#bsd gide
curry-and-gunpowder · 5 months
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BSD comic shitposts prompted to me by @from-hell-till-dawn, featuring Odasaku's survival plan, Kyouka's live SSKK reaction, and that good good ADA Odazai.
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start where i end
“Do you know why you’re here?” Mori tilts his head. Gide shakes his head. He should be decaying by now, after all. Mori clicks his tongue. “Hmm. Then answer me something else,” And he leans further, smiling. His fangs are not canine. They’re sharper, more poised. Serpentine and full of venom. Gide thinks he’s prepared to let it course through his veins. He sees no other ending to this, after all. “Why did you go after the orphans of the Dragon’s Head Conflict?” - on gide & elise and wolves & ravens
oneshot, 1265 words, gide centric, everyone lives / nobody dies au, this was written in two days and it's @karl-raccoon-in-a-teacup's fault /aff
aka: gide becomes elise's bodyguard after the mimic incident
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atypicalantinomy · 3 months
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「SSR [Gide] Voice from decades past」
“He had striking features. If he were wearing a fancy suit with a glass of wine in hand, I could see him being an actor in a movie. However, there was a certain quality to the timbre of his voice that sounded like something from decades past.”
... I wish, lmao. Once again here I am drawing my own cards 🫶 very proud of this one ngl
(mayoi card template by kathrinkonomikate on dA)
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philzokman · 9 months
look i’m all for rare pairs right like fuck yeah do whatever u want but tell me why in the midst of this skk fic the author decides to ship fucking tachihara and GIDE ???? FUCKING GIDE ??????
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amethystroselily · 2 years
Dazai: if I had nickel for every time one of my best friends was the protagonist of a light novel where they had to fight a French man with the same ability as them, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
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lesbiankordian · 8 months
the reason (one of the reasons?) why Fukuchi does the things he does is the suffering his comrades had to endure during the war - similar to Gide's motives. moreover, Gide was looking for someone worthy of killing him, who'd understand him. it's kinda the opposite of how Fukuchi sees Fukuzawa now.
Fukuchi's sword allows him to "look" into the future. it's similar to what Gide and Oda's abilities do.
and of course there are also parallels between Fukuzawa and Oda that the untold origins is full of: working alone, killing people...
in season 5 ep 9 Fukuzawa says he sees the past, as opposed to Fukuchi, who, even if he sees the past, doesn't take it into consideration / cares more about the future. his words remind me of Ango and Oda's abilities
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IDs in alt
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Have you ever thought of the parallels between Gide Vs Oda and Fyodor Vs Dazai? It hit me while rereading Dark Era and it’s was so devastating. I hope Dazai subverts it and doesn’t die like Oda.
I... can't say I have actually.
I can see it now. Both Gide and Fyodor take a vested interest in someone they see as similar to them - who can give them what they've been lacking. For Gide it's death, and for Fyodor it's a mental equal. Neither Oda nor Dazai seem to much care or think in any way highly of the other.
There's a supernatural quality at the center of it. Oda and Gide's abilities form a singularity. Dazai and Fyodor have some strange connection to the Book.
Oda and Gide are the only ones who can defeat the other. Dazai and Fyodor are the only ones who are an intellectual match.
The difference, op, is that Oda fought Gide while forsaking any of his bonds with others because he had given up on his own life and future. Dazai uses the strength of the bonds and trust he has in others in full, as he has not given up and is actively trying to hold on to life now.
Oda dies for many reasons, but from this perspective specifically, it's because he gave up on himself and fought alone. Dazai is clinging to his own life through the uncertainty and uses his connections instead of turning his back to them, which is why he survives his conflict with Fyodor.
Very interesting op. I will chew on this some more.
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notsogoodangel · 2 years
Nobody cares about Bungou Stray Dogs: 55 Minutes and I will make it everyone’s problem. (Spoilers for the manga, Dead Apple, Dark Era, Fifteen and Strombringer).
I love this light novel. It’s like one of the only ones light novels I actually care about, and you should to if you care about world building on BSD.
