#but uhh it’s true 🙄
boysnberriespie · 1 year
The unending struggle to explain to people that shaming smokers was never gonna solve anything and tobacco companies target marginalized communities and we will never be free as long as you blame other people for their suffering and addiction is addiction is addiction and I’m tired…
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coffeedrinkeryeg · 3 months
Oh cutie~ you’re so easy to tease it’s so so fun 🤭 yeah you’re such a ler but oh my how you crumble under being called cute and ticklish so so quickly~ can’t want to wreck you darling 🥰
This is silly propaganda~ I am here to announce that I do not crumble when I am called cute, nor when I want called ticklish. That's just a lie.
But uhh- as for the other part? True, I can't wait to get wrecked by you either 🙄
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edalynn · 1 year
Omfg look at this reply to a comment I made 💀
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Uhh… okay, Zone Doll said so, so it must be true. It’s not like Dana specifically went back and deleted the art she retweeted that said they were canon or anything. Not like it was left pretty clearly ambiguous or anything… 🙄
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chthonicgodling · 1 month
In real time, who was the last person to make Loki laugh and was there context behind it ?
(Accepting EeL questions again come humor me!!)
🥺🥺 oh god oh no this is SUCH a cute question i……. wish I had an equally as cute and fluffy answer because I most certainly do NOT lmAO UH-
yknow I.,,,, lemme explain something in case i somehow haven’t made this crystal clear even though iiiiii feel like I’ve outlined the circumstances pretty clearly over the years but especially the last few months. Loki’s family is the Elysium palace wholeheartedly, he cares deeply about the people he lives with and is the happiest he’s ever been, especially now lately through this new exciting ongoing tryst with Maci and Tory and ESPECIALLY now lately that they’ve scooped him very possessively into their bed at this moment in time to give him the baby and this is all mushy gushy lovey dovey like living in a dream.
would Loki ever ever ever ever ever ever admit any of that ever EVER?????
absolutely not<3 all that up there and STILL Loki absolutely must keep up appearances in skulking coolly around and glowering scowling OR wryly smirking, all that up there wrt Maci and Tory and he’s STILL SOMEHOW PRETENDING that Ugh Please I don’t Cuddle 😒😒 (?!?!?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THEN) lmfao even re: all these little games in the bedroom with them he’s SUCH a stubborn prideful brat that his safeword only exists bc he otherwise insists on eyerolling and whining and fighting and they can’t fuckin tell the difference (again this is A DREAM COME TRUE also he’s never once tapped out of. anything. brat brat brat. INSUFFERABLE just admit you LIKE them aaAHH)
So UGH I waantttt to be able to coo and say yeah Loki gigglefits while snuggled with his temporary play partners but ffs of cOURSE NOT cause that means they win😒that means admitting he likes all of these people 🙄 it actually was Tory ANYWAY though but not the way you’d think UGH
during that period of constant anxious interrogation between “you really want to have a baby with me???” and “…ok surprise I was already pregnant that whole time.” One of Loki and Tory’s many talks about it, I think I posted bits of it on the other blog, in which Loki kept coming up with “well what about — this? And what about— if this? And if that?” And Tory had an even calm reassuring response for every SINGLE thing Loki threw at him. Finally after Loki was like “okay well what if you and Maci change your minds and you both turn on me or turn on each other BECAUSE of me and this child single-handedly causes the entire downfall of your marriage what THEN checkMATE” and Tory finally was like …..I think you’re just gonna have to trust us on that one
…the god of Lies proceeded to laugh in his face (dragging his hands over his face and collapsing in a defeated heap. “Yeah, I know,” said Tory.)
Anxious laughter of disbelief SHOULDNT really count though so quick addendum. I did actual research into this!! Loki brand genuine laughter before that was *checks notes* oh. uhh. well that’s extremely nsfw. But it was also Tory. lmao lmao kind of. uhhhhhh.
