#but yea thats my rambling 4 today
honkowo · 1 month
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OK SO ive FINALLY finished the 5 main colour variations (& overall morphology) for angels!!! posting these separate from the culture post cos i still have fuckall idea for that(plus theres already a fair few images in this post if i tried combining the 2 i would have..... a long ass post lol) ANYWAY:
SALT DESERT: least populous of the 5. theyre essentially tundra angels but w thicker skin & MUCH paler. built to handle extreme temperature variation as well as VERY STRONG air currents & high altitudes. body type is typically tall & skinny, with long wings & sail. theyre 3rd best in terms of long-distance flight.
TUNDRA: most populous of the 5. theyre the goldilocks in terms of preffered climate, in that they stick to the tundras & savannas of homeworld(not too hot/cold, average wind speed, etc). body types vary, but theyre usually on the leaner side for aerodynamics, with long wings & sail. 2nd best at long-distance flight.
CENTRAL CLIFFS: 2nd most populous of the 5 & are built to survive the warmer temperatures of the equator throughout the year. body types are typically on the heavier side to help with burrowing & to accommodate for the much higher likelihood of getting domed by flying debris, as well as broad-but-short wings & sail. theyre 2nd worst at long-distance flight, as theyre more suited for climbing & gliding than powered flight.
NORTH/SOUTH COAST: 3rd most populous of the 5. coastal angels are the largest of the angel types, and are built to survive & navigate the seas & frozen coastlines of homeworld with ease. theyre the best at long-distance flight, as they often take regular journeys from the north to the south to ferry resources between both the coastal spheres as well as other spheres that might be up to trade. body types are usually TALL & WELL BUILT, with a long sail & wings.
TROPICS: 2nd least populous of the 5 as well as the shortest. theyre an offshoot of coastal angels who preffered to burrow amongst the more varied plantlife of angel homeworld. theyre the worst at flying, often only able to glide & fly in short bursts(similar to earth chickens) as theyre almost entirely suited to burrowing. the average body type for tropic angels is short & stocky, with short wings.
like usual, gif stills r under the readmore :)
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(was gonna send the stills but i hit the image limit LOL so youll have 2 have the merged map sorry)
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sttoru · 9 months
when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool!!!) no pressure!!!! ur blog is awesome, enjoy!
• for whenever u come back <3 hope uni's treating u well !!
HANNAHHH !!!! thank u sm , uni’s been treating me bad but we live >_< love u sm bb hope life’s been treating u well 2
can u believe that i spent like almost half an hour thinking of whst i like abt myself ohmygod my brain was overworking LMAOO
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1. tiny mole under my eye :3
i like it bcs it uhh completes me ig? like it completes my looks & its just at the perfect under my eye ^_^ i also have tiny moles on my arms and stomach but that specific one is visible to everyone yk its v cute imo
2. teeth
i had braces when i was like 11 / 12 and used to HATE THEM SM but they made my teeth to what they are today (straight) so i kinda have to thank my dentist for recommending me to get braces . bless u
3. no-judging personality / open minded
LITERALLY people can come and confess to me w whatever (except for like straight up disgusting or weird stuff like anything misogynistic/ pedophilia related stuff /racism etc u get the gist of it) and i’ll sit there be like ‘mhm yup okay go on’ . i think i won’t ever judge someone quickly yk like im actually be interested in what ppl like or what ppl think of, their hobbies & stuff rlly i just like to listen to ppl ramble even abt the smallest of interests or likes ^_^ im v accepting of ppl most of the time unless they make me uncomfy ofc
4. drawing skills / creativity
ngl i dont like most of my drawings but i love how creative i can be!! my drawings end up taking a lot of time and patience but at the end i’ll be like ‘damn i rlly drew that’ (and that lasts for like a day or two before i dislike it . but i’ve heard its bcs u stare at it for too long or don’t see it from someone else’s personal) . BUT also w my writing yk, i can come up with hundreds of ideas at once :3 though sometimes it ends up being a hassle bcs i start way too many drafts and then dk what to continue on ooopsies
5. how helpful i am
i like how helpful i am in most scenarios irl and on social media ! i can give decent advice abt most things (at least thats what my family/ friends have told me along the many years of uni + high school) and i rlly just like to help ppl who need it yk? like i dont get annoyed if someone asks for something to which the answer could be obvious to others—i dont judddgeeee once again :3 i got patience & the need to help others with even the smallest things so yea i like that abt me
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mokkemusic · 2 years
I am just gonna express here complete gibberish but you don’t understand how much I love Chihayafuru I have so many scenes running through my mind after the spin off chapter. It’s not just progression in goals ! It’s progressions In how characters view things and THAT THAT TO ME IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. Everybody has said this and I agree with them you can’t describe this series to anyone you just can’t, you won’t do it any justice no matter how skilled you are. Cause it’s genius that can only be told through experience DEAR GOD GIVE ME A SEASON 4 !!!!!
Let me be clear I am not preaching to any of you this post is just for me
Hell I saw such character growth in Arata today ARATA ! Im not gonna take 5 mins to say THAT WAS A JOKE IM NOT PUTTING DOWN ARATA I’m just not. But goddammit I was so proud of him and his connections with people and the POEMS! The God of the Karuta world everyone said up on a frekin pedestal yea?! Well where’s his connection with the poems huh? You might have had everyone convinced but not me! But today I saw the translation I read about Arata talking to Sumire about the poems and how he finally felt connected to them and I FULL ON SOBBED! - no one has any idea what I’m talking about Idc this is for me 😂
I saw this family come to together again Hiro was a bright and eccentric as ever. My precious boy! Chihaya was the sun that came down working so hard behind the scenes this whole time even though Sumire though she just dumped all this on her and she had no one to turn to
I SAW TAICHI HAPPY DAMMIT! HE WAS HAPPY with this little daddy bear phone pop socket and every little sentimental thing that is second nature to his relationship with Chihaya IF I HAVENT MENTIONED IT THERE DATING YOU KNOW IN CASE I DIDNT MENTION IT!
I saw lonely people connect and support each other, I saw old friends. I saw how much this story has impacted characters you wouldn’t think to give this kinda thought too!
I saw genuine emotions from Arata when Mizuzawa won (yea yea I know I know) but like you could see it on his face!
