#but ever i wanna say that one ep of the magicians
carpisuns · 3 years
New anon, but I saw the last one and I have some thoughts. Specifically, I have been obsessing over ml for the last month or so, and I’ve only seen three episodes, and they were the three released before crocoduel. And you know what? I wasn’t that into it, it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t half as engaging as fanon and fanworks have been for me.
I’ve also done this with the Magicians, Supernatural, and a couple others. I think the reason that this works, for some people, is because it is a more familiar and in many ways, easier way to discover and become attached to new material and new characters. Fan writers and artists are coming from a place of love for their source material (no matter what issues they may have with it) and that bleeds out into their work. Time is spent developing the characters and their feelings, their relationships, in ways that canon so often can’t or isn’t allowed to, and reading that, it’s very easy to fall in love with new characters very quickly. There’s also common AUs and dynamics that make it much easier to start something new.
And also: comfort characters. So many fans find common ground with characters and further project onto them, particularly in fanfic. And because of that it’s often easier to identify with a fan’s interpretation of a character than it is to identify with the canon’s, since you have these more deeply explored feelings and relationships based on a combination of canon and the personal experiences of the fan writer. Also, with these kinds of fics it’s extremely emotionally affirming since for someone who doesn’t have much of any connection with the source material, it feels like the original, even if you’re reading a large body of work by a lot of different people. And I’m so used to fanfic as a substitute for the emotional work and character development that shows/movies/books don’t have room for or aren’t willing to get into, that approaching a fandom as it’s own original piece of media in a way, feels very comforting.
That’s my perspective on it anyways, and why I do this. I do think it is a good thing to engage with the canon to an extent, even if it’s just watching a few clips (how I found ml) but I also don’t think you need any real connection or knowledge of it to be deeply invested in the fandom. Sorry, this got very long.
you know, i totally get being on, like, the fringe of fandoms and interacting with fanon to an extent without a proper investment in canon (I have a couple fandoms like that), but i honestly just can't imagine becoming super invested in a fandom when I am not invested in the source material...maybe that's just a difference between you and me, idk.
but also, i gotta admit that i'm struggling a bit to understand the reason. you yourself pointed out that fan work is enjoyable because the creator's love for canon bleeds into it. and isn't that the reason that you would want to give canon a real chance? obviously there is fan content made out of spite lol (and sadly a fair amount in this fandom), but to me most fan content is like a love letter to canon. like, "i adore this thing so much that it inspired me to create and share with other people who adore it." and what better recommendation is there than that?? i would think people would wanna familiarize themselves with canon in order to better enjoy fanon(?)
i completely understand your point about fan content delving further into characterization and relationships where canon hasn't/can't, and that is such a big appeal of fanfic/fanart. but i don't feel like that's a reason to not engage with canon? on the contrary, i feel like you are missing something important in your understanding and appreciation of that wonderful exploration if you haven't experienced firsthand the foundation that canon set. and maybe that missing thing is just your personal interpretation of a character/dynamic.
for example, i could say, "adrien agreste is this, this, and this and he would do this but not this." and of course i will think im right because my characterization is always perfect 😌sakjdfaldjks but someone else might have a slightly different interpretation, and someone else will have another interpretation, and when you mush all those individual takes on a character together, you will get a good sense of who they are, but you still don't have the Original™️ to draw your own interpretation from. idk, to me it sounds like basing your opinion of chocolate ice cream on what other people are saying about it without ever trying it yourself? ajsldakljf maybe that's an oversimplification but i do think that without experiencing it for yourself, your understanding will always be kind of incomplete.
idk, i big agree with everything you said about why fan content is special, but everything that is a point in fanon's favor is not a knock on canon. to me fan content feels pretty inseparable from canon, so it just doesn't compute to me to take canon out of the equation? then we would have nothing.
i feel like it's almost kinda trendy nowadays to be like, "oh this show actually sucks lmao but the fanon and AUs are good." like it's shameful to actually...enjoy source material? 😭 i mean i completely understand that miraculous ladybug is not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! but if you truly enjoy the fan content that much i encourage you to give canon a real shot. it's not that surprising to me that you watched 3 recent episodes and didn't vibe that much, since you haven't seen the 3 seasons of buildup that lead to them. miraculous has a neat way of tying a bunch of things together so if you aren't familiar with all of it, you're probably missing out.
personally my love for miraculous was kind of a slowburn at first. i only started watching the show because my sister and i made a deal that forced me to watch the first few eps lol. and i didn't really vibe either. but there must have been enough of a spark there for me to keep watching bc for some reason i did and the more i watched the more i fell in love with it until it became the thing that occupies my brain more than anything else. i started with canon and then got into fanon, but it could easily go the other way too. and if you're already invested in the story and characters, i have to imagine it would be much easier to push past the initial cringe of "this is a show about a couple of teen furries rated TV-Y7 on netflix" lol and give anything you don't vibe with the benefit of the doubt.
again, to be clear, i'm not trying to judge or gatekeep here! i'm just saying this because i genuinely LOVE miraculous. it's my favorite show. that's why i make things for it. that's why i have this blog. i want people to watch it. so maybe, pwetty pwease, try watching the show you like so much? 🥺👉👈
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(source bc i was too lazy to make my own so i stole this from twitter)
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Rewatch: Mahou Tsukai Precure Ep 2
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For the record, I am always going to be that little girl excited to go magic school for the first time.
You won’t take that away from me, EVAH!
Hello, hello again and welcome to episode 2 of our rewatch marathon!
Unfortunately (or fortunately, hahaha), I couldn’t make it shorter since I have to talk about everything but I did finish it by Sunday so yay~!
Oh, and I’m going to switch to using the terms “witch/wizard” in place of “mage” from now on. The rough translation of “魔法使い” (mahoutsukai) is literally “magic user” but it can also be exchanged with words like “mage”, “sorcerer”, “magician” so technically, it’s not wrong. “Witch” and “wizard” can also have more specific translations ( (魔女, majo & 魔道士, madoushi, respectively) but I still feel they’re more appropriate for MahoPre’s setting. It just depends how you interpret the context, I guess.
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Starting with the Snailiner.
I mean, it’s a giant snail train transporting you between worlds.
That’s so friggin’ awesome!! *squees* xDD
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And here are our Muggle newbies, taking in the inter-realm sights for all its worth.
But that’s not as important as OMGERD, Mofurun’s lil’ tail twitching in wonder and curiosity! KYAAAAA~!!!
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Mofurun smooshing her nose to the glass to get a closer look~!!
(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
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Riko, however, is eager to get down to business and tries to get an answer on how Mofu-chan came to life...
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But these two are just too happy that they can talk to each other now that they don’t really care about the whys or the whats of the hows and UGH!
My heart! *clutches chest* 
God, we know Mirai has probably been talking to Mofurun since she could first utter words (and likely baby gabbled to her before that, too) but imagine how long that wait must have been for Mofurun! Never knowing if there will ever be chance for her to tell Mirai know how much she loves her and everything!
I’m so happy Mofu-baby got her wish in the end! <3
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Oh, Riko...
You’re in for a lot of these non-answers, I’m afraid. (^ ^ ;;)
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Next is Mirai’s turn to ask the questions and of course, she wants to know what Precure is.
We already know how this goes as a yearly tradition but it’s interesting how centuries/extensively long periods of time can embellish a legend so much that it differs significantly from how it was originally told or what it actually means.
The way Riko explains it, it’s as if Precure has appeared in the world before when in reality, Mirai and Riko are in fact the very first Precure (in this universe).
The conditions match up because (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD):
1) The “magic” (Precure) Mother Rapapa mentioned before her passing will occur when the two worlds come together again. Cue a person from the Mundane World (Mirai) meeting and teaming up with a person from the Magic World (Riko) to fulfill that prophecy. Also note that before these two, no pair like them has ever showed up since Mother Rapapa’s death even though the Magic World has already found ways to travel to the Mundane World and back long ago.
2) Mother Rapapa’s powers are implied to take on the form of Linkle Stones. That said, they disappeared when she did...until they reappeared with the arrival of Precure. We can take that to mean that Precure are the inheritors of Rapapa’s will, to reunite the separate worlds.
3) The birth of Ha-chan, Mother Rapapa’s reincarnation, happened after Mirai and Riko became Precure together.
So really, if I’m getting this right, we might have three versions of this legend: the one that is the most commonly known but not exactly correct [Riko’s version]; the one which is told by the oldest fairies/magical beings who lived in the time when Mother Rapapa was still alive and the world was still one [the original]; finally, the one that’s happening before our eyes where the connection and bond forged between Mirai and Riko can bring about miracles, such as the return of Mother Rapapa through Ha-chan [the true version].
The fact that Deusmast’s revival coincides with these events are anything but coincidental. Mother Rapapa knew she was going to have to face it again so it’s not a stretch to say she might have planned for her own rebirth in the present day to prepare for that.
