#but will shoppers have them? prob not
bam-monsterhospital · 3 months
okay so far on my nail polish hunting adventure, going through shoppers' product list (because i can't remember any brandnames ever), we have ruled out:
sally hansen essie londontown cnd quo beauty sensationail
what the fuck left is there? fjkdsalf;dsafdsa
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angelgoddard · 11 months
tell us about your winx dream reality ♡♡♡♡
i havent decided on my name (i'll do a poll probs) but im an mind fairy who works primarily with illusions. i'm a princess who's also a direct decendant of the ancestral witches. (i changed the lore around A LOT)
in the friend group im the skincare/makeup friend, party planner friend, & shopper friend. i was the first to get ny enchantix transformation!
i changed around a lot of the lore to make it more cohesive and interesting. some things i did include:
- i added my own personal headcanons for the winx and specialists (some of them r now lgbtq 🤭)
- to gain your enchantix; you have to die for a noble cause and be resurrected
- valtor and daphne being lovers before the fall of domino and their curses
- the ancestral witches once being human people who had families
- every planet has their own language and spells can be cast for everyone to speak their own language but the people they're talking to hear the language they know
- when a magical being turns 16; they can choose to study as a warrior; witch, wizard, warlock, or fairy
- there's multiple field trips where we visit other schools in different dimensions
- the trix and specialists have personalities
- valtor's dark mark leaves a permanent scar on people
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jovoy · 8 months
so i've been hoarding my ulta rewards points for soooo long (i have like $250 in points) and now i'm finally spending them but i don't know exactly what i want to get!! thinking about maybe getting some Snif samples, maybe some new hair products, a set of L'Occitane hand creams... do you have any ulta faves?? should i get lots of little things that i've been wanting to try or one big special thing?? idk!!
ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh my god have you come to the right person ..you are speaking to the ultimate ulta sephora makeup shopper in general basically of all time i am insane im like crazy i have a shopping problem legitimately this response is going to be so long actually let me put this under a fucking read more because its going to be like ten miles long.
i would need to know more about your specific likes and dislikes personally but i ALWAYS recommend l’occitane stuff their hand creams especially are so lovely!! they dont carry their full range of stuff in ulta but i also love their almond milk concentrate it smells sooo good like yummy sweet milky marzipan and it makes your skin so soft. but its so expensive. if you like eye makeup the natasha denona palettes are so insanely good also and not too outrageously priced imo for the quality especially! they are some of the greatest eyeshadow formulas on the market i especially love the i need a nude palette and the my dream. and snif has never deeply impressed me but if the notes look interesting to you definitely go for a sample set! theres no frags at ulta that i absolutely die hard adore honestly..i have idole nectar that i got w my own points lol that i like quite a bit! and vacation edt is good i have that that i also got w points lmao but its not summer anymore so it wont be appropriate to break out for a while now again.
IF you wanted to get one big splurgey thing ulta does carry pat mcgrath now and her palettes are to DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for motherships are so wonderfully amazing like owning an art piece fr….but thats if you like eye makeup. let me just make you a couple of sample carts of stuff i would buy actually and live vicariously through you
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these are just a couple oflike random configurations of things around the 250ish mark that i thought you might like!! and stuff that i would personally buy thrown in LOL. i can make you more if yoy want although im not well versed in like haircare cuz my hair is pin straight and i dont do much to it other than it being color treated hehehe
they also carry chanel makeup and i love the liquid blush thingy its so cute…i would love to try more of chanels makeup so i would def be buying theircream bronzer + more of the blushes if i had a bunch of points to redeem. and prob a dior lip liner or two cuz they have those now
if you want more like specifically curated recommendations literally let me know and i will try!! i love doing this im obsessed with makeup and beauty and stuff literally i would love to help you out more i live for things like this ok mwah
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fleabaged · 2 years
You once said in an reply to an ask where someone said villanelle really fucked up by killing bill as he was a villaneve shopper, that you believed bill HAD to die. Please elaborate x
yes!! bill dying was everything to the first season imo!
A couple things:
He was introduced like he’d be a series regular, and was very charming and likeable. Killing him really brought legitimacy to the idea that no one is safe on the show, and that Villanelle is someone to actually fear.
First two episodes she kills because she is assigned to them, Bill’s kill showed that she is willing to kill anyone. It also is important for Eve to give her extra motive to find Villanelle, and builds to our finale of Eve stabbing V. It was a great turning point for the first third of the season.
there is something so brilliant about the subtle digs Bill throws at Villanelle in the first few episodes. He just underestimates Villanelle and downplays Eve IN ALMOST EVERY SCENE. I def missed it my first watch, but on rewatches it gets me every time.
This for example:
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He follows Villanelle into the club with NO backup, with NO weapon, and assumes he’ll be fine. It’s such a brilliant little “man underestimates woman moment.”
It makes Eve being able to hold some sort of inexplicable balance with V when they first meet all the more alluring. It heightens everything for the first season.
And this?
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Please this was everything.
Yes it was fun that Bill pegged Eve as having feelings for V like, immediately. But so eventually did Kenny. so did Hugo. So did Jamie. So does Yusuf. Every male coworker of Eve’s probs like CAN THIS BISH GET SOME PUSSY SO I CAN TAKE A VACATION DAY 😭😭😭
Anyways yes, Bill kill- a top kill forever 🙌
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jade-marie · 3 years
Besides rio shooting the little money maker girl he's never done nothing that doesnt make sense to the situation but Ive gotta admit I wont ever get past that (obv) but everything beth done was what she had to do at the time, yall are a little too harsh its not like the other girls werent gun and go abt the whole thing from the start so everybody got their problems relating to that. Lot of the times it was their ideas they went ahead with and she was right there with em and it caused probs with bossman so cut her some slack man I love that big mommy milkers bitch shes trying her best and if that was my man id shoot him too sometimes 😂
I have absolutely no idea why you sent this to me, honestly. I’m not sure if you think I’m suddenly going to see the error of my ways, decide I’ve been too harsh on Beth this whole time, and go back to loving everything but whatever.
Rio’s never done anything that doesn’t make sense to the situation
I would largely agree with this, the way I see it, Rio operates by a very different moral code to Beth. He is part of a world where the stakes are much higher, so reward and punishment is also much more extreme. To anyone looking in, his behaviour probably seems extremely harsh but if you look at how he typically handle situations, you would see that Beth gets off very lightly. She should be dead and there is absolutely no way that she doesn’t know that. So the fact that she keeps taking liberties, even though he’s very obviously letting her off lightly, pisses me off. She effectively takes advantage of the knowledge he won’t kill her, by pulling shit she wouldn’t dare pull with anyone else. 
Everything Beth did was what she had to do at the time
This is where our opinions massively diverge. Saying she did what she had to do is the same thing as saying she didn’t have a choice, and it completely removes her agency. We can go all the way back to 1.06 where she says, no one took advantage of her, it was a choice, she wanted to. When she found out her family was struggling for money, she didn’t try and get a job or a payday loan, she committed armed robbery. Once her debt with Rio was cleared she didn’t wanna go back to her old life, she wanted to continue working for him, again, another choice. She then made the choice to launder money through the dealership, then she decided to wrangle a 50-50 partnership in the pills. Once Rio was gone she started her own printing operation. Nobody forced her to do any of this, she didn’t have to, she wanted to. 
If you want to talk about specific acts between her and Rio - she didn’t have to shoot him three times in the chest, she didn’t have to leave him to die. That was a choice, a conscious one. When he came back and it was clear he was not going to kill her, he was taking her money (which lots of people would consider pretty fair given the circumstances), she didn’t have to hire a hitman, she wanted to. With the current Secret Service storyline, also a choice. This isn’t me saying she should have chosen Rio over the Secret Service, this is me saying she could have. Both options were available to her and she chose to go against him. She didn’t have to, she wanted to.
