#but also i'm meant to look out for nausea as a pain symptom. and also i need pain meds to be able to sleep or sit down.
quitealotofsodapop · 21 days
I absolutely adore Tang River Water au!
I really like the idea that Tang accidentally drank water from this river and became pregnant just out of carelessness. It's too hilarious. An even funnier thing was that now their child is the rebirth of jade emperor. They can never have a break. Poor guys.
But for some reason it became very interesting to me what type of Tang will be during pregnancy? Will it be easy or will he be terribly emotional? Or something else, I would really look at it. I also think that he would really not like that when he tried to eat his husband's food, and then he started to feel sick just from the smell. He would definitely look at his stomach with anger and disappointment "you. traitor". And he would absolutely ask Pigsy to hold his belly in the later months of pregnancy.
I also really wonder how they would behave with their daughter. I know they love her, but I'm sure they're absolutely scared and DON't know what to do. I just want to know what they're planning to do. Will they overprotect her because she is the rebirth of the most powerful being in all of heaven? Or will they hide it? Maybe they will ask for help from heaven?
Hehehe! I'm glad you like it!
Tang was just so thirsty after being in the desert (I believe is meant to be the Gobi) that he just leaps into the first water source he can find. Pigsy yells after him but Tang's already gulped down the yucky muddy stream water before Pigsy reminds him that there's a water purifier in the TEA. By then, the remnants of the Mother-Child River had already begun the process.
After his body adapts to the major magically-induced change, Tang ends up using his condition to get out of work/to get pampered on. Emotionally he's ok, just a little more worried than usual. And Pigsy is such an adoring spouse that Tang's symptoms rarely go unattended. Lots of cuddles and tummy rubs in the later months.
Ankles swell: "Oh Piggy~ My feet hurt." Morning Sickness: "I need tea and kisses!" Cravings: (Tang: "I require oranges, bao buns, ramune soda, takoyaki sauce-" Pigsy: "How about I leave you inside the Speedy Panda with 500 yuan and I close my eyes while you go shop?" Tang: "I love you so much piggy.") Smells: "MK you stink. Take a shower or I will literally barf." Painful Kicking: "Cuddle time." >:3
And if the *cicada* part of the Golden Cicada is acting up; he gets into carving/whittling - cicadas etch tree bark to lay their eggs. Pigsy now has many tables in the restaurant defaced with Tang's "masterpieces".
And I absolutely hit Tang with what (he believes) is the worst symptom on Earth; Food aversion. Specifically towards NOODLE SOUP. His husband's own cooking! He's distraught! Something about the combination of broth and noodles makes his stomach turn! Broth and noodles separate? Ok. Together? Instant morning sickness. He suspects its something to do with the texture of the noodles when their soggy.
Wukong: "Maybe your brain thinks its worms." Tang: *turns green and retches*
Pigsy goes out of his way to prepare dishes for Tang that don't set off his nausea, even if it means altering his traditional methods.
Pigsy: "Ok, I've been experimenting with a new dish for a while and I want your opinion." Tang, delighted: "Ooo hoho! You know I'll always be your taste tester, Piggy." Pigsy: *presents the elements of his noodle recipe* Tang: "Huh?" Pigsy: "You seemed really sad to not eat noodle soup, so I made a dry version so that you can still enjoy the flavours. The broth is on the side so you can drink it. The guy from the somen restaurant gave me some pointers." Tang, getting emotional: "You... you changed your recipe for me!?" Pigsy, grabbing Tang's hands: "Our family recipe, Tangy. That includes you and our little critic." Tang: *bursts out sobbing and shovels the dry noodle fixings into his mouth*
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The baby - "Bao/宝/treasure or bundle" (also bao buns were one of Pigsy's cooking Tang could eat) - ultimately looks similar to a baby orc from Dungeon Meshi. A mostly chubby human baby with pig features. She has a puff of Tang's dark hair that becomes little black stripes on her back like a wild piglet.
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What the baby takes after Pigsy in appearance, she takes from Tang in greediness. Before she's even off milk she'll try taking bites of other people's food. She's bold and confident, hilarious to anyone seeing a tiny piglet chasing Celestial soldiers like she's her own army.
And of course theres the issue of Bao being the reincarnation of one of the oldest and most powerful deities in taoism...
Pigsy and Tang are def the overprotective types, not so much for Bao being a powerful baby, but because every immortal seems to forget that she's still an uber-fragile preemie. Her health wasn't great when she was born (worsened by the circumstances around the birth). The freenoodles parents atleast have experience raising the little chaos monkey that was MK - the only difference being that Bao can't climb so good. Though she does seem to have control over the weather for some reason.
The Celestial Realm has to catch on quickly that she isn't the Jade Emperor anymore - she gets kidnapped atleast once by Heaven's officials needing the Emperor to approve paperwork. Bao screamed and grunted, rampaging around the imperial Palace the whole time.
The Queen Mother is saddened but adoring - her husband truly has passed on, but this little angel is a wonderful new beginning for him. She hopes to reunite in a later life.
Demons in general are pretty hopeful of Bao''s existance. Now that the Jade Emperor has been reborn on one of their kind - perhaps demonkind will be elevated once more? They'll have to wait until she's out of diapers before they start placing bets.
Princess Iron Fan's immediate reaction (after dealing with the shock of losing her estranged father) is to burst out; "HAH!" at the irony. Her father disapproved of her marriage to the Demon Bull King for his race - only to be reborn as a pig demon! The coincidence is hilarious! The Demon Bull fam does visit the baby girl to send their blessings, and offer advice based on how chaotic little Red was as a calf. Bao adores her giant uncle Bull since he's fluffy and big and smells like her baba when he cooks. She also gets super attached to Red Son for similar reasons - though Tang suspects it's because she smells grilled meat on him.
MK adores Bao, and will kill everything in the three Realms if anything happened to her. Bao in turn loves her big bro - even if she bites him and steals his food.
