#but I lava you all. I miss being here so much & I really hope to be back soon 🍃
a-earthssprout ¡ 1 year
emergency after emergency ... woe after woe ... 😓 it doesn't ever seem to end for me. while I hoped to be moved & back by now, there's just no way for that to happen atm ...
but ( & many thanks to Sammy / @balladccr / @badboysupr / w/e blog you're on rn osndskdk for remembering 🌷 ) ... happy birthday, Ari 🥺🌱
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delphi-shield ¡ 6 months
push and pull // leon s. kennedy & jill valentine
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Leon x Reader x Jill Smut wc: 2,860 mdni - 18+
the plumber at my house reading this over my shoulder: 😲 this has been in my drafts for like two months, i finally ripped the bandaid off and touched it up. i cant believe people want the jill/leon ship name to be jilleon when 'breakfast sandwich' is right there. ohh nooo i had to cut the scene where they high-five after you cum...... guess i'll have to write more jill and leon......what a tragedy.....
summary: Jill said she'd be home two hours ago. She's stood you up for dinner again. You're so upset, Leon's got to fuck you about it to make you feel better.
content: fem!reader, all porn no plot, piv (reader receiving), some praise from leon & some degradation from jill, spit, crying, hair-pulling, masturbation, blowjob, dom!jill, use of strap-on, established poly relationship, sorry yeah there's more religious imagery, stealing the jill & leon dynamic from this post, fucking your relationship problems away does not work and you should not attempt. very loosely proofread.
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Jill's late.
She promised. You cooked, you cleaned, and she promised she would be here. Bought a special candle and everything, three wick, fresh linen scent. Not your kind of thing, but you know she likes those clean, bright smells.
The first half hour, you’d clung to the idea that her physical therapy appointment was just running late. Forty-five minutes in, three unanswered texts, your hope diminishes. An hour, and Leon’s helping you put the food up and clean the dishes.
Leon’s not exactly happy with Jill. This isn’t the first time she’s done this to you. He hates to see you pout. Even more than that, he hates to see the way you’re trying not to cry in front of him. He does everything he can think of to make you feel better. Watch one of your godawful shows with you, play with your hair for you, give you a nice bath if you wanted - none of his offers made much of a difference. He knows better than to take it personally. He’s not Jill. He can’t fix what she broke.
He can fuck you about it, though. That always seems to take your mind off things, at least for a little while. 
He let you use him however you like, dealer’s choice. You wanted him in the dining room chair, wanted to ride him slow, grind down on that fat cock till you unwound and your pretty tears weren’t because your girlfriend stood you up, and that’s what you’d get. Not his first choice, but he’s not the one who looks so pretty with those big, wet eyes.
The only downside is that you can't hear Jill's key turning in the door when Leon's got his cock stuffed so deep in your pussy you can feel him in your ribs, when you’re too busy rocking yourself to a gradual, slow-built end. You'd missed your ringtone too - and Leon's for that matter. You weren't intentionally being petty, but intentions never did soothe Jill's moods.
"Nice," she drawls, dropping her bag with a thud. "Real nice."
Your head falls back just enough to get a look at her, pouting in the doorway. Maybe it's supposed to be intimidating. Really, she just looks like a dejected cat, all puffed up for attention. The hand splayed on Leon’s chest flops back uselessly, reaching for her.
“Jill -”
Leon’s hips jut up, reminding you he's here, reminding you who's inside you. Whatever you were going to say melts away into a whine so pathetic even you want to roll your eyes.
"Got started without you," Leon says, callous on your behalf. His hand cups the back of your neck, pulling you back to him. It doesn’t take much prompting for you to curl back into his chest, walls fluttering around his cock, gripping him like your life depends on it. "Saved you some dinner. It’s in the fridge."
How can he be so casual? Feels like you’ve got lava running through your blood. His hands settle on your hips again, push-pulling you back and forth to get you to grind again. You oblige, faster than before, mouthing open kisses against his neck. They ought to canonize him for his patience, crown him Patron Saint of Not Plowing You Into The Carpet.
Jill doesn't say a word. She marches off to the bedroom, leaving her boots behind as she goes. Her cardigan gets flung over the couch - poor thing. It didn't do anything wrong.
She’ll come out when she’s ready, you tell yourself. Ignoring the ingrained need to manage Jill’s emotions for her is hard, but not quite as hard as Leon’s dick. Makes it a little easier to forget. You press your moans into Leon’s skin, let him have them for safekeeping.
Her footsteps pound back into the room. You don't know what she's done that's so funny, but Leon shakes with a laugh. You move to look, and his palm pressing against your cheek stops you. Something clatters onto the dining room table, a heavy thunk and buckles. He presses a light kiss to the crown of your head, strokes your hair.
"Go ahead and finish up, baby. Doin' so good. All yours."
It's all the permission you really need. It doesn’t take long - you’re good for him, after all. So good, you don't even need his help. You just need him to hold you up when that slow heat finally expands, spreads like fire through your limbs and leaves you making a mess of his lap, baptizing his cock with your release and moaning hymns for him.
You slump against him, eyes heavy and limbs loose. Your head nestles against his chest, his heart hammering like crazy. Poor guy. So patient. So sweet. You want to offer to take care of that for him - he's still inside you, sitting so still and so good, the stretch all you need. It feels like a bomb went off in your skull, though, scattered all your thoughts around the apartment. You need a moment before you can be considerate, before you can formulate any kind of offer. You reach up, pat his cheek gently to tell him how good he made you feel, lazily kiss at the hollow of his throat.
Jill's got plenty of words, though. She's not the one who just fell apart.
"You so needy you can't wait forty-five minutes?"
"Closer to an hour," Leon counters, and for the first time you hear the strain in his voice. "More like two, actually."
Jill’s irritation boils over. "Shut up. Why don't you go jerk off in the corner?"
After all, he's supposed to be on her side. He's the one who knows what this life is like, the one who knows what their work entails and the stress of it all.
He's also the one who texts when he's running late. He's the one still on active deployment, the one who hadn't been dodging home like the plague. He got over himself a year ago, figured ways to deal with his emotions that didn’t include running as fast as he could, drinking until they drowned, or working himself to the bone.
Jill’s still working on that part. Again - saint-like patience.
“Maybe I will,” he says, casual as he can. He jostles you in his arms. He’d say it’s to keep you awake, but it’s mostly to keep his dick hard. You pulse around him, groan into his t-shirt and drool a little dark patch onto his shirt.
You’re all soft and pliable when her hands slide up your sides, fingers curling in the spaces between your ribs. You lean back to her, longing for the softness of her tits under your head, and you glide back through the air unsupported, like you’ve faded through the ghost of her. Your head lolls back, pretty, pathetic pout on your swollen lips.
“Gonna be good?” She asks, staring down her nose at you, eyes half lidded. You nod your head. Her eyes narrow. “Words.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Shifting you off of Leon's lap is a group effort, one that Leon doesn't particularly care to be too enthusiastic about. His poor dick is lonely, and fucking his fist is a poor substitute for the sticky warmth of your cunt. Jill cradles you in here arms - the first hint of tenderness you've had from her all night - and settles you on the floor in front of the couch. She kicks your legs into position, sways back to appraise your form, and gives you a long-suffering sigh that's a far cry from approval.
"Whatever," she mutters under her breath. "It'll do. Don't move."
She shuffles off to the side. You hear the rustle of fabric. You turn your head to look, and -
"I said don't fuckin' move."
Your head snaps to the front again, hands fisted against the tops of your thighs. No arguing with that tone. Your back is ramrod straight. There's movement to your right, and Leon finally comes into view, settling against the far side of the couch. He's at least kind enough to give you a show, stroking his cock for you in long, slow strokes, massaging his palm over that shiny red tip and sliding his own fluid down to squeeze at the base. Makes your mouth water just looking at him.
Not that you have to wait long for a treat. Jill finishes her prep work, drags herself back over to the couch and drops down in front of you, strap-on making you go crosseyed.
“Go on,” she sighs, waving her hand lazily. Like she’s doing you a favor.
And she is. It’s a privilege to suck her strap.
You rock onto your knees and take too much of her at once, gag yourself right off the bat in your eagerness. They both groan, Jill in exasperation, Leon because holy fuck, if he hears you make that noise again he's going to blow his load immediately. His hand shucks his t-shirt up. He's not trying to stain this shirt with cum. Not his cum, anyway.
"Your mouth is so perfect for this," Jill says, leaning forward and fisting a hand in your hair, "and you're still so bad at it. Do I have to show you how to do everything?"
You nod uselessly, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Jill rolls her eyes, smothers the hint of a smile that threatens to twist her lips up. She guides your head back to the head of her silicone cock and sets an easy pace for you. Lets you take it nice and slow, get accustomed to the weight of her cock on your tongue as if you haven't done this a hundred times - as if she knows you went too hard right off the bat just to get her to guide you like this.
"There you go," she drones, the praise feeling like anything but. You bob your head freely, her hand in your hair just a suggestion now. "Finally figured it out. Not as dumb you look."
You push further, tucking your thumb tight in your fist and gagging only a little when the head of her cock prods at the back of your throat. Leon's hips buck into his fist, quick and rhythmless, swearing under his breath. His leg kicks out, nudges Jill's calf and you swear she's going to snap at him.
Your eyes cut from Jill to Leon, a tear rolling down your cheek, and that’s the final push that has him cumming all over his stomach, head tipped back into the arm of the couch, pretty moans so loud, so perfect that it makes you feel your heartbeat in your pussy.
You don’t have time to savor the way that he looks, paint him in your mind and hang it up on the walls around your skull like a pin-up. Jill lifts you off her cock, stuffing her hands under your armpits like you’re a stray kitten. You would be, for her, if she asked. Let her slip a pretty collar around your neck, hope you’re lucky enough that it’s got a bell.
She doesn’t wait for Leon to recover, just manhandles the pair of you so your back is pressed to his chest, his cum smearing against your skin. Leon’s got that loose limbed laziness that comes with a release that built-up.
“Hold her,” Jill growls. “Stop fucking around.”
Leon's hands curled around the back of your thighs, spreading you wide for Jill. A warm chuckle rumbles through his chest and pours into you. His head ducks down, mouth by your ear.
“She's mad ‘cause I had you first.”
You turn your head, stifle your giggles in his shoulder. The silicone head of Jill's cock slides through your sopping folds, nudging at your clit. Her hips rock agonizingly slow. It’s tough to tell whether she’s teasing you or herself at this point, but your sensitive body twitches and jerks with every pass of her spit-slick cock.
“Gonna make a mess?” Her hand grips your jaw tight, pulling your face from Leon's shoulder. It’s less a question and more a demand. You nod as best you can in her grip, remember too late to try and bumble out words. She taps your cheek twice, hard enough to sting, hard enough to make those pretty eyes water again.
Jill doesn’t wait for you to say it. She enters you in a quick, jerky thrust, no hint of warning, your breath stuttering and back tensing. She rabbits her dick into you, your moans falling as staccato as her pace. Her head bows to spit a fat glob of spit onto your clit. Her fingers rub you frantically, a pace so at odds with the slow push and grind of her hips that it makes you burn. You try to squirm back, the way your blood starts to singe a little too quick for your liking, but there's nowhere to go when you're pressed so tight against Leon's broad chest.
His hand slithers up and over the point of your hip, pressing down firmly just below your navel. Betrayal. You thought he was on your side. Your whining sharpens into a moan that has to have rattled the windows. Jill huffs a laugh, low and cruel. She pulls back just far enough to leave you wanting - and when you claw at her shoulders to drag her back home she's already moving, hard and slow, the light dancing in front of your eyes, her hips driving the breath out of your lungs, your chest caving in. It feels like you've imploded, blood on fire, singeing your bones and leaving the ash to remember it by.
She’s not done. You promised her a mess. Your voice is splintered, her hips still driving into you. You don’t feel yourself gushing around her until it’s already happening. You sniffle, your moans choppy and your tears falling quick, humiliation warming the embers in your stomach. Her pace slows and finally stills, finally lets you find yourself in the pile of ashes.
"Already?" Jill mocks, hands rubbing your quivering thighs soft and sweet despite the way she sneers.
You want to scoff, but you haven’t got the breath. Already, she says, like she hadn’t just ripped that orgasm out of you fast enough that you’ve got cartoon tweety-birds spinning around your head.
“My turn,” Leon pipes up.
“Fuck off. You’re not even hard. I'm just getting started.”
“Shoulda thought about that before you made her cum.”
God, they’re like lions fighting over a piece of meat. You push yourself up on shaky arms, give Jill your best gazelle-trying-not-to-get-eaten pout.
“M’tired,” you slur, your brains thoroughly fucked out. You form a T with your hands, calling for a time-out. “Need a break.”
Jill looks like she wants to bite anyway. But you were good, used your good girl hand signal and everything. She sighs, her shoulders slumping, and loosens the straps around her hips.
“C’mere, pumpkin.” Leon gathers you into his arms easily. “Gonna get you all cleaned up. Tuck your ass in.”
You ache when he moves you, in places you weren’t quite sure could ache. It’ll be worse later. Always is. They always have to fuck you at some weird angle. Can’t ever let your muscles get used to it, like you’re some kind of glorified exercise equipment. At least they wipe you down after they use you. Very polite of them.
Leon hands you your water bottle and settles in behind you, slotting up against your back. He’s got the both of you cleaned off even though he seems just as tired as you, bless him. Say a prayer to the patron saint of the bedroom.
Jill found dinner, apparently. You hear the microwave beeping distantly and share an amused look with Leon. Sure enough, she’s got a bowl of food in her hand when she settles at the end of the bed, legs crossed.
The silence lays somewhere in-between battlefields, landmines hidden all around your bedroom. Everything you want to ask is too loaded, too heavy. You’re not even sure you have the energy to stay up for a serious conversation, much less an argument. Jill looks so soft right now, the bags under her eyes seeming lighter in the warm lamplight of your bedroom. You don’t want to see her eyes sharpen. You don’t want to hear her teeth click together when she bites back her words. You search for some other topic, something that will make the tension evident in her shoulders melt away.
"We should do one of those clone-a-willy kits," you murmur, eyes shut, head tipped into the pillow. You open your eyes just enough to gauge her reaction. Warmth blooms in your chest when you see her eyes crinkle and her smile lines deepen.
"Why?" Jill laughs.
"You don't wanna fuck me with Leon’s dick?"
It’s the first time you’ve heard Jill laugh like that in a while. Pride spreads in your tired little grin. Leon's cock gives a tired twitch against your thigh. He groans, pressing his forehead to your shoulder blade.
“You two are gonna fuckin’ kill me.”
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beskarandblasters ¡ 1 year
Tolerate It
Ex!Din Djarin x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Author's note: The title and story are loosely based on the Taylor Swift song. As always let me know your thoughts and requests are currently open.
Summary: You and Din used to be in a relationship but split before Grogu left to train with Luke. You find Din on Nevarro on your way to talk to Greef Karga, asking him why he doesn’t have Grogu anymore. Which leads to talks about your past together.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: post season Book of Boba Fett/beginning of season 3, angst, reader is able-bodied, Din can lift reader, fingering, semi public sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, sex on the starfighter... 👀, no use of y/n
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To say that Nevarro has changed for the better would be an underestimate. It’s practically a brand new place now, thanks to Greef Karga. But thinking of Nevarro and Greef leads you to thinking of the bounty hunter’s guild which leads you to thinking of Din… It’s still a tough subject for you. It’s been over a year since you’ve last seen him; over a year since you last told him that it was the end for you two. Something that makes you think;
How could I be so stupid?
