#but that's just what mike wheeler does to you anyway so it's fine
kaiminluu · 1 year
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a little mood/background study ------ the beginning-of-season tension that happened in this house is historic and so loved by me
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
Okay, but imagine the absolute shit fit Eddie and Dustin would throw when it’s not either of them that finally manage to convince Steve to play D&D with them. It’s not Lucas, or Will, or even Erica, in all her terrifying, businesslike glory
It’s Mike fuckin’ Wheeler
Mike, who Steve has technically known longer than any of the other kids; who had never made a secret of when he’d thought Steve was a douchebag; who, even after Steve became de facto babysitter to the group and Mike could admit he didn’t entirely dislike him, had never quite warmed up to him the way the others had. Mike
Dustin has been on Steve’s case to join the game since they became friends, and Steve has said no every time. At first because it sounded complicated and boring and he had no interest, but later because he knows none of the other kids like him as much as Dustin does, and that’s fine, but he isn’t going to sit through something complicated and boring while a bunch of other kids glare at him
Sometime later, on one of the few nights neither Joyce nor Jonathan are available to pick Will up, and Steve is driving him home, Will mentions that it would be cool if Steve wanted to join in and play – since he has to schedule his nights around their games sometimes anyway, after all. Steve smiles and tells him thank you but no thank you. Will is kind, and patient to a fault, and Steve has no doubt Will would genuinely try to include him, but he doesn’t want anyone to feel like he should be invited as an obligation. He really doesn’t mind driving
After Steve starts playing basketball with Lucas, Lucas invites Steve in turn to play D&D with The Party. Steve turns him down, saying he’ll stick to what he’s good at. He wonders if maybe Lucas feels like they should do an exchange—Steve has given him some pointers on basketball, so maybe Lucas will give him pointers on D&D—but really, he’s happy spending his time playing with the kid. He doesn’t need to be offered anything else
Steve turns Eddie down flat no matter how much he wheedles, whines, or offers bribes of various favors and orgasms. He knows Eddie’s previous reputation, that he hasn’t been inclined to accept or be entirely patient with novices at the game in the past, so he’ll either sweep along as usual and leave Steve in the dust, or he’s planning to change his entire style to hold Steve’s hand and help him figure it out, probably to the detriment of everyone else’s enjoyment. Neither option is appealing
Erica asks Steve exactly once, telling him that the only way anyone is ever going to shut up about it is if Steve agrees to play. Steve tells her that, unfortunately, she’ll just have to continue putting up with their whining. She doesn’t seem happy, but she’s certainly not going to beg him to play, and that’s that
But then, one night, Mike watches the whole song and dance routine as Steve drops off Dustin, Lucas, and Erica; tells Dustin that no, he’s not going to stay tonight; kisses Eddie hello and also tells Eddie that no, he’s not going to stay tonight. Mike sighs loudly as Steve moves to head up the stairs and out of the basement
“Dude, we both know Eddie and Dustin have made, like, a dozen characters for you. Just pick one and play with us.”
And Steve stops
Because Mike has never pretended to like Steve. Mike has never pretended to like anyone. He’s jealously guarded membership into The Party, denying anyone he isn’t one hundred percent certain about. He’s about as protective over his nerd game as Eddie is (and as protective over his friends as Steve himself). And with no clear reason to, he’s asking Steve to join them
And Steve can’t help but admit that Mike may actually just want him to play – that maybe they all do (and maybe he sincerely does want to join them, even if it still sounds complicated and might still be boring; maybe he’ll just like spending time with them)
So he sits down and asks what the hell he’s supposed to be doing
(He’s never had so many people try to show him how to do something at once)
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Ok so I think I may be losing my mind over some plastic wrap lmao
But PLEASE look at this and tell me I'm not crazy and this is actually weird:
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Karen I'm begging you to explain to me why the fuck do you have 2 plastic wrap packages from different brands UPSIDE DOWN in your kitchen cabinet. PLS.
Is it just me?? Is this completely normal and I'm losing my mind over nothing??? I mean probably but WHY ARE THEY THE ONLY THING THAT'S UPSIDE DOWN AND PLUS THEY'RE COMPLETELY LEGIBLE
So since I've spent the last 3 hours looking at fucking plastic wrap let me share some thoughts:
First of all, to structure this mess in some way, let's look at the dates. First, at the Reynolds Wrap invention date. Bc PLS LOOK AT THIS
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Oh. Looks like it was created in 1947. Do you guys wanna know who was also born in 1947??
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I. Uh. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.
"It could be a coincidence" Dude I KNOW I'm just doing this bc I've spent hours researching about plastic wrap and I NEED to tell someone ok y'all are my therapists ksjdalkj
Now the Glad Wrap was founded in 1963, and some pages say that Kali was born in 1963, others in 1964, and others that in s2 she's 16/17 so there's no way she was born back then; so idk about this date.
Now let's go with the ads, starting with Glad Wrap bc it's by far the most interesting one.
I've seen multiple commercials but none of them seemed to have anything meaningful EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE WHICH IS MAKING ME ABSOLUTELY LOSE MY MIND:
Am I crazy. Do I seriously need to sleep. Or does that look an awful lot like Karen Wheeler??? Especially here in s4????
I mean, the hairstyle and the blond hair, but much more importantly, the outfit.
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Like?????? I mean I get that it's 80's white wealthy woman fashion, fine, but that's a whole load of coincidences???
Now for the rest of the ad, the plastic wrap thingy that attacks the woman is pretty interesting, as well as the clock in the background for Vecna reasons. Regarding similarities with the Wheeler's kitchen, I could only catch due to the low quality the bowl with apples and the phone on the wall (you can't see it on the screenshot but there's a phone behind Mike). I couldn't really find anything about the strawberries, but if y'all know something pls tell me
As a bonus, the ad is from 1987, which as far as I know is when everyone guesses s5 is gonna take place in
Now there's no much to see in the Reynolds Wrap ads, except maybe this one:
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(Ignore the yt bar lmao) Although not as much as the previous one, the woman's outfit in that frame does remind me of this Karen s4 look, the same look she has on that scene the damn plastic wrap came from.
Ik this is all probably meaningless, buuuut do you guys want more meaningless shit??
Let's go back to the Glad Wrap ad. The slogan for that specific ad is "Don't get mad. Get glad." Welp, Vecna's a fan of this last word bc out of 9 times it's said in s5, 4 are said by him.
Let's take a quick look at the most interesting time he says that word. We're in Vecna's monologue in chp 7, and in the same scene just some minutes before, he says this:
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"I could not do that. I could not close off my mind and join in the madness. I could not pretend. And I realized, I didn't have to."
Let's remember the slogan: "Don't get mad. Get glad."
Then, a couple minutes later, in the same scene:
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"And soon, others were born. You were born. And I am so glad you were, Eleven. So very glad."
Now literally two seconds before this last line, this shot was happening:
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And. Um. Do you. Do you guys know what's used for tattoos. Um.
Plastic wrap???
Do y'all get why I said I've a hundred percent lost my mind sjdfisdjfil
Ok so. That was it. Anyways I couldn't find anything else important about the rest of items in the kitchen shelve. If y'all have a better explanation as to WHY TF are those plastic wrap packages upside down and perfectly legible, PLS TELL ME. This said, goodbye
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shieldofiron · 7 months
When I See You Smile
Also on Ao3
He can't pretend it doesn't hurt a little.
Dustin and Mike Wheeler chatter about it on Max's little radio, how Eddie and Steve are spending so much time together, and how Steve had come out to them very seriously as bi, and Eddie was gay so they were hoping...
And Billy's hopes, the tiny thread of hope that he'd been nourishing without realizing it, withered and died right there.
Because Munson is a dealer, and kinda loud and annoying. But Billy is a murderer. He still has nightmares about it, waking Max and Susan some nights. What kind of monster kills their own father, inter-dimensional parasite or not? And it wasn't like Billy had been some kind of catch before that.
Steve smiles when Billy comes by the store anyway. Like he's not a murderer, a puppet for an inter-dimensional being, but a person. They had the same taste in movies, and sometimes they would sit there just talking for hours. Steve had been nice after starcourt, and it had made the crush that Billy had secretly harbored in high school bloom into a full on infatuation.
One sided infatuation, apparently.
So it was real cute, actually. Munson and Ste-Harrington. He decided that it would be cute, and it wouldn't hurt any more. Hell, if Munson and Harrington started dating, maybe then...
He didn't know what maybe was, but he was trying to be positive about the whole thing.
And when he sees the van parked by the video store, he just turns right around.
"Racking up those late fees, huh," Steve says with a grin when he finally does bring them back.
"Got a lot on my mind," Billy mumbles in response, hurrying because he thought he saw the van pull into the lot. And he's fine with Steve dating whoever he wants, of course Steve can date whoever he wants.
Billy just doesn't have to be there while it happens.
"Wait, uh..." Steve ducks his head down, and his hair falls over his eyes in that adorable way that makes Billy want to brush it back behind his ear. "How'd you like Ladyhawke?"
Billy glances back over his shoulder, his heart racing when he sees Munson waltzing up, "Good. Gotta go, Steve."
"You are never going to believe the news I have for you, big boy," Munson smacks the door open and Billy winces.
"See ya," Billy waves his tapes in the air and ducks out the door that's still swinging closed from Munson's dramatic entrance.
He can't see Steve's expression, and he doesn't want to see how Steve smiles for Munson. Billy bets it's real special, all dreamy and doe eyed. So he just ducks into the camero and speeds away over Max's protests.
"You forgot milk duds, dick," She hisses.
"I had to get out of the way," He hisses right back.
"Of what?"
"Budding romance," He says, half sarcastically, throwing his hand in the air dramatically.
Max doesn't say anything back, but she must know. After all how many times has she dragged him practically kicking and screaming when he and Steve got to talking about movies and then tv and then sports...
Billy's certainly not about to come out to a bunch of snot nosed brats. But Max knows. She's heard what his dad called him enough to know what he is.
And it's fine. If there was only three gay guys in town someone was bound to be the odd one out.
That night she totally sides with him for movie night and they watch This is Spinal Tap instead of Against All Odds. She and Susan do watch along obligingly, Susan even chuckling at the 1960s jokes.
That night he can't sleep, tossing and turning in his bed when he thinks about Harrington's smile and that lock of hair.
