#golden child scenario
blu-joons · 2 years
When Another Member Teases Him For Being Sweet To You ~ Golden Child Reaction
He was busy in a world of his own as Daeyeol continued to prepare the boxes of lunches that he had on the kitchen counter to give out.
“One for me?” Youngtaek smiled as he walked into the kitchen and saw Daeyeol grabbing the fruit from the bowl.
“Absolutely not,” Daeyeol immediately replied, organising everything so that it fitted in the box. “These boxes are for me, and there’s one for Y/N too as she’s got a busy day today.”
A roll of the eyes came from Youngtaek, with a smirk appearing on his face too. “Is Y/N not able to make her own lunches?”
Daeyeol nudged against his side as he passed Youngtaek by, “she can, and she does, but I just decided that I wanted to do something nice for her.
“You’ve never done anything nice for any of us,” Youngtaek teased as he sat down at the table, “what’s Y/N done to you to make you such an adorable person?”
“Nothing, I just like being able to help her a little bit sometimes.”
“I’m sure that Y/N will appreciate this.”
He couldn’t sit still as Seongyoon twirled his phone around in his hand, constantly checking on it to see for any notifications on there.
“Are you waiting for something by any chance?” Seungmin asked him, watching Seongyoon out of the corner of his eye.
“I’m just waiting for Y/N to text me and let me know that she got home safely,” he explained, “I can’t concentrate on the game we’re playing knowing that she’s still out and about.”
The corner’s of Seungmin’s smile turned up as he met Seongyoon’s eyes, “that’s a proper boyfriend thing to do you know.”
A shrug of the shoulders came from Seongyoon in reply, “I’m just caring for her and making sure she’s safe, I’m not the only person who does that.”
“You’re the sweetest,” Seungmin smiled back across at Seongyoon, “if anyone tells you that you’re not an adorable boyfriend, you tell them that they’re wrong.”
“Are you being nice to me or trying to tease me right now?”
“Honestly, a little bit of both.”
Several pairs of eyes were on Jangjun as he walked back into the dressing room, looking around and coming face to face with Jaehyun first.
“Do we even need to ask how Y/N managed to somehow get a ticket to come to the show tonight?” He asked him.
“I might have managed to pull a few strings to get her here,” Jangjun shyly admitted, “but I did it for me as well as just for Y/N, you know it helps me when she’s in the crowd.”
Jaehyun couldn’t help but chuckle back across at Jangjun, “we were told exclusively that there were no more tickets left.”
A shrug of the shoulders came from Jangjun as he sat down, “I guess they must have just found a space at last minute to be able to give Y/N a ticket.”
“Sure,” Jaehyun hummed, “or they were persuaded by a sweet boyfriend who was desperate to do something nice for their partner and convinced them to do otherwise.”
“Either way, I end up being a sweet boyfriend to Y/N, don’t I?”
“Of course, what you did is lovely.”
As the conversation came to an end, Jibeom couldn’t help but scoff in response to Youngtaek finally falling silent around them all.
“Can we change the subject to something other than Y/N now?” Jibeom asked the group, “only one of us can gush.”
“I’ve hardly even talked about Y/N,” Youngtaek tried to argue, only to see most of the boys either shaking their heads or rolling their eyes. “Alright, maybe I’ve talked a bit.”
Jibeom’s eyebrows raised, still questioning Youngtaek. “We get that you’re all in love and obsessed with Y/N, but wow.”
A scoff came from Youngtaek as Jibeom dramatically rolled his eyes. “What’s wrong with talking about your partner and all the nice things you do together?”
“Maybe the fact that there are nine other people here who don’t want to listen to you talk about Y/N all day,” Jibeom suggested, “and that we have better things to discuss.”
“There is nothing better for any of us to discuss than Y/N.”
“That’s where we all disagree.”
His smile was weak as Seungmin walked into the studio, late for the group’s rehearsal, feeling everyone staring across at him.
“What time do you call this?” Donghyun questioned, “you better have a good excuse for being this late Seungmin.”
“I was helping Y/N, her wardrobe broke so I stayed at her place to help her fix it back together,” he explained, “I couldn’t leave her with it all broken and not usable.”
A roll of the eyes came from Donghyun, “of course, we should’ve known Y/N would be the only reason for this.”
Seungmin’s head shook as he sat down, expecting the boys’ reactions. “I was in a tricky situation, be late for work and make you mad, or be nice to Y/N and help.”
“And obviously you picked the be nice to Y/N option,” Donghyun shrugged, “because you’re adorable to her, and yet for some reason you decide to be mean to all of us.”
“I’m not mean to any of you, don’t be so dramatic like that.”
“But you’re not as nice as you are to Y/N.”
As another yawn escaped from you, Jaehyun lifted his arm up, tapping his shoulder as you looked across to see what he was doing.
“Thank you,” you whispered, taking Jaehyun’s invitation and resting your head down on his shoulder to get some sleep.
“You don’t need to thank me,” Jaehyun told you, but your eyes were already shut, looking around to see Joochan staring back at him. “She’s had a busy day of meetings today.”
Joochan’s head shook as he watched the two of you closely, “I can’t believe how nice you are to Y/N, it’s strange to see.”
Jaehyun’s browes furrowed as he listened to Joochan, “why’s it strange to see? I’m a nice enough guy, but I have to care for Y/N just a little bit more.”
“It’s just all of the little things that you do for her,” Joochan softly smiled, “sometimes I watch you guys and think that I’m watching some sort of movie instead.”
“Who’s the besotted one in my relationship, you or me, Joochan?”
“It’s you, I couldn’t be as sweet as you.”
You could steal be heard chuckling to yourself as you excused yourself from the room, leaving the boys alone for a few moments.
“I’ve never heard Y/N laugh as much as she does when she’s with you,” Bomin told him once you were out of earshot.
“Me?” Jibeom smiled, pointing to himself as Bomin nodded back at him. “Maybe we just have a similar sense of humour together, I’m not really doing anything to make her laugh.”
Bomin nodded back at him, “maybe sometimes you don’t need to do anything to do the nicest things together.”
Jibeom hummed in agreement, staring off momentarily. “That’s a good point, I mean you guys tell me I’m not even funny, but yet Y/N suggests otherwise.”
“I do wonder what’s wrong with her sometimes,” Bomin joked, “but it’s nice to see how well you get on together, the laughter that you guys have is infectious on us too.”
“Well, I’m glad that we can make all of you guys smile at the same time.”
“As long as Y/N is laughing at least.”
As he joined up with the rest of the boys, Daeyeol couldn’t help but watch Donghyun as he walked across with some flowers.
“You’re not putting those in the dorm, are you?” He joked, bringing a smile onto Donghyun’s face as his head shook.
“They’re for Y/N,” he told him, knowing that deep down Daeyeol already knew that. “She’s had a rough couple of nights, so I thought that maybe they’d cheer her up.”
The smile on Daeyeol’s face turned up too, “that’s a lovely thing for you to do, I’m sure that she’ll love them too.”
Donghyun nodded in agreement with him enthusiastically, “I constantly see flowers over at Y/N’s place so I’m hopeful that these will do the trick.”
“Don’t worry, I know she’ll adore them,” Daeyeol assured him, “just like how she adores all of the other sweet things that you constantly do for her too.”
“You think that I do sweet things for Y/N all the time?”
“Of course, I mean look at you now.”
As Joochan appeared alone in the kitchen, several puzzled expressions from the boys at the dining table looked back across at him.
“Where’s Y/N?” Seongyoon asked, looking past Joochan’s shoulder to try and see you, only for you not to be there.
“Y/N’s still asleep,” Joochan told them as he grabbed himself a mug from the cupboard, “she had a pretty restless night, so I thought that I’d let her sleep in for a while.”
A hum of intrigue came from Seongyoon, “so, you were actually able to be quiet enough not to disturb Y/N this morning.”
Joochan shot a glare in reply to how surprised Seongyoon sounded. “I can be quiet when I want to be, especially when the person I have to be quiet for is Y/N.”
“Who knew,” Seongyoon continued to tease, “why do you willingly be so nice to Y/N, and yet you make the choice to be so horrible to all of us at the same time?”
“I guess I just like Y/N more, I mean I don’t think anyone can blame me.”
“Yeah, I guess you’ve got a point.”
You followed where Bomin pointed, thanking him for directing you as you felt his hand fall away from the small of your back.
“Aren’t you just so helpful?” Jangjun teased, coming up alongside Bomin after following behind you both.
“By showing Y/N where the toilet is?” A bemused Bomin asked him in reply, “I think I just did what any nice person would do for someone if I’m honest with you.”
Jangjun’s head shook back at him, “it’s not just this, but you’re just constantly stepping in when Y/N needs someone.”
Bomin shrugged, failing to see the big deal that Jangjun saw. “Would you prefer it if I just left Y/N to try and do all of these things by herself instead?”
“No,” Jangjun laughed, “I just mean that it’s so nice how you’re always there for her, I know you’re supposed to be, but you just seem to go above and beyond.”
“Well, I try my best for Y/N, what more can I do other than that?”
“And you’re doing a good job too.”
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mashihope · 2 years
[Shooting star, make a wish!] || Donghyun, Golden Child
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• Miembro: Donghyun
• Grupo: Golden Child
• Aviso
• Sinopsis: Tras varias horas de ensayos, antes de volver a casa pasáis por un parque cercano. Os quedáis un rato en los columpios, hablando y mirando el cielo nocturno. Una estrella fugaz surca el cielo y Donghyun te alienta a pedir un deseo.
(Escenario inspirado en la canción "A Sky Full Of Stars" de Coldplay)
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"¡Las manos deben ir arriba al empezar la tercera frase!", gritó Donghyun desde atrás, sentado en el suelo. Paró la música. Hasta hacía un momento había estado dando palmadas para marcar el ritmo, pero siempre te quedabas atrás o te adelantabas.
Miraste su reflejo en el espejo, resoplando. "Llevo repitiendo esta parte durante una hora. ¿Tan mala soy?"
Viste que se levantaba sacudiendo la cabeza hacia los lados con una sombra de seriedad en la cara. Se acercó hasta donde estabas, quedando a tu izquierda por detrás de ti y te devolvió la mirada a través del espejo, con las manos apoyadas en ambos lados de la cadera.
"Todavía no estás consiguiendo adaptarte al ritmo de esta canción. Cuando hemos ensayado las otras te salía bien. No es cuestión de que seas mala bailando, sino del tiempo que llevas practicando la coreografía. Todos hemos pasado por eso en algún momento.", te puso la mano en el hombro, intentando darte ánimos al ver que fruncías el ceño.
Llevabas siendo parte de la compañía como aprendiz dos años. Cuando pensabas que bailar era lo tuyo, te encontraste con una pared todavía más alta al empezar el entrenamiento. Nunca llegabas a ser lo suficientemente buena ante los ojos de los profesores, pero al mismo tiempo te habían aceptado porque veían potencial en ti. Tú no eras capaz de verlo y te preguntabas cada día qué habría sido lo que habían visto en ti realmente para dejarte pasar la audición.
Durante todo ese tiempo habías estado ensayando en tus ratos libres con Donghyun, amigo y compañero de empresa. Hacía algunos años ya que había debutado como miembro de Golden Child, siendo el bailarín principal, por lo que sus consejos y ayuda siempre eran útiles. Era bastante estricto y siempre remarcaba los fallos, repitiendo tus gestos y enseñándote varias veces los pasos correctos.
