#briar x hopper
wverafter · 2 years
rating more eah ships!
oh goodie ☺️🌸☁️
1. daring x cerise - 3/10 ;
literally no. i know it makes sense just bc cerise said “i’m drawn to the leader of the pack” in her little doll package but let’s be so for real rn, i can’t see them working out. i could see cerise getting annoyed with daring later in their relationship if they ever were to date, and no matter how i look at it, the thronecoming thing seemed like a platonic thing.
2. apple x raven - 8/10 ;
if you asked me about season one eah, i would dislike the ship, but after way too wonderland, the way apple respected and stood up for raven was rlly sweet of her. dragon games gave them some angst, however when apple got poisoned, raven kinda seemed like she didn’t care as much. it’s probably just me, but as soon as she had a new plan to stop her mom, she was all “i got to go bye!!” and just?? disappears?? and we barely see them since…
3. briar x hopper - 5/10 ;
i think they’re better off as just friends. briar isn’t interested in him romantically, that’s for sure. during the true hearts day thing they did help cupid a lot with the party so i could picture them hanging out a bunch but dating? no.
4. briar x faybelle - 10/10 ;
i think their dynamic is cute! briar is usually the bubbly, sarcastic one in the group but around faybelle she’s more chill and ngl a bit annoyed but i think it’s cute. idc what anyone says, i know faybelle cares about briar. she just likes to poke fun a lot.
5. duchess x sparrow - 9/10 ;
however i do think that logically, duchess would never go out with sparrow, they do make a pretty enjoyable couple. their dynamic reminds me of team rocket 😭😭 i truly do think that sparrow likes duchess or something.
k that’s it for now- as always remember, i’m always right! 😉🌸☁️
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xbomboi · 2 months
now THIS stuff is much more recent
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i still have some older stuff i wanna post, but for now, i wanna share my most recent assortment of eah doodles.
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froggywentaprincin · 1 month
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athena-xox · 5 months
My current thoughts on what I used to ship when I was younger watching eah.
Hopper/Briar: I was absolutely obsessed with them when I was younger. Why??? They had no chemistry. Bribelle superiority.
Dexter/Raven: I shipped them but I wasn’t a big fan of them… now I love them. The bi4bi loser bf x cool loser gf swifties have my heart.
Daring/Lizzy: YES. I WAS SO REAL FOR THIS. THEYRE STILL MY FAV. Also in my diaries when I was younger I essentially wrote fanfiction. I know that I wrote some Dizzie but I can’t find it ://
Faybelle/Heath Burns: literally so random. Idk where I got this from. In one of the ‘fanfictions’ in my diaries that I wrote I did write a mh/eah cross over and I’m pretty sure it had them in it.
Alistair/Bunny: yeah I still like it. They’re pretty boring. I wish that the curse affected them. Like made them crazy in an evil way. Because that would be interesting.
Chase/Darling: I LOVED THEM SM. believe it or not I also wrote a ff in my diary about them. It’s the only one of the fanfics that I’ve found. I think they had a really interesting dynamic and I would rewatch way too wonderland just for them. I still really like them it’s just… dappling takes the cake.
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vivi-designs · 2 years
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Cerise helping cedar with her project
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henclair · 1 year
i LOVE LOVE LOVE that canonically daring is hoppers roommate bc my fav hopper ship is him and dexter and i love the possibilities that him rooming w his crushes brother opens up are endless like!!! here are some of my favs
“the worlds most terrible heterosexual wingman to disaster gays” daring charming
daring knows about both their crushes but doesn’t do anything to matchmake because “it’s not my job to help others find their happily ever after, what am i cupid?”
that “im in love with your brother in law” interaction from arrested development but w hopper trying to admit his crush on dexter to daring and daring just NOT GETTING THE HINT when it’s laid out
hopper gushing about his crush to his roommate but avoiding any details so daring doesn’t realize hoppers crush is his little brother (u choose if daring knows)
or alternatively and just as great, dexter gushing abt his crush to daring trying to avoid details so daring doesn’t realize dexters crush is his bff and roommate
himbo daring who doesn’t realize his roommate is dating his little brother
daring (hoppers confidant) playing matchmaker with the help of raven (dexters confidant) to great success and failure
daring getting the rest of the pink squad (briar and cupid) involved in his matchmaking or wingman shenanigans
anyways i just love the possibilities that open up with a dynamic between a straight himbo and his absolute loser of a disaster gay roommate and bff who in love w his brother
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seethesunny · 2 years
Blondie: 3... 2... 1... happy new year! [tries to kiss Cupid]
Briar: Blondie, can you stop doing that every time the microwave goes off?