But you had your reasons. Being with a stoic bounty hunter who keeps his heart heavily guarded is no easy relationship to be in. He let Grogu into his heart and maybe you thought he could do the same for you. But it was all too much for him. After being alone for so long in his life, making room for two just wasn’t something he could do. And of course the kid needed him more than you did and you completely understood that. But there was nothing left for you. You tolerated it for as long as you could, because that’s all your relationship was towards the end, tolerance. You left before he could. 
Might as well do this on my own terms, you thought at the time. 
He’ll be so much better off without me. I bet he won’t even miss me. 
You think about him often even though it’s painful. You think about nights on the Razor Crest together, feeling like a small family together, admiring how focused he gets when he’s on the look out for a bounty. You really did miss him, even though sometimes it felt like you weren’t even visible to him. It all hurts so much even after all this time. 
Enough of that. It’s in the past. Over and done with.
You’re back on Nevarro after being off planet for a while. With Greek Karga being High Magistrate now, you’ve come back here looking for a job, something more permanent than being Din’s mechanic. And now that Nevarro has reinvented itself it’s not a bad place to live either. 
You’re walking down the streets of Nevarro, heading to Greef’s building and that's when you see him walking in your direction. You could spot him from a mile away. That tall, looming figure, covered in beskar. You get butterflies in your stomach. Panicking, you turn and start walking the other direction, hoping that he won’t notice you.
And then you feel a gloved hand, grabbing you by the arm. 
“Were you trying to avoid me?”
You panic even more, not knowing what to say. I mean, he’s right. You were trying to avoid him. You turn to face him and say,
“Yeah. I was.”
“Why? You’re the one that left me,” he says, getting right to the point. 
“Can-can we not do this here?” you say, looking around the busy street. There were some people staring because of course they were. You and Din had become a recognizable pair for the people of Nevarro. And now that you two haven’t been seen together for a while, heads were turning at the sight of you.
“Follow me,” he says, grabbing your hand and leading you to wherever he wants to go. 
You don’t say anything and neither does he. You’re so incredibly nervous about this.
What is going to say to me? He sounded kind of mad. But he is right though, I was the one to break up with him… But then again how could anyone blame me after how he treated me? And where is he taking me, anyway?
He leads you into the lava flats towards a ship you don’t recognize. What happened after you left him?
“What’s this?”
“My new ship,” he answers. “Got it from Peli.”
He lets go of your hand and faces you. 
“It seems like a lot has happened since I last saw you. Where’s the kid?”
“With his own kind,” he says, offering nothing more. 
“Well aren’t you going to give me more details?” you ask, putting your hand on your hip. 
He sighs and then tells you everything. He tells you about the Crest being destroyed and Grogu being captured by Moff Gideon. He tells you about a Jedi coming to the rescue and taking Grogu with him. He tells you about the Darksaber and how he won it from Moff. He tells you about the ship he got from Peli; an N1 Naboo Starfighter. It was a lot. The whole time he’s telling you this your eyes are wide open and your jaw practically on the ground. And now you feel bad for him… He’s alone again. 
“I’m sorry, Din… I’m sorry I wasn’t there for all of that.”
“It’s alright. I think if you had been with me through all of that, it would’ve made it harder. I would’ve had to worry about your safety, too.”
And that’s why I left you. You didn’t have the capacity to worry about me; to care about me. 
“Yeah and that’s just it, Din. There wasn’t any room for me in your life. Don’t you understand how hard that was for me? I felt like a burden to you,” you retort, your voice raising slightly. 
He doesn’t say anything for a moment. The helmet just tilted down at you, reading the expression on your face. You’re sure your face is red with anger. Your hands were trembling. 
And then he speaks with that raspy, modulated tone of his,
“That doesn't mean I didn’t miss you…” 
You sigh because you feel the same way. You missed everything about him. You missed his scent, the feeling of the beskar on you when he held you, his voice, his protective nature, his interactions with the kid. Maker, you missed it all so much. 
You take a step forward, closing the gap between you two. He follows your lead and wraps his arms around you. You rest your head against his chest and you two just stay there awhile, holding each other. 
It isn’t until he snakes a hand down to your pants and cups your sex that you realize where this is going. 
This is such a bad idea. 
But it is what’s familiar. It’s not like you haven’t had sex since you left him. You’ve had your share of one night stands after a random guy at a cantina talks you up. But they don’t know you like Din does. They don’t know the way you like to be touched and pleasured. 
“Right here?” you ask, pulling away and looking up at him.
“Why not? There’s no one around…”
You sigh and lean into him again, letting him continue. Your mind is telling you no; that you shouldn’t be doing this; that you’re just going to reopen old wounds. But your body is telling you yes; that you need this; that you missed him so much. 
I’m not the first person to go back to their ex, you thought to yourself as he touched you. 
He slips his gloved hands down your pants and begins rubbing small circles around your clit. Maker, was he good at that. It was rare that you ever got to experience his tongue so to say that he was talented with his hands would be an understatement. 
You lean back on to the ship near the cockpit and spread your legs more, giving him access to slip a finger inside. And he does. 
This is exhilarating for you. The sun is going down on Nevarro and you’re about to have sex with your ex against his new ship out in the open. 
“You have no idea how much I needed this cyar’ika,” he moans into your ear, slipping another finger inside. 
“Oh yeah? How much?”
“I thought about you all the time. I thought about your body and how much I missed it; how much I missed you.”
Hearing him say all of this tugs at your heart. You thought after you had left, he would’ve been perfectly fine, continuing his life as normal. 
“Show me, then,” you say against his helmet. 
He slides down your pants and grabs you by the thighs, lifting you on the ship a little more. He takes his cock out of his suit and slicks it with your juices from his hand. 
He aligns himself with your entrance and starts thrusting in and out, his hands still holding your thighs up. He’s taking his time with you, his thrusts are methodically slow until you beg him, “Din, faster please.”
“Anything for you, cyar’ika,” he says, picking up the pace. 
The angle of your body on the ship and Din holding your thighs in places is driving you nuts. The sensation of the cool metal ship on your back and the cool beskar between your thighs unlocks something within you, sending you closer to the edge. Din leans down so his torso is flush against yours, the T shaped visor practically burning a hole into you. It’s a mixture of intense pleasure but also nostalgia. He feels familiar to you but also so new too. So much has changed since you saw him last it’s almost like you’re fucking someone new. But you’re not. You’re fucking your ex on the planet where it all started. 
He pulls back ever so slightly, just to slip his hand between you two and start rubbing your clit again. It sends you to the edge.
“Maker, I’m gonna cum,” you moan.
“Please baby. Please cum for me.”
And then you do. And it’s pure bliss. Your pussy is fluttering and pulsing around Din’s cock, sending shockwaves all throughout your body.  
The sensation of you cumming must’ve been too much for Din because suddenly he pulls out of you and cums on your thigh. 
He looks back at you and says, “I, uh, would’ve came inside but I wasn’t sure if you still had the implant…” 
“I do, but that’s alright.”
He leans over you and reaches for the cockpit, grabbing a rag. He hands it to you and you tell him thanks, saying nothing more because… the feeling of regret is starting to sink in…
You just had sex with your ex. The one you left over a year ago because he wasn’t letting you in emotionally. 
This is too much. This is all too much. 
You slip down off the ship and quickly pull up your pants. 
“Hey, are you okay?” he asks, grabbing your arm. 
“This was a mistake.”
“Hey, look at me. What’s wrong?”
“We shouldn’t have done this, okay?”
“Did you not enjoy yourself?” he presses further.
You bring your palm up to your face, “Ugh. Well yes but that’s not what I’m getting at right now, Din. We’re exes. And we’re exes for a good reason.”
“I don’t understand. You don’t want to get back together?”
And he does?
You’re getting irritated now. “You can’t just come here with a new ship, tell me all about what happened since I left, fuck me and then expect me to come crawling back to you. I had my reasons for leaving and when I did leave you didn’t even put up a fight,” you snap at him.
“Cyar’ika… I’m sorry. I know, you deserved better.”
“Yeah, I did. And instead of realizing it sooner I stayed with you until I had finally had enough.”
He’s silent, helmet facing towards the ground. 
“And all you did was tolerate me when we were together. You never appreciated my love. It felt pointless to put all of my time and energy into loving you and caring for you all for it to go to waste,” you say, your voice raising now. 
He’s silent still. Just like the day you left him. 
Of course he is. He didn’t fight for me then and he sure isn’t going to now.
“I just can’t do this anymore,” you say, feeling defeated. 
You turn on your heel and start walking away, half hoping he’ll tell you to stop and come back. But he doesn’t. It feels exactly like the day you left him. Tears sting your eyes all the way back to the inn you’re staying at. You came to Nevarro to talk to Greef Karga about getting a job here but it’s certainly not the time for that now. The sun has set and you’re fully crying at this point. You just wanted to get back to where you were staying and take a shower, to wash him off of you. 
You reach the inn and go inside the lobby, looking at the ground the whole time so no one can see your tear stained face. You power walk down the hallway until you get to your room, scan the key card and just collapse on the bed. The tears were flowing harder now. It’s hard to pinpoint what emotion you were feeling. It was a mixture of anger, sadness, longing, and almost a sense of betrayal. Betrayal in the sense that he can find you here, tell you what you want to hear so you’ll fuck him and then when the time comes for him to fight for you, he doesn’t.
You hop in the refresher and shower like you could wash away what happened. But you know you can’t. You step out, dry off and pull on your pajamas. You get in bed and try to forget about what happened today. But as you drift off to sleep you find yourself dreaming about what could’ve been… 
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End note: I was really close to giving them a happy ending but I didn't!🤭 Perhaps I'll do a part two where Din wins the reader over? Let me know your thoughts and send me any requests you have! Also, if you'd like to be part of my tag list, send me an ask or reply to this post!
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May I request this idea that had been in my mind
What if wanderer remembered hypasia and started telling reader all she had done for him and started comparing reader to hypasia. Reader ignores him until this man gets the fact that reader is jealous and mad because of the comparing so in the end he asks nahida to help him make it up to reader
Ty have a good day/noon/night
Yes ma'am! Sorry for this scenario for taking so long, but here it is! I love you and I hope we can marry our pinky toes together and merge in the woods and then we can die as mermaids together, then go to heaven and find each other in heaven, but then I have to fight all of heaven to get to you in the devil's lava bathtub and then we reunite and destroy all of existence but I'm sorry and I love you. :D
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Scaramouche was walking with Nahida, as he was telling her his current issue with you. He was annoyed as he didn’t know what to do to get your attention, more so, for you to "get over it" per say.
"I don’t understand this childish behavior she is doing, she is making a big deal out of nothing, like what was I supposed to do?" He complained and sighed.
Nahida stopped and looked at him. "So, to restate what you have told me, you talked about Hypasia to your lover, and she got upset and stopped talking to you? What were you saying about Hypasia?"
Scaramouche looked to the side with his hand on his chin, he had one arm crossed and shifted his hips. "Well, that she and I had shares a consciousness, and that she was the only one who was well attuned of my past, compared to my lover, she only knows it through my words, or well, she doesn’t know it to the extent as he-"
Nahida interrupted him and chuckled. "If I may, interrupted. Haha, do you perhaps not see that your lover, is perhaps...jealous?"
Scaramouche looked at Nahida confused. "Jealous? Why?"
Nahida looked at him with a smile. "Lets say, your lover had an ex lover, but that ex lover knows her very well, inside and out, compared to you. As this ex lover touched her more than you, and knows her better than you."
"I...I woudn't like that, she could leave me to go back to him..." Scaramouche sighed, exposing his insecurities slightly.
"Exactly. That is what you have did to her." Nahida placed her hand on wanders hand.
"But Hypasia was just a follower, not my past lover." Scaramouche argued, trying to understand his mistake.
"Yes, but you have described her in intimate details, and farther more, you have compared her to your lover, as IF Hypasia was your ex lover. Scaramouche, your lover just feels inadequate, you hurt her with how you have been talking about Hypasia, the best thing to do is at least apologize and give her some space. It shows she loves you and cares, so please go forward with that in mind."
Scaramouche looked at her and sighed. He then looked down with his arms crossed, he had a scowl as her realized this was much more complicated then he realized. A part of him wanted to challenge you, and wanted to be resistant and stubborn. A part of him didn’t want to deal with this or take accountability with this.
But the other part of him misses spending time with you and talking to you. He cares and really wants to make things okay again. Two sides tore at him. He just wished this wasn’t something that the great Wanderer haven’t fallen down to, petty things that he had done to ruin his relationship with you.
Later on, Scaramouche walked into your house. Well, no. He walked into your window, as he never uses your door, he would always somehow gets into your house though any other entrances. He had an anemo vision after all, he utilize the ability to fly around. He entered your home through your window, as he walked to your bedroom door and knocked.
Nothing, you ignored. You were on your bed, deep in thought. You were overthinking.
About what? Well of course, your performance as a lover compared to Hypasia. You heard the knock, but ignored it. What is the point of being his lover, when he apparently had a better lover in mind? No point. You closed your eyes and sighed.
Scaramouche sighed and placed his forehead on the door. After a few moments. "Listen...I am...I am sorry for the way I compared you to Hypasia, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I only had you and a few other people in my life, that is why I ended up comparing, but I never meant to hurt you. It was no...excuse of me. I..I love you. And I am sorry...I'll leave you be and give you space...if you need me...I'll be out dealing with business. I won't be coming back until you want me to..." With that, Scaramouche left and stuck to his word.
You widen your eyes and immediately sat up surprised. Pondering for a few moments, you ran to open the door, however, it was too late. He was gone. You stood there in silence, staring at the window he left from. Your arms and shoulders went limp as you slowly started to blame yourself for your emotions and reacting the way you did to the situation at hand.
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maybank-archives ¡ 9 months
Can I get one with Jj, one where the reader has a skin condition like eczema. And they are at a pool party and the reader is having an Eczema flare up, and they practically drag her to the pool not knowing she has eczema?
no matter what - jj maybank
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warning: mention of self esteem but other than none i think? lemme know if i miss something.
pairing(s): jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 0.6k
author's notes: just like jj said: you look smokin' hot. to all my eczema people, love y'all be safe and don't let a skin condition stop you to feel beautiful and have fun.
Sarah Cameron knew how to throw a pool party, everybody knows that, so when you refuse to go, your friends and boyfriend practically carry you to her place.It was incredibly hard to get away, almost everyday they came up with something and most of the time, out when the sun is peaking.
It was frustrating living in a place aka an island, where summer lasts forever. You were almost running out of excuses, a pool party filled with the tourons and young mean people was not what you needed right now. Avoiding the questions was your best way out so you agreed on going.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, seeing if there was any missing spot, the sunscreen and moisturizer was applied at every bump on your skin, you couldn’t help thinking about your look, our brain loves to trick us but no matter how much you tried to avoid being mean to yourself, the comparison and embarrassment always seems to be there.
It was always “easy” to cover the rashes but recently, due to the extremely hot weather plus stress of your work, it was impossible to not wear something covering your body. You left the house covered in moisturizer, you had your hat, sunglasses and a long sleeve cover up on, you walked to Sarah’s house overthinking all your decisions.
I glanced over at JJ, who was totally in his element, having a blast with our friends by the pool. He looked carefree, all smiles, and I really didn't want to throw a wrench into his day. Truth is, I'd been dodging the pool like it was hot lava, making up lame excuses about not feeling like swimming or not wanting to get wet. But the real deal was that I was trying to keep my eczema under wraps.
JJ, being the observant dude he is, picked up on my hesitation and came over with a concerned look on his face. "Hey, ma’am, why aren't you taking a dip? It's hotter than Hades out here," he said, giving my shoulder a friendly slap.
I nibbled on my lip, trying to play it cool. "Ah, you know, I'm just not feeling the whole swimming thing today," I replied, hoping my voice sounded casual enough.
JJ raised an eyebrow, clearly smelling the bullshit. He lifted my chin, forcing me to make eye contact. "Y/N, what's the deal? You're usually the first one to suggest late night swims. C’mon, cut the crap."