"Nunca conseguiré debutar. Me voy a quedar aquí sola y me acabarán echando por no cumplir las expectativas.", te separaste de él para buscar la pequeña toalla que habías dejado tirada junto a tu mochila. Estabas agotada y se estaba empezando a formar una capa de sudor en el cuello, bajo la coleta que bailaba hacia todos lados cada vez que te movías.
Tras pensarlo por un momento, y después de mirar el reloj de la pared, Donghyun respondió, "Se está haciendo tarde y mañana tienes el examen de la universidad. Será mejor recoger todo y seguir en otro momento. De todas formas todavía quedan tres semanas para el examen mensual. Estoy seguro de que en pocos días ya habrás conseguido hacer esta coreografía a la perfección.", te lanzó con cuidado una botella de agua. La atrapaste al vuelo y bebiste con ganas, acabándola enseguida.
Empezasteis a recoger, intentando dejar las cosas como estaban cuando habíais llegado por la tarde para que nadie os llamara la atención al día siguiente.
"¿Por qué eres tan positivo siempre? Sabes tan bien como yo que no estoy haciendo las cosas como debería. No puedo hacerlas bien. Y aún así siempre me dices lo mismo. Si fuera tú lo entendería, pero no, solo soy yo, una idiota que pretende debutar cuando no es capaz de seguir el ritmo de la canción. Dejaría mal al resto del grupo.", giraste sobre ti misma, buscando la chaqueta que habías lanzado sin mirar, a algún lado de la sala, en un momento de frustración media hora atrás.
"Y/N... llevo más tiempo que tú en esto.", recogió la chaqueta del suelo y te la puso sobre los hombros. "Sé perfectamente lo que estoy diciendo. Créeme cuando te digo que vas a mejorar dentro de poco. Trabajas muy duro, te esfuerzas con todas tus ganas y pones tu alma en ello. Es imposible no mejorar así."
"Si realmente hiciera todo eso ya habríamos acabado la coreografía hoy. En unos días harán ya dos semanas desde que la empezamos a ensayar.", metiste los brazos en las mangas y te pusiste la mochila sobre el hombro, mirando una última vez a tu alrededor para no olvidar nada.
"Hay personas a las que les cuesta más aprender. Algunos aprenden más rápido y otros aprenden más despacio.", apagó las luces y cerró la puerta. Caminasteis por el pasillo en dirección a la salida. "En tu caso, aprendes la coreografía bastante rápido pero te cuesta adaptarla a la canción. Apuesto cualquier cosa a que existe más de una persona como tú."
Frunciste el ceño, intentando procesar sus palabras (sin éxito). "Eso ni siquiera tiene sentido. Si no hago bien una cosa tampoco puedo hacer la otra. Todo va de la mano, si algo sale mal, el resto también lo hará."
Donghyun negó para sí mismo. Siempre habías sido cabezota y un tanto negativa. Sin pensarlo, soltó una carcajada.
Dejaste de andar y te paraste delante de él, mirándolo enfadada. "¿Te estás riendo de mí?", le diste un golpe en el brazo, haciendo que soltara una exclamación de dolor mientras volvía a reírse. "¡Donghyun!". Te miró durante unos segundos, antes de empezar a reírse otra vez. "¡Eres idiota!", le diste otro golpe en el brazo y reanudaste el paso, dejándolo solo. "¡Y/N!", te giraste por un momento, para ver que estaba apoyado en la pared, con una mano sobre la tripa y la otra secándose las lágrimas producidas por la risa. Hizo un gesto para que le esperases, pero decidiste ignorarlo.
Dejaste de mirarlo y volviste a andar. Acabaste pasando cerca de un parque cinco minutos después. Al ver los columpios decidiste ir hasta ellos y sentarte en uno, dejando a un lado la mochila. Balanceaste los pies sin ganas, mirando el suelo. Dejaste de moverlos y apoyaste las manos encima de las piernas.
Pensabas una y otra vez en la coreografía. No entendías porque no eras capaz de hacerla bien. Cuando veías al resto de aprendices ensayar te dabas cuenta de que no estabas a su nivel. Algunas estaban preparándose para debutar, habiendo entrenado un año menos que tú. Cuando algún miembro de Golden Child te encontraba quejándote de eso a Donghyun (él incluído) solían recordarte que "el talento no depende del tiempo, sino de la práctica y el empeño que pongas para mejorar". Según ellos, daba igual que llevaran un año entrenando, si durante ese tiempo se habían esforzado para mejorar y desarrollar sus capacidades, era normal que las hubieran elegido para debutar. Al recordar eso te volvían a la cabeza las palabras de Donghyun. "Algo estoy haciendo mal. No tiene sentido nada de lo que dicen.", pensaste.
Tras varios minutos, escuchaste el sonido de unos pasos. Levantaste la cabeza y viste la figura de tu amigo acercándose. Se paró unos segundos al verte sentada en el columpio, para acto seguido entrar y sentarse en el otro.
"Te dije que me esperases, podría haberte pasado algo al irte sola.", te lanzó una mirada, intentando confirmar que estabas bien.
"Te estabas riendo de mí. Estaba claro que me iba a ir sin ti.", dejaste que el columpio fuera hacia atrás, impulsándote ligeramente hacia delante.
"No me estaba riendo de ti. Sé que no me vas a creer pero me estaba riendo de lo cabezota que eres.", hizo una pausa al ver que lo mirabas y levantabas una ceja, acusándolo. "¡No es lo mismo!". Hinchó las mejillas e hizo un puchero en señal de protesta. Soltaste una risita, parando a su vez el columpio. "Ahora eres tú la que se está riendo de mí, eres mala". Te devolvió el golpe que le habías dado en el brazo, aunque esta vez no era tan fuerte.
"Sí, siento decirte que soy un demonio disfrazado de chica estúpida.", viste que echaba la cabeza hacia atrás levantando ambas cejas. "Lo siento, tenías que saberlo, no me mires así."
Levantó las manos frente a ti, rindiéndose. Negaste varias veces con la cabeza y volviste a mirar el suelo. Por más que lo intentabas no conseguías quitarte de la cabeza el examen mensual. Estabas segura de que iba a salir mal.
"Sé sincero. Si fueras uno de los profesores, ¿por qué me habrías aceptado como aprendiz?", ladeaste la cabeza al acabar la pregunta, dejándola descansar sobre la cadena que estabas sujetando.
La pregunta le pilló desprevenido, obligándolo a pensar en silencio por un momento. "Tienes talento. No. Déjame seguir", se quejó al ver que ya estabas abriendo la boca para responder. "Ya me di cuenta mucho antes de las audiciones de que te gusta bailar. Las cosas se hacen mejor cuando te gusta hacerlas. No voy a negarte que seguramente no estabas al nivel de la mayoría de las idols actuales, pero se notaba que estabas deseando aprender y mejorar. De hecho, se sigue notando. Estoy convencido de que ellos también se dieron cuenta durante la audición. No importa cómo empieces o dónde estés ahora, sino lo que conseguirás al final si luchas por ello."
No respondiste y dejaste que tu cerebro procesara todo. "¿Me he pasado?", Donghyun te puso una mano en lo alto de la cabeza al ver que no decías nada. Negaste en silencio y te acarició el pelo un par de veces. "Y/N", levantaste la mirada al oír tu nombre. "Lo estás haciendo bien."
Dejaste de respirar por un momento y tu corazón dio un salto. Notaste que el calor acechaba tus mejillas y apartaste la mirada de él. Quitó la mano de tu cabeza y miraste hacia arriba. Dejaste escapar una expresión tan alegre como sorprendida al ver el cielo. Hacía tiempo que no lo veías así. Podías ver todas y cada una de las estrellas que lo adornaban esa noche. Tus ojos brillaban de la emoción, incapaces de mirar otra cosa que no fueran todos esos puntitos brillantes.
Al mismo tiempo, sin darte cuenta, Donghyun era incapaz de apartar la vista de ti. Estabas tan concentrada mirando el cielo que no pudo reprimir una sonrisa dulce y soñadora. Podía ver todas las estrellas del universo concentradas en esos ojos de color café. Adoraba mirarte cuando te distraías. Según él, era una belleza especial que aparecía en esos momentos acentuando todavía más la que ya tenías. Había llegado a distraerse mirándote en más de una ocasión, algo por lo que los miembros le habían molestado entre risas muchas veces. Te adoraba, pero en secreto.
"Ha sido una buena idea acabar hoy antes. El cielo está precioso.", conseguiste decir tras hacer un mapa mental de todas las estrellas que veías.
Un suspiro se hizo paso entre los labios de tu amigo, seguido de un suave "Sí, lo estás." como respuesta, de forma inconsciente. Giraste la cabeza hacía él, mirando unos últimos segundos el cielo, como si fuera a apagarse en cualquier momento. Murmuraste un pequeño "¿Hmm?" antes de encontrarte con sus ojos, a lo que rápidamente respondió girando la cabeza de golpe. Le habías pillado mirándote. Tenías una expresión en la cara tan inocentemente adorable y ajena a todo lo que estaba pasando en su cabeza que no fue capaz de reaccionar normalmente. Sintió que el calor subía a sus orejas, y no quería que te fijaras en que se habían puesto tan rojas como tu camiseta.
Antes de poder decir nada, su mirada fue atraída por algo que acababa de aparecer en el cielo. "¡Y/N, una estrella fugaz! ¡Pide un deseo, rápido!".
Fuiste capaz de verla a tiempo. Viste que juntaba las manos y cerraba los ojos para pedir un deseo en silencio. Lo imitaste y al abrirlos te encontraste una vez más con sus ojos. "Ha sido rápido. El mío se ha cumplido ya.", lo miraste sorprendida."¿De verdad? ¿Qué has pedido?"
Tu corazón volvió a acelerarse por un momento al escuchar su respuesta, "He pedido ver un ángel y al abrir los ojos te he visto.". Te levantaste de golpe, buscando rápidamente en tu mochila. "Estás mintiendo. Todavía no se ha cumplido.", sacaste el móvil y abriste la aplicación de la cámara. Activaste la cámara frontal y giraste la pantalla para que Donghyun viera su reflejo. "Ahora sí lo has visto. No me dés las gracias."
Se quedó inmóvil, sin saber qué responder. Se levantó de golpe sin pensarlo al notar que era cuestión de segundos que sus mejillas estuvieran rojas. "Creo que debería acompañarte ya a casa. Es muy tarde. Tienes que comer algo. También tienes que descansar.", soltaste una risita ante su forma de hablar. "No sabía que también eras rapero."
Los nervios habían hecho que hablara más rápido de lo normal, lo que te pareció divertido y adorable a partes iguales. Lo que no te pareció tan divertido fue lo que pasó después.
Entre los miembros del grupo era bien sabido que te llevabas bastante bien con el contacto físico. Siempre que tenías la mínima oportunidad jugabas con el pelo de alguno de ellos, les cogías de la mano, les abrazabas, o, justamente, les dabas algún que otro beso en la mejilla, frente o cabeza.
Normalmente no habrías reaccionado de ninguna manera "especial" ante los besos en la mejilla que te daba Donghyun -muy- de vez en cuando, pero esta vez era diferente. En un intento de parar tus bromas, los nervios le habían jugado la mala pasada de dejar el beso en la comisura de los labios, casi encima de éstos, en lugar de dejarlo en la mejilla.
