#c: neri
wolxoltl · 8 months
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By (un)popular demand, here’s every victim that I know of ensnared by the cycle of selfcest.
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hollis-art · 6 months
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i haven't drawn these guys in so long i have been missing them so much,, my babies
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abstrekt · 1 year
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My contribution to @deepspacevalentine !!! Another beautiful zine with so many awesome participants!!!! Go check it out! ^^
RED ALERT y’all love is in the air
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jenlrossman · 11 months
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quarks-pussy · 8 months
Mirror Kira is something that can actually be so personal
#in a number of ways tbh like defo in a gay way and in terms of clone fucker rights and in terms of evil girlbossing etc etc but most of all#most of the mirror characters (to me) feel like au versions of the prime characters and obviously they ARE but they're still very much atta#attached to the prime characters y'know what i mean? like maybe not everyone but most mirror characters do feel like they basically are wha#the prime characters could've been if their lives had been different and like it's not completely out of the question for mirror kira but s#she still feels so... herself. like she's not defined by prime kira on any level. most mirror characters feel very defined by their prime c#counterparts and mirror kira... she's different. she is literally herself and no similarities will change that. she does not exist as an ex#extension of prime kira she is her own separate character. mirror kira could literally exist in the prime universe without even having to b#connected to prime kira by anything other than name and face. file off her serial numbers and you're golden & have a new and extremely comp#compelling villain. she is separate she's herself and nobody else. all the other mirror characters feel like twisted versions of the prime#characters who took a different path at some point. if there's any way to apply this to mirror kira that point would be her birth. like she#genuinely feels like they took a look at the circumstances on bajor in the mirror verse and thought about how a bajoran might grow up there#and THEN they made that bajoran kira. like i'm not saying she's nothing like prime kira but she just feels so much more developed tbh as if#they genuinely wrote out her whole life rather than just its present state y'know. it's great! i adore her#anyway#mirror kira nerys#mirrorverse#star trek deep space nine#ds9#yes most of the meat of this post is in the tags lmao idek why#original posts fresh from quark's pussy
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mxanigel · 2 years
*Neri Surana steps up to the mic and clears their throat*
Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped--turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Let me set the scene I'll tell you how I became Arlen of Amaranthine
In Denerim Alienage born and raised The vhenadahl was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool My magic beating the heat despite all the rules When a couple of guys who were up to no good Noticed me cooling friends in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got told She said, "You're movin' in with templars in Kinloch Hold"
Life in the Circle, it was frustrating But we stole moments in between training After my Harrowing, my best friend got scared We entered the basement so he'd be spared
Phylactery broken! Though we were caught, Duncan chose me He said I'd make a difference, so I had to agree I became a Warden, I stopped a Blight But Loghain was the one who made it right We claimed victory, but at quite a cost Too many deaths, Denerim almost lost
They sent me to Vigil's Keep, a fortress invaded Inside it I found another mage who was jaded Yet despite our odds we became family This motley crew helped me regain sanity Looked at my arling, I was finally seen There on my throne--Arlen of Amaranthine
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pr · 1 year
what will you do with @/pr!
that url i actually do feel okay with hoarding forever bc i bribed it off a tumblr staff fair and square, and i still work in pr. sorry to any readers who may have wanted to use it for a p*acific r*im blog lmao
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sai, ieri stavo in certi posti neri. Quando vedi come perdi, resti in quei "Why".
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jacobseed · 2 months
vampire!neri’s end game romance being raphael again is just that “find each other in every universe” feeling and im crying
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carlocarrasco · 1 year
Accountancy exam passers meet with Las Piñas City Mayor and Vice Mayor at City Hall
Recently in the city of Las Piñas, eleven scholars of Dr. Filemon C. Aguilar Memorial College Las Piñas (DFCAM-CLP) who passed the Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examinations (CPALE) visited City Hall and met with the Mayor and Vice Mayor, according to a Manila Bulletin news report. To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from the Manila Bulletin news report. Some parts…
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lunawish · 1 year
tag drop part 6
C. ACOSTA : inchara. C. ACOSTA : images. C. ACOSTA : study. C. ACOSTA : hc. C. ACOSTA : rel. lauren bloom.
T. YAR : inchara. T. YAR : images. T. YAR : study. T. YAR : hc. T. YAR : rel. deanna troi. T. YAR : rel. data. T. YAR : rel. worf.
