#but it def is a joke i’m really not gonna hate on a whole group of people over this
favroitecrime · 1 year
cause if your friend was fantasizing about getting valentine’s day chocolates from your boyfriend and then promised she didn’t have feelings for him/nothing was going on only to turn around a few months after your break up and proclaim she’s had feelings for him all along and kisses him… y’all would’ve burned nini at the stake btw
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academy13 · 2 years
I’m going feral at the thought I had at work.... like to sum up, its a Power Rangers thing, where I change how Tommy and Kim broke up (but that’s not the major point of the story) because I hate the Dear John letter. Its stupid. I get why from the production perspective of the time, but we can do better. And having known a couple who was in a relationship in high school for a solid like... two years or so, I can safely say that even if the couple seems like they wouldn’t break up, it can happen. So I’m going to go with that, Tommy just gets a little more heartbroken that Kim leaves to go train with that gymnastics coach because she is his friend too (and quite possibly one of his closest friends, as not only is she the first person who really welcomes him to Angel Grove, but she’s also the one who makes him feel like part of the team and friend group after the whole Green With Evil thing). I don’t know when they’d exactly break up, but I feel like it would be before Kat shows up, or maybe just after, but def before Kat has her turn at evil (as I’d actually like to show her meeting the group before Rita does anything, I feel like it would give a little more impact to Kat’s intro arc. Like... she meets the team at the Juice Bar, see’s Kim doing gymnastics and it leads to a conversation about what Kim’s training for, and Kat gets a little tense at the mention of the games Kim is training for because she was training for them too, just in a different sport, and nobody in the group really wants to pry at that point. She’s too new and they don’t have a point of reference to know if they’re pushing it. Also makes the impact of her diving again more poignant, because then you can have Kim and Kat have a conversation about training for their sports, and Kat talk a little bit about what happened that made her stop diving.)
But all that aside, the concept that hit me was Kat in London after Turbo, Kim winds up getting in touch with her because she’s gonna be doing a competition out there and well, she actually knows someone living there who can give her the grand tour of the city. Also, Kim being perceptive and going “I get it you know, what After feels like. So we’re gonna hang out, see the sights, and talk about it kay?”. So they agree that it’s best for Kat to meet her after practice, so Kat makes her way out to where they’re practicing early, and actually winds up watching the whole thing. Gymnastics isn’t like her Thing, but she understands enough of what’s happening and its interesting... and she also finds it hilarious that Kim is the one who notices her being there from the beginning, and absolutely nobody else. In fact the rest of the gymnasts don’t notice her until she’s gone down to the floor and pretty much sneaks up on everyone but Kim.  “What can I say, I’m like a ninja.”
“More like a cat.” “I mean that is my name... ninja cat?”
“That sounds like a cartoon character Kat...”
“You’re right, that’s terrible... besides you’re a ninja as well. We need a cool team name.”
“Uh... excuse me what?” Both look over at Kim’s team mate.  “Oh, inside jokes. We both went to the same high school for what... a semester?” “Sounds about right, I think you came in about half way through the school year and then I left after summer break started. Can’t remember exactly, it was really crazy...” “You’re telling me... Angel Grove is not a normal town.”
“Says the Australian.”
“There’s ‘everything in nature is going to kill me’ and then there’s ‘superhero shenanigan's are going to kill me’, mother nature I can handle.”
Everyone laughs at that. Then another team mate speaks up. “Wait... I thought you looked familiar, Kat Hillard? The diver?” Stunned silence for a moment. “How’d you...” “My brother, big diving fan. It was... a big deal when you left. Kim you’ve been holding out on us, you know one of THE best divers in the sport.” “Oh come on its been years, I haven’t competed since...” “But you were still a good up and coming diver, people still remember you.” “Well I’d have said something if I knew Kat was that big a deal, but well....” shrugs “High school was already rough, I don’t wanna hash out someone else’s trauma on top of my own. Think we both wound up helpin’ each other at the time... never really thought about it, but rest of our friends never really understood the level we competed at.” “... huh. I never thought about that... both of those things really. I mean, I do dive a bit still, it’s... calming in a way I guess. Dance doesn’t really hit the same way, I mean it helps me clear my head, but something about being at the edge of the platform... its a little like flying.” “You know, that first dive I saw... I still think about it. That dive has helped me get through some shit out here on the floor... I don’t know a whole lot about diving, which by the way come the Olympics you are sitting down and explaining to me what the hell is going on in that competition, but I know it was both the most incredible thing I ever saw. And the bravest.” “Wait.. you saw her dive?! When?” “Uh... god like, a couple of weeks before I started training in Florida. So like... what, three, four years ago? I know it was a big deal cause like, you were really touchy about water there for a bit.” “Touchy is understating it.” And the rest of the group feels like they’re missing something in the exchange, the look the two give each other saying things they’re not voicing. “But yeah, it... may have been a bigger deal than you’d think. I wasn’t training at the time I had my accident... I’ve never seen the footage, but I’m told it wasn’t pretty.” “Oh god Kat.... Jesus Christ. That makes way too much sense of stuff I never realized I’d noticed PC..” “Good thing we had a punching bag to take it out on, Angel Grove never did lack in those given the superheros.”
0 notes
Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.4
I swear folks once I get this and the last part up I’m gonna condense it all
But yeah couldn’t resist some <3
Zhang and Wu Chat
Wu Xie: Um. I’m all done with the shower if you want a turn.
Zhang Qiling: I’m alright without one.
Wu Xie: sooo are you pissed at me still?
Zhang Qiling: ? I have not been angry with you since the ladder incident.
Wu Xie: you’ve barely said anything since the necklace thingy
Zhang Qiling: I believe it is a long-running joke amongst my friend group that I do not, in fact, say much.
Wu Xie: okay but there are multiple gouges in the tea house walls that would suggest you had somewhat strong feelings today
and I kinda caused the events that sparked said feelings
so just checking in you know
Zhang Qiling: I was not angry so much as I was afraid. More afraid than I’ve been in a long time.
Wu Xie: ??? But it has worked out fine??? Everyone made it out alive and Uncle Erbai gets to feel morally superior to the Zhang family for a while so today was a win overall
Zhang Qiling: I heard you scream. I didn’t know what had happened. I couldn’t get to you right away. Therefore, I was afraid.
Wu Xie: ohhhhh. oh, Xiao Ge. It’s alright now—hey the necklace was actually helping u look out for me:) It’s not like those ppl were actually trying to hurt me, really. Your family isn’t so bad, at least you don’t have any uncles you know of
today was just some big misunderstandings wrapped in some poor life choices. Tbh my memoir title
I feel kind of stupid for screaming but when a glowing necklace wraps itself around your neck it’s a little uhoh moment lol
I did like the design tho def my aesthetic.
Zhang Qiling: I am pleased that it was able to protect you when I was not.
Wu Xie: Uh no you are not allowed to get all emo abt this it’s only like 3pm
damn time flies when it’s flashing before your eyes lol
Are you on the roof? You’re def on the roof. I thought I heard the tiles moving over my head. Come down or I’m coming up.
Zhang Qiling: I will be down in a moment. Do not come outside, it’s cold and raining.
Wu Xie: you know, Zhang Rishan said he thinks the necklace might be linked to you, somehow
something from long ago, even though you wouldn’t remember it.
It’s lucky that it liked me, huh:)
Zhang Qiling: Yes. Quite lucky.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: No. Also, I am considering what steps I should take with Zhang Rishan. Regardless of his concern for the Zhang family line, his actions were unacceptable.
Zhang Qiling: I am the patriarch of my family. The necklace behaved as I would, apparently, to protect a vulnerable family member. Wu Xie’s bad cold last week activated it, and it responded to a perceived danger to him today. Simple enough.
Wang Pangzi: UH HUH
Zhang Qiling: It protected him on a technicality. But I will not allow him to bear the burdens of my family ever again. It has taken so much from him already.
Friends of Wu Xie Support Group Chat
Hei Yangjing: you’re welcome for everything today<3 I accept PayPal, although of course it is always my honor to assist my friends:)
Zhang Qiling: You did absolutely nothing.
Hei Yangjing: whoa whoa maybe I wasn’t threatening family members or busting up load-bearing walls like some undying divas I could name but I totes helped
or at least I was there for moral support maybe?
Zhang Qiling: The only reason I knew you were there at all was that as I lowered my blade from Zhang Rishan’s neck, I heard the camera click and saw you were taking a selfie making a peace sign, angled to have the two of us in the background.
Xie Yuchen: I saw it on social media just now. The caption is “#greatdaycatchingupwiththelads #blessed”
Hei Hangjing: okay yeah you see Xiao Ge that is a modern kind of help I should’ve known you wouldn’t be aware
It’s called performance, you wouldn’t understand
it’s a ‘Gram thing
Also it means I’m a great person
Bc letting you handle the situation was my gift to you
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie mentioned there is something called “blocking ppl” that gets them out of my phone.
Hei Yangjing: nah
Can’t trust that Wu Xie, bae can’t tell a coffin from an urn amirite
it’s not a thing, blocking
Xie Yuchen: It is a thing. I’ll show you later, Zhang Qiling.
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Hei Yangjing: you looked pretty comfortable in those handcuffs earlier ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Go to sleep, idiot.
Hei Yangjing: You’d have to do something to tire me out ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Are you like this around Wu Xie? Not that I care, I’m just asking.
Hei Yangjing: uh that’s a big nope
First off all Idk when I’ll die but Id prefer it to be on my terms and not at the hands of those other two
Secondly there is a part of me that remembers how adorable he was when he was younger and that makes it weird
(No offense but u were not adorable. He was bebe luke skywalker, you were bebe princess leia I am obvs Han Solo 4lyfe)
Also I’m a little scared that if i flirted with him and he flirted back he’d be better at it.
Xie Yuchen: All valid concerns.
Hei Yangjing: as cute as he is I don’t really wanna tap that.
Xie Yuchen: I see.
Hei Yangjing: do you tho
Main Chat
Wu Xie: okay folks who wants cocoa to top the evening off? I picked some up today:D
Wu Xie: the tea house gift shop:)
Wu Xie: I mean we were there the whole day, it felt impolite not to buy anything.
Wu Xie: look, let’s focus on the positives/ we are all okay, and we learned something new, that necklace is still active! It’s really quite nice-looking when it isn’t moving of its own volition.
Zhang Qiling: I would love some cocoa. I’ll come to the kitchen.
Wu Xie: I have special marshmallows for you!!
Wang Pangzi: I SEE
Wu Xie: Still thinking about that design… I’d love another chance to examine that necklace under less Zhangy circumstances.
Kinda sad we couldn’t borrow it to use for illnesses and dangerous missions :/
ah well it’s for the best, a family heirloom should be treasured, preserved and protected<3
Zhang Qiling: I put it on your dresser.
Wu Xie: ???????
Wu Xie: I—
Zhang Qiling: Are those bunny-shaped marshmallows for me?
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lillian-nator · 4 years
In one of the Ybln drabbles you mentioned that Wilbur and Schlatt are friends (aqantences?), what's their friendship like? Actually, a more broad question -- I know that Tommy is the focus, and you've talked briefly about what his social circle is like at school, but what're the other sb's friend groups like in this au? Are any of them Popular Kids™? (Also I just found your writing and it's REALLY GOOD dude! Love this au it's super cool! I'll def be reading ur other stuff when I'm not as sleep deprived lol 💛💛💛💛💖💖💖💖)
Thank You!!
SO - I mentioned this in the tag of my last post, but both Techno and Wilbur are seniors. 
Their social circles: 
Phil had just recently graduated college, (the au takes place in late winter through spring, you know when the senior parties really amp up) he is 21 years old. None of the brothers know where he works, but they know it has something to do with computers (Techno isn’t sure, but he thinks Phil builds computers). So while Phil has friends, and his own circle, we will most likely never see them because the brothers never see them. He wasn’t super popular in highschool - kind of a nerd - but in Highschool, and College he had his own close group of friends. 
Phil could live on his own, but he is waiting for Tommy to graduate highschool, he knows that it’s gonna be really tough on Tommy to watch both of his other brothers (especially Wilbur, the two have been attached to the hip since Tommy was born) go away to college next year - and he doesn't want the blonde to be alone. 
Wilbur stayed back in Kindergarten, for reasons I will never explain, making him 19. Techno did not stay back, but he also didn’t move up any grades because his mom said that it wouldn’t be good for his social skills. Techno is 18. 
For reference: Schlatt, is 18. Niki is 17 (I’m graduating highschool at 17, so it’s possible). Fundy is 18. Eret is 19 - he doesn’t go to school anymore, he is a teacher assistant, and the President of the GSA - but he still sits with his friends at lunch. 
Wilbur is popular, sure. But in a very different way than Tommy. 
Wilbur is popular in the way that everybody knows him, and a lot of people want to be friends with him, but he keeps himself to his circle. Most of the girls want to date him, sure, but nobody can tell if him and Schlatt are an actual thing or not. 
He is a music kid. He is an indie kid - lets not lie. Everyone wants to know what is up with him, but he couldn’t care less. 
Tommy is popular in like the “jock that for some reason is actually runny funny and fun to hang with” way. Like he is actually really, really popular in the I’m friends with the whole school kind of way. 
Like this kid just goes down the hallway and high fives people type of shit. 
I mean, Tommy is a star athlete. He plays varsity soccer, varsity baseball, and he runs with the varsity indoor track team in between his seasons. He has to let all of his energy out somehow. (Funfact: Punz and SapNap continuously beg Tommy to join the football team because they could use a good runner like him, but Tommy knows that he will be snapped and half, so he has to decline). Even though Tommy is friends with the entire student body, he prefers to spend time with his group [Mainly Purpled and Tubbo]. 
For reference (Tommy’s Friends): Punz is 19 - he definitely stayed back in like 7th grade. SapNap is 17. Dream is 18. George is 18.   Callahan is 17. Ponk is 18. They are all seniors. Quackity is 18. Karl is 17. They are Juniors. Purpled, Tubbo, and Tommy are 15. They are freshman. 
Techno is not popular. That’s it. 
Everyone knows him, because of his two brothers, but also because he is top of the class.
While Wilbur gets mostly B’s taking honors classes, and AP English’s; and Tommy gets most C’s in some regular, some honors classes; Techno gets all A’s in all AP Classes. 
Techno has a few friends, such as TapL (18), Skeppy (17), and Calvin (18). He’s always been acquaintances with Dream, who is salutatorian - both of them vying for the top spot. But, both of them know that Dream is too focused on football for him to really put in the time that Techno does to get Valedictorian.
Techno is also on the Varsity Baseball team with Tommy. The baseball season is the only season that Techno and Tommy get along. Tommy’s a pitcher because he is ambidextrous (true fact, Tommy actually is left handed for minecraft too), and Techno is the school’s star batter, so the two make a perfect duo. 
As for your first question, Wilbur and Schlatt’s relationship? 
Nobody knows why they became friends - nobody. 
They just did, when they were very young. 
Sometimes it’s apparent to see that they really like eachother, some days they get along extremely well, and joke together, and do science labs together. Other days though, they absolutely hate eachothers guts. Schlatt has more than once thrown a Textbook at Wilbur. And Wilbur, more than once, has split coffee onto Schlatt’s assignments “accidentally”. 
Either way, they are eachothers’ ride or die. If you mess with one of them the other will not hesitate to fight you the fuck off. 
And, to add to a point I made earlier - no matter what kind of day it is, they flirt too much to be normal. They are those friends, that no one can tell if they are actually dating or not. Schlatt has - on multiple occasions - tried to make out with Wilbur. 
Their relationship is completely and utterly platonic, but do they sure confuse the fuck out of the student body. 
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excaliburofficial · 3 years
Some headcanons I have about Black☆Star
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tbh I really didn’t like Black*Star that much when I first watched the show eons ago but since then he really grew on me and is pretty much one of my favs, def in my top 5 and honestly prob my 2nd fav overall maybe even tied for 1st??? idek I love all these babies and ranking favs is hard
So kinda like my post about Patty I’m gonna talk some about growing up a bit!! I hc like the entire main cast w/ troubled upbringing (i mean duh look at them) so!