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
MAG 72 - apple cutting
Ah, yes, Basira's going after Rayner! Interestingly enough, Basira once did walk in on Jon when he was recording a statement with Rayner (MAG 52 Exceptional Risk with Robert Montauk). On my first listen I honestly didn't remember the name Maxwell Rayner from MAG 52, even less from MAG 9, so I totally didn't understand why Jon knew to bring torches. Also, without the knowledge of the Fears and their specialties I think I didn't make the connection of darkness being a thing on its own at that time, as it's a stylistic device used in a lot of horror.
I think it's funny, that in English it's spelled "kebab" (with a B at the end) while in German it's "Kebap" (with a p at the end). Either way, it's neither an English word nor a German one. I looked it up, and in Turkish (and Austria, and Germany I guess, has a lot of Turkish influences. I mean, siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Empire happened not only once but twice and a lot their stuff just stuck) it's spelled kebap with the P, but that also just traces back to the arabic word kabāb and there it's spelled with a B.
"Weirdly enough, it wasn’t a Chinese; it just served kebab, chicken, burgers…" - We actually have a lot of those everything-takeaways here. Kebap, Pizza, Burritos, Sushi, Schnitzel, all from the same restaurant
"I was always under the impression that you needed to order those huge rotating columns of things specially" - lol, it's literally just a bunch of meat pierced onto that Döner skewer. It's that simple. I looks impressive yes, but it's not complicated.
"You know the weirdest part, though? The bit I regret most is that I don’t know which of the meals it was. I feel like, if I’ve been tricked into eating a person, I might at least have learned what a human being tastes like." - Hhhnnggg, I miiiight have been the same? Hard to say not being in that position. I mean my initial reaction, just thinking about this, is nausea, but I totally understand that there is a sense of curiosity there?
"I know how that sounds, and I’m certainly not okay with murder," - Yeah, totally agree on that one. That is completely out of the question.
"not to mention the issue with prion diseases" - Yep! AAALSO DID YOU KNOW!!! (Oh god, I waited 74 days to finally talk about this!) There was a person who survived 10 years with Creutzfeldt-Jakob thanks to experimental treatment. (The average life expectancy following the onset of symptoms is 13 months, so 10 years is a big deal!). And now hold on to your butts. That person was a man from the UK. And his name was… Jonathan Simms! (Look him up, he got a Wikipedia page. Simms, with double M, from Belfast.)
"but the actual act of eating meat that comes from a human? I’m fine with it. I can’t help but feel that anyone happy to eat other meats is something of a hypocrite if they’re not at least theoretically fine with eating human. There’s nothing inherently special about us. We feel as much pain, see the world with the same eyes as a real pig. Meat is meat." - This is what I meant when I said just two episodes ago, that Jonny put a lot of views or thoughts into TMA that I totally had in the exact same way before. I've always said I should be fine with eating all kinds of animals, not just the ones we deem not cute enough to keep as a pet. People always tried to get a reaction out of me when finding out that I have a horse by saying "Omnom, I like salami" (first of all, what is wrong with you that this is what you want to say to a person who likes horses. Just shut your mouth if you have nothing of value to say) and I always was like "Yeah, if it's not a horse I knew, why not". I also always thought I should be able to stand next to an animal getting slaughtered if I want to eat them. Meat is meat? My saying always was (although I'm not religious, but I think everyone got, what I meant) "All life is the same in front of god and on a dinner plate."
Since I am Caucasian in Central Europe I feel like I'm not really in a place to comment on the discourse of racism in this episode. I do see however that it seems to be self-aware of it a bit when the statement-giver talks about that teenager, who broke into the kebap shop. Like "It's a white boy in nice shoes, of course they let him go."
"but that if I didn’t check in with him in an hour or so, he should come down, in case I had trouble of any kind." - Smart. I like smart people in horror stories.
"In his spindly hands he held a pair of bolt cutters, with the blades positioned either side of my ankle." - I heard that a full rupture of the Achilles tendon is one of the most painful things (burns are also super high on that scale btw. Poor Jack Barnabas). My dad told me he was once present when an athlete ruptured their Achilles tendon while running. He said it was like a gunshot… But yeah, anything in horror media or thrillers etc. involving cutting the Achilles tendon is some body horror that seriously gets to me. I don't know, feet in general get to me. Happens regularly at work (Ha, imagine working in orthopedics T___T).
"I saw chipped teacups, a stack of what looked like old bibles" - This ties in with MAG 5! There was a trash bag with strips of paper with prayers on them!
"A small pile of human fingers." / "In a single, smooth motion the knife lashed out, cutting through my bound hands and neatly severing three of my fingers in a sudden burst of white-hot pain." / "Instead he picked up my fingers one by one and tossed them off-handedly onto the pile behind him." / "then looked at my right hand, which still seemed to have all five fingers. It didn’t make any sense. I could still see the ones he had cut-off on the pile. One of them bore my heavy silver ring, while the same finger on my hand did not." - This is why I always knew that MAG 5 is a Flesh statement. The detail about the teeth being all the very same but in different stages of decay and age. The thing with the fingers was just exactly like that.
"He spoke with a crisp RP accent, which surprised me. You know what’s messed up? Here was this guy clearly about to kill me and carve me up for meat, and I still somehow felt bad about making the assumption that he couldn’t speak English, like I didn’t want my last thoughts on Earth to be low-key racist." - There the statement is again self-aware of some sort of racism. This is absolutely a thing sadly, especially in super white Central Europe. How often have I heard people of color tell me that they got told "Wow, your German is really good." ¬_¬ Though I do totally understand the criticism of using the stereotype of the "Chinese people will eat anything" for a Flesh-themed statement. In the movie Fresh (2022) (also, spoilers for Fresh:) the first place where the protagonist has a date is also a Chinese restaurant and I was very aware that this was probably also already a nod at where the story is headed - cannibalism. There were subtle hints to this throughout the whole movie before we get to the reveal, that Sebastian Stan's character abducts women to lock them up at his house at a remote location and uses them as supply for fresh human meat to sell to rich people.
Ha, Jon says "End statement" again instead of "Statement ends".
It's a very loaded statement! A lot of interesting stuff, and a lot of less so. I don't want to get into it, but I do think the statement is very self aware more than people give it credit for, and the Flesh entity is terrifying.
The teeth and fingers thing is... ough. Gross is putting it lightly haha!