“JJ…” I heaved a sigh, feeling a lump in my throat. "It's my skin k?," I admitted, barely louder than a whisper. "My eczema is acting up, It used to be like nothing and my whole fracking body is covered and I did not want people talking about it."
JJ's face softened as he absorbed my confession. "Babe, you don't have to put on an act for me or anyone else. We're all friends here, and they'll get it." JJ said, reaching for your hand. "C’mon, you look smokin' hot, just like always. It's gonna be really tough to change that, y'know?" 
I probably did not look convinced enough cause JJ was analyzing my face before pulling me to a hug. It felt like a weight off my chest, having JJ in my corner. "I just didn't want to make a big fuss or become the star of the show," I admitted.
"You don’t need to worry about that, I got ya. Your comfort is numero uno. We can head inside, whip out some drinks or chill far from the sun, and you don't have to swim if you don't want to, but you sure oughta be havin' some fun. Don’t let this shit stop you now,”
He was right, hiding my eczema had only given me unnecessary stress, it felt good to see that in another's perspective and realize that all that overthinking was useless. JJ's understanding and support were like gold, and I knew I hit the jackpot with him.
© maybank-archives 2023 — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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bengals-barnesbabe ¡ 19 days
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Pairing: Joe Burrow x Singer!FemReader
Summary: When the secret relationship between a famous singer and a popular quarterback is revealed no one could be happier. But when lyrics to an unreleased song are released, the strength of their relationship is questioned and tested when fans, reporters and exes start coming into the mix. Will you get your happy ending or is this the beginning of the end?
Chapter 13: 'i love you, goodnight' tour
#Track9 Masterlist
Warnings: 18+, mentions of sex, foul language.
Part One🖤
Word Count: 1.2k
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Anxiety courses through your veins like hot lava as you wait for your name to be announced. You haven't done a live appearance like this since before you and Joe went public with your relationship, not one with an audience that is. During rehearsals Jimmy reassured you that it would be more fun than stressful, but that does not include the buildup to it. Usually you’d be texting or talking to Joey right now but he’s knee deep in meetings across the country so thats not an option. So its just you and your nerves.
“For tonight’s musical guest, we have the incredibly talented and beautiful Venus, she will be singing her latest single off of her new album ‘Tell Me You Love Me,’ everyone allow me to introduce Venus to the stage.”
 I guess that’s my cue.
Walking out to the lively applause and the smiling host helps you shed some of the nervousness that plagued you earlier. You and Jimmy share a quick hug before turning towards the audience and smiling and waving back.
“Venus, everyone. Wow, they might love you more than me.” He jokes as you both take your seats.
“Well, I love everyone here equally.” You wink at the audience causing a wave of laughter. “Thank you so much for having me, Jimmy.”
“The pleasure is all mine, the last time you were here you had just won your first grammy’s and there was someone else with you backstage that we’re missing today.” He lightly smirked. Fantastic start right.
“Its crazy that it was only a little over a year ago when my life completely changed. Then even more so in the last few weeks, everything is absolutely insane and I wouldn't wish for it any other way.” You widely grinned, dusting off the last part of his question.
“Thats great,” he says then pulls up a photo of you at the SuperBowl. “You surprised everyone when you joined Usher at this year’s SuperBowl, tell us how this came about.”
Your eyes crinkled up as the memory flooded your brain. “Of course, so for those who don’t know Usher is one of the big industry people that discovered me way back when, so he’s been like my mentor ever since. He called me in about November and told me that he was going to
headlining it and I was ecstatic for him. It was about time we had an Atlanta centered show, and then he asked me if I wanted to join him. I immediately said yes, like Usher just asked me to perform with him, I don't care what stage we’re on or even the fact that I know him personally. The man is an absolute legend and it was an honor to share the stage with him. Being apart of his surprise guests was so exciting and I was starstruck the entire time.” 
“Thats incredible, you were amazing up there and I hope we see you headlining it someday.” He winked.
“Who knows what the future holds.” You chuckled.
Then a picture of you and a certain someone shows up on the screen behind you cause the audience to start hollering and your face to heat up a bit. “Oh what do we have here, I have no idea how that got up there.” You smiled then shook your head.
“I’m just going to ask the question and see how far you want to go. How did this happen, where did this romance come from?” He says hiding his face behind his cards.
“God, I’d like to say that I don’t know, but that’s not true. You can thank LSU for that, we met at the beginning of our senior year and became really fast friends. There was always some kind of attraction on both ends, but we didn’t do anything about that until two years later. And we’ve been together ever since.”
“That’s cute, you guys look great together. So were together during your first appearance?”
“Yea, he was backstage with me trying to stop me from freaking out about performing for y'all.” Everyone cracked up at that one.
“I don’t know how you could be nervous about this, you are absolutely killing it. Now lets talk about the album, this track 9 controversy, what happened?”
“My lack of media training happened,” you huffed. “Im joking, but not really. I was really excited to put out this project and even more ready to actually show the world who I dedicated it to. I worked on this album for a really long time, it was like journaling an adventure and the hardest part was finding a way to condense 5 years into one album. In the end, we were all satisfied with what we made then what I thought was going to be a fun little peak at track 9 turned into absolute chaos.”
“For a few weeks, it seemed like every media outlet could not stop talking about this song and really giving Joe a bad rep in the process.”
“One that wasn’t deserved at all. Joe was such a good sport through the whole thing because he’s such a laid back guy. While I was basically preparing for war, he was the one calming me down about it. Everything was so fresh to the outside world that people just took it to an extreme that it was no where near. When artists release a body of work, I think fans skip past the time element. That particular song was written before I was even signed, I was still working my regular 9 to 5 in Louisiana and using songwriting as a way to cope with my feelings. And its extremely dramatized. For something to be entertaining that might be banal to most, you amp it up and Track 9 was taken from a 4 to a 10 in one session. By the time we were putting together this album, Leon Thomas III, absolutely incredible musician and producer, heard it and decided to rework it. When he was finished, everyone in the room was in love with it, we almost made it a single.”
“Its funny how things like that happen. Before we let you go and hit that stage, give us a little about the song you will be performing in a bit.”
“Absolutely, earlier this week I released ‘Prayer for the Broken’ as a single because I wanted to be able to give to communities that are struggling right now. This song is about how love is the only thing that can fix our broken world so all the proceeds that it brings in will be donated to multiple charities around the world, to help people and communities in horrid conditions. These charities are on my website so if anyone wants to donate straight to them, please do. This song means a lot to me and I hope everyone loves hearing it live.”
“Tonight only?”
“Live tonight AND this summer when I go on my ‘i love you, goodnight’ tour. I hope to see you all there and maybe I’ll bring some friends along too.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen give it up once again for Venus!”
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inmyheadimobsessed ¡ 2 years
Your Spark Got Lazy
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pairing: shuri ✘ plussize!black!fem!reader
summary: shuri misses your birthday dinner because she's too caught up in her work, things ensue
contains: hurt/comfort (if you squint), smut (18+), smidge of angst
word count: 1836
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: sooooo this turned into something i did not plan for it to turn into. i’m not mad at it though. i wrote this whilst sitting on the couch next to my family on thanksgiving, fun times man. also i don't speak xhosa, so thank you my mutual & @lehlehwrites for the corrections! hope you enjoy <33
updated translations: sthandwa - my love, bambo'lwami - my other half, mtuwam - my person
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“Griot, I need you to run an analysis on this immediately.” Shuri called, and the AI complied. You stood watching her from behind as she worked on a new upgrade for the Sunbird. It was cute really, the way she was wrapped up in her work, scribbling angles and dimensions on her board.
Her curls bounced with the brisk movements of her hand, pulling your gaze on her in even further. Her gray jumpsuit clung to that frame you loved so much and you bit your lip. The smile fighting its way to your face was involuntary. Any sight of Shuri made your heart stutter and your insides melt, but you had to remember why you were here.
Irritation sizzled in your chest as you recounted the night’s events, and gone was your fond smile for your girlfriend.
Shuri had yet to notice your presence in her lab, which only amplified your annoyance.
“Panther, you have a‒” Griot’s attempt at alerting her of your being in the room was waved off by the newly crowned Queen. Your eye twitched at this, and you plastered on a vengeful grin. Still, you said nothing. Shuri’s ability to zone out on command would be a forever haunting act.
You leaned against the large white column in the center of the room, eyes following her twitching hands.
“You should continue those calculations as I instructed, instead of interrupting me. This is not what I designed you for.” She shifted over to her sand table and you tilted your head curiously at her. If your anger toward her weren’t molting into lava by the passing of every second she went without acknowledging you, you would probably be very turned on at the moment. Being around Shuri in work mode always did it for you.
She placed herself back in front of the board, letting her eyes dart around the lab long enough to spot you. Shuri froze then, and she stopped breathing. She still faced away from you, but you could tell by the way her back’s erratic rising and falling had halted.
It was easy to realize this would be her defense mechanism; avoiding your eyes, facing away from you for as long as you permitted. Normally you were not one for cruelty, but this was no normal circumstance. You let Shuri stand there, unmoving, holding her breath for a few beats. Her heart was thumping, it had to be, on the verge of leaping out her chest, in search of refuge from your impending rath.
“You may breathe now.” You rolled your eyes and she spun to face you. Shuri was at your side in seconds.
Sweaty palms clasped your beat face, “Bambo'lwami, forgive me.” You said nothing, a lone grin tugging at the corners of your mouth. She gulped, like actually gulped. It was audible, and it was a glorious sound. You wanted the sensation — Shuri bracing herself for her imminent demise — to blanket you in all its glory.
Remorseful cocoa eyes studied you, taking in your glamorous appearance. Your box braids hung down your back in a side part, draping your lavender sequined dress. Your Kimoyo earrings twinkled under the lights hung overhead. Plump, perfect lips glossed with precision. Your custom necklace, made by hers truly adorned your neck, and it's where her gaze decided to focus. Shuri was avoiding your eyeline at all costs.
“My love, I am sorry, truly.” Her voice was hushed and shy. Shuri, who usually commanded each room she was in, was reverting into herself. And you had yet to reprimand her for her actions. It was truly spectacular.
Grin still hanging loosely on your lips, growing with disdain as time ticked on, you stepped around the shorter woman. You strode to her sand table, dragging a manicured nail through the fine grains. Your feet placed you in front of her board and you began swiping through her designs.
“Say something.” You let a soft chuckle fly out of you at her words and you saw her reflection flinch on the screen.
“So. This is what my loving girlfriend has been up to all day. Hmm? Why she ignored my messages? Why she missed my birthday dinner?” You turned to face her then.
Hesitation was evident in her steps as she made her way towards you again, “I lost track of time. I planned to be there, I just-”
“Lost track of time.” You nodded, eyeing her and the forlorn on her face.
Shuri grabbed your hands, attempting to kiss them in apology, but you tugged them away harshly. The hurt in your stomach grew tall as it began stacking on top of itself. You were eager to forgive Shuri usually, aware of the turmoil that plagued her life as of late. You excused a lot of her actions without question, and accepted her apologies with ease. But this time it was different. It was your birthday and she promised she would show up. She was the one to pick your outfit and your jewelry. Your excitement about the night stemmed from her own.
“Shuri, I reminded you this morning, before you left. I know how you get so I made it a point to remind you. Yet you did not show.”
She reached for your hands again, and this time you allowed it. “Sthandwa, I know I’ve hurt you. I know you were counting on me and I let you down. I shouldn’t have missed your birthday.”
Tears stung your eyes and it was your turn to avert her gaze. Your irises focused on her tattoo, examining it as if it was a new discovery.
“Look at me please, my heart. I am so sorry.”
“Saying sorry will not fix it this time, Shuri.” You pulled your hands out of her warm grip and a line snapped inside you. “You know, it’s not even about my birthday at this point, it's about your constant absence in my life, this relationship. I know you are hurting, mtuwam but you have to let me in.”
Shuri stayed silent as you spoke, letting your words wash over her. There was nothing about what you said to refute. She knew you were correct, and you could see the shame clouding her eyes.
You took your earrings out, gently placing them on the table beside you. Her eyes tracked you as you did, knowing what your action meant, accepting the finality of the moment. You felt it too and it was too cold to bear. You gave her a quick once over, committing her to memory. Breathtakingly beautiful and able to set your body ablaze just by existing.
Stepping around her to leave, she grabbed your wrist. Firm and swift, and demanding enough to stop you in your tracks.
“Give me a chance to fix us.” Shuri pleaded, eyes desperate.
You scoffed, “Our relationship is not one of your inventions. You cannot just tinker with it until you deem it fixed, Shuri.”
She leapt forward, cradling your jaw anxiously. “Let me try.”
Simple, tender words worked their way through your system and settled inside. You folded then. She pulled your forehead to meet hers and sparks flew. You felt it. Bast, you felt everything for this brilliant woman. She navigated all your emotions so delicately.
“Please, bambo'lwami.”
Shuri got on her tiptoes, planting her velvet lips on yours, working them in that magical way she does. You kissed her back immediately, without a beat of hesitation. Hunger climbed from your depths as you deepened the kiss. You swallowed each other's breaths greedily, moaning in sync. Shuri’s hands found your curves, caressing and squeezing whatever she could. She slammed your back against a wall violently, the strength of the Black Panther thrilling in her veins.
Your lips trailed her sharp jawline, licking and sucking desperately. Shuri’s hand slipped under your dress with haste and you whined when her finger trailed the outside of your panties.
You sucked in a breath, “Thought you said no sex in the lab.”
“This is different, it's your birthday.” She was on her knees before you could blink, hiking your dress up like an animal in heat. Her impatience was always a turn on. With your dress around your middle, Shuri peppered hot, ravenous kisses from the stretch marks decorating your stomach, to your large thighs. She took her time working to your core and you whined. She smirked up at you before licking the inside of your leg.
Shuri snaked her finger under the waistband of your lace panties, guiding them down excruciatingly slowly. She knew what she was doing and you did not enjoy it.
“You should pick up the pace, your majesty. Do not mistake my lust for forgiveness.”
Your underwear hit your ankles and you stepped out of them. Shuri dragged a thumb through your folds and the hiss that escaped your mouth was of the most sinful. Your wetness coated her fingers as she rubbed delicate circles on your clit, the way she knew you loved.
“You speak of not forgiving me my darling, but it seems as though your pretty little cunt did not get the memo. She is so drenched for me, dripping all over my lab.” Shuri purred.
She stood on her feet, bringing her damp fingers to your swollen lips. “Imagine if her royal subjects could hear the filth you utter.”
You sucked her fingers as instructed before she returned them to your pussy. Two fingers in your hole, thumb massaging your clit. Her thrusts were intense and sweet, coaxing your orgasm out of you. You moaned with abandon in her ear, letting her lips abuse your neck.
Your pleasure wrapped around itself, tightening to a snapping point. Shuri wanted you to snap, she wanted you to spill all over her fingers. Her fingers fucked you with unabashed starvation and you were a mess.
“Make a mess for me my love, I know you're close.” She pecked your neck, teeth grazing over the many bruises she’d created. Her words tipped, pushed, shoved you over angrily. Your whine of ecstasy bounced off the walls and rang in your ears. Pleasure rained down on you, traveling with hurricane level winds and waves.
Your knees buckled immediately, and you fell to the ground, Shuri right behind you. She pulled her fingers from within you and sucked them clean.
She let her hands find your sweaty face, tucking loose braids behind your ears. Her brown eyes fanned your exasperated form. She studied you, eyes twinkling before she smiled sadly. You glared back at her between your half lidded, heavy eyes and returned her smile.
Shuri bit her lip. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I lost sight of us, admitting that is hard. Admitting I caused you pain is hard, but I promise you this: It shall never happen again.” Shuri leaned in to kiss your forehead and you hummed, for it was the only response you could muster.