But nobody has read it so I have decided to write some fun facts and food for thoughts that the synopsis and summaries can’t make it justice. Also yes, all those works are mentioned or connected to 55 Minutes.
Firstly, I want to point out how Atsushi’s transformation is described:
“He visualize a tiger… the complete opposite of his weak self… Like night cooling the ground, the frailty hidden deep down inside Atsushi grew until it was sinisterly ferocious. The tiger was not of this world. It only existed within him. It was his arrogance and cowardice, his pride and sense of shame. The more he tired to hide his weakness, the more exposed it became… His skin corrugated as his bones started to creak strangely.”
I just love how despite this taken place after the Guild attacked, he still consider himself weak, a coward, and needs someone to help him.
Europe, in average, has more skill users than Japan, and using the war they manufactured a lot of weapons. Nowadays, a lot of those weapons seem to be hidden or in the governments possession. 
Victor Hugo, Shakespeare and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe are all canon, they are all Transcendents (just like Rimbaud), they participated on the war, and he fought and caused more casualties at once in the entire history.
H.G. Wells is also a character in the story, she is an ability user that can send the memories of someone 55 minutes to the past and only once, and she also participated on the War and created a weapon of mass destruction. Which is what most people are fighting for in the story.
Apparently Dazai knows how to control his heart beat because of his suicide attempts… know he does it to be a spy.
Andre Gide is also mentioned in the novel and they are partially part of why one of the villains, the Colonel, it’s obsessed with getting a secret weapon. By the end of the light novel, they were trying to piece together Colonel’s story and that it matches, only to find nothing, because the Mimic attack is hidden to the public and cover the event completely, which Dazai of course says so the ADA stops looking for it, since the government just won’t let them. Only for Atsushi to ask “do you know anything about them?” WHICH HURT MY SOUL WHEN I FIRST READ IT.
Dazai famously gets stabbed on this novel, and it’s so noticeable and impressive because he didn’t predicated it at all. The ADA had to make their own plan to rescue his ass. (And this is important to show that they can solve a case without his help).
It’s implied that Dazai is not the only ability user that has a nullified ability.
If an ability user has a to-the-touch ability (Fyodor) or one that doesn’t turn off (Fukuzawa) and they are dead, their ability cannot be used, but abilities can used on them. So if Dazai dies, Yosano can use her ability because he is dead, and like IRL, there’s a time in which people can still be brought back even if they are dead.
The main reason why I wanted to read 55 Minutes was because of Jules Verne and his relationship with Gab (his ability who obtained consciousness).Verne’s ability is Mysterious Island, in which he gains the ability of any user that dies on Standard Island (where the events of the light novel take place). Gab is what happened when someone abuses their own abilities and said ability mutates and grow. 
Jules Verne was someone who suffered in the war, his parents died and they did everything to stop the War and suffering of others. He met Wells long after the war was over, and they actually met because they were stopping a terrorist attack on the island Verne swore to protect, not only because it was part of his ability, but because it gave him a purpose.
Jules Verne, after his parents died, joined an organization to stop the war when he was around 12-15 years old. They were named the Seven Traitors. They stopped the war by kidnapping a bunch of world leaders so they signed peace treaties to stop the war… and it worked. Once the war was over, they disappeared essentially and they put Verne in charge of guarding the island. He was fine with it, because those years he spent planning with the Traitor, they all became friends. And with no family, and with the knowledge that his friends were safe, it gave him a purpose.
He is pretty similar to Sigma in that way with DOA. They got attached to a group and were put on a place that gave them a purpose. 
The difference is that Verne had the ability to steal the abilities of anyone that died in his island, and that would be his downfall. During Wells and Verne’s plan, she died and he was able to use her ability so she wouldn't die next time, and the problem was to that, in his next try, not everyone was safe, people still got injured. So he continued to go back, and something unexpected happen. The found out that Wells’ and his own ability grew every time he used them. He was able to travel more than 55 minutes to the past. So he started to go back in time over and over again, in part to save Wells and the people he cared about, but it got to the point he tried to go back in time enough that he could stop the War itself. That would be good in theory but the island got free will, and as it grew stronger he overpowered Verne, and eventually took over his body.