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raytorosaurus · 3 years
now to play a game of do i feel sick because of what i just ate or because of the new pain meds i’m on or as a symptom of potential nerve damage or am i about to have another random vasovagal episode or because i have slept about 14 hours in the past five days
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kaito-is-baby · 2 years
"Our family"
Levi x Reader
Plot: After Sashas dead reader finds out she's pregnant and finds Hange and Levi after Hange saves his life, she decides to give him the news and it gets very fluffy and cheesy
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Hange was the only one who knew about it, actually she was the one who found out
Levi was already sent on his mission to bodyguard or better say look after Zeke by then.
Since the moment you arrived back at paradise and he left. your nauseas, which you told yourself were caused by that machine onyankapon had made you, did not stop
Not much longer after that you started to feel hungry every so often and with pretty specific desires
Those were pretty clear symptoms and even if you tried not to think about it, the very first day your period did not arrive you knew it
And hange confirmed it, yes, you were pregnant, and not from a long time, maybe a week or two
You were a doctor after all, your job on the survey corps was not so much about fighting but healing so you could still work in your new state
And you would wait until Levi came back to tell him personally, even although you felt like you would lose him anytime soon since Sasha's death
You had also claimed that your easy tears at almost everything were caused from losing your friend but maybe your pregnant hormones were taking part on it too
You had a new mission assigned by your commander, assisting Queen Historia's whenever she would go on labor, you were a doctor, you were the captain of the survey corps medical forces
And you had a good amount of soldiers protecting the queen and yourself
It did not take a lot for Historia to give birth, she was a strong girl and you were one of her closest friends, the pain of the labour was horrible but the scenario was quite comfortable for a queen in the middle of both a civil and a world war
It was late at night, the little cries of the child stopped and Historia smiled at you, reassuring you that everything was alright and that you could leave
But you still couldn't sleep, you felt it in your stomach, since the moment you attacked Marley you knew you would lose Levi, you felt it inside of you
Just after Historias baby was born Erens voice sounded on your head, claiming he would exterminate this world, it made you even more worried now
And during Historia's labour a horrible thunder had sounded just were Levi was supposed to be
You had seen Eren and Armin become titans too many times to ignore what that meant
But your husband was strong, he would kill Zeke if needed, you knew it, he would come back to you as he promised the last night you spent together
The night was starting to end and your cup of tea, which you chose as a drink just because it reminded you of Levi, was almost empty when you saw a human silhouette with a wooden cart approaching the little farm the queen was hiding in
Adjusting your OCD gear to your hips and taking your swords in your hands you approached them
You were one of the soldiers protecting Historia after all, you could fight against whoever came to attack the queen and her just born baby
Changing from one tree to another, trying to be as silent as the ODM allowed you, you managed to find the perfect spot to rest until they were at your sight, ready to die
Once the soldier's back was before you you jumped on it, pressing your swords on their throat
And then you realised who they were
"Oh YN come one, you almost kill your own commander"
"I... I'm sorry I thought you were jeagerists trying to attack Historia"
"And you came here all alone? In your state?"
"State? Are you sick? Are you hurt?" A familiar voice came from the carriage and your heart skipped a beat when you found your husband laying on it, with his face covered on bends and recent still soaking blood
"Baby!" You ran towards him  taking his hands between yours "You are the one hurt! What happened?"
"Zeke-" Hange started but two new figures you did not see until now cut both of you off
Again, ready to fight, you pointed your swords against the titan
"They are with us, we have the same goal, don't worry" Levi explained to you
"What's in that house?" The titan girl asked and, even if they were now on your team you would not reveal your queen's hide to anyone that easily
"It's our house, I had to leave the survey corps recently,we will have a baby soon and Hange was just bringing my husband home I suppose right?"
'Yes, it's more viable for her to save his life than anyone else, I had never met a better doctor than her and it's their home after all" Hange followed your excuse, making sure no one found about Historias residence
"I'm going with you" you declared
"You should stay here" Hange tried to encode the fact that you had a mission on that house
"Everything I had to do here is already done, I have to be with you now" you prayed she would understand the meaning of your words, 'Historia's baby is already born and she is fine, they don't need me here'
Hange smiled
"Fine then" she did understand you, years of friendship definitely made your bond stronger by now
With a little jump you joined your husband on his carriage, deciding that you would not leave his side if it wasn't absolutely necessary
Your arms wrapped his body as soon as you could reach him, leaving little kisses on his hair as it was the only part of him who seemed to be intact
"I'm so sorry darling, It's my fault I should have killed him or become a titan myself and eat him but... I couldn't. I wanted to torture him for what he did to Erwin, it was my fault, I failed, I failed as a soldier and I failed to our promise, I would have died if it wasn't for Hange and he escaped"
"You did not fail, as a soldier your mission was to look after Zeke, our teammates drank wine and failed, you fought and followed Prixivs orders, he wanted Zeke alive to pass him to anyone else and..." you gulped, tears forming again at the only thought of losing him "you would have broke out promise, you would have killed you, only 13 years left with you is not what you promised"
"You fulfilled your promise, you came back to me" again your eyes were wet, they did not stop tearing up since the moment you saw your love in such a bad state and you knew you would have to let them out at some moment "You came back to your family"
"that thing I said to protect Historias little secret... it has some truth on it... I..." you tried to sound as happy and confident as possible
"I am pregnant" a little smile crossed your lips the moment you said it, you had been daydreaming about Levi's reaction since the moment you knew you were waiting
But you knew your husband well, as much as you would have loved him to hug you and tear up smiling and thanking you, none of this was what he wanted, it wasn't what you wanted either until you felt the little baby grow inside of you
Not that you actually felt it, it was incredibly small and had no life yet
But you grew attached to the idea of your own child the moment you threw up holding your stomach like a baby instead of a painful organ
