#but also conflicted cause he didnt know her for that long
cult-of-the-eye · 1 month
Ok listen, Gwen being killed off would be interesting because the rest of the OIAR would have to grapple with the grief and the underlying feeling of suspicion in the way she died. Like she'd be a warning that would be ignored and I think it would switch up the dynamics in a really cool way.
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evilminji · 4 months
You know what Damian deserves?
A Grand Chunibyo Epic Drama Romance of his very own. Something to REALLY make his parents wince and take a good, long look in the mirror. Because... YEP. Yep that's definitely Their Son all right.
They suddenly feel like they should apologize to several long suffering individuals.
Damian needs to meet a Fellow Dramatic, Too Serious, Feral Gremlin, "I AM The Heir Apparent! My Blood Is Mighty And My Heritage Noble!" Little NERD? Someone who matchs him, beat for beat, with all the flamboyant Stabby Drama and rooftop dramatic chase scenes of his parents but now?
With Ghost Powers!
Because she is a PRINCESS. In search of someone Worthy(tm) of her Hand(tm). Not because her DAD told her too, obviously, no no. She overheard some of the Ancients talking about how that's how THEY got married. And knows that princesses usually get spouses chosen for them. So SHES gonna chose!
Perfect plan.
And who BETTER? Then the Blood Son of... THE BAT*dramatic musical sting*! Prove yourself, Robin! *lunges with a blade!*
Obviously, love at first dramaticly back-lit monologs followed by sword fight and dramatic escape. She's a formidable opponent.
But? Who IS she? This dramatic Chunibyo WEEB of a child? She! Is Danny's SECOND Clone Daughter. It was discovered? The only way to truely, PERMANENTLY, stabilize Dani? Was to get cells from a stable Clone.
Meaning one that WASNT rapidly aged.
Danny was... conflicted. He was against creating a kid JUST for giving medical aid to his other kid. But? He WASN'T so against the idea of having a kid? Like... a baby. Doing Dad Stuff. Cause... cause he wasn't 14 anymore. He's just graduated college. Has a stable job.
Dani suggested they go for it. But only if they were sure it wouldn't hurt the kiddo.
And it didnt!
She was and is PERFECT. The light of their lives. A delightfully ghost raised little Stabby Feral Honey Badger Gremlin of a young lady! But she's ALSO? Missing! And Danny, king of the Infinte Realms, is Losing His SHIT.
Dramaticly martial arts fighting in the rain, DUH dad! She has to defeat the boy she likes, drop a symbolic gift at his feet, then leave with a cryptic but Cool And Meaningful Statement! You wouldn't GET IT, you're so OLD!
Dick blames Bruce for this. You see this? Do you Bruce? This is YOUR genetics at play! You added AL GHUL DRAMA to your nonsense and now he's discovered dating!! Look at him! He's pining! Dramaticly training in early hours! He's gotten JON involved!
Just? Let JLA Dark have FUN for once. Let them see THE princess of basicly EVERYTHING... harrasing Batman... by trying to date his obviously willing son... and just go "Read at 12:37" sorry Bruce! Looks like they're out of the office! Doing.... uuuuh.... MAGIC STUFF *sounds of popcorn being popped* YEP! Maaaagic! He he he >:D
@lolottes @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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bluetortoist · 3 months
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Showing off another Batman OC. This time, its my own Alice. I know. So original 🙄 but I can't help myself. She's a very accomplished chemist who crossed paths with Mad Hatter and later on became his lover.
(More info of her down below! History kind of dubious, be warned)
Name: Alice (real name: Eleanor Carole)
Nickname: Alias "Dear Alice"
Age: 29
Gender: Cis Female
Identifies: Demisexual
Race: Human
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Birth town: Lansing, Michigan
Current Living: Gotham City
Allegiance: Chaotic Neutral-Lawful Evil
• Being a chemist, she has experimented and perfected two different formulas to mutate one's body to grow bigger or smaller. They can be ingested as is, or injected/mixed in with various ingredients. She uses this as both a defense (Bigger) and stealth (Smaller) strategy. However, she can't use it too much or else has negative effects on the body.
• She has a few versions of long armed, Horse's Hammer formed in the shape of a pink flamingo, one heavy, the other light; It, no doubt, causes pretty hefty damage.
• Even though she has become more physically strong since working with Tetch, she still only knows basic self defense and fist-fight combat, but has always (and always will), kept a knife on her body since moving to Gotham.
History: Eleanor was born into a family of domestic abuse but doesn't remember too much from that time other than that they were clearly unhappy together. Luckily, she didnt get to experience that environment for long because both her parents died in a car accident when she was 4. She was sent to live in an orphanage until she was 10 and was adopted to a family of doctors and physicians. It was through them she found her interest/obsession with chemistry. Even though they try, Eleanor rarely get to see both her parents at the same time since both had conflicting work schedules at the time, and spent a good chunk of her school years making and losing friends and putting more effort in her hobbies. This was about the time (10-13) her emotional detachment problems for people started to develop. Graduated top of her class with her Chemist degree, no friends, but got a boyfriend in a one-sided relationship. They started living together once they moved to Gotham. Got a job at a chemical reasearch facility that was a branch of Wayne Labs, but wasnt that well liked; was considered a "cold genius" among other coworkers. Decided to go see a therapist to help with herself as well (much to her boyfriends chagrin). Both those took all of her time that it was putting a strain on her relationship with her boyfriend. Somewhere around this time was when she was feeling at her lowest and also when she met Jervis and soon became friends (whom she already knew was the Mad Hatter). She begun seeing him a lot more after venting her personal and emotional troubles to him (quite literally saying that she wishes she was born as someone else) and he suggests his own kind of hypnosis therapy to help bring feelings up to the surface, all while conditioning her into a version of Alice. She consented to this kind of therapy, desperate to feeling anything like any sort of person at this point. (Basically: delusional man teaches girl how to manifest a new persona to actively dissociate ����). This continues on and eventually (and quickly) start to form a relationship. The boyfriend, already pissed enough, already suspects she is seeing someone else. Confronts her one night about it, says hes kicking her out and almost turns into a fight, but she manages to beat him unconscious in self defense. In a panic, she runs right back to Jervis, and he offers to let her stay. He goes out and kills the boyfriend himself before finding out the boyfriend had made a report on her to the police. She stays in hiding for a couple of weeks afterwards. In that time, she and her Alice persona has become one in the same and doesn't even remember her old name anymore and only small bits of her early life. Alice finally felt like a person, regardless of whether those feelings were in the right place or not. They were at least real and her own now, Jervis/Hatter was real, and she can finally say, without faking, that she loves both of them for it. It wasn't until later on in the future that Hatter and her got involved in a criminal incident that she decided that she would need to protect herself and her precious Hatter (much to his dismay, not wanting her to get involved at all, but was pushed to believing its for the best). She started learning how to use weapons and self defense and creating more of her own chemical formulas inspired by Alice in Wonderland. She eventually started gaining a name for herself as Hatter's lover, right hand, and mad genius chemist, "Dear Alice"
• She has two snaggletooth upper-canines and a small birthmark on her upper right cheek.
• She used to have a therapist she would go to to help with her apathy and general difficulty with forming attachments with other people, due to some emotional damage back in childhood.
• She used to volunteer to read to children at her local bookstore. It was something for the community that her therapist encouraged her to do to help interact with other people. It was the one thing she missed before going to crime.
• She has never read a lot of classic children's books as a child, including Alice in Wonderland until it was suggested to her for her next book reading. Thus, how she will soon meet Jervis Tetch.
