#bong jaehyun scenarios
thepixelelf · 2 months
Ooh ok how about a meet ugly (idk if that’s an official term?? but like where they have a meet cute except it goes wrong in a funny way) with hmm bongjae or jibeom, up to you <3 go wild with the meet ugly prompt, whatever you want!
this ended up just being a normal world au but I hope you enjoy it!!
[head, meet wall] "Listen man." Jangjun put both his hands on Jaehyun's shoulders and nodded his head toward you, where you were leaning against the same gymnasium wall he and Jaehyun were standing by. "You think they're cute, don't you?"
"Well, sure, but--" Jaehyun had no idea who you were. You seemed to have come to support someone on the basketball team, but he didn't know who. "I can't just go up to them."
Jangjun frowned. "Why not? That's literally how people meet."
"Maybe to you, Mr ENFP! Some of us are normal."
"Have you ever heard of a meet cute?" Jangjun suddenly asked, oddly serious.
Jaehyun shrugged. "Sure, but don't those only happen on TV?"
"Yup. And right now."
In a matter of seconds, Jangjun spun Jaehyun around and shoved his hands into his back, propelling him with such force that he practically launched into you.
Which, theoretically, could have been cute.
Could have, if he'd braced his hand on the wall before he bonked his forehead directly into yours.
Could have, if that didn't result in the back of your head hitting the wall.
Could have, if he wasn't now standing awkwardly next to you in the locker room, explaining why he attempted to murder you in the first place while you hold a bag of ice to the growing welt on your head.
"Sorry." You put a hand up to pause his muttered explanation. "You hit me in the head so hard I think I saw the afterlife because... you thought I was cute?"
He still thinks you're cute, but Jaehyun decides now isn't the best time to say that. Instead, he focuses on the floor and scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah..."
"Wow." You let out a long sigh, and Jaehyun wishes the floor could just open up and swallow him whole. Then you say, "Give me your phone."
He lifts his head. "Huh?"
"It's only fair, right?" You smile, and oh gosh, maybe Jangjun doesn't deserve to get beaten up for this. You have a really nice smile. "Since you gave me something, I should give you something."
"I don't... get it."
You hold out your hand, palm up, and gesture for his smartphone. "You gave me a concussion, so I'll give you my number. Fair trade."
A laugh escapes him. Is this seriously going... well? "I don't think that's a fair trade at all." But he gives you his phone anyway.
"Alright then." You smirk as you type in your information. "How about you owe me a date, too?"
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golchahrs · 2 years
[10:49 am] jaehyun is trying his hardest, but you can still see the unshed tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. a pout graced his face, and if he wasn’t upset, you would be cooing over him.
“baby, it’s okay,” you reassured him as you applied ointment to the bug bites that unfortunately was all over his face.
“but they’re ugly,” he grumbled, upset that out of all the places he could’ve gotten bitten, it was his face. they were swelling, uncomfortable, and ugly and he hated it. how unfortunate can he be?
“at least they’re not itchy,” you reasoned, peeling open a bandage. he shrugged halfheartedly.
his pout didn’t go away when you put on the last bandage, so you leaned forward and kissed one.
jaehyun recoiled slightly, and you couldn’t help yourself but kiss another bandaged spot.
he whined, pushing you away.
“stoppp, i don’t—”
“feel pretty? no! i’ll show you you are pretty even if your face is a little messed up right now!” you declared, finally pushing yourself onto him to litter his face in kisses.
“hey!” jaehyun protested between laughs, swatting at your arms and leaning away. “i thought you were trying to make me feel better.”
“i am!” you chirped, placing another kiss near his eyebrow. “but—”
“actually, i don’t want to hear it,” jaehyun decided, knowing you were going to tease him about the bites. instead, it was his turn to lean in a give you a chaste peck on the lips.
with his eyes still closed, he whispered, “thanks for patching me up.”
you smiled. “of course. and you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes. today was just an unlucky and unfortunate day.”
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mashihope · 2 years
[Winter Saturday] || Jaehyun, Golden Child
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• Miembro: Jaehyun
• Grupo: Golden Child
• Aviso
• Sinopsis: Es sábado, no hay clases. Te has levantado temprano, más que de costumbre. Es uno de esos días en los que si se te mete algo en la cabeza no vas a parar hasta conseguirlo. Has desayunado a toda prisa y, sin cambiarte de ropa, has ido en pijama a buscar a tu compañero y amigo de la universidad, Jaehyun. ¿Tus planes? Hoy abren la pista de patinaje y vas a llevar a tu amigo arrastrándolo si hace falta. ¿Es una cita? Tal vez.
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La alarma del móvil sonó, haciendo que tu compañera de habitación dejara escapar un sonido de disgusto mientras se daba la vuelta. Abriste los ojos tras unos segundos y miraste el calendario de la pared. Era sábado y estaba marcado en rojo con una exclamación. Sacaste un brazo de entre las sábanas y buscaste torpemente la pantalla del móvil hasta que la alarma dejó de sonar.
Te sentaste en el borde de la cama, dejando que las piernas colgaran en busca de las zapatillas, mientras intentabas recordar por qué habías puesto la alarma tan pronto un sábado y por qué ese día estaba marcado en el calendario. Uno de los pies completó su misión de encontrar la zapatilla y el otro rozó una hoja de papel que estaba tirada en el suelo. Frunciste el ceño y te agachaste para cogerla. Todo el sueño que había en tu cuerpo desapareció rápidamente al ver la "nota" que habías escrito la noche anterior: "¡PISTA DE PATINAJE!", en letras mayúsculas y rojas, a juego con la marca del calendario.
Saltaste de la cama, dejando que la hoja volara hacia quién sabe donde (adivinando después que había aterrizado sobre la cara de tu compañera) y te dirigiste a la zona común para comer que había al final del pasillo. Preparaste rápidamente un bol de cereales con leche y los comiste a toda prisa, lavándolo después mientras rezabas en mil idiomas para que tu torpeza no lo rompiera.
Miraste el reloj que había en lo alto de la pared, eran las seis y media, demasiado pronto como para que la gente empezara a aparecer por los pasillos, y demasiado tarde acorde al plan que habías creado días atrás. La alarma debería haber sonado media hora antes, dejándote tiempo para desayunar más despacio y salir a correr unos minutos para despertarte del todo. Ahora la única carrera que ibas a hacer era hasta la puerta de la habitación de tu amigo y compañero Jaehyun. Habías planeado llevarlo (que no pedirle ir) a la pista de patinaje. El año anterior no habías podido ir porque estabas enferma, y el anterior a ese tenías un esguince en el tobillo. Nada ni nadie iba a impedirlo esta vez... Bueno, salvo la alarma rebelde quizá.
Llegaste después de perderte un par de veces (porque tu sentido de la orientación dejaba mucho que desear) y justo cuando ibas a llamar a la puerta (aún sabiendo que probablemente los dos chicos estarían durmiendo) el sonido de unos pasos te detuvo. Te echaste hacia atrás suponiendo que alguien iba a salir, y después de unos segundos la puerta se abrió, dejando ver a un Seungmin sorprendido ante tu presencia.
"Buenos días, Y/N. ¿No es un poco pronto para estar haciendo visitas?", tu amigo te dedicó una sonrisa al mismo tiempo que levantaba una ceja.
"¡Seungmin! ¡Buenos días!", ladeaste la cabeza, intentando ver el interior de la habitación por un momento, pero al ver que las cortinas estaban cerradas volviste a mirarlo. "¿Hoy tienes turno en la cafetería?", preguntaste, recordando que tu amigo trabajaba en el centro, a una hora de distancia de la universidad.
"Sí...", suspiró, dando a entender que no tenía ganas de ir. "Estos días he estado durmiendo poco por culpa de los exámenes, habría preferido no tener que ir hoy y aprovechar para dormir.", bostezó mientras se ponía los guantes.
Sentiste una punzada de culpabilidad en el pecho al recordar los exámenes. Tú no habías tenido ninguno en los días anteriores, pero si Seungmin estaba cansado, Jaehyun debía estarlo también. Sin embargo, tus ganas de patinar eran más fuertes que la culpa.
"Entonces, volviendo a la parte de que estés aquí...", empezó a decir después de cruzar los brazos y apoyarse en la pared. "¿Jaehyun?", dijo sonriendo de lado ante su sospecha. Al ver que la punta de tus orejas se teñía de rosa intentó ahogar su risa, para no llamar la atención de su compañero por tener la puerta abierta.
Tomaste aire durante un par de segundos para dejarlo salir en forma de "Jaehyun." como respuesta, asintiendo con la cabeza varias veces, sin ganas. Le diste un golpecito amistoso en el hombro al ver que hacía un gesto que bien podría haber significado "ay, el amor...".
"¿Sabía que ibas a venir a buscarlo?", dijo tras echar un vistazo a la hora en su móvil. "No, no tiene ni idea de que lo voy a sacar de la cama un sábado por la mañana.", hiciste un gesto con la cabeza mientras levantabas las cejas, "Esa parte ni siquiera la había planeado."
"Buena suerte entonces.", te puso una mano en el hombro para darte ánimos y saltó rápidamente hacia atrás para evitar que le dieras otro golpe. Le sacaste la lengua en respuesta al ver cómo se alejaba por el pasillo, caminando hacia atrás con la mano en alto para despedirse. Viste que negaba con la cabeza para sí mismo mientras sonreía.
Cuando lo viste desaparecer por la esquina te giraste de nuevo hacia la puerta. Respiraste profundamente varias veces antes de entrar y, cuando estuviste segura, empezaste a caminar de forma acelerada hacia las cortinas, tras cerrar la puerta a tus espaldas. Te detuviste a pocos pasos cuando escuchaste que decía algo, pensando que te había pillado. Dejaste de contener la respiración al darte cuenta de que seguía dormido. "Uno, dos y... ¡tres!", pensaste antes de abrir las cortinas. La habitación se llenó de luz y miraste a Jaehyun, que acababa de fruncir el ceño aunque tenía los ojos cerrados. Escuchaste que murmuraba algo pero no conseguiste entenderlo.
"Buenos días, Jaehyun. Es hora de levantarse.", tu tono de voz pasó a imitar el de una madre despertando a sus hijos para ir al colegio. "Tienes que desayunar y vestirte o llegarás tarde a clase.", intentaste contener la risa tras acabar la frase, tapándote la boca con la mano.
Jaehyun volvió a murmurar algo mientras empezaba a moverse en la cama. Buscaste sus zapatillas y las dejaste sobre la alfombra. "Jaehyun...", dijiste alargando la última sílaba y manteniendo el tono amable. "Mamá, cinco minutos más.", consiguió decir, aunque sabías que de haberlo dejado habría sido mucho más tiempo.
"¿Mamá?", tu tono volvió a ser el de siempre, incapaz ya de contener las ganas de reír. Jaehyun se dio cuenta e intentó abrir los ojos, quedándose a medio camino. "¿Y/N?", dijo al verte, para dejar caer el brazo sobre la cara. "¿Qué hora es? ¿Qué día es hoy?". Tras hacer las preguntas se volvió a acomodar, con la intención de volver a dormir.
Te acercaste a la cama y miraste a tu amigo con las manos apoyadas en ambos lados de la cadera, negando con la cabeza. "Son las siete de la mañana.", empezaste a decir tras planear la siguiente jugada, "De un sábado que no vas a pasar metido en la cama.", dijiste para, acto seguido, tirar del edredón. Viste que su camiseta estaba subida, dejando ver su estómago. Te acercaste y la pusiste bien retomando el papel de "madre", "Intenta ponerte algo de ropa con la que vayas a aguantar el frío... Como sugerencia."
