#jus my wittle opinion
wverafter · 2 years
rating more eah ships!
oh goodie ☺️🌸☁️
1. daring x cerise - 3/10 ;
literally no. i know it makes sense just bc cerise said “i’m drawn to the leader of the pack” in her little doll package but let’s be so for real rn, i can’t see them working out. i could see cerise getting annoyed with daring later in their relationship if they ever were to date, and no matter how i look at it, the thronecoming thing seemed like a platonic thing.
2. apple x raven - 8/10 ;
if you asked me about season one eah, i would dislike the ship, but after way too wonderland, the way apple respected and stood up for raven was rlly sweet of her. dragon games gave them some angst, however when apple got poisoned, raven kinda seemed like she didn’t care as much. it’s probably just me, but as soon as she had a new plan to stop her mom, she was all “i got to go bye!!” and just?? disappears?? and we barely see them since…
3. briar x hopper - 5/10 ;
i think they’re better off as just friends. briar isn’t interested in him romantically, that’s for sure. during the true hearts day thing they did help cupid a lot with the party so i could picture them hanging out a bunch but dating? no.
4. briar x faybelle - 10/10 ;
i think their dynamic is cute! briar is usually the bubbly, sarcastic one in the group but around faybelle she’s more chill and ngl a bit annoyed but i think it’s cute. idc what anyone says, i know faybelle cares about briar. she just likes to poke fun a lot.
5. duchess x sparrow - 9/10 ;
however i do think that logically, duchess would never go out with sparrow, they do make a pretty enjoyable couple. their dynamic reminds me of team rocket 😭😭 i truly do think that sparrow likes duchess or something.
k that’s it for now- as always remember, i’m always right! 😉🌸☁️
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prettypinkpuddles · 2 years
i’m in pain so Y/N is too.
yea my hips and back hurt for no reason… AGAIN. so now you are.
now to make myself feel better, here’s how some genshin characters would react to you being in pain. ⭐️
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he immediately identifies the issue and finds a way to fix it quick.
period cramps? rubs pyro slime concentrate on your midsection to make them more bearable
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“lie still, Y/N. it won’t work properly if you keep fidgeting…” he sighes as he gently pushes down your shoulder. you groan and follow his orders, lying back down with your head on a pillow
“thank you, my little alchemy boy…” you grin at him, he leans down and kisses your temple and goes back to studying… whatever he’s got on his desk.
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got a tummyache? he finds out what you last ate and will make you cream soup to make you feel better.
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you felt so embarrassed, opening your mouth reluctantly as Albedo pushed to spoon toward you. he was feeding you a simple stew with a potion mixed in it’s broth to lessen the pains of your tummy.
you were more than grateful that your boyfriend had made you a soup, but did he really have to feed you like a wittle baby? in front of the Traveller? your face burned as you accidentally locked eyes with them, who was starting to giggle at your misfortunate situation.
“got it, i’ll be careful in Dragonspine, Albedo. Bye now… bye Y/N.” they stood up and waved goodbye to you, shutting the door and leaving you with Albedo. your lover looked at you, reaching out to feel your forehead.
“my, i think you’re starting to develop a fever-”
you jumped over to Albedo, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face into his shoulder; you began whining to him about how humiliating it was to be spoon-fed by him in front of the Traveller, your voice coming out in a whiny tone, some words sounding like sobs.
“please don’t ever do that unless i simply can’t lift my arms!” you pleaded with him, almost starting to cry from the situation.
Albedo chuckled and pulled you away to see your puffy, pouty face. “i didn’t realize how much you respect the Traveller’s opinion on you, nor did i think that it might make you embarrassed. I’m sorry, Y/N. i just want you to feel as well as possible..”
you told him it was sweet of him but you only wanted to be fed like that in private.
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does his pretty Y/N have chills from Dragonspine after going out with him? oh trust me, he’s got a solution.
he completely pampers you, after all you did go with him, so he’s gonna feel personally responsible
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you giggled as Albedo and Klee wrapped you with as many blankets, sheets, quilts and covers as they could find.