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 3 months
PART 1 of 2
A smutty fan fiction about Rosabella Beauty and Daring Charming from Ever After High
Rosabellas POV-
Rosabella and Daring had been going steady for the past 4 months after the whole epic winter with Crystal. They had worked things out and come to terms that they were destined for one an other as per the tale ‘Beauty and the beast’.
But something was bothering Rosabella now as she sat in the library with a pile of books surrounding her, watching with confusion as Daring gave her a dazzling smile and waved at her before sprinting out the library. Now that she thought about it, he had been doing this every month since they started dating.
And it was always at the most random times aswell, last month they were snuggling in her bed and she was tucked gently under his muscular arm with her head on his chest half asleep when she felt him stiffen before he jerked up and made some excuse about being late somewhere then running of.
She was left dazed and confused still partially half asleep as she stared at her door. The next morning in the castleteria she confronted him about it but he managed to get out of the subject by claiming he was late for bookball practice. That day she vowed to figure out what he was doing the next time this happened.
So here she was now a month later in the same situation as last time. Sighing she counted in her head to 10 before she gathered her books and made her way out the library, peeking her head out she saw Daring turn the corner to somewhere. She scrunched her eyebrows, taking a step forward before bouncing brown hair with pink streaks came in her view.
Briar Beauty her cousin waved a hand in front of her “Hey Rosabella!” She stumbled back for second her face forming into an agitated smile, Briar always had the worst timing. “Hi Briar umm what’s up.” Her cousin smiled flicking her hair “do you want to go to the hocus cafe tomorrow with me and Ashlynn.” Rosabella glanced behind her cousins shoulder coursing internally.
“Uh I’ll have to see if I um can.” Briar rolled her eyes before crossing her arms “come on Rosabella! What else do you have to do? Read?” Annoyance now bubbled within Rosabella, but she took a deep breath just as her dad had told her when her anger got out of control, and turned to Briar “look I’ll let you know tomorrow in princessology, but right now it’s not really a good time.”
Briar only looked half pleased but she let her cousin go without an other word. Rosabella sighed in relief and darted in the direction Daring had went in, turning the same corner he did she looked from left to right to the 2 different paths he could’ve gone. One led to bookball stadium the other to the boy’s dorms, Rosabella figured that she should try the dorms first as it was a more likely option for him than the bookball stadium especially since it was so late at night.
Walking up the spiraling stairs, she ran her hand over the smooth stone before coming upon the commen room. There she found Dexter Charming and Hunter Hunstman playing some sort of card game “oh hey Rosabella. What are you doing here.” She glanced at Dexter with a smile “oh I’m looking for your brother. Did he come this way?”
Dexter nodded before he pointed to the hall with all the dorms “yeah he went to his room. He was in a real hurry, is everything ok?” Rosabella shrugged as she sat on the arm rest of the chair Hunter was sitting on “I have no idea. He’s been doing this for the past 4 months.” Hunter offered her some solace in maybe he was just tired today from heroics class he had but that did little to ease her mind.
“Anyway I’m going to go check on him. See you guys.” Rosabella got up without an other word waving at the 2 behind her as she made her way down the hall. As she was walking she took a second to admire the glistening full moon that shine above, casting a delicate shadow. She wondered how she hadn’t noticed the tranquility of night before.
That tranquility soon ended when a growl sounded from… Darings dorm. Rosabella perked up quickening her pace as she reached for the handle of the door, realizing it was locked she rattled it in some foolish attempt to get it to open. “Daring? Is everything alright? I’m worried about you.” There was only silence on the other end before she heard a loud thud. Thinking of the worst she slammed her hand and body on the door yelping at the pain in her shoulder.
“Daring please open up!” A growl was heard on the other side before the door started to creak open slowly. Rosabella let out a huff of relief as she dashed inside, around her she found Darings bed a whole mess with things scattered all over the floor and a lamp broken on the floor. She tried to focus in the dark to see where Daring was with little success.