Jaehyun abrió los ojos nuevamente al notar tu mano sobre su camiseta, confundido. "Y/N. Para un momento, ¿dónde dices que vamos a ir?", te miró mientras te dirigías a la puerta, frunciendo el ceño.
Te giraste una última vez para verlo medio sentado, con los brazos apoyados en la cama. "Intenta desayunar, si necesitas algo por el camino pasaremos por alguna cafetería. Te espero dentro de veinte minutos en el hall."
Después de procesar tus palabras (todo lo que el sueño le permitió), se rascó la cabeza y preguntó, "¿Cuál de los dos?". Abriste la puerta y respondiste sin mirarlo, "El que queda delante de la fuente. Si vuelves a dormirte me encargaré personalmente de venir a buscarte y llevarte a rastras si es necesario.", te giraste lo suficiente como para que viera tu sonrisa amenazadora, haciendo que un escalofrío recorriera su espalda (sabía que eras capaz de hacerlo y no sería la primera vez).
Volviste a tu habitación, encontrando a tu compañera despierta. Estaba mirando el móvil y al notar tu presencia lo dejó caer sobre la cama. "¿Dónde estabas?", el tono de su voz delataba que se había despertado poco antes de que llegaras.
"Había ido a desayunar... Y luego he ido a la habitación de JaeMin. Deberías estar durmiendo.", dijiste mientras buscabas la ropa que te ibas a poner. "JaeMin...", resopló al encontrarlo gracioso, "Tú también deberías estar durmiendo. ¿A quién se le ocurre despertar a alguien a estas horas... un sábado?", apoyó el codo sobre la cama, y la cabeza sobre la mano, viendo cómo ibas y venías del armario al espejo.
"¿Muy llamativo?", preguntaste mientras te ponías por encima un jersey y una falda. Al ver que asentía en silencio dejaste escapar un sonido a modo de queja. "Hoy abren la pista de patinaje...", cogiste un pantalón y te miraste en el espejo. "No sé qué ponerme."
Escuchaste sus pasos acercándose hasta el espejo y viste que te ponía una mano en el hombro. "Elijas lo que elijas vas a estar igual de guapa. Intenta escoger algo con lo que vayas a estar lo suficientemente cómoda como para patinar pero que sea al mismo tiempo algo con lo que vayas a poder soportar el frío. Y no te olvides de las orejeras, la bufanda y los guantes. Lleva un paraguas por si las dudas.", la miraste durante unos segundos, intentando no admitir que seguías sin saber qué ponerte. Sabías que siempre tenía algo que criticar sobre tus conjuntos, como buena hija de estilista, por lo que decidiste dejar la ropa a su elección.
"Supongo que iré a darme una ducha. Elige tú por mí, confío en tu criterio."
Después de varios minutos sentada en uno de los sillones del hall esperando a Jaehyun, miraste el móvil. Le quedaban apenas unos segundos para aparecer ante tus ojos, antes de tener que ir a buscarlo. Empezaste a hacer una cuenta atrás mental y cuando quedaban dos segundos lo viste bajar por las escaleras, seguido de tu compañera.
Dejaste escapar un suspiro de alivio. No tenías ganas de arrastrarlo por la calle, pero sabías que si fuera por él no saldría a ningún sitio durante el fin de semana. Aunque tampoco lo culpabas al recordar las palabras de Seungmin. El sentimiento de culpa seguía bailando por el fondo de tu mente.
"Estoy listo.", dijo Jaehyun parándose delante de ti, intentando ser más fuerte que el sueño. Te levantaste despacio, debatiéndote entre seguir con el plan o dejar que volviera a la cama. Recordaste tus planes para las próximas semanas e hiciste un puchero. Tal vez este sería el único (y último) momento en el que podrías ir a patinar con él. Le pusiste una mano en el hombro mientras mirabas a tu amiga. Se te acercó lo suficiente como para que la oyeras susurrar, "Pensaba que te referías a Jaemin."
Por alguna razón notaste que Jaehyun intentaba poner atención tras oír el nombre de vuestro compañero. "Que le guste a tu hermana no significa que me tenga que gustar a mí también.", dijiste intentando bajar todavía más el volumen de tus palabras. "Entonces, ¿estás admitiendo que te gusta?", respondió tu amiga imitando el volumen, con una sonrisa en los labios mientras señalaba con la cabeza a Jaehyun.
Tus ojos pasaron varias veces de tu compañera a Jaehyun, intentando decidir qué parte de la conversación estaba llegando a captar. "Bueno, nosotros nos vamos a ir ya. Si necesitas algo antes de que volvamos no dudes en avisarme."
"Según la aplicación del tiempo se supone que va a nevar en algún momento del día.", dijo Jaehyun de repente, haciendo que saltaras en el sitio.
"B-bueno...", los nervios hicieron que tartamudeases, haciendo que tu amiga aguantara la risa, "Si nieva al menos me alegraré de verlo contigo.", dijiste sin pensar girándote hacia los cristales, dándote cuenta de lo que habías dicho.
"Vaya...", escuchaste a tu amiga, alargando las sílabas de la palabra para molestarte, "sería la primera nevada de invierno... qué conveniente...". Cerraste los ojos con fuerza. Ni siquiera habías planeado eso. "Venga, os dejo solos. Que os divirtáis.", te giraste y se despidió guiñándote un ojo. Habrías deseado tenerla cerca para golpearle el brazo.
"¿Me vas a decir ahora a dónde vamos?", hizo un gesto con la mano delante de tu cara, para atraer tu atención al ver que seguías mirando a tu amiga mientras subía por las escaleras, lanzándole todo tipo de maldiciones con la mirada.
"Lo sabrás cuando lleguemos.", dijiste tras sacudir la cabeza y sacaste el móvil para mirar por última vez (o al menos pensaste que lo seria) la dirección del sitio. Miraste varias veces el mapa, haciendo notas mentales sobre la ruta más rápida y las cafeterías que hubiera cerca de allí.
Un par de minutos después levantaste la mirada de la pantalla, viendo que Jaehyun se había sentado en el sillón, cabeceando con los ojos cerrados. "Jaehyun...", te acercaste a él y le pusiste una mano en lo alto de la cabeza. Una vez más, la culpa se apoderó de ti, y cuando estabas a punto de cambiar los planes, abrió torpemente los ojos.
"Estoy despierto. Viva el rock.", dijo mientras hacia gestos con las manos al pronunciar la última palabra, haciendo que soltaras una risita nerviosa. "¿A qué viene eso? ¿Tienes fiebre?", le pusiste una mano sobre la frente y Jaehyun la apartó con cuidado para ponerse de pie. "Cuando me despertaste estaba soñando que eras una estrella de rock y yo te animaba entre el público porque era tu fan.", dijo sacudiendo la cabeza para intentar despertarse del todo. "Supongo que la parte de ser tu fan no estaba tan lejos de la realidad como lo otro.", se puso bien el abrigo y caminó hacia la puerta.
El sonido de tu móvil indicó que habías recibido un mensaje. Aprovechando que todavía lo tenías en la mano lo miraste, "¿Habrá beso? ;)". Tus mejillas empezaron a arder ante la pregunta de tu amiga, por lo que decidiste dejarla en "visto" y guardaste el móvil en el bolso.
Jaehyun se giró para confirmar sus sospechas de que llevabas las orejeras y la bufanda mal puestas. "Me dices que me ponga algo para el frío y tú no eres capaz de ponerte esto bien... Qué harías sin mí...", dijo mientras las ponía bien. "Probablemente dejarte dormir.", respondiste mientras te encogías de hombros.
Sacaste una mascarilla del bolso y te la pusiste. "Ahora sí, podemos irnos."
Media hora después llegasteis a una cafetería que quedaba delante de la parada del autobús, entrando para hacer tiempo hasta que llegara. Jaehyun se ofreció a hacer el pedido mientras tú ibas a sentarte en una mesa alejada de la entrada.
Miraste la tele que había en la pared, donde estaba saliendo un anuncio sobre la apertura de la pista de patinaje, "No seremos los únicos allí, espero que no haya mucha gente...", pensaste, preocupada. Viste que Jaehyun ya estaba pagando y te quitaste los guantes y las orejeras, dejándolos en la silla que había a tu lado, con el bolso. Después del anuncio, salió el trailer de una película que conocías bastante bien. Tu padre era actor y esa era su película más reciente. Suspiraste, recordando que pronto lo verías.
"He pedido lo de siempre, espero no haberme equivocado.", dijo Jaehyun dejando sobre la mesa dos vasos de café, tostadas para él y un bollo de crema para ti. "Woah", dejó escapar al seguir tu mirada hacia la tele. "¿Irás a verla? Podemos ir juntos si quieres."
Negaste con la cabeza rechazando su oferta. "Apuesto lo que sea a que si alguien me reconoce llamarán la atención de los periodistas y empezarán a hacernos un montón de preguntas.", dijiste, deseando ser otra persona por un día para poder ir al cine con tu amigo.
"¿Cómo lo has hecho durante todo este tiempo? Quiero decir, tu padre es famoso.", asentiste con la cabeza, "Técnicamente tú también lo eres desde que saliste en esa serie de policías y detectives hace tres años.", volviste a asentir, notando un nudo en el estómago. "¿Nunca te han llegado a reconocer por la calle?", viste que te miraba con unos ojos llenos de curiosidad.
Miraste el vaso de café, deseando que los cereales se quedaran en su sitio. "No lo sé. ¿Podríamos hablar de otra cosa? Es lo último en lo que quiero pensar en este momento.", Jaehyun guardó silencio mientras empezabas a beber el café y te preguntaste si habrías sonado más borde de lo que pensabas. Después de cinco minutos de un silencio incómodo, sentiste que el sonido de tu móvil era tu salvación. Lo sacaste del bolso para ver que era tu amiga la que estaba llamando. Miraste a Jaehyun, que jugaba con las tostadas con una expresión somnolienta. No te dio tiempo a saludarla cuando pulsaste el icono para responder, "Y/N, estoy en la cafetería donde trabaja Seungmin. No vas a creerte lo que me acaba de pasar.", miraste la hora en el reloj que aparecía en la tele. "¿Has llegado tan pronto que ni siquiera han abierto todavía?", volviste a beber café. "No. Bueno, sí. En verdad sí. Pero no me refería a eso. ¿Te acuerdas de ese chico del que te hablo siempre? El que suele venir a esta cafetería los martes y los jueves." Pensaste por un momento, recordando vagamente haberla oído hablar de un chico que una vez le dedicó una sonrisa sin conocerla de nada cuando aún iba al instituto. Desde ese día había estado coladita por él, pero nunca se había atrevido a entablar una conversación de verdad con el chico, más allá de intercambiar un par de frases. "Voy a tomar ese silencio como un sí. Bueno, la cosa es que, como has dicho, he llegado demasiado pronto. He venido para estudiar, porque, por si lo habías olvidado, dentro de dos semanas tenemos un examen.", tragaste saliva al recordar que probablemente no ibas a poder hacerlo, "Técnicamente el chico solo viene los martes y los jueves, ¿no?" "Eso es lo que tú piensas, estoy segura de que irá otros días también.", miraste a Jaehyun, que había empezado a hacer gestos para llamar tu atención. Señaló el reloj de su muñeca y después hacia la parada del autobús. Empezaste a recoger todo mientras sujetabas el móvil entre tu mejilla y el hombro. "Sí, lo sé, pero yo me baso en lo que veo siempre.", siguió tu amiga, "A lo que iba. Mientras estaba esperando delante de la puerta lo vi venir desde lejos, iba acompañado de otro chico un poco más bajo que él." Salisteis de la cafetería y os quedasteis junto a la parada, el autobús tenía que aparecer en dos minutos. "Intenta adivinar quién era.", dijo tu amiga emocionada. "No lo sé, ¿su novio?", cerraste los ojos por un momento, imaginando que te daba un golpe con los dedos en la frente. "¡Era Jongho, de la carrera de música!". "¿Jongho?", preguntaste frunciendo el ceño al no sonarte el nombre. "Está en la clase de Joochan.", dijo Jaehyun, sacándote de dudas. "¡Exacto!", dijo tu amiga tras escucharlo de fondo, "Resulta que el chico del café va a nuestra universidad y yo nunca me había dado cuenta hasta ahora." Viste que el autobús estaba acercándose y miraste a Jaehyun. Subió primero y dejó que buscaras unos asientos libres mientras pagaba. Te sentaste junto a la ventana y esperaste a que tu amigo se sentara también. "Y/N, pregúntale a Jaehyun por el chico, a lo mejor lo conoce también.", resoplaste al pensar que ibas a tener que hablar, arriesgándote a que alguno de los pasajeros reconociera tu voz. Miraste a Jaehyun, asintiendo con la cabeza para agradecerle en silencio que hubiera pagado, e hiciste una nota mental para devolverle tu parte en otro momento (incluyendo lo que había pagado por tu café y el bollo de crema). Después de varios minutos hablando, llegasteis a la conclusión de que, irónicamente, el chico del café era un tal Seungmin. Tu amiga salió de la conversación más contenta de lo que estaba al haberla empezado.