There’s so much that these characters had to go through to get to all this! And even do nothing is “amazing” it’s just trying. If there’s anything Chihayafuru doesn’t do it’s plateau success. The characters could be on cloud nine one day then rock bottom the next SUCH AS LIFE ! but it’s their ways of thinking that change and progress which is wow … that is also growth right? Seems like such a simple concept but it makes me so emotional! As do all the call backs and memories that are PACKED into this ch! I will be making an edit when I’ve rested my thumbs cause I haven’t stopped typing all damn day! (Dana then why are you typing now?) CAUSE I AM FILLED WITH TOO MUCH EMOTION IM GONNA EXPLODE THATS WHY
Anyway I didn’t have a point to any of this and if I did I lost it except the ones that I already said I JUST LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN SERIES I JUST LOVE EVERYONE! THEY ARE SO BURNED INTO MY HEART!
Hell I made a 17 sec reaction of me screaming cause I saw Hiroshi HIROSHI like. I love you Hiroshi I love you everyone
Ok thank you for coming to my ramble
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hershelchocolate · 3 years
Who knew buying myself a children's book would be so hard 😔 cant have shit on amazon
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erens-piss-cleaner · 3 years
it’s whatever #3
pairing: eren x reader
unrequited feelings, best friend! reader
#2 | epilogue
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2 Years time skip
“Ms Hange!”
“Ah I told you not to call me that! Hange would be good enough, I know boss Levi was a little bit strict today but he will losen up! It’s been a while since we had new recruits since he’s very specific about the people we have working here but hes an angel don’t worry he just.. lacks the ability to show it-“
His harsh voice sent shivers down your spine even though you weren’t the one talking, after being nagged at by him the whole day I wouldn’t blame you. Who knew a guy could be so specific about tea as well? You were just doing a favour.
“Ah Levi we were just talking about you, anyways y/n do you want to come drinking with me, Erwin & Levi, you know celebrate your first day”
“Who said I was going”
“Erwin did, so what do you say y/n you in?“
You would feel bad if you didn’t come along, after all, she lead you through everything even tho she had her own work too. After all, you deserved to drink too right? You haven’t drank ever since you went out drinking with Jean after Eren left. You were fine now tho, you got over him just fine. Ever since then you still haven’t found anyone tho, but you were content with that.
“Yeah sure!”
“Oi brat you still have work tomorrow don’t go overboard, I’m not your boss outside work so I’m not gonna watch over you”
“Levi stop acting like a dad you can’t even take care of yourself and you’re always caring about other people” Erwin says showing up behind Levi.
“OKAYYY Let’s go!!”
Hange sends you the address and you drive up to the bar. It wasn’t that far from your work place, in fact you probably could have walked.
The 4 of you drink while Hange and Erwin shares embarassing (but very cute) stories of Levi. He just glares at them while drinking. What is that his 5th shot already? He barely even changed in state, he just stopped being so uptight but what is this guy a god? Also did I mention that your alcohol tolerance wasn’t the best? Especially since you haven’t drank in a while. Also knowing how COMPETITIVE you are you tried to keep up with the rest of them knowing they were so much older than you and DEFINETELY had higher tolerance. Anyways, you didn’t take too much, at least thats what you thought.
You just sat there really quiet and just stared at everyone. Could’ve sworn you almost passed out. You weren’t really a loud drunk compared to many people you knew.
“Y/n is that you?”
Startled by the random tap when you almost passed out for the nth time this night.
“mm... Eren? Ah is this one of those dreams again... am I lucid dreaming actually?”
“You dream about me?”
“I can’t control what I dream about idiot”
He didn’t have to ask if you were drunk. He knew you were. He saw the way you almost passed out multiple times from the time he entered and walked to you. Was that even possible? It’s not like he hadn’t drank with you before.
“Hangeee I know him”
“Oh. Are you sure you’re not just drunk? Ah i’ll just keep an eye on you.”
“Oi why are there 2 brats now.”
“I think Levi and I are gonna head home now, though he does look fine, he had too much to drink so I’m still concerned.”
“mmm... Erwin and boss Levi lives together?”
“Yea they do” Hange replies smilling.
“Ok think i’m gonna take a nap here”
Eren chuckles and pats your head.
“Ah how It’s been two years, you’re still the same”
Hange takes a moment to connect the dots and suddenly jumps from their seat.
“Wait... are you y/n’s ex boyfriend??”
“Ah no nothing like that, we just used to be close friends back in college.”
“Ohh!! Okay then you should know where she lives! Can you give me her address? I’ll drive her home”
“Actually I can drive her home she lives a few blocks down my house.”
Hange stares at Eren in distrust. Eren realises he might seem really sketchy right now and digs out his phone from his bag pocket.
“I’ll show you photos of us when we were younger hold on”
Eren opens up his phone and goes through his photos showing them photos from middle school all the way to college. Ah nostalgia. Halfway through showing them Hange just stared at Eren and saw the affection in his eyes. Maybe they could trust him?
“Alright, bye y/n!!”
“Bye Hange thank you for today”
Hange waves back at her and smiles, leaving the pair.
“Y/n let’s go back, just like the old days right”
“Can drive myself”
“No you can’t stop being stubborn”
“Yes I can watch me”
Eren shakes his head and carries you throwing you over his shoulder.
He straps you to the seat (FOR SAFETY, WITH A SAFETY BELT DON’T BE SICK) and drives you back. He parks the car and the both of you just sat there. Not saying a word. Honestly I don’t know why you didn’t leave but I’m sure you had your fair share of things to say too.
“Can we talk?” Both of you said at the same time. Remind you of something?
“Ah I think I’ll say it first remembering what happend the previous time.” You said, you were a little sober now but you still had a loud mouth when spoken to.
“I kinda miss hanging out with you? I mean like I don’t still have feelings for you so I don’t know i hope it’s okay if we hung out again. Kinda miss a loser dorky competitive best friend.”
Eren throws his head back laughing pushing his hair back. He didn’t give a rebuttal knowing if he did the fight could go on forever.
“I was about to say the same thing. But I kinda have something to add on? It’s okay if you say no really. It’s just a thought”
You looked up to see his face under the moonlight. He was still beautiful, he didn’t age one bit besides facial hair and longer hair. You could still see the kid inside him. It felt like home again, you haven’t felt that in a long time.