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lewkwoodnco · 4 months
my tears ricochet but in the context of locklyle after lucy leaves in thb:
"even on my worst day did I deserve babe all the hell you gave me" -> lockwood being so emotionally stunted didnt know how to work thru his feelings in any way other than distancing himself for lucy through no fault of hers (or his technically)
"I swear I loved you till my dying day" -> even throughout their fight/all the way till she left (and even beyond that) lucy loved lockwood so much despite how cold he was to her and how hurt she felt GIVE MY GIRL A BREAK
"you know I didn't want to have to haunt you" -> lucy and lockwood being irrevocably tied to each other
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace" -> all the fights with holly where lucy was acting arguably petty/immature but only because she was losing her favourite person to someone else
"and you're the hero flying around, saving face" -> lockwood always wanting to preserve his/the company's reputation, wanting to be the best/the 'hero,' acting distant from lucy cuz he wouldn't confront/accept the reality of their relationship (+ strain from him wishing she wouldnt be so reckless which like LOL pot kettle black etc)
"and if I'm dead to you why are you at the wake?" -> pre aickmere's incident, where lucy was getting more and more desperate but he was still so cold towards her
"cursing my name, wishing I stayed" -> sums up lockwood's complicated/conflicting feelings about lucy SO well, he loves her but also hates her for putting herself in danger and is so scared of being that vulnerable with her UGHH
"cause when I'd fight you used to tell me I was brave" -> this is like all those times when lucy went along w lockwood even when he was being reckless cuz HELL if she was going to let him be reckless alone, and they kind of understood each other on that level the way no one else in the series rlly does like its this sacred mutual recognition thats so special to them, but the "you USED to tell me" indicating how their relationship has disintegrated and how that special bond/ANY kind of special bond btw them is rapidly dissolving. also abt how lucy who has been so tough and strong all alone for so long in her life rlly valued lockwood's support/started to need him (was quite bad off without him in her apartment). ofc she's brave and a part of her knows it, but that warmth of having someone stand by your side to catch u if u fall?? irreplacable
"I can go anywhere I want just not home" -> self-explanatory
"you can aim for my heart go for blood but you would still miss me in your bones" -> references how mean he was towards her but underlying all that was his love and need for her still </3 also, connotation of bones = skeleton = death = the empty grave waiting for him??
"and I still talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky"/"and when you cant sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies" -> lockwood esp is so haunted by lucy after she leaves, 'screaming' referencing lucy's predisposition to get mad rather than sad, lockwood's insomnia like it all just lines up so WELL
"and so the battleships will sink beneath the waves" -> battleships symbolising all the visitors they fought together + maybe even more personal things like helping lockwood process the death of his family, lucy's trauma etc (their shared battles), all of that being left to be eroded by time as if it never existed, as if the thousand tiny moments that made up their relationship never happened
"you turned into your worst fears" -> come off it you know I'd die for you = his number one fear is LOSING LUCY which he does when she leaves. not exactlyyy the same cyz she's still alive but without him there to '''''protect''''' her (he is so that kind of bf) its one step towards this nightmare of his materialising
"tossing out blame, drunk on this pain" -> blaming himself (which is only partially warranted), acting so out of character, becoming even more reckless as he writhes with the pain of losing lucy, becoming more detached from the value of his life etc, almost manic in the haze of his agony
In conclusion, look at how lucy's tears ricochet. thank you for coming to my ted talk
also totally not thinking abt an au where lucy dies after leaving but before she returns because she never stopped loving him even when they were fighting
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lichtecht · 11 days
@is-this-taken-too-questionmark the entirety of my dfk 2023 notes are a bit too long and incoherent and unstructured, so i figured i'd try to compile some topics ive thought about
putting it under a cut cause its still very long
jo and martina get a scene that directly parallels the martin/jonathan bedside scene from 2003. i would also change the way jo’s backstory is shared. and the backstory itself „my mother abandoned me in a disco“ is hilariously iconic, but it doesn’t have any emotional impact. it makes you laugh, even though it’s meant to be sad. instead, jo shares her backstory in the aforementioned parallel. and instead of telling her why SHE is sad, jo comforts martina by, idk, taking her to the lake. -„i always come here when im sad. or when i want to be alone.“ -„its beautiful.“ bonding moment basically. maybe they stumble over the Externs and overhear their plans or something, and thats how we make the shift to action and plot again
some things i wrote down:
Martina/Jo lesbianism
bedside scene
"I'll just stay here. At home. With you."
Lowkey breakup
jo gifting martina the phone
Justraucher Reunion. Obvsly
Expand on how Robert & especially JUSTUS feel afterwards (cause we dont see justus again until they meet at the hospital)
also on what happened back then
more detailed backstory
(Note -> i have a whole other document with just things about Back Then, i'll get into that later (possibly in a seperate post so it doesnt get *too long*)
Jo & Nichtraucher bonding at the piano
gay mentorship
-> after Jo/Martina’s breakup
show him being bullied more
make it more of an actual internal conflict
uli being assigned to lead the distraction - would i keep that? i feel like him running away when hes in a leadership role and for everyone to see cheapens his character. and i feel like it doesnt fit with the perception of his character if the others have trust in him. in the 2023 film, its seemingly just the externs who make fun of uli and bully him? so the „enemies“. i feel like its quite important to ulis character that everyone doesnt take him for full, even people on „his side“, even his friends. its a nice gesture from martina to assign uli that role, but it doesnt make sense character-wise. uli isnt used to leading. or even stepping up. the kids should theoretically not have trust in him to be able to do this. it also doesnt make sense to award someone like that with a leadership role, even if its an attempt to help them stand up. (which it didnt seem to be? or am i missing that? maybe it was.) it just… doesnt make sense. and it does uli dirty. when i watched the movie for the first time, i said „thats what you get when you cut sebastian.“ because someone from their group needs to be at the battle and direct it, someone is captive, and several people need to free them. it wouldnt work if only martina stormed the boat house. you need multiple people, and martina and matze need to be there. uli, however, should not and would not lead the attack. thats what we’d have sebastian for. (wonderful, cynical, bitchy sebastian) instead, uli would TRY to partake in the attack, chicken out, and run away. you know. like in the book
The Legend???
the reveal was literally just stupid.
I mean, you could keep that the legend is made up, but it should still have some kind of impact on the other students
like "yeah ok the legend is fake, but dude, he still climbed up there, that was crazy impressive"
Dont know how to feel abt Uli planning the whole thing. Doesnt feel right.
Fr. Kreuzkamm not as ridiculous. Like she still has a sense of humor and her style stays the same (ms frizzle fashion) but she should at least have some respect from the students
Bökh shouldnt be a school director
Bökh Vertrauenslehrer. (dont know how to translate that. like an official teacher who's supposed to be a confidante for the students (although at least i never went to any appointed confidants. but maybe that depends on the person))
school director always threatens to close the boarding school, Bökh stands against it and supports the students
the strict one and the nice one should simply be 2 separate people
would a nicer 2023 Bökh still have acted so shitty regarding Robert and Marie though? it kind of only feels right if he sucks a little bit
(although he obvsly could have changed in those years. but he doesnt seem to regret it or feel guilty so i doubt he feels bad abt it)
i was thinking i'd give this new strict boarding school director the name of the headmaster in the book (grünkern), but grünkern just isnt that kind of person. he's someone the students laugh about. which is more like frau kreuzkamm is in the movie
so i figured i'd call the boarding school director professor kreuzkamm and have frau doktor kreuzkamm be called frau doktor grünkern instead
(and take some more inspirations from book grünkern as well, with how the students treat him)
ruda would be called ruda grünkern then too. she doesnt really need to be kreuzkamm anyway
… i guess kreuzkamm would just be one of the internals then. or i suppose the externs would work too, if kreuzkamm is just a background character. i havent thought about if i would change who gets kidnapped
about that.
im still struggling with figuring out how i wanna do the conflict. i was thinking maybe i should throw the whole conflict out cause i find it entirely annoying. but it is a really big part of dfk 2023 wether i like it or not, and it's really hard to change it when i dislike fundamental parts of the way it is written.
first, i had the idea to make it about a conflict between the rich kids from the city up in the boarding school and the less wealthy kids from town, but im not equipped to write about classism and i dont want to be an asshole on accident
maybe instead, it’s a rivalry between the students from the school in town and those in the boarding school. yes, that sounds like it’s exactly the same, but i would make the boarding school be an actual school on top of the hill, not just a place where the students sleep.
i'm definitely keeping the part about it being two separate schools though. it would be a bit more close to the book in that way. (i would also give the other school the name from the the book, but i couldnt find it. it might not have had one?? would appreciate some help here if you know a name)
and ig the easiest way to explain the animosity is also like in the book. that its a thing between the schools which predates any of the students involved. they just carry it out.
but would they make up in the end then?? im still not sure. it's so hard to find some kind of middle ground between the way it is in the book and in dfk 2023 !!!