…..hang on scooting over to the nsfwblog again….. right here <33
I’m going to be extremely vague dggdkgkgk, time period this was like, right before Baby Decisions. I’ve mentioned the specific trio dynamic is in which Tory doms Loki but Maci doms them both<333 since really at the end of the day Tory’s a sub leaning switch at heart lmao (did we know this? mwah) and so, well, if Maci’s not there supervising that DOES sometimes make Tory susceptible…… to well, Loki being able to bat his eyelashes and purrtalk his own way out of situations. for example perhaps that key that I keep vaguely mentioning is floating around on a necklace shared by Maci and Tory that I refuse to elaborate further about —
Anyway flipping Tory upside down metaphorically/very physically is ABSOLUTELY grounds for all smug giggles and fun and games!! until Maci comes back and laughs louder and brat-wrangles back to normal 🤦🏻‍♀️ (it is worth mentioning that horny idiot will continue doing this infinitely to obtain the same result. does the punishment fit the crime??? uh hello absolutely that’s the whole POINT,)
OKAY LEAVING THE NSFW SECTION How about the last person to make him really smile?????? ….help that was also Tory (and Maci). Just last night one half flicker of a real smile very quickly before anyone catches him CAN be obtained with the very easy formula of: snuggle tightly, purr, gib kiss.,, EASY. ohghhhgghh
Anywayyyyyy this answer is perhaps insane but it’s been typed with little to no proofreading at nearly 1 am so. yikes augh THANK U THO
one of my goals in all of this truly is to get One Genuine Gushy Lovey Moment on Loki’s end, let’s laugh and smile and snuggle and PLEASE?!!!?! cause Maci and Tory are soooooooo on top of that like even though they ARE NOT BECOMING A COUPLE (through gritted teeth and insistence!!) I just 🥺 can we get ONE I love you from Loki please eee eee we’ve already got them from Tory and Maci plEEEA A S EEEE—
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dreemurr-skelememer · 10 months
kia!! i think a little while ago i absolutely devoured your headcanon tag (even though tumblr user dreemurr-skelememer is obviously creator of dreamtale that tag must be a typo 🙄🙄🙄 /lhj) and i think you mentioned that?? nightmare is canonically sexist/homophobic/racist?? which not surprising it's Joku:tm:, but also unfortunately since its, again, Joku:tm: she's deleted anything that said so/it was lost when she deleted her blog the first time. if its true, do you happen to have a (1/?)
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unfortunately, i don't have any screenshots but i really do distinctly remember it being an ask that joku answered and seeing it on her blog, say uhh idk around 2018-2020 (memory bad and i dont bother)
you can take my word for it or you dont have to 😂 idrc either way because i completely ignore canon anyways
for headcanons i unfortunately dont have much rn!! ive been on a block for weeks bc of college so its 😔 i WOULD love to hear what you have though :)
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rivertigo · 8 months
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that post about people on the internet not being kind is so true because I do not know this person. they don’t follow me, they’re probably replying to someone’s reblog that’s far escaped my bubble of blogs. this is not a normal thing to say to someone else. I understand that they’re “joking” and I don’t take it to heart one bit, but I’ve just noticed I get this response so much on this post that I’ve been thinking about it. Why is it so normal to just reply and be like “uhh you could do it if you weren’t a coward 🙄” on any post. Like it’s a post about vivisection… what are you gaining by calling an abstracted internet version of me a coward? You don’t have an inside joke with me, we are strangers
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els-is-a-book-nerd · 11 months
Ok fine yes it's true but.... 😑🙄😒
Why is Gyro HELPING Scrooge here... I thought you said that you were NOT going to help him so why are you here?
Well... That's true but I never said that when I CHOOSE to help I don't help him.... And how did you know I said that?
Wait a minute... You was EARDROPPING my PRIVATE conversation with McDuck?!?
Uhh... I gotta go....
Flintheart Glomgold.. SIT DOWN!
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Which of you dummies would join a book club ?