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homicidal-slvt ¡ 1 year
Hi, can i make a smut request where Rudy being seductively enthralled by a femme fatale reader, please?
I’m not sure if you like the specifics, but if you do, here we go;
1. They both are in a mission to capture Hassan & find the missing missiles.
2. Rudy was captivated and turned on seeing Reader doing training and fighting/slaughtering the enemies
3. He was jealous seeing reader playfully flirt with others (TF141 & Alejandro) and a bit shy to approach reader but decided to ask her out anyway (she says yes).
P/s: please feel free to ignore if you have your own ideas/make any adjustments ☺️ tysm!! 🫶🏻❤️‍🔥
"She's Trouble"
Rodolfo Parra x F!Reader
Femme Fatale|Y/N
Warnings: Very Brief Drug Mention, Fluff.
Oh, how could he ever resist someone like you? He found himself drawn in the moment you two met. It was so obvious too, with the way his gaze lingered on you every chance he got.
The way his jaw would clench whenever you playfully flirted with Alejandro.... He tried to convince himself he shouldn't be jealous. You weren't his. You're out of his league.
Rudy watched as you leaned in closer to a man, he watched the way you so effortlessly enchanted everyone you met, the way you got the guys guard down and slipped drugs into his glass of whiskey and he was none the wiser. He'd be out like a light soon.
He was impressed, horny and jealous. The only one of those feelings he found acceptable was being impressed by you, the other two he certainly tried to fight away.
It seems no matter how hard he tries, you manage to reel him back in.
You chimed in excitedly and your hand lightly brushed against his arm, a wide smile on your features which makes his heart pound faster.
He internally cursed himself for how meek he sounded, he usually was far more calm and collected than this. You really did a number on him.
"I just missed you. You haven't been around much lately. Are you alright?"
He swallowed the bubbling guilt down like a bitter pill, he didn't mean to make you worry. He simply has been dealing with his feelings, trying to figure out how to tell you... But every single time he loses his confidence.
"I'm fine. Just a bit busy lately."
You furrowed your brows... You didn't believe him. You could tell he was crushing on you but you didn't realize just how bad. You decided not to push the issue though and just nodded.
"She's trouble."
Alejandro stated the moment he first saw you, the way you walked with such confidence... The sass dripping from you like molten lava, yet at the same time you were kind and dedicated and knew how to pour on the sugar to fool a man with ease.
However, unlike with other men you didn't act as flirty with Rodolfo. He chalked it up to you not being interested but in reality it was because you genuinely care about him.
His hands were so sweaty and he kept awkwardly wiping his palms on his pants.
"How am I supposed to confess- like this?"
He mumbled as he was considering chickening out for the umpteenth time... However when he spotted you with another man all over you- that green monster inside reared its ugly head. He had to do something about these feelings, he couldn't just keep shoveling dirt on top of them and hoping they'd fade.
Not saying a damn word he walked over, a little hint of murder written in his eyes as he carefully grasped your wrist.
"Rudy- hey wait- where are we going?"
His change in behavior confused you to say the least, him tugging you away from the man. He made eye contact with you, taking a deep breath he finally let it out.
"I like you... A lot. Will you please go out with me?"
Your confused expression turned into that of pure delight, taking both his hands in yours while maintaining the eye contact.
"I thought you'd never ask~"
This made him chuckle slightly, averting his eyes with a goofy little smile.
"Alejandro was right... You're trouble."
{I changed some things. I hope it turned out alright. Thank you for the request, anon!}
{I just realized it was a smut req I'm so sorry}
{More Content}
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ethereal27cereal ¡ 2 years
Lover’s Lake - Eddie Munson Plus Size Female Reader Series
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series masterlist - part 5/?
summary: The long awaited beach day is finally here! You and Eddie spend a fun filled day in the sun, sharing bits and pieces about your pasts, and wind up thinking about the future together. 
warnings: Adult themes and content so MINORS DNI! mentions of previous smut and sexual experiences, use of the word fat (not used in a derogatory or bullying way), mentions of terminally ill parents, mention of childhood trauma (Eddie’s), let me know if I missed anything
genre: mostly fluff, mentions of smut
word count: 9.4K
author’s note: This took forever and a day to finally finish, but here we are. Thank you to all the lovely people who put up with me bitching and moaning through writing this part, I’m eternally grateful for your suggestions and support @boomhauer @kissmecaiti @wtf-lindsay @babys-interior I kind of left this one on a cliffhanger smut-wise because I didn’t want cram more in for what I have planned, but there will be some spicy stuff at the start of the next part, I promise. Any feedback or comments are always appreciated 💕
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The porch light flickers overhead, casting dancing shadows across Eddie’s pale features as you lean in closer to his chest, both of you a bit unsure of how to proceed with goodbyes. Should you hug? A friendly wave? Would a kiss be too much? You stare up at him expectantly, absently licking your lips and hoping maybe he will get the hint.
His Adam's apple bobs as swallows a harsh gulp, clearly trying not to stare at your wet and inviting lips. The finger he has curled under your chin strokes a slow path along your jaw, trailing down the curve of your neck to rest tentatively on your shoulder. His plump lips quiver slightly, a silent question waiting on his tongue as he gives in and flicks his gaze down to your lips. 
Am I being a hypocrite if I kiss her right now? I just got done with saying how I didn’t want to end the date on a sexual note, but fuck me, those lips. I need to kiss them again. And Christ, they would look so good wrapped around my cock…shit shit shit, don’t think that. Fuck she’s staring at me. Say something, something normal!
“I like your shirt. It’s really soft,” Eddie blurts, rubbing his fingers against the soft jersey knit. That’s normal, right? Her shirt is nice, just don’t think about what she would look like taking it off…fuck. Get it together, Eddie. 
“Umm, thanks,” you smile shyly, bringing a tentative hand up to Eddie’s chest to trace a finger along the outline of the smiling devil on his Hellfire shirt.
“I’ll meet you at the lake at 2?” Eddie’s words come out as a nervous half statement, half question, focusing too much of his attention staring between your soft lips and your twinkling eyes and trying not to bash his head against the wall again as your fingers swirl absent patterns along his chest.
“2 sounds perfect…” you begin, trying to read into his warm brown eyes. 
“You can kiss me, you know. I promise I will keep my hands mostly to myself this time,” you suggest with a smirk, biting your lip and putting both hands up on his chest where he can see them and splaying your fingers out like you have nothing to hide. He blinks rapidly, a boyish grin spreading across his face before he leans in, lips so close to yours you can feel the flutter of his warm breath fanning across your cheeks. 
“If you’re sure you can behave yourself… I will do my best to be a gentleman because, god, I want to kiss you again,” he whispers, his bottom lip catching against yours with each drippingly sweet syllable. You nod and smile sheepishly, taking the opportunity to press your body flush against his. He stifles a groan and gives you a warning look, that you simply return with a flutter of your eyelashes and a pout of feigned innocence before capturing his lips against yours in a feathery soft kiss. 
His heart pounds in his chest, attempting futilely to keep the kiss gentle, but a lava begins rising in his belly when your tongue languidly sweeps against his bottom lip. His whole body tingles when he parts his lips to let you in, mouth filling with flames at each gentle explorative swipe of your tongue against his. In a moment of heated boldness, you crawl your fingers up his chest, lightly brushing over the delicate skin of his neck before tangling into the soft curls at the nape of his neck and giving a gentle tug. 
Something deeply carnal in him lurches to life and Eddie groans against your lips, gripping your waist a little too tightly when his knees nearly give out. Wildly unaware that you pulling on his hair could ever illicit that kind of overwhelmingly fiery feeling. The newly awakened molten beast inside him claws against his ribs, chest tightening, begging for you to do it again. 
Emboldened by his reaction, you repeat the motion, teasing your fingers into his scalp as you pull a little harder this time. His back arches instinctively, releasing a soft moan that you greedily swallow down, hungry for him to give you more. But your senses come back to you with sudden clarity. You’re meant to be behaving. Not inciting a riot of the senses with kisses and touches that make you both feel like ripping each other’s clothes off and fucking right on the front porch. 
With a sudden pop, you pull away from the kiss, knowing that if you stay there any longer you might find yourself back in the same situation you’d been in not more than twenty minutes ago. Fondling through thick denim, grabbing, groping, hasty in your race to the finish line. Old habits die hard apparently, especially when that’s what you’ve been told that’s all you’re good for. 
You release your hold on the back of his neck, offering a gentle pat pat to his chest before bouncing up the last step to the door. Eddie watches you glide away, collapsing back against the wall and bringing a sweaty palm up to his forehead. 
“Christ, that was um…thank you,” he mumbles, an adorably dazed and confused look glazing across his soft features. You giggle, fiddling your key into the large brass doorknob and turning back to face him, not quite sure what he is thanking you for, but feeling giddy from his response all the same.
“I’ll see you on Sunday at Lover’s Lake at 2,” you reiterate with a sweet smile, letting the heavy front door rest against your hip. 
“Sunday at 2, I’ll be there,” Eddie promises, shakily coming to a full stand and backing off the porch. “With a picnic basket in hand, dressed in my best swim trunks,” he adds excitedly, catching himself before he almost trips over a potted plant. 
“Good, I can’t wait,” you grin, suddenly feeling anxious about the fact that if Eddie is going to be in a swimsuit, that means he will see you in one too. 
“Me neither,” he admits, again narrowly dodging another terracotta pot as he takes a few more steps backwards down the path leading toward his van. 
“Goodnight, Eddie,” you giggle, slowly stepping inside the dark doorway. 
“Goodnight, Y/N, sweet dreams,” Eddie replies, offering a sweet wave before turning to walk the rest of the crushed gravel walkway. As you go to close the door, you catch him fist pumping the air, a whispered “yes” hissing through the silence of night as he reaches the front of his van. You can’t help but let out a laugh.Eddie whips around at the sound, a shy grin on his face. 
“Just pretend like you didn’t see that,” he assures, patting his hand definitively on the hood before shuffling backwards toward the driver’s side. 
“See what?” you shrug your shoulders innocently. He beams and points a knowing finger at you. “Goodnight, Eddie,” you repeat. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Eddie says, maybe a little too loudly before hopping into his van and rumbling down the quiet street. 
Everything about the guest room feels swelteringly warm and it’s making sleep impossible. You’ve already thrown off your sheets and stripped down to nothing but your underwear, but it still feels too hot. You toss and turn, trying to muster the energy to get up and open the window, but your body just sinks further into the mattress with exhaustion. Every other part of you feels physically ready to sleep, but your mind is buzzing. Maybe from the heat, but mostly from the constant whirring thoughts about Eddie and everything that has transpired in just a few short days, completely altering the entire trajectory of your summer. 
When you had agreed to come stay with Holly, you weren’t really sure what to expect. You’d known some of your time would probably be spent helping out around the house and taking care of things. Since Holly’s father had been admitted to the hospital with his health taking a serious turn for the worse, Holly’s mother, Jen, had become a bit of an emotional wreck and that left Holly alone to pick up the pieces. So you tagged along blindly, helping Holly make sense of everything while still hoping for some time to catch up on a few books, see a few movies if there was a local theater, and just experience the slow down of a small town summer. 
Not in your wildest dreams did you expect to meet someone like Eddie. Charming, mysterious, boyishly handsome with an endearing honesty that knocked the wind out of you sometimes. With his sweet, albeit slightly daunting and unfamiliar words from just a few hours prior rolling around in your head, a relationship with you, you’re trying not to get carried away with fantasies about what the rest of the summer with him could be like. The rational part of your brain is screaming, balking at the fact that you’ve only known him for only two damn days and that he still could just be playing you for a fool. But the soft gentle place deep inside your heart that has been told to be quiet for so long is set to burst with all of the potential romantic dates and outings you might get to experience for the first time with Eddie. 
Shaken from your thoughts by the uncomfortable beads of sweat forming on your chest, you get up to open the window, hoping for a little bit of cross breeze when you hear someone slowly stomping up the stairs. The house had been quiet and dark when you’d come in, no sign of either Jen or Holly’s return and you’d figured with it now being 3 a.m. that they were probably both staying out for the remainder of the night. You suddenly begin to fear the worst, panic rising in your throat as you throw on your sleep shirt and grab the heaviest book you can find as a makeshift weapon, ready to leap on the intruder as soon as they make it to the top of the stairs. 
You crack open the door, eyes blinking rapidly in your struggle to adjust to the darkness as you direct your gaze to the figure coming up the stairs. Just as their foot hits the top step, you throw yourself into the hallway, waving your hardcover copy of Lord of the Rings wildly above your head, prepared to bash the intruder with a book, brilliant plan. 
“I have a really heavy book and I’m not afraid to use it!” you yelp in warning just as the intruder lets out a very familiar sounding scream and trips forward into the hallway, knocking you down along with them. You fumble around on the floor before hopping up quickly and flicking on the hall light. 
“Holly?” you splutter, looking down at the girl still struggling to stand up, a hiccupy mixture of laughter and tears bubbling out of her. You reach down to offer her your her hand, dropping the book to the carpet near your feet with a gentle thud
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, you scared the shit outta me,” Holly wheezes, gripping your hand tightly as she brings herself to a wobbly stand. She shakes her head as she clutches her stomach, finally catching her breath again. “What was your plan there? You were going to knock me out and then what, read me a little bedtime story of Lord of the Rings?,” she lets out another strangled giggle. 
“No, I mean yes, but I thought you were someone trying to break in. I didn’t really have time to think of a plan, so I figured a nice heavy whack to the head with a book would at least buy me a little time. You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were staying at Theo’s for the night,” you explain with a huff. 
“I was going to, but I don’t know, he snores super loud and I couldn’t sleep, so I just drove myself home,” she admits quietly. “I’m sorry it’s so late. Did I wake you up?” 
“No, I couldn’t sleep either. I was too hot. I’m sorry I threatened you with a book and I’m sorry I scared you,” you apologize, hoping Holly may have some newly acquired mind reading capabilities to know that you’re also a little sorry for how nasty you got with her the other day about everything. She is not completely off scott free, but you decide it would probably hurt less to let go of some of her misgivings rather than give up the only real friend you have. 
“I’m sorry I scared you too. And I’m sorry if I overstepped a boundary in our friendship the other day with what I said. I want you to be happy, but when you call yourself fat and keep letting all these garbage men use you and toss you aside for just sex, it makes me angry and I worry about you,” Holly replies as if honing in on some clairvoyant powers, letting everything spill out at once before bringing her thumb to her lips and gnawing on the reddened flesh. 
“But, Holly, I am fat,” you begin, giving her a look of disgusted speculation before she interjects.
“No you’re not, you’re beautiful,” she insists.
“Holly, I’m fat. But fat and ugly are not synonymous. I can be both fat and beautiful at the same time, one does not define the other. It’s not always been easy to see it that way, but it’s true, and I’m genuinely trying to see that more about myself,” you impart, trying not to sound as bitter and jaded as you feel. The nagging voice inside you bites and screams at this positive revelation, trying to conjure up other ways to take you down, but you hold your ground. 
“I guess I’ve just always heard it as a negative. I know words can hurt and I guess I just thought I was being helpful by glossing it over and avoiding talks about your weight, but I can see how that isn’t really very validating either. I fully admit that I don’t understand it, I don’t really think I ever really will fully be able to, so just tell me what I can do to be supportive and I will do it,” Holly clarifies hurriedly, pausing her incessant chewing on her thumb to gauge your expression. 
You swallow harshly, bile and the bitter sting of jealousy burning your throat on the way down. Holly really would never get it. And maybe that is okay, but it still hurts. She has never had an excess pound of flesh on her in her life and she always has a steady stream of men begging for her attention. Not just for sex, but for romance and relationships and real love. She gets flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s day, gets taken out for fancy dinners, and she gets told she’s beautiful and there’s not even a ‘but’ to follow it up. 
