#but I would appreciate it if anyone had real sources on it cuz I do want to know
I just watched the first episode of the new atla and overall I’m liking it. My biggest complaint so far is the chunk of time in the beginning devoted to sozin (?) killing some guy and the whole air nomad genocide just being shown.
I’m not expecting it to be perfectly written given the time constraints, but I don’t know if these 8 eps are meant to cover the first season or the entire series. I never even considered it might be the whole thing until I saw a post criticizing the cut beach episode and I was like wait which beach episode we talking about here..... If it’s just the first season I have hope, but the idea of trying to do it all is just bewildering. If that is the case I’ll actually be impressed by the sheer gall of trying to tackle all of that, regardless of whether the result is good.
I really like how everything looks, yeah maybe the costumes look like costumes but i don’t mind it. I’d much rather have that than dull colorless boring outfits. (I’m not just comparing it to mr shyamalans movie, I’m thinking of every ugly live action adaptation of things I like, like winx club and disney) The locations and cgi are cool by my standards, and tbh I am feeling immersed in the world and how the characters looks, like woah they’re all real..... If all else fails we’ll have some decent gifset snd moodboard material.
Maybe I’ll eat my words by the next episode but for now I’m pretty happy.
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b1adie · 11 months
ADRIENE ANGELVIRUS xxiii × mirror pronouns × aro lesbo
… or just adriene, or adri…
this is a sideblog, main is a secret ^_^
uid: 604304306 (north america)
don’t comment sinophobic stuff on my posts (ie. “they’ll never make a gay relationship canon because its a chinese game” etc). don’t do any bigoted stuff really but thats the one i’ve mainly seen
please don’t send me fetish content, especially if you are on anon, a minor, or have no age listed. tbh don’t send me any nsfw unless you’re an adult and i’ve asked
i would appreciate if you could avoid tagging my posts with anything like ‘daddy/mommy’ even in a joking way, unless you are using it only as a parental term. keep in mind that i’m a real guy and have to see all of your tags…
if you want to repost some of my stuff, if it’s just a text post edited onto a pic, credit isn’t required (but still appreciated)! if it’s anything more complex, please do credit me, preferably with a link back to the original post. i spend way longer on my silly little edits than you’d expect.
you’re welcome to dm me, but please keep in mind that we start off as strangers, so something you think is funny could be misconstrued as rude or confusing on my end. tone indicators are absolutely fine to use if you’d like. conversely, feel free to ask me for clarification on anything you need, i don’t mind! i know i can be hard to read sometimes.
i’d also prefer you have an age (or at least age range or indicator like minor, 20+, etc) listed if you dm me, but obviously you don’t need to tell anyone anything. that’s just for my own personal comfort. i’m fine being friends with anyone, but a friendship with a high schooler would look a lot different than a friendship with someone around my own age.
if you make/find any art or content about worm theory you have to show it to me asap
(something about genshin impact or wuthering waves)
please send that to my genshin blog or my wuthering waves blog instead! (@nabumalikata + @threnodian)
(any lore question)
if i know it i’ll go find the source for you. if i don’t know, you can ask anyway and there’s a good chance i’ll go hunt down some answers for you. i love lore. i know everything
how do you make your (edits/gifs/etc)?
for silly edits usually just picsart, but procreate for the more intense ones. gifs i use a yt downloader site, then capcut to edit, then ezgif. videos either splice or capcut. glitters i made a tutorial here, but like, my method is really complicated since i’m always on my phone, so there’s probably an easier way if you have a pc…
can you make a gif/edit/glitter of this?
probably! be specific with what you want— send me pictures or direct links if you can. requests are always open, just keep in mind i may not do every single one i get (but i do tend to do them all eventually).
why didn’t you answer my ask yet?
sometimes i see an ask pop up in my activity feed so i answer it right away. otherwise it has to wait til i decide to open my inbox. if it’s an ask that requires some time, like asking about lore or builds or opinions, it’ll probably take me longer to get to. i’m a busy guy, i work 13 hour shifts irl and have chronic hand tendonitis which makes typing hard. ofc if you’re worried tumblr ate your ask, you’re fine to send another, just please don’t be rude or pushy about it, i promise i’ll get around to it ^^;
(worm theory) actually the noblesse worm died because it had so much knowledge so ratio cant be—
he’s a new worm. aha’s second worm. and, the first worm didnt die because it had too much knowledge, it died because aha took its power away.
do you ship (xyz) / how do you feel about (ship)?
probably sure + fine. i can pretty much get behind anything, i’m a multishipper, fine with poly and switching and whatever. the exceptions are child x adult and shipping family members in a romantic or sexual way. 👎.
this thing you said was incorrect!
woops! it happens. bring a source if you’re gonna correct me though— not cuz i don’t believe you, but because i love being right and need to be right next time. if this is about a theory, though, well… sometimes theories dont turn out right. its not MY fault hsr wasn’t cool enough to make Something Unto Death the corrupted remnant of Mikhail’s soul. whatever… my theory is just better than canon
you tagged a post with (character) but they’re not in it!
ah man. i mass tagged everything and am gradually going back and fixing it… send me a link to the post and i’ll edit it!
i’ll add more as i think of it…
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dearweirdme · 11 months
Thanks for ur response. Atleast I appreciate the fact that you are not rude, but please understand one thing! I am hurting yes, but not because i think Taekook is real. I am hurting because this world is messed up! I am angry because of how hypocritical and difficult pple can be. I am angry because of how easily pple forget things when new things start happening. I am angry because of all the hate Jimin gets because of all this nonsense. Do u think I believe in Jikook because i want to? Hell no! If it were left to me, i would NEVER put Jimin in this mess! You have no idea how much i pray for every day that Jimin has someone else in his life so he has peace! I believe in Jikook because the signs are there! They have always been there and even now, that we barely get any jikook interactions they are still there! You say i see things with a tunnel vision? No! I don’t. I have taken the time to study all the member dynamics and the only one that is exclusive is Jikook’s. You see, i didn’t start believing in Jikook because of the good moments. It was the painful moments, the difficult to watch moments, and even today my believe in them became stronger after seeing Jk sorta pulling away when Jimin cupped his face in his palms. For most pple, including Jikookers, that is not a good thing and in a way they are right but u see hun, trying to know which ship is real is not just about the moments, you have to put into consideration the members personalities as well! Even before i knew about Taennie, i never for a single second believed Taekook was real because of the sheer lack of panic! You know how some of y’all say Jimin makes Jk uncomfortable? U know how Jk always looks super comfortable with Tae no matter what Tae does, while he pulls aways or looks uneasy or uncomfortable with Jimin whenever he tries to just put his arms around him? That to me is the difference! Unlike other jikookers who do not see or refuse to admit that Jk usually looks uneasy around Jimin, i see it and i can admit it, and while Taekookers and anti’s use that as proof that Jk hates Jimin, I understand that, that is Jk not knowing how to handle it when Jimin gets touchy and he gets panicky. Hun, when you have nothing to hide, you are your most comfortable. It’s not the same when u have alot to hide or be guilty for. Think about Jk’s personality and it fits personally. Jk has had his bold moments with Jimin and that is why Jikook moments that JK initiates are the loudest! When Jk is in control, he is bold, when he isn’t, he gets extremely standoffish with Jimin. Not because he doesn’t like Jimin touching him but because he doesn’t know how to deal with it. You never initiate touches with someone whose touches you don’t enjoy. U don’t hover around someone you are uncomfortable with. I’m sure if u check will see threads of other Taekookers showing moments when Jk was extremely standoffish with Jimin. But u know the thing about edits, or shorts, they are extremely deceptive cuz u don’t see what happens b4 or after. Why do you think there are tons of Taekookers? Why do you think Taekook edits always get hits? It’s cuz it’s usually all sweet and beautiful, plus you taekookers are gifted when it comes to editing. I just saw an edit u posted below, of Jk apparently whispering something to Tae and Tae coming to stand by his side after that! It’s cute and beautiful and anyone will see that and believe TK is real but what is not shown is what ACTUALLY happened. I dare you to find that full video and watch and tell me if what is shown in that edit is really what happened. Just check and see what i am saying. You know why there aren’t that many jikookers? No it’s not cuz many more pple can clearly see TK’s love. Its not cuz Jikook is obviously not real and only Jokers believe them. It’s cuz with Jikook you get to see what a real relationship actually looks and feels like. It’s not always pleasant to watch. The avoidance, the rejection, the bad times etc. Nobody gets butterflies watching stuff like that.
Hi again essay leaving anon!
See, this is the message you left last night that I was going to respond to. Because it's different from what Jkkrs usually send me. And then you go and spend the whole night (at least to me it was nighttime) creating another account, pretending to be someone else (when your wording clearly gives you away) and sending me 4 more lengthy asks. Can you not see how that is a little troublesome? I am going to block you after this, and I will block you every time in the future, because you make me uncomfortable, and that is not because of the information you send me, but because you have made me too important. Who cares what I think! Honestly, i am not that much of a big deal.
You don't know this, but I am a trained media and literature researcher and analyser. I have training in psychology, sociology and journalism. All on a high level. I'm not practising those in my proffesion, but I know what I'm doing. You coming to my blog calling me "hun" and "dear" every few seconds comes of as condescending.
From your follow-ups it becomes clear we think very differently about what body language means and how Jk and Jimin and Tae react to those things. You see Jk resisting Jimin as a sign of him not knowing what to do, but he does love him... I see it as Jk claiming his personal space, because you just don't let anyone in there. Tae and Jk have always been more receptive of each others touches, you say so yourself. People are most comfortable with their partners, that is just such a normal logical way of thinking. I know camera's make everything different, but not that. Not the leaning into touches, the not shrugging them of, the familiarity of it all. It's a safe feeling, and that how it is between Tae and Jk... but you admit to seeing that yourself. Jk shrugs of other members too, but not as obviously, because the other members are less prone to be intimate themselves. There are just less moments of that happening in general. We see Jk differently. I agree that he was less receptive of skinship in general early on. He grew into it though. He came to like it and he came to be a generous instigator of skinship himself. Both Jimin and Tae helped him with that I feel. But it is obvious (and you say so yourself) that Tae was the one Jk leaned on and learned from the most. Tae is the thread that leads throughout Jk's whole development. Jimin had a development too. A seperate one. A tough one, that I feel he has struggled with a long time. Jimin struggled (and maybe still does) with a lot of insecurities. Both he and other members have talked about how hard he practised and how much work he put in. I think one of the reasons Jimin did part of promo with Yoongi is because he still struggles with insecurities. Jimin has had to work hard on becoming who he is now and allowing for his softer side. I think Jk might have played a part in that... being the cute little brother type. And I think Jimin allowed himself to be softer around Jk because of that age difference. He probably was hurt by Jk... because Jk has edges and he does not like being babied. He probably also saw the way Tae and Jk were and wanted to be able to do the same, since Tae and him are the same age. Those moments of hurt you talk of... are Jimin's personal struggles.
When I read this frst part of your asks I thought to myself "they have experienced heartbreak like what they describe here" and to no surprise of mine you talk about that in your next ask. This is personal to you. You identify with Jimin (i feel) and you make exuses for Jk (your ex-partner). I feel sorry for you having been in a situation that hurt you. But you cannot project this onto Jimin and Jk. Always be aware of your own biases. I have mine, and I always take those into account. I can also see parts of me in Jk. I am also an introvert who is able to switch 'on'. A lot of what I see Jk do and how he responds to both Tae and Jimin fits in how I would expect him to. None of us are male-queer-idols-in-SK though.
We differ in the way we see Jk and Jimin and Tae, and we differ in the way we think Bighit/Hybe allows them to be free. I think there is no way they'll allow an actual queer couple to be open like how you describe it. It goes against SK standards, Sk's way of dealing with idols, the music industry in general, the way boybands are marketed in general... none of those make it likely that Bighit/Hybe would let Jikook be as 'obvious' as Jkkrs in general make it seem. The way Taekook have been portrayed though, that does fit the picture.
You say Jimin tried to kiss Jk several times on camera... that is not what that is! It is playful, seductive maybe... but it is for the camera's. Look up tension between Hopemin or Vmin even... please do!
I could go on and on really, but I'm not going to disect all those moments you sent me. I do not have time for that, and I am not insecure about those. Please stop looking at my blog for your own sanity.
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I’ve always wondered why Roku spoke to Jeong Jeong and demanded he teach Aang firebending. There’s a lot of ways to interpret the spiritual experiences on ATLA, but whether you interpret them as actually occurring in the universe, or as a poetic depiction of someone’s gained insights, or wherever in-between, Jeong Jeong’s conversion to instruct the Avatar in the episode is unexpected. The painful events that follow are obvious. 
Did Roku want for this to happen? Does Jeong Jeong foresee a possibility where his teachings would go over well? It’s been hard for me to appreciate Jeong Jeong as a wise master. His anger and bitterness clash with the other White Lotus members--the level-headedness of Piandao, the divine madness of King Bumi, the compassion of Iroh; Jeong Jeong doesn’t even get the transformation narrative we see for Paku.  
What is Jeong Jeong’s claim to wisdom anyway? Today it hit me: his realization that gives him this authority is that Fire IS destructive. He is the only person to defect from the Fire Nation and live, meaning that he was the only person indoctrinated into all the fire nation ideals (including military service), all of them emphasizing the SUPERIORITY of fire and its associations, and to reach the conclusion, likely on his own, that the pain of fire is exactly that; there was nothing holy or exceptional about it. The Fire Nation was not pure, not imbued with some kind of special grace and wisdom that needed to be imparted upon others. Fire was a painful reality. 
Why did Aang need to hear this, though? I mean, hadn’t he, more than anyone else, experienced the truth of that??? Yet, we either interpret Roku as bringing Aang under Jeong Jeong’s instruction or we interpret it as Jeong Jeong being compelled, despite himself, to pass on his wisdom to Aang. Seems like a pretty bitchy move. The kid’s been through enough pyro related trauma. Except...
Our boy actually hasn’t accepted the full reality of his experiences up to this point. I’ve mentioned before how the first season is about Aang establishing deep connections after his loss. This includes a lot of missteps and risk-taking (see Jet and problematic Zuko), because Aang, especially in Season 1, leans toward people-pleasing and over-acceptance of others. If he can invite other’s validation, subconsciously, he hopes that might assuage the guilt and shame. Aang does not blame the imperial logic of the fire nation for the genocide of his culture, for the deaths of his friends and mentors; he blames himself. 
This, I think, is why he needs Jeong Jeong’s wisdom. The fire caused real harm. When someone has caused us suffering, some of us feel inclined to forgive easily. We had religious upbringings that emphasized this practice. We had certain ethics praised or demanded by our parents and teachers. But it’s not true forgiveness if you haven’t let yourself feel the pain of what they’ve done. And that shit ain’t pretty. But neither is the shit we do when we don’t acknowledge the reality of the sources of our pain. We become mistake repeaters. Maybe within new dynamics or at different scales. Aang, enlivened like so many firebenders before him, strikes the person he’s grown closest to since everything went down (someone, like in so many other real-world examples, who has held the most compassion for him because she knows from first-hand knowledge what he’s going through).  And this is the second episode in a row where he’s really damaged his friendships.