“Daring?” She tentivley whispered out, her arms warping around her self as goosebumps arose on her skin. Suddenly strong, muscular arms wrapped around her waist, Rosabella gasped and jolted back only to collide with her destineds chest. She tried to get out of his grip but he only pulled her flush against him, so close that she could feel the heat omitting from his body.
“Daring what-.” He cut her of with a soft growl and nip at her ear “Rosa, Rosa, my Rosabella.” He kept chanting her name over and over again his hands caressing and moving up and down her body. She felt her breath get heavier as he continued to press possessive kisses down the column of her smooth neck, his teeth once in a while grazing her skin.
“What- what are you doing.” She tried to keep her voice as steady as possible but it was useless with his onslaught of kisses and sucking on her neck. Daring didn’t answer her instead kissing up her neck until he came upon a particularly sensitive spot on Rosabellas neck that had her gasping out loud before she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood.
He kept sucking on that spot making Rosabella press up against him even more than previously, she let out periodic moans that made Darings head swirl with pleasure “my Rosabella I’ve been waiting for this day.” He growled out the last half of the sentence making vibrations course through Rosabellas body.
She wanted to question him but it seemed as if her mind was completely blank, like all thoughts were gone. Surprisingly she didn’t mind, she enjoyed the feeling of a clear head and pleasure coursing through her. Daring was also enjoying the way that she would rub up against him unknowingly, the way that her eyes fluttered closed and the way that she let out the sweetest moans.
Daring suddenly stopped kissing her neck, putting distance between them as he gazed at her like a hungry beast. Rosabella despite herself whined at the loss of contact and turned to finally look at him, she felt her body become warm at the sight of his shirtless chest, tousled hair and very evident tent in his pants.
“Tell me my Rosa, do you want me as much I’m starving for you.” He growled the words at her as he crept closer. Rosabella stared into his lilac eyes taking careful steps back, Daring rose an eyebrow at her actions before something in him seemed to snap. He pounced at her faster than she could comprehend.
He wrapped an arm around her waist, the other grabbing a fistful of her hair in his hand as he pushed her softly onto the bed. She gasped at the sudden action her arms planting on his warm chest to stabilize herself, she lay with her elbows against the bed her head supported by Darings hand. “These past months… I’ve been craving you so badly.”
Rosabella didn’t know why he was acting like this, she thought maybe it was a beast thing but her dad never acted like that. Or at least not like that in front of her.
Daring placed a knee beside her waist as he leaned down, caging her in his arms, pressing sloppy open mouthed kisses on her jaw, neck ,collarbone anywhere he could find. Rosabella closed her eyes letting the pleasure of the moment sink in, she could always question him tomorrow.
She heard Daring let out an annoyed growl as he pulled at her dress “you are wearing to much.” Rosabella giggled and whispered in his ear in a breathy voice “then take it of…” his grip got impossibly tight on her waist and sheets he was fisting. He let out a grunt as he looked into her eyes intently his gaze hungry.
Without an other thought Daring extended a hand that had turned into a claw just so he could rip her dress of. Rosabella gasped at the action looking at him in shock before he pounced on her again and started to kiss down her neck to the top of her breasts that were confined within their lacy confines.
“Daring… please.” He chuckled at her words his tongue swirling near her breast. He cupped one breast in his hand over her bra, playing and massaging her breast in such a way that had Rosabellas head falling back.
With his own patience wearing thin he moved her back of the bed, her legs straddling his leg on the bed. He placed brushing kisses on her shoulder and neck his hand traveling to the clasp of her bra, after fumbling for a second he managed to unhook the bra before throwing it somewhere in the room.
Rosabella sighed in relief at her freed breasts while Daring pushed her back down his hungry eyes racking over her full chest “mine all mine.” He growled at her as he attacked her breast with his tongue without warning. Rosabella let out a yelp as her hand intertwine in his hair pulling his face closer.
“Daring don’t tease me please.” She huffed in annoyance as he swirled his tongue anywhere but the place she most wanted, when he continued to tease Rosabella pulled his head up the slightest and said in fake wonder “maybe I’ll go to Dexter or Hunter or Alistair or Sparrow to pleasure me if you can’t.”