"I know this is not what we wanted, I know that bringing a child to this world is selfish and stupid and that I'm being a horrible mother not getting rid of the baby, they would be better dead that living on this shitty place but-" you stopped, trying to find the words to explain to him "but I am their mother, I'm being extremely selfish I know but I want this now, since the moment I spoke with my father on Pixivs torture room, since the moment I understood that he hated me for having my mom's face... I haven't stopped thinking about having a baby with your face, your hair, your bad temper" a slight laugh came out of you "I'm being a piece of shit with this but-" Your husband's lips pressed against yours to shut you up
"I wanna keep it, I want that baby too" he said, whispering into your lips
"Thank you" you whispered letting some of your tears finally fall out and hiding your face in his neck
"Thank you?" He laughed
"Thanks for loving me and our baby, and... for coming back and... for everything, ever"
"Our baby..." Levi was no longer in this world, his eyes glued to the ground, spacing out
"Are you... happy?" As much as you tried to hide it, your voice trembled, scared of Levi's feelings
"I don't know" you didn't either when you first found out "I'm scared and I do wanna have the baby, that's all I know"
"That's all I knew at first too" you smiled, taking his hand on yours and placing them both on your tummy "I know there is nothing to feel here but I started to think about a baby made of both of us... just here inside of me and... I love them so much already"
Hus eyes were staring at both your hands and the place were at some point a little kick making you feel your child would be felt
"Whenever I was scared something would happen to you with Zeke I would just speak to my belly, hug it and talk about how their father sure is alright and will come back"
"Or when I had to puk out something, I would just tell them if they did not like that" you stupidly smiled "You know, our baby really hates anything with tomato"
"You love tomatoes"
"Not anymore" you laugh "I know they aren't even alive yet but I... they are our baby, our little perfect mix of both of us and they have preferences and they get anxious too, since the moment I saw that lighting I was not the only one worried for you, I know they were too, I already love this baby, darling"
"It's not even something rational but I can already think about them on your shoulders to try and reach a three we could plant on our house, I can already think about owning a house of our own instead of sleeping on the survey corps dorms" a slight laugh came out of his lips this time "and I can think about leaving this war, once it ends, leaving the survey corps and bringing our child to see their dad in his little tea shop"
Levi's eyes brightened up
"I still remember when you told me about your childhood dream, I had a childhood dream too, I could be a doctor and we could own a little tea shop where you could work and... I had never think about a life out of war and killing titans before this child, but now... I have seen it... I want to leave this, I want to spend lazy sundays curling up with you until our baby calls us crying" you took his hand out of your belly and took it between both of yours "and thinking about that makes me happy, I know that I am happy"
"I... really want that too" Levi said, smiling looking to his shoes, not that you could see his smile, the bends did not allow you to see any part of your beloved partner apart from his right eye
But it didn't mattered to you, he could have a whole different face or body, you were just happy he was alive, and here with you, this war seemed to have no happy ending but the baby growing in your belly kept reminding you that if you found an end to this war it would for sure be a happy one
"Now go back to sleep baby, those wounds need you to treat them, your body needs rest" you placed a kiss on his forehead
"You should sleep too right? Pregnant women usually have to-"
"Dont worry about what pregnant women have to do" you chuckle "I'm a doctor, I am the one who knows about it and I know about your wounds too, sleep, I will be right here, playing with your hair when you wake up"
"Will the baby want us to tell them about titan stories before sleep?" A sweet smile laying on Levi's lips
You chuckle again, admiring how sweet he really was inside his iron walls
"I hope they will, I plan on doing it anyways" you answered, one of your hands rubbing his hair while the other rested upon your belly, trying to caress your unborn child as well.
Once your husband fell asleep you heard Hange's voice calling your name "YN you must come back with Historia, I have another mission for you but I promise you will never leave Levi's side once you finish"
The life of a soldier had no rest and you had accepted it
"Alright commander, lets fight"
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I don't really know if this has anything to do with my mental health?? I have a problem where I can't just live in the now. I'm constantly thinking about the future, specifically the negative future. I look at my puppy doing something adorable or sweet and I think 'I'm going miss you so much when you die'. I have a girlfriend and I always find myself thinking about 'after we break up'. I could go on, theres so much more and I hate it and i want it to stop but it wont.
Hi there,
I’m really sorry to hear that you’re struggling so much! Ihave very similar issues as you and I know how hard it can be to deal with, so I’mreally proud of you for sticking it out as well as reaching out to us for help.
I’ll start by saying that I can’t diagnose you withanything, as I’m not a professional. However, I can say that this sounds similarto anxiety. Anxiety can often make someone worry excessively about things inthe future, even if the things the person worries about are not likely tohappen. It makes them overthink things to the point where they can start toobsess over it. Other symptoms of anxiety include:
Disliking uncertainty
Intrusive thoughts
Feeling a loss of control
Constantly worrying about things
Regular feelings of panic/fear
Feeling on edge
Having a sense of dread
Difficulty concentrating
Heart palpitations
Feeling tense
Muscle pain
Stomach aches
Feeling tired and/or difficulty sleeping
Excessive sweating
Shortness of breath
If you resonate with any of these symptoms, I definitelyrecommend that you consider seeking professional help. Although it can bedifficult to ask for help, there are a lot of treatment options out there ifyou do have anxiety. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy can be used totreat anxiety, which helps retrain your thoughts and the responses you have tothose thoughts so they are less distressing, and dialectical behavioral therapycan be used to help with black-and-white thinking and distress tolerance.Medication can also be used to help with the symptoms of anxiety. So, as youcan see, if you do have anxiety there are a lot of different options availableto you. You can check out our page about getting help if you’d like someinformation on how to seek professional help.
In addition to seeking help, there are some coping mechanismsyou can give a try to help deal with your symptoms. Since you are having issueswith staying in the present and instead worrying about things in the future,you might try using grounding techniques. They are meant to help you stay groundedin the present and remind your brain that you’re not in any danger. An exampleof a grounding technique is sort of a game, where you come up with a random “category”(e.g., “green vegetables”) and then you try to think of as many things aspossible that fit into that category (e.g., green beans, lettuce, asparagus).This helps get your mind back into the present and away from all the thingsyour mind has you worrying about. Another example of a grounding technique ispicking a random color and counting how many things in the room are that color.You can find more suggestions for grounding techniques here.