Katara retreats from him. She gives herself time to recover, to heal herself. This time, Aang’s left to process what he’s done. He swears off firebending, and this used to really hit me the wrong way, cuz it goes against the philosophy of fire=life we encounter in the third season. But now I see that it’s the first time we see Aang put up some kind of boundary in the series. And we see the alternative laid out in his battle with Zhao. The admiral is unknowingly self-destructive, more interested in his status and power than recognizing anything internal or even really seeing what he’s causing to happen in the world. Aang has finally started to see for himself his desire for self-discipline. That’s the wisdom Jeong Jeong, in all his railing against Fire, offers him. 
“But what can I tell you besides the fact that being on fire feels like being on fire? What can I tell you about the pain except that it was the most horrendous pain I have ever felt? The only way for me to show you how much it hurt, my friend, is for me to burn you myself, and that I will never do.”
Viet Thanh Nguyen, The Sympathizer
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razberryyum · 3 years
TGCF donghua Episode 11 Thoughts (SPOILERS for episode and novel!)
Ok I didn't think they were actually going to kiss, BUT for a heart-stopping second I thought they were gonna get close enough before cutting away. Just to tease us, if for no other reason. I actually held my breath. It was still a big tease nonetheless but I am still grateful for the scene because my God was it beautifully done. The focus on Dianxia's lips as he says Hua Cheng's name, the way his breath catches as HC leans closer, the world fading away around them, HC's ponytail gently falling forward just so, the way they just focus on his lips just as if from Dianxia's POV....all of it just screams romance. Once again, that was all the work of the donghua's team. In the book, this moment occurs when they're actually back at Puqi Shrine, and Xie Lian's actually in the middle of cleaning a table when he very nonchalantly addresses Hua Cheng by his name. It was cute because Dianxia did it so casually but hardly THIS romantic. So, really, hats off to the donghua team!
Actually other than that last scene, of course I am grateful to the donghua team for many other moments in this episode. To start, whenever they show San Lang protecting Dianxia.
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We know Xie Lian can definitely take care of himself, but I appreciate that Hua Cheng's instinct is always to protect him anyway. I actually thought that's why he gave himself the name," Hua Cheng". The words translate to "Flower City", and in the olden days, a city had walls protecting the people in it, so I figured that Hua Cheng chose this name to represent how he will always protect Xie Lian, that his protection is all encompassing. Lol, I can't wait to find out how wrong I am.
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Even though Hua Cheng's fight with Pei Su was mostly off screen and limited to quick flashes of swords clashing, what they did show of Hua Cheng in his "real" form was DELICIOUS.
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I am grateful to the donghua team for Hua Cheng's adorable reaction to Dianxia being cheeky. Too precious!
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Our General Hua looking like a god in armor...and the way he made bis appearance in that scene too, like a savior coming to rescue mankind...or in this case, Banyue.
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This scene actually made me tear up. I don't remember thinking Pei Su was that attached to Banyue when reading the book, but that might've been my fault for not paying close enough attention when HuaLian weren't directly involved. I was actually wondering how they were going to conclude the Banyue arc in just one episode since it felt like they would have to pack a lot into just 20 mins or so, but I think they did a really good job of wrapping it up. Didn't feel rushed or that anything important was missing.
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I love both of them already, but I want to especially commend the donghua team's character design for The Wind Master. I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read the book, but trust me when I say THAT is a brilliant bit of character design. They will have to change two things about her next season but it's like she's mostly there already. 😂 I also love her voice and voice performance (by VA Qiu Qiu), so perfect for the character. I seriously cannot wait to see more of her next season, especially after hearing that news about the VA. 😁
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I guffawed. This was a bit of brilliance too. Man, I just love the donghua team! They really did such a GREAT JOB bringing TGCF to life. I mean, is there really anyone who hates this adaptation?? I guess if you weren't into Xie Lian and Hua Cheng's relationship, the case of the week parts might be a bit underwhelming, but what I appreciate about them is that they inevitably link back to Dianxia and his past, or introduce us to new characters which then opens up the world. They always have a purpose, leading to bigger things. As a first season I think it was pretty strong, what they changed from the source material were usually positive alterations. I mean, I'm reading the book now because of this show, after putting it off for so long, so I'm definitely converted.
I do have to say though that the season did end on a rather odd note since it felt like there should have been just a few more beats before the end credits. It was a little abrupt imho, but it still is miles better than poor SVSSS's season finale, which ended on a freaking scene transition.
Of course there's still that special HuaLian episode on February 16th, so I guess technicallyyyyy this first season hasn't quite ended yet. The special looks to be picking up right where this episode leaves off: with Dianxia having a conversation with Hua Cheng back at Puqi Shrine about his role as Ghost King and other related topics. I'm not sure why it's airing a month and a half later, or why on February 16th instead of Valentine's Day, but I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. I'm just grateful we have more TGCF and HuaLian to look forward to. Second season is already in production, and apparently the theme song for it will drop tomorrow! A live action has been announced which they're still casting, and honestly some of those casting choices scare me so depending on who they end up deciding on, I might just gonna stay away from that completely and stick with the donghua and book.
Novel Reading Progress...about to finish Book 2... SPOILERS
MXTX-laoshi is a total sadist giving us THAT kind of sex pollen scene when nothing could be done cuz Hua Cheng's still a little bean sprout...I love Dianxia, love him more now knowing he was a pretty flawed human being, that he's absolutely not perfect...his heart is warm but his actions are sometimes quite cold...I blame his privileged upbringing and his youth and inexperience for some of his rash decisions...he means well but of course the road to hell is pathed with good intentions...wish he would stop forgetting about little Hua Cheng though, poor baby...the more I read about the human face disease the more I don't want to...just, overall, I feel this heavy weight on my heart now because I know things are going to go from worse to utter calamitous shit soon. I am SCARED, preparing my heart for breakage.
To read the TGCF novel: https://tgcfmxtx.carrd.co/
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se03, ep10 (part 1)
“ What to do? & how to do it? the answer & the method are so simple, so simple but difficult as hell. it was hard for me to get them, & that’s exactly why I treasure them/ makes them valuable”. kyo~ This is my favorite quote in all anime.
How many times a domestic abuse victim was told just leave this abusive partner? report them? easy. just make a call. Report your abusive parents? tell someone. easy. Just speak up. It is true. It is easy but difficult as hell. To believe it is your right to fight. No, to believe you deserve to fight. to Live. This abuse is not a punishment you must endure. Hope is not dead. How simple yet so difficult to do that. ugh! my heart!
- Seeing Death vs Facing Death: ( The abuser who was stopped):
Abuse is a form of slow death. An actual intentional murder of an innocent soul. Abusers suck the life out of their victims & kyo’s biological dad is the poster monster for that. His appearance:
thin deathly demeanor, lack of nourishment, excessive drinking, lack of desire get out of the abyss, wide eyes, tiny pupils, manic laughter. shaky body movement. pathetic outlook at things.
heavy breathing, lack of logic & distorted facts, blurry speech, bizarre mentality, toxic behavior, tendency to hurt, injure, both physically & verbally.
inability to grasp reality, desire for inflecting pain on others, finding joy in that as it justifies his entire toxic mentality.
Fear of being hurt like he hurt others & being paranoid since he KNOWS he should receive punishment.
Kyo stood watching this man spit, rage, shake, scream. The man from his past, the authoritative figure in his early tender years, the person who must always be right: a parent. Facing his dad, Kyo’s entire gradual change was fantastic:
Kyo went from feeling utter fear from this man, hatred towards him, grief at the loss of a father & a mother, to force himself to stand his ground & not leave” easy but difficult as hell“ , to talk ” easy but difficult as hell“ , to announce that isnt gonna die ” easy but difficult as hell“ to say I’m loved & I want to to be with someone ” easy but difficult as hell”
to then realize the source of his mom’s misery isnt him after all, but this jerk! & not crumble at this realization ” easy but difficult as hell“ to grief over his mom’s tragic life & still announce again that he’s anit throwing his life away ” easy but difficult as hell“ to still look at his dad with pity rather than immense hate & anger ” easy but difficult as hell“ to remove his hand & leave him behind in the past while he moves forward ” easy but difficult as hell“ to say “ i’ll come visit again, cuz I anit afraid of you anymore, I’m not running, but I’ll try to extend a hand if you wanna do the same one day. It is your choice to be the abuser who must be stopped or the one who is atoned! you can choose, dad! We heard his choice as kyo was leaving, didn’t we? locking himself in an eternal cage that he made for himself. After all, he is the monster in his own story by his own choice.
-Seeing death (1): Kyo watching his mom’s suicide is a traumatic experience especially considering she chose such a graphic way to exist this world. Kyo once said to tohru “ mom went flying”, he now said“ mom threw her life away” very graphic ways to explain her death both literally & figuratively. This alone coupled with his father accusing him, resulted in a 4 year old screaming” I’mma yuki & kill myself, this would make you happy, dad”. This explains kyo’s 2 meetings with yuki as kids“ I hate you” at the sohma estate, the 2nd meeting “ I hate you” at the street. Mimicking the toxic behavior of the dad. Why didn’t kyo mimic kazuma? cuz trauma doesn't work like that. Kids can live safely for time then one traumatic experience shatter their self-worth into an endless cycle of self-hurt, low self worth & anger issues or withdrawal. The writing that set kyo/yuki against each other is perfect.
-Seeing death (2): Kyo watching kyoko’s death hammers all the insecurities of child kyo deep down into teenage kyo. Kyoko too, went flying, blood everywhere. too much pain happening again, crashing hope & killing his fighting spirit over & over. Be with tohru? why? to kill her, too?
-Seeing death (3): Kyo watching tohru’s injured body. Yup. You caused this. not by pushing her or failing to catch her. No. but by hurting her with harsh words. by forcing her away from you.
-Facing death (1): Kyo facing his dad, the symbol of deadly-abuse. To stand & announce to live is huge. -Facing death (2): refuse death: being caged till death, -Facing death (3): To say, I wanna be loved & love someone, life is not just being outside, heck! kyo was outside for 17 years! life is abt being with those who give it meaning! -Facing death (4): To not demand others to die as a punishment. Walking away from his dad without igniting the cycle of revenge & hate. ahhhhhhhhhh~~~  Chef’s kiss!
-Seeing eye to eye: ( I don’t need to be you, but I appreciate you):
Kyo & yuki toxic relationship has been ongoing since their birth. The moment kyo’s dad was dismayed that he got the cat of all zodiac & the moment yuki’s mom was delighted she got the rat of all zodiacs. From that moment it became: look how lucky the rat parents? You shamed me? Look how pitiful that cat? eww! stay away from his filth. The explosive nature of kyo’s tragic fate tainted him with the blood of his mom & the daggers of his father’s hateful words, while the nature of yuki’s sheltered & locked fate tainted him with fear & isolation. They meet & both carry out the feelings of rejection & hate all while envying the other. The toxic nature of their relationship consist of fights & condensing words. Tohru connected both. Through her, they became civil. Even talking abt perverted shigure. Now that she is hurt, they are lost without her. Their lives are empty.
Yuki’s “ kyo has his own pain & reasons”  (to not see tohru) is my fave line! even better than all the epic lines after they confess their feelings. cuz this like happened before they connect. it shows that, I see his pain, I get he has his reasons. But whatever issues he have shouldn’t hurt tohru. this is when yuki interferes in kyo’s choices. For tohru. This is also when kyo really allows him to. For tohru. Had tohru nor be part of the fight, kyo wouldn’t even engage in it & yuki wouldn’t initiate it.
-“I wanted to be you!” : Kyo said it first. I loved this so much! Cuz kyo said I hate you first! it is so fulfilling that the truth is now out. From kyo first. Cuz really... that hate was all toxic inheritance from a toxic father & a toxic system.
- “Why do you have to say it firs!” Yuki was mad, cuz he was struggling with it for the longest time. to be kyo. He even mused on how kyo interacted with ppl in school, got himself his own mini kyo. lol. studied how kyo filled tohru’s world just by existing. yuki can't do that for tohru. he looked for someone whom he could do that for! yuki/machi scene at her house paralleled kyo/tohru scene at her room when she was sick (se01, e023) & when they eating the somen together (se02, e02), yuki/machi chalk scene paralleled kyo/tohru scene at the beach where he coaxed tohru to tell her mom’s story (se02, e07). Yuki really was having a hard time finding his true self & accepting it without needing to learn from kyo. It is hard to say “ i admired you” after being rejected by you! so kyo saying it first helped yuki say his after. Also, both boys were hella shocked they admire each other. Like both were deeply shocked! stupid boys! XD
Side Notes:
Kyo’s confrontation with his dad is furuba’s most powerful scene & most well-written one! From the fear of facing him, to talking to him with low voice, to physically stopping him, to the exposed last piece of locked memory abt the mother, to the freedom gained by walking forward! Heck, even how it was weaved psychologically to perfectly mimic children’s self-defense mechanisms & children copying their parents theme. The realistic depiction of abusers both in their most powerfully menacing moment & in their weakest cowardly moment. Top-tier writing! Hands down my fave furuba scene! Can’t ask for better! Can’t even imagine better! genius- writing Takaya-san!
The boys had a necessary fight & confrontation & the yuki’s entire speech was valid & perfect speech. However, as usual, I’m not a fan of how violence is depicted in furuba. I was actually “warned/ ordered” by an anon to not “ sh*t” on the boys fight scene. I don’t know why someone who’d read my reviews would think i’d have anything but love for both boys. I criticize the writing not the characters. Also, furuba fans have always been good to me, I state my opinion frankly & they talk to me! “ talk!”. You don’t have to throw virtual fists over different perspectives on fiction. Talking kindly does magic, also having different opinions is natural & normal for humans.
I love yuki so much, he’s one of my top faves in furuba & I get why the boys would quarrel & throw fists. I get the history between them, the current state of mind, their emotions & mentality & I get it’s fiction & drama that needs its “ OMG” moment. However, I cringe when I see violence used as a bonding moment in fiction in general. That’s just me. I wish the fight was done in a more artistic style without showing that scene where yuki corned kyo & punched him in full view of the screen. (again not hating on yuki nor the fact that they needed to fight). I’m jus saying I didn't need to see a one-sided beat up from a character I love to another one I love. That’s just me again~ feel free to enjoy this moment to its fullest. It’s fiction & I’m not judging anyone at all, nor hating anyone from real life or fiction <3<3<3.
Yuki’s last piece of character development is in my part 2 review! Along with machi. Also, yuki’s Japanese VA was awesome!!
