#brittany spears starts playing loudly
bl3ss3dbyt1amat · 5 months
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meant for this to be a doodle. meant for this to actually feature malas and not just whatever the hell he did! buttttttt we don’t always get what we want
i feel like living some sort of normal domestic life would be a weird vibe for the bhaalspawn. might have some relapses like “oops i did it again”
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shyficwriter · 3 years
You Laugh, You lose
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Yondu, Kraglin, Peter
Summary: You're stuck on planet until morning when a part fails on Yondu's M-ship, so Peter suggests a game to pass the time.
Author’s Note: This is the fluffy/funny fic I promised to make up for the two angsty fics before it. Hope you like it! Also shoutout to @badjokesbyjeff where I got most of these jokes from.
Word Count: 3,100
One rule.
You laugh. You lose.
Ok, maybe there were a couple more rules than that, but that was the gist.
It was a game often played between you and Peter, and occasionally also with Yondu or Kraglin on long job travels to kill the boredom.
The goal? Make the other person laugh. If you succeed, you win. You fail, then the game continues until someone loses it and laughs. Winner gets bragging rights, loser usually has to buy a round of drinks for the rest.
The game had originally started out with the one rule, but over time a couple more rules had been added. One of these rules was that stuff like tickling was cheating. You'd think this would have been an obvious rule to start with, but when it was you losing the game to tickles, Peter didn't mind. Less competition, right? But once the tables were turned and he lost a round, then suddenly tickling was "major cheating" and "totally unfair!" So, naturally, now there was a "no touching" rule during the game.
Another rule that needed to be added later was that Yondu couldn't gibberish talk his way to a win. It just gave him too much of an unfair advantage over you and Kraglin, who would crack up very quickly upon being face to face with a deadpan Yondu talking to you in pure nonsense. Peter was the only one of you three not really effected by it, as he found it more annoying than anything else.
Of course, Yondu tried to use his status as captain to veto this rule, but after a vote of 3-1 against the gibberish, he finally relented, stating that, "Aw, fine! I don't need to do that to win anyway!"
However, this didn't stop him from slipping a little in from time to time, always claiming he "forgot."
Sure, Yondu. Sure.
That was pretty much the main rules. The rest were more just guidelines. Like, smiling was allowed, as it didn't count as laughing, but too sharp of an exhale out your nose while smiling could be considered a laugh. Stuff like that.
Today happened to be one of those days where a job had run long, or rather, the trip did.
The job actually went fairly smoothly, to Yondu's surprise. However, when it was all said and done and it was time to leave, the ship wouldn't start.
Luckily, Yondu knew a guy who could fix the problem (just something minor with the fuel intake, but at the same time not something that Yondu could fix without replacing a part he didn't have and certain tools he didn't bring with him.) Only problem was the guy couldn't get the part in until the morning.
So you were all stuck there. Until morning. On a patch of the planet that wasn't within reasonable walking distance of anything fun. Plus it was raining, so you were all more or less confined to the ship for the evening.
So that's why Peter proposed a game of You Laugh You Lose.
At first Yondu didn't want to, being grumpy about being stranded for the night over such a minor fix and all, but Kraglin managed to convince him in hopes it would lift his spirits.
Now, playing with four people was a little different than one on one. With two people you'd sit facing your opponent and take turns trying to make the other laugh. When starting with four you all sat around the table, each person taking a turn in attempts to get any of the other three to laugh. If someone cracks, regardless of who made them laugh, they're out, and can act as referees, or mildly help crack the others if they choose. Also, instead of the just first to lose owing everyone a round a drinks, all three losers would owe a round, pretty much ensuring the winner 3 free drinks the next time they went out.
Peter sat directly in front of you at the small table, with Yondu to your left and Kraglin sitting directly in front of him. The four of you took a second to fully compose yourselves, making your faces as expressionless as possible, and then Peter started.
He stared you dead in the eye. "Why do bees hum?" he asked, waiting a moment, more for comedic timing than an actual answer, as was how many of the jokes told in the game went. When no one spoke up he said, "Because they don't know the words."
You exhaled slowly through your nose and shook your head, the known sign for, "That the best you got?"
Kraglin's turn now. He took a different approach. He crossed his eyes and in a deadpan voice said, "Wanna hear a joke about a piece of paper?"
Yondu raised an eyebrow, but shook his head when Kraglin continued, "Never mind, it's tearable." Peter made the universal noise for having heard a bad joke.
Your turn. "What did the A'askavariian say after a bad night out?"
"What?" asked Kraglin.