RO L. : inchara. RO L. : images. RO L. : study. RO L. : hc. RO L. : rel. kira nerys. RO L. : rel. guinan. RO L. : rel. jean luc picard.
K. JANEWAY : inchara. K. JANEWAY : images. K. JANEWAY : study. K. JANEWAY : hc. K. JANEWAY : rel. seven of nine. K. JANEWAY : rel. chakotay. K. JANEWAY : rel. tom paris. K. JANEWAY : rel. harry kim. K. JANEWAY : rel. voyager.
SEVEN OF NINE : inchara. SEVEN OF NINE : images. SEVEN OF NINE : study. SEVEN OF NINE : hc. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. kathryn janeway. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. raffi musiker. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. b'elanna torres. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. icheb. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. EMH. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. jean luc picard. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. elnor. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. the borg collective. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. liam shaw. SEVEN OF NINE : rel. voyager.
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star-trek-pop-quiz · 17 days
Star Trek POP-QUIZ #31
( 18 / 05 / 2024 )
Question 1. The scenes in the Enterprise's engine room in Star Trek (2009) were filmed in an alcohol factory. Who owned the factory? a. Budweiser b. Jack Daniel's c. Smirnoff d. None of the above. It was not filmed in an alcohol factory.
Question 2. TRUE OR FALSE A prince has appeared in Star Trek.
Question 3. Who was the first Star Trek character to meet their Mirror-Universe counterpart face-to-face? a. Captain Kirk b. Kira Nerys c. Julian Bashir d. Ash Tyler
Bonus Question: Who is the actor for this character?
Question 4. Which of these shows has George Takei ( Hikaru Sulu ) not appeared in? a. Avatar the Last Airbender b. Mulan c. Community d. Stargate SG-1
Bonus Question: How many episodes did George Takei appear in ( in TOS which has 79 episodes )?
Question 5. Fill-in Question! What is the first name of Pavel Chekov's son?
Bonus Question: TRUE OR FALSE This is also the name of his reboot actor.
Score: __/ 5 + 3 bonus ( Answers under cut )
Question 1. a. Budweiser
Question 2. TRUE. King of Jordan, Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, appeared as an extra in Voyager while he was still a prince.
Question 3. b. Kira Nerys
+ Nana Visitor.
Question 4. d. Stargate SG-1
+ George Takei ( Hikaru Sulu ) appeared in 51 out of 79 TOS episodes.
Question 5. Anton.
+ TRUE. Chekov's reboot actor was Anton Yelchin.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
favorite and least favorite parts of each trek, with absolutely no thought put into it before making this list:
🚀 classic trek favorite: the ~aesthetic~. fuckin LOVE big chunky plastic buttons and beepy things, the mini-skirts, the sparkly metallic fabric, the whole deal. least favorite: janice rand leaves forever :( :( every single appearance she had was BONKERS how am i supposed to experience that and then ever hope to fill that void 🪐 tng favorite: soooooo soothing to know that our guys will always be both kind and correct and at the end of the episode i will learn something about how to be a better person. also romulans are there. least favorite: shit fuck i shouldn't have started this post because i'm already drawing a blank. ok ok i hate that the ship's counselor role got nerfed into a "therapist on the bridge" when it's actually so so important!! that needed to be explored so explicitly that dudebros on the internet have to shut up about it forever ⚾️ deep space nine favorite: THE CHARACTERS MY FRIENDS. the cast of dozens where every single character right down to the randos on the promenade are great. headed up by benjamin lafayette sisko and kira nerys, truly characters of all time least favorite: dukat's insanity/pah-wraith arc. like i do get why this narrative parallel makes sense against sisko as the prophets' emissary but also, it's bad. 🥔 voyager (that's a leola root by the way) favorite: i LOVE the early seasons where everyone is so adorable and spunky and they're just tooling around the delta quadrant being terrible at making friends. also tuvok is there. least favorite: kes leaves forever :( :( i hear you out there saying "fury" but come here. look at me. look at me. kes leaves forever. 