Also, let yuki have deep various facial expressions!!!! ugh! In the fight scene they did yuki so dirty with his hair covering his eyes all the time! then followed by low quality shots of him breathing! Why?! The voice acting sold the entire excellent emotional rage more than the animation! Yuki can look pretty even when mad, heck! screw looking pretty! just give him deep facial expressions to mach his feelings! boy was hella mad like he never was his entire life! always forced to wear a mask or be diplomatic! now he’s screaming his lungs out, you hide his face??? really?? Sigh~ the anime always do this wit yuki, replace facial expressions with hair on eyes or having his eyes without light. I wanna see them expressive eyebrows so bad!!!
Another powerful VA performance was both kyo’s dad VAs! both the Japanese (with his excessive breathing) & the English VA (with his range). They sold the mad abusive character! they gave me chills!
Also, I sound like a broken record, but kyo’s both VAs did phenomenon in the dad’s scene & tohru’s scene. Honestly, I only watch the dub to hear Jerry! I learned his name & would watch the dub for him!
Akito, Arisa, Kureno in part 2 of my review as well.
Shigure/yuki returning home scene is call back to ep1. Ok, everybody loves a call back scene & the full circle thingy. but C’mon! you dont have to copy everything! the walk, the scenery, its purpose, dialogue & all! The anime really took advantage of kyo being missing. XD
Tohru’s dress/top color matches the color of kyo’s old hat (The hat). symbolic of him finding her? As if he did find her when they were children? cool. I love this detail. But i do NOT love this color on tohru at all !! lol. it is so dull on her. The dress style/ design mimics her same dress in se01, ep26 as she was talking to kazuma & kyo fought him. Their first intimate moment after nearly loosing the other. Heck! tohru was even hurt on her hand as well. but the color was a nice pastel yellow. It suited tohru. The hat’s bluish-greenish color matches tohru’s own pajama at home!!!! & kureno’s hospital pajama! T_T... why couldn't the hat be red!!!! a color that both represent kyo & yuki! both were compared to red before~ oh well~~ minor issue~
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
Ephemera Week (2002)
It’s still ephemera week, and we’re still talking about John K. I said most of my piece on him in the last post, so don’t expect there to go full bore on this one, except I forgot to say he’s animation’s Jerry Lewis. His current stuff is basically Hardly Working. I will not elaborate, because I’m being mean to you0.
In March, Adult Swim advertised a run of one-off specials. A couple of them were already covered because they fell under the parameters of “Adult Swim original production”. They were Welcome to Eltingville (March 3rd) and Saddle Rash (March 24th).
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Day in the Life of Ranger Smith | March 10th 2002 - 11:00 PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
This was one of two specials commissioned by Cartoon Network re-imagining Yogi Bear. The artist what took this assignment was John K, who I REEEAALLY skewered in last night’s post, didn’t I?
This is about Ranger Smith harassing animals and writing them up for violating park rules, basically. It’s short! I remember liking it at the time! Okay, maybe I’m going crazy here, but I distinctly remembered a part at the end where Ranger Smith is in bed and he solemnly confides in the viewer that the noises of wilderness give him nightmares and then it just ends. Did I imagine this? It does end with him in bed, but this doesn’t happen in the version on YouTube (which is from the Adult Swim airing). Huh.
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Boo Boo Runs Wild | March 10th 2002 - 11:15PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
Boo Boo Runs Wild was another one of these stand-alone Yogi Bear John K specials. This one was 30 minutes long. The Ranger Smith short was a brief 7 minutes; I’m guessing they aired a couple Capt. Lingers or something to fill time.
This one is about Boo Boo reverting to his feral nature and causing BIIIIG problems! This special would later go on to be kind of a weird trolling thing Adult Swim would do where they aired it every Sunday for a few months, even promoting regularly. This was like 2006, I think? They’d also air it as part of April Fools. Is that Adult Swim admitting this special sorta sucks? Does it sorta suck? Again, I liked these at the time and REFUSED to actively rewatch these for this write-up. Sorry.
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The Jetsons: Father and Son Day/The Best Son | March 10th, 2002 11:45PM (Originally aired on CartoonNetwork.com in 2001) Our John K rock block ends with a pair of Jetsons shorts, Father and Son Day and The Best Son respectively. This is kinda the same deal as his Yogi Bear shorts, but these were exclusive for Cartoon Network’s website. I remember watching them on there. They are as bad as you’d expect late-period John K internet shorts to be, though the second short is a superior version of Spielberg’s A.I. (in that it’s shorter).
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Night of the Living Doo | March 17th, 2002 - 11:00PM (originally aired on Cartoon Network, 2001)
Night of the Living Doo originally aired as wraparound segments during a Halloween Scooby Doo marathon on Cartoon Network. It’s kinda like an episode of the Scooby Doo Movies, which shoehorned in a guest star each episode. Suddenly my man Dick Van Dyke be running a carnival and shit. That’s the Scooby Doo Movies. At the end of the night they played all the wraparound segments in one uninterrupted sitting, so the viewer could appreciate it as an actual full-on Scooby Doo episode. Night of the Living Doo functioned both as an extension of that series as well as a parody. The guests were Gary Coleman, David Cross, and the very cool band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. It was all very self-deprecating and had jokes about the absurdity of Scooby Doo tropes. Well trod territory by this point, sure. But this is better than most irreverent Scooby Doo things. It didn’t hurt that I was a HUGE David Cross fan when this aired. Is this where I tell the stupid-ass story about getting mad at a message board guy for not liking David Cross? Sure. Okay, yeah. When this aired on Adult Swim a guy on Kon’s (hi Kon) message board posted something about not finding David Cross funny, shrugging that he didn’t get the hype. He cited this and his appearances in the Men in Black movies, and nothing else as proof for his lackluster comedy skills. It’s kinda like deeming Eddie Murphy as a bad comedian after watching Dr. Doolittle.
The point of this special is that David Cross is a little wooden and stilted, like in the old Scooby Doo Movies episodes. This poster revealed that he never heard David Cross’s stand-up or seen Mr. Show, explaining “I don’t watch puppet shows” A response that still baffles me to this day. Why Mr. Show isn’t a-- WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT? I’m not even sure if there was EVER a puppet on Mr. Show*. David wasn’t even a guest on Crank Yankers at this point! SO WHAT THE FUCK? To this day whenever mutual pals from that board get together and watch a movie or show and a puppet appears we make a joke about this guy. Good story? No? Fuck you.
Other stuff about this show: When it originally aired on Cartoon Network it was a little bit longer than the Adult Swim version. There’s a missing scene. I think it’s David trying to play an improv game with a mummy or something. At one point I had it on tape, but I’m not sure I kept it. Sorry.
*sorry to be coy here, but I do know of at least one puppet on Mr. Show, episode 204 there is brief footage of Grass Valley Greg putting on a puppet show for his staff. This CAN’T be the source of the confusion, can it? It’s literally like, 5 seconds.
This’ll teach me to skip a day cuz this really piled up. Thanks, guys. I love all the attention. It is my favorite thing.
I never really saw oblongs as something for the hot topic set. They had Invader Zim and Squee for that kind of shit. Oblongs feel like it was always directly targeting me: the shut-in comedy nerd who would appreciate will ferrell and the sklars being in a thing. Since they ended up doing the exact same show with Janeane Garofalo and David Cross a few years later it seems like that was the goal.
Yeah, I guess that also makes sense. There were a few elements that were kinda gothy but this show was mostly just Angus Oblong ahem, clowning around (puckering mouth to stifle laughter like Chris Elliott in Cabin Boy)
What are your thoughts on the other adult animation blocks of the past couple decades? Spike's notriously failed attempt. Animation Domination. Apparently Syfy has had their own going?
Spike was irredeemably bad. People think this shit is easy. Animation Domination is sorta legit, but it’s anchored by mostly crap. That ADHD thing was kinda good and underrated. Is that still going on? I wish I were more diligent about watching/recording that. Some of them bumpers were good. Also, we mustn’t forget MTV’s oddities. They were kinda the first cable network to court Adult Animation as their thing. They deserve some kind of credit for that. I’m sure they’re doing fine.
I'm having a nice big thing of spaghetti for dinner with some chicken parm? Jealous?
I’ve never had those are they good
What does Ephemera mean? Why is this happenening? Why aren't you talking about 10 Home Movies episodes in a row like a good boy.
In dude time, my friend. In dude time
What would be your Adult Swim dream come true?
Having a complete archive of Adult Swim blocks on a harddrive like Don Giller has with his Letterman archive. Even the commercials and shit. I know of a guy who was a regular taper of the entire block from night 1 but I’m not sure he kept up with it when they went nightly. I should ask him if he still has his tapes, huh?
That or they bring back the BUILD YOUR OWN DVD thing but with blu-rays and you can make your own bumps, which was a different thing they had. THEY SHOULD COMBINE THEM. And you can master it in SD if you wanna put 10 hours of stuff on a disk.
All this is archival bullshit dork shit. Real answer: Clay Croker comes back from the dead and every block is hosted by Space Ghost. That’d be it, right?
If anyone has genuine/better answers please write in with them I wanna keep this conversation going. ‘kay?
McDonalds reintroduces limited edition Adult Swim Toys. You can get them all (plus an extra to keep wrapped for collectors purposes) but you have to spend 20 dollars at McDonalds to grab them all. This is the last day of the promotion. You have to personally eat everything you buy but you can take it home. You can only buy one of each food item. What are you getting? I know the longer the mailbag message is the quicker you are inclined to give some glib remark but indulge this one for once.
Oh wow. I’m literally going to take this seriously. I’d roll in as breakfast was ending. Get myself a McChicken Biscuit and a Bacon Egg & Cheese McGriddle, hashbrowns and a Coffee. Gobble that knob on down. Wipe my mouth with a napkin. It’s lunchtime, bitch. Big Mac, Large Fries, BIG ass soda. You feel me, dude? Lemme tally up. Okay, probably need more. 20 piece nugget. Take that home cuz I’m probably gonna have to save some for dinner. That’s probably 20 bucks right there, especially if you go to the McDonalds on Burnside where all the menu items are more expensive because of the amount of security they have to hire (did you know that different McDonalds have different prices even in the same city? I didn’t until very recently). If this somehow doesn’t satisfy my price point I get a Vanilla shake and eat it anally DURING my BIG D squirt sesh, so it’ll spend as little time in my body as possible. Wait, do I get something for this? I might do this tomorrow just cuz. It sounds like a funky thing to do
Do you think you'll open an Adult Swim mueseum at some point? You seem to be the only steward of its history.
Unless I’m hired to by a large corporation, probably not. Also I don’t think I actually have much in the way of merch other than DVDs. I stopped being a DVD completist at some point around Freaknick The Musical. Oh, I never EVER bought a Robot Chicken DVD, EVER. I literally had a nightmare once that one appeared in my collection.
Hey! Please keep us abreast any time you put more of your garbage on eBay. Maybe you can put your wedding dress on there, you big girl.
Fucking sexist/trasphobic behavior.
Check out my eBay auctions I got season 18 of NCIS up there and some other things :)
The Ripping Friends blow chunks. I don't care if a rapist or the opposite of a rapist (a virgin who volunteers, lol) made it. It sucks a high hard one like when Ozzy banged the Cheiftan's Wife in that Black Sabbath TV Funhouse cartoon. Tell me more.
Tell you more?
Name one rap song you tolerate lol. You can't say anything by weird al or marky mark.
I guess I like the song the pest sings from the motion picture The Pest
Are there any good podcasts on adult swim?
The official one hosted by Matt Harrigan is good, but I’ve only bounced around on it. I don’t know if there’s any formal recap ones. I simply don’t know!
Buddy, you are BANNED for LIFE from my MAIL BAG! You drive me CRAZY!
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The Final Day’‘
This is absolutely going to be long and rambley af so I’mma just put a cut here. This is just one massive post for the entire rest of the game.
Rindo is back in the RG somehow. Which makes less than no sense. What was that crazy beam. Shibuya is GONE there isn’t an RG to send him back to, even if someone did want to send him back?
That beam reminded me of the Jesus beams not gonna lie.
But… Fret. Presumably Nagi and Beat too. They’re. Gone. Poor Rindo… That’s the worst kind of gaslighting. Reality itself is gaslighting this poor kid. ‘Your best friend in the world is gone, so gone that no one remembers him. You don’t even get to mourn properly because there is no one TO mourn.’  I am also not okay.
I assume this random talking to us at Hachiko is the dude I saw a brief glimpse of in a screenshot from the final trailer. Hazuki Mikagi, okay. Everything about this is supremely weird. 
Leading this weirdo around and he asked how we feel about emotions? Um, what?
Was he responsible for that beam of light?
This whole thing is extremely unsettling, I don’t think I like it. The music is all… serene, this guy keeps asking existential questions, who even comes up to some kid clearly having a bad day and demands a tour of the city.
He knows Rindo’s name even though we never told him. Not sure if that was a slip or an intentional nudge that Something is going on but there we go.
‘I should take this chance to apologize for Kubo. He’s a real piece of work.’ WHAT. YOU SEND HIM TO SHINJUKU?!?! IS THIS KID GOD!? WHAT!??!
‘Exorcised’. Like a demon. Which is a psychic rank you can get in the first game, and probably this game, ergo, a thing that exists in this universe.
Okay. So this Hazuki guy is Something Else. I dunno if he’s an Angel or higher or WHAT. He’s something. And he “exorcised” what Fuckwad had Fallen to when he decided not to stop at Shinjuku and continue on to Shibuya. But he only did this after Rindo faught so hard to stop it. And then he gave Rindo what he thought Rindo wanted. And now he’s here trying to understand why Rindo is miserable. Which to us, as humans, is obvious: the people he loved, the connections and family he had made through the game are all gone and worse, no one remembers they ever existed.
And now he’s being offered the chance to try again. This feels like a double edged sword. And I don’t care.
Okay I actually kind of appreciate the thing Hazuki is pulling here. He knows what it is that Rindo wants, I’m pretty sure he’s listening to his thoughts, actually, and in order to make Rindo own up to it he’s arguing the ‘no’ position. Giving Rindo someone to argue against so he can convince himself.
Bruh some of these clips were in the announcement trailer.
(I can’t wait to read the secret reports. That’s gonna be a wild ride.)
Oooooh that’s what ‘exorcised’ means. That is hardcore. He definitely deserved it but that is uh. Slightly inconvenient.
Can we actually contact Rhyme this time PLEASE. Oooh Rindo worked out Kaie is waiting for Rhyme. :O I’M FINALLY GONNA GET MY MASSIVE COUNTER OFFENSIVE FUCK YES. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I’M PUMPED LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!
Who’s gonna protect them. Beat. Really. Just give them the damn pins at this point. They both know their ways around a fight and Kaie might need the backup. If we lose, we’re all toast regardless, and if we win everyone gets put back where they belong.
AAAAAAAAAAAH SHE’S HERE!!! RHYME!!!! Aw… She can’t see Neku and Shoka cuz they’re actually dead. That’s really depressing. Makes sense but like. Oof. Especially for Neku.