Os parasteis ante el edificio y Jaehyun te miró frunciendo el ceño, "¿Vamos a patinar?". Lo miraste con una expresión inocente, "Sí. ¿No te gusta la idea?", preguntaste ladeando la cabeza.
"No, no. Me parece bien", respondió rápidamente. "Así que te referías a eso con lo del frío...", volvió a mirar el edificio. "Y tal vez al hecho de que estemos en invierno... Solo tal vez.", dijiste en voz baja mientras rodabas los ojos.
Empezó a hacerte preguntas como por qué habías elegido ir a ese sitio o por qué tenía que ser tan pronto por la mañana, y mientras le empezabas a hablar sobre tu mala suerte en los años anteriores, tus ganas de patinar y lo mucho que odiabas ir a sitios con mucha gente, notaste que alguien se paraba detrás de ti.
"Buenos días, parejita.", escuchaste la voz de vuestro amigo, Jangjun, y te giraste para ver que iba acompañado de alguien a quien no conocías. "Te he dicho muchas veces que dejes de llamarnos así.", dijiste tras saludarles al notar que tus mejillas volvían a arder.
"A mí no me molesta.", dijo Jaehyun dando un par de pasos para quedar a tu lado. Tu cerebro tuvo un bloqueo momentáneo intentando encontrar las palabras para responder a su comentario.
"Déjame adivinarlo, ¿estáis en una cita?", dijo Jangjun, poniéndose las manos en la frente haciendo ver que tenía "poderes". "No", "Sí", respondisteis al unísono y os mirasteis sorprendidos. Jaehyun frunció el ceño y miraste a Jangjun, amenazándolo con los ojos. "¿Es una cita?", te preguntó tu amigo. "Bueno, esa era la intención. Supongo que ya no lo es."
Jangjun se percató de tu expresión decepcionada y decidió despedirse (pidiéndote disculpas mil veces por mensajes a lo largo del día). Empezaste a caminar de nuevo, en dirección al edificio.
"¿Por qué no me habías dicho que era una cita?", el tono de su voz dejaba en claro que si todavía tenía sueño antes de la pregunta de Jangjun, la confesión repentina se lo había llevado. Negaste con la cabeza en silencio, sin ganas de responder. "Y/N.", te paró poniéndote las manos en los hombros. "Olvida lo que he dicho. No es importante.", dijiste apartándolas. Una vez dentro empezaste a mirar a tu alrededor, con el hábito que habías ido adquiriendo desde hace unos años de contar las personas que había allí. "¿Mucha gente?", preguntó Jaehyun a tus espaldas. "No, pero el miedo sigue ahí.", respondiste encogiéndote de hombros. Os acercasteis a mirar un cartel que había en la pared, explicando las normas y los precios. Jaehyun te leía las cosas importantes, recordando que no habrías podido hacerlo por ti misma al no llevar las gafas. "Cariño, tienes que ponerte el abrigo. Si no lo haces te resfriarás y no podremos venir otro día.", escuchaste que decía una señora, ante la insistencia de su hija para quitarse el abrigo. "¿Como ese chico?", señaló a tu amigo de forma inocente. "Sí, seguramente él tampoco quería ponerse el abrigo y ahora tiene mal la garganta." Jaehyun se giró ante el comentario de la señora, sabiendo que se refería a él. Te acercaste a ellas y sonreíste avergonzada bajo la mascarilla. "No me gusta meterme en conversaciones ajenas pero estáis hablando de mi amigo. No está enfermo. Esa es su voz normal.", viste que la niña te miraba sorprendida y te agachaste para quedar a su altura. "¿Te cuento un secreto? Su voz es muy bonita, me gusta mucho.", de no haber llevado puestas las orejeras podría haberse visto claramente que tus orejas estaban rojas, y no por el frío. "¿Su voz o él?", preguntó la niña, curiosa. Levantaste dos dedos dando a entender que eran las dos cosas, deseando que tu amigo no lo viera. Su madre se cansó y cogió a la niña en brazos para llevársela a otra parte.
Te levantaste y escuchaste que Jaehyun se acercaba, "Si Jangjun y Jibeom hubieran estado aquí ahora, se habrían reído de mí durante un buen rato.", dijo mientras miraba a la señora alejarse. "Entonces, te gusta mi voz.", dijo con una expresión presumida cuando te giraste. "Sí, deberías ser cantante.", respondiste formando "pistolas" con los dedos, intentando ser graciosa.
"No, para eso ya estás tú con tu banda de rock.", dijo recordando el sueño que había tenido, haciendo de nuevo el gesto con las manos. "Tonterías, ni siquiera sé cantar.", dijiste volviendo a mirar el cartel de la pared. "Vamos a ver si quedan patines de nuestra talla, no vaya a ser que hayamos venido hasta aquí para nada.", recordó Jaehyun al ver que una familia se acercaba al mostrador para pedirlos.
Unos minutos después estabas dando saltos sobre la pista, haciendo piruetas y cayéndote alguna que otra vez entre risas. Jaehyun te seguía a su ritmo, acercándose rápidamente cada vez que te caías para asegurarse de que estabas bien. Te acercaste a él para recuperar el aliento y te miró levantando una ceja, "¿Se te ha congelado la cara?", preguntó al ver que tu sonrisa no desaparecía desde el momento en el que habíais entrado a la pista. "No, simplemente estoy muy feliz de haber podido venir hoy contigo. Creo que...", hiciste una pausa al oír por casualidad una conversación que estaba teniendo lugar a tus espaldas, haciendo que tu sonrisa desapareciera.
"...y acabé el episodio donde Hanna descubre quién es el ladrón. Woah, habría jurado que era ella robando mi corazón. La actriz que interpreta a Hanna es preciosa, ojalá pudiera conocerla algún día.", decía una chica de unos diecisiete años. "Yo prefiero a su hermano. ¿Recuerdas ese episodio donde hacen equipo para encontrar el escondite de Jiwoo? Hay una escena donde él se quita la camiseta para lanzarse a la piscina que...", respondía la chica que estaba con ella.
"No sabía que fuera tan famosa la serie...", murmuraste volviéndote a subir la mascarilla. "Y tampoco tiene nada de especial la actriz esa.", suspiraste empezando a deslizarte hacia la salida de la pista.
"Y/N, espera. Pensaba que te lo estabas pasando bien. ¿Vas a irte solo porque hablen de eso?", Jaehyun te agarró la mano para impedir que salieras. "Y me estaba divirtiendo. El problema es que hoy no quería pensar en eso. No quería sentirme peor."
Saliste y te quitaste los patines, ignorando la mirada de tu amigo. "¿Por qué te ibas a sentir peor?", siguió haciendo preguntas después de quitarse también los patines e ir al mostrador para devolverlos. Saliste del edificio y te sentaste en un banco cercano. Jaehyun se quedó de pie delante de ti con los brazos cruzados, esperando a que respondieras sus preguntas.
Miraste la hora en el móvil, eran las nueve y media, un buen momento para volver a la universidad a meterte debajo de las sábanas para llorar. Esto no era lo que habías planeado y estabas a punto de empezar a gritarle a tu amigo por la frustración, aunque él no tuviera nada que ver.
Habíais vuelto a la universidad en silencio. Jaehyun te conocía demasiado bien como para saber que no debía hablarte, solo con haber visto en el autobús tus piernas inquietas. Seguía teniendo muchas preguntas pero decidió esperar a que fueras tú la que retomara la conversación.
Llegasteis a la zona del jardín. Jaehyun se sentó en los escalones, apoyó los brazos sobre las piernas y dejó descansar la cabeza encima de la mano. Te quedaste apoyada sobre la barandilla, intentando encontrar las palabras adecuadas.
"Jaehyun.", lo llamaste sin mirarlo para recuperar su atención. Levantó la cabeza y te miró, esperando a que siguieras hablando. "¿Recuerdas el casting que hice hace unos meses para una película sobre fantasmas?", tragaste saliva esperando su respuesta.
"Sí. Dijiste que no te habían elegido.", te miró y frunció el ceño, empezando a sospechar que le habías mentido. "Espera, ¿te eligieron?", se levantó y subió los escalones para ponerse a tu lado.
"No exactamente. O sea, sí.", suspiraste frustrada, intentando reorganizar tus pensamientos. "En un principio me dijeron que habían encontrado a una chica que era más adecuada para el papel. De esto hace ya tres meses. El problema es que la chica discutió con director y varios de sus compañeros y la acabaron despidiendo."
"Y te han elegido a ti para retomar su papel, ¿es eso?", adivinó con una expresión seria. Asentiste con la cabeza. "Me llamaron hace unas semanas para ofrecerme el papel. Según el director yo era la segunda mejor candidata. La primera era la chica, pero se habría negado a seguir aunque no la hubieran despedido."
Te atreviste a mirarlo por un momento, antes de seguir hablando. Volviste a mirar las flores al ver que estaba intentando descifrar la expresión de tu cara. "Vale. Pasemos directamente a la parte mala. Sé que la hay.", dijo alentándote a seguir.
Respiraste profundamente y dejaste salir el aire despacio. "Me voy dentro de dos semanas.", Jaehyun empezó a hablar pero lo interumpiste. "A Nueva York. La película se estaba grabando allí."
Miraste el cielo, las nubes estaban grises. "Bueno, tampoco es que vayas a estar allí mucho tiempo. ¿Cuánto se tarda en hacer eso? ¿Un mes? ¿Dos?". Lo miraste con una expresión ofendida, "¿Es que no has aprendido nada en clase durante estos casi tres años?", le diste un golpe en la frente con los dedos.
"Perdón por no ser el hijo de un actor famoso y entender todo lo que pasa dentro de ese campo.", respondió empezando a enfadarse, mientras se masajeaba la zona en la que había recibido el golpe. "Mira, Jaehyun, no quiero discutir contigo. La película esa ya iba por algo más de la mitad y ahora tienen que volver a grabar las escenas en las que aparezca mi personaje. Quitando que eso pueden ser uno o dos años, tengo que aparecer otra vez en la serie de Hanna. Quieren grabar la segunda temporada allí también y ni siquiera sé cuántos episodios son esta vez."