Two girls who can bring the two worlds together will become Precure, wielders of Mother Rapapa’s powers. Said two girls will also raise and look after her future self, Kotoha, before she’s ready to face her true purpose. When the two worlds are in sync again and Kotoha accepts her role as a divine existence, then, combined with the gathered Linkle Stones and the extra support of Precure and every living being on planet earth, the reborn Mother Rapapa can finally be summoned in her full might to confront and defeat Chaos once and for all.
......or at least, that’s how I’m interpreting it as of this moment. I may have gotten few details wrong but see, this is why I need to do a rewatch. To find out how on or far off the mark I am.
I’m really liking this theory, though, cuz it just makes too much sense! compared to the crazy ones I normally make anyways, lol xD;
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Erhem, alright a break from the wall of text.
Mirai is like “Wow, that’s pretty cool!” because it’s not every day you’ve acquired abilities only found in stories and tales while Riko is like...
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“Wait...wut?” *PROCESSING*
And then...
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Proceeds to probably have one of the biggest revelations of her life and goes all creepy smiley about it.
lol, oh, Riko. You’re scaring me, darling. (^ ^ ;;)
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But jokes and laughs aside, you can see the differences between their personalities in these few seconds.
Riko wants to be recognized and respected so badly as a proper witch that she’ll even settle for using a shortcut through the Emerald or simply bearing the title of Precure to get there. Despite the fact that neither of those are synonymous with the credit and skill earned from hard work. In other words, she’d only be a witch in name and nothing more. It’s not truly her magic.
However, from Riko’s standpoint, you have to understand why she’s desperate. She’s got poor marks in the most essential subject for magic users and thinks something’s wrong with her because of that. She can’t handle her embarrassment from that ineptitude and if she’s tried everything already and nothing works, then she’s going to have to resort to more outrageous methods to get out of the dilemma she’s in.
This logic is filled with flaws and it’s terribly worrisome but Riko, if anything, is determined to make something of herself. She may have fallen down more times than she can count but she always made herself stand up.
It’s hard not to cheer for her and want her to succeed.
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Mirai, in comparison, seems more naive and simple-minded.
Riko’s excitement is not something she can comprehend right now because for one thing, she’s never had to shoulder the angst that comes with not being able to fulfill expectations that is, until the epilogue.
But rather than see this as a bland aspect of her character, we should appreciate that Mirai is a very stable, positive and warm person.
When Riko couldn’t deal with the frustration over her own perceived failures, Mirai never judged her for what she could or couldn’t do. She still wholeheartedly accepted Riko, unfailingly believed that Riko can achieve great things and still saw Riko as the most amazing witch she’s ever come across. Yes, even though there were more accomplished magic users she’s met since coming over to the Magic World, the one Mirai continued to admire and wanted to get close to the most was Riko.
It’s true that for a majority of the season, Mirai played more of supporting role to Riko at times and didn’t have any personal wish other than wanting to stay together with her beloved friends. Nevertheless, she’s always immensely cherished by the people around her for who she is. Especially Riko, who really needed someone like Mirai in her life. That Mirai places those she loves above any great ambition and later goes on to chase a dream of rejoining the two worlds so everyone can be happy together, it really proves how purely wonderful she is as a person.
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That’s cute. 8D
I’d be lying if I wasn’t reminded of Harry Potter when I saw this because it did.
But this is a magical girl anime where almost everything is cutesy-fied so I’m obliged to scream when I see something I think is cute! xD;
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This time, it’s Riko’s turn to treat Mirai to food!
Awesome! I like to believe they do this all the time. Riko takes care of everything when they visit the Magic World and Mirai provides when they’re in the Mundane World.
A part of their relationship that’s always balanced no matter what.
Ha-chan and Mofurun don’t have to pay, though, cuz they babies and it’s okay for their mommies to spoil them~ <3
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Shivery Mofu-baby~
lol, she even goes to touch it a second time like “Brrr~, this is chilly, but one more cuz it’s gives me the tingles, bRrRrRr~!!”
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That looks sooooo cool!
I love mandarin oranges and I’ve ate them slightly chilled before. They’re great. 
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But eating one in this manner? I wanna try, I wanna try!
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( ☉ω⊙)
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(๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ
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Mirai’s so enjoying every moment of this impromptu trip and Riko’s quite satisfied that she can impress someone for once.
But then there’s that dreaded crunching noise and, well...
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The mouth can’t lie while eating, after all, lol.
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Ok, Riko’s faces are the best.
She went from “Are you serious, don’t make me look bad, plz” to “Shoot, these are hard as rocks, oh no, how do I protect my vulnerable image in front of this Muggle?! *sweats*”
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In the end, she dodged it with tsun, hahaha
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So they finally arrive in the Magic World and frankly, it’s a beautiful place. Is every piece of land a floating island?! I want to live there! :D
Also, yes, while StarPre did take extra steps in worldbuilding, there are few things you gotta remember:
1) MahoPre aired before StarPre did, so it should be expected for later seasons to improve on what their predecessors brought to the table. Seeing as MahoPre and StarPre had the same series coordinator, Isao Murayama, I’d say he definitely got better when it came to this topic.
2) MahoPre only had one foreign world in its setting while StarPre had many planets since it dealt with space.
3) MahoPre still did what a lot of other Precure seasons opted not to do: give the main characters free access to explore and learn about other worlds. 
Seriously, the “fantasy land seized by darkness/evil and needs to be saved by girls from another dimension” plot is present in almost every installation of this tv franchise that it’s just refreshing to not be restricted by those limits for once.
I could go on but I think I’ve made my point. :P
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Riko said the Magic Academy is at the center of the Magic World. So does that mean it’s the highest authority on all matters regarding magic? Because I don’t recall anything about the Magic World having an actual government.
Well, anyways, I suspect that all the students’ wands are registered with the school otherwise that’d be a huge security risk if anyone can just open the gate with a simple spell. (o_o ;;)
Oh, and look, it’s the kitty from Riko’s metro pass! :D
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Same, Mirai.
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Here’s MahoPre’s version of McGonagall. Strangely enough, we never got a name for her. Same for the Headmaster. They were always addressed as just their faculty names.
Anyways, she’s as stern and strict as you’d expect of any teacher but even so, I don’t find her disapproval towards Riko’s actions to be too unfair or too harsh.
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I mean, c’mon, if you were in her position and found out that one of your students broke a bunch of rules overnight only for them to come back with an outsider and this explanation, wouldn’t you react the same way she did?
The lady’s just doing her job.
Plus, her anger is justified because not only did Riko break the rules and exposed their kind but she could’ve really gotten hurt out there all by herself as well. Riko didn’t even bring any money with her for food, for crying out loud.
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I’m sorry, Riko, as much as I’d like to give in to those puppy dog eyes (aaaahhhh, don’t look at me like that, you cutie~!), the professor’s right about this one.
Still, all things considered, she doesn’t outright expel Riko. Not because she doesn’t have that authority, I don’t think (that lies with the Headmaster), but it seems to me she might’ve wanted to find an alternative punishment as expulsion might be too cruel. 
She even gave Riko fair warning not to leave the room until she found the Headmaster to discuss what to do next and when she saw Riko running around campus later despite that order, she freaked out in concern. 
“Do you want to be expelled, Riko-san?!”
So yea, I’'d like to believe the Deputy Headmistress, at least, didn’t want to send Riko packing for home if it could be helped.
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That done and said, it probably hit Mirai just how much trouble Riko’s in right now. Sure, Riko leaving school at night without permission is her own responsibility to bear and the same goes for bringing Mirai back to the Magic World with her when she shouldn’t have.
But still, Mirai being here is a violation of the Magic World at large. If she were aware of that, maybe she wouldn’t have gone with Riko in the first place (noooo!) so that Riko wouldn’t have to face possible expulsion.
Fortunately, Riko’s a sensible girl and knows Mirai isn’t in the wrong. It was she who wanted to prove herself, after all. She was just too blinded by her hopes to think about the consequences.
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And so she revealed to Mirai that she’s actually a remedial student.
Like, Riko’s quite upset about the circumstances as it is but she still has it in her to be decent and honest with Mirai on her reasons for going to the Mundane World. It’s the least she could do for getting Mirai involved in magical affairs and taking her all the way here.
The search for the Emerald, suddenly becoming Precure, all these things were to show everyone that she can use magic effectively.
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Riko’s pretty much reiterating what I said earlier in the post but I don’t think she really understood the full extent of it. At least, not yet. 
She still wants the Emerald, of course, because her wish to be a great witch hasn’t changed.
She just realizes that yea, she broke the rules and no Emerald is going to excuse her out of the scolding she’s in for.
