#but seeing a tall man who looks like he'd be a nerd with a good singing voice? weak
asterlark · 8 months
sometimes i wonder if i'm just a lesbian not bisexual but then i see an attractive man and i'm like nvm still bi
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Esther’s boyfriend asks Lenny for permission to marry her (maybe he asked Joel and midge too dealers choice)
Sure, Seth Goldblum likes comedy. He's heard all the greats- even taken his girlfriend to see Richard Pryor live that one time. That was fun. He knows, Seth knows, that he's not a terribly funny person himself. Sure, he's a smart guy. Good schooling, good family from Upstate. He likes jokes. He can keep up with jokes.
He just uh...
Here's the thing.
His girlfriend - his beloved girlfriend of three years, who is in her second year of law school, and is beautiful and smart and fun, and very, very smart...her step-father?
Lenny Bruce.
Lenny fucking Bruce.
That guy can tell a fucking joke.
Seth is currently studying to get his Masters in archival science. He wants to eventually work at the National Archives in DC. He is a nerd.
Seth is a nerd. A dweeb. A dork.
And he's about to ask one of the greatest comedians of the last century if it's okay to marry said comedian's step-daughter.
Assuming she says yes.
Shit, she might not say yes.
That's besides the point. He's gotta get past her family first. He'd asked her mother, and she'd said yes, and he'd tried to track down her biological father, and had no luck, which was weird, because he's somewhere in Manhattan, but Esther's mother wouldn't tell Seth where, and he can't ask Esther.
So now there's just Lenny Bruce.
Lenny Bruce.
Fuck's sake, he's about to talk to Lenny Bruce.
He'd nearly crapped himself talking to THE Mrs. Maisel. Why did he have to fall for a girl with such famous parents?
The man is doing a small gig at the Village Vanguard. The place is packed, and Seth stands at the back, watching the man do his act.
He's older now, in his mid-fifties, but he's sharp, and the jokes come fast, and it's wild to watch this man work, even from behind all these people.
And it's hard to approach him when he's done, partially because there are so many people lined up to beg for an autograph outside the club after the show, and partially because Lenny Bruce isn't exactly an approachable man. Tall and dark-haired, though it's peppered with gray. Steely-eyed.
Though he softens just a little at the sight of Seth.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" Lenny asks, looking around. "You bring Esther with you?"
"She's got a paper to write, sadly," Seth explains. "But I uh...was hoping to catch you and ask you a question."
Lenny Bruce lifts one of his very famous eyebrows, and nods towards the alley behind him, and Seth follows, as the man pulls a pack of cigarettes out and offers him one.
"No thanks," Seth grins sheepishly. "I'm not cool enough."
Lenny chuckles, amused (He's amused Lenny Bruce holy shit!), as he lights his own. "So?"
Seth takes a breath. "Uh. So. Esther."
The older man immediately gets serious. "What's wrong?"
"No! No, she's- Esther is great, she's fine," Seth assures him. "I uh...I wanted to uh...talk to you. About. So." He takes a deep breath. "I asked Midge, and she said yes. And...I couldn't find Esther's dad, because Midge wouldn't give up the address, and Esther doesn't really talk to him much anymore, so you're the next best person."
Lenny stays silent, taking a long drag from his cigarette.
"I would like to ask Esther to marry me," Seth finally spits out. "And before I do, I figured I should get some parental approval to do so."
More silence. Lenny regards him seriously, narrowing his eyes. "Joel - that's Esther's biological father - Esther decided not to have a relationship anymore. She got pretty hurt the last time they hung out, so she decided no more."
Seth frowns. "I didn't know."
"Right. Well. If you're going to ask her to marry you, you should probably have an outline of that relationship so you don't get it in your head to go looking for him to reunite them," Lenny shrugs.
Seth blinks. "So...so that's a yes? That's- you're saying yes?"
Lenny blows out a large puff of smoke. "Esther loves you. You're a good kid. You're no public speaker, but you're a good kid. She's grown. If she wants to get married, she'll say yes. If she doesn't, she tell you no."
The younger man swallow. "Right. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks!"
Lenny chuckles. "I didn't actually do anything. She's Midge's daughter. She's going to do whatever she wants no matter what anyone says, so even if I thought you were a schmuck and an idiot, it wouldn't matter."
Lenny gestures with his cigarette. "Sure."
Seth takes a relieved breath. "Okay. I uh...I guess I'll leave you alone now."
"Yes, please, I have more adoring fans to please, and then a wife to please at home."
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the-nysh · 2 years
Why do some fans mischarectise Garou as this smirking bad boy who was a fuckboy in High School and then a sexually promiscuous young man during his stay in Bang's dojo? If I'm allowed to headcanon him on this subject: Garou would be painfully awkward around girls his age....They notice and gush about his tall, lithe body hidden under a tight black bodysuit which shows off his impressive back muscles, 8 pack, thick thighs and bulging biceps...And he wouldn't even look at them because of lack of social skills...I'm talking about beautiful girls in a normal, nonviolent situation. I wanted your thoughts & headcanons on this situation.
Because his surface traits and performative behaviors are often interpreted and taken literally at face value. When he himself is trying his hardest to project a false (defensive) 'bad boy' image & persona, that it's even lampshaded in canon (by Tareo, no less) for him to stop pretending to be someone he's not, otherwise people will misunderstand him. It's so meta that even readers are guilty of (mis)judging him the very same. :') When the real him is anything but.
Because (and I've said this before but) think about him in terms of Jessica Rabbit: Garou's not bad (as in literally 'evil,' sleazily promiscuous, a trashy edgy misogynistic fuckboy, a yandere, or anything of the sort) he's just drawn that way. Especially by a very thirsty Murata. The real Garou is a socially awkward dork, a very focused training/fighting nerd, and a compassionate (strongly emotional) softie with heroic impulses to protect the weak & marginalized. Who gets upset and deeply angry on behalf of the unfairness/injustices suffered by others. However, any time he displayed these admirable traits as a kid, he was singled out as the oddball 'bad kid' and bullied/punished for it, so it's understandable why he warily avoids others, and is reluctant/doesn't like to show his soft side and has poor confidence in himself; believing he can't ever be 'good enough'...lest he gets thoroughly hurt and humiliated for it all over again. :')
As to how this relates to your headcanon situation (which closely aligns with what I've mentioned before heh) - yes, normally Garou is so focused on his own interests and what he feels is most important, that he'd be oblivious to and wouldn't spare a glance or notice™ the attention from other girls in that way (especially when he can't even believe or expect it - we see how awkwardly he reacts to receiving praise/gratitude he doesn't see coming!) So I strongly believe he typically wouldn't show interest it that stuff either, unless the girls were actively getting harmed and he couldn't help but take action to step in (like when he punched the sleazy HA guy for basically harassing those girls.) Otherwise Garou would respect women and keep his distance.
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theharddeck · 2 years
What sports did the dagger squad play during hs/college?
oh my gosh another great one!! okay so i set this in high school bc i was a three-sport kid and i have no context for collegiate athletics beyond attending football games
so the obvious one is Nat and lacrosse, right? she's been team captain since sophomore year, she is absolutely ferocious on the field, and each year, she takes the insecure freshman under her wing and makes them a personalized workout plan to make sure they're as strong as they can be. she picks out the uniform designs in colors that flatter everyone on the team, she's coordinating snack schedules with team moms, and on the bus home from away games she's quietly doing her homework in the back row
Bob is a swimmer is this because i'm a swimmer so it's what i pick shhhh no. it's a compete-with-yourself sport, it's one where the goal is to best your own time, not physically restrain someone else. to me, bob is also built like a swimmer, like he's more sleek/lean than bulky, and it's never a worry about his glasses bc it's a no contact sport. he has no idea half the girl's team is in love with him, always deck changing near him, or asking him to be their lap counter during the distance events.
Adjacently, Javy did water polo is this because i also did water polo and was in love with a man who looked like Greg who played on the boys' team shhhh also no, obviously . if you've been around water polo boys, you know--they are pretty, they are built, they are a little messy, they are a little stupid. i say this with love. they're kind guys, they're guys who know how stupidly attractive they are, and have you seen the man's hands?? built for polo, and that is all i will say for staying G-rated.
in the same way Javy has a water polo vibe, Bradley has a volleyball vibe. It's a chill sport, it's also custom made for hot, tall, men, and I think he'd fall into it and be accidentally good at it. I think he'd allso be extra conscious of Carole's fear of contact sports, so he'd stay away from football and soccer and basketball. I can see him always having a volleyball in his backseat, and when he's at the beach, it always comes out to rally back and forth with a couple of guys.
I think Mickey did everything, he genuinely loves being on a team. Football in the fall, wrestling in the spring, lacrosse in the spring, I think he's annoyingly good at anything. he has a good awareness of where everything and everyone is, he has great reactions, but it's his attitude that everyone really appreciates, like he's always positive and encouraging and he's a solid team member. side note, i'm pretty sure mickey was homecoming king, and it absolutely blindsided him because he just thought everyone had as many friends as he did.
Reuben is track and field, all the way. he does basketball when it's in season, because he's tall and the coach literally begged him, but he loves distance running. he loves that it's just you in your head, that it's mental after a point, that it's just your body and a track, and that you're competing with yourself. he could've gone to college for it; got a couple good scholarships, but he wanted to keep it as a hobby on the side, and focused on the academy anyways.
this is a curveball, but i really see Jake as not doing sports? like the man is a perfectionist--he's not about to be the one who fumbles and costs the team a goal (or worse: be benched during the pivotal play??) i see him in middle school trying out for things, realizing he could do any of the things but probably not be The Best, and deciding to focus on school. so he's a nerd, but he studies at home/plays it off like he's not trying, and gets really into working out bc he likes how it makes him look. so he's probably at the gym with the football guys before school, working out with them, but he doesn't play on a team or anything
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rubber-ring · 1 year
Morse Code
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Tags: morse code, Spencer Reid fluff, autistic Spencer Reid, Spencer Reid loves Derek Morgan, Derek Morgan loves Spencer Reid, short & sweet, fluff
Words: 1,398
Spencer has never been good with his emotions or talking about them, but he is good at morse code.
Link To the Work on Ao3
Spencer Reid was never sure how to go about identifying or expressing his emotions. Sure, he knew the basics, smile when you're happy, frown when you're sad, raise your eyebrows when you're surprised, but anything past that was undecipherable in the doctors head. Which–for someone who's used to solving ciphers in seconds, minutes maybe–was beyond frustrating. He knew that is was a result of his autism, that a lot of things were a result of that, but nothing had impacted him so harshly.
He was able to identify other people's emotions, could tell based on body language, pupil dilation, their breathing, their words. Even if it was a part of his job, he'd been doing it for years just to calculate how he should react. What would be appropriate and expected of him. But Spencer couldn't look at those things in himself, obviously. He couldn't see his own pupils unless he was in front of a mirror, and he always kept his body language in check. Not too relaxed, but not too alert. Shoulders slumped slightly, but eyes open and eyebrows raised just the tiniest amount, a ghost of a forced smile on his lips in an attempt to appear normal.
This is why, late one night, the realization he was in love with Derek Morgan hit him like a truck. His coworker and supposed best friend.
The night had started out just fine, Spencer pacing around his tiny apartment and occasionally sipping his sugar with a side of coffee. He was thinking idly about past cases, but chuckled at his own quip about his drink. It's what Morgan called it, due to the doctors need to overwhelm the bitter liquid with sugar in order to make it tolerable. He needed to caffeine, and hated the taste of black coffee, sugar was the obvious choice. He felt his chest tighten at the thought of Morgan, and his cheeks heat up as he smiled into his coffee. Morgan was nice, he was funny, he was attractive.
Not that Reid was attracted to him, of course. It's only natural to find the older agent good looking, he was tall, fit, muscular. Practically the spitting image of "the perfect man".
Nevertheless, the feeling in his chest didn't go away, and it caused Spencer to sit down. Thinking came naturally, he was good at this, he could figure out what was wrong. Morgan was a great friend, he enjoyed his company, the movies nights they would have, the prank war(s). He never made fun of Spencer for needing accommodations and–even if it took him 6 months, 7 days and 2 hours to figure it out–all of Morgan's comments were lighthearted. Spencer found himself smiling at the "pretty boy" nickname instead of scowling and thinking Morgan was trying to be the typical "jock who pickes on the scrawny nerd".
Morgan was a great friend, but so was Emily or JJ, and he certainly didn't get this feeling when he thought about them. This is where that truck comes in, and the thought makes him hold his breath. The only other time he remembers feeling this way was with his first (and last) partner, someone who he had adored, in a romantic sense. Definitely not in a planotic "this is my best friend" way.
Spencer wanted to deny it at first, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense. He hid his face in his hands and sighed, because this changes everything. In reality, it didn't change much, but the realization he was in love with his best friend was enough to make his head feel like it was underwater.