TW for mentions of neglect! Nothing big but please take care of yourself :)
He is transmasc mlm, if you get nothing else out of this thing just know that he is transmasc mlm, it is a fact and he told me himself
I said earlier that I think a lot of his ego and wanting to surpass god comes from the fact that he was looked down on/pitied/flat out ignored so much growing up for being Star Clan and he absolutely hated it
Even though Sid brought Black*Star to the academy/helped raise him I don’t think he was really a father figure to him, Sid would have been pretty young and while I def think he was a helpful figure I can’t see him having a fatherly role to Black*Star exactly 
Black*Star didn’t have any parental figures at all actually, a lot of people in DC and esp the academy kind of had a role of being responsible for him but I don’t think he had anyone stable to look after him at all, and while some people were caring/supportive for sure some people weren’t and he just didn’t have a primary caregiver at all. I think he was p neglected sometimes and I think that has a lot to do w his fixations on being big and powerful
He is a total ride or die though!!! Like this is p much just canon in universe but im gonna make the case that this is partly bc he was kinda neglected. he is a really caring person and he really doesnt know how to show it most of the time, but he does know how to show it in being super protective and loyal
He also is the type where if someone he cares about says they’re moving he literally just shows up and carries entire stacks of boxes no questions asked
Would def also help someone hide a body and give them a solid alibi
He is dyslexic
Punk AF!! He listens to all the older punk bands and listens to a lot of local music and definitely has a battle vest that he’s never washed (Tsubaki sometimes throws it into the washer in secret). He tries to sneak in to a lot of hardcore shows in bars before he can legally go in and sometimes is even successful. The local scene knows him pretty well
He drinks a lot of Caprisun even well into adulthood and the group has a whole joke about how he drinks so much Caprisun (aka that one caprisun vine)
Is an EPIC GAMER™ and plays against Patty a lot, who is way better than him at most of them except for Street Fighter where they are on the same level
He has a huge weakness for children and animals! for some reason he really likes otters and wants one as a pet but he will gladly get a rescue dog instead
Def had a dinosaur phase as a child and wanted to go back in time to beat up a t rex
He is generally a morning person
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hwangdol · 5 years
n.jm: where are you?
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summary: jaemin is just a little (very) misunderstood
pairing: highschool!fboi!jaemin x fem!reader
note: gUESS WHOSE BACK IN TOWN?!?!?!? y’all already know the routine: poor grammar, crackheads, a fuck ton of cursing i think, and drug references (*coughs* stoner-boi!haechan *coughs*). this isn’t the last part so theres def gonna be a part three, i just have too much to write for jaemin and i don’t wanna rush things too much, but i also don’t wanna leave you all hanging. so enjoy. but also make sure to read part one first so you can be in the know~ 
“because she knew that i was in love with you” 
it took you a good m i n u t e to register jaemin’s words, not that you even comprehended the weight of his words either.  
you didn’t know how to respond so like a normal person you started laughing awkwardly to ease the tension, “you’re joking right?” 
he hAD to be bc there was no way in hell that the biggest fuckboy of the whole school, na jaemin once harbored a one-sided love for you, right? 
a small flash of hurt flashed across jaemin’s eyes that you couldn’t catch since his whole demeanor immediately brighten u again and one of his signature playful smiles on was back on his face. 
.“i can’t ever fool you can i?” he chuckled shaking his head.
“no but seriously, why didn’t you go to hoco sophomore year? you were supposed to be hoco royalty with ella,” you picked at the melting ice cream. 
jaemin shrugged, “maybe i just didn’t feel like it.” 
he seems so nonchalant on the outside, but on the inside, na jaemin is thinking of 1001 ways to disappear off the face of the earth. 
what did he expect in the first place? that you would just accept his belated confession that quickly?
but he’s now big s a d, but he ain't going let that show. no, no, no, it ruins his go-with-the-flow personality and the “playboy” role everyone put him in. 
“do you have something to do after school tomorrow?” jaemin asked once the two had finished your sundae and the two of you were waiting for your ride to come to pick you up.  
 you shook your head at his question, knowing that haechan would mostly like ditch your afterschool hang out to get high with mark or chill at that one girl's house
“why?” you asked. 
“how about we hang out then?” jaemin asked so casually. he was just that good at hiding his real feels
 “can i ask why you’re suddenly trying to hang out with me more often? its weird” you say back, not like the feeling that was bubbling in your throat. was he trying to mess around with you? did he run out of girls to play with?
jaemin pouted slightly, ‘i’m simply trying to reconnect with my old friend. besides, i need help with the prom decorations and since you already finished it, you should know how to do them quickly.” 
“i’ll see” is all you say. 
and you leave, not knowing what you did to his poor little heart. 
poor jaemin got ghosted bc you never reached out to him in the days to follow to “hang out”. the two of you would make eye contact at school, but you always quickly looked away. 
:( x 10
it wasn’t that jaemin was shock by your cold treatment, but he was holding onto the hope that you didn’t see him as na jaemin the resident fuckboi, but as na jaemin the boy who was once the prince to your little princess. except jaemin knew very well that this isn’t a fairy tale, just cruel reality.
life is a little bitch and it was messing him the fuck up! 
however, na jaemin is a coward and he knows this. 
which is why he feels more comfortable when he’s surrounded by others wearing the mask that was carefully crafted for him than when he’s all by himself.
bc when’s he completely alone, when no one is around, he’s left with no one but himself. 
the one person he hates the most in the world.
when did it begin? 
when did he care more about what others think than what he thought? when did he begin to follow the crowd? 
when did he lose himself? 
maybe it began around sophomore year, when he first agreed to date ella. something that he wouldn’t have agreed to if it weren’t for you asking that of him. 
he could never say no to you. the one who held his heart in the palm of his hands. 
did he ever like ella?
he tried to, but it was kinda hard when the only reason why he said yes to her confession was to make you happy. he remembered the way your eyes lit up in happiness as he and ella broke the news to you
you looked like the happiest girl in the world and he felt his heart race at the sight, but not when ella confess to him. 
it was useless pining, he knew that. you only saw him as a close friend and especially now that he was with your bestfriend. 
that was why he tried soooooo hard to get himself to feel things for ella. 
he spent most of his time with her, even ditching his homie student-athlete!jeno (who he often found himself feeling jealous of when he found out that jeno crashed at your house to have a movie marathon with you multiple times)
but he just couldn’t feel anything for ella. so he began to lie.
the first time he lied, it ate him up inside. the simple three words, eight letters phrase was hard to say when you don’t actually mean it. 
but as jaemin found himself repeating the lie over and over again, the guilt that was always lingering in the back of his mind slowly went away until he had gotten used to it. 
it became natural for him to lie. 
to everyone and to himself
people always told him that it must be nice having a face like his, but every time he looked in the mirror, he felt nothing but hatred for the person staring back at him. 
at school, he did nothing but play the charming guy that everyone saw him as. he did things that would please the crowd and he felt good when they responded the way he wanted. he overlooked things that he once thought was wrong just to be in good graces with the others. 
when donghyuck had his little altercation with jeno, jaemin never felt more jealous in his life. donghyuck chose to be himself, he broke free of the mold that everyone fit him in. he had the courage that jaemin doesn’t
if someone told him to take off his persona, he wouldn’t know what to do. he’s lived this way for so long that he had forgotten who he really was. what he really wanted in life. what truly made him happy. 
was he even happy? jaemin didn’t know. 
which is why he didn’t know what to do when he overheard ella’s conversation with one of her other friends.
“do we really have to invite y/n too? i don’t want her do come with us to hoco. she’s such a party pooper.” 
“i don’t want to either, but i’m only keeping her around because she’s the reason why i’m with jaemin in the first place.” 
“isn’t weird that the two of them have been close friends for a while and she hasn’t had any feeling for him?”
“she did,” he hears ella admit. “until i told her that i liked jaemin and then she totally dropped him like that for me.”
“she’s kind of annoying though, always hanging around the two of you. she’s kinda clingy too, no one even likes her in our group.” 
“just deal with her for now and we can ice her out later.” 
anyways, jaemin didn’t know what to do so he walked away and pretended that he didn’t hear the conversation. but there's only so much he can just ignore, and this is one of them. 
the familiar guilt comes crawling up every time he sees you, smiling with the people that called themselves your “friends”.
it doesn’t take long for jaemin to come to the realization that he’s surrounded by liars. and enough is enough. 
well, he still has an image to maintain. 
so he chose to break up with ella and actually tell the truth for once, but only to her. to be honest, the truth was kinda forced to come out by itself. 
“what do you mean that you’re not going?” he hears ella’s frantic voice and the music playing in the background. maybe it wasn’t a good idea to do the breaking up part the night of homecoming. 
good work, jaemin. 
“i don’t think that this is going to work between us. i’m sorry” 
was he really? 
“but you said that you loved me!” 
that was just a lie. he thought to himself. “i just don’t feel the same anymore, ella, please understand.” i never did. 
“it’s because of her isn’t it? you’ve been in love with y/n this whole time haven’t you?” and jaemin’s blood runs cold. 
the music was gone, so ella must have gone to a more quieter, private place. 
“i’m not blind jaemin. the way you looked at her, the way you always find yourself next to her; i saw it all,” ella begins “i knew ever since you said yes to me.” 
“then why didn’t you say anything? you just let me lie to you like that?” 
“lying is the best solution, jaemin, you should know that the best.” 
lying is bad kids, don’t do - admin minnie
jaemin could already feel the backlash he was going to receive. he spent the entire hoco night at home preparing himself for the shit that was going to go down the next day at school. 
except nothing happened to him. 
you had received the hatred, the eyeing, the whispers. you were the one that was iced out, outcasted, not jaemin.
jaemin was too afraid for the same thing happening to him, so he turned his head the other way. 
“i just don’t understand why everyone is giving y/n the silent treatment. why are they mad at her? what did she do?” jaemin shrugs at jeno’s angry rant. 
jeno had the right to be mad, you were dragged in to be jaemin’s scapegoat. 
“and why did you break up with ella anyways? i thought everything was going good?” 
“i was bored.”
it was pure irony and the biggest bitch slap in jaemin’s face that you had befriended lee donghyuck, the one person that he envied so wholeheartedly. 
jaemin couldn’t do anything, no, he didn’t want to do anything he didn’t want to step out of the little safety persona that he created for himself. he didn’t want to lose all the people that surrounded him. he doesn’t want to be alone. 
he hates being alone. 
he’ll much rather take on the role of the fuckboy that he hates so much if that meant that people would still stick around him. 
which brings him to his current dilemma
“i don’t see why you don’t just put up the image and just go with ella to hoco,” art-hoe!renjun says as the two of them walk to english “the two of you are both going to be king and queen anyways, just go.” 
“maybe,” jaemin says, eliciting in a pointed glare from renjun 
“you can’t just ditch prom just because of her, this the last year and are you really going to go down as the prom king that didn’t show up to prom?” 
“i won’t win for sure, so there's really no point in me going,” jaemin replies
renjun rolls his eyes, and he taps a random passing student on the shoulder, “who do you think is going to win prom royalty this year?” he asks the stranger. 
without missing a beat, the student replies, “jaemin and ella, why?” 
and renjun’s face is the exact embodiment of i-told-you-so 
instead of that motivating jaemin to actually go, it actually made him WANT to skip out on the event even more 
“y/n ask to me to ask you if you gave ella all of the decorations for prom or something like that,” jeno tells him at lunch, causing jaemin’s eyes to drift over to you and haechan. 
he wonders what the two of you are talking about that has you smiling that hard. he wonders what haechan has that he doesn't. 
maybe its his natural-born charisma? not the artificial type that jaemin has mastered the act of. 
“earth to jaemin,” jeno waves a hand in front of his friend’s face. 
“sorry, yeah, i’m turning it in after school,” he replies, eyes lingering on you for one more second before focusing on the food on his tray, “besides, she could have asked me directly.” 
“she had dinner at my house last night,” jeno replies, “what’s got your panties in a twist anyway?” 
“not all of us is about to confess our feelings to our puppy crush, lover boy,” renjun pipes in. 
jeno’s ears turn a tinge of pink, but jaemin wasn't focused on that. 
and jeno might be a bit slow academically, but jaemin is his best buddy, his platonic soulmate.something was up.  
“you have three seconds to spill before i will actually expose where you were hoco sophomore year to y/n” jeno threatens 
“tell her, it’s not going to make a difference anyways,” jaemin pokes at his food “she has no interest in me what’s so over. i’m just another one of those fuckboys in her eyes.” 
jeno and renjun share a look, before renjun decides to break the news to jaemin 
“you haven’t been talking to her lately right?” renjun starts and jaemin nods
“the last time we talk was two weeks ago,” jaemin replies “she doesn’t have any other reason to interact with me like she does with jeno” 
“before we continue with this conversation, can the green-eyed monster please leave the room?” renjun takes a small jab at jaemin. 
“i’m not jealous,” jaemin looks up with an irked glare at renjun. 
“then did you really need to mention jeno?” renjun returns the look with an annoyed expression of his own
jaemin scoffs, “you don’t understand, so don’t say anything,”
“tell me what i don’t understand then? because right now i have feeling the only reason you’re so pent up and annoyed is that you’re jealous, jaemin.” 
“shut up,” jaemin snaps. “i’m not jealous.” 
smiley and easy-going jaemin is gone out the door. everything coming out of renjun’s mouth is making him angrier and angrier and jaemin didn’t even know why. 
renjun was speaking the truth. jaemin was jealous, but was he going to admit that? 
“it’s okay to be jealous,” jeno says, meaning to ease the slowly growing tension, but jeno’s attempts to mediate the conversation made jaemin even madder. 
“can the two get the fuck off my case and leave me alone? i’m not jealous so stop acting like you know how i feel,” jaemin clenches his jaw “it’s really fucking annoying.” 
“oh really now?” renjun fires back “it’s really fucking annoying how you expect the two of us to have your back, which we always do, and be fully okay with you going around town acting like a man whore and then being prissy about how the girl you’re interested in this time isn’t interested in you. this isn’t some type of cliche teen romance movie jaemin, grow a pair and deal with it.” 
“so you think i’m a man whore too?” jaemin says sarcastically, rolling his eyes, “nice to know that my best friends think so highly of me.” 
“jaemin, you know he doesn’t mean it like that,” jeno says. 
“then what? it seems to me that you guys have been having a blast talking behind my back and lying about it to my face.” 
“when did we say that?” jeno’s eyebrows furrow. 
“you don’t need to say it for me to know,” jaemin spits “it’s written all over your faces.” 
“i’m done,” renjun stands up, “when you’re ready to grow the fuck up and stop being a fucking dick bag, then find me.” 
jaemin doesn’t even bother watching renjun leaving the table, anger was still consuming him. was it anger or frustration? 
there was scream lodged in his throat that he wanted to release to the world. a pained scream of helplessness. 
“hey jaemin,” jeno has a hard look on his face. he too stands up and leaves with some hard-hitting words, “learn to get over that ridiculously big ego of yours. not everything is about you.” 
and jaemin is left at the lunch table
fuck, he thinks to himself. fuck everything. 
yeah, no way in hell was jaemin going to prom. no fucking way. 
“looks like there’s trouble in paradise,” haechan gestures with his head to the table, near the center. 
jaemin’s table, except, it’s literally only jaemin sitting there. 
out of the corner of your eyes, you could see and angry renjun followed by an equally ticked of jeno stalking off. 
“looks like the pretty boy is left by himself,” haechan remarks. “i wonder what happened?  
“why are you saying that like you know what just went down?” you squint your eyes at the boy, who merely shrugs. 
“give me fifty bucks.” 
“fuck off” 
not long after, you hear a loud slam. jaemin stands up, his eyes quickly met yours and he looked away, going with haste out the cafeteria’s doors.
and you’re left wondering what the fuck went down at the norenmin table. 
“okay, i’m done with all the fucking vague answers,” you stare down haechan, trying to intimidate an answer out of the stoner. 