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Then Mofurun decides to rolypoly on over to poor, depressed Riko and goes “SO WHAT? LOOK AT ME, I’M ADORABLE!!”
lol, j/k, j/k, she really said “I smell something sweet!” which was followed be this...
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Riko and Mirai’s Diamond pendants glowing~
...honestly, they should’ve just let Mofurun do the explaining to the Deputy Head cuz it seems that every time Mofurun is within range of a Linkle Stone and announces its presence (“A sweet smell!”), they automatically start shining and voila~, the legend is real!
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Ah, but really, Mofurun seems to be telling the girls to not sweat the small stuff.
Why? Cuz...
......lol, yea, Mofurun knows Mirai and Riko are in for something greater than this little snag in the road and just wants to let them know to cheer them up.
And hey, she’s right. :)
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It got Mirai motivated, at least, to go and explain things to the Headmaster herself. Maybe if a Muggle can prove she performed magic as Precure, they’d let Miko off the hook because then they’d realize she was telling the truth.
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Again, Riko is surprised by the lengths Mirai’s willing to go for her. They can’t really be called strangers anymore after all that’s happened but they haven’t known each other long enough (it hasn’t even been 24 hrs yet!) that they can call each other friends yet either.
So why Mirai’s doing this, when there aren’t a lot benefits for her, simply baffles Riko.
*whispers* That’s what a best friend is, Riko-chan~
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Meanwhile, Mirai, of course, doesn’t know her way around the school, much less who the Headmaster is or what he looks like, but that’s okay because she’s sooooo cute! x3
And maybe it’s a good thing this happened during spring break? Otherwise, she’d be catching the attention of the other students and faculty and she’d have a hard time getting to where she needed to go.
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Like this when a breeze just drifted through the air and she suddenly got a feeling that she’s gotta go THAT way.
Humuhumu...yea, I don’t think it’s just the Precure powers that’s at work here. Mirai does have innate magical abilities of her own.
I’ve got a theory on that based on some MahoPre trivia I read, about the scratched concept of her having magical ancestors, but I’ll save that for another time.
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Right, where were we? Oh, yes, the wind led her to a tree.
It looks like any ordinary tree but by judging by the way Mirai gazes up at it, something tells her it’s really more than that.
See? That’s her intuition. The magical side of it, anyways.
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And whaddaya know, the wind led her to the person she wanted to find, too!
‘Course she doesn’t think he’s the Headmaster at first glance and who can blame her when he’s wearing a face that young.
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But she’s not even thinking about the Headmaster at that point because did he just say wands? He said wands, right?
Yep, she’s got her priorities sorted out, haha~
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Back in the classroom, Riko’s lost in her thoughts and can’t really forget how Mirai’s been nothing but friendly to her since the moment they met.
So even though Riko finds this devotion weird, she still can’t help but worry about her and decides it’s not good to just let Mirai wander off by herself when she doesn’t even know her way around.
Kyuuu~, I love it when Riko shows her soft side, especially when it’s about Mirai. She’s always like “まったく ...” in an exasperated way but gives in because she knows she can’t win against Mirai’s niceness and that just brings out her own niceness, d’aww~ <3
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Now back to Mirai where she’s getting quite a fascinating lesson about wands. How every time someone is born in the Magic World, a Wand Tree immediately grows one out to give to that baby, how that’s the wand they use for life, etc.
That’s such a cool birth certificate! Can I trade mine in for a wand of my own?!
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I’d hold that thought, Gramps.
A Muggle isn’t just drawn to a specific Wand Tree for no reason.
Maybe the reason why it hasn’t generated any new wand for ages is because it was waiting for someone like Mirai, a resident of the other world, to show up.
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But as expected of the Headmaster, he could immediately tell Mirai’s not from their world and asks what she’s doing here.
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Mirai tells him she needs to find the Headmaster and the way she holds Mofurun tighter to her (KYAAAAA~!!!) when the subject turns over to Riko says a lot about how she can’t let Riko’s life get ruined just because she broke a few rules.
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Not when Riko saved what was most important to her. To the world, it might have been nothing but a small gesture of kindness but that same gesture is what meant the world to Mirai.
That’s why she has to return the favor to Riko. Riko helped her and now it’s her turn and that means...
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Please take a moment to squee at rolypoly Mofurun part 2 first.
We good? Okay, back to regular programming...
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These are Wand Trees so I’m sure they’re sentient and can sense the sincerity in Mirai’s words along with her magic potential.
For that...
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She gets her very own wand!
*gasp* And oh my, what a pretty wand it is! It suits my baby very well!
I am very pleased! 8D
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Not only is Mirai sincere, she’s well-mannered as well.
And Mofurun, too. What good children they are. :D
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The magic tree just granted her something meant to conjure magic with.
What do you think she’s going to do with it if not that? Use it as a back scratcher?!
That aside, I forgot about this. So it was the supernatural forces that dictated Mirai should be allowed into the magic realm and not because of the Headmaster’s decision.
I like that.
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Then Batty shows up and starts destroying everything in search for them and Mirai immediately leaves to go find Riko.
I’m not sure if it’s because she knows she needs to be with Riko in order to transform into Precure or if she’s simply worried about Riko or both or what. But Mirai doesn’t even think twice about the dangers of facing Batty alone when a person she cares about is somewhere in the crossfire.
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And it’s so clear that Mirai cares about the world Riko comes from. Not just because it’s Riko’s school and home but also because she has great respect for magic users in general. 
She’s dreamed of meeting them for a long time and though they’re hesitant to welcome her because she’s a normal human (aka not like them), that doesn’t stop her from doing what’s right. When Batty tries to order her around, she defiantly (and G-ratedly) flips him off for all the havoc he’s making.
Yep, she’s not afraid of the bad guys, my brave little girl~ <3
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Riko’s timing and aim are impeccable as always, lol
She’s almost like a human missile! xD;
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That’s right you did, Riko! And you did a splendid job, bravo! *clapclapclap*
Mirai’s just relieved that Riko’s unharmed.
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I mean, if Riko’s still giving tsundere service, then she’s definitely alright, ahahaha~
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Riko can’t win against Mirai when she smiles at her like that~
Blushy Riko is so...too...adorable for words! x3
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Then they hold hands and yea, you know what happens afterwards.
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Frankly, the fight in this ep wasn’t any better or different than the first one and only a few short moments are worth mentioning.
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Like Miracle trying her best to not let any more damage come to the school and crashing to the ground because of it.
Even though things will go back to normal, with no signs of a battle ever happening there, after they get rid of the Yokubaru and all (but then again, they didn’t know that...did they??)
She’s too nice, jeez...
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Magical checking if her partner is okay and Miracle brushing it off like “Whoopsie!”
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And Magical getting irritated again but whup, no time for that, gotta protect Miracle!
Haha~!! xDD
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Anyways, the biggest moment that needs to be discussed is this one when Magical’s almost doubting whether saving the school’s worth it since she’s in for expulsion anyway because she disobeyed the Deputy Headmistress.
Hmmm, I’m not criticizing her or calling her self-centered or anything. It’s just that it’s obvious Riko has weighed herself down with too many negative thoughts that it’s hard for her to see there’s still something she can do.
She’s Precure now so regardless of whether she gets expelled or not, she’s one of the only people there who can stand up to that monster.
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And like Miracle said, nothing has been decided yet. They can still persuade the Headmaster to let Riko stay at school.
If they don’t at least try, then it’s guaranteed they’ll only get nothing out of it.
And that’s hardly the ending anyone wants, right?
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Whatever the outcome may be, Mirai’s determined to do her best for Riko. If it’s too much for Riko to bear alone, Mirai will be there to support her.
Riko calls Mirai a busybody for this but you can tell by her expression that she’s really grateful Mirai talked her out of giving up.
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Even Mofurun’s happy, perched up on high~
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Then they get their Linkle Sticks and perform Diamond Eternal for the first time and blow the monster away, yay, all’s well that ends well.
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Well, almost.
Thankfully, the Headmaster witnessed everything that transpired, sparing them from any need to explain.
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And not only does Riko get to stay at school (whoohoo~!) but now Mirai will be attending classes with her as well!
I guess there are endings where all’s well that ends better, after all, huh? Hehehe~
And that’s all for this week. Will try to get ep 3 by next Sunday. Bye for now~
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dylanobrienisbatman · 4 years
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) peeps.
*I’ve done this before, but ive been watching some new shows and i wanna do it again! I was tagged by @nightbleeder and @blodreina-noumou a while ago love you both <3*
1 - 12 Monkeys
2 - Sex Education
3 - The Magicians
4 - His Dark Materials
5 - The Expanse
1. who is your favorite character in 2?
My fave Sex Education character is probably... Aimee. i love her, shes such a sweetie
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
Ohhh so far i dont really know. i didn’t like jennifer but now shes so interesting. cassie in season 2 has been kind of irritating but it seems like theyre bringing her back around... i’d say Deacon... or Ramse when he was being... the worst.