🛰 enterprise favorite: controversial actually but i love t'pol's arc. i DID NOT love it as it was airing because watching poor jolene blalock having to act her way through ever more demeaning episodes is painful and terrible, but t'pol is magnificent actually? the fish out of water vulcan finding herself in foreign waters?? self-destruction on the way to rediscovering her own personal relationship to logic??? imagine if we'd got three more seasons of her with manny coto in charge it would've been glorious. least favorite: can we PLEASE do something with hoshi and travis i am BEGGING. also physically painful what american jingoism did to captain archer but i might have emotionally coped with it better if travis got lines. 🍄 discovery favorite: michael burnham is the light of my life she makes me cry out emotions that have been buried since i was in utero i don't even know. also the changing opening sequence my beloved least favorite: need one of those serial killer string boards to figure out what's going on sometimes??? can't say that too loudly tho because the discovery haters can smell blood in the water 💃 short treks favorite: THE CONCEPT I LOVE THIS least favorite: more??????? :( 🥷 star trek picard favorite: seven of nine in comfy sweaters kissing a girl filled holes in my life i didn't know were there!!!?!?!?? least favorite: don't like when picard is a jerk :( don't like when no soji and elnor :( :( :( 🤪 lower decks favorite: every second is a relentless outpouring of love for star trek, it's like a sleepover where all your friends are sitting around talking about how much they love tng except your friends are 900% funnier. least favorite: i have a hard time with cartoon violence sometimes so i get TENSE and also badgey haunts my nightmares for real for real 👨‍🍳 strange new worlds - actually i have only seen the first episode despite posting about it as if i have seen all of it haha my bad SO favorite: new star trek to watch!!!!! least favorite: now everyone knows i haven't watched it yet and i am losing trekkie credibility babes 😬 👩‍👧‍👦 prodigy favorite: rok-tak my DAUGHTER least favorite: that feeling of being in a warner brothers cartoon and there's an anvil above all our heads with J/C DISCOURSE painted on it just waiting for the show to make a wrong move
i swear i must have forgotten at least one series there is so much star trek now??? anyway feel free to make your own post about this, i am curious!! if you absolutely MUST i suppose it's ok to think about your answers for more than 30 seconds.
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nocasdatsgay · 5 months
The Price You Pay For Power Ch. 1
An ACOSF AU Neris Fanfic
Summary: Eris revises his bargain with Rhysand: Nesta for Autumn Healers. He agrees and Nesta is sent to Autumn under the guise as Eris’s new bride in order to assist with removing Beron for good. Now she has to navigate a new court and also decide just how much she will trust her new husband.
Author’s Note: I did it. I started it. CWs are posted under the read more. Full list on AO3; more will be added as story progresses as needed.
AO3 Link | Master Post | Ch. 1 Under Read Below
CW: Brief Flashback to a Vanserra Brother’s birth and Lady of Autumn’s (basically) C-Section.
Rhysand’s patience was already at its limit when Eris walked into the office down in Hewn City. An impromptu meeting, requesting only Rhys’s presence. He didn’t hide his annoyance at the Autumn Heir while those amber eyes raked over him. 
“You look awful,” Eris flung his hair back over his shoulder with a quick turn of his head. He sat in the first chair closest to the door. 
“I don’t have time for your smart mouth,” Rhys growled. “Cut the bullshit and tell me what you want. Or get out.”
“I think it’s time to take out my father.” Eris replied, back straightened and staring at Rhys. “He’s been visiting the continent more. With his alliance to that human crone, things are about to get very complicated.”
“We already have a bargain.”
“And I’m calling it. I want Nesta.” 
Night fell off of Rhys as his anger mounted. “No.”
“Just until my father is dead.” His eyes rolled and leaned on the arm of his chair. “So dramatic. We smuggle her in under the guise that she accepted my proposal. She helped kill the King of Hybern, she can help kill Beron. She will be safe, my father is terrified of her.”
Eris studied him. “I’ll give you anything you ask.” 
“You have nothing I want.”
“Not even, say, skilled healers?” 
