#bufan scenario
Midnight visits (Bufan Smut)
“Ask:  I really like your writhing and this is my first time asking for smut,could you please write a smut scenario with Bufan from oner please?? 🙈 thx
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Tags: high school au, new kid au, Smut
Slamming your locker shut, you had grabbed the books you had needed for your next few classes. Your locker wasn’t one of the lucky ones, being in the middle of the main traffic flow of the school. People tended to crowd when the bell rang and it caused you a lot of stress, being pushed, knocked over and nearly stepped on. 
Turning around, you hadn’t anticipated bumping into someone having a conversation there. Your books hit the back of a very tall man and you fell to the floor, not being prepared for the situation what so ever. Your books scattered everywhere along with some loose papers and you simply looked up at the culpurit who was painfully unaware he was standing and having a conversation.
The man was quite tall and dressed in all black, he looked intimidating from behind. He turned around to see what bumped into him, only to see you and your school books splayed over the floor. He had sharp features and dark eyes which were now focused on you. His friends followed suit, looking at you on the floor as you tried to gather your books and papers. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, crouching down to your level and helping you gather your things. “I’m fine. You know you really shouldn’t stand in the middle of the hallway when there are people rushing around. It’s rude.” You said and stood up, brushing past the man and his friends in a fit. 
You had never seen him before and you weren’t usually this uptight when it came to a small bump, but it wasn’t the first time it had happened and it wasn’t the first time you were the victim. Everyone has a breaking point, whether it be small or large. 
“Well that was...harsh.” YueYue said as he watched you storm off. Bufan’s eyes followed you as well, shrugging the incident off. “You’ve been here one day and you already made an enemy. Good Job, Fan.” Ziyang said, clapping the taller male on the back. “I guess so.” He said and scratched the back of his head in confusion. 
You sat in the back of the class, going over the notes you had taken in the previous class. You had already forgotten the incident, mainly because it wasn’t that big of a deal to you. The classroom slowly filled, students got into their seats and just as you thought that everyone was there, the tall wall of a man walked in. You huffed to yourself, returning back to your paper.
You tried your best to ignore him as you noticed him making his way over to your seat. You wondered why, maybe he was coming to confront you, maybe he was going to yell at you. The more you looked at him the more intimidating he seemed. Then you noticed the last empty desk beside and huffed to yourself. You focused on your paper, but still watched as he made his way to the empty chair. 
“Looks like we’re in the same class.” His deep voice said and you glanced at him. “Looks like.” You mumbled and he huffed. “Look I wasn’t aware I was in the way a second ago. I’m sorry...” You didn’t respond to his apology making him huff anymore. “Can we forget that happened? My name’s Bufan, I’m new here.” Bufan said and leaned over from his desk to extend a hand to you. You looked at it for a moment before taking his hand in yours. “I’m Y/N.” 
“Y/N.” Bufan repeated your name, sounding good in his mouth. “I like that.” He added and you stifled a laugh. 
The week ended with a bang. Your friend were throwing a big party because her parents were out of town and everyone was invited. From jocks to the chess club, everyone was invited. The house seemed a lot smaller than you remembered considering the amount of people inside. 
You sat crammed on the couch, the couple sitting next to you taking up all the space in their hefty makeout session. Staring at your plastic cup, you felt incredibly awkward. Your friends were all in deep conversation, spread out over the room. Tracing the rim of your cup, you sighed... what a party. 
You drew the line when a heeled shoe almost knocked your drink over and you stood up ubruptly, only to run straight into someone’s chest. 
“It seems like we have an awful habbit of running into eachother.” Bufan’s voice filled your ears and you took a deep breath. “Either that or you have a habbit of standing in my way.” You pushed past him and he followed you. “I have never been lucky.” He said and you walked to the kitchen, Bufan trailing behind you. “Neither have I apparently.” You said sniffed a bottle of something standing on the counter. The scent was strong, making scrunch up your nose and Bufan laughed. 
You handed him the bottle and watched him pour the substance into his cup. “So, don’t have any friends? Is that why you’re following me like a puppy?” You teased and Bufan looked at you with a small smile. “I wanted to say Hi. But it looked like you were busy third wheeling that makeout session over there.” You had known Bufan a week and you already teased eachother as if you knew each other your whole lives. Aside from the fact he didn’t know anything personal about you at all. 
You picked your cup up and finished your drink, before looking at your phone for the time. “Oh would you look at that. It’s eleven o’clock, I’m gonna go home.” You said and brushed past him. “Wait, the party is just starting.” Bufan said, grabbing your hand. You looked at his hand holding yours and looked back up at him. He got the hint from your gaze and let your hand go immediately. “Sorry.” 
You laughed to yourself and leaned on the counter. “Give me a reason why I should stay.” You said and crossed your arms over your chest. Bufan smiled to himself, looking down to the floor. 
“Because I was planning on walking you home as I left and I don’t want you to leave without me.” His words made a subtle blush creep up on your cheeks. “Well then, come on. Walk me home.”  You said and headed for the door, gesturing for him to come along. Bufan caught up to you and  placed his hand on the small of your back as you said bye to your friends. You knew they thought it was odd, seeing you with Bufan and him holding you in a certain way. 
But you brushed it off, and walked off with the male. As you walked down the street, your hands were in your pockets and you were quiet. It hadn’t struck you that Bufan might have thought this was more than just him walking you home, not until you could see your house fromt he street you were walking on. 
“Well this is me.” You said and Bufan looked at you. “Oh, that was shorter than I thought it would be. That’s a shame.” He said and scratched the back of his head. You smiled and stood on you tip toes, kissing his cheek quickly. “Goodnight Bufan!” You said and ran to your front door, leaving Bufan stunned and watching your every move. “Goodnight.” He said and waved as you entered your house. 
He felt his heart pounding chest as he watched you walk away, he had hoped that you would invite him in but this was okay. Baby steps. Bufan wanted you in every way, he could wait. He wanted you comfortable with him, he wanted you to be his girlfriend. 
With a smile on his face, he left your house and went home, totally forgetting about the party he was going to return too. He didn’t even go to the party for anything else really. 
A few days had gone by and you had barely seen Bufan. Your schedules conflicting with each other and your school work load being incredibly overbaring. It had you pulling all nighters frequently. 
There you sat at your desk in your room, pencil in hand and scribbling angrily. The irritating tapping at your window wasn’t helping your mood. You looked up from your paper in anger before storming away from your desk and to the window. You didn’t really know what to expect, maybe just nature being annoying and wanting to test you. But it turns out it was someone being annoying but not with the intentions of testing you. 
Bufan stood outside your window, looking up at it with some small pebbles in his hand. He was about to throw another one until he realised your window was now open and you were looking at him. 
“Bufan what the hell are you doing?” You whispered, knowing your parents were asleep. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all week, so I thought I’d stop by and see if you were still alive.” He said and you laughed to yourself as you felt your heart flutter a little. “Well here I am, alive and breathing.” You said and paused. “Do you want to come up?” You added and Bufan nodded. You were about to leave the window to let him in downstairs when he started attempting to climb up. 
“I could just let you in downstairs.” You said, trying your best not to laugh as the large man tried shimmying up the drainpipe. “You know, I’ve gotten this far. Just let me embarrass myself and we won’t speak of this again.” He grunted as he was almost all the way up. Covering your mouth, you muffled your laughter as Bufan stumbled into your room. 
“It’s midnight you know.” You told him as he straightened himself out. His height always amazed you and made you feel small. “I know and I was just passing by really, when I saw your light on and I just figured I’d see if you were up and well, you were.” He said and looked around your room. 
Your room wasn’t what he expected, the walls covered in drawings and pictures of your friends. Your desk wasn’t neat either and it was obvious you were in the middle of a cramming session. 
“Was I interupting?” Bufan questioned with a worried look on his face. “Kind of, but I think I needed it.” You reassured him and sat down on your bed. ���So what are you here for?” You added and he sat down next to you with your permission. “I don’t actually know. I just wanted to see you.” He mumbled and you blushed. “You’re so shameless. Just flirting with me but not telling me how you actually feel.” You said and fell back onto your bed. 