Santi would join one that talks about erotic books, he'd read the back of the book to get an idea of the book. He doesn't actually read it. He just let's the dorky humans get themselves riled up discussing the book. He just sitting their planning on how he gonna rail all the little dorks and nerds. When they ask him about the book he describes sensual secen that vaguely resemble the book . Its not right but no one is calling him out due to being highly flustered
I can see Nebul joining one and actually does get into discussion because he actually reads the books. If the book club discusses a book with a master in it. He gets really into and imagines himself as the master of all the little humans in the group. It gets quite because Nebul got little into it and he just plays it off as joking. The group is a little quiet after that.
I could see Patches join one. IF THAT LOSER GOT OUT THE CELERGY MORE AND LET HIMSELF HAVE FUN. He just so happened to join one with a cute human in it.(he actually been stalking them for a month now.) He just so happens to start talking to the cute human and becoming their book buddies really fast because they have so much in common.
Maybe Obie if his crush is in one and their always food their.
I'm not to sure about the rest. But I thought of funny Scenario with Admin. It's silly canon. Never to happen in canon.
Admin in a club meeting discussing the romance of the two main characters.
Admin isn't agreeing with person in the group about a ship. But it's still pretty civil discussion . Krulu appears out now where.
Krulu: Actually your both wrong, clearly Kevin the leader is the better choice for the protagonist. He clearly the superior lesser. 🙄💅
Half of the group dies from shock, the ones that are alive are traumatized crying on the floor or are so shocked they can't move.
Krulu: Oh no, how sad the meeting must be over since everyone is seems to be so occupied at the moment. It's such a shame. 😔 let's go lamb.
Book clubs, huh?
Oh yeah, Santi only reads if it's something made by an author from the lust ring. And even then, his attention span can leave a lot to be desired if it isn't like, the raunchiest thing to ever be written. He brings volumes of filthy eroticas to every meeting, especially anything to do with incubi, so that he can then read nasty passages aloud and interrupt with:
" This is true, we can cum several times. " (Casts lidded glances at everyone.) " The vast majority of us also have slits, as you can see. " (Spreads legs.)
" Not everyone reacts the same to our saliva and the author explained this perfectly! Does anyone want to volunteer? I only want you guys to have the most immersive experience, of course. "
He will not rest until an orgy is achieved.
Nebul is usually one to stick to more philosophical books or anything related to astrology, even astronomy or psychology. He won't shy from an erotic romance once or twice however. Though he's likely to go on long-winded spiels about how most of these romances portray a flawed or lackluster interpretation of power imbalances in kink. Or how they're nothing compared to the true symbiosis of master and pet dynamics.
The wraith will likely sit next to the most timid or soft-spoken people and get off by exerting pressure on them. They're silently influenced to agree with him and get subtle praise when they do so, he's already working his magic without them even knowing. Any more dominant-presenting people will be challenged into backing down constantly. He wants to be in charge of the club.
Let's face it, Obie is more likely to eat the books when no one's looking than actually read them. Uhh... What chapter are we on again?
Patches knows every book you like and he's read them all before you. Do you want recommendations? Because the dullahan has at least twenty possible titles you'd probably love. Oh no no, you don't have to buy them! He'll let you borrow his copies, it's the least he can do for someone as cultured as you! Besides, the two of you seem to have similar tastes, how about you ditch this club and he can take you two somewhere calmer to read together?
Whenever you read any book, Krulu is also technically reading it, even if indirectly. He's probably complaining that you take much longer to read than him, which drives the higher nuts. If you do go to any book club, I assure you Krulu's going to be scrutinizing everyone in the back of your mind, and he will force you to criticize mediocre writing in the most possible insulting manner towards the people who enjoy reading it. Human literature bores him to the core, it's a complete snoozefest for Krulu. They'll get bored enough to fuck around with the surroundings, making walls deform or objects move on their own, touching people without them seeing his hands. Anything to speed this shit up.
Agner would love a book club, he's the only one that's normal about it.