For once in Spencer's life, he couldn't think of a solution.
It wasn't until 2 weeks later, he had finally found the answer to his problem. Reid was practically bursting at the seams at his newfound knowledge, every touch, every ruffle of his hair from Morgan felt like electric jolts that shook down his body. Every "pretty boy" comment making his face heat up more than ever. He didn't know how to express this knowledge, and he certainly wasn't about to tell anyone. Derek hadn't seemed to notice how in shambles he was at the moment, so he figured it was okay for now, but Spencer felt like he was going to explode if he couldn't get out how he felt soon.
So, when he heard the unsub they were hunting was using morse code to taunt his victims, a lightbulb lit up in his head. He knew morse code, had memorized it once because he figured it would be a good skill to have (he doesn't think about how he's never had to actually use it before).
But this was the perfect way for him to express his feelings, no one else on the team new morse code (as far as he knew, because they were making him translate all the messages but it also could have very well been because he was the fastest one on the team when it comes to things like this). It wouldn't even look suspicious, Spencer tapped on things all the time, it was easily one of his favorite ways to stim.
So, whenever he talked to Morgan, his finger found a table, or his thigh...
taptap. tap tap. taptap. tap. tap. tap. taptaptap. tap. tap tap. tap tap. tap. tap. tap. tap. taptap. tap.
I love you.
Whenever Morgan came over for a movie night and whenever Morgan made him laugh, made him smile, the tapping happened. He repeated it, constantly, any time he could. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, because despite no one catching on or knowing morse code, it wasn't just in his head anymore. He had a feeling Emily knew, because Emily knew a lot of things, and he caught her looking at him with a small smile on her face once in the middle of his tapping.
This happened for 2 months, 18 days and 5 hours straight. Spencer found himself not even thinking about the tapping, that he would just end up doing it whenever he was in Morgan's presence. He smiled at that realization, into the cup of coffee he had made. (His fingers tapping against the side of the mug)
"What's got you so giddy, pretty boy?"
He was at Morgan's house, watching Star Trek with him, and for a second he forgot where he was because he jumped slightly, eyes shooting to Morgan.
"Nothing, just...Enjoying the show. Did you know I've seen the entire original series 10 times? I can recite every episode, there's no real reason for me to actually watch them anymore, I just find the visuals comforting and–"
Spencer's fingers paused, and his eyebrows drew together. Morgan was tapping against the couch, right behind Reid's head where he was resting his arm.
tap tap. taptap. tap. tap. tap. taptaptap. tap. tap tap. tap tap. tap. tap. tap. tap. taptap. tap. taptap. tap. tap. tap.
Love you 2.
His head whipped towards Morgan, who was grinning like a mad man. He opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again.
"How...Long have you–?"
"Couple weeks. When you first started it, I knew it sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my mind on it. I figured it was something random, but I noticed you were doing it all the time when I was around, and there was a pattern to it. So, then I thought about how you started after the case with the morse code, and I wrote down what you were tapping. It took me a while to memorize the letters but–"
Spencer cupped Morgan's face in his hands and kissed him. It was gentle, a short, sweet thing, and as quick as Spencer's lips were on him, they were gone. Morgan grinned that toothy smile that gave Reid (metaphorical) butterflies in his stomach, the hand that was on the back of the couch sliding up to plant itself in the doctors hair.
His lips were close enough to Morgan's that he could just barely feel them when he spoke,
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that, Derek"
Morgan in turn leaned forward and gave him another kiss. "And you have no idea how long I've thought about you doing that."
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Give me some Inquisitor/Bull thoughts for the ship bingo! 😌
eeeeee *vibrates bc I've been thinking about them all morning*
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Words cut away beneath to spare those who were expecting gay halo men lmfao
I gifted poor Savraas my innate sense of 'something is off about me so people will leave eventually' so when the tall handsome guy with the pillowy man-bosoms offers no strings attached fun (ha), he sees it as a way to not get his heart broken finally (haha) but still have a nice time.
He knows like technically they're not dating bc well Qunari don't really do that, and that's fine they're still friends, they're still working together and having a hell of a time killing stuff and trying out new weird shit in bed... but Sav still thinks of dragon-killing outings as dates. Very quietly, just to himself. 👉👈 And specifically plans these outings with Bull in mind :) For very normal reasons, of course, dragons are dangerous to the people living nearby their nests. *coughs* Definitely not because his boyfriend loves fighting dragons and his enthusiasm is absolutely darling and he looks so good covered in dragon blood...
Compatible brand of freaks is right bc, well, there's the kinky shit sure but there's also Savraas being a little nerd freak about new lightning spells and the sheer delight he feels watching melee enemies get yoinked back by Static Cage and fried from the inside out by lightning like chicken nuggets squealing in the microwave 😈. And then there's Bull with his wild and terrifying Reaver bloodlust, and dragon lust I suppose (affectionate) something cool happens in battle? these two are both going wild about it. Sera too, when she's there. They have a complicated point system for cool explosions, gibbing and trick shots. Sav won't admit it but he loved getting to explode all that gaatlok.
Also Savraas loves stupid jokes, much to everyone else's dismay because when the two of them really get going there's no stopping until they literally can't breathe for laughing. (Krem dies inside bc he didn't expect to end up with two dads' worth of horrible dad puns)
The Feelings kind of blindside both of them but it's nice. It's really nice. What started as just a 'safe harbor away from the storm' as Varric put it, somewhere Mr. Paperwork and Hard Decisions Who Hates Both Of These Things can just exist as himself, and where the Iron Bull can be exactly what's needed, eventually turns into a much deeper understanding of the other and being fiercely cherished like this is not something poor Sav thought he'd ever end up with. ough. I think my heart's too squishy about it yet for much more analysis detail (literally finished Trespasser... 14 hours ago? lol 💀💀) but it makes me 🥺🥺🥺 so hard, their devotion kills me 💜
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mariabtsos · 3 months
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One That I Want ||m.yg|| Chapter 6: Ripped at the Seams
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Description: It is summer of 1956, and leader of the T-Birds Yoongi is working at a food joint at the beach to make extra money over the summer, when he meets a pretty girl. They start a summer fling that unfortunately had to come to end, but an unexpected turn of events will bring them back together.
Genre: 1950s au, angst, fluff, some smut, Greaser!Yoongi x Square/Goody-Two-Shoes!OC.
TW: underage drinking and smoking, sexual content, violence, misogyny (it’s the 1950s so peak macho man era).
Word Count: 2.2k
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Lottie had found out a bit more about Taehyung after her call with Wendy, he sounded like such a well rounded individual, not only was he captain of the soccer team, he sang in the school's choir, and was in the school's jazz band. He was a social butterfly, a chameleon almost, he was able to adapt to any social situation he wanted, at least according to Wendy.
Lottie was at her locker, taking out the books and notebooks she would need for her next class, when all the sudden she saw an arm next to her head, she turned around completely to see a tall, wide-shouldered boy next to her.
"Hey baby," he said with a smile, his tone was very suave.
"Um, hi," she said, a bit taken aback by the nickname, she didn't recall meeting him before for him to be calling her that.
"I'm Kim Seokjin, nice to meet you beautiful," he introduced himself, he stood straight and put his hand out for her to shake. "Charlotte Hutchins, nice to meet you as well," she shook his hand briefly, turning back to her locker to get the rest of her stuff.
"Say, I haven't seen you around here before, you new?" Jin asked, although he already knew she was.
"Yup, just moved here from the US," Lottie replied back politely, she thought back to Miyeon's comment about all the boys here being deadbeats and couldn't help but disagree, so far everyone she'd met was extremely good-looking and sweet, this guy especially was a heartthrob if Lottie had ever seen one.
"Your Korean is great for a foreigner, if you need any help with your classes let me know, I'm actually an almost straight A student," he leaned in when sharing that last bit of information, "don't tell anyone that, they'll think I'm a nerd otherwise," he rubbed the nape of neck, making Lottie giggle.
"I'll keep that in mind, I gotta split, but I'll see you around!" She said, closing her locker and walking off to class.
Jin had to admit she was a total knockout, especially up close, she was adorable, he hoped he could see her again, maybe he could convince the guys to go to the pep rally on Friday, Jin had no clue whether she'd made the team or not, but it was definitely worth a shot.
When he finally made it to class, announcements were going on, "...if you're not going to be an athlete, be an athletic supporter, please come out to the pep rally tonight," the loud "beep" at the end indicated announcements were done, however, Mrs. Song, their language teacher had something to add, "Alright everyone, if you can prove you went to the rally I'll excuse your lowest test grade, which I'm sure will help a lot of you greatly," she looked at Hobi when she stated the last bit, Jin took a sit next Hoseok who was just playing with his comb.
"Shit, that could help me a ton in this class," He told the older, "I don't want my old man to go ape over my grades," he continued.
"Then let's tell Yoongs, he'd probably understand, plus he has Mrs. Song too, so I'm sure he has some test grade he wants gone," Jin stated with a small smile to which Hobi simply nodded.
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The day went by quickly, soon Lottie found herself getting ready in the girls' locker room with the rest of the team.
"Now remember girls!" Wendy called to them, "we only come out after Coach Bang has finished his little 'we want victory' speech, okay?"
"Okay," the rest replied, making their captain smile with approval. She noticed Lottie pacing back and forth so she went up to her right away.
"Hey! What's goin' on?" She asked, placing her hand on her friend's shoulder.
"It's just, I can't believe I'm doing this after so long, I'm getting the zorros a bit," Lottie admitted. "You'll do great Lottie! You made the team for a reason!" Wendy reassured her, and Lottie was grateful for that.
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Out at the field's parking lot, Yoongi, Hobi, Jin, and Jimin were waiting on Namjoon to get to the pep rally, Jin was excited to see if Charlotte would be there, maybe he could score some necking with her tonight. Yoongi looked on as he watched Hobi and Jimin sing a stupid song they had just come up with.
"Do a split, give a yell, shake a tit for Central Hell," they were spinning around with their arms linked, making the leader roll his eyes at their ridiculousness.
"Guys!" He yelled, making the two of them turn towards him, "be cool," and to that the two of them straightened their leather jackets, Jimin combing his hair looking around. Just then, they heard a few loud pops and Namjoon arrived with a new set of dusty wheels.
"Where'd ya get this hyung, the junkyard?" Jimin giggled as he walked to the beaten up beetle his friend had arrived with.
"Bite me," Namjoon answered aggressively, "this is what I saved up my summer wages for, imma race her at thunder road," he spoke proudly, getting out of the car to greet the rest of the gang.
"She's going to need a lot more to race at thunder road," they heard a familiar voice, when they saw it was their rival gang.
"What are you Scorpions doin’ here? This ain't your turf," Hobi questioned them, walking up to their leader and getting up close.
"When you lose at thunder road it will be," another stated. Yoongi made his way through his friends and got up close to their leader.
"Listen Jaebeom, if Namjoon says he'll race his car at thunder road, he'll race it at thunder road." Yoongi held his head up high, especially since he was a few inches shorter than the Scorpion leader.
"That's right," Namjoon added, "now beat it before I beat your face in," the rival gang left after that not before bucking up to them aggressively, leaving the guys with a bitter taste in their mouth. "They're cruisin' for a bruisin', especially Jackson, he's getting on my last nerve." Namjoon spoke.
"It'll be okay, if this continues though we'll be ready to rumble," Jin assured his dongsaeng.
"Enough with being angry, I want to see the new set of paper shakers!" Hobi changed the conversation, walking to the field, his friends trailing close behind.
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"...and I'll tell you what I told my boys, you may not have strength, skill, or muscle, but after 7 years you know what we do have?" Coach Bang asked the crowd of students, which was Lottie's queue, to head out.
"WHAT?" The crowd asked back.
"The law of averages!" Coach responded, the band started playing and the cheerleaders trickled out.
Lottie did a few high kicks, and then they started a simple routine. Once that was all good and done, they just hung around the crowd cheering and having a good time. Lottie walked away for a moment to go see her friends.
"Hey girls! How'd you think I did?" She asked.
"You did great!" Nayeon told her, "by the way, did you want to come over and have a sleepover with us?"
"That sounds like fun!" Lottie replied. "It should be, it'll be like an initiation," Miyeon explained with a mischievous grin.
"You mean to be a Pink Lady?! I'll definitely figure something out, what time should I be there?"
"Eight o'clock?" Nayeon suggested, "that's not past your bedtime is it?" Kim asked sarcastically.
"No, on Fridays it isn't 'til ten!" Lottie rebutted happily.
Kim looked on as the foreigner continued her conversation with Nayeon, a hint of bitterness in her eyes. "Why are you so harsh on the girl?" Miyeon asked, filing her nails slightly.
"She's just bitter over Yoongi, Miyeonie," Jiyoon said. "Are you?" Miyeon couldn't believe Kim would be stuck on a guy like that.