“So me and Mikasa didn’t really work out, I mean it wasn’t so personal for either of us since the attraction was there but it was more out of respect than anything. And I guess ever since that night you left, well more like I asked you to leave, I really did miss hanging out with you. I don’t really know myself if whatever I felt about you back then was anything romantic, but ever since then I still felt like I lost someone really important. It didn’t feel like when i lost my parents, it was just different? I was so scared to loose you then and even now. What if that was the last time we were going to talk? Would we have known? Would things have been different? All I’m trying to say is you’re really important and I’d really want to go back to how we were and maybe try something? We don’t have to force it, but I wouldn’t want to go through that again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you if I could. I don’t think I’ve felt this about anyone. I know this is selfish but it wouldn’t hurt to try? I completely understand if you wouldn’t want to cross that line-“
You started tearing up and smilling. You haven’t heard him ramble in so long. You missed this feeling.
“Eren I really-really missed you too, more than I would’ve thought, I think I’d want to try but I can’t promise anything. I wouldn’t want to loose you too”
Eren hugs you and ruffles your hair. The hug lasted longer than you would have thought but it felt like mere seconds to the both of you. You pulled back even though it was pretty hard with his VERY LARGE arms around your body. You both look up to each other giggling with a few tears down both of your faces. Both of you were crucial to both of your lives, you both spent your teenage years together, of course this was emotional.
author’s note
hey! So this will be the last of this series but there will be an epilogue so pls stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed this, I’m so happy to see that my first fanfic at least got noticed by a few of you.
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tetsurobunni · 3 years
IDK You Yet
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☞ songfic based off of the song IDK You Yet by Alexander 23 // 3.1k words
☼ slight angst, mentions of bullying, just wanting somebody to love (insert queen song here), tsukki being tsukki, akiteru being cute, freckles
☼ pairing : tsukishima kei x yamaguchi tadashi
☞ notes : sigh this song...yea // in this story, tsukki and yamaguchi weren’t childhood friends
this text = song lyrics
italics = flashbacks and inner thoughts
The sun cast a golden haze over the empty park in which Yamaguchi Tadashi sat. Gentle birdsong could be heard in the distance, a slight breeze swayed the branches of trees. A volleyball danced in between the boy's hands absentmindedly as he sat alone on a bench.
Today had been hard, just like any other day. The bullies he faced just seemed to never know when to stop; they continuously poked fun at him and made the poor boy feel like dirt. He had hoped that as he got older his tormentors would cease their attacks, but alas, his hopes never came true.
Yamaguchi had no one to call a friend. He tried to stay as translucent as possible as to not draw any attention to himself. It was the same routine for him every day; the only thing he found happiness in was volleyball.
You can see how that would be a problem, right? Loving a team sport when you have absolutely no friends? What a joke.
He sighed, stilling the movement of the ball between his hands. The sun was setting, the sky now a light pink and purple. 'I should start back home soon,' he thought, closing his eyes. Even though he knew the approaching darkness meant the temperature would drop and dinner would be ready soon, he didn't feel any urge to go home.
After all, there was no one there that understood him, or his pain for that matter.
He leaned his head back against the wooden bench, the lingering smell of cherry blossoms floating through the air.
'It would be so nice to have someone to enjoy this with,'
He couldn't help but imagine sitting in this park with the person he loved, sitting close as they watched the sun set.
How can you miss someone you've never met?
His lips curled upwards at the thought. Some would think that was cringeworthy, or too cookie-cutter; but that didn’t matter to him. Yamaguchi just needed someone to be there.
Because I need you now, but I don’t know you yet.
He had placed love on a pedestal for as long as he could remember. His mother and father’s relationship was nothing less than perfect-the love they had for each other practically radiated throughout any setting.
Seeing his two biggest role models share something so special like that made him want it too. No, not want. Need.
He needed the passion, the validation. He needed to be wanted by somebody. That’s all he could ever dream of. He didn’t care what gender, or if they were taller or shorter, bigger or smaller.
Yamaguchi just needed somebody to love him.
But can you find me soon because I’m in my head
When he opened his eyes, the first thing he was met with was the dark starry sky. He jumped, startled, and checked the time on his watch. ‘My parents are going to kill me!’ He thought, frantically gathering his things off of the bench.
He ran down the sidewalk, taking in heavy breaths as he passed by the homes on his street. Lights shone through curtains, shielding from prying eyes. The sidewalk was dimly lit with street lamps, the lone car passing by every so often.
Straightening out his jacket the best he could, Yamaguchi stepped into the door of his house. A lone light was on in the kitchen. He peered into the living room to find it empty, no noises to be heard. ‘They must have already went to bed,’ he thought, flicking the switch to turn off the light.
Yamaguchi padded up the stairs in sock feet, treading lightly as to not wake his parents. As he passed the door to their shared room, he noticed the door was slightly ajar. Peeking into the small crack, he could see the two cuddled up tightly in each others embrace as they slept. Sighing, he gently shut the door.
‘It would be amazing have someone to do that with’
Yea I need you now, but I don’t know you yet.
As he entered his room, he took a second to scan the blank walls of his room. Spaces where pictures of friends and teammates should be were instead replaced by the pale gray of wallpaper.
He sat down on his bed with a sigh, running his hands through his dark hair. It seemed as though loneliness was a routine for him by this point, just the same empty feeling day after day.
To say he was tired of it was an understatement.
But thats exactly what his tormentors said, right?
“You’re such a loner”
“No wonder no one likes you”
“You couldn’t even pay someone to be friends with you”
“You’ll always be alone.”
And lately its been hard
It seemed that no matter how hard Yamaguchi tried not to recall the words thrown at him, they still came crashing over him in waves, beating him down over and over until he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
They’re selling me for parts
“Please just stop, j-just-stop,” he whispered, voice strained as tears rolled down his cheeks. He dug his palms into his eyes to try and stop the waterfall of emotions, but like every time before, it didn’t work.
He didn’t want to go through this anymore. He really, really didn’t. He wished that he was strong; that he could stand up to those people and tell them that he wasn’t worthless.
And I don’t wanna be modern art
The only thing that kept him sane was the feeling in his heart that there was someone out there for him. There had to be. Someone that could mend his broken parts and dry his eyes when the world got too much. He hoped and wished and dreamed about finding his person
He just hoped that they were okay with being the other half of his wounded heart.