(which is because they have a fundamentally different understanding of how this conflict ends!!!!!!!! in dfk 2023, its a thing of overcoming differences and making peace, while in the book that was never the goal to begin with!!! they start and end as enemies!!!!! carolina!!!! carolina, you dont get it at all!!!!!!!!)
to tie it back in with the 2023 movie, you could make it so that the two schools are still doing some kind of "friendship project" to bury the hatchet. although that probably wouldnt come from the schools themselves if theyre so hostile towards each other...
(MAYBE. its a thing that frau kreuzkamm, or rather, frau grünkern started. but none of this is thought out rn, i’m getting away from my goal with this post)
like i said, i would make it two separate schools. town school vs boarding school prehistoric feud boarding school director kreuzkamm; i kind of see him as an old man with balding white hair and a big moustache. wears black suits. never laughs. closer to book kreuzkamm, but less sympathetic. he's supposed to fill the role of the antagonist within the boarding school. instead of justus (who's supposed to be a safe place for the students) threatening to close the boarding school, it's direktor kreuzkamm. frau professor grünkern, headmaster of the town school. (she needs a first name. (i made a note here to consult the dfk girlies (gn) so please drop your suggestions? how do you feel about friederieke)) mother of ruda, still. wears colourful shirts, is basically like in the movie. although i still stand by what i said earlier about making her less of a comic relief
OH!! i completely forgot to tell you about that. i had a thought when i made part ... i think it was part 27. where i wrote in the tags #now that i think about it #WHY is frau kreuzkamm not sitting with her family?? #girl you have a husband and kids stop making eyes at your colleague whos gay anyway and my thought was a big WHAT IF. what if frau kreuzkamm cheated on her husband ties together ruda’s disappointment in her, frau kreuzkamm making eyes at justus und justus perhaps trying it with women to get over/ignore robert that might be a bit too much if we’re talking about a realistic rewrite, but let me engage the thought for a moment back to what i was saying
if i want to go with the cheating-storyline; justus has caught her eye. EVEN THOUGH she has a stay-at-home-husband. the second child doesn’t seem to have saved the marriage i am still unsure about her role in the conflict between the schools. cause in the movie she's both „everyone be friends 🥰 we don't need to continue these disputes!“ and "your INMATES are HURTING my SWEET CHILDREN you need to CLOSE THE BOARDING SCHOOL" and i still don't know how to deal with that. but now i had the thought that maybe she's the one who wants the opposing schools to make up Still thinking about that
i have a lot more notes, especially about matz, and i haven't even touched on my thoughts about the justus-robert-marie situation. but i will put that in a reblog or something. this is getting too long.
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dulcewrites · 10 months
Hi, I want to know your opinion on or what you think it would happened to Alicent children in the very impossible case and that the dance didn’t happened; let’s say the greens let Rhaenyra be crowned; like there’s is not that many options of what she can do with her siblings, and let’s be honest I don’t think she would have been a good queen she never learned how to rule and there is no way her rule would be easy having a bastard as heir (but that’s another subject ‘cause I know that if Jace ever came near the throne Daemon would have started the Dance)
I hace think of three options: 1) She let them live and remain as princes and princess as well a Alicent being dowager queen, maybe just send them to Dragonstone or Oldtown.
2) Daemon convinces her of getting rid of them (principal Aegon, Aemond and Daeron as well a Jaehaerys and Maelor), because at least according to the book he hated his nephews for pushing him down the line. Show Rhaenys probably would support this, a mean she lied to her saying the Greens were coming for her children when none of them except for Otto mentioned.
3) Somebody on her council, maybe Corlys (he is probably the only smart head on her side) or and elder or even Ser Harrold convince that if she doesn’t want to harm them but also not have her legitimacy questioned by the lords, just send the to the Wall and returned Alicent, Helaena and her babies to Oldtown or Dragonstone,
Honestly Rhaenyra doesn’t seems to care or like her little siblings and at least in the show she could’ve been conflicted because of Alicent (even when their are her siblings and she probably watch the since babies)
But what do you think, ether based on the show, book or both.
P.d: Sorry to ramble hear but I don’t really know how to make my post on Tumblr appear aside from my blog 😛😝
Hi, and rambling is fine and always welcomed here 🫶🏽. Warning you - long answer incoming lol
So, right off the bat, I think book Rhaenyra would feel little remorse merking her brothers. People dunk on book Alicent for beefing with a child, but book Rhaenyra also wasn’t happy with her younger brothers especially by the time the dance came around (and she has a one sided beef with a 16 year old girl later on but that’s beside the point). Even before the dance she didn’t like them. We also get actual lines saying Daemon also didn’t like his nephews because they pushed him down in the succession. Daemon very clearly writes a ‘son for a son’ to Rhaenyra then b&c happens, essentially ruining Helaena’s life for good. How much culpability people want to put on Rhaenyra is their prerogative, but if she had no problem with that happening to Helaena of all people. I don’t think she’d feel bad murdering her brothers, especially if she thought they actively stood in her way. Also book Rhaenyra set a precedent for harming those in her way. Having vaemond killed, being ok with viserys taking the tongues of those who dared questioned her kid’s parentage etc. She had no real connection to them. She said she would ‘spare’ them then when she realized Aegon was fine with being king, she switched on a dime. That affection was contingent on them bending the knee to her. Honestly, even if they swore fealty to her, I think the ‘peace’ would have been short lived on both sides.
Book Rhaenyra "My half brothers would be more to his taste” Targaryen was not checking for anyone like that. She was rude asf 😭. Someone smarter than her could hopefully say it’s not a good look to kill your siblings as your first action as queen lmao. But Rhaenyra clearly didnt care how she came off as long as she was in power. Like most monarchs.
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Now what show Rhaenyra would do is a bit more complex imo
It’s quite hard to theorize bc while I still think much like the book, Rhaenyra has little genuine affection towards her siblings, I don’t think the choice to kill them would be easy for her. Mainly bc her feelings for Alicent. That being said, she has shown she is willing to throw her brothers under the bus. Specifically if it means protecting her kids.
I side eye the ‘show Rhaenyra would never have her siblings killed’ crowd. She might feel actual remorse or it would take some real convincing, but I don’t think that option is completely off the table for her. She knows how much her father favors her and she continues to twist that knife against her younger siblings. I think much of the paranoia we are going to see from Rhaenyra in the show not only comes from obviously losing her kids, but also from the two people who ‘protected’ her (daemon and viserys. I’m using this very losely bc they suck and saying this from her pov) essentially leaving her high and dry. Viserys shielded her from a lot of criticism and repercussions others would normally face. That paranoia/feeling alone, much like how Alicent’s manifested in show, could lead her to assuming her children will be killed. She would maybe try to get ahead of that.
Realistically, I can see show Rhaenyra sending terms the way Alicent did for her. Saying if they swear to her, they can go free. Now daemon is a whole different beast. Who knows - he couldve went behind her back and did something to the targtowers. Or she could have other advisors telling her to think of her kids/grandkids. Because even if there is no war between them, who is to say older Jaehaerys and Maelor won’t come to get what they think they are owned against Rhaenyra or even jace and baela’s hypothetically kids.
show rhaenyra would have pushed for peace, much like Alicent did, but I think Rhaenyra is surrounded by more forceful people. Daemon, corlys, rhaenys. On the other hand, we see Alicent take notice of Otto’s plotting and make moves to counteract that. It’s why I’ll never get the Alicent has no agency convo. The only reason Rhaenyra receives terms in the first place is bc of Alicent. If the roles were reversed, idk how that would have went. Otto lets this happen after Alicent agrees that Aegon will assume his authority. Plus I think Aegon craves his mother’s love/approval far more than daemon does Rhaenyra’s. Daemon doesn’t listen to Rhaenyra. The likelihood of Aegon listening to Alicent is higher
So, who knows how it would’ve panned out in the show. It’s very up in the air tbh.