“you two don’t have to do this y’know! a small cup of goulash an’ some warm tea; i’ll be jus’ fine!” you said in a bit of protest.
the two didn’t listen, Klee propping you up with another pillow, telling you that you could get very sick from being unprepared in Dragonspine. you giggled at nodded at the little girl as she ran back to Albedo.
“Y/N, i should’ve have had you come with me.” he sighed, hauling the last blanket he could find over to you.
“but i wanted to go! it’s my fault, i didn’t bring any warming bottles with me.” you smiled at him, trying to not make him feel so guilty but it didn’t work. he bent down toward Klee, whispering a task into her ear and she quickly scampered off. Albedo walked toward a shelf of cooking ingredients, pulling down some carrots, tomatoes, slabs of chilled meat, white onions, and potatoes.
you watched as he began making you a warm bowl of goulash with the ingredients you managed to buy from Blanche two days ago. the ingredients were a bit difficult to get since there was a pretty nice sale going on and many people were buying things in bulk.
“i’m baaaaaackkkkk!” Klee burst through the door, holding a yellow drink with apple slices dancing around in it. Albedo grinned at the girl fondly, telling her to hand the drink to you.
you took a sip from it, tasting the sweetness of the apple, the aged cider crisp and rustic in a way. overall, you liked it and could tell that Dawn Winery put their damn foot into making it. you leaned over and pecked the blonde child on her cheek, making her giggle and sway around witty giddiness, “thank you Klee.”
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bro give good ass massages 😩 like, he knows how to push his thumbs right into those tender spots.
you winced in pain as Shinobu did her best to tend to your rather deep wounds. at a first glance they looked like mere scrapes and bruises, something a child would get from playing a sport or a rookie samurai, but your bruises and sores wouldn’t stop hurting, even with putting ice on them, they burned dully no matter what you to lessen the pressure on them…. but you had gotten them cleaned, dressed and healed a while ago.
Itto held you hand, letting you squeeze whenever Shinobu cleaned a scrape with alcohol. “can you sit up?”
you turned your legs to the left, pushing yourself off the bed and sat upright, trying not to double over into his lap. he held onto your shoulder, giving it a good squeeze and you sighed in relief, asking him to do it again.
he did, pressing your shoulder between his thumb and fingers and you smiled, the pain practically being pressed away by him.
“i’m gonna grab you some water, Itto, keep doing that, give her a massage. it looks like it’s helping.” Shinobu stood up and walked out the room, heading toward the kitchen. Itto sat himself behind you, starting to press and squeeze at your shoulders.
you turned into soft, warm putty in his hands as he rolled his thumb and palm over your back, rubbing the inside of your shoulder blades for good measure.
“ahh, that’s much better~” you fell back into the oni, a happy grin on your face and he pulled you closer to him. “i might have to have you do that once a month for me, darling…”
Itto grew a smirk at those words, “oh-ho, so you like my massages, Y/N? well, my little buggy-bug, i’m gonna need to be reimbursed for my services if your going to start asking for more. Arataki Itto doesn’t just do any hard work for free!”
“not even for me..?” you looked up at him and pouted like a baby, “pleaseeee?”
Itto leaned back, looking away and blushed ferociously. “w-w-well… i guessss, i could make an expectiom for my partner. after all… it’s not work if it’s for y-you..”
you grinned cheekily at his stammer, finding his flustered stare adorable
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if his lover has those morning migraine things? mannnnnn he’s ready to break the bank to help you out…. and his maids..
you wake crying, practically bawling your eyes out in horrid pain. Diluc has no idea what’s wrong and you can barely speak because the pains in your head throbbed with each syllable.
“Dollface, do you want me to-!”
“The Light! Turn It Off! Please..!” you shouted, your eyes shut tighter than a clam, your hands over your head. he panicked for a split second and put the light underneath the bed, quickly lessening the intensity of the glow.