Munson must be able to tell something is up because after that he starts acting really squirrely when Billy's trying to meet up. Which sucks because he could really use the weed right now.
Heartbreak being a bitch and all.
He's waiting in his car for Max to check out the videos she wants when Steve comes barrelling out of the Family Video, headed straight for Billy.
Billy blows a plume of smoke out the window.
"Alright, Harrington?"
"No," Steve isn't smiling. He looks downright pissed. "I'm not alright. You got some kind of problem with me and Eddie, Billy?"
Billy sucks in a drag and squints at the back of the van parked right up front of the store.
"Problem with what?"
"You know what."
Billy shrugs, "Enlighten me."
Steve huffs, and then deflates, "Look, I know you're working on being better. I heard about you working on basketball with Lucas, and I think that's really... great. But... I..."
Billy waits. And waits.
"You what?"
"You really don't know?" Steve blinks at him, and a shot with those big brown eyes sinks another of cupid's arrows deep into Billy's heart. He pushes his aviators up his nose to hide his face.
"Know what?"
"I thought," Harrington's blushing, and it looks so cute with the green of his vest. "That you heard that I like... that I'm... bisexual. And that Eddie's... um... And you had a problem with it."
Billy snorts, though he doesn't mean to. And Harrington cocks his head to the side.
He doesn't have a problem with it. He has an ache, a pain deep in his chest that he knows there's no cure for. It hurts so bad it makes him a little angry, a little reckless.
"That would be pretty hypocritical of me," Billy says with a sharp little laugh, "Not that I'm you know... dating material. For any gender. In any sense of the word."
Harrington just looks down, "I don't know about that."
Billy huffs, "You don't need to flatter me. I'm no threat to your boyfriend. Though you can tell him I'm gonna actually need to score soon or I'm going to go mental. My stepmother's into wreath making. You know what a wreath can do to a guy's reputation?"
He wants Steve to laugh. He wants Steve to smile. Even if it's just for a corny joke. Even if it's just as friends. He'd officiate their wedding if Steve would just throw Billy a smile once in a while.
"Oh. I mean," Billy waves his hand in the air, "Pre-boyfriends. Fucking. Whatever it is you all are doing."
Steve's cheeks are really pink now, "We're not... I mean... I like someone else."
"Oh," Billy pushes his aviator's up, trying to school his expression into something calmer, less manically happy. "I'm sorry, I just assumed-"
"No, I... we just gotta stick together, right. L and G and B and T... all... together," Steve makes a weird sort of half sigh sound.
"Yeah," Billy doesn't know where Steve is going with this, "That's you and me. Two B's. Sticking together."
He's never said it out loud before. He always imagined it would be terrifying, but Steve's smile smooths over some of the panic in the pit of his stomach.
"So you're not... sticking together with anyone, exclusively?" Steve rocks on his heels.
Billy snorts, "No. Plenty of girls to be not so exclusive with, but... no."
"Do you... want to do that with me?"
Billy's heart stops still in his chest. He doesn't know what expression he's making but he knows that Steve is smiling. At him. His eyes are crinkled up at the corners, and he...
"I like you, Billy," Steve's hair flops down and it's so easy to brush it back behind his ear. "Thought you were finally gonna break my teeth in about it, so I thought I'd do it first."
And Billy can, so he does. And for the first time in what feels like weeks, Billy smiles back.
"I would never," Billy sucks in some courage with his next drag, so he can say in a dry whisper, "Your smile is the best part of my day."
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parkitaco · 1 year
byler 50 for the ask game i need this for reasons
Will Byers is good with secrets.
He hasn't had much of a choice, honestly, given the types of secrets he has. When he was younger, his biggest secret was liking boys. Then it was liking one boy, specifically, and then it was monsters and hell dimensions and government-issued secrets that he legally wasn't allowed to tell anyone. He'd never admit this, but those secrets were far easier to keep than the first two. He’s spent a good portion of his days learning how to keep quiet, how to omit information when necessary, how to keep his lies, on the rare occasions that he needs them, simple and believable.
(Okay, there had been one exception to the simple and believable thing, last year in that godforsaken van, but that was an outlier, okay? He’d been overtired and probably contact high and Mike had been freaking the fuck out, so he’d- he’d gone a little overboard with that one. Whatever. Everything turned out fine in the end - better than fine, even.)
Mike Wheeler, on the other hand, is not so good at keeping secrets. 
Will chalks most of this up to his boyfriend’s general lack of a filter - Mike has never shied away from saying what he’s thinking, and a lot of the time, what he’s thinking happens to be terribly incriminating. He knows that Mike has had to keep secrets too - secrets that, as it turns out, line up almost exactly with the ones Will’s been keeping. And to his credit, Mike had managed to keep most of those for a decent amount of time, but the ways in which he kept them were significantly- well, there was a lot less delicacy, in Mike’s case. 
Will doesn’t blame him for any of it, of course, because he knows how Mike’s brain works and knows that he doesn’t mean any harm, but it does make being his boyfriend - more specifically, his secret boyfriend - a bit tricky.
Like right now, for instance. They’re sitting in the basement with the rest of the Party, and Mike’s all curled up against Will’s side in an entirely incriminating manner. He’s also wearing Will’s sweater, which he could maybe have gotten away with under normal circumstances, but throw in the fact that this is the third time this week that he’s showed up in public wearing Will’s clothes, and- well, Will’s pretty sure the Party’s onto them at this point anyway.
“Mike, what do you think?” Dustin asks, and Mike stirs against Will’s side, blinking blearily at him.
“About what?” he asks absently, shifting and wriggling closer to Will, who is barely suppressing an eye roll.
Lucas looks like he’s on the verge of laughter. “Dude, were you listening at all? We’re trying to decide what movie to watch.”
“Oh,” Mike hums, and Will can feel the sound from where Mike’s chest is tucked up against his arm. “Uh, whatever you guys want, I don’t care.”
At this, the entire Party levels him with matching looks of concern - even Will glances down at him with an eyebrow raised.
“You don’t care,” Max repeats slowly, staring at him like he’s sprouted a second head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not have an opinion on something.”
Mike’s face flushes adorably red, and he looks like he’s seconds away from hiding his face away against Will’s shoulder, which would probably seal their fate as the most obvious couple of all time. Will elbows him, bugging his eyes out, and Mike clears his throat quickly as he sits up a little straighter, less like he’s curling as close to Will as he can get, which was, of course, exactly what he was doing. It’s still not- an entirely platonic position, with Mike’s thigh still pressed flush against Will’s and his fingers brushing Will’s where his hand rests on his knee, like he’s fighting the urge to thread their fingers together, but it’s- well, it’s a slight improvement. Even if Will’s side is now upsettingly cold where Mike was just leaned up against it. 
“I’m, uh,” Mike starts, and Will immediately thinks oh, no, “I’m focused on more important things.”
Will resists the urge to bury his face in his hands. 
“What sort of important things?” El asks, looking entirely amused, and Will glares at her, willing her to stop talking.
“Um,” Mike says, looking more flustered by the moment. “You know. I was thinking about- world peace. College applications. The future. My history project due on Monday. How to get my Spanish grade up. The SATs. What to do about-”
“Okay,” Will cuts in, sensing an onslaught of true Mike Wheeler word vomit brewing, and he reaches over with one hand to clamp his palm over Mike’s mouth. “We get it, Mike.”
Mike looks, for all intents and purposes, entirely relieved at the interruption, and he slumps back against Will’s side, because clearly he’s learned nothing from the past few minutes. “We should watch Star Wars,” he says against Will’s palm, the sound muffled from the contact, and it’s all Will can do to repress the shudder that runs through him at the feeling of Mike’s lips moving against his palm. 
He must see the expression on Will’s face, or something, because all at once a gleeful glint appears in Mike’s eyes, and he presses his lips more flush against Will’s hand, kissing it firmly, because clearly he’s trying to give Will a heart attack.
Thankfully, the rest of the Party doesn’t seem to notice, having gone back to squabbling over movie options as soon as Mike stopped talking, and for once in his life Will is grateful for his friends’ short attention spans. Even so, he retracts his hand, sending Mike a burning glare that is probably entirely undercut by the blush in his cheeks, and Mike grins proudly to himself, turning to face the screen as it flickers to life. His leg presses against Will’s, firm and purposeful, and Will allows himself to be a little bit stupid about it when he presses back, biting his lip to hide a smile.
Mike’s pinky finger links through his, and Will forgets to worry.
It’s only later, when they’re standing in the kitchen together after the Party leaves, throwing out the last of the trash from downstairs and placing the popcorn bowl in the sink, that Will decides to make fun.
“I can’t believe you,” he says, shaking his head good-naturedly as he wets a sponge and begins scrubbing at the stubborn butter stains on the inside of the popcorn bowl. “Your Spanish grade, Mike, really?”
“Hey, I was doing my best!” Mike yelps, shoving the empty Dorito bag onto top of the already-full garbage can and walking over to stand beside Will at the sink. “You were no help.”
“I wasn’t the problem,” Will murmurs, smirking and not looking up from the bowl. 
Mike glances down, watching him scrub at it. “You don’t have to do that,” he says, reaching over to tug the sponge out of Will’s hand, and Will gives him a look even as his fingers go slack and he turns to face Mike, one hip pressed against the counter. “And don’t you want to know what I was actually thinking about?”
“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that it was-”
“I was thinking about you,” Mike interrupts before Will can finish being sarcastic, dropping the sponge unceremoniously on the counter and twisting around to mirror Will’s position, hand pressing against the top of Will’s against the counter.
Will presses down a smile. “You don’t say.”
“I was thinking,” Mike continues, not noticing Will’s facetious tone, or maybe he just doesn’t care, which is probably more likely, “about what it would be like to not think twice about sitting next to you on movie nights, and I was thinking about how much I like cuddling with you on the couch and how I want to do that all the time, and I was thinking- that I love you, basically.”
It’s nothing Will hasn’t heard from Mike before, but his face flushes anyway, and he shifts a little closer, the hand that’s not gripping the counter rising up to cup the side of Mike’s neck. “I love you too,” he says. “And- we will get to do those things. Eventually. Just- not right now.”