The leader looked around the field a bit and came across the boys on the other side, it looked like they were just walking up, including the man of the hour, Min Yoongi. Her brain started to create a plan, a way to get revenge on Yoongi whilst keeping Lottie away from him. "As a matter of fact- oh Lottie!" She called the foreigner over, her and Nayeon walked up to her, "sweetie, come with me, I got a surprise for you," she smiled, Nayeon could tell whatever she had planned wasn't going to be fun for Lottie.
Kim led the pack as they made their way through the crowd, she made it to the guys first, tapping Yoongi on the shoulder.
"Hey Yoongs," she greeted the pale boy, who turned, giving her a lazy side smile.
"Hey Kim, looking good," he said shortly, he didn't want to waste time on her, it was enough that they had fooled around for most of the year last year, he was tired of her. "Thanks, I got a surprise for you."
"Oh yeah?" He questioned, earning a simple nod back from her, "razzle my berries then," he requested, turning to his boys wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh, I bet I will," she smiled, "Girls!" She called, and at that moment, Jiyoon and Miyeon pushed Lottie to the front of the group.
Yoongi's heart accelerated at the realization of who was in front of him, so did Lottie's. Jin's on the other hand dropped, there went his tiny crush for the foreigner. They just stared at each other for a few seconds before Yoongi broke the silence.
"Oh my goodness, hi Yoongi!" She replied excitedly, walking up closer to him, the girls in the back giggling except for Nayeon.
"What're you doing here?! I thought you were going back to the US?" He asked, shocked at the fact that she was there, so close to him again.
"We had a change of plans, what happened to your boarding school?" She asked him. "I just didn't want you to think-" he started explaining, but stopped.
"Boarding school?! Pfft!" Yoongi heard Jimin in the back giggling.
"Well, I just didn't want no ties," he quickly corrected, "you know how it is, rockin' and rollin'." Lottie was genuinely confused at that statement, what did he mean? Was this the same Yoongi who had asked her if she would stay with him? "Yoongi?" She was in shock.
"That's my name, don't wear it out, will you dolly?" He asked, sounding uninterested. "What happened to the Yoongi I met at the beach?" She felt the tears welling up in her eyes, Yoongi wouldn't even look at her for more than a second.
"I don't know, maybe there's two of us," his friends laughed with him, except for Jin, who couldn't help but feel bad, "try taking out a missing person ad, or the yellow pages!" He suggested.
Lottie felt her heart break into a million pieces, just last week she was gushing about how wonderful of a guy he was, daydreaming of the next summer hoping to see him again, and this is what she found? Out of all the times she had thought about this moment, this was never something she imagined and it broke her.
"You're a fake, and a phony, and I wish I'd never laid eyes on you!" She yelled, throwing her pompoms at his face and then running off.
"I bet that's not the only thing she laid on ya!" She heard one of his friends say, meaning he had lied to them about what they'd done.
She ran so far she was back at the locker room doors, where Taehyung was hanging out with his teammates, as soon as he saw her state he bid his friends goodbye and jogged to her.
"Hey baby, what happened?" He asked her, grabbing her face, he felt terrible when he saw her puffy red eyes, tears furiously going down her face. At that moment, when Lottie felt she had no one, she wrapped her arms around Taehyung. The blond hugged her back, caressing her head.
"That's it let it out, now, please tell me what happened? I can have my guys pound whoever did this to you." He assured her, she pulled away, a weak giggle leaving her lips.
"No need, he's not worth wasting your time," Lottie said matter-of-factly, she decided to trust Taehyung with a summary of what had happened, not wanting to go into details that will make her go back to that distressed state.
"What a germ!" Taehyung insulted Yoongi, "you definitely deserve a proper fella, not some fake out with a bad haircut!" He continued, making Lottie laugh.
She saw Nayeon coming from the corner of her eye. "At least I'm glad I'm going to this sleepover to get my mind off it," she stated.
"Well, if you'd like, I could take you out one of these days, there's a diner close by, they have killer milkshakes," the blond smiled.
"I'll definitely keep that in mind, I'll give you a bell later?" Lottie told him, as she got up to walk to Nayeon. "I'll look forward to it baby!" Taehyung answered happily.
A/n: The big reveal happened!! I'm so excited because after this I'll follow the general plot of Grease but add my own twist to it! I can't for you guys to see what I have in store! Please reblog and like this post, and feel free to leave constructive criticism and what you thought of this chapter!
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 10 months
Sugar Punch - Chapter 7
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Theo -
I don't know how it happened but I have now been talking to Maddox on the phone for just over an hour now.
I also don't know how this also happened but I was telling him about a game I liked to play and a little bit about the code I was writing, I was scared that he'd hang up or say how much of a nerd I was but he sounded interested when he asked me questions after I finished nervously rambling.
I felt bad for forgetting to text him that I wouldn't be showing up today but ever since Tuesday night when I got home, I felt so sick, I had to stay home from school just to feel better again, after two days of hell.
My body was still aching and after some time I figured it was just fatigue from overworking my body, something it wasn't used to as I never did any sports, never mind went inside of a gym before.
'Why is it called that?' Maddox asked, as I thought back to what we were talking about.
Wait, what were we talking about?
"Sorry I forgot what I was talking about," I cringed out, as his deep laugh filled my ears.
'It's fine."'
There was a pause before I heard him move with the phone near his ear.
'Looks like our time's up, I think I owe you now Theo, we passed the hour mark twenty minutes ago.'
Has it really been 1hr and 20 minutes since he called me?
I looked at my phone and he was right, I had been talking to him for that long and I don't even remember what we spoke about.
I was too nervous I was sure I rambled for a good hour from how anxious I was, being on the phone with him.My throat was dry and I didn't know why but I felt like Maddox was flirting with me just now but being the virgin that I was and from my knowledge, straight, I didn't know what to say.
"Oh," I said lamely, hitting myself on the forehead with my palm.
'Throw me a text when you're coming in next, I'll make room for you,' he said, his deep voice coming out deeper now as I heard a door close on his end.
"Thanks... Maddox," I said shyly, a strange silence falling over us as I wait for him to speak again.
'Night, Theo,' he said lowly as I swallowed hard, the hair on my arms sticking up as his voice tickled my ear.
The line went quiet for a few moments as I waited to see if he said anything else and when he didn't, he ended the call and once I put my phone down, I felt like I could breathe again.
What the hell... my heartbeat was beating like crazy and my face felt so hot, I was sure if I looked in the mirror now, I was going to look like a strawberry.
I don't know what's happening, was Maddox my friend now?
It didn't make sense to me why he'd call me out of the blue, to be honest I was scared just to pick up his call, thinking he'd be mad and chew my ear off about attendance.
Instead, he asked if I was okay, if I ate... it made me feel funny inside and I would be lying if I didn't admit liking talking to him because I really, really liked talking to him.
I had never felt like that about a guy before, I thought some men were good looking and handsome but to get actual butterflies while talking to one, what did that even mean?
Did I like Maddox Zane?
Or was I just starstruck from meeting him and working out with him?
Whatever it was, it was making me think things I had only thought about with women, like what it would be like to kiss someone like Maddox, who was more man than I'd ever be.
He was tall, handsome and his dark hair always seemed perfectly styled, his tattoos on his tanned skin only added to his charm, sure he had edges, he was a fighter and fought for a living but something told me he had a softer side to him.
He was nice to me, wasn't he, so he must have a soft side.
Halfway through talking to Maddox, I couldn't help but get hard as I thought about all this, while trying to act normal on the phone with him, not wanting to seem like a bigger loser then I already was.
I wanted to badly to touch myself, to just lay down with the phone to my ear and touch myself as he spoke to me, it made me feel dirty in the worst way, I would never be able to show my face in front of him again if he found out I did something like that.
He'd probably show up at my house and beat me up until I could barely stand, he was a straight guy, with women hanging off every inch of him, why would he be interested in a runt like me?
His voice was nice on the phone... but it sounded better in person... I laid on my bed and closed my eyes and pictured his as he grabbed my hands and showed me how to hold my fists, like he did the first time I had a one on one with him.
He smelled so good, thinking back to that day, his sweat mixed in with his cologne, I was so nervous that day but he kept it professional and I had fun working out with him, despite embarrassing myself from not knowing a single thing.
I pulled my pants down and groaned once I saw I had dirtied my underwear by just thinking of him, I was throbbing and without even touching myself I was close just by thinking of him.
I don't know if I could touch myself to him, after just talking to him, what if I couldn't look him in the eye anymore?
He'd find out what I did, while thinking of him.
But the temptation was too much to just avoid, I closed my eyes and grabbed my erection and started stroking myself, picturing his large tan and tattooed hand wrapped around my length, instead of mine.
His voice in my ear as he tells me to keep touching myself, to let it all out into his hand, oh God... I was so turned on from something so simple but touching myself had never felt so good until now.
No girl had ever made me this bad, and even though every muscle was aching I rubbed myself until I let it all out, moaning out as I pictured his chest, muscled and shaped to perfection and dripping in sweat.
Breathing heavily, I open my eyes and look at the mess I just made, disgusted at myself that I did something so weird to someone who was just being nice to me.
I've never been with a woman, so I didn't know what this meant but what I did know was Maddox was making me feel things and I wouldn't mind... I might enjoy it, if it's him...
It might not be that bad, if it was him.
Ugh God, I'm so embarrassed just thinking about it.
Getting up from my bed, disappointed in myself, I take my pants off and go to wash them in my bedroom sink, not lifting my head to look at myself in the mirror, already knowing that I was red in my face.
I wanted to see him, even if it's just to train... I couldn't hide it anymore, I liked Maddox Zane, I had just jerked off to him and I liked it... what more was there to say?
He was older than me by 12, almost 13 years, there was just no way he'd want anything to do with me, not when he could have anyone he wanted.
I knew whatever this was going to be unrequired, so I scrubbed my underwear and tried not to think about it too much, despite how much my chest was starting to hurt and tears formed in my eyes.
You idiot Theodore, why are you getting upset for?
I was an adult now, I needed to stop crying and stop whatever it was I was feeling for someone who was unreachable, I'd only end up getting more hurt.
I wasn't going to ruin what was beginning to form, Maddox was good for my self-confidence, something I lacked, if he found out about this, he'd stop training me and I'd most likely never see him again.
So, I was going to forget all about this and take a shower to clear my head, in hopes that the next time I see him I don't make a fool out of myself. 
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smallestapplin · 2 years
... Would you consider writing anything for Molayne because I have been utterly smitten with this nerd and he doesn't get a lot of attention in general but I just know he'd be such a good boyfriend for real. Observatory dates, the nerdiest flirting you can imagine, videogames, genuinly impressive trainer. Buy now get one adorable little cousin who will wipe the floor with you in smash for free!
Ya know, now that you mention him, I don’t think I’ve ever seen many fanfics or anything of him, I think I’ve only read two things, but I’m happy to write for him!
- He is such a mellow and playful guy.
- You’d think he was an unintentional flirt but no, he knows he’s flirting, he just likes seeing you get all flustered and bashful.
- Molayne is so easy to talk to, you can have so many different conversations. Want to talk about something serious with some one mature? He’s your guy, want to be dorks and tell stupid or crude jokes? Oh yeah he has a bunch, want to have a romantic roasting session? You bet he does!
- Before he dates you though Sophocles has to like you. He doesn’t ask you be best of friends, but he is close with his cousin and wants to know if you two can at least get along and be respectful.
- And you pass that test with flying colors.
- So that leads to so many dates.
- While everyone mostly has a date night.
- He has date nights, he is taking you out as much and as often as he can.
- He is a nerdy sap, so expect a lot of video game themed couple names.
- Your name in his phone is probably either something cheese like ‘player2💙’ or ‘honeybun💙’ the heart stays no matter what.
- Oh he loves loves loves if you stay up to play games with him.
- If you aren’t good at clues or hints he doesn’t get mad, once he learns how you operate first he will explain the game plan or makes a hint obvious enough for you.
- He is just happy you get excited when you help him.
- Molayne is the type to pull up a walkthrough of the game you’re struggling with and slowly hint you into the right direction.
- Surprisingly a good cook and actually loves doing so.
- It’s so funny to see this tall tree man in a frilly pink apron making you breakfast.
- Call it his love language, between making you food and and quality time.
- He is extremely observant, and has good memory when it comes to thing.
- So he is always spot on with his compliments and praise, he makes sure to make them detailed too instead of just ‘you did great out there!’ It’s ‘you battling skills are amazing, the way you timed that attack was brilliant, you really proved just how well you and your Pokémon work together.’
- This man will leave you in tears cause of his praise.
- Molayne is a bit of a soft bully though! So be warned.
- While he never crosses lines or takes it too far, this human tree can, will, and had used his long arms to just hold you back.
- Like the palm of his hand is to your forehead holding you back.