Holly has the choice of whether she wants to have men for just wild random sex or for a meaningful romantic relationship. She’d had several opportunities to settle into something real with several excruciatingly nice guys, an opportunity you would’ve leapt at, but she decided to turn it down in favor of sampling all her options, just because she could. She accuses you of choosing trash men, but she does not have a perfect track record of picking winners every time either. She has dated and slept around with her fair share of losers, but maybe the fact that she can bag Prince Charming tomorrow if she wanted makes it more okay for her to do so. She is always treated as a priority, never an option. And that’s just a possibility you have a hard time fathoming for yourself.  
Your feelings for Holly always mingle somewhere between heartfelt admiration and intense loathing. She’s the best friend you’ve ever had and know that she would do just about anything in the world for you and you would do the same for her, but it will most likely be a cold day in hell before the creeping green glow of jealous doesn’t flicker behind your eyes every time you see another pitiful man fall for her waifish charm. 
“I don’t really know what to say, or how to say it,” you begin, still unsure of just how to get past apologies, but the unwelcome tears of frustration welling in your throat have you wishing you could just get through a difficult conversation without crying for once.
“And I hate to admit it,” you try again, sputtering out a wet laugh and shaking your head. “But you were right about a lot of it, everything you said before. I have let some really trash men into my life because that is what I thought I deserved. And then when I realized that even though they didn’t really like me, they liked having sex with me, I felt like that was what I was supposed to do,” you explain, deciding it is a better route to admit your wrongs and start fresh rather than hold on to bitterness. A choked sob slips from your lips, echoing through the dimly lit hallway and Holly reaches out tentatively to pat your shoulder, a silent expression of concern pinched on her soft features. 
“It’s proving to be kind of a hard habit to break. The whole ‘men only want me for sex so find the fastest way into their pants’. It kind of bit me in the butt tonight. But I’m really trying to have it be different this time,” you shrug and sniffle, biting at your lip to keep more tears from coming. 
“What do you mean ‘different this time’?” Holly ponders. You collect yourself with a deep breath, attempting to put the right words together to explain how things were going with Eddie without sounding horribly cliche. 
“With Eddie, I mean. It just feels different. Probably because he is different,” you sigh and shrug again, cringing a little at just how trite you must sound, “ I’m still trying to get used to him saying nice things and seemingly meaning them without any ulterior motives. But tonight he told me that he wanted more than just sex,” you admit softly, leaning against the wall as a sudden weight feels like it is lifted off of you. 
“So more than just sex, as in anal sex. Damn, I knew that boy would be freaky,” Holly deadpans, snapping her fingers and ribbing your side playfully. 
“Jesus, Holly,” you mutter, bringing your palm up to cover your face, hiding the involuntary grin that is taking over your features. It feels nice, nice to tell her these things again, and you feel your cheeks twinge from the strain of smiling so hard. 
“Seriously though, that’s like a really big deal,” she replies calmly, even though she looks like she’s about to burst at the seams with pent up questions she’s just dying to ask. 
“Go ahead, I can tell you have lots more you want to say or ask so just hit me with it,” you retort and she jumps up and down with delight, letting out a little girlish squeal as she grabs both your shoulders tightly. 
“Oh my god, okay, yes. First let me get out of these stupid shoes and we can get more comfortable. Sleepover in my room?,” she babbles, chewing her lip nervously with her final suggestion. You nod with a smile and follow her eagerly as she bounds into her dark room, lacy shadows etching the cotton candy pink walls when she flicks on her bedside lamp.
Immediately toeing off her shoes and shrugging off every layer, Holly slips a thin frilly nightgown over her head and leaps onto the bed, always seemingly unfazed by getting undressed in front of you. Trying to be just as unfazed by the unfamiliar sisterly intimacy, you tug at the hem of your well worn sleep shirt, pulling it down to cover the thick expanse of your soft thighs as Holly burrows under the covers and pats the spot next to her for you to hop in. 
With her pleadingly gentle eyes, Holly asks you to tell her everything you’re willing to share.So you tell her. Everything. Every stupid little detail from every last minute with Eddie comes pouring out of your mouth, things you didn’t even know you have been feeling, all spilling out of you in a babbling rush. How Eddie wants to be in a relationship. How you’ve invited him to Lover’s Lake, and how you are a little nervous about him seeing you in your swimsuit, but you’re beyond excited to spend the day with him. You fully allow yourself to gush about him freely, without indulging the fears that swirl in the pit of your belly, silencing the creeping crawling voice inside your head that only wants to make you feel small. 
You tell Holly everything that’s been weighing on your mind until you’re practically blue in the face and the pinky yellow hues of sunrise are streaming in through the curtains. And she listens. Doesn’t pass judgment or offer many opinions, but wholeheartedly listens. Waiting with bated breath for each new detail that you reveal and trying to stifle her yawns when her bedroom bursts with glittery rays of light. For fear of waxing poetic and getting ahead of yourself, you try to ignore all of the overlapping metaphors of a new dawn with your new sense of self, and settle into a deep sleep as the sun bathes the room in a soft warm glow. 
It’s 2:25, actually 2:28 because your watch runs slow. But either way Eddie is late, and you are trying not to work yourself into a tizzy about it. You attempt to focus your attention on reading The Princess Bride again, pages roughly curled back under your fingers as you tug the oversized beach towel around your shoulders tighter, but your eyes keep flicking up to scan the clearing in the trees that has been made into a makeshift parking area for any sign of Eddie’s van. 
Lover’s Lake beach isn’t really much of a beach, rather just a thin stretch of pebbled shoreline where the trees don’t grow as thickly. Summertime sunshine packs the little oasis with families, teens, and everyone in between, all looking to escape some of the heat without the chemical chlorine burn of the local swimming pool. On your previous visits to the lake, you’ve always opted for a more secluded area of the shore, trekking through trees until you find a nice rocky outcropping to settle on and occasionally dipping a toe or two into the water. 
But today, Holly insisted on getting to the beach early, claiming she wanted to get a good spot and didn’t want to do your usual hike through the woods to find one. So you’ve been sitting alone for nearly an hour, trying to tune out the incessant giggling as Holly fawns over Theo’s exceptionally bronzed and hairy six pack. He’s been playing a game of tossing her into the water for the last 20 minutes, and you swear if you have to hear another one of her girlishly playful protests you’re going to drown them both. 
Shortly after arriving, you had been a little too eager to strip off your cover-up shirt and shorts, thinking you might get a touch of sun before Eddie arrives, but the small beach is a little too crowded and you don’t feel like making comparisons with all the other well-tanned and toned bodies lounging around in the sunshine. So instead you curl up on a blanket, cocoon yourself in terry cloth, frumping as you read, despite the gloriously sweet scene between Buttercup and the man in black unfolding before your eyes. 
The man in black has just revealed himself to be Buttercup’s long lost farm boy, Westley, and they are about to enter the Fire Swamp, but all you can think about is the very real possibility that Eddie has stood you up. He was early when he’d picked you up for Hellfire, and you had reminded him at least twice that you would be meeting at 2, so where the hell is he?
You groan and try to focus harder on the words on the page, if you can’t have romance then at least Buttercup gets to. You’re so focused on focusing that you don’t even hear the gentle shuffle of pebbles on dirt as someone approaches your cozy beach set up. 
“As you wish. Such a great book,” his soft lilting words shake you from your concentration as you look up to see Eddie, offering a soft smile and a stilted wave as he proudly displays a rather sizable picnic basket, precariously balancing a small cooler against his hip. You try to smile back, but your frustration at his tardiness must be evident as his smile fades and he tugs his bottom lip anxiously between his teeth. 
“I’m really fucking sorry I’m so late, sweetheart. I had everything all set up and then forgot that I don’t own anything even remotely close to a bathing suit, so I had to borrow one from my buddy, Steve, and well…” he trails off, slowly moving aside the picnic basket to reveal what you can only imagine was his last possible resort for swimwear. 
Eddie is wearing a blindingly bright pair of swim trunks that only go down to his mid thigh, leaving a rather shocking amount of his pale hairy legs exposed. A chaotic splattering of neon pink, green, and orange shapes fight for space on the black polyester fabric, a blur of triangles, trapezoids, and other shapes you can’t possibly recall from 10th grade geometry. It’s the type of design that will make you dizzy if you look at it for too long, but it’s incredibly hard not to stare. You attempt to focus on the pops of light pink squiggles that overlap the shapes like little bits of confetti, but you find your gaze darting up and down the expanse of his legs, a little too eagerly soaking in the sight of all of his newly exposed skin. Eddie shifts uncomfortably in front of you, and clears his throat. 
“We have very different styles, my friend Steve and I,” he mutters shyly, setting down the picnic basket and cooler but still hesitantly standing in front of you. 
“Well I think you and Steve should swap clothes more often, I think you’re rocking that look. It’s a bit confusing with the Black Sabbath tee, but you pull it off,” you wink, all of your resentment about his lateness fading away. 
“Oh yeah? I’m glad you like it,” he replies weakly, cheeks flushing pink with the compliment. He glances down at your towel shrouded frame, saying nothing, but smirking when he sees you start to shrug the towel off your shoulders and scoot over to make room for him on the blanket. He silently sits down cross legged next to you and begins to open the picnic basket. 
For a man who looks like he sustains himself on microwave meals, gas station hot dogs, and most likely toxic amounts of Mtn Dew, Eddie has put a surprising amount of effort into packing and preparing this kind of spread. He pulls out a small stack of individually bagged sandwiches, each of them delicately sliced along the diagonal with little peeks of various fillings spilling out. Next, he displays an array of chip varieties. Classic Lays, Doritos, and salt and vinegar in a neat row with their foil packaging reflecting in the sunshine as he moves on to unpack a few assorted bundles of fruit and other various snacks. He pops open the cooler to reveal layers of soda, ice, and beer, the cans already beginning to bead with condensation. 
You give him a look of astonishment, trying not to get emotional over how much thought he has clearly put into all of this. He catches your eye and shrugs, mumbling something about how he didn’t know what everyone would want so he just went all out. Eddie settles himself into the blanket further and tugs his shirt off over his head to reveal more of his pale skin. Quickly trying to memorize every freckle, scar, and tattoo scattered across his chest, your eyes flit across his alabaster torso, picking up on details that you couldn’t make out before in the darkness of the back of his van. Sinewy muscles flex as he leans over to collect the assortment of sandwiches in his large palms, holding them up to you in a display against his solid chest. 
“I have peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, tuna salad, and turkey,” Eddie’s voice thick and deep as he catches your roving eyes in his soft brown ones. You select the peanut butter and jelly and he chooses the ham and cheese, wasting no time ripping into the salt and vinegar chips and adding a layer of the chips to his sandwich. You tentatively bite into your sandwich, not bothering to wait for Holly and Theo to join in on the picnic while it’s fresh since they seem to be in a world of their own. Peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth, gumming up your words as you look over at him in speculation at his interesting sandwich creation.
“Is that good?,” you scrutinize, swallowing down the thick glob of sandwich before speaking. 
“It’s really good, you wanna try?” he replies, cheeks full of food as he eagerly waves the sandwich over to you. You politely decline, preferring to keep your chips entirely separate from your sandwich. You both enjoy the picnic spread in relative silence, offering a few bits of small talk here and there with how he spent the rest of his work week and what you have been getting up to in your spare time. 
“So The Princess Bride, I’ve read that book about a million times. Did you know they’re making a movie based on it? It’s supposed to come out this September,” Eddie inhales the last bite of his second sandwich and taps at the tattered cover of the book sitting next to your thigh. 
“It’s probably one of my favorite books. I’m excited to see how they’re able to bring it to life on screen,” you share, trying not to sound too over eager about this new found shared interest with Eddie. You polish off the last handful of your Doritos, dusting the red remnants off your fingers before taking a swig of ice cold soda, bubbles and emotions fizzing down your throat. 
“We should go and see it together, when it comes out,” he suggests, slowly glancing up at you and then busying himself with packing away the rest of the picnic lunch so it stays fresh for Holly and Theo. 
“But by September, I’ll be back in Indianapolis, at college,” you reply gloomily. You have been trying to have a positive spin on this whole summer relationship thing, but the reality is that in about two months' time, you will be back to the drudgery of regular life and Eddie will stay here in Hawkins. 
“I will come and visit you then. Take you out on a nice date to some fancy big city theater and we can make a weekend out of it,” the words and ideas tumble out of Eddie’s mouth before he has a chance to catch them. He immediately looks down at his neon swim trunks, tugging at the drawstrings and hoping he hasn’t just scared you off as one of his fantasies of a future with you slips out. 
He means what he says with all his heart, but he’s having a hard time figuring out if you feel the same way. Eddie feels constantly baffled by your desire to get into his pants, not that it’s an inherently bad thing, but he’s worried he will only end up disappointing you. His efforts to slow things down, though coming from a genuine desire to form a real connection with you, stem from deeper fears of inadequacy than even he would like to admit. He knows as soon as he has the opportunity to bury his cock deep inside you, he will be too far gone in his feelings for you, making it even harder to let you go when you inevitably get tired of him. All that compounded on the fact that he’s not even sure his 30 second fumble in the front seat of his van with an overzealous groupie even counted as a real first time. Was it really losing his virginity if he was too terrified and high to come? He doesn’t know the answer to that question, or how to feel about how he stole your panties like a truly sex-starved virgin and then jacked off to them, just further solidifying the pervy behavior. These thoughts rattle around his brain and leave his insides doing knots, making it so each new moment with you feels like he is well beyond his depth. 
From the brief allusions you’ve made to past relationships and your seemingly open forwardness, he assumes your sexual experience is vast miles beyond his, a daunting possibility that has him over analyzing his every move. The other night in his van was only the third time he has ever done anything like that, his efforts to be smooth and experienced coming out as silly one liners and what he was sure was desperation, begging for cuddles post orgasm. Since then, he’s been fighting the urge not to pop a boner if you even look at him, feeling so needy for touch that he has to steady himself from passing out whenever you so much as brush your hand against his. A battle between his sexual and romantic inexperience and his ever present self-loathing rages on his mind, and he doesn’t hear you the first few times you try to get his attention back. 
“Eddie? Did you hear me?,” you interject his thoughts and he snaps out of his reverie to see your soft face peering over at him. 
“Sorry, my brain croaked for a second. What’d you say?,” Eddie shakes his head and smiles, trying to bite down his nervousness as he waits for the answer to his suggestion of a fall weekend together. 
“I said I would really like that. Having you come to visit and seeing the movie with you, that would be really nice,” you answer shyly. You would be lying if the promise of seeing him through September didn’t make your brain go haywire, but you are trying to play it cool and casual, as casual as someone can be who feels like they’re on fire. 
He grins and looks down, clearly lost in his own thoughts again. As he focuses on the dizzying pattern on his shorts, you find your eyes studying over his frame again. Memorizing the soft frizzy curls that cling to the back of his neck, the light dusting of freckles that dot along his shoulder blades, inky creatures you hadn’t noticed before traced in delicate lines over the expanse of his back and sides. You notice along the peaks of his shoulders, down the length of his arms, and the bridge of his nose are no longer the glowing pale white they were when he arrived, but rather a glaring angry red as the sun beats down on his exposed flesh. 
“Eddie, did you put on any sunscreen before you came?,” you quiz gently, reaching out to feel the burning warmth of his bicep under your fingers. He shakes his head and studies your expression. 
“No, I don’t even think I own sunscreen. I don’t see the sun very often, as you can tell,” he holds up his arm and glances down at the fiery red skin, muttering an ‘oh shit’ as he discovers just how burned he is getting. You quickly rummage into your bag and grab out the sunscreen, figuring that while it might not be of much use now, it will at least keep the still pale parts of him from getting scorched. You shrug your protective towel around your shoulders and position yourself behind him.