Side note: It’s funny you mentioned the rhaenys line. I still do not get why she said that to Rhaenyra. All Alicent told rhaenys is that siding with Rhaenyra has done nothing for her family. True. And that without Meleys/velaryon support, Rhaenyra would maybe would NEGOTIATE. Also true. Alicent literally said she didn’t want war. What about Alicent’s tear filled pathetic brown eyes gave ‘omg can’t wait to kill Rhaenyra and them fuckass kids 🤪’ vibes to Rhaenys. Alicent says she wants peace, rhaenys snaps on her. Rhaenyra says she wants peace, and rhaenys is like ‘I think you killed my son but so true queen 😍’.
She has weird beef with Alicent for *checks notes* living a patriarchal society as a child bride and not ‘fighting back’ enough???
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destinysbounty · 1 year
I cant remember if ive ever mentioned my Floorboard AU before, but either way im gonna talk about it now and you cant stop me
Premise: Aspheera didnt banish Zane, she killed him. Poof. Vaporized. Gone. Kablooey. And the team, determined not to fall apart like they did the last time he died, decide to just. Not talk about it. Not address what happened. Just bottle everything up and pretend all is well, because theyre all terrified that if they openly acknowledge the gaping absence Zane left behind then it'll cause a team conflict. Things got messy last time Zane died, and they don't trust themselves not to fall apart twice. Which, when you think about it, might just be the most fitting way to honor Zane's memory, seeing as he was like the king of bottling things up (Ninjigma, anyone?)
Of course, this is only made more challenging by the fact that Pixal has inherited Zane's ice, and every time she uses or trains her new element its just a bitter reminder - to her and everyone else - of the fact that Zane is gone.
So now the ninja are going through all the motions of the Wildbrain seasons, but with everything warped by the loss of Zane. Like, Pixal dealing with all the mixed feelings of having Zane's powers, Wu training her, Kai lowkey resenting Pixal because he doesn't want her to replace Zane, Jay blaming himself for not taking Zane's vision seriously but ALSO refusing to tell anyone about it out of shame, Lloyd and Wu both fiercely blaming themselves for what happened, and Nya and Cole doing their darndest to hold everyone together but NOT doing very well. Someone get these kids some therapy.
And it's not just the characters, but the plot - in season 12, Unagami makes a Zane NPC to distract the ninja. And in season 13, they agree to go to Shintaro in the hopes that maybe a vacation will be a good distraction break from everything that's been going on. But with Cole's Mom TraumaTM opening back up, and a bunch of slavery happening, and the team getting split up, nobody is having a good time. Not to mention that Kai and Pixal end up stuck together, which sucks because they don't exactly get along anymore. And then of course, Seabound ends with Nya sacrificing herself - which ends up being the last straw that rips apart the team for realsies.
Now here's the catch: in the same way that Harumi was brought back by the Crystal King, so too has Zane been resurrected. The Overlord knows Zane is a powerful adversary, and would much rather have him on his side. Not to mention that Zane still has some Golden Power indelibly woven into his soul, and the explosion that killed them both also bound their fates together. When Zane defeated the Overlord, he earned his enemy's hatred and respect in equal measure.
But unlike Harumi, Zane's body was destroyed, meaning he cant be restored to his original vessel. So the Overlord instills Zane into a crystal construct that is bound to his will. Zane has to obey the Overlord, and he has no choice in the matter.
That being said, even as he's puppetted by the Overlord, hes not completely bereft of agency. He still resists every chance he gets, constantly trying to find some loophole in the Overlord's demands that will allow him to return to his friends and warn them about the coming threat. Also, he notices Harumi's reservations and doubts, and begins trying to appeal to her senses and get her to betray the Overlord. And while he's not 100% successful, he at least gets the ball rolling for Harumi's eventual redemption arc. Zane WILL defeat his enemy by making them his friend and that is a THREAT.
Zane also realizes that since he cant physically disobey the Overlord long enough to contact his friends, then maybe he can find a way to get someone else to do it for him. When choosing recruits for the Crystal Council, Zane manages to convince the Overlord to resurrect Morro for his cause - Morro was on their side in the end, after all, and only the ninja are aware of this. See, Zane is under the Overlord's control because he cant be trusted to keep his free will without fighting back - but if Morro keeps up appearances about being evil, then the Overlord might give him more leeway.
Morro isnt exactly happy about being dragged into a mess that has nothing to do with him, but reluctantly agrees to help Zane (if only in an effort to make up for his past). So they've kinda got a bittersweet begrudging alliance at first, that slowly evolves into something resembling a friendship.
And of course, while Zane is busy having the worst day of his life for like 50 days in a row, the ninja are ALSO having a bad time because the whole team is practically a hair-trigger away from a massive blow-out confrontation. That's what happens when you bottle things up, kids.
I have a lot more ideas for the AU, but these are all the broad strokes i have definitively planned out.
(If youre curious, its called the Floorboard AU because the WIP I had originally planned for it had the working title "The Floorboards Creak Under the Weight of Your Guilt." This is because the fic started out as a oneshot about the brief timeskip between the Fire and Ice Chapters, dissecting everyone's grief in response to Zane being assumed dead AGAIN. But then I thought "what if he died for real" and then things just spiraled out of control from there. I might change the name of the AU at some point though, who knows)
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kob131 · 4 months
This an half attempt to answer your quiestion, but you are by no means pressured to read it as it is just too long.
Now that i actually sit and think about it a bit more, I think i shouldnt have called them trait, rather the Impact that having a fucked up parent such as morgan had on them. Im sorry that i cant exactly point it out but i will try my best.
Even gawain who is a geniunely good person, can be too persistent as it seems and im pretty sure morgan was a pro in that regard. Gawain is a good person but he can be a bit fucked up too.
agravain is the one who hates morgan's guts the most while still not being able to completley able to escape the Impact she had on him. Being raised by morgan literally messed the dude up. Seeing morgan's probable short temper in agravain wasnt that hard for me. When he hates someone, the hatred is quite deep whether you even did something wrong or not. The "i hate women" line, while being extremly memeable, does imply that morgan definitely isnt the best female parental figure someone could have.
For mordred..... Oh boy, being isolated and having morgan as the only consistent influencial figure outside of your idol who didnt even know you exist , she was really unlucky. Mordred has a short temper which seems to be the easiest to point out.
We dont Know anything about gaheris *dramatic sobbing* outside of the fact that he is probebly the tallest among the five of them.
Either gareth was too young to remember her, or her brothers and lancelot's influence washed out any possible fucked upness. I would say the Impact the orkneys had on eachother did matter even if it isnt really brought up.
No no, I love reading.
I can see how Gawain's stubborness could have come from Morgan, given that both of their actions in the end did more harm than good.
Yeah, Agravain does seem to share Morgan's vindictiveness and fury. Kind of ironic considering he hates women in part because of Morgan's actions while he perpetuates those actions.
And...it might actually be worse for Mordred. A key part of Mordred's conflict is her inability to define herself (her Bond 10 Craft Essence is literally named 'Who Am I?') and a key aspect to Morgan is that her life is split in three to her three different roles. Three different parts of herself she likely could never reconcile between them.
I've said it once and I'll say it again- Mordred is probably the one person who could fully understand her mother.
Though, it's not like Gareth's personality is entirely separate from Morgan. Agravain may have ended up with issues but Gawain ended up as a pretty upstanding if stubborn guy. And remember Gawain's the ELDEST of the Orkney so logically he was exposed to Morgan the most. For him to have grown up that well adjusted, Morgan had to have been a good mother at some point. And it's said she also acted as a good sister/motherly figure to Arturia before finding out the full truth. Gareth's personality could very well be a reflection of who Morgan was before things fell apart.