 “why the fuck did jaemin not go to homecoming sophomore year and do not give me a smartass answer because i will without a doubt flush your weed stash down the drain and break your juul pens to bits. now, spill.” 
damn, y/n going in for the kill
haechan hesitates before a sigh leaves his lips, “i don’t pride myself on much other than my ridiculously good looks and my ability to bargain good weed deals, but long long before i became so awesome-”
“cut to the chase” 
“chill, bitch, i was getting there. anyways, i was basically jaemin’s confide,” haechan admits. “that’s why he’s so awkward around me, i basically know all of his personal secrets and all that jazz.” 
and you’re shocked bc haechan is really reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly petty with both of the ts bolded, and he has not once let any private info slip about jaemin, like the kind of deep shit, you’d write in your diaries. 
not once sober or faded or drunk. the loud ass himself kept his lips seals which is an incredible feat already. 
“don’t look at me like that, i’m a dick, but i’m not that big of dick,” haechan mutters “we all have things we don’t want the world to know “ 
“okay i won’t question that, but why didn’t he just go? i mean it’s just a school dance, right? its not that big of deal,” you don’t understand the extreme mystery or drama around jaemin’s non-appearance. 
haechan shakes his head, “jaemin isn’t a simple as people make him out as, sure he fucks around with girls a lot, but like me, he wasn’t always like that.” 
you nod in understanding, agreeing with the point haechan made
jaemin for sure wasn’t the same person that you knew right now. he was always a sweet boy with sweet words, but before high school, he never went around messing around with other girls
“the only choice that jaemin ever made his sophomore year that was his actual choice for his own self was to not go to homecoming, for a good reason too”
“can you be a little bit more detailed?” you urged again, curiosity flowing through you.
“he didn't go because for once he didn't want to be associated with that crowd, he didn't want to be surrounded by people who hardly gave a damn how he felt, only who he was”
haechan’s words reside in you for the longest time and you finally got a glimpse of what your normally stoned friend meant through an accidental eavesdrop of a conversation
“im not going ella, it's final,” jaemin’s voice has no trace of the playful, flirty tone it usually held. he was stern and hard with his words.
“are you really going to embarrass me again, jae?” ella sounded desperate “its just one dance. all you have to do is stand by my side and smile until we get those stupid crowns and take yearbook pictures”
“if you think they’re stupid crowns then why are you making me go?” jaemin argues back.
“you should be glad that i even helped you with your campaign. why else do you think everyone is voting for you?”
and jaemin’s voice goes to a lower, warning tone, “i’ve never ask to be nominated for royalty much less fucking prom king. i don't care what you or anyone has to say, i’m not fucking going to prom.”
your eyes meet jaemin’s as he walks past the aisle you were standing at (totally not peeping into his convo)
he has an emotionless face on and doesn't say anything as he leaves ella quickly follows but stops when she sees you.
“forget everything you heard, he’s going to prom!”
jokes on you ella, bc hes not going anywhere
guess who joined the i’m-ditching-school-because-i’m-an-emotional-wreck club!!
the next three days were hectic at school, everyone was excited for the big dance on saturday. there were last-minute promposals and girls were showing off their sparkly, expensive dresses to each other.
however, the one person that was missing and had you looking for all week was, na jaemin.
where the fuck was he now?
“have you seen jaemin? i haven't seen him at school lately,” you asked jeno, who was sitting in the library diligently waiting for his tutor/crush to arrive.
the number of times you received an “idk” from one of jaemin’s other friends was ridiculous and it was like they didn’t even care that he skipped school for three days or where he was. 
jaemin might be a bit on the wild side, but he’s not the type to completely ditch school for three whole days straight. that was haechan’s job. 
the only people you could rely on was jeno and renjun, but the latter was more agitated at jaemin than jeno was, so you figured that the athlete was the safer option. 
“i have an idea of where he is, but i have a feeling he doesn't want to see anyone, especially today,” jeno replies. news of the norenmin argument traveled quickly around the school along with the fact that jaemin had rejected ella’s prom request. there were some rumors that were being spread about the male and they weren’t all that nice. 
you knew deep inside that the two of them weren’t actually mad at jaemin, they (especially jeno) was just frustrated.
“can you slide the address though?” you asked, sliding up next to him
“why would i do that?”
“because you owe me a solid”
truthfully, you didn’t know what you were going to do with jaemin’s address and it’s been weighing you down the whole day. 
“you going to prom?” haechan slides into the seat next to you. for once, there were no sunglasses covering his eyes. 
you shook your head,” i don’t have anyone to go with.” 
“you should have just asked mark to go with you,” haechan pointed out to which you gagged loudly. 
“as if i would bring an actual twelve-year-old boy to prom, he’ll probably say let’s get it every two seconds and then my hand might just actually slip and punch his face or dunk his head into the disgusting kool-aid punch..” 
“damn, and i thought i hated him.” 
you rolled your eyes, “what about you? did you plan to confess to mina yet?” 
“i was thinking about going old school and do one of those typical high school romeo and juliet scenes,” haechan said smugly. “might throw a shoe or two if i have to.” 
you shake your head in disbelief, “be civil at least.” 
“but i also can’t leave my main bitch alone for prom night so why don’t go to prom or hang out with the biggest thot in town?” haechan suggested.
“haechan, ten graduated high school like 3 years ago. i doubt he wants to spend his free time on a saturday night at a high school dance with me.” 
 “i’m not talking about that ultimate thot.” 
“jungwoo is also in college.” 
another fat facepalm.
“honestly, i thought you had at least ONE functioning brain cell,” haechan groaned “i’m talking about na jaemin.” 
“what do you want me to do with him? the two of us aren’t exactly friends,” you mumble.
“exactly, use this time to spend some time with him or something. get closer or get laid, i don’t care, just don’t be a loner tomorrow,” haechan replies. “i can’t be friends with a lameo.”  
“he hasn’t shown up for school in like three days and tomorrow is prom night,” you argue “besides, i don’t know where he’s even at.” 
“that’s the fattest lie i have ever heard leave your mouth and you told mr. moon that his moon tie looked good on him. i know for a fact that you have his address saved on your phone, which is kinda creepy now that i think about it, but that’s beside the point.”
 “why do you care so much? i thought you hated him,” you eyed haechan weirdly. 
“because that moron needs someone to help him out and whose more suited for the job herself than the girl that was hopelessly in love with him all sophomore year.” 
you smack his arm,”i should have never trusted you with my diary. besides, i don’t like him like that anymore.” 
“then why do you worry about him so much?” haechan pointed out. ‘why did you go to jeno for jaemin’s whereabouts if you supposedly didn’t like him anymore.” 
“caring about someone is different from liking them,” you chided him “you should know best since it took you months to realize that you were in love with mina.” 
“stfu i’m supposed to be the wise teacher and you’re the young grasshopper.” haechan shushed you with a finger which you swatted away. 
“i’m not joking around though, just go see what’s up,” haechan nudged you. “trust me, it’s worth it.” 
“wow did love turn the hardest bitch in town, soft?” 
“you know, i might actually just push you off stoner’s cliff one day when you’re not looking,” haechan narrowed his eyes at you. 
“lol, as if i haven’t noticed that you haven’t been getting high since mina left your pathetic ass,” you pointed out. 
and haechan h i s s e s. 
but your stoner friend did have a point and you decide to listen to his advice for the first time in your life. 
letting out a nervous breath, you rang the doorbell, a plastic bag full of junk food in your other hand. it was currently 8 pm and prom had already started. jaemin’s car was parked in the driveway, proving that he really didn’t go to prom. 
“what are you doing here?” were the first words out of jaemin’s mouth when he saw you. 
you raised the bag full of snacks, “do you wanna have that hang out now?” 
there's a nervous feeling in your stomach, bc you don’t know if jaemin was going to reject you or not. he doesn’t have his usual cassanova, playful smile on. his face is completely neutral. 
“don’t you have better things to do? like, go to prom?” 
you awkwardly laugh, “about that, i’m not going.” 
“why aren’t you going?” you countered. 
fair enough, jaemin relents and moves aside to let you in. there’s some lo-fi music playing in the background and a couple of books and paper strewn about the living room floor. 
“my parents are on a business trip, so it’s just me,” jaemin informs you. 
“cool,” you internally smack yourself bc jaemin didn’t really seem happy with ur sudden appearance. “were you just doing ur homework?”
“yeah, i have nothing else to do,” he says, cleaning up the area for u to sit. you sit down carefully and placed the bag of snacks at the base of your feet.
“did you want anything to drink?” jaemin moved to go into the kitchen. you shook your head but jaemin still pulled out two water bottles from the fridge. (save the turtles)
you look around the house, taking in the family portraits and the minimal home decor. you’ve only been to jaemin’s house a handful of times as a kid, and a lot has changed in those past few years, but some things stayed the same. on the fireplace mantle, there was a framed picture of norenminhyuck smiling with the brightest grins.
“jeno gave me crap for weeks for not taking down that picture of us four,” jaemin followed your gaze as places the two water bottles on the glass coffee table.
“why didn’t you take it down, then?” you curiously ask
taking a seat on the couch, jaemin shrugged, “sentimental value?”
and the two left it at that.
cue the awkward silence.....
he looks at you with a questioning glance
“why exactly did you and ella break up?”
jaemin lets out a sigh. he’s been anticipating the question but not now and definitely not your sudden appearance. 
“there's no point in making excuse to you,” jaemin pauses before continuing “i never really liked her in the first place.”
and you look over in shock? bc the two of them were literally the couple of the year, a model example of a high school relationship.
“then why?”
“why did i say yes?” jaemin’s gaze was focused on you, leaving you unnerved. there was no sign of the cheeky jaemin, he looked completely serious. something no one really saw that often. “because thats what you wanted me to say.”
????????? - y/n’s mind
“jeno had told me that ella had urged you to introduce me to her and had confessed to you that she liked me. he told me you felt tasked with fulfilling her wish and took it upon your self to set the two of us up. i’m not stupid, y/n. i could tell by the way you planned double-dates with jeno and ella and i,” jaemin explained. there was slight embarassment on your side, sophomore you was not the best matchmaker. “but i only showed up for you. i could care less that ella was there, the only person that i wanted to see and impress was you.”
“and i knew that you liked me too. i was expecting for you to confess to me when you told me to meet you behind the gym, but you let ella take the chance.”
“because she really liked you a lot, jaemin, and she was a close friend of mine”
“so you were willing to give up your happiness for someone who was using you to get to me?” jaemin asked bluntly.
you looked down at your fingers, feeling somewhat ashamed, “i was only worried about fitting in with the crowd at that time. i wanted people to like me.” you confessed. “after the whole fiasco, i learned to live for myself rather than for others, albeit with a little help from haechan.”
“you see, i wish i could be as brave as you to do that.” jaemin meekly smiles at you “because i’m still people-pleasing.”
“i only said yes to ella to make you happy but then everyone was congratulating me and there were more and more people by my side. i thought jeno, renjun, and donghyuck were enough to last me through high school, but the attention got to my head. i knew that no matter how much i hated ella, i couldn’t break up with because i thrive off the crowd she brought me. i thought that if i lie enough, i could make myself gain feelings for her. she was a kind and outgoing person, so i didn't think it would be that hard, except it never did happen,” jaemin sucked in his breath “i overheard a conversation by accident to one of her other friends and it was about you, about how they just used to you to get to me even though the knew you liked me. i knew that then i was surrounded by so many liars all with the same goal of getting in good with everyone.”
he continued on “the reason why i didn't want to go to hoco was bc i felt guilty. i didn't want to be another person that lived for the crowd and i knew that i would've sealed my future if i did go and get crowned king with ella. for once, i didn't want to be a liar. i just wanted to be myself.”
and then he bitterly chuckled to himself, “which is ironic since the next day i chased after the crowd again. i let you take the blame for me just because i was afraid of being outcasted even though it was my fault you had to suffer the consequences of my lie.”
“and then i kept pretending to be that stupid fuckboy that everyone painted me as just to be in the it-crowd or whatever. i don’t have anything special like how renjun has art and jeno has his sports, even haechan had something special like choir back in those days. i had nothing, i wasn’t known for anything and i’m still not known for anything other than being a fuckboy. i’m just na jaemin at the end of the day, talented in messing around with girls.”
“do you feel happy?” you carefully asked after jaemin finished his rant. 
jaemin’s barely smiling at this point, “what do you think?” 
“you know, i was never really mad about you about the whole ella situation,” you scooted closer to him on the couch. “at first, i blamed you because that was the easier option, pin the blame on someone else. until a certain someone told me to fuck what they say and live my own way.” 
you nodded, “he was the first person that i didn’t pretend or try to cater myself to fit his needs. we’re alike in that department, jaemin, we both want to be liked. i’m not going to lie, the first few months of being outcasted was hard on me. sometimes, i still get sad when i think about the day where everyone just abandoned me.” 
“i’m sorry.” 
“there’s no need to be sorry, jaemin because i can hardly care about it that much anymore. do you know why?” 
jaemin shook his head ‘no’
“because i learned that being by myself isn’t that bad. we’re all scared of being lonely, it’s human nature, but our fears often cause us to forget that we still have ourselves.” you placed a hand on his shoulder “once you learn to befriend yourself, no one’s opinion will matter more than your own. learn to cater to yourself, learn to live for yourself. don’t just be you, live as you.” 
“easier said than done,” the remark left jaemin’s lips bitterly, causing you to slightly frown. “it’s hard to learn to be friends with myself when i’m the person i hate the most. i hate the person who looks back at me in the mirror. i hate just hate what i’ve let myself become.”
“it’s never too late to change,” you say. 
jaemin shook his head, he blinked quickly to clear his now glassy eyes, “it’s to the point where i don’t even know i am anymore.” 
“you’re na jaemin,” you say with a little more force this time. you didn’t like the defeated tone that jaemin was talking in, this wasn’t the confident and every positive boy that you grew up with. this wasn’t the boy that stole your heart in the third grade and kept it till sophomore year. “the boy that never hesitates to help someone else and can light up the room with just one smile.” 
“you don’t have to pity me, it was a grave i dug for myself.” 
letting out a harsh sigh, you moved to take jaemin’s face into your hands, staring deep into his doe-eyed brown ones, which widened in response to your sudden action. 
big moves, y/n, big moves 
“i know it may be hard to see, but jaemin you’re way more than what they think of you. you can always change as long as you have the will to do so,” you wipe away a stray tear that was falling onto his cheek. jaemin didn’t even notice that he was crying. “it’s a difficult and long process, but it’ll be worth it in the end. trust me.” 
“what if no one wants to be around me anymore? what if i end up alone? “ doubt filled his tone, and your eyes soften at the vulnerability of the boy. he was scared, lost, and confused. 
“i’ll be with you. anywhere you’re at, i’ll be there by your side even if no one else will. you’re a precious person, you don’t deserve any less,” you smiled. “i won’t let you be alone.” 
maybe jaemin was just being emotional. maybe it was the contained feelings that he held for you that was being released. maybe it was the way you looked at him with so much concern and the way you delicately held his face. 
whatever motivated him to do what he was going to do next, jaemin could hardly care less. 
without any hesitation, jaemin leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
right now, jaemin didn’t feel lost or alone. you found him and he hoped that you’ll stay. 
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mingisanshine · 4 years
Ateez As Boyfriend: Park Seonghwa Edition (M)
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(that earring, his smile, the non whitewash- I think I’m seeing the face of God.)
ooooo buddy, Seonghwa was my first bias so I hope you guys are ready for this because this man is still coming for my neck
When you two first “met” you’d literally be terrified of him.
I mean have you looked at him??
He’s very intimidating
But after a while you’d notice how much of softie he is
Like how he get embarrassed really easily
Or how he hates acting cute because it doesn’t fit his “persona”
But he genuinely is a really sweet person
He’d probably tell you straight on that he liked you.
Planned it out
Had the most impeccable timing
And wham, you two are thing
I think he would accidentally put to much effort into dates
“Y/N do you not like it?”
“No it’s fine Hwa. It’s just did you have to take me to such a fancy restaurant?”
He probably blush and feel a little bad
“I just want our dates to be special.”
Then it would be your turn to blush
Overall there’s a whole bunch of uwuing (god i hate that word.)
Eventually all the awkwardness would end up disappearing
And you two would actually would have more chill dates
Though they still be slightly high class because we all Seonghwa is BOUGIE
No, but seriously he wouldn’t have the urge to impress you after a while
Things would kind of be calm
Pet names would be like second nature
“Hey babe can you grab me the cereal.”