“Not right now,” Mike agrees, bobbing his head, because really, the whole secret thing had mostly been Mike’s idea in the first place. It’s almost funny, how in the beginning, Mike was the scared one who wanted to keep them a secret, and Will who willingly obliged, maybe a little selfishly, because he wanted Mike Wheeler all to himself for a little while, but this whole time, Will is the one who’s been better at hiding. Mike’s ready to stop hiding now, probably, if this conversation is any indication - almost, anyway. They’ll get there soon. Plus, the Party definitely already knows, so that takes some of the pressure off.
“You’re so pretty,” Mike murmurs, tilting his forehead to press against Will’s, and Will’s flush deepens, a pleased smile spreading across his face. “Have I told you that?”
“Yes,” Will laughs, as Mike’s free arm wraps around his waist and tugs him in closer, chests bumping.
“Oh,” Mike says, grinning teasingly, “Well, have I also told you that you’re my favorite person ever? And that you’re the smartest and bravest person I know, and that I’m so lucky to have you, and that-”
“Okay,” Will says for the second time tonight, laughing quietly, and he brings up the hand that’s been pressed against the counter and presses his fingertips against Mike’s lips gently. “I appreciate it, Mike, I really do, but I kind of really need you to shut up right now.”
“Why?” Mike asks around his fingers, feigning a pout, and Will grins as he slips his hand away from Mike’s face to cup the back of his neck instead.
“So I can do this,” Will murmurs, and tugs him in sharply, pressing their lips together firmly, and whatever fake-complaint Mike had locked and loaded seems to vanish instantly, his grip on Will loose and relaxed as he smiles into the kiss. He tastes sweet, like buttered popcorn and candy, these moments always made a little more special by the fact that they don’t get very many of them. Will would like to kiss Mike Wheeler more often that he does, maybe, like, all the time, actually, and the possibility that he could actually have that sometime soon has him smiling against Mike’s mouth and curling a hand through his hair, gentle and loving and sweet.
“You know,” Mike says against his mouth, pulling back a little, “If you had just said so, I would have stopped talking way sooner-”
“Shut the fuck up,” Will interrupts, hazy and kissed red and needing to be kissed again immediately. “Shut up, shut up, shut up-”
“Okay,” Mike says, and when Will goes in for another kiss, he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
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bugnirvana · 2 years
🤔🤔mike wheeler with a male reader like cuddling really early in the morning and saying dumb shit to each other 🤭 does that make any sense LMAO THIS IS MY FIRST TIME REQUESTING SOMETHING TO ANYBODY MB IF I DID IT WRONG 🤭🤭🤭
🍏🌙”what are apples made of?”🌙🍎 [Mike Wheeler x Reader]
warning(s):fluffy shit, mike wheeler being stupid and tired, dumb as hell ‘i-just-woke-up’ thoughts, possibly out of character mike but whatever, also a lot of cursing. Ppl put warnings for that right?
terms used: he/him, boyfriend
ok I love this prompt so much. also congratulation!!!!you are the first ever fanfic request I’ve ever gotten. my future employers will see this blog and be like “hmm. yeah this is a good employee!”
anyway there is a SEVERE lack of mike wheeler with male readers, I hate it. give the little mushroomhead some love for the boys! I rlly hope you enjoy this! it was really fun to write.I didn’t really have any season specific Mike Wheeler in mind so it’s up to ur imagination (personally I see season 4 Mike, but hey that’s just me)! Enjoy. Sorry if it sucks, it’s incredibly short. I didn’t have many ideas for dumbass shit that would be accurate to the period 😭
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It was around 4 or so in the morning and you were staying over at your boyfriend, Mike Wheeler’s house. You had just told your mom that you were going to stay at his house for a sleepover with your friendgroup. You, however, had lied. Nobody else was there, it was just you and Mike, just existing in one another’s arms.
The both of you hadn’t slept at all, not because you were getting up to any teenage activities, but instead that you were just being total nerds together. Still getting no sleep nonetheless, but thank god it had been a Saturday night or else both of your asses would have been dead that morning. The most part, again, you had just been cuddling and being stupid nerds.
It had been a hot minute since Mike had last spoken to you, so you took a moment and attempted to get some shuteye. Mike decided that at that moment, he was going to bother you again from your attempt to sleep.
“Hey [N/N], what do you think apples are made of?”
Ex? Fucking? S’cuse? You?
“Michael Wheeler. You woke me up to ask me what apples were made of?” You whisper yelled.
“It’s a very important question!” he retorted. “Like, I know they’re made of matter and elements and stuff, but why don’t they make apple an element of its own?”
“I dunno, maybe because it’s not an element on its own,” you giggled.
“But like, it’s all naturally occurring right? So why not?” Michael thought aloud. “Like, it’s a compound of stuff and everything but…” he trailed off.
“Darling, dear, dearest.… I think you just answered your own question,” you said, playing with his hair. “Seriously, I think it’s time for the both of us to go to sleep.”
“But like..science and stuff. You know, that cool thing that we like. Yeah. Science..science rocks.” You could hear how tired he was in his voice, not even minding him yawning.
This boy. He was going to be the death of you. The very, very cute death of you.
“Mike….go to sleep. Please,” you begged. “Or, at the least, let ME sleep dude.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll let you sleep.” He said, sighing in defeat, finally relaxing and with you playing with his hair. “I’m lucky that you’re my boyfriend…even though we can’t really be public about it,” he confessed. “I love you, like, a lot.”
Your face lit ablaze, hiding your face by scooching up close to him and nuzzling into his neck. “I love you like a lot, too.”
You found him to be really warm, him finding you to be warm, too. It was genuinely very comfortable. The both of you stayed in each other’s arms for the rest of your stay, facing one another and just enjoying the company of one another before blissfully falling into the abyss of sleep.
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yeah I’m sorry if this sucks 😭 usually I’ll write longer stuff but I’m not very good with Mike wheeler characterization. I can and will rewrite this . I don’t have anyone proofreading this shit, so I’m sorry if anything doesn’t english very well. again. so fucking short but it’s just mike wheeler being all stupid and fluffy and shit. Yeah. Enjoy. I’m tired lol this really isn’t good grammatically
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klausinamarink · 1 month
One Kid Gone, Another Up and Vanished (part 16)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 | ao3
Lucas checks his compass again, but the needle still points north, barely jostling from his biking
“Got anything weird in yours yet?” He calls over his shoulder to where Dustin is biking behind him.
Lucas looks back at the road. It’s empty with no car in sight. But he doesn’t want to twist his wheel the wrong way and splat his face against the asphalt.
His nose twinges again in reminder. Mike hadn’t punched him that hard to break it. Just hard enough that it had hurt all the way to this morning.
Lucas grips the handlebars tighter. If only Mike wasn’t so obsessed with Eleven, then he wouldn’t had punched Lucas in the face for no reason. Then maybe Mike would have been with Lucas and Dustin to see Will through that wall portal. Maybe Will would have finally come home and be not-dead.
But Mike isn’t with them. Lucas hasn’t seen him since the Wheeler house went kaput with the lights nearly exploding. Dustin had told him that he had seen Mike biking off on his own earlier and wanted to follow him.
Lucas had said no. Mike’s definitely going to find the weirdo. Who cares about her being gone when Will’s somewhere in the Upside Down?
(“And Eddie.” Dustin adds, sitting on his bed. He’d ended up sleeping over with Lucas when Mrs. Wheeler had ushered them out.
“Yeah, him too.” Lucas agrees before frowning, “Do we still have any idea who this Eddie guy even is?”
“Nope, but I know it’s not Eddie Tremblay!”)
Anyway, Mike isn’t coming back in forever. Lucas will make sure he doesn’t unless Mike gets over his stupid crush and apologizes for jeopardizing the rescue mission.
“Lucas!” Dustin yells again.
“You got something?” Lucas brakes, looking over to see Dustin had also stopped.
“Son of a bitch- No, I dropped the compass!” Dustin swears as he leans haphazardly towards the ground, reaching for the fallen object. Lucas rolls his eyes.
He looks around the street again, catching a couple posters on a nearby telephone pole. Lucas barely holds back a mourning heart when he sees Will’s missing poster, now already wrinkled and a chunk of the paper ripped off.
Will’s not dead. He reminds himself. He’s somewhere fighting demogorgons.
His gaze trails up, not really reading the other poster next to Will’s picture. But Lucas does another take.
“Dustin.” He inches closer to the pole so he can get a better look.
“Don’t worry, my compass is fine!”
“What is it?” Dustin pedals up to Lucas’ side, following his gaze.
It’s another missing poster, but it doesn’t have Will’s photo. It’s another boy, much older than them, with unruly dark hair as he grins at the camera. Printed underneath is Eddie Munson, along with a list of his important features.
Lucas sucks in a breath. He turns to Dustin, who’s wide-eyed expression stares back at him.
“You don’t think..?”
Lucas nods quickly, “There’s no other way.”
They both stare at the poster for another minute. And then they start biking again.
Will huffs, feeling his chest squeeze itself. Another cough starts bubbling up, but he holds it in as long as he can. He concentrates on breathing and not tripping over his feet or his bike.
Well, it’s not really his bike. Will is pretty sure that he left it on the road when the demogorgon got him. But when he had snuck back into Mike’s garage, he was awestruck to find the same one. Even down to the chipping red paint above the wheels.
He did not have time to dwell though. Will had grabbed a coil of jump rope and hurried out before any more monsters appeared.
After returning back to the current base, Will whisper-yells triumphantly, “Told you I would get it!”
Sitting on an ancient couch in the garage, Eddie gives him a shaky thumbs-up. He looks ten times worse than he did earlier with sweat and dirt sticking on his jaunt face. Even the sheets Eddie is bundled up in still makes him smaller.
Will turns and gently places the bike on the ground by the handlebars, positioning the rear to face the wagon. Then, with the salvaged rope he had found earlier, Will ties both ends to the bike and the wagon’s handle.
It takes another minute of stuffing the wagon with more blankets but Will steps back and admires his creation. Simple but perfect.
Will goes over to Eddie and pulls on his hand to stand up. Eddie does so, much slower than last time. The older boy is careful not to lean too much on Will, but he lets Eddie to do so anyway. Even though the wagon is barely five steps away, Eddie is panting like he’s just outrun the demogorgon.
“Easy, easy!” Will cries out as Eddie just flops his entire body into the wagon. Eddie doesn’t even emit a single sound. He’s not sure if that’s a good thing.
The wagon is too small for Eddie’s whole body. But after some adjustments of tucking his limbs into the space, Eddie seems to fit in better.
