#buddy system
sluggoonthestreet · 5 months
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Sarah got a pair of googly eyes stuck to her tail last week and she hasn't had a lonely moment since.
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rinkyrinkyrinky · 6 months
They're wearing couple pajamas, they're gay and they're married. I don't think I even read a fanfiction more beautiful than this but they themselves write it. Nice.
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
Maybe I will sound stupid, because I'm not on Twitter, but why are they all saying that Jungkook works in the kitchen? I mean, I wouldn't judge any type of work especially since I've worked in a school kitchen myself when I was pretty young, but I'm just not understanding. Is it because he said he was cooking good rice in his Weverse message? I am so lost.
Hello lovely,
First of all, you do not sound stupid! You sound like you’ve done very well in protecting your peace, curating your social network spaces and consuming content from the right places.
You sound like someone who has experienced enough life and people to not be judgemental and is just genuinely perplexed by people’s online behaviours.
Jungkook hasn’t explicitly said he’s Kitchen Police but deducing from the available positions in the 5th division, where news sources reported them as going, it’s the safest assumption. There have been a number of people who looked into the units that fall under the artillery brigade and had spoken before about them, unfortunately I couldn't find reputable sources to link for you, sorry.
The big deal for certain subsections is what it means for them and their wars with other subsections in the fandom, Jungkook maybe not being in the same role as Jimin. The big deal for certain people is Jungkook maybe not doing a role that lives up to the fantasies and image they have for him.
The big deal sadly isn't the main thing that should be the priority Jungkook and Jimin’s well-being.
Jungkook’s update and the information readers can glean from it ,as to how he spends his days and who he spends his days with, aren’t about what it means for Jungkook or even Jimin, it’s about what it means for the online users and their interests.
For the majority though, those that actually genuinely care about BTS and the members and genuinely want to hear of good news, it good news, a welcome update, him cooking, cleaning or whatever.
It was the fact that he communicated with ARMY, updated ARMY and is seemingly doing well. The majority were genuinely happy.
It’s ok to be lost in what’s being argued about when it’s ridiculous anyway.
Knowing from updates from them, that they are doing well is enough.
No one is more the authority on Jimin and Jungkook than Jimin and Jungkook. Not dedicated accounts, no long threads, no insider stories etc.
Staying with official information from reputable sources helps the most.
News sources and Big Hit have confirmed Jimin and Jungkook to be using 동반 입대로 Companion Enlistment and Jimin has confirmed Jungkook to be doing well by his side and that he, Jimin is also doing well.
The rest is all noise.
Official Information
Big Hit told ARMY:
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News outlets told readers:
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Source: Naver News
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Source: Official Site for Rep. of Korea (I lost the link sorry! I will update when I find it)
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UPDATES Directly from Jungkook:
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UPDATES Directly from Jimin:
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I've been playing No Man's Sky for the first time! I found a sentinel ship, made friends with its computer brain, and have now fondly named it "Buddy System" ✨😊✨
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mothmanavenue · 2 years
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shiro makes them use the buddy system. they definitely hate it
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crazycaoscornpop · 3 months
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Gore artest, trans masc. Get yo food. @bitchboyjohn @3amclothesmonster
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leorioparadick · 1 year
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the boy!
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link-sans-specs · 6 months
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Oooh! Did they finally make a food??? It's got to be a cereal, right?
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Bring it on! 🥣
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thehomebakery · 1 year
Coven Con
In my last post I mentioned Coven Con, a buddy system ttrpg. So I'm just going to quickly go over what the buddy system is and what Coven Con is.
The Buddy System
The buddy system made by the @angrynerdgirl03 and is a d6 dice pool game. It is great for games where you want to capture that friendship is magic, stronger together vibe. As you can add die to your friends dice pools.
There is also currently a games jam on itch.io for those interested in the system. (I'm trying my best to get Coven Con in a release state by then)
Coven Con
This is a ttrpg that uses this system. It is a whimsical game about a group of witches going to the annual Coven Convention and the misadventures that occur.
Using the stats Chaos, Cleanse and Craft to navigate the obstacles in your way.
You also have different types of witches you can play: art, beast, lunar, plant, solar and tea (this will likely expand in the future). Which can allow you to do different things, and also decides your starting stats.