Te separaste de él, dando unos pasos hacia atrás, mientras te tapabas la boca con la mano. Lo miraste con los ojos muy abiertos y la cara siendo una copia de tu camiseta.
"¡P-perdón!", se giró, tapándose la cara con las manos. No podía creer que eso acabara de pasar. No era su intención y sentía que no debería haberlo hecho. Sin embargo, con tan solo pensarlo, se empezaba a formar en sus labios una sonrisa que no era capaz de quitar. Sacudió la cabeza y se agachó a recoger las dos mochilas cuando el sonido de su barriga delató que tenía hambre. Aprovechó eso para intentar que olvidaras lo que había pasado. "No creo que a tus padres les importe tenerme un rato en tu casa. Vamos a pedir algo, me muero de hambre."
Lo miraste incrédula, sin entender cómo podía actuar normal después del "casi" beso... ¿Beso? ¿Eso contaba como beso? Tu amigo, Donghyun, ese del que estabas enamorada desde hacía varios años, acababa de darte un beso sin querer.
Su voz te sacó de tus pensamientos, "¿Qué pediste antes?", preguntó durante el camino a tu casa, mirando el suelo y dando patadas a una piedra. "No puedo decírtelo. No se cumpliría.", dijiste sonriendo. ¿Tu deseo? Que vuestros grupos se hicieran famosos y tuvieran mucho éxito en el futuro, haciéndoos felices a todos y cada uno de los miembros. "Bueno...", empezaste a decir. "Te lo diré. He pedido un helado triple de fresa y vainilla, con virutas de chocolate y trozos de galleta."
Donghyun te miró, sin creerte, pero decidió seguirte el juego. "Pues he oído que han abierto hace poco una heladería cerca de tu universidad... Tal vez deberíamos ir a ver si pueden cumplir tu deseo.", sonrió al ver que se te iluminaban los ojos una vez más. Asentiste varias veces con la cabeza, lo que hizo que tu coleta se moviera mil veces, causando que Donghyun se riera y pensara una vez más en lo adorable que eras.
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omori-headspace · 3 months
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im normal about the afton siblings i swear I SWEAR ON IT
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I giggled at this thought so have it as well
Sagau + legacy who tends to hijack Childe at his whims = playable abyss moth :D
oh goodness i was not in a good mood but this made me feel much better thank you
it's a glitch, it has to be a glitch, there's no other explanation for it! you've scoured the internet, watched countless videos, even uninstalled and reinstalled the game multiple times- but nothing could explain why, out of all characters, Foul Legacy had spontaneously become playable and was currently sitting in your party, exactly where your Childe should be. to his credit, he was INCREDIBLY strong, easily sweeping any bosses and enemies you met along the way, but the fact remains that he's not a playable character in the first place! you're worried that your game is being hacked in some way, but when nothing else happens for a few days, well... you can't deny that it was kind of fun to have a character no one else had, and you've always been fond of Childe's Foul Legacy form- you refuse to admit to spending at least half an hour just watching him on screen gushing about how cute he was (he even has his own idle animations!!)
on his end, in the digital world of Teyvat, Foul Legacy is absolutely thrilled that you haven't reacted too badly to his presence- he feared you would hate him for occasionally using Childe's place for himself- he always gives it back afterwards, he promises! Legacy works hard to destroy any enemies in your path, silently trilling in happiness whenever you compliment him. since he's not much in the way of words, he curls up into a comfy Abyss moth ball if you ever put him in your teapot instead of simply standing there, perking up and fluttering his wings when you approach him. and as he promised, he ALWAYS gives Childe back his body at the end of the day- the Harbinger's a little confused and disoriented, but you always greet him enthusiastically when you log in the next day, so he's not really complaining
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kazumaple · 10 months
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𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐧 | 𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐡𝐞𝐫 : ̗̀➛ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐟! 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐝.
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭! 𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐲 @𝐰𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐭!
𝐢 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱! 𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐤, 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭. 𝐢 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 :)
genshin impact - yoimiya, baby you’re a firework! - haikaveh, summertime sadness  - haikaveh, born to die - haikaveh greek god headcanons - (wip) alhaitham, mirage of whispering petals
optional bias!
- cupcakes, high school!au - privacy, married couple!au - privacy (2) married couple!au - now or never, enemies!au - cherry, highschool/enemies!au
golden child! - now or never, kim jibeom
verivery! - you, clouds, rain, jo gyehyeon - rest, bae hoyoung - melancholy tears of sadness, lee dongheon 
- bling bling, the boyz, hyunjae
the reader is always gender neutral unless specified otherwise. thanks for checking out my blog ♥
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restlessmaknae · 8 months
restlessmaknae's request event [guide]
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Celebrating 6 years on Tumblr and a number of followers I thought I would never reach, I would like to repay you for your love and support in the form of a request event. Writing is a hobby of mine that allows me to escape, to push my boundaries, and to leave an impact on readers. Even if you crack a smile, laugh at the words or feel understood by them, I'm truly honoured that you've joined me on this journey. 💞
Now, onto the good stuff.
As voted by you, readers, in a previous poll of mine, you can request stories based on genres, settings, but you can also throw a prompt into the mix.
You send me an ask with a genre and/or setting and a certain idol in mind, but you can add a prompt from these lists as well (they might help with certain settings):
Prompt list #1: Enemies to lovers but one is injured
Prompt list #2: Prompts for ex-lovers
Prompt list #3: Sacred romantic moments
Prompt list #4: Hurt comfort starters
Here are some examples:
best friends to lovers with Jake (Enhypen)
prince!Intak (P1Harmony) in a fantasy kingdom
zombie apocalypse au with Serim (Cravity) + enemies to lovers
[prompt] with Hyunsuk (CIX)
[prompt] with Hyunsuk (CIX) + exes to lovers
[prompt] with Hyunsuk (CIX) + exes to lovers + murder mystery
Smaus, bulleted stories and reaction stories can't be requested
I don't write smut, and if I feel uncomfortable by your request, I have the right to reject it and not write it
Only member x reader/OC, no member x member stories can be requested (you can specify if you want a gender-neutral reader insert story, otherwise I write female!reader stories)
I decide on how long the story will be, but I plan on writing stories less than 5k for this event (so expect drabbles and one-shots)
There's no deadline by which I plan on posting your story, it depends on how much time I have beside my full-time job and how much inspiration I have for your requested story - so please, bear with me, I'll get around to it as soon as I can 🥰
One user can request up to 2 stories - for tagging reasons, I kindly ask you to let me know about the blog you want me to tag in case you would write the ask on anon (for instance, if your main blog isn't kpop-related, you can write on anon and tell me your kpop sideblog's URL/username)
I close the requests after receiving 12 requests or by 30th September - whichever comes first
I will combine all the requests into a masterlist as soon as they start coming in, so you know that I've received your message
NCT (Mark, Johnny, Jaehyun, Doyoung, all of WayV)
Soloists: Kang Daniel, Woodz, Demian, Ong Seungwoo, Park Jihoon
If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask me!
Otherwise, enjoy the event and request to your heart's content! 🥰
Tagging everyone on my taglist in case you would be interested in requesting (some I couldn't tag, unfortunately): @dat-town, @stories-inbetween-the-stars, @koishua, @tranquilpetrichor, @americanokisses, @effulgentfireflies, @kuleo26, @wccycc, @littlestartonightsposts, @squiishymeow, @sunooslover, @heyditseeey, @syrxiee2, @tsunchani, @hyunjinswife, @sweetjaemss, @laaylaaz, @fvrteez, @chaeryeongs-wife, @hyu-won, @bamboongi, @kyusqult, @chang-ryul, @winterbeartaehyungbestboy, @i2kittenz, @miafox117, @hannieyooon, @soobin-chois, @ishuayou
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thepixelelf · 5 months
[sooo, what did I miss?] The first thing you notice when you come to is the acrid fumes in the air. They tickle your nose and rouse a cough from the deepness of your chest, which travels up your throat and comes out as a choke. Your head feels like it's filled with seawater -- like it's been drowning for hours, but you can't let the pain and grogginess hinder you from moving. You have to get out of your car if it's smelling this much like gasoline, and fast.
Your entire body feels stiff. At first, you try to flex your fingers, get the blood pumping enough to make use of them at all. Opening your eyes proves to not be much help. The fumes sting against your eyeballs, and you can't see past the engaged airbag anyhow. Instead, you keep your eyes screwed shut and grunt as you lift both arms to push the deflating airbag out of your way. On muscle memory alone, you fumble for the key in the ignition. Your fingers, for a few seconds, are too weak to twist the key, but after a few determined yanks, you successfully turn off your car. With one possibility of an explosion knocked off the list, you heave yourself off the car seat and shove your body into the driver's side door, thankful when you can open it just fine.
Whatever you'd hit after veering off the road, at least it didn't--
Fuck, why did you veer off the road?
As you fall out of your car, hacking up a storm, having inhaled too much smoke, you try to gather your memories together, but find nothing. There's this lingering feeling... You know something made you jerk both hands on the wheel and swerve off the freeway.
You just don't know what.
Deciding that the memory will probably come back to you later, you stumble a good number of steps away from your car and collapse once again to catch your breath. The cool night air does your lungs well, easing the fire that's still burning in your chest little by little. A metallic taste coats the inside of your mouth. You'd bit your tongue during the crash.
The roads around you are empty, but what did you expect at sometime-past-three in the goddamn morning? You'd been... yes, you were on your way to the other side of the city, choosing the freeway over the hustle and bustle of traffic in the city streets. Sungyoon had called you.
Well, no. One of Sungyoon's friends had called you using his phone. They asked you to come pick him up from the club they were at because he was apparently "blasted". Though, he was lucid enough to have his friends call you rather than his older sister, whom you suspected would chew him out for drinking during his university's exam season.
Even though you're closer to Seonhui, you tend to err on the side of the "cool uncle" type to Sungyoon, despite being only four years older than him. You know, the type of person you can call to pick you up from the bar without getting upset at you for being there in the first place. Someone who has no stake in any of your life decisions, so they get the privilege of not having to judge you for any of them.
He'd said something about Seonhui -- you had heard his voice yelling in the background of the call. Something about how she didn't have to know and about something important he had to tell you when you showed up.
You groan thinking about him. Poor guy; now his sister actually does have to know because her friend is an idiot who drives off freeways for no discernible reason. Feeling around your pockets, you sigh in relief when you find your phone. There's no way you'd want to search your now hellmouth of a car for it.
You know the logical thing to do first is call emergency services, but you could be on the phone with them for who knows how long. Might as well tell the person who's depending on you that you can't make it. Dialling the most recent number isn't difficult, really, although you're starting to feel the chill in the air. You shiver as you bring your phone up to your ear.
"You've reached the voicemail of--"
His voice interrupts the automated one. "Choi Sungyoon."
"--please leave a message after the tone."
You frown at the beep that rings in your ear. Sungyoon should be looking at his phone if he's waiting for you to pick him up, or at least have the ringer on. You wait only a few seconds after hanging up to call him again.
This time, the low trill rings twice before he picks up.
You're a bit out of it at this point, having just crashed your car and all, but you think he sounds... slow, like he just woke up, but also hesitant. Since you can't think of a reason he'd sound like that, though, you just ignore it.
"Hey, listen," you say, voice raspy from all those noxious fumes. "I can't pick you up anymore. Sorry"
He doesn't respond for a moment.