“You’re turning into a lobster, here let me help,” you offer, squeezing the white lotion into your palm and rubbing your hands together. He shivers as you begin to rub in the thick, cool lotion, carefully brushing his hair out of the way before smoothing circles over the angry skin on his shoulders and covering every inch of his back. You shuffle around to kneel in front of him, squirting more lotion into your hand. He sits up on his knees cautiously to expose more of himself, tilting his chin up and holding in a shaky breath as you rub the lotion down his arms. You push his curls back and begin a steady path over his shoulders and down onto his chest, rubbing in the lotion there and moving south to cover the soft expanse of his belly. He inhales sharply when your fingertips trail down along the waistband of his swim shorts, and you take a moment to look up at his face, only to see his eyes squeezed shut and his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. 
“You look like I’m torturing you. Everything alright?,” you pause your movement, letting your fingers hover over the flaming sword tattooed on his hip. He gulps and opens his eyes, pupils dilated to wide inky pools as he stares back at you. 
“I’m good, great. It’s just…cold,” he insists, offering a halfhearted thumbs up and trying to steady his breathing. He shouldn’t be this worked up over you rubbing sunscreen all over him, but the fantasies are running rampant in his mind and before he even has a chance to think of something else, his dick is solid as a rock and throbbing against the constricting mesh lining of the swim shorts. 
“”You almost done?” he asks with a wince as you press your palm fully against his hip to rub in the chalky streaks you’d left behind. You hide a smirk when you glance down to his lap, not sure if it was the pattern playing tricks on your eyes or if you saw the hard outline of his cock twitch against the fabric.  
“Almost done, let me just get your cheeks and nose,” you giggle, smearing a small glob of lotion on your fingertips and bringing it up to his face. If he looked like he was being tortured before, he looks as though he’s being full on dismembered now. He scrunches his face in a horrible grimace and automatically flinches away from your touch as your fingers dot against the apples of his cheeks, trying to rub in the lotion despite the hard lines and creases his pinched expression is causing.
“Try to relax a little bit though. If I can’t rub it in well you won’t be a lobster anymore, but you’ll end up looking like Casper the friendly ghost,” you warn, and he grins, more wrinkles forming on his face before he lets out a puff of warm air and tries to calm his features. With his cooperation, you quickly rub in the rest of the white smears across his cheeks and smoothe down the strong line of his nose before giving it a little boop as you finish.
“There, all done. We just have to wait a little before getting in the water for it to soak in,” you settle back into your spot on the blankets and wrap the towel back around your shoulder again, still not ready to show off the full glory of your swimsuit until you are able to quickly disappear into the water. 
Eddie finally opens his eyes and turns to give you a dramatically pained look before taking a long swig from his soda and staring off over the water. You’re both silent for a moment, watching the gentle lapping waves on the shore, until with a burst of jumbled words, you both try to speak at the same time. You both politely encourage the other to speak first, his long fingers tucking a curl of hair over his chin to hide the flushing heat rising in his cheeks.
“I was just going to ask if you’d been to the beach a lot when you were a kid, since you grew up here. What were you going to say?,” you ask shyly. Eddie’s lips press together in a thin line, as if debating the question he’s going to answer first before speaking. 
“I was going to say did you know that most lobsters are actually brown, orange, or blue and it’s the boiling process when we cook them that breaks down their hard outer shell and leaves just their red skin showing,” he blurts, diverting entirely from your question, and from his own original thought as well. He was going to say what a nice time he is having spending the day with you, despite his own skin boiling like a lobster’s and being slathered in chalky sunscreen, but that sounded lame the more it swirled around in his brain, and he didn’t even know where to begin with your question. 
Sure, sometimes I came out here as a kid when my dad got too drunk and violent to be around and my mom was too sick to get out of bed and do anything about it. So yeah, loads of happy lakeside childhood memories to share. Nope, not on the third date at least. Since he couldn’t share all that, the first thought that pops into his head is a benign memorized fact. He has several just like it for moments like these in particular, he’s learned it’s better to baffle with bullshit and divert away from the hard questions rather than share things that might leave him feeling a little too vulnerable, might make cracks in the hard exterior he’s worked years to build. 
“And are you like the lobster in this scenario? Your pasty white outer shell being boiled away by the sun to reveal soft squishy red skin,” you tease and poke your finger into the ticklish flesh at his ribs, hardly missing a beat with his off the wall remark and quickly deciding against pressing him to answer your initial question. 
“I mean, sure, if you want to get all metaphorical with it, I was purely just filling you in on some interesting marine creature facts, princess,” he replies with a wheezing giggle as he dodges away from your wiggling fingers that are going back in to tickle more. 
“I’m feeling like I’m about to cook like a lobster too, you ready to get in the water?” you emphasize your point by fanning a hand in front of your face, dramatically letting it fall to rest on his bare knee. He nods in agreement and quickly hops up from his spot 
With a shaky deep breath, you stand up from the blankets, letting the towel fall at your feet in a more dramatic reveal than you intend, but all the same garnering an appreciative gasp that Eddie tries to cover with a forced cough. You fight the urge to wrap your arms around yourself to hide all the ripples and rolls you’re sure are highlighted through the thin spandex as his eyes rake over your body, a dumbfounded look twinkling in his chocolate brown eyes. 
“My god, you look amazing. You look beautiful...that swimsuit..it..just…wow,” he rambles, nodding vigorously and puffing out his cheeks as he lets a thin stream of air fizz out of his pink lips. 
You smirk in reply, feeling a heat rise to your cheeks as you smooth out the delicate layers of ruffles that cascade down vertically from the deep v neckline, clearly some designer’s futile attempt at creating slimming angles in addition to the all over black color of the suit. It isn’t the worst bathing suit on the market for larger bodies, but it certainly isn’t the fashionable high cut red bikini that Holly is sporting. The plunging neckline does wonders at enhancing your already ample chest, and the ruffles actually do a little something to accentuate your waist, but it still feels utterly too exposing, even in front of a man who has already seen you naked. 
“Ready?,” you raise your eyebrows in question and nod towards the water. 
He nods, smiling dumbly and pulling his gaze away from your breasts. Before giving him a chance to reply, you dart off towards the water, shouting a teasing “race ya” behind you as you crash into the cool lake. You wade backwards into the shallows, watching as Eddie frantically kicks off his shoes and nearly falls on his face as he hops on one foot to yank off his socks. Finally just in his swim trunks, he scurries in after you, quickly catching up to your slow drifting pace into deeper water. 
“Hey! Not fair, you were already completely undressed and had a head start,” giving an exaggerated pout before grabbing onto your waist to gently tug you back to him. Your feet shuffle on the silty lake bottom and you press against his chest.
“Fine, fine. We can do another race then. I will race you to the jetty out there,” you resign with a smirk, pointing off to the floating dock that’s bobbing up and down about 100 meters in the distance. 
“Unless you’re feeling particularly inclined to give me CPR today, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Eddie chuckles lightly, but a look of panic that flashes in his eyes tells a different story. 
“Alright, I won’t use CPR as an excuse to kiss you then. I’ll do it just because I want to,” you giggle, moving slowly against the weight of the water to place a chaste featherlight kiss to his soft mouth.Your lips hover tentatively in the wake of his warm breath, waiting to see if he will come back in for more. With a soft moan, Eddie’s lips meet yours again in a deeper, hungrier kiss. His large hands squeeze at your hips as he nibbles gently on your bottom lip, your bodies slowly rocking with the motion of the current. He releases your mouth slowly and leans his forehead against yours, a million thoughts racing through his head, but none of them coming to the surface. 
He silently pulls away, fearing that if he looks into your eyes any longer he will most certainly spill way too much information. About how silly he feels for missing your kisses after just two days apart, about how he’d let you drown him a thousand times over if he got to wake up to your lips against his. Much too much too fast, so he says nothing, opting to hold your hand gently in his and tiptoe deeper into the water. 
“Do you not know how to swim, or is this one of the areas that Eddie Munson is not naturally talented in?,” your voice soft as it breaks the silence, licking your lips as you manage to catch your breath again. 
You turn to wade backwards slightly a step ahead of him to test out the depths, still holding on to his calloused hand as the water level rises higher up your chest with each step. You take a step backwards and suddenly feel nothing beneath your feet, finally reaching the plateau of where the sloping shallows become drastic depths. Bobbing on your tiptoes quickly to keep yourself from going under, you press against Eddie’s chest to stop him. 
“I know the basics, I guess. I, uh, didn’t exactly learn how to swim in a conventional way,” Eddie remarks, settling lower in the water so it tickles the tips of his curls as he thinks back. His eyebrows knit together for a moment, like he’s remembering something unpleasant before his features smoothe over again into a soft, yet sad, smile. Despite how open he has been with most things, Eddie hasn’t shared much about his past. He has let a few vague stories about his Uncle Wayne slip out, but he’s made no mention of any other important figures in his past or present besides the few friends you had met during Hellfire club, and you are unsure if now is the time to probe into that. 
“So how did you, or um, who taught you how to swim?” you ask cautiously, attempting to gauge his expression for any hint of discomfort, but he’s unreadable. 
 “My dad used to come out here at night to get.. uh…to fish off one of his buddy's boats. He took me out with him one time when I was about 7 or 8, super late at night, he was already…well he uh…he was already in fine spirits before we even got out on the water. We weren’t catching anything and he thought it would be funny if he tossed me into the water and told me to swim back to shore as fast as I could,” he filters out some of the unsavory details and pauses for a moment to look up into your eyes, his soft features clenched into a firm expression.
“I’d only been to the pool maybe once or twice, and never had a swim lesson before, but I made it about a good 10 yards before I started swallowing a bunch of water,” he gulps slowly, as if recalling the cold wet feeling of water filling his lungs. 
“Did he actually make you swim all the way back to shore?,” you wonder softly, squeezing onto his fingers a little tighter than you mean to. 
“No, he let me flail around for a little bit though before he came and hauled me out. So that’s how I learned to swim,” Eddie replies with a passive shrug. He looks down into the water where your fingers intertwined with his, an unexpected smile creeping across his face. With a dramatic flourish, he rolls his eyes back in his head, crashing backwards with a splash before disappearing below the water. 
Bubbles rise to the surface as you wait for him to come back up. By now you’re at least a little familiar with his desire for drama, and this showing seems in line with his behavior, although strangely timed with his previous swimming horror story, but you’re not too worried. Seconds begin to tick by and he slowly releases your hand that he’d been holding, panic suddenly surges through your system as you reach down into the water to yank him back up, completely dead weight as you hold him in your arms. 
“Eddie? Eddie!” you gently pat at his expressionless cheeks, hoping for some kind of response but he gives you nothing. You offer another few frantic taps to his cheeks and chest before Eddie abruptly comes to life, eyes flashing open as he shouts an excited boo. In an instant of sheer frustration and fear that you can’t seem to control, you flail your arms out at him, striking against any part of him that you can reach before he quickly sinks away, hands raised in defense. You stop your assault when he’s out of arm’s reach, uncontrollable tears beginning to stream down your cheeks. 
He laughs playfully as he approaches you again, thinking that he’s just played a harmless little prank until he sees the way you’re visibly shaking in the water. You’re gulping for air as you fight your natural response to being scared, which is always to cry. 
“Oh shit, Y/N, I’m sorry,” Eddie begins before you cut him off.
“You jerk, what the hell was that?,” you croak, futilely wiping away tears with already wet hands. 
“I’m so sorry. I thought you would think it was funny, with the whole CPR jokes and me being a bad swimmer, I thought maybe you’d give me mouth to mouth and then we’d laugh and…,” he explains, terror streaking across his face now as he realizes what a mistake he’s made. 
“Well it would’ve been a whole lot funnier if I didn’t legitimately think you were drowning,” you scoff and try to collect yourself. 
“Huge oversight on my part, sweetheart. I’m really really sorry. What can I do to make it up to you? Can I give you a hug? God, I’m batting 2 for 3 on making you cry during our dates, maybe I can make it up to by letting you drown me,” he babbles profusely, shaking out his wet curls and inching closer to you in the water. 
“I should’ve taken another step back there and dragged you into the depths with me,” you threaten with a chuckle, voice still watery as you stretch your arms out silently for a hug. He immediately scoops you up into his strong arms, wrapping you up tightly and whispering more apologizes into the crook of your neck. “And for future reference, I hate being scared and will slap, kick, and flail to get away from whatever is scaring me, even if it’s you,” you murmur against his collarbone, offering him a warning bite to the tender flesh there.
“Ow, I totally deserved that. And that fact is most definitely noted, no more jump scares, pinky promise,” he pulls away slightly from the hug to wiggle his long pinky in between your chests, you loop your smaller pinky in his, sealing the promise with a soft kiss. 
The rest of the afternoon passes by in a blissful blur. Cool water ripples over your bodies as you splash and play in the waves, clinging tightly to one another to catch your breaths before floating aimlessly through the lake in a tangle of wet kisses and grasping limbs. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Holly and Theo packing up their things and leaving the shore. You offer them a wave, but you’re still not ready to leave the warm comforting oasis you’ve found in Eddie’s arms. 
With a great deal of sugared words and convincing, you try to teach Eddie how to tread water at the edge of the drop off. He insists you hold on tightly to his arm to offer support, and you praise the little splashing kicks he makes as he flails them under the water, though he would probably have more success if your usual riding a bike analogy worked since he doesn’t know how to do that either. Despite your best efforts, your teasing payback for his earlier stunt in the form of stories about lake monsters and comments about the murkiness of the water have him leaping back to the safety of where his feet touch the bottom when a bit of driftwood touches his toe. 
In the blink of an eye, the evening sun begins to cast slanting shadows along the shoreline, signaling that it might be finally time to get out of the water. With pruney fingers and aching cheeks from all the smiling, you and Eddie trudge out of the water just in time to watch the sun dip down below the tree line. 
“I know it’s already been a long day, but I’m not ready for it to be over yet,” Eddie begins with a shy smile, picking up his watch from the pile of his belongings and then looking back up at you with hopeful doe eyes. You reply with the same sentiment, but you don’t want to suggest anything that might be considered too pushy or forward. 
“We could go park somewhere again,” he offers, seeing the smirk forming on your lips and immediately backpedaling. “It’s just, most places aren’t open past 9, and so… It doesn’t have to lead to anything, just want to be clear with that. But we could talk more, cuddle, make out a little, but we don’t even have to do that if you don’t want to,” he rambles, word vomit making his tongue tangle as he over explains himself. 
“That sounds great, Eddie,” you reply simply, finding it sweet just how concerned he is with making sure you feel comfortable in whatever situation you’re in together, definitely a foreign but welcome feeling. Eddie helps you gather up the remains of the picnic and the rest of your belongings, practically shaking with nervous energy as he leads you over the pebbled shoreline to his van that’s tucked between the trees.
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factorialsotherfandoms ¡ 9 months
Pac is curled on the sofa beside Forever's bed, watching him rest. It has been over a day now and nearly two - his vitals remain stable, the machinery dug up to keep monitoring him a reassurance, but he is worried. People should not be unconscious for so long, and there is so good way for the group to feed him. Even if they could find an IV, who knows how to use it? And would they have the right things to put in it?
It might be Pac's own fault, he knows; for giving Cellbit notes which lead him to an antidote which did damage to them, or perhaps for falling to the drugs himself and so not getting the antidote to Forever before more damage was done. With the amount Forever had taken, who knows how badly it wrecked his system?
Everyone always reassured Pac when he spoke to them, and the words seemed true, but alone with Forever and the monitors... It is much, much harder to hold onto hope.