The girls were always part of it and it was their ideas which caused Rio problems
They literally weren’t and that has been one of the biggest sources of conflict between them from the outset of the show. Beth originally shut down the idea of robbing a grocery store, then when she found out she was in trouble she convinced the girls to do it. Beth went behind their backs and asked Rio for more work. The secret shoppers were also Beth‘s idea. Beth was the one who asked Rio to increase their drop to $500,000 when the other 2 girls wanted to quit. Beth threw a set of keys in Rio‘s face and got them all fired, then she convinced the other 2 to help her get him locked up. It was Beth’s idea to launder money through the dealership, she was also the one who stole his pills and a 50-50 partnership. It was also Beth who fucked him. Beth was the one who shot him, Beth was the one who decided to print money, Beth was the one who decided to hire a hitman. It was also Beth’s idea to rat out Rio in exchange for witness protection. While the girls agreed to do these things with her, they were Beth‘s ideas and more often than not, the decision was already made without them so they didn’t have much choice. 
As for specific things which caused problems for Rio - the original robbery was technically Beth‘s idea. It was Beth who wanted to get him arrested, which brought the FBI closer to his operation than they’ve ever been. It was Beth who decided to let Boomer go, when Annie was more than willing to shoot him. It was Beth who was sloppy keeping the books at the dealership which burned his cash operation, as well as the means for moving pills. Once again, it was Beth who shot him. It was Beth who targeted Lucy, it was Beth who hired Fitzpatrick. Beth and her sloppy bookkeeping at Boland Bubbles alerted the authorities and to save her own ass, she decided to offer them Rio. The girls weren’t part of any of that. 
The only instance where you could say the other 2 specifically caused problems for him is when Ruby and Annie tried to do a job behind Beth’s back and they didn’t follow through. Aside from that, she has very much been the de facto leader, making decisions on everybody else’s behalf. 
I’m too harsh on Beth and should cut her some slack
I’m not sure why anybody should cut her slack, actions have consequences and she’s yet to face them. Instead, everyone around her has to suffer as a result of her choices, but she doesn’t care. She keeps pulling the same bullshit and doesn’t take responsibility for anything, unless you count the occasional “woe is me” pity party where she calls herself a monster.
If Rio was your man, you would shoot him too
Contrary to popular belief, Rio has never been her man, he was her boss that she fucked a couple times. Putting that aside, I don’t particularly care that she shot him. If she turned around and said “fuck you, you deserved it. You kidnapped me in the middle of the night and put a gun in my hand, what did you expect?” I would fucking respect her for it. Besides, if we’re going by the logic that he deserved it, she should’ve caught a bullet ages ago and I can guarantee the reaction to him shooting her would be very fucking different.
What actually bothers me is the reason that she shot him, that entire rhetoric of him essentially being the cause of her problems because she doesn’t want to take ownership of anything she does. Until she changes that mentality, she won’t get an ounce of sympathy out of me.
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arcticfox007 · 3 years
Hope and Feathers
Destiel December Challenge 2020
Day 8: Blizzard
This is a continuation of days 2-7, the master list is pinned to my profile.
Check it out on AO3 as well!
               Charlie was really enjoying herself. The night may have started off as a way of helping her brothers out, but this Christmas event was actually super amazing. She had managed to snag a hand-knit elf hat while Sam asked about custom made dolls of all things. Charlie got Sam a headband with reindeer antlers and insisted that he wear them. She even convinced him to take a selfie with her, although he voiced his concerns about her using the picture for blackmail purposes.
               “Why are you looking for dolls, Sam? What does that have to do with talking to Dean?” Sam smiled mysteriously and wiggled his eyebrows at her.
               “You’ll have to wait and see. You’re so impatient. What’s with the picture taking by the way?”
               “I just thought it’d be nice. I got some sneaky ones of Dean being all adorable with Cas.” Sam laughed.
               “So, you are trying for blackmail, clever.” Charlie rolled her eyes. “Actually, can I see the pictures?”
               “Sure.” Charlie handed her phone over to Sam. He took a few moments to look through them with a grin growing across his face.
               “Do you mind if I send some of these to myself?”
               “Go ahead.” Sam thanked her and spent a few moments emailing himself some of the photos.
               “If you get anymore tonight, can you send them as well? Dean’s working on a gift for Cas, and I think I can add on to it a bit.” Charlie nodded her agreement.
               “No prob. What are you up to, a photo album or something?” Sam shrugged.
               “Not really, I’m going to frame some of them. I’m not sure I have enough for an album, we don’t stop and take pictures all that often,” Sam gave Charlie half of a smile and then spotted something in the distance. “Hey, I think that’s the booth I’m looking for.”
               Charlie wandered around the custom doll booth for a bit while Sam got into a deep discussion with the artist running the place. It took long enough that she’d started playing on her phone by the time Sam walked back over.
               “Well, that cost way more than I was originally intending to spend on Dean, and she won’t have it ready until tomorrow night, but I think it’ll be worth it.” Sam honestly looks excited just for himself, so Charlie just punches his arm and grins.
               “You better find somewhere for everyone to spend the night then. Check out the forecast.” Sam’s eyes widen in mild surprise as he sees the weather app on Charlie’s screen.
               “Wow, yeah, I don’t think we want to be driving in that. Especially since the Impala isn’t exactly the best car for snow. An actual blizzard, huh?”
               “Yeah, it may still miss this area but we might as well see where we can snag a few rooms. There’s some sort of 1800s B&B within walking distance. After that we can go meet Santa Claus!” Charlie clapped her hands with glee and started bounding off to wherever this inn was supposed to be as Sam followed her with a bemused expression.
               “Dean. There is one over here.” Dean walked over to Cas while dodging some of the crystals hanging from the ceiling in the New Age-y shop one of the kids they’d passed had tipped them off about. Cas had stopped trying to restrain his smile, he was enjoying how much fun Dean seemed to be having playing this silly game.
               “Awesome! You’re pretty good at this angel spotting thing.” Dean smirked and winked at the actual angel in the store.
               “Yes,” Cas said dryly. “It does seem to be some sort of innate skill on my part.” Dean chuckled and makes sure Castiel records the newest scavenger hunt angel on his list.
               “We only have one more on the list. Where haven’t we gone yet?” Castiel lifts an eyebrow as Dean pours over the small map of the historic city he’d found in the event booklet.
               “We haven’t gone to get coffee yet. I believe someone mentioned coffee to me before starting this endeavor but we’ve been walking around for an hour, and I still have yet to see any.” Dean rolled his eyes.
               “Wow, Cas. I will say the one human trait that’s given you very little problems is sarcasm.” Cas just continued to look at Dean expectantly. “Alright, alright, lets go get you coffee, angel.”
Dean grabbed Cas’ hand to lead him out of the store through the maze of shimmering crystals, painted tarot cards, and velvet draped tables. Cas’ chest felt tight with hope as he allowed himself to be pulled up the stairs towards the door. While, yes, Cas was an angel, that’s not what the word had sounded like when Dean had just said it. Cas felt another wave of grace pulse through his still fragile wings. He kept his grip on Dean’s hand as if it were the only thing keeping him from drowning.
Once they got outside Dean started walking uphill towards the coffee shop he’d seen on the map. Castiel stayed quiet while following, as he didn’t want to draw Dean’s attention to the way that they were still holding hands.                
               Eventually though, they reached their destination and Dean dropped Castiel’s hand to hold open the door to the small shop with local artwork decorating the walls. Cas immediately missed the feeling of Dean’s hand but pretended to be absorbed in reading the menu board to compose himself before looking back over at his best friend.                
               “Do you see anything you want, Cas?” For one insane moment Cas almost said - yes, you. Clearing his throat to cover up his near miss Cas stumbled over his words.
               “Uh, just something warm? Would you pick? There are too many choices.” Dean’s eyes ran across the menu board for a few minutes.