- Calls you “nerd.” And “dork.” Very affectionately and like he isn’t one.
- Dates at the observatory are his favorite, he just gushes and rambles on about every fact he knows.
- And his face goes bright red when he notices your love struck look.
- Oh how you could listen to him talk for hours.
- He rambles a lot.
- Like if you don’t know much about a game or it’s not a game you want to play but want to watch him play it or anything.
- He will tell you the entire story, facts, lore, that one character he absolutely hates and why he doesn’t like them.
- “Baby, do you need a phoenix down? Because you're drop dead gorgeous!”
- “Do you believe in love at first sight or should I join the lobby again?”
- “Molayne we are right next to each other and this is a two player game, there is no lobby.”
- He sighs dramatically “oh come on, that was a good one!”
- He will make a pun or two.
- “You always stare at me when I ramble like this, what gives?”
- He shrugs “I’m just z-targeting.”
- “Oh dear lords I’m going to kill you.” Your snort.
- He tries.
- Your smile and laughter are all he wants in life.
- “You’re my finale fantasy.”
- “Molayne seriously I will gag you.”
- You have made him blush so hard his glasses started fogging up.
- Occasionally he will wake you up at fuck all in the morning to info dump about whatever he is working on or playing.
- I hope you’re ready for his dice collection.
- He likes the shiny click clacks.
- Buy him a d20 shaped bath bomb with dice inside and he will forever be in your debt.
- He likes being big spoon or to have you facing him with your head in his chest.
- He likes curling around you.
- Completely confident in himself and his abilities as well as yours. You’re his partner, so he knows you can handle yourself, go feral babe.
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writteninkat · 3 years
ii - rubies?!
word count - 1,903
warnings - mention of scars
"he's so tall and handsome as hell. he's so bad but he does it so well."
As you waited for April to come around, you spent your remaining days working out and training your quirk on your own. You didn't want to look for your father nor did you want to bump into him- the only time you wanted to see him was during UA's sports festival where you know he'll be watching so you can rub it in his face how good your life is without him.
As you work out in your apartment building's gym, you can't keep the blond out of your head. Was he doing alright? Should you have asked for his phone number at least? Where did he study? Was he even from this area?
Your mind races and wanders around thoughts about the blond, causing you to trip on your own feet on the treadmill. Before your hands come in contact with the running deck, you feel strong arms wrap around your waist, saving you from the fall but not from the embarrassment.
You take a few moments to stop and think about what just happened, allowing the whole thing to just sink in. I almost tripped because I was thinking about some guy. Stupid mistake.
Your savior puts you down beside the treadmill, hands immediately letting go of your waist. "You okay?" Despite having such buffed-up arms, he had such a sweet voice. You look to your right, checking to see the face of your knight in shining armor.
"My name's Izuku Midoriya." He smiles widely, extending his hand towards you. You take it, smiling back. "Y/n L/n, and yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for saving me, I could have attended my first day in UA with a bandage on my forehead." You chuckled, watching the guy's facial expression turn into excitement.
"No way! You'll be attending UA? That's crazy so am I!"
Your eyes widen, finally someone I can be close to in that new school. "What class are you in?" You move to turn off the treadmill, picking up your water bottle from the floor. You unscrew the cap, taking large sips as you looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Class 1A."
The water backfires, going down the wrong pipe. You cough out the water, rubbing your chest in pain as Midoriya pats on your back in worry. "You okay? Again?"
You wave your hand at him, coughing a few more times before clearing your throat. "So am I." Your voice comes out rough and broken but still understandable.
For the rest of the day, you chat with Midoriya, getting to know each other as you helped each other work out. Like whenever you needed help with your form, he'd guide you. When he needed more weight on his back as he did push up, you were more than happy to sit on him as you scrolled through your cellphone.
As the end of the day, before the two of you part, he asks for your number so it would be easier to contact you. You kind of regret giving it to him cause he wouldn't shut up about the heroes he looked up to. He was such a hero nerd you found it funny.
When he calmed down and told you good night, you hit the sack yourself, images of the angry blond with beautiful ruby eyes filling your head as you fell asleep with a smile. And honestly, that was the best sleep you've had in years.
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You're walking yourself to your new school, heart drumming against your chest. The feeling was a little too nostalgic, it was the same feeling you felt back when you came to UA for the practical exam. It felt like time went by a little too fast. You calm your mind, remembering your mom's text to you earlier that morning, telling you good luck with your first day.
You try recalling your goal- to become a hero despite my father telling me I couldn't. To become a hero, to become a hero to become-
"Hey Y/n!" Midoriya waves at you, his smile as bright as the sun. It's sickening but you shrug it off, it suits his face. "Oh, I hope it's alright if I call you Y/n."
"Only if I can call you Izuku." You wink at him, smiling as you continue your way towards the building. As Izuku rambled on about how nervous he was for today that he couldn't sleep properly, your mind raced back to the thought of the school uniform being uncomfortable.
You were so used to wear pants that showing off your legs seemed taboo to you. Don't get it wrong, you like your legs, you think they're okay. But you've been wearing pants maybe eighty percent of your life that you don't like showing even your knees. You can't sit the way you want with skirts- especially if the way you want is your legs either parted apart as you sink onto your chair or your legs on the desk as you scroll through your phone lazily.
Given that it was school rules to wear a uniform, you decided to cover up your legs with black thigh high instead, cursing at the skirt for being a little bit too short for your liking.
"Here it is." Izuku points up at the board right above the classroom door that read 1A. "I just hope I'm not classmates with Tenya or Kacchan." He chuckles, reaching for the door.
"Tenya? That glasses dude who seemed like someone pissed in his cheerios the morning of the exam?" Izuku nods his head but your mind wasn't at ease just yet. Who the hell was this Kacchan?
Your mind wanders again but your thoughts clear away when you hear two people arguing.
"Take your feet off that desk now." You chuckle, recognizing that voice. You mentally send a sorry to Izuku's way.
"Hah?" And that voice too!
You look up, scanning the room and looking for your two new classmates who were arguing. Iida's back covers who he's getting mad at, forcing you to step inside the classroom to get a better look.
"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you cretin."
"You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick in your ass?"
As you thought, that voice belonged to the same guy who's been infiltrating your head ever since you met him. Day and night. However his attitude caught you off guard, he wasn't this rude when the two of you met.
"Rubies?" You say out loud, the blond, or as Izuku calls him, Kacchan looks your way, eyes widening at the sight of you in the same classroom as him. His once smug expression is wiped off his face as he stares at you, completely taken off guard.
Tenya and a brown haird girl who looked a little too much like Kirby approached Izuku and they began talking to him. You, in the other hand, are being pulled out of the classroom by the blond. His hand still as soft as you remember, his grip isn't even that tight around your wrist. Just enough to tug you to where he wanted to bring you without hurting you.
The two of you stand right outside the door leading to the back of the classroom. He turns around, smug expression completely gone and replaced by confusion.
"You never told me you went to UA." He says, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he leans his side on the wall. You cross your arms on your chest, leaning to the side as you rest most of your weight on one leg. "You never asked." The two of you look at each other in silence for a few moments, your heart going haywire in your chest as he keeps his eyes on you. Such eyes that could keep you in a cage of trance forever.
Bakugou opens his mouth but before he could get a word out, a tired voice cuts him off. "Get inside the classroom." He tired-looking man with unkept hair and peach fuzz tells you both. Was he the school janitor? Nevertheless, the both of you walked back inside the classroom, Bakugou's eyes silently telling you that the two of you were going to finish the conversation later.
You sat down on your seat, eyes following the same tired-looking man as he stood in front of the class. "My name is Shota Aizawa. I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on."
He hands all of you your PE uniforms, telling you all to quickly change into them. You follow the girls to the changing rooms and you hang your PE uniform on your locker, already unbuttoning your uniform but you stop yourself.
I can't show them that.
A girl with long black hair, similar to yours, looks at you from the side, her expression questioning. "I don't think Aizawa sensei is okay with late students. You should quickly change."
You wrap your hands around yourself, cringing at the thought of other eyes on your body. The girl's expression changes into a softer one and she smiles, "Don't worry, nobody here will judge. All bodies are beautiful the way they are."
Exactly, yeah. If these girls were going to be your second family until you graduate highschool, you shouldn't be afraid. You can trust them, right?
Slowly, with slightly trembling hands, you begin unbuttoning your uniform. Taking a deep breath in, you slip your long sleeve down your body, showcasing the many scars that littered all over your back.
You can feel the atmosphere change into a silent, much colder one and your thoughts begin to race. Was it wrong for you to show them this? You've only been together for a few hours, how could you show such a vulnerable side of yourself?
Your eyes squeeze shut, ready for the comments and snickers but instead you hear a squeal. "We have the same bra!" A pink girl squeals, pointing at her pink lacy bra. A smile creeps onto your face as the girl extends her hand towards you, "I'm Mina Ashido. Nice to meet you, twinnie!" She perks and as soon as you take her hand, she shakes it softly before pulling away.
You quickly dress up into your PE uniform, pulling your hair up into a ponytail. "Woah, L/n! The white streaks on your hair look so cool! Where did you get them done?" Mina asks, completely taken by your hair, her eyes sparkling as you flushed at her compliment. No one has ever complimented your hair so genuinely like that before, makes you feel kind of proud having it.
"It's actually natural. My dad has black hair and my mom has white." The girls begin to ooooh and soon after, you all have reached the fields. Aizawa stands beside a white square with a device in his hand, patiently waiting with lazy eyes on his students.
"You should put your hair up like that more. I think the white streaks are cool." Bakugou tells you, his eyes and face forward as he listens to Aizawa talking.
You wouldn't tell him, but his words had your stomach feeling weird things and you feel your face slowly heat up. You swallow whatever you were feeling and face forward.
"Don't tell me what to do, rubies."
You had to buy more ponytails.
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ee-laugh · 3 years
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Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ: ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ
Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇᴛᴇᴇɴ
"When did you get so hot, Park Jimin?"
Jimin gasped, taken aback by haejin's sudden boldness. He snapped out of his initial shock and looked down at her hand still roaming about his chest.
He swatted her hand away in one swift movement; making her look up at him with wide eyes.
Jimin's voice was solid, stern.
Her eyes only grew wider.
"But jimin.."
"I said leave."
Haejin stood up and gave him a dirty glare.
"Fine.. I'll be leaving then." With that said, she walked past him and out of his hotel room; the stomping of her block heels fading away gradually.
Jungkook was the top student of professor namjoon's class. Whether it was the tests or assignments, he always did his level best to impress the man. And he succeeded as well. Namjoon adored him; not only because he scored well or was a persistent student, but also because he reminded him of his past self. How he had struggled to get where he was right now, and how he never gave up even though people kept belittling him.
Jungkook and namjoon had developed a weird bond in this little time. The young boy was enthusiastic as ever to help his teacher out any chance he'd get, and namjoon loved his enthusiasm as well.
"Yo JK.. did you do the assignment namjoon gave us yesterday?" Somin's voice pierced through the air as she approached the boy. He was sitting on his backpack under a tall ass tree in the university ground; it was his absolute favourite spot.
He looked up at the girl, who was gasping for air from the long stride all the way from the cafeteria.
"First of all, stop calling him by his name. And secondly.. DUH! 'Course I did it." Jungkook said, quite dramatically.
At this, somin rolled her eyes.
She sat down beside the boy while slurping on her banana milk. Jungkook looked her. "Can I have some?"
Somin smirked. "Will you let me copy your assignment?"
Jungkook's jaw dropped to the ground. "You didn't do it???"
Somin rolled her eyes again. "I was sick."
As much as the boy didn't want her to copy off of her homework, he still agreed for some good ol' banana milk. "Sure." He said, snatching the box from her hand.
"THANK YOU JUNGKOOOK." Somin couldn't help but hug the boy who looked adorable sipping on his milk. "You're a life saver."
As somin was copying his assignment, while he was busy slurping on his juice; a classmate came running towards them.
"Hey, jungkook! Thank goodness I found you. Mr. Namjoon's calling you in his office." The girl said; exasperated.
"OH." Jungkook stood up immediately. Somin, who was doing her homework, put her books aside.
"Wait, you coming too?" Jungkook asked, looking down at her.
Namjoon's office was spacious as fuck. The blinds prevented the scorching sunlight from entering the room, and the AC made it a mini freezer. Jungkook knocked at the dark brown wooden door of the office; somin clinging by her side.
The tall man clicked open the door; greeting the little one with an eye smile.
"Oh, you're here already. Can you please carry these things to your classroom for me? I have an urgent thing to do." Namjoon said, pointing towards a pile of notes among some other things on the table.
"Of course!" As usual, jungkook was more than happy to help. The boy picked up the said items and excused himself.
"Again?" Somin sighed, seeing the pile of paper in jungkook's arms. "It's like he treats you like his little maid or something."