I love that Rhyme still has a saying for everything.
This timeline is going to be a mess by the time I get everything positioned correctly lmao
Beat’s ‘How do you know about my sister?! Right, future.’ is never going to NOT be funny. It’s very refreshing to have a time travel plot where people just listen when he tells them shit needs to happen.
Is it acutaly Shiki time ohh my god. I might cry. Please tell me she has a face now. If her face is still illegal I will actually scream.
I’m offended. We didn’t get to go see Shiki. The betrayal. OH but now we might be? Stop playing with me, game. GIVE. ME. SHIKI.
Rindo was freaking out that we weren’t gonna be able to get rid of all the Noise around the café and I definitely threw my hands up and yelled when I saw the word ‘zeptogram’. And I read it before he said it, cuz I read v. fast. Nice to see you again, idiot. Please don’t go berserk again.
I am. Very impressed that Minamimoto managed to work out where the Dissonance Noise are coming from, down to the exact energy source that creates them. He nailed it. Well done sir.
I think… he’s proposing we awaken the city and use the energy generated by the thoughts and emotions of the living people to neutralize some of the Dissonance Noise that are waiting in the pin. Erode some of its power.
“How about this: I’ll talk, you type.” Lmao.
I got denied Shiki again. Part of me is annoyed. The other part of me is like ‘are they saving her entrance for when she can see Neku again properly because I can live with that’.
OH the Hishima cutscene is voiced now OKAY. Guess that means this is the one. Rhyme is voiced too. This is gonna be it.
And she speaks Minamioto. Coo.
Huh. Neku’s power is to sync with people. Which he learned to do in the first game. From Mr H, with the harmonizer pin. (Twister is playing and I have Emotions help) And now he’s gonna do it on an absolutely MASSIVE scale. This is insane. I am 1,000% here for it. Sync, Dive, Remind. And if I had to guess, we’re doing this atop 104.
Alright Shiba. ‘Mere. Tsugumi’s eyes aren’t all freaky anymore yay. Oh snap. He’s gonna unleash the Plague Noise against the Dissonance ones. Nice. Turnabout is fair play. I’m kinda sad Fuckwad isn’t here to witness that.
Alright. Change. Our. Fate.
“07734.” “Ew. Hey! Don’t just spout off numbers and walk away, you jerk!” That was amazing.
FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. NO. NO WAY. I DIDN’T THINK THERE WAS ANY WAY. OH. MY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. This is the first time Neku’s seen him since Joshua failed to stop Coco from killing him. I’m. A puddle. Help. Neku looked so happy. My cat is slightly concerned haha.
Neku still holds his hands like he’s got the headphones. The same pose as in the first game when you scan. This gives me all the feels.
“They’re just mindless thoughts” Okay so I’m mentally exhausted at this point and I processed that as ‘thots’ and it was hilarious. BEGONE THOTS.
Okay this thing right here? This is a final boss. And it is cool as fuck. Too bad it’s trying to END ME. So cool. SO. COOL. Here comes phase 2 lol. I died and had to redo it. FML.
That. Was awesome. A worthy successor to the epic final strike of the first game. 999% eh?
I continue to not like Shinjuku rules. Once you’re a Reaper, leaving means you get erased once the game ends? Disrespectfully, fuck that. Oh don’t you dare, Shoka. Don’t. You. Dare.
Oh, Joshua is here. PLEASE. Lmao Shoka’s reaction. I’m sure he appreciates that, the drama queen.
*facepalms* Joshua strikes again. I’ve missed you, you little shit. You are terrible, but I missed you. Rindo, I’m pretty sure she’s fine. I think captain helpful over here reincarnated her for you. Since you saved him and his city. I guess I’ll see though.
Uzuki and Kariya continue to be adorable. I love them. And yeah, good luck calling in that debt from Minamimoto, Coco. Gooooood luck.
I’m having a lot of Joshua centered emotions right now there is too much Joshua all at once help. “I should have known I could trust you.” You are killing me dude. You really, really should have. I’m going to turn that line over in my head for way too long, I just know it, but let’s try to get through this before my brain turns off completely. “Let’s not keep her waiting.” OKAY THANKS I’M GONNA CRY AGAIN.
What Hazuki was saying about ‘purifying’ as opposed to ‘destroying’ Shinjuku makes me think that restarting it in some form was always part of the plan, so hopefully they’ll have luck with that. It’s still profoundly fucked up that any of that happened, and even more so that it was sanctioned. I’m. Going to be hung up on that for a while once it sinks in.
This poor idiot hitting on Rhyme is about to get got oh no XD
Shiki is breaking my heart. Aaaaaaaah!!! Reunioooooon.
Ooof it’s been a month since Rindo saw Shoka. Big oof. Joshuaaaaaa.
And then they almost got hit by a car lmao. OMG HE MISSED HER FRIEND REQUESTS AHAHAHAHAH YOU GOOBER. Neku really should have warned them that Joshua is Like That lol. Even when he’s being helpful it’s in the must backhanded way possible.
I would very much like to know why on earth Shinjuku needed to be obliterated though. Like. Does that… Happen often? Maybe the secret reports say.
Speaking of, time to get those, along with the rest of the trophies.
!!!! The title screen updated, NICE. Can’t let anyone who hasn’t beaten it see that but NICE.
There’s another Another Day. Oh boy. I am not ready for that madness yet.
Random thought as I was moving this from word, where I typed it: I’m really, really fucking glad they didn’t decide to deal with Mr H the way they dealt with sleezy mcfuckwad. That would have been… I don’t have a word.
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codenamesazanka · 4 years
Geten (Part 2)
(Part 1)
Specifically, focusing Geten in Chapter 271/during this current ‘War’ arc:
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Look at his face! Bloodshot eyes and a vein about to pop. Geten’s ferociously  livid and about to slaughter some Heroes. (also I wanna point out that they’re actually addressing him as ‘Geten-sama’ still.)
In the Paranormal Liberation Front, Geten serves as one of the nine Lieutenants, and with Dabi, they lead the the ‘Violet’ Vanguard Action Guerilla Warfare Regiment.
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It’s a mouthful! Dictionary.com defines ‘guerilla warfare’ as: “the use of hit-and-run tactics by small, mobile groups of irregular forces operating in territory controlled by a hostile, regular force.” 
We’re aren’t told exactly what the Violet Regiment does, but I’m guessing they’re sort of first attacking force of the army - on the offensive; aiming at weak spots and key areas of Hero society; being quick, brutal, and unexpected to cause as much damage (to infrastructure, morale, personnel, etc) as possible to the Heroes. 
Which makes sense! Dabi’s fire can destroy a good part of a city, as can Geten’s ice. 
Making the two of them leaders, though. Well, it’s as one of the MLA member Sanctum said to Twice, they’re kinda figureheads handed their position (it’s true of the whole League save Shigaraki, really) - true for Dabi, definitely; and it seems true for Geten too, although he at least had some history of being a superior in the army. Still. 
Geten as a commander 
Despite being “central to the Liberation Army’s success” and being greatly respected, Geten never was given any leadership position that we knew of during My Villain Academia. 
It’s probably because he’s shit at caring about his fellow warriors. Mr. Compress notes this in Chapter 230. 
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His massive ice attacks are indiscriminate, destroying whole streets and anyone unlucky enough to be there, friends and foe alike. It doesn’t seem to be calculated sacrifice for a larger goal - Geten is simply callous and reckless.
He’s still the same about three months later, despite having a regiment under his responsibility and in the middle of a battle where the army probably should keep as many of their numbers as possible. 
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Here’s him essentially destroying what’s left of the mansion, tossing everyone - allies and heroes - into the air; and interrupting Dabi’s attack that would have at least taken out the Number 2 Hero. 
The irresponsibility extends off the battlefield - here’s Geten missing from a PLF meeting:
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(Even Gigantomachia is there! idk, maybe he forced his way in and no one can make him leave, and I’m not quite sure the significance of this, but it says something that Machia is attending and Geten is just not.) 
So it’s safe to say he isn’t very leadership material; he doesn’t know or ignores what leadership entails, and if he keeps up his preferred method of destructive attacks, he’s not going to have anything to lead either. 
He does know how to “command” at least somewhat, however - or that’s what I think is implied in Chapter 271.
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(Same image as above, except Viz translation + another panel)
Who could forget this awesome scene? Geten doing a signature ice explosion, wrecking everything - and there he is, on the battlefield, attention all on him, calling the Heroes “dogs of the state” and telling them they will not die peaceful deaths. Damn. He has correctly assessed the situation! He’s giving orders! Got a strategy! 
A sound strategy - and an actual one discussed in real military tactics: concentrate combat power on one location and rupture the enemy line. 
(info I found through googling here, here, and here.)
An encircled force attacks by using the rupture force to penetrate the enemy defensive positions in at least one location. The commander must produce overwhelming combat power at each breakout point... 
...The mission [is] to penetrate the enemy's encircling position, widen the gap, and hold the shoulders of the gap until all other encircled forces can move through.
It’s simplified here, and it’s kinda obvious, but it’s still exactly what one should do when they’re in a siege-like situation, i.e. surrounded, all routes, communication and reinforcement blocked and cut off. 
I’ve half-joked about him being dumb and maybe illiterate because he bragged about not going to school, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t taught things and given an education. (Like Shigaraki!) He’s obviously learned some military tactics and commanding along with his quirk training.
So yeah, Geten is doing everything right. 
The prospect of such a grouping of forces, placed in a confusing and desperate situation, makes unity of command and unity of effort absolutely essential. The most senior combat arms officer must establish his authority immediately. 
Especially in rallying the troops. It could be coincidental, he’s just angry and shouting at his soldiers to do finally something right; yet he’s still done it. 
And Geten does it alongside another action: he removes his hood. 
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In a meta sense, it’s likely to establish Geten as a character - he’s not a faceless mook, he’s not creepy ‘two glowing eyes in darkness’ enemy; he’s a character with a name and a (very pretty) face, that we can relate to and maybe even like. (That he mentions Re-Destro, the only person we know he cares about, and shows protectiveness/concern, adds to that.) He’s portrayed here in a way to make him badass, in a defining moment where the PLF gains some control of the situation, for us to cheer on. 
In-story though, the reason is more unclear? to me, anyways. During his battle with Dabi, he never removed his hood then. Here, is it to literally face the Heroes, to show that he doesn’t care if his face is known, to go head to head with them? Is it to show his men that he’s here, let the sight of his pretty face re-energize them, he’s at the frontlines fighting too? His quirk makes it obvious who he is, he needn’t show his face. 
Despite his disregard for other soldiers of the army, I’ve got a feeling that this is some sort of symbolic gesture to motivate them. Get their attention, establish his authority, finally be a bit of a leader. Cuz, man, the situation really calls for it. 
The Ice
When the attack began, we see Geten running towards the frontlines (chapter 263):
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(tiny note: Dabi is heading the opposite direction from everyone - going to help out Twice - but Geten, his co-leader, doesn’t pay attention to him at all. No ‘where the fuck are you goin’, nothing. Feel like they would’ve noticed each other, but no interaction here.) 
From what we can see, Geten doesn’t show up until Chapter 271, a length of time enough to have Hawks confront Twice, Dabi intervene, Hawks kills Twice, Dabi fanboys Stain, Tokoyami to the rescue, and a little more. Let’s say... 15, 20 minutes? 
So he’s missing from the frontlines at the start of the battle - I say he was probably trying to generate an absurd amount of ice during that time. This villa probably has a kitchen with some ice, but not enough. I’m guessing Geten went to find a water source (multiple of water sources?), froze it all, in preparation for the ice explosion. In preparation for him to create a battlefield to his advantage.
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So it looks the ice has engulfed the mansion, going up several stories, as well as spreading out to the mansion’s surroundings. A bunch of people are surrounded by ice - like Gang Orca there, right next to a wall of it. 
We know Geten has fine enough skill to shape ice to whatever he wants, and his range of control (and sense?) is massive. Whoever is standing on or is close to the ice - they’re in Geten’s territory, he controls the very ground they’re standing on. 
Go get ‘em, Geten. 
Part 3 is next! Will be focusing on Geten’s relationship with ReDestro, and other miscellaneous details. Feel free to suggest anything too.  
I could very much be over-estimating Geten’s intelligence! So don’t my word here too much. I’m sure there are a couple reaches here to. Constructive criticism is always appreciated! 
Note: a friend pointed out a reach in Part 1, which will be edited:
I think the fact that [Geten] targeted Dabi as his opponent, despite the obvious weakness his ice has to Dabi’s high-temperature flames, means he was looking for a challenge. Trying to show off, trying to prove that he can go up against his greatest enemy (as in, heat and fire) and come out on top.
It’s more likely that ReDestro had assigned Geten on the Dabi-hunt, given the panel from Chapter 238 where ReDestro is telling Geten to be wary of Dabi’s long-range flames. If there was any strategy to having Geten target Dabi, it could’ve been the general plan, rather than Geten’s own thing. 
thanks for reading! 
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spookyold-saintjm · 4 years
2 and 5 with Dark and a Clumsy Reader, cuz I’ve had my fair share of accidents and injuries while decorating
2: Do you need help hanging up the Christmas lights?
5: I made you some hot cocoa.
From this prompt list. 
Anon I feel you on that hardcore. Christmas decorating stresses me OUT, pals. I abbreviated one of the prompts to fit Dark’s voice a little better. Does that mean I lose? LOL.
Hope everyone is having a great holiday season!  
Darkiplier x reader
You cursed before you’d even taken enough steps back to see the tree in full.
You were spending your evening putting up a Christmas tree, but you had never done a whole setup by yourself before. You expected it to be fairly straightforward; after all, you’d been doing this almost your entire life with family or friends, so why should accomplishing it on your own be all that much different? 
You quickly found that you were mistaken.
First of all, you weren’t using a real tree, so lugging the box with the huge artificial tree from storage was already a chore. Next, fluffing it out was such a pain in the ass you were ready to quit before you were even halfway finished. It just never looked right.
Now, you were working on stringing the lights, but you simply could not get them aligned the right way. You had nearly fallen off the chair you had been standing on while trying to toss them around to the other side of the tree, more than once. Not to mention, you’d nearly knocked the whole damn thing over when you tripped over a stray strand of lights lying on the floor. 
You huffed in frustration as you stared at the somewhat lop-sided lights. This shouldn’t have been so difficult, dammit! You took a moment to attempt calm your nerves, steadying your breathing and trying to focus on how the egos would be so excited to see the tree sparkling in the lobby when they arrived back the next day.
You were just about to hop up on the chair again to adjust one of the upper rows of lights for maybe the millionth time when a deep voice behind you nearly made you jump out of your skin.
“Do you need help?” Dark’s voice almost echoed through the room. You flinched and spun around, somewhat relieved when you saw the source of the sound. Somewhat.
