘never mind’ under her breath.
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bea-lele-carmen · 2 years
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ircnwrought · 1 year
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❝ did you sleep? how long? ❞   //   @inaredflush​  (marlene)  for  astoria  !!
__________♔      SHE      DOES      NOT      REPLY      TO      THE      QUESTION      DIRECTLY.      the  lie  poses  ready  at  the  tip  of  her  tongue,      yet  she  swallows  it  back  heavily.      even  if  she  shook  her  head  enthusiastically,      let  a  singsong  lilting  laugh  leave  her  lips  to  ensure  that    yes    of    course    i    slept,      the  purple  discoloration  under  icy  gaze  reveals  what  she    desperately    attempts  to  hide.      she    replays    the    battle    over    &&    over    in    her    head.      the    moment    a    deatheater    felled    the    girl’s    roommate    &&    in    turn    the    spell    leaving    her    wand    in    grief,      knocking    the    very    same    deatheater    to    the    ground.      only    to    see    the    mask    skid    across    the    ground    &&    her    own    eyes    staring    back.      ‘      mum    ??      ‘      ❛    i’m  fine.    ❜
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honeyedblossom · 1 year
closed starter @wickedthiswaycomes ( jake )
It was a terrible idea, but with the alcohol coursing through her veins was making her ballsier than she cared to admit. But she'd been pacing outside his door for the last five minutes, debating whether she ought to actually knock on the door. Before she was able to make a decision, a decision was made for her as she tripped over something and landed face first in a snowy bush. "For fucks' sake," she cursed out, loudly, surely waking up half the block in the process.
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centuriesrpg · 1 year
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fractured-hq · 2 years
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Birthday: 17 November 1959
Blood Status: Pureblood.
Gender & Pronouns: Female, however goes by she/her and they/them.
Occupation: Hit Witch.
Sided With: Order of the Phoenix.
Faceclaim: Fivel Stewart.
School: Hogwarts.
House: slytherin. in my view, is being able to multi task so many things and do them perfectly, but also being able to mess up something mimical as drinking water. slytherin is feeling that amazing feeling of success when your work is paid of. slytherin is a firm handshake, fake apperances and hidden meaning behind the words. slytherin is power. and i think marlene is indeed, power
Extra curricular: N/A
Quidditch: Was a Chaser from fifth year to end of sixth year.
Born in a somehow known family- the Mckinnons are known for respect and their unique ways of doing things. Marlene was raised by her father and her two brothers- her brothers had basically raised her despite them barely being older than her. They taught her how to be tough and how to be lsitened to- so, of course she learned how to scream from a young age. She learned how to show her opinion and make sure that things happen the way she wants them to. Her house had always been full of laughter- no sad days were happening.
Hogwarts changed everything. From the second she entered into the Great Hall and was sorted into the house she feared to be sorted into- she had heard about it; the house that was cunning, the house that was known for not being the kindest.It had taken her a while to grow acommodate with her house, not even in this moment she’s at heart with it. Most of her nights are spent on the Gryffindor coach or in the girls’ dormitory. She’s brave at heart, but she’s living witht the cunning.-  Throwing comments here and there like she doesn’t care - throwing hexes to everyone that crosses the line she had settled.  The concentration she has everytime she has a wand in her hands - it’s the same amount of concentration she has when choosing her words towards the one she cares about. She knows words can hurt. While she is amazing with her wand, her mouth is her best weapon ; in two ways, of course. The thing about Marlene is that she’s like fire - she’s literally fire. If touched, she will burn you she will destroy you from scratch. But she will also bring heat and love towards you. Passion flies through her veins, and she does nothing without a cause. She moves her body in a way that no one does. She is so concentrated but in the same time she takes everything like it’s a game. Life’s a game, after all. At least for her, it always was.
Ever since the battle- she had been learning how to pick up her pieces. Both of her brothers had died in the battle, and her father had not responded as fiercly and as angrily as she did- he had esentially entered a shock state, but Marlene was angry. Marlene wanted to make a change- so she stopped fooling around in bartender jobs, she had trained for them before too but had never did the bite, until this. Being a Hit Witch was maybe not something her father wanted for her, but she knew this way she would be able to be more helpful to both the Order and the cause her brothers died for. She had always been cold on the outside. She wouldn’t give snarky comments unless you provocked her to, but her feelings had always been bottled up and only a few had the power to open that bottle. She’d rather talk about other people than herself any time. Though, she hates gossip- she just doesn’t feel like everyone should know about her that much She makes risky decisions and doesn’t bother about the consequences when it’s only about herself. She would set a number of explosions just to make sure her friends are alright, alive and healthy. There is nothing that matters more to her than family and friends.Nothing.
Grffyindor friends- As mentioned before, Marlene’s heart house had always been Gryffindor considering her brothers had been in Gryffindor as well. She had spent most time in their commons, maybe even more than she had in Slytherin- so I believe that even now, she would keep in contact with those friends.
Unlikely friendships- I am a sucker of unlikely friendships, I think there would be a great dynamic for someone who maybe she had grew more close to after some of her family’s deaths and her continous try of picking up those pieces- it would be interesting to see the dynamic with someone she might not usually agree/get along with!
WAND:    14½" long, made of cypress wood, and had a unicorn hair core. Quite Bendy flexibility. Cypress wood -  Cypress wands are associated with nobility. The great medieval wandmaker, Geraint Ollivander, wrote that he was always honoured to match a cypress wand, for he knew he was meeting a witch or wizard who would die a heroic death. Fortunately, in these less blood-thirsty times, the possessors of cypress wands are rarely called upon to lay down their lives, though doubtless many of them would do so if required. Wands of cypress find their soul mates among the brave, the bold and the self-sacrificing: those who are unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and others’ natures.Unicorn - Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard.Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may ‘die’ and need replacing.
Patronus: Polar-bear - Those with a polar bear as their patronus are very adaptable individuals, but stubborn. They put up strong emotional barriers and are very oriented on one aspect of their lives, such as a career or volunteer work. This can make them seem cold to others, and they can be blunt in their ways of communication. Despite this, they are very connected to everything, however small that connection may be.
Boggart: Tornado. Which is ironic regarding the fact that she has been compared to one on more than just one occasion. The first time that she had faced a boggart, she was not expecting a tornado to show up - something as powerful and unpredictable. Tornadoes can destroy everything in a second and there isn’t anything that anyone can do to stop it. That’s her fear, that things can get so twisted that nobody could ever do something about it. That she won’t be able to do something about it. And, it actually came true.
Character is currently TAKEN and played by SUNFLOWER.
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