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director-cyrano · 5 months
Precious little Amarys is definitely planning to do something against the rules when you tell her who that anon was. But of course the rules don't apply to the BB Leagure elite four 🙄
Uhh… I’m… I’m not sure if that’s entirely true, to be honest. She would definitely be sanctioned the exact same way as anyone else would if she did act upon any impulses… plus the e4 don’t have different rules, so… yeah…
Uh… @elite-amarys Can… You’re not planning anything, right?
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psiimaid · 1 year
the og line of thought led to twilight specifically but maybe it would be better to say vampire au bc uhm. while a True Twilight AU would be insanely cringefunny it would also be super awful (they do not need to be highschoolers please and thank you)
but idk even just a generic vampire au actually. kinda keeps some of the stuff i really really like abt them in general.
easiest and most true to the original way to go about it is having mai as a vampire n psii human. whether the existence of vamps is common knowledge or not psii Definitely Knows.
sign di + psii are very Into their mortality but there’s some struggle with rosa (vampire, obvs) and her forsaken immortal existence or whatever
anyways psii has some sort of precognition which mai commonly uses to be all “u have vampire powers so obviously 1 day u will b a vampire shit’s easy math 🙄” and while she’s v lonely and has somethinng of a janky moral compass she outwardly respects him declining her offers to turn him so they can be #2gether4ever even if she’s a tad bitter abt it in da moment
and uhh condy? gets involved somehow? (bad) stuff happens + she ends up being the one to turn psii (keeps wanting to correct to psilocybin) but typing this out made me realize the thing i really care about in this au is the “if bad things are destined to happen to you which lead to our closeness is it so selfish of me to want to want that also i’m sad + immortal + no friends.” i Cannot believe i fell for a trojan horse from my own mind,
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Personally I thought the reason Alicent was so angry with Rhaenyra over the 'being with somwone until marriage' thing wasn't because she did it, but because when she asked Rhaenyra lied to her face and swore upon her dead mother that it wasn't true
Both of them in the past had bonded over the pain of losing their mothers and then Rhaenyra shits all over that by lying while swearing on Aemma?
Sure, Alicent isn't a saint, but neither is Rhaenyra. Another thing to consider is, with what will be happening later in the season... what would happen to Alicent and her children with Rhaenyra on the throne? Would they even be allowed to live? Things I think Alicent would be considering.
(Also uhh sorry for the unsolicited Alicent defense, you don't have to like her. Feel free to delete this if you want 💀)
I like hearing both sides when it comes to team black and team green. No worries. You’re free to your opinion. I personally am on team black.
I do want to point out Alicent didn’t worry about her and her children lives as much until her father, Otto, basically gaslighted her into believing Rhaenyra would harm her and her children if she didn’t act first.
Otto played a large part into why Alicent started distrusting Rhaenyra. I do agree Rhaenyra lying to her didn’t help but I don’t believe it was enough of a lie to suddenly think Rhaenyra was going to kill her and her children.
Sleeping with some doesn’t immediately make you a murderer. Even thinking that makes me laugh.
But after the time jump, anything is possible. From the preview I saw for the next episode it looks like Alicent is lacking common courtesy. Making Rhaenyra walk to her after she’s just given birth? 🙄
Alicent isn’t a saint and Rhaenyra certainly isn’t but I’m for team black.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Mason calling a family meeting/intervention because his kids are never home. Him and Kins doesn’t mind but it gets to a point where its 5 days a week and they feel like the grandparents could use a break 🥴
Junior: Mom, this is ridiculous.
Kennedy: Mom, can you tell daddy he’s being irrational? 🙄
Kins: Just hear him out guys,
Mason: Do you guys ever think about, maybe, i don’t know…? staying at your own house!?
Brooklyn: But daddy it’s only like.. on the weekends? 🥴
Mason: It’s not just the weekends Brooklyn! I think this is the longest i’ve seen you all at once in a month, and we just sat down 5 minutes ago! It’s so much to the point where i feel like im paying TOO much money for a house with 5 bedrooms, when only one of my kids actually stays here!
Kins: And look at Aiden, he’s probably all lonely here being the only child-
Junior: Mom that’s not true, mamas boy is attached to your hip 🤨
Aiden: Look who’s talking? 🤔
Mason: Can somebody just tell me what your grandparents have that we don’t?