Dark was the one who still made you a bit uneasy. Brief explanations and context from the other egos had given you a faint hint as to the turmoil this man carried within, but nevertheless, he kind of, well…alright, he scared you a little bit.
He didn’t speak to you often, other than to ask the occasional question or make a request for you to bring him something during the day. Never hellos, goodbyes, or anything personal, just conversation to get you from one point to the next in the progression of the day’s work. 
“Dark!” you exclaimed, taking a small step back. “I didn’t realize anyone else was still here…” 
“I had some extra work to accomplish,” he stated. His head took a slight tilt as he peered at the scene behind you.  “And it looks like you did, as well.”
You nodded, a nervous smile appearing on your face. “Ahhh, well, I thought it would be something nice to look at for the next few weeks…” you felt your face get warm in embarrassment as you glanced back at the tree, “But it turns out I’m not so good at doing this on my own.”
Dark considered carefully before speaking, his eyes drifting from the tree to you, and slowly back again. “Very well. I’ll help you. You’ll be here all night, otherwise.” 
You blinked, unsure if you should be grateful for the help or insulted that Dark made it so obvious you were having a hard time accomplishing the task on your own. “Oh! Uh…well, alright. Thank you.”
The two of you quickly got started, Dark taking charge of physically stringing the lights as he was taller and had longer limbs than you, and could more easily able to navigate his way around and through the branches. You stood back and guided him on placement; you had a good eye for decorating and knew when things looked perfect, but it was the act of doing it that seemed to stump you in this scenario.
Dark stepped over to your side once the lights were placed, studying it for a moment before giving a single, silent nod of approval.
“Thanks again for your help,” you turned to him with a kind smile. “I really appreciate it, I’ll start the ornaments after—”
“You think I’m going to leave before the job is done?” Dark asked, his lips a thin line when he looked back at you. 
“I—“ You glanced over at the boxes of ornaments stacked off a few feet away from the now-sparkling tree. “I mean, you really don’t have to do anything else…”
“I said I would help, didn’t I?” he stopped you, already walking toward the boxes. He thoughtfully stared down at the box for a moment, then picked up a single, red orb. “So. How many of these are in this box?”
And that began the process of decorating. You knew Dark was someone of a meticulous nature, but he wholly proved himself in the hour you spent carefully constructing the placement of each ornament on the tree. Your creative minds worked surprisingly well together, and it was definitely nice to have someone with steadier hands and feet and…you know, was just less clumsy in general.
Dark was working on some final touches that you had both agreed to when you stepped out of the room, coming back a few minutes later with two steaming cups of a dark liquid.
“Here,” you offered one of the cups out to him when he glanced over his shoulder at you. “I made you some hot cocoa.”
Your brain sent off a sudden, internal alarm. What do you think you’re doing?! This wasn’t a man you could just offer hot chocolate to. He could so easily destroy you in ways you didn’t even want to consider.
You quickly retracted your arm back towards your body when you realized the absurdity of the offer. “If you like that kind of thing, it’s okay if not.”
Dark stood straight, facing you. He blinked once, his eyebrows furrowed.
“That’s…very kind. Thank you.” Dark slowly reached for the cup, almost seeming unsure, himself. You met his hand halfway, your fingers brushing just enough to send a strange wave of surprise through your body as he took the cup from you.
He stared down at the cup for a beat too long, enough to make you wonder what he was thinking about, before he gently lifted it up to his lips and took a short sip. You took a much longer sip from your own, your entire body suddenly feeling very stiff. Especially because now, the faintest upward curve of the corner of Dark’s mouth had caught your eye. 
You smiled back, and Dark’s face quickly fell flat again. You realized he must have not known he was smiling (sort of) in the first place, and you suddenly wanted nothing more than to flee the room at top speed. Dark spoke again before you had the chance.
“It’s been some time since I’ve just…spent time with someone else.” His eyes studied your face, trying to figure you out as if you were a puzzle and betraying the relaxed, casual demeanor he otherwise portrayed. “But, y/n, I must say I’ve enjoyed this evening.
“I—I’ve enjoyed it, too.” Your cheeks suddenly felt warmer as you were flattered at his efforts to be kind to you.
He almost seemed to hesitate before he replied, his eyes finally meeting your own with an earnest stare that could have sucked you in for hours. “In fact, if you’re okay with it…perhaps we could do it again, sometime.”
Your stomach dropped at his words, but there was no second-guessing, no doubt in your answer. You nodded, your smile spreading and your heartbeat rising when you answered him.
“I would like that, Dark.”
That half-smile of his returned yet again, and you stored the image in your mind. It was something you didn’t want to forget any time soon.
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
El Amor Todo Lo Puede          Chapter 52:  Over
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Source:  @fortheloveofbarba
Chapters 1-50  Chapter 51
Sitting in Rafael and Laura’s living room, the assembled cops held a strategy session no one had seen coming.  Laura was barely there, but clawing her way back.  She had to fight for every word it took to explain what she had seen and what, somewhere in the dark shadows of her mind, she had finally put together.  Carisi knew everything she knew about the case. He saw immediately what they’d missed as soon as Laura pointed it out and, from there, he carried the weight of explaining the case to the Chicago detectives.  They listened and asked perceptive questions that showed their expertise, as well as their deep desire to do something about what this prick Randolph had done to one of their own.  
Although Lieutenant Benson was there, there was no question that Voight was in charge.  Laura had asked him to help her, and everyone in the room knew what that meant.  She was not asking for help with clean, within-the-lines police work.  Benson was conflicted and, frankly, afraid of what this might lead to, but she was also as enraged as she had ever been about anything.  This bastard had killed Rafael.  She might not be willing to go to the lengths Voight would, but she was damn well going to hear him out.  She also admitted to herself that she could pull her detectives at any time, and still be fairly confident Voight’s team would do what needed to be done without them. Cowardly?  False virtue?  Maybe. But she didn’t kid herself about what she felt.  
“Listen,” Voight said from his position on the arm of Laura’s chair.  “We can get this asshole.   From what Carisi just said, there’s gonna be plenty of evidence.  He’s been right in front of us the whole time.  It’s really just a matter of putting it together a different way.  Which means, we do this right, we’re gonna be able to take the whole group down without needing too much more.”
Carisi appreciated Voight’s use of the word “us”, when he could easily have pointed out that it was NYPD and JTTF who had missed Randolph’s role up to now.
Voight took a moment to look into the eyes of everyone sitting in a tight circle on the furniture around him.  “So here’s the thing.  We’re gonna need to do this right.  We go off half-cocked, we may get Randolph, but the group survives.  Anybody willing to live with that?”
There was a chorus of negative responses, sprinkled with expletives.
“But it’s not gonna be easy, ‘cuz half of us are out of our jurisdiction and we’re not waiting for the feds.  I don’t want them anywhere near this, getting in the way and slowing things down.  Liv, how do we make sure whatever we find stands up?”
“I know how,” she responded.  “I’ll need to call in a couple of favors, and so will Ed.  But there’s never been a better reason.  You deal with strategy.  We’ll deal with authority.”
Captain Tucker was very deliberately not in the room.  He and Olivia both knew that this conversation was likely to be one it was in his best interests, as IAB, not to hear.    
The next morning, all four Chicago detectives were wearing JTTF shields. Just like Carisi and Parker, they’d been temporarily assigned JTTF credentials to take part in this case.  Nobody knew what Benson and Tucker had done to make that happen, or to stop JTTF from taking over, and nobody asked.  
Laura had given her bed – her and Rafael’s bed – over to her parents the night before.  She was still barely speaking, but as soon as she realized they’d been sleeping on the dreadful hide-a-bed in her couch, she had insisted.  She had slept on the couch, with her brothers on the floor nearby. They were planning to return to Chicago the following day to run the business, but their parents were planning to stay until Laura no longer needed them, however long that might be.
Laura realized through the thick fog that still enveloped her that they were all exhausted.  Her parents hadn’t even stirred when she’d tiptoed into her bedroom to get clothes and, more telling still, hadn’t heard her tap in the combination to her gun safe, which was on one of the bedside tables.
When she tiptoed out into the living room, Steve was still sound asleep, too.  She had a vague memory of him sitting up with her all the nights since…  He must need sleep more than anyone.  But her younger brother Dan’s eyes were wide open and he was frowning at her, taking in the Glock and the shield at her waist.
“You’ve got to be kidding.  What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“What I have to.”
“How can you be thinking of working right now?”
“Danny…”  It took her a long time to form the next sentence.  “We’re going to get him.”  
Dan looked at her with sudden understanding.
“Fuck him up,” he answered, his voice full of rage.  “I’ll cover you here.”
 The strategy session took place around the conference table in the SVU squad room.  There was a lot to plan.  Now that they had figured out the true structure of the group, they had identified several key members who all needed to be taken down simultaneously.  There could not be an opportunity for one to learn they’d been identified and warn the others.  This group had resources.  If they ran, they’d never be found.
Laura was still moving very slowly, so she was about half an hour late to the meeting.  As she walked into the squad room, every voice stopped mid-syllable.  What the hell?  She buried her husband yesterday and she was like a broken robot.  Now, today, she wants to work?
Olivia stood from the table and was about to say something to that effect, but Voight cut her off.  
“’Morning, Parker.  Glad you’re here.  We’re gonna need you for this.”  His expression defied anyone in the room to challenge him.  No one did.
The meeting was a long one.  They had to go back over all the evidence and fit it into its proper place in the true picture, now that they had it.  Then they had to figure out what else they would need.
Olivia felt bad for the poor ADA.  She was briefed on the case, and very quick on the uptake besides. But she was in an impossible position, and she knew it.  Every word she said was filtered through, “Is that what Barba would do?” and every member of SVU was comparing her to Barba in everything she did.  But she was tough and mad as hell about Barba’s murder.  She was glad to be able to be part of getting the assholes who had killed him, so she just shook it off.  Besides, the squad needed her.  They needed to be sure that what they did would burn the hate group to the ground.
Finally, in the late afternoon, the team had a plan and warrants, and were ready to hit the streets.  Platt partnered with Rollins, Burgess with Carisi, and Atwater with Olivia.  Each team had a target.  Voight kept Laura with him and Fin.  They were going after Randolph.  
Each team needed to obtain very specific evidence related to their suspect.  Platt and Rollins had both the simplest and most difficult job: they needed to get a confession.  Rollins’ impression of Platt was that Platt was probably very, very good at getting those. She was looking forward to seeing her in action.  Burgess and Carisi needed something tying their suspect to the bombing.  They had a search warrant, and were going to have to hope they found something.  But there was a good chance Randolph had helped them there.  Because he kept himself so far removed from obvious involvement in the group’s activities, there was a good chance the bomb had been built in the apartment they were going to search.  If it was, there would be evidence.  After Burgess and Carisi collared their guy, they and the CSU team were in for a long afternoon and evening.  Olivia and Atwater had the toughest assignment evidence-wise, because they honestly didn’t know what they were looking for.  Literature and other items simply espousing the hate group’s views weren’t enough.  Having those things wasn’t illegal and wasn’t enough to tie their guy to the group.  So far, all the FBI had on him was witnesses placing him with other group members.
And then there was Randolph.  They didn’t even know where he lived.  Which meant that Voight and Fin might well be roughing up a couple of people looking for him. Ordinarily, Laura would be right in there with them, but neither Voight nor Fin had any idea what to expect from her today.  They could always hope that one of the suspects being rounded up by the other teams would tell them where to find Randolph, but they couldn’t count on that.
Their first stop was a surprisingly upscale tavern.  Fin looked around with distaste at the booths with tall backs that went nearly to the ceiling, the upholstered barstools, and the tasteful décor.  He wanted to shoot the place up.  “Guess hate pays pretty good,” he muttered.  
“Not today,” Voight snarled.  
The bartender made them for cops the moment they walked in.  He didn’t even need to see Susie White – or whatever her real name was – bringing up the rear.  Voight and Fin bellied up to the bar in front of the bartender.  Laura continued around the bar to stand next to him.
“Hey-“ the bartender began to object.
Voight slapped his face around to the front again.  “You don’t need to worry about her unless you don’t answer my questions.  Where’s Randolph?”  
The guy stood up straighter and crossed his arms.  “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Really?”  Voight asked, looking pointedly at Laura.  “You know who that is?”
“Yeah, some fuckin’ undercover cop.  So?”
“So your friend Randolph killed her husband.  What kinda mood you think she’s in?  Think she might want a piece a’ you?”  
“She’s a midget,” the bartender scoffed.  
A few seconds later, from where his face was squashed painfully against the floor, the bartender tried to complain.  Voight didn’t even look over the bar to see what Laura was doing to him.  I guess she’s not just along for the ride, he thought.  There were very few people in the bar, and some of those had left hurriedly when the detectives walked in.  The rest couldn’t see anything happening behind the bar, and appeared to be trying very hard not to.
“I don’t see anything wrong here,” Voight said calmly.  “But if you have a beef, maybe you should think about telling me what I want to know.  ‘Cuz you gotta think my friend here’s got some anger issues right about now.”
There was a pain-filled squeak from behind the bar.  It was all Fin could do not to stand up on the rail of the bar to see what Laura was doing to the bartender.  The bartender continued to whine, getting louder in his protests.  Voight and Fin heard Laura growl something too quiet to hear, followed by a thump and a screech.  Voight raised an eyebrow at Fin.  
“How about now?  Know Randolph now?”  Voight asked in that same, nonchalant tone.
The bartender suddenly knew Randolph, but didn’t know where to find him.  He did, however, give them the name of someone who would know, and an address.  
“Now, here’s the problem you got,” Voight said to the bartender as he stood up from the floor, flexing his shoulders and rubbing his neck.  “You gotta decide whether to call Randolph and tell him we’re coming for him.  If you don’t, he’s gonna kill you.  If you do, she’s gonna kill you.  So let me break this down for you.  Your only shot is to keep your mouth shut and hope we nail him, because any other scenario ends with you dead.  Understand?”
The bartender understood.
The house in Bay Ridge was nice.  It looked like a nice family would live there, rather than the filth that actually did.  Voight and Fin planned to simply walk up to the front door.  That would work for them, but Randolph knew Laura’s face.  They’d had to drop her off a block away so that she could make her way through yards to cover the back of the house.  
The door was opened by a woman who looked like a soccer mom. The smell of something cooking wafted out the door, and she smiled at the detectives.  “Hello.  Can I help you?”
Fin kept his voice low.  He flashed his shield, motioned toward where Voight was doing the same, and said, “You are in a world of hurt, lady.  We got a warrant to search this house.  That can go down easy, or it can go down hard.  Either way, it’s happening.  You cooperate, it’ll go better for you.  Now.  Randolph in there?”
The woman’s face went slack for a moment as she determined what to do.  She chose wrong.  Beginning to yell, she tried to slam the door before Fin and Voight could shove their way in. There were a series of noises that sounded like they came from upstairs in the house as Fin and Voight overpowered the woman, and Voight was not gentle as he cuffed her to the banister while Fin tore up the stairs.  