I have wanted to read this because this could happen to Atsushi at any time, if their abilities get free will. Which sadly they are. Verne's ability was Standard Island, but he got a name Gab. Atsushi's ability name is Beast Underneath The Moonlight. And we see this struggle with Verlaine and Chuuya on Fifteen and specially Stormbringer. They struggle to keep their sense of humanity, and the separation of them as people and as abilities. 
Alongside this, I want you to remember the war was 13 years ago, Jules, Gab and Verne and the entire island have being on a time-loops for over a decade. 
Something important I want to point out: Atsushi didn't fight Gab, it was only Byakko (the white tiger). During the whole battle, Atsushi just let Byakko took over, and defeated him. And most importantly Gab is talking to it. He said:
“I’ve been conscious ever since my master, Verne, controlled this body- but I couldn’t say anything. My voice reached no one. I was neither alive nor dead. I was just alone in lukewarm darkness, wondering who I was.”
(Which sounds kinda familiar if you have read Stormbringer)
There’s also an interesting parallel to the themes of DEAD APPLE: the connections of souls, abilities and the reason to live. “Gifts are lodged deep inside the human soul. You shouldn’t remove them” Which is interesting and notorious since Shibusawa and Verne NEED to kill the users to obtain their abilities.
ALSO, IMPORTANT: Even if Gab is on control, Verne is still conscious inside of the body. He just can’t reach anyone at all. Except, curiously, Atsushi. I wonder why (I have theories, but nothing is confirmed)?
Also @yarrayora here’s your “Bungou Stray Gods can be canon” evidence:
“I think a lot of skill users believe their skill is part of them” Atsushi said as if answering his own question “But maybe they’re wrong. Maybe they come from somewhere else and stick to us. Maybe they’re something we can’t understand… I don’t really know how to put it into words, but that’s how I feel.”
Atsushi, at the end of the events, thinks back to Verne and Gab, wonders if Verne and the Seven Traitors acted like the ADA, and maybe that’s why Gab joined the same group of people while stuck on the time loops, so maybe he could experience what Verne felt with the Traitors; and if Gab ever had true friends that he could have ended differently.
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Its a shame excellent villains like Gide and Fukichi are largely hated and ignored because their not as hot as villains like Fyodor.
Im not saying their not terrible people, im just saying they have great writing and really cool motivations, but never get the attention and analysis they deserve.
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minugasakuranohana · 24 days
Новое расследование: Ода, Жид, детишки и кое-кто ещё. Часть 3
Часть 1:
Часть 2:
А теперь вишенка на торте — наиболее вероятная причина, зачем такое имя у младшего из приемных сыновей Одасаку и эта книга в его руках. (Но я надеюсь, вы уже догадались)
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Стендаль был французским писателем 18-19 веков и одним из основоположников психологического романа, а "Красное и чёрное" — один из известнейших романов автора (ещë не читала и не выскажусь о книге 😁 после нескольких статей о Стендале я очень хочу потом прочитать несколько романов). Википедия говорит, что в его произведениях уделяется внимание психологической мотивации поступков и дегероизвции военного опыта. Мы почти у цели.
Андрее Поль Гийом Жид (1869-1951) — французский писатель, жил в XIX-XX веках. (Хахах, его второе имя Поль, а фамилия его матери — Рондо, а эт пиздец как похоже на Рандо. *нервный смех*) (А ещё он вроде бы бисексуал (но может быть биромантик, но гомосексуал))
Мне показался важным для понимания личности писателя и противоположного ей образ персонажа аниме один эпизод из жизни Андре: в начале творческого пути он болел чем-то, связанным с лёгкими, подозревали, что это туберкулёз. И после того, как о�� идет на поправку после путешествия в другую страну в 24 или 25 лет он отказывается от символизма, первого литературного направления, избранного писателем, потому что боится и не желает потерять связь с реальностью, "стремится к жизнеутверждающему искусству". Это буквально противоположно сделанному персонажем выбору 😭
Также в некоторые периоды жизни он находился в конфронтации буквально со всем миром(
А ещё Андре Жид читал Стендаля и называл его романы "письмами в будущее", потому что они опередили своё время, и его работы повлияли на творчество Жида.