Kennedy: …a piano?
Mason: We have 3!
Brooklyn: They spoil me?
Mason: I spoil you!
Junior: Less women and uncle Miles.
Mason and Kins: 😐🤨
Junior: Uhh.. no offense? 🥴
Mason: Junior, stop raiding my parents house every night and raising hell with my brother, i know that was you and Miles prank calling me at 3 am, because you forgot to call me on private! Kennedy and Brooklyn, you’re coming back home too. Your papa is old and confused, you wanna drive him crazy by looking like exact replicas of your mom and Auntie Kam? And Aiden… no complaints over here son. Keep being you.
Junior, Kennedy, and Brooklyn: 🤨😐🙄
Kins: Look, we love that you guys love spending time with your grandparents, and they love it too, but we need to give them a break, they don’t have anymore babies, okay? You’re my babies, so you stay under my roof…. for most of the time…and your grandparents on the weekends… got it?
Junior Kennedy and Brooklyn: Yes ma’am 😒😔😤
Not Mason saying enough is enough 😂and I love how he dragged Yoongi too 🤣🤣
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Glad to be back :D
Seems like a you problem bestie <3
Nah she was wild for that though xD correct about the Hell thing but
This music is wild for these y'all xD
Ope Charlie?
Guys still not over that ending o.o
OPE going right there with it o.o good thing it was the last scene in the previously as well xdd
Aww Tim :((
Hi Tim :DD!
Hi Gray :))!!
Hmm yeah true
Oop hello sir
Hmm he's gonna keep showing up not just once or twice like he'll be in this episode yk?
Yeeah carefullll
Ahh okay cool
Yes good have a rep <3
Nope phew
Yeeahh I would
Oop o.o
Poor guy :(((
OOGH love when the intro's like that :D
AYY Celina's here now 🥰🥰
Hi Celina :D
Hi Lucy 🥰
Hi Nolan :D!!
Lol real
Aw honey <3
Girl xd chill a little bit
You sound like a magazine honey
Aww xd
Hi Angela 🥰!!
Hi Wesley 🥰🥰!!
My boy <333
Oof yeah D:
Yeah it was nice of you to let her know :((
Yeeeahh saying it like that makes it sound even worse 😭
Aww oh yeah makes sense :((
Yeah he did xd
Uhh ohhhh
Girl you better have scruples about this o.o
Hmm nah she's chill
Nahh she'll find out it's Angela and be like nahhh hold up 😌
Lol real though, the "it's a me problem" thing xD
Hmm suspicious
Ope o.o
Is it though xd brings up issues
Ah and that it's wrong lol
Didn't know you care xD I mean kinda guessed
Ahh okay okay o.o
Yeahh you do have stuff going on
Bc you did kill him xD
Just acting chill or does she not know?
Hmmm seems like just a cover like they know they're being manipulated
Hi Nyla :DD
Yeahh she's just shady xd
Lol yeah the victim one
Hmm yeah makes sense
Wouldn't risk killing some rando lol xD
But I think y'all can do it :)
Timmm :(
Well at least he's not worse
OPE no that o.o
Yeahh maybe we don't want him doing that o.o
He's friends with his union rep he ain't leaving him
I mean maybe physically but yk xd
Be careful Timmm 😬🥺
Hmm blackmail then?
Ah crap what leap xd
Bad fake reason for a leap lol
Oop O.O
Nahhh 😑
Oh crap right that 😬 he did need an emergency session-
Ohh that
Don't really remember it xdd
Liar 😑
NOOPE NAHH don't do it 😑😤
Goirl (him) chill 😑
Sir??? You don't outrank him I'm pretty sure sldgjdks
Yes as he should 😤😤
Sir get over yourself 🙄
Ik he's doing it on purpose but my gosh xd
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imakemywings · 7 months
It's 2023 and I am thinking about Elwing and uhh I still cry about her. This little girl who lost everything, this little girl who had to grow up without her father, mother, and brothers. This little girl who was so fucking traumatized I wonder if anything or anyone had helped her process that trauma. This girl later became a woman and a queen of refugees (REFUGEES!!). This woman tried to rebuild her life again by marrying her true love and having a family of her own and later became a mother to two beautiful sons who were cruelly ripped away from her. She was driven to suicide by people who destroyed her life TWICE. She and her husband brought the host of the Valar which led to Morgoth being overthrown and yet she was considered a horrible character and that will never sit right with me.