               “You said you could kind of taste the peppermint bark we made, right? The have peppermint flavor on the specials board, if you want.” Cas nodded and let Dean order coffee for Castiel and hot chocolate for himself. While Dean was ordering Cas looked around at some of the artwork hanging on the walls, keeping an eye out for their last scavenger hunt angel. He was contemplating a painting that seemed to be an abstract version of a human eye when Dean came up behind him holding two mismatched mugs.
               “Let’s go upstairs, Cas. It’s kinda crowded down here and the barista told me they have an outdoor area up there.” Cas followed Dean up the stairs of the historic building. The upstairs did seem to be more peaceful. Dean walked over to doors leading outside and Cas reached in front of Dean to grab the door since he was still carrying their drinks.
               “This is beautiful,” stated Cas. The angel stood still for a moment, taking in the narrow wooden balcony that wrapped into a steep drop off of stone that served as a wall to the store but hadn’t been altered from the outside. Dean noticed what Castiel was looking at and led them back to a table right by the natural rock wall. They had an excellent view of the main street and all of the lights from their vantage point.
               “I have to admit, this is a pretty cool place.” Cas agreed with Dean and pulled his drink towards him, only then noticing that the notably handmade mug was covered in bumps that were painted to look like bees. He glanced up at Dean only to find him watching Cas in anticipation. A smile slowly spread across the angel’s face.
               “Bees? You asked them for this mug, didn’t you?” Dean chuckled.
               “Yeah. If I recall you were very enthusiastic about bees a few years ago.” If Castiel could get any redder out in the biting cold he would have.
               “I do like bees, yes.” Castiel attempted to maintain a solemn expression but this was ruined when he looked down at the mug again, feeling new feathers forming as his grace pulsed behind him once again. Dean reached across and touched Cas’ arm for just a moment.
               “Hey Cas, are you okay?” When Cas looked back up into Dean’s face, he knew his eyes had teared up a bit, but he smiled fondly at Dean nonetheless.
               “I’m wonderful Dean. I just – it was very kind of you. To think of me like that, I mean.” Castiel crinkled his nose to try and prevent himself from actually crying. Dean’s face was hard to read just then, some sort of mixture of guilt and perhaps understanding.
               “I, um, I just thought it’d make you smile man.” Dean rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and Cas decided it was time to change the subject.
They began a heated discussion of where they should look next for the last angel. While they were debating the merits of looking in the small train museum it started to snow and Cas took a few seconds to enjoy the sight of the flakes falling on the beautiful street below. They made there way back inside thinking that they may just have to skip to meeting Charlie and Sam as the restaurant was at the opposite end of the main road and the snow was picking up fast. Dean grabbed Castiel’s mug to return them to the front and the angel pulled the blue and white knit hat he’d picked up over his head. He’d made Dean get one as well, in green and red, something he’d probably be less resistant too now that it was snowing. Castiel smiled at the memory of Dean’s protests over the pompom on top of the hat.
               “The guy up front said this snow may turn into a blizzard late tonight, so we should definitely regroup with the others.” Castiel silently held the knit hat up to Dean and rolling his eyes he tilted his head forward a bit so Cas could easily pull it on. Cas opened the door and was quietly happy as Dean took his hand again to lead him through the small crowd of shoppers.
@galaxycastiel, @jellydeans, @my-favourite-hellatus, @nguyenxtrang
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killherfreakout · 4 years
I'm on your blog most days and I've always wanted to ask but am too shy and you've probably answered this at some point but I was wondering if you didn't mind sharing your top 5 fav films and why? Or maybe some of the best directors and why you love them? You can ignore this if you want. Obviously NO pressure
hiiii ! oh my goodness, first of all: this is so sweet of you to come by and that you look at my blog aw 🥺💓 and of course i can share some of my fav movies! please, don’t hesitate to ask me, i could go on and onnnn about them!!! :D
i post (rb) way more movies on my film blog: @screenwrite​ if you aren’t following already too :)) + i don’t think i’ve ever posted my letterboxd on here but you can follow me if you’d like to see my reviews !
as for my favorites: they always change but i have a tag for some that i especially love that i’ll link here ! i made a different top 5 in this ask a while ago, but i have a full new answer under the cut hehe ✨ (it’s...long ajfakdks)
fav films:
so some of my all-time fav classics are Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Dead Poets Society — i just love and relate to the characters of Cameron Frye and Neil Perry (respectively) so much. and they really feel like teen movies that just make sense, you know? i just could watch these two films over and over and never get sick of them 💓
Miss Stevens — this movie.....wow. yes, it has Timothée Chalamet so ofc i love it, but honestly the entire movie is just subtly brilliant. the writing, the performances, the moments of magic and the raw, real characters and stories they tell. absolutely touching and incredible, if you are to watch anything from this list i would say this one 🥺
these two probably come as no surprise: Lady Bird and Frances Ha — they were both written by Greta Gerwig and in my opinion are some of the greatest screenplays ahhh i’ve read the one for LB and some of her adaption of Little Women, and as a(n aspiring) screenwriter myself, her way with words in the medium is just sublime. and the two films are about not really knowing how you fit into the world, but knowing exactly who you are and not changing that for anything. i can quote both of these from start to finish too ajcjfksk
also not surprising are prob Rise of The Guardians and Coraline. my fav animated films, they are just so much fun and make me Feel something i can’t describe, are beautifully made, and keep me in a dreamy state after watching ✨
one of my recent favs!!! is Teen Spirit (2018) dir. Max Minghella — it is just one of those movies that could have been a basic and boring take on the story of an upcoming musician, but it felt so fresh and new, and the music and cinematography was AMAZING i absolutely love it, it’s just my perfect kind of movie!! haha
fav directors:
some badass wonderful talented amazing female directors: Augustine Frizzell, Crystal Moselle, Ava DuVernay, Julia Hart, Lulu Wang, Desiree Akhavan !!!! i know i’m missing so many more ahh but!
Olivier Assayas has just this...calming but haunting vibe to his films? it’s hard to describe, but it just pulls you in so easily (Clouds of Sils Maria, Personal Shopper)
Yorgos Lanthimos. his films are just...mind blowing. eerie and out there, but something so familiar and close at the center. absolutely must see The Lobster and The Favourite !
David Fincher does a lot of dramas/mysteries and has a unique touch to all his films that are probably too dark too see anything in them anvjdks (The Social Network, Gone Girl, Fight Club, etc.)
Drake Doremus is (i think i’ve said this before lol) the king of heartbreak films. he’s not afraid to show the ugly side of relationships and how love always prevails in the end. i would recommend Like Crazy and Equals !
Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners, Blade Runner 2049) + Nicholas Winding Refn (Drive, The Neon Demon) have similar styles that i really dig. they are both quite visually striking and have lots of suspense with great pay off. Refn has more of a colorful eye and it’s refreshing and super cool !!
i feel like a bit of a fake cinephile when i say i haven’t seen many Agnès Varda, Mia Hansen-Løve, and Claire Denis films, but i think they are amazing filmmakers and really admire their craft and can’t wait to dive in to more of their films !
(if you read this far: hi thank you for indulging me, if you ever want to talk about these or want to share your favorites pls feel free i would LOVE that!!! 🥺💕)
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tattletale2020 · 3 years
My Pet Theory of Perceived Value #3: Make it Stop!!!
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How do you fix this?
It all starts with people:
People to Shop, People to Help, People to Tidy
Customers, Sales People, Merchandisers.
In perfect balance.
True Story: When we were kids, we were threatened with physical harm if we touched anything when were out shopping with Mother. You learned that if you touched or misbehaved, you didn’t get to come along next time. Also, ‘You Break it; You Bought’ it was a real thing. And we’d rather have money for new clothes that for something we broke. Simple cause and effect.
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Those days a Sale Person, or Clerk as we called them, had real power. You didn’t piss them off. It was a relationship of mutual respect. They were watching you. They could call Security and they could ask you to leave. But also, it was a respect that was just given to other people.
It wasn’t that it was scary to shop, it was just that you were expected to behave in an evolved manner.