“Baby are you okay?”
He’d most definitely grab your hand
Even hug you in public
Not big into PDA
Even when having sex
He’s definitely the dominant one
Not gentle, but definitely really tender and loving
Unless he’s jealous
Whichhh lead to some wild discoveries
You both where having a movie night with the rest of the boys
Seonghwa was upset because he really didn’t want to have to leave the comfort of your house
But you made him go anyways
So he was little sour to say the least
And since he was being kinda sour you decided that you needed to find someone to talk to
And that’s how you and Yunho ended up talking throughout the entire movie
Annoying literally everyone in the room
“Do you think you two could shut up.” Hwa grumble, not even looking over at you two
You apologize and Yunho laughed before turning back to you and continuing the conversation
You didn’t even notice that Seonghwa was glaring at you two the entire time
You practically choke on your popcorn when Yunho made a joke about the main actor in the film
And when you started to feel yourself relax and lean into Yunho you heard a loud yell from San
“Seonghwa why’d you drop the popcorn?”
“Y/N. We gotta go. Now.”
“Seonghwa I’m-”
“Now.” He practically growled and you find yourself running off the couch as fast as you can.
The entire drive home was silent and you were literally shaking the entire time
When Seonghwa parked the car and let his head fall against the seat
He looked over at you and you felt a shiver go down your spine
“You have twenty seconds to get upstairs.”
You almost sprained your ankle getting out of the car and running through the door
By the time Seonghwa was in the room you already felt the the pit in your stomach grow
He slammed the door shut and you jump a little
Capturing lips in an almost animalistic way and pinning you to the wall
Kissing trails down your body before reaching the hem of you pants and practically ripping your underwear off.
Lips kissing softly around the desired area before giving you one broad lick, making your knees buckle
“Shit Seonghwa-”
You swear you almost see stars when his long tounge circles around your clit and takes it between his lips
Your climax almost there. Toes curling in your shoes
“Fuck- Seonghwa! I’m gonna-oh fuck! fuckfuckfuckfuck-”
Your eyes are watery and you feel that coil almost snap
Before he pulls away.
Leaving your climax ruined
“You didn’t think I was going to let you cum after acting like a brat all night where you?” He laughed
He stood up giving you a kiss pulling away before you could enjoy it
“We’ve got a long night ahead of us babygirl.”
Um, you learned not upset Seonghwa after that
Okay maybe not.
You still do stuff to piss him all the time just to get a reaction out of him
But, you learned something about Seonghwa that night
Most def has daddy kink (and a choking kink.)
You called him that once and the next day you couldn’t walk
Soo uh yeah
Seonghwa still treats you like princess regardless of the situation
Is kinda protective
“Y/N, are you stupid?!” Wooyoung yells at you and you blush
“Like really. How the hell do manage to do something that dumb?”
“Wooyoung, you broke your toe trying to carry 20 soup cans for a dumb youtube challenge. You really don’t have any room to be talking.” Seonghwa wraps his arms your from behind, laying a soft kiss to your cheek
“Exactly. You okay Y/N?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
Still teases you
“It was still kind of dumb of you to that.”
Overall Seonghwa is a great boyfriend
He’s kinda of like a savior figure who does the laundry and cleans the house way to much
But, you really enjoy having him around and vice versa
The group gets tired of you two acting like parents, but they love at the same tome because neither one of you take shit form each other, but it’s in a cute way
You two kinda balance each other out whilst shining the similarities
He’s kind of the ideal partner
Why would someone only make one Seonghwa
It’s unfair
I need one
The Boyfriend List
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
Did they lose all their hacker abilities lol
"Oh my GameCube" ajslakskjsla
"1.21 gigaflops"
The drama!
"Oh last hack! For justice!"
This is so hacking stupid xD
"Oh who? Oh jeeze. Those are some pretty doohickeys you’ve got on your arm there."
"Holy shift!"
I love those stupid ads
I just remembered what happened at the end of last week and now I’m suffering
Mmm I don’t like the idea that he’s an "ongoing" experiment vs an old failed one
Uh... someone hug him??
"I am like them. I... was like them. I...am like them..." Oh baby.
I forgot he hadn’t shared with everyone yet and now it hurts
C: "I liked being seen as I should have been. Or could have been."
Thank you, Jester! Where’s the group hug, someone initiate a group hug.
Also I just realized Veth won’t be there at dinner?? Right?
B: "no one blames you."
C: "heh... one person does."
Oh wait good it’s tomorrow so Veth will be able to be there
My god, they are exactly the chaotic aunts and uncles we all knew they’d be
Word of recall sounds VERY handy
We’re not going to make it to dinner and before break and I’m going to have to be in suspense until I can finish it tomorrow
New book harness!
lmao Jester this outfit is elaborate
LOL Jester you’re gonna break the shopkeeper
This does sound really cute for Veth
Awww she’s doing a little Keyleth imitation
Everyone: elaborate outfits
Fjord: coat plz
Give them Nonagon as a name, Beau
It’s wild that there’s NOTHING?
Oh good break just in time for me to sleep
I’m back and I’m still not ready
So like obviously attacking Trent here in own dojo would be dumb
Not that I think this is where that’s headed but hey
I haaaate Trent he’s such a creep
LOL picking on Wulf
Caduceus lol
He’s such a creep making his creepy power moves
Mind ya damn business Ickythong
Don’t compare yourself to them, you FREAK
W: "you, what are you?"
Cad: "Vegetarian, so I hope the meal reflects that."
Catch me crack whipping Wulf/Cad
Ooo they trying to get the inside deets
Don’t tell them NOTHIN’
"You might not inquire." YAS Jester
He’s a creeeeep and I haaaate him
PLEASE succeed that deception check
It did sound like he said "tissue"
He did NOT know what he’s getting into with the M9
Oh shit is this the one Essek killed after Caleb talked to her
It is oh boy
Caleb isn’t being especially subtle, not that I can blame him
How... diplomatic of him. But still def suggesting war.
Cad and Jester calling him on his shit I am LIVING for it
lmao Beau stealing the thunder of Astrid’s showing off
Fuck off Astrid
"I have good friends. Good people." Buuuurn
The way Trent keeps "tripping up" over Caleb’s name
And also like how he’s like low key acting like he gets any credit for who Caleb is now (which, he does I guess, but not the kind of credit anyone should want)
Beau and Cad calling Trent on his shit still and I’m still living for it
"You have the eventual makings of an assembly member yourself" bitch he’ll tear your assembly to shreds
"To truly grow you needed to be broken, and left to build yourself"
Oh god wait what
Somebody fucking STAB him
They fucking stole and then returned his memory didn’t they, they did it all
I haaaate him
What does the symbol mean
What does it meannnnnn
Somehow this is even worse than anything I imagined. That they "broke" him on purpose.
I can’t wait for Caleb to tear him to fucking SHREDS
"I did out of love" IM WITH JESTER
DONT you being his parents into this like they would have wanted this you sick fucking fuck
"It is the greater man who puts the needs of others over himself Bren"
I fucking hate
Trent saying that Astrid and Wulf don’t have what it takes to basically be Trent 2.0 but that Caleb does will backfire on him, since Astrid WANTS to be Trent 2.0
Some interesting vibes off Astrid...
Caleb’s response should be "you haven’t made me what I am. They ARE who have made me who I am. I was not what I am now before I met them."
Steal all of Trent’s glory
I hope he dies painfully.
I’m seething irl you guys
"Whatever it takes to keep the people of the Empire safe" your families and those children ARE the people of the Empire!! Who the fuck are you protecting??
YES Caleb, thank you.
Also don’t use that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" thing
"When talent rises from nothing, then nothing truly is lost."
"What if the thing to do now is to supplant you. To pluck you up like a weed and do better."
Fucking. He probably means it which means there won’t be any satisfaction in tearing him to shreds
That’s interesting but it also sounds like a trap
Like they’re trying to draw Caleb back by saying "you could fix it by taking over"
Trent’s gonna hurt Astrid huh
I hate this
"Don’t disappoint me" let’s find a way to disappoint him
I hate him
Fjord just dropping the beacon question like a bomb
"You’ve only seen the one. That is what we have."
Okay okay he said HAVE though.
That’s not an answer.
Like Matt says he’s telling the truth, but it’s like when Pinocchio in Shrek avoids lying by obfuscating things and being indirect.
How can they have only just begun research on something he claims they don’t still have
They need to ask some more very specific questions, like "how many beacons do you have RIGHT NOW", and "how many beacons have you found, in total, ever".
Why would you mention the Eyes of Nine to him
"He has a hobby. He’s a sculptor." That’s a dig
"Didn’t need those ten years" ouch...
Hey guys please give Caleb a group hug after this. Don’t leave him alone for a while.
Cad: "I think you are one of the most powerful mages that I’ve ever been in the company of. For this I would offer a gift. I think it’s been a long time since someone point out that you’re a fool. Pain doesn’t make people. Love makes people.......I wish for you, in the future, to find someone who will mourn you when you’re gone.
Like I couldn’t type fast enough for this whole thing but that was AMAZING
Fucking LOVE Caduceus nothing but respect for MY firbolg cleric
Jester buddying up and being sweet to Astrid is... good. I don’t like her but I feel like maybe being kind to her is a good way to go. And Wulf too. Maybe they can be saved after all.
I was joking and I’m still joking but I really do want Cad and Wulf to like... hang out
That hurt a lot but went better than I anticipated overall
Marisha’s notes are amazing, like the fact that she remembers this shit is amazing
Oooo Cree is gone that’s interesting
I have a bad feeling
Bad feel bad feel bad feel
“I know a nice place” and he finds the shittiest inn xD
He’s gonna do some fancy spell I assume
Jester is so cute trying to make him feel good about it, probably assuming it’s a nostalgia thing lol
Where are they gooooooooing Maaaaaaatt I wanna knoooooowwww
Love you too!
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lunchador · 3 years
ok but!!! what happened!!! im screaming!!! you finished the game but there are no details!!! friend i need details!!! who sided with who!!!! im just!!! so excited about ur playthru and i need any and all details about how u feel about anders rn especially!!! i think there was less different paths because funding but i still would like to Know
It was funny, cuz, y’know, in comparison to DA:O where the END OF THE WORLD is hanging above your head at all times, I felt the pacing was considerably more relaxed in 2. And in retrospect, it definitely was building up in ways you weren’t quite piecing together (Or am I dumb? That’s usually the case) as you aren’t even sure why you have the derogatory title from cassandras mouth of Champion. Champion, of fuckin what? I do chores for people.
So like most of the game feels like you’re chilling. Talk to some people, do some small quests, learn some lore.
Then like, the qunari attack happened. Which, I assume happens regardless, correct? Man that statue of me looks douchey as hell. Flaming sword?
ANDERS CAN SUCK SHIT. That fucker lied to me? and made everything OH SO MUCH FUKIN WORSE. Oh boohoo I want to rid justice, distract her so I can MURDER PEOPLE ACTUALLY INSTEAD?? Like, MAN, I really like him on paper, healer of the needy, activist, cat lover. But he is so warped in his thinking and self hate. Also I know I joked about this somewhere but our second conversation ever (first one being when I met him) he gives me a big speech about how he could see us together but how he’s so bad he’s a monster boohoo so i need to stay away from him romantically and I’m standing there like.......yeah ok man. 
I SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM - I was legit SO mad he did that. Everything was bad as is, and he made it worse. If I hadn’t have helped in that quest would it still have happened? AUGH. Almost everyone wanted him dead but I still felt bad. Of the companions, I think i bonded with him and sebastian the least. I tried really hard to side with the mages, cuz, i’m a mage, i dont think magic is bad but bad people can have magic, and Meredith IS a dick and instigated it, BUT THERE IS SO FUCKING MUCH BLOOD MAGIC IN KIRKWALL, WHY.
AND FUCKIN SEBASTIAN - SO MAD - was like if you let him live i’m coming back with an army to attack. like...bro what happened to being a peaceful monk or whatever the shit? I thought I told you taking the crown wasn’t worth it if you don’t want it? fuckin jude law looking motherfucker. But i barely played with him and i figured anders healing would be useful for the end. so, i took anders with me. So now I guess I’m gonna hear in inquisition about this dude coming in to attack kirkwall later idk SIGH
So yeah, I tried to side with Orison. Then that bitch ass gave in to blood magic too and turned into that disgusting abomination. I HATE when you try to defend someone and they too turn into a jackass. Fuck you, man. And Meredith of course is off her rockers with red lyrium. I hate all of these people. I tried to save the decent mages where I could and that bit me in the ass with one of them at the end FUCK YOU, UNGRATEFUL.
A N Y W A Y S,
since I’m sooooooo good at these games (how am I so so so bad??) Hawke basically...lost everyone. I didn’t officially romance anyone. Though in the epilogue, it says everyone eventually splits from Hawke except Isabela. I figured she had a soft spot for me. I think I couldn’t fully romance her because I didn’t get her the boat? Idk. I didn’t like the romance system in this game. Like, yes it makes sense for story plot reasons but it’s terribly confusing for someone not in the know and I hated looking at guides because they had spoilers.
My mom got murdered by a serial killer blood mage, r.i.p. My sister is dead. I am SO surprised Carver sided with me in the end. I thought he was genuinely about to pick being a templar over me and fight. I TRIED TO BE SO NICE TO THAT FUCKER.
i’m surprised cullen sided with me too. the few interactions you have with him in origins and here he’s kind of a dick. and i know all that shit going on with his VA so i am not stoked for him in inquisition
I tried/failed to romance Fenris. Man, I got SO attached to him?? He tries so hard to be grumpy but you get under his skin. Every time he called me his friend or smiled I was like YES, YOU FUCKER, YOU LIKE ME. But being a mage is such a cockblock. FUCK. I’m definitely kissing him next time.  But I can at least brag that I guess I did his companion quest correctly enough and he was maxed out cuz he didn’t leave me. He seemed begruding that he was gonna defend mages but he was gonna do it for ME. BFFs til the end.
how the fuck did fenris turn around and settle for compromise while anders was still pissy as hell? I guess anders just feels so much for others. also the whole tranquil shit was sooo fucked. Also I love they’ve known each other for 6 years and they’re still disgustingly snippy with each other - FIGHT!!!!
MERRIL TRIED TO CONFESS FEELINGS FOR ME. HOW? I kept pissing her off by not supporting the blood mage shit. I HAD TO PULL THE LIKE A SISTER LINE. MERRIL IM SO SORRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY. She’s so sweet, yet her quest was incredibly fucked up oh my god?? We had to kill the dalish group and I FELT AWFUL. WHY SO MUCH BLOOD MAGIC????????
I thought this game was going to end with assigning a new viscount. ANd I was like man that sucks, Sid isn’t the type for permanent responsibility like that but like, if it’ll get everyone to shut the fuck up ok. But...that wasn’t the ending. I hope that gets addressed in inquisition? I felt like that kinda got cliffhanger’d. Also I’m assuming Aveline had to run too being she was associated with me so the guard is probably in shambles too.
oh my god what about dominic? D:
anyway, I would die for varric, and while I understand the story reasons for not letting him be romancable, it still sucks cuz he pairs SO well with a snarky Hawke, sigh
but yeah there may have been less big decisions but there certainly were a lot of smaller ones I felt I fucked up. I’m just.......so good at that. I got so many people KILLED.
def some replay value in there!! I tried to do a lot more sidequests in this one than origins. so we will see how inquisition goes. It’s been super hyped to me and I’m told it’s pretty long
Its just crazy all the shit hawke got caught up in without even particularly trying. Like the warden is there because, yeah, they’re a grey warden, one of the few, but in 2 its just kinda like..............oops lmfao.
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 505
My floofer was not amused when I woke her up to show her the cat on the teevee. Bqhatevwr, boo boo, you’re stuck with me. #TeamSocialDistancing
Oh, I guess the voice overs are back in a big way. Super...
And also like, this whole running bit about God and stuff would work so much better if they’d included Jamie and Claire’s faith a bit more throughout the show. *cough Jamie’s prayer cough*
Do we have to pour one out for science!jizz? This is the book bit where the science!jizz happened, but maybe they’ll do it later? Probs not. Le sigh.