A long moment.
He must be pretty drunk.
"I got into a little accident. Princess--" That's what you, Seonhui, and Sungyoon affectionately call your shitty 2007 Honda Civic. You look over at your still-smoldering car and grimace. "--she's done for."
More silence. It's strange... there's no sound in the background, either. Did he move outside?
"Anyway, you're gonna either have to bite the bullet and call Seonhui or maybe try an Uber--"
"Is this some sort of sick joke?"
Your words come to a halt at his sudden, bitter tone, and you let out an incredulous huff of a laugh. "Look, man, I crashed Princess on the side of the road, so I'm sorry" --your tongue curls sarcastically around the apology-- "that I can't pick you up from your drunken bender."
"How do you know about Princess?"
"What the hell are you on about, Sungyoon? How do I know about my car?" An exasperated breath escapes you, and you choke on it for a second. After the short coughing fit has cleared, you bring your phone back to your ear. "You're drunker than I thought. Don't you have an exam soon or something?"
"Exam-- who is this?"
That makes you pause.
"Sungyoon," you say, simply. "It's me."
Another moment of quiet passes, and you wonder to yourself if you've suffered a concussion.
Then he asks, "What's my favourite food?"
"What does that have to do--"
"Answer the question."
Sighing, you wrap your free arm around your middle in a futile attempt to stay warm. "You tell everyone it's sashimi, but I know for a fact that you keep a stash of white chocolate in your room."
You hear him exhale. "Fuck."
"I don't underst--"
"Where are you?" he asks, a frantic tone to his voice now.
"Umm..." You glance around. "Highway 216... close to exit thirty-four."
"Don't move. I'm coming to get you."
You shake your head, struggling to keep up. "What? If you're calling me an Uber, don't bother. I have to call EMS to file the--"
"Don't," Sungyoon insists, and you have no idea why, but you feel inclined to listen. "Listen to me. Do not call anyone. Wait until I get there."
"There's a fine if you don't report an accident in twenty-four hours."
"Trust me." The sound of a car door slamming shut on his end of the line only gives you more questions. "You don't need to bother."
It takes only fifteen minutes for Sungyoon to find you, and by then you're shivering from head to toe.
A car you've never seen before pulls over and parks hastily near where you're standing (the cold ground got a little too cold). Its four-way flashers turn on before a familiar-ish figure exits and starts making his way towards you, silhouetted by the car's headlights.
"Since when can you drive?" you call out first, since it's definitely a surprise to you seeing your friend's little brother behind the wheel. You could've sworn Seonhui was whining about his lack of license a week ago. "And-- wait, should you be driving? You were just drinking--" He steps even closer, and you see the wisps of his hair lit by the headlights behind him. "Is your hair red? When did that--"
You don't get the chance to finish your question. Sungyoon pulls you tightly into him, his hand on the back of your head pressing your face into his coat so all you can really say is "oomph."
Sungyoon's never really hugged you before. At least, not like this. His fingers dig into the fabric of your clothes, like he's clutching desperately to something that will slip from his grasp if he loosens his hold even the slightest.
It faintly registers to you that he doesn't smell like alcohol at all.
You try to speak, muffled as you are against his coat. "Sungyoon, what--"
"I dyed my hair last week," he says, breathless. The words are panted over your ear, and it's then you fully realize how closely he's wrapped himself around you. You go to say something about how you saw his black hair just the other day, but he continues. "I'm four years sober next month."
The numbers are not crunching. "That doesn't--"
"And my license," he says, finally pulling back just enough so that you can see his face. "I got that in 2018."
You frown. "It's 2016."
Sungyoon breathes out your name, but all you hear is warning bells. You can tell by the pitying look on his face -- as much as it's mixed with relief. You're not going to like what he says next.
"It's 2023," he tells you, saying your name again like it's precious. He holds you tighter. "You've been missing for seven years."
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warriors-ideas · 5 months
Hi this is the anon that wrote about the 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' concept. So here's some expanded lore dump:
TW for a bit of self-harm btw!
The hierarchy's kinda.. not good. The cats with the most scars are treated the best and are usually higher ranks.
Most medicine cats love the opportunity of battle. They don't get into border scraps often or going on attacks of other Clans, so most of them are usually ecstatic when the battle happens inside their Clan's camp.
Apprentices are not really treated the best tbh. They can't become warriors unless they have one scar so either they wait for a big battle where they can receive one, or.. deliberately harm themselves in order to get a scar.
And yeah, kits are treated quite poorly too. They are taught from the moment of their lives that scars are what makes a great warrior. Most kits become very reckless because of it, and their parents probably give zero fucks because 'maybe they'll get a scar'. And if they get into a very dangerous situation that they don't come back alive from? Well, they just weren't strong enough for becoming a warrior anyway. That's what they think, atleast.
Leaders don't get 9 lives from StarClan. In fact, most cats don't even believe in them. Leaders have as many lives as they had before becoming leader, but they can't gain any more with scars.
The first Clan created was.. well, ScarClan. Their leader was a former loner who discovered the idea of scars giving you more lives. He, along with a bunch of other rogues and kittypets, created ScarClan. However, the group split up into 4 other Clans, and the remaining ScarClan moved to another land, disappointed by their cats.
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starry-nights-garden · 8 months
Golden Child Reaction ✧ Making them blush
✧ Golden Child all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: fluff, reaction, established relationship AU ✧ warnings: none
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it’s a normal evening when you’re going out on a normal date with your boyfriend Daeyeol
really, nothing is unusual about the occasion at all - you’re looking forward to seeing him and to spend the next few hours with him, just like you usually would
since you’re going out for dinner, you pick out a nice outfit, paying attention to detail, but otherwise you get dressed without any second thought
when he finally rings your doorbell to pick you up and you let him in however, he seems flustered
he can’t take his eyes off of you, and there’s a rosy blush dusted onto his cheeks before he can finally make himself speak in order to say hi to you
“Wow, I just… you look amazing." 
he causes you to get flustered too with his reaction, and after giving you a peck on the lips, he’s right back at staring at you
keeps telling you how beautiful you are to him throughout the evening and finds himself blushing at you time and time again
he’s had a long day, so when he finally comes home late at night you immediately notice how out of energy he is
he won’t forget about saying hello to you and giving you a kiss as he always does when coming home, but after that he quickly disappears in the bathroom to wash up, wanting nothing but to sleep asap
you find yourself feeling sorry for him, as it’s rare to see him so out of energy
so when he comes out of the bathroom about ten minutes later with his hair still wet, you take him by the hand and make him sit down somewhere
"Babe, I need to dry my hair…” - he tries to protest, but you can tell he’d rather just fall asleep right then and there
so you bring the blow dryer from the bathroom, telling him that you’ll do it for him, and without leaving him a choice to refuse, you get to work
he’s taken by surprise by the nice gesture, and having you running your fingers through his hair while drying it for him feels heavenly to him
warmth spreading in his chest, he eventually finds himself blushing, and when you’re done he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his lap to thank you and to share a few sleepy kisses with you
he’s supposed to attend a friend’s wedding and asked you to help him pick out a suit to wear
and it wouldn’t be Jangjun if he didn’t thoroughly check himself out in the mirror after every outfit change :’)
“I look really good in this.” - shamelessly compliments himself and then turns around to let you have a proper look too
and you would’ve cringed at his attitude or made fun of him for it, if it wasn’t for the fact that you find yourself agreeing
he’s wearing a classic black suit, and you can’t help but think he looks even more handsome than usually right now
and the expression on your face as you marvel at his looks alone is enough to make him uneasy, but when you actually compliment him he immediately denies it, his ears taking on a deep shade of red
“Ah, what are you saying! I’m not that handsome… I didn’t mean that earlier, you know that!" 
very awkward and flustered about your reaction to the point he eventually just pulls you in for a kiss so at least you won’t look at the state he’s in for a few moments :’)
you’re hanging out together in your room, when once again his mind latches onto a topic he just can’t shut up about
excitedly rambles on and on as you listen to him talking about his seemingly never ending train of thought
you think it’s cute how he gets so carried away, and you find yourself listening to him intently, even though you’re not entirely sure if you understand all that he’s telling you about 
that’s until eventually he stops himself and apologizes, forcing himself to wrap up
you tell him it’s okay, you like listening to him talk, and also you find it very cute
that’s when he’s suddenly speechless, a deep blush creeping onto his face
"I-I’m not cute!!” - stutters repeatedly as he complains about you calling him cute
really, he’s just so flustered by your words that he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings
“What are you saying? I’m not cute - you’re cute!!”
this somehow turns into a fight over who’s cuter, until eventually you both notice how stupid the argument you’re having is, and you simply burst out laughing
you’re spending a lazy afternoon together, cuddled up on the couch with a movie you’ve both been wanting to watch for a while
however, it turns out less fun than you imagined it to be, so as you find yourself getting bored, you decide to turn your attention to your boyfriend
you place a peck into his neck, causing him to pull up his shoulder and to move away from you because of the ticklish feeling
his reaction amuses you, so you continue scattering little pecks in his neck that eventually turn into lingering kisses
“W-what are you doing?” he eventually asks, stumbling over his own words
when you look up to shoot him a mischievous grin, you discover the light blush that has appeared on his face
and now you’re suddenly feeling shy too, because you don’t see your boyfriend blushing often in the first place
so eventually you just wrap your arms around him and go back to cuddling with him, as both of you are trying to calm down your fast beating hearts
you’ve been having a few stressful days lately, so when one day you come home and you find that your boyfriend must’ve cleaned your apartment for you, you feel thankful
it’s not that you couldn’t have done it on your own, but you feel relieved that you won’t have to worry about this for a few days now
you find him relaxing on the couch with his phone in his hands, and he looks up as soon as he notices you
you thank him for helping you out, your hand finding its way to the top of his head to gently ruffle his hair in a gesture of affection
“I hope I did everything right,” he says as you sit down next to your boyfriend and snuggle up to him
and now you notice the way he’s blushing at your earlier action
teasing him about it, you pat his head again, watching his blush deepen in amusement, while all he can do is whine at you and then eventually surrender to your touch
originally he was trying to fluster you
but you know your boyfriend well enough by now, and it’s not the first time he attempts something like this
he sneaks up to you from behind, planning to surprise you with a few kisses scattered in your neck
however, as you can hear his footsteps approaching you, you decide to turn the situation around on him
so you quickly spin around on your heels as he’s almost there
he raises his eyebrows in surprise, about to sigh in disappointment because his plan failed
that’s when you press a sudden kiss onto his lips, and when you pull away you can see a slight blush dusted onto his cheeks
“Ah, what is this…” - Jibeom takes a step back, raising his hand to his face in a sorry attempt to hide his blush
looking at anything but you, he tries to calm his racing heart, but in the end he has to admit that it’s no use
will eventually just give up, and when you kiss him again, you can feel his lips readily melting against yours
it’s your one month anniversary when you decide that you want to do something romantic for your boyfriend
you feel like so far he’s been taking care of you more than you were able to return the favour - always making sure you feel comfortable and safe with small gestures
so you feel it’s about time you properly showed him your gratitude - and what better way than to do it traditionally, with a bouquet of flowers?