“You okay?” Will softly taps on Eddie’s bad ankle. Even after the cleaning it and changing the bandages, he’s not sure if it’s healing properly. The bleeding has stopped but the wound is oozing some pus. It’s also smelling bad but Will hopes it’s because of the dried blood and stuff.
Eddie moans and snuggles into the blankets around him.
Will pats Eddie on the head in comfort. “If you have to throw up, don’t swallow it. Just puke if you have to.”
Eddie snorts quietly, his eyes already closing.
Will quickly debates about keeping the spear on himself or not. He passes it over to Eddie who takes it without a word.
Will picks up the bike, pulls on the rope again to test the strength, and climbs on the seat. He stares out into the dark and desolate Maple Street.
He sucks in a shaky breath. In. Out. Ignores the ticklish sensation in his throat that’s more and more present.
Will pumps his legs on the pedals. His calves immediately spike up with the familiar burns and he welcomes it.
The bike descents down the low slope of the garage and into the street. The wagon bumps slightly but Eddie barely makes a groan.
Will stops for a moment, already winded from the effort. He looks over at Eddie, still curled up and shivering and barely holding the remaining spear. His injured leg dangles over the wagon, the shoe almost scraping the ground.
The sight almost makes Will mad. Not at Eddie, of course. But just at the circumstances of it all.
It feels like the stuff happening to them should only hurt Will, not Eddie. Eddie shouldn’t have escaped the demogorgon’s bite of death and gotten so sick that he can barely walk and eat.
It should have been Will.
Will wipes a hand under his nose and takes another deep breath.
Then he starts pedalling again.
Hopefully in the next hour, he would reach the hospital by then.
Taglist: @unclewaynemunson @hellion-child @steves-strapcollection @sidekick-hero @penny00dreadful @hbyrde36 @mmmmwaffles94 @princessstevemunson @sirsnacksalot @tartarusknight @lyriclight @kodaik97 @dontdrinkmylavalamp @bookbinderbitch @gutterflower77 @soaringornithopter @angeldreamsoffanfic @panicatthediaz @renaissan-vvitch @manda-panda-monium @newtstabber @little-trash-ghost @niniel-karenine @tinyplanet95 @chaosgremlinmunson
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
vitamins — will byers ♡
requested by 🐍<3
nancy wheeler x fem!reader, platonic!will byers, talk of homophobia, this is more will centric
you as will’s queer mentor
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you’d lived next door to the byers family for a long time. before will disappeared, and your whole life became affected by the dead remains of the upside down.
despite being closer in age to johnathan, the youngest boy was the one you’d bonded with the most. you’d spent many nights watching films with him while his family were all working. when he was rescued, you were one of the only people he still knew how to talk to.
and maybe, he’d go on to admit to you later, he felt comfortable with you because of the rumours.
the girlfriend, gay, queer, rumours that flocked around an unbothered you. will just hoped they were true as he sat on your bed, waiting for joyce or johnathan to pick him up. he decided it was time to tell someone, and at least you couldn’t disown him.
while he flicked through a comic, you grew bored of your chemistry homework. you concluded you’d ask nancy for help later.
“talk to me, will,” you sighed dramatically, “my brain’s gone numb.”
he laughed half-heartedly, “yeah. so... i’m in love with mike.”
you choked on the water you’d only just reached for, banging your chest as tears spilt down your cheeks. will stood up in concern but you waved him off, “no, i’m fine. that was sudden.”
he shrugged, not meeting your eye and sheepishly apologizing, “well, i didn’t mean to kill you.”
“just, say that again for me.”
“i’m in love with mike.”
you leaned against the back of your chair, “huh. you want to know what i honestly think about that, will?”
he felt his stomach drop. here came the bad news, “yeah?”
“you could do better.”
“than boys?”
“what? no, than mike.”
will folded his arms, “why’d you say that?”
“no reason. are you alright?”
he only realised then that he was trembling rather violently. he shook his head and sat back down, pressing an elbow to his bouncing knee as he answered you, “i’m good. yeah. i just... you seem better with this than i am.”
you nodded sympathetically, “well, i’ve had more practice. i’m also, y’know, gay.”
it was will’s turn to choke now. metaphorically, because he wasn’t drinking anything, and he had also suspected. the way you said it so bravely... it instilled confidence in him.
“you and nancy, right? i knew it.”
you smiled, “it’s not really a secret. we’re just private. and slightly wary, considering the world we live in.”
will scoffed, “is steve, like, collecting lesbians? that’s three now.”
you laughed, “maybe he has a radar for them.”
“like... a gaydar?”
“something like that. anyway, i promise, everyone in our circle will be alright.”
he took that on board, but he didn’t tell anyone else for a while. that was okay. of course.
you made a conscious effort to give your relationship with nancy more clarity within your group. an arm at her shoulder every known and then, honey and babe worked into your sentences, wearing her jacket, and, most importantly to will, referring to her as your girlfriend. that was something you had, were allowed to have.
all within your group of course, this was indiana in the eighties.
“does it scare you?” will whispered one day, as another news headline of lgbt riots appeared.
“sometimes.” you whispered back, with an arm around him. sometimes it seemed you needed will as much as he needed you.
the young boy looked defeated, “i feel ostracized as it is. what’s worse than zombie boy? gay zombie boy.”
“i get it, man. i mean, i don’t, because i wasn’t kidnapped by a sentient alternate reality,” he laughed at that, thankfully, “but i’m here for you. you aren’t alone.”
he asked you what he should do, then. you joked, “drink milk and take your vitamins? i don’t know.”
will sighed, “i have a boyfriend, now. would you want to meet him.”
“of course i would.”
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🏷️ — @lil-quinnie @echoloidsblog @sw34terw34ther @river13254
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in your opinion how do you think robin would act/get along with nancys family
I think that, before they know she's dating Nancy, she'd get along with Mike, Holly and Karen just fine. Karen is just happy Nancy was a girl friend, and Mike thinks Robin is pretty cool. Robin is also super nice to Holly and always plays with her. Nancy has seen her more than once trying to teach her spanish to "give her a bit of an upper leg when she has to see this in school", but Holly is more interested in her crayons. Ted doesn't like her, but no one cares about Ted so it's whatever. He just complains that they're bringing another mouth to feed. He also makes these comments about "his hard-earned salary going to charity" when he sees Robin wearing an old jacket her dad bought back in the 60s and hand-me-down pants and tshirts that have been inherited through multiple generations of cousins before landing in her hands. Robin doesn't appreciate her father-in-law (who doesn't know he's her father-in-law) saying that, like jeez Ted I'm sorry I'm poor, and I think she'd mention that to Karen, like "I guess I just didn't expect an attack over my socioeconomic status today" though Karen doesn't know what the phrase "socioeconomic status" means.
I think she would like to help Karen cook. My headcanon is that Robin is a pretty decent cook, and she likes being helpful, so she'd be there giving Karen a hand. Karen makes the mistake of asking about what she does in her free time, and now Robin is infodumping about her language tapes and her books in dictionaries and her old Operation Croissant plan from when she was 15. Karen is actually pretty impressed by not only Robin's intelligence, but also her curiosity and the fact she'd spend all her free time studying outside of school because she loves learning so much. She thinks she and Nancy will be good influences on each other. Robin makes a point not to mention she's learning russian through reading Anna Karenina (she's not going to let her trauma or the sociopolitical climate of the world take her passion away from her, but she doesn't think Karen would understand when the Wheeler Family TV is constantly blaring news about upcoming russian nukes).
She's always nice and polite to Ted, but in her mind it's kind of an inside joke with herself. She finds it funny when he replies to her saying "good evening Mr. Wheeler! :)" with "oh, it's you again". Mike tells her she doesn't have to greet him if she doesn't want to, but she does anyway.
She might join a D&D campaign once if Nancy makes puppy eyes to her, and Nancy would only join if Mike is being annoying about it enough that she'll do it to shut him up. Robin barely plays though, she's mostly acting as a sports commentator.
I don't remember if they mentioned it in the show, but I hc Mike is very into fantasy books like Lord of the Rings. He ends up getting Robin into it and then they have nerdy talks about it.
Generally Robin is always welcome in the Wheeler household, and she has sleepovers with Nancy every week. If Karen knew what they got up to when everyone was asleep, she probably wouldn't be allowed to come lol but one of the perks of being a lesbian is that, as long as people don't know, you're allowed certain liberties more couples could only ever dream of. For Nancy, falling asleep with Robin curled in her chest every week makes all the secrecy worth it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mike discovered them pretty early on. Nancy wouldn't want to tell him because You Can't Trust Anyone, but one day he dramatically knocks down Nancy's door after hearing weird noises coming from her room. He feared it was a monster or a psychic attack or something, but instead he sees Nancy on top of Robin. There is some screaming and screeching and Mike running to his room ready to pour bleach into his eyes. When Karen goes out to check, Nancy tells her Mike saw a shadow and got spooked and screamed like a little girl. Nancy is fuming and goes to Mike's room to yell at him for never fucking knocking. There's some fighting and hair pulling and a few sibling slaps, but then they calm down and have an actual talk about it. She tells him that, yes, Robin is her girlfriend and he can never tell anyone. And that he really needs to knock on the door from now on. Mike is mildly disgusted that his sister would have sex in their house with everyone sleeping, but he's cool with her dating Robin. He promises to keep the secret.
Next morning when the two lovebirds go downstairs for breakfast, Robin is visibly nervous and awkward and Mike looks at her with his head tilted down and suspicion in his eyes as if he had x-ray vision and was analyzing whether or not she was secretly a robot with robot guns inside her arms. Or that's what her mind comes up with, at least. She tells Nancy she has the feeling her brother and his friends will be stalking her for a few weeks to determine whether or not she's worthy.
If Karen were to find out... that would be an entirely different story.
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thedisassociation · 2 years
make us a special place (Robin x Nancy)
a/n: I haven't written in a long time, but then someone said childhood au and here we are.