Marsali being all excited with Claire and Claire being all fuck yeah I found it gives me the warm fuzzies. I LOVE THE TWO OF THEM A LOT OK.
This montage makes me dizzy. Not a fan, tbh.
Oh hey, the old Hancock building! With a park that looks nothing like Boston, haha. But I appreciate the effort lol, my main office is like a block from the old Hancock building. Not that I’ll be seeing it any time soon. Living that work from home life until the plague times are over.
But for real, social distance. No joke. Stay the fuck home.
I love 60s Claire if only because damn girl, look at dem legsss.
Hi, I’m Der and I’m very shallow sometimes.
But Claire has objectively great legs.
Omfg, Roger, stop being a butthurt whiner. You suck at being a soldier. You know you suck at being a soldier. And instead of being like yeah, let me learn and get better, you just bitch about it.
Sam is gonna kick his horse in the head at some point. Why the fuck does he dismount like that. It’s literally bugged me since season one.
So they’re pardoning everyone. Probs not Murtz though. Cool that instead of doing a continuous ramp up to the inevitable confrontation, they’re going the book route of lol, jk, all this was kind of a waste of time for now...
Really, Knox, you did something excessive? Cool way to say murdered a dude.
Ok well if Knox is getting the Ardsmuir roll, then he’s def gonna die, right?
Jamie’s 100% gonna intentionally miss Murtz’s face.
Boom, called it.
I do not like spiders. Please move this VO along, Claire.
I’m fucking glad we finally get Doctor!Claire. We should have gotten more Doctor!Claire in season three. Jamie got to have all aspects of his 20 years examined but fucking Claire’s side was literally just about Fred and how shitty he is.
Fuck you, season three. Fuck yeah, Doctor!Claire!
“It’s my married name.” Lulz. And not the married name she wants...
Graham makes me miss when the show was in Scotland like whoa. I miss the Squad. There are so many characters now that are like kind of always around but they’re not part of the Squad. And the main Squad is always separated. So like there’s barely any big group adventures anymore where we actually give a shit about everyone involved.
Needle!jizz 2.0 is gonna be the closest we get to science!jizz, isn’t it. Whomps.
Can the show please just be a period procedural with Claire and Marsali being badass doctors? Thx.
Because for real though, Marsali being like “scalpel” is my favorite thing ever.
I feel you, Jemmy, I’d cry if I were stuck hanging out with Roger too.
“My lass is more concerned wi’ words and deeds.” Which is why it baffles me that she’s still with you, bro, because your words and deeds fucking suck.
How Bonnet doesn’t accidentally swallow the diamond is beyond me.
Ok so if your wife was violently raped and you know she’s had some PTSD about it, because you’ve seen the drawings and stuff, you should maybe act completely the opposite way from how Roger is acting.
“And you kept it? A gift...from Bonnet.” Yes, you giant fuckwit, your traumatized wife went to hang with her rapist for shits and giggles and accepted a present because she really wants a memento to remember him by. They’re on such good terms and all. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! HOW IS HE SUCH A DOUCHECANOE?!
You do not get to judge or question how someone processes their trauma you raging asshat.
He is such a fucking Fred.
Do I think what Bree did was smart? Or a good decision? Hard no. But it’s what she thought she needed to do to move forward with her life. And so she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Yeah, words have consequences and it was a stupid move, but Roger needs to step all the fucking way off.
Lol at this “Boston” priest sounding vaguely southern. Is he one of the pedos the archdioceses just kept shuffling around?
(I’m not a fan of organized religion and being forced to grow up Catholic sucked a lot for me. I did some therapy about it.)
Ok so is Claire’s knife on her belt the hand job antler knife? I mean, Jamie doesn’t give it to her until Echo, but I’m gonna pretend like it’s the hand job antler knife. Also, some witches use a white handled knife called a boline to cut herbs and stuff so it’s fitting that Claire constantly-being-witchy-to-her-own-detriment Beauchamp has a white handled knife for collecting herbs.
“Yeah, Frank and I... no, we had a very complicated marriage.” Well that’s one way to put it. *keeps rage bottled up on the inside*
“Frank and I, we still managed to make it work, for Bree’s sake.” Except it didn’t fucking work. He was terrible to you. You basically put up with 20 years of emotional abuse for the sake of your kid and then he used her as a weapon against you. Because he is garbage. Much like Roger.
Claire is always the bigger person. She was with Fred and now with Roger. Like, I’m still pissed that she never got to let out her side of things. She just keeps framing it through rose colored glasses, never speaking ill of Fred when he didn’t do that for her.
Fergus deserves milady.
They’re really going hard with the Roger, Bree and Jemmy have to go back stuff. Are they gonna bump them going back up to the season finale this year? They bring it up basically every fucking episode. I’d be down with moving that along tbh. Except then we’d have to have just the two of them as their own story line and I hate that part from the books.
“We are but humble servants to the law.” Really, Javert Knox. Would you say your duty’s to the law?
“Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reward.” Yes, bible and shit, but also a veRY FAMOUS LINE FROM A VERY FAMOUS SONG FROM A VERY FAMOUS MUSICAL.
“Scotland, eh? I never stopped missing it.” HARD SAME, GRAHAM. HARD SAME.
Pledged their oaths to the militia. Not the governor. Miiiinor detail, haha.
“It is a relief, to finally put down the sword and pistol and pick up the axe and shovel.” So, Jamie, you’re saying you’re gonna walk behind the plough-share, you will put away the sword?
Oh hey, it’s Joe! Another person we should have spent more time with in season three.
“Something about Graham Menzies...” Maybe the fact that he could easily have been part of the OG Squad?
“Principally that men like Fitzgibbons never change.” Really, Knox, men like [him] can never change? A man, such as [him]?
“What kind of deceitful devil wears the guise of honor and talks of justice and mercy?” Valjean Fraser, at last we see each other plain...
“Believe of me what you will,” there’s a duty that he’s sworn to do. Protect his Murtz.
“As god is my witness, I will do what must be done.” You never shall yield? ‘Til you come face to face?
“Damned if I’ll be in league with a traitor.” Would you rather live in the debt of a thief?
“But I will not stand by and watch my kin hunted like a dog.” Like a dog on the run, Jamie?
Called it! Broski needed to die. You’re not gonna make sure the letters are burned all the way, Jamie? Like didn’t that dude who brought in the letters see you there? This seems like it’s gonna backfire *rull* quick.
Also, speaking of dead bodies, is Rando McWhatshisface still in the basement?
Is Adso Gavroche in this scenario?
Jamie Fraser, murder to kitten snuggles in 0.3 seconds.
Slash finally, I thought this episode was turning into Waiting for Gadsot...
(I made myself chuckle a little too hard at that one, tbh.)
“I found him in an alley, couldn’t leave him behind.” AKA how Jamie Fraser adopts all of his children, haha.
“How would you feel about taking a trip to London with me? Your father wanted to bring you there before he died.” You mean, when he threatened to steal your kid from you? It fucking speaks so highly of Claire that she won’t ruin Bree’s impression of Fred. Even though Bree knows by now that he was a terrible person.
“Thank you for my gift.” YOUR GIFT LOVES YOU TOO, CLAIRE!
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(And I’m still a sucker for the Claire calling Jamie “soldier” bit.)
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springday-aus · 5 years
Enemies to Lovers!AU with Doyoung
moodboard link 
Group: NCT 
Member: Kim Doyoung 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: 1.8k
okay so Doyoung is the mom friend of the lil high school!Dreamies
he’s got these mama bear instincts whenever he’s around them 
all he wants to do is protect them because the world is awful 
except for Donghyuk 
Doyoung thinks Donghyuk can protect himself 
I’m kidding……. not really though 
he’s always making sure they’re always hydrated and eating all their meals 
if they weren’t, he would make sure they got their reusable bottles filled or treat them out 
sometimes he’ll just make large ass portions of food and give them some 
Chenle and Jisung literally exploit this down to the core 
Doyoung did catch on…... and nagged them……… 
……… only to keep feeding them later on lol
speaking of nagging 
Jaemin: “my ears are getting closer to bleeding because of Doyoung” 
Jeno: “he lectures me more than my actual mom”
Jaemin: “………….that sounds about right”
and like the dreamies…. they make these jokes all the time, but like…. 
at the end of the day….. everyone knows that it’s Doyoung’s way of showing that he cares 
so, where do you fit in? 
well, with the mom friend, there’s the dad friend 
that’s you 
you’re the whole package, from the dad jokes to the barbeque skills 
you care for the dreamies just as much as Doyoung 
like giving them relationship advice or spending some free time with them so they get to relax from school and life stuff 
since you aren’t with them as much, you even give them some money from time to time if they need it 
it’s like a cute little family 
but….. there’s a catch………. 
despite being the mom friend and the dad friend……. y’all do NOT get along 
it’s almost like y’all got a bad divorce 
Renjun: “I feel like I’m being asked which of my parents I like better”
Jisung: “how are we even supposed to respond to that?” 
Renjun: “I suddenly don’t speak Korean”
Jaemin: “tHAT’S NOT FAIR” 
one time y’all got dinner together as a whole group and…. 
let’s just say there was an argument…… 
in front of the kiddos……. and the restuarant….... 
and it was NA S TY 
like y’all were real close to throwing some hands 
no one dares to bring it up to this day nor does anyone try to plan another full fam outing…… 
Jeno: “we’re not involved, but we’re involved”
Chenle: “hmmmm, we love tea” 
even though all of nct know what’s up……
(because Doyoung doesn’t ever stop to complain about you—cue side eye from literally everyone) 
it didn’t stop them from planning a whole group vacation
and I mean WHOLE group so that means... 
with you
because the dreamies begged Doyoung…….. 
when Doyoung asked you to come, you really stretched it 
You: “sorry, what was that??? you??? need??? me???”
Doyoung, with gritted teeth: do it for the kids, do it for the kids
basically, Johnny and Jaehyun have lake houses near the shore and for spring break, y’all went together 
and they thought it’d be fun to have everyone there
could you imagine a space that’d fit all of these boys like……. jesus christ 
anywho—lakehouse, plus ot…. (god knows how many members there are now) 
let’s just say like 20 of them 
so, when you and Doyoung first arrive, y’all just kind of ignored each other…. 
because like no one wants to get between y’all 
but like, as time went by, the small things started to build-up 
like Doyoung’s side comment on your outfit….. 
and your comment on his food…….
Lucas: “how much did I miss???” 
Taeyong: “you have no clue dude” 
so everyone just let it happen 
however…. some of the dreamies thought of this as an opportunity 
by dreamies, you know I mean Donghyuk, Chenle, and Jisung…. 
basically, the troublemaker line 
so, you all planned to go kayaking on the lake right 
obviously, Doyoung planned it because the dreamies wanted to try it  and they were like
Doyoung: “............................. I guess” 
so y’all head out and it’s fun 
like y’all have actual fun as a group 
even though you and Doyoung are in the same kayak…… lowkey ignoring each others presence 
……….. until Donghyuk decides to come out of nowhere…… 
and fucking takes your ores 
and with pleasure—he’s literally laughing when he sees your faces 
**cue them quickly trying to row away in order to avoid you and Doyoung’s wrath**
so what happens? 
almost nothing for like 30 minutes 
but then Doyoung speaks up 
Doyoung: “we can just pretend we like each other until we get to shore” 
You: “that’s an idea that would have been nice about 20 minutes ago” 
he just loses his temper with you and explodes
Doyoung: “literally, why are you so rude to me?” 
can you believe the fucking audacity??? 
Doyoung’s literally been so rude to you since like week one and you could not figure out why
he’s always giving you nasty looks and it rubs you the wrong way 
meanwhile, Doyoung can’t understand what your deal is with him 
like you’ve been shutting him out since y’all met 
both of you understand that y’all are only rude to each other……. because the other person’s rude……. 
You: “I should be asking that—why are YOU so rude to ME??” 
Doyoung: “what are you talking about? you clearly started this whole fiasco” 
You: “eXCUSE ME??? you literally look down on me all the time and I don’t understand why—did I do something to offend you?”
Doyoung: “....... I just thought…….. you…. had a problem…. with me……”
You: “.... I thought you had a problem with me…..” 
…... well…. things have officially become awkward 
so nct did find out what the lil troublemaker line was up to and came to get y’all 
but like….. it was weird…. 
because y’all looked embarrassed as hell about the whole situation 
later that night, after everyone went to sleep 
you were out on the shore, looking at the beach with a lil fire you made and a glass of beer 
Doyoung comes out as well and he spots you 
so he heads over to you with a glass of wine in hand and sits next to you 
not super close to you, but close enough for you to notice 
Doyoung: “you might want to head in, you could catch a cold” 
You: “if that’s the case, why are you out here?”
Doyoung: “..... valid point” 
y’all just kind of sit there in silence, looking out at the waves…. it’s nice 
it’s kind of the first official time y’all are not fighting 
even in the dark, you can see he’s got handsome features
with the anger subsided…… you can see he’s got a good face 
it’s okay though, he’s just noticing how cute you are too
eventually, he speaks up: “I’m sorry for the way I treated you before... I just thought you were rude to me so” 
you didn’t think he’d say anything about the whole misunderstanding
You: “don’t be, it was my fault too for assuming, I’m sorry too” 
tsk, tsk, common miscommunication 
anyways, after that moment, you two were slowly making up for the bad times on the rest of the trip 
y’all are kind of in your own little bubble, 
whereas, everyone’s just confused 
Jaemin: “are we in an alternate universe?” 
Jeno: “maybe bc one of their plans actually worked” 
Chenle: “this is why you should listen to us more” 
Jisung: “we come up with the best plans” 
Renjun: “no” 
Mark: “I’m confused, do they like…. not hate each other?” 
Donghyuk: “Mark, can you please keep up with the program?” 
this even continues when y’all get back
the dreamies like to call this “the process of re-marrying” 
because lowkey y’all end up lowkey dating 
eventually, y’all do go out without the dreamies and it’s….. nice bc it’s kind of an official date 
first, it was all casual like lunch 
or brunch bc there was a coupon date deal and Doyoung wanted to use it 
then y’all moved to dinner…. and then movies….. and other dates like when the fair came to town, shopping dates, or browsing through IKEA 
you swore that you needed to get a new desk chair and y’all literally left with nothing LMAO
okay but like the dreamies rights? 
they def followed y’all on some of the dates 
the whole hoodies, fake mustaches, holding up the menus shit 
Doyoung: “should we tell them we’ve seen them since the bus stop?” 
You: “nah, they’ve been following us for a while, they might as well stay to get something to eat” 
Doyoung: *pays for their meals*
Donghyuk: “I can’t believe I got roped into this shit” 
dating Doyoung feels like having a housewife 
he’s constantly making sure you’re eating six meals a day 
(because he read online that it’s better for your metabolism) 
which is without the snack breaks 
…….. which Doyoung also preps for you……… 
and the dreamies of course
he’s got like EVERYTHING in his bag because ANYTHING could happen 
also he’s gonna do that thing where he checks to make sure you got everything 
imagine him with a little satchel and you literally have everything in your clothes with deep ass pockets 
Doyoung: “where’s the medicine?? where’s the tissues???” 
You: “babe, I only need my keys and my wallet” 
he’s always gonna give you a kiss on the cheek before you go 
there’s the full parent dynamic in the works 
and even though the dreamies are glad “the parents” have made up 
they do that thing where they scream when y’all kiss, or show just general affection in front of them 
Jeno: *covering Jisung’s eyes* “you’re the role models here, what type of example are you setting for us” 
Renjun: “happy for you, but ew” 
Doyoung: “I want new kids” 
anyways lots of warm hugs from Doyoung 
like full-on hugs—he doesn’t give half-ass hugs
(unless it’s to Donghyuk……… joking) 
that also means cuddling sessions for days 
You: “I need to pee” 
Doyoung: “................ just two more minutes” 
the mom in him is like super supportive 
like I’m talking ALL the banners and the pompoms 
also cheers with your name 
god he’s so embarrassing but you love him 
bro I’ll bet good money that he gonna start nagging you too 
but you know he means well 
cause even though he’s telling you to stop playing in the rain with the dreamies, nagging you about your procrastination on your work, or complaining about the messes you make 
you best believe that he’s gonna make you soup when you get sick, help you with your work, and help you clean up 
Doyoung: *telling you about how you need to dry your hair immediately after to prevent colds and headaches from occurring* 
also as he’s nagging, he’s got a towel and a hairdryer in his hands 
You: **heart eyes** “I love you” 
Doyoung: “you better, I’m not working this hard for you to die early” 
You: “jusT LOVE ME BACK” 
Doyoung: “so needy, I love you too idiot”
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velvyy · 5 years
Hey, Rad... Alex... Alexlememe? I know that's the name you used to go by and I know you've kinda disconnected yourself from Viv's fanbase after ZP ended, and I remember your memes and such but I kinda just wanted to get your take on the Hazbin drama since you reblogged the headcanon blog's post on the subject. More or less regarding the issue of her being uncharitable to fans and non-fans alike, plus that one callout post on twitter?