“Where’s the fun in that?” He asked and mimicked your position. You felt oddly comfortable with him. The other times you had, had a man in your room it made you feel incredibly awkward. But something about this was peaceful.
You spent the next few hours talking and laughing. You needed to cover his mouth sometimes, in the fear that he would wake your family which only made you two laugh harder. Bufan was everything you liked, there wasn’t a flaw yet. 
It was 3 in the morning and you could feel yourself getting tired, the yawns getting more frequent and barely being able to keep your eyes open. Bufan could tell, finding it cute as you struggled to stay awake to listen to him speak. You felt him grab your hand to pull you closer as he kissed your forehead. 
“Go to sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow in class.”  Bufan told you and stood up. You were lucky that your room was dark, otherwise he would have seen the deep blush over your cheeks. Sleepily you watched Bufan walk to the window and you started laughing. “Just go out the front door. Just lock it before you close it.” You said and he smiled. “Yep, I feel like an idiot. Goodnight.” He mumbled and left your room. 
Bufan’s personality didn’t match his appearance at all, but you liked both equally. His appearance was cold and intimidating, until he smiled then the room just lit up. But in the short time you knew him, you knew his personality was something special. Caring, sweet and the biggest dork you had ever met (literally). Bufan made you smile and devestated you at the same time. 
The next day in class, Bufan sat next to you  and simply smiled. “Hey.” You said, looking up from your paper. “Oh I feel special. You looked up from your school work to say hi to me.” He joked and you shot him a glare. “Do you want to hang out again tonight?” You asked him and looked him over.
He looked good today, a whole meal some would say. Tight black jeans tucked into Dr. Marten boots a white shirt and denim jacket, he had the proportions of a model, he looked good in anything. But today, for some reason, he looked especially good.
“Sure, I’ll come through the front door this time. Think I ripped my pants going up the drain pipe last night.” Bufan stated and you laughed. “Well that’s fine my parents are out of town anyways.” You said and turned back to your work with a smirk. 
Bufan nearly choked on air at your words but managed to control his body before he embarrassed himself. “Parents are out of town.” He thought to himself and nodded. “Alright.” He mumbled and re-directed his attention to the teacher. 
Bufan couldn’t help the smile on his face the whole day, he couldn’t wait. ANy time spent with you was time he appreciated. 
Bufan leaned back in his chair, smile spreading over his face after he finished his lunch. “What are you so smiley about?” Ziyang asked, tossing some food wrapper at Bufan. Bufan dodged it and looked at his older friend. “Nothing.” He replied and played with the straw in his drink. “He’s going to Y/n’s again tonight.” Yue Yue said, exposing him. 
“Again?” Ziyang asked, obviously oblivious to the fact that Bufan had visited you the night before. He wiggled his eyebrows at Bufan, as a question. He didn’t have to think twice about what he was asking him. “No we didn’t do anything. We’re just hanging out.” Bufan clarified and the 3 huffed. “Yeah sure.” Even though he knew his friends were teasing him, he couldn’t help but feel nervous. He really liked you. 
Bufan knocked on the front door and thought back to the night before. “Why didn’t I just knock on the door. Idiot.” He mumbled to himself and nearly jumped out of his bones when you opened the door. “Hey.” He smiled and his heart nearly burst out of his chest when you stood on your toes to wrap your arms around the back of his neck to hug him. Bufan pulled you closer into his chest by wrapping his arms around your waist. “Hey.” You said and looked at him, being painfully aware of your chest pressing against his. 
“We should go inside.” You said and pulled away from him. Your hand caught his and pulled him into your house. “So if you want, you can just go up to my room. I set up some movies and stuff up there. Just pick something out and I’l come up with some food and drinks.” You added and he nodded awkwardly. Just as you were about to exit to the kitchen, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him. 
“I’m sorry. I just need to know where we stand. Is this a date?”  Bufan asked and you looked down at your intwined fingers. Bufan did the same and smiled softly. “What do you think it is?” You asked, redirecting your focus to his face. “Personally,-” He paused, pulling you flush against his chest again. A feeling he secretly really enjoyed. “I think this is a date.” Bufan said and you could feel his breath graze over your lips. 
“Let’s go upstairs.” You teased, walking away and up the stairs to your room. Bufan was at disbelief, he was inches away from your lips and you pulled away. He trailed behind you, his eyes couldn’t help but wander to the curve of your ass as you walked up the stairs. You yourself nearly stumbled into your room, kind of nervous now for some reason but still feeling good.
Before you realised what had happened, Bufan’s lips pressed against yours harshly and his hands cupped your face. You didn’t mind it, if anything you laughed at how impatient he was. In his defense you did tease him a little. 
You tangled your fingers in his hair, to keep his lips against yours and to let him know he was doing everything correctly. He was bending awkwardly, his height proving to be a disadvantage for once and he laughed slightly. You backed up, not wanting your lips to leave his and you tugged him along by his jacket. 
The back of your knees hit the edge of your bed and you fell back onto your bed. Bufan followed suit and quickly re-attached his lips to yours. He didn’t want to waste anymore time and neither did you. His hands moved down to your thighs and he gently wedged himself inbetween them. Your own hands moved from Bufan’s hair to push his jacket off of his shoulders. He stopped kissing you for a second and tossed his jacket away. 
“Is this okay?’ He asked and you had to hold back your smile when you noticed how red his lips were. “This is perfect.” You said and pulled him back into you. You moaned softly against his lips, feeling his thigh press against your core. The sound made him look at you with dark eyes before pressing his thigh to you while simultaneously lifting your shirt off of you. 
This was going a lot faster than either of you had anticipated but that was okay, you were ready and you wanted him. 
“Wow.” Bufan mumbled, drinking your body in after he tossed your shirt to the other side of the room. The blood rushed to your chest and cheeks, feeling awfully shy all of a sudden. “You are the most beautiful girl I have seen.” He said and you looked away. Only to have him make you look at him again. “You’re beautiful.” He said one more time with a soft smile on his face. “I feel so exposed.” You huffed and reached to take his shirt off of him. 
“Would that make you feel better?” He asked and chuckled as you nodded. He threw his shirt in the same direction as yours and you smiled in satisfaction. Bufan wasn’t ripped or particularly muscular, but he definitely wasn’t a sight for sore eyes. You allowed your finger to trace over his abs, making him chuckle and shiver a little. 
He grabbed your hand and pinned it over your head. “Don’t do that.” He laughed and unclipped your bra. The laughter died down quickly as Bufan attached his lips to your chest. Your soft gasps egged him on as he sucked on your soft skin, he was going to leave marks, he wanted too. Moving down to your nipple, he latched on. Running his tongue over the nub, he hummed against your skin making you whimper in repsonse. 
Your nails dragged over his bare shoulders lightly only to hear him hiss. Bufan’s hand moved to the top of your jeans, popping the button open and slipping his hand under the waist band. You moaned loudly feeling his fingers graze your clit. He watched your eyes flutter shut and smiled against your skin. 
Bufan pulled his hand away and tugged your jeans down your legs, making you whine at the loss of contact. You sat up and placed your hand on his chest to push him onto his back. He had had his fun. 
Straddling his hips, Bufan smiled up at you. “I normally don’t feel this comfortable with people this quickly.” He said and you hovered over him, hands on either side of his head. “Neither do I.” You hummed as Bufan’s hand slipped into your panties again. His middle finger traced over your slit and you pressed your forehead to his. 
He slid two fingers into you and absorbed your gasp by kissing you. Curling his fingers, he used his other hand to keep you still on top of him. “Fuck- Bufan that feels so good.” You moaned and rolled your hips into his hand. His thumb ran over your clit and you could feel him curl his fingers faster. “Are you gonna cum?” He asked as he felt your walls tighten around his fingers. You nodded and he pulled his hand away. “Fuck.” You muttered, the relief slowly slipping away from your body. 