But I’ve only got half a heart, to give, to you.
He hoped that, for once, he would be enough for somebody.
~~~~~ Tsukki’s POV~~~~~
Tsukkishima walked down the bustling street, vendors selling various foods and treats filling the air with delightful smells. It wasn't really his scene, per se, but Akiteru had paid him to get some meat buns from his favorite store. There's no way he'd pass up money and free food.
As he rounded the corner, the familiar little shop his brother had sent him to numerous times came into view. He stepped inside, the warm air and lively chatter washing over him.
He swiveled his head side to side, noticing something strange. At almost every table sat a couple sharing a meal, girls giggling at their boyfriends as they shared conversation.
For the first time since he left the house he took notice of the bright pink and red hearts that decorated the walls and windows.
'Of course, it's Valentine's day. Disgusting.'
He rolled his eyes at his realization. Valentine's Day was just stupid. Why would anyone want to celebrate such an idiotic holiday? He managed to shove past a couple who was standing just a little too close for comfort mumbling a 'tch, you're in public' as he walked past.
Not looking back to see their reactions, he walked up to the counter and quickly ordered 4 meat buns- he knew his brother would want more than two and since it wasn't his money, he decided he'd get one for himself.
Tsukki didn't know if he was jinxed by the shop or what, but as soon as he walked outside all he saw were couples. Couples here, couples there, talking, laughing, hugging, kissing. He'd never admit it, but it made him feel just the tiniest bit lonely.
He had never been one for relationships and romantics- or even feelings at that. He had always despised Valentine's Day ever since he could remember. The girls in lower secondary school would give letters sealed with bright pink and red envelopes to the boys they liked. Tsukki himself had even received a few, but he always turned them down.
No one seemed to ever catch his eye, or grasp his attention. All the girls were plain, boring, and dull. Too energetic, too shy, talked too loud- the list could go on and on.
The door creaked open as he stepped into his house, and Akiteru yelled an 'in here!' from the living room. The latter was practically drooling at the plastic bag in Tsukki's hand, basically begging like a puppy for a treat.
"Here, you nuisance, I got three for you. The other one is mine, don't even think about eating it," he said, tossing the bag to Akiteru, who instantly started digging through it to get his food.
Tsukki sat down cross-legged on the opposite side of the table, opening the package on his meat bun. Suddenly Akiteru got a sly look on his face. "Oh, I forgot to mention that today was Valentines Day, sorry for sending you out in that."
Tsukki narrowed his eyes at his brother, knowing good and well that he didn't tell him on purpose. "Whatever, I'm keeping the change from our order as payment for sending me out in that mess."
Akiteru just laughed, shaking his head slightly. "C'mon Tsukki, do you really hate Valentine's Day that much?"
"Well, okay then," the elder grumbled, taking a bite out of his second meat bun. "But answer this, why do you hate it so much?"
Tsukki faltered for a moment. There were many reasons as to why he hated the holiday, such as the PDA, too much giggling, confessions, all of the god awful pink-
"Is it just because you never found someone you like?"
Tsukki's eyes widened. He had never thought about it. No- there was no way he was pissed because he had never met someone he had feelings for; and he for sure wasn't upset about it.
How can you miss someone you've never seen?
"Ah, hit the nail on the hammer, huh?" Akiteru said, his face showing signs of pity.
"Shutup, will you? I don't care about liking someone, or someone liking me, or being in a relationship, or-"
"Tsukki. You're rambling. You never ramble."
The blonde stopped in his tracks. Why was he rambling? He didn't care, so why did what his brother say have such an impact his mood? He let out a quiet 'tch', moving to get up from the table.
"Tsukki, wait."
The latter faltered from his place at the entrance of the door to his bedroom, waiting for his brother to speak.
"I don't like Valentine's Day all that much either. It makes me feel super lonely, and I get into this sad funk that I can't get out of. But, sometimes, I think about the person that'll love me someday. What they look like, what their personality is, all that; it helps a little. You should try it," Akiteru said, a soft smile on his face.
The blonde responded by opening his door, walking in, and shutting it behind him. Was his brother serious?! There was no way he'd entertain such silly ideas. He'd do what he always did: ignore everyone else and keep to himself. No thoughts, just his music.
After he changed into more comfortable clothes, he slipped his headphones on and laid on his bed, letting the sounds of his music flood into his ears. Without noticing, he started to think about all the couples he saw today at the market.
He remembered seeing a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, much like himself.
'There's no way I'd be with someone who looked like me- wait, why am I even thinking about this-'
He scolded himself in his head, took his glasses off then proceeded to run a hand down his face. He continued listening to his music... that is until he started thinking again.
He tried everything, listening to god awful rock, cleaning his already clean room, he even tried working out in order to get his brother's words out of his head. No matter how hard he tried, his brother's smiling face saying those words seemed to pop up in his mind.
"Y'know what, fine. Fine! I'll do it!" He whisper-yelled, laying down on his bed yet again. Closing his eyes, he thought back again.
"I think about what they look like."
Okay fine, he could do that.
Tell me are your eyes brown, blue, or green?
Again, he couldn't imagine his...person...having the same light, amber eyes as him.
‘Blue? No, too bright...maybe brown? Hazel? Yea...hazel is nice...’
After he got past the eye color part, he came to a standstill. He didn't really care about hair as long as it wasn't blonde... but what else? Would they have a mole? Freckles? Would they wear glasses, like him?
Suddenly Tsukki brought a pillow to his face and hit himself with it. 'I can't believe I let something that my brother said affect me so much."
Nonetheless, he continued.
"I imagine what their personality is like"
This was tricky. 'They couldn't be too loud. Loud people get on my nerves. They couldn't be too quiet either, I can't stand when someone just looks at me and doesn't say anything.'
He thought a little bit harder. 'Maybe they'd like volleyball? That means Akiteru would love them. I wonder if they would like the same food as me...'
And do you like it with sugar and cream?
'Akiteru makes coffee sometimes, I wonder if they put a lot of stuff in it,' he shriveled up his face in disgust at the thought. He couldn't stand all that sugary stuff in his coffee, preferring the bitter taste instead.