Knowing from her dad that possessiveness was a common thing in beasts she decided to use to her advantage. Much as she thought as soon as she uttered those words Daring growled so loudly she feared that someone would hear.
He pushed her into the mattress his hand wrapping around her neck delicately enough that she could breath “mine, mine, my Rosabella. I’ll slay them if they come near you.” Rosabella smirked internally as he finally swirled his tongues around her nipple.
A breathy moan escaped her as he continued his assault. Trailing her arms down his chest she traced over the hard planes of his abs, watching as she groaned at the feeling Rosabella trailed her hand lower looking up at him with doe eyes as she traced her nails at the base of his cock.
Daring jolted with a growl as he pinned her hands above her head and ripped her underwear of “Daring… you- you can’t keep tearing my clothes.” She breathed out distracted by the feeling of his long fingers on the inside of her thighs. He moved down with his hand to her heat his breath fanning over her as she whispered against her thigh “I’ll tear all your clothes if they are in my way.”
She couldn’t be bothered to answer as she felt his tongue caress the point just before her heat, wiggling her hips in anticipation Daring pinned them to the bed ensuring she couldn’t move as stared right into her eyes before he shoved 2 fingers into her wet cunt.
Rosabella screamed in a mix of pleasure and pain as she gripped with one hand the sheets the other with Darings head. He pumped them in and out in a fast, sensual pace reaching depths that she didn’t think existed. Soon his mouth joined his fingers and Rosabella tipped her head back her mouth open in a silent scream.
She kept panting and trying to move her hips even against Darings grasp, the stimulation from both his tongue and mouth overwhelming her. As he kept sucking and licking her cunt Rosabella felt her climax right at the edge, she bit her lip in a attempt to keep her scream out before she came on Darings fingers.
He took his fingers out making sure to apply pressure on her walls before fully pulling them out, as Rosabella lay panting legs numb Daring took the chance to grasp her chin in his clean hand, forcing her to watch as he sucked her cum of his fingers.
She blushed in embarrassment moving her hand to cover her face before he straddled her hips and let him mouth wonder down her body, like a cat to its fur. Wanting to return the favor to Daring, Rosabella trailed her hands down his well defined body from all those years of heroics classes, dragon riding and anything althletic.
He grunted against her neck as she grabbed the base of his cock, she started to slowly move her fingers around the base with a trail of her manicured fingers leaving Daring to act like a panting beast in a rut.
Before she could continue her ministration any further, Daring grabbing her wondering hand to bring it up above her head “don’t you want me to-?” He shook his head at her question, his lustful eyes trailing down her bare body. He licked his lips, his shining teeth peeking out of his lips.
At the sight of his protruding canines Rosabella furrowed her brows in confusion, with yet an other question swirling in her mind before althohgts vanished at the feeling of Darings erection grazing her inner thigh.
She couldn’t help but release a desperate moan at the feeling, her smooth legs hooking around his hips with a sharp shove if her heels on his back, edging him to finally enter her. Darings eyes widened at Rosabellas rather bold action before he gave her a smirk and started an assault on her neck, hoping to distract her from what was coming knowing somewhere in the back of his lust filled mind that this was her first time.
“Finally going to make you completely mine my Rosabella. You’ll never leave my side.” As he growled out the words a new flush of heat swarmed her body, the once again onslaught of kissing and sucking making her mind swim in euphoria.
Seeing her distracted state and the endless little moans escapin her mouth, Daring took the chance to push in. Rosabellas eyes widened in surprise, a pained scream leaving her plush red lips, Daring growled at the feeling pushing in more and more until every last inch of him was bottomed out inside her.
With every last restraint from his human mind fighting his beastly instincts, he held still, instead gripping the sheets beside his destineds head. He shivered in restraint as to not to let Rosabella adjust and to just fuck her like he wanted against the mattress.
Rosabella herself gripped his shoulders and burrowed her face in his neck as she started to feel the pleasure behind the pain. After a few moments the pain went away completely an a itch for Daring to just use her as he wanted filled her mind.