Time stood still for a moment. Rhys knew he gave himself away with silence. But there was no possible way for Eris to know. No one knew but the inner circle. 
“Why would I need healers?” 
“You’re not as discreet as you think you are.” Eris smiled wickedly. “There’s something wrong with the babe in your mate’s womb.” 
In a blink Rhys was across the table, yanking Eris from his chair by his neck. Darkness filled the room while he held him by his throat against the wall. 
“What do you know?” He said through gritted teeth. 
“You’ve been searching Prythian for anything and everything to do with birthing children with wings.” Eris didn’t bother to pull at Rhys’s hold. He choked out, “our healers can perform the process to remove the babe safely that you’re looking for.”
Rhys’s eyes were fully black, his grip tightened. “How do I know you aren’t lying?” 
“Put me down and I’ll show you.” 
Rhysand debated snapping his neck. But a part of him wanted to see. If he could save Feyre- he dropped his hold, letting Eris sputter and cough. 
“Show me. Now.” 
Rhysand reached into Eris’s mind and clawed hard at the wall. In a moment he was let in. 
“The babe is stuck,” a healer- Edith, Eris’s mind supplied, said. 
She pulled out her bag and through Eris’s eyes he heard him say, “you can’t.” 
“I know what I’m doing boy. Stand back and let me save your mother.” 
It was indeed the Lady of Autumn lying on the bed, pale and unconscious. Eris’s mind supplied that the babe stuck was the second youngest son, Leon. His twin had been born without issue but he was not head down. She had also started bleeding profusely. One of the other healers handed Eris his wailing brother. 
“Why were you there?” Rhysand asked. 
“They called for my father but he couldn’t be bothered.” Eris replied. “Keep watching.” 
While Eris held his brother, Edith shook the lady awake. She forced her to down two potions. One was for pain, the other for blood loss. The other healer ripped open part of her gown, baring her rounded stomach. Rhys held his breath while he watched them cut her open carefully and extract the baby. More wails filled the room and Eris had put his other brother in a cradle to be handed the second bloody babe. Rhys nearly fell to his knees. They worked quickly, patching up the wound and pouring a tonic on her stomach to seal it. The lady was awake but showed no signs of pain. 
She looked at Eris. “Let me see my babies.” 
Rhys pulled out of his mind, nearly stumbling. Eris only watched him, waiting. 
“You’ll swear them to secrecy.” He felt like his breath was getting away from him, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “We will make another bargain. Nesta will help you kill your father under the guise of accepting your proposal. In return, your healers will look after Feyre.”
“I know my father and he will push for a real marriage. I will delay it as much as possible but if I cannot, I will annul it but only at her request.” 
“You will annul it,” Rhys growled out. “Whether she requests it or not.”
“You never know,” a ghost of a smile graced his lips. “She may like being married to me. Better than that oaf of a general.”
Night started to pour from Rhys again. “Stop testing my patience.” 
“Fine,” Eris held out his hand. “We have another agreement.” 
Rhys gripped his hand tight and magic washed over them both. He felt the tattoo from the previous bargain change. 
Eris pulled his hand back first. “I want her to be brought here tomorrow. I will come and retrieve her.”
“I’ll bring her to the palace. Now get out of my sight.” Rhys said, throwing out his hand in dismissal. 
The moment he felt Eris leave, Rhys sat at his desk and wept. Part of him felt it was too good to be true if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. He could finally save his mate and his baby. He just had to break the news to his brother what it cost him. 
Nesta didn’t know what to expect when she was summoned to one of the study’s in the house of wind. When she went to leave the library, Clotho had a message for her to meet Rhys in the far end study. She steeled herself before entering, not bothering to knock. 
The room was small, just a bookshelf to the right and a few plush red chairs near a window. The only tables were small side tables. A rust oval rug laid on the floor. She stood in the middle of it. 
Rhysand was sitting in the left chair and did not look at her when she entered. He had his leg crossed over his knee and a stack of papers in his lap. She almost cleared her throat to get his attention but he finally spoke, still not looking up. 
“Rhys. You summoned me?” She crossed her arms across her chest. 