When we were older, we were taught to put things back exactly as we found them. So after years in retail, folding sweaters, stacking shirts, cleaning fixtures I taught my kids how to fold and stack and clean. If they picked up a piece of clothing they were required to fold it exactly as it had been. Out of respect for the people working there. And if they didn’t, well that was not really an option, but for sure they couldn’t come along next time. Simple Cause and Effect.
People to Help: Sales People.
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So back to the Bay vs. Harry Rosen Scenario we explored in the previous post.
What was the actual difference between The Bay and Harry Rosen?
Yup. Perceived Value.
Some items at the Harry Rosen even cost less than at The Bay.
But they have trained, charming, well-dressed Sales People there to offer their help. And to keep you honest as you browse. Again, not scary, just mutually respectful. The more Salespeople, the more respect.
But in DepartmentStoreLand, can you find a SalesPerson?
Sure, Self-Serve Retailing is an awesome thing, it keeps costs down and allows the consumer to shop unbothered. SalesPeople are at their places behind the Cash Desk and there to take your money. So who’s minding the store?
A pristinely merchandised store shows pride of ownership and increases the Perceived Value of its product to the customer. If the store values it, so will its shoppers.
Close to Open
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Another cool thing they did, and probs still do, at Rosen’s is that the Sales Team didn’t leave the store at night until it was pristine for the morning. Now that’s Discipline.
I’ve seen this Close to Open Strategy work swimmingly in Department Stores and other Mall Retailers, large and small. It also encourages your sales team to clean as they go.
Zone it Out
Each person is assigned a zone and is responsible for keeping it perfect. SalesPeople are also required to clean up after their own customers. It builds a stronger team when an over-shopped store isn’t just left for elves to clean up, and avoids the overwhelming resentment of the morning shift. It builds respect between co-workers when they know exactly whose section is whose and know who has to clean it. The team even tends to keep each other accountable.
Ownership, Clear Responsibilities, Accountability, in a word, Territorialism play a big role in keeping a store from spinning into…..Merchandising Chaos.
But if a store is still upside down on a Tuesday Morning, like the Old Navy we mentioned in our previous post, it’s time to bring out the Big Guns!
That sounds ominous. I don’t mean for the customers.
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Stay Tuned for the next Instalment on the People who maintain the Perceived Value of your Merchandise.
My Pet Theory of Perceived Value
Perceived Value #2: How does this Happen?
Do these pics bring on a sense of calm and well being? I can get you there. I have enough OCD to share. [email protected]
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raganandhersurveys · 3 years
3/1/21~5000 question survey 1-100 {CXV}
I started this about 2 years ago and never finished so I’m going to restart and see how far I can get. I’d love to get it done before the end of the year but I am definitely not holding myself to that statement haha. Here we go pt. 2 
(also shoutout to @lovemesomesurveys for doing this so i could get the questions from one source. Thanks girl! <3!!
1. Who are you?
~my name is ragan
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?
1. I am very outgoing and fun loving 
2. I have a big heart but am not afraid to speak my mind
3. I hope I can one day pursue a career in fashion
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing? 
~hanging out with my friends, doing hw, eating, or talking to my bf haha
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time). 
~choir, drama appreciation, geology, american gov. 
5. What is your biggest goal for this year? 
~to begin to plan out “big girl things” in my life. i’ll be a freshman in college in the fall and i really wanna feel confident about my future(if that’s possible) so saving money, getting a real job, looking into new opportunities, etc. (if you have any advice, plz send my way haha:))
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 
~to feel a little secure in my job or career pathway, or at least have a plan
7. What stage of life are you in right now? 
~the ending of my teenage years :(
8. Are you more child-like or childish? 
~neither honestly 
9. What is the last thing you said out loud? 
~i was singing along to a song haha
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now? 
~8teen by khalid haha
11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes? 
12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same? 
~it’s honestly one big rollercoaster. i have my good days and bad days but i try to keep a positive mindset:)
13. Does time really heal all wounds? 
~it doesn’t necessarily heal it but it does help it some
14. How do you handle a rainy day? 
~usually stay inside or take a nap. if it rains for a long period of time i tend to get a headache so i usually take a nap haha
15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?
~losing luggage for sure 
16. How is your relationship with your parents? 
~pretty good. my dad and i are super close. my mom and i have our moments but i love her
Will you miss them when they are gone? 
~are you kidding?!?! i don’t know how i’ll recover from losing them tbh
17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? 
~for the most part yes; i’m pretty good at reading the room
18. What is the truest thing that you know? 
19. What did you want to be when you grew up? 
~gosh so many different things; teacher, pharmacist, reporter, author, family therapist, actress 
20. Have you ever been given a second chance? 
21. Are you more of a giver or a taker? 
~both tbh
22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?
23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~i had to go to the hospital one time because my stomach was hurting so bad I thought i was gonna die. i don’t think anything except child birth could beat that
24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~some things my mom has said to me
25. Who have you hugged today? 
~honestly no one :(
26. Who has done something today to show they care about you? 
~i can’t think of anything but i’m sure there was something 
27. Do you have a lot to learn? 
~for sure. i don’t think we should ever stop
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
~how to start my own clothing brand, how to make straight a’s, and to cook perfectly
 29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel? 
~how they make me feel fo sure 
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship? 
~communication, loyalty, passion, 
31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die? 
~have a successful job, find the love of my life, and travel the world 
 32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? 
~having to get divorced, letting down my future children, and emotionally traumatizing someone 
33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause? 
~not a cause, but i’m a christain and that’s the truest thing in my life 
34. What does each decade make you think of:
The 19.. 
 20's: flapper dancers and the roaring 20s
 30's: the great depression and poverty
 40's: world war II and classic movies
50's: sock hops and diners
 60's: iconic fashion and audrey hepburn
 70's: my dad and classic rock
 80's: the breakfast club and how much i wished i grew up then ahahah
 90's: rnb and friends
 2000 (so far): brittany spears and my early childhood
 2010's: middle school and social media 
 35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?
~the 80s because i’ve always felt like that was the decade for me. that’s when my mom grew up and i envy her so much for growing up then. but also the 2000s because that was my early childhood and its crazy to think i’ll never get those days back 
36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song? 
~stairway to heaven: led zeppelin
37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country? 
~the usa and president biden 
If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
~you good homie?
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night? 
~i rarely watch live tv
39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why? 
~bahah probs ursula because if i knew ariel could sing like that, i’d steal her voice too
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout? 
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat? 
~neither but a boat in the middle of the ocean during a storm would be terrifying 
42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night? 
~the sun?
43. What does your name mean? 
~i just looked it up and apparently it means noble LMFAO
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space? 
~neither. both of those sound like a bad idea 
45. Word association What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: traffic
Meat: steak
Different: breed
Pink: drink
Deserve: freedom
White: elephant 
Elvis: graceland
Magic: treehouse
Heart: pump
Clash: boom
Pulp: fiction
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be? 
~audrey hepburn 100%
47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive? 
~jimmy garoppolo ;))
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
~not everyday but i’m always down for a lotr/hobbit marathon
49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do? 
~a phone with some kind of wifi box so i can gtfo lmao
 50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?
~uhhhh not that i can think of 
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words... 
 Fruitgoogle: a website you can search up fruits with
 Ambytime: free time
 Asscactus: an annoying person
 52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
~this little gift bag for my mom’s students 
53. What was your favorite toy as a child? 
~american girl dolls omfg 
54. How many TV’s are in your house? 
55. What is your favorite thing to do outside? 
~swimming or just being at the beach
56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow? 
57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? 
~i have dreamed about people and then met them which is a super weird experience 
58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader? 
59. What is your idea of paradise?
~i think it would be a couple of different places or themes because i love to see the beauty in a lot of different ideas
60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like? 
~absolutely. He’s just and loving 
61. Do you believe in Hell? 
62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't? 