"Shut up." He side-glared her and they began walking towards their classroom. Halfway through, somin kinda felt bad for the boy carrying all the things on his own, and offered to carry some.
"Ughh.. this is heavier than I expected." Jungkook snickered at her struggling to carry a few things. Among these things, namjoon's phone could also be seen.
"Yooo. I think namjoon gave you his phone by accident." Somin said, already unlocking it.
"Hey!" Jungkook looked pressed. "Don't look through his phone, you stalker!"
Somin just smirked; tapping on the Gallery icon. "Let's see what this mYsTerIoS man's gallery looks like."
Jungkook obviously didn't like the idea of spying on their teacher, but he couldn't help peeking on his phone screen once in a while. Somin swiped through pictures of mostly namjoon's dog, or him and his wife. She came across one picture, that had her huffing and puffing with laughter.
"YOOOO. What kinda cringe romance movie has he been watching??" She almost shoved the phone in the boy's face for him to see.
It took a few seconds for him to adjust his vision on the picture, but when he did; he almost dropped all the things he had been carrying.
9 in the morning. You whisked the batter over and over, til it was smooth enough to pour. You felt bad living with taehyung like this; it'd been 2 days. So you decided to cook something for the two of you; to kinda make up for your stay??
You poured the batter on the hot pan; finally happy with the consistency. As you were watching the pancakes cook themselves; you heard a voice too close to yourself.
"Whatchu making?"
You got goosebumps all over your skin at his deep voice.
His hand slowly grazed your waist; his nose in your hair. "You smell so good."
A shiver ran down your spine at that. His nose came down to rest in the crook of your neck; his hands coming forward to embrace you in a back hug.
You didn't know if he was talking about the pancakes or you. The thought of him saying that to you made your cheeks burn a crimson red.
He helped you with the pancakes and even set the table for you. It was a perfect little breakfast with strawberries and pancakes.
"AAAA." He directed his spoon at you; gesturing for you to open your mouth. You did; letting him feed you some of his pancake. You blushed at the fact that he ate from that very spoon earlier. That little act of intimacy made your heart flip in your chest.
You fed him some of your pancake too; giggling at how cute he looked munching on it. You didn't realise you were staring at him; not until he started staring back. Your cheeks were hot and blushing like crazy.
Look away!! You kept telling yourself, but the moment your eyes met his; there was no turning back.
This, this is what you feared the most. Looking into his eyes. It's like his eyes spoke a language of their own. It was crazy how you could read his deepest secrets through just his eyes. There was anger, love, and lust in his usually innocent eyes. So much lust; you almost got drowned in the intensity of it.
His half lidded eyes gazed back at you, as if stripping you naked right there. Crazy how neither of you uttered a single word; yet you both knew everything you needed to.
Unlike last time, you approached him. You had no fucking idea where the sudden confidence came from; but you found yourself sitting on his lap the next second.
You looked down at a surprised taehyung. His eyes were stretched so wide; you almost let out a chortle. But he soon managed and wrapped his arms around your waist. You almost moaned. Your faces were so close to each other, you could smell the sweet scent of maple syrup in his breath.
"Y/n.. have I ever told you that you're fucking gorgeous?" Taehyung asked.
Your cheeks heated up at the unexpected compliment from him. You gently tucked a stray hair behind his ear.
"It's never too late, y'know?"
He slightly chuckled, lightly grabbing your thighs and pulling you in further. You felt so comfortable in his lap, you never wanted to get up. He leaned in; his lips slightly touching your earlobe.
"You're fucking gorgeous." He whispered in the deepest voice you'd ever heard.
"Uh..thanks." You nervously bit your lip; all kinds of emotions swimming in the pit of your stomach. His hands were lightly grazing your waist, sending shivers all over your skin.
"Just thanks? Don't you have a compliment for me?" He tutted; protruding his lower lip out.
If nothing else was; the duality of this man surely was making you go insane at this point.
"Fine...you look gorgeous, taehyung." You shrugged. He hummed in approval.
"Tell me something new."
His cockiness was getting on your nerves. You didn't know why, but this harmless attitude of his was affecting you more than you had liked. "You wanna know something new? Well, you're fucking hot, taehyung." You countered before you even realised.
You palmed your mouth as soon as the words escaped your mouth. Taehyung stared at you with his eyes almost bulging out.
"That sure is new." He said, removing your hand from your mouth and staring at you. Your face was flushed.
"I shouldn't say this 'cause you're my best friend's wife, but... you're fucking hot too."
Heat erupted between your legs at his words. You were sure he could feel how hot you had gotten; the thought turning you on more than it embarrassed you. His hand slowly grazed your thigh; slowly removing the fabric of your dress from that area. His hand on your bare skin had you shivering.
He watched you carefully as his fingers advanced further. Your mouth was agape; eyes lidded with lust. You let out a gasp when you felt his fingers graze your inner thigh. His cold fingers against your hot skin had you rolling your eyes back.
"You're wet." He said; feeling the fabric of your panties against his thumb. You moaned at the feeling of him finally touching you where you craved him the most.
Jungkook couldn't sleep that night. He was sure it was you in that picture. He wasn't so sure of the guy you were kissing; but he thought he had seen him somewhere before. He took out his phone and stared at the screen. Yes, he had taken a picture of your picture in namjoon's phone.
He couldn't help but wonder, why does namjoon has it? Do you know him? What relationship does he have with you and the guy you were kissing? Brand new questions kept storming his brain as he flipped in his bed. His head hurt so bad, he grabbed it in his hands.
Yet another question popped up in his head and he sat up in bed; groaning.
"Does jimin know about this..?"
Taglist: @jwlmnbt @yeontanie21 @safi4x @purplebiscuits @nooooooooona @jedi-nightingale @thatrebelfangirl @staerryminimini @lachimolala0713 @esthemin @d3a6 @scarletterose-was-inlove
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
first time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: The party, finally. Nerds be nerds. They're all dorks tbh. Booze and partying. Clint is a disaster. Natasha is a queen. I beg for comments from y'all cuz I'm short on serotonin 🥺🥺🥺💚✨
This is a Spotify playlist I made for the first half of the party. Sets the mood 😌
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The party was booming, the room was flooded with a large amount of people dressed in various extravagant outfits. It was enough to sweep my eyes over the crowd only once to take notice of the thought and money people had put into their outfits. I hardly noticed any cheesy "angel/devil" or "sexy cat" ensembles, my eyes caught on gemstones and feathers and floor-length gowns instead.
First Avenger to catch my eye was Thor - only because the people surrounding him barely held back from drooling. Hell, I did a spit-take: the usually graceless giant stood casually posted at one of the snack tables, wearing silver robes embroidered with tiny sparkling gemstones; a sleek, angular crown rested atop his head, his blonde hair was longer, lighter and straight. One look at his ears and the realisation struck me: Thor was Thranduil, the Elven king. It made sense since Peter had the thunderer hooked on the Lord of the Rings movies a couple of weeks ago...
Both Loki and Wanda cleaned up no less nicely. The Witch was wearing a midi dress, airy and soft, in pastel tones that brought out the natural rosiness of her cheeks and the scarlet undertones glimmering in the strands of her hair. Unlike me, she chose to wear a sparkling tiara, which Loki had created after a short debate - it was an intricate material illusion meant to last for at least ten hours.
Loki himself was a work of art: dark and macabre fantasy painting. I could barely tear my eyes away from the pale, tall man clad in dark green silks and brocade. The candlelight threw shadows on his angular face and his sharp cheekbones stood out more than ever: twenty minutes I spent on convincing him to let me put make-up on his face paid off spectacularly. Flickering lights toyed with the emeralds and forest greens of the shiny silk of his vest, giving Loki an ethereal glow. His eyes shone crimson red, making nearby people throw equally startled and appreciative looks.
As for myself, the stares I got were no more and no less than I expected. The dress I'd been aching to wear fit me perfectly, earthen tones, hand-embroidered blossoms and delicate golden threading. The layers of my skirt were just voluminous enough to give me the extra airy, floating walk, the medium-height platforms of my shoes lightening my step. The ropes securing them to my legs were decorated with flowers so delicate they looked real.
The peak of my outfit took an arm and a leg in bribery of the resident sorcerer-turned-vampire, but in the end, even Loki himself could hardly look away from his creation. An hour of research and some serious magic voodoo shit was what it took for the fluttering fairy wings to sit between my shoulder blades. I felt them as an extension of my own body, and whilst flying was definitely out of the question, I could flicker them and felt the delicate brush of Wanda's fingers as she admired the translucent, blue-green, marble-patterned sheen of pure, concentrated magic.
In hindsight, I should have simply bought a set of pre-made wings and asked Loki to enchant them to move on their own. Hindsight... I wasn't good at that. So, in this moment, with the wings syncing up with my jittery nerves, the shiny traitors shook with the force of stares directed at our little trio. There was an absurd amount of gorgeous people and breathtaking costumes, yet even then, we stood out like Mona Lisa in an indie art gallery. Muted 'woah's and 'oh-my-gods' traveled across the room, turning even more heads towards us.
"And you wanted to wear Walmart," I weakly chuckled in Wanda's direction, seeing her wide eyes and Loki's arm rapidly wrapping around her waist, catching her a brief moment before she stumbled. The trickster looked unimpressed and bored for all the world to see, but to me, the slight twitching of his eyebrow told me he wasn't feeling that much different from us girls either.
"Brother!" Thor gestured us over with a drink in each hand, parting the crowd of people easily.
Noah, et tu? I had no choice but to swallow my unease, hoping my concealer and highlighter did their job and my face hadn't lost the sublime glow I was aiming for. For a girl like me, the Fae aesthetic wasn't easily achieved: naturally, I wasn't innocent, I wasn't playful... However, I was mischievous. Plenty of that.
Spotting a semi-familiar face in the crowd of partygoers, I gave the man a lopsided grin and a wink without actually taking note of who he was. Tonight, I would be a fairy. I would play.
"King," Wanda mock-bowed with a laugh, carefully embracing Thor. Even Loki did a brief, composite left-handed tilt with a slight smirk.
"Where's the rest of the gang?" I giggled, immediately making grabby hands for the nearest brightly coloured, fruity concoction that fell into my eyesight. Being sober at a party was not something I had planned to be: first drink went down like water as Thor explained the whereabouts of our various friends.
"Steven and James are with Lady Natasha, there is a knife-throwing contest outside on the patio," As soon as those words left his mouth, Loki immediately perked up, not-so-subtly turning his torso towards the large open area.
"Go," I ushered him. "Win us something, good sir," With a chuckle of my own, I grabbed Wanda by the hand for both of us to give a chaste good luck kiss to each of Loki's cheeks. He smiled as I threw a tiny amount of sparkles at him, shouting "GOOD LUCK!" to his retreating back.
"Princess?" I heard a curious voice pipe up behind me, an arm carefully wrapping itself under my wings. Said arm jerked as the sensitive matter of my wings fluttered away from the touch, shivers running down my spine and making me shuffle in place awkwardly.
"Tickles," I breathed out, voice pitched.
Tony's utterly perplexed face came into view as he gave me an open-mouthed once-over. "Darling..." He cleared his throat. I had managed to rob Tony Stark of his words! "You look... Exquisite." His eyes critically surveyed the amount of make-up and glitter on my face before he lifted the inside of my wrist, touching his lips to the pulse point for two long seconds, stealing my breath away with the simple, intimate gesture. It was by far more powerful than having to get glitter out of his beard if he'd kissed me on the lips, or even on the cheek.
"Congratulations, you've caught a Fae," I grinned mischievously, my own eyes widening at the amount of tiny little details on Tony's costume. Delicate, moving clockwork gears and metals interwoven with dark brown, harsh leather; he wore a tophat decorated with a pair of glasses and both his arms and harnesses had moving details of polished, dull-grey chrome. It was unreal, like Tony had stepped out of a Steampunk graphic novel, like he'd just got done filming the Wild West movie. "Nerd," I affectionately brushed my fingers - glitter-free hand - along the handlebar mustache he'd grown out.
Tony spoke over Thor's laughter, pressing himself closer to me, this time careful around my wings. "Do I get to make a wish?"
"Don't be rude, Tony. The Fair Folk should be treated with politeness and respect," Bruce's amused voice signaled his arrival before I even saw him. His costume and Tony's complimented each other: whereas Tony the wngiy obviously was some sort of inventor, Bruce was a doctor, or perhaps, a chemist. Instead of moving gears, he had an array of brightly coloured vials attached to a gold-and-green embroidered belt, and a single monocle replaced his usual rectangular glasses. The scientist gallantly raised my palm to his lips, fighting a smile of his own. Utter nerds! "You're the most beautiful thing in this room, Princess. Everyone can't take their eyes off you," With that, a brief, bright flash of green blinked in his eyes and then I knew, Bruce and Hulk would be on my back, watching out for me wherever I would decide to go.