“I did.” Rhysand did not look her in the eye. He sat his papers on the side table and moved his leg. He put his elbows on his knees, staring at the floor. “I’ll get to the point. I need you to accept Eris’s proposal.”
“Excuse me?” 
When Nesta danced with Eris in Hewn City, she knew of his proposal. She even debated accepting it on her own. But to be told she didn’t have a choice? 
“You will marry Eris.” He acted as if she had not protested. “You will help him obtain the throne with your powers.”
A flash of anger rolled through Nesta. “You cannot ask that of me.”
“I can and I will.” He said coldly. He still did not look her in the eyes. “There is no debate this time.”
“What about Cassian?” She narrowed her gaze at him. Cassian was his brother. He cared about him more than her. 
“Cassian will get over it.” Nesta felt like she had been struck. Rhysand finally looked up at her, tears in his hardened eyes. “It’s to save Feyre, Nesta. Eris has promised me healers in exchange for your hand and aid. Healers who have dealt with difficult births before.”
“How do you know he isn’t lying?” Her breath quickened and the feeling of betrayal washed over her. Her arms fell to her side. 
“I’ve seen it. With my own eyes. They extracted a babe from a female and they both lived. Feyre and the baby will live, Nesta. All you have to do is be selfless for once in your life.”
“After the baby is born? Can I come home?” Rhysand did not answer her. “What are you going to tell Cassian?” 
“I’ve already told him.”
Nesta shook her head. “He would never allow this.” 
“Go ask him yourself.” Rhysand’s stare turned colder. “He agreed to save Feyre. You’ll be sent to Autumn tomorrow. I suggest you pack your things.” 
“I will not go.” 
“You will,” night flared around him, his violet eyes flashing. Then he reigned it in and leaned back in his chair. “You’re dismissed, Nesta.”
“I want to speak to my sister.” A last ditch effort on her end. “Feyre won’t allow this.”
“You will not say a word of this arrangement to Feyre,” Rhysand’s voice was laced with a command that washed over her. “You will not give her added stress.”
Angry tears welled in her eyes but she held her chin up. Fine, she thought. She would find Cassian. He would make Rhys see reason. Chin still high, she turned and left the study. She went to the kitchen and found Cassian sitting at the table, head in his hand. When she entered, Cassian glanced over at her before looking down at the ground. 
“He told you?”
“Cassian, you can’t allow this!” He refused to look at her. “Cassian!” 
“It’s to save Feyre and the baby, Nes,” his voice soft, almost a whisper. He still wouldn’t look at her. 
“There are other ways,” tears filled her eyes again. 
He shook his head. “The agreement has been made. Rhys gave an order.” 
“Then fight it.” Fight for me, she wanted to add. He remained silent. “You’ll allow him to marry me to a monster because of an order?” 
“I trust Rhys,” Cassian finally looked her in the eyes, his gaze hardened. “It’s to save your sister, the baby, and Rhys.” 
“What about me?” She yelled, pointing her own finger at her chest. 
“Not everything is about you, Nesta. This is life or death. Do you not care if Feyre dies?”
Something snapped inside her. It was possible the disbelief that he thought this plan would work. It was partly because after everything- after she opened herself up to him, he so easily tossed her aside for Rhys. Tossed her to the wolves because his High Lord said so. If he would harden his heart like this, then so would she. She steeled her features and stiffened her back, holding her head up high. 
“You’re right. I’ll go pack my things.”
Each step as she turned and walked out of the room, she chanted in her mind for him to chase her. To change his mind. To prove her wrong. To choose her. She reached her room and when he did not follow, she shut the door and locked it. She willed the house to not allow him in, not that he would try. She barely made it to the bed before collapsing in a sob. 