~i honestly cannot think of anything 
63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
~i’ve done some volunteer stuff for other people so ig something like that 
64. Are you a patient person? 
~i try to be 
65. What holiday should exist but doesn't? 
~free shopping day where only i can shop for free :))))))
66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?
~i love all the holidays 
67. What's the best joke you ever heard? 
~apparently none because i can’t think of one
68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been? 
~southpoint mall in charlotte. it was shopper’s heaven 
69. Is your hair natural or dyed? 
~all natural .
70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? 
~none that are interesting 
71. What is under your bed right now? 
~dust and stuff from my childhood
72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home? 
~gtfo bahaha
73. If you drive do you frequently speed? 
74. What is the world's best song to dance to? 
~depends on what kind of dancing. any 2000s club song is an absolute banger 
75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
~some tik tok sound. just a gen z kid here :)
76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? 
~probs disney 
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo? 
~otters or tigers 
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
~if i’m crazy about you, absolutely. .
79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? 
~ig lol
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it? 
~travel all over 
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick? 
~i’m sorry that’s too stressful lol
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? ~equator. i hate the cold 
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
~tv. i can’t live w/o music
84. What do you think makes someone a hero? 
~being selfless 
85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in? 
~powderpuff girls 100%
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
87. What was the last thing you paid for? 
~clothes from shein
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently? 
~not super recently 
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling? 
91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So... Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends? 
~no because the real person died, so it’s a clone but not the original
92. What insects are you afraid of? 
~roaches and wasps
93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say? 
~”she stressin’ over her wardrobe” 
94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? 
~i have these huuuuge tiger earrings that are freaking extra. i wore them with green corduroy flair pants and a brown stripped shirt and literally looked like the 70s threw up on me hahah
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be? 
~chick fil a
96. What are your parents interested in? 
~my mom loves 70s tv shows and christmas lol and my dad likes classic rock and anything to do with christianity
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
~we used to catch lightning bugs in a jar when i was little and put them in a jar.
98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?
~uhhh plans....lol
99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest? 
~when i’m hanging out with friends or at a high energy place like an amusement park or concert
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
~water, a flashlight, and something for protection like a gun
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woeismyhoe · 4 years
Hi. can you tell me why people like/ship tyzula? It doesn't make sense to me, their friendship was toxic and abusive.
Aight ok pause anon, im probs gonna be biased here cuz I’m a Tyzula shopper myself lmao but lemme just say, their friendship was toxic, but it wasn’t abusive. I just had a longass argument about this with people but yes if you’re interested to know why I wouldn’t call it abusive you can read my response here if you don’t mind reading the long thread lmao
Ok, yes their friendship was toxic, but that doesn’t mean that toxic friendships can’t change for the better. The true shipping moment happened in The Beach episode, and you really can’t say that Azula was toxic nor abusive in that episode. The dynamics of Tyzula are interesting because we have that literal Yin and Yang thing going on between them. They’re literal opposites, and Ty Lee’s able to temper Azula’s ways because she’s not the stereotypical dumb friend. She’s actually really smart, which is why she showered Azula with all those compliments throughout. Besides, Ty Lee’s one of the few people whom we saw sympathized with Azula when she said that her mother saw her as a monster. There’s already a foundation for their relationship to work.
Tyzula, Sokkla, Jetzula are all like Zutara. Their dynamics are attractive and intriguing because they could either become better people, or become worse. It depends on the narrative.
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angelogxqq867 · 3 years
Meet the Steve Jobs of the AC repair in Gilroy Industry
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As discussed above, plaintiffs' motion to compel is meritorious. They are entitled to production of ESI within the format they requested, with all metadata, and CDE has again failed to provide a proper privilege log. Plaintiffs are due to this fact entitled to their "affordable bills" incurred in making the movement to compel, "including lawyer's fees." Fed. P. 37; see Balla v. Idaho, 677 F.3d 910, 920 (9th Cir. 2012) ("Rule 37 requires the court to award attorneys fees in most circumstances where 'the disclosure or requested discovery is provided after the motion was filed'"). Despite this concession made during negotiations, the courtroom does not find that plaintiffs have thereby waived their right to hunt manufacturing of ESI in native format with all metadata connected. To the opposite, this concession seems to have been a "provisional" one made for negation functions only. At all different occasions, plaintiffs have constantly insisted upon native format, with metadata hooked up, and complained about CDE's failure to produce in that format.
Also, quite than proposing an alternative format to produce ESI, the letter merely declares that CDE has already produced ESI in "load file" format, and asserts that that's adequate. CDE was entitled to ignore plaintiffs' request that ESI be produced in native format with all metadata attached, since it produced it in a "fairly usable" type that didn't "take away or degrade the searchability of the information." ECF Nos. at 6, ECF 277 at 12. CDE timely objected to manufacturing in native format, knowledgeable plaintiffs that it will produce in "load" format, produced samples in that format, after which received no objection from plaintiffs until most of the manufacturing had been completed.
They did not indicate what was the topic of the communication, and instead merely reprinted the subject line of the email. Incredibly, the subject line itself was usually redacted, making it impossible to know what the e-mail was about. Indeed, the log appears to betray CDE's incorrect view that any e mail from or to any lawyer was privileged , no matter who else may have seen it, what it involved, whether or not it was intended to be confidential, and whether the privilege was waived. On August 29, 2016, the courtroom suggested CDE that the privilege log was inadequate. Plaintiffs argue that the privilege logs don't present sufficient info for it or the court to evaluate the assertion of privilege. To the contrary, they argue, the "descriptions" of the withheld documents are at most, simply conclusory statements, that are primarily simply the legal definition of the http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/AC repair in Milpitas CA privilege or safety asserted. CDE initially objected to the production of almost any materials, on May 17, 2013, when it filed its initial objections.
Plaintiffs move to compel CDE to produce emails in "native" format with all metadata connected. Defendant additionally seeks a protective order stating that "the burden of producing the requested metadata outweighs any probative worth." Id. at 3. The services are provided “as is,” with no warranties in any respect. All express, implied, and statutory warranties, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, health for a particular objective, and non-infringement of proprietary rights, are expressly disclaimed to the fullest extent permitted by law.
1, ECF at 17 ; Joint Statement, ECF No. one hundred forty four at 55 ; Sagy Exh. 7, ECF at 79 (August 22, 2016 Sagy letter, complaining that email attachments are not of their "original" codecs), Exh. plaintiffs, in an August 26, 2016 letter, more than three years after the document request was served. While the letter doesn't even point out metadata, the courtroom construes it to be an objection to plaintiffs' request for manufacturing of ESI in native format with all metadata connected.
On August 26, 2016, CDE wrote to plaintiffs, and for the first time, specifically objected to producing ESI in native format. According to CDE, they have produced ESI "as load information, a standard format accredited by the Special Master on April 7, 2016." Id.; ECF No. at 2-3. CDE argues that " requesting celebration can not demand production in a single format versus one other simply because one would allegedly ease a party's review process." Id. at 89-ninety, citing United States ex rel. smart72 has diagnosed 1000's of residential properties. Their technicians have been trained and geared up with the most recent knowledge of heating, AC, and air flow technology.
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From alternative, set up, maintenance, diagnostic, and restore providers, they're the most effective in their area. The staff is highly organized and timely of their services. They perceive the discomfort residents experience when they're facing issues with their air conditioners. However, the court is reluctant to sanction CDE by ordering the manufacturing of probably hundreds of documents containing confidential legal professional consumer, work product and deliberative process info. Accordingly, the court docket is not going to declare a waiver at this point. Instead, the court will grant the movement to produce the paperwork in CDE's privilege logs, and provides CDE 30 days to either produce the paperwork or produce proper privilege logs. This shall be CDE's final probability to supply adequate privilege logs, and any assertions of privilege that are incapable of dedication might be overruled once and for all.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, morganhilltimes.com disclaims any warranties for the security, reliability, timeliness, and performance of the services and products. morganhilltimes.com similarly disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by regulation, any warranties for any data or advice obtained through the products and services. In June, July and August, 2016, CDE produced privilege logs for its e mail productions. https://acrsanjose.com In plain violation of Rule 26, the logs failed to offer even the minimal info plaintiffs and the court would want "to evaluate the declare" of privilege. For example, the logs didn't point out whether or not both the sender or recipient was an legal professional or a consumer.