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
I LOVED the Daemon Cages ep, and The Lost Boy.
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
Season 2!! I loved the Mars v Earth plot, all of Bobbies stuff, the beginning of the expansion of the protomolocule, its so good
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
I love love love Penny and Julia
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
Tbh i dont ship many of the ‘ships’ in the show, but i did enjoy Ola and Lily this season
7. what is your favorite episode of 1?
i loved the timeloop episode, and i really enjoyed the episode where they went back to the 40′s, but im only into s2 so far!
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
.... this is a hard one... i love the episode where bobbie runs into the UN safe zone and request asylum, the whole episode building to that is great
9. what is your favorite season of 2?
Season 2 was EXCEPTIONAL
10. how long have you watched 1?
I just started it a couple weeks ago, and im on season 2, its so good
11. how did you become interested in 3?
Tumblr, and also i love Stella Maeve so i went looking to watch her.
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
Augh, absolutely James McAvoy, or Ruth Wilson
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
I’d say 5, but that may change based on how 1 finishs up or how 2 continues when s2 airs.
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
i’ve seen every episode of 3, so definitely 3
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Oh Lyra, wouldn’t we all ? that or maybe a lee scorsby esc character
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
i’d usually say no but The Magicians can do anything so who the fuck knows
17. pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
i dont really ship much aside from cassie x cole, so idk. but the plot is so good that i dont watch for the ships really
18. overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
they have great storylines within their genre. the expanse is one of the best sci fi stories ive ever seen, and it really leans on a mixture of realism and actual science coupled with the futuristic space travel stuff you need, but the magicians is excellent magical storytelling plus a really great absurdity element that they play into SO well. i’d have to say the expanse but the magicians is excellent.
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
tagging: @thelittlefanpire @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @blodkru @the-most-beautiful-broom @happyeyesandsunshine and anyone else who wants to play
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dykecadence · 5 years
A Dissertation to Prove that Alice Quinn from The Magicians is a Lesbian Experiencing Comp-Het
some of my twitter friends requested i post this on here so @alicequinnlove i hope this is good! (keep in mind this was written before the second half of season 4 so some things are out of date)
1. Her attraction to Quentin as compulsive heterosexuality
Alice only expresses attraction to Q once he has expressed attraction to her
Jumping into a relationship with the first guy to show interest in her despite knowing they don’t necessarily work (and that she is better than him)
Never feels sexual fulfillment in their relationship (until that one ep) but not saying anything about it
Rebounding quickly with another guy after Q cheats as if she is trying to prove something to herself/him
Every time she talks about sexual encounters before Q she says they were all uncomfortable and very impersonal
Look, as someone who struggled with comp-het for a LONG time and has dated guys because of it… Q is exactly the type of soft, nerd boy that is perfect for closeted lesbians to try and date as a means of making themselves seem straight. He’s non-threatening and when you don’t want to confront your sexuality it can be easy to trick yourself into getting crushes or turning friendships into something more.
Not entirely supporting my point because I do think opposite sex friendships are very important but; the fact that Alice was far more upset about her trust being broken and losing one of her best friends than the relationship ending
2. Her inherent unease around other women
Alice is uncomfortable around other women but not because she feels threatened by them. In fact, we don’t really know why she’s so uncomfortable with them at first.
Alice has no close female friends thus the way she views her interactions with women is skewed through Hetero Goggles
She would have no frame of reference for determining if there is a difference in her feelings toward women/patricular women
With Margo in particular, Alice is uneasy which I would chalk up to:
Margo compliments Alice/her body often
Margo being so comfortable with herself
Margo blatantly flirting with her at times
They have tension
I mean…… Margo/Alice Rights!
3. Magic often functions as an allegory for The Gay
Alice has always felt out of place
She fears her own “magic”
Her family didn’t teach her any magic she had to find it on her own
Magical found family narratives are for the gays only
Unaware of her own potential, still hasn’t unlocked it
She holds herself back in her magic, just as she does in every other aspect of life
4. Sex in this show is barely ever just sex
Basically everyone in this show uses sex as a coping mechanism
Especially Alice
Alice sleeps with Q because she’s stressed and worked up in Brakebills South
People had also been telling them to sleep together or speculating the would for months
She may have felt like it was what she was supposed to do
Her immediate distrust of the truth of her feelings once they get back is not something you would expect from someone who is getting what they want
She often says, “I love you” to Q but never says that she is “in love” with him. An important distinction as this show displays many different forms of love.
Alice sleeps with Penny when Q cheats. Why does she do this? To get back at him presumably but I don’t think she’s that petty. I think it was insecurity. Her trying to prove herself to herself.
Alice kisses Q/has sex with Q post-break up only in emotionally intense scenarios where she is overwhelmed by grief, power, or both.
Kissing him at the tree
Having sex with him when she gets back from being a Niffin
Carriage ride to the fight with the Beast
5. Alice has never really had friends
Her experience with comp-het and her inexperience with friendship would very likely lead her to misattribute close feelings of friendship with attraction.
I have personal experience with this so I feel this assumption is justified
Since she knows so few people and Q is the only one she has a close/friendly relationship with she clearly feels the strongest connection to him
She instinctively distrusts everyone and doesn’t let people in easily so it would be hard to know her true feelings
If we could see her in a close female friendship in this show I think she would bond quickly and strongly (as she did with Sheila)
It’s not that she doesn’t want friends, it’s that she has a hard time letting her walls down which ~gay~
It would be invaluable to see her have a close female friendship as we could compare that to her season 1 interactions with Quentin and decipher her behavior
Her few friendly interactions with Margo had a lot of tension before she and Q got together
6. Alice has not expressed attraction to anyone since her last encounter with Q in (I think) late season 2.
This encounter was an instance of sex not just being sex. It was her being overwhelmed after coming back from being a Niffin and seeking comfort/distraction in something familiar i.e. Quentin
Since then she has:
Not expressed in interest in getting back with Q
Not had sex with anyone
Not mentioned an attraction to anyone
Made no insinuation of lingering romantic feelings for anyone she has previously been involved with (with the exception of Timeline23!Alice but as she is not Our Alice she is not relevant)
Her attraction to and intimate interactions with Q have been nothing more than physical since season 1
They have slept together again multiple times but it was always because of some bigger emotional turmoil and not love
She said she didn’t want to get back together with him after the threesome and I think (in terms of a real relationship) she means that
But she used sex as a coping mechanism since Q was familiar/her closest friend and it made her feel like herself
I don’t think either of them have had genuine romantic feelings for each other for a while but U believe Alice’s went away faster (because she never really had them due to comp-het)
7. Gay Coding
A lot of aspects of this show are unambiguously queer-coded
There is no such thing as gay panic in this show so there is no need to be weirded out over gay stuff and if you are you are portrayed as the weird one (ex. Hymen)
Alice’s cold intelligence and manner is pretty lesbian coded
Her style is high femme and I will not be told otherwise
8. This doesn’t fit into a particular spot but… 
When Q mentions the dream that Penny walked in to involving her and Julia kissing, her problem was not with herself kissing another girl or even that it was a kinda gross fantasy for Q but rather that Q was thinking about his former crush alongside her.
She doesn’t dwell on the gay of it all just the fact that Q is subconsciously thinking of his old crush
9. I would argue that Alice’s inability to find sexual pleasure with Q (until that one ep) is a ~problem~ on both of their parts.
Partially due to Quentin having no clue what to do
But I think mostly due to the fact that she doesn’t really feel sexually attracted to him
The one time it is “fulfilling” to them it is because they are trying to get Penny back
Alice is determined to get shit done so I’m sure she is capable of…. Fulfilling her part in getting Penny back even if she didn’t really feel as much as she should
As I’ve said, they never really have sex just because, there’s always an external factor (as far as we the viewer are aware)
10. She had more chemistry with Penny than with Q despite “loving” him
11. Her previous experiences
She was standing up and at a party for all of them according to her
These interactions are:
Likely the result of alcohol
Clearly not fond memories
12. Niffin!Alice and Dark!Willow are Very Similar in quite a few ways, enough said
13. Her feelings for Quentin feel like the “I’ve decided to have a crush now”
As I said, she only expresses interest in him once he has expressed interest in her
Crush comes out of nowhere
She seemed very professional with Q at first
She skips friendship and goes straight for crush
But the crush was really friendship
Her romantic feelings for him are contingent on how emotional she is
14. Alice awkwardly avoiding talking about the Incubus’ penis
She doesn’t wanna say penis lmao
15. New Addition: “But she and Q got back together!”
I felt the need to address this additional point and why it doesn’t effect my theory.
Once Alice left The Library she was a prop for the rest of the season.
Logically they have no reason to get back together as they’ve both been growing far more on their own than they did together.