There are some other coping mechanisms you can try. One ofthese is breathing techniques. What you can do is slowly inhale through yournose for four seconds, hold the breath in for four seconds, and then slowlyexhale through your mouth for four seconds, and repeat that process as manytimes as you need. This can help with any mental or physical symptoms you’rehaving because it helps relax your mind and body. Other coping mechanisms youcan try are reading, writing, going for a walk outside, or really anything thathelps get your mind off your worries. I think talking to your girlfriend aboutthe things that are bothering could help too. We have more ideas for calminganxiety and panic, as well as other self-help tips that you can check out.
I know you’re having a hard time, but I know you can getthrough this! You’re a lot stronger than you think!
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Triple f day [flashpoint fanfiction friday]
Flashpoint fanfiction (a real head banger)
Featuring sam and jules
Loosely based on  the good cop
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Team One is sent to protect
officer William Greeley who is in court over the case of a younger man killed in a greenhouse the protesters want the victim Luke Buteau, to receive justice for his death spike who was left alone in the suv that is getting messed up the team and some riot police have to rescue him after a smoke grenade goes off in the car beside the little bit of smoke spike is fine and gets back to work Jules goes undercover as one of the protesters to gain intel on the case a comes up with 2 promising names 
After jules  questions one of the culprits Joshua LeClair, they then  discover that the other one who Josh reveals that her full name is Philippa Durst to the other protestors she is only as "Pip," the team also discovers she used to be Luke's best friend She also thought that the media was trying to cover up Luke's shooting,
 so she was trying to rally a large amount of the public to support her for the case so that it wouldn't go unnoticed and the court would be pressured to charge William and  find him guilty. Ed and wordy were now looking for pip on the way back into the court jules got whacked on the left side of  the face/head Sam who was waiting for her at the door managed to run out and grab her before she fell once inside he had her sit down on a chair so he could check her out she said she was fine Greg was watching William  but went over to see about jules who was getting checked out by Sam who got a pen light to shine in her eyes he said he was a little concerned by her pupils it looks like a concussion jules said she was fine and if it was a concussion I have had worse like getting shot I'm fine I will get checked out after shift it it makes you feel better overprotective Sam, how could she call him that when he was looking out for her safety his injured team member he was not convinced she was okay at all when sarge went back to check on William he was gone the rest off the team minus Sam and jules were looking for him for over 40 minutes and looking for leads on where he could be jules was quiet for a bit but then again Sam was hovering close by he asked her again if she was okay and she said yes which he knew was a lie
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jules suggested pip took him somewhere but before she could finish her sentence on were that would be she projectile vomited everywhere and all over her uniform and Sam's and the floor he used a towel to clean her up a little and himself sarge was so surprised by what just happened Sam  asked her if she was nauseated, had a headache, blurry vision or was dizzy she said yes to all Sam was mad at himself for not taking her  to the er earlier and for her not telling the truth he asked Greg if he should call an ambulance of take her himself sarge said it might be hard for an ambulance to get through so the suv it was spike said since luke was shot in the greenhouse would that not be your first place to go ed said it makes sense Greg told ed Sam was talking jules to the er because she just threw up everywhere and lied about her having symptoms of a concussion the rest of the team left to go find William while sam took jules to the er a few minutes in to there drive  he had to pull over for jules who was getting sick thank God he was in the suv and could put the lights on Winnie was nice and called ahead for him so they knew he was coming as soon as he pulled up a dr named frasier had her out of the car and onto a stretcher and into the er exam room 1 Sam was holding her hand a nurse checked her vitals like her pulse, heart rate, bp and oxygen level and the dr put an oxygen mask on jules to help her breath she winced when the dr shined the light in her eyes which meant she was now sensitive to the light and the dr was concerned with her sluggish response Sam told the Dr frasier about her vitals earlier when he checked her and his concerns and about how she lied to him the dr agreed with his concerns and ordered a CT scan and mri
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Sam went with her once the scans were done jules threw up everywhere which concerned the dr they sent her back down to er exam room 1 to wait for the results when dr Frasier came over to talk with Sam about the results, when all of a sudden jules  starts to have a seizure and was throwing up everywhere the dr timed it at 4 minutes and 50 seconds a long one he turned her into the recovery position the nurse administers a dose of anti seizure meds and then jules started to lose consciousness dr Frasier order some more medicine for her to be given and a nurse to monitor her closely he said on the gsc scale her concussion is considered moderate since it is a 11 and she has a little swelling she would need to be closely monitored for the next 24 hours make sure nothing gets worse but he would like to intubate her since she had a seizure Sam said it was fine and to go ahead once the dr was prepared he inserted the breathing tube down her throat and secured it in place to help her breath better she was then moved to the icu and covered in wires and to be closely monitored they were also monitoring her temperature making sure it does not turn into a fever he texted Greg an update on her condition and Greg said they were wrapping up at the greenhouse and that her intention was to have Luke's father shoot william so that he can get justice for his son but he confesses it was an accident
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Sam tell Greg jules is not allowed to have visitors for 24 hours besides him since he is her next of kin the rest of the team finished up at the call and went home they would come to visit tomorrow night after shift if it was allowed it was now the next day and 12 pm in the morning and jules was coming in and out of consciousness so dr frasier took her for another CT and mri and said there was minor improvement  in the swelling but until she wakes up 100% the breathing tube stays in at 4 in the afternoon she started to wake up and become more aware of her surroundings so dr Frasier decided to take out her breathing tube and switch her to the oxygen mask to make her more comfortable he also shined a light in her eyes to see if she could follow the light she winced when he did it and tried to close her eyes jules was still very sensitive to the light and threw up everywhere and seemed in pain the nurse made sure the curtains were closed all the way and gave jules her medicine and she kept trying to reach to pull out her iv so the nurse held her arm down until she stopped it, only the top blankets were barfed on so the nurse