But yeah, the Orkney siblings most certainly do affect each other quite a bit. Gawain is said to be the closest with Gareth, Agravain doesn't hate Gareth like he usually would (instead having a 'complicated' relationship) and Agravain does care about both Gawain and Mordred since he called out to Gawain after he was shot with Rhongyominad and questioned the Lion King's coldness towards Mordred in the Sixth Singularity. Remember, Lancelot having a lesser part in the Fall of Camelot caused his to utterly loathe the man- by all rights he shouldn't care about Mordred. Yet he clearly does.
P.S. Yeah...I wish we knew something about Gaheris too. Best we know is that he teased Gawain about not knowing how much Gareth looked up him in Garden Of Avalon.
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ok so I just saw this (@blobvis456) fanart of max with the caption "do you accept the risk?" which obviously is the quote lucas said to max when telling her about the up-side down.
and that threw my mind to this one analysis? or something that focused on how mike was against telling people about the supernatural shit, both as a way to keep the party safe, and also the person. I'll try to find it because I'm pretty sure I rb'd it and I'll link it when I do. EDIT : here (@darkquill98)
I am a sucker for time travel au's. specifically when the future is thrown into the past and reveals something not known (relationships -romantic or otherwise-, personal revelations etc) or when the past gets transported to the future and just see how they're future selfs are, whether it be in a fluffy way or angsty or something in between.
anyways. imagine this. it's the st season 2 finale after el closes the gates and everyone is back at the byer's house. they're planning the sleepover (the party not the older teens because it's awkward still). it's been a long night, and then suddenly there's a long bang or something and two people kinda just appear on the floor of the byers living room (where the party was planning on sleeping).
everyone's on edge, weapons are pointed and then they realize who it is.
mike and max considerably older (I see them as seniors but anytime post-s4 post-vecna defeat goes).
during this time, mike's gotten up to a sitting position on the floor, but max is still on her back.
a key point in this is that max is disabled.
so everyone (present) is surrounding m&m (it's much easier to type that max and mike every time) and they see as mike slowly helps max up and positions himself behind her so that she can lean against him.
this is odd for two reasons. a) max and mike are getting along? mike is helping her? which he'd obviously do either way (see skateboard scene) but still, it's the care and love he does it with. b) why does max need help? why didnt she get up her self?
before they can verbalise this one of the walkie talkies starts spewing static and first, which slowly clears into lucas's voice. future lucas.
there's talking about are they ok? do you know what happened? and so on so forth. it's not really planned out in my head but there are a few things revealed. 1) a reference is made to both el and will working together in order to create a signal between the present and future radios, 2) lucas asks how max is and she replies that it's a bad day and quips the whatever sent them here is abelist because it didn't even bother to send her wheelchair with her.
(max absolutely plays the abelism card wherever she can fight me on this. she also makes so many dark jokes related to it. i think lucas would kinda hate it but it makes her smile so it's fine with him. el also kinda hates it but she finds it funny as well so she conflicted.)
also the way I imagine things, most days max is in her wheelchair with limited mobility, on good days, she's able to walk with her crutches but on bad days (like the one she's having) she can barely move without pain and needs help a lot. (which the party+extended are always happy to give her)
so after the whole conversation, obviously the present have some questions, m&m just reveal that max is paralyzed due to some event with the up-side down but not how (because they're not sure how much they can reveal)
anyway onto why i wanted this. the angst. i want present max to cope with the fat fact that she can't walk, i want mike's guilt at not being able to keep her away, I want lucas's horror because he was the one that brought her into this. maybe will and el feel guilty because it was caused by the upside down. maybe the older members (teens +jopper) feel guilty because they're older they should have been able to protect her.
while i'd like the main focus to be how max has adapted to her disability (speaking of which, does anyone have any fics recs like that?) I also want little snippet into the future to show that despite things becoming worse for a while it's also gotten so much better. i see elumax and byler. or if elumax isnt your thing then elmax or lumax maybe with henderhop aswell. idk, it's kinda flexible ig (excepts for byler even though it's not a main-main focus i still want a reveal because mike to mike chat about their sexuality and relationship with will and el and will learning that theres hope (especially considering it's following the shed scene) and theres just a lot i think can be explored there)
it it was elumax, which is what i thought of, then it's lucas and max finding out they get together and finally act on their feelings, its lucas feeling odd because he's also dating el and he though that el and mike had their thing going on. its el's not sexuality crisis i would say but realising not everything is like in the movies. its el and max realising that they worked through their problems and became friends and then more.
for the older teens idk what but im either leaning towards established jancy whose worked through their issue with steve who is learning he's come to term with it and learning about robin (he definitely make more of an effort to befriend her while working at scoops ahoy) or stonathon. which might require alteration to the canon s2 or maybe not and they figure out how that complicated mess of relationships worked out (which i think would be hilarious cause at this point in time stancy have just had their nasty break-up and jancy are in that weird phase that's like we fucked and we lie each other a lot but haven't defined what we are yet only to find out apparently steve and jonathan are dating?? what?)
for jopper, if they find out they're established and married, I think there's a whole lot to work through, cause while joyce may have had some feelings for hop, that was far overshadowed by her love for bob who she is now grieving because he's dead because she dragged him into this supernatural bullshit and yeah she has a lot of shit to work through. not to mention I think hopper will also need time to come to terms especially since the last time he was married didnt go well.
this has drastically spiralled but whatever.
as a bonus to the previous, give me the byer-hopper clan realising they're becoming a family. jonathan had a new father figure and he doesn't know how to feel about that. hop suddenly has 2 sons. joyce has a daughter now jonathan and will have a sister now el has two brother now. apparently will and el who literally only just met are as close as twins in the future.
can you tell that i really love time travel au's. there's just so much potential.
this has spiraled way out of control so if the beginning and the end seem disjointed, its because I expected this to go in a very different direction.
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chaoticfandomthot · 4 months
Ep 14 mouse thoughts
- called the bong yi not saying anything and also the mu chi misdirection
- i fear if he stays close to his friends he'll end up killing one of them but if he tries to separate himself he'll fall deeper into yo han's brain
- Choi PD that was kind of stupid af of you ngl
- ah unless it was a trap/test FOR ba reum.. still stupid but smart stupid yknow
- im having the 'i could fix him' urges towards ba reum ill be honest
- okay this is cute af but so so so so sad i hope the dad was able to come to the wedding (HE WAS!! YIPPEEEE!!)
- i.. enforcing that him killing people is a good thing is stressing me out i'm scared of how it'll affect him long term (if he gets to have a long term)
- the aunt.. she knows.. she going to the us cause she knows..
- ba reum giving the cat away feels like a good thing for the poor kitten but i'm scared it might be a further loss of control but im glad the kitten can be safe but i have so many conflicting thoughts
- ..'she can fix me...' ...ba reum.. no...
- this would be better if she wasnt a highschooler when they met and there wasn't the 'i'll marry her when she comes of age' i can't root for them together
- aaah fuck the kid will die or have very important evidence fr fr
- AMAZING SATURDAY??? I hear kibum💕
- were the other guys just training?? 필요없어?? Daniel is bad news bad news bad news
- i feel like that target was really important tho..
- yo talk to that grandma she knows things for sureeeee
- i mean it feels like it's the meat truck guy but it seems a bit too straightforward?
- i mean okay then
- Chi kook! The shot was really weird and a bit ominous.. worried...
- okay so he's using the grandma as cover, he probably killed her cat which is the one she carried around and the keys are either for trophies or-
- okay so for evidence of bigger crimes
- the concept of identifying killers by dna never fails to piss me off because it assumes people can be born killers and never have the choice to not be one and no one kills vulnerable people unless they were 'born this way' but this show is too good for me to stop watching
- oh he had time? I'm glaf but also please stop before you can't anymore ba reum
- damn ba reum is quick af??? (Kinda hot)
- ba reum.. don't act dumb when you were previously sooooo fast to understand it's suspicious
- i feel like he'll believe he's getting better only to fall deeper
- mu chi my poor mid 40s baby boy
- not the sibling adoption😭😭😭 break my heart more will you
- wtf. Why is that necklaxe there??? The scar?? The brain can't replicate that but it can't be him?? It was before the surgery??