They weren’t fast enough, because there was a back staircase and Randolph had been prepared in case this moment should come.  Warned by the woman’s shouts, he had picked up the pistol he kept an arm’s length away at all times and rocketed down the back staircase into the attached garage.  The first hint Laura had that anything was happening was the sound of the garage door at the front of the house opening.  She ran full-speed along the side of the house to the front, reaching it just as a late-model sedan crashed through the garage door before it was halfway up.  From her position at the side of the garage, she took aim, but had to pull back to safety when Randolph fired a number of wild shots with one hand while the car hurtled backward into the street.
“Oh, fuck no,” Laura growled, unable to get off even one effective shot.  She was across the yard and into the unmarked squad car before Fin and Voight sprang through the front door, and had the car started by the time they threw themselves in.  The tires squealed loudly as she turned the car around to race after Randolph.  
As they drove, Voight called the local cops to come and arrest the woman, then called the other teams.  The house was in one of those planned neighborhoods where the streets were short and confusing, purposely designed for a minimum of traffic and to slow those cars that did pass through.  It made catching up with Randolph easier than it otherwise would have been.  He got out of the neighborhood ahead of them, but they could see his car in the distance once he hit a main thoroughfare, weaving around other cars and raising smoke as he screeched the tires.  
Randolph seemed to be heading for a particular destination. They wondered aloud what it could be, but had no ideas.  All they could do was follow him.  There was no hope of the other teams making it to join the chase in time – they were in Brooklyn, and the other teams were in Manhattan - and the local cops would just fuck things up.  Platt and Rollins had their suspect in the box, already talking, and Carisi and Burgess had theirs cuffed in his apartment.  They were helping the CSU team by none-too-gently getting their suspect to point out where Randolph had made the bomb, and other evidence that would bury both the suspect and Randolph.  Olivia and Atwater had located their suspect, too, but were currently chasing him on foot through Chinatown.  It was up to Voight, Fin, and Laura to take down Randolph.
He pulled onto the Fort Hamilton Parkway and dodged pedestrians and other cars as he flew through neighborhoods, blowing stoplights all the way. As the detectives had expected, Randolph got onto the Gowanus Expressway.  That was actually a good thing.  Although there were no pedestrians or traffic signals, and all the cars were moving in the same direction, which allowed Randolph to go much faster, it also allowed Laura to concentrate on driving, rather than the hundred potential accidents that had confronted her every second on the Parkway.  
When Randolph screamed off the Expressway at the last second before passing an exit, Laura was forced to lose a few seconds avoiding other cars as she followed him.  He was heading to the waterfront.  Fin guessed he must have some kind of bolt hole down there, and hoped to lose them in the tangle of streets and obstacles near the piers.  
He almost succeeded.  He ditched the car in a massive parking lot full of row upon row of tractor-trailers.  There were just enough cars and shipping containers in the rows to keep the detectives from being able to follow him just by watching underneath the tractor-trailers, which meant the detectives had to split up to search for him.  They would have lost him had it not been for a couple of longshoremen sneaking a toke behind a warehouse, who shouted in surprise as Randolph went shooting past, pistol in hand.  All three detectives instinctively ran toward the sound, meeting up at a rusty, broken, corrugated steel fence.  Voight signaled Laura, who poked her Glock through the corner that had been pulled up to allow someone to slip through, followed by her head.  She took a very quick peek, saw an ancient 50-gallon drum still wobbling from Randolph’s passage, and scrambled through the hole, followed by Voight and then Fin.  Voight silently signaled Fin and Laura to go around the small, dilapidated warehouse directly in front of them, while he went the other way.  
Voight had much less distance to cover, so he reached the front of the leaky, rotted building first.  There was a large door for cargo to come in, and within that a smaller, man-sized door.  The man-sized door was ajar.  
When Fin and Laura joined him at the door, they silently signaled a plan and, Voight in the lead, burst into the warehouse.  They were met instantly by gunshots, but they’d been prepared for that and had ducked behind crates the second they were through the door. Voight didn’t bother trying to talk to Randolph.  He wasn’t going to give himself up.  Instead, Voight signaled Laura to keep him busy with a gunfight while he and Fin circled their way through the maze of crates, barrels, boxes, and what looked like bins of discarded auto parts to where Randolph was holed up.  As long as he kept shooting, it was easy to know where that was.
To give them more cover, Laura began shouting to Randolph. Even Voight was impressed at some of the filthy names she called him.  He figured it probably felt good to be able to speak her mind to the man who had murdered her husband.  But he knew it wouldn’t be enough.  
Randolph shouted back, taunting her with her pain.  Big mistake, Fin thought as he maneuvered, step by tiny, silent step, to where Randolph crouched.  Fin caught sight of Voight, twenty feet beyond him, as he passed between two stacks of boxes.  Randolph appeared to have no idea they were there.  God bless the dumb ones, Fin said to himself.  The ones who let themselves be blinded by hate, or anger, or lust, or whatever their thing was.  
Laura came very close to winging Voight as she narrowed in on Randolph based on where his shots were coming from.  As it was, he got a cut on his cheek from a splinter of wood flying off the crate she’d hit.  And then Voight heard Fin’s voice, low and menacing as he told Randolph it was over. Randolph turned to attempt to fight, but got Fin’s fist – gun still in it – across the face for his trouble.  He dropped his gun and Voight yelled to Laura to cease fire.  
Minutes later, Laura stood, panting, her Glock still in her hand as it hung at her side, while Fin led Randolph, cuffed and spitting mad, to an open spot on the floor of the small warehouse.  Voight kicked Randolph’s knees without a word, dropping him to a kneeling position.  Fin stood on one side, Voight on the other, as Laura deliberately, thoughtfully approached him.  She still wore the look of shocked horror she’d worn since she’d learned of Rafael’s death, but now it was overlayed with a hatred Fin would never have believed her capable of.   
She carefully lifted her Glock, taking her time as she aimed it between his eyes from six inches away.  No one spoke.  The only sound was the ragged breathing of the four in the large room, all of them still winded.  They remained as they were for a long time, Randolph glaring at Laura, daring her to kill him, while Voight and Fin stood, just waiting to see what would happen.
Finally, it was Randolph who broke the silence.  Laura had seen it coming.  The hate dimmed as he began to fully understand that Voight and Fin were not going to interfere.  First he looked confused, flicking his eyes back and forth to each of them.  Then, when they showed no reaction, no emotion, no intention to influence what was about to happen, the first flickers of fear began to cross his face.  
“You can’t kill me,” he said.  “You’re cops.”
There was no response from any of the detectives, but Laura’s hand began, ever so slightly, to shake.  Tears began to form in her eyes, the first tears Fin had seen since the day Rafael died.  Laura lifted her left hand and cupped her right, seemingly to steady her gun as it aimed directly at Randolph’s forehead. Over the next minute, she began to cry.  Tears began, slowly at first, to form and grow, then fall of their own weight down her cheeks as she stood, a silent war raging within her.     
Voight spoke in a low, gravelly growl.  “Nobody’s gonna blame you if you end this prick.  He came at you when you tried to arrest him.  Or you can use my gun, I’ll say I’m the one who did him.  However you need this to go, I got you.”
“We got you,” Fin added quietly.
Randolph began to cry then, whispering, “Please… don’t”.  
Now Laura was fully crying, choking back sobs as her hands shook wildly holding the Glock on Randolph.  She opened her mouth wide in a silent scream, willing herself to shoot.  Then she began to shout - a long, loud, wordless yell as she pounded her foot against the floor, trying to make herself kill the bastard who had murdered Rafael.  
And then, as quickly as it had begun, Laura’s shouting stopped.  She composed her face into a tortured mask.  For long, tense moments, she stood like that, arms outstretched, weapon ready to fire, finger on the trigger, barrel six inches from the hated man’s forehead.
“BANG!”  She shouted, as loudly as she possibly could. Fin and Voight jumped.  Randolph gasped and a large, wet stain bloomed at the crotch of his pants.
With that, Laura ejected the magazine from her Glock, holding the gun in one hand, and the ammunition in the other.  Her arms hung limply at her sides and she fell to her knees on the greasy, dirty floor, head bowed to her chest.  Fin quickly pulled Randolph up by his arms and frogmarched him out to the squad car.  He was not going to get to see any more of the grief he had caused.    
Laura was wracked by huge sobs that convulsed her whole body. She dropped her gun and magazine, falling forward onto all fours and keening, gasping for breath between uncontrollable spasms of wailing.  Voight holstered his weapon and moved hers away, then knelt down beside her as she collapsed further, her forehead now resting on the concrete floor.  Sobs gave way to screams so loud they hurt Voight’s ears.  Laura began to pound the floor with her fist, again and again as she at last gave the first release to her anguished heartbreak. 
Voight simply stayed, kneeling next to her, a hand on her back, letting her scream and pound out her rage.  He wasn’t afraid of the power of her grief. He knew that power, and knew that, as much as you wanted it to kill you, it didn’t.  While he shed tears for Laura and for her Rafael, he took the opportunity to shed some for himself, for Justin, and for Al.  
Eventually, she tired herself out screaming and pounding the floor, and gave herself over to weeping, her sobs intermixed with cries of torment. The floor began to be wet with her tears, and Voight could see that she was making no effort to stop the strings of saliva that occasionally dripped from her mouth, open wide to release the animal sounds she needed to make.
It was well over half an hour later when she lifted herself up, just enough to fall against Voight.  He caught her in his arms. 
“For what it’s worth,” he whispered, stroking her hair, “It doesn’t make you feel any better.  Pain’s the same whether you take him out or not.”
“I cant… I can’t…” she wailed.
“Unfortunately, kid, you can.  And you will.  And it will hurt like a motherfucker for – as far as I can tell – the rest of your life.  All I got is, you’re not alone.  Me and whole lot of other people, we’re walking around with shit we shouldn’t be able to carry.  But we do.  You will, too.”
“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!”  She screamed, her voice echoing around the warehouse.
“That’s it.  You’re doin’ good.  C’mon.  Gimme another one.”
“Cocksucking motherfucking shit, shit, SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!  Fucking cunting hell-damned…  FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!”
Voight knelt on the filthy warehouse floor, holding Laura and letting her vent her agony, until the sun was long gone from the sky and she was too tired to do more than whimper weakly.  Carisi and Burgess had dumped their suspect at the station house and come to Brooklyn as fast as they could, arriving to find Fin standing a few feet from the squad car, just looking at the lights of Governor’s Island across the water.  They could hear the sound of Randolph whining in the back seat, having been cuffed there for over an hour, but they couldn’t hear his words, and none of the detectives could have scrounged up a fuck if they’d tried.  
They stood together, hearing Laura’s voice occasionally, and talking in low tones about the other arrests.  The group was dead.  They had gotten confessions from all of the suspects, once they’d realized the overwhelming evidence against them, and the two who had known Randolph was the leader of the hate group were even now filling tablets of paper with statements that would send him to prison forever.  
When they could no longer hear Laura’s voice, Carisi had gone into the warehouse to quietly see what was going on.  Voight was still holding her as she cried herself out, so Fin and Burgess left to take Randolph to the station house.  They were not going to allow him to see Laura again until she testified at his trial, calm and in control of her emotions, and there to crucify him.  
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lilithpooped · 5 years
Promise - Kim Hongjoong
Song Request: Promise by Ateez
Requested by: @sleepyninibear
Genre: fluff
A/n: Promise always gives me the feeling of young love and saving the one you love. Love is not always about protecting, no one can protect anyone forever. It’s also about saving the one from dark times. I wrote this fic considering both the lyrics and the melody, hope you like it 💕
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“Mom, I don’t want to get married to him please don’t let it happen, please..” you begged.
“This is your dad’s will, y/n. You have to since it’s good for both the business and your future. Don’t cry, you’re gonna ruin your makeup.”
“Mom, I don’t care about makeup. How can you be so cold hearted? Haven’t you always been the one to tell me to do whatever I want? I can’t see how marrying him help with the business either!! And I told you I don’t love him, how can he be good for my future?!”
“Y/n, I told you to stop crying. You don’t have a choice right now. I told you to disagree with your dad when he first talked to you. This is not a game, you cannot go back. Especially not on your wedding day. If you were against the marriage that much, you should’ve told him then. Not now. Now stop crying and get ready. You’ll be walking to the aisle in 10 minutes.”
Your mom left the room. You looked at the mirror, your reflection seemed like a ruined masterpiece. Everything about your makeup, hair and wedding dress was perfect, just like your soon-to-be husband’s public image. He was the only heir of the biggest entertainment company in the country. He was rich, not so handsome but definitely attractive, charming and kind. He was everything someone like you could ask for.
But you didn’t ask for him.
Your family was above the average, too. But not as rich as his family. Your dad had an entertainment company which was not so successful at the moment and with you marrying the other company’s heir meant new business deals and growth for him. And since the heir really loved you and he was in fact the one asked for marriage, your dad immediately said yes before even asking you. Needless to say your relationship with him was not on a real dad-daughter level.
When he first told you that you were going to marry that man, you didn’t oppose to the idea. The heir was kind, cute and you always knew he had a crush on you. You weren’t seeing anyone anyways so you just accepted it and saw it as a chance to actually use him as a money source if you couldn’t like him even after trying to know each other. You didn’t oppose because marriage, love or sex meant nothing to you.
But it only lasted until you saw “the one”.
You met your “one” in a coffee shop. You were there to meet with your best friend and tell her about the wedding but she was late so you decided to grab your coffee first. You stood up, walked to the counter and got your favorite coffee. Took a sip before you walk back and wow! That was the best coffee you’ve ever had!
You turned back to your table and waited some more but your friend was nowhere to be found. You decided to text her.
“Hey where the heck are you? I’m slowly turning into a tree..........”
“Y/n I’m so sorry, my boyfriend got sick and I needed to take care of him. I couldn’t text you because he keeps puking and I’m with him rn.”
Wow... Amazing... Your bff ditched you.
You hadn’t replied to her text and decided to turn back home. But before you do, something inside you told you to ask for the barista and thank them in person. You wanted to let them know they were doing an amazing job and you would come there often for their coffee.
“Mr. Kim, our customer wants to see you.” Told (more like yelled) the cashier to the kitchen. You saw a red head behind the door window and that red head appeared in front of you in two seconds.
“Hello, I guess you asked for me. How can I help you?”
Wow he is handsome, you thought to yourself.
“Umm, I just wanted to say you create miracles back there. I mean this was the best coffee i have ever tasted, I’m gonna be a commoner here because of you.. I- I mean your coffee. Ehehe”
“Ah, thank you for saying so. I’m flattered but you’re exaggerating a bit, ehe, I don’t think my coffee is that good.”
He smiled shyly, you thought he looked cute. His eyes were shining.