only changed them and then jules fell back asleep for an hour which the dr said was normal and to call when she wakes up it was now 5:20 and jules was trying to say Sam's name but it made the pain in her head worse she said what happened and he whispered do you remember and she said no Sam called dr Frasier and he asked her some questions about yesterday and she had no clue he told her what happened and that she was in the hospital dr Frasier told Sam she has a type of amnesia that is temporary he gave her more of her medicine and she feel back asleep at 6 the team came by to visit wordy had stopped at the gift shop and got her a teddy bear and some balloons they decided to wait until she was up and at 6:20 she started to wake again but this time she was crying he held her until she stopped the team came up to sit and visit with her it was hard to see her like this and hurting it was so not jules like after they left the neurologist dr Frasier took her for more scan just to be on the safe side and he said it looks like everything is heading in the right direction swelling wise but she still will be in excruciating pain for a few days but tomorrow they will let her try and eat something every 3 hours a nurse came in and checked on her and asked her questions it was now the next day and she was off of the oxygen and the food she was given was jello the nurse had given her nausea medicine before hand in hopes it would try to keep her food down she was talking a lot more but still in severe pain after breakfast
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she slept for 3 hours until the nurse woke her up for her next scan the neurologist told Sam her swelling was going down lunch was more jello and more sleeping at six it was time for dinner even more jello and some broth the team came to visit with her and were happy to see her more alert and said they miss her alot and hopes she gets better soon ed had some food Sophie made but jules was not allowed to eat it so Sam gave it to her nurses for dinner after the team  left jules went for her night time scan dr Frasier said everything is looking good and she can try and walk around tomorrow the nurse checked her every 3 hours all night long the next morning she was allowed to eat soup and walk around a little and the dr took out her catheter so she could go to the bathroom with Sam's help her morning scans were looking amazing just a tiny bit of swelling she slept most of the day because the pain in her head was bad lunch was a different type of soup the neurologist dr Frasier even cleared her for a shower he got Sam a shower chair so she could get clean 30 minutes later and she was clean and back asleep Sam asked about her sleeping and the dr said it was fine just her body's way of healing itself at six the team stopped by again to visit her dinner was chicken noodle soup they talked for a little then left it was time for jules nightly scan the neurologist dr Frasier said to Sam he did not see any swelling  but would still monitor her with regular scans she fell asleep after her meds the nurse woke her up every 3 hours it was the next day and jules was eating oatmeal for breakfast after her morning scans dr Frasier talked to Sam about releasing jules tomorrow since her new scan showed no swelling and the same about the ones last night which is good she slept most of the day lunch was oatmeal at 6 she talked to Greg about how excited she was about getting released tomorrow and not having any swelling her nighttime scans looked very good her meds were decreased a little dr Frasier talked about symptoms to look out for and for her to take it easy while she recovered more at 10 the next morning she was released and went home.
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acantha-j-roberts · 4 years
Part 3 of To My Sick Jedi
The Virus (Part 1)
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A horrible virus is going around the alliance and the medical bay is very busy. Juniper Icy has two sick patients to nurse, one with Man Flu and the other with a weak immune system.
Chapter 1
"Juniper!" Leia called, entering the commander's quarters.
Juniper stood up from behind her desk and watched in shock as Leia ran into her quarters. Leia was out of breath and panting loudly.
"Your Highness." Juniper gasped, "What's wrong?"
Juniper walked towards Leia and guided her over to a chair.
"Please sit and catch your breath, your highness." Juniper said, pointing to the chair.
Leia gladly sat down and caught her breath, juniper pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. Juniper saw that Leia had huge bags under her eyes.
"You look exhausted." Juniper said, sympathetically.
"I am." Leia answered, "Juniper, I need your help."
Juniper knew what this meant, "Has someone come down with the virus?"
Leia nodded, "Han has. And the medical bay is full."
"I'll nurse him." Juniper said, "In his chambers, don't worry."
"Thank you, Juniper." Leia said, "But there is something you must know."
"What's that?" Juniper questioned.
"Well..." Leia began, "Han is being...err...I can't think of a nice way to say it."
"Just say however you think." Juniper assured, "I won't tell."
"Han is being really needy." Leia answered, "And acting like he's dying."
Juniper sighed, "I've heard of that before. It's called Man-flu."
"Of course!" Leia sighed, "Why didn't I think of that?"
"It is common for men like him." Juniper explained, "But don't worry, I've dealt with many cases of Man flu."
"What will you do?" Leia questioned.
"When a man is sick, " Juniper began, "They must play by my rules."
Chapter 2
Leia led Juniper to Han's chambers. When they arrived, Juniper could hear Han coughing from inside. Before Leia pressed the button to open the door, Juniper turned to face her.
"Has Han being vomiting?" Juniper asked.
Leia shook her heard, "No,"
"That's a good sign." Juniper said, "It shows he has a strong immune system and that the sickness isn't that serious."
"Have you dealt with people vomiting?" Leia asked, "Because of this virus?"
Juniper nodded, "People with weak immune systems, get the virus so much worse. Vomiting, high fever and severe coughing are the symptoms I've seem weak immune systems have."
"I'm glad Han isn't that sick," Leia said, "I couldn't deal with him throwing up."
"Leia!" Han yelled, from inside the room.
Leia pushed the button and the doors opened. Juniper and her walked in and stopped in front of Han's bed. The bed and the floor surrounding was covered in dirty tissues and the room had a strong smell of vapor rub. Han was sitting up in bed, with a fever patch on his forehead and a blanket wrapped around him.
"Commander Icy, what are you doing here?" Han asked, giving Juniper an odd expression.
"I'm here to take care of you." Juniper explained, "Give Princess Leia a brake."
Han turned to look at Leia, she stared back at him.
"I'm exhausted Han." Leia said, "I need some sleep."
"Whatever, your highness." Han said, sarcastically.
Leia rolled her eyes and looked away. Han suddenly burst out into a coughing fit, he pulled a tissue from a box on the bedside table and coughed into. When the fit had passed, Han just dropped the dirty tissue into the bed and laid back.
"I'm dying." He groaned, rubbing his chest.
Juniper turned to Leia, "He defiantly has man flu." She whispered.
"What are you going to do with him?" Leia asked.
Juniper reached into her pocket and pulled out a capsule, "This will help his immune system fight the virus and it will knock him out until the morning."
"I'll get him some water." Leia said, walking out.
Leia grabbed a cup from the water station and began filling it with cold water.
"Hello Leia," a voice said, from down the hallway.