I think her going back to him only serves to prove she is only with him because she desperately wants to feel loved even if she doesn’t quite understand her own feelings
Alice is reaching out to reconnect with Q in an attempt to gain some of her old self back
She knows she cares for him and that he cares for her and she automatically assumes that romance is the logical answer for those feelings
It’s comp-het babey
Them getting back together was a cheap ploy to add more emotional weight to Q’s death
If anything I feel it supports this theory
In conclusion, Alice Quinn is a lesbian. Send tweet
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Stars Align 5 - 8 | Dr Stone 19 - 21 | Shinchou Yuusha 6 - 8 | No Guns Life 6 - 7 | BnHA 67 | Iruma-kun 7
Stars Align 5
Geepers, I accidentally read some spoilers before watching this episode…so I realised that the person in te clubroom was Toma without his glasses, but it took me a bit to realise still.
Don’t give Maki’s father your name, Toma. Names are weapons for guys like him!
It’s ben a while since I’ve done this type of maths, although the answer appears to be correct.
Huh? The ED went straight to the teachers instead of going to Kinuyo/Ruriha/Kaori (whatever her name is)…
Oh! That heart gesture hints at the fact he has a sister (I’ve forgotten the guy’s name though) – he might’ve learnt some dance choreography from watching idols or magical girls with her. Update: That’s Shingo.
Dr Stone 19
Rule no. 2 of shonen – don’t underestimate the bishonen.
The guy who kinda looks like Kirishima with orange hair is definitely going to be important…(rule no. ???? of anime).
Ooh! The themes I thought would never came back…came back!
Some people do consider underpaying people a modern form of slavery, y’know.
Does Tsukasa always have to be called “the strongest primate”, though…? It’s a badass title, to be sure, but it certainly wouldn’t be said a lot in a normal conversation.
Judging by the flame (homura) she carries, I’d wager her name is Homu-oh, dangit. Her name really is Homura!
Senku teaches Fire Safety 101.
Ginro’s not holding his bokuto (wooden kendo practice sword) anymore…hmm.
I didn’t think Sulfuric Acid lady would be back…ever.
The funny thing is that Tsukasa seems to be a gender-neutral name, so telling the brawny men to “go suck on Mommy Tsukasa’s teat”…LOL.
Hyoga has that mask thing of his anyway, so he’s probably better off than, say, Homura.
Is that a Death Star??????!!!!
Kensaku means “search”.
Cell phone…you’d need extensive knowledge of electronics and/or IT and architecture (for the larger networks, or at least the towers) to get one running.
“…who’ll be our double agent?” – No duh. It’s either Gen (as suggested in the scene just before) or Taiju and/or Yuzuriha.
I never thought a smartphone would make me feel sad for what has gone before, but it just did when all these quotes from the past came through.
Okay, so one of the ingredients is steel (hagane).
I love how Gen gets the wine image. He’s a stage magician, so his fancy suit matches the image of a sommelier.
Byakuya seems to be the one represented in the battery image.
BnHA 67
Yay! Amajiki, my booooooooooy!
Shinchou Yuusha 6
I never thought I’d say this to my seasonal husbandos – I don’t even say this about zaShunina, the random yandere – but…Seiya, you a**hole!
Lemme guess…Seiya’s gonna use some speed seeds?
I read on Leviae’s status earlier that she has an immunity towards fire…*gulp*
A nurikabe is a wall youkai that blocks travel, while a hyosube lives in a river and eats rice plants.
What’s the age gap between Mash and Elulu? I know Mash is hot enough (in the manga) to be compltly within my range, so I’d say he’s about 16 at the youngest, but Elulu is, what, 12…? Update: There’s no real indication as to what the characters’ ages are, but Mash is lvl 16 and Elulu is lvl 8.
Ooh, this is new! Seiya’s thrown caution to the wind for once for the sake of Elulu!
No Guns Life 6
“Strong Smells” (on the can) – Yep, Olivier seems to be proving that name right.
Motor City…I didn’t really care for it at first, but now I’m starting to warm up to it.
Ooh, it seems the implication here is that Olivier inherited the title of EMS commander from her dad.
“…I’m gonna get shot!” - I guess when you’ve got a gun for a head, the assumption is you’re gonna get shot.
Armed Tokisada seems to be this world’s version of All Might…(but then is Juzo Deku? LOL.)
Iruma-kun 7
This OP is a lot more battle-oriented than I remember…
I want a GIF of sparkly Amelie, stat!
Iruma’s voice as Rin is too CUTE! LOL!
Kawaii Comics, LOL.
Ooh! I can recognise Opera by his nail polish now…! His nail polish appears to be purple today.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Opera express his own concern for Iruma until now. Maybe he’s like a surrogate mother to Iruma by now…?
They even have monsters to call out bell noises…LOL wut.
Hmm…I just realised Azz speaks to Iruma rather formally. Not just the –sama, but the keigo as well.
Azz is rather observant too…(Seriously, I swear he’s been teetering on the edge of being my husbando from this show, but since he’s so subservient, it’s a bit of a hard concept to grasp. Not to mention the guy is, what, 14…?)
Even the shadows of background characters are blue and pink…
The little arrow over Clara really sells the moment.
The bird is so cute~!
I only realised it this year, but boba is really in, all over the world, for young people. *stares at all the boba shops that have appeared around my area lately*
I think Ameri = watashi and Iruma = boku. It’s politeness all the way ‘round. I think Sabro might’ve used ore.
“Don’t let go. Desire is your life.” – Sarazanmai ad <- I think this quote is appropriate for this episode.
Oh! We see Kuromu the Akudol in the ED…I didn’t realise that. (<- knows about her due to spoilers)
Oh! I think next episode might be Clara’s seduction class! Ooh! Interesting…
Dr Stone 20
Come to the dark side, we have candy…amirite???
Dr Stone 21
The pun here is that tou is a way to pronounce “copper” and “steal”, so Chrome copped copper in the Eng subs.
Couldn’t Ginro just use the word “s***” instead? That would’ve made the pun a lot better, tbh.
Thy translated all the dialogue in the fake menus! Yay! (<- translator’s brain showing up) For instance, Senku’s attack is listed as 1 while Suika’s is 3 and Gen’s is 5…LOL. The one that really made me laugh was “Runs away the second he knows he’s at a disadvantage. You’re scum, Ginro!”
Magma wasn’t in the fake game menu…!!! (I like how Magma questioned how Senku suddenly started calling him a “friend”.)
No Guns Life 7
I feel like the length of time between distracting the guard and Tetsuro conveying his plan was a bit much, but…okay.
Shinchou Yuusha 7
LOL, Beel Bub…y’know, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.
If Seiya were watching No Guns Life, he’d freak out…
Is that Cerceus in the back-yep, thought so!
Shinchou Yuusha 8
I almost expected Rosalie to woof…that’s how doglike she is!
Why do I get the feeling we’ll 1) find out what the Warmaster looks like next ep and 2) find out Rosalie’s armour is actually the armour Seiya’s meant to look for…? I could be wrong, but my intuition has some chance of being correct, even if I think up stuff that’s pure speculation…
Stars Align 6
Does Yonex sponsor this show, like Mikasa for Harukana Receive…?
LOL, Mitsue’s reaction.
If this were the Amazing Race, the hometown advantage would suck…but this is Hoshiai no Sora, so this could go either way.
“How to Soft Tennis” indeed…sic.
Wait, who’s Takada…? Update: She’s on the girls’ team, IIRC.
The Takenouchi/Souga pair is a bunch of trolls…LOL.
Oji seems to be the leader, full stop. Same way Katsuragi has been running things.
It’s been a few weeks since I last watched this show, but…is Oji the guy who threatened to punch them all…? He is, isn’t he…?
Stars Align 7
I feel like Mitsue’s bitterness is fuelled by personal experience in the manga field…
Well, the guy’s name isn’t Arashi (storm) for nothing! Update: The guy’s name is in katakana, which may or may not prove my point…
Arashi’s surname sounds like the Japanese word for “prince”, if you’re wondering.
I LOLled so hard at the line “Versus Arashi?” Y’see, there’s this game show with a group called Arashi. Therefore, its name is “Versus Arashi”.
I learnt most of what I know about tennis from Wii Sports, LOL.
I mentally cringed when I saw Itsuki’s burns again…
“…years and experience.” – That’s two things, Tacky!
Souya from Planet With would be in heaven here…what with all this meat.
Doesn’t “Kamuy” mean “god” in Ainu…? That Ouji, so conceited! *huffs at how arrogant the boy is*
Girls do eat like fiends…LOL.
I can’t believe 7 episodes in real life time was only a month in Stars Align time…
Yuta’s really sensitive to Toma’s mood…probably because the former likes the latter. (Yeah, I’m a derp for saying what we already know.)