They had no Doctor on the island, the closest options being those who had saved allies lives on the battlefield, the potion makers, and arguably himself - Pac, unlike many of the others, was at least familiar with human anatomy. You had to be, to make some of Chume Labs' creations work - prosthetics, mostly.
Cellbit would be here soon, taking over to watch Forever for the last bit of the night while Pac got some sleep before his early start. They had arranged shifts between themselves, making sure Forever was never alone - Philza first, while the island was busy, then Pac as things started to die down, and then Cellbit in the dead of the night. Bad and Tubbo and Fit and Antoine and everyone else would come by and spend some time with him, too - even Slime, though he had somehow wrecked half of the furniture in three minutes there.
Accidentally, Tubbo said. Knowing Slime to be the only person clumsier than Pac, it is maybe even true.
Pac would have expected Baghera sooner or later, but... It really did just confirm that, like Mike, she is missing. More of the island ripped away, and people barely even noticed...
The eggs, Baghera, Mike... How can Pac protect anyone, when he does not even know truly what they were facing? When something so, so terrible the eggs fled without their clothes is coming, and still nobody knows what it even might be.
Cellbit is late, now - by three minutes, and then four. Pac tugs on his sleeves and curls deeper into the sofa, flickering between Forever and the door and dreading when it makes thirty minutes without contact and he can call Cellbit also lost once more.
Thankfully it does not come to that - at seven minutes and thirty six seconds late, Cellbit knocks at, and then opens, the door.
"Sorry, I couldn't get Tubbo to shut up," Cellbit looks exhausted and more than half way to death himself. "He might have found a lead on the eggs - we're not sure. Got some things to think on now, and going out again to look tomorrow."
"A lead?" Pac's ears perk up with his eyes.
"He found copies of their items in a room at the centre of a maze," Cellbit yawns a little, and sits himself down. "There's a roulette wheel in the centre, and its impossible to get to them - the kid managed to find a way, but when he spun the wheel lava poured down. Items were fine, but he's a bit singed."
Pac gives a weak but genuine laugh, "sounds like him."
Cellbit shakes his head.
"Sounds like you," Pac follows up with.
"I was never this bad."
"You were," Pac leans over, resting his head on Cellbit's shoulder, "and, if you knew half of the things he did about engineering, you would be much, much worse."
"... Did I scare you?" Cellbit's voice is quiet as he takes one of Pac's hands.
"Tubbo does too," Pac squeezes it, watches Forever breathe, and puts a little more weight on Cellbit's arm. "Is we all being safe and happy too much to ask?"
"It shouldn't be."
The silence reigns a little while.
Cellbit squeezes his hand, frowns, and continues, "but I suppose it must be. So we fight for it, and we work for it, and we use whatever we have to keep our family and friends safe."
"Forever is still unconscious, do you think I-"
"If it were the antidote being toxic, you would be with him, so it has to be damage the drug did to him," Cellbit is blunt about that at least. "You saved him. We'd have never found an antidote in time without you sacrificing yourself to get some. I mean, you know what the missing ingredient was?"
Pac shakes his head.
"The drug itself. And we would never have been able to steal some from Forever. We had plans to try, but a four digit combination lock with no clues? It would have taken hours. And then we'd have still had to work out what to do with it - we wouldn't have known about the fermented spider's eye without you taking it," Cellbit puzzles through it. "Really I was kind of useless to the whole thing - you got the drug, Bad had the brewing stand, Philza had the eyes... I didn't even know how to use the damn thing."
"I should teach you," Pac says. "In case it happens again."
"Please don't."
"If it saves someone..."
"I know."
Cellbit puts his arm around Pac's shoulder and squeezes.
Pac wriggles an arm behind Cellbit's back, and hugs him too.
"Nobody even knows if he'll be okay," Pac whispers. "I might have been too late..."
"If you were too late, I was too," Cellbit says. "It took me longer than it should to find everything, too busy reading other things, thinking of other enigmas... Delaying calling Philza and Bad to the meeting room because Bad says 'owo' and Philza typed back with a smiley face."
Pac laughs. He doesn't mean to, but he does, "paranoia get to you?"
"Have you seen this island!" Cellbit waves around with the arm not around Pac. "Everything is trying to kill us! Except for each other. All we have is each other."
He thinks of Foolish arresting him for a crime which never happened - Mr Mustard now safely in the capybara village. He thinks of the secrets and the lies and the nervousness; he frowns and he says "do we?"
"Yes," Cellbit says without a doubt. "If nothing else - I have you and Roier and Felps and Forever and Mike. I trust all of you."
"I trust you too," and Pac finds that he does. He thinks a little more and adds "I trust Fit. I'd trust Tubbo to save me but not with information or to keep himself safe. I don't speak much with Philza, but I'd trust him with Richarlyson and Forever. Bad, with our egg. I think... If I were in trouble, I think almost everyone would help in what ways they could. I think if they were in trouble, I would do what I can. I'm not sure I'd trust many of them with my family, but I'd trust them with me."
Cellbit smiles, "it's a lot, isn't it? So many people..."
"It really is," Pac whispers back. "When I was rescued... I don't think I've ever had so many people worried about me. At the orphanage there were even more people, but it was only Mike who cared, and then..."
"And then," Cellbit agrees. "Bad you can trust, and Philza too. I would vouch for them both on that."
"You sure?"
"They're not /family/," Cellbit says. "But if family's in danger and they're around, I wouldn't hesitate to ask them for help; Philza was even already planning something, with Fit and Etoiles, and it was about the plan I had before seeing your messages."
"You had another plan?"
"Kill Forever and take the drugs from his corpse," Cellbit winced. "Though given the strength of the antidote... I imagine it wouldn't have gone well."
"Without knowing the drug it seems like a good one."
"And you were the one who got us the information to actually save him," Cellbit hugs Pac closer. "I know it looks bad now, but... But he's alive, and healing, and /safe/. You did it Pac, you did it."
"We did it."
The number of affirmations and praise are a little overwhelming, enough so he almost missed the tears being blinked back in Cellbit's eyes.
He does not miss them, though, so Pac wriggles out and pulls Cellbit into a proper hug.
"He's safe now," Pac repeats Cellbit's words back to him. "And once he's healed, we'll find Mike, and Richarlyson, and find a way off this island. Just like we promised, right?"
"Right," Cellbit says, between silent tears. "Exactly. And I've got-"
"To sleep more," Pac finishes. "You don't think as well when you're tired."
"I've got to watch Forever."
"I mean tomorrow night," Pac rests his chin on Cellbit's head. "It's my turn to sleep now."
Despite the words, neither of them move an inch. Tonight, Pac falls asleep on that sofa, and in the morning he'll wake with his head in Cellbit's lap.
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tenebrius-excellium ¡ 4 months
I just saw some THW salt again and it makes me sad. Because, you know, I am very openly wearing my heart on my sleeve when saying that THW means more to me than Httyd2. THW's main problem was Toothless. Everything else was on a scale between ok to great... whereas Httyd2 felt grand in vision, yet cold in execution to me. It had grief missing after Stoick's funeral, and some animation issues. Both movies were brilliant in some ways and severely lacking in others. In the end, it's a matter of preference, I guess. Idk if you're really wanting to talk about a 'failed movie', then please take Tales of Arcadia Rise of the Titans, but not a flawed gem that at least tried to do its predecessors justice. I will list up THW's strengths here now again, everything I truly loved about it. To me, these are the reasons why it was worth watching, and why it's worth existing.
❌ Toothless
❌ Grimmel
❌ Deathgrippers
❌ Light Fury (execution)
❌ No Night Furies
✅ The animation - so warm and festive and glowy and colorful
✅ Everyone's character designs, and I mean it
✅ the plot idea and the heart behind it (execution nahh - not so much. but you know that)
✅ Hiccstrid's relationship - sweet perfection.
✅ Astrid, especially, just by herself. Her beauty, her grace, her speech to Hiccup, her common sense. She keeps him grounded yet still supports his dreams. THIS is what I've come to see.
✅ The scenery. Like, the genius idea of making the Hidden World this giant underwater volcano. They could have used a little more lava to highlight dry places in there and create more light instead of using that weird crystal, but the idea itself, and the main entrance shot of the waterfall, were just fantastic. Also every version of dusk and dawn was so utterly magical. When Toothless found the Light Fury, and the storm around the snowy mountaincaps at the last battle - wow.
✅ John Powell's soundtrack alone - that totally saved the day - was worth the entire movie.
✅ The concept idea of the Light Fury. She grew on me. She's aloof and fell short of establishing herself, but she is a character™. It doesn't mean she has to be my favorite. But she's beautiful, and she is rooted in the dragonesque. Why not.
✅ The scene where Stoick taught Hiccup about love and loss. I personally identified with that memory very strongly.
✅ Hiccup's fall. Just...giant ouch. Maybe that's the entire point,,... that even when Hiccup's (and our) expectations weren't met; even though there were no Night Furies in the film and even though the dream of living in the Hidden World evaporated, and even though he lost Toothless to the affections of a random stranger, ... in the midst of all that forlorn hope and bitter disappointment, Hiccup still immediately chose to die for his best friend in a split second. He cares, and he is so so hurt, and it's so, so, so hard for him to let go... but he still chooses to do it. What a massive decision. What a heart.
✅ When Hiccup tickled Toothless' snout to wake him up. It's kinda sad that this felt like the first real, unscripted, intimate connection between them in the entire movie, but here it finally is. They were chiefing too much before this. There was no time for just the two of them anymore. This, again, being the point of the movie.
✅ Toothless looks out to the sky, then back at Hiccup, then back out there... nuff said. No words required.
✅ Hiccstrid wedding? What an unexpected blessing!??
✅ Hiccstrid has kids?? Toothless is okay??? Their older designs weren't butchered?? I was so afraid they'd be bad but they weren't!
✅ The credits walking us through all three movies again. Oof, that nostalgia. Wow.
I'm so grateful for all three movies. And that includes THW.
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thessalian ¡ 2 months
Thess vs MINERVA
After all the Being A Motherfucking Adult of yesterday, the rest was entirely a recovery day. Might have picked up Forbidden West again if I was in the middle of Zen hunting and travelling to someplace and that kind of thing. Not when I had Jumping Puzzle of DOOM ahead of me. But I decided I could do it today.
Right. Here we go. Aaaaaaand of course there's a forcefield. Finding a way around.
So there's going to be guardian machines around here somewhere because they've been everywhere, so what do we have? Burrowers? Scroungers? Scrappers?
...Of course it's fucking Leaplashers. FUCK. OFF. LEAPLASHERS.
Okay, now what? Ah. Shoot the glowies. I can do that. Poonk. Poonk. POONK.
Hrm. Stuff in the way. Find a thing to weight it down-- Wait, when did we start playing Portal?
Of course it can't be that simple. Shove shove shove. Run run run. Drag drag drag. Blegh.
Oh shit I missed shooting one BACK I GO.
Okay. FINALLY. Right. What next? Oh you want me to glide now.
NO NO NO I PRESSED SPACE YOU STUPID-- and into the lava I go.
Right. So from there to there to there. Lemme check my timings.
(Fuck I'm glad I do story mode on this. I bet the timings are way less forgiving in other modes. Fibro does not allow for that kind of precision.)
And more timings for the vent aaaaaaand... Ride the floaty machines, okay. YEET.
I admit it's kind of nice having someone around marvelling at the awesome and frankly insane shit I do in these things.
Aaaaand we're in. Oh. Fuck. Well. Sorry, land-god, HAEPHESTUS is a jackass.
Also ... really sorry, Zo, but you're right, your people can't see this. I am so, so sorry that HAEPHESTUS is a jackass.
Okay. Everything be dead. Thank you. Now. Fuck. Off. HAEPHESTUS.
Oh. So you're stealing a trick off me and hiding in the cloud. Well, fuck you too.
Oh. And we have a Cradle. And MINERVA is not happy. Yeah, I'm not exactly having the best day either, MINERVA.
Aaaaaaand we're stuck in a room. Well, fuck that. I can climb. And pry open doors. And open vents. And-- ooh, hey, green shiny!
Right. Lengthy cutscene incoming-- Oh, come on, MINERVA, I am trying to help you here!
"MISERY ... WILL CEASE?" Oh damn I'm nearly crying over an AI. (Like, an actual AI, not what the tech bros and corporate shills are trying to foist on us in the real.)
Hi, GAIA. You-- Wait, you're digging through my Focus? Hang on; all the stuff I recorded on my old Focus was destroyed, so how are you getting Rost? Were my Foci networked? If so, doesn't that mean Sylens can just spy on everything? Or is it just that you're a techno-god AI thing that--? Okay I will stop poking the Jenga Tower of Logic for now.
Yeah, please don't scare my friends. Thank you.
So ... wait. This base is, like ... mine, now? Can I maybe ... like ... hang a few plants? Tapestries? Furs? Something, I dunno; this place is kind of gloomy as fuck.
Ooooooh so this is what the drone data's for! Oh, dude, this is gorgeous.
Wait. So there's a mechanic to get better at overriding machines now? Huh, and I need more Plowhorn bits. I don't think the Utaru will like me shooting their land-gods for that, so I guess I'll have to hope for more on the other side of the mountains.
...Oh, you Odyssey bastards. I kind of wonder how much is "descendent" and how much is "clone" at this point, since the woman's voice I heard in that little collection of folks was very much like the Tilda I heard talking to Elizabet in one of those old data points. Those shitheels really did just want to live forever.
And now they want to TAKE OVER THE WORLD-- Fuck's sake, by killing everyone who already lives here? Fuckheads. You're not better just because you have a bunch of history books or whatever! You're just the same kind of grasping assholes as left the world in its sorry state the last time!
(I'm honestly not sure what this says about colonialism, though I admit it's nice to be the individuals fighting against the colonialist shitheads because, hey, we were here first and we survived without your tech-god bullshit.)
Yeah, I don't really know how I feel about another machine-army either. If I could just get something to shut down their stupid forcefields, I'd be happy with that. Just make them vulnerable to the Arrow-To-Face manoeuvre, and I'll cope. Then again, something needs to go after their Venom-Meets-Modrone bullshit.
Okay, what's going to be the excuse to let me wander alone this time? ...Aloy, that's actually smart. Let them in on it; let them understand, or at least as much as they're going to through the filters of their experience and--
Oh. You're going to go get Erend? I can live with that. And Zo is ... probably going to end up some kind of priestess among the Utaru, at least after she does whatever she's going to do to help us.
And we're into the actual West! LIZARDS! I NEED LIZARD BITS!
But first I need a campfire that's not at the base-- Oh. Hi, Tenakth lady. I don't really think you're violent savages but I do have to be careful about that lady's rebel bullshit. Thanks for the heads-up about the bases; I'll see what I can do because I really like taking those out.
Got anything interesting, Peddler-Dude? ...Not really. Lemme sell you some vendor trash and be on my way.
Ooh, drone! Lemme just clear those Shellsnappers out of the way--
Um. What's that?
Does ... does that say Apex?!?
Hide and seek tiiiiiiiiiiime!
Aaaaaaand FINALLY. Okay. Area clear. Now lemme get up to where that drone leap point is-- Oh, hey, green shiny!
Attempt 1 - missed. Fuck. Well, I guess I needed to use up some of the medicinal berries in my stash anyway.
Attempt 2 - missed. Gonna have to dash it.
Attempt 3 - SUCCESS! Whole new drone point for Planetarium! WOO!
Okay, now lemme just get that last campfire-- LIZARDS!
No ... no ... no ... I need skin, damnit. GIVE ME YOUR SKIIIIN.
Fuck it. Campfire. Break needed. Then I'll spend a couple of hours hunting lizards, probably.
Really kinda glad I had no plans on going out today. As the meme goes, "It fucken WIMDY". I'm a little paranoid about my outside plants, but they seem to be okay so far. But it's definitely time for a screen break. More coffee, probably. Fruit, because I require feeding. Then ... yeah, probably hunting lizards for hours. Because I am insanely patient about some things. And I very much want lizard skin.