“Oh, no no I’m not exaggerating. It was amazing. I didn’t want to finish it. Its taste still lingers. Ahaha.” This was your time to get shy now.
“Thank you so much. Your comment made my day.” He answered while smiling again.
“Ah.. Thank you for making coffee, i guess.. Ahaha! Umm. Okay anyways I should go now, thank you for the coffee again.”
You turned your back to the handsome barista and took a step before you hear him.
“Ummm, will I be able to see you around again? I mean, for coffee. I mean here..”
You turned your face to him again, something in your heart jumping at the sight of him.
“Yes, yes definitely. I will be coning here often.”
“Oh, then see you next time!” He gave you a cute and genuine smile while looking into your eyes.
You smiled back and turned back to your home.
All of it happened pretty fast from then on. On the second time, he told you his name. Kim Hongjoong. On the third time you two talked about your jobs and daily lives. On forth time, he asked you out by offering to make you a coffee when the shop is closed.
That was the time you fell for him.
It was you two in that coffee shop, till five in the morning you two talked, laughed and shared your stories. By the end of that date he was sitting closer to you. You were touching his arm while talking and laughing. Everything felt magical. Including your first kiss..
It was then you regretted not opposing to the marriage that’s been set for you. Life sure had a funny way to turn the things upside down.
You couldn’t keep the marriage thing as a secret from Hongjoong. You didn’t wanna trick him into thinking everything was normal. And he appreciated your honesty.
Of course he was confused and devastated at first. But you telling him the bare truth made him fall in love with you even more. He wanted to save you. He asked you to tell your dad that you changed your decision about the marriage and you did as he asked but your dad was furious when he heard your opposition. He was mad. He was throwing things to the floor just because he didn’t want to take his anger on you. But he didn’t accept your opposition. Instead, he decided to ground you. He made sure you hadn’t left your room. While he was at home, it was your mom watching your door so you couldn’t escape. She was not happy doing so but your dad scared her too.
You only left the room for dinner times and breakfast times. You had a bathroom for your own and always used that. And you only had your phone with you in the room which was enough to only call and text Hongjoong. He was also mad but not at you, he was mad at the situation, at your dad.
“I’m gonna do something, baby. Don’t you worry about it.” He texted you the night before the wedding.
“What are you going to do Hongjoong, just let it be. We can’t do anything at that point. Just remember i love you. I’m so sorry we met in a situation like this but I’m in love with you.”
“Just sleep and trust me my baby. I love you too.”
Now you were in your wedding dress, hair perfectly done and makeup making your face look like a porcelain doll, about to leave the room and be the wife of a rich heir.
“Y/n, it’s almost the time, get ready.” Your bff told you sticking her head in between the door and wall.
“Okay, thank you.” You answered silently, turning back to your reflection.
You heard the door closing.
You heard the door opening again and saw your best friend again, this time with a bag in her hands and worried look on her face.
“Y/n, oof your mom was right next to me and I was so afraid to get caught OOF god bless!!”
“What’s happening, what’s that bag, what are you talking about??”
“Look, Hongjoong is waiting for you outside. You should just go through the back door, he’s there. Here, take these sneakers. You will have to run, leave your highheels here. I put your stuff in this bag, I know it’s probably not enough for a lifetime but it should be enough for a week?? OKAY enough talk, just run!”
“What are you talking about, is that a joke cuz it’s not funny at all-“
“Y/n, you’re wasting your time! Just do as I said, why would I prank you with something like this, just go please. I’m gonna distract your mom. GO!”
She left your room hurriedly and you heard her talking to your mom.
Was it really Hongjoong? Was he insane?!?! Your dad-in-law’s security guards would kill him instanly if they knew!
You changed your high heels to sneakers quickly and opened the door just to see your mom’s back, she was talking to your friend and your friend and you got eye to eye for a split second before you hold your dress up and run until you saw Hongjoong. When you finally saw him, he was smiling so brightly you just wanted to stop your tracks and look at his face. Of course people heard noises your dress made and tried to run after you so Hongjoong held your arm tightly and made you run faster.
“My friends are waiting for us in two cars, if the security tries to follow us, they will distract them. You look so beautiful and we need to run faster.” He told you while running.
You were running and laughing crazily. It felt like you were running to your own freedom. With the only one you love...
Hongjoong remembered that time while looking at your sleeping figure in front of him. He was lucky. He was lucky because you were in front of him. It had been 2 years since you two ran away together but he still could feel the adrenaline in his veins. He remembered your laughing face, cheeks red from running, eyes sparkling. You looked so cute. You always looked so cute. He wanted to protect you. That day he did not only saved you but also he proved himself that he could protect you from most of the things if not everything.
Of course the rich family searched for you. But it was over now since the heir got married to another woman.
Hongjoong put his hand to your cheek and caressed it softly.
“I won’t let go of you. Don’t ever worry about anything, I’ll always be there to save you. I promise.” He mumbled while playing with your hair softly.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Linking to an old one-shot AU headcanon-thingie that morphed into actual fic like...five paragraphs in. Its basic premise is the Zataras and Graysons knew each other from various Zatara magicians of generations past all working the stage magic circuit. So (pre-Flashpoint, of Bruce’s actual age and generation, not like, YJ version obvsly, fhalksfklsa) Zatanna ends up adopting Dick instead, and then Things Happen that result in a Jason and a Tim Zatara as well, and all three still become vigilantes, but like, ones that combine different specialties of magics with their other individual canon characteristics, like Dick’s acrobatics and Jason’s fondness of a good brawl.
(Don’t worry, Meanwhile, back in Gotham, there’s still a Bruce and as we all know, where there’s a Bruce, that Bruce is gonna Bruce. Cass and Steph and Damian all end up Waynes and Duke would be an inevitability eventually as well.)
Anyway, self-indulgently bringing this back cuz I have an unnatural fondness for Magic Batbrothers: The Musical! type AUs, and also the dynamics in this quite amused me to write. Plus, I actually have Batfamily-focused followers now, lol. 
I played Dick off as more skewed towards the ‘goofy, perpetual sunshine machine’ fandom take than I usually do, because I mean, this was mostly just crack and I do admit he is fun to write that way when its Honestly Not That Deep, and also in a universe where he is actually loved and appreciated by his little brothers, and they all get along but also occasionally hate each other lots but not really just like the real family they are AND DESERVE TO BE WRITTEN AS, AHEM!
Anyway, an excerpt to go with the link above:
When last we left our intrepid heroes, rich entitled bastards with a pervy penchant for nursery rhymes and child assassins had set their sights on claiming Dick and turning him into their mindless zombie bird-themed killing machine. 
In all fairness, they did lead with the extremely persuasive argument of 'look we totally called dibs before he was even born, so.....step off??' 
Then they kidnapped him and attempted to turn him into their mindless zombie bird-themed killing machine.
Compelling argument though that may be, Dick's brothers are not impressed. They are, however, magical, hyper-competent and extremely petty slash vindictive.
All of which is to say, Tim turns the Court into a bunch of actual owls. And then Jason summons a giant murderous hawk-demon from another dimension that eats all the owls.
And then they wait for Dick to wake up from all the drugs the Court pumped him full of in preparation for The Ritual of Zombie Assassin Making. And Tim just has to ruin it, that asshole.
"You know, hawks aren't naturally the enemies of owls," Tim says out of nowhere. Well. Not out of nowhere so much as out of concern, because Tim's natural physiological response to being worried is to get pedantic.
"What," says Jason flatly. Which is his natural physiological response to Tim being. Y'know. Tim.
Tim shrugs, his eyes intent on their older brother, who is still making like Sleeping Beauty and sooooo gonna get razzed by them for that later, once the Worries and Anxieties have all exited stage right. "It just felt like you were going for a theme. Which is fine, I'm just saying, owls don't actually have natural predators. One might occasionally get killed by a hawk, but usually that's more of a territorial dispute and still pretty much an outlier in terms of statistics."
"Why would you even say that to me right now," says Jason flatly. Not asking, because its a rhetorical question and he's currently glaring the answer to it straight at Tim's back, and that answer is ugh you are such an annoying little shit sometimes.
Which is why when Dick groggily starts to come to, he's greeted by a soundtrack of:
"God, I'm so sorry, I'm just the worst for giving you information that you didn't have before, since clearly if you had you wouldn't have gone with a hawk!"
"Well what the fuck should I gone with, a demonic taxidermist? Like excuse me for being in such a rush to heap vengeance on the pretentious shits who kidnapped our brother, I didn't have time to go to wikipedia and figure out the most appropriate dramatic irony!"
"First off, why would you ever go to wikipedia as a source, we have literally had this exact argument several dozen times - "
"First off, are you seriously giving me bullet points right now. Seriously. Bullet points. Right now. That's a thing that's happening."
"You are such an infant. How are you five years older than me? I make one little critique and you bite my freaking head off - "
"What's happening?" Dick croaks out into one of the few synchronized pauses for breath. "Where are we?"
"The secret underground lair of an evil society of ornithologists who kidnapped you because your milkshake brings all the weirdos to the yard," Jason says crankily, still glaring at Tim.
Not that fuzzy, barely conscious but always guilt-prone Dick could possibly know that its not actually him Jason's ticked at. Tim face palms at his middle brother because what are bedside manners, clearly.
"A bird-themed cult calling themselves the Court of Owls pre-selected you to be turned into the general of their elite zombie assassin army," Tim recites quickly, predicting Dick's likely request for further information.
"Well that's rude," Dick frowns. He cracks open one eye experimentally, winces when even the dim lighting is enough to give his pounding headache a booster shot. Tries the other eye. Nope. Both eyes are in agreement. Light is the enemy of all that is good right now. Ugh. Definitely rude. He likes light. How dare someone incite this unforgivable betrayal from his BFF, light? "I don't think I care for their recruitment strategy. Although at least they wanted me to be the Boss Zombie Assassin I guess."
"Yes," Tim replies dolefully. "That does appear to be the silver lining here."
Despite their antagonism of thirty seconds ago, Jason snickers. They're nuanced like that.
"Well his usual priorities seem to be in place, so I think its safe to say we got to him before they could do any actual brainwashing," Jason says. "All in favor of blowing this popsicle stand?"
"Wait, there are popsicles?"
"No, there aren't popsicles in the evil cult's secret underground murder lair. Its a figure of speech, dumbass."
"Hey," Dick pouts. He coughs once, weakly, but Jason's eyes narrow in sudden suspicion of Milking It Syndrome. "Be nice to me. I was just kidnapped and almost made an Elite Zombie Assassin Boss and my head hurts and is all fuzzy and you know how I feel about popsicles. You shouldn't joke about them if you don't have any, that's just mean. But uh, should we be rushing? If the bad guys are coming back soon I do vote for the not being here option, like, just in case turning me into the Zombie Apocalypse is still on the evil cult agenda."
He would manage to latch onto the Elite and Boss part of that info dump, wouldn't he, Jason muses. What's the timeline for how long you have to express sympathy for your almost-brainwashed brother before you can yell at him for being insufferable about it? Is half an hour long enough?
"No, its fine," Tim assures their brother. "We uh....were slightly miffed about the whole kidnapping you thing, and so we were.....efficient? I guess you could say? About making sure they wouldn't do it again. I turned them all into owls."
"And then I summoned a hawk demon that ate them. You're welcome," Jason adds, not about to be left out. Even if he's going to have words later about being characterized as 'miffed.' The walking almanac knows more words in more languages than anyone in human history, pretty much, and he goes with miffed. The fuck, Timmy. The actual fuck.
"Aww, you guys, that's so sweet." Dick beams at them. Albeit at somewhat lower than his usual wattage. Then his forehead wrinkles slightly in confusion. "Why a hawk demon? Do owls not like hawks or something?"
Tim smirks at Jason viciously.
"I hate you with the searing intensity of a thousand suns," Jason tells his brat of a younger brother. "Also, gonorrhea."
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howareyanowpod · 5 years
The Letterkenny Leave
How Are Ya Now? Podcast Spotify Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1IDa578R0Drfh6WflJxMFU Guest Host:  Genesis Nunlee This weeks band:  Lizzie Boredom Pre-show stuff (00:00 - 09:58):
Indiegogo campaign:  https://igg.me/at/podscure/x/22323938#/
Please help us get our gear upgraded before the end of the month.
Growth:  25%
Cosplay contest:  https://howareyanowpod.com/how-are-ya-now-cosplay-contest/
New Patreon subscriber:  Shaine Wynsma https://www.patreon.com/HowAreYaNowPod
Happy Saturday Dean, And my best to your lovely wife Tiara. Congrats on all of your success! I have been listening for a couple of weeks and just finished the Season 3 wrap up. The interview with Tyler was amazing. As are you guys, not surprised it has taken off the way it has. I would love to be on the show. Watching, actually re-watching, S6 E1 right now. Which is the one I would pick, between us girls. But I am gonna takes you up on your offer of promoting something. Cuz that’s what’s I appreciates about yous. Sept 7 and 8th, I am going to be riding 200 miles in the Ride for Life Chicago. The Ride benefits TPAN, an HIV/AIDS outreach group in Chicago. It is 100 mile ride from Chicago to Sawyer, Michigan. A very Letterkenny type town in West Michigan, not sure of it population, but it has its problems. Then 100 miles back on the 8th. More information on TPAN is available at TPAN.org. This will be my 9th time doing this ride and raising funds for them. If any of the degens out there would like to donate, any amount is fine, my ride donation page link is http://support.tpan.com/goto/Shainemw. All the money goes into TPAN’s general fund. If they let me know they heard it from you, I’ll make reference to How Are Ya Now.  Over an Out, ShainePlease donate ANYTHING you can to Shaine's ride and let 'em know that you heard about it from us!!!
This is a big feminist episode!
Facebook Group - Professor Tricia Would Literally Shit a Brick
Episode dive (09:58- 0:48:00):
Recap:   Letterkenny Talent Show
Deep dive of this episode:  The Letterkenny Leave
Thoughts/Theories/Trivia/Questions (0:48:00 - 1:07:20):
"Meaty" episode
Hockey players and Skids BOTH had A LOT of dialog
Dean's never played "Never Have I Ever"
Thoughts/Questions/Observations from our degens: Bobby from JB’s Meme’s via Twitter stated: Also. Reilly and Jonesy's blackboard. The chubby stick figure and it says "Shoresy = fat " 😂And then: This is possibly the first episode, not written by Jared and Jacob. I could be wrong.Well, I then brought in “Awesome” (our Trivia Maven) to fact check. Her response was: “the first episode of #letterkenny to be written by someone other than @jaredkeeso  and @jacobtierney79 was s03e04 Les Hiques, by @TorrensJonathan” Victoria McCabe - Facebook (New admin for FB pages/groups) Even more Wayne autism evidence. Why is Katy still annoyed at McMurray in the later episode after this (I mean granted the phrasing was awful)? Does this answer last week's had she had both question? Ever played never have I ever? If so, best or worst thing you ever revealed or had revealed? Ever done or had done any of the mentioned goodbyes? Are there any ones you can think of that they didn't mention in that? That girl doesn't need to be on drugs, prob a good idea she read and didn't take the steroids. Poor poor trusting hockey players. Valerie Lopez - Facebook Soooo, didjya ever notiiiice (I'm doing terrific there bud) that Tanis'ssssses didn't partake of the hot tub party? Why is that? Why wouldn't the McMurray's have invited her given they know that it would have made Wayne uncomfortable to have her in the hot tub with him and they thrive on that. Just my own theory that the McMurray's thrive on discomfort and would have loved watching that happen.. And 2nd point --- does anyone REALLY believe that Pastor Glen had noooos ideas whats was happenings? It was such a fun contradiction to watch play out. Additionally, Valerie is a Patreon patron and now our HIGHEST contributor on our Indiegogo campaign!As you may remember, she heads-up the Comedy Wham podcast. She has now done three separate episodes on Comedy Wham that are in reference to Letterkenny.If you go to comedywham.com and put “Letterkeny” in their search box, you’ll find four articles!  Check ‘em out! Thank you so much, Valerie!  We love you to pieces! 