“Sorry.” He laughed and just shook your head. Leaning down, you took his fingers into your mouth and cleaned them off. “Shit.” Bufan groaned, feeling your tongue over his fingers. You moved yourself further down his thighs and dragged your pointer finger over his bulge. “You’re teasing.” He said and you popped the button open of his jeans. “Am I now?” You asked and took your bottom lip between your teeth. 
You pulled his jeans off along with his boxers and were pleasantly surprised when his cock hit his lower stomach. Wrapping your hand around his cock, you licked his tip. Your eyes locked with his and you took him into your mouth, making him sigh. 
“Holy shit.” He moaned as you hollowed your cheeks, his hands tangling in your hair. Bufan didn’t force you to take more, no the grip in your hair was more for him, for some sort of hold on as you sucked him off. You felt his thighs shake under your hands and forced yourself to take a little more. You pulled your mouth off of him and the grip on your hair stopped. He chuckled and looked at you. “Yeah, you got me back.” He mumbled and you nodded, pulling your underwear off of your body. 
You straddled his waist again and reached past him to your night stand. Pulling out a condom, you ripped it open harshly and rolled it over his cock. You wiggled your hips slightly as you hovered over him. Bufan’s large hands rested on your hips, using a little force to pull you onto him. 
You sank down slowly, pausing slightly to allow yourself to adjust to him. Your eyes shut as you planted your hands on his chest and Bufan watched you. He was trying his best to keep his himself at bay because the way you were feeling was more important than his needs. He sat up and wrapped his arms around you in comfort as he filled you up all the way. “Are you okay?” He mumbled, his eyes finding yours as you opened them again. “I’m fine. Fuck you’re so big.” You whimpered and rolled your hips to find some relief. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled him in for a kiss as you rode him gently. Soft moans left the both of you as your body worked. Cupping your face, Bufan deepened the kiss even more as he rocked his hips to meet yours. His actions hitting your sweet spot and you dug your nails into his shoulders. He soaked up your moans with his lips. 
Bufan adjusted your position, moving you onto your back to take over. He wrapped your legs around his waist and pushed himself deep into you. “You feel so good.”  He hummed and you whined in response. The coil in your stomach tightening at record speed. He wasn’t even being rough with you, you just needed him so badly. 
A moment before you came undone, it felt like he was everywhere. It felt like you were wrapped in him, you felt well treated and spoiled by a guy you had met only a few months ago. Cumming, you felt him still inside of you as ran your hands up and down his back. Your thighs shook pleasantly around his waist and Bufan smiled softly, coming down from his own high. 
He laid down on top of you gently and you ran your fingers through his hair as he laced kisses over the side of your neck. It took Bufan a minute to realise what had happened. He was in a state of pleasure and shock as you continued to stroke his hair. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” You asked and he chuckled into your skin. “I’m still processing if this is real or not.” He whispered and finally moved away from you, tossing the condom into the trashcan next to your bed. You rested your head on his chest and pulled the sheets up over your chest. “Same here.” You said and he laced his fingers with yours. “I’m tired.” You added on, yawning and shutting your eyes for what felt like a moment. 
The sound of the front door slamming shut woke the both of you up harshly. You shot up, not realising the situation right away. Bufan groggily copied your actions and you looked at him confused. “Y/n?” You heard your mother’s voice call out to you from downstairs and you immediately panicked. 
“Shit my parents are home.” You whispered to Bufan and his eyes grew wide. After the night he had with you, the last thing he wanted was to get kicked out of your house by your parents. “I thought you said they were out of town?” He asked as he scrambled out of bed, pulling his underwear and pants up quickly. “They were, they must have come home early.” You said and mimicked his actions, grabbing underwear and a set of pj’‘s for yourself. 
You heard footsteps coming up the stairs and you looked at Bufan with apologetic eyes. “I hate to ask you this. But could you maybe climb out the window again?” He had to hold back a laugh at your question and sighed. Walking over to the window, he opened it and gestured for you to come to him. You followed suit and he kissed you quickly, needing a fix before leaving you.
“I’ll call you.” You said and he nodded, heading out the window. “Y/n?” Your mom asked, knocking on your door lightly. You waited for Bufan to be fully out of sight before responding. 
“Yes, mom?” 
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For some reason I put my heart and soul into this smut so please enjoy it.
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Fantasy Fest Series: Demon of Mine || Bu Fan [Demon!AU]
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Credit to @buyuefan for the gif, which sparked inspiration for this fic!
Title: Demon of Mine Pairing: Reader x Bufan Genre: Witch!AU + Demon!AU + fluff  Word Count: 2,202 words Summary: Magic can be tricky, especially when you accidentally summon a demon into your home.
A/N: My first fic in the Fantasy Fest series! At the time of me writing up this fic, demon!au is currently in the lead in the poll. Who else better to play the role of a demon that Bufan himself? Also, a disclaimer: everything is pretty much more or less fictional. I made up a few things as far as summoning demons go and I also didn’t want anyone to get any ideas, lol. Everything is under the cut because this is the longest fic i’ve ever written I think, oof. Enjoy demon!Bufan! 
Warning: mild cursing, brief mention of blood
ya’ll asked for demon!au
so i gotchu boo
you come from a family of witches 
magic has ran through your family blood line for generations, dating back to the early 1400s
contrary to popular belief, your family did not practice black magic or served the Devil
instead your family used magical skills in order to heal others, even opening an apothecary as a family business
all throughout your life, you loved learning about the functions of different types of herbs and ingredients and using that knowledge to create all types of potions and concoctions 
you also had an affinity for spell-casting and charms
every so often, your parents would go on business trips and travel across realms, bringing back new knowledge of spells and potions that you had never heard of 
sometimes they were gone for months or, rarely, a year
it did feel strange being on your own for long periods of time, but you grew accustomed to it
it also meant you were left in charge of running the apothecary, which you were all too eager for
as you flipped to a page in one of your many ancient potion-books to find the cure for nightshade rash for one of your clients, you scanned the ingredient list and saw that one of the ingredients was virtually illegible due to the fact that the ink was rubbed away over time 
“damn. how am I supposed to make this potion now?” you sighed. “guess i’ll have to ask grandma.”
after closing up the shop so that no customers wandered in, you headed to the back room. shelves lined the walls and were filled with all sorts of magical ingredients, all neatly organized according to their use. the soft sound of the fire crackling under the fireplace and the bubbling of the cauldron hanging above it filled the room. books and papers written in latin littered the tables and floor messily, the aftermath of your charms studying session from earlier
with a flick of your wrist, the books and papers levitated and swirled in the air for a moment before tidying themselves into organized stacks. another flick of your wrist, everything including the furniture moved on their own and cleared the center of the floor
“hm... what was the spell that mom used?” you said to yourself.
you had never summoned your deceased grandmother before, let alone any spirit for that matter. usually it was your mother who did the spirit contacting
looking through a spell book, you stopped at one particular spell and figured this was what you were looking for 
how to summon a loved one
according to the spell, all you had to do was draw a magic circle, provide a drop of blood and say a simple incantation. the circle will automatically summon the one you love, which you figured was your grandmother in this case
sounds easy enough
oh boy were you in for a surprise
you carefully used a piece of white chalk to carefully replicate the image  of a large summoning circle, carefully sketching intricate patterns as you go. facing the fireplace, you slowly inhaled and exhaled, a stream of wind leaving your mouth and extinguishing the flames, turning the room almost pitch black. with that said, you lit a few candles around the circle. gently running your index finger over the other, a small incision appeared. tilting your finger, you let a drop of blood fall into the circle. it was time to start the ritual.
closing your eyes, you channeled all of your energy to your core and began reciting the spell incantation. feeling the magic run through your veins, you felt the air pick up and stir around you, creating a vortex at the center of the circle. shadows danced along the walls to the sound of your chanting that grew in volume with each repetition. the once tiny golden flames were now a roaring, brilliant amethyst. 