Leia turned her head and saw Luke walking towards her.
"Hey, Luke." Leia said.
"You look exhausted." Luke said, seeing Leia's tired face.
"I am." Leia answered, "Han has could the virus going around and I've been looking after him all day."
"Oh, poor Han." Luke said, sympathetically.
"He'll be fine." Leia assured, " Commander Juniper Icy is looking after him."
"Can I come and see him?" Luke asked.
"If you want to." Leia said.
Luke followed Leia back to Han's chambers. The two of them entered his room and found Juniper cleaning up the dirty tissues.
"You have a visitor, Han." Leia said, handing the cup of water to him.
Luke walked to Han's bedside, looking sympathetically at his sick friend.
"Hey, kid." Han said, looking up at Luke.
"Hey Han." Luke answered, "I didn't know your were sick."
"I'm dying, kid." Han groaned, pulling another tissue from the box and coughing into it.
Luke then turned to Leia, "You should have told me Han was sick, I would have helped you look after him."
"Thanks, Luke." Leia said, "I just didn't think."
Leia suddenly yawned, looking more tired.
"You need sleep, your highness." Juniper said, "Go and get some rest."
Leia smiled at Juniper and walked out. Luke started helping Juniper clean up the dirty tissues, but Juniper stopped him.
"This illness is contagious." Juniper said, "I'm immune to illness like this, but I don't think you are."
Luke dropped the dirty tissues into to bag Juniper was holding and took her advice, little did he know it was too late.
Chapter 3
Juniper was up in he early hours of the morning, as Han had woken up with a head ache. On the way to Han's chambers, Juniper bumped into Leia, who look well rested and energetic.
"Morning, Juniper" Leia greeted, smiling.
"Good morning, your highness." Juniper answered, politely.
"Are you heading to check on Han?" Leia asked.
Juniper nodded, "He called me, saying he woke up with a headache."
"So he still had Man Flu?" Leia asked.
"He'll have man flu until the illness disappears completely." Juniper explained.
"I can take over now I'm rested, if you want." Leia offered.
"Oh, no, this is my job" Juniper answered, "It doesn't bother me, I'm sure you have more important things to be getting on with."
"Thanks again, Juniper." Leia said, walking away.
Juniper continued on her way to Han's chambers. When she entered, Han again acted like he was dying. Whining and groaning like a little kid. After just a few minutes of being with him, Juniper gave him a medication to knock him out, it luckily worked within minutes. The room was again messy and dirty tissues lay scattered on the floor.
While Han was sleeping, Juniper started cleaning the room again. While she picking up tissues, she remember Luke, helping her last night. She smiled at the thought and remembered the kiss he'd given her a few months back.
Chapter 4
Luke opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. He slowly sat up, groaning as each movement caused him pain. Once he was sitting in an upright position, he started to feel dizzy. Luke rubbed his eyes, trying to make the dizziness stop. He suddenly coughed sharply, he covered his mouth with his hand and coughed again.
"I hope I'm not coming down with the virus." Luke thought, standing up.
Luke took two steps forward and started coughing again. He covered his mouth with his hand and waited for the fit to pass. The coughing was so forceful, after the fit ceased, Luke felt lightheaded. For a minute or two Luke just stood there, waiting for the dizziness to pass. But it just worsened into a feeling of nausea.
Luke pressed his hands against his stomach, which had started hurting. He groaned loudly and doubled over as the nauseous feeling worsened. Unlucky go{for Luke another coughing fit started, he moved one of his hands to cover his mouth. Luke fell to his knees as the coughing became more forceful. He could feel his stomach content rising into his throat.
"Don't throw up!" Luke thought, shutting his eyes.
His stomach content filled his mouth and seeped out of the gaps in his lips. Luke swallowed it down and luckily the coughing fit stopped.  Luke gasped, finally getting some air. He sat on the floor of his room, trying to catch his breath. Leaning against the wall, Luke stood up. He knew he was coming down with something, whether it was the virus or not. Still leaning on the wall, Luke slowly walked towards the door. He suddenly felt cold and started shivering, which just added to that already bad situation.
Luke pushed he button on the wall, and the doors opened. The medical wing was very far away, and Luke didn't think he would last, but he had to try. As he walked down the hallway, to the main corridor,  the nauseous feeling returned. Luke groaned and pressed his hand against his stomach. Luke prayed a coughing fit wouldn't start now, as his stomach content was already rising into his throat.
Luke covered his mouth as he felt the vomit fill his mouth. This time, he couldn't swallow it. He gave in and threw up his stomach content onto himself.  His hands, shirt and chin were covered in vomit. Feeling exhausted and sick, Luke sat down outside his room door. He felt so nauseous and dizzy, he didn't want to move. Luke just shut his eyes and sat there, in complete agony.
Chapter 5
Luckily for Juniper, Han had woken up feeling much better. His fever had returned to normal temperature and his cough had improved. Juniper was relieved that Han was getting better and he'd also stopped acting like he was dying.
"My apologies if I was annoying, commander Icy." Han said, looking up at Juniper.
"I've dealt with much needier people, Han." Juniper said, "But you were getting on my nerves."
The doors suddenly opened and a general came running in, a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong, general?" Juniper asked.
"We need your help, Commander Icy." The general said, "Other person has come down with the virus."
By the look on the general's face, Juniper knew this was serious. She said goodbye to Han and followed the general towards the scene. A group of commanders and generals were gathered around someone.
"Medical general coming through. Move!" the general ordered, pushing the people back.
Juniper felt her heart sink when she realised who it was, Luke. He was so pale and his lips were white. Juniper knelt in front of Luke, genlty running her hand over his face.
"God, he's burning." Juniper muttered, worriedly.
"What do you recommend we do, commander?" The general asked.
Juniper looked up, "Get him back into his room. the Medical bay is too far away. I'll treat him in his room."
Juniper knew Luke couldn't walk , so she gently picked him up in her arms and slowly walked into his room. She placed Luke back onto his bed and covered him with a blanket. The general followed Juniper into the room, to see if she needed any help.
"Could you get me a cloth and some cold water?" Juniper asked, looking back at the general.