So this is weird. I wasn’t expecting to get asks on the subject since like you said, I’ve generally been disconnected from the fanbase aside from the few reblogs here and there retaining to Hazbin and its more recent developments. But yeah I guess I could give my take on this since I mean.. old fans still follow me. Idk why, but they do!So, really. In regards to that callout post (which is now deleted) I really, really don’t care that much. For one thing, Initially I did because I really hated to see someone be slandered so viciously with inaccurate and uncharitable attacks, but I kinda just stopped because even when I linked the addresses from both Viv, and the Ken dude regarding all the drama mentioned, it was either ignored and resulting in me being called a “pedo sympathizer” or “It wasn’t even an apologyyyyy weh” and like, whatever. I stopped giving a shit.
Terms of the traced animation thing... Lol, ok. I mean homages do exist, and her animation thingy was based on a meme so whatevs.
Anyways,I knew from the very start that the whole “tracing” and “stealing designs” stuff was nonsense since there was an entire like, tumblr drama arc on the issue, and albeit Viv’s post is gone, there’s evidence of legal contracts regarding Jiji and that whole nonsense that was years ago. In regards to her drawing pictures of Blaire White and Shoe… Eh. I mean, yeah, fuck em, but she’s made it clear that she doesn’t support those views anymore, and she wasn’t even really aware of the other things they’d done at that point, and I see no real reason not to believe her because what does lying about that gain her? Yeah her comment on the “blackface” thing if you wanna call it that was dumb as shit, but considering 2016 was a rough year for her in terms of trying to find where she fell in the political sphere, I can relate because I was in the same boat. A lot of sjw cringe comps, shaming feminists, and purposely misgendering transpeople… Not a good time for me either! Course I’ve changed. I went from being a reactionary alt-centrist to an anarchist so. Whether that’s an improvement is up to you.
As for the whole pedo/zoo shit, I really don’t see it. I mean like, look, obviously porn art portraying people fucking feral animals is disgusting right. Not saying it isn’t problematic or anything, but to be fair, she did draw this shit like 8 years ago. I’ve seen worse from even more well-established artists and I don’t see people trying to cancel them? Also, the art was suggestive for one thing and not necessarily 100% porn. I mean it’s still creepy and gross, and I’d understand scolding them if they continued to do so but a lot worse, but I haven’t seen anything like that from Viv past those 2 drawings. As for the pedo shit… The relationship between a 17 year old and a 19 year old is… hardly creepy and reminiscent of pedo shit. So yeah no fuck that. Now with the drawing of Mirage and Kestrel and the tag that said something jokingly like “Mirage and her pedo tendencies” or whatever… Yeah idk, I can’t defend that lmfao. Again, Viv said she disapproves of those drawings and doesn’t care to think about them, but that one piece of artwork definitely had some baggage to it that made me feel uncomfortable after reading the tags.Only issue I took in terms of her addressing that, is that she was very adamant about it being an inside joke… Which if that’s true, you must’ve had some fucked up friends like damn.
I would also like to state that cub art is legitimately disgusting and I am of the belief that it can cause harm depending on the context since I assume the consumption of cub art can reinforce the urge for pedophiles to act on their desires instead of finding healthy coping mechanisms for it through therapy. There have been stories from younger users on the internet that older people have tried to groom them and have the notion of pedos preying on them be normalized by sending them art depicting kids in sexual acts with adults. Of course in isolation cub art isn’t as harmful as the actual act of raping a child, and I would argue that people have their priorities kind of messed up since the illustration being acknowledged should be part of combating pedophiles preying on children. However, people, typically twitter wokescolds tend to focus on the art solely and I don’t know why. There’s a lot of MAPS trying to find their way into LGBT spaces and it’s fucking gross.
Now with Hazbin itself… It’s meh. Initially I watched it with rose-tinted glasses and loved it. After watching it for like… the 3rd, 4th, 5th time? It’s alright. I don’t hate it, but it’s far from perfect. Now ofc I know it’s a pilot but a very lengthy pilot I’ll say. My biggest gripe with the pilot is that the editing is really fucking weird. Like the editing where Angel tells Alastor “I can suck yah dick!” and the scene that followed was really off. It seemed like too many cuts were made in that instance and seemed very cluttered. It also feels that way during Charlie singing “Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow” and how many little animated bits were like almost wiped off the screen by how fast it came by, and ntm there was just so much happening all at once on screen as well. I had to pause at points just to process everything that was happening. The palette is also very, very, verrrry red. There’s so much red going on and like… I get it, it’s in hell. But lemme rest my eyes on something else besides red, please. The palette they use needs to be better diversified, and the same goes for the characters too. Every character seems to have red on them. Whenever Baxter shows up later he’s gonna look really out of place. Some of the jokes were ok, and others seemed non-clever. I didn’t think Angel’s joke about sucking Al’s dick was funny. I did like the joke with Pentious and Angel though. “SON??” Some of it could’ve been written better too.
Regarding the drama with the show itself… Personally I don’t get it. Like, I don’t feel as if Angel is homophobic as a character since his queerness isn’t at the face of the jokes he makes? He just happens to be sex worker which… sex workers are fine? Support sex workers y’all, seriously. There’s also nothing intrinsically wrong with being sexually active either? As long as it’s within reason and you’re being trustworthy.The issue lies in the fact that people viewed the things I just mentioned as negative, and associate it with gay people as said negatively portrayed thing to push the sentiment of “Gay man do sex a lot therefore the gays bad” or that sort of thing. Also there’s a bit where it shows there’s more emotional depth to him and I’m hoping they’ll expand on that later. Honestly though, the criticisms in regards to that have been pretty uncharitable. Same with the criticisms for Vaggie. Apparently Vaggie is racist because… she’s loud and angry? Again, this is a case where people assume those traits are negative, and because it’s assumed to be negative, the negatively portrayed thing pushes the sentiment of “Being a loud fiery woman made, and latina women are that, therefore latina women bad” or some shit.  There are stereotypes that are bad no matter what the context is like sambo-esque caricatures of black people. Then there are tropes that are applied to certain demographics that have the capability to be written well into characters without it being offensive or disrespectful. Vaggie is literally angry because she’s protective of her gf. Like. C’mon.
So, I think that settles what I think about that? It honestly seems like superficial shit to me tbh, and I’m saying this as an sjw-y beta cuck anarchist.
The only REAL gripe I have, is with what the mod from @zpheadcanons posted. Because I know this is probably true as much as it hurts me to say it. Faust def has a history of being pretty petty and bully-like to people she deems undesirable, and Viv harbors it by not criticizing it, and if anyone else within their friend group does it then you’re scolded vehemently and treated like garbage. Her attitude also stretches to harboring an audience full of white knights that I personally don’t approve of.
There’s also this
Faust has hurt distant people I personally know and… yeah. Maybe I’m biased but I can’t vibe with that. Sorry. If you don’t make an effort to criticize abusive behavior within your own friend circles then that makes you just as bad, because then you’re just a bystander to things you could have prevented.
This isn’t to say Viv herself hasn’t dealt with bad faith actors, or people who had the intention to hurt her, or very uncharitable criticism. Particularly from the badwebcomics forums which is honestly 4chan like in how they operate. It’s vicious as hell, and a lot of their criticisms boil down to insults and personal attacks, which serve to be nonconstructive. That’s not to say Viv has been kind to even the more charitable criticism though. I know because when I happened to send an ask to the zoophobia criticism blog (where did it go???) regarding something relatively minor and superficial, she blocked me from her blog. I’m still blocked lmfao. I’m not blocked on twitter though! (not yet anyways). Faust has me blocked there though, and I have no idea why. She’s had me blocked for years even though I haven’t spoken out against her till recently. So, there’s that.
As for her apology itself, I feel like it was fine. I think it could’ve been worded better? The take I disagree with in terms of that is like… If I made a mistake in the past, and I make it clear that I don’t care for what I did, I don’t feel as if me explaining why I felt compelled to do certain things negate me from still not caring for my past actions? That’s just me providing context. That’s a really weird take, but I guess that could be viewed as an excuse idk. Personally I think people are holding the bar super high to a state of irrationality.
*sigh* So yeah there’s that. I miss the old days where honestly I could be ignorant about this, but at the same time I look at my old obsessive posts and I kinda just… cringe. I was such an irrational stan I almost hate myself for it. Fuck XD
Edit: I’d also like to point out that I’m not saying Viv or Faust are totally awful or totally good people, and I know they’re capable of being better. It’s a matter of whether or not they wanna be better.
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stonefemblues · 4 years
hi, it’s me, femme thinking about being. i keep analyzing things and i settle on „i hate the system of gender binary and i hate being a woman and nb is not an identity but a lack of one” but i have concerns and i wonder if you relate to any of them? 1) what if i just hate being a woman because of misogyny and lesbophobia and i can declare im nb to not treat misogyny as my problem? womanhood has always been uncomfortable, right? 2) what about binary trans people? once a trans gay man told me
that i shouldnt say gender is fake because i erase trans people who want to pass? am i being transphobic to them? in no way would i ever describe my experience as „trans” since i wont ever experience transphobia (?). I think I’m overthinking it in some form of tumblr discourse only way but i feel need to share and as a nb femme lesbian i think you understand how i feel :-( love x             
well for starters, iding as nonbinary doesn’t just magically remove you from being part of society, from being gendered and experiencing misogyny. you’re still gonna be treated like a woman by most of society tbh. the only way iding as nonbinary will make things easier for you is if it feels more comfortable and it helps you communicate with other people like you, its def not gonna make society as a whole easier on you (if anything its harder than if you were comfortable just iding as a cis woman). womanhood IS uncomfortable because its a classification designed to maintain a hierarchy. and all women are oppressed by that classification of womanhood. so if that designation is part of a harmful system, and you’re uncomfortable calling yourself a woman, how would you be helping... idk, women’s rights? by continuing to identify with it? like i said at the end of that other response, i personally would rather break down these boxes instead of expanding them.
this isn’t saying that everyone who is comfortable identifying as a woman is choosing to uphold the patriarchy or anything. but for me, identifying as nonbinary is partly a personal/internal thing (as in, it just feels more right to me than it does to call myself a cis woman) and partly a political thing (i am saying: fuck these boxes, i don’t want to be a part of this system, and this system is not essential or inherent. this won’t remove me from the system, but it is a stance against the system). but i still consider myself “women-aligned” because i group myself with women, not as an internal sense of gender, but as an oppressed class. as long as the patriarchy is the dominant system i will align myself with women (as opposed to aligning myself with men, the oppressing class), even while i consider myself to be nonbinary. there are lots of different ways to navigate this sense of internal gender in combination with one’s place in a patriarchal society, its super complicated and difficult and im not gonna say someone else’s way of navigating it is wrong, this is just what feels right to me and maybe it will help you too.
as for “gender is fake” - most of the time when (trans/nonbinary) people say that, its more of a facetious sort of joke. what we really mean is that gender is socially constructed. it is not biological, it is not natural, it is not inherent to us, so its fake in that sense. there is no tangible thing you can point to and say “this is gender.” that doesn’t mean that gender is non-existent though, because society did construct it. the same way as how money is a social construct, it still has real world implications and effects on society and on people. it is not hurting trans people to acknowledge that gender/sex is a social construct (it would be hurting trans people to not acknowledge that).
now, if a trans person is talking to you about their experience of gender and you said “gender is fake, it doesn’t matter” then yeah that would be shitty. gender does matter in this society, its unavoidable, and we can’t just absolve ourselves of it’s consequences by saying gender is fake. so basically as long as you and who you’re speaking to understand what you really mean by that, its not necessarily bad to say imo
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magmacannon · 5 years
Oh 25-35 for Yarrow hands down
OH BOY TIME TO DRAG MY MANS AGAIN HUH - 25 was answered in another ask!
26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc?
That’s a bit of a silly question for a guy who’s had…. I honest to god think about 30,000 people he’s been with? (holy shit doing the math on an elf’s lifespan is……… unreasonable HGH). He’s very open to a pretty wide range of lovers though, the only requirements are “not nasty, preferably not evil, and won’t leave marks when asked”. Other than those things he’s been game for over 125 years. 
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
kjfhgfhjd…. A very real possibility? Not carrying his ‘revival licence’ that he’s required to keep by the Thurisaz guard. He’s supposed to have it “near him,” but the guards will try to say that him not having it in his pocket at all times is against the law and WILL try to take him in for it (even though it’s not worth that much). The city’s got it out for him.
I’m sure he’s almost been arrested for public indecency, whether or not he was for REAL indecent or just looked… how he looks normally fhjfkd
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?
He sort of is a celebrity, at least in his hometown! Back home he’s famous for being the first elf Blessed By Corellon that was born there, and basically everything he did was Just Fine. Nowadays, he’s known as The Erotomancer, so he’s def still famous in a way (that can… probably be guessed fhjfd) 
29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one?
Oof. Honestly up until recently, he hadn’t really done anything courageous for a loved one. He’s historically kept himself distant enough that he’d have a hard time calling anyone a ‘loved one,’ even. But I did say up until recently - I think at this point it was helping to fight off some bounty hunters with Canna and Eri (and Barn in the second round). Also he’s working 20 hours a day rn to run a shop/buy a house for a group friend/make sure he knows how to help with PTSD since he’s going to be doing long-term recovery help with another friend of a friend. It’s not a single courageous action, but he’s def putting himself out there to help his friends (now that he has them). 
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
God… all of the above? Good at dancing (loves tango and flamenco… and pole dancing bc he can show off), decent singer, decent at drawing (GOOD at 2d to 3d art), probably could pick up carving pretty well bc he can do sculpting VERY well. He had a lot of art growing up and has lived long enough now that he’s kind of infuriatingly good at a lot of it. 
31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what?
He is, but he doesn’t like to do it. Hates the feeling of hurting others so killing is WAY up there, but will defend himself ofc. 
It’s an interesting question though, because he’s thrown around some deadly magic without much thought in campaign, and he does know Power Word Kill. Though he’s definitely against it, sometimes he gets FURIOUS and lets loose as only a level 20 wizard can. 
32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?
I have been mulling over this question for two whole days and honestly I have… almost no idea fghfjdk. He loves city life, so??? probably eating somewhere nice, maybe seeing some sort of a show, but then like… finding some secret local spot, or some place near and dear to his lover’s (?) heart that they’d want to share with him. That part would make it special honestly, though he’s unlikely to admit it (that’s a bit too personal for any relationships he’s been in in a LONG time). 
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
Probably to his house, or his office at work. His office is associated with a lot of memories of other people, but also it’s less likely to be disturbed by friends… I think it depends on who he’s wanting to be ‘alone’ from? If anything else, his house is cool and comfortable and a little low-lit, and it has a huge heart-shaped bath so that’s def a bonus when you want to be alone. 
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
Okay so I KNOW we joke abt eating lentils and calming down but I think lentils are like… elven Kellog’s or something fghjfkd
Yarrow’s favorite foods are! Uhh Checking back in other asks, his fave dish was a mango pulao with some chicken! But he also enjoys various fruits, some veggies (of course he’s an elf), and probably seared fish with some lemon/other good mixes of spices. One of his favorite things abt Thurisaz is how many foods are available honestly. 
OH Dessert! Light but sweet pastries are way up there! He also looks like a raspberry sorbet kinda guy. 