(P.s. I love your metas, and umm will you be writing a fic about that horror story you posted about Elrond and Thranduil?)
I've said it before I'll say it again: Elwing is one of the best woobie options in the story.
Literally without her and Earendil Middle-earth would have been under the thrall of Melkor but she wasn't nice enough to the uwu Feanorians so she's awful 🙄
That's so kind of you to say! I hadn't really planned on it...it's one of those fics ideas where in my head the scale is a lot larger than I think I have the energy to actually put down on paper...but never say never ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧
If you're curious about the art that inspired the idea, I can definitely recommend that!
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etes-secrecy-post · 11 months
Me 🇵🇭: His OCs are sure having a great time during heat summer! So, what can we say? School's out & let's dip in! 😎🏊🏖️
Me 🇵🇭: As for this one, these movies of July we're great, but, I'll be hold on my spending for something else. Particularly, the anticipation of either FNAF movie 🤖🐻 in October or Gran Turismo movie 🏁🏎️ in August... The latter, however... Uhh.. I have a funny feeling that this movie will ruined my racing game childhood, regardless of so called "Based on true story". ✌️🙄✌️
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👑Being Seijoh's Manager 👑
🥶 Manager is Cold 🥶
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Seijoh x GN manager
Warnings: Swearing, bullying Oikawa
AN: This is an Anon request!
Extra edit: I laugh way too hard at my own writing send halp 🤣🤣 #bullyoikawa2022
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
First off, Seijoh is so happy to have a manager 🙌🏻
Due to Oikawa reasons, they've been extremely limited on their prospects
However, the moment Iwaizumi first witnessed your interaction with Oiks
Well let's just say he was sold 😍
If you ignore Oikawa, it's just in his nature to pester you more and more
He will follow you to classes and legit go out of his way to bother talk to you
"YN I just don't understand why you won't go out with me!"- Oiks
"Because I don't want too"- you 😐
Walk away 🚶‍♂️
Mattsun and Makki are actually dying on the floor
Iwaizumi is hella impressed 👏🏻
In fact, he asks you immediately if you'd be interested in joining the team as a manager
"Sure Iwaizumi. I'd be happy to help"- you
Iwaizumi is fully aware that you aren't super open or exciting
But he also knows you are efficient and friendly in your own way
Please everyone on the team respects you except for Oikawa 🤦‍♂️
You give the team their waterbottles with a nod and they thank you 😊
Seriously it's not that complicated 😒
Unfortunately for you Oiks is your captain
"YN-CHAN DID YOU SEE THAT SET?"- Oikawa literally dying from going .03 seconds without praise
"It was nice"- you going back to your notes 📝
Seriously you just want to do your job 🙄
"YN-CHAN"- Oikawa 😭😭😭😭
"Leave YN alone loserkawa"- Iwaizumi
At break, you hand out towels to everyone and Oikawa refuses to take one
You shrug and walk away
In the group chat, you are often the topic of discussion
Mainly because Oikawa has some unspoken issue with your lack of enthusiasm 🙄
🎆Loserkawa's biggest Fans 🎆
Iwaizumi had to compromise with Oiks 🤣
Oikawa: Yn is always so rude
Kunimi: Yn isn't rude, they just aren't super talkative
Iwaizumi: YN does their job and that's what we need
Mattsun: I mean, has anyone ever seen them smile?