Stars Align 8
I-I wanna cry…you do realise I gave up piano halfway through high school, only to become an absolute bum when I got into higher levels because I can’t use my piano lessons to demonstrate I can manage my time responsibly anymore???? I quit Chinese the same year and now it’s the one thing that’s preventing me from getting a bunch of beneficial opportunities because now there are so many Chinese people in my region! Studies are not your life! (distant crying can be heard in the background)
I kinda get where the mother’s going with this, but knowing what I know…please compromise, you two.
“The handsome half” – I wasn’t sure what that meant until I saw the image…”half” meaning ha-fu, or a person who’s half Japanese half something else. It’s like calling someone gweilow in Cantonese –it’s vaguely derogatory at the very minimum.
*Yuta’s sisters suggest clothes for him to wear* “Don’t tell mom about this.” – Oh, I have a bad feeling about this…(Then again, I got vaguely spoiled for this point by the This Week in Anime segment…that’s why I decided to watch 3 episodes in one shot.)
Maki’s shirt says “to continue”, as if it’s echoing his nonchalance. Like, “Yuta, please continue” or something like that.
To be real with you, the first resource I consulted to start thinking about the LGBTIQ+ spectrum (outside gender-bending fiction) was a book about an FtM person, so I guess I’m the most used to that sort of thing.
This is why empathy is so good, Maki.
Go, Mitsue! Be the diversion!
Who’s “Kanacat”? Kanako?...Oh, it’s Mitsue. Rigggggggggght.*facepalm*
Why do I get the feeling Mitsue wants to join the soft tennis club…?
Sakurai-sensei’s glasses are all fogged up, LOL.
Ohh (sounds down). These kiddos are soccer nuts.*grumbles about soccer nuts*
Update: To be honest with you, I’m fine with not making hard gender decisions too…Just so you know.
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ierogenvy · 6 years
about me
i’ve had this blog for four and a half years and im just now getting my shit together and making and about me page… rip
i never thought i’d have to say this but here we go. i do not and will not ever support incest, pedophilia, or any other similar thing. if you disagree with me, please unfollow and block me. do not message me to try to change my mind or to tell me that you personally arent a bad person because you use these unthinkable things to cope with your past.     for the full story, go to https://shpevrythng.tumblr.com/tagged/incest-anon
also: https://belovedfemme.tumblr.com/post/175700387182/oh-by-the-way-pls-dont-follow-if-u-supportlike
why i won’t support fantastic beasts: http://priceforrottenjudgement.tumblr.com/post/167568761185/so-before-any-of-you-even-try-to-defend-depp-bc
hi guys, i’m sarah, i’m 20, and i have a basket ball game tomorrow !! im a lesbian with a scorpio sun and capricorn moon. la croix is delicious and so is pineapple on pizza. u can’t change my mind.
if u don’t wanna see any of my rants bout various topics, just blacklist “dont mind me”
my interests are varied, but mostly i blog about one direction, 5 seconds of summer, memes, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (filter/blacklist s13 or s13 spoilers if you want; i’ll tag till the whole season has been on hulu for a month), One Day At A Time, Queer Eye (netflix), and aesthetics. i have side blogs for my other interests out of respect (when i get a new interest it turns into spam,,, then i make a new blog, reblog from myself, then delete the evidence from shpevrythng). they are: @harrysdogfather (harry potter) @harryistherarestpepe (literally a blog about “harry is a frog” memes)  @queliott  (the magicians)  @iamgrandr (les mis) @itsnuwanda (dead poets society) @philipshea (eyewitness) @omgericplease (check please) and @ytbrtrsh (youtube)
i’m gonna start posting about the netflix show the haunting of hill house and i’m gonna tag it “haunting of hill house” for potential spoilers and in case y’all don’t like scary stuff. (i have finished it so all eps are free game but will be tagged so) NOTE: if you need something tagged that i’ve posted in relation to the show (flashing gifs, jumpscares, ghosts, blood etc) PLEASE do not hesitate to let me know !!!! i will always tag anything u need no questions asked !!!
my snacpchat is sarahc.13 - i dont post much but i’ll probably ask to start a streak w u and you’ll get daily pics of my dog so that’s something, right ?
my twitter is shpevrythng - mostly retweets so dont get too exicted. and also i tweeted jenna marbles once and im still getting likes ,,, i love being popular but pls,, stop,, my phone is dying
my spotify is shpevrythng - any and all new music i listen to is going to be there. even if i find something from apple music or youtube, i make sure to update my spotify. (but here’s my apple music too if u want )
you can ask me literally anything, my ask is always open. i give pretty good advice, and im always up for hearing a new pun, so dont be shy !! i also have anonymous turned on, and it remain as such until i get a bad anon.
if something happens and someone becomes problematic (or it’s discovered that they r problematic) pls let me know so i can not talk/post about them anymore, and educate myself before i look dumb.
if you want me to see something, just tag #shpevrythng. i wont see it immediately, bc i only check my tag like once a week; if you want me to see smth asap just PM me or @ me :)
ps. im always up to make friends and if u are nervous about talking to me just know that i’ll be just as nervous to respond. half of my responses to my tumblr friends (and irl friends tbh) are just “dbnuafibja lmao” so dont be worried !!!!
i think that’s it ??
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sylvieons · 7 years
Fandom meme tagged by @nyx4 and @cleoselene xoxo which took me 90 years to finish but it’s HARD OKAY thinking is hard
A: Your current OTP. Jace/Alec from Shadowhunters. Apparently this makes me problematic but I don't care
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. This is hard because if I started watching a show because of someone they typically told me their ship ahead of time and then I was looking for it.  So I guess the closest I can come up with is that I lowkey ship Sephiroth/Genesis from Final Fantasy because of @nyx4 but I've never played the game
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't. Arthur/Merlin from Merlin.  Everyone always went so over the top with Merthur, and I shipped it for a few seconds but I never really liked Arthur so it was hard to care.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? An X-Files fanfic uploaded to Gossamer titled, embarrassingly enough, "My Immortal" to which I attached my real name.  I was 14 or 15 and therefore very stupid. (I have since had this and another removed from the site, thankfully).  I also handed this fic into my English teacher to read.  Even more embarrassing.  The plot? Mulder loved Scully but he wanted to make sure that she loved him so he tried to make her jealous and when she did act jealous he was like "lol jk" and then I went into a lot of detail on a kiss they shared (THAT MY ENGLISH TEACHER READ) and then they got engaged and then they both got shot outside of Mulder's apartment for WHATEVER REASON and died.  Hence "My Immortal", because they'll be together in death.
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? Yes, and I shall find the post I made on Livejournal so I can bring you direct to the source.  It was for Legend of the Seeker, and I got the idea to Photoshop a fake Facebook post based on an episode (I forgot where I got the idea, if I saw it in another fandom or what).  Anyway the result was this:
It spun of control and spawned an actual Facebook RP which is where I met the two people who tagged me in this and AIN'T LIFE REALLY CRAZY SOMETIMES???
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? The X-Files. I got into it when I was around 11 or 12 and was a pretty active member until I was 17 or 18. Which doesn't seem very long, but to be heavily into it, I feel it was. And then I came back around to it when the revival was announced, so it's been an on and off relationship.
G: What was your first fandom? The X-Files, probably, in terms of content-creating.  Maybe if I'm counting things like "I pretended I was Xena a lot and I would call my friend on the phone and we’d talk about Xena" then maybe Xena: Warrior Princess
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? Real-life, hands down. I hate animation.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? Lol what -hasn't- Tumblr caused me to hate?  Tho...you know what...I've never said it on this hellsite for fear of reprisal, but I'm going to do it. Tumblr turned me off Sansa Stark back in season 2 or so.  There was so many posts where people were so aggressive about unfollowing and hating people who didn't like Sansa and it got so irritating I started to dislike Sansa by association. So congrats, Tumblr, you played yourself. Also, this site turned me off The Musketeers around season 3. So much Aramis hate, kind of soured me since I watched the show for Santiago Cabrera. And then that association soured me on Santiago, so. Thanks.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. I'm going to say Teen Wolf. It was all over the place when it was first airing and people either loved it or thought it was ridiculous so I started watching it finally and it was ridiculously great. But then they killed off Allison and ruined my life :)))))
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). I don't really know what my current fandoms are - I'm kind of really into Shadowhuters rn but not in a "making things" sort of way. Anyway, I have heard some very terrible things about this fandom so I am wary.
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? I don't read fanfic and I'm not into fanart so.
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. @nyx4 again. Got me into watching Sons of Anarchy. I had tried previously and got about 10 minutes in and couldn't stand it but she said it got better so I powered through and then I was into it.
As for non-TV and movie stuff, @tsukinosusagis got me into a shitton of music and like he said a few days ago “Remember when Lights created our friendship??? ICONIC”
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). Legend of the Seeker on its Livejournal days, back in 2009 and 2010 were my favorite. Nothing on tumblr.hell is a good fandom. All of it should burn.
