#but this concept is... augh.
yellowvixen · 1 year
If sonic prime ends up with sonic having to choose between the shatterspaces and his original world I'm going to Explode. If he can't have both, if fixing the paradox prism erases the other dimensions. What would the other characters think? What would the dystopian version of tails think? That of course sonic would want to go back to his home, his friends, his family? Why would he stay with a broken and bitter tails when he can go back to his own brother? But HOW is sonic supposed to decide smth like that.
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0fflimits · 2 months
Hold the konitos hands :3
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Eep!!! I wanted to do just a lil drawing but brain had other plans,
Errr I may make my humanized kinito interact with the player sometime aswell ,i require more fluff,,, once my wrist stops hurting that is,
or maybe irl kinito,,, i love that humongous freak !!!! /aff
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vampirehayfever · 3 months
the friendship between riz and fabian is so beautiful because it's so subtle. just the little things that show fabian really cares and notices riz is beautiful to me. he has conspiracy board equipment already at his house, he notices every time riz disappears to hide, he literally still uses the special nickname riz got at the start of freshman year when they met (despite no one else really using it much anymore) because it's special to him and their friendship. how fabian shows his love to his loved ones is genuinely so sweet and special.
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
YANDERE! TSUN PRETTY BOY: Hah! You’re a swiftie (derogatory) ?
FLIRTY! READER: Aren’t you one as well..?
YANDERE! TSUN PRETTY BOY: Why would I listen to some basic ass —
FLIRTY! READER: *presses the call button*
YANDERE! TSUN PRETTY BOY’S PHONE: All I can say it was enchanting to meet you 🎶
YANDERE! TSUN PRETTY BOY: *throws phone out the window* YOU HEARD NOTHING!
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moonpaw · 2 years
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i’m soooo normal about gear 5
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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*sighs* precious baby version of night and his mentally drained brother/dad got me dropping everything for a quick doodle<333
au by @dreemurr-skelememer
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gnomeantics · 8 months
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synthshenanigans · 1 month
Both of us see a cloud & all good things come in threes moment
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Lil ideas n things:
• He's based on Spring & a Storm a bit. Hence the clouds & flowers. [They're cherry blossoms specifically :} cos pink]
• You can kinda tell in the doodles, but his face is a mask similar to Soul in the album art. Behind it is a shadowy figure like the one in Light & Night. Also has little glitches and video effects over him similar to TFaR
• There's a lot of things on him that are in pairs of three from the line "All good things come in threes" from VoaC. Three lil floaty cloud hairs. Three flowers & three clouds on his pants. Three stamens on the flower in his hair etc.
• Outfit detail; The jean jacket has spilt colors like the hoodie in TFaR. Idk why but I also like the idea of him have skeletal related things, so the back side has a spine & ribcage design. You can also kinda see it in the top drawing but he's got skeleton gloves too :}
• When he does split into three, its not immediately as HMS. Whole turns into mixed state of being Whole & Soul. Not quite fully himself now but still hasn't split into solid forms yet. Heart & Mind are more basic black & white versions of themselves. Just vague ideas/forms of feelings & thoughts. This a shitty doodle but they named Spring and Storm
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They look kinda dumb to me atm but eh concepts are fun
Have had a very rough idea of doing an HMS animation using the OG Spring & a Storm with them two being the voices during the Mr. Moon segment
Also when in these states, the two rarely ever remember anything that happened in those moments. Soul can somewhat recall things when being that Whole/Soul inbetween but its not all that clear. Kinda like a Dream you could say :}
Maybe will add more or make another post if I think about anything else
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sinlizards · 1 year
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Was thinking about one of iris's concept designs and really wanted to draw it ;_;
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happy-little-doorbell · 9 months
hm… no I don’t think Gertrude was feeling cold and uncaring when she sacrificed Michael. I don’t think she just dusted her hands off and walked away. I think she was used to risky plans and close calls, even used to an occasional casualty, but her blood ran cold when she realized she was choosing to send one to their death. not collateral damage — a sacrifice.
and I think she tried to be as numb as possible, calculating, deciding, even as she knew deep down that only one of her assistants would walk straight into hell on her word.
and I think she found him a bit annoying before that. the jaded resent the naive — it isn’t fair, but it’s true. but by the time he brought her tea the next day, in her mind, he was already dead. everyone looks better dead. optimism, trust, loyalty all become virtues where they were once liabilities.
I don’t think she didn’t feel the gravity of her choice. I think she did it anyway.
and she did not hesitate.
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amethyst-halo · 9 months
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ok here's a full proper pangolin style goron sheet!! i was inspired by @ezlo-x to try my hand at a new interpretation of gorons and i really like how they came out!!!
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noecoded · 2 years
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still not over cowboy asmo outfit
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always-amity · 23 days
Rereading Temeraire for the first time in AGES so I had to doodle the boy.
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synthwayve · 7 months
You know the brainrot is bad when I storyboard for fun
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ashtonisvibing · 7 months
anyways go- go watch this- i'm only 15min in but holy fuck-
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
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maybe we'll try again next time.
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