#but ultimately you can't control how people spend their money and having a space like this for
fleursdesmorts · 1 year
every year people get angry when ao3 requests donations but honestly in a world where almost all spaces online are slowly being eaten by corporations which censor the content on those sites, having a fan-run fan-sponsored place where people can create gay art without fear is great
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n3xii · 6 months
Rest of October- what will happen?
Hey, havent done a pick a card in a while, today's post is about the remaining days of October, the general energy coming towards you and what you can expect in money, relationships, etc. relationships can pertain to any relationship, romantic or friendships or familial it doesnt matter. Close your eyes and let your intuition guide you to your sweater.
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general- justice reversed, 5 of cups reversed
I feel like the next 15 or so days is about recovering from something unfair, you may have delt with dishonesty or inconsistent or otherwise shitty behavior from someone recently and the next few days are about getting over it essentially. This doesnt mean that your feelings arent valid however, it just means you're realizing that it's not worth it to remain upset over something you can't control, you're in the phase of learning from the situaiton instead of being bitter about it.
relationships- queen of pentacles reversed, 3 of wands reversed
this message can pertain to any relationship in your life that resonates with this, but i feel like this is speaking to a situation where setbacks and delays are occurring due to smothering, over protectiveness and control issues. the next 15 days needs to focus on giving people space (if you're the one being like this) or setting boundaries with the person in your life who is trying to restrict you. I think this over protective, contorlling comes from a place of love and nurturing, but ultimately leads to blockages in the relationship. the 3 of wands is a card about personal development and growth, and this person who is trying to ''protect' you is hindering your growth by being nurturing to an excessive point. this could be you to someone else, this could be a parent, it could be your partner, your boss, it could be anyone. this excessive protectiveness and controlling nature is hindering personal development.
career/money- 4 of cups, page of wands reversed
you're feeling bored and uninspired with your job, things in this sector of your life feel dull and stagant and I think you're craving somehting new and exciting. Consider finding a new position at your job or a new job entirely if possible. the page of wands is a person who needs room to grow and things to explore in order to feel stimulated- but im seeing you feel stagnant because that space to grow isnt there. doing the same shit everyday and not being able to learn new skills and try new roles is killing your spirit. learning a new skill or trade may be a good option for you as well.
general- the sun, ace of wands
the next 15 days is about happiness and motivation. I think this is pointing to feeling in a good mood, feeling inspired and energetic about your actions, I think you could be trying something new or learning something new and it has you feeling optimistic about the possiblities this new skill, knowledge etc can give you.
relationships- judgement, high priestess reversed
you're gonna have to make an assessment or judgement call when it comes to your connection with someone and this will require you to actually listen to your inner voice. Relying on the wisdom and opinions of other people may be tempting but your intuition already has all the answers there for you, you just have to access them through trusting yourself. You can trust your own evaluations and decisions when it comes to your relationships, you know more than you think.
career/money- page of pentacles reversed, 4 of pentacles reversed
you're being impractical and reckless with your money/resources and i think it stems partially from impatience. saving money may be annoying but the longterm rewards of what you can afford will be well worth it. in the next 15 days, resist the urge to make impulse purchases just because you feel like it. be patient and keep your short term goals in mind when its come to how you spend your money, does it align with your budget or do you even have a budget?
general- 7 of swords reversed, the chariot reversed
I think the rest of October is about you needing to be honest about the direction of your life and how you've contributed to where you are right now. I think you've been deceiving yourself and making yourself feel powerless, unmotivated and stagnant. lies have kept you from seeing your own potential and ability to take back control over your life, the chariot reversed is the energy of being in the backseat of the car, being controlled by wherever the car takes you. but the truth is you're the one in control. Breaking past self deception will help you realize how much willpower and direction you actually have.
relationships- the fool reversed and the ace of pentacles
I think when it comes to romance you wont be feeling particularly spontaneous in the next 2 weeks or so, and more focused on the matieral, finance or practical sector of your life. if not that, you're just not in the mood for games, you want someone who is gonna bring action to their words and not unpredictability. your patience seems low for people in your life who arent dependable or reliable.
money/career- strength reversed, queen of wands
when it comes to career, I think you're in this energy of trying to increase your self confidence and esteem in order to feel more comfortable in the spotlight, more comfortable in leveling up your responsibilities and more deserving of opportunities outisde of your comfort zone.
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clubultragenius · 1 year
Is it cheaper or more expensive to hire remote developers?