Makki: 👀
Oikawa: Precisely! We legit have the most stiff manager around
Iwaizumi: Not true. Yn totally celebrates when we win
Oikawa: yeah by clapping and telling us "good job" in the most lame monotone voice to ever exist 😒
Kunimi: I mean, you have half the school to celebrate you Oikawa, why do you need YN to bow to you?
Iwaizumi: Good point Kunimi
Kindaichi: I think YN is nice, maybe they are just reserved?
Yahaba: YN's never been rude on purpose, I think they are just aren't very open
Oikawa: I don't think it's too much to ask for them to at least be excited
Makki: it's not like they are unsupportive Oikawa
Mattsun: Oikawa's just mad because YN isn't in love with him 😒
Oikawa: I AM NOT
Iwaizumi: Are too
Kunimi: 👆🏻
Oikawa: It's now our mission to rip a smile from YN even if it kills us
Iwaizumi: 🙄 grow up
Watari: why can't you just leave YN alone?
Kindaichi: yeah
Iwaizumi: because YN can't have nice things
Needless to say, Operation Get A Smile From YN goes into full effect
And it's a total flop from day one 😅
Oikawa does everything to try to get you to smile or heck, even emot 😐
But you remain stiffer than Ushijima himself
Oikawa brings you flowers 👉🏻 uhh thanks? 😐
Oikawa buys you lunch 👉🏻 I have my own but thanks 😐
Oikawa flirts with everyone in front of you 👉🏻 you simply walk the other way 🚶‍♂️
Literally it's driving him insane 🤣
Kunimi has all his failed attempts video taped 📱
Makki made a montage 😅
Oikawa finally loses it a week into his efforts
He comes storming into practice and he's heckin mad YN
Literally you are just standing 🧍‍♂️ there, taking notes when Oikawa stomps up to you
You just stare at him 😐
"I'm sorry"- you, still staring 😐
"Oh for the love of GOD!"- Oikawa says throwing his hands in the air and turning to wall away
Unfortunately for him, Yahaba just happened to be pushing the volleyballs out of the closet
Oikawa literally trips over the balls sending them flying all of the floor
Oikawa is literally a falling tree I can't 🤣
Please he is not a graceful faller at all he goes down like a ton of bricks
Iwaizumi is pissed off and everyone is simply stunned
"SHITTY-KAWA WHAT THE HELL!"- Iwaizumi, throwing a ball at the back of Oikawa's head as he lay face planted on the floor
Suddenly, the guys hear a straining laugh
Literally it sounds like someone is in pain because they took a huge gulp of air and they can't breath
Iwaizumi's head whips to you only to see you doubled over in laughter on the floor
I mean can't breath, rolling on the floor, dying of laughter
Kunimi ran to get his phone 📱
Kindaichi is too shocked to move
Mattsun and Makki are just smiling 😃
Maddog is trying hard not to laugh while Watari is covering his mouth to suppress his
Oikawa is still flat on the floor
Seriously someone should check on him
You slowly get up, clenching you stomach from laughing so hard and wander to Oiks
He looks up at you, blood running down his face which only makes you laugh harder ad you collapse besides him 😂😭
"Oh my god Oikawa are you ok?"- you say dating of laughter but trying to be supportive
"You- YN, you're laughing!"- Oikawa, a cocky smirk reaching his face 😏
"How could I not! You fell over like a dead tree in the forest Toru!"- you still clenching your stomach
"Well I had this all planned out just to make you smile YN. I'm glad it worked out"- Oikawa
"You absolutely did not have this planned out"- Mattsun
Iwaizumi is palming his face as you help Oikawa up 🤦‍♂️
"I told you all I'd make YN smile"- Oikawa, obviously way too pleased with his efforts 😂
As Oikawa goes to walk out gracefully, he totally trips on another ball
Sending you and the team into yet another fit of laugher 🤣
Seriously the pain Oikawa is in brings everyone so much joy 😊
"Shittykawa learn to walk will you"- Iwaizumi says throwing a ball at the back of Oikawa's head
Causing him to stumble yet again
Thus causing you to keel over dying of laughter
I guess Seijoh's Manager isn't so cold after all 🥰
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