#but dont pretend shes evil
toolazytodecide · 2 years
Oh no I can feel my goldfinch hyperfixation returning
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divorcedwife · 2 months
i was telling my mom how the little girls have been obsessed with rite of spring, giselle, and wuthering heights, and one even mentioned wuthering heights to her kindergarten teacher, i was so embarassed. like the teacher must think im insane to tell kids about these things. and my mom says my own kindergarten teacher set up a serious meeting with them because she found it abnormal that i kept talking about stories of monsters and creatures who eat people (i was obsessed with beetlejuice) (arrested for being a gloomy child)
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prodigal-explorer · 4 months
it’s so cute (/s) when basil fans whine about how “basil feels so guilty all the time and he has abandonment issues cuz his parents were jerks and he’s just a kid who makes mistakes wah wah don’t ever criticize him ever” and then turn around call aubrey a bully when SHE feels so guilty all the time and has abandonment issues cuz her parents are jerks and she’s just a kid who makes mistakes.
you’re in a stalemate now basil fans. you can’t admit that basil is your smol innocent baby without admitting that aubrey also is one, which she’s not, right?
so that means basil can’t be either! wow! what a concept, a boy doing something wrong and not having a million excuses made for him?? how wild.
#contrary to popular belief#aubrey is actually just basil but better and cooler and awesomer and more badass#like their situations are so similar but they handled it so differently#and i get that mental illness makes things hard for some people that are easy for others#but nothing aubrey did was a cakewalk#when she realized she fucked up#SHE APOLOGIZED AS SOON AS SHE COULD.#and she ADMITTED WHAT SHE DID#and tried as hard as she could to atone.#what did basil do?#oh yeah.#he pretended to be an innocent baby and it WORKED.#whether or not he meant to#he DID manipulate his friends to believe that he was just a victim#and that aubrey didn’t have a reason for what she was doing#even though she DID have a reason#she just knew nobody would believe her or care if she spoke up about it#okay i know basil fans are gonna send me death threats again#so let me say for the record that I DONT THINK BASIL IS EVIL.#i actually love his role in the narrative and he’s amazing mental illness representation#but he is so good BECAUSE of how hard it is for him to be redeemable.#no matter how sorry he is#BASIL FUCKING DESTROYED PEOPLE. it doesn’t matter that he’s mentally ill.#those scars on the people he hurt won’t fade just because they’re shown a psychiatric diagnosis.#and i think that’s an important lesson#that it’s possible to be mentally ill and a horrible person and that’s not demonizing mental illness that’s just being a person#forgiveness isn’t mandatory. it’s optional and you’re not bad if you decide not to forgive someone for ruining your life!#omori#aubrey omori#basil omori
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maretriarch · 2 months
jane fans be like wait bro she gets good.......uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ eventually. in this au canon divergent fanfic i wrote
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evilmagician430 · 1 year
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top ten DIABOLICAL women of science and medicine. number 1: the mad(die) scientist A.K.A. ""Dr. Friend""*
*she isnt a real doctor, not yet atleast
maddiefriend will become real in 5 seconds
#with her having a different model later on than the mossman model they used for her atfirst she would have different hair colors#my headcanon is that her hair is naturally dark and she dyes it ginger.#because of that one time she pretended to be gertrudes sister as an excuse to loiter around the acachalla house i guess#i dont think she thought that through. still really weird of her but love makes you irrational sometimes<3 /hj#anyways the hair color makes sense that way. the way i drew it isnt how dying your hair works though#youd have to bleach it first. i just eanted to convey the concept simpler#she is a really cool character and people tend to forget she has a personality outside of liking billy#which tbf that IS the central point of her character. but it makes her do weird shit like makes CLONES of him in her EVIL LAB#shes literally a mad scientist girl.... i gave her a little lalonde swag with the outfit and purple eyes i think.#wasnt directly intentional but i could tell i was doing it. blame it on me rereading homestuck#also i didnt feel like coloring in her freckles so theyre just black. whatever#GOD shes so scary.#venturiantale#taleblr#venturiantale fanart#maddie friend#maddiefriend#billy acachalla#<== hes there. just a little bit#mspaint#images that are horrid to see and look at#i need some1 two help me find that one txtpost someone on here made that was like#his flat ass and aimless gaze have captivated me#i liked a while ago but i didnt reblog... twas a mistake... mutuals help i think one of you reblogged it and thats how i saw it#not that it actually matters that much anyways. i just think itd be funny tohave a screencapture of it and draw maddie saying it.#free idea feel free to steal it right out from under me.
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
With seulgi solo out, (I really liked it! Tho the mv was meh I wish for the two seulgi scene they had one of them in the snow white outfit and the other in the grimhilde outfit then they cut to the one seulgi in a combined sort of outfit or any outfit really so it could show good and evil in one person but oh well lol) it made me go back to Irene and Seulgi subunit Monster and got me wondering how the heck it worked so so well.