your words came to a halt as you finished reciting the spell. the room around you also fell into a complete silence. opening your eyes, you were prepared to greet the spirit of your grandmother
except it wasn’t a spirit
hell (no pun intended) it wasn’t even your grandmother
floating in a fog of purple smoke above the summoning circle was a massive male figure around 6′3′’. his hair was a blood crimson, mirroring his glowing eyes beneath his closed lids. aside from wearing slightly loose black pants and a long trench coat, he was completely shirtless 
(you were lowkey checking out his abs ooh la la)
but what caught you the most off guard was the lilac tint of his skin, the onyx curled horns above his head, deadly talons instead of fingernails, and the powerful presence of obsidian wings that were tattered and torn at the edges and looked at least twice your size
“oh shit i just summoned a demon”
at the sound of your voice, the demon’s eyes snapped open and glared at you with what you believe was murderous intent
you were going to die tonight 
you were a healer, not a fighter rip you
just as the demon made a move to step out of circle, the spell broke. the magic that kept him afloat disappeared in a flash
causing him to plant face first onto your wooden floor
you knew you probably shouldn’t have found the idea of a potentially dangerous demon in your home funny, but you couldn’t stopped laughing at how someone so scary looking could be so clumsy
meanwhile the demon only winced in pain as he stood back up and rubbed his face before shooting you a look of disbelief
most people would faint, pee their pants, cry, or at least scream in fear at the sight of him
but here you are laughing at him
who tf were you?
“are you done?” he deadpanned after watching you laugh at him for three minutes straight
wiping away a stray tear, you barely managed to settle down and responded, “y-yeah i think i’m good. are you?”
you felt the need to laugh again... until you realized that the spell you used was meant to summon:
a loved one
and it summoned this random demon 
wtf was that supposed to mean
“wait, who the hell are you?” you interrogated
“my name is bufan. i’m a formidable demon of the Underworld!” his loud, deep ass voice boomed before leaning down his height to make eye contact with you
you felt your heart flutter a bit at how close he was
“that’s uh... nice...”
“just... nice....?”
awkward silence
“so who are you and why did you summon me?” bufan questioned, raising a dark eyebrow at you
“oh! i’m (y/n). i kind of summoned you by accident,” you sheepishly admitted
“how do you accidentally summon a demon?”
“how do you accidentally trip and fall while getting summoned?”
damn you got him there
“anyway,” you coughed, “all i wanted to do was summon the spirit of my dead grandmother, not a demon. i’m not even sure why the spell summoned you in the first place. not to be rude or anything but can you go back to where you came from? I'm really busy and need to talk to my grandmother so i can start this cure already”
"i can't unless you give me your first born child"
“....say what now”
you gaped at his serious poker face before slowly watching it contort into a shit-eating grin. then he broke into a boisterous laughing fit that shook the whole room with its intensity
you pouted when you realized he was pulling your leg. “this is payback for earlier, isn’t it?”
he calmed himself down to a few chuckles, “i was just trying to break the ice. it’s not every day i get summoned to a cute little witch’s home”
you nearly forgot how much of a smooth talker demons were
blood rushed to your cheeks at his words
definitely not because he called you cute
(it definitely is)
“but i’m telling the truth when i say i can’t exactly go back. that’s not how this spell works. i’m already bounded to you by blood”
you wondered what he meant by ‘not how the spell works’
“the spell book doesn’t say anything about it either,” you sighed. “i guess that means you’re stuck with me for the time being- hey! be careful with that!”
you snatched a bottle of naga venom from bufan who already was snooping around at all of the magical ingredients and things around him
“you’re awfully calm. aren't you afraid i'll take your soul or something?" he says
"bold of you to assume I have a soul"
you were joking of course and he, being a demon, could sense that you indeed did have a soul and grinned at you
“just... try and behave yourself, ok?”
“i’ll be on my best behavior”
bufan was not on his best behavior
you should have known never to trust a demon smh
having bufan around was like taking care of three year old child
he’s constantly asking you questions every time you’re trying to make potions and just genuinely trying to annoy you
“(y/n), what’s that?”
“dragon’s breath”
“and that?”
“alicorn tears”
“this empty jar says teeth. who’s teeth?”
“it’s about to be yours in a second after i punch you in the jaw if you don’t stfu”
“are all you humans so snippy?”
“oh my god”
“more like oh my lucifer amirite”
you were a unicorn’s hair away from hexing him jfc
for someone so big, he was also extremely sneaky and sly
he’s always trying to play pranks on you and using his powers to his advantage
such as using his invisibility to randomly pop in front of you or poke your sides or face when you were doing something
or hiding your phone and other necessities all over the house and sending you on an entire scavenger hunt
despite his childish tendencies, bufan was also quite reliable 
for some reason, he grew to be protective of you although he knew you could protect yourself with your own powers
whenever you traveled home alone at night, he insisted on flying you home on his broad back
which you secretly loved bc flying with bufan was always fun since he would always make it feel like a roller coaster ride by flying in loops and various speeds
there were times where bufan even acted like a mother figure which was both intriguing and terrifying
“(y/n), did you eat yet?”
“no i don’t have any time to-”
*proceeds to make eight different types of meals for you*
in addition, he always had liver medicine on hand and you have no idea how or why???
whenever you were having a bad day, he never hesitated to listen to your problems even if they didn’t apply to him as a demon
over the next few months of bufan living with you, your once quiet and uneventful home was now constantly filled with laughter, annoyed yells, and bustle. you found yourself noticeably happier
but a part of you always wondered if your happiness was only one sided
“bufan,” you called out to him one day while fiddling with your wand
he made a grunting sound from the couch that was situated a few feet from you, indicating that he heard you and was listening
“do you regret being summoned by me?” you nervously asked
no answer
feeling your heart drop when he failed to respond, you assumed the worse and laughed quietly to hide the sadness in your heart
“it’s okay if you do. i wont hold it against you,” you nodded timidly
hearing his footsteps approach you, you faintly remember hearing your wand drop onto the floor before he pulled you close to him
you’ve never felt so tiny oml
“what makes you think i regret being here?” he questioned, clearly confused as to why you were suddenly bringing this up
you shrugged, “i don’t know... i mean, you were kind of forced to. do you miss being on your own?”
“do you?”
it took you a moment to quietly reply, “i’ve gotten used to feeling alone, so if you wanted to leave, i would let you”
bufan could hear the loneliness that lingered at the edge of your words. little did you know, he already knew how much you meant to him from the very first day he met you. there was no way it was an accident. he pulled you tighter to him before kissing the top of your head
“silly little witch. who says i’m going anywhere?”
you tilted your head up at him in surprise, “you’re saying that if you had the chance to leave, you wouldn’t take it?”
“you couldn’t get rid of me even if you wanted to”
and you swear that that was the moment you knew you had fallen for a demon
maybe performing that spell wasn’t a mistake after all
perhaps the universe knew that bufan was meant to be your loved one
because there was no better feeling than always coming home to a certain demon of yours
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srodulvroux · 6 years
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just stop.like what the hell’s wrong with people
fullcr : to the owners (*fansdramaw*)
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jbjsflower · 6 years
ONER as vampires
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Pairing: ONER / BC221 (OT4) x Reader
Warnings: angst (kinda), fluff.
Requested: Yes
A/N: I loved writing this, hope you like it too babe <3
His turning story: a girl approached him while he was in his senior year in college, they became super close. He fell in love with her and couldn't help but get attached to her. She turned out to be a vampire and the only thing she wanted from him was his blood.
Feels guilty about killing people.
He's super chill and calm.
Just wants to live as easily as possible.
He would be the most sensible of the group, probably because he's the oldest.
He's the leader of his clan, because all of them believe he has great qualities to fulfill that role.
The kind of vampire who studies well his victims before he actually makes a move, which is a huge dissadvantage for him because he ends falling in love with them.
That guy who would suddenly become close to you without a certain reason.
You never noticed he was a vampire, and you would still unaware if it wasn't for him.
He decided to tell you because he didn't want you to be in danger.