Wiggling her hip, she saw from up top her lashes Daring grit his teeth. Finally putting an end to each others edging Rosabella whimpered out “please Daring, please fuck me hard.” Whatever remnants of self control he seemed to have shattered at those sweetly whispered words.
With a growl Daring drive forward, his hips clashing against Rosabellas. He growled out in intense pleasure his mind clouding with everything that has to do with his destined princess, from her scent, to her voice, to her eyes, to the feel of her skin against his. Everything was about her.
At his continues vicious thrusts, Rosabella could barely make any other sound other than a moan that would rip out her throat. “Harder!” Daring paused for a second at her words, again his human and beast side fighting for dominance. In the end tho his beast won and he grabbed Rosabellas thigh, bringing it up above her head before slamming forward.
All the air seemed to be knocked out Rosabellas chest as she lurched back with the sheer force of his thrusts. She gripped the back of his neck, her nails no doubt leaving crescent like shapes on his nape. Daring didn’t seem to mind as he only reveled in the pain.
With his erratic, almost non humane speed of thrusts Rosabella felt like she was on the tip of her euphoria. The feeling of his hard cock slamming in and out of her tight heat bringing each other pleasure they both didn’t think existed.
As Daring continued his endless thrusts of undying lust, he felt Rosabellas walls spasm and contract around him signaling her near climax. He surged forward, feeling his canines grow in his mouth as a carnal need to bite, mark, anything fogged his mind.
And with a powerful force Daring thrusted forward, his teeth meeting the delicate surface of Rosabellas neck as he bit down hard. Rosabella screamed out in surprise and pleasure as Daring rocked against her his teeth sinking deeper into her creamy skin. With the feeling of his relentless thrusting and now bite Rosabella felt herself tio over that euphoric edge.
Her mouth opened in a silent scream her eyes shut and her nails gripping onto Daring for dear life. But Daring wasn’t done yet as seconds later he retracted his teeth from her neck, his tongue licking the wound like a dog to its pups.
With the new found slickness of Rosabellas release, Daring continued his endless lustful thrusts much to the dismay of Rosabellas over stimulated walls. As her walls clamped down on Darings cock one final time he felt a release and pleasure he couldn’t have even dreamed about, not in any of his wet dreams about his Rosabella.
As the base of his cock met with the skin of her heat, he felt a sensation he’d never felt before. The base of his cock slowly swelling up inside Rosabella, surprising both him and her. But Daring couldn’t really find it in him to care at this very moment, not when he climaxed the hardest he ever could’ve.
Rosabellas back collapsed against the soft blanket of the bed, her legs trembling after the amazing sex she had experienced. Trying to separate herself from Daring she felt his cock tug at her entrance, like a knot on a too small opening. In a slight panic Rosabella tugged again harder making Daring growl above her, “keep doing that my sweetheart and we’ll be going for a second round very soon.”
Rosabellas cheeks flushed an impossible red, and at the moment she was glad that it was only the moon that illuminated the room. Daring slowly lowered himself so he was laying on her, she huffed out in slight discomfort but wrapped her arms around him nonetheless. “So are we… stuck?”
Daring shrugged his head lifting from her breast that he used as a pillow, to test her question he tried to pull out of her heat only to be tugged back by the knot that seemed to have formed in his cock. He partially growled at the shock wave of pleasure that coursed through his body, Rosabella biting her lip to keep the whimper in.
Just at that moment of trying to get unstuck from each other (much to Darings dismay) the door to the dorm room creaked open. Rosabella held her breath tightly, her chest tightening in panic as the person stepped into the room and opened the lights.
“Oh my-! Uh I- I’m sorry-I’ll just- I mean- umm-!” Hopper stammered out his eyes traveling from Rosabella to Daring quickly as he scrambled back knocking into a plant in the process. As he reached for the handle he suddenly transformed into his frog form, much to the horror of Rosabella who was still stuck with Daring.
As Hopper in frog form started to spew out some sex poetry, Darings eyes blazed with a possessiveness Rosabella had never seen. He growled at Hopper so loudly that the pictures on the walls shook with the force, at the sudden noise Hopper stopped his rant and hopped back in surprise.
Daring confined to snarl and growl at Hopper as the frog as quickly as possible hopped out the room. Once the door was shut again Daring stopped growling and snarling, his nose finding the crook of Rosabellas neck where his bite mark is. He took a lungful of her scent the beast in his instincts yelling at him to claim her again.