so when he invites you over for dinner to celebrate the occasion, you pick out flowers you think he’ll like, and when you show up at his door with the bouquet hidden behind your back all secretively, he quickly catches onto the fact that you planned something
however, as soon as you hold the flowers out to him, his expression changes to genuine surprise
it takes him a while to register that you went out of your way to get him such pretty flowers, and as a broad smile appears on his lips he can’t help but blush
“Thank you… ah, I didn’t expect this…” - he’s not sure how to express just how happy the gesture makes him, so eventually he simply pulls you into a tight, warm hug
you take him completely by surprise when you suddenly burst into the room as he’s just trying to watch tv at the end of the day to unwind
he was spacing out while staring at the screen, so you startle him pretty badly, but you don’t let that bother you
instead, you burst out in a song from a musical he recently starred in
you had been joking about how you wanted to learn that specific song, and though you’re far from singing it as well as he does, you still wanted to show him your progress
and now that it’s dawning on Joochan what’s happening, he bursts out laughing
seeing him like this, you can’t keep it together for long, eventually just laughing along with him instead of singing
he gets up to take you by the hand, taking the lead as you finish the song together
and only now do you realize there’s a blush on his cheeks as he excitedly smiles at you
pats your head and praises you for learning the song all on your own
and then he’ll start singing the next song, making you dance along to the tune, turning this evening into an unplanned late night karaoke-session to have fun with you
this guy is somehow always on top of any situation, so in order for you to even get a chance at making him blush you need him to have his guard down first
admittedly it’s usually him who flusters you - so at some point you decide it’s time for you to turn the tables around!!
that’s why you make a plan
when one day he comes home from work late and exhausted, you take your chance and you approach him while boldly flirting with him
and well, he’s not exactly blushing now, but he sure is flustered, not knowing what to do with this new situation
lets you approach him and eventually the tiredness has him melting against you in a long, slow kiss
and when you pull away for air for a second, you almost grin to yourself as you notice that the tips of his ears have turned red
however, a moment later you feel his lips on yours again
needless to say, your plan is soon to be forgotten as you continue sharing sweet kisses
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intersexdabi · 11 months
lots of carefully written fics of civilian touya building a relationship with shouto, not enough of civilian touya finding a path of healing and deciding not to pursue a bond with his youngest sibling. nowhere near enough touya todoroki in so many words saying what amounts to "i've reached a place where i recognize that the pain and rage that i felt growing up comes from how endeavor treated us, and you bear no responsibility for it, and are, in fact, another victim of our father. i know that none of it is your fault. but i also cannot deny that looking at you makes me feel sick to my stomach. through no fault of your own, you are a reminder of a past where i was constantly angry and helpless and in pain. i do not hate you, but i have no love for you either. i have no desire to be your brother at this point in my life. for my own well-being, i am leaving this house and i am never coming back and i will probably never see you again. i hope you find some sort of peace from all the abuse our father has put you through. goodbye."
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tranquilpetrichor · 9 months
a heart that still beats
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— when in the midst of despair, do you lose all hope?
synopsis: the year is 2080. in a world destroyed by climate change, there is only one hope left for safety, and of course it is one exploited by the rich and famous—make it to the airships that are fueled by oxygen on earth. unfortunately, you are neither, but you are a skilled mechanic who is separated from your companion by yet another flood.
lonely, bitter and lost, you eventually find a purpose in being the mechanic for 10 boys that have an ambitious plan to shut off the machines that fuel the cities above the earth, being welcomed as one of their own.
but this mission is their most crucial one, one that could cost them their lives. and as you think about your leader, daeyeol, you're inspired by his courage, but very nervous for the upcoming events to transpire.
cast: gn mechanic!reader x daeyeol ft. golden child members and mentions of sf9's youngbin
genre: sci-fi, dystopian!au, end of the world!au, loosely based on golden child’s ra pam pam mv, angst with comfort if you squint
wc: 6.6k (6,674)
warnings: mentions of death, gunshots, blood, flames, pollution, lots of cursing, reader cracks maybe one dirty joke (which is only dirty if you understand it), we get pretty existential here. lmk if i missed anything
a/n: reader has habit of calling everyone older hyung as that's what they've decided they're comfortable with (just y and daeyeol here), ignore the fact that it’s y on the banner LOL this is for aesthetic purposes. there's a few perspective switches near the end, and of course i always end up making the relationship ambiguous. also why is the plot so messy.. ugh i just want to get this fic out. yes this is the second time sf9 youngbin makes a cameo in my fics. i think daeyeol said he had no same age friends and i’m like oh wait who else is a 93 liner? so yeah, enjoy, because this took way too long to do.
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you watched and gave a small nod of approval as your rc car (which jangjun had decided to name damdadi for some reason) wheeled across the tiled floor of the hideout. bomin and sungyoon were examining the oxygen tanks, but your main focus was on your tech.
ah, good. it works. and it's quiet too.
damdadi, like your other projects, was carefully crafted, because god knows you couldn’t afford to make any mistakes with your mechanical work—not that you liked to make mistakes with anything anyways. everything you did got a quality check at least twice.
nevertheless, you were nervous about whether the oddly-named damdadi would be able to complete its task of surveillance or not and with the lives of friends on the line, you certainly had no time to lose.
to the side, you picked up yet another rc car (bomin decided he'd name that one genie) and checked if it was in working order, because as a dear friend named youngbin had reminded you long ago, “it’s best to have backup plans in case any bullshit happens.”
"and bullshit will always happen," you finished the phrase easily.
as the phrase came into your mind, you wondered what had happened to him after a flood separated the both of you about a year ago—the occurrence of natural disasters was not uncommon, but that didn't mean it was any less devastating each time one occurred.
god, you remembered it so well. he had gone on a mission to gather supplies for your camp when the flood occurred. from the wreckage, you had emerged confused, tossed around like a ship lost at sea.
then, it turned into denial that he was gone, anger at circumstances you couldn’t have controlled, and then reluctant acceptance that you couldn’t find him. it wasn't like you couldn't survive on your own, but without someone to ground you, you'd be talking into a void of nothingness. still, you didn’t know if anything could fill the even deeper void in your heart.
youngbin said once to you, “loss is inevitable. remember jaeyoon? you know i would have done anything to save him, but i can’t control the fact that the soldier shot him in the damn chest, but i tried my best, and yet the feeling of not being able to save everyone fucking hurts. losing someone you love… ah, fuck. sorry if this was depressing. but if there’s anything i’d prepare you for, it’s that."
that word alone carried so much weight to it.
and from then on, you reminded yourself that nothing is permanent, not even the companionship of a friend. it’s the only way you got yourself through your separation.
after the flood, you were on your own for a while, trying to find youngbin. however, an annoying little shit named jangjun found you after you stole some supplies from a soldiers’ base. apparently he had the same idea.
after this incident, he took you back to meet the other 9 members of the crew you were part of now. although initially reluctant to trust them, you found their company to be likable enough. you assumed the role you always did, finding spare parts that could be repurposed as you always used to do with youngbin.
you knew youngbin and daeyeol were two separate people, but you couldn’t help but see one in the other and think that they might get along. thinking about the two of them together made things so much harder.
thinking about those days, you sighed. you couldn't believe a trip down memory lane could randomly be triggered by one glance at an rc car, but it would be unwise to stay there for too long. of course, you allowed yourself those brief moments of distraction in your memories, and then focused on the task at hand again. it was a reasonable way to live.
yes, you did miss those you had lost, but now was definitely not the time for that.
don't get too distracted. you have work to do. you have to keep going.
despite the gravity of the situation you were in, you couldn’t help but crack a joke in your mind about being good with your fingers as you fiddled with some more machinery. some things never changed, like your less-than-appropriate humor that either got you lighthearted scolding (from sungyoon and daeyeol, and of course, youngbin) or laughs from people who liked your occasional jokes (mostly jangjun, and surprisingly bomin too).
while examining a control panel, you felt a soft tap on your shoulder, which could only possibly belong to one person out of the group you currently lived with—lee daeyeol. he spoke with a gentle tone but it had a sense of authority. “could i talk to you for a second?”
mentally, you prepared for hell because whenever he used that familiar tone, he was being nice but definitely meant business and may the gods help whoever tried to get in his way. “of course, what did you want?”
he placed folded diagrams on the table. "i just wanted to check on your progress on that rc car, although knowing how fast you work i’m guessing you’re almost done. we've finalized a plan about how to shut off the machines.”
ah yes, he was talking about the machines of project aether, or better yet, a way for those with enough money and power to save themselves and leave the poor and helpless to rot. the act of using the oxygen on earth for airships to create a "paradise in the sky" for some while damaging the atmosphere down below made you scratch your head at the backwards logic.
it was starting to get a little sweaty in the room, and you fanned yourself with an old newspaper. "things are going well, dae. this rover should be ready in a few minutes for jaehyun and jibeom to take when they need it. better early than late. you ready to do this?"
he glanced at you, and let out a deep sigh, one filled with what you interpreted to be as deliberation. "it doesn't matter how i feel. this needs to happen soon."
as the leader of the group, daeyeol was required to handle many burdens and although you and the boys were usually with him, no one could never completely understand what was going through his mind. there was a special spark that was required to lead.
sometimes, you wondered how tired he really was, but he didn't like to show that side of him, always wanting to be the helper instead of the helped.
and of course, that reminded you of youngbin, which wasn't such a great path to take your mind to. so you'd put it upon yourself to move on from him, which you had done semi-successfully.
of course, he still had a designated space in your mind, no matter how hard you tried not to think about him.
you put down what you were working on to focus on daeyeol's words, knowing it wouldn't be good for your mind to go off on more tangents today. "alright then, let's go over the plan once more. i figure you want to run through it again. i just need to hear it too."
he nodded and opened one diagram, which you recognized as it was labeled project : aether (floor plan), with a picture of the air machine itself. you remembered researching machinery for that. he pointed to the spot where it said passcode entry point.
"because of you, seungmin and donghyun, we were able to get the password that controls the fuel source of the cities. as you know, we need to enter the password at that location in order to shut the machine off. but we're unsure of the exact situation with guards and their patrol routes, so we're going to send the rovers with the camera attached in order to assess it. the last thing we need is for there to be surprises we didn’t expect.”
he probably hadn't changed any aspects to the plan, but you asked for confirmation. "it's just you going, right?"
"yes. the rest of the group looked uncomfortable with the idea and as concerning as the idea of going alone is, i can't risk anyone else's life.” his lips set in a thin line. "and there's a limited supply of oxygen tanks, anyways."
you let out a humorless chuckle, knowing just how brutal it was out there. "dae, we're clearly not as selfless as you. no one asks to potentially get shot at by assholes in hazmat suits.”
not being able to hide your true thoughts, you quietly added, “and honestly, i’m probably the most selfish of you guys.”
out of the corner of your eye, you saw him frown. "now don’t say that, you help in your own way. you've been invaluable in developing the technology for this mission. remember, nothing goes unnoticed by me."
you still did get a little flustered whenever people mentioned your skill, and you brushed his words off with the lazy swipe of a hand. "oh, i can't take all the credit for this stuff. seungmin helped me a lot." the mentioned guy was currently fiddling with the screen on the wall to make sure it actually worked.
yeah, you knew you were decent at what you did, but it's not like you wanted the spotlight for it, preferring to remain behind the scenes most of the time. to put it simply, you liked working in the shadows and only showing up when necessary to report something.
"you sell yourself short, y/n," he said with an amused grin on his face.