Dejaste que procesara tus palabras en silencio. Sabías que no estaba entendiendo la parte importante de la historia. "Jaehyun, me mudo a Nueva York."
Te miró con los ojos muy abiertos, intentando decidir si lo que acababa de escuchar era real. Viste que se agarraba a la barandilla para recuperar el equilibrio. "El martes iré a ver a mi madre en tren para contárselo. Supongo que papá no le habrá dicho nada todavía y me habrá dejado todo a mí como siempre.", rodaste los ojos al mencionar a tu padre.
Tus padres se habían divorciado hace unos años en términos amistosos y vivían separados (precisamente él en Nueva York). El trabajo de tu padre lo mantenía ocupado la mayor parte del tiempo y supusiste que no le habría hablado de eso en ningún momento. Tu relación con él era un poco complicada. Como padre no tenías ninguna queja, pero cuando se trataba de su vida como actor... Ahí entraba el problema.
"¿Soy el único que lo sabe?", preguntó después de unos minutos. "Sí, supongo que mamá será la segunda en saberlo sin contar a mi padre."
"Deberías habérmelo dicho antes. Podríamos haber pasado más tiempo juntos y no haberlo reducido a una "cita" de poco tiempo.", dijo marcando las comillas en el aire. "Bueno...", empezó a decir para cambiar de tema al ver que las lagrimas estaban amenazando con salir de tus ojos. "Quitemos las comillas. Le voy a dar la razón a Jangjun por una vez. Era una cita. Aunque haya sido tan corta."
Levantaste la mirada y viste que sonreía sin mirarte. "Estás mintiendo. No lo era para ti.", dijiste dándole un golpe en el brazo. "Vale, técnicamente no lo era porque tú no me la pediste. Pero si tú la considerabas como tal, entonces yo también."
Sentiste que algo frío aterrizaba sobre tu cabeza y miraste hacia arriba con una expresión inocente. "Vaya, parece que tenía razón.", dijo Jaehyun con una sonrisa, alargando un brazo para que un copo de nieve aterrizara sobre la palma de su mano.
Miraste la nieve como si nunca antes la hubieras visto (aunque no fuera el caso) y recordaste las palabras de tu amiga. "Entonces, a la hermana de tu compañera le gusta Jaemin...", empezó a decir sonriendo de lado, haciendo que te sonrojaras al darte cuenta de que sí os había oído hablar en el hall. "Habrá que preguntarles cuando vuelvas si quieren hacer una cita doble en la cafetería de Seungmin... Ya sabes, por aquello de que te gusta "mi voz"."
Lo miraste con los ojos muy abiertos. "No te preocupes, la tuya es muy bonita... También me gusta.", dijo al mismo tiempo que sus mejillas se teñían de rojo.
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99kdh · 4 years
Him? Really?
Jaehyun wasn’t jealous, not really. He just wanted to spend time with you, was that a crime? This guy was totally getting in the way! You had been talking to this guy about class for nearly 15 minutes and neither of you were showing any signs of slowing down or stopping. 
“Baby~ can we go get food? I’m hungry.” Jaehyun whined.
“Yeah, Jae we can. Meet you at the front doors? I’ll be out in a minute, promise.” 
Jaehyun walks out and doesn’t say anything else. You don’t seem to notice because as he is walking out you start talking and laughing again. He has no reason to be jealous of course. You obviously have other friends but something about this guy doesn’t feel right. So he sits on the steps and sulks while he waits for you. When you open the door the guy is nowhere to be seen. Jaehyun will admit it is sort of petty that he never learned his name but he’s not about to ask now. 
“Hey, baby. Where do you want to go? I’ve been thinking about that bakery we’ve been eyeing for a while.” You casually grab Jaehyun’s hand and start walking. 
If Jaehyun thought not learning that guy’s name was petty then he was about to teach himself a real lesson. He stubbornly stays silent. You wait a few more moments for his answer and then stop and turn to him. 
“What’s up? You’ve never ignored me straight out before.” You ask bluntly. “It didn’t have anything to do with Changbin did it?” 
Jaehyun doesn’t meet your eyes, dismayed about how quickly you figured it out. “Yeah, you were just really interested in him. Not like that though!” 
“Baby, we’re just friends. He really helped me with one of the assignments in class. That’s all.” You spoke softly. 
“None of your other friends seem like that around you though!”
“Jae. Baby.” He looks up at you and you look like you’re trying to hold back a laugh. He whines at your amusement about his pain.
“Hey, look at me. Jae!” He looks up at you. “Changbin has a boyfriend. They’re disgustingly cute, trust me, I’ve seen them.” 
“Oh…” Jaehyun looks down and away from you in embarrassment. 
“Besides, you’re my boyfriend. Did you really think you could get of me that easily?”
Jaehyun doesn’t answer but smiles brightly and grabs your hand. “You wanted to go to that bakery? Come on. I’ll even pay for you this time.”
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
4th Anniversary request
Hello :) Hope you are having a great day I’m not sure if I should send request here but I really would like to see a drabble with golcha jaehyun+coffeeshop au please🥺
~ ~ ~
hi love! thank you so much for this request :) for future reference, I’d prefer that requests be sent to my asks instead of as submissions, but don’t worry about it <3 I hope you enjoy this!
4 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/The Boyz/Golden Child/Ateez member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Took a prompt from @sleepyowlwrites’s fluff and nonsense prompts list for this, which you can find here :) check them out, they’re all very cute!
Title: Sleep-Deprived
Pairing: Jaehyun x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 822
Triggers: cursing
Finally, Jaehyun puts down his rag with a sigh. “Are we closing?”
“Yeah, if the last customers get out of here.” Donghyun casts a dark glance over the few remaining people still scattered through out the cafe. “I’ll go remind that couple over there, can you get… whatever that is?”
Jaehyun follows Donghyun’s finger to a small table in the corner where a laptop and several books lie scattered about the top. Someone’s sitting there, but whatever you were doing before, you’ve definitely given up on it either voluntarily or involuntarily because your head is on top of one of the books and you look like you’ve fallen asleep.
“Don’t call them that.” Jaehyun swats Donghyun. “I think they’re just asleep.”
“Whatever.” Donghyun shrugs. “Just get them out so we can go home.”
That, Jaehyun agrees with. He’s tired of being here. So he makes his way over to your corner as loudly as he can without looking like an idiot, hoping you’ll wake up naturally. Then he has to wonder just how to wake you up, because loud footsteps didn’t work and you really look like you’re fast asleep.
“Um, excuse me?” he tries. When you don’t respond to that, he puts a hand on your shoulder and shakes slightly. I better not get fired for this. “Um, excuse me, we’re -”
Your head jerks up and Jaehyun’s hand goes flying away. For a moment you only blink once, twice, very disorientedly - understandable, it’s the way Jaehyun feels after a very nice nap - before settling eyes on him. “Huh?”
“Sorry.” Jaehyun winces. “Um, we’re closing, so -”
“Oh, you’re even cuter up close,” you interrupt, words slightly slurred with sleep. “Like a puppy.”
He blinks. “I’m sorry?”
“Don’t blink like that, it makes you look even cuter.” Your lips curve in a hazy grin. “Hey, stop - if you insist on being so cute I’m just going to pinch your cheeks.”
Pinch my cheeks? His face is growing warmer, he can feel it. “What -”
You reach out and pinch his cheek. For real. Jaehyun can only blink as you grin, squishing his skin between your fingers. “Um…”
“Oh, it’s dark. Must be closing time. Sorry.” You start shuffling your things away, dropping books into the bag by your chair. “Oh hey, what’s this?” You hold up a piece of paper. “Oh, this is for you.”
If Jaehyun couldn’t smell your breath, he’d really think you were slightly drunk. He doesn’t even get the chance to blink before you press the paper into his hand. “See you later, cute coffee boy,” you smile before dragging yourself out of the shop.
Donghyun materializes by his side. “What was that?”
“I don’t know,” Jaehyun replies, holding up the paper. “I got this?”
Donghyun snatches it out of his hands and immediately shrieks. “They gave you their number!”
Sure enough, when Jaehyun gets the paper back, he can see the digits of a phone number scrawled in dark pen across the page. His cheeks flare. “Oh my God.”
“Oh my God, indeed.” Donghyun gets into his face. “Are you going to text them?”
That’s too much for closing shift Jaehyun to think about at the moment. He shrugs. “I don’t know.”
(He does text you later, because you were still really cute even in your sleepy state, and he doesn’t want you to think badly of him if he doesn’t respond.
To: Unknown
hey, you gave me your number earlier… did you mean to?
His phone buzzes less than a second later.
From: Unknown
oh my god
that wasn’t a dream?
To: Unknown
… I don’t think so?
From: Unknown
I’m so sorry I’m such an idiot
I get weird when I’m really tired and this week has been a lot
did I do anything strange
Jaehyun has no idea to tell you exactly what you actually did and said to him earlier that night. He settles for softening the blow as much as possible.
To: Unknown
you called me cute
and uh
pinched my cheek
It takes a very long time for you to respond.
From: Unknown
Jesus Christ I am so so sorry
can I get you something to make up for it
like a coffee or something idk
To: Unknown
it’s fine don’t worry :)
and uh I hope you don’t mind but I work in a coffee shop so like…
From: Unknown
right right
yeah you work at a coffee shop
I’m an idiot
boba? or something ? whatever you want it’s on me
To: Unknown
boba is okay :) let me know when and where
On a whim, he sends another message before you can reply.
To: Unknown
and for the record, I think you’re really cute too :)
He screams into his pillow after that, but it’s fine. Jaehyun has a sneaking suspicion that on the other end, you’re doing pretty much the same thing, too.)
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ppoquita · 3 years
He Walks in Starlight
Tags: bong jaehyun x reader, vaguely Star Trek inspired, mostly just a sci-fi au
Length: 2.1k words
First time writing a scenario/imagine so excuse my amateur writing. I really just wrote this for fun lol
Your eyes felt blurry as they struggle to open while you hear the tone of your alarm go off. It felt cold and all you wanted to do was lay under your blanket where it was warm and cozy. You sighed as you turned off your alarm. You looked at the calendar displayed on a screen. Star date 21499.2. You flattened down your disheveled hair before getting up to get ready.
The Compass was business as usual. The ship's bustling crew members were all at work. You went down to the records department to start your day of organizing files and data logs when you saw a rather tense figure standing at the door. It was a young man your age. He stood rather agonizingly. Once he got a glimpse of you he looked like a deer in headlights. Confused, you walked over to unlock the records lab. “Excuse me,” he said with a surprisingly deep voice. “Are you in the department of records?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.” you said after swiping your card. The door automatically slid open and both of you walked in. You sat and turned on the computer. He only stood in front of the desk where you were stationed.
“These are my files, I’m new.. just transferred from the Miracle.” he explained while handing over some rectangular discs. You took the discs from his slender hands and put them into your computer for analyzing.
[ Bong Jaehyun
Age: 22 Earth Years
Birth Place: Seoul, SK, Earth
Specialty: Geography and Cartography
*** ]
You looked at his photo and then looked up at him. Spitting image, no doubt he was legit. He’s quite handsome in your opinion. His eyes looked like shiny glass. They were pretty, almost like tiny galaxies were hidden in them. You looked away to finish the processing. You took his discs and filed it under Crew Members subsection ‘B’. “Alright, welcome to our ship, you’re officially part of the Compass now.” you gave him a slight smile. Jaehyun’s lips also curled into a smile.