He pretended to just tell you and dissappear like he always did when he felt too attached to someone.
And it had happened a few times, I mean, he's like a thousand years old now (sorry honey, you still look young though).
But of course, you wouldn't let him go like that. You don't care about danger as much as he does.
The thing is he didn't want you to be around him because other vampires would notice he cares about you and would try to harm you with the purpose of hurting him.
He's scared, of course, but you are so good at calming him that he decides to just hope for the best and trust his own strength in case of a fight.
But things are pretty calm and that confrontation never arrives.
The only worry you have is about aging (which he obviously doesn't have lol).
So after arguing for a really long time about it, he agrees to turning you into a vampire.
Your life changes a lot in such a short period of time, but having Yueyue by your side everything seems easier.
He teaches you everything he knows.
Also you both end up finding a way to live without having to kill people.
Turning story: He was actually born a vampire since both his parents were pure blood vampires. So when he turned 18 his parents gave him proper training and he became stronger and more experienced.
The flirty one.
The rich one, too.
Fools girls at parties to bring them home, have some fun and then... has them for dinner.
He feels powerful when it comes to drinking their blood.
Like he actually enjoys being a vampire, probably because he was raised to be one.
He's actually under so much pressure from his parents to become the leader of his clan, but he's okay with how things are with Yueyue's leadership.
One day he meets you at a night club, you dance for a while and he tries to take you home but you refuse.
It was his first time being jilted by a girl, and he didn't understand why.
He kept going to that bar, night after night, hoping that he would find you again.
And damn, he was right.
You went back one night, a month later. 
You actually worked together with the club owner, you played the guitar and sang every once in a while to bring new clients and give it some atmosphere.
He sat near the bar counter and saw you perform.
And it was the first time he paid so much attention to a girl that was fully dressed.
He couldn't get his eyes off of you.
You finished your performance and approached the counter to ask for a drink.
Then you told him you had seen how he was looking at you and told him your answer to having a "funny night" together was still a no.
He had changed his mind though and proposed you another plan: seeing him every month after your performance and talking until you finished your drink.
You saw him every month for quite a long time, you even forgot how long.
The more time you spent with him, the longer you stayed. 
You tried to make your drink last as much as you could, until one day you did something really stupid. And you couldn't blame it on the alcohol.
The moment you kissed him he knew. He didn't want to have your blood for dinner, he just wanted to have your heart.
He told you everything about him being a vampire and that stuff and surprisingly, you were okay with it.
You never talked about turning yourself into a vampire though, you just wanted to live your life, next to him of course, but as a human.
He was okay with it too, so things went smooth for you.
Turning story: he was friends with the "nerdy" guy in school. One day he went to visit him at home because he hadn't gone to class. He thought he was sick and wanted to check if he was okay. Spoiler: he wasn't. He hadn't had blood for days (looks like the guy wasn't too qualified for hunting people) and when Bufan came in... let's say he was an easy prey.
The dumb one.
He's kinda clumsy, but strong. Worst combination.
Still, the one all of them call when they need an extra hand to fight.
He's the weird guy in your class, all mysterious and stuff, sitting alone at the back of the class.
You never thought he could be your friend until you were once paired up for a project.
You became super close after that and met him every day after class.
One day you went to his house to visit him and you noticed something was a bit off.
He looked tired and sick, you thought maybe he was ill or something and started asking him if he was okay.
He wasn't. He tried to avoid your questions but decided to tell you in the end.
Bufan told you everything about him being a vampire, and you didn't understand what that had to do with him feeling sick all of a sudden... 
Then he said he stopped drinking blood because he wanted to proove he wasn't dangerous.
You asked why he would do that and his answer shocked you even more.
He wanted to proove he wasn't dangerous for you. Because he liked you and wanted to ask you out, but he was worried about hurting you.
You held his hand and assured him everything was okay, that for you his health was more important than any danger he could put you in.
Because you trusted him.
He was honestly about to cry.
Thankfully, YueYue had found a way to survive without drinking blood, which made your relationship way easier.
Turning you into a vampire was something that never came to his mind, he wanted you to have the life he couldn't enjoy.
Protecting you became a priority for him, and you enjoyed time together so much since the very beginning of your relationship.
Turning story: One day he arrived home and found everything was a mess. Broken stuff everywhere, things had ben thrown to the floor, the window was broken... He was scared but still tried to find out what happened. He entered his mother's room and saw the most terrifying thing he could imagine: a vampire had just killed her and was drinking her blood. He lifted his head and looked at him. Ling Chao tried to run but he couldn't scape. The vampire didn't have time to kill him since Yueyue and his clan stopped him. That's how he became part of the clan.
The baby of the group.
Everyone wants to protect him.
He's receiving proper training from his elders though, just in case he's in danger and alone some day.
You met him in high school and he was really popular, the kind of guy who hangs out with everyone and everyone knows him.
He approached you one day and started talking to you, like random talk.
Soon after dad he asked you on a date and you didn't know if he was being serious or just joking. You accepted though.
And he was totally serious, everything went great.
He was so happy because he had liked you since the first day of school, but his clan mates had warned him about dating humans. He was worried they wouldn't accept it.
Chao eventually told you everything of course, and also decided to tell the rest of the clan about you.
They were totally okay with him dating you because you were so sweet and nice to him.
They felt you would take good care of their kid, and he could also take care of you, so they weren't worried about you being in danger.
Plus they had Bufan.
You asked them if there was a chance to turn you into a vampire, since you were currently the same age, you wanted it to stay like that. 
Like, being young forever? That sounds like a good deal.
They weren't happy about it at first but agreed.
You showed great abilities and prooved to be worthy of their training, so they accepted to train you both.
In the end, Chao was happy that you could spend all your time together.
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chxseungyoun · 6 years
Bu Fan ♡ 》 Wines & Truths
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Pairing: Low Tolerance! Bu Fan x Old Friend! Reader
Genre: School! AU, Fluff
Bu fan just became the school president and you could not be any happier than you were.
Except for the fact that you had no longer been his friend.
You two had been close ever since you were little.
You can say that you were his damsel in distress while he he was you prince giant.
But all those were in the past because you two drifted apart.
More like he pushed you away. BuT tHats NOt The POiNt BUfaN sEeS
Anyway, you always knew that he had an addiction to wine.
But only when it calls for it. Like during birthdays and other forms of celebration.
So you were surprised when you received a call from his friend, Ziyang.
He said Bu Fan was drank from red wine and you were on speed dial???? Idk
So you came to the place where they had been.
You were nervous. How couldn't you be? Would he still want to see you after the amount of time he had spent pushing you away?
When you arrived, you see Bufan draped over the counter.
"What happened?" You asked Ziyang as you checked on Bu Fan.
"He kind of wanted to drink he said. I thought it was because he was celebrating his win but he seem rather sad?" He said almost as if he had asked himself the answer.
"Why did you call me when you could have called his mom?"
"I don't wanna ruin my reputation with his family...you know? They might think I got their pride and joy purposely drunk." He sighed as he wore his leather jacket. "Want me to drive you two to your house?"
So he did.
You couldn't explain to your mom why Bufan was knocked out but seeing how Ziyang came in, struggling to carry him.
She chose just to stay quiet.
When you three were upstairs, Ziyang told you something before he left.
"You know...drunks are more honest than sober ones." With that he left.
Maybe it was time to ask him why he started avoiding you.
But would he even give decent answers?
"Bufan...why did you push me away?"
You heard him stirr.
Five seconds, nothing.
Ten seconds, still nothing.
"Because...I accidentally killed your goldfish..." he mumbled as he hugged your pillow and took in its scent.
"Just because of that..?" You laughed bitterly.
Was he willing to replace your friendship just because he killed your goldfish?
You stood up and headed for your door when you heard him speak again in his drunken state.
"...it was because I fell in love with you..."
Your eyes widened and you turned your head to look at him.
Was this really the truth?
Maybe you should call Ziyang.
But maybe Ziyang didn't even know if this was how Bu Fan felt.