“….can i touch you?”
you turned to him and nodded, he reached his arms around your balled up figure and pulled you close. you winced softly and held onto his night shirt, explaining your terrible morning dew dilemma. he suddenly became very soft and gentle with you.
“my mother had migraines, she said that it’d hurt to do lots of things, even swallowing was a challenge for her, but she could bare soup. would you like some?”
you whimpered with a sense of distaste for having something like veggie radish soup, or a crab, ham and veggie bake for breakfast…. but you couldn’t exactly handle chewing anything more than softened veggie and tender meats at the moment.
you pressed your face into Diluc’s hand, nodding with a whine. he let you go, getting up to go out the room, promising you it wouldn’t take any longer than fifteen minutes. you held a thumbs up, not able to pull your muscles up for a smile and nodding was already out of the question.
as you sat there in a dimmed room, you tried to hold back tears, knowing all too well it would just make the throbbing so much worse, so instead you thought of your boyfriend. how sweet and patient he was with you.
you remembered that once you were out helping pick apples and grapes late at night before the workers came in the morning, Diluc came out wondering where you were and once he spotted you, he slowly walked up to you, asking you jokingly if you were planning on eating the picked fruit. you gasped and nearly tripped over a jutted out rock, but luckily he could you and the basket.
“Y/N, doll. i’m back…” Diluc crept back inside, trying to keep as much light out as possible.
you turned away from the open door, waving you hand at him to hurry and close it. he walked toward you, a warm bowl of cream stew in his hands.
you took it from him, holding the spoon above your lips, waiting for any really hot steam to hit your face. once it didn’t, you took the bite, smiling with content at the taste. looking down at the bowl, you saw that the carrots were cut into little hearts and there was a swirl of heavy cream over the broth, making it a little chilled so it wouldn’t be as hot.
“you made this yourself, didn’t you?”
diluc looked at you with a bit of surprise, “how’d you know that?”
you began describing the differences of Adeline making stew versus Diluc making it, how the carrots were cut, the color of the stew was darker, and… the meat tasted like it was from a boar…
he smiled at you, softly kissing your temple as he sat beside you, commending you for your observations.
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so let’s say you’re motion sick from the rising of the second Jade Chamber, plus the battle with Bishet
you groaned, finding yourself on the floor, your vision all slurred from the shaking of Bishet and her terror. you’ve been in the Jade Chamber before, when it storms, but this feeling was different. you tried to stand but it was simply no use, opting to crawling toward Ningguang, even if it would distract her from her the fight.
“…Ni-Ning..” you tugged at Ningguang’s flowing dress and looked up at her. she immediately helped you to stand, ordering the Traveller and Shenhe to keep things under control in her swift absence.
you felt terrible for pulling her away from such a crucial moment, but you didn’t know what was wrong and didn’t know who other than your girlfriend to rely on. she laid you down on a soft pillowy bed, telling you she’d get a servant to tend to you swiftly. she called for Mika, one of the older, more attentive workers, giving her instructions to make a soup, find warmed blankets and make sure you were as comfortable as can be. you knew it was a selfish request with what you were about to ask her… but you desperately wanted it.
“no… don’t leave me, N-Ning…” you reached for her arm, pleading with her to not leave your side, knowing she had to and the energy you just used was simply in a vain.
Ningguang shut her eyes and looked away from you for a moment, knowing she had a whole country to take care of, but you were in who knows what kind of pain. she leaned down to you, “you know i have to, but i don’t want to. i’ll be back the moment i’m finished, my love. i promise.”
you whined, but nodded, Ningguang turning away from you and going back outside. Mika began carrying out the orders of the Ningguang, making you lotus seed and egg soup, finding you a fluffy blanket and tending to anything else you might need.
time slowly passed, a few screeches and rumbles, waves crashing and then some silence.
“Y/N!” a few voices called out for you, the doors of the Jade Chamber opening. Ningguang, Ganyu and the Traveller running for you. they immediately began examining you, feeling your temperature, looking for sores and bruises, anything that might help them tell what was wrong.