“Thank you.” he said. He made his way to the door and promptly left.
Records were extremely flooded that particular day. Your fingers moved quickly as you processed files and organized discs. Dwarf Planet ZETA110 was being explored. Many records of the flora and fauna were piling in. Not only that but information the planet's makeup and natural climate came in as well. You felt exhausted as you moved back and forth between your computer and the filing wall. Thankfully, it was almost break time. You could almost taste that roasted chicken breast. The thought of food alone made you salivate. You stretched as you got up from your chair. Just then your shift relief came in and you grabbed your keycard and walked out. You tiredly rubbed the back of your neck as you made your way to the elevator.
The dining room was half full. You groaned and weaved through the amount of people sitting. You entered your card into the ordering machine and tapped your choice. It was only a moment's notice until the food came out. You looked around for an empty seat and saw Jaehyun again. He was sitting alone, still with that anxious body language from before. He looked like he was spacing out to a far off world. You hesitated, you weren’t really one to make acquaintances. Yet, you sympathized. Space was lonely and cold. It felt empty and void. When you didn’t have someone to really confide in, it felt even worse. Almost as if you’ve been exiled to a blackhole of self-pity and bitterness.
You walked over and sat across diagonally from him. You glanced at his plate to make conversation. “Spicy pork belly stew, nice choice,” you commented rather nervously. He looked over at you and perked up a bit.
“Hi.” he said, smiling a bit. His eyes glimmer and twinkle. You feel breathless for a moment.
“Hi,” you repeated back. “Are you settled in yet?” it had only been a few hours since you last saw him but you figured to ask anyway.
“No,” he sighed. You watched as he moved the handle of his spoon. “Had to beam down and take a look at the planet’s landscape.”
“How is it?” you asked out of sheer curiosity. You never really got the chance to go to other planets. Most of your companions were people who work on the ship and had no business being on the ground.
“Humid,” Jaehyun replies. “It’s so humid, like a jungle, but there’s not that many trees. Everything just feels heavy...”
You started to eat your food. After eating you got up to put back your tray and utensils. Jaehyun got up as well. You felt shy as you walked beside him. You wondered if it’s okay to open up more. “Hey, when will you be done for the day?” you asked.
“Not sure,” he replied. “Why?”
“Well, if you’re up for it, I’ll be in the break room. We can play a game of 3D chess if you’re interested. Or maybe a friendly 1-on-1 on the arcade machine if that’s more your style.” You suggested. Jaehyun blinked before smiling. He shyly looked away from you. You only took a moment to appreciate his side profile.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” He said.
“Well, duty calls, I’ll see you later.” You excused yourself from him.
Jaehyun’s presence was almost intoxicating. You wondered if it’s an effect due to the planet’s troposphere. Nonetheless, as the two of you stood together hovering the arcade machine, you felt warm. The both of you were focused on the game quietly. At one point you felt your hand accidentally brushed up against his.
Afterwards the two of you moved on to 3D chess. You tried to make conversation asking things about him. You found out that he’s a picky eater, he likes music, and fantasy movies. Much like yourself you enjoyed a good movie. The conversation then spiraled into the best movies made in the 21st century.
“Check,” you said while moving your piece to the second level.
“I’m not good at games, huh?” He joked.
“I mean, you’re not awful.” you assured him. Jaehyun held his chin thinking for a moment before making a move.
“Checkmate,” you laughed as you captured his king. He lets out a disappointed sigh before sitting back in his chair. You look over at the clock at the time you usually go to bed. “Well, it’s quite late isn’t it? I’m sure you’re tired.”
“I guess so...” he said before getting up from his chair. Almost immediately he loses his balance. You stood up quickly to hold him.
You put his arm around your neck. “Hey, Jaehyun, are you okay? Jaehyun?” You looked over to see his face had grown pale. His eyes looked dull, it no longer had that shine.
“Head...hurts… so bad…” he groaned.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you to the medical bay.” you comforted him.
In the medical bay Doctor Lee was busy taking care of two others. You were instructed to help Jaehyun onto one of the beds. You wondered if you should stay with Jaehyun. You obviously worried for him but maybe this was too much. You turned away from him but before you could move you felt a hand grab your wrist. Jaehyun’s fingers were wrapped around your wrist weakly. You looked at him softly. “Stay, please,” he croaked. His cheeks blushed red and he looked anxious. You only stood by him unsure of your ability to comfort him.
Thankfully it wasn’t dire. It turned out that several of the crewmen were affected by the planet’s air quality causing them to have hypertension. Jaehyun was fine. He’ll be back to normal by the next date. You let out a big sigh of relief as you lied in bed.
During your break you decided to visit him. When you entered the medical bay you saw Jaehyun sitting upright. His eyes were looking sparkly again. He almost resembled a puppy who was happy to see its owner. “Hi.” you greeted.
“Hi, good to see you again.” he smiled. He seemed to be in better condition.
“Status report?” you asked.
“All good, blood pressure back to normal, should be able to retreat to my quarters within the next hour or so,” Jaehyun reported. The two of you laughed as you looked into each other's eyes. “Once I’m out of here there’s something I’d like to show you,” he said. You lifted an eyebrow at him. “Meet me in the botanical lab when you’re free.”
The rest of your shift felt painfully slow. You were too curious about what was going to occur later. While your relationship with Jaehyun wasn’t extremely close yet it often felt intimate at times. You sighed as you organized the incoming discs. Everything felt like walking on thin ice. You never knew what exactly to feel other than attraction.
You promptly met Jaehyun in the botanical lab. He was sitting among the countless native flora of different planets. “Hi, again.” you greeted. Jaehyun stood up and signaled with his hand. You walked over to where he stood. You looked in the same direction as him and saw the most stunningly vibrant red plant. It was crimson red and it’s leaves were olive green. You stared for a moment then looked at Jaehyun.
“They call it a Carmesí Florera,” Jaehyun plucked a petal and sniffed it. “It smells like fruit punch,” he held it to your nose and you took a whiff. It really did smell like a fruit punch. It made you feel a little nostalgic. “And they say,” Jaehyun grabbed your hand and put the petal in the palm of your hand. “If you give a petal to someone, they’ll be with you for a long time...” you looked up at him as he gently closed your fingers into a fist. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him. His ears were as red as the flower petals.
“What are you trying to say?” You questioned.
Jaehyun only shrugged. “You’re a great companion,” he said. You frowned a little. Part of you wished this could be a fairytale where next he’ll sweep you off your feet. But this wasn’t a fairytale, this is a science fiction that somehow became reality. However, this gesture was too strange. It didn’t make sense. Jaehyun was staring softly. He worried that he might have said something wrong. You clutch your flower petal and sighed. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
You shook your head. “I don’t understand,” you said honestly. “What do you mean with this? We may be miles and miles away from Earth but this sentiment can be seen as a romantic gesture from any planet, I’m confused...”
Jaehyun looked scared for a moment. As if you said something awful to him. He seemed appalled but then something changed. He straightens out his back and looks you in the eyes. “Okay then, I’ll be honest, I like you, I have a fondness for you, I… want us to be closer, and maybe in the near future we can be more than that.” he admitted.
You blinked a few times. It was a romantic gesture. Jaehyun made a romantic declaration. Your relationship was, in part, intimate. Your face was red at that point and your heart was beating quickly. It happened too fast and you’ve never really felt like this before. You were smiling without noticing.
“I like you too.”
Bong Jaehyun walked in starlight. He was as bright as the sun but can feel cold as the moon. Behind his eyes was the universe’s tiniest galaxy. It twinkled and shined for the world to see yet it was tucked away for only the brave to explore. Just when he felt unreachable, he held out his hand just enough for you to reach. He was almost undetectable yet his gravitational pull left you no choice but to adore him. There may be thousands of galaxies out there to discover but you were glad to have discovered him.
Even though the two of you laid flat on the cold observatory room floor staring at the endless void that was space, he was still more breathtaking than the billions of stars littered around them. You stared at him wondering what he was thinking about as he looked up at the vast sky. Was he also comparing you to a star?
Slowly you inched your hand close to his. You wondered if it was okay. Your pinky finger shyly bumped into his. You felt his hand touch yours almost as if it were asking for an embrace. Your fingers interlocked with his and you couldn’t help but smile. Jaehyun turned to look at you. He looked with a certain tenderness that makes your stomach flip. In that moment, you concluded that out of all the stars in the universe he was the brightest.
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multiwendi · 3 years
[11:30 p.m]
Jaehyun and his girlfriend argued over his absence at the first dinner with her parents. She felt miserable because of her parents making fun of her. Jaehyun felt sorry, but he had to stay in practice for longer. He was lying on the bed, waiting for Y/N, who was still in the bathroom. When she walked into the bedroom, she didn't even look at him. 
"Baby, are you okay?" he asked softly. She didn't say anything. 
"Were your parents mad that I can't come?" he tried and asked her another question. She didn't even answer that all she did was laying on the bed. 
"Baby?" Jaehyun tried to hug her from behind. 
"I'm fine. Stop asking and let me sleep," Y/N said coldly, removing his arms from her body. 
"I am so sorry, baby, but, Daeyeol didn't want to let us go until we made a mistake. I tried my best, but others made mistakes," he laid on his back. 
"Okay, but come in time for the next one. Good night," she said in a tired tone.
"I will. I promise you. So can I cuddle you, now?" Jaehyun’s face blushed, though it was not visible in the darkness of the room. Y/N turned her side to face him and cuddle him. 
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sytco · 3 years
seashells | bong jaehyun
today i offer you magic boy jaehyun and it goes a little Something Like this:
jaehyun's hands are full of seashells.
some are broken. some are not. he peers down at all of them, shades of cream and peach and pearl.
you are sitting on the rock, eyes gazing over the ocean. he walks up to you, crouching until his nose is level with yours.
"would you like one?"
you wordlessly pluck a seashell out of his hands and hide it beneath your fingers so he cannot see what you've chosen.
"i like the sea," you say. jaehyun inches closer so he can hear your voice better. "i think it's nicer than the f-forest. there were too many bugs."
jaehyun smiles despite himself and shoves the rest of the seashells into his pockets. "what else do you like about here?"
the beachfront apartments seem miles away - spots in the distance. the waves are pink under the sunset and there is no one else around.
your shoulders lift in a gentle shrug. "everything moves at the same speed."
jaehyun's knee bumps yours.
"i don't know where i am," you continue, "but i don't feel lost or like this isn't where i b-belong." your grip tightens around your shell. "it just feels like i was meant to be here."
your gaze drops and jaehyun suddenly wishes, more than ever, that he could make all of this real for you. an idyllic life in a cottage by the sea with him and your favorite songs and walks at 1am under the stars - waking up whenever you wanted and never having to worry about anything like money or a stutter or parents.
but all this will ever amount to is a pretty illusion. that’s all jaehyun’s good at.
and so jaehyun hides his heartbreak under a grin that draws one in response from you.
“you wanna stay a little longer?” he asks.
you nod.
feedback greatly appreciated
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babysubinnie · 3 years
so that’s how you felt. // lee daeyeol (requested)
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🌟 pairing:: lee daeyeol x reader 🌟 genre:: fluff, idol!daeyeol, idol!reader 🌟 summary:: being an idol at woollim has it’s ups and downs, but every single time you go to the conveinece store, it just so happens that daeyeol is only there when you are. 
a/n:: this is so short i’m sorry !!   ——————————————————————————
“are you going to practice today?” i looked up from my phone groaning that i really didn’t want to go to practice. yesterday we had a hardcore workout and now i was so sore i barely wanted to do anything at all. 