These had been boilerplate objections, and contained no objection to plaintiffs' request that ESI be produced in native format with all metadata attached. CDE's next claimed objection was in the October 10, 2013 transmittal letter. CDE subsequent claimed objection was in its August 26, 2016 letter. Even if each of those were valid objections (and in fact, not a single certainly one of them incorporates a legitimate objection to format beneath Rule 34), CDE has engaged in an improper sample of piecemeal objections over the course of years.
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Apart from the truth that there isn't a objection said within the October 10, 2013 letter, CDE's own subsequent conduct led plaintiffs to a reasonable perception that ESI would be produced in native format with all metadata attached. On March four, 2014, CDE's counsel wrote to plaintiffs' counsel to advise her that CDE is working with its vendor to make sure that requested digital paperwork can be produced "in an organized method." Sagy Exh. The letter goes on to assure plaintiffs' counsel that that effort "won't impede my shopper's ability to provide the documents with metadata intact and of their native format." Id. The following month, on April 30, 2014, the parties agreed, in writing, that "ll documents will be produced with all metadata, if it exists, on CD-ROM disks, through a cloud service, or via different mutually agreeable methods." ECF No. fifty eight at 16 ¶ 14.5. CDE argues now that the letter doesn't mean what it says and that the stipulated order "didn't order a particular format of manufacturing." ECF No. 277 at 9, 15. Even if the court docket had been to simply accept CDE's strained interpretations of those paperwork, plaintiffs would be forgiven for believing that CDE was agreeing to provide ESI in native format with all metadata hooked up.
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aaron2point0 · 4 years
Strangely I feel calm. I've done all I feel I could have done. Now to wait.
The previous week or two was kinda chaotic.  Rather than panic, freak out and go line up with others and potentially get sick I saw the approaching storm and waited until the initial pass of panic shoppers, During the lull in activity I grabbed what could be taken. Wasn’t able to get everything on my shopping list. For some reason I bought extra the last month so I’m not completely out. But I got the important bits. I know that there is a risk every time I go out so I decided to try ordering for meat delivery.  I am not impressed by one butcher shop but its a necessary trade off as they deliver to my area. Online it was quoted as 87 dollars but they charged me 100. Prob won’t be using them again. I haven’t eaten the meat yet. From what I can tell the ground beef looks great to good. But the chicken breast looks like it was cut with a dull serrated knife by an amateur  (I used to work as a cook and could do better)  
My wider family who never really listen or pay attention to me on face book is pretty much out of supplies and burning fuel driving around looking for stuff. I don’t think they need most of the stuff they are looking for and I’m done trying to suggest ways to adapt to the situation. They didn’t listen to me the first time so.
Things are probably dire because two exes reached out to me. One sent me a text I never bothered to reply to and another tried to add me on face book.  I think they know I was preparing long before news hit. I didn’t know this was going to happen. But I’ve been in this shop for the month thing for 5 years now.
Since I bus bike or walk everywhere. I’m not riding the bus until things clear. You can search you tube for myth-busters sneeze distance. Its still too icy and cold to ride a bike. I used to ride in this weather but I don’t have it in me to do that anymore. So I’m walking everywhere occasionally taking a cab when I absolutely need to. 
My job isn’t something that can be worked from home and there isn’t anything else I could do. In theory I could go to ground till June. I would regret abandoning post. So I’m going to ride it out minimizing risk where possible.  I feel calm because I have everything and everyone under my care sorted.
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pocotippy · 4 years
Tag Game- 50 questions you’ve never been asked
welp, my awesome friend @probablyolivedomain tagged me for this so let do it! I’ll put it under the cut though cause it’s probs gonna be pretty long
What is the color of your hairbrush?
Purple and black
Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Too warm! this may have something to do with me being under a blanket most of the time though XD
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Watching Ultimate Beastmaster on Netflix with my mom
What is your favorite candy bar?
Hmmm... probably a snickers
Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
I’ve been to a couple, the most impressive was probably the Paralympic games in Vancouver 
What is the last thing you said out loud?
“I’m headin’ downstairs!”
What is your favorite ice-cream?
O man, this is hard. I like a lot of them but when given the choice i usually go for something super sweet like cotton candy
 What was the last thing you had to drink?
Do you like your wallet?
Ya, it has a nice design on it
What was the last thing you ate?
Sticky toffee muffins! they were really good
Did you buy any clothes last weekend?
Nah, I’m not much of a clothes shopper
The last sporting event you watched?
I think it was a baseball game playing on a tv in a bar
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Extra buttery
 Who is the last person you sent a text message too?
Me and one of my oldest friends were talking about something he found on twitter a little while ago
Ever go camping?
In a campsite a couple of times but it’s not really my kind of thing
Do you take vitamins?
Do you go to church ever Sunday?
I’ve gone to church like maybe 2 or 3 times in my entire life
Do you have a tan?
A little bit, but my skin tone also naturally leans more towards the tan side anyways
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Do you drink your soda with a straw?
Sometimes, i don’t really care whether i have a straw or not unless I’m wearing lipstick
What color socks do you usually wear?
Black or white
Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I try not to but sometimes it just kinda happens
What terrifies you?
I have a major fear of heights. It’s not so bad if I’m in a building and stay away from the windows but if there’s an open edge I have literally started shaking 
Look to your left, what do you see?
Uh, my shelf of random nick knacks/souvenirs/medals
 What chore do you hate?
Vacuuming, could not for the life of me tell you why though 
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
Steve Irwin
What’s your favorite soda?
Probably cream soda, but I also really like orange
 Do you go into fast food places or just hit the drive-thru?
My dad has this whole thing about not going through drive-thrus and he passed it on to me so I usually prefer to go in
Who’s the last person you talked to?
My mom
Favorite cut of beef?
Don’t have one
Last song you listened to?
“Fresh” by Artist VS Poet, it’s an awesome song
Last book you read?
Honestly probably one of my school text books
Favorite day of the week?
I don’t really have one 
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
No way dude
How do you like your coffee?
I don’t drink coffee, I hate the taste of it
Favorite pair of shoes?
My black heeled ankle boots, though I’ve really worn away at them from wearing them so much
The time you normally go to sleep at?
Probably around 1am
The time your normally get up at?
The time I wake up at varies but I’m always out of bed before 11
What do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets?
How many blankets on your bed?
Only 2 right now cause it’s gettin hotter
Describe your kitchen plates?
Half of them are all white while the other half are white in the middle with rings of red, green and yellow/orange around the outside
Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? 
I don’t drink much but if you make anything sweet enough I’ll probably drink it
Do you play cards?
I mean I only know like crazy eights and old maid and what not. I can’t play poker or anything
What color is your car?
Can you change a tire?
Favorite job you’ve ever had?
I’ve been working at the Hershey’s chocolate store the last few summers and I like that well enough. I get a lot of free chocolate at least :)
How did you get your biggest scar?
I don’t have any, I’ve never even broken a bone
What did you do today that made someone happy?
I mean me and my parents hug a lot so I guess that
Damn that was a lot! Thanks again to @probablyolivedomain for tagging me. I’ll tag my besties @princessshooshpap and @cosmiccape if they wanna do it but if anyone else wants to as well go for it
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caxmee · 5 years
Can we talk about how hard it is for people with shoe size 10 and up to find heels? I guess women are supposed to be delicate flowers with tiny ass feet. For anyone who knows the struggle all too well, I’ve made a list of brands who carry big sizes.