"Wouldn't know. You should ask Peter."
Peter made a scandalized noise. "One time!"
You saw Yondu's mouth twitch, but he quickly recovered. Kraglin took a deep breath and exhaled to keep it together.
Yondu's turn. He told another joke at Peter's expense, and actually made himself crack a smile when Peter protested again. You and Kraglin fought back grins as Peter took his turn.
"What's Beethoven's favorite fruit?"
The three of you shake your heads, though in Yondu and Kraglin's case you were sure it was more because they didn't know who Beethoven was. This was then confirmed by Kraglin asking, "Who's that?"
Peter didn't answer the question, instead letting out a, "Ba-na-NA-NA!"
Peter said this so suddenly and loudly that even Yondu jerked his head back in startled surprise, as did Kraglin, but Kraglin also had to stop himself from barking out a startled laugh. You, however, had to try much harder to keep yourself from laughing. It wasn't even that good of a joke, but his delivery had you biting your tongue to keep it together. Yondu didn't get the joke, but assumed it likely would have been real funny on Terra as he watched you try to steady your breathing just as Kraglin took his turn.
"Ya know the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer? ... The taste."
That one received a collective groan and a look of disgust from you and Peter. Yondu looked almost impressed as he shook his head.
It was your turn again. "I once watched a documentary on how ships are kept together. It was... riveting." You wiggled your eyebrows on the punchline, but only received a mock-disappointed stare from the others at your awful pun.
Instead of a joke, Yondu decided on his next turn to tell a story. "One time we were on a job on Krylor," he began, "and a pretty lil' miss thing caught Peter's eye..."
Peter's eyes widened. He had a bad feeling about which story Yondu was about to tell. "Yondu, don't." he warned flatly.
Yondu only grinned and ignored him "He goes sauntering up to her, trying to be all smooth like.."
"Yondu, seriously." Peter warned again. Again, Yondu ignored him. By now you and Kraglin were already grinning from Peter's reaction alone.
"But the boy ain't watchin' where he's goin', he slips on an empty soda can and falls flat on his face right in front of her. But that's not the best part-"
"I will seriously kill you, ya blue dick!" Peter was getting so red and flustered you had to bite your tongue, as did Kraglin who's nostrils where flaring with the effort.
"It had rained that mornin', and he had been just unlucky enough to land on a puddle, and when he stood up it looked like he'd gone and done pissed himself. I don't think I need to say he didn't wind up gettin' the girl."
That broke Kraglin. He snorted a laugh and Yondu clapped his hands together, shouting, "Gotcha! Yer out!"
Kraglin groaned out a, "I don't know why those stories always get me!" but sat back grinning anyways as Peter buried his scarlet face in his hands whining, "So uncool!"
Peter composed himself and glared at Yondu. "Alright. What about that time you accidentally switched the intercom on while listening to that Brittany Spears music from Terra?"
Yondu just stared at him stonily, no hint of emotion, refusing to dignify the story with a response, although you almost thought you could see his face slightly darken. Kraglin, even though he was out, pretended to be very interested in the table and after an awkward beat you decided to take your turn, because there's no way you'd let yourself laugh at Yondu's music choices if you knew what was good for you.
"SO- Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now." you say in an attempt to bring the game back to jokes lest you be the next one they decide to dredge up an embarrassing story about.
Yondu turned his attention to you. "Ya know, I think the toilet has anger issues," he said. You gave him a confused look and he continued, "Whenever I flush it, it completely loses its shit."
You fight a smile. Peter does the same despite himself still being cranky about Yondu's previous story. Kraglin, however, openly giggles at the joke.
Peter quickly steadies his breathing and says, "There were once two guys flying a ship in dead space. One turns to his buddy and says: 'Damn, I can’t find any milk for my coffee.' His friend replies: 'In space no one can, here use cream.'"
You raised an eyebrow in confusion momentarily before throwing your head back with a groan as you got the joke. "That's a terrible joke!" you say, allowing yourself to grin.
"But you wanna laugh, don't you?" Peter teased.
You playfully glare at him and take your turn instead of answering. "Which is heavier, 200 lbs of feathers, or 200 lbs of bricks?"
Now Yondu raised an eyebrow. "They'd weigh the same, kid."
You try not to grin as you shake your head. "Nah. It's the feathers, because you also have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds."
Yondu propped his elbow on the table and half-hid his grin behind his hand as he nodded his head in approval, before being mildly startled by the sound of a laugh escaping Peter's gritted teeth. Yondu joyfully slapped the table and pointed at Peter. "Yer out too, boy!"