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dybynyght ¡ 1 year
An Okay Pretender III (Bowser X Reader)
A/N: The last chapter felt a tad short, so here's the next. Again, apologies if our Fire King is a bit OOC. I had a bit of a difficult time pinpointing but thank you for still tuning in if you do. 😭 Word Count: 720
You weren't sure if word had reached the Princess or the others. Bowser saw it fit to bring along the castle retainers and hold them prisoner. A little incentive to stop you from leaving. You wouldn't abandon them–you couldn't–and with them here with you in the Koopa King's castle, there wasn't anyone capable of venturing out for help. You honestly didn't have that much faith in the village Toads and knew many of them didn't even know that you were standing in for their beloved Princess. Were they even capable of leaving their homeland for help? You didn't fight the heavy sigh that left your lips.
Your holding cell was a tower–a major step up from the cages Peach had told you about in her past–and despite it being far from your tastes, it was accommodating and had the luxuries you would've found back at Peach's castle. 
"He'll have to guess something's up when no one comes for us." You whispered as you took a seat on the bedroom bench. "And what then? Chances are he'll go right back to trying to take over Peach's kingdom. Which really isn't gonna fare well for anyone. Especially me!" A small pout jutted onto your lips. "No one's gonna trust me to handle anything at that point…" Maybe you were missing the big picture at that moment, but the thought of disappointing the few people who seemed to find your presence a joy weighed just as heavily as possible total domination from a foreign ruler. 
Your eyes took to the gaping window carved out of stone and gazed at the black clouds that blanketed the skies. Thick, heavy and inky enough to block out all view of anything beyond what was kept within the realm and with a slight crane of your neck, you could glimpse the sea of lava resting along the perimeter of the castle. Having seen enough, you huffed. The only way out was through the front door and there was no way in hell you'd be allowed to waltz out. Unless…
Your chamber–you refused to call your cell 'your room'–lattice unbolted and in paraded your captor himself. His stride prideful as always but dashed with a slight air of caution. Though you figured you were just imagining things. Stiffening up just so, you hardened your face and kept your eyes locked on your folded hands.
"Still upset, Starling?" He asked as he carefully nudged your chin upwards after kneeling before you, directing your gaze to his.
"I hardly find anything worth being happy about at the moment." Slowly, you edged back, pulling away as you did. "Besides, we both know how this will end. No doubt Mario's on his way now! So, how about we save you the embarrassment, and you let me go?"
At the mention of Mario's name, a trail of smoke left his nostrils as his brows knitted in annoyance. You bit down on your lower lip and quickly averted your gaze. It was worth a shot to ask. "Wha-What of my subjects? I want to see them." You piped up in hopes of quelling his sudden spell of anger, raising your head just so to peek up at him from beneath your lashes.
You watched as he visibly jolted, he rose to his feet and his arms crossed over his chest as a soft pink dusted his cheeks. The valley between his brows softened as a somewhat tender gaze rested on your form. "Sorry Starling, but no can do."
"You don't trust me?" 
"You and I both know what you're capable of. You're staying here." 
"Your guards could accompany me." You pressed. "You trust them, don't you?"
Bowser guffawed, his laughter seemingly shaking the very walls of the room. You didn't need any further response than that. You've seen even Luigi tussle with them and win. That was explanation enough.
"Alright," You muttered, feeling a tad embarrassed. "Then…why don't you accompany me?"
The room quickly fell silent at your suggestion and for a second, you assumed he was simply mulling over the offer but the look on his face said otherwise. He already had his answer, the real battle was whether or not he should say it as quickly as it came. One, of course, beat out the other.
"It would be your pleasure, Princess."
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lmanburg-letter-service ¡ 4 months
To: Tubbo and Ranboo
hey big guys. Uhhh been a while yeah? never really written one of these before (Well. i've written some private letters to my brothers before but never posted them onto one of these so)
Fuck i'm awkward as shit right now but. how're you doing Tubso? you taking care of yourself? yeah? because you Better fucking be or else i'm breaking reality itself and i'm GOING to make you take care of yourself YOU HEAR ME, best friend threats aside, hope you're doing great. i feel just a little bit hollow whenever i see the words bossman and know i won't ever really listen to you say those words to me or, well anyone again, but it's been getting better. you were and are my best and closest friend, and i'm sorry for being such an idiot so many times throughout our friendship. i did stupid things, and blamed you for it many times, that wasn't fair at all no matter how much i was struggling, you were struggling too for the longest time man. i just want you to know you're a damn saint for dealing with it and staying by my side, you couldn't always protect me (no matter how much you tried) and i don't blame you for it, some things just can't really be helped i guess, miss you big man.
and Ranboo (without a b because i'm so very gracious like that), it's been raining a shit ton lately. i know you'd hate it here, sure i like the rain but i can't really help but feel panicked whenever some rain drops fall because "oh cool rain. wait SHIT WHERE'S RAN" and then i realize you're not here and even if you probably PROBABLY wouldn't be horribly allergic to the rain anymore, in fact, maybe you like rain now? who knows honestly, it's like, you burn in lava normally but if you didn't then actually it'd maybe be kind of cool to just, sit in lava without toasting?? maybe that's a weird thought, i dunno you tell me. that aside, i should've hung out with you more man, i didn't want to admit it back then absolutely not but you're fucking hilarious when you want to be, you always stood up for what was right n all that and i always appreciated that yknow, i'm glad uh, i'm glad nothing ever happened to you after the trial. my own situation after it was, Bad capital B Bad, but it felt better knowing you would never get to be in my shoes. i barely remember the letters you sent me anymore but they were one of the best highlights in my day that the. person. tormenting me wouldn't be able to taint. you didn't need to do that but you did, you really don't need to do a lot of things but you still do em for people, i guess that's just a you thing.
woah look at me being a real poet, actually, i've been considering straight up making poetry what would that be like?? you ever do any poetry?? ..if anybody ever finds this letter i mean. who knows. i'll probably uh, send in some others some other time, maybe when i get reminded of you guys again, which i mean happens often you were my best friends even if i was an ass and didn't really deserve it, okay i'll jsut say i miss the sleepovers i know i said they were cheesy and maybe they kind of are but WHO CARES!! CHEESYS GOOD SOMETIMES EY
but right right Uhh. should prooobably end this before it turns into my personal 3784739k word novel: i miss my best friends frowney face, so
from your bestest most awesome big man friend, a Big T/clementine fictive ❄️🌫️
[Letter Sent!]
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thegeminisage ¡ 1 year
ok im playing more zelda!! i feel awful this is literally all i can do rn
you know i miss the match over bell from botw. it was so good
i fucking hate this place btw. rauru's settlement or whatever. i hate bottomless bogs
i guess in regards to gameplay it's not that different than lava - more forgiving, even! lava kills you instantly and sometimes you can fight your way out of a bog! - but it FEELS worse. it's uglier for one thing
i'm really close to the lost woods so i'm gonna see if i can navigate it without a torch! since i can see the wind blowing. i have so many korok seeds to trade in lol
took me one false start but i made it! i just had to walk veeery slowly lol
MAXED OUT my weapon storage already. damn.
going to check out a tiny chasm i've been eyeballing forever. i deserve a break
i used to feel so nervous being this close to hyrule castle in botw...the hills between it and the lost woods...it's not as bad in totk although i am still hugging the water. i don't want the music to play lol
fucking korok seed i was supposed to get by starting a fire and using a pinecone to go straight up. it was raining. i had to make the most convoluted structure out of dead trees it took FOREVERRR
how exciting!! after awhile away from the depths i land right on top of a yiga camp AND i can see an easy lightroot from here. a gentle reintroduction
ooh, this book talks about lights that appear and then vanish....that's fucking spooky. i hope they dont mean hands lol
ive been wanting to try "hoverbikes" that ive heard about and theres some fans here, so
ok my bike died but for a test run that was NOT bad
this area is all explored except this one dark spot that i've just now lit up...i'll grab a few poes and go somewhere else
i'm gonna go to goron city and buy my stupid fire helmet. i swear if i don't kill that gleeok on lake hylia i'll die
oh! i found the goron brothers house! kabetta's diary...
uh oh, it's his marbled rock roast descent
ooh, i found the sidequest to get a boulder breaker!!
where tf do i get a cobble crusher these days i wonder...
god i forgot how fun minecarts are. i saw one of the oldstyle ones on my way by...
kilton's balloon! or um. whoever he is lol <3 i have TOOOONS of gems to trade
it's not the same here without the lava, but at least there's lava in the caves...
these mine cart tracks were RIDICLOUS. i got SO STUCK lol
i see dinraAl but im too close to the ground 😭
OOOOHHHHH maybe i can use a hoverbike.....i gotta finish this fight first lol
GOT A COBBLE CRUSHER.....oh man i almost LEFT these guys to go chase dinraal!!!
ok ok gotta hurry
so, this bike doesn't control as well as i';'d like...maybe i need practice...and of course i wish it was faster...but it's still REALLY cool
my battery keeps dying/my bike keeps falling :( i give up
ugh i have so much anxiety about dragon parts.
oh my god...i didnt even have this in botw, i dont have the amiibo card....................
aw i found some monster forces guys. of COURSE im gonna help them
OH we still get the bell after monster forces battles...good
i didnt get all my loot yet!! no one to help me when they come back!! im gonna die!!!
im not leaving w/o my Loot. i'll just have to do it on my own. thank god i have muddlebuds
GEEZ i did it. double loot
i can see the edge of the map! that sort of thing always did fascinate me...some of the textures are warped here lol that's creepy
ok, i looked it up and apparently i made my hoverbike wrong. im gonna try again w proper instruction!!
ok, new bike got me up to the top of gut check rock...it still has too much forward momentum for me, but i've seen a couple of different designs i wanna experiment with when i have more fans (currently only have 2 left in inventory)
i miss the goron blood brothers :( i mean it's so depressing that there's nothing up here but a korok seed...
ok fine that wasnt that bad. STILL
bike is LOTS harder to control with a korok on the back. i like of like the counterweight though to help with too much momentum...
the bike lists to one side! i definitely just need to improve my fan placement
woke up the horse god. JUST as unsettling as i remember.
omg the yiga hideouts REFILL after long enough. rip!
decided to fight the pirates while i was here. "monster forces"...hope i'm not supposed to be teaming up with anyone for this lol
i accidentally hit my bike during combat and it went over the side of the boat 😭 i can make another and i was gonna fast travel after this anyway but STILL......
AUGH it's dinraal again and once again i can't chase her...i know how to do the bike now but i don't have it and also i'm busy!!!!! ugh
248 korok seeds!! officially time for bed - when i started today i was somewhere in the mid 100s lol
i thought i wouldn't play enough tonight to need to make multiple posts but i guess i should have broken this one up, huh? whoops!
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sadnesslaughs ¡ 11 months
The 10 sit around the table in horror as the final decision is revealed. Their stomachs sink as they all remember the last time the entire Guild of Dentists were in agreement.
The guild of dentists all frantically looked at one another. Every member waiting for someone to speak an ill word towards the Hyaio brand of peppermint toothpaste that laid on the table. They couldn’t all agree for once. There had to be a mistake. Mark, the youngest of the dentists, looked at Agitha. Hoping she might have some choice words for this new brand of toothpaste.
“Agitha. Even you agree this is the best product on the market? You’re practically a dental fossil at this point. Don’t you hate all the new stuff? You tried to convince me to brush my teeth with strawberries when I first joined, you can’t be in favor of this.” Henry pleaded, trying to sway her opinion.
“A fossil? Call me that again and I’ll be giving you a tooth extraction with my foot.” The older woman pushed up her glasses, using her middle finger to perform the action. “I didn’t tell you to brush your teeth with the strawberries. I told you it helps to whiten them. I was giving you advice because any person who enters your office will run in horror when they see those decaying teeth of yours.” She commented. Her words making Mark cover his mouth. “As I was saying. It’s flawless. The product can’t be beat.”
Gasps echoed through the guild hall. How long had it been since they agreed on a product? Rumors in the guild said that the last agreement was in Pompeii. This agreement bringing about the volcanic destruction of both Pompeii and Herculaneum. Even now, the lava that surrounded the dental guild bubbled as a few of the dentists gave it nervous glances.
The dental guild built to be hard to find, filled with labyrinths of dental floss triplines and shark infested mouthwash waters. Weirdly enough, the mouthwash didn’t kill the sharks. Only giving them minty breath that would smell rather pleasant before you were devoured. As they all sat in silence, leaning against the tooth covered stone table, a voice spoke up.
“Why don’t we lie? I’ll say I disagree with it, and everything will be fine.” Hayley offered, willing to throw her pearly white dental record away for the salvation of the world. Like Mark, she was one of the younger members of the guild. Hayley being the first dentist to implement the placebo anesthetic trick in her dental office. As everyone knows, dentists compete to make their offices the most unpleasant place imaginable. With Hayley having revolutionized the dental pain experience. Even getting the golden tooth for her innovation at the dental torment award show.
“You can lie to us, but you can’t lie to her.” Graham pointed to the hanging overhead statue of the tooth fairy. The beautiful woman holding a bloodied tooth that swung over the table. Her marble wings looking spectacular under the dim light of the hall. “She knows the truth. We have to accept the consequences. If an agreement has been made, we must hope she has mercy on the world. Praise be to the one true god. The almighty tooth giver and taker. May our teeth be cavity free in her name.”
“For the last time, Graham, it’s a statue, not a god. How much happy gas did you huff before you came here?” Agitha groaned, rubbing her temple. The guild really was letting anybody in these days. Back in her day, everyone here was a respected academic, not a member of the dental circus.
“So, how do we go about this? Got some weird home remedy that can spare us? Going to pull out some strawberries?” Mark teased, only to scoot back in his seat when Agitha stomped her foot down, scaring the young dentist.
“No, I’m proposing something more sensible. Who owns Hyaio?”
“Ah, now you’re speaking my language.” A tooth drill was heard as Nichole spoke, leaning forward in her chair. She was the only dentist missing three of her teeth, replacing them with ones that could hold an assortment of weaponized pills. Using them for any dental assassinations she needed to perform. “Are you thinking of killing the product before it hits the market?”
“I’m not… I thought we could reason with the CEO?” Agitha didn’t want to admit that the thought of assassination had crossed her mind. She considered herself above these degenerates, not wanting to lower herself to their standards.
“Heh, you want to reason with them? You can’t reason with CEOs. They crave money over anything. It’s like asking a leech not to suck your blood. At the end of the day, it’s a leech, that’s what it does. You can’t even really fault them for it. It’s in their DNA. So, I suggest we give them a checkup, if you know what I mean.”
“But we aren’t murderers.” Agitha protested.
“We still aren’t. Nichole’s the one doing it.” Mark answered.
“Yeah, our hands are clean and ready for the next patient.” Hayley said.
“Praise the tooth fairy in the spreading of teeth and blood.” Graham chanted, standing up from his chair, throwing his hands into the sky, praising the giant tooth fairy statue. The group stared at Graham, making a mental note not to invite him to the next meeting.
“So, what am I doing? Am I giving him a checkup?” Nichole asked. The group muttered a little indecisively before nodding. Soon, they gave their votes and all ten dentists agreed that this was the best course of action to take. “Funny, who would have thought all ten dentists would agree on something twice in one day? Don’t worry, he will be saying Ahhhh before the toothpaste hits the shelves. Once he’s out of the way, we can impose a shadow CEO into the company and get them to pull the product. I’ll leave that stage to the rest of you. May your teeth sparkle.”
“May your teeth sparkle.” The group responded, watching as Nichole left. Hoping she could prevent the doom that would soon be coming for them.
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