Bc I see many covers of monster from idols as well like two of the izone girls, dreamcatcher girls, and not a monster cover but it gives off similar vibes-- ryujin and yeji break my heart. But they all don't quite hit as hard as the original which makes me wonder what Irene and Seulgi had if that makes sense?? Like their chemistry is very alluring and I feel like the two of them balanced each other out very well. What are your thoughts? If I made sense LMAO
yea i agree they should have at least had the opposing outfits for seulgi for that scene, it would have actually fit the theme lmao.
in terms of monster and why it worked, i think it worked because of all the combined factors (top tier skills, good choreo, it was designed for them in the first place etc etc), but one thing that i think stands out in comparison to people doing covers and itzy break my heart is that the chemistry between seulgi and irene is actively complex. one of the things that makes monster so interesting is that it's really hard to tell who either of them hate more: each other, or you, the viewer. and on top of that they also play a love for each other that surpasses anything they'd give you, so you'd better get out of there real quick if you don't want to end up on the wrong end of a stiletto (knife or shoe). but with break my heart especially, it's a very one note 'cheeky ironic bad girl' performance; you don't really get the sense that they'd actually do anything you to or themselves. it's toothless. with monster there feels like a real threat coming from seulrene that if you even looked at them the wrong way they'd have no hesitation killing you and then each other, just on principle.
#kpop questions#red velvet w#sorry billie eyelash but your sad ironic music ruined a generation of performers ngl#what do i have to do to get these kids to stop being ironic with everything that they do. like fr#commit to the FUCKING bit like don't do this cutesy pretend 'oh look im ~evil~' NO#where is the HATE where are the EMOTIONS give them to me!!#seulgi literally said like yesterday or something that's she's fought with every red velvet member like those girls have HATED each other#and they have that basis of rage to tap into that feeds the relationship#that i dont think anyone who's done a cover or a copycat has ever been able to access it to the same depth#(not apink's copycat. that's the spiritual opposite of monster we love her)#irony can be used very effectively in specific circumstances but it emphatically does not belong in spectacle entertainment!!!#i talked about this in relation to chocome like a year ago or whatever but like. girlies#you can't get on stage and act like 'oh wink wonk isnt it so funny and cheeky' you HAVE to commit or it doesnt work!!#you are not pretending to hate each other as a joke. for the time you are on stage you DO hate each other!#and love each other in equal measure!!#if you want to be a good performer you HAVE to believe in the delusion#yea performing is cringe sorry but everyone who's ever performed before you knows that and has accepted it#do seulrene actually hate each other? it doesn't matter. what does matter is that you THINK they do for this performance#n e ways another dawn another day i talk about how kpop is acting#text#answers
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mikesoup · 2 years
hello hotdaga nation do u ever think abt pam and rebecca bc i do. i do.
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marklikely · 2 years
living in constant fear of even looking at the semiannual drama on That Website because people get so fucking up in arms about it
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haemosexuality · 1 year
my dad is always going off ab my gnc bi cousin in front of me ab how hes too young and kids shouldnt dress like that and i just heard him say to my mom "[cousins] mom forced that on him". "that" being "dressing like a girl". he keeps making sure to mention he thinks ssa is a sin. my mom defends it as it "being his opinion". and they then fucking act surprised when i get upset you both fucking KNOW i am a lesbian you SEE how i dress and you say that shit to me??????? are you fucking dense??????? do you think i dont know how you feel about me do you think that when i hear that i somehow dont apply it to me. god these people make me want to kill myself
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menalez · 2 years
WHY do ppl invent bullshit about me (perhaps just misremembering at first which can happen) and then when im like uh that Literally didnt happen they just block and get weird about it
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silliness-inc · 7 months
she fucking pulled out this blog on call
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instantarmageddon · 11 months
You know as a kid with Behavioral Issues™️ who's dad would grab them and shake them and threaten to beat them in public for doing Normal Kid Things I don't really remember the specific things he would yell at me, but I do remember looking to other adults for help and watching them pretend not to see me.
#VIVIDLY remember the face adults would make when they Averted Their Eyes#if they acknowledged the situation it was to commend my dad for 'keeping me in line'#for the record i only ever actually got hit a handful of times#but he would grab me and pinch me in ways that would hurt but not leave marks#like i would throw a fit over something stupid because i was 9 and it would turn into this fiasco where im sobbing snot running down my face#with a grown man standing over me threatening to spank me in the dairy aisle#while tim the milk man pretends he cant hear me begging to just be left alone#bc being quiet wasnt enough! he would get in my face and yell at me to smile so everyone knew i was okay!#that i wasnt being abused and i was fine!! smile right now before they get the wrong idea!!!!!#and like my mom didnt give a shit#shes totally checked out. she to this day swears days like this never happened and im exaggerating for attention#but i fucking remember man! i felt so fucking SMALL#i was like this lunatic is gonna fucking kill me and no one will care#bc like only a couple of times was enough to know that he was more than capable of hurting me! when he said im gonna beat you black and blue#i believed him!!#i used to think that i was the worst most evil child to ever exist. i thought i was the literal antichrist for a bit#and looking back i was just a small child who was grieving and needed someone to talk to#dont even get me started on the fucked up shit he used to say to me. like ive repeated it to people#and they just straight up dont believe it bc its so vile#and a lot of times there were witnesses!!#no one in our society gives two shits about children and thats why so many adults are so fucked up#anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk#i saw something fucked up today that i couldn't do anything about and now im having some sort of breakdown about it
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be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
EW! i must be cleansed of this filth
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limetameta · 1 year
Nervni slom cu da dozivim danas. Cim udjoh u kucu majka u manite skocila na mene.
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asalo · 2 years
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Everything would be so much easier if she could just stop trying to eat my research material
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
im so glad i havent actually seen for myself this accursed ‘ruehob is heteronormative’ nonsense bc i would nuke the d20 fandom on sight
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