"Aw, dammit!" Peter cried out, but he wasn't angry anymore. He followed Kraglin's lead and relaxed in his chair knowing he was now able to laugh freely at any corny jokes that came.
Yondu smirks at you. "And then there were two."
Crap. You had really been hoping you wouldn't need to square up against him alone. He was really good at this game, and rarely broke. You, however, always had to fight super hard against turning into a giggly little mess, and usually lost. There was just something about his ability to deliver the jokes with a completely deadpan or stern face that always broke you, but this time you were going to try your best to avoid that.
"I was kidnapped by mimes once." he said, "They did unspeakable things to me."
You inhaled deeply, and let it out slowly, shaking your head as you did so and giving a look that said 'Damn you.' "What’s the difference between an amateur thief and a professional thief?" you begin, continuing after a beat, "The amateur thief says, 'Give me all your money!' The professional thief says, 'Sign here please.'"
Yondu nodded his head thoughtfully. "That's actually pretty accurate. Not sure that's even a joke..." he grinned, almost taunting you at the inability to draw a laugh from him. His turn now. "Two burglars are robbin' a liquor store. One turns to the other an' asks, 'Is this whiskey?' The other replies, “Yeah, but not as wisky as wobbing a bank.” Of course, this last line was delivered with a clean slate of emotion, your weakness.
You had to turn your head away from him as you fought to keep your breathing in check, your lips pressed together, threatening to betray you.
"Ay Ay! No looking away you coward!" Peter laughed, prompting you to face him instead. You flipped him off, your grin finally splitting your face.
"There it is! Come on, you know ya wanna laugh." Yondu teased, grinning at how your nostrils flared when you turned back to glare at him. An unconvincing glare, but it was the best you could manage.
After a couple deep breaths with your hands balled into fists you thought you had calmed down enough to take your turn. "I yelled “COW!” at a woman on a bike once. She flipped me off and then ran straight into the cow..." You raised your hands and shrugged your shoulders in mock exasperation. "I tried!"
Peter laughed while Kraglin and Yondu just shared an amused glance.
"Ya know, I might've actually found that funny... if I knew what a cow was." Yondu taunted, grinning as your shoulders fell in realization.
That made Peter snort, probably for no other reason than he now just had a case of the giggles. But the look on your face was probably part of it. His snort in turn made you grin, his laughter contagious.
This gave Yondu an idea. Grinning evilly he reached over to poke Peter in the side, making the younger man jerk almost violently away with a giggle. Kraglin chuckled as Peter protested, "Hey! You know that's cheating!"
"Nah, you're out, boy. There ain't no rule that says I can't use it on someone that's outta the game." Yondu argued playfully, throwing a look at Kraglin who took the hint and poked Peter from the other side.
"Hey!" Peter whined, the pitiful sound making you cover your mouth to hide your widening grin.
Kraglin stood so he could tickle Peter properly, seeing your amusement at his predicament, and you clenched your jaw as streams of your friend's laughter mixed with uncharacteristically high pitched, "No!"s and "Please!"s poured from his mouth before he managed to escape Kraglin's grip and hop away from the table, clutching his sides and catching his breath. Just in time too, because you were worried that might've actually broken you if Peter hadn't stopped his girly ticklish squeals.
Yondu must've realized this too because he snapped his fingers in mock frustration, and conceded that it was your turn again. In truth he was glad Peter got away as well. The plan had almost backfired on him, nearly having made him laugh at the sight as well.
You had to restart your joke twice, each time having to stop yourself from accidentally laughing so you wouldn't lose. Eventually you finally got out, "Guy with a gun enters a bar... He cries out angrily: 'Who the fuck had sex with my wife?'... A voice was heard in the background, "You don’t have enough bullets mate!”
Yondu grinned, looking down at the table before nodding. "I like that one. It's good." However, he didn't laugh, just went straight into his next joke. "Nurse hands a man his newborn and says 'I’m sorry, but your wife didn’t make it.' He hands it back, saying, 'Well give me the one my wife made.'"
Your eyes went wide. "Yondu!" you scold. "That's terrible!"
"Don't give me that! I can see ya fighting not to laugh."
It was true. As much as the joke was bad, you couldn't help it. There's nothing that makes someone want to laugh more than knowing you can't laugh. Everything's funnier when you can't laugh. You roll your eyes and deliver your next joke. "Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road? ... It got stuck in a crack."