- WHAT???!???? HOW?!??!?
-no. No he didnt. He wouldnt. It cant be him. It was before. It was before. It cant be him. Please its not him. Please he wouldnt. No no no no no no non on ono no no no no no no no no come on no please.
- .
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ginevrafangirl · 11 months
Love Between Fairy And Devil Commentary Part 3
The final one! Excerpts from my reactions while watching episodes 25-36! Apologies for the delay
Part 1 | Part 2
when did shangque fall in love with her anyway i feel like it snuck up on me. like it was obvious it was going to happen, but the how happened subtly
the grooms need to get DRESSED
it would be hilarious if girlie and sauron get together now and kiss and people see and incest rumors cause the weddings to fall apart
wow sauron looks SO weird with his hair up
a red wedding is about to happen // its snowing as well for maximum effect
he cannot control hellfire well anymore he really should not be doing this
i love that him being 'injured' means he got eyeliner and dark lipstick
she didnt fail the tribulation besties she is fine
FINALLY we get a badass moment from girlie
wdym 'why cant i control hellfire' its obviously cause you have emotions again
have i mentioned how much i hate jin guangshan
did she just feed him her blood to heal? what in the svsss?
girlie's 'i want to jump into the river' after getting caught locking lips was so cute
also why is everyone acting like they dont know why sauron cant use hellfire // i mean he was against her restoring his emotions for this very reason??
god i knew they were gonna be disgustingly cute
i think jieli was prettier in the mortal clothes but girlie is definitely more gorgeous in her immortal robes
i really appreciate the little comedic moments scattered through this show
omg this is beautiful // the women singing together for the return of their men // very avatar like
DAMN that was an eventful two episodes // the wedding happened, batman appeared, everything went to plan, batmans identity was revealed, girlie and sauron finally kinda got together, danyin and ice man came back and girlie's true identity was also revealed
its so crazy that they are saying they need to settle the score as if sauron hasnt regularly whooped jack frost's ass completely
girlie you were happy as a mortal cause you were rich
omg she is literally 'i see you as a nice friend'-ing him rn. i didn't expect this level of self awareness
sauron feeling proud of dragon boy for scoring a date
sorry dragon boy jieli is a businessminded woman
i feel like a matchmaking auntie watching these cuties together
oh good batman backstory // he literally has no parents. but he is also blind like a bat. and uses sound - the flute. // i am a genius
HAN PU!????????? baby batman is HAN PU (who rules the world reference)
also batman is literally luo binghe (svsss reference)
good for jin guangshan and jack frost's mom for running away and escaping this madness
frostie is suicidal. cue the beat boxing song
that man did NOT swallow
DANYIN? danyin is the baby??? then why does the pregnant lady look like jieli???
i am 99% convinced fake old god is gonna die
this is a very random last minute storyline/backstory that i did seriously not see coming
has jieli been a plant by catwoman and batman this whole time?? thats why she cant reciprocate dragon's feelings?
shangque stop saying you'll forgive her manipulating you
damn the whole city gathered to stop him from getting laid
he wants to mawwy herrr
this is why dating villains is fun, they truly dont give a fuck about right or wrong, just you. great romance
he didnt go to hang locks! does he need to get the spike in him right NOW?
that punishment is so awful sauron become 3D in a 2D show
there is lightning! are they gonna kiss kiss body swap again?
Tumblr media
why dont they just tell emo boy girlie isnt a fairy, she is the goddess of xishun
this conflict is seriously so unneccessary, she is a GODDESS
the people on twitter were right, this does get only better as you keep watching
thats not a cave, thats a torture chamber
and he decided to share her pain // ofcourse he did
thats a long ass wig
i thought he was gonna carry her but them walking hand in hand is so much better
ice man and jin guangshan's fathers name is lord DONG that is amazing
wowwwwww danyin just confessed her love in front of EVERYONE // balls // she has got balls
girlie's true identity was the fix-it of everything huh
dragon boy is brave to the point of stupid giving jieli all his money // omg is she finally accepting him // i wonder what they will get up to in his dragon form
now wtf is happening here
plot is now aiming at killing girlie i see
i dont see how he didnt see the loss of hellfire coming from miles away after he got his emotions back, i mean wasnt he so opposed to it for this very reason??
i cant believe they hurt my babygirl dragon boy
the phrase "menacing fairies" is quite funny
sauron just wants to live in domestic bliss but the plot wants WAR
i love the meek obedient expression sauron gets on his face around girlie
he is too smart to work with an obviously evil swirling dark cloud // right?
mr sauron i thought you werent gonna lie to her
she has gotten good at setting boundaries
is he possesed rn or just what is happening
i hope the war lives up to the hype, unlike who rules the world // i mean we have been talking about it for literally 30 episodes
the crazy thing is that if he had been straight up with her and told her why she has to die she would have killed herself easily
jieli is fucking smart
I GET IT NOW // he cant take off the bone orchid cause she is devoted to him, so he has break her heart so he can take it off
oooo is it time for ✨war✨
for two opposing armies the fairy realm and demon realm sure have the exact same armour
i think even if she tries to kill herself she wont die cause of special goddess powers
ooooo i think he will use the evil qi and then girlie will purify it
wow her screams of pain are quite intense
honestly i am sick of lady war just having no agency in this story // like lets have her come back to life and tell off batman please
ohhh its the long awaited batman vs iceman fight
they sure picked a place with terrible visibility for this war huh
who tf is qingchuan???
after all this time iceman just now found out batman is ronghao?
love how lady si ming still hasnt shown up again // though i do still believe she will
i knew it!! her magic dust brought everyone back to life
that god(dess) for better visibility amirite
wait are they still pretending she isnt gonna live
sauron doesnt have enough sand on his face, he face planted multiple times. i need him to be coughing up sand
oh wow she is actually disintigrating thanos snap style
why is jieli not just telling dragon boy the truth that she was poisoned? is it cause she knows catwoman is gonna come after her and she doesnt want him to get hurt?
and now batmans all happy and shit?? rude
omg stop manipulating lady war i am sick and tired of her agency being taken away
awwww this is a very cute sequence if not for the fact that he is definitely dreaming
wow watching sauron smile with all his teeth is weirddd
so i guess the remaining 5 eps will be him trying to get girlie back
if dragon boi dies i am gonna riot
oh its a dream sharing incense burner!
woooooow hot take from ice man there 'she will come back from death cause she hasnt married me yet'
i love the juxtaposition of the chaos irl and the serenity in his dream
i am really confused about the girlie marrying iceman prophecy because there is no way thats gonna happen right? unless she has some serious memory loss or something
i am so confused about ronghao's feeling towards lady war
jin guangshan is a fucking bitch
hah i knew lady si ming was gonna turn up
what a power couple though lady si ming and her dragon living together forever
popping back in to say i was right about the memory loss (i stopped in the last few eps cause i was tired lol)
i hate memory loss tropes btw // her memories better come back
did lady war just off danyin?? // misdirect
after i was done i had some last words to say
the ending wasnt bad exactly, plot wise, but i missed the light hearted tone of the show in the last six episodes and also why do we get more fluff in the middle than at the end??
all i wanted was to see them getting married and sitting on the moon throne as king and queen
and not a single jielie/shangque kiss?? we were ROBBED
And that's it folks!! Overall a very fun and enjoyable experience, would recommend!
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lilredghost · 11 months
It needs to, he thinks to himself. I have plans with Anakin today. After all, the last thing Obi-Wan wants to do is disappoint his husband on account of his damned biology.
he doesnt know anakin would be so glad 😭😭😭 he didnt want an alpha in the first place this is misunderstandings galore im living for it
Should he chide his mother or spurn his husband? Should he attempt to compromise by bringing Obi-Wan to the temple, or will that hurt the both of them?
he's learninggggg my heart is full <3333 shmi needs to learn too istfg obi is a baby!!!! you dont wanna hurt him!!!!! he's the most innocent baby in this verse!!!!
i cant wait for them to go sand seal surfing together <3333 dangerous rides call for tightly held hands :) ALSO their kiss!!!!! they both are accepting and showing their feelings for each other im still swooning from that!!!!! cant cat wait for obi to give anakin the sash cause in anakin's mind obi proposed and the wedding wasnt done with tatooine's standards <3 this is gonna be so healing this is gonna improve my life i can just feel it
Anakin will come to him, he knows. He promised.