"do i, dae? if you want, i could just start bragging about myself all the time."
he laughed, and oh, how you took the sound in like nourishment. true laughter was hard to come across nowadays, as a lot of things were. "now let's not jump between extremes, okay?"
you made a salute as if you were on some pirate ship. “aye-aye, captain!” damdadi was still turned on, and you maneuvered it next to daeyeol, just to demonstrate the functionality, before turning the power off.
“god, imagine being pirates. we’d be the worst pirate crew ever. imagine trying to wake up bomin and get him to do anything but sleep prettily!”
daeyeol shrugged. "well, i could probably use captain privileges to boss him around, anyways."
"as if! he listens to no one, especially you."
the two of you grinned, sharing a moment. there were times when you forgot that the air was polluted, the rich were assholes and food was hard to find—now was one of those times. it was nice to not think about that for a bit. you were aware however, that the cold reality waited around the corner like a gunman waiting to fire.
you rested your head on his shoulder, an action you had grown more comfortable with gradually after he told you it was okay to do it. it seemed to say a message without words, i don’t know what the future holds, but at least i’m here with you.
daeyeol closed his eyes and spoke his next sentence quietly. “hey, i know i told you guys i’d be prepared for anything and we're aware of how this might end. it might go badly. if i’m honest, it’s been very nerve-wracking to prepare for this. i just wanted to say that i will protect you guys. whatever it takes. i think we have a chance to end this once and for all.”
won't you protect yourself? won't you be selfish too for once? that's all i need. you thought, but didn't say aloud.
you, who never thought you'd shed a tear since getting separated from youngbin, who didn't like getting very sentimental in front of others, embraced daeyeol. "hyung, sometimes i wonder how people like you can exist, so full of hope and all that optimistic stuff. shit, i promise i don't mean it in a bad way, but...” you trailed off.
"it's hard to have hope, right?"
"you could say that."
from the moment you had met him, he had struck you as someone who wouldn’t give up. all of the group did, but especially him. to keep fighting, one had to think that things would get better someday. one needed hope.
he rested one hand on your shoulder, as if he were transferring his wisdom over to you merely by touch. “until the moment i die, i won’t stop having it. it’s the only way we’ll be able to keep pushing through. call me optimistic, but if there seems to be no hope, we have to create it for ourselves. i don't want live hopelessly knowing that i could have tried to make a better future."
you played with a screw in your jacket pocket. "hope's short in supply sometimes, i admit.”
“it is. but all you need is a bit of it to survive.”
you felt your chest rise and fall, acutely aware of your breath. if you really thought about it, it was dangerous to risk it all on one mission, a singular chance to get this right before the soldiers could wipe you all out.
but you thought of the boys you had come to know over months of time, and everything became clearer.
joochan deserved a chance to sing in air that was truly clean. donghyun would get to dance outside without fear of being shot. jibeom and jaehyun could simply mess around with the rc cars you and seungmin made instead of just sending them out into the dangerous world outside their base. most of all, daeyeol would be able to breathe easily (quite literally and metaphorically), after the mission was over.
and of course, you wanted to take that first breath of air with each and every one of them.
hope brought a world of possibilities to think about, so close and yet so far away. it would fuel you, so long as you believed it still existed—and although you didn't really consider yourself as much of an idealist as daeyeol, you needed to be, especially now.
you brought up your hands to your head, which happened to hurt a little, and his voice brought you back to the present.
“hey, y/n, you seem like you’re lost in thought. all good?”
as expected, he can tell what goes on with you.
“just thinking about our upcoming mission. can't help but stay awake...”
he frowned. “it's late, take a rest too. i can't let everyone else in the team deprive themselves of sleep. don't overwork yourself, y/n.”
and before you had known it, he left and came back with a bit of water he had saved. water was difficult to come across but the group was fortunate to have some, so you savored every drop you got to taste. “thank you, daeyeol.”
although you continued working, you knew these coming days would be difficult, and later you finally decided to take daeyeol’s advice, eventually letting yourself slip into a dreamlike state on the smooth metal beds.
(you wouldn't have known anyways, but daeyeol glanced at you several times while you were asleep.
you'd be alright, he knew. still, it was nice for him to make sure. he smiled, and got back to work.)
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the main room, with all 11 of the crew, wasn’t outwardly panicking, but it contained a nervous energy that simmered and quietly stirred everyone's feelings of anxiety. the crew always worked hard, but this particular week needed everyone's dedication, whether it was finding spare parts, to looking over diagrams, to last minute research.
despite these demands, you were impressed with everyone's resilience.
youngtaek shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to relieve tension. he turned on the medium-sized screen that was inside the hideout, which currently was connected to a phone you and seungmin had built together. "the camera works fine, i see the footage from it showing up.”
you sighed in relief. it was good to know that something worked.
"ow, my feet," jibeom interjected, as damdadi rolled over them.
"alright, thanks youngtaek!" jaehyun grabbed the phone from him and affixed it onto damdadi. he then gestured to jibeom. “come on, let’s go send the rc car to survey the terrain, before y/n does that annoying thing where they yell at us for using their tech all wrong.”
“okay well, you can't just use damdadi to run over jibeom's feet, we got a mission!” you yelled from across the room, where you were working on a drone.
jaehyun smiled innocently at you. "yeah, well it'll be fine and we'll get it done. i think we're very capable. or at least, i am—"
"hey, take that back!" jibeom glared at jaehyun. “i hate you."
the two continued to bicker like children. "okay. jibeom, just so you know, if the guards come and you run too slow, i will be leaving your ass behind!"
these two argue so much, it's almost as if i'm watching a tv sitcom.
"just go already, guys," you said, amused by their antics. "and don't die, of course."
“have a little faith,” jibeom whined. jaehyun laughed at him again, and with the turn of a knob, damdadi rolled to the door with them.
after they left, you went to talk to daeyeol, showing him a few of the drones you had made with seungmin. “i was thinking that i can use these to divert the soldiers' attention so that they're less likely to shoot at you. couldn't hurt, right?”
"hm, good idea, just make sure your drones take a different route to the location. you thought of me that much?" he added, lightly teasing you.
your cheeks warmed slightly, but you kept your face impassive. "well, precautions are necessary, are they not?"
he was serious, but you could sense a bit of amusement coming from him. "they are. you always think ahead, don't you?" and with that, he approved of your addition to the plan.
you let out a sigh of partial relief, and continued to test out another drone.
"just say you love him or something, because even i can tell." seungmin, who had been working next to you muttered this after daeyeol left to wake up bomin. he screwed in another bolt. "you might as well remind him before...."
he doesn't finish the sentence, but he didn't need to. the two of you looked at each other in understanding. survival was never guaranteed in a world as wrecked as this one. he looked away for a second and closed his eyes briefly before continuing to talk.
"never mind. anyways, let's just keep working—we're making good progress. after this, we'll have 4 drones to use. it’s always useful to have something that flies, i suppose."
you obliged, figuring it would be better to shut up and just continue doing what you were always good at—attempting to ignore anything not related to your job. but seungmin's words still lingered and you would do anything to get them out.
later, seeing a frightened jibeom and a tired jaehyun return with news that a soldier had captured the rc car was enough to make you quietly simmer with rage (it was precious technology, after all), but you were almost thankful for the feeling.
at least you still felt something.
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this was going to be rather interesting.
lee daeyeol was not supposed to be scared—or at least, he was not supposed to show it. in fact, he was the one whom people looked to for comfort, strength, guidance, and sacrifice (even if no one would say it aloud). if he looked scared, it would set the tone for this mission. who would believe in them? in their cause?
so he shouldered his burden of shutting off the machines of project: aether with calm determination, trying to steady himself despite his accelerating heart rate and the vague feeling of the world swaying beneath his feet. “i’m going out the route we discussed. send the drones out a different exit and wait for the radio signal from me to go up. if something unexpected happens, only one of you should check first."
"got it. stay safe, hyung." sungyoon checked daeyeol's oxygen's tank one last time, sighing to himself.
daeyeol looked to you, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "do you have the ring?"
you wordlessly got up to grab daeyeol's ring from the table, and watched as he slipped it on carefully. the piece of jewelry was special for him, as it was a gift from a childhood friend he had kept for his whole life.
to him, it signified many things, but he could never deny the fact seeing the ring gave him hope.
your voice was soft yet full of conviction as you gave him words of reassurance. "stay strong. we'll be waiting. but even if you don't return, i want to thank you, for everything. i love you, in every sense of the word."
daeyeol closed his eyes. you weren't usually the sentimental type.
it was times like this where he found it hard to walk away. if he let his heart take over, he would stay safe with you against the harsh reality of the world. but he knew that first, he had to carry out his plan.
he extended his arms towards you, pulling you into a tight hug. "you as well, y/n. remember, i'll be with you, always."
he double-checked the levels in his oxygen tank, affirming that they were alright. now, it really was time to go.
"if you don't stay safe, hyung, i'll kick your ass all the way to the sky," jangjun yelled.
"got it," he said, a small grin on his face. of course jangjun would be the one to joke around.
and with that, he turned away, walking towards the entrance of your hideout with conviction. the doors opened, and he stepped out, leaving behind the people he loved most. it would be painful for him to turn around now, and so he chose not to.
at least, if he thought of his team, full of people he wanted to give the world to, he had something tangible to fight for.
as daeyeol left, the 10 of you stared at the door and no one dared say a thing, for fear of it being wrong, but a distinct sigh came from bomin, who could not hide his frustration as the youngest. that's when you knew it was time to do your part, just as daeyeol would do his.
slightly trembling, you got into position and used the camera on the one of the drones to help examine its surroundings and navigate it through the twists and turns of the hide out.
sungyoon, much to everyone’s surprise, stood up a minute later. “i'm not letting him do this alone. lee daeyeol, i swear if you go alone at this point.."
"take care, hyung," bomin said.
he nodded in response.
you buried your head in your hands. it's not like you needed his life at risk too. but sungyoon could be rather stubborn at times, and you weren't trying to argue with him at a time like this.
besides, it's not like he couldn't handle himself out there.
he went to grab an oxygen tank, put its heavy weight on his back, and exited the hideout. but with his running skills, the team knew he would catch up to daeyeol soon enough.
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outside, the chemicals in the air gave the impression that everything was a fatal orange, the orange that burned from that pillar of fire daeyeol saw in the distance. it seemed like it would burn straight to his soul and consume him.
but daeyeol found he could run faster than even he anticipated, fueled by a fire of his own.
above the flames, the floating paradise of the rich taunted him, as if they were situated in the heavens and looking down upon people like him, those who couldn't make it up there with what they had in their pockets.
those who were left to perish amongst the ashes.
daeyeol kept going.
unbeknownst to him, sungyoon was making his way over, navigating past abandoned trailers and trying not to alert the presence of any guards—he was quite aware of their patrol routes now.
after a few minutes, he found daeyeol, whispering, “hyung. i’m here."
the older boy looked over in surprise. "now that i think about it, i'm not surprised."
sungyoon's presence had revitalized him completely, a blessing that he wasn't to take lightly. daeyeol gave sungyoon a nod of acknowledgment, and they headed for the passcode entry point together.
as they did, a group of 3 soldiers ran across an elevated ledge.