Or do you take it straight, oh just like me?
'Okay, I'm done imagining things that won't happen. This was stupid anyways," he thought, sighing and turning over on his side. For some strange reason, he felt utterly exhausted. It's not like he did a lot of physical activity today, so why did he feel so...tired?
His brain decided to play the images of the couples again in his head, and he realized why he felt the way he did. This was the first time he had actually thought about having a "special someone."
The thought made him want to hit his head against the wall.
He never thought that imagining about the person he might be with one day would make him feel so lonely.
Cause lately it's been hard
For the first time, he noticed the utter and complete lack of important people in his life. Of course there was his brother, that was a given, but he had no one he had ever considered a friend. He never talked to one person for longer than he had to, and even ignored some.
He was completely shut off from the rest of the world...
And it was his own fault.
They're selling me for parts
'It's better this way. You know it is. No getting your hopes up, no disappointment, no keeping up an image. It's better this way. All you need is yourself, not anyone else.’
"But having someone there for me really wouldn't hurt... right?"
And I don't wanna be modern art,
His phone screen lit up with a notification. 'FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL' popped up on his screen, and the blonde groaned once he saw the time.
'Two in the morning? Great. I've wasted my sleep on nothing.’
But deep down, Tsukki knew it wasn't 'nothing'. He just made the pit of loneliness in his stomach larger and harder to ignore.
How could he even imagine the person he would love when he was so pathetic?
"You're so stupid Tsukishima Kei, so, so, so mind-numbingly STUPID!"
But I've only got half a heart, to give, to you.
~~~~~Both POV~~~~~~
Yamaguchi tugged the straps of his backpack tighter as he walked towards the staff room. Students shuffled in the halls, chatter and laughter filled the air. Of course, the green haired boy kept to himself. He had already dodged one of his bullies this morning, so he was on high alert.
As if the first day wasn't nerve racking enough, for some awful reason he decided he was going to join the volleyball club.
'This was such a stupid decision you should just turn around right now,' he thought to himself, slightly panicking as he saw the sign that said 'staff room' on the door in front of him.
He just stood there, staring, unmoving, at the door handle. His heart was racing in his chest, all the air seeming to exit his lungs.
"Oi, are you just gonna stand there?"
Yamaguchi jumped from the sudden voice that came from behind him. He jerked his head, meeting amber eyes behind black frames. He tripped on his words, becoming a blubbering mess, finally spitting out a 'Gomen!'
Tsukki raised a brow at the slightly shorter boy, wondering why he was just staring at the door.
"Tch, why were you just staring at the door like a weirdo?" Yamaguchi bowed his head in apology, contemplating whether to tell this complete stranger the truth, but he finally decided he would.
"Um, I was...uh...going to... to join the volleyball club," he stammered, not meeting the taller boy's eyes. He felt highly embarrassed for some reason, like him wanting to join was humorous. Honestly, he half expected the guy to laugh at him.
"Hm, I am too."
Tsukki moved past the green haired boy and opened the door, walking in a little ways before he realized the latter was still standing there.
"Oi, c'mon. Unless you're not actually going to join..."
Yamaguchi's ears perked up at that. He decided, that for once, he was going to do something he wanted.
"Gomen, I'm coming."
Even though it wasn't visible, Tsukki slightly smiled. He wasn't actually coming to the staff room to join the volleyball club, but when he heard that this boy was going to be joining, he decided that maybe he would.
The shorter boy suddenly turned around, hands flailing.
"Oh! I'm sorry for being rude, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi!" he said, a bright smile presented onto his freckled face.
'Hm, freckles...'
"Tsukishima Kei."
And I hope it's enough.
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fishmech · 4 years
to Dancing-in-Your-Dust.net. The name comes from the AFI song Paper Airplanes (makeshift wings). This is just a place to express my thoughts and ideas, if you don't like it..simply leave. If you do however, stick around and enjoy =D
Lizzy. Arizona. sXe. Vegetarian. Sarcastic. AFI. Tiger Army. Nekromantix. <3 <3 Davey Havok. Make-Up. Music. Movies. <3 Johnny Depp. HUGE Dork. Despair Faction. TNBC. Lock, Shock & Barrel. Jack Skellington. Halloween.
.x.Site Stats.x.
June 20th, 2003
Hits: Listed:
Featured Site:
Brush Credits:
Sign it!
Twi5ted Reality Awards
.x.About the Layout.x.
This is the 9th layout for DIYD. It features the Movie Sleepy Hollow ! =). The pictures are from
johnny depp online
and google image search.
Come's in a Pop-Up
Hiatus (Be Back Soon)
.x.Web Cam.x.
.x.Link Me.x. .x.True Fucking Love.x.
<3 Sadey
<3 Cristal
<3 Alyssa
<3 Carol
<3 Ashley
<3 Stacey
<3 Krista
<3 Karla
.x.Current Events.x.
08-11-03: My B-Day 09-09-03: Jeanelle's B-Day 09-10-03: Work @ Merch Booth 4 the Starting Line 09-20-03: EdgeFest 03' 09-24-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Fresno 09-26-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Las Vegas 09-27-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Utah 10-13-03: Kevin <3 <3 & Ashley's Birthday 10-14-03: Nightfall 10-30-03: Seeing AFI/Hot Water Music/Bleeding Through in Universal CA for Halloween Eve show 10-31-03: Halloween AFI'S Halloween Show??
.x.Playlist.x. Smile--AFI Jack of all Trades--Hot Water Music Unstoppable--Death by Stereo The Power of Moonlite--Tiger Army True Romance--Tiger Army Who Killed the Cheerleader--Nekromantix A Single Second--AFI Darkangel--VNVNATION Dirty Magic--The Offspring Anabelle Lee--Tiger Army The Man Who Sold the World--David Bowie Can I Say?--Dag Nasty .x.CD Player.x. Art of Drowning--AFI Sing the Sorrow--AFI Shut your mouth and open your eyes--AFI Moonlite--Tiger Army Can I say?--Dag Nasty Empires--VNVNATION War of all Time--Thursday .x.Stalker.x.