Peter cracked up at that, moving to sit back down with a warning glance at Kraglin, who held up his hands as a sign that he wasn't going to tickle him again. Kraglin then shook his head with a wide grin as he watched Yondu run his tongue over his teeth and look down as he tried to suppress a smile.
Yondu inhaled. "Damn. Ya almost got me."
You grinned wide and bit your tongue. You almost got yourself.
"Ya wanna hear a joke 'bout construction?"
You let out a dramatic sigh. "You're gonna tell it anyway, might as well."
"I'm still workin' on it."
You smack your hand on your thigh and jerk your head to the side as your breath hitched. "Fuck you!" you say, a wide grin plastered to your face.
Now Peter and Kraglin were laughing at yours and Yondu's reactions more than anything else.
"Ya wanna tap out now? There's no shame if ya do." Yondu teased.
"Fuck you." you say again. "What did the plumber say to the singer?" You cursed yourself for not being able to come up with a better joke, but delivered the punch-line anyway. "Nice pipes."
Yondu didn't even crack a smile a that, not that you blamed him. He asked, "What's the difference between a good joke and a bad joke?"
"I don-"
"TIMING!" Yondu shouted so suddenly that you jerked back and a startled laugh finally broke free from your throat, and once it was out it was like a dam had collapsed- you couldn't hold back the torrent of giggles that had built up for so long.
"Dude! You can't just yell stuff out like that!" you scold, still giggling as you held a hand to your heart, "You scared me!"
"Made ya laugh though, that's what counts." he grinned. He stood up from the table and stretched. "Looks like I win." He ruffled your hair and you swatted him away playfully.
"One of these days I'll get you!" you say.
"Then why don't ya put your money where your mouth is," Kraglin laughed, Peter nodding with him, saying, "Yeah, you two face off again. Right now. Loser pays for everyone's drinks for the night next time we go out."
Still giggly you glance from Peter and Kraglin to a smug looking Yondu standing and grinning at you with his arms crossed.
With a giggly sigh you bow your head and concede. "I can't. I'm not ready."
Yondu lets out a chuckle and pulls you in to give you a noogie. "That's what I thought."
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight. won't somebody help me chase the shadows away? Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight. Take me through the darkness to the break of the day.”
character: tokoyami fumikage - MY HERO ACADEMIA
note: would you guys want a continuation of my Levi imagines?? bc I wanna write more i just don’t wanna write it if no one is interested in it. also this imagine has a lot of timeskips but they’re needed. I know some things don’t align like they do in the anime/manga but bare with me here. 
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“guys, where are we going?” you asked Mina and Uraraka as they giggled, “somewhere! just relax, it’s not like we’re going to kill you or anything!” Mina managed to say through her excitement. 
you sighed as they continued to drive to the destination. they had taken you out all day, on some kind of girls trip, and still hadn’t told you the reason why they began this trip in the first place. 
“Fumi is going freak out that I’m not back at the dorms yet,” you pleaded, “Fumi not so much but Dark Shadow will and you guys won’t be the one dealing with it.” 
Mina shook her head, “Dark Shadow will be fine! just be quiet and we’ll be to our last destination soon,” she said indicating that she wasn’t going to explain anymore. 
“trust us, you’re going to be shocked,” Uraraka said trying to calm you down, “we just need to get there in one piece.” 
you, Bakugou, and Kirishima sat together as you laughed at Bakugou screaming at Kirishima for something, “looks like someone keeps staring at you, ( your name ),” Kirishima whispered as you gave him a look. 
“Kirishima, stop it,” you replied before trying to look at who he was talking about, “it’s true. bird brain over there hasn’t been subtle about it,” you instantly knew who they were talking about. 
Tokoyami watched as you talked to your two closest friends with mild annoyance. ever since the three of you got paired up for a project very early on the year, it was like all of you became a pact of three. it was an odd pairing but in some way, all of you evened each other out.
“Tokoyami? is that who you’re talking about?” you asked as as they both nodded, “huh,” you murmured before turning around to see if they were right. 
he instantly turned around to continue talking to Jirou and Todoroki, “oh god, you like her,” Jirou said realizing his eye trajectory, “and you’re jealous!” Kaminari put in. 
Tokoyami's eye twitched, “now which one are you jealous of? Bakubro or Kiri?” Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow to smack Kaminari across the room which he did successfully. 
you looked to see your yellow haired friend groaning, “Kami? what the hell happened?” you tried to say over the laughter, “Tokoyami happened,” he muttered as you turned to look at the raven who was now trying to hide himself behind his uniform jacket. 