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? Lmao I'm really bad at this.  I suffer trying to pick songs for ships so idk
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). SHADOWHUNTERS PIRATE AU. Also, it's not an AU, but I have a very elaborate setup in my head for an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the gang is convinced the bar is haunted and the name of the ep is "Paddy's Pub: The Most Haunted Bar in Philadelphia"
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. Cersei/Jaime because Jaime is a rapist. Also made me stop watching GOT because I was really mostly watching for Cersei and Jaime but I didn’t wanna see Jaime anymore so
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. Morgana/Lancelot from Merlin. I'm sure there's a lot in the actual Arthuriana stuff that people ship, but I'm just talking about the show. I was only able to find maybe 1 gifset and 2 fics about these two.  Granted, I only shipped them because SANTIAGO CABRERA AND KATIE MCGRATH so maybe nobody else cared.
S: What's a headcanon you have? I don't really have any of these.
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? Jace/Alec (Shadowhuters), Aramis/Porthos (The Musketeers), Red/Snow (Once Upon a Time), Rizzoli/Isles (Rizzoli & Isles), Eliot/Quentin (The Magicians), Penny/Quentin (The Magicians), Xena/Gabrielle (Xena), Mac/Dennis (It's Alway Sunny), Willow/Tara (BTVS)
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? Mulder/Scully (The X-Files), Cesare/Lucrezia (The Borgias), Richard/Nicci (Legend of the Seeker), Richard/Cara (Legend of the Seeker), Gemma/Tig (Sons of Anarchy), Mitchell/Annie (Being Human), Spike/Dru (BTVS), Jim/Pam (The Office), Jane/Michael (Jane the Virgin)
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what? Yeah, Darken Rahl/Cara/Dahlia from Legend of the Seeker. And it has to be a threeway, because any two of these characters together I don't ship but the 3 together? YES YES YES
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. Bo Dennis (Lost Girl) Ilithyia (Spartacus) Dana Scully (The X-Files) Quentin Coldwater (The Magicians) Gemma Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. Why would ya ask me this question when you asked for my favorite ships above, bro?
But I guess
Mulder/Scully (The X-Files) Richard/Nicci (Legend of the Seeker) Jim/Pam (The Office)
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. Most of them - like even if I do have a ship, it's pretty lowkey?  A lot of the above are lowkey.  But I'll say Black Sails. 
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it? Lol Jalec I guess? Like I'm saying it right now, but I'm not gonna go out there and go big with it because lots of annoying people out there.
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radiopure · 5 years
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Interview: SlowPitchSound
Just a quick note to say that we are now broadcasting on n10.as radio each month. SlowPitchSound is our first guest, January 18th at noon ET.
SlowPitchSound is a unique voice in the experimental music scene of Toronto. I first met Cheldon when I saw his performance at Mutek, and I loved the unique way that he blended sampling, turntablism, and space in his own improvisational way. In the years since, I’ve admired how consistent and detailed his productions are. Very pleased to have him submit this month’s guest mix.
https://slowpitchsound.bandcamp.com/ https://www.instagram.com/slowpitchsound/ http://slowpitchsound.com
The mix has a lot of urban elements, the sound of the city. Toronto transit seems to feature as a thread through it. It’s part of creating a world for my listeners to really get immersed in. In this case I just wanted to share a little slice of home.
Your music has a strong sense of spontaneity that makes me think improvisation plays a part in your process. Improvisation and spontaneity do play a huge part, it’s pretty much at the root of the majority of my work. I’m all about taking what some might view as mistakes and flipping them around. I feel like I’ve actually eliminated the thought of a mistake in my head and just end up surfing sounds. Just going with the flow and see where the sounds end up taking me.
You recently did a piece called Alternate Forest that had an environmental theme. Are you an environmentalist? Nope, I’m not. I’m a scifi-turntablist who is concerned with the state of the planet I call home and I’m trying to bring awareness through my art.
That piece included a collaboration with a dancer. How do you like to approach collaboration? I enjoy collaborating very much. It definitely takes patience and openness but the results can be really amazing. I’ve been collaborating with Lybido for about 4 years now and it’s been really cool. Our work is heavily improv based and after performing together for a while now, we’ve build up great chemistry.
It seems more than ever that music-making today is something that people do alone. The trend is towards solo artists and away from bands. I like it all, they’ll all give different results in the end. I’ve done a wide variety of events, with people, solo, in a gallery, in a theatre, in a barn. The list goes on. Every gig is different and I love it that way. For me it’s just about being as prepared as possible for whatever artistic adventure lays ahead.
Your work incorporates field recording and also turntablism. How do you approach the various stages of creation? Do you do a lot of field recording? I do have a bit of a formula but like any good magician I don’t wanna giveaway too much lol. I will say that the number 333 is a big part of it. I like thinking about layers, dimensions and space. Scratching is definitely part of the secret ingredient. It’s the thread that brings my music to life and it’s a skill that has taken me over 20 years to develop. I do a lot of field recording and I love creating new places and scenes with sound designs.
How much sampling of records do you do? How much do you draw from the traditions of turntablism and also sampled production? I sample a lot and I really challenge myself to work the samples way beyond recognition. I feel like the way I sample is a evolution of the kind of sampling I was influenced by back in my golden era hip hop days. I decided to go deeper and found a way to really integrate turntablism and beat making in a non hiphop way if that makes any sense at all.
Are there pieces of gear that you find you wouldn't be able to work without. or that you find yourself recommending to others? (A type of turntable, plugin, smartphone app, or field recorder for instance) I can’t do without a turntable, field recorder, drum machine and effects machine. Having a turntable and being able to scratch really gives me an edge for sure, it’s the instrument that brings my sound to another level. It keeps things from not feeling flat and turns my songs into living creatures. I find that when making electronic music it’s a good thing to add some kind of tactile instrument to the mix, something a little more analog or acoustic maybe.
What inspires you while you work? I’m really a fan of scifi and fantasy films so I draw a lot from there. When I’m creating I like to imagine that I’m making a score.
The last track on this mix is one of your collaborations with Shikha Sehgal, who seems to be a go-to collaborator. I love working with Shikha we’ve been friends for many years, our collaborations have felt so effortless in a way, I would just play her some tracks, she would pick and write something before I wake up the next day. That’s how freak show and robotic rain cells happened. Myself and Shikha actually have a new collaborative project called "eastwood discovery". We're dropping an EP in the near future.
Do you have a hidden pop / r&b impulse within you? I definitely do. It’s all about soul for me and I think it’s very important when it comes to making experimental music… at least my style. I like to get as weird as noisy as possible but still want to move the mind body and soul together. The sounds of Hip Hop, Reggae, calypso, funk and r&b are a part of me because of my roots but I have a passion for transforming and exploring frequencies.
I always love the way your music is so detailed. How do you make sure that the details get heard? What's your favourite setting for a listener to listen to your work? The awesome thing about adding all the layers in a crafty and detailed way is that it allows my music to transform with every listen depending on what environment it’s being taken in. For the absolute best results I would say headphones or a setup that includes sub bass speakers.
Here’s what a fan had to say about that :) “These sounds give my heart and brain the similar satisfying feeling of getting my backed scratched, or head massaged, by a friend or lover. SlowPitchSound’s tone and rhythm are top notch. Best experienced with good headphones with your full and undivided attention."
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Tsukigakirei 4 | Kado 4 | Boku no Hero Academia 18 | Grimoire of Zero 4 | Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine 5
Tsukigakirei 4
By the by, episode 5’s title (Kokoro) is a reference to a Natsume Souseki book, just in case you were wondering when we were properly going to get to the Souseki stuff.
That gold dragon case Kotaro has is cool as. I want one…
There’s one scene with a lot of iron poles that I can’t quite decipher in regards to whether it’s CGI or not…(around 4:56 on CR).
Why is it that every time characters do Touristy Things ™, there are slow pans of scenery? It kinda pisses me off ever since it happened in Blue Exorcist…
Selfies are still popular with people, I see. Thought they’d died out already…
Oh gosh. The CGI got so obvious in this, it’s about the same level as cars in Alice to Zouroku (which look hella blocky)!
(when Akane walks out of the store) I know the feel, Akane. I know the feel too well.
Why is getting on the scale such a big deal in Japan? I get it for Akane’s friend who does it here, since girls are conscious about their weight more than boys, and I get it for Atsushi (Boueibu) as Boueibu’s a parody of content targeted at girls, but the scale is in such an obvious place in bath places…
Although the show has passed the Bechdel test already (unlike some of my works…ouch…) I feel that even with the “honesty” thing Tsukigakirei has going, it does kinda fall into a stereotype of “girls talk about boys” if it’s not focussing on the track stuff and that feels kinda disappointing. Girls can be more multifaceted than that, just like boys can.