Glen and Gail being both oversexualized and undersexualized at the same time.
How white is Canada?
Racism:  North vs South vs Canada
Is Wayne into horror books?
What would happen if Wayne and Dary fought?
Mrs. McMurray looked really bummed when Dan got out of the hot tub. Trivia 
R&J reference "Charlotte gains, bro" and "Serge of gains, bro".  Those are references to:  Charlotte (English-French actress and singer) and Serge Gainsbourg (father of Charlotte, French singer and songwriter ) 
Soft-pass:  Opposite of a Hard-pass.  Something that you're interested in but just can't do.
Mrs. McMurray references being in (Aca)'pulco until "fellas started getting' haved from bridges with their dinks cutt off".  This was something that actually happened down in Acapulco in 2017/18 from rival drug gangs.
All of the baseball players mentioned had careers sullied by their use of steroids
Roger Clemens
Sammy Sosa
Jose Canseco
Anabolic steroids come in the form of tablets, capsules, a solution for injection and a cream or gel to rub into the skin. Weightlifters and bodybuilders who use steroids often take doses that are up to 100 times greater than those used to treat medical conditions.
Both books mentioned in this episode are real books.
Carrie Originally published: April 5, 1974 Author: Stephen King
The Boy at the Leafs Camp  Originally published: 1963 Author: Scott Young
Fuck - Fight - FERDA! (1:07:20 - 1:28:52)
Fuck:  Dan, the McMurrays (TOGETHER ONLY), Gail, and Tanis
Fight:  The FIRST time we've had NO scraps!!!
FERDA:   Everyone else.
Farewells and Outro:  (1:28:52 - 1:36:31) Next Episode: Great Day for Thunder Bay Artist of the week:  Lizzie Boredom Location:  Dallas, TX
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****************** Intro: Song: Problem Album: Dead Men Can't Catcall Outro: Song: Dead Men Can't Catcall Album: Dead Men Can't Catcall ******************
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 4  (spoilers for everything)
(covers mainly MDZS chaps 13 and 14)
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
(a 🐰 is earned every time there is a WangXian scene or even when they’re just thinking of each other…more than one 🐰 can be given based on the level of WangXian-ness in a scene)
I loved and enjoyed all of Wei Ying’s “Notice me Wangji-senpai" moments in this episode, but my favorite has to be the one above: the way he tried to play off Lan Zhan totally ignoring him by blaming the other man’s hearing makes me laugh out loud every time I watch this episode. It’s just too adorable. Even though Lan Zhan is clearly still annoyed with him, I like how it’s also obvious that Wei Ying is slowly but surely burrowing his way into his psyche and taking hold there by either not leaving him alone or just being himself which is ample to constantly draw Lan Zhan’s attention to him. It‘s as if Lan Zhan’s life was a calm pond and Wei Ying was a beautiful, lively carp that suddenly decided to just jump into his waters without permission, taking liberties by swimming and splashing around, basically causing ruckus in every corner of his pool. Naturally, Wei Ying’s actions perturbs Lan Zhan to no end at first, but at the same time, he is also leaving an undeniable impression, so that eventually, when this carp leaves Lan Zhan’s pond, he can’t help but constantly think of Wei Ying and even miss his disruptive presence, thus naturally paving the way for the escalation of his affections that follow later on.  
Whereas with Wei Ying, I think he simply enjoyed irritating this fuddy-duddy at first, but eventually, his light-hearted teasing probably became just a little more meaningful and he started looking forward to getting a reaction out of Lan Zhan because it provided him with genuine joy and satisfaction, until those feelings grew into just joy from being around the other man and interacting with him.  
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Ultimately that’s a big reason why I love their relationship: the development and progression of their feelings for each other makes a lot of sense to me. The phrase “opposites attract” has never been more applicable in terms of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, but at the same time, they still share enough things in common—such as their moral code and belief system—that makes them absolutely just perfect for each other.  I can imagine a future for them right from the start, whereas with other couples in stories, regardless of their sex, I’ve had difficulty believing they should be together other than because the plot requires them to be. I think the drama really succeeded in showing us why it’s completely logical that these two people would be drawn to each other, that they almost can’t help but be drawn together, by actually showing us all these little precious moments between them as they occurred, which the novel for the most part only described in an after-the-fact manner. While subtlety has its merits too, I do appreciate the more clearly illustrated path The Untamed decided to take for WangXian.
Along those lines, I also appreciated how CQL chose to show us the first time Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao met and their instant connection. Honestly, when I first saw this moment…
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I immediately thought they were going to be a couple too, like Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, and I was totally on board, until I found out from reading comments here and there that I shouldn’t be because this ship was bad news. I was disappointed of course and even tried to withstand its alluring call for a while, especially after reading the book and finding out exactly why this wasn’t a ship I wanted to board since it was on a one-way ticket to hell and heartbreak basically. But the drama just made it so damn hard to resist, and before I knew it, I was lowkey hooked.  Much like with WangXian, I was surprised at how much the show was getting away with in terms of XiYao:
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I mean, big bro Xichen totally stroked Meng Yao’s finger there, right? First time I saw that, I remember rewinding a few times just to check and and make sure and if it’s just an optical illusion, that’s a damn convincing trick. Amusingly enough I thought at first Wei Ying was seeing the same thing and was reacting in disbelief to that moment, until I realized from his angle, there’s no way he could have seen that small gesture and he was just responding to that (ugly) incense pot.  
After finishing the series, I have to admit I’m pretty much a full-on XiYao-shipper now, which is really out of character for me because I usually prefer ships with happy endings. I have to blame, or rather, give credit to the two actors portraying LXC and JGY (Liu Haikuan and Zhu Zanjin, respectively) for conjuring up these feelings in me because they had so much chemistry together, which honestly at times rivaled that of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo’s chemistry. I just love how LXC’s expression softens every time he interacts with JGY and even from their first meeting, it’s obvious there were genuine feelings of respect and gratitude behind Meng Yao’s reaction to LXC.
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Take the moment above as an example: the extreme admiration emanating from JGY after seeing LXC exhibit his fluting powers had to be for real since there was no reason to react just for Nie Huaisang’s sake. I can totally imagine hearts fluttering all around him as he looked upon XiChen with those wide, innocent-seeming puppy eyes of his. And when he bade his farewell to big bro later on in the episode, I loved how the camera lingered on LXC’s hands as Meng Yao moved away after saluting him, just to reiterate the intimacy of their brief physical contact.  
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I also appreciated the small, seemingly trivial moments before and after he meets up with LXC in that scene, where Meng Yao is first ignored by the two male sect disciples walking by him and then later on by two female disciples. Contrast that with how LXC immediately praises Meng Yao and recognizes him as his peer from the get go, going so far as to refer to himself by his own name (“Xichen”) just to reinforce their equality, it’s no wonder JGY was instantly drawn to him. I would go so far as to say he probably fell for LXC right from the start; doesn’t even matter if it might be only in the platonic sense, man was smitten no matter how anyone chooses to categorize his feelings.
XianQing? No thank you
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When I first watched this episode, I still had the stormy cloud of fear that Wen Qing would eventually be the love interest that comes in between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji hanging over me due to some rumors I came across prior to even watching the show. As a result, every time Wen Qing and WWX would have a scene together, I would view it with trepidation as I was certain it was yet another building block to something undesirable, with the ultimate goal of mutating the relationship at the core of MDZS. If I’m going to be honest, I don’t think I was even able to rest easy until after Wen Qing’s passing and knowing for certain that the “danger period” was finally over, even though I had already grown to like her character. I still have complaints about how they altered her personality for the live action, but at least now, when I watch the scenes she shares with Wei Ying, instead of being filled with anxiety, I am actually more fascinated. I can still see the ghost of what Team CQL had initially intended with Wen Qing and WWX in a lot of their scenes together, before the fans’ uproar thankfully forced the producers to change their minds and stick with the source material.  This scene wasn’t one of those moments, but with revisiting each episode, I actually look forward to picking out which scenes were feeding into their ship because of the way they were shot and how the two actors were directed to perform during the scene, especially Meng Ziyi. I’m glad I can actually sit back and have fun with all of this now.  
XianNing? I can’t
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I can see why some folks support this ship, and upon first viewing I thought this was a cute moment as well, but of course, I simply can’t go there since my heart already belongs to WangXian. And now, after having read the novel, all I could think about is how much I wish we got the archery contest at the Cultivation Conference. I’m glad we got to see it depicted in the donghua; it was as amazing as I hope it would be, but it’s a shame we didn’t get to see it in the drama. Since the producers had mentioned releasing specials of extra scenes that they couldn’t fit into the flow of the show, I hope the archery contest will be one of them. I don’t know where it would fit in in the timeline though…I guess it could happen while they were all held hostage at Nightless City, so the reason for the archery contest will have to be changed, but then maybe that’s the impetus for Wen Chao’s decision to force everyone on that dangerous quest to the Xuanwu cave: he’s so pissed off at losing at archery on his own turf that he decides to try to get all the sect kids killed.  Either way, I hope we get to see the contest in live action form one day.
Wei Wuxian is so smart
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I loved this scene. I love how WWX schooled everyone with his inventive fourth reason. He’s so awesome. That’s really all I wanted to say about it.  
Random Bits of Randomness
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I don’t think there’s anything wrong the color function on my tv, so please explain to me how that can be considered “purple” in any universe??
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All I could think about in this scene is how disgusting that fish must have tasted cuz it looked awful, and I think Xiao Zhan even mentioned in an interview that it was gross. What probably made it taste worse was the fact that he kept on eating it from the stomach side, which can be really bitter. I think Wang Zhuocheng (Jiang Cheng) was eating it from the same side as well and I just can’t help grimacing every time I see this moment.
Odds and Ends:
I don’t really have any questions from this episode, but I did wonder if Wen Qing ever actually attended classes while she was at Cloud Recesses or did she just spend all of the time wandering the back hills, throwing her needles at barriers, cuz that’s not suspicious AT ALL. Unless I just happened to have missed her every single time in class, even though you would think it’s easy to spot her red in a sea of white…if that’s the case then I probably need to get my eyes checked.
Also, I wish we got to see Shijie draw her sword. She carried it around in the beginning, but I’m kinda bummed that we never saw her actually use it. I’m sure she is completely capable and would’ve looked just as badass as the boys.
And bless Uncle Lan for his brilliant idea of making Lan Zhan enforce the disciplinary action on Wei Ying, thereby allowing the boys to have valuable alone time in the library pavilion to further nurture their bond. In retrospect he probably regrets that decision, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s one of his best one he’s ever made.  
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gifsbysimplysonia · 5 years
End of day sh!t post - July 26, 2019
I do not know ... WHAT the fck went on this week? But I woke up today WIPED. OUT. Maybe my 45 minutes in the sun waiting on tacos at the food truck yesterday took it out of me. Maybe this week tried my patience more than I realized cuz I’m so accustomed to dealing with BS. I don’t know. I just know that I woke up today and was like, this week felt like it took for-ev-er. My co-worker agreed. 
Then today was just a lot of sad or annoying things happening. My bestie’s family pet had to be put down due to a tumor and I had NO idea how to help or what to say. I’m so useless in real life. 
The AMs at work? They keep submitting TRASH cases. Like...just trash. I shouldn’t be the person explaining how to do their jobs to them, especially if they are tenured, but I found it happening this morning. IN ADDITION, the person I was working with referred to me as “Sonja” and NOTHING GETS ME MORE FIRED UP THAN SOMEONE MISSPELLING MY NAME!!!!!!! I literally write “Sonia” in the cases and my  name is on the case as the Case Owner, so HOW ... do they manage that? It’s either some fcked up “power move” or they are literally paying NO ATTENTION. And in my already highly irritable state? That was just ... *smh* I couldn’t. I really just couldn’t.
I never get cramps but last night and this morning I had them SO BAD. I really really just wanted to be in bed curled in on myself. I also have a wicked headache that I woke up with and it could be cuz of my wisdom teeth which I’m too scared to get pulled, it could be cuz of the time of the month or it could be allergies. It’s so fun to be multi symptomatic lol cuz I never know what a source is so I have to take all the meds to cover all bases. I really just wanted to take a Midol, get in bed, and doze alllllllllllllllll day but no, I had to be freezing my a$$ off at the office while work is slower than molasses.
Cuz of all this ickiness, I tried to make this week about spreading positive vibes. The post I hoped would take off didn’t and ain’t that always the way? So on Thursday I stole @sovietghoststories gimmick and did TBT for Fics. I reblogged and commented on a bunch of fics that I have enjoyed before and enjoy on a regular basis through re-reads. I really wanted to remind people how much their work has impacted me. 
Trying to be on my positive reinforcement mission this week, it made me realize how much people just don’t ever hear nice things! So for yourself and those around you, even if it feels weird or like too much, don’t be afraid to compliment people and tell them how much you enjoy what they do or just say thanks for .... and let them know what it is that you’re grateful for about them. 
Positive words can make ALL the difference, y’all, I swear it to you and I promise you. I don’t think there’s anyone who’ll ever not be appreciative of hearing something nice cuz it just doesn’t happen often enough in the world. 
Sigh. I’m so tired. My body and my heart. I feel absolutely, like, depleted? Which makes no sense to me cuz it’s not like I did anything this week besides work. Today seemed to take forever to end and to add insult to “injury,” the person who was giving me a ride home from work forgot about me so that was fun. Like, the annoyance is enough but being in the oddly emotional state I’m in, my brain was like YOU ARE SO FORGETTABLE, B!TCH, HAHAHAHAHA. Nothing like someone who sees me every day, talks to me every day, knows the every day routine ... forgetting about me ... to make me feel like absolutely useless and worthless basura lol.
Sigh. I hope I can recharge this weekend cuz this feeling is the pits :( 
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