“good job Tokoyami!” you told him, giving him a bright smile, “ohoho, you got it bad,” Jirou whispered as Ojiro agreed, “you’re all red in the face,” Todoroki added in flatly. 
“shut up!” he screamed as Aizawa finally walked in, “that’s funny but you might want to hurry up on that crush before one of the two boys takes her,” Jirou mentioned a little more seriously, “and I get the feeling it’s going to be Kirishima.” 
Tokoyami watched as you sat next to the red haired boy and started whispering to him. he knew the two of you were close but with Jirou’s warning, he started feeling that it might’ve been a little closer than he thought. 
Friday nights were usually reserved for relaxing and that meant video or board games. Mina and Kaminari usually picked Mario Kart or Smash Bros but this evening, they decided on Just Dance. 
“seriously? do you know that half of these clowns don’t even know how to dance?” you and Jirou mentioned as Bakugou scoffed, “keep for yourself,” he retorted making you laugh, “yeah, I think you’re probably the worst one here,” you kept antagonizing. 
he shot you a dirty look, “come on guys, who’s first?” Kaminari mentioned as he clicked through the music, “( your name ), you’ve been talking a lot of shit, go first,” Bakugou offered as you growled. 
“can’t, I’m eating popcorn,” you mumbled through a mouthful of popcorn, “the napkins are right there!” he exclaimed as you sighed loudly, “Tokoyami, can you tie my hair, I don’t want to get my scrunchie dirty,” you asked as you motioned to the scrunchie next to him. 
Jirou gave him a look as he grabbed the grey hair tie. he grabbed your hair and messily put it into a ponytail as you wiped your hands. you grabbed the remote from Kaminari’s hand as you played ‘Gimme More by Brittany Spears. 
you stood in front of the TV as Bakugou waited for you to royally mess up. you on the other hand knew you had the upper hand. those times singing and dancing in the shower had to pay off eventually. 
“looks like you’re wrong,” Kaminari muttered as a few of the boys stared at you. Tokoyami’s mouth hung a little open as he tried to contain his drool. you weren’t doing anything 
Izuku looked over to him before leaning over to close his mouth. Izuku and the few other boys who weren’t staring at you like you were a piece of meat tried to hold in their laugh. they wondered how a game for kids ended up with half of 1-A drooling. 
once the song ended, you looked over to Bakugou, “your turn, Katsuki,” you said smugly as you dropped yourself on the couch to catch your breath. you watched as Katsuki tried to pick one of the easier songs on the list, “no sweetie, I went medium. you’re going medium,” you threatened as he started to lowly curse you out.  
“good job,” Tokoyami complimented as you gave him a tired smile, “thanks! you should go up with me in a few songs!” you asked as he shook his head no, “come on, it’s fun! we can do an easy song if you aren’t a dancer,” you pleaded. 
he sighed before nodding, he couldn’t tell you no. 
you left a few people go before asking for the remote. you scrolled through the music choices before picking ‘One, Two Step’ by Ciara. it looked like a fairly easy song for the man in the game. 
you gave Tokoyami an encouraging smile as the song started. Jirou couldn’t help but be impressed by your confidence. she knew the song would go straight over Tokoyami’s head but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
halfway through the song, you had a three second break as you gave Tokoyami a soft smile. Tokoyami felt his heart stop but got screamed at because he was going to ruin his score. 
after the song finished, you held onto Tokoyami’s shoulder as Mina and Jirou clapped, “that was awesome! Tokoyami, I didn’t know you danced!” Mina exclaimed as he muttered that he didn’t. 
“maybe he’s just a better dancer with me,” you smirked before taking a sip of water. 
you were running through the forest with Shoji and Midoriya as the three of you tried to get to Bakugou and Todoroki. you were trying to make sure Midoriya was okay and weren’t hearing what they were talking about until Tokoyami’s name came up.
“wait, what’s going?” you yelled to Shoji as they both gave you a concerning look, “Tokoyami, he lost control of his quirk. it’s too dark and he can’t handle it,” your eyes widened as you tried to comprehend what he was saying. 
you looked at Shoji before seeing Tokoyami engulfed by Dark Shadow, “TOKOYAMI, NO! TRY TO GET HIM TO LISTEN!” you screamed as Shoji stiffened, “no! you can upset Dark Shadow even more!” he yelled back. 
“GET HER OUT OF HERE!” Tokoyami screamed as you shook your head no, “TOKOYAMI, I’M NOT LEAVING YOU HERE! SHOJI AND I CAN HELP YOU!” you yelled back. 