You guess that you just have to question him about it when he sobers up tomorrow.
Until then
You had to be left with your own thoughts.
Did you feel the same for him?
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IP: Bufan, Xingjie, & Xiao Gui reaction to making out with you
anonymous asked:  Hi i'm not sure if you do qin and gramarie ent,but could i request a mixed reaction for bufan,xingjie and xiao gui for making out with them? If you don’t feel comfortable just cuddling is alright 💓💓
Bufan: Bufan here is usually very goofy when it comes to everything. When it comes to making out though, Fanfan will be a bit more serious than usual. He would hold you tight while kissing you and caress you. 
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Xingjie: Jiejie would be an awesome boyfriend and an amazing kisser. He will make sure none of your boundaries will overstep and you are comfortable with everything. He would probably whisper small loving words while kissing you. 
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Xiao Gui: Like Bufan, I view Xiao Gui a playful and fun person to hang out with. However, I’m sure he would take a step back from his playfulness when it comes to intimate and romantic time with you. He would hold you  in his arms while kissing you. 
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Admin Mint
Masterlist Guideline Get to know the Admins! What we don’t do Join our Groupchats! Follow my instagram!
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svtgot7reactions · 6 years
Jealously Looks Good on You - Yue Yue (idol producer)
I’m uhhh really in love with Yue Yue and all the Oaca trainees soooo enjoy :)
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1k
*credit to gif owner*
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You finish slipping on your shoes just as someone knocks on your apartment door, perfect timing. You swing open the door to reveal your favorite 192cm vampire leaning against the door frame.
“Ready Y/n?” He stands up straight and offers his elbow for you to set your hand in.
“Yeah lets go.” You take his arm and start walking towards the front of your building to head to your favorite coffee shop.
After the brief walk to the restaurant, he opens the door for you and offers to get you your regular drink. You pick a table against the wall and sit back in your chair to watch the people around you.
“Here, just how you like it.” He smiles and hands you the warm beverage, you take a sip and hum contently.
“Thank you Fannie.” You set the cup down and look at him, furrowing your brows just slightly.
When he meets your gaze he tilts his head, “Bu fan why did you ask me out?”
He sighs before answering, “Because I have a plan, don’t worry about it love.”
You squint your eyes and hesitantly let the subject go, he quickly changes the topic to something ridiculous that happened Tuesday.
Bu Fan finished his coffee not long after and looked up at you expectantly, “Do you wanna head to the dance studio with me?”
“Yeah let’s go.” You throw away your trash and swing your purse over your shoulder before following him out the door.
After a brief walk to Qin’s Entertainment, you guys walk into their regular dance practice room together and all the boys greet you.
“Y/n! I missed you.” Chao bounces over to you and hugs you tightly.
“Hey Chao Chao.” You giggle and pinch his cheeks.
You grab a seat on a bench that hugs the wall and watch them warm up and practice some moves and lines. You can’t help but notice the subtle looks of disdain that YueYue throws towards bufan.
“Baby, can you bring me that towel please?” You nearly choked on your spit when you realized the ‘baby’ Bu Fan was referring to was you.
You almost couldn’t move your legs because you could feel Yue Yue’s eyes watching you closely. When you started walking towards the bench with the towel sat on it, you heard him scoff an “unbelievable” before watching him slam the door closed behind him. You handed the towel to Bufan and he thanked you before nodding his head towards the door. “Go get him.”
You walked briskly through the hallways hoping to see his bright silver hair anywhere, you saw him sitting at a table sipping out of a mug. Hesitantly, you walk towards him and when he sees you he sighs, almost knowing what you’re gonna ask.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” Yuey dismisses you with a wave of his hand making you set a hand on your hip.
“You’re fine? So you just always leave every room by scoffing and slamming the door?” You tried to make light of the situation and he nearly slammed his glass down on the table, making you jump.
“How is this funny?” The smile on your face was immediately wiped off by his stern words.
You struggled to find your words but managed to stutter something along the lines of “I-I thought you were fine.”
“Do I have to say it? God this is embarrassing.” He wiped a hand down his face before standing and walking towards you, making you back up till you hit the wall.
“Say wha-“ “I like you.” He cuts you off and your jaw nearly dislocated itself as it forms into an ‘O’ shape.
Your mind is racing at a million miles per hour as it dawns on you that the man you’ve been in love with for months is jealous.
“Yuey? Are you perhaps, jealous?” You poke his chest and he chuckles at the playful smile on your face.
“No! I’m not...okay maybe. But I just confessed to you and all you have to say is that I’m jealous?” Yueyue steps closer to you and puts a hand on the wall near your head.
“I like you too.” You bite your bottom lip as his smile turns into a wicked smirk, his eyes fall down to the lip tucked between your teeth.
“Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?” His hand reaches up to cup your cheek and his thumb caresses your face gently.
When your face breaks out into a wide smile and the word ‘Yes’ leaves your mouth he leans down and ghosts his lips over your own. The distance between your lips is so minuscule that you can feel his breath on your cheeks. Your heart nearly beats out of your chest as he closes the gap and presses his plump lips against your own.
The hand leaning on the wall finds your hips and he loops his fingers through your belt loop to pull you closer as your lips move perfectly against each other. Your hands reach out to grasp his waist and clutch at the loose shirt he’s wearing. His body presses against yours even more as your back was flesh against the wall, your mouth drops open just enough for him to slip his tongue in to mingle with yours.
“Hey there’s kids here!” Bu fans loud voice booms, making you and YueYue jump apart suddenly.
Your hands instinctively cover your face as a deep red blush climbs up your neck, you can see Yuey nervously rub the nape of his neck as he stands beside you. You move your hands away from your face and see Ziyang covering Chao’s eyes which makes you giggle.
“I’m glad my plan worked, remember to thank me at your wedding.” Bu Fan snickers to the other members and you see Yue Yue’s eyes widen.
“You PLANNED this!?” You and him yelled together and Bu Fan almost looked scared for a moment.
“I..uhhh...I’m not sorry!” Bufan stutters before taking off with Yue Yue right on his tail.
You stand next to the other two, much calmer Qin’s boys, and watch the two fools chase one another around the building.
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mangomilkflower · 6 years
BC221 Weibo Update - ONER New Impressions
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peachyjie · 6 years
Flame To Ice || Fan Cheng Cheng
A/N: Oh look another scenario for our lovable meme. This is a prompt which is really different from his image, like come one we all know that meme king. But overall, enjoy 💕 DONT U DARE COME AFTER ME AFTER THIS
Requested : By my lovely @itsfanchengcheng ILY 💕 (Go check her out, her content are 👌🏻and she’s real noice)
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Pairing : Fan Cheng Cheng - Reader
Genre : Badboy!AU + fluff
Summary : Fear are always on people’s faces when they see him. He, as in the teen who loves trouble, uncontrollable like flames. When with you, he cools down burning off his own flames
I’m here, take your time
You smiled at the message displayed on your phone. You put all of your things neatly in your bag, ready to get out of campus
You walked out of class to be greeted by Lin Chao Ze, where’s he greeted you in his sweater paws and round glasses in all smiles.
“History sucks?”, he asks. You sighed and nodded. “They started talking wayyyy to deep, and I lost it”, this made Chaoze giggled.
Both of you walked out of the building, out to the front lawn of campus. You searched around for a figure, and Chaoze stared at his surroundings before he stared at you.
“Is he here?”, Chaoze asked his tone in curiosity. “Like usual”, you replied back checking your phone. You were about to make a call before it was snatched away.
Both of your’s and Chaoze’s steps stops, your eyes wonder to the tall silhouette, the culprit who obnoxiously took your phone.
Lin Yan Jun
He smirks at your direction before continued typing in your phone. It didn’t take long before you snatched it away from him.
“Awww, babe”, he slurs out the last word. You scoffed before deleting the number he inputed in your contacts. “Okay now that’s harsh”, Yanjun faked being hurt, pulling a hand to cover his ‘broken’ heart.