Rosabella was much to horrified to remotely care at what Daring was doing, she felt her eyes burn with tears of embarrassment that threatened to fall down her flushed cheeks. She sniffled whisking on anything that by some miracle that Hopper hit his head or got sudden memory loss so she wouldn’t have to live with the embarrassment.
Daring noticing this wrapped her tightly in his embrace, shuffling slightly so that they were under the covers of his bed. He also turned them to the side so the were facing each other more comfortably, wiping a tear that that escaped Rosabellas eyes he placed soft loving kisses on her cheeks, holding her tightly.
“Don’t worry my sweetheart. I’ll tear him apart if he utters a single word.” That did little to ease Rosabella, so she focused on what had been bothering for the past 4 months “we need to talk Daring. About what has been going on for the past 4 months.”
Hope you liked this part 2 will be up soon although it’s more of an explanation of things from Darings POV
Leave me a message if there any other characters from basically any fandom you want me to write about
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djcanipe99 · 2 years
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stealeroflemons · 2 months
eah thingy #29 because my brain has been creatively dead for a while and I'm going to force myself to try before I go back in my study hole for graduation
This is mainly going to be what I think the eah characters sound like/who they sound like when they sing/voices I associate with them when I'm writing them (I know these won't perfectly match up with their VA's but let me have my fun)
Melody Piper - Phoebe Bridgers
Sparrow Hood - Tyler Joseph
Raven Queen - Chappell Roan
Meeshell Mermaid - AURORA
Briar Beauty - Julianna Joy
Faybelle Thorn - Halsey
Ashlynn Ella - Lizzy McAlpine
Hunter Huntsman - Michael Cera
Dexter Charming - Alec Benjamin
Darling Charming - Allie X
Daring Charming - Peter McPoland
Apple White - Melanie Martinez
Blondie Lockes - Britney Spears
Cerise Hood - Hayley Kiyoko
Ramona Badwolf - Bishop Briggs
Kitty Cheshire - Suki Waterhouse
Maddie Hatter - Paris Paloma
Lizzie Hearts - MARINA
Alistair Wonderland - Niall Horan
Bunny Blanc - Ethel Cain
Cedar Wood - Laufey
Chase Redford - Eric Nam
Courtly Jester - K.Flay
Holly O'Hair - Lily Kershaw
Poppy O'Hair - Orla Gartland
Ginger Breadhouse - Hailee Steinfeld
Duchess Swan - Tessa Violet
Farrah Goodfairy - Au/Ra
C.A. Cupid - Madds Buckley
Hopper Croakington II - Ricky Montgomery
Justine Dancer - Sabrina Claudio
Rosabella Beauty - Chloe Ament
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parsleythewitchask · 7 days
Twisted wonderland x Ever after high crossover
(Dorms distribution)
Lizzie Hearts
Courtly Jester
Alistair Wonderland
Bunny Blank
Kitty Cheshire
Chase Redford
Ramona Badwolf
Cerise Hood
Sparrow Hood
Hunter Huntsman
Jillian Beanstalk
Blondie Locks
C.A. Cupid
Farrah Goodfairy
Duchess Swan
Darling Charming
Apple White
Holly and Poppy O'Hair
Justine Dancer
Humphrey Dumpty
Dexter Charming
Melody Piper
Faybelle Thorn
Ginger Breadhouse
Nina Thumbell
Rosabella Beaty
Ramshackle dorm
Raven Queen
Madeline Hatter
Ashlynn Ella
Briar Beaty
Cedar Wood
Hopper Croakington ||
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xbomboi · 2 months
Hopper’s Five Stages of Grief
Stage One:
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Stage Two:
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Stage Three:
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Stage Four:
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Stage Five:
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—> see part one here <—
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froggywentaprincin · 1 month
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athena-xox · 3 months
The most annoying characters in eah
This is not my opinion this is genuine fact. I don’t mean that in a joking way.
Apple White: this is obvious. I mean she forced destiny on to people, then has character development then has a fucking To Coda or whatever and goes onto the same bs she started on.