Dark Shadow heard your voice and went towards you, making you jump behind Shoji in fright. Tokoyami, although he was blinded by Dark Shadow, just felt that you were terrified of him and broke his heart even more than it already was.  
you felt tears prickling your eyes as you watched Tokoyami fight himself for control. you stood next to Shoji as Midoriya was explaining some kind of plan to get Tokoyami to the light. 
“Fumikage, please!” you screamed as all of you ran towards the other boys. Todoroki immediately realized the situation, “GRAB HER!” Shoji screamed to him as he pointed at you. 
you felt Todoroki grab you as he held you back, “TODOROKI, STOP IT! LET ME GO! PLEASE!” you screamed as you watched Dark Shadow get closer and closer to Shoji and Midoriya before slamming Moonfish against the tree. 
“NOT ENOUGH, IT’S NOT ENOUGH!” Dark Shadow screamed as you tried to give him one more chance to calm himself down, “FUMI, YES IT IS! IT IS ENOUGH, YOU CAN STOP, IT’S OKAY! WE’RE ALL OKAY! I’M OKAY! SHOJI IS OKAY! MIDORYA, BAKUGOU, AND TODOROKI ARE TOO!” you yelled as Bakugou and Todoroki let out their quirks to reel Tokoyami in.
once Tokoyami fell to the ground and Todoroki felt it was safe enough to let you go, you immediately ran to him as he coughed up a storm. Shoji knew right now was not the time to let you be lovey dovey with Tokoyami but figured the two of you were strong enough be by yourselves. 
you grabbed Tokoyami as soon as he was fine and held him, “are you okay?” you breathed as he nodded, “I’m fine, I’m more worried about you right now,” he muttered as you shook your head. 
“I’m okay, I was behind Shoji making sure Midoriya was okay,” you admitted still hugging him, “I saw you, scared, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again as you nodded to reassure him. 
you grabbed the boy by the beak and gave it a peck, “lets go! we can’t stay here too long!” you grabbed his hand before running in the direction Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugou went.
you were nervously talking to Nejire as she gave you words of encouragement. you had signed up for the beauty pageant for the festival, unbeknownst to the class excluding Momo, and you wanted to surprise all of them. 
all of you were instructed to stand in a line as they would call all of you out one by one. you were being called last as they had the first years towards the end of the line. 
“is your boyfriend going to be in the crowd?” Nejire asked as you nodded, “yeah, I think he’s coming with Mirio and Deku so I think he’ll be in the front of the stage.” 
she giggled at your flustered state, “that’s adorable, I’m sure he’s going to be surprised at how great you look,” before you could respond, Nejire was called up. 
you gave yourself one final pep talk before receiving a good luck message from Momo. she had helped you with the entire surprise as she was there to give you fashion advice the entire time. 
you walked out from the back as Present Mic screamed your name. you waved at the class. the entire class stared at you with a bewildered look. Tokoyami had fully stopped functioning as he watched you twirl in that beautiful dress before going to the line of girls. 
“you knew and didn’t tell us!” Midoriya screamed to the bird as he shook his head, “I had no idea!” he replied as came up to the mic for the first round of questions. 
your quirk was flashy, a lot more flashy than some of the other quirks that the girls had and if he was being truthful, he knew you could’ve dragged all the girls to filth if you really wanted too. 
after your first round of questions was finished, you made your way to the back and upon arriving, you noticed your very flustered boyfriend standing and giving you an accusatory look. 
you gave him a sheepish smile, “hey Fumi,” you whispered as he sighed, “why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as he took in your outfit.
you were wearing a dark purple dress with a crimson colored necklace, “I wanted to surprise the class? give us more leverage against the other first years?” you said more in a question than a response. 
he sighed as you gave him a peck on the beak, “plus, it’ll give me bragging rights if I even make the top five,” Tokoyami pin-pointed your pettyness and laughed, “bragging rights against who?” you shushed him with another peck on the beak. 
“hey, the first years are up! might want to say your goodbyes!” Nejire warned as you nodded, “I’ll see you after! love you Fumi!” you exclaimed before running in the direction that Kendou was going too. 
Mina and Uraraka finally stopped at a beach. you were more than exhausted already but you knew that if you didn’t continue on with their shenanigans, they were going to pout for says. 
“guys, we really should be getting back to U.A. you know we graduate in a few weeks, right?” you mentioned as they nodded, “which makes this surprise all the better!” Uraraka exclaimed. 
you sighed as they tried not to say anything more. you noticed a few things laid across the sand as they walked you to the middle of an X. 