"we gotta go!" dayeol exclaimed, pointing upwards. they sprinted towards the tower that felt so close, and yet, was still feet away.
a bullet punctured sungyoon's oxygen tank, and the hiss of air leaking out could be heard.
shit, daeyeol thought. he needed to do something, and quick.
they took cover some medium-sized storage crates as he removed his oxygen mask and put it over sungyoon's face, transferring the tank as well.
then, covering his mouth, he ran as fast as he could towards the tower. only a few feet away the tower, the soldiers shot him in the back. and yet he ran, bleeding through his denim jacket.
he inputted the correct code into the security screen.
as sungyoon rushed over to him, daeyeol pushed the lever to shut off the tower off with all of his remaining strength. the pillar of fire emerging from the tower's base shut off, and the smoke in the area began to dissipate.
"you really did it, hyung." sungyoon said, looking around in awe. he sat beside daeyeol. the older boy smiled back.
i can rest, at least sungyoon is fine. no one else had to suffer.
he blinked several times to try and stay awake as sungyoon took off his vest, pressing lightly against one of daeyeol's wounds.
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a few minutes earlier...
back at the base, your body felt frozen, except for your fingers, which were the only thing moving. it was quite difficult to steer a drone with the intense weather conditions outside and turmoil within you. but this was your responsibility, and you had to carry it out to the end.
"maybe a little higher," you muttered to yourself as the drone continued to fly. there was a smaller phone next to you, which allowed you to see out of the tiny camera on the drone. seungmin, tag and bomin had drones too.
“i see guards.” seungmin said sharply. “oh wait, i think daeyeol and sungyoon are in the distance too.”
jangjun spoke up. "okay, i'm going up to the warehouse building. i just need to safely observe what's happening outside in case your drones go down."
"someone, hand him a radio! i only have mine." seungmin yelled. "and remember, keep yourself hidden."
donghyun gave the remote to jangjun, who thanked him and left the base quickly.
amidst the chaos, you continued to maneuver the drone, trying to stay in control. the guards appeared to aim their guns in the general direction of the tower, which was where daeyeol and sungyoon were headed to.
you knew the guards were mostly there to prevent people like you guys from shutting off all the technology rich people had paid for. disgusting and vile.
“ah, shit, gotta steer away from there,” you muttered, your hand grasping the right controller stick. the drone flew slightly off to the side, and from what you could make out, the direction some of the guns were firing in changed.
oh god. there's a ton of soldiers. damn.
in all honesty, what happened next was chaos. a few of the screens lost connection. on a screen that was still intact, you saw blood, or at least, you thought you did.
the world blurred around you, but then came into focus again, but you knew that you couldn't collapse, not now. thankfully, your bottle had some water left.
"something's wrong," you say, fidgeting with your hands.
"of course something is wrong!" seungmin said, groaning. "what the hell is happening?"
youngtaek observed the surrounding area through his drone, but soon he had to find somewhere to land it, making sure it was well out of view before doing so.
he groaned shortly after. "great, the camera on the drone is almost dead. but from what i was able to see outside, i can tell someone shot sungyoon and daeyeol as they were headed over. i don't think they'll be coming back soon," he remarked. "so, maybe three to five of us should go out and help. we'll need to treat any wounds."
"do we even have enough medical supplies for this?" you asked, your mind racing. you began to sort through the stuff in the emergency backpack, making sure you could pack as much as possible.
shit. are daeyeol and sungyoon going to die? damn it, those two—
your thoughts were interrupted because over the radio, jangjun’s voice resounded, loud, clear and... somewhat excited? “come. look outside. i can't fucking believe it! we’ll finally be able to breathe the fucking air! you gotta see for yourselves! oh my god... is this real?”
his voice got faint, so you assumed he was busy staring at the sky, and how could you blame him?
everyone looked at each other with shock and disbelief. it's been a while since you've stared out the windows of the warehouse, but whenever you did, it was always the same—a sea of orange and the menacing presence of security drones. seeing something different would be a relief, a sign that daeyeol had gotten the job done after all.
still, you didn't want to be get too excited.
seungmin spoke into the radio. "alright, be there soon, hyung, but we have to go check on daeyeol and sungyoon afterwards. by the way, stop cursing so much, you potty-mouth.”
you heard a crackling sound before he responded, “fuck no.”
ha, he certainly is something.
afterwards, you took the radio, greeting jangjun with a laugh.
"hey, jangjun! is the air really as clear as you say it is?" you said, rolling your eyes. "you get fired up so easily and exaggerate. how do we tell you're not just messing with us?"
jangjun sighed once, one of those sassy why-don't-you-listen-because-i'm-right type of sighs. "just look at the damn sky before you come out, okay? i took off my mask and it felt okay, but don't take my word for it. bring the surgical masks if you're really worried."
you shrugged. "we'll be there. but let's be careful."
then, talking to the rest of the team, you said, "help me grab medical supplies and weapons. once we meet jangjun and get outside, we have to make sure there are no soldiers or drones."
"alright, i'll go ahead with jaehyun to go check on daeyeol and sungyoon and give them necessary medical attention," youngtaek said.
you found a pistol and picked it up. "got it."
"found the surgical masks!" jaehyun exclaimed.
everyone headed out, feeling mixed emotions of fear and anticipation. bomin was by your side. “y/n, will it be okay?”
to be honest, you weren’t the greatest at comforting people, but you tried your best. he was the youngest, and although you knew he was an adult and could handle himself, you still had a bit of a parental instinct.
“i don’t know. i trust that they did their job. we can have a bit of hope, can’t we?”
“yeah. i guess we can.” his breathing became steadier, and you were grateful.
soon enough, you were ascending the steps of what used to be functional escalators. light shone through the tinted glass ceiling, so oddly colored and dirtied that it was difficult to tell what life was like on the outside.
jangjun was leaning against a column, his gaze turned towards a sky that was finally more blue than orange for the first time, devoid of the flame tower in the air that everyone had grown so accustomed to.
you walked beside him, quietly waiting for him to acknowledge your presence. while continuing to stare, he shook his head rapidly, as if trying to wake up from a dream. "i still can't believe it. damn. it seemed like yesterday that there were drones swarming outside the window."
you laughed. "believe what? that we're alive? that this stupid machine is off? that the sky is blue?"
"all of it."
it was rare to see jangjun's contemplative side, but it was certainly present right now. you weren't sure that you believed it either. maybe you dreamt this entire incident up too. unless anyone said otherwise, though, this was real.
you shrugged. "well, there's been crazier things in this world."
"you're damn right about that."
the crew talked quietly amongst themselves, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere that was established by the strange stillness outside the window.
"i think we should go out now." seungmin said to the group, still in a state of shock.
everyone walked out towards an outside balcony where people probably used to hang out long before you were alive. apparently there was a time when the outside air wasn't so dangerous.
as you stepped out of the building, you found a place to stand. after a few minutes, you felt comfortable removing your mask.
you took a breath in, slowly. then, you exhaled. surprised at how easy and yet difficult it was, you repeated the action. it wasn't perfect air—the atmosphere would probably never return to 100% normal—but it was certainly something.
you tried to spot the telltale red lights of enemy drones, but you couldn't find any, to your shock.
there'd be no point in sending them anyways, you surmised. the job's been done.
of course, your heart felt conflicted with the absence of sungyoon and daeyeol, especially the latter. you'd need to check on them soon, just to see how they were doing in person.
you leaned against a white ledge, alone with your thoughts for just a second.
it'll be okay. surely, they'll be okay, you thought, trying to be optimistic.
and yet, there was still a part of you that wondered if you would find their lifeless bodies. but even that would be better than not finding them at all.
that's highely unlikely, of course you'll find them.
you looked at joochan, who had found a place beside you. he was humming softly. the two of you weren't as close (hey, it was hard to get to know the ten others in your crew equally), but you knew he loved music and saw it as his life. through song, you felt as though you understood whatever emotions he wanted to convey.
"wow, i think i'm dreaming," he says, his words riding softly on the breeze. "i never really understood why people sang songs about blue skies until now."
you laughed, despite yourself. "you're not the first to think that we're dreaming. maybe we'll wake up in a few minutes. but for now, this is our reality."
you heard youngtaek's voice over the walkie talkie in your hand. "daeyeol was shot in the back, so he's our priority right now. sungyoon's not in critical condition, but he does have a few bruises and needs to rest as well. make sure you secure the area you're in—we'll let you know when we're done here."
conversation broke out amongst the group.
"why did he do this by himself again?"
"i can't believe it..."
"hyung, you really are crazy for doing this."
meanwhile, you tried to process the news yourself. you weren't doubtful of youngtaek and jaehyun's medical capabilities, but after hearing about this, you knew that it would take a while for him to heal.
you told the group that you were going to go check how sungyoon and daeyeol were faring while they finished scanning the area.
after crossing between a maze of storage crates and covering a long stretch of flat land, you finally made it to the base of the tall tower.
despite all of the hardships you had been through, the sight of the tower without a flame made you smile, even if just for a second.
you spotted daeyeol sitting on the stone floor, his back against the control panel and sungyoon beside him. jaehyun and youngtaek were busy giving them medical treatment. they were obscured on two sides by large crates, which was good.
you were glad sungyoon and daeyeol had survived, but you couldn’t stand to see them in pain, especially your leader.
it only made you feel like you had failed as a companion in protecting him.
first, you talked to sungyoon, who seemed to have a few bruises and was panting heavily, but otherwise, seemed to be alright. he stood up
"i'm glad the two of you weren't alone," you said to him.
sungyoon nods. "he says he can do things alone, and although it's probably true, i wanted to be by his side."
you think of youngbin, and how you lost him. the feeling of deep loyalty isn't unfamiilar to you.
"i... understand."
you wish you were still by youngbin's side.
"here's some water," jaehyun said to sungyoon. luckily, he was able to drink on his own.
next, you looked over at daeyeol, whose eyes were set in a solemn gaze.
on closer inspection, you examined blood trickling from several places in his body. you hated seeing him like this, wanting to give him whatever strength you had.
you approached him slowly, not wanting to overwhelm him. “hi, daeyeol. how are you holding up?”
his response came in slow, short sentences. “i'm fine, for now. need… water. it’s good... to see you, y/n.”
you pulled an extra bottle of water out of your bag and slowly poured it in his mouth. you weren't the medical authority amongst your team, but you knew it wouldn't be good if he was required to move, considering the fact that he had been shot.
“it's good to see you too.” you laid a hand on his shoulder and continued speaking softly. you wanted to envelop him in a bone-crushing hug, but you were sure there'd be time for that when he was fully healed.
when, not if, right?
“i know you're probably thinking about the next step in all this, but.." you hesitated. "let us take care of you a while longer. you've already done so much for us."
he laughed, the sound strained. "i won't do anything drastic, don't worry."
you sat down in front of him, fingertips inches away from his. suddenly, you were a little tired as well. "please, let me know if there's anything that you need.
daeyeol took your hand. "you're here... for me, that's enough."
the golden ring on his hand glimmered in the sunlight. he said it reminded him of many things—your team, as his duty as a leader, the memories you've all shared.
you had always been more of a realist. youngbin was too, accepting that things were the way they were, and taught you that there wasn't much you could do except try to survive another day and solve things practically.
but daeyeol taught you something too, that hope was something that could be cultivated, even in the face of struggle. you took a glance at your friends, feeling a weight lift off of your shoulders.
no, problems weren't going to magically disappear. wounds took time to heal. work still needed to be done. you could lose it all at any moment. it was scary, to not know what came after this moment.
but as long as you had a heartbeat, as long as you were alive, you could have hope, even if it was faint.