“i don’t want to.” i groaned kicking my legs while i was laying flat on the ground. i looked around to see my group already collapsed on the ground. i needed to get something done today. 
“i’m getting something to eat. everyone wants their usual?” i stood up seeing all of them nodding at me before i walked out of the door smiling. i then walked over to the store to buy everyone’s snacks. when i walked in, it was just me and the cashier, well until he walked in. 
i picked up a basket, then started picking up one snack for each member, then stopped when there was a body in front of me. i lifted my eyes after counting all of the snacks in my basket. i smiled when i realized who it was. 
“hey y/n.” daeyeol smiled putting his hand to lean up against the shelf. i laughed rolling my eyes grabbing one of the chocolate bars that was place right behind him. i replied with a smile and a quick hi. when i walked to the cashier, he kept staring at me from behind. i laughed the entire time then turned to look at him when the cashiers started scanning my stuff. 
“hi yeol. did you need something?” i giggled turning completely to face him before rolling my eyes when he shook his head. i turned back around to pay, grabbed the two bags, then started walking out of the store. he walked up behind me taking the bag out of my hand. 
“y/n wait.” he pulled my free hand back making me swing the bag around. i turned bright red before i could realize anything else. i looked up into his eyes which then he put his arm around my waist. 
“w-what’s wrong?” i darted my eyes around the hallway, and he stopped me. he shrugged leaning closer to me so that our faces were literally inches away. i thought that he was going to kiss me, but i was too focused on looking at every single one of his features to even think about that. 
“you tell me what’s wrong.”
“nothing.” i shook my head but i knew that he saw right through me. even i knew that i didn’t sound very convincing. i couldn’t even convince myself, forget daeyeol. i thought i could get away without confessing, but boy was i wrong. 
“liar. you’ve been hiding something right?” he shouted after me when i was already turning around to walk away from him. i wanted to stay away from him because today, i already said all the wrong things. i swore in front of our choreographer. and it wasn’t just one word. it was a whole sentence of constant swears. 
“y/n tell me. i want to help you.” he was texting me, calling me, chasing me around the entire company trying to help me with whatever he thought i was going through. i didn’t think that he would find out, until i opened my mouth. when he walked into the practice room with all his members so that we could share dances, he automatically walked up to me. 
“please y/n, what’s wrong?” i wasn’t going to do it in front of golcha but i guess i had no other choice but to do it in front of them. i took a deep breath, rolled my eyes and looked up at him. 
“okay i’ll tell you my problem. i like you way too much than i’m supposed to be. every time you go on stage, all i can see is you. you’re everything that i’ve ever wanted but we’re not allowed to be together. it hurts me that every single day i see you in the hallway and i can’t do shit about it. is that enough for you? do you want more?” 
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overdhse · 3 years
Son Youngtaek - “Does this mean what I think it means?” + “I love you! Is that what you wanted to hear?” | fluff
Lee Daeyeol - “Come home.” + “I haven’t seen you in months.” + “Do you miss me?”  | angst
Kim Jibeom - “Am I the reason why you cry every night?” | angst to fluff
Lee Jangjun - “How do I make you love me again?” + “I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror.” + “I don’t know if I want to yell at you or kiss you.” | fluff
“Another nightmare?” | fluff + angst
“Which part of me isn’t enough?” | fluff
First kiss with s/o | fluff
most to least
Likely to get jealous
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thepixelelf · 2 years
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Shoot Your Shot pt. 26 - A Bad
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With your brother on the famed university basketball team, one of the biggest clichés you could run into is the classic trope -- falling for the captain. But after catching #19's eye from the bleachers, you think clichés might not be too bad.
Part of the Been There, Done That series
btdt taglist: @sagescaffeinemania @blossom-hwa @ggulovebot @weuschoiceheart @moondustaeil @funkywinkyboy @skye--high @overdhse @still-lonely @hhhongseok @lilacdreams-00 @fylithia @golchamocha @friendshipbear @hui-ing @tansyfleurwhisper @lcvekeum @yoontaedotin @gold-dragon-slayer @seung-scrittore @hoshranghaes unable to tag bolded users
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icecoffeemilky · 4 years
[9:15am] (Golden Child - Jaehyun)
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You slowly opened your eyes, only to close them again, because the bright sunlight coming through the curtains was incredibly blending you. 
You tilted your head to the side and carefully opened your eyes and this sight made your heart melt. 
Bong Jaehyun. 
He almost looks ethereal with the beautiful morning sunlight which shines on his face just perfectly. His face looked so peaceful and even in his sleep he didn’t let go of your hand. You smiled and lifted up your free hand to gently stroke through his soft and messy hair. 
You leaned forward and planted a loving kiss on his temple. 
Gosh, you were so helplessly in love with him. 
But as soon as you saw over his shoulder to the clock which was standing on the nightstand, you gasped and your eyes widened. 
Didn’t he told you that he has practice today? 
Yesterday you fell asleep while you were waiting for him, so he came home exhausted, but with a soft smile as soon as he saw your sleepy form. 
You were about to gently nudging him to wake up, but luckily he already stirred out of his peaceful sleep. 
“Jaehyun, baby, good morning, but don’t you have practice today?” 
You softly kiss his cheek. 
Jaehyun yawned and smiled at you. 
“Good morning, my love. Practice? What’s that?”
You chuckled and slapped him lightly. 
“For real Jae.” He laughed. “Babe, everything is alright. I don’t have practice today. I’m free and I’m gonna spend the whole day with you and only you.”
You smiled and you’ve never felt that happy. 
You leaned forward and kissed him. You both smiled into the kiss which leads you to break the kiss and laughing. 
Jaehyun watched you laughing and you looked so ethereal in the sunlight. You’re the most beautiful human being he has ever seen. 
He was absolutely and deeply in love with you. 
He grabbed your neck and kissed you again. 
Jaehyun smiled and gently whispered in your ear. 
“Today, my love, I’m all yours.”
I see U - Golden Child
She’s the one - Monsta X
Lights - BTS
Thanks for requesting anon, I changed it a little bit, because I live for soft mornings!!! I hope that was okay and please enjoy it, love!” 
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marking my return as a golcha scenarios writer, hit me up in my ask, ill try to get your requests done as quickly as possible tho if any of you request smut i might just combust
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radianthyuck · 4 years
jaehyun x reader; fluff; golcha
prompt #43: "how could i forget?"
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"where are you even taking me, jae?"
"shhh" jaehyun, your bestfriend since childhood, guides you somewhere, his hands covering your eyes.
you could tell that he is leading you somewhere grassy, like a garden as your feet brushes against soft grass.
"okay, stay here. i'm gonna go get something. don't move" jaehyun rushes before heading back inside his house. so yea, you cluelessly stand in the middle of his backyard.
"uh, okay if you say so" you furrow your eyes in confusion.
about a minute has passed and jaehyun slowly emerges from his doorway, clearly hiding something behind him.
"is that my gift?" you teasingly ask because today was your birthday.
"maybe," jaehyun answers with a cheeky smile.
"c'mon, gimme"
just when you didn't think he could smile even wider, he does and slowly reveals what he had been hiding.
"a puppy" you softly ask, immediately petting the small pup's head.
"happy birthday, y/n!" he enthusiastically greets.
"how was your thought process through all this? i mean, a freaking puppy, jae"
"how could i forget? i will always remember the day we snuck out to go to a pet store and you literally spent 4 freaking hours with puppies" jaehyun replied, reminiscing the day he fell in love with you.
KDHAJAKSH WHY AM I BLUSHING 🤬🤬i dont even want dogs myself LFMAOOA
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
valentine’s day + golcha ✧
blame @wingkkun​ for enabling me :) as well as @thepixelelf​ for putting up the list of valentine’s day prompts on her network @newskynet​ (check out the list and the network here!) that inspired these little blurbs! i really encourage anyone to join in on the event and use the prompts, they’re super cute and hella funny :) 
anyway happy early valentine’s day! there’ll be more blurbs for the boyz and stray kids leading up to the day of, and changmin’s interwoven story will top the holiday off <3
(find other valentine’s day blurbs for the boyz and stray kids here whenever i put up the masterlist!)
pairing: golcha x gender neutral!reader (one blurb for each member!)
wc: 4.9k (total)
genre: fluff, pure fluff, university!au
triggers: cursing, like one slightly implied mention of sex (it’s the first couple sentences of sungyoon’s story, but absolutely nothing explicit)
stray kids version | the boyz version
Golden Child Masterlist
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9. “i’m allergic to roses.”
jaehyun doesn’t know why his boss decided to give him the valentine’s day shift. it’s annoying and stupid and dumb, especially when he just wants to spend the entire day with you, but you have class and he has work. so jaehyun resigns himself to being forced to work in the pits of hell on the supposed day of love (it’s a drugstore on valentine’s day. he’s pretty sure he won’t even be able to count the number of boyfriends and girlfriends who’ve forgotten to buy their partner a gift and have come to this shitty CVS for a last minute card or box of chocolates). 
slumped over on the counter after opening, waiting for the first wave of poor significant others to come washing in, jaehyun doesn’t even bother to move when the automatic doors slide open and a few pairs of footsteps sound on the floor. only when someone steps in front of him does he actually look up, immediately plastering on his customer service smile (that you’ve always found simultaneously hilarious and scary - “you look so dead inside, i don’t know what to say!” “i’m not dead inside!” “jaehyun, you’re in university. we’re all dead inside”), but it immediately drops when you step up to the counter and pass over a bouquet of tulips (not roses this time, thank god - jaehyun doesn’t need a repeat of the time you brought them and he had to break it to you between sneezes that “i’m allergic to roses.”), laughing at the expression of shock on his face. 
“wanted to bring you something nice in the morning since we won’t see each other until later,” you explain, pushing the bouquet into his hands. “i’ll meet you in front of your dorm, right? don’t be late.” 
holding the flowers, jaehyun doesn’t know what to do but nod and smile, smile so brightly it feels like the sun has come down to rest in his heart because by god, you’re the sweetest thing in this entire world and he loves you so, so much. “okay,” he breathes, unable to stop his eyes from crinkling as he smiles. “i’ll see you then.”
you lean over the counter and press a brief kiss on his lips. the bouquet nearly falls to the ground as he scrambles to lean in, to extend this bit of affection as long as he can, but then someone coughs and you two break away, jaehyun red-faced and blushing, you laughing as both of you turn to the customer holding two bags of lollipops with a smirk and a raised eyebrow on their face. jaehyun only blushes harder as you squeeze his hand one last time, supremely unconcerned, and murmur “see you later” before walking back out the door. 
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14. “you’re seriously asking me out on valentine’s day?”
exactly one week ago, jangjun’s professor gave the entire lecture hall a stern talking-to regarding valentine’s day activities in class. no kissing, no inappropriate PDA, and “no giving out candy or confessions unless you’ve brought enough for the entire hall.” and given the fact that this is a lecture hall of just under a hundred students, no one is eager to break that rule. 
but on valentine’s day, you come running in just two minutes before class starts, a large shopping bag banging against your legs as you sprint to your seat next to jangjun. he frowns at the bag, looking up at you in confusion, but you only give him a shit-eating grin as the professor walks to the podium. just as he’s about to start the slides, you raise your hand. “professor, i have candy to pass out.”
a whisper runs through the hall as jangjun starts to laugh. you really would. you actually would. y/n, you perfect bastard. professor just raises an eyebrow that jangjun can see all the way from his seat halfway across the hall and replies “do you have enough for the entire class?”