At age 10 I was already wearing size 10 shoes, As she forces my feet down a 9.5 my mother would say “ fòk ou mary on kòdonye wi!” (you need to marry a shoemaker). Back then, I was never into heels or proper shoes so I wore sneakers. However, as I entered my 20’s, my fashionista side came out.  In addition to struggling to find size 12 heels, wearing a prosthesis also limits the kind of heels I can wear:
Nothing higher than 3 inches
If they are boots , they need to have zippers
No thin or toothpick heels
I’m no expert but after 10 years of struggling, here  is a solid list of places to shop for beautiful statement heels.
For the shopper on a budget: 
Payless: Can’t expect to get great quality shoes from them but sometimes you find statement shoes and it’s great for a last minute go-to.
 Zappos and 6pm: have to spend countless hours looking but the prices are decent.
Target: Which I always pronounce with a French accent, (nothing but respect for my president.) you would be surprised by how many cute shoes they have, quality is not the best but for a last minute event, it can be a savior. (the kitten heels below are from Target)
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Amazon is a gem if you use the right search term you will find something. I recently bought 4 pairs (red, yellow, blue & orange) of colorful gogo boots, which go up to a size women 16 btw, UNHEARD OF. (pictured below)
Mid price range:
Banana Republic goes up to a size 12
Nine West: they never have my size in stores so I never bothered checking out their website until recently when I spotted the boots below. Goes up to a 12
Shoes from Nine West
Shoes from Nine West
DSW: if you scroll long enough you will find a couple of statement shoes like the one im wearing in the photograph below.
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Shoes from DSW
Able to splurge:
 IRINYC carries several unisex platform shoes, I currently own 2 pairs and I love how comfortable they are.
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Miista unfortutaley carries up to a size 11 but I love their minimalist yet sttaemtn designs
Shopbop: a third party website that carried several brands
Syro: a  gender neutral shoe brand  created with queer folks in mind. They go up to a size 14 men (16 women)
The real Real, is great for second hand luxury shoes they carry heels up to a size o13 but they go fast so if you see something jump on it. 
Stuart Weitzman not my top favorite but they carry up to Size 12
Maison Margiela: goes up to a size 11, I’m currently obsessed with their signature cow toe boots in red. Good news is that they have heels for men that go up to a size US men 13 aka US women 15 
Current favorites in size 11
  Transparent  Sandals from Zappos come in black or silver up to size 11. Snake skin or white booties from Zappos. These flowery boots are definitely a head turner, weather you’re heading to a sunflower field, road tripping down south or simply Autumning in NYC. These half teal half brown boots and these to-die-for Calvin Klein. and finally these classic pump, from Miista.
I really didn’t have trouble finding size 11 so let’s see some 12+ finds.
Current favorites in Size 12+
These beaut  with 3 1/4 heels in maroon. These 4in heels come in black matte, flowery red and fur and guess what they? go up to a size 13
These Sandals with amazing print currently have 13. If you have the luxury to splurge or a sugar daddy or two these Balenciaga boots could prob raise the dead. The gogo boots I previously mentioned come in a gazillion colors and go up to a size 16, I think they run a bit small, I bought size 12 and plan on exchanging for 13.
If you can wear heels higher than 3 inches, bravo,  your options will be wider than mine.
Mama ain’t raise no fool so when you shop online, always filter by size that way you don’t get disappointed.
If you are delusional enough to go shop in stores, don’t waste your time looking around, ask someone who works there what’s  the biggest size they carry, they will probably say 10, say thank you and make a graceful exit.
ALWAYS check the men’s section. They are often more comfortable and if you happen to go to a party I guarantee no other woman will have the same shoes.
When you finally find your size don’t overthink, take it and go, you can always return them.
A brand might not have your size on their website but might sell their big sizes through a third party website, so  if you see shoes you like but not in your size google  style name + brand + the size you are looking for.
Don’t. sleep. on. Amazon
If you wear size 12, look for brands that cater to trans women or make gender neutral shoes or heels for men.
Don’t look for shoes when you need them. Women with big feet don’t have the luxury of going into random stores to find shoes last minute, therefore constantly look online and when you find a gem …refer to tip #4
Don’t be afraid to stop strangers  with big feet and ask them where they got their shoes.
Know your foreign sizing especially  Europe/Italy , UK and France. Several European brands wether it’s ASOS or luxury brand like Gucci and Maison Margiela carry big sizes. Problem is, they always have limited big sizes, by the time you’re googling the size conversion chart, someone has already clicked the purchase button. I know I sound dramatic but if you wear size 12 and up you know everyone your size is just following tip #4
Lastly, if you have some favorite places you get shoes from or more tips, comment them below or on my instagram under the picture announcing this post.
-Mama Cax
No country for boring shoes Can we talk about how hard it is for people with shoe size 10 and up to find heels?
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notwxrriors · 5 years
Christmas for the four of them is always interesting. Jawn likes making a huge home cooked dinner with a couple pies because you know Geoff and Awsten have different opinions on everything. Geoff ends up getting to decorate the tree because he’s the tallest but Otto tells him what to do the entire time. Awsten totally just didn’t remember that it’s Christmas or anything so it’s not like he’s running around last minute to try and find presents for his boyfriends or anything.
it's a holiday they all really like! they always decorate the house a lil and put up a tree every year, geoff reaching all the top branches while the other three do the rest. it's prob a pretty unorthodox tree, sorta bald in places, mismatched and burnt out lights everywhere, but it's theirs and they love it
they do family stuff beforehand or after, so they always make sure christmas day is just them, no relatives. jawn cooking is so cute 😭 busy in the kitchen all day, and they all try to help him but mostly end up getting in his way and stealing little bites before it's ready
geoff and jawn are both very early shoppers, sometimes getting things months in advance to hold onto until christmas. otto usually doesn't start until december, and aws usually like a week before. or he orders stuff online that comes way late and it's hilarious 
also like. can u imagine how bad aws prob is at wrapping things,,, every box he tries to wrap gets all sorts of fucked up and they look pathetic next to the ones jawn wrapped
they wake up together on christmas morning and drag otto out of bed, and they all sit on the floor together to open presents and it's Very Good and Very Sweet!!! 