The knots in my back, in my stomach, slowly began to unwind, the feeling accelerated by the warmth of alcohol sitting low in my belly. I was happily sandwiched between my two men, chatting with Wanda and Thor, nibbling on the spooky treats that Tony's catering services had provided. They were delicious.
Sam appeared, dragging a flushed Clint in tow. The archer had evidently gotten well into his drinks, seeing as he was holding a horn in one hand whilst the other still barely held onto his head. Despite the costume fail, he seemed to be having the time of his life.
"We need glue," Sam announced, smiling in our direction. "Well, hello, ladies," Briefly, abandoning his bird bro, Sam kissed a giggling Wanda on the cheek and wrestled one of my hands from Tony to peck it, too. "My, my eyes have been so blessed!"
"What are you?" Wanda asked the man curiously, pointing at his... a sort of toga, brown leather shoes that looked more like hooves and a crown of... grapevine?
"Dionysus," Sam mock-bowed, "And this is my Pan. Who happens to be a lightweight and enjoys annoying witches that can throw knives with scary precision!" The man announced, annoyed, whilst Clint just drunkenly giggled as he was helped by Thor - the Asgardian-Elf was doing something to the archer's headdress and putting the wonky horn back in its place, hands steady despite Clint's swaying and squirming.
"Classy," I toasted Sam. "Who's the knife-throwing witch?"
"Natasha," He grabbed a drink of his own. "She went as Yennefer, both fossils are Witchers and Pietro is Jaskier. He looks like a proper court jester in that purple... Thing," The dark man was giggling, too, somewhat tipsy.
"The Ass of America could fit his sizeable rear end in leather pants? How much KY jelly did they use?" Tony snorted mockingly as all of us laughed. I remembered seeing an interview with Henry Cavill and his troubles regarding the leather pants - Tony's question was valid and you can fuckin' quote me on that.
"Man, don't ask me. I've already seen more than enough of him and Barnes in the supply closet," Sam winced, downing the remainder of his drink in one go.
"And what were you doing in the supply closet, Wilson?" Natasha was absolutely breathtaking in the black mesh dress. Pietro next to her looked like a masquerade attendee - in a good way. He had gone with the video game version of Jaskiers outfit and was a bright addition to or our mostly black and pastel coloured party.
Sam grumbled something unintelligible, striking a conversation with Pietro and Clint, pulling the rest of us into it one by one. People came by and went, saying their hellos and asking to take pictures - the party was attended by mostly SI and trusted SHIELD employees with the exception of a few B-level celebrities Tony knew personally, no press was allowed beyond their designated area so all of us could afford some degree of frivolity.
Steve and Bucky - oh my God their costumes were tight - shared kisses and heated glances over the tops of our heads. Bruce's hand snuck under the highest part of my skirt, caressing my legs and Tony's soft pecks on the top of my head filled me with the warmest sense of adoration. Loki, being the gentleman he was, had won both me and Wanda each a stuffed spider which we gracefully accepted, thanking the trickster with a dance.
Or three. Wanda went first, eyes sparkling and smile ten miles wide as she soaked up the admiration, the envious stares of the people in the room. The witch looked simply stunning, she was glowing, and Loki next to her shared the sentiment wholeheartedly - a small grin decorated his face, eyes kindest I'd ever seen them. In that moment, Wanda truly was a princess.
Three and a half drinks in, I swayed gently to the music, unbothered by the smile creeping on my face as I watched the two magical people dance and mingle. "You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey..." Singing along was a pesky habit of mine that manifested itself after a certain amount of liquor circulated through my system. It wasn't like I was a bad singer - my parents had made me take music classes until I was sixteen - but it was generally an embarrassing moment nonetheless. In that moment, I didn't give a damn. "You're as sweet as strawberry wine..." Trust Tony to pick the kind of music I actually knew and liked.
A flash of purple and my glass was snatched out of my hand and promptly downed. Shamelessly grinning, Pietro gave me a look with that cocky tilt of his lips, blonde hair in utter disarray. "That your work?" He nodded towards the dancing couple, giving the empty glass to Bruce who was now watching my swaying with a careful eye.
"My and Loki's," I replied dryly."Thank you," Pietro replied sincerely. "Wanda needed this," Briefly looking me over (fuckin' glitter! I was missing out on so many hugs!), the blonde settled on squeezing my hand between his own. "May I steal your lady for a dance?" He addressed Bruce, seeing as Tony was immersed in a conversation with some dude dressed as Marty from Back to The Future. IT department, maybe?
"You may, but no funny business," Bruce looked godly in his outfit with the stern expression: eyebrows drawn together, lips pursed and irises having just a tinge of green. Hulk watching me added an unexpected sort of spice to our interactions. It made me feel...
"Let's go, Printsesa," Pietro unceremoniously dragged me to the dancefloor, all but stomping over other people's feet, shoes, tails and various other accessories. Boys will be boys... And we danced, and we laughed - until Loki and Wanda floated over to us, promptly swapping partners with fluidity I didn't expect from either of the twins. I watched Pietro spin Wanda with a smile as the Witch shrieked and cursed at her overenthusiastic brother.
"How's it going, Lokes?" I addressed the resident vampire, placing an arm on his shoulders. Tall ass bastard.
"Better than I expected," He admitted. "Although I cannot say I appreciate intoxicated Midgardian males."
"Nobody likes drunk dudes," I rolled my eyes. "I've lost count how many faces I've punched and balls busted at parties. They just don't learn."
"Oh, indeed, you're a fighter, little one. How could have I forgotten?" Loki teased me, doing an elaborate twirl to narrowly avoid the slap I was aiming at his chest. Tall, cheeky bastard.
I definitely should have put salt in his tea sugar.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
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sergeant-spoons · 3 years
leo sun + aquarius moon / infp-t
I’m kind of a loner but i have a small group of friends that can stand me 😭 anxiety and depression babe✌🏼extremely insecure. will fight anybody for being shitty to another person (racist, sexist, etc) - low key/high key have a temper. history/english nerd, curly girl club, close friends describe my vibe as april ludgate but slightly less weird. catch me trying to be an art hoe w no artistic ability. forget hot girl summer, it’s sleepy girl summer! tall girl club! desperate for some sort of love and validation but will totally keep you at arms length. literally just want someone to treat me like their princess. if they do, i will actually turn to mush 🥺 ok this is long i am so sorry
Heya Anon! No worries, more details is more for me work off of. 🥰
I ship you with... Babe Heffron!
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He would get along so well with all your friends. Shared interests or not, they just like him a lot. Especially because he makes you happy.
You want validation? This man will never stop talking about how great you are. Is always working to inflate your ego (in a healthy way) and strengthen your perception of yourself.
He says 'I love you' a million times a day but it never loses meaning or sentimentality.
Would also fight anyone being shitty like that and absolutely has. Though he'd prefer if you didn't get hurt in the pursuit of justice, seeing you riled up is pretty hot.
If anyone did lay a finger on you, he'd go nuts. He'd call up Bill Guarnere and Joe Toye and Joe Liebgott and, hell, Major Winters too, why not, assemble his posse, and give the asshole who hurt you what-for. You'll probably never see that jerk's face again.
He was never too interested in history or English before he met you and overnight he fell in love with not only you but both those things. Now you geek out over everything under the sun and wow it's wholesome.
He thinks so incredibly highly of you no matter what and he likes to remind you of that, especially if you're in a bit of a funk.
Loves your hair. Loooooves it. Thinks you look so good no matter how you style or cut it or if you have the worst bedhead known to man. He greatly enjoys patting your head or kissing your curls if you'll let him.
(Side note: OP has not watched Parks & Rec but she did just read the whole wiki synopsis for April Ludgate and OP is impressed by the comparison of you to said character).
He disagrees that you have no artistic ability. You have definitely come home to find something you made pinned up on the fridge like you're a child with a proud parent. When you ask him about it, he brightens up and tells you he's going to get a frame for it soon and hang it up somewhere special (unless you talk him out of it).
Sleepy girl summer = sleepy Babe summer. He will stay in bed and cuddle for the whole day if you want even though you were both supposed to be up hours ago. He loves holding you, making sure you feel safe in his arms, keeping you close like the greatest treasure he's ever known (because, in his eyes, you are).
Sometimes he pouts that he can't kiss the top of your head because you're about the same height and begrudgingly you will bend your knees to oblige him. He will smatter your face in kisses and thank you right after, so who's the winner here, really?
It took him a little while to get you to open up to him, but once he did, you would be hard-pressed to find a more determined man when it comes to showing you how much he likes (and, soon, loves) you.
Absolutely would treat you like a princess, nay, a queen.
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verus-veritas · 5 years
A very well-written story by “Collan” on Male Transformation Blogspot. He really knows how to draw you in. /Verus
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"Give those back!" shouted a whiny, boyish voice. "You can't do this! It isn't fair! You have no right!"
The early morning sun felt warm and soothing on my bare torso as I stood by the side of the path near the old wooden picnic tables at the far edge of the park. My right arm was raised in the air, holding a small device and a pair of glasses in my hand, well out of reach of the much smaller boy who had shouted at me. We were both seniors in high school, but he looked years younger than I did, and even though I was already naturally tall, he was so short that I towered over him by almost a foot.
"Give what back, Georgie? These?" I asked nonchalantly with a false expression of concern on my face. I reached up with my left hand to pluck the glasses from my right and examined them briefly with a look of mild pity. "Shame you're so terribly blind without these. I suppose it would be too cruel to leave you here without them. Here you go." I said, and with an expert flick of the wrist tossed them far over his head to land in the still-wet grass behind him.
I took a moment to marvel at the dexterity in my left hand as I watched Georgie track the arc of his glasses to see where they landed. His short, pudgy body scuttled across the grass to retrieve them, and he dried them off with the hem of his overlarge t-shirt before putting them back on and then turning to glare at me in fury.
"You fucking bastard! You ‘know’ what I mean! That's ‘my’ body! Give it back, or I'll..."
"Or you'll what?" I interrupted, with a tone of quiet condescension in my newly low baritone. "What will you do, Georgie?"
"Stop calling me that! ‘I'm’ Antonio, you little faggot!" The anger on his face looked oddly out of place on his rounded features. The expression just didn't work on him.
"Little faggot?" I asked him dangerously as I felt a surge of anger rush through me. In the immediacy of the moment, I hadn't really allowed myself yet to settle into his mind, and the emotion caught me off guard. Damn, but this boy had anger issues, and testosterone to spare to fuel it. It almost overwhelmed me for a moment, but I managed to rein it in.
Still keeping the device out of his reach, I moved towards him with a little bit of a strut and an evil grin playing about my lips. I loved the way this body language felt so natural already. God, I wished I could see myself from the outside right now. I was probably sexy as fuck. Oh well, I had plenty of time for that later. I needed to stay focused on playing out this inevitable little drama and get it over with.
"You might want to calm down a little, Georgie. You're starting to make a scene. You sound a little crazy there. ‘I'm’ Antonio and ‘you're’ Georgie. ‘I'm’ the tall, sexy Italian stud and ‘you're’ the fat little nerd. Just look at yourself-" I said with a note of disgust. "How could anyone confuse ‘that’ with ‘this’?"
I deliberately teased him and pretended to give him the opening I knew he'd be looking for, lowering my arm and using the hand that held the device to gesture first to him, then to me. Right on cue, he made an attempt to try and grab for the device, but my reflexes were far too fast for him, and I whipped it instantly out of reach again. I knew he could never match me physically, since of course I knew his body's capabilities, or the lack thereof really, far too well. It was truly a miracle I'd managed to pull this off at all, but the reward was definitely all the pain and suffering that had led up to it. I realized I was starting to drift mentally again and brought myself back to the moment.
"Ah, ah, ah." I said and wagged my finger at him as if scolding a small child. "No grabbing for things that aren't yours or you'll have to go in time out!"
He shook his head as if to clear it and pressed his palms to his temples in frustration. "God, this is some kind of nightmare! It has to be!"
The opening was too good to pass up and I took it. "Yes, Georgie, it ‘is’ a nightmare, and I'm guessing it's just going to get worse for you."
"How? How can it get worse?" he almost whimpered, as unbidden and unwanted tears started to fill his eyes. God, I was so glad I had left that uncontrollable urge to cry behind! It was time to take the gloves off, push all his buttons, and make him start to see the agony that I had endured at his hands.
"Because," I replied, lowering my voice further so there was no chance of accidentally being overheard, "I can see that what is starting to happen to me is starting to happen to you too."
"But what do you mean? None of this makes any sense!" he cried, sitting back down at the picnic table and burying his face in his arms.
"It will soon. Very soon now," I said. "You'll know it all shortly, so it's time to drop the pretense."
That caught his attention. He lifted his tear-stained face to look at me, and I almost laughed as he realized his crying had smudged his glasses again, and he had to take them off, clean them, then put them back on again to see me clearly.