"Of course, commander." the general answered, leaving the room.
Juniper turned back to Luke, who had started to open his eyes.
"Hey, Luke." Juniper muttered, "Can you hear me?"
"Yes." Luke whispered, his voice shallow and hoarse.
"How long have you been sitting there?" Juniper asked.
"I'm not sure." Luke answered, "All I remember was throwing up in the hallway, then sitting down and passing out."
"Where were you trying to go?" Juniper asked.
"To the medical bay." luke explained, "I thought I'd make it, but I couldn't."
"You're far to sick to even stand, Luke." Juniper said, "Nevermind walking to the medical bay."
"Is this the virus?" Luke asked.
Juniper nodded, "At its worst."
"I must have caught it from Han, last night." Luke said.
"That must be what happened." Juniper added, "I thought this might happen. But Han wasn't this bad."
"What does that mean?" Luke asked.
"You must have a weaker immune system than Han." Juniper explained, "Han didn't have the virus as bad as you do."
Luke covered his mouth as another coughing fit began. He leaned forward and away from Juniper, in case he was sick again. Juniper gently rubbed Luke's back as he coughed. The general returned, holding a large bowel of icy water and a cream coloured towel.
"Bring it here." Juniper ordered, raising her voice above Luke's loud coughing.
The general obeyed and gently placed the towel and bowl at the end on the bed. Juniper was still comforting Luke, as the coughing fit slowly stopped. Luke was gasping and panting when the fit passed.
"Deep breathes, Luke." Juniper said, "Or you'll make yourself pass out."
Luke pressed his hand against his chest and tried to breathe slower and deeper. Juniper submerged the towel in the water. She squeezed the towel, to remove the extra water, before gently holding it against Luke's fevered forehead.
"Thank you, Juniper." Luke muttered, as the cold towel hit his burning skin.
"Rest now." Juniper advised.
Juniper organised Luke's pillows, so that when he was lying down, he'd still be in an upright position. She wrapped a spare blanket around Luke, noticing he was shivering. Juniper helped Luke lie down into the organised pillows, them she gently placed the towel on Luke's forehead.
"Do you need anything else, Commander?" The general asked.
"No thank you, general." Juniper answered, "I can take it from here."
The general nodded in acknowledgment and walked out. Juniper sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Luke's face.
"How long will this last?" Luke asked.
"A few days," Juniper answered, "With rest and medicine."
Luke sighed, which ended in a sharp cough.
"Do you want some water?" Juniper asked.
Luke nodded. Juniper poured the water from the bowel into a plastic cup. She handed it to Luke and he sipped it. He groaned and rubbed his throat each time he swallowed. Once the cup was empty, Juniper it from Luke and dropped it in a trash bin she'd moved to the bedside.
"Juniper," Luke muttered, suddenly, "How is Han?"
"He's much better today," Juniper answered, "He's returned to work now."
"I'm glad he's better." Luke said, selflessly.
"You should be more concerned about yourself." Juniper said, "Your illness is far worse than Han's."
"But he said he was dying." Luke added, "Surely he must have felt as bad as me."
Juniper sighed, "On top of the virus, Han had another problem. Which is common for men like him."
"What was that?" Luke asked.
"Something called Man Flu," Juniper explained.
"What's that?" Luke questioned.
"It is basically a term used for men being needy and over dramatic when they are sick." Juniper answered, "Han was being very needy and dramatic while he was sick."
"I can't picture Han being needy." Luke said.
"Neither could I," Juniper added, "Until I had to nurse him."
"I'm not being needy, am I?" Luke asked.
Juniper shook her head, "No at all, you're not the type to have man flu. You're too selfless."
Chapter 5
Juniper contacted the medical bay and asked them for supplies to be taken to Luke's room. While a medical droid was taking the supplies to Commander Icy and Luke, it crashed into Princess Leia. The supplies scattered all over the floor.
"My apologies." Leia said, picking up the supplies.
"No need to an apology, your highness." The droid said.
As Leia picked up the supplies, she wondered who it was for.
"Has someone else come down with the virus?" Leia asked.
"I'm afraid so, your highness," the droid answered, "And quite severe as well."
"Do you know who it is?' Leia asked.
"Commander Skywalker." The droid answered, "He was found outside his room door, covered in vomit and running a high fever."
Leia' expression became concerned, "Is he alright?"
"Commander Icy is treating him in his chambers." The droid explained, "She said he was too sick to move to the medical bay."
Leia's expression became more concerned. She handed the last piece of supplies to the droid and he continued in his way. Leia decided to follow him, wanting to check on Luke. When she entered Luke's chambers, her worry increased. He was so pale and his hair was drenched with sweat. Juniper was siting on the edge of the bed, tapping Luke's forehead with a damp cloth.
"Your Highness, what are you doing here?" Juniper asked, seeing Leia walk in.
"I heard Luke was sick." Leia explained, "I wanted to check he was okay."
"He'll be fine." Juniper said, "He just needs rest and some medication."
The droid walked to Juniper's side and she took an needle from the droid's hand. Although Luke felt dizzy and don't want to move, he jumped back at the sight of the needle. He trusted Juniper, so knew she was only trying to help him. Juniper rolled up Luke's sleeve and injected the liquid into his veins. Luke didn't look when Juniper injected to needle into him, but he felt the prick when it went into his skin. It seemed to hurt more than any other needle he'd had in the past, he knew this was because he was sick.
"Why is Luke's illness worse than Han's?"  Leia asked.
"I suspect Luke had a weaker immune system," Juniper answered, "Which is why he's got the virus worse."
"By the way, how is Han?" Leia asked.
"Much better." Juniper answered, "He's returned to work, since his illness is practically gone."
"So the man flu has stopped?" Leia asked.
"Luckily it has." Juniper said, "And just in time, he was starting to get on my nerves."
"And what about him?" Leia asked, pointing at Luke, "Does he and man flu?"
Juniper shook her head, "He's to selfless."
Luke groaned and rubbed his stomach, "I feel..."
Luke's eyes snapped open, he lurched forward and threw up onto the floor. Juniper and Leia didn't have time to react, before he fell back into the pillows and passed out.
To be continued...
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