also otto's birthday is like in the next three days, 
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carrotquilt7 · 2 years
5 Companies Dominating Content Material Advertising
Blogs have been round for some time now, however they’re nonetheless an incredibly efficient technique of connecting with your viewers to drive enterprise efficiency. Within our content material methods, we uncover the subjects, keywords and themes that matter to your viewers and align along with your brand. The most effective content material technique drives income and delivers unimaginable ROI. If you add these services, we will help you target the best viewers to advertise your content for your small business. And that’s why it’s time to take a look at a few of the best examples of content material marketing that originated on-line. Staples makes use of its social media platform to have a good time with its customers. And that’s as a end result of the better expertise you offer your customers, the more money those folks will spend. If you need to begin building brand consciousness for your small business, focus your vitality on search engine optimization and social media. Just remember that people don’t go onto social media platforms as a end result of they wish to see your posts and purchase your merchandise (unless we’re talking about Pinterest). From strategy improvement to content creation, publishing to distribution and promotion, our industry-leading content marketing services are engineered to achieve your corporation objectives. Fuel your model with results-driven, participating content material on your website, e mail campaigns, social media channels and paid distribution. A firm that sells blenders might create weblog posts dedicated to food and drinks recipes which will or could not use a blender. This content advertising technique would seize the eye of an viewers that is on the lookout for credible recipes that they will return to and use over time. 5 In Style Paid Advertising Methods Post unique and fresh content material on your business page or group if you have any. Provide your audience with priceless information, make them laugh, or encourage them by sharing one thing inspirational. You want to obtain the best results, the best ROAS, so people can hear your brand voice echoing throughout social media plains. First of all, you employ sure features corresponding to geolocation concentrating on to ship the proper message and get more engagement. Modern location-based advertising allows companies to increase their reach with out the necessity of a physical store. Social media can be a useful source of market data and a approach to hear customer views. Blogs, content material communities, and forums are platforms where people share their reviews and proposals of brands, merchandise, and services. For example, the Internet erupted with movies and photos of iPhone 6 "bend test" which confirmed that the coveted cellphone could be bent by hand strain. The so-called "bend gate" controversy created confusion amongst prospects who had waited months for the launch of the most recent rendition of the iPhone. However, Apple promptly issued an announcement saying that the issue was extraordinarily rare and that the corporate had taken several steps to make the cellular system's case stronger and strong. This may be useful within the highly dynamic, competitive, fast-paced and world market of the 2010s. Social networking websites are primarily based on building digital communities that enable shoppers to express their wants, wants and values, on-line. seo advertising then connects these consumers and audiences to businesses that share the same wants, wants, and values. Through social networking websites, firms can keep up a correspondence with individual followers. This private interaction can instill a feeling of loyalty into followers and potential customers. Also, by choosing whom to comply with on these websites, products can reach a really narrow target audience. Exterior Paid Promoting Media It reaches 75% of its most reach within 3 hours and then starts to decline quickly. This means if you’re trying to reach probably the most amount of potential leads and maximize engagement, the timing of whenever you tweet is crucial. The beauty of Twitter is the connection it creates between brands and their viewers in real-time. Keep in mind in 2022, it’s finest practice to use square photographs and videos . If you wish to promote natively and get knowledge in your viewers, you need a Business profile. To make the switch, all you need to do is to click on on the settings icon on your profile web page, and faucet on the Switch To Business Profile hyperlink. Use a combination of Google and Twitter analytics and good, old school trial and error to track traffic and engagement. Their content is focused on the small enterprise house owners they serve and the overall tone is informative, informal, and inspiring. It’s additionally easy to access your in-house marketing staff — just walk over to their desk or office. You need to call or email to chat, which is why , you need a responsive agency. With our personalised and results-driven methods, we are in a position to have a significant influence on your company’s bottom line. That is why we focus on driving real results, like visits to your store or product purchases — it’s also why we’ve pushed greater than $1 billion in gross sales for our shoppers. Voice search optimizationis one of the latest Internet marketing methods for corporations to adopt. What Are Facebook Insights? How Do They Help Your Business? To create one, click “+ Add a Button” below your cover photograph. You can select from an array of selections depending on if you would like view or guide a service, get in contact, make a purchase or donation, obtain an app, or simply learn extra. While you’re within the settings menu, leap as a lot as “Notifications.” This part allows you to customise the way you receive alerts for activity in your Page. For example, you can select to get a notification every time there is activity or simply get one notification every 12 to 24 hours. We finished the four steps from Facebook’s welcome menu, but there are nonetheless a few things you are in a place to do to customize your Page. WordStream by LOCALiQ is your go-to supply for data and insights in the world of digital advertising. Check out our award-winning weblog, free instruments and other resources that make internet advertising easy. Maybe you need to reach those that shared or commented but limit retargeting to that activity related to a particular submit. In the instance above, creating audiences for all comments, shares, or reactions would be good for constructing common targeting audiences. These further audience concentrating on options are needed as a result of iOS 14 and different monitoring restrictions are impacting the ability to target individuals based on their activity. Understand that iOS 14, specifically, applies to tracking across apps and web sites. You know you’ve found an Instant Article if there’s a small gray thunderbolt under the title of the submit. When you’re able to stop recording, click on “Finish” to end the broadcast. The video will routinely keep on your Page like some other video post. You’ll even be given the option to save tons of the video to your digicam roll so you could have a replica for safekeeping. Because Facebook auto-plays videos, the first 5-10 seconds are prime actual property. As you brainstorm videos for Facebook, make the beginning as visually compelling as attainable to encourage the user to view the complete video. Apart from showing you key metrics of your Page , it also exhibits you the key metrics in your 5 most recent posts and a short comparison of your Page with similar Facebook Pages. Once you've selected the "Audience" option from the left menu, you will see a breakdown of the present audience for the page/pages you have chosen in Business Manager. This view will show a breakdown of age and gender segments. It will also present the Top Cities and Top Countries details throughout each platforms, along with percentages. Paid Search Promoting Ppc That’s because many don’t have the time, assets, or staff members to manage an organic search strategy full-time. After all, that’s how80% of shoppersand71% of business buyersresearch their next buy. With correct, up-to-date information, you can make data-backed improvements to your strategy. These updates might help your company appeal to higher-quality customers, seem in much less aggressive search outcomes, and support your targets for growing this 12 months and subsequent. Whether a person’s looking for snug footwear for a trip or dependable software for a enterprise, your organization makes a constructive first impression if you appear at the top of organic search outcomes. As a enterprise owner or head of promoting at an organization, Digital Third Coast understands your final aim. Limited Control - keywords are tough, and your ad’s copy could be extraordinarily just like your opponents - which suggests you have restricted management over what your audience sees and what they resolve to move over. Predikkta's AdWords Optimizer Tool helps businesses find their optimum PPC commercial for each section of the buying cycle. You can take a look at different sorts of Adword variations towards one another in a simulated surroundings. Test broad ranges – in any case, it might be something inconceivable or not considered which may affect a decision. Pop Up Ads – This sort of contextual advertising has broadly turn out to be the least in style amongst users. More clicks general.To maximize visibility and clicks, it could be finest to have listings within the paid and organic results. The first is that paid ads seem at the high of the web page, above the organic listings influenced by SEO. The second is that traffic from natural via search engine optimization is free, whereas visitors from PPC has a value for every click. 6 Explanation Why Instagram Marketing Is Necessary On Your Model Partner with influencers which have a wide reach in your business. It’s the go-to place for picture sharing, with over a billion month-to-month users. When you control what the growth rate of your followers seems like, you can see how the sort of content your posting is affecting issues. If you’re tempted to post extra, then use Instagram’s carousel album characteristic to submit multiple pictures or advertisements in a slideshow format. Instagram Stories have contributed to a 7-10 minute rise within the time spent by a mean consumer on the app day by day. Right now, there are greater than 500 million day by day lively users of Instagram Stories. Several research additionally revealed that more folks are actually spending time on social media utilizing mobile gadgets. Hence, this proves that the app that dominates most smartphones is the one that wants essentially the most consideration. You may say that social media doubles as a customer service platform and you'd be appropriate. Also, discover out what industry-related matters customers of each platform search for. This info will come in useful if you begin to develop content material for your social media. What's Search Engine Optimization Seo? As of 2018 Google has said they will take web page load speed under consideration for search rankings (talk to your website design firm if you’re not sure). There’s nothing worse than a spammer, and it won’t assist your advertising in the slightest. If you’re going to place a hyperlink to your content material on another site, ensure it’s helpful, and make sure it’s in line with the foundations of the site. Creating backlinks is time-consuming at first, however should you create nice content material, it eventually turns into simple as different folks will do it for you. Showcase your organization and products or services in the best light. Our mentality of Grow Big or Go Home comes all the means down to the Legacy we need to depart behind after we're gone. We imagine that the business has a duty to develop larger each year so that we may help more and more folks. But not just purchasers, it’s also our duty to assist hire workers and develop a team that may grow themselves personally. 93% of customerssay that their shopping for selections are influenced by online critiques. By using one of the best web optimization practices within the construction of their website, it's simpler and extra handy for his or her goal shoppers to find them than ever earlier than. Their efficiency shows just how nicely our experts know the industry! The growth and increased frequency of clicks have helped cement Knight Plumbing on the maps for Treasure Valley locals. We suppose it’s pretty apparent that the results speak for themselves. Analytics present that each the variety of users and their particular person pageviews are constantly larger this 12 months than they had been in 2019, and seem like following an upward pattern. Don't waste your time concentrating on zero traffic key phrases, extraordinarily aggressive or un-realistic search phrases. Keyword research might help goal prime keywords, with the very best qualified site visitors and lowest competition on your keyword/key phrase. Dollar per greenback, SEO is one of the most cost-effective tools at your disposal. Instead of paying per click or impression, any money you spend in your SEO strategy goes instantly into creating higher content.
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