"What I mean is this. Thanks to this little device here," and I brandished it briefly as I continued, "I jumped my consciousness into you, and because we were both touching it when I pushed the button, you've retained your own consciousness and are aware of the switch. And let me tell you, setting this up and pulling it off was a total bitch. Letting you torment me every Saturday morning for weeks so that when the time came, you wouldn't think it was strange that I was sitting here waiting for you. Practicing maneuvering myself so that I could click this little button while we were both touching the device at the same time. With your size, strength, and speed against mine it could have gone wrong at any moment, but it didn't, thank god."
He was looking at me incredulously, his mouth hanging open, but no words came out of his mouth.
"I could have just taken you over from a distance," I went on, "and you would have turned into Georgie with no memory of ever having been Antonio. But I couldn't have that. You ‘had’ to know. You ‘have’ to know! To fully ‘know’ the suffering I've endured for years because of you! And you will!" My temper had risen again, stronger this time, and I was startled by the sudden violent urge I had to lash out and hit. Something, anything, him! This ‘thing’ in front of me that had made my life a misery for so long!
"But it's not possible!" he protested.
His statement surprised a bark of laughter out of me and broke through the growing anger. I shook my head in amazement. "How can you say that when you're sitting there in that pathetic body? Really ‘look’ at yourself, well, your ‘new’ self." I chuckled, but then grew serious. I began to direct him verbally, knowing from his crying moments before that his new emotions were beginning to take hold of him and an urge, a hunger, to obey me, to be dominated by me, his fantasy man, was lurking just under the surface.
"Look at your small, plump hands," I told him. "Look at your pale, pale skin. Feel the limp, thin hair on your head. Feel the paunch at your belly. Look... Feel... Touch... Touch your bicep and flex it. Not much there to flex, is there? Now how can you say this isn't possible?" My voice had fallen into an almost mesmeric cadence that I wasn't aware I was capable of. A vaguely erotic thrill rose in me at the thought of the control I was wielding, as I watched my nemesis examine my former body, following every direction I gave him almost without thought.
When I finished, he hugged his arms to his body tightly and started to tremble as if it were the dead of winter instead of a beautiful late spring day. I suddenly realized what was coming and jumped back in time, noticing in passing how much farther back I had jumped than I had expected to and how easy it had been. He turned towards me and vomited, heaving violently into the grass where I had just been standing. I waited while he emptied the contents of his stomach out onto the ground in front of him.
"What's happening to me? I feel like I'm losing all control of myself. Why are you doing this?" he asked hoarsely while he continued to cough and spit to clear his mouth as his sickness subsided.
I started walking towards the next table over, and I knew he would follow. It was as much to get away from the puddle of puke in the grass as to give him the opportunity to rinse his mouth out at the nearby water fountain. I wanted him paying attention to me, not the foul taste in his mouth.
I pointed him to the fountain, then continued. "What's happening to you is that you're in my body just as I'm in yours. I didn't expect you to blow chunks like that, but I guess if I had gone from this to that with no warning, I'd be pretty repulsed too. Plus I'm sure the pile of greasy sausages I ate for breakfast didn't help. I do love the taste, but they always do a number on my stomach. Well, ‘your’ stomach now. A little welcome gift from me to you." I snickered, and he glared again as he finished rinsing his mouth out at the fountain.
"You're also starting to feel my mind, just like I'm starting to feel yours. The emotions are beginning to make themselves known, and the memories will start filtering in after that. As the integration accelerates, you'll start living on my autopilot essentially. You'll still be aware of having been Antonio, but your speech patterns, your body language, your emotional reactions, your wants and loves and hates and fears will all be Georgie. ‘You’ will be Georgie. You ‘are’ Georgie. That's what's happening to you. And ‘I’... ‘I’ will be Antonio.”
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Source: “Caption This!” 14/06/2014
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waterloou · 5 years
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Welcome to another OC Saturday!!!! Hope y’all have had a great past couple of weeks!!! Today we have an additional fandom to riverdale added: Harry Potter! And it’s also adult week! (Where we showcase older ocs that deserve more love!)
As usual, here’s guidelines and a masterlist of the past oc Saturdays:
If y’all ever need to chat about your ocs, need help developing them, need help with an fc, etc, my msgs are always open!
Below are five ocs featured this week, along with most links to the works about them.
ANDY MACDERMOT created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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“So, uh, what was it like growing up with my dad?” Robbie asked his uncle. Ever since Andy Macdermot shows up on the front porch four days ago, Robbie had a lot of questions. Andy wasn’t at all like his older brother, Russell was loud and boisterous, whereas Andy was more of a wallflower. He had a certain quality about him that Robbie couldn’t help but feel drawn to like he was looking at a future version of himself.
“Your dad was….” Andy paused for a moment, running a hand through the wisps of his stringy gray-blonde hair, “He was a lot? Always was the big man on campus, with the prettiest girl on his arm. The polar opposite of what I was” The man laughs, picking absentmindedly at the loose string along the hem of his flannel shirt.
Robbie sits up a little straighter, suddenly taking a bit more interest in the conversation. His dad never did all that much talking about his high school days, and he mentioned his younger brother even less. “Well…what were you like when you were my age then?”
Andy laughs to himself for a moment, like he was suddenly taken aback by the a washing of unpleasant memories about his adolescence. “You know, I wasn’t a cool guy at all. Ever — not like your dad. I was too tall and too skinny; all ears and no discernible personality.” He chuckled and looked over at the corner of the basement where Robbie’s well-worn drum kit sat. “I got really into horror movies and had started using our dad’s camcorder to make these shitty little videos where I melted my old toys with our dad’s blowtorch…classic nerd shit”
Andy is chill, talented, and personable. Go give him some love!
CHARLOTTE ANA NAVERRO created by @potterpumpkins
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“A Spanish girl with exceptional sass, a guarded heart, and a penchant for putting fuckboys and Slytherins in their place.”
Quotev profile
So much thought, research, and detail has gone into the creation of Charlotte, and it shows. She’s complex, and shows growth over the years, she’s a character you want to read more and more about! Go give her some love!
CRASH THOMPSON created by @vannahsunshine
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Character Introduction
Crash is a lovable, joyous, helpful man. He loves his kids (and best friend) and he’s trying his best. Go give him some love!
DEREK “WHIST” WRIGHT created by @humangrumpycat
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Character Intro
'Need some company?'
Uma turns around, her hand clutching her chest.
'Derek,' she sighs. 'Never sneak up on a woman like that again.'
'My bad,' he chuckles with his hands raised. 'I thought you heard me coming.'
She sighs, slowly dropping her arm to her side.
'Everything okay?' Derek asks, stepping closer to Uma.
Uma shrugs, still furious about earlier.
'Why don't we get out of here, go across the street, and get you some good coffee?' he suggests.
'Thank you,' Uma smiles, taking the cup from Derek's hand.
'You know it's no problem,' he states. 'So, what's going on? Why are you so upset, aside from your kids getting hurt?'
'I just got back from the school,' Uma explains. 'Weatherbee wanted to see me.'
Derek furrows his eyebrows.
'Well,' Uma sighs as she drops a sugar cube in her coffee. 'He wasn't exactly thrilled to see the school in such terrible shape, and he wants to punish the ones who are behind it.'
'By doing what?' he scoffs.
'He's talking to the board about "transferring all Southside students" as if he'd do this had been a Northsider,' she complains, stirring hard enough to spill some coffee over the rim.
Derek hums, slowly stirring his coffee.
'You'd think this whole division would die after all these years,' he comments. 'I'm happy Mitchell is nowhere near this crap,' he adds, taking a sip.
'Oh good,' Uma smiles. 'How is he doing?'
'He's in Centerville,' he answers, putting the spoon down.
'He's taking a business class. I've been making some space in my shop for him.'
'Oh, why?' Uma wonders.
'He wants to start a coffee shop,' he smiles. 'He made a deal with Melo's Bakery to sell some of their pastries. For a fair price,' he smirks.
'He wouldn't be your son if he didn't,' Uma jokes.
Whist is a good father and an agreeable man. He’s easy to get along with and he’s got a lot of wit. Go give him some love!!
DOTTIE WALKER created by @worriestothewind
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Dottie Walker
Got Your back (drabble)
Dottie x FP moodboard
Take Care of Our Own (fic)
Broken Promise
It’ll Get Better
All We Get
Asks (1 (2
Dottie is such a cool person, and a respectable adult. She handles situations maturely and honestly seems like a good time. Go give her some love!
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minyoonkeeks · 5 years
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Pairing:Jin x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Summary: It was one thing to love him in secret, but when you think he might like you back it changes everything. (90% Fluff, 7% Angst, 3% I don't know what this is)
Warnings: None really, there is 1 mention of throwing up for like a second and a few mentioning anxiety but nothing serious
A/N: This is the first fic I've ever decided to write. I hope it resembles him a bit, but it was fun writing. I don't know if I'll continue either, I just hope I did Jin some justice (:
Becoming his friend always felt natural, kind of like mac meeting its cheese, or peanut butter finding its jelly. He was sweet, funny, goofy Seokjin. 2 years younger, but no one could ever tell the difference. He was smart, where it counted. He hated bugs, was extra competitive, and loved marvel as much as you. That made your friendship fun. You would chill in his apartment, play endless games of super smash, and compare recipes whenever you found something new you'd want to try. Because you came from different social groups, it seemed odd at first to your friends. They laughed when they couldn't picture it being real.
"No way _____! Do both of you just have pout monologues? Because I would hate to be in the middle of that blab fest!" Hobi joked as he pictures both of you endlessly going off on each other. You both have certain quirks and apparently over talking was one of them. The more you guys interacted when you were all together, the more your friends didn't believe it.
It wasn't until the first time you had all gone to the movies together as a group. Seokjin sat next to you and you could have sworn all the girls gave the biggest groan, making you turn beet red and Seokjin laugh awkwardly. But once all of your friends realised that's exactly what it was, a friendship, they were quick to stand up for it, because there wasn't anything more. Even when your girlfriends started noticing him.
Sometimes, a lot of times, being his friend was hard. He was a 10 everywhere he'd go, regardless of how nerdy he came off when he spoke. When he wore his dumb round glasses around his beautiful face girls would swoon saying that he looked like a lawyer. Sure, he'd never win with his dumb logic, you thought.
When he would have to attend a fancy dinner in slacks and the same blue button up with white stripes on the sleeve citing that it made him look longer even though you swore he was a whole nother you taller. "Look, you just have to go with me, no one else is fun, and they won't bug me if you go instead." He would insist, telling you his parents didn't mind if it was you going instead of another date. That would sting, you were never the date.
When he'd sit and play guitar to pass the time between picking you up from work and your coworkers would stare out the window and wonder when he would notice them. "How do you even function with him, ______? You clearly have the worst taste in guys if you don't find him attractive" one of them would say. 
"Yeah, sure, if you think gumby limbs are attractive." You'd scoff back, even though deep down you knew he was. Those were the most annoying times. Being Kim Seokjin's friend was definitely not easy.
"Hey, hurry up, we'll miss the next screening of Thor and I don't want to miss the credits!" Jin yelled from the lobby, making everyone turn and glare at how loud he was being, at least until they saw his face and proceeded to gawk at him.
"I know, I know, nerd. I don't get how you can watch this for the 5th time in theaters. Like you have a huge TV at home, why rewatch it here?" You quipped grabbing the popcorn from the attendant who just glared at you for calling Jin something other than Worldwide Handsome.
"I already told you, there's nothing like rewatching it with people who get it. And you know you get it or else you wouldn't have come with me anyway" he teased, making that pout that makes your heart flutter a little too much.
Those were most days with Seokjin and sometimes you couldn't take the stares from everyone. The ones that said "Hey why is that short girl hanging out with Jin all the time? He looks like he's babysitting." "Isn't it her though? She's the delusional one, he's way too good to cut her off though, I bet it's pity." You would overhear. You get it. It wasn't ideal for some tall, gorgeous albeit weird man to be hanging out with you of all people, but Jin didn't care because you were friends... friends. That's it.
And yeah, it hurt sometimes, seeing him go on dates, or staying at his apartment when he would tell you to wait for him, even though he was out with a girl 10 times prettier, he always came back alone. Always came back to you.
You had become a confidante for him. Someone who knew a little more, but didn't judge no matter what he did. You were the cool friend, the one everyone could depend on to be there, the one everyone joked to Jin about when they'd tell him to go look after his noona, and you, being as awkward as you were, always played it off when you'd see the pink hue in his cheeks. It never crossed your mind to think any different of him until your regular movie night Wednesday. 
You were binging Lord of the Rings on his couch, in your cookie monster pajamas left over from last time while you sat next to Jin, tired from working all day.
"I guess an office job can wear you out." He chuckled.