35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go?
hhhaha, yes! He won’t bring it up as a FEAR unless you directly ask, but he’s very frustrated with how death works for elves and thinks (knows in a way) that… whatever life he takes after this isn’t gonna be as good as this one, if he stays worshipping Corellon and nothing too wild happens. 
Ideally he WOULDN’T want to die. If he had to choose though? It’s a tough question, but I think he’d… god. He’d probably want about a week’s notice so he can make sure things are in order (since he has connections now), then go out after a final party or whatnot since elves don’t really get ‘old,’ persay. 
…The thought of dying hurts more than it used to, somehow. He’d be uncomfortable with knowing there’d be more than just his parents at his funeral. 
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #1: “This cast, fuck me, fuck them.” - Rhys
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Ok so my pregame thoughts. It seems like there are a lot of contenders that were threats in their original seasons just based off of placements. I’m really gonna try to use this to my advantage because in my season, I don’t think I was very threatening. Unfortunately I’ll miss the cast reveal, but I’m hoping that doesn’t put me in a bad spot. This game is gonna be tough, but I know I can do it. At least make merge. You need small goals in order to achieve bigger ones. Cast assessment coming up next :)
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Y'all I am ANXIOUS! I've had a bad run recently and for the most part I never really care that much. But if I flop on this season I'll die of sadness. Okay but for real, I want to do well this season and idk what kind of people I'm going to be up against, and I couldn't even get my intro to send like i'm such a joke. Ugh y'all how can I be this stressed already.
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Just roughly 2 hours before we're gonna really dive into the thick of things. There are so many things I wanna say and so many things I'm just beyond excited about. I really think this is gonna be a Top Tier Season.
I'm vowing to make the most of my stay no matter how long or short. I'm gonna try to drive the pessimist in my mind away and do my best to avoid being that early boot just because I'm a previous winner. Y'all better watch out!
This is gonna be FuCkInG LiT!!!
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Getting ready for this season, I'm honored tbh. I feel like it's my first fully-legit-no-strings-attached All-Stars appearance. I was on EMBB All-Stars, but only because I was an alternate for Jake and he decided to be a host instead. Being invited back on my merits exclusively feels amazing, I just hope I can live up to my own expectations in this game and take home the win.
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Hi I’m super excited to be brought back to play this game. I’m gonna play maybe a little harder but I’m hoping to keep my gameplay very similar to last season cause it did me well I just need to not freak out. I’m really looking forward to seeing who I’m playing with and I know this season will be fun.
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So. This cast, fuck me, fuck them. Like they all seem so much more capable than me. Like bitch bye.
My tribe honestly idk yet. They seem cool,  haven’t talked to most of them yet. So I’ll get back on that.
The only person I’m not happy is cast is Michael. Bitch hated me for no reason last season. So bitch best watch his back cause I’m bringing this hatred back this season.
Also one world can fuck off
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So I am meeting everyone and honestly so far this is a nice group. A mixture of old faces like Zach and Loris and new ones like everyone else! Everybody is radical, but I am gonna try and give it a short moment before giving an assessment. Having that said, im gonna get dragged and murdered by this cast....call the police.
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Hi so the game has just started and I feel like already so much has happened it has been intense. This cast? stacked. One world? intense. Me? crying.
This entire cast is so iconic and so loved I honestly don't know how to feel rn I am scared as all hell but I'm ready to fight for my fucking life. I'm also quite glad for the one world because I love the idea of being able to socialise with EVERYONE since that's such a strong point of my game for me considering I'm horrific in challenges. I just really hope I can pull things off this season and actually have someone like me and prove that I am in fact worthy of an all star title.
Being on call with people from the one world chat is honestly so fun and I can tell this is going to be a great season and we're literally only like 2.5 hours in. I really wanna make it to the end so I can experience it in it's fully glory.
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amazingly, i don't think me being an admin is going to be to a problem??? i wanna thank you three beauts for giving me a wonderful tribe. i love matt, bodhi's hilarious, alyssa intimidates me but she's cute and i love allying strong women, tobi forced me to keysmash, and mo and karthik are kind of blase but its ONLY NIGHT ONE. all in all, think i can survive on this tribe. just get me to merge baby i cannot go premerge in this org if annas not gonna play then I CANT LET US DOWN
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So we've officially landed in this ORG, and immediately smacked in the face with a flaccid twist that is One World. So instead of trying to balance 6 relationships I have to balance 20. I'm of course already a mess trying to keep track of it all.
Bodhi and I already have an instant F2, we'll see how that works out given we aren't even on the same tribes. Meanwhile I'm already in love with Bryce as a person and trying to possible Corral all the winners together. Obviously we need to make sure the Winners make it to merge.
I think on my tribe specifically I'm probably getting along best with Mitch, I think Rhys has a similar sense of humor as me but he went to bed too early for me to figure out more. There's a ton more sweet people on the other tribes too I just don't have time to delve into all of them, nor do I have enough substance to any of them to develop opinions anyway.
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I have an idea as far as connections go for this tribe but I'm not sure yet if it is strong. Loris is sleeping though I did talk with everyone else. I have a feeling Chloe/Zach would be safest but also that Chloe/Michael might be together. Regardless I think I'll be sticking with Zach if I can help that. Drew seems nice too and Sharky seems it too. Not sure how things will go but I do have to be smart since I would be the easy choice as winner if we lose. I'm gonna be optimistic about it all though :) as for the people on other tribes I'll get to them later. This is going to be fun!
Now that I can see the actual twist (am dummy) I have to try and make some alliances between and in the tribes. I mean making one with the winners shouldn't be too hard but I am gonna want something with a few member here and there from each. I think things are about to get much difficult because I can tell lot of these people are more familiar with each other with their histories and I am just like "hi..." so I def need to wedge myself on in there some way..I've got my work cut out for me
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HI ASDDASJKLASDLJK I was so nervous but like.. I feel my victory coming.. I'm pulling my weight in the challenge I think and our tribe's pretty cool!! It's all stars.. so like.. it's no surprise that I like everyone. Sharky seems to be busy so like.. if we lose that could be a good scapegoat.. ALSO?? i was on the blog and i was like wow jones' fairy drawing is so pretty.. so i hovered over it and accidentally clicked it.. and.. i found my legacy advantage again ADSALKDKLJASKLD. and anna said to make sure you search the blog to learn about people and i didnt even see that......... im so lucky :)
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So this is so exciting. I’m trying to get to know everyone. Theres one person i was effy about on my tribe and that was Jared. But he’s been talking to me and been nice. But i still have my eyes 👀 on him. Its been nice catching up with Bryce. And been talking to Mitch Rhys and Kori. I hope i can get myself in a good social position where even if im not in their alliance, that im not someone they want to take out. But this time im gunna use my bonds to my advance and hopefully it gets me to the end.
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Hi i don't really know what to say right now I just know I wanted to put down some thoughts. So far I'm so fucking in love with this entire cast I'm pretty sure I've spoken to every single person in one way or another which is great, I love to see people fully invested into a season they're playing. I also really love this first challenge, although scavenger hunts stress me the fuck out because i find so many items are so hard to find, I'm just hoping my tribe can pull out a win for us and I'm sure they will cause they're all so iconic and I love them all with my whole heart already.
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So I've spoken more to people thusfar and like currently I'm speaking more to people I've spoken to before which like isn't great, because i hate relying on past relations. Like i am speaking to others who are new, its just a bit awkward. So lets push by that and hopefully they aint boring af.
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Well so far I've gotten a few items on my list done. Progress is slow but steady. I'm a bit worried about this tribe given it seems like all of us being on at the same time might be unlikely. (That and we're halfway through and only 2 of us have added items to our list.)
I might just be too uptight though, we'll probably be fine. I haven't gotten to talk with people today as much as I wanted as a result of balancing the other ORG and this one as well as apartment hunting and scavenging. I'm beginning to think I planned poorly and have too much on my plate at the moment...
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CAST ASSESSMENT TIMEEEE Let me start with Orfero Chris- So chris is someone who I think can either go really far as an UTR threat like he did his first season, or be an early boot. I think him and I have a similar playstyle, but he is much more poetic and structured. I am really looking forward to play with him again! We dominated in afvv and im glad he won, but I won't let that happen again. He's too good. ioris- Honestly I see ioris as more of a goat. Maybe that's false perception, but I could easily see him latching onto someone for the long haul and not being respected later on. As of now, I don't think I would work with ioris, but if the situation arises, I wont hesitate. Drew H- OK I LOVE DREW FIRST OF ALL. I am actually SUPER excited that we are finally playing a game together. I really want to work with him, but unfortunately I think he is too threatening to the point where he wont make it far. Michael- Ok so this was definitely a wildcard. I think Michael is someone to watch out for. I don't know how he'll fair in this game, knowing that people recognize his gameplay. He could either go mid merge or permerge, but I dont think he has a shot at winning. Sharky- Sharky is someone I'm unfamilar with, and for that reason alone, I am guessing he makes it deep by flying UTR while winning challenges. Zach- Zach is another sneaky player. I really would love to work with him after our relationship in emvv4 where I voted him out at f10. He is definitely not someone to brush under the rug though, because he is also very threating. I predict a mid merge boot for Zach. Clohie- I personally don't see Clohie as much of a threat,  but I hope she proves me wrong. We have had limited discussion, but I can tell she is here to play. I predict she will make FTC this time, but only time will tell
Alignments: For Orfero, I can see Chris ioris and Zach on one side, Michael Drew H and Sharky on the other with  Clohie in the middle
Tuatha Kori- I've been itching to play an org with kori too and im glad we are on the same tribe because i know how well he can perform in challenges. He is probably my closest ally right now, so I really hope he gets far. My prediction is early merge for him. Rhys- Rhys seems so sweet. We havent had much conversation due to timezone issues, but I'd love to work with Rhys. He is super charming and I think he can go far! My prediction for rise is late merge. Maynor- Maynor is probably the person most difficult to talk to. I have discussed with Kori and he says that his weakest relationships are with Maynor and Jared, so i think its telling that maynor might be an early boot. Jared- I think jared is super cool and he's been a player I have to watch VERY carefully. I do see myself working with him because our convos have been good so far, but I feel like he can be a good talker. We'll see how it turns out but i predict Jared being a premerge boot. He claimed to be a crackhead in confessionals though so we'll see :). Stephen Z- Man i really wish I had better conversations with him!! I think he is super cool, but he does not seem to remember who I am. If our convos improve like I hope they will, I could see Stephen going early merge. Bryce- I really like bryce too but he is soooo unpredictable and sketchy. I think his  cast reveal intro shed bad light on him to other players too, but I know from experience. I see bryce being a premerge boot, but I hope he proves me wrong. I just dont feel like I can fully trust him.
Alignments: For Tuatha, I see myself aligning closely with Kori and Jared. I dont know what the dynamics would be, but I feel like Maynor is already on the outs.
Cyrena Mo- I LOVE MO SO MUCH. What a gem. I met him in TS Montenegro and he considered me one of his closest allies and saved me from elimination at f9 only for me to vote him out at f8. I still feel bad but im hoping we can mend our relationship and go far together. I actually do think he could make a deep run and  definitely get to finale by laying low. Tobi- Tobi and I in games USUALLY don't end up on the same sides. That being said, I'd love to work with Tobi and I hope he makes merge unlike in emvvas. Matt- Matt is another mystery for me. On one hand, I know he is not only a host favorite but a fan favorite as well, but on the other I  dont really know what he brings to the table. Another wildcard for me that I see going early merge. Jack- Jack and I have a history for sure LOL. It feels like we play every game together. I think Jack is a super nice person, and I'd love to work with him again. We dont really mesh on a personal level which makes it difficult, but I learned my lesson of trying to avoid Jack in emvvas (he got me out) Bodhi- I've seen bodhi around a bit, and can be the hero or the villain. He is quirky in a good way. I see bodhi as being the comical relief that goes mid merge for being too likeable. Alyssa- honestly alyssa seems kind of annoying. I dont want to speak too soon but i dont get good vibes from her. I think she might be an early boot on her tribe. but i truly hope im wrong about her. Karthik- I know karthik from em and i really think he could make a loyal ally. His win was well deserved but i dont necessarily think he is a threat. My predicition for him is still prejury because of his timezone. It's unpredictable when he has power and when he doesnt.
Alignments: For Cyrena, I see Mo Alyssa Tobi in one alliance and Matt Jack and Bodhi in another with Karthik out of the loop.
I'm excited to see how accurate my predicition are! I didnt bother including a winner because i still think its too early to tell. Game ON!
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Wow a discord call this early in the game!! Strategy? Nope! It's... Alyssa explaining tarot cards to me. Gotta do what you can for social game ig (its ok now we're talking about romcoms)
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iz me beech
what a gift, hi im mo. a dumb bottom who treats himself like shit so no one else does.
IM AN ALL STAR ISNT THAT INSANE. I cannot express how excited I am to be playing this game, plus I fucking love this cast. Like my tribe? Fantastic.
Alyssa - The sister I always wanted. I love her she’s so great.
Matt - New good friend and probably who I’m closest to at the moment I get happy when he gets online cus he gets me and my shit.
Jack - He can rap and he’s nice, what an icon.
Rhys - SUCH A SWEETHEART, I’m so excited to play with him again.
Karthik - Also super sweet, he seems like a genuine guy and I’m looking forward to playing with him.
Tobi - I love that I get to play with him again we haven’t talked all too much but we’ve talked a bit. (I definitely have my guard up around him just cus of something he did in Muxloe)
Bodhi - Kinda inactive unfortunately but he seems nice.
Mo - Dumb bitch.
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sits. hi. so like. just like elara im gonna do a countdown to when i can play my legacy because yall CRAZY if you think im willing it to someone else... uh...WAIT.. I JUST REALISED... I THINK I COULD'VE SAVED BIG Z WITH MY LEGACY?? if only i knew he was going... sorry big z... you wont read this.. anyways. ok so. it is final 21. so. 15 (or 8 i guess...) people need to be voted out before i can play it.. i can DO IT. and this time i am not telling a SOUL about it. like. NO ONE.. and the beauty of the legacy is that people shouldn't really even suspect it exists.. heehee!
ANYWAYS! let's talk about the game. so. my tribe is a mess. i love zach and chloe... chris is a king.. i played elara with drew h and he's a babe so there's that. michael king. and sharky hasnt been on much because he's busy which is like awful timing n i feel bad especially if we lose because i think he might go? :-(
as for the other tribes.. bryce asked to be allies i said shure. i love rhys.. thats all bye
UPDATE!! i love BODHI!!!!!!!!!!!! like..... wow. hes such a king. no words at all.
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Our tribe has lots of stuff done on our sheet. I hope we are able to get it done. I hope we can win immunity, first tribal will suck.
Omg. 3 minutes until sheets are locked. Im kind of nervous. I really want us to be immune.
My tribe mates- Rhys: he is amazing and i feel like we get along pretty well. We have been talking. Mitch: also very nice. Was the first person to message me and i really like him. Kori: we talked a bit. Is someone i need to talk to more. Bryce: my marmoreal f3. ❤️ Jared: amazing guy and really like talking to him. Would work with him. Stephen: the person i least have talked to but i need to talk to more.
I’m am extemely excited that we won immunity. It gives me more time to talk and bond with these people. Im really liking my tribe. I hope we can keep winning immunity. (Knocks on wood)
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We won! Yas! It's unfortunate that we couldn't snatch the reward, but we came close and I think that counts for something.
Chloe and Drew definitely carried the Orfeo tribe to their reward, meanwhile Karth practically killed Cyrena himself. I'm pretty happy being that perfectly middle score on my tribe. High enough to be a contributor, low enough to like not be a threat for try-harding or something.
I'm gonna hopefully take this time to get to bond with people more. Chloe and I are getting married apparently which is cute. She's honestly pretty sweet so I'm already a hardcore stan.
Gonna enjoy the time off, and see what this idol system is about. Maybe I'll get lucky this season.
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i am OVERWHELMED like ok so most the cast i feel like doesnt like me. my tribe has ppl who arent super active (this is literally marmoreal flash backs) kori is so.. much idk JKFADSHFKJ like he just is rly.. there! jared is my new fave i love that man so much we are going so far KNOW that. rhys.. an angel i LOVE him i just get him and he gets me. maynor? doesnt reply idk its off. stephen.. not here. mitch? ignores me for long time. so ya that sucks but wooh jared and rhys! also LOVE chloe, loris, zach, maybe tobi!!!