“are you guys serious?” you sighed as they told you to be quiet and close your eyes.
doing what they told you to do, you shut your eyes before feeling someone turn you around. you heard commotion before hearing someone tell you to finally open your eyes. 
you immediately seen Tokoyami down on one knee, holding a ring that looked like an engagement ring. 
“my love, with our careers being just outside our window, I felt as though these last few days have very eye opening. we are on the path of becoming heroes and with that comes change. I wanted to give you this ring as a promise that you’ll always be my number one. this is not our engagement but a promise that we will get there one day. would you take this ring as a promise to stick by my side?” 
you felt tears prickling down your face as you nodded yes. 
“I love you,” you whispered as you buried your head in his neck, “I love you too, my beautiful feather.” 
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natecronomicon · 4 years
My day started off with the bearded hill Billy mechanic at work parking next to me and loudly play Brittany Spears on his radio...like not even in a "haha isn't it funny to see me listening to this?"
No, he's legit.
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ffnthewar · 4 years
PWA Force Ep01
-We cut to Youtube. There is a countdown and then content premieres. Clips of various wrestlers fighting, posing and cutting promos run while White Lion's "Don't Give Up" plays loudly. Then we cut to a TV studio where a wrestling ring has been set up and some bleachers with a loud but modest crowd. Oh yeah, studio wrestling is back!
PWA Force!
-Mark Roberts and Joey "IQ" Johnson welcome everyone to the show and announce the PWA will begin two different title tournaments to fill the vacant & defunct PWA World Heavyweight Championship & PWA World Tag Team Championships! Both tournaments would begin today!
PWA World Tag Team Title Tournament 1st Round Match: That Awesome Team (Corey F. & Tommy Elmore) vs The Kings (Simon & "Bonecrusher" Toby King) -The Kings jumped That Awesome Team as the former KOW stars came out to the ring and were giving high fives to the fans in attendance in the studio. They brawled outside the ring before taking things inside where Elmore, a large powerful man, took charge tossing both Simon & Toby around with ease. When the smaller Corey F. was in though the Kings gained the advantage and worked over his lower back and kept him isolated from his partner. A missed move by Simon led to Corey getting the tag to Elmore who came in once again tossing both Kings around. That Awesome Team looked on the verge of victory when Corey F. tagged back in and climbed to the top but "Bonecrusher" Toby King managed to tackle Elmore out of the ring and Simon caught Corey with an avalanche backbreaker, right on his lower back, which left the former KOW star vulnerable for the SIMON SAYS Rolling Cutter! 1, 2, 3! W: The Kings [Advance to the Quarter-Finals]
-Mark Roberts & Joey "IQ" Johnson are joined by "Fantasy" Brett Young, Brandon Young and Brittany Young.. THE YOUNG CLAN! Brett put over how proud he was to be in the PWA with his family, representing the Young family name in the 2020's! He sees big things in store for Brandon and Brittany in the PWA and beyond. Then he got serious and said he is also happy that he has a chance to potentially get his hands on "Up All Night" Pablo O'Connor down the road in the PWA. He put over all the history of bad blood between them in the UWF and L-Pro and how finally things would be settled between them in the very near future and they could put a stop to O'Connor besmirching the pro wrestling business for good.
PWA World Heavyweight Title Toturnament 1st Round Match: Senor Cloak Dos vs Tarantula 4 -The crowd went NUTS for SCD in the studio! Both masked men went at it from the start at a fast and furious pace. They did a mix of chain wrestling, counters and flippy takedowns at the start before Tarantula moved in on the submission moves. SCD would work his way out and counter with roll ups & flash pins but the masked man from Japan would escape in time. Tarantula caught SCD with a STIFF savate kick and once again went back to his submissions, trying to force a tap out but SCD kept struggling free or to the ropes. T4 tried to set up THE WEB, his armbar/chicken wing submission finisher, but SCD broke free and countered with a La Casita roll up.. 1, 2, 3! W: Senor Cloak Dos [Advances to the Quarter-Finals] -Postmatch an irate Tarantula 4 tried to attack Dos but the masked man from Mexico escaped the ring and celebrated his victory with the screaming fans while T4 vowed revenge!
-Mark Roberts & Joey "IQ" Johnson are joined by Jamison James, set to face Brandon Young next week on PWA Force in the World Title tournament. James put over how happy he was to dupe Willy Gordon out of his rock n roll money because it was going to be a piece of cake strolling into the PWA and making his star rise off the names of yesterday that he was sure to crush beneath his feet. The fans booed, he called them "bitch britches" and told them to shut up, which drew more boos. Jamison said he the biggest bitch was his opponent next week, Brandon Young, who he vowed to shut up as well because nothing was going to stop James from becoming a champion in the PWA!