Big thanks to @dimplesridley and @redwineandnicotine for listening to me yell about these two for months on end.
summary: Nancy has a terrible day (until she doesn't)
AO3 link
(word count: 2,134)
Nancy has a terrible day, by far the worst she’s had all year. Sure, it’s only September, but fifth grade is off to a rough start. Everything that could go wrong does go wrong. She just knows that she failed that math test (she didn't but she doesn't know that yet – all she knows is how uncertain she felt about her answers). Somehow, she ended up with Mike's lunch instead of her own, and the sandwich was all wrong and there were no cookies. And worse – it means Mike got her cookies. The teacher had yelled at the whole class and punished all of them for something that one single boy did, which was totally unfair. And worst of all, Robin was absent for a doctor's appointment pretty much all day, giving Nancy a wave as she was called out of class in the morning. It left Nancy alone for most of the day, sitting by herself at lunch, partner-less for reading hour, walking home with no one to keep her company. When Nancy gets home, her dad is there, unexpectedly, and he is utterly himself – aloof and disinterested. Nancy immediately goes up to her room, drops her backpack, and flops onto the floor dramatically.
Robin has her own frustrating day, and she’s looking forward to seeing Nancy and getting away from her mom. When Robin finally manages to escape to the Wheeler house, she doesn't even ring the doorbell. She just comes right in (Karen had given her permission to, practically encouraged it, even). But before she makes it to the stairs, Karen waves her into the kitchen.
"Nancy had a rough day," Karen starts, and she fills Robin's arms with snacks and a couple of sodas. "You girls try to have some fun, and I'll call you down later for dinner, okay?"
Robin nods and Karen ruffles Robin's hair affectionately.  Robin pulls a face and ducks away like she hates it, but they both know she doesn’t.
When Robin gets up to Nancy's room, struggling to open the door with her arms full of junk food, Nancy is still on the floor by the bed, an arm slung over her face, covering her eyes.
"Mom," Nancy groans, "I said I don't want anything."
Robin dumps their haul on the bed. "Good thing I'm not your mom then," she laughs. "Because I brought so much stuff. Your mom even gave us cookies, Nance. Cookies. Before dinner."
Nancy pouts, lifts her arm up just a little bit to peek at Robin, who was staring down at her, one foot tapping against Nancy's. Robin drops to the ground after a moment, slides up next to Nancy and lays down with her. The floor is hard and Robin wiggles a little bit, one arm bumping Nancy's side, and it kind of tickles.
"How was the doctor?" Nancy asks.
Robin shrugs. "It was fine. Really boring. We had to sit in the waiting room forever." Robin knows the answer but she asks anyway: "how 'bout you? How was your day?"
Nancy groans. "Today was the worst day," she announces.
Robin tries to look over at her, but she's met with the sight of one bony elbow covering up her best friend's face. "Wanna talk about it?" she offers.
Nancy shakes her head and the motion makes her arm come dangerously close to smacking Robin in the face. "No," and she's still feeling so dramatic after her stressful day. "I'm just gonna lay here like this forever," she declares.
Robin hums, taps her fingers against her stomach, fidgets a bit before sitting up abruptly and crawling towards the closet. She starts digging around and just as Nancy is about to look to see what she's doing, a blanket lands right on her face, followed by a pillow.
"Oof," and Nancy finally shows her face, pushing the blanket and pillow off. Robin is already tossing more blankets and pillows out on the floor, every single spare one she can find tucked into Nancy's closet.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
Robin, satisfied she's retrieved all the blankets and pillows in the closet, stands up. "Making a blanket fort," she says like it should be obvious. "The floor is hard. If we're gonna be laying on it forever, it's gotta be more comfortable."
This is one of those little moments where Nancy feels her heart swell up when she looks up at her best friend, and she has to swallow the lump in her throat for the affection and warmth that flood through her. Robin never even asks, never protests, never presses Nancy; Robin just accepts that if Nancy wants to lay on this floor forever, that's what they are going to do.
There are two desk chairs in Nancy’s room, one of them a folding chair supplied by Mr. Wheeler, who was tired of Robin struggling to drag their dining room chairs up and down the stairs. Robin is already in the process of moving their chairs when Nancy starts to sit up. Robin stops her. "Whoa, no way, Wheeler. You're already in your spot, you're glued there forever," she says, affecting a dramatic voice that makes Nancy smile a little bit. Which just spurs Robin on. "Trapped by a very bad day. Alas, you must stay." Robin gives her a grin. "I got this, princess," she says, a little quieter but no less earnest, voice determined.
Nancy's cheeks turn pink and she lays back again.
Robin makes quick work of her fort. She drapes blankets over their chairs, which she sets a little ways from the bed, leaving enough space between the bed and the chairs for both her and Nancy, who stays put, just as she'd been told. Robin ends up having to tie some of the blankets together, big knots in the corners, to reach the bed. She piles all the biggest books she can find on top of the blankets to keep them on the bed. When she's satisfied, she drapes a thinner blanket over top, covering up the open spaces made by the knotted blankets. 
This leaves Nancy hidden away from the world, surrounded on all sides by soft pinks and blues. (Because Robin has chosen some of Nancy's favorites for the inner layer and for the inside.) She hears shuffling outside and then Robin pops her head in, smiling. 
Robin crawls in, bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun coming through the soft cream of the sheet facing the window. She has all their snacks in her hands and she drops them by the little entrance, ducks back out quickly to grab their drinks and add them to their pile of Karen-provided goodies.
Robin sits on her knees, ducks a little bit to keep from hitting the top of the fort she's put together in record time. She's holding a pillow, one of the big soft ones that she knows Nancy likes to sink down into. "So, you might have to move a little bit for this part," she bites her lip.
Nancy can't hold back her grin anymore, and she sits up fully.
Robin places the pillow in her hands carefully on the ground, right where Nancy's head had been, and then she grabs another pillow and drops it next to Nancy's. She places the other pillows around the outside of the fort, covering up some of the spots where the blankets didn't quite reach to the floor.
Nancy just sits there and watches her, still smiling despite herself. She shifts, leans back against the bed, tucking a pillow behind her. 
Robin starts working on the remaining blankets next. She lays one out where Nancy had been, tucking the end under the pillow. Nancy is still sitting up from her initial spot, so when Robin tries to smooth out the blanket, it only gets halfway before it meets Nancy's knees.
Robin is determined though, and she gives Nancy a big grin before she starts poking the blanket, trying to tuck it under Nancy's leg. 
Nancy can't stop from laughing before she moves, fixing the blanket herself until she's sitting on it.
Robin puts a blanket down for herself, pushes a couple off to either side.
"Your royal, I dunno, blanket," Robin laughs.
Nancy launches herself at Robin, throws her arms around Robin's shoulders suddenly. Robin tilts back, but steadies herself, returning Nancy's hug, arms wrapped around Nancy's waist.
Robin holds her there. She's never quite sure how long hugs are supposed to go on, so she almost always waits until the other person pulls away before she does. (The other person hugging her is almost always Nancy, and she's in no hurry to pull away from her anyway.)
But not only does Nancy not let go, she drags them both down to the blanket-covered floor until they're both laying down again.
They're facing each other, heads close together despite being on different pillows. Nancy's arm is still draped over Robin's shoulder, so Robin takes this as a cue that she can leave her own arm thrown over Nancy's middle. And she's glad for that, because it all feels right to her. Their legs are pressed together and Nancy's fingers are dancing across her shoulder. And there's nowhere else she'd rather be.
Nancy looks up at her from beneath her lashes, almost shyly. "Thank you, Robin," she whispers, like she's afraid to disturb the comfortable quiet between them.
"Any time," Robin whispers back with a soft smile. There's a warmth blossoming in her chest, spreading through her, filling up her insides until she thinks she's going to stop breathing. A feeling she doesn't know how to name, but one that feels better than any other has, more natural, like air or sunlight or warm summer rain. She grabs it and holds on tightly and hopes it will never end.
They lay there for a moment, and Robin's fingers drum lightly against Nancy's side.
"Hey, Nance?" she keeps her voice quiet to match the moment.
"They're homemade cookies," Robin whispers conspiratorially. "Your mom's homemade cookies," she adds, and her fingers squeeze Nancy, tighten for a second. "She gave us cookies before dinner, and I'm afraid if we don't eat 'em soon, she's gonna realize and take them away."
Nancy swats her shoulder, pushing her back a little, but she's still smiling. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
Robin sits up, finding the plate of cookies where she left them, and she brings it up between them. As she does this, Nancy grabs a blanket and tosses it over both their legs.
And that's where Karen finds them a little later when she comes to the door of Nancy's bedroom. All she can see are Robin's feet sticking out from beneath a blanket, but she can hear them giggling inside the little fort they've made. They don't hear her slip inside, so she quietly leaves. Downstairs, she puts together two plates of food. She gives Nancy an extra bread roll, covered in garlic butter and parmesan, just the way she likes, and she makes sure that the foods on Robin's plate don't touch. To Michael's jealous protests, Karen heads back to Nancy's room. She'll let them eat in the bedroom just this once (it will end up not being just this once.) 
And it's worth it for the bright smiles on their faces when Karen announces her presence, crouching down and knocking on one of the desk chairs to get their attention. They're all cozy when she peeks in, all wrapped up in each other beneath a blanket. Robin is holding a book, had been reading aloud to Nancy, offering her own running commentary as she did so, just to keep making Nancy laugh.
"I brought dinner up," Karen tells them. Nancy gasps and Robin's eyes widen. "Don't make me regret it," she adds, passing them each a plate. A warning not to make a mess, but she's smiling as she says it.
She pulls the door closed behind her, leans back against it for a moment. 
She hears Robin's voice inside. "Nancy, I love your mom. But I think someone must have replaced her with an alien or something."
"She's not an alien, Rob." She can picture Nancy's eye roll, can hear the laughter in her voice.
"I dunno. Cookies before dinner. And now dinner is in your room! I never thought I'd see the day."
"We've eaten in my bedroom."
"But not dinner, Nance. Not a whole meal! Nope, something's up in the Wheeler house."
Karen doesn't hear Nancy's quiet response but she does hear the laughter that follows, Robin's first and then Nancy's right after. They're happy, and Karen will let them have this, wants them to have this just a little while longer, as long as they can.
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thefluffychipmunk · 1 year
Fruity Four Advent Calendar Day 1 - Christmas Lights
One House To Rule Them All
"Seatbelts!" Steve yelled out, checking the rearview as he heard the scramble for belts and several clicks. Robin was sitting comfortably in the passenger seat, utilizing her permanent shotgun privileges, with Holly wiggling excitedly on her lap. Dustin and Erica argued briefly over how to make the back middle belt fit them both. Lucas, Max, Will, and El flashed him thumbs up from the jump seats in the way back. Mike was already buckled in, squished between the back passenger window and Dustin. Eddie clicked in behind Steve and leaned forward despite the lapbelt holding his hips back.