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Sometimes, you might find that people are recommending a consultant for your business. But whether or not it's cheaper to hire remote developers depends on your specific hiring needs. Let's take a closer look!
As a company grows, it will eventually need to hire a web developer. Often this process can be complicated. Companies either find they can't communicate with their remote developer, or the time zone is causing issues. These issues may cause companies to consider hiring remote developers, but cost becomes an issue. 
What are some advantages to hiring remote developers?
There are many advantages to hiring remote developers over traditional, in-office employees. Here are just a few:
1. Access to a global pool of talent: Because remote developers can work from anywhere in the world, you can tap into a much larger talent pool than if you were to hire only locally.
2. Cost savings: Remote developers typically cost less than their in-office counterparts. This is because they often don’t require the same benefits and perks (e.g., health insurance, office space, etc.), and sometimes they’re able to work more flexible hours.
3. Increased productivity: Studies have shown that remote workers are often more productive than those who work in an office setting. This is likely because they have more control over their time and environment, which leads to fewer distractions and a greater ability to focus.
What are some disadvantages of hiring remote developers?
There are a few disadvantages to hiring remote developers.
 First, you may have difficulty communicating with them if there is a time difference. 
Second, you may not be able to meet with them in person to build rapport or get a feel for their work style and personality. 
Finally, you may have to pay more for their services since they are not local.
How does remote work impact the process of product building?
Building a product remotely can impact the process in a few different ways. First, there can be communication challenges since you and your team may not be in the same physical space. You'll need to be extra clear when communicating deadlines, expectations, and deliverables. Second, you may need to rely on more tools and technology to help with collaboration, which can add costs. Finally, there can be challenges around managing a remote team - making sure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Overall, though, building a product remotely is doable and can save you money on overhead costs.
There are pros and cons to both hiring remote developers and in-house developers. In the end, it really comes down to what your specific needs are and what you are willing to spend. If you need someone who can start working immediately and doesn't mind working strange hours, then a remote developer might be a good option for you. However, if you need someone who is available during regular business hours and can be on-site if needed, then an in-house developer might be a better fit. Ultimately, the decision of whether to hire remote or in-house developers is one that should be based on your specific needs and budget.
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yvesdot · 2 years
No Longer Canon Tag
Tagged by @ghost-town-story; thank you! Filling this out for THE ONE AND ONLY UNIVERSE OF KAY RAINIER because quite a bit has changed, and a lot is... no longer canon =^_^=. Reminder of the blurb:
Atlas, a he/him-using, dimension-traveling woman-loving-woman, is on his final job-- protecting the Rainier family from the people who would like to kill them. But nobody told him that they'd dress like it's the 1860s; or that his new employer's daughter, Kay Rainier, would be so... attractive. And frosty. Atlas needs this job to work out. So why is he so easily lured into bed with Kay? And why does it hurt to think of leaving?
(Book One ends with Atlas going home; Book Two opens with Atlas waking up in his dimension.)
I originally spelled Kay's name Cay. Not sure why now; possibly because her legal name is spelled with a C and it would have made 'more' sense for that reason. Kay is more gender-neutral, though, and felt like a realer name (Kay Thompson!) so I stuck with that. I still jump when I see the name "Cay" in early drafts.
Book One was going to start with Atlas going home, then rewinding all the way back to the beginning. No idea why I thought this one was a good idea.
Atlas had a really terrible tattoo-- he added little icons to it when interesting things happened to him. Looking back, the way I thought of it is not at all how tattoos work, and I'm happier with my idea now (that Atlas gets a sleeve tattoo in Book Two). A tattoo can be a big change in a person's life, and a Book Two is all about changing.
Patrons know Atlas immediately gets the hots for a new girl in his home world in Book Two. She was originally adopted because I wanted to have her be kind of detached from anything else, but this required far more backstory and character building and explanations of things, and one day I thought to myself, "oh, I wish I could [X]" and realized I could X, and so I killed the adoption idea and the lack of X with one stone. Sorry, spoilers.
Kay and Atlas find a necklace of Julia's in the attic. Because Kay wears it later, I decided to remove the letter standing for Julia's first name in it-- which wasn't an English J. Both reveals (language and name) still exist in the story, but now the necklace is simpler and makes more sense for Kay to wear, the way she initially wears her mother's cameo locket.