-Women's Singles Match: Catherine MacDonald (Class of 2011) vs Mistress Abigail Screamer -The goth gimmicked Mistress kept stalling at the start of the match, getting into arguments with fans, reciting dark poetry at them loudly. The Irish lass, MacDonald, dragged Screamer in and was hip tossing & arm dragging her around the ring and grounding her with a side headlock. Abigail used her long nails to rake Catherine's eyes to gain the advantage and was choking the former Girl Fight star on the ropes while screaming more dark poetry at the crowd. Screamer missed a splash off the 2nd turnbuckle when MacDonald rolled out of the way and the Irish lass used a small package to procure the win! W: MacDonald -Postmatch Catherine's Class of 2011 stablemate, the American Amanda Irvine, joined her to celebrate when out from the back came Sinn Dee Ray, a psycho party girl themed wrestler, who joined Mistress Abigail Screamer in jumping the two girls from behind and leaving them laying!
-Mark Roberts & Joey "IQ" Johnson are joined by "Dynamite" Davey Kemp, "Lucky" Luke Kemp & "Showtime" Steve Kemp.. KEMP BLOOD! They put over how excited they were to be in the PWA and to show the world what Kemp family wrestling was all about! They're going to do everything they can to win the PWA World Tag Team and World heavyweight title tournaments and make the world scream for more!
PWA World Tag Team Title Tournament 1st Round Match: Seminole Warriors (Yaha & Asen) w/ Osceola vs The Savages (Kogo & Maka) -This was a FIGHT as the massive & angry Savages, former multi-time KOW Tag Team Champions, stormed the ring and went right at their opponents. The Seminole Warriors fought back as hard as they could but were severely outgunned by the much larger Savages who were laying waste with their power moves. Maka missed a big splash on Asen which opened the door for the Warriors to go on the offensive but a sneaky attack by Kogo from the ring apron turned the tide back in favor of the Savages who POWERSLAMMED Yaha on the floor before SANDWICH LARIATING Asen followed by the DOUBLE SAVAGE SPEAR! W: The Savages [Advance to the Quarter-Finals]
-Mark Roberts & Joey "IQ" Johnson are joined by JJ "Bull" Daniels & "Outlaw" Tyler Monroe, the COWBOYS FROM HELL! They talked about what an honor it was to be in the PWA and the history both of their fathers had wrestling in the original PWA way back when. Their promo is interupted by Mario de Rossi & Marco Cassano, the Italianos! The Italianos tell them they talk too much and will get their big American mouths shut  next week when they meet in the tag team title tournament. Monroe asked "Why wait for next week?" and the BIG BRAWL WAS ON! Security & officials flooded out to separate the melee!
Main Event: PWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament 1st Round Match: Jerome Taylor vs Pablo O'Connor w/ Stephanie Delacroix & KdV -Pablo did lots of stalling early on and would use cheap tactics to gain the early advantage but Taylor would fight back and O'Connor would exit the ring to cut off Taylor's advantage. These two old rivals were very cagey against one another in a very methodical match, both trying to avoid slipping up with mistakes. Distractions by Delacroix and KdV created openings for O'Connor to exploit and he began working over the right knee of his old rival. The former Old School Hard Knocks Wrestling Champion and former KOW King of Kings World Champion Taylor fought on gamely on practically one leg but the L-Crown Champion kept exploiting that injured knee to regain control. On a figure four leg lock attempt Jerome managed to shove O'Connor w/ his boot into the turnbuckles and started fighting back, giving it all he had while limping on one leg. KdV jumped on the apron to distract the ref which allowed Stephanie to slip Pablo some brass knuckles which he used to PUNCH the back of Taylor's left knee, effectively taking out both knees! As Taylor struggled to one knee Pablo ran out of the corner, his metal kneebrace on... CHERRY COLA SMASH! 1, 2, 3! W: Pablo O'Connor [Advances to the Quarter-Finals]
-Pablo O'Connor & Stephanie Delacroix interupted Mark Roberts & "IQ" Johnson who were trying to close out the show to announce that this was just the start as winning the PWA World Heavyweight title is their destiny and warn everyone that the Grand Empire is returning! Then it cuts to White Lion's "Don't Give Up" as credits roll and the show ends.
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