"What are we doing again?" He asked. He sounded nervous."Looking at Christmas lights." Steve answered, doing a quick second check to make sure everyone really was buckled in.
“But why?” Eddie asked again, sitting back as much as he could. He had to angle himself some. It was a tight fit with four of them even though Erica was small and Mike was more bone than anything else.
“Because they’re pretty. Haven’t you ever gone looking at lights?” Erica scoffed at him.
“I’m Jewish,” he replied. She glared at him for a beat. Steve watched as Eddie looked around the car, settling on Will, the only other Jewish person he knew of, hoping for help. Will just shrugged.
“We do it every year. She’s right. They’re pretty.” Eddie huffed. and sat back. 
“Fine. I’m poor and gas is expensive. Sometimes the Donelly’s three trailers down put Santa hats on their lawn flamingos. Does that count?” All he got was a bunch of blank stares and a snicker from Max. 
“You can go with us now. We’ll show you the way.” Erica shoved at him gently. She was practically in his lap so he couldn’t go far, but he shifted over as much as he could anyway. Steve turned the car on and backed out of the driveway. He waved at Mrs. Wheeler as she watched them drive off. Robin shuffled through the radio stations until she found one playing Christmas music. 
"Okay. But why are we in the Wheeler station wagon? And is this even safe?" Steve chanced another glance in the rearview. Eleven people were crammed into a car that was meant to sit nine at capacity. But Erica was still pretty small and Holly was only six. It would be fine. They weren’t driving fast. It was fine. Totally fine.
“Strictly speaking? Probably not. But we wouldn’t all fit any other way.” Steve slowly made his way down the street. He was heading to the back of the neighborhood first.
“My mom used to drive us, ever since we were kids." Mike explained. Steve rolled his eyes. They were still kids. "Steve started doing it right after Will went missing and came back. My mom was sick and my dad is useless. Steve was still dating Nancy so he was always around and he was the only one with a driver's license"
"He volunteered!” Lucas chimed in from the back. Eddie hummed in the back of his throat and Steve knew that sound. That meant annoyance. 
“You could have stayed home. It would have been okay.” Steve tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice. He loved this tradition. He loved when it had just been Holly and the four boys and he loved it with every year and every new addition to the drive. Even last year, when Will and El had been in California, Robin had been added and she had lessened the sting of their absence. But everyone was back now. He had been excited to add Eddie to the mix.
“You asked me to come. I’ll be wherever you want me to be.” Eddie leaned forward to talk softly, meant for his ears only though the entire car probably heard, and he blushed. 
They drove through the neighborhood where the Wheelers and Sinclairs lived first. There were some pretty displays, a few yard decorations, mostly just lights on porches and gutters. They went through Dustin’s neighborhood. Through the middle class suburbs with the homemade displays. Steve took them through the mini-mansions in Loch Nora and their professionally decorated houses, both inside and out, with trees glowing in every street-facing window. A few had tasteful displays of just candles lit up in every window. Eddie seemed to appreciate those, though the kids all called them boring. Steve just liked spending time with everyone. 
Holly was just starting to get whiny, antsy in Robin’s lap, when he pulled out onto the main road and drove across town. They passed several neighborhoods before finally turning down an unassuming street. 
“Van Hoack! Van Hoack! Van Hoack!” The kids started chanting. They pounded fists onto knees. Holly squealed in delight. Robin grinned wickedly at Eddie through the rearview mirror. Steve just chuckled. He had no idea what he was in for.
He parked the car behind a line of other cars and everyone tumbled out into the cold night air cheering and hollering. They stretched and the kids took off at a run. Holly launched herself at Steve and he picked her up and over his head. She plopped onto his shoulders with a giggle. 
“Why’d we stop?” Eddie asked, sidling up next to Steve and watching the kids careen down a side street.
“Oh, you’ll see.” Robin teased. She matched pace with Steve, reaching up to hold one of Holly’s hands while Steve’s were busy gripping her ankles to keep her steady. Eddie matched him on his other side, shoulder to shoulder, and he burned underneath his clothes where Eddie bumped into him.
It became apparent, before they even got to the end of the street, just why they had stopped the car and walked for this last house. There was a line of people slowly making their way to the end and back again. Most of the houses were dark. But the end of the street glowed with light. It was like a beacon had been lit and every person around was drawn to it. 
The kids were already there, waiting for the rest of them. Eddie slowed as they approached and Steve let go of Holly’s ankle to reach for Eddie’s hand. He tugged him forward until they were both standing right at the edge of the lawn. 
“What in the actual hell.” Eddie wondered. Steve laughed.
They were standing in front of an average sized, middle class house. There were Christmas lights covering the entire house. The roof. The gutters. Even the posts on the porch were lined with lights. There were lights on every bush, shrub, and tree in the front yard. There were lights lining the driveway, the walkways, and the edges by the sidewalk, lighted candy canes a makeshift barrier. There were wooden displays in a few spots, hand painted and lit by spotlights in the grass. There were inflatables taking up every other available spot of grass.
It was truly atrocious. It was so ugly. It must take ages to set up and cost a small fortune in electricity and it clogged up the street with people stopping just to ogle the house. It was cluttered and tacky. 
Steve loved every bit of it.
“Welcome to the Van Hoack’s house. They do this every year.” Robin kissed Eddie’s cheek, though he was too stunned to acknowledge it, and moved over to the other kids, joining in their chatter. They were trying to pick out which decorations were new and arguing over what color lights the Van Hoacks had put up the previous year. 
“What do you think?” Steve asked him quietly. Holly was still on his shoulders, clapping and laughing and pointing at different things.
“This is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.” Eddie’s eyes roved over everything, darting from one display to another. He finally looked over at Steve and a grin split his face. “I love it.”
"Steve! Look! Mommy says Daddy has to kiss her when she stands under one of these!" Holly squealed and pointed directly above them. Sure enough, hanging from a branch that fell over the sidewalk right at the edge of the yard, a bundle of green lights dangled in an approximation of mistletoe. There might have been an actual plant in that tangle of lights but it was hard to see, more Christmas lights than anything else.
Steve looked at Eddie. Eddie looked at Steve. Steve considered it, for a split second, but there were so many people around. Just holding Eddie's hand was dangerous enough even if it was under the pretense of pulling him to the house.
Eddie reached up and grabbed Holly around the waist, lifting her easily and blowing raspberries on her cheek as he set her down. She flailed and laughed. 
"Not like that! That's not kisses!" she squealed. 
"That's not kisses? Then what are kisses?" Eddie asked. Holly giggled and tugged on his jacket. He leaned down and she gave him a little kiss on his cheek. 
"Oh! That makes sense. Can I try again?" He blew another raspberry on her cheek. She turned and wrapped her arms around Steve's leg.
"He doesn't know how, Steve!" Steve kissed the top of her head. "Teach him!" He looked around again. So many people, and at least half of them were watching the three of them. It was mostly fond looks, but still. That fondness would turn sour real fast. There was no way. He couldn't.
"Rain check on that lesson, Munson?" Eddie grinned at him, wicked and teasing. Steve felt like he just walked into a trap.
"Sure. But I charge interest. One kiss per minute of postponement."
"I'll have to come to your place after this. That's going to take awhile to pay. And I always pay in full." Steve lowered his voice as Eddie blushed. To everyone else, it was two kids joking to make a little girl happy at Christmas. To Steve, it was a promise. 
And he always kept his promises.
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
What's The Hype About?
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Summary: What's the fuss about kissing? A rewrite of the scene from the movie My Girl, but with baby Byler.
Warnings: nothing :)
Pairing: Will Byers x Mike Wheeler
Words: 952 words
A/N: So I posted this a few weeks ago, but I can't find it anywhere, even though I've spent ages looking for it, and I need the link to the posted version of this fic, so I decided to repost it- I hope y'all don't mind :) This was originally requested in an ask, but again, I can't find the original post, so I guess it's all just lost to the endless pit of Tumblr >:/ If you haven't already read it, enjoy! And yes, I know that Sattler's Quarry is all rocky, but for my sake I've decided that there's sand and trees to fit my mental picture of it-
Mike and Will sat at the edge of the lake at Sattler’s Quarry, dipping their bare feet into the cool water and stirring them around in lazy circles to make ripples in the water. The mid-July sun beamed down around them, hot and enveloping. Mike ran his fingers through the sand, brows furrowed. He had a lot on his mind- at least, a lot for a ten year old boy whose thoughts were usually consumed by D&D and science fiction movies.
“Hey, Will?” Mike blurted out, turning toward Will. The other boy stopped swirling his feet and looked at him.
“Yeah, Mike?” 
“Does.. Does Jonathan ever talk about girls with you?” Mike asked, contemplating a conversation he’d had with Nancy the day prior. She’d come running home after some party that she’d been invited to, and poured out a metric ton of information to Mike about what had happened- including the fact that apparently, she’d had her first kiss.
Mike didn’t get the fuss. He never saw his parents kiss, so if kissing wasn’t a sign of love like everyone else seemed to think it was, what was the point? Nancy told him that it was fun, but Mike had his doubts- he didn’t like to be touched in most cases, let alone on the face with someone else’s face. Nancy had insisted he would understand eventually, but Mike was dubious. 
“I mean, not really.” Will looked back down at the water, resuming the simple swirling motions from earlier. “I don’t think he really cares about all that stuff. He’s always busy with his camera, he doesn’t really hang out with many people, you know? I guess he just doesn’t think about it much.” 
Mike frowned. He glanced down, scooping his fingers through the warm sand. “It seems like all Nancy ever talks about is boys. She came home from a stupid party last night, and the only thing she wanted to talk about with me was how she kissed some boy for the first time. She said it was fun, for whatever reason.” Will wrinkled his nose in response.
“I’m glad Jonathan isn’t like that. He tells me about cool things, like the music he listens to. You could maybe use that talk- you listen to some weird stuff.”
Mike playfully splashed a handful of water at Will, who squeaked in response and scooted back away from the waters edge. Mike pulled himself up, and held out a hand to Will, tugging him up onto his feet. The boys retreated into the comfortable shade of a nearby oak tree, Mike resting his head on the trunk as Will settled down in front of him, legs pulled up in front of his chest.
“Do you..” Mike hesitated, looking down. “Do you ever get curious? About.. I don’t know, just what it’s like?” Will knitted his brows together, confused.