Lin Yan Jun, a senior in your department. Friends in the same clique of Lin Chao Ze, but usualloy he wonders around with the popular guys such as Bufan and the others. Hobby, girls. Current interest, you.
“Yanjun”, Chaoze hissed out. “Haven’t I told you Y/N is off limit?”, he glared at the olzder. Yanjun only clucked his tounge, dismissing the younger’s threat.
You begged internally, where is this man of yours? Because you seriously needs some help right now.
“I heard you”, Yanjun said. “But that’s not going to stop me from getting her”, he smirks at your direction.
Chaoze who’s not going to stand in silence, he grabs your hand and in a fast pace and drags you from Yanjun. He’s not going to risk anyone’s life, including his when you’re still in his arm.
It didn’t take you too far before Yanjun catch up with his long limbs. Snatching your arm from Chaoze’s grip.
He smirked, and you wished you can slap that smirk out of his face.
“Why the rush?”, he teased. “We have all the time we need”
“If you’re talking about your life-span, I’m questioning that”, Chaoze said in panic. Trying to pry you off the older guy.
“Forget about that boy of yours, let this man take you on a real date”, Yanjun stared at you knowingly.
You only smiled bitterly, trying to get out from his grasp. “I am happy in what my own commitment right now”, you said still trying to run away.
Yanjun wasn’t having it, he pulled you closer to his side. “What can he gives you that I can’t?”, he leans closer to your side, a hand getting near to your sides
And all of a sudden, a gush of strong wind came to place.
The smell of harsh smoke and leather came into place. While others gasps in horror, you stared in surprise whilst Chaoze was screaming his ass off.
Yanjun’s froze afraid to move, his pupils shaking. Yanjun could feel the piercing glare that was directed to him, he gulps down nervously.
“Touch her one more inch, I dare you”
Chengcheng glared at Yanjun, ready to kill. His arm is circled around your shoulder protectively, his leg raised. He had swung one of his legs ready to break Yanjun’s lifeline, but he only stops in only an inch.
Chengcheng took the opportunity and held you behind him, protecting you. You smiled in adoration, peeking a little from his shoulder.
“I don’t need to introduce myself anymore, do I?”, Chengcheng stared at Yanjun in a provocative gaze. He blew a bubble from his mouth, popping it back in. Chengcheng clucked his tongue, staring down at Yanjun.
Chaoze squeaked a little, staring at Yanjun. He knows the reputation of Fan Cheng Cheng, the wild murderous kid you don’t want to mess with in Campus. The kid who brought a bat not for baseball, but to break the principal’s car window. The kid who’s not afraid to put a fist in your light if you mess with him, mess with you.
Chengcheng walks closer to Yanjun, eyes still fuming. The sound of his shoes crunching the soil, brought more adrenaline in the scene. You held Chengcheng’s hand, stopping him from his step. He stared at you, slowly you could see his cold exterior crumbles.
“Enough, Cheng”, you said softly. Chengcheng brushed your hand off him slowly, gaze warm. “Just a sec”, he said in a soft manner. You sighed and nodded.
Chengcheng stared at Yanjun, smirking. He pulled on Yanjun’s collar, automatically taking the taller male down to him. Chengcheng continued to wrap his hand on Yanjun’s neck, sensing the other male’s nervousness. Yanjun jumped feeling Chengcheng lips near his ear, he cowered.
“I dare you, try going near my lover one more time. I will not hesitate to have blood on my hands”
And Chengcheng threw the male off. He turns back to you, his whole exterior slowly dies down. He took your bag and swung it over his shoulder before circling his arm on your shoulder, pulling you closer to his warmth.
When both of you arrived at his motorcycle, he took your helmet. He sat down staring at you and sighed. “Are you mad?”, he asked. You were surprised, but only giggled.
Chengcheng smiled at that. No matter how people sees him, labeling him as a up to no good child. He always find himself being true when he’s with you. He stared at you lovingly.
“At least this time you didn’t punch them”, you said staring. “Last time you did it, you sent the the basketball captain, Ziyi to the hospital”, he only smile wider.
“Well, who told you to be so beautiful?”, he took one of your hand, motioning circling motion lovingly. He stared at you, the intensity of his gaze could even melt you right now.
“Gotta protect what’s mine”
He pulled you softly into his embrace, hugging you. He rested his chin on top of your head, humming. “Hey, Y/N”, he called out. You hum and stared at him.
“Want to get lunch?”, you nodded. “Want to know what’s on the menu in mind?”, you’re not questioning him.
“Is this another lame pickup lines from Justin?”, you see him pouts. “Oh it is, I’m so over you now”, you said turning away. You heard a small whispers from Chengcheng, and you’ve never cringed so hard in your life.
“I’m breaking up with you”, you scoffed. Chengcheng whined as he pulls your figure back to his embrace. Your back facing his chest, you huffed. “Way to ruin the moment, dumb ass”, you grumbled.
But all for nothing, you’re laughing at his dumb face. A meme
“You’re such a dork”, you smiled. “A meme”, he chuckled. “For a bad kid, you’re so whipped for me”, you teased.
He stared down at you, all soft. “I’m too drowned in you already anyways”, he pecks you softly on the lips. “I’m soft for you, and I am proud of it”, he said catching your in another longer passionate kiss.
“You’re a dork, a lovable dork”, you giggled. He hummed feeling himself filled with butterflies.
“I’m your dork”, He concluded. He smiles at how easy it is for you to melt him down. He knows about his lifestyle, his way on living. He’s a flame that never died down, but when he sees you. He can cool off and be him for a while.
Like changing flame to ice, almost impossible but seems possible.
“Hey”, he called you softly. You looked at him, eyes in anticipation. “You’re mine, remember that”, he kissed your nose lightly. “And I am yours”, he gave out one final kiss before pulling you to sit behind him.
“Always?”, you asked him softly. Your arms slowly took their usual place, circling around his waist.
He smiled feeling your arms circling around his waist, your grip tightens. He started the engine, and drove off.
“Always, Y/N”
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zhengtiddy · 6 years
Hi! Could you do a boyfriend!bufan scenario,I really like de the one you did for justin and even tho I'm not sure if you write for him,if you don’t maybe boyfriend!xingjie as he's my second fav 😂 thx
hello!!!! thank you my friend, i’m glad you liked the justin one! here’s the bu fan bf au, i hope you enjoy it just as much!!! 
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bravonovel · 3 years
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Medical Master's World: https://www.bravonovel.com/medical-masters-world-7772
Medical Master's World novel Synopsis
Medical Master's World novel is a urban story about Qin Jun.
Ten years ago, the entire family of the Qin family was murdered, and he was the only one who survived. Ten years later, Qin Jun possessed world-class medical skills and martial arts. Returning to the city, no one can stop the power of the magical doctor.
Medical Master's World novel Preview
"Heart rate is only at 45. The patient's vital organs are weakening."
"His breathing rate is decreasing. Increase the amount of oxygen!"
"Get the pacemaker ready!"
"It's over. Get ready to inform his family."
At this very moment, several top doctors gathered around an operating table inside an emergency room at Donghai City's First Public Hospital. Cold sweat beaded on their foreheads as they gazed at the dying patient in front of them.
The man on the operating table was Zhu Sandao, also known as Old Man Zhu. Being the best in Donghai, he was a formidable character and was practically like a royal.
If such a figure were to die on these doctors' operating table, they could kiss their jobs goodbye.
"What should we do? He's experiencing acute left ventricular failure and cardiogenic shock. He's having difficulty breathing. There's no way to save him."
"We won't make it even if we perform surgery now. The opportunity has passed. We can't bring him back anymore."
"How about we operate on him right now!?"
"No! It's too late for that. If the patient dies on the operating table, it'd be medical malpractice on our part. How many of you think you can handle the fury from the Zhu family'?"
The doctors became silent. These were all Donghai City's renowned physicians, but they were now helpless.