.x.At the Moment.x. Date:October 1, 2003 Mood: Tired Eating: Nothing Drinking: nothin Watching: nothin Hearing: Transplants Wearing: Night of the living dead Shirt and duck pj's Thinking: AFI IS ONLY 28 DAYS AWAY!!!!!!! Talking to:  nobody Drooling over: Davey Havok Wanting: The 30th to get here! Surfing: Nothing .x.Tagboard.x.                                      Name:               URL:              Message:                      
I believe in ¤
Aliens, Ghosts, and Magic
Horror Movie
The Lost Boys & The Bride of Frankenstien
REAL men paint their nails.
AFI is my obsession
Morningstar by AFI is MINE
My Song::Morningstar
.x.Last Look.x.
October 6, 2003
Hello all..thought I'd write in here since I have pretty much nothing else to do. I've been up to pretty much nothing. Sadey and I went to the mall and bought our AFI limited edition Art & Artisha dolls..which cost an arm and a leg. We also talked to kevin..just him tho cuz Bobby-o wasn't there today. It was hilarious because when we were leaving I go to hug kevin and I accidentally hit his nose...he's all like "oh great she's trying to beat me up too!" good times man, good times. Anyway in other good news, Sadey's mom is thinking about opening a store sorta like Hot Topic @ the mall..and it's gonna be hella rad cuz well, I can work there =D We'd carry much more cooler things than Hot Topic..I mean I like that store at times but, they never really carry anything that cool now. Speaking of HT im gonna start working there prolly in mid november. Im putting my 2 weeks @ Target in tommorow. Anyhoo while I was at HT I saw this rad velvet black dress with like flared sleeves and I want it for the show in Universal but I checked the price and its like 90 bucks so I was like hell no..so Im gonna have my mom make one for me and im adding shit on it like red laced trim...its gonna be so super awesome =D Im trying to think of what else that has happened..Oh I was sick this weekened and I called in for work and Nickey (the LOD) got all pissed and told me im not taking my job seriously anymore and all this other BS and she hung up on me...so she basically called me a liar....and im telling you, I was really sick! So I woke up the next morning and it was already like 11:00am and my shift was supposed to start at 9 and I was like shit...they're gonna fire me. So I called Nickey and she apologized for hanging up on me and that she doesnt wanna lose me as an employee and that she values me and shit..I was just like yea, well you're in for a rude awakening cuz im quitting haha..no I didn't say that but I was thinking it..so she told me to just take the day off. I was like cool ok. So I guess thats all that really happened...I went to this wedding party thing on Saturday night w/ sadey a whole bunch of Italians from brooklyn...awesome as hell im in love with their accents..lol. There was this annoying kid there that was trying to impress Sadey and I by acting all drunk and telling us how much he had to drink when in all reality he wasn't really drunk he was just pretending because all his mom would let him have was one drink..little does he know we're sXe..haha loser. Alright anyhoo I guess thats all for site news.. my wonderful katie (rapturous voice davey fansite) is leaving me ::cries:: she bought a domain,
Ill miss you much Katie =D Go visit her now BTW. But the good news is that I got a new hostee,
. She's gonna open the fanlisting for AFI's
which I am very happy about..it's about damn time someone decides to make a fanlisting for that song cuz it is such a beautiful song =D Alright so..enough of my rambling im out, later =D --Lizzy--[Deadjournal] | [Plug]
(8) are dancing in the dust
October 1, 2003
Ok Im taking my blog down because it was wayyy too long and for some reason my ftp is not letting me write anything else on to my notepad sorry kids..if ya wanna know what happened just drop me a line on AIM @ dancinginurdust or email me at [email protected] and ill be sure to tell you everything...you can still click the pics and look at those if you like =D
[/EDIT] Happy October..new layout in spirit of Halloween..ill have loads more halloween ones than this..being as this is my fave holiday =D
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,21,  22,  23,  24,  25 click here for autographs =D --Lizzy--[
] | [
(7) are dancing in the dust
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sikereviewdotcom · 4 years
undercover brother (2002) review
sup been a while but didnt forget about yall and your eager butts to dive head first right in the flooding words coming out of my mouth today gonna rev "undercover brother" (2002), its gonna be solid guys
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so we start with an introduction where we talk about how black culture was losing its flavour after the 70s, progress was slowed down n all as we reached 2000 but dont be fooled, its all cause of a buncha events orchastred by "the man"... a big racist mf ig whos also the kkk equivalent of the team rocket boss, sitting in a ig chair, never see his face in the flashbacks or like the bad guy in inspector gadget, more like him ig since we actually see the team R boss face quite often nonetheless, theres a form of mystery folding this whole business... THE MAN acts in the shadows and he hates to see how dark those are, he wants things to be like it used to be back in slavery times good oltime for him but.. not for the fam
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ofc then here is introduced THE REAL MAN OF MEN => undercover brother, our hero and damn he has the style of a whole pack of elephants trampling around in pink disco suits every ladies wanna a piece of that sweet fro he is packing up on his head, funky
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ngl, the whole way this mov is filmed n edited is sike asf, dope guys especially considerin its actually made in 2002, loving it anyway then were also introduced to the other secondary protags who are from an organisation here to stop The Mans evil doings and careful: undercover bro was actually a solo act until now cause now they gonna collaborate all throughout da mov: its the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D, with conspiracy brother (tbh a fav here, guys wack like the whole plot guy thinks computer comes from a story involving peanut and idk guys he keeps rambling bout bs which makes him a+ character) smart brother, chief and sister girl (original name/10)
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so btw the organization is on a mission rn at the beginning to destroy The Man (lets call him tm for the rest of this rev) financial infrastructure aka funds to stop him better or smthg and it gets spicy as they get caught but ofc undercover bro barges in from nowhere wow big disguise as an old man no one noticed him so like slash bawow boom vlam, bad guys ko and he squeedaddle out of there like twas breeze gg man, he also get fed a nice editing of xrays battle like with a side of kungfu n whatnot, undercover bro knows his stuff
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nice sounds effects ah yes btw romantic intrigue with sister girl begins here, its the zinc of the flinch as ub (undercover brother) notices her big wink wink nudge nudge, btw later she is asked to go enlist him in the corps so he can help stop the man with them n shit and he trynna get her in his bed cause thats we this brother is used to, getting laid as soon as he meets a chick, who can resist this dude?