The girls are eating dango. You can see those in Touken Ranbu all the time.
The CGI people makes this look like (what I know of) Ajin, and that’s bad.
Do you know about that Japanese graffiti where you put two names under an umbrella as a sign of love? Yeah…this is kinda like that.
“I want to talk wih you more” does not equal “I want to be your boyfriend/girlfriend”, kiddos. Remember that.
Kado 4
I’ve noticed between the start of the Sports Festival Arc (BnHA), Kado and Tsukigakirei, I’m yelling “hurry up!” at my screen a lot. Considering how great the latter two are despite their slow pace, I don’t mind those ones being subjected to my yelling, but BnHA is meant to be a fast mover by virtue of its genre. Also, since the three are received in the same 2 day period, it’s inevitable they’ll continue to get comparisons to each other.
29th of what month?
I should’ve known…Shindo would’ve decided to release children and mothers first, because it makes sense. *nods understandingly*
Oh, it’s the 25th of July this stuff started on. Okay. On the subject of Kado, I must say the artstyle of both the adaptional manga and the Railgun one (for after ep 5) don’t do the show any justice. Shindo and Shunina’s faces are too squashed on the Railgun promo image (plus the dot style is weird), while the adaptational manga’s faces for those two don’t look as beautiful as the merch images (exhibit A is the cover page for the linked chapter, the noses don’t look right there). (Then again, I can be very picky about this stuff, considering I am a lover of bishies and I tend to have high standards of “beauty”…)
The manhug was unintentionally suspenseful (when it happened) and funny (after it happened).
I’m not sure if bob girl (forgot her name) should be happy about this, because she sure looks happy.
Why Hanamori, the incompetent one? Then again, there must be a reason why Hanamori hangs around with Shindo and I can understand Shindo’s need for movement.
Wowee, Shindo. I can’t believe you just fired yourself…
They’re focussing on the UN, that’s rare…! I should’ve known it was coming due to Shindo belonging to it, but anime is normally very Japan-centric and never moves from that sphere.
I’ve never been to Haneda (as of this commentary), but what’s up with that dancing girl statue?
It’s quite interesting, not as a fellow person but as a viewer of this show, to note Shindo overworks himself and that he operates off adrenaline. He seems basically superhuman with all his negotiation skills.
A senpai is getting scolded by a kouhai tsundere. Never thought I’d see that in my life. Also, when Saraka thrusts the iPad at Shindo, notice how fluid and fast the motion is. That truly is evidence for how good the CGI is.
“Yahakui zaShunina is hot.” “I love the pattens on the side of Kado.” – *nods* I agree with these people. Two of many reasons why I’m in Kado hell at the moment. However, do note the exact word used for the Kado statement is ステキ, not “love” (suki) but rather “wonderful” (suteki), i.e. “The patterns on the side of Kado are wonderful”, there appears to be an unsubbed statement saying “あれプロジェクションマッピング?” (“Is that projection mapping?”) and the Shunina statement appears to say “Yahakui zaShunina is cool”, rather than saying “he’s hot”, so the “hot” is an implication at best, nonexistent at worst. If you find these words familiar, it’s because I copied them for this post.
Hey, it’s this guy. No wonder the staff needed ep 1.
Google-sensei says plastic is not conductive normally, but since it’s organic, it can be made to be conductive. Hence conductive plastics. Also, NMR appears to be this.
Senbei. After all the big sciency things I’ve noted for this show, senbei is a real laugh.
So basically speaking…it’s kinda like nuclear bombs all over again...
La Luna (White Parasite) was into human stories, and it had a collection of storybooks which gave it inspiration to make the magicians themed after fairytales and itself after a kitsune. The Kado staff applied a similar concept to Shunina and I must say they’ve done it much better than I ever did.
It’s heartbreaking to see the bromance end. Just seeing Hanamori in tears makes me wanna hug him, dangit.
It’s an odd choice to note China was one of the countries highlighted in the explanation of “countries”, as Japan and China don’t have the best relationship in history.
Even if the Japanese fought in self-defence using the JSDF, they wouldn’t be able to fight against international military action…and the Japanese Constitution said they renounced war after World War II…*gulps* (You can really tell I brushed up on 20th century history before getting here, eh?)
Seeing Shunina using a phone is just…*laughs* fabulous! It’s something I never would’ve thought of for La Luna, although I did accidentally stumble across a spoiler for it on Tumblr last week (…so I knew it would happen eventually, but that’s my fault).
What in this dimension and Shunina’s do the government people want with Kanata??? Man, these cliffhangers every week are really getting to me, dangit! (Sidenote: I love, love, love shows that make me want to watch the next ep every week, but simulcasts do give you the unique hell of waiting one week to find out what happens next, assuming you don’t want to get spoiled in the process.)
Boku no Hero Academia 18
“Yaoyorozu’s Creation is too hard to deal with!”
Interesting to note Bakugou only says “Kirishima”. (I noticed it last time but only made a note of it this time.)
I knew this from spoilers already (in fact, Monoma was how I learnt the Japanese word for “to copy” – monomane suru!) but Monoma is a copycat guy. I didn’t know how the Quirk was introduced though, so that was great.
Wowee, Monoma really likes provoking people, eh?
It’s the small things, like the knocks on Kirishima’s head, that make this show a delight to watch.
Small sidenote, but I think Endeavour’s flaming beard is great. As I said, the small things are what makes it a delight to watch…because it’s so unique.
Grimoire of Zero 4
Oh great, this merchant again…
Those apples are so misshapen, I sometimes think they’re pears.
At first I thought the subbers were lazy but then I realised…it’s a montage. D’oh.
“The sky is so blue.” – Yeah, and the rainbows are all rainbowy. (sarcastic)
At least Albus knows where the fish is, LOL.
It’s a bit dizzying to have a sudden cut to a rock, but at least that makes for a unique humour experience. Not ina metaphorical sense, mind you – I almost felt like I was going to be dizzy because of the suddenness of thecut.
I have a bad feeling about Latette, because of what Albus said. It’s kinda like that point in Mulan where they’re singing “A Girl Worth Fighting For” and suddenly, bam! You get my drift?
A burnt doll. See? Mulan de ja vu all over again. The only difference is how the houses are intact this time.
Grimoire of Zero isn’t bad, and I still want to know what happens next in it, but it could aim to be less cliché. The chemistry of the characters really sells it, so maybe the show should learn to focus on that in the future while continuing its worldbuilding and theme exploration (instead of going on about, say, Zero having romantic interest in Mercenary).
Royal Tutor 5
In this one shot of Viktor on a horse, it’s like someone crossed Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure with Napoleon…and that’s funny(!)
Ooh, who’s this guy with the green eyes? He looks a lot like Sebastian (Michaelis, Black Butler) or Pad-kun’s human form (Classicaloid).
Was that green statue CGI? If it was, the CGI was pretty obvious.
I never explained this earlier, but I found the word oushitsu in a Japanese-English dictionary. It means “royal family”, despite the second character meaning “room”.
Ooh. The King. Such pretty, such wow. (I like him.)
Hmph. This sort of plot is what you’d see in something like Masamune-kun’s Revenge. (In fact, I bring that name up because in one of the episodes, a plot like that does indeed happen.) Does this mean this show’s getting sloppy? I hope that’s not the case.
I guess the feeling of defeat setting in means the battle’s over before it’s even begun, eh? So don’t feel down, get motivated, Leonhard…or something like that.
One plus one can equal 11 or window, depending on how you look at it.
Wuh? That’s just your interests, Licht.
Oh! Sachertorte. Didn’t think of that, even though Kai did foreshadow it.
I think all teachers (and then some people who are not teachers, me included) understand that sentiment already, Heine. It’s called the “growth mindset”, to use some buzzwords from a former teacher of mine. (Speaking of “growth mindset”, I got a poster about it from said teacher. That’s why I still remember the concept.)
I think the animators aimed for a determined expression (at “Hurry up and teach me!”) but Leo’s frown makes him look like a sorrowful puppy.
I think this anime would benefit if it had more of that thick line style Leo took on for a second there.
Oh. The palace is CGI in those sky shots. No wonder I thought it was off somehow. The CGI actually makes the palace look realistic. It’s a very Kado way of applying CGI and when Kado is my standard of CGI that I like, that is something this show should be proud of.
Oh! Another foreshadowed loophole I should have seen coming.
There is a strange object in the back that appears to be CGId. It looks like it’s shaped like a fireplace, and it’s a good thing that it follows the Kado application style. (Then again, me noticing weird CGI things is just a habit…)
Well, this is a new interesting development. Hopefully we can get to the truth behind Heine’s past without having the anime be sloppy or cut off in the middle of the developments (like Nanbaka).
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