“i’m fine now, everyone.” you tried wiggling yourself from their probing grasp, but Ningguang just wouldn’t let you go. she smothered you with her affection for the rest of the day, treating you like a natural glaze lily plucked from Dihua Marsh.
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shenhe is new to nearly every mortal thing. but she knows some stuff, like menstrual cramps.
you sighed, not wanting to get out of bed, in fact you wanted to sink into bed. you simply decided to doodle, scribbling little mental images you pulled from your mind. you hadn’t realized how much time had passed until your front door was pushed open.
“Y/N? are you unwell?” a soft voice called out to you, footsteps looking for you.
you got up, knowing it could only be Shenhe. she had the only other key you had made for your house, trusting her with it since you knew she simply wouldn’t loose it after knowing it’s importance.
“i’m here, Shen-Shen…”
she turned to your bathroom and found you leaning over the counter. she looked at your pained face, immediately trying to identify the source. she checked for splinters, sores, cuts, scrapes, broken bones, but nothing told her what was wrong.
“…Shen-doll… i’ve got my cycle..” you muttered, not expecting her to understand what you meant. her eyes widened and she scooped you up, walking out the door, making sure to lock it and kept going. you head no idea where she was taking you, maybe to Baizhu for herbs, or to her own house.
you found yourself at a quaint little spot in the mountains, a rock-made table with a tea set, a trickling waterfall and a stunning overview of Liyue.
“Cloud Retainer.” Shenhe called out to the darkness in the waterfall. a few seconds later, an enormous bird crawled out and looked down upon the two of you. you squealed and jumped, falling right out of your girlfriend’s arms, splashing into the waters. the bird seemed to chuckle at you, a smile coming across her face.
i feel like she’s like 50+ feet, which would be pretty scary
“so this is Y/N.” the bird bent her elongated neck down to you and peered at you intently. “she’s very emotional. but why did you bring her?”
“she’s having menstrual pains. i want you to do what you would do to me when i had them.” Shenhe said, helping you stand. she walked toward the bird, again asking for it’s help. the bird sighed but nodded, picking the up the two of you and carrying you under the falls.
“s-so this is Cloud Retainer…?” you whispered.
Shenhe nodded, “yes, she took care of me.”
suddenly you were in a spacious and golden hued area, floating platforms connected by transparent roads. the bird summoned a soft pillowy bed, setting you two down on it. you immediately felt a lot better, the bed warmed and fluffy. you collapsed on it and sighed. the bird lifted her feathers over you two, a warmth falling down upon you. Shenhe’s kissed your cheek, telling you she’d be right back.
you looked around at the wondrous area, catching the attention of Cloud Retainer. she began talking with you about Shenhe, asking if she had adapted to the mortal area well, how you two had met and more.
once the woman in question had returned, you were listening to Cloud Retainer tell a story of her when she was smaller.
“I’ve returned.”
you waved to her, seeing a bowl in her hands. she looked down at the floor she stood at, a set of stairs materializing for her to walk up to you.
“i thought i told you how much i disliked that story.” Shenhe sat on the bed and looked right at the bird.
the bird huffed and turned her head, “i’ll leave you two alone, if you don’t wish for thine company, thou shan’t waste her time!”
and with those very proper words, she flew off into the seemingly endless area. you giggled at the interaction, assuring your lover she’d just began to tell that story. you saw her shoulders loosen from that and handed you the soup. it was a pretty bowl of dragon beard noodles, each ingredient used to make the heart more and more intricate and lovely.
you quickly nommed the dish down, feeling extremely satisfied, you laid back down on the bed of pillows, your pains subsiding and softening. Shenhe looked down at your still and tranquil figure, leaning closer toward your face, reaching to play with your hair, scratching at your scalp with her nails.
you lazily looked up at her and grinned, the soft and motherly feeling drifting you into a sound sleep. Shenhe lied beside you and pulled you toward her chest, following your lead and falling asleep.
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