First, acute left ventricular failure was a complicated disease that was very difficult to treat. Secondly, the illness came so suddenly that the patient arrived too late. Third, Old Man Zhu was just too old. At such an advanced age, even having appendicitis surgery would be risky, what more to say heart surgery?
They had tried their best.
That was all they could say.
Even the prominent Old Man Zhu couldn't escape death.
The doctors sighed. At this point, they could only await the Zhu family's wrath.
They opened the operating room doors and delivered the news.
"Mr. Zhu, we've tried our best. Old Man Zhu is not going to make it."
The man they called, Mr. Zhu, was Old Man Zhu's second son, Zhu Yong. The almost 50-year-old man was Zhu Real Estate's CEO.
Upon hearing the news, Zhu Yong grabbed the doctor's throat in a fit of rage.
"What? My dad was fine before entering the operating room! What do you mean he won't make it?"
Dr. Liu was so frightened that his legs quivered.
"Mr. Zhu... Old Man Zhu suffered from acute left ventricular failure. There's really nothing we can do about it because he arrived too late. No top physician would be able to save him. I'm sorry for your loss. Please prepare yourself for the inevitable."
"Bullshit!" Zhu Yong bellowed.
He simply couldn't accept this reality. He had just enjoyed a good meal and conversation with his father, but not even two hours later, the old man was lying on the operating table?
Zhu Yong was agitated. He turned around and glared at the other doctors.
"Anyone here! If any of you can save my father, I'll pay whatever amount you ask for!"
Dr. Liu's brows furrowed. He knew Mr. Zhu wasn't just any ordinary person, but he was still irritated.
"There's no need to shout anymore, Mr. Zhu! I'm the leading heart surgeon in all the Public Hospitals here and even the entire Donghai. If I can't save him, then there's no one else who can."
He was not wrong in saying that. Dr. Liu had always produced outstanding results in the field of cardiology. He was the top expert in the whole city or even province.
Zhu Yong made him furious. When Liu Bufan gave his 'verdict' on a patient, there was no more hope!
Zhu Yong glared, "Can no one save him!?"
As those words fell, a cold voice came from the corridor.
"I can."
Continue to read Medical Master's World novel: https://www.bravonovel.com/medical-masters-world-7772/chapter-1-i-can-save-him-113183
Medical Master's World novel Review
this is very interesting novel, it depicts some of the scenarios in the past but with a twist -- gab sobelino
You also can read Medical Master's World novel full story online on Bravonovel App: https://www.bravonovel.com/download-bravonovel-app.
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Oner “S/O calls them daddy during sex” (LEGAL MEMBERS)
Ask:  Can you do ONER/BC221 reaction to thigh riding or daddy kink
Yue Yue/Pinkray:
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Yue was doing a number on you, each roll of his hips made you grip the sheets under you. You your head slightly, catching glimpse of him behind you. He held your hips and you fell forward, burrying your face in the sheets. Yue chuckled, reaching forward and gripping your hair. He pulled you up to him, back pressed against his chest. The stinging of his grip in your hair made you whimper. “Daddy, please don’t stop.” 
Yue chuckled in your ear, lacing your fingers with his as he continued to pound into you. It was such a sweet gesture in contrast to how intense everything else was. 
“Daddy is sweet nickname, maybe you should use it more often princess/prince.” 
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Ziyang smirked against the skin of your neck as you attempted in pulling him closer to you. He was doing everything he could to tease you and you weren’t having it. Your nails scratched down his shoulders and arms making him inhale sharply. You placed your lips by his ear and took his lobe between your teeth, wanting as many reactions from him as possible. “I don’t like being teased, daddy.” You whispered and you felt him smile against you again.
That was when he moved your leg, switching the angle and you let out a loud moan. He took all the words out of your mouth and watched your face contort with pleasure. 
“I don’t like it when you mess with me.” 
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His finger drew a line down your chest and stomach, his other hand holding your hips still as he pushed into you. You ran your own hands over his arms, sinking your nails into them he hit that spot. Moaning, you pulled him against him. “Harder, daddy, please.” You begged and he kissed you harshly. 
You wrapped your arms around Bufan’s waist, scratching down his back gently. He continued to kiss you, tongues fighting for dominance and he pressed his forhead to yours. 
“Who am I to say no to you.” 
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist
Since not everyone can access the masterlist on the desktop, I decided to also make the masterlist a post for my mobile readers c:
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Open Wounds [nine percent ; angst au] - the worst part about falling in love is how much it hurts. they say time heals all wounds, but the scars left behind never really go away.  » the fighting: 1.1 // 1.2 // 1.3 » the break up: 2.1 // 2.2 // 2.3 » moving on: 3.1 // 3.2 // 3.3
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Fantasy Fest [top 35; various aus] - an october collection of halloween-esque fics involving mythical creatures and monsters aus » Bufan || Demon of Mine [Demon!AU] » Jeffrey || Boo-tiful [Ghost!AU] » Bi Wenjun || Always [Vampire!AU] » Mu Ziyang || By Your Side [Werewolf!AU] » Chen Linong || Luminosity [Angel!AU]
Written Scenarios:
Cai Xukun → Light (fluff) → Wide Awake (Soulmate!AU + fluff)
Zhou Yanchen → Sweet (Baker!AU + fluff)
Zhu Xingjie (fluff) → Sleepless (fluff) → Precious (fluff)
Lin Yanjun → Stay (angst + fluff)
Zhu Zhengting → One More Night (angst) → Hard to Focus (fluff + slight smut)
Huang Justin → I’m Yours (angst + fluff)
Xiao Gui → Stuck (EnemiestoLovers!AU + College!AU + fluff)
Bullet Scenarios:
Cai Xukun → Boy Next Door (fluff)
Lin Yanjun → Distraction (fluff) → Big Bro (OlderBrother!AU + slice of life) → A Little Jealousy (fluff) → Finals and Kisses (fluff)
Fan Chengcheng → Assassin [1] [2] (Agent!AU + Mafia!AU + action)
Ding Zeren → The Way You Move (Youtuber!AU + fluff)
Zhu Zhengting →  Fate (Soulmate!AU + fluff)
Li Quanzhe → Perfect (fluff)
One Word Prompts:
Updated on 10/26/2018
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srodulvroux · 6 years
omg ziyang's dogs are so cute (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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Hi,could you please write a fluff scenario for bufan? Where he teases his s/o for being smaller (I'm 30 cm smaller than him and he's my ip bias the struggle is real 😂)
Heey! I think I could make a short one with this one ❤️ I’ll see what the week will offer. Also : he was my first IP bias with Cai Xukun together. He’s just such a gentle giant! 😍Also : you're teeny tiny 😍😍😍😍
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chxseungyoun · 6 years
ONER Screenshot Game
The rules are simple;
You just have to screenshot the gif to know who the person being pertained to is for each question.
Remember to screenshot because it doesn’t work for clicking and dragging.
1. You grew up with him so you have always seen one another as siblings. You saw him as nothing more but he saw you as a potential partner.
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2. He was your best friend who somehow gets confused with by people. You two always get confused as twins when you two would say that you looked nothing alike.
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3. He had set a friendship anniversary with you where he would take you to the beach every time. He said that some friends are just worth being valued for.
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4. The two of you always get shipped to one another. Not that he minded since you were pretty cute after all. He was just afraid that you two may get caught in a scandal that can hurt you.
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5. He always visits you at home just so he can use your wifi. He also tends to change your phone’s wallpaper to his face because he said he should be the only guy you wake up to.
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6. He asked you out on accident since he was trying to protect you from this flirt who wanted to take you out. He was unaware you would say yes because you actually had a crush on him.
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7. He calls you at 3 in the morning just to discuss about his conspiracy theories. You found it quite annoying but he actually does it because only you can stop the feeling of loneliness in him.
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8. He attempted to cook for you one time because he thought it was impressive to do so for girls but he only gave you food poisoning.
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9. He was surprised to find out that you were going to be a mentor for the 2019 Idol Producer and told you he would probably just watch it to see you.
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10. Through everything, you ended up with him. He was the man who you may not have loved first but will love last.
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