"Definitely in more ways than one. My brain can only take so much annoyance from everyone. I just need Aragorn to murder a few orcs and it'll make me feel 10 times better." You said yawning, while Jin just stared at the TV hands on his knees. He seemed out of it for some reason, but your day being as long as it had you didn't want to pry. Sometimes Jin liked silence, and this was definitely one of those times. 
As you watched the elves on screen, bow and arrow shooting towards the dark, you started dozing off on a pillow placed near his lap. You could feel his fingertips rubbing your scalp the way you had mentioned your mom did when you had a hard time sleeping. You could hear him humming a song, your favorite, especially because he had written it for your birthday last year. Things like this made you wish sometimes that people wouldn't joke the way they do. That it wasn't weird for you to be friends, because Jin got you. He knew you were quiet some days, and extra loud others. He knew when you just needed someone to lean on, and you hoped that's what you were to him.
And there in the quiet, as you were almost asleep, you heard him. Three simple words.
"I love you."
It felt surreal and incredibly intimate. But even though you wanted to look up and tell him you loved him too, you froze. Eyes shut, breathing heavy, and panic setting in. You didn't know what to do. You can't tell if he just meant it as a friend. And if he did then you'd lose him, the one person to make you feel like you belong when you really didn't. He kept stroking your head and you told yourself it wasn't a big deal, that you would pretend to sleep, until sleep became real, and in the morning you'd leave just as friends, how it's always been.
When you wake up, you feel really uncomfortable, not being able to get anything out of your head. Over thinking as always, and if this was any other situation, Jin would be the first person you'd tell. But that obviously wasn't possible, so you got up and grabbed you things, said an awkward goodbye and left him cooking pancakes for the both of you.
"Are you sure you don't want any?" He yelled as you were already opening the door to get out of his apartment.
"No it's fine. I forgot I had a meeting to get to and I have to go change and get ready. I'll text you later." You yelled back, trying to sound casual, and not like you were on the verge of throwing up from the anxiety.
You texted him that night and told him you needed to focus on work, that you'd have to go to a few meetings after and you wouldn't be able to meet up. His demeanor never changed, it was always silly Seokjin, always calm,cool, And sweet Seokjin.
JIN: Hey, no worries you're fine. I have to go to a few dinners too, but since you'll be in meetings I'll have to take Hobi or Tae, they're the only ones that like these events anyway.
YOU: Thanks, you should take that girl that you took last time though or you'll end up old and alone. :P
JIN: Maybe, not sure. I'll text you later though, bye!
It was fine right? You would be fine. And he would go out and be his normal charming cool guy self. Just like always. You just needed a moment to get back into the friend zone. And although you'd just lay in bed and lie to him about where you were, you knew eventually you'd have to see him. 
So the day came, well, he more so showed up at your apartment at two am and you couldn't really avoid him. When you opened the door, you don't look up, even though he towers over you. 
"____ what's wrong?"
You can hear the hurt in his voice as he says your name, and yet, you know that if you look up he'll see right through you. So you stare at his feet.
"Nothing just tired from work. What's going on?" You mumble, trying to keep your composure as you look up as him for the first time. He sighs and looks away, scratching the back of his head, trying to figure out what to say next.
"What did I do? Are you mad? I just, I don't know why you're avoiding me, and you tell me everything. So I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong." He tells you quietly, as if he was reassuring himself to you. That your friendship meant more than just a few races of Mario Kart or a permanent plus one that he didn't have to explain more than just, "yeah, she's a friend." And everyone would just get it, no questions asked. 
But suddenly you were in his arms, and you can smell the fresh cotton scent you've become so used to. You can feel his warmth when he presses into you and you can hear his heartbeat pounding into your ears. 
It wasn't like you didn't miss him, you did, too much for a friend though. And how were you going to break it to him. That you, the one who's supposed to be the cool noona, who doesn't mind just being friends, was in too deep? How could you tell him so he just gives you time to be his friend again? Because losing him would be way worse than anything else thrown at you.
You squeeze your eyes shut as you wrap your arms around his torso in response to his sudden hug. It was second nature to do so, but this time it just felt like it was the last time and you wanted to hold on as long as possible. He brushed your hair with his fingers, and swayed side to side because he knew that made you smile. You took a deep breath, not realizing you had been holding it in since he had first leaned against you.
"It's ok, _______, hey I'm fine, you're fine, nothing's wrong. I know you need space sometimes, but I can't have you lying to me about where you are when we tell each other everything. I didn't mean to scare you. Hey, it's ok don't worry." He pats your head and holds you close realizing for the first time that you're crying. You clear your throat and back away from him wiping away your tears with your sweater paws, trying to regain a little sanity.
"I wasn't lying, I'm just ... tired." You tell him sounding coarse, more tired than you knew. "Work is overwhelming and I just needed some time to myself. You know me, I..."
"No, you don't,not from me anyway. You don't and I know because I know you _____, like the back of my hand I know you." Jin said, sounding louder than he meant to. Taking a step back and breathing once before continuing, "But, I get it. I'm not sure why, but I get that you need space from me." He looks down and sighs, making your heart break a little more each time. He pinches the bridge of his nose and you know it's his form of keeping a level head. He does it when he's mad, or worse, when he doesn't want you to see him cry. 
He looks at you one more time and you can tell. He's tired, and his pleading look is something you thought you'd never be the cause of. But, what's worse? Leaving it here, or telling him the truth and watching him walk out, for real this time?
"Just... give me 2 more days. I just need 2 more days and I promise I'll come back. I just... I just need 2..." you stare at him, but with your own pleading look this time, you words soft and sad. For what, you don't know. Maybe the end, realizing, it might be the last time he visits you?
"Ok, ok _______. 2 days, but when you come back to me I want to know. I really do, whatever you give me. I'll accept it, just like you do to me. No judgement, no worries. But please, 2 days, come back." He grabs your hand and rubs along your wrist, a sign of affection he was used to giving you as he goes in for one more hug. This time he holds you a little tighter, maybe even a little longer, before he clears his throat, takes a deep breath and turns to walk to his car.
You stare at him going down the sidewalk and breathe, 2, 3. He's almost gone ______, and then you really need to get your shit together before you really lose him, you chide yourself silently.
Jin turns and waves, nodding once for goodbye while he smiles softly. His cheeks puff a little in the lamplight and you can see a glare. There was no way he was crying was there? You'd only seen him do it once when you dared him to eat your grandma's salsa that had a little too much jalapeño causing him to cry out in pain. The confused look you had, made him stop for a second before getting into his car and leaving towards his home.
Lying in bed, you kept twisting and turning, feeling way too hot to sleep and nothing could fix it. You walk to the kitchen and pull out some food, but it just gives you nausea thinking about what just happened so you settle for the milk and cereal.
Why'd you have to be so suspicious looking? Like you did something you weren't proud of? I mean, being in love with your best friend isn't a crime, it's just, not common, especially between you two. You went over the scenario in your head again, thinking about what you should have done differently so you wouldn't have to tell him the truth. You look at the cereal and look at the almost empty carton of milk before you grab a bowl and throw everything in trying to stuff your face and forget. 
2 days, 2 days, to figure out how to tell Jin that you love him in a way that isn't the same anymore. And it's all his fault, his, and stupid Lord of the Rings, that you promised to never watch again if this didn't fix itself.
To say that you were productive in trying to figure out the best way to tell your best friend that you were in love with him was a complete over exaggeration. You lied in bed, eating snickers, listening to old Taylor Swift songs- that you hated, but Jin thought were cute, and cried into your pillow like a maniac. There were moments of clarity sure, where you'd write, or at least begin to write, Jin a letter of things you wanted to tell him. Maybe give him a pros and cons list of being your friend still, but you always came up short, Both literally and figuratively. It was frustrating because at the end of the day, Jin had everything. He had his best group of friends, he had girls fawning over him, he had a stable family, a bougie apartment, and a great job. All you offered were some really intense matches of Capcom VS Marvel, and we all know, Jungkook would be a much better opponent. But here you were, trying to figure out where you went wrong, why you had to take his confession in any other way than platonically, and therefore ruin your friendship.
Day 2 came by after a sleepless night. You called Jin and told him as cool as you could that you'd be at his house no later than 8, and to be ready with Captain America Winter Soldier because it was the best and he couldn't change your mind.
"Yes, I get it. Bucky is your dude, no need to rub it in. Don't forget though" his voice getting softer, "I miss you so hurry up"
"Yes I know, you can't live without me and life is unbearable because you have no one warm to cuddle to. Although, I should definitely charge for being your own personal teddy bear." You laugh, as calmly as you can, nerves on the other end running towards you throat to make you sound cringier than normal. 
7 o'clock came and you got ready. Jeans and Jins sweatshirt, not that he would care. Most of them ended up in your house and consequently on you because you liked that his long arms made the perfect sweater paws. You put your hair up in a bun and you told yourself once more through the mirror, "Hey, it isn't the end, everything goes, and if he does too, you'll survive". You nodded to yourself and put the best fake smile you could as you walk towards your car and get in, driving to your version of the end of the world.
Jin opens the door and his eyes light up in the best possible way. You always admired that about him, his true emotions always on his sleeve, and today, you hoped that his eyes would stay like this even after your confession. 
"You gonna let me in or do I have to shove my way through?" You smile as best you can, telling yourself, only a few more minutes until it's all over, just breathe, you'll be ok.
"Nah, you can fight me first!" he teased and went in for a hug. You inhaled his scent like it was the only oxygen you could ever need in life. It was odd, he didn't let go, and although you hated the thought of doing it first, you knew you had to, so you rubbed his back a second went in for the kill, tickling him in his ribs when he least expected it.
"Really!? Wait, no stop! STOP IT YOU WIN!!" He yells as he pulls you in for another hug, He breathes you in for a second, relaxing, "I really missed you. This was way too long, and I don't know how I survived without you" he sighed, his shoulders slouching into you, even when he could easily engulf your whole body in his large frame.
You blush pulling back and patting his arm in the friendliest of ways, "Back at you! Let's go watch Bucky be a beast!" Hoping that he didn't see you cringe to yourself as you said it.
What a dork, you murmur to yourself as you sit on his couch, knocking your shoes off one at a time. You sit cross legged on the sofa waiting for the movie to start before Jin turns off the screen.
"Hey" he says as he sits in front of you on the floor in the same exact way as you. You look at him, a sneer in your stare as you grab a pillow and throw it at his head. He chuckles as he turns away trying not to get hit. But as he turns back you can see the look in his eyes. It's the same one he had 2 nights ago, and it's the one you knew would come back today.
"Yeah, what's up" you tell him, tilting your head to the side,hoping he can just see the tension in your face and leave it alone.
He stares at you for a quick second, thoughts floating in his pupils about what move to make next.
He gets on both knees and gets close to your face, startling you frozen in front of him. You can feel him breathing on you, and you don't know why, but the sudden urge to cup his face with your hand comes out snd you're rubbing your thumb across his cheek. 
He holds your hand within his and closes his eyes for a second, and you can feel him shaking slightly. Is he nervous? Does he think you'll leave him on purpose? I guess it's now or never.
"Jin, I.."
"I know, and if it makes you feel better, I do too."
"Lies, you don't even know what I'm going to say. Do you always have to win? I mean I try my hardest and it's not fair when your fingers are longer than ..." and his lips are on yours, effectively shutting you up from saying something even more stupid than you already had.
You look around the room, feeling like it's spinning, holding on for dear life to his sweater collar because if you let go you'd collapse. 
You close your eyes and and scrunch your face trying to burn it into your memory. A kiss, that's all this is, but it's not. It's his kiss. It's dorky, nerdy, handsome, beautiful Jin's kiss and it's perfect, just like him.
You slowly wrap your hands around his neck as he breathes you in, turning slightly so you can be more comfortable and pulls back to smile at your dumbfounded face. You keep your eyes closed hoping it wasn't just a figment of your imagination before you hear him chuckle, his stupid Jin chuckle.
"What? Why are you laughing? Is this funny to you? How?! How rude" you aim to slap his arm, but he catches it and grabs you by the waist pulling you in for a hug.
"Don't ever do that again, you promise? It wasn't fun, and I don't know if I scared you when I told you I love you because I thought you were sleeping, but I really meant it." Jin kisses your collarbone as he nuzzles into your neck.
"I didn't know, I really didn't, but I'm glad I do now. This anxiety was killing me, and literally the only person I could tell was Tae and we all know how weird he gets when we talk about our feelings. I mean, remember that one time I-"
"Just, here, -" He places another kiss on your lips, then your cheeks, your nose, and your forehead, effectively making you mush. "At least now I know how to really shut you up when you start your monologues"
"Oh shut up and come here" you smile and you pull him up to the couch and snuggle with him under the blanket. 
This was the one thing you didn't think would happen today, and although you lost maybe 10 years from the anxiety alone, it was definitely worth it, you tell yourself as you look at him while he's singing along to the marvel theme song. 
That's my nerd, my Jin.
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