“as a matter of fact, i do!” reaching into the bag, you pull out two packages of lollipops and brandish them in the air. “all in the spirit of valentine’s day, professor!”
the hall devolves into chaos and laughter and shouts as you run down the rows, throwing candy at every student. jangjun’s laughing with everyone else - even the professor can’t help a smile as you hand him a lollipop too - but then he realizes you’ve completely bypassed his row. no matter, though, right? you’ll probably just come back and give him one when you come back to your seat, or he’ll steal a lollipop away from you. that’s how best friends work, obviously.
but then you’re running down the stairs, finished passing out candy for the rest of the hall. jangjun expects you to slide into your seat but you don’t, instead stopping at the end of the row and tossing him his favorite flavor of lollipop. he grins, about to say something, but your smile has turned slightly nervous and he’s confused - you’re never nervous, never, you didn’t even look like this before you had your first job interview - but then your gaze takes on a steely  determination that’s more characteristic of his favorite friend ever and you say, “wanna go on a date with me?”
screams erupt from the seats around him, but jangjun can only stare as he tries to comprehend what you said. his mouth moves to form words and they are not the words he wants but he never thinks before he speaks and certainly not now when his brain is literally fraying at the edges - 
“you’re seriously asking me out on valentine’s day?”
your gaze shutters, your eyes turning dim. the smile on your face is still there but it’s a little forced and jangjun starts panicking because what the fuck, that’s not what he meant, and - “oh my god, y/n, i’m an idiot, i didn’t mean to say that, yes i want to go out with you, holy fuck i’ve wanted to literally since we met -”
“jangjun? shut up.”
he shuts up, terrified he’s messed up forever. but you’re smiling. you’re smiling so wide it looks like the stars themselves have come down to grace your eyes as you sit down next to him and tangle your fingers with his.
there are more screams and someone’s camera flashes but jangjun doesn’t care. he doesn’t fucking care, not when you’ve just asked him out when he’s been pining for you for probably years at this point and jangjun knows he’s grinning like an idiot when he squeezes your hand once, softly, and you squeeze back, winking as you pop a last lollipop into your mouth.
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13. “you’re so cheesy. i love it.” (slightly amended from “this is so cheesy. i love it.”)
daeyeol may be dyslexic, but he certainly isn’t blind. as the ta for this lecture section, he’s had a front row seat to the obvious pining tension between jangjun and his best friend since they stepped into class on the first day. when they hand daeyeol a lollipop, he can see jangjun smiling like an absolute idiot even so far away, and when oblivious idiot #1 finally pulls themselves together and asks jangjun on a date, the professor himself can’t help but grin even as he starts clapping his hands to bring the class to order.
as the lecture goes on, daeyeol lets his thoughts wander. he’s been over this particular set of slides so long he could probably talk about them in his sleep (and according to sungyoon, he actually has, though he has no video proof so daeyeol will just put that down to his roommate exaggerating), so he doesn’t feel too bad about not paying attention as the professor keeps talking. he has better things to think about - namely his plans for later today. 
yeah, he has a date. he has a date with, in his humble opinion, the most wonderful and beautiful person in the world. he can’t help but smile when the image of your eyes crinkled in a laugh runs through his mind, the sound of your giggles and snorts making his heart flutter with excitement because holy fuck, he may not want to be in class, but at least he’s going to get to see you for hours later today. 
if he wasn't the ta, he’d be the first one out of class. instead, though, he stays a couple minutes to talk to the professor (he smirks a little bit when jangjun and his best friend-turned-significant other walk out the door, still holding hands) before he finally deems it polite to say goodbye and rush out of the lecture hall to his dorm so he can get changed. 
he’s breathless when he walks out of the flower shop to meet you just an hour later, clutching a bouquet of flowers in his hands. despite the fact that you two have been dating for months already, he still turns shy when you accept the flowers, eyes sparkling in delight. your gaze only turns sweeter, lovelier when you look up from the bouquet to give him a hug, wrapping your arms around him tightly as your body presses against his. 
“i missed you,” he murmurs into your ear, holding you as close as he can. 
you laugh. “we saw each other yesterday, daeyeol.”
his name still sounds like honey from your lips. “yeah, but that was still too long.” 
again you laugh, pulling away. before he can complain, your hand slips into his, automatically tangling your fingers together. “you’re so cheesy,” you announce as though you haven’t said the same thing a million times over the course of the last few months. “i love it. anyway, should we go?”
daeyeol smiles, squeezing your hand. “of course. come on.”
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4. “valentine’s day is just a ploy to make people buy heart-shaped stuff.” / “what’s that in your hands?” / “none of your business.”
jibeom isn’t anti-valentine’s day, not exactly. it’s just that he doesn’t entirely care for the way capitalism has decided to commercialize love through chocolates and teddy bears when a handwritten card would mean more to him than the most expensive candies in the world. 
which is why he teases daeyeol when the older boy comes into the flower shop where he works part time, even as he wraps up the bouquet of pink and red roses. “still a slave to capitalism, i see.”
daeyeol just snorts. “you think i didn’t see the flower crown you were making when i walked in?”
“yeah, well, i made it. i didn’t buy it.” jibeom ties the last ribbon in a large bow. “i’m not going to be a slave to the machinery of this shitty economic system. valentine’s day is just a ploy to make people buy heart-shaped stuff.”
“what’s that in your hands?”
jibeom shoves a heart-shaped box of chocolate under the counter. “none of your business.”
"yeah, right.” daeyeol snorts, taking the bouquet of flowers. “well, enjoy your date later. hope y/n likes the chocolates.”
jibeom sniffs. “you enjoy yours.” 
with that, daeyeol walks out to meet his partner. jibeom averts his eyes (it’s so weird seeing someone he thinks of as his older brother kissing or hugging something else, even if it’s sweet), but then the door opens again and a wide smile spreads across jibeom’s face when you walk into the shop. 
“your shift is over,” you announce, hopping on a nearby stool so you can lean your elbows on the counter. “time to go!”
“y/n, for the last time, i can’t just end my shift when i want to,” jibeom says. he’s still smiling, though - he knows you don’t mean it, knows that you’ll just hang around and bother him until his shift is actually over and the two of you can go to whatever reservation you made this year. 
you groan. “come on, that’s no fun.”
jibeom snorts. “here, maybe this will keep you busy.” he hands you the chocolate he bought early that morning from a dead-eyed jaehyun (thank god for the flowers his partner brought him at the start of his shift or he probably would’ve keeled over at that point). “happy valentine’s day.”
with a delighted screech, you tear into the box. jibeom watches in amusement. “i thought you didn’t like participating in the valentine’s day capitalist commercialization of love?” you ask, mouth full. 
“i don’t.” jibeom shrugs. “but if it’s for you...”
he doesn’t get to finish before you yank him down by the neck of his shirt to press a full kiss to his lips. “jibeom, i love you more than you can imagine,” you declare when you finally pull away. 
you look beautiful, lips slightly swollen, eyes sparkling. jibeom lifts the finished flower crown from behind the counter and puts it on your head. “there. perfect.”
“hm?” you look up, smiling when you realize what he’s given you. 
“you looked beautiful before,” jibeom explains. “but now you look even more perfect.”
“are you saying that because of your flower crown, i look nicer?” you frown in mock disapproval. “jibeom, that’s awfully egocentric.”
“well, am i wrong?”
your frown splits into a wide grin as you shake your head. “no, not at all.” you squeeze his hand. “anything from you makes me feel beautiful, no matter what it is.”
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21. “for me?”
“don’t mind them, jibeom and his partner won’t suck face too much.” the worker rolls his eyes as he walks forward, leading joochan further into the store. “you said roses, right? red roses?”
“yeah.” joochan takes a deep breath, trying to stop himself from screaming internally. “red roses.”
but even as the worker - seungmin, his name tag says - leads him to a selection of deep red flowers, joochan’s starting to second guess himself. what if flowers come off too strong, roses no less? it’s only the first date - and by god, he’s lucky you even accepted, you’re the wittiest and most amazing person he’s ever come across, he never imagined you would actually say yes - and joochan has no idea what to do, how to act, least of all with flowers. 
dimly, joochan becomes aware of seungmin deftly tying the roses together before handing him the bouquet. “come up to the front, you’ll pay there.” he snorts. “hopefully jibeom and his partner aren’t being idiots.”
“i heard that!” comes an indignant shout from the front. despite his nerves, even joochan cracks a smile when seungmin forcefully elbows jibeom out from behind the counter, forcing his partner to stop him from falling over. “yeah you heard that, you think i would’ve said it if i didn’t want you to hear?” seungmin snaps, fingers flying on the register. “that’ll be -”
what the fuck. 
joochan spins on his heel to see you standing not three feet away from him, a bouquet of flowers clasped in your own hands as someone else rings up your purchase. for a moment, you two only stare at each other. 
god, joochan wants to melt into the floor. 
“i -” you swallow. “sorry. hi, joochan.”
“hi,” he squeaks, fingers clutching roses in a vice grip. “uh... didn’t expect to see you here?”
“i wanted to get flowers for you,” you mumble, staring resolutely at the ground.
joochan’s brain makes the windows shutting down noise. “for - for me?”
“yeah.” you half-smile, laughing a little as you point at your bouquet. joochan wants to immortalize the sound of your laugh forever in his ears. “wait - here.”
suddenly, joochan has two bunches of roses in his hands and he doesn’t know what to do with either of them. your fingers brush his skin as you hand over the flowers. joochan can feel himself getting redder by the second as he finally figures out that he should also hand over his bouquet to you. 
seungmin’s voice stops him. “you still need to pay,” he says, eyes screwed almost shut with suppressed laughter. 
“oh - right. sorry.” joochan hands his card over, face flaming. seungmin swipes it, gives it back, and joochan finally passes his roses to you. 
for another two seconds, you two just stare, but then you smile (and joochan subsequently feels like his brain is leaking out of his ears, you’re too amazing to look at). “shall we?”
you’ve extended a hand. joochan looks at it dumbly, uncomprehending, but then he realizes you’re asking to hold his hand. gingerly he nods, pressing his palm into yours as an involuntary smile splits his face. “okay,” he breathes. “let’s go.”
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25. “i love you.”
“that was... something.” you turn to seungmin, second-hand embarrassment written all over your face. understandable. even if seungmin found it funny, the awkward romantic tension in the air before joochan and his partner left was enough to make his insides curdle. of course, being a perfect worker, he didn’t show it, but...
“were we ever like that?” seungmin wonders aloud, tightening his apron.
jibeom snorts from where he’s taking off his own apron, finished with his shift. lucky bastard. “no, but you’re worse.” he pulls off the green smock, hanging it on a nail in the back. “you’ve been in love since you were like, five. disgustingly mushy.”
“you two suck face in the back whenever you have a spare moment,” you snap, throwing a small handful of discarded leaves at them. 
jibeom’s partner shrugs. “better than being overly romantic and making everyone want to puke on how adorable you two are.” they wave as jibeom drags them out of the shop and down the street. 
you sigh. “sucks that we got the full shift,” you mumble, slumping over the counter. “wish we were doing something better.”
“hey, we get to avoid the crowds tomorrow when we go for our late valentine’s day dinner.” seungmin sits next to you, pulling a bit of leaf out of your hair. “isn’t that better?”
“yeah.” you sit up, leaning against your elbow to smile at him. even after so many years together, the sparkle in your eyes still makes seungmin’s heart flutter. “kinda works out. i just don’t want to work.”