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he gots moves, fro, style, skills and also at times he is a pussy but k, not everyones perf sometimes you just simp for a white blond blue eyed woman (spoiler) and crawls on all four looking like a big preppy nerd btw in this review im trynna not spoil the whole plot cause guys, this movie gotta be on yo watch list kay? im not here to ruin this experience in yo life itd be pretty uncool of me so im just gonna state the big lines then its up to you to swoop the tiny ones out of the watch, knot your own breds n stuff
back on the whooper slapping: intro credits roll, we get some nice back story for our hero, making sure we can understand his cause in saving the black peeps from TMs assholery might truth n justice be your guide
so what the big plot then? well yknow how a big antag cant do shit on his own cause hes too busy sticking brooms up his ass in his private quarters? yea well same goes here so there this gay guy who will be twerking later on btw, a scene to behold, rumps to ogle at, so hes a bad guy and gay n gonna do most of the dirty work for TM, whats new? idk what to think of it yknow its a stereotype in movs so ig ok still uncool but ill see it as all in good spirit cause theres bad n good im not excepting this to be the best watch of my life, nah it wasnt either, but i had a good laugh kay? makes up for it cause unlike some here i got no shit up my ass alley its clean scrubbed up n down so i can smoothly take a chillax up n a shit out without a night tormented by constipation, nah its all sliding where it should no pain no sweat
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so the big lines is that a war hero whos a black man is gonna become president and wtf no is the only react racist mf could have which is what they have, bad guys gonna stop it from happening at once and the brotherhood aint letting it happens cause obvs something is wrong as every black peeps gonna turn into a stereotype like waddup in this mad world? its all because of the poisonous fried chicken brand TM will get around ty to another poison to make our war hero delusional n so on were also introduced to white evil she-ra later btw, just dropping this in cause undercover brother really wants to make oreos with her n sister girl (his words) ig shes the second love interest, im not too invested in this romantic intrigue it was just necessary not like twas very developped anyway its even more of a bedroom intrigue when it comes the the white blue eyed blond chick, sister girl before hoes yo
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whats it in conclusion about this movie? first, the plot: hilarious biznasty worthy a+ bs especially how its turned yknow, the clichés were turned upside down n if not theyre just turned into a big satire of themselves editing + music ? yknow its actually good, and funky asf im digging it, a travel in time nostalgia of times i lived acting is pretty neat its not an ironically good movie cause its hilariously ridiculous in the making way its all about the plot here, plot twists and characters, the whole universe ig like its superior to big mamma sorta plot or maybe im dropping this comparison cause its been a while since i saw big maam, for sure twas under estimated while over brought when this here? it got freshness packed in
the spoiling was light and this is cause this movie got a 69/10 rating jk 8/10 if were gonna be serious, im gonna list wats unwoke n uncool here: 1 gay villain stereot, gotta be honest here its not that big of a deal tme seeing when it was made and how i still laughed yknow idc this much but some could go apeshit over it 2 not enough conspiracy brother content: this is all i ask for 3 had no snacks while watching the movie, too bad id dig a aj or grape soda right about now n then 4 more lines for car wash chicks jk this last one idc about, but car wash representation is lacking once again in american movies, i cant believe how looked over it is, as if they didnt need smore rep in the medias its not an easy job washing car all day long, standin in those ghost buster lookin suit while staring at the hot guys in hot wheelys, whos gonna pay you a drink when youre just an old carwash lady? thought finally a hero would step up in this movie but there it goes thrown out da window, the potential was real until it got blown away sure sister girl was a solid character but give the washers some credits cut them a slack of free time n have a lil date together there on top of a truck to keep it native
nonetheless this is a top rec for anyone who feels like slipping into some conspiracy slippers
tg, out
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aestheticvoyage2017 · 7 years
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Day 185: Tuesday July 4, 2017 - “Independence Daze”
 A botched opportunity to celebrate a patriotic parade in Cody, led us instead to us raising our cheers to America from Thermopolis.   Strange times for America, and helpful to spend our independence deep in Wyoming - a place where our differences were clear with most we encountered both in politics and temperament,  but we all share this grand space.....and so long as we didnt really talk about it, we were all really the same; all happy to enjoy the freedoms under the grand old flag.   For us today, the ultimate freedom was that open road.  Some new iterations of that yellow striped compadre that took us through new towns such as Kirby, Medicine Bow, and Rock River, where the town of 245 was gathering for their BBQ in the park and waved at us as we went by in Silver, as if to wish we’d join them and tell our stories.  It would seem that in Wyoming, they take their independence day seriously; less about fireworks than it is about the emotion.  In Cody, when we pulled through last night, there were already chairs lining the street for the next days parade....and in the mornings light they were all gathered and ready by 830am.  While most Americans took advantage of a Tuesday to sleep in, Cody-ians were up and after it.  I imagined that many of these cowboys would be shooting off revolvers tonight about the time we pulled into Denver, if not sooner.
One exciting archive you put together while rambling is a knowing of places to score a free shower, and a free BLM campsite all around the country. In King Of The Road style, we each paid our $1 for a fresh towel at Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis and got our first showers since last Thursday....after a good soak in the mineral water.  20 minutes for free, though Im not sure anyone was really counting.  They were proud to have us there on the National Holiday along the Big Horn River.  The old dogs soaking with me liked my American flag hat.  They had no idea they were sharing space with a flaming socialist liberal...though the santa claus looking fellow did ask about my church.  Glad we could set aside our differences today!  AC and I took turns so that the dog could enjoy some good sun bathing nap time in the fresh grass.  He enjoyed our detour for not having to take a bath or shower himself.
On the way into the Hot Springs, I caught a billboard for America’s Next Big Whiskey - ah, a distillery in town, Audrie might like that!  We could set aside our own temperamental differences and go sip some good stuff. After calling to ensure they’d have us today, we were welcomed to their ‘shop’ where we got free tastings, and an expensive slushie before zipping the 6 hours home.. the real grand show.