“Curious about what?”
Mike grimaced, not wanting to be the one to say it. I mean, how do you talk about this? Kissing was weird, and while Nancy seemed to think talking about it was fine, Mike wasn’t sure he agreed.
“Kissing, I mean. Do you ever wonder what it’s like?”
Will rested his head on his knees, arms wrapped around his legs.
“I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it. I wouldn’t know how to, anyways. How do people know what they’re doing?” Will asked, peering at Mike with questioning eyes. Mike shrugged.
“How hard can it be? Here, you can always practice on your arm if you want. It’s easy,” Mike held up his arm and pecked at it, Will following suit, albeit a bit slower. “Okay, okay- that’s fine. See, you’re fine at it!”     “I don’t know. I guess I just don’t get the hype. Can it really be that fun?” Will twisted his fingers together absentmindedly, thinking. 
“Can’t know until you try it,” Mike raised his eyebrows, and nudged Will. “Should.. I mean, do you want to try it? Just to see?” Kissing might be weird, but maybe if he tried it first, it would be easier later on. Right? That’s why he wanted to do this? It was Will, so there’s no way it would be weird- who cares if everyone only talked about a boy and a girl, surely this was fine.
Will hesitated for a second, then grinned. “Why not? Might as well get it out of the way.” He leaned forward, planting a quick kiss on Mike’s lips before pulling away. 
Huh. That.. wasn’t so bad. Mike looked at Will, mulling over what had just happened.
“Well? Say something!” Will poked Mike in the stomach, waiting for a response. What was he supposed to say? He’d just kissed his best friend, was there something that you were supposed to follow with?
“Uhh… hi?” Mike offered, cracking a slight smile. Will looked at him expectantly, eyebrow arched, before dissolving into laughter.
“It was kinda weird, but I guess it wasn’t half bad?”  
“Half bad? Are you sure that isn’t an insult?” Mike joked, shoving Will lightly on the shoulder.
“Hey!” Will knocked Mike’s hand back and pulled himself up, starting to walk backwards to the water. Mike leapt to his feet and followed him, picking up his pace into a slow run, chasing Will back down to the shore.
The boys spent the rest of the day like that, running around in the hot sand of the quarry, teasing and laughing. 
Mike wouldn’t understand until years later why his stomach fluttered for those few seconds, or why he laid awake that night in his bed reliving the moment. But for now, he was content with the knowledge that maybe, just maybe- kissing wasn’t all that bad.
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once-upon-an-imagine · 10 months
There Are Worse Things I Could Do (Preview) - Eddie Munson
Number two; Eddie... this is what I have so far for Chapter 3 (which does not include Eddie 🤣) I am missing half of the chapter and have the main idea of what I want to write but yet again, the words are not coming out, hope you like this so far though! 😊
There Are Worse Things I Could Do
I could flirt with all the guys Smile at them and bat my eyes 
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“Seriously? We have been through this for like four hours now! Even Erica gets it and she’s ten years old!” Mike snapped at you. 
“First of all, she’s eleven, Michael! And secondly, you do not talk to me that way! Time out for you!”
“What? You can’t give me a time-out! I’m fourteen-!” he complained, standing up.
“Time out, Michael Wheeler” you said between clenched teeth as you stood up and looked up at him. You may be shorter than him, but you could still see the same fear in his eyes. “Now!”
Mike turned to look at Dustin, who simply shrugged, knowing they would not argue with you whenever you put one of the guys in time-out. He sighed and looked back at you. 
“Fine” he said, walking over to the kitchen. “But I’m leaving because I want to” he mumbled as he walked over to the kitchen to grab something to drink and then to the living room. You rolled your eyes, frustrated, sitting back down. Dustin and Mike had been trying to teach you how to play Dungeons & Dragons for the entire afternoon—trying being the keyword. 
“Don’t listen to Mike” Dustin said, placing his hand on your shoulder. “You know he has like zero patience and I think he’s fighting with El or something, I don’t know” he tried to cheer you up. “Why is this so important to you anyway? I mean, you told us Eddie said he’d teach you” he said, confused. 
“I know” you sighed. “I just… didn’t want him to think that I knew nothing about Dungeons and Dragons” you explained. 
“But… you know nothing about Dungeons and Dragons” he chuckled. “And that’s the whole point of him teaching you, isn’t it?” 
“I guess” you said. 
“You know how when we were little, you could always tell when one of us was lying?” “I still can” you informed him. “Well, so can we. We can tell when you’re lying” he told you. “And I know there’s something you’re not telling me” he said. 
“Really? You all can tell when I’m lying?” 
“Fine. Will and I can” he confessed, making you smile. “So, what’s going on?”
“I hate that you are growing up” you chuckled. “Fine, I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh at me” you said. 
“Pinky swear” he said, sticking out his pinky and you took it. 
“I don’t want Eddie to know that I don’t get this because… he’s the first person that hasn’t made me feel dumb” you muttered. 
“What?” Dustin asked, offended. “Including us?” 
“Dustin, I love you, but yes, you are ridiculously smart, and sometimes you need to get your ego checked. It’s funny when you do it to Steve but sometimes you have done it to me” you informed him. 
“Sorry” he muttered. 
“It’s fine. I know you don’t do it to be mean” you smiled. “Look, I know you guys have noticed I’m not really the most liked girl in school” you rolled your eyes. “And Eddie has been one of the few people to be nice to me. He always has been nice to me and he actually stood up for me in our math class so I just… I don’t know I don’t want him to think I’m dumb-”
“You’re not dumb!” Dustin argued. 
“I’m not… the brightest, okay? I’m not top of my class or anything and I really struggle with math which is like the main thing of this game!” 
“So… if you don’t like math, why do you want to play it? We have been trying to get you to play for years” he said confused and then he gasped. “Oh, my God! You like Eddie!”
“What? No, I don’t!” you scoffed. “He’s just my friend!”
“Are you sure?” he asked, smirking and resting his head on his hand. 
“Yes, I’m sure” you glared at him. 
“You don’t sound so sure” he laughed. 
“You know what, I’m gonna go grab something to drink” you said, getting up. 
“Sure, change the subject, that doesn’t prove my point at all!” you heard him all the way from the pantry as you walked over to the fridge. 
You grabbed a soda and tried to shake Dustin’s comment off your head. You didn’t like Eddie. Not like that. He was just nice. And sweet. And funny. And…
“Why is Mike sitting down on the couch grumbling about being in time-out?” Steve asked, closing the fridge door and snapping you out of your thoughts. He then grabbed your soda making you roll your eyes and get another one. 
“Because he is in time-out for yelling at me” you explained as Steve laughed. 
“Why did he yell at you?” 
“Because I can’t understand Dungeons and Dragons” you admitted. 
“Dungeons and Dragons? Why are you trying to play their nerdy game?” he laughed. 
“Yes, why are you trying to play our nerdy game?” Dustin said, appearing in the kitchen and looking extremely interested in this conversation. 
“N-no reason” you shrugged, widening your eyes at Dustin. “I’m just… thinkingaboutjoiningHellfire” you mumbled, looking away from Steve. 
“You’re what?” “I just may… be… joiningHellfire” you said. 
“Talk normally” Steve scowled at you. 
“Fine! Eddie asked me to join Hellfire” you said, avoiding Steve’s look. Steve froze for a moment before he turned to look at Dustin.
“Henderson. Time out. Go with Wheeler” he said, calmly. 
“What? You can’t give time-out-”
“Go!” Steve said, pointing at the door. Dustin rolled his eyes and left to the living room. 
“You know that they are just going to listen through the door-”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Steve asked, a little upset. “Why are you even hanging around with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson?”
“Don’t call him that!”  
“Oh, what? He’s your friend now?” 
“Yes, Steve” you glared at him. “He happens to be my friend-”
“Monkey” Steve said, getting serious. “What is going on with you?”
“Nothing” you insisted. 
“There’s nothing going on with me and there’s nothing wrong with Eddie being my friend-” 
“Yes, there is!” Steve argued. 
“Just because you don’t like him because Dustin suddenly has another role model, doesn’t mean he’s a bad person-!”
“That’s not what this is about! Munson is bad news, okay?”
“Why? Because he used to sell you weed?” you said, suddenly making Steve glare at you. “Oh, you think I didn’t know?”
“That’s not the point!”
“Then what is your point, Steve?”
“Is this about Jason?” “Oh, my God! This has nothing to do with Jason! Why do you have to bring him up every time I’m upset about something?”
“Because you won’t even tell me why the two of you broke up in the first place!”
“It’s none of your business!” “And now, what? You’re hanging out with people like Eddie Munson? What about your friends?”
“I DON’T HAVE ANY FRIENDS!” you yelled, making Dustin and Mike appear at the door, peeking their heads in. “Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?” you snapped, as Steve looked at you, confused. 
“W-what are you talking about?” he chuckled. “Of course, you have friends-”
“No, Steve, I don’t” you told him. “Jason made everyone stop talking to me” you explained. 
“What? Why?” 
“Because that’s the kind of person he is, okay? So, I have no friends. Except for Mike, Dustin, Max, sometimes Lucas, Robin because she’s your friend, Nancy because she’s too good of a human being to still talk to me after all the shit she has been through, and Eddie Munson” you said. 
“I’m not a ‘Harrington’ anymore, okay? And I like hanging out with Eddie and he’s nice to me so…” you sighed. 
“Don’t look at me like that” you chuckled sadly. “Please. Everyone looks at me like that” you said. “Except Eddie” you admitted. “So, I honestly don’t care if you like him or not. He’s my friend” you said before leaving the kitchen. 
Steve turned to look at Mike and Dustin and they entered the kitchen. 
“You two knew about this and you didn’t tell me?” 
“She made us pinky promise!” Dustin complained.