1. My best girl back in my ask box!! I am so ELATED that you're catching the details! I've been slowly making the transition on the way Obi-Wan smells since literally chapter ONE (OK chapter 3 actually but still)
2. He doesn't even know Anakin would still love him 🥺🥺. Hell, he doesn't even know Anakin loves him NOW. There's this bit in the next chapter, the following morning:
He studies Anakin carefully, taking in the soft expression on his face. With some surprise, Obi-Wan realises he’s seen it before, seen it directed at him. How long has his husband been looking at him like this? How had he not noticed?
He sees he's been blind about Anakin's feelings but continues to be blind about the EXTENT of Anakin's feelings.
Anakin realized he loves Obi-Wan (this chapter's "epiphany") and immediately was all in, 100%, this is his husband they're married and in love now. In his mind, it's clearly mutual.
But Obi-Wan has been in love with Anakin for a looong time now, and he thinks they're still taking baby steps in their relationship. They kissed, sure, but that doesn't mean Anakin is suddenly in love with him.
3. Anakin learning is soooo dear to me, because aaall the way back in chapter 3 he was like:
there is a part of Anakin that wants to be petty, to tease and bring the man to tears in a vindictive sort of punishment—an opportunity to take control back from his Emperor husband without any chance of it being perceived as a threat to their alliance. However experienced Obi-Wan is, he won’t stand a chance against Anakin.
But now he knows Obi-Wan has such a soft heart (the most innocent baby in this verse, you're right 🥺). He's treating Obi-Wan gently, he's not lashing out anymore. We see the growth SO MUCH in this chapter:
It's clear to Anakin that his alpha is still feeling a little unwell, looking pale and somewhat distracted. Anakin resolves to take it easy on him, today.
He slides one hand slowly up Obi-Wan’s back, the other reaching out to pull him down by the nape of his neck. He moves carefully, not wanting to spook Obi-Wan—but his husband comes eagerly, leaning down and pressing lips to lips.
As for Shmi... she'll change her opinion on him once the whole "who proposed to who" conflict is resolved
4. SAND SEAL SURFING. I'm planning to have them go sometime after the Celebration of Light but there will also be sooo many kissses between now and then <3
And don't even worry about the morning after, Anakin will be there! I already wrote the scene for the next morning. (Originally it was gonna be in ch13, but unfortunately it didn't work with the pacing)
There will still be some angst in the rest of the fic, but like...we've gotten passed the hard part. Once they return from their vacation, the larger plot will begin acting upon them again. They'll have all these problems thrown at them and they'll have to split up for a bit. But they'll still be TOGETHER 💕
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menstits · 8 months
is this a safe place to hate k4veh and k4vetham. Its so funny that his fans act like hes the most well written character in the game when hes just a guy with imposter syndrome and mommy issues that got scammed. funny of them also to act like nilou didnt do anything in the story like i think nilou is boring as fuck but at least she paid an important role on the first and last arcs, all kaveh did was argue with alhaitham at the end for 2 minutes for #fujopoints and thats it. also congrats to hkv for being the first gay ship to be implied but they feel sooooo forced bc u can tell hoyoverse is only good at writting yuri bc of past experience
I didn't even know that people were trying to argue about nilou too, you're bringing me discourse the likes of which i cannot even imagine. Like i cannot bring myself to get invested in nilou just because she's boring but objectively she's far more plot relevant than kaveh like bro we were trapped in her dream world for like an entire arc.
In all seriousness though, i don't want to be too much of a bitch because i do have mutuals who like kaveh/kavetham in a normal people manner so this is all about a specific chunk of the fanbase, i'm not making blanket statements like mewchies if you're reading this it's not about you i literally just have seen Things against my will on twitter and want to bitch about it + i'm adding a readmore cause this is becoming long
I don't even think it's like. An issue that's specific to the characters or the pairing. In a vacuum i would have probably felt entirely neutral about kaveh because he's not even an unlikeable character. If i lived in a cave and played the game without knowing what anyone else is doing in another lifetime maybe i would have even liked him. I don't harbor negative feelings towards the people who can be normal about liking a character but the thing is that he is literally just some guy. Like his Thing is that he's just some dude who's in his 30s and is kind hearted to a fault cause then he always gets scammed which in itself is like. A pretty funny/endearing character concept in itself. And i know that him being Just Some Guy makes him relatable to all manner of tormented young adults who are also Just Some Guy as well which is FINE. I get it. We are all some guy deep down. But what bothers me is that . A certain side of the fanbase wants him to be kaeya so fucking bad and will project conflicts onto kaveh that are literally just kaeya's and it's like. I will kill you with a rock. They have very similar conflicts except for the fact that kaveh's are repackaged to be about more mundane things compared to kaeya's and it's so... Kaeya has been there doing all that 3 years before kaveh was even a twinkle in the hoyoverse devs' eye . If you're a kaveh fan you better only ever say nice things about kaeya or i will strangle you.
My OTHER grievance with kaveh fujos which are really NOT even always the same category as the fans doing what i just mentioned is that . They draw him and write him like a cishet woman on the verge of a divorce i don't know how else to explain like i feel like people brought back the insane super masc muscled seme x skinny malnourished frail and womanly uke with an inexplicably fat ass trend from older yaoi full force for these two in a way that i hadn't seen since like 2012 it's so sickening not even in a funny way not even just redesigning him to have different body proportions from the standard twink model like that's good end encouraged but NO they're just literally making him as frail and womanly and vitamins deficient looking as possible and then giving him a scary waist to hips ratio like ENOUGH. ENOUGJ that man has no ass HE HAS NO ASS HE'S SHAPED LIKE A BOOKMARK❗❗
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Because we need conflict
Let's try and have the Romanians cause up some shit - they wanna recruit vampires to take on the Volturi, and well they kinda liked Adam because Adam was a pretty fun guy
And at that moment - Adam wanted to get Evangeline as far away from the Volturi as possible so when they were like ayo let's meet up, he was like eh okay maybe in like a month or two ? (Bec that was when Evangeline had to turn)
So they just pitched up - and were like very threatening or idk the idea was for then to recruit Adam by threatening to kill Evangeline for good
So Adam was like okay fine but no harm comes to Evangeline
Evangeline gets info from Adam and then she goes and quickly emails the Volturi from a fake phone to get Demetri to track them and like save them
But Demetri doesn't come
Aro is back at Volterra like : give them some time. Let's see what they can come up with.
Meanwhile, Evangeline is trying not to die inside all the while playing secret assassin
But shit happens even more when her time is up and she has to turn (Adam doesn't turn her) so boom demetri is there and is like "yeah the kings want Evangeline." And Felix is with him, and Evangeline and Adam are like ???? Because what are they gonna do.
Plan is for Adam to be the two timing bitch - so he goes to the Volturi and obviously because Aro is tehre he figures out everything.
But oh shit. Then the Romanians know that Adam isn't on their side.
Okay no so wait, when Adam says he'll go with Evangeline, then Demetri is like, hm, how about no. And so Evangeline is the only one to go there.
Turns out baby Evangeline has to be the two timing vampire bitch (lol she SO asks Caius for tips - how to two time a coven)
Anyways, when she gets to Volterra she is (1) pissed because "DIDNT YOU GET MY EMAILS???" And (2) IF YOU GOT MY EMAILS THEN WHY DIDNT YOU REPLY? And (3) she's stressed about Adam especially since he's still with the Romanians and okay she thinks they started trusting him a bit because they didn't seem - okay no they seemed alarmed when Denetri and Felix got there but she's still so stressed.
Anyways Aro doesn't really like Adam because Adam is like a rebellious son you know (not to mention he knows Adam a bit from touching Edward's hand but now touching Evangeline's he obviously sees a different thing.) But Aro is old enough to know not to blindly trust people.