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YAAAAAAAAS safety is so important right nowwwww, having safety is crucial bc I wanna keep my friends in this game and keep building bridges. I also have a little advantage to help me search for the idol and nobody needs to know about it except me so hopefully soon I’ll have an idol in my back pocket!
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The first few days of this game have been fun. I always enjoy getting to know a new tribe of people. Still, all of these people are essentially new to me. I've been in VL's with Kori and Mitch, and I helped host Jared in Wakea, but playing with people is a totally different ballgame. Still these 3 are probably the relationships I'm most interested in investing time in right now.
As for people off of my tribe, I feel pretty good about my old Komnata castmates. Alyssa, Zach and Karth all worked well with me in the pre-merge and I can definitely see myself working with them here as well. Chris is also my BFF I would literally die for him. Jack is also someone I know well and I know he's a good ally, but we're also playing another ORG together at this very moment (SBBB7) and I just made a move there knowing he wouldn't approve of it, so that's something I have to keep in mind as well. I think as long as I can set myself up well on this current tribe, I could be in it for the long hall!
Looking at the challenge results, it looks really bad for my bro Karth. It's gonna suck if he goes first because we instantly connected back in Komnata, but hey, I don't think I have the clout to save him here. It's the first tribal council and there's no basement to hide in this time.
Today is gonna be a big day though. Before Cyrena goes to Tribal Council, I'm planning to reach out to Mitch and Kori about formally becoming allies. Just like my first season, I'll use the idol search as my opening statement!
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SO lots to discuss. First off, we got fucking demolished in immunity. Fucking embarassing. Matt Alyssa and I showed tf up with 100+, and Mo and Bodhi weren't far behind. Tobi did not have a good showing but FUCKING. KARTHIK. TWO POINTS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's disgraceful this is god damn all stars you're a WINNER and you give 2 god damn 1 point submissions. Get the fuck out of my tribe. He should be the easiest first boot in history but of course everyone wants to pussyfoot around for the first 12-18 hours of tribal and not throw out a name. But there's no avoiding this. He's inactive, he has a bad timezone comparatively, and he did diddly poo in the challenge. He's. Gone.
Luckily I find myself with 2 quick alliances right out the shoot, a trio with Alyssa and Matt and a duo with Bodhi. I found myself gravitating to these 4 a lot the first couple days, Mo and Tobi are a bit quieter so I like these 3 allies for me moving forward. Sidenote, BoJack has got to be the greatest alliance name in Celestial history. I'd go back and look to compare but I'm lazy.
One World is still kicking my ass, a lot of people want to talk to me and I don't have the energy for it but damn it I guess I have no other choice, I can't just not respond to them.
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Ok so fucking karthik made an alliance with Me, Mo, Matt. And spilled his heart out to us. But we left him on read and now he’s super lonely. Hopefully he doesn’t have an idol or whatever.
Also this game started!! I’m very busy with school but I have things to say. I’m close with some people from before, I really like Loris and Tobi and Alyssa. I’m feeling pretty good about my position right now.
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Fuck yeah, not first boot!!! Although I would’ve loved to win as were so close, but can blame that on my tribe mates cause me and Bryce pulled through.
So right now, my closest ally I feel like would be Bryce. Primarily cause were on the same tribe and then I speak to him most on our tribe, and most of the other cast. Then would be jarred, so I want to make hopefully an alliance between them, maybe another, just to confirm my spot in the tribe.
Feel like my main goal is to make connection, as it seems like everyone else has some with other people. So like if it comes to me someone they don’t know, against someone they've player with before just looks bad for me. So I’m trying to make up with Michael, just so that’s one less target in my back.
Also I talk to Zach a lot. But don’t trust him at all. We have been “dating” since the cast reveal. But he asked Mo to be in a showmance too?! Plus Bryce said he talks to zach the most but Bryce wasn’t in who Zach talks to the most.
This sounds like Tween drama but it’s so much more.
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Am I being flirted with?????????
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My slow self. In regards to the other castmates- I didnt realize how much I talked to the members of Tuatha. Bryce, Rhys, Kori all are red but I've probably done most of my talking with Jared and Stephen who I really wanna get together with at some point. I've reached out to other people like Jack and Alyssa and Mo. I may be forgetting some people but I'm just gonna keep talking up a storm with everybody!  If I had to pick my closest people so far, it definitely would be Jared, Stephen, Zach, and Michael.. stay tuned!
I FLOPPED at this challenge hard. Drew and Sharky I am sorry for sharing you peeps on the low for being MIA when I was here and performed worse! I am happy we won though because I like my entire tribe and honestly I see a lot of good from them! And so the game begins!
I am just putting gears in motion! I've made it clear with Stephen, Kori, and Jared I want to work with them. I want to get a cross tribe alliance going and it seems Tuatha is my in though I have to see about other people. As for Orfeo...I talked with Zach on starting a majority alliance with Chloe and Loris, we'll see how it goes and if it is legitimate but I definitely hope I can trust Michael enough to keep him. I still am gonna  not get comfortable because I can see myself being targeted but yeah
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So we’re going to tribal... and honestly I’m terrified bc I was one of the poorer performers in the challenge but the thing is that Karthik got a whole ass 2 in the challenge... a challenge where you get 8/9 points for drinking water... so I would think he’d be the easy vote but everyone was SUPER quiet yesterday and no one wanted to give names but today is looking a bit better but I swear if I go home over karthik.... I. will. call. out. all. of. them. Not only was his score tragic but I don’t think he’s been social at all... people from other tribes think that karthik is definitely going so maybe I’m just crazy paranoid for no reason but idk I’ll have to talk wayyyy more to everyone just to be sure
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well here is my first real confessional of the game! Sorry its late been busy.
So firstly my tribe is like super cute. I'm glad i don't know everyone cause then i would be worried, plus i do genuinely like getting to know new people so that is definitely a yay moment. I am also really liking this cast, though more wahmen would be nice but this is all stars, we r not casting wahmen for the sake of it. - anna jane 2k19.
The first challenge? selfie scavenger. a classic if i have seen one. a surprisingly difficult one at that but im glad how well i performed. top scorer on my tribe so i'm really glad about that and how I will be perceived as an asset for a while at least (we will see how that pans out longer down the line). but yay go me! Unforunately, we lost though so like UGH.
During immunity i approached alyssa and jack about a trio, who could control the tribe as i knew we would be high scorers and i genuinely like the two of them. also made sense becuase i sense we are the 3 most active. Karthik, who scored only 2 in the challenge, is probs the target due to inactivity LOL. tobi and mo i also like, but bodhi remains a mystery to me. might be a timezone thing idk but still. a tad worrying that i dont know him as well as i would like.
One World does my head in but im trying to talk to everyone. i've learnt though i need to make connections on my tribe first and foremost as they r the ones who vote, not people on other tribes. god i do hate one world tho. i want to be napping, not messaging people
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think im gonna be in an alliance?? on day 3? is this a joke? literally winning...................  wow....
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I usually make videos but today I am lazy so hello. So One World is ass because I don't want to talk to everyone but these people are crackheads so like I guess. Uhhhhh I'm in an alliance with Jack and Matt because I adore them both greatly. Mo is on my tribe which is so nice because we have played together before and he has such fun energy and is just a ray of sunshine so I'm very happy (although he makes me nervous cuz the last game we played together I killed him for no reason basically.... But I don't think he's the vengeful type). Tobi makes me nervous because I think he is a social king and I mean like... Idk I guess there are a lot of very social players which makes me nervous that I would be pushed out for maybe not being as social? Idk if that makes sense.
But anyway Karthik is also on my tribe and I was like OF COURSE. Because this is the man from my season who I cursed out via DR video for flipping on me LOL He is a sweetie though. I recently looked and saw he was rooting for me a lil in a game I was in which is really nice of him, especially seeing as I didn't vote him to win our season. I think he's going to be first boot. He was on vacation this weekend somewhere where there's no wifi (that's what he told me) and only sent in two things for the scavenger hunt, dooming us to a first tribal. I feel somewhat bad but have told people on my tribe that if not for Komnata's twist of the season he would've been out pre-merge easily because his overarching challenge performance is not great. So basically just reiterating to people that I'm not so sure that this was a fluke and overall I think it's probably just best for us to cut him.
Yeah that's it. I have so much crackhead energy from the games I've been playing as of late I feel like I majorly need to chill the fuck out. Here's to praying.
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so everyone’s kinda agreed on voting out karthik due to him only scoring two points so I’m like ok cool i’m down but then karthik made an alliance chat with bodhi, matt and myself asking to be saved and
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Sooo im making this last minute confessional to tell ya that I THINK im in a good spot. Im sharing my idol guesses with Stephen Z and Jared which is helping me build trust with them. I also have mutual trust with Kori. Maynor and Rhys are kind of boring tbh so hopefully they go soon. Bryce and I never seem to have good conversations so idk where his head is at. IM JUST HAPPY THAT MY CURSE OF ALWAYS GOING TO THE FIRST TRIBAL IS FINALLY LIFTED. I WONT BE FIRST BOOT YAHOO
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Short and sweet, glad to be back, beast moded another selfie scavenger hunt. Got a good tribe, I think, couple of good friends, couple new people, at least one I think obvious boot should it come to that, but here's hoping it won't. Not a lot of players from my season so hopefully there won't be too much bad blood coming into this. Shoutout to Chloe Bryce and Tobi who are apparently contractually obligated to be in every fucking game I play on Facebook and associated communities for the rest of my life. 21 people is a lot to get through so I'm just hoping for merge, then we can go from there.
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Well let's give confessing on my phone a try.
So far I feel like I've been making decent strides conversing with everybody. It's kinda weird how much I like everyone on this season. Its gonna make being a snake harder but I cant afford to blind myself I'll have to do whatever I'll have to do to hopefully win again.
I've made a sort of trio deal with Bryce and Chris as we're all former winners. I'd have included Kavish but we're all predicting he's more than likely the first boot alarm Tina. I'm growing closer to Zach and Clohie on the outer tribes. Also obviously still have my Bodhi connection. I'm talking with just about everyone a bit. Though I cant shake the feeling there is someone I've missed.
I am concerned not being in any sort of majority alliance on my tribe, so if we do lose that's worrisome but still not being the first boot is a huge relief for me, and hopefully there is only good for me going forward. (I say as 4 people probably plot my demise.)
Karthik is voted out 5-1-1.
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boymeetsweevil · 5 years
I’m just crying no big deal thank you for being so kind i’m gonna go curl up a d*e now :’)
HONEYYYYY 💕💕💕💕 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU!!! For Science was beautiful and I loved every bit of it. Bot matter the wait, its completely worth it because you put so much thought into it. The ending was so nice and im so happy for oc and kookie. Please keep up with your amazing writing love ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
i just read fs7 for a second time (bc yes i had to read it twice to fully take it in) and oh my god it’s so amazing 😭😭 you really outdid yourself w this series. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve read through it all and i love it even more every time i do. you’re such a talented writer honestly thank you so much for gifting us this fic ❤️
The ending to FS was so authentic!! Awkward and mushy and funny and hot! You really did their relationship justice. Thank you for putting in so much work I'm so happy the series ended this way. You're amazing!
FS7 was a fuckin ride and it was everything I could’ve wanted and more 😫💘 it was amazing like I honestly can’t put into words how satisfying it was but I was smiling sm while reading 🤧 you’re so talented thank you for writing this masterpiece!! FS FINALEEEE IM CRYINGGGGG UWUUUUUUUUU
haaaaaaiiiii just wanna say those 27k words of amazingness was SO worth the wait! thank you so much for the FS series, you did great and can't wait to read more stories from you <33
The last part of for science ahhhhh I screamed! I loved and missed the whole friend group and you put so many funny one liners your dialogue is so natural and entertaining
FS! Oh man where do I start... it was so so so sososososooooo good!!! THE WHOLE SERIES IS JUST SOOOO GOOD. THEY WAY U WRITE IS SO FREAKING WONDERFUL. The scenarios aren’t cheesy or too overtop, the feelings and everything are just sooo realllll. YOUR CHARACTERS ARE JUST SO WELL CONSTRUCTED ARGHHH. Freaking Jungkook and his Captain America crush, same JK I love Chris Pratt and his ass too. So sad that FS has come to and end but it was the perfect finale. I LOVE YOU ❤️ The way i cried, laughed, and just the overjoy from FS 7 i swear to god i hate ending something so wonderful i get a lil disappointed going back to my regular life and not living thru this amazing art thank you for this series i loved it!! I just reread your entire FS series again and the ending was so sweet 😭😭 thank you so much for sharing ur writing!! I also really liked how everyone’s friendship developed in FS7
I just finished FS and I loved it! Awesome job ✌🏼 I love your writing style. It’s not try hard but it’s also not boring lol idk how to explain it but it’s captivating. I’m excited for your future works if you plan on continuing to write 💜 Also, good luck on finals! wahhhhhhhhhh that ending was PERFECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! i am so so happy but also so so sad to say goodbye to these characters. i'm gonna miss fs!jungkook so much!!!!!! :(( thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us!!
OH NO WHEN DID YOU POST THAT FINALE :((((( I LITERALLY LOVE IT!!!! THE WHOLE GROUP IS BACK AND JUNGKOOK STOPPED BEING A COWARD CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?????? I AM SO HAPPY 🥺 When I started reading this, it only had 3 released parts, and now it’s done :(((( i’ll miss you clowning FS jk!!
i've waited a full day to really formulate my thots on the finale of fs... and damn bitch u KILLED me I LOVED ALL OF IT THANK U FOR WRITING ALL THAT BC REALLY? WHAT A FUCKING TRIP THIS HAS BEEN love u forever and ever and ever and am so blessed that u share ur work with lil ol me!! love u to the moon and back <3 u deserve all the good things life has to offer you ! -- crack cocaine anon
I wish I could give you better feedback dissecting every. little. bit. of For Science and how I thoroughly enjoyed the entire series but it's coming out as word vomit lol. I absolutely cackled at the sex Pavlov'd and watermelon slapping. Yoori was fantastic as always ("one day I'm going to get a fresh manicure just so my hands look good when I finally smack the shit out of him." Beautiful) and I just love the group dynamics as a whole. They remind me of my friends :( And the main couple,their whole sometimes-awkward-and-painful process of working things out and then slowly, naturally falling (back?) into love hit me in all the best ways. Overall 10/10, will definitely read this again and anything else you write <3
wow you really snapped with that ending for FS huh i’m- wow seriously one of the best writers ever I feel happy and sad now that FS has ended. Happy because I feel like it was the perfect ending to an amazing series and sad because we have to say goodbye to all these amazing /funny/cray cray characters. You are an amazing writer and I hope we get the chance to read more of your stuff in the future!
I am actually devastated high crying that FS is over. I invested so much EMOTION. Bless your soul. FS finale is amazing. you wrote beautifully and progressed the plot at an anticipating rate. i loved it!!! wondering, did you go off of any certain real life jk looks for his platinum hair, piercings and no glasses? and the ripped jeans...... if u did please post them i wanna see!!!! (ANON, unfortunately I couldn’t find a pic with all of those in one, but there’s this edit and this outfit)
Just needed to let u kno that FS is a masterpiece and i loved it so so so much~ its def my fave fic i've ever read and i love your characterization! Im sad its over but ahhhhh it was so good and i wanna say thanks for writing it - 💖🐰
For science was amazing, I want to congratulate you for writing such a beautiful story for us!!!! Really!!! thank you!!!! for the time and effort bc your fic is genuinely one of the best I've ever read!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ jesus, i cannot express to you how much I love FS, it was everything i want in a story like it took ages to read but yet it felt like minutes and when i was done i was heartbroken that i’ll never see the characters again, i can really relate a lot of the characters to some of my own friends and i love that despite finding it strange, when i was reading it i found myself laughing out loud at the jokes and cringing at overly handsy jk, your writing is top tier and i’m going to miss FS so much
my heart is swelling while reading the last chapter of fs. It’s been a wild ride and I’m so happy to b part of it!!!!!! Thank u for writing such an amazing story
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