To Be Continued
[Ch.1] [Ch.2]
I hope you loves like it, so far! I’m just missing the second part here (which includes Eddie having a conversation with Gareth) again, any ideas, suggestions, headcanons, etc. are always more than welcome! 😁  
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
how does this soccer au work if the upside down still exists?
post s1 nancy gets back into soccer at first bc it’s a non suspicious way to get fit & fast bc there’s this horrible sinking feeling in her gut like it’s not Over which is ridiculous right? but she goes & joins the soccer team & she’s rly good & when she starts having nightmares abt barb again she takes it to the field & establishes herself as a terrifying opponent
& robin is on the team too as goalie but they hardly ever interact bc nancy isn’t here to make friends she’s here to kill in a societally acceptable manner
& then it’s summer of s3 while robin works at scoops, nancy is like “who are you” & robin is like. “Robin, I work with steve” (& DOESNT say hi we have played soccer together for literally six months) then after that nancy starts seeing robin everywhere. at the video store, at the movies with steve, on steve’s couch when she’s dropping mike off to hang out with his friends, & finally the first time on her own when she’s at the school to pick up something up & she sees robins bike chained up & goes to the band room first but it’s empty so she starts heading out & across the parking lot sees someone jogging around the field & robin slows down when she sees nancy leaning against the baseball dugout & she’s like
“you’re the goalie”
& robins like what gave it away?
& nancys like honestly? you have a weird little run
& robins like Jesus wheeler you’re mean but she’s Laughing
& then nancy is like sorry I didn’t recognise you. it’s not because of you it’s because i go into a totally different world when it comes to soccer. i wouldn’t be able to name any of the other girls if that makes it better?
& robin is like aren’t you captain this year?? Which nancy had NOT told her about so she’s like ? how did u know that? & robin starts to be like well you’re scary & our top scorer & you drive incredible plays & I might be invisible but you nancy wheeler are not n nancy is just Looking at her like she has her own personal bullshit detector n robin is like ok FINE i was eavesdropping i heard coach tell you at the end of last season n nancy just Laughs
anyway then they go into senior year & they’re playing together & also they have this secondary bond of knowing about monsters & robin catches nancy practicing her kicking which is how she kills the monsters in her head & nancy is like idk how you’re so calm after what you saw like I’ve been dealing with this for years but you just got plonked into it
& robin is like. most of what happened to me was getting tied up & drugged & puking up my guts in the mall bathroom so you should see me when i have a panic attack going to the bathroom haha but nancy goes rly soft n she’s like does that really happen? n robin is like no just joking but maybe a little. i can’t wear bracelets anymore & some nights i climb out onto my roof bc my room is too small. & mister founder’s class is hell on earth because he shouts like. all the time.
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tuesday, june 25th
7:02 AM
@poppinpaladin changed their username to @imtheheart
@madmax: LMAOOOO???
@madmax: @eggoeggoeleggomax PLZZZ U HAVE TO SEE THIS
@eggoeggoeleggomax: I did not think his username could get worse.
@madmax: so proud of u rn el <33
@brainybard: Michael, please explain your username change.
@imtheheart: fuck off dustin don’t call me michael
@maxpleasetextmeback: Yeahhh only Will can call him that
@imtheheart: stfu. why the fuck are we making fun of MY username when that’s lucas’s??????
@brainybard: That’s his username at least once a week. What’d he do this time Max?
@madmax: bro ate the last dorito :/
@imtheheart: again, how is this less embarrassing than my thing?
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Mike, you are not the heart, you are the ass.
@madmax: LMAOOOOO EL
@brainybard: ^^ El’s onto something…
@imtheheart: fuck you guys. where’s will? @WilltheWise7 ???????? has he answered anyone today ???????
@brainybard: No
@maxpleasetextmeback: It’s literally 7 in the morning
@madmax: $20 says mike is calling him rn
@WilltheWise7: i hate u mike. everyone else owes max 20 dollars.
@imtheheart: i’m sorryy plz go back to sleep i just wanted to make sure you were okay :(
@madmax: immediately nauseous.
@WilltheWise7: it’s fine i’m up now :) & i like your username ;)
@maxpleasetextmeback: Holy shit. Make it Stop
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Mike? Are you okay?
@WilltheWise7: he does that sometimes when he’s excited..
@imtheheart: no i don’t hahaha lol i just spilled something on my phone and i was trying to wipe it off.
@eggoeggoeleggomax: You lie?
@madmax: just like papa. el get his ass.
@brainybard: We skated past the username change wayyy too quickly… Why did you change it Mike? And Will, why would you say you like it????
@eggoeggoleggomax: I know why Will said
@WilltheWise7: el’s just joking lol. but her phone died & she told me to tell y’all she can’t text back anymore :(
@madmax: will istg if u powered her phone off & told her it was dead-
@WilltheWise7: yeah… so mike why don’t you explain that username :p
@imtheheart: can i?
@madmax: oh my god. i didn’t even know he knew how to ask for permission. holy shit.
@imtheheart: shut the fuck up max
@madmax: die
@WilltheWise7: idc mike you can tell them if you want to :)
@imtheheart changed their username to @willsaidimtheheart
@willsaidimtheheart: i tried to add a smiley face but it wouldn’t let me. what the fuck
@brainybard: Interesting…
@maxpleasetextmeback: Be so honest Mike was that the original plan for the username change but you didn’t want to do it before Will woke up and gave you permission LMAOO
@willsaidimtheheart: …
@WilltheWise7: you guys are being so mean to mike today :(
@madmax: literally how every single interaction i’ve ever had with him since we’ve met has gone
@willsaidimtheheart: willlll, can you please answer the phone one more time pleaseee
@brainybard: This is really embarrassing buddy
@willsaidimtheheart: dustin i will literally murder your new cat shut the everloving fuck up
@WilltheWise7 changed their user to @urtheheart
@madmax: NAHHHH
@maxpleasetextmeback: Will… no….
@brainybard: That phone call must’ve been literally 2 minutes how did he convince you that fast??
@madmax: you probably don’t wanna know…
@urtheheart: he said he’d do my math homework for the rest of the school year :)
@maxpleasetextmeback: He literally does that anyways
@urtheheart: but now he can’t complain >:)
@madmax: bro literally smiles while doing your homework…
@madmax: down horrendous
@willsaidimtheheart: okay you guys are making it weird
@madmax: we’re making it weird, wheeler??? what the fuck inspired u to change ur username to some cringy ass shit at 7 in the morning
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Jonathan helped me with my phone. Friends do not lie, Will.
@urtheheart: brothers do :/
@eggoeggoeleggomax: I know what inspired Mike, Max.
@brainybard: Oh, this is gonna be good.
@madmax: please share w the class el
@eggoeggoeleggomax: The class? Did we have school today?
@madmax: no sorry just tell us on here
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Okay. I learned a new word today.
@maxpleasetextmeback: Wtf Max you’ve literally never said sorry to me before…
@madmax: shut up lucas
@maxpleasetextmeback: Okay, sorry <3
@brainybard: Eleven, PLEASE what is the new word???
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Gay. It is when a boy wants to kiss another boy and be his boyfriend. I think Mike is gay and wants to be Will’s boyfriend. This is why he would not say he loved me (when Max says I am perfect) and why he kisses weird. This is also why I dumped his ass.
@madmax: … omfg el LMAOOOOO
@willsaidimtheheart: woaaaahhhh el chill hahahahhaa what are you even talking about?? i’m literally so straight. literally everyone thinks will would objectively be a good boyfriend and objectively be really good to kiss, that’s just cuz will is cool. don’t make it weird omg :/
brainybard: I can say for a certain 100% fact I have never thought about Will being a boyfriend or a good kisser….
@maxpleasetextmeback: Really? I definitely have
@willsaidimtheheart: what the fuck lucas take that back right now. seriously. what the actual fuck??? i hate you so much don’t ever talk to me again. don’t even come NEAR will or istg i will beat you up. fuck u lucas
@madmax: definitely the “so straight” response
@urtheheart: mike that’s very flattering but you definitely can’t beat lucas up :/
@maxpleasetextmeback: So you’re saying I’d be a better boyfriend than Mike? :D
@urtheheart: ur username isn’t promising but neither was mike’s last relationship
@madmax: good one will :p
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Because he is gay.
@willsaidimtheheart: HOLY SHIT oh my god everybody shut up. new topic!!!!!
@willsaidimtheheart: will, how are you today? :) also if you feel like it no pressure… could you specify that you like me more than lucas? (especially if we were pretending to be boyfriends).
@madmax: exact same topic u r really dumb asf
@urtheheart: hmmm
@willsaidimtheheart: lol it’s finee if you don’t want to (i’m going to lose sleep over this)
@maxpleasetextmeback: You’re just pathetic Mike
@urtheheart: mike would probably be a better boyfriend to me, hypothetically
@willsaidimtheheart: JAKFLCKZLAODMVKFKKP
@willsaidimtheheart: JEKGOCOSOSOX!!!!!!!!
@willsaidimtheheart: hypothetically, will, i would do absolutely anything u asked of me and love you more than i love myself and kiss you allllll the time like never stop kissing you but hypothetically lol
@brainybard: I’m seriously getting embarrassed for you Mike
@maxpleasetakemeback: God, my ears. Also, Will is obviously just saying that so Max doesn’t get her feelings hurt.
@willsaidimtheheart: oh.
@willsaidimtheheart: is that true…
@madmax: i would not care
@urtheheart: she wouldn’t care
@urtheheart: lmaoo same minds
@madmax: maybe me and will should just date
@maxpleasetextmeback: NO
@willsaidimtheheart: i’ll kill myself
@urtheheart: hmm maybe we should max
@maxpleasetextmeback: SAY SIKE RN SAY SIKE RN SAY SIKE RN
@willsaidimtheheart: taking a bath with my toaster don’t hmu
@urtheheart: obviously it’s a joke mikey :) put the toaster away <3
@willsaidimtheheart: LWLTOVOSKAJDJFJKFL
@willsaidimtheheart: is it okay if i make a bagel first
@brainybard: Bro???
@urtheheart: r u being fr
@willsaidimtheheart: i don’t wanna not put the toaster away if u asked me to but now i want a bagel. can i
@urtheheart: yes idiot just don’t burn yourself
@willsaidimtheheart: i’ll try harder than usual :)
@maxpleasetextmeback: Yawnnn separate chat to flirt.
@brainybard: Bro. Your username… no room to talk Lucas
@eggoeggoeleggomax: Mike is gay I think.
@willsaidimtheheart signed out
@urtheheart changed their username to @WilltheWise7
@brainybard: That’s our boy.
@WilltheWise7: lol but mike wanted me to clarify that “he didn’t sign out bc he’s gay, but bc he’s busy and not gay” ?????? :(
@eggoeggoeleggomax: He is gay.
@madmax: ^
@brainybard: ^
@maxpleasetextmeback: ^
@WilltheWise7: ^
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