But oh, Evangeline? Thank god she doesn't have a mental shield because this means he can use Chelsea on her - and also, he thinks that it's a good thing she has such a good familial relationship with Adam, because that would mean the Romanians would believe if she played their side.
Damn, this whole war thing is gonna take a goddamn time - like a long time - because I liked the idea of the Romanians making a half vampire army - that'll take them, what, like, a full year from conception for the babies to be trained into being warriors?
Okay so it won't take that long but I think it'll take somewhat five years for Evangeline to adapt to vamp-hood and to also integrate herself into the Romanian ranks, because the Romanians won't trust her if she keeps on going back to Volterra (because Aro will wnat to touch her hand)
So oof the drama
Is dramatic
Because can you imagine essentially Caius and his mate being torn apart by war?
Like ooofffff I love it but poor Evangeline she just hates it and wants to cry
I think this whole arc for her will really shape her into the character that wanted to write - like the lowkey person who doesn't want to fight anymore, and to have Caius understand that part of her (understand just why she is like that and just - you know? Be able to relate to her a bit, except he still wants to fight because his mind just works better that way)
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magicshopaholic · 10 months
hey!!! just wanted to say how much i love your new update!
tbh, i understand that what taehyung did was wrong. even if he didnt mean to hurt her, he did very deeply by keeping it from her, bc as she said they revealed so much to each other even on the first day they met. that feeling is devastating.
however, my feelings are really conflicted on if the way shes handling it is right either. im never one to condone cheating, but even she admits that shes keenly aware of how genuinely sorry he is—and that she knows he would never do that again. her pain is valid asf, bc he shouldve known better to try to harbor that secret, alongside his friends. that was beyond foul and I can imagine how lonely, confused and absolutely devastated she was during that period. but it also doesnt mean she gets a free pass to inflict pain on him for the sake of punishment or revenge. and at this point in the story, it been going on for a while now.
i think she needs to really self-reflect on if she can get pass this and build up a trust in him again—cause thats a main determining factor of the possibility of them reuniting. otherwise, its a moot point bc it’ll always be the unspoken elephant in the room. its confusing to constantly point the finger at someone for rupturing a relationship, demand they give you space and then get pissed that theyre giving you space. she pushes him away, gets upset that hes respecting her boundaries and then yanks him closer.
he needs to really unpack why he allowed himself to do what he did and why his fear of losing her(even when he already had her) drove him to that point. you cant betray and ignore someone and then say you did it bc you were scared of losing them.
i know theyre just flawed humans, & theres so many layers of complexity w/ these two—especially in regard to taehyung showing his feelings. but i truly think he’s reached a breaking point. it scared her so much that hes starting to become distant, because she already expected him to fight tooth and nail for who knows how long.
they both really need therapy to work through it together(and individually bc they both have issues that may rock their relationship again if it goes unaddressed), or to let each other go completely and move on. bc at this point, theyre both hurting just each other.
I didn't respond to this immediately because I wanted to sit and take my time without any distractions. Firstly - thank you! Always nice to know that a fic has been enjoyed :)
Secondly, I think you make some very good points, including an important one that Dilara isn't perfect either. Not everything she's doing is right - or, at the very least, is the best way to go about it. Wanting to torture him is natural and that's probably why everyone's giving her a pass, but there's definitely a line and that line can be different for everyone.
You actually aren't the only one to catch this: Jimin has been dropping hints about how Taehyung is getting worse, Jungkook reminds her of something she almost did once upon a time, and even Chris, despite being angry on her behalf, acknowledges just how helpless Taehyung must be feeling.
Trusting him again really is the crux of the issue. The time for grovelling seems to have passed, like you said, and that's even scarier because now she has to get beyond the anger and look forward. That's really the only decision she needs to make: whether she trusts him or not. It can be a polarizing decision, but that's the point of writing real, human, flawed characters.
You could be right in that he's reached a breaking point - and she can tell. This thing you said:
it scared her so much that hes starting to become distant, because she already expected him to fight tooth and nail for who knows how long.
This is literally it. This is the whole fic (minus Jungkook) because as long as he was fighting, she didn't have to. Now that he's stopped, it's suddenly down to her and that's too difficult to face. But she needs to at some point or things will just end up going downhill from here.
I don't know about therapy - not because I don't think they need it, but because they don't think they need it. I think in general, both of them have a tendency to romanticise their relationship (Tae a little more, as we've seen) and each other, so the thought of involving a third person would seem a little pointless to them, sort of in a they would never understand kind of way.
Thank you sooo much for this review; it's so nice whenever readers put forward their own interpretations of my fics. I love writing human characters and that will mean that they will do things not everyone will agree with and seeing how that plays out with readers is such a pleasure.
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
hie I've just been sitting here thinking about harutaka fighting I know the whole "I knew i was gonna die and didn't tell you" is prime material for them to fight But I like to think about like Long term how they deal with little inevitable conflicts Bc those are gonna happen when you wanna spend your life by someone's side I feel like Haruka's reaction is most often just To immediately apologize He wants to fix things He doesn't want anyone to be upset So he slaps a bandaid over it! Takane however Needs to experience her feelings even if they suck She needs to get mad She needs to get sad (and try to cover up that sadness with angry outburts) I think there's times Haruka apologizes to try and soothe a conflict and she gets upset because it's really not his fault and she wishes he'd get mad instead! I think eventually they kinda learn Takane needs her moment to run through her feelings and just because she's crying screaming punching a pillow doesn't mean it's personal And Haruka needs to learn that sometimes it's okay if things feel bad for a bit, it's better to talk things through than to bury them under panicked pacification. A tense afternoon isn't going to undo their pile of happy memories. Honestly I wanna see Haruka try to get mad about something. Restaurant got his order wrong or something. And Takane's just there like yeah!! Tell them!!! And he immediately deflates when he has their attention (also if this characterization is a little off I apologize!! I hadn't touched kagepro in a while and have just recently gotten sucked back into the hyperfixation but haven't freshly gone through all the material yet. I'm slowly making my way through it again I just really enjoy your blog asjshffj)
YEAH EXACTLY U GET IT SO WELL especially with takane wishing haruka would get mad. they run through emotions differently, takane gets mad/explodes because she cares about something so much, so haruka not matching her energy when she gets like that makes her feel like he doesn't care.
i think that could be a good way for them to learn how things work, like if takane told him its like you dont even care and haruka had the chance to say OF COURSE he cares. how could he not???!!!
so when she's blowing up about something admittedly silly and haruka isnt telling her Hey that's silly and instead he's like ok❤️sorry❤️dont be mad❤️ that makes her madder. but haruka is also capable of getting angry yknow (NOVEL 6 KANO MOMENT) (Still so funny kano is the 1 character that managed to make haruka angry) but i have a hard time seeing him angry At takane. maybe he could call her immature or something lol....
i think he could ask her to stop being such a tease??? haruka's too spineless to ask her to stop teasing him (over the dimension lost days I moment) but by post str i dont think this would be a problem. maybe he could manage to ask and takane would be like AWWWW IM JUST GOOFING cuz from his pov in lost days it REALLY seemed like haruka didnt realise takane was fucking with him. personally i didnt notice in my first read. once i read it again i noticed takane is described to have a mischievous smile and stuff and that just changed the whole context. it was haruka moaning and crying abt having an art block and takane being like girl ur being pathetic and she was right🙏
i mostly have a hard time imagining What theyd fight about. i think they could have arguments but it'd have to be something punctual for that to take place. i dont think couples just Have to argue to work out at all. that bit u said abt "thats gonna happen when u wanna spend ur life with someone" LIKE yeah there are disagreements and all but nothing that could cause An Argument of that nature yknow.
that's why haruka not telling takane abt his condition is like the best potential for it, otherwise more domestic stuff is like. haruka wanting the lights on while playing a horror game and takane wanting them off. thats like the most heated dispute they can have bc theyre both very serious about their stances💔(haruka is scared. takane wants the full horror game experience🙄)
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