Wyoming is a beautiful state.  And Im not talking about anything you might see while whisking down I-80 or up I-25.  I noticed it last September too.  To get out and down the two lane long stretches, rolling along with the contours of the earth, is some of the most enjoyable driving Id have anywhere around the whole country.  I can imagine that professional drivers must really like the back roads of Wyoming.  Stopping to think about it - I cant really recall anywhere else that was as relaxing and connective a drive.  Maybe that roll through Northern Minnesota to Grand Marias?  The mythical stretches of West Texas around Marfa?  The Color Tour up M-119? Sunset somewhere along 89A in NoAz?  Yea, its in that great company of good road.....  exactly what Aesthetic Voyage is all for.   To put your windows down, turn up a classic rock radio station, and run Silver down these beautiful open roads with no traffic-  thats a good way to celebrate America.  The Whiskey and shower and Hot Springs was just gravy.  Aside from quick brushes with Casper, Laramie, and Cheyenne, we had this whole place all to ourselves a much needed contrast from the people zoo yesterday at Yellowstone.  The six hours drove by as smoothly as necessary.  Put it on your vacation to-do list, take a drive through Wyoming....a rambler’s cleanse and a necessary one.
Song: Uncle Lucius - Keep The Wolves Away
Quote: “I realized these were all the snapshots which our children would look at someday with wonder, thinking their parents had lived smooth, well-ordered lives and got up in the morning to walk proudly on the sidewalks of life, never dreaming the raggedy madness and riot of our actual lives, our actual night, the hell of it, the senseless emptiness.”  ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Our trek of new roads carved across Wyoming.  Light blue is the new roads of 2017.
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Day 9
So Lisa won't talk me still, she says she needs time and I understand. I just hope she lets me clear up somethings before she decides to dump me as her friend. I know I'm thinking pretty negatively but when your best friend blocks you, unfriends you, says she's lost respect for you, and that she's not your friend anymore, I think I can think like that, just a bit. 
It's 1:04am and it's been an interesting time back in Waterloo. I talked to Billy for a bit. He was just helping me with the whole Lisa situation, because my sister wasn't any help, she is mature but she can still be pretty immature and petty, but you know I get where she's coming from and she's my sister and she gonna defend me and stand up for me till the very end. Then I talked to Abi a bit and explained to her about the whole reason why I felt hurt on Friday, and she understood where I was coming from but we both said that Lisa may not and may think I'm attacking her again. Then I talked by best best friend Anna for a bit but she fell asleep on me, she had a long day well actually a long ass week so I'm not gonna hold that against her. 
Anyways yea I tried to reach out to Lisa and try and talk to her today to fix this mess but she said she doesn't want to see me and that she doesn't want to talk and that she needs space. I'll respect that. The other odd thing that happened today was, I come home and I expect that my key is on my table from when thavi was last here, it's not. So I message him about it and he says yea I have it I forgot to drop it off, sorry. He also spilled my super glue all over my table. He said that he didn't know what happened and that he was pretty drunk that night. So I was like ok. I asked if I could see him for a bit today, but mostly to get my key back. He said he worked till 8 and I was okay I won't be back till then and I won't take up your time I know you have to sleep before you work. Doesn't reply for a bit so I assumed everything was cool. Then when 8 comes around he messages me "I can talk now if u want and I dropped off your key at Lisa's." 
First of all I thought you were gonna come see me and second off if you really had to be somewhere and you were already less then 30 secs away why the heck did you not return my key to me? Lisa and I aren't even talking at the moment. If you really couldn't hangout/catch up you could have just said so. I just wanted my key back, which by the way you had all week to return, you were at Lisa's on Friday to so you could have just dropped it off then. At this point I was just mad that he couldn't just say, "I can drop your key off but I can't stay, we see each other sometime this week or whenever but i have somewhere to be." I would have been fine with something like this. Relieved actually. 
I even told him like I have no other intentions other then to catch up a bit and get my stuff back. If anything I should make you pay for the damage u did to my table but I didn't say anything. On Wednesday when we had like a closure talk, closure for me I guess, he told me that he still wanted to be my friend and that he doesn't want me to completely disappear from his life and that he'd like a friendship when and if I was ever ready for it, I just had to give him a shout. He said that he'll always be there for me. And here I am 9 days later, feeling pretty good and actually just asking as a friend to catch up and you bring up this stuff; "Okay, I don't want this to turn into another argument. We broke up not to long ago and I still need time to myself before we talk again. I don't want to go into this talk with hard feelings involved. We'll keep in touch." 
Soooo many contradicting words here. I mean I know a lot can change from Wednesday to now. Maybe he caught wind from Lisa about our big fight, but 1. This wasn't an argument, I was just stating facts, I don't want to waste time arguing with you. 2. We talked on Wednesday, you seemed fine, and earlier you even said you were okay talking. 3. What hard feelings? Last time we talked there weren't any hard feelings, from you or me, I guess you have hard feelings because I'm kind of over this situation not much feelings honestly. 4. You're the one who said I can reach out to you as a friend when I'm ready, and now you need space?! I'm so confused. 5. Even if you had heard about my fight with Lisa I would have thought you were at least the type of person to hear my side of the story instead of basing it off one side. I mean I know I'm an ex but don't I at least get that kind of respect or consideration? like dang...
I guess me expecting things to change because I wasn't around anymore wasn't wise of me to think. I mean I thought he would mature a bit from this situation but I guess I was wrong. From my perspective he's just going back to old ways and falling back on habits that aren't helping him. Like him potentially already going on dates again, like wtf?
If you're really serious about figuring your life out and getting your shit together (which by the way was one of the biggest reasons why you ended this relationship) maybe instead of focusing on superficial things like photo shoots, what kind of hair you want to have next, when you should fill up your tattoo, what kind of glasses you'll buy next, and what clothes will make you look like g, you should start reflecting and thinking about the things that will actually move you forward so you're not stuck in the same place for the rest of your life. I mean if you're okay with this forever then thats your prerogative, but don't tell people something else and have them motivate you and genuinely help when all you want is their attention...
Man I guess I did have some hard feelings lol but you know at the end of it all, I can honestly say, thanks to God and Joel Osteen, that I don't really care what he does anymore. I've dropped it, left it, and moved on. All the negative thoughts or emotions I had left for this situation I gave them up to God and I feel so light and less burdened. 
both these situations, Lisa and Thavi, I extended an olive branch, but they still seem like they want to fight. Like all this negativity, I don’t know if I really want it in my life at this point. 
Well it's like 1:48am now I think I've rambled for too long. I'm gonna try and make it to my 10am class... I say try because I've been sleeping till 12pm the past 9 days, i dont know if I can get up in 6 hrs for this class lol
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