Coven Con is designed for one-shots rather than campaigns due to its premise, but you could always revisit characters you make in the following years convention ✨
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unhinged-nymph · 1 year
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Described as “the magical moment when WE meet for the first time” by none other than Link Neal, who then goes on to refer to these two characters as a “couple” TWO more times throughout the react episode. 
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rinkyrinkyrinky · 6 months
I'm finally watching the buddy system and OMFG. WHAT IS THIS I LITERALLY CHOCKED.
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The Buddy System Series
Part 1: Find Your Buddy
Chapter 1
Fandom: Outer Wilds
Summary: No one really knows what to expect in the Outer Wilds, past some very educated guesses. There are still dangers to discover at every turn, but Outer Wilds Ventures has done well enough for themselves using an advanced combination of research and luck. That seems to be enough, until it really isn't and Timber Hearth's finest astronaut gets themselves stranded in Dark Bramble. Now no one knows what to do next, but it's the Hearthian way to carry on.
Rating: Teen
Warnings:  aftermath of trauma, alcohol use
Characters: Slate, Player Character (Obsidian), Gabbro, Esker, Gossan, Feldspar, Hornfels, Chert, Riebeck, Micha
Relationships: Slate/Feldspar, Hornfels/Esker, Gabbro/Player , Gossan/Porphy, Character (Obsidian), Gossan & Feldspar - Siblings, Chert & Riebeck
Tags: The Universe Lives/Nobody Dies AU, No Timeloop AU, Feldspar is Found Almost Immediately, Feldspar is Stranded a lot Longer than That, Angst, Fluff, Feldspar and Gossan are siblings, Established Relationships, Breakup, Not Beta Read, Multiple Pov, The Founders Have Hatchlings - Let's Find Out Who!
Chapter Preview
"Are you drunk?" Slate asks, just to be certain. Hopefully the answer is yes and Slate can make Feldspar see sense in the morning, before they launch. As if to reply Feldspar takes another sip of sap wine, wincing at the taste as they always do. They look at their bottle contemplatively and shake their head. "Nah, I'm not even tipsy yet." "Did you hit your head?" Slate asks now desperately grasping for a reasonable explanation as they poke the fire. There has to be some reason for Feldspar thinking this is a good idea. "Come on, Slate." Feldspar says, rolling their upper eyes dramatically. "You're overthinking it." "I am not! Do you even hear yourself?" Slate says forcefully jabbing their fire poker in their partner's direction. "How could you possibly consider going there ?"
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bekandrew · 1 year
TTRPG Trans Day of Visibility Sale
I'm a trans TTRPG creator from The South, US. Things are pretty hostile here, especially since I'm currently unable to work a "normal" job because of disability. I have medical bills and other bills still looming from trying to put my life back together after being homeless for several months last year. It's been difficult to get caught up on things with mostly my wife's income. Since being settled in my new place, I've completed two projects up for sale: - a Buddy System TTRPG called "Silly Names and Spandex!" about playing campy 4-color superheroes
and - a Deviant: The Renegades illustrated novella called "Thoughts and Prayers" about growing up in an environment of cult/religious abuse (and the resulting trauma) I am running a sale on my content now through March 31, 2023 (Trans Day of Visibility) so you can help directly support a trans creator. SNaS! is on itch, usually $5 but currently $3. I will still add community copies to the pile during the sale for those who buy it, and you always have the option to pay more than the asking price to add more community copies. "Thoughts and Prayers" is on Storyteller's Vault. The link will automatically put the discounted item in your cart. It's normally $3.99 but currently $2.99.
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The Urgency of National Wildlife Week: A Call to Action for Biodiversity Preservation
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irishhorse-blog · 1 month
Does that mean they will be seperate units from now on ? 🥺
Not at all. If this is even true - IF - it was only for the duration of the specialized training. For all we know, he never left, but JK is such a Jimin addict that he can't stand not watching him on the internet even while he's got him literally in the next bunk.
They're enlisted under the buddy system. That shit is set it stone. Same unit, same division, same dorm, same enlistment and discharge dates. Don't worry - they're still together and will be, most likely forever. <3
Didn't mean to scare you over a silly internet rumor I don't even fully believe. I'm so sorry.
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tragica · 1 year
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Happy New Years eve. Enjoy this buddy system picture. So cute.
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