“lazy,” seungmin teases, kissing you briefly. 
despite the insult, you smile against his lips before pulling away. “asshole.”
“hey,” he whines. “an asshole wouldn’t do this, would they?” he picks up a discarded rose - still perfect, really, the stem just got snapped a little too short for a bouquet - and tucks it behind your ear. “would they?”
you laugh. “no, of course not.” you rise from your seat and glance from side to side. when nobody enters the shop, you wrap your arms around his neck. seungmin’s hands automatically loop your waist as you kiss him long, full, deep. 
“i love you,” you murmur against his lips. “i love you every day, regardless of whether or not it’s valentine’s day.”
“same here.” seungmin raises a hand, cups your cheek. you lean into his touch. “i love you too, y/n.”
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3. “what, no roses?”
when sungyoon walks into the flower shop, a tray of coffee in hand, to see two of his friends locking lips just behind the counter, he only sighs. at least they aren’t trying to eat each other’s faces like some other couples he saw in the cafe today. and not much could be worse than that one time daeyeol forgot to hang a sock on the door before sungyoon got back home. 
seungmin and his partner of well over five years (they’re cute. disgustingly cute and so in love it makes sungyoon want to retch sometimes) break apart, thankfully, when he puts two cups of coffee on the counter. “enjoy,” he deadpans to a nonplussed seungmin and his equally unbothered partner. 
"oh, thanks.” seungmin takes one, draining half of it in one go. “oh my god, this is so good.”
“of course, it is, sungyoon made it.”
sungyoon nearly jumps. how is it that you always manage to sneak up on him? he can’t figure it out. but even though his heart is pounding, he turns around with a smile on his face to catch you when launch yourself into his arms for a hug. “hey, sungyoon,” you murmur into his skin.
“hey, yourself.” he smiles, pulling away to take you in. “you look beautiful.” as always. 
“you don’t look too bad yourself,” you tease, pulling a bouquet of flowers from behind your back, smiling widely. “for you.”
sungyoon smiles, taking the delicate stems between his hands. “what, no roses?”
“nope,” you reply, popping the p. “our shop ran out. and i’m not about to buy from my competitors.”
a scoff sounds as sungyoon laughs. you narrow your eyes at seungmin and his partner, who are both replying to your gaze with mock glares of their own. it actually used to be a real point of contention, the fact that sungyoon had started dating a worker at the rival florist a few streets away, but now it’s all fun and games.
tulips and carnations, pink and red, fragrant and delicate. sungyoon breathes in their scent before turning back to the counter to hand you one of the last two cups of coffee in the tray. “your favorite.”
“thanks.” you take a long sip before leaning in to kiss him with coffee-tasting lips. “ready to go?”
“absolutely.” he takes your hand, squeezing your palm gently. “come on. we’ve got a long evening planned, don’t we?”
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11. “it’s so cold! why can’t valentine’s day be in summer?!”
bomin collapses on the floor as the music turns off for the last time that evening. “oh my god,” he gasps, staring at the ceiling. “y/n, i literally hate you.”
“not my fault you aren’t flexible enough,” you snip, effortlessly folding your legs as you sit down next to his prone figure. “now get up. i got you coffee from that place you like.”
in a flash, he’s sitting, making grabby hands for the cup between your fingers. “did sungyoon make it?” 
“yes.” you roll your eyes but hand him the coffee anyway, smiling. “sometimes i think you love him more than me, you know?”
“impossible.” bomin pouts at you over the cup. “i love you more than anything.”
“i know, i’m just teasing.” you stand, reach out a hand, and pull him up. “gross, you’re all sweaty.”
“i just danced for an entire hour and on our anniversary no less, valentine’s day, the most romantic day of the year -”
“yeah, yeah.” you nudge him with your shoulder as you two leave the studio. “you’re the one who told me to make sure you do your stretching exercises every day, right? valentine’s day is no exception. we did so much earlier in the day, too - you can’t say we didn’t have fun.” a smirk rises on your lips and you nudge him again. “besides, whose fault is it that our anniversary is on the cheesiest day of the year?”
bomin groans as the two of you walk out into cold air. “listen, daeyeol and everyone else was giving me extremely bad advice and i couldn’t wait and i just wanted it to be romantic, okay -”
“i know.” you pause in your step, reach up, and press a soft kiss on his lips. “i know, bomin. you’ve told me this before.”
“then don’t tease me,” he grumbles, dodging donghyun and youngtaek as they run, screaming about cold, into the dance studios where it’s warmer. “it’s so cold,” he continues grumbling, burrowing his head into his coat. “why can’t valentine’s day be in summer?”
a laugh sparkles from your lips, and against his grumpy will, bomin finds the corners of his mouth lifting at the sound. “can’t exactly control when a saint dies,” you reply, linking your arm with his. “and isn’t it kind of sweet? holding hands to keep each other warm?”
bomin sighs, allowing the smile to full spread across his face. “i guess,” he concedes, unlinking your arms so he can hold your hand in his. “still doesn’t mean i don’t want to get back to the dorms and cuddle you right now.”
“well, the faster you go, the faster we get back!” you fling his hand away, sprinting forward onto the path. “last one back is the bigger idiot!”
“hey!” bomin complains, trying to follow behind on legs still shaky from exercise. “hey, slow down!”
“hell no!” you yell. “running fast will get you warm!”
(bomin does catch up to you in the end, grabbing your hand just outside the dorm and spinning you around to press a laughing kiss against your lips. he’s warm, now, warm from the exercise, but he feels far warmer from the feeling of your arms wrapped around him.)
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5. “30 roses, one for every cat you’re gonna have when you’re old and alone.”
at first, donghyun doesn’t notice when you appear in the dance studio. you come in quietly, the noise of the door opening and closing overpowered by the music blasting from the speaker in the corner. he’s too focused on youngtaek and his partner, making sure every one of their movements is perfectly in sync. 
when the music fades, clapping sounds and donghyun turns to see you standing just inside the studio, smiling behind a large bouquet of roses. he can’t help the grin that spreads across his face as he bounds up to you and crushes you in a sweaty hug. “hi.”
“hello to you too, sweaty.” you push him away playfully. “don’t crush the roses!”
donghyun pouts but obediently wipes his face off on a towel youngtaek hands him. “you value the roses over me,” he whines. 
“not so.” you laugh. “i value the roses because they’re for you, and when i actually hand them over, i want them to still look nice.”
donghyun melts into the wooden studio floor. he really does. youngtaek takes advantage of his whipped™ moment and shoves him out the door with his belongings, leaving you to follow behind as fast as possible before you’re trapped in the studio. 
once outside, you take donghyun’s (now dry) hand. “flowers for donghyun,” you announce, pressing the bouquet into his other palm. “thirty roses, one for every cat you’re gonna have when you’re old and alone.”
“old and alone?” donghyun stops in his tracks. “what about you?”
“oh shit.” you laugh. “i didn’t think about that. i’ll be there with you, of course. just us and our thirty cats. unless you get tired of me before then.”
you say it with a joking tone, but donghyun still pouts at your words. “i’m not going to get tired of you,” he says, squeezing your hand tighter. “never, y/n.”
a small, shy smile spreads across your lips and donghyun revels in the feeling of making you feel flustered on this lovely day. “all right, donghyun.” the smile grows wider. “i could never get tired of you either.”
he kisses your cheek, kisses the corner of your lips. you start whining for him to give you a real kiss and he laughs, dancing out of the way. “only if you promise not to say stuff like that anymore,” he bargains, dodging your lips. “promise!”
“i promise!” you trap him between your arms, leaning in close as your eyes sparkle. “i promise, donghyun.”
“okay,” he breathes, pulling you closer. “okay.”
against your lips, he smiles. 
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2. “happy valentine’s day.”
music blasts in the background as you and youngtaek begin cleaning up your studio. even though you both are exhausted from hours of dancing, the music seems to work its way into your veins again as you pick up the last few things from the floor. twirling once or twice in time to the beat, you put them back in your bag before spinning, arms held out wide.
youngtaek catches you, pulling your hand as it flies out and dipping you down. his eyes crinkle as he smiles, face just inches away from yours. he braves the small chasm to kiss you briefly before holding you closer, losing himself in the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. 
for a few blissful moments, you only stare, smiling into each other’s eyes. the pounding music fades, soon replaced with a slow, soft song. 
youngtaek breaks your silence. “hey, dance with me?”
you laugh. “we’ve been dancing for hours, youngtaek. you’re not tired already?”
he kisses you again. “never tired if i’m with you.”
with that, you twirl him around, giggling as he spins dramatically before wrapping his arms around your waist once more. you put your hands on his shoulders and sway slowly, gently, peacefully, as the music rolls around you in waves. 
youngtaek likes it like this, likes it peaceful and quiet and calm. for others, valentine’s day might be about big displays of love, over the top shows of romance, but even though those are nice every once in a while, it’s possible to show so much love in a soft look, a gentle touch, in the feeling of his head resting against your shoulder as you sway gently to the music. 
he doesn’t need roses, doesn’t need chocolates or jewelry to know that you love him and he loves you. he’ll treasure the handmade card you gave him this morning, just as you’ll listen to the song he composed you for weeks, months, and hopefully years. head tucked into your neck, he presses a soft kiss to the skin, smiling at the way you shiver slightly against him. 
“tired?” you murmur, running a hand through his hair. 
youngtaek’s eyes close in bliss. “not yet.” it’s not quite a lie, he still has strength in his legs, but he wants to stay in your embrace just a little longer. just a little.
“if you say so.” your fingers continue carding through his hair. “we can go whenever you want.”
“okay.” youngtaek’s smile widens. “i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too, youngtaek.” you pull away slightly, kiss his forehead. “happy valentine’s day.”
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yourfavkpopgurl · 4 years
Golcha randomly slapping your ass
Part 1
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When you felt his soft hand slapping your butt, you squealed and looked at him in shock. You never expected him to do that but you definitely liked it. And seeing the surprised yet satisfied look on your face made him realise to do it more often ;)
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I kinda lost it with this one I'm sorry ._.
You we're walking in your shared apartment only wearing panties and Jibeom's shirt. You stood on your tip toes to grab something. Your shirt raised up revealing your red lace underwear. You jumped in suprise when you suddenly felt a cold hand on your ass. You turned around and saw your boyfriend looking at you while biting his bottom lip. You grabbed him by his collar and kissed him. "You should do that more often." You whispered and he smirked. "Really?...so you like it" he asked and you nodded. But being the gentleman that he is, he would rub it softly afterwards.
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You visited him at dance practice and wore tight jogging pants and a crop top. You knocked on the door of the practice room and the door opened revealing a smiley bomin. "Hi bomin" you said smiling. "Donghyun is there" he said and pointed at him. You thanked him and ran to your boyfriend. You suddenly felt his hand on your ass and screamed silently in schock. You saw donghyun smirking and heard a familiar laugh in the background. Bomin will never look at you guys the same way anymore 😔🤚
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You would be shook when you randomly slapped your butt. In public. Your eyes went wide, looking around to see if no one noticed and then looked straight into Joochan's eyes. "Uhm...what was that for?" You asked him but he just smiled and pecked your cheek. "Those jeans look great on you" he whispered a few seconds later.
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You were shook when you felt a big yet soft hand slapping your ass out of nowhere. You turned around and saw your "sweet" boyfriend smiling at you innocently. You raised a brow and he said "it's soft." He kissed your cheek, laughed again and walked away.
A/n: I'm sorry it took sooo long but I hope you kinda liked it
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