Этот персонаж у меня ассоциируется с песней Zombie, the cranberries
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Остался финальный аккорд!
Ода Сакуноске (1913-1947).
Здравствуй, дорогая Википедия-на-японском. В тебе много информации, но её очень сложно понять, потому что переводчик - くそ。
Кроме того, немного биографических сведений можно найти здесь: https://kotobank.jp/word/%E7%B9%94%E7%94%B0%E4%BD%9C%E4%B9%8B%E5%8A%A9-40507
Так вот, под влиянием романа "Красное и чёрное" в 1938 Ода передумал быть драматургом (на тот момент он уже написал несколько пьес) и начал писать свои первые рассказы и романы — "Дождь", "Двадцать лет", "Парадокс молодости" (Какого черта их нет на русском?!). Да, у реального Одасаку видимо тоже существовала книга-из-за-которой-он-стал-писателем!? Но это не Нацумэ. Следует ли из этого, что драматург в мире БСД — это киллер? Попробуйте, скажите мне нет! 😆 Помните пьесу из истории создания агентства?
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И вот Андре Жид, солдат, потерявший свою душу, по собственному признанию, серый призрак, рассказавший нам трагичную историю о войне, которая для него ещё продолжается, ради того, чтобы умереть (а он желает этого слепо и отчаянно, в отличие от Дазая), находит все слабые места Одасаку и бьет по ним, чтобы у того появилась мотивация убивать, — убив тех, о ком заботился Ода, и перечеркнув мечту, появившуюся из-за чьей-то книги и слов незнакомца, и заставив его нарушить принцип всей его жизни в последние несколько лет. А в прощальном воспоминании Одасаку о детях мальчик с именем Шиндзи, "Контролирующий истину", прижимает к себе книжку писателя, исторически связанную с ними обоими, объясняющую взаимоотношения между героями.
У меня всë.
Мне плохо.
Автор манги чертовски великолепен.
Бонсы тоже.
*Истерично смеюсь*
Отдохну и напишу это на английском.
В школе мне неплохо удавалось приводить доказательства в геометрии, это не сильно отличается.
Сервис проверки орфографии сказал, что у меня было 87 ошибок во всей статье, но в основном он не понимает кандзи.
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shangdragonsthief · 2 months
So here's the next video in my Epic series. Keep your Friends Close. Dazai has to plead his case to Sigma the Wind God to try and get back home. Sigma agrees on the condition that Dazai not open a bag with all the storm winds trapped. Can Dazai make it back home to Chuuya and their kingdom of Yokohama?
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12ratsinagnomecostume · 5 months
Uhhh, André Guide, Louisa Mat Alcott, Mark Twain, and Lucy Maud Montgomery, happy birthday! Oh, and your fanfiction counterparts too!
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Andre Gide for the character ask meme. Go on.
GO ON I WILL TY Sexuality Headcanon: homosexual. Gender Headcanon: hhhm. this i have not thought about at All A ship I have with said character: well. see. that'd be him and oscar wilde as in your oc. (sidenote: please please go ask my good friend here about oscar on their bsd blog (@karl-raccoon-in-a-teacup) now!!!! /vlh you will not regret it i promise) A BROTP I have with said character: this has context specifically in my wip everyone lives / nobody dies au. him and elise. A NOTP I have with said character: i. haven't seen enough gide ships to HAVE one tbh A random headcanon: he's dog coded but in a heavy symbolism way that i am normal and definitely not mildly unhinged about General Opinion over said character: i didn't think much of him for a long while but uhh. recently, i was thinking about him and well. uh.
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atypicalantinomy · 4 months
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Its DONE! My BSD Gide custom nendoroid-inspired doll is finally complete of all its details and it's DONE!
Sometimes a fandom is one person fixating on a secondary character, and sometimes that person is so desperate they create an entire mini figure.
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randombungoupolls · 10 months
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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André Gide (22nd November)
Bungou Stray Dogs
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