Holly O’Hair: in the show she was cool. I don’t mean that as in ‘I like her’ or ‘she has a cool design’ like genuinely, she was cool as fuck, which the other characters thought as well. But in the books… I 100% that either everyone found her extremely annoying or she was on the spectrum (WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH COOL REPRESENTATION IF DONE CORRECTLY). Like her whole personality was ‘I’m a ✨wrITer✨. I don’t feel that fact checking rn (what im about to say is right just aren’t examples drawn from the book) but she would randomly use words like serendipity and indubitably. And also someone asked POPPY how she got into being a hairdresser and Holly started telling Poppy’s life story. AND IT WAS LIKE A WHOLE CHAPTER LONG OF HOLLY JUST SAYING NOTHING.
Ginger Breadhouse: same thing with Holly. Fine in the series but in the books… okay actually she’s not that bad. But she was lowkey a pick me. Just her internal monologue. I just didn’t like how 13 year old girl she was over hopper. She made such a big deal for what. Anyways the part of kiss and spell where ginger kisses hopper and she’s his true love but everyone thinks it’s briar… stupid af. Lowkey briar x ginger.
Sparrow Hood: I mean this is literally canon. I would find some random redhead constantly screeching with an electric guitar that somehow always has an amplifier annoying too.
Courtley Jester: her voice alone is annoying
Justine Dancer: what do you mean to tell me ‘Justine Dancer, the youngest of the twelve dancing sisters […] But who does not yet know her fairytale destiny.’ (Moonlight Mystery). My girl be lacking braincells. Especially since she’s a double Royal people would be so sick of her wondering her destiny. Hmm you have 11 older sisters and your mom was a dancing princess… I wonder what your destiny could possibly be.
Meeshell Mermaid: again with the inner monologue. ‘In sea we all sing beautiful choir together and everyone’s voice is equally beautiful, except for Coral that’s why she’s the sea witch 🎀🐠. But fsr on land my voice is the most beautiful ever’ and don’t forget the ‘no headmaster Grimm I don’t want any Accommodations for being a mermaid because ppl will treat me differently *cutely forgets that’s there’s literally fairies, witch, ogres, giants at eah and she’s nothing special* so because I’m don’t excepting any accommodations people are treating me weird because I need accommodations to fit in’. Also her singing is shit.
Gus + Helga Crumb: self explanatory
Tw: controversial opinion
Cerise Hood: ⛓️I’m so different🐺 💔no one understands me🐾 I’m sorry but she legit talks and thinks like this. Also I can’t remember if it was the year book or royals & rebels but like there was a catagory that said bffa’s and cerise put something along the lines of ‘I could never have friends no one would know the true me.’ And then raven legit put Cerise down as one of her bffa’s. Cerise bffr. She’s so Wattpad alpha female coded
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vivi-designs · 2 years
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smileyfacemojisworld · 2 months
Tysssm @stealeroflemons for the ff idea❤️
So basically, it’s eah but middle school, so NO MORE EAH👹
Presenting the new and hopefully less traumatic ✨EAMS✨🤔
Hopper alr fell head over heals for Briar
Apple, Briar and Ashlynn were like the Mean Girls(but not mean?🤔)
Evil Apple wld fit as Regina before she permed her hair
Briar wld fit as Karen before she started actually studying (forever after?) She was rlly serious abt her destiny of Sleeping Beauty on her last year so she started study partying and continued all the way
Ashlynn wld b the trend setter, think fetch, BUT WITH DOGS. ACTUAL FETCH.
Cerise and Raven cld hv past interactions as Cady and Janice, or Holly cld b Cady/Janice and Raven wld try to get her to rebel (maybe diff AU, not sure)
EAMS headmasters wld prob also b against rebellion
I think the Wonderlandians joined during EAMS, so there wld b new introductions, friendships between Faybelle and Kitty, Apple and Lizzie (future queens, hello? I’m crazy abt their interactions), Maddie and Raven
NEW DORM ARRANGEMENTS AND DORMS(I’ll b making another post abt their pairings and designs)
Ramona’s there!! And then she tried to huff and puff and blow it away and it got her hexpelled, even tho she was technically following her destiny
PT2 soon, w hopefully another update on @mirrornetsblog ‘s requested The Evil Queen X The Good King’s ff(Opposites Do Attract)
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