I don't know why I thought the necklace scene should come after the Out Alive chapter (for those who don't know: substantial harm injury pain and suffering) and before the Kay's Sleep Problems sequence, but I moved it to a place where it made sense. The reveal is important, and it affects Atlas, but Kay will be too rattled by it to handle the situation as properly as she usually does, and it will lead to total chaos. My favorite.
And, finally, this won't come up in either book, but for my own gratification I logick'd that if people can travel dimensions, then Kay can get pregnant if she wants to. We actually already have uterus transplants for cis women, so if Atlas has all the money in the world, why not buy his girlfriend a baby? Furthermore, why can't it be genetically related to him? Of course, the answer Atlas would give is that he does not want to get married or have children or undertake so much responsibility as to grow a plant, but ultimately Atlas proves all of his feelings to be circumstantial and open to discussion. Especially with Kay.
(Which is why it's sad to see him changing without her-- for so long all of his development has been about Kay Rainier, and now [in Book Two] it's not, or at least not directly. It's about her in the sense that it's about his idea of her, but his idea of her isn't who she is. She has no control over how he sees her. They spend so much time growing together, like two trees planted side by side, and then all of a sudden Atlas is flowering into all of the spaces that Kay used to take up. Or perhaps that space is taken by the derogatorily named mysterygf...)
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I could write SO MUCH MORE about this, but I allotted a distinct amount of time to it and I must move on to editing Lend a Hand, Or a Knife (Patrons, get excited!). See you next tag ^__^
Tagging: @fluoresensitive (for On Sundays) @goose-books (for Duodecimal) @asablehart (for any of your stories I can make comparisons on ^__^) and anyone else who wants to do it!
ko-fi | Patreon | all writing | book
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a-third-attempt · 2 years
Dear Gutter,
Hello again @guttertongue! What a year this has been!
It was not my intention to have this note be much about me, the mod, the man behind the curtain. But it seems it was unavoidable. In our second year together (as I'm beginning to suspect will be true for many years to come) Dharys' fate and mine were closely intertwined.
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Toward the beginning of 2021, as my New Year's writing resolve was fading, I received an opportunity to spend the next two years working in Prague. Of course, I said yes; things like that don't come along every day! There was a catch: I needed to lead the charge to finish up a project at my company that had been left simmering for far too long. It meant that I had to put almost everything else aside to get this thing out the door. So Dharys languished as I cut corners with both my time and my money to make that possible.
I'll spare you the details, but long story short, that wasn't a chapter of my life that I will remember fondly. I feel like I've backtracked on a lot of the progress that I made as a person last year. In Dharys' absence, in my rush to make a deadline, I've been less generous, attentive, and patient. Ultimately, Dharys is a fictional character. As much as his presence has been a positive force in my life, I don't regret setting him aside— what I do regret is letting my stress control me and mistreating some of my favorite people, here and elsewhere. At this point, unfortunately, that damage is done; all I can do is ask forgiveness and do better.
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When I looked up at the world again, it was July, and many things had changed. Notable among them: an anon in my inbox, asking some questions to Dharys (which were surprisingly hard-hitting >.<). To this anon, I know it must have seemed like a simple thing, to respond to an ask game. But I can't thank you enough for reminding me that "life will always welcome you back" (—James Portnow, Extra Credits).
And so, amidst the general chaos of this summer and my specific difficulties as an expat, I started to hear our boy speaking again. It was slow, and quiet, but I knew to be patient. Hard to blame the guy for being recalcitrant.
Eventually he told me a small story, and I was able to write it down. Next month I got another ask from a longtime friend of the blog, and I've gotten a couple more recently, one of which I've finished and the other one is in progress. I've done some other writing in the meantime (which for various reasons hasn't been appropriate to post here, sorry...) and these little thought experiments have helped me kick it off.
These are small steps, and I'm looking forward to more to come.
I want to leave on a happier bit of personal news:
Last year I talked about how Dharys helped me as I waded into the exophilia community. What I don't think I've ever explicitly discussed in this space is that for almost all of my adult life I have considered myself to be an asexual. But, as I had continued becoming more open about my exophilia and meeting lovely people who felt the same way, I began questioning the assumptions that led me to that conclusion.
Today, after a lot of self-reflection and with the help of some wonderfully patient people in my life, I'm now proud to call myself pansexual.
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May your days ahead be filled with laughter and light.
— | Dharys
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A/N: The two images in this post were drawn by @snejkha and @ghoulgeists (respectively); I'll be posting about them separately.
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