Next Chapter
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nestaarcheronweek · 1 year
♕ Nesta Week 2023 Masterlist ♕
Thank you to everyone who participated in Nesta Appreciation Week 2023! Here’s a list of all the wonderful contributions in order of tags. Until next time, and enjoy 🤍
♕ Day One: Sister ♕
Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Archeron Sisters as Cats by @jmoonjones
Favorite Sister Moments by @darklove9314-blog
How Paper Is Made by @asnowfern
Valkyries as “Spring” by @vivictory-draws
Valkyries Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Rumors by @andrigyn
Good Things Come in Threes by @moodymelanist
Baby Sister by @c-e-d-dreamer
Valkyrie Fanart by @: fieldelf_art (Instagram)
The Archeron Sisters moodboard by @mygreendandelion
Sister|Sister by @writtenonreceipts
♕ Day Two: Sharp ♕
Nesta Fanart by @jmoonjones
The Gold in the Flame (Burns Brighter Now) by @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @headcanonheadcase
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Your Doorstep Calls My Name (How Am I To Blame?) by @c-e-d-dreamer
All You Knead Is Love by @moodymelanist
Nesta Moodboard by @wolfnesta
♕ Day Three: Valkyrie ♕
Nesta Fanart by @jmoonjones
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @c-e-d-dreamer
I Depend On Me by @moodymelanist
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @podemechamardek
Nesta Archeron by @ofduskanddreams
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @acourtdelaluna
Valkyrie by @writtenonreceipts
♕ Day Four: Lover ♕
Nessian Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Nessian x Hercules Moodboard by @sunshinebingo
The Writing’s On The Wall Chapter 1 by @asnowfern
Nemerie Fanart by @mossytrashcan
A Swing in the Dark Chapter 5 by @andrigyn
Hold On by @andrigyn
Nesta Fanart by @dustjacketdraws
The Places That You’ve Been by @moodymelanist
Nessian Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Just A Taste: Part Two by @c-e-d-dreamer
Nessian Fanart by @vivictory-draws
Nessriel Fanart by @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid
You’d Marry Me If I Asked, Right? by @isterofimias
Fall Into Me by @writtenonreceipts
♕ Day Five: Birthday Girl ♕
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @melphss
We Eat Cake For Breakfast Now by @sunlightsage
Birthday Party Fanart by @jmoonjones
Valkyrie Karaoke Fanart commissioned by @acourtdelaluna
May I Have This Dance? by @c-e-d-dreamer
On The Line by @moodymelanist
April Twenty-Seventh by @writtenonreceipts
Nesta Archeron Playlist by @andrigyn
♕ Day Six: Lady Death ♕
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Drabble by @asnowfern
Nesta Fanart by @jmoonjones
Nesta Fanart by @vivictory-draws
Witchy Nesta Fanart commissioned by @c-e-d-dreamer
Nesta Fanart by @foreverinelysian
Moodboard by @wolfnesta
Where The Light Won’t Find You Chapter Nine by @moodymelanist
Only Immortals Fear Death by @unhealthyfanobsession
♕ Day Seven: Free Day ♕
Nesta Fanart commissioned by @melphss
Playlist curated by @octobers-veryown
Master of Herself: A Nesta Archeron Playlist curated by @areyoudreaminof
Semper Eadem (i) by @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk
Neris Fic by @wolfnesta
It Only Takes Three by @isterofimias
A Morning With The Nessian Family by @emeriethevalkyriegirl
Like Good Neighbors Do by @c-e-d-dreamer
Nesta and The House fanart commissioned by @podemechamardek
Nesta’s Fashion Moodboard by @she-is-eon
I Guess It’s Half Timing (And The Other Half’s Luck) Chapter Two by @moodymelanist
The Duality of Nesta Fanart by @jmoonjones
Nesta Fanart by @dustjacketdraws
Nesta Week 2022 Masterlist
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chaosmax · 6 months
Much smaller things in the Star Beast but that still mean a lot to me/made me snort:
the doctor dodging saying his name to Donna
the doctor just pUTTing the boxes back when he sees Donna--if you can't see the problem it doesn't exist mentality i guess
the guy snoring on the couch they all scuttled by it kept cutting between the intense shootout and then just no music and him snoring
"mY hOUSE"
For whatever reason the doctor not using the sonic on the front door and yelling for Sylvia to let him in
The van hitting the breaks hard and Fourteen hitting his head
also i guess no one is gonna question Fourteen just having a judge's wig in his coat pocket
Donna screaming about martians callback
the couple of notes here and there of old ost tracks during relevant parts c: I think i recognized 3
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