"yes," you said, gazing at the endless sky above you. "it's enough."
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taglist: @restlessmaknae
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blu-joons · 2 years
Kisses With Golden Child ~ Golden Child Headcanon
Daeyeol is the type of kisser who relies on kisses as a bit of a love language to communicate his emotions
The romance of a kiss is something that Daeyeol is particularly a fan of, as they always seem to be appropriate
His favourite place to kiss you is against the tip of your nose as Daeyeol loves how shy it always makes you
He loves how easy it is to kiss you, Daeyeol always manages to find a way to be able to give you a kiss
Whenever he’s mad at you or annoyed at you, Daeyeol will make things up to you through kisses
They’re something that are quite private between you both too, kisses aren’t exchanged often around friends
If you pass Daeyeol by, he’ll try his best to get a kiss in and then see how you react to him too
Whenever your eyes look to him with a smile, he knows the thing to do is to pull you back to him for more
Seongyoon is the type of kisser who will be pretty relaxed when he kisses you, but he does it often
Lazy kisses are quite a preference for you both, especially those first couple during the early parts of the morning
His favourite place to kiss you is against your cheek, especially when he’s able to get you by peering past your shoulder
He loves using kisses to try and cheer you up, Seongyoon will be relentless until he gets to see your smile again
Being affectionate around others doesn’t bother you either, you’re just as chill about kisses even with people watching
Most of the time when Seongyoon kisses you properly, he’ll pull you into a hug too to draw you even closer
Making Seongyoon wait for too long for a kiss too is a big no, he’ll follow you around with a big pout on his face
If there’s one thing that you can often tell from Seongyoon when he kisses you, it’s how much he appreciates you
Jangjun is the type of kisser who will use kisses as yet another way to try and tease you and get his way
He’s more than happy to kiss you to get what he wants, or hold them back when you tell him no about something
His favourite place to kiss you is against your forehead, using his hands in your hair to guide you towards him
He loves the warm feeling that he feels in his tummy whenever he kisses you, Jangjun gets butterflies often
One of Jangjun’s favourite things to do is capture the side of your lips with a kiss before running away from you
You’re just as good as teasing him though as you often linger before deciding to suddenly pull away from him
Kisses are like a tool for you both, mostly so that you can wind each other up and annoy them as much as possible
At the same time though, when the time calls for it kisses can also be very intense and meaningful for you both too
Youngtaek is the type of kisser who will often use kisses to talk to you when he can’t quite find the words
No one ever sees the two of you kiss either, they’re something that you keep very private about doing together
His favourite place to kiss you is against the back of your hand, often bringing it up when he holds onto you
He loves how cosy kisses are for you both, for Youngtaek it feels like home and being with you
Things like kisses are like a routine for you both, you have your same moments in the day when you’ll exchange them
Times like in the mornings before saying goodbye, and just before going to bed are two of the most common times
Most of the time a kiss from Youngtaek will be impulsive, he won’t think about it, he’ll just go for it
Above all else, kisses are something that he never gets bored of, especially when it’s you who he gets to kiss
Seungmin is the type of kisser who will be full of confidence but then get shy when he feels your lips on his
Nine times out of ten, Seungmin is the one who will be dominate when you kiss and be the initiator
His favourite place to kiss you is against your lips, Seungmin loves the traditional type of kiss the most
He loves how happy kissing you makes him, it’s something that will always make Seungmin smile
On the rare chance when you initiate a kiss, it’s because you want to make Seungmin shy and make him go quiet
Neither of you mind kissing around others, but if someone passes comment, it will make you both flustered
It’s pretty rare for you both to be able to kiss for too long either as one of you ends up making the other laugh
More than anything else, you love the feelings that come with kisses and how emotive they can be
Jaehyun is the type of kisser who will always make the most of every kiss that he shares with you
He enjoys trying to and make each kiss memorable and stir up plenty of feelings in you to make your stomach knot
His favourite place to kiss you is your cheek as it’s the easiest spot for Jaehyun to be able to get to
He loves figuring out how kisses work for you, finding what works for you both and what maybe doesn’t so much
As well as that, Jaehyun loves to try and learn more about you and read how you’re feeling whenever you kiss him
There are plenty of lazy kisses from Jaehyun at night, especially when he’s cuddled up to you at the same time too
If you’re feeling down, kisses will usually be a bit of a reliance for Jaehyun in an attempt to make you feel better
There’s an excitement in Jaehyun whenever he can tell that you’re going for a kiss that just never seems to go away for him
Jibeom is the type of kisser who uses kisses to try and deepen the connection between the two of you
If you’re venting or getting stressed, a kiss will be Jibeom’s way of telling you to just take a bit of a breath
His favourite place to kiss you is your lips, Jibeom especially likes if it he’s able to catch your smile too
He loves how special kisses are made to feel between the two of you, even just the smallest of pecks are bright
When Jibeom gets smart with you, you’ll usually kiss him to shut him up and mostly stop him from teasing you too
If you’re there to kiss him by surprise, that will be when Jibeom particularly treasures the kiss that you give him
During the times when he’s worried or fretting about work, a kiss to know you’re there goes a long way for him
Every single time the two of you share a kiss, it just seems to feel as if you’re coming a little closer together
Donghyun is the type of kisser who will make the effort to kiss you and not starve you from any affection
Nothing tops being able to feel your smile against his when he kisses you as far as Donghyun is concerned
His favourite place to kiss is along your jaw as it means that Donghyun can trail several kisses against you
He loves when you surprise him and end up setting the butterflies off in his stomach when you kiss him
There’s an intensity quite often when the two of you kiss that can often leave you both feeling overwhelmed after
When Donghyun doesn’t quite know what to say, a kiss will usually be his way of communicating with you
Kisses seem to be the answer for everything for you both, happy, sad, confused, angry, they do a lot of talking
Knowing how easy kisses are for you both, they’re something that Donghyun will often take advantage of with you
Joochan is the type of kisser who uses kisses the most as a way of being affectionate with you and bonding with you
Each kiss from Joochan is both full of a lot of energy but also a lot of love and attention from him to you
His favourite place to kiss you is against your lips where he can try and tease you if he’s feeling playful
He loves to make you jump when he kisses you or appear when you least expect for Joochan to show up
There’s a lot of smiles and a lot of laughter in between your kisses unless the occasion doesn’t call for it
He quite likes to be the one controlling how much fun you have with a kiss so that Joochan can surprise you
If you do something that Joochan doesn’t expect, it often takes him aback and leaves him a little flustered
For all the fun he has with kisses, if you’re down, Joochan is more than capable of reassuring kisses too
Bomin is the type of kisser who can kiss like a switch, either being serious or just having some fun with you
There are plenty of passion in Bomin’s kisses, he loves to use them to be able to tell you how he’s feeling
His favourite place to kiss is against the top of your head as you’re the perfect difference between one another
He loves knowing that you’re enjoying yourself whenever Bomin kisses you, that’s most important for him
There’s a lot of enjoyment to be had when Bomin kisses you as you never quite know what to expect from him
You don’t mind being affectionate and kissing around others, but you’re not exactly show offs at the same time
Mostly because Bomin knows that the boys will tease him and get him back for when he teases them when you’re around
If there’s one thing that Bomin knows for certain it’s the fact that you can never kiss him often enough
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
(Very Late) 5 Year Anniversary Drabble Game (CLOSED)
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So I am now unable (mostly) to celebrate my Tumblr anniversaries on time because they coincide with the beginning of the school year, but it’s winter break. I’ve got some time. And I’ve been inactive as fuck this semester because I felt like death, but I’ve finally got some creative inspiration back and I’d like to use it to thank everyone who’s been with me for all or part of this ride :) I truly appreciate you all, and I hope you enjoy this bit of writing I can offer as thanks!
Without further ado...
Masterlists for this game (will be updated as I finish requests):
Stray Kids Masterlist
Ateez Masterlist
TXT Masterlist
The Boyz Masterlist
Golden Child Masterlist
Rules: Send me an idol (Stray Kids, Ateez, TXT, The Boyz, or Golden Child) + a short prompt and I’ll write a little drabble for you! I’ve listed some prompt suggestions below, but feel free to get creative :)
a story title (ex: younghoon + dreams of pearl)
an au (ex: soobin + regency era au)
a color (ex: seonghwa + purple)
a short continuation of a fic I’ve written (ex: jisung + continuation of Bloom) *
a universe I’ve talked about or have already written (ex: san + whispers of nature universe) **
* Please keep in mind that if I believe a fic is finished and that I don’t think there’s anything I can write to continue it, I will not do your request. Some stories, I believe, are best completed where I ended them.
** Any universe I’ve talked about is fair game, even if I haven’t explicitly posted any writing from it yet! 
*** If you’re requesting an idol who has the same name as someone in another group (ex: skz seungmin and golcha seungmin) please specify the group or I won’t know who to write for!
if anyone requests an idol as choi do-il from little women I will strangle you and bring you back to life to kiss you on the fucking mouth
Things I will not write:
anything noncon
jealousy plots
aus that I know nothing about (sorry!)
Harry Potter aus
Disclaimer: I reserve the right to decide whether or not I write your request, regardless of whether or not it falls under the list of things I will not write. Typically I write all requests I receive; however, keep in mind that this may not always be the case.
I’ll be responding to these over the next week and the next week ONLY. Requests will open at 10:00 pm EST on January 3 and close at 11:59 pm EST on January 11. Any requests I receive after that will most likely not be written. I do my best to finish requests within 1-2 days of receiving them, but if it takes longer, please don’t send it again unless you think Tumblr might have eaten it - I promise you I’m getting through them!
Once again, thank you to everyone who’s been here throughout this journey - I really appreciate the love you’ve given to my writing :)
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sxcret-garden-archive · 10 months
So I see the tags are very dry, but is anyone still interested in reading golcha fics? Because I'm considering writing for them.... 👀
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what if.... you and Foul Legacy Childe somehow found yourselves on the Golden Apple Archipelago. no Fatui, no enemies sans a few hilichurls here and there; just lush islands and a glittering ocean and a clear, azure sky. it's a stark contrast from the busy bustle of Liyue or the cold embrace of Snezhnaya, and Childe is vibrating with excitement at the sight of the sun and the sea. you let him splash around in the waves as you observe the isles- there's no visible way off the Archipelago, as far as you can see, but there's also near nothing to fear. besides, it's about time you two got a vacation. you explore the islands at your leisure, sometimes on foot, sometimes in Childe's arms. once when you were attempting to climb one of the rock structures, you slipped and would've broken your neck if Childe hadn't rushed over and caught you. both of you were shaking in fear from the experience, and you hug Childe tightly when he lets out a strangled whimper. you let him fly you up the mountains from then on. out of all the treasures and ruined ships you find, your favorites are the elegant conch shells, patterned blue and cream and lilac. once, you're holding one to your ear when you swear you hear your own voice speaking. Childe tilts his head when you jump, letting out a curious trill, but falling silent when your voice begins whispering from the shell; a memory from when you first took him in from the storm. he gives you a particularly affectionate headbump afterwards, gently ruffling your hair with his claws and purring softly. at one point you encounter a double-sided spear sticking out of the ground. it's curiously familiar- almost exactly like the one Childe uses, and when he reaches out to take it you're both pulled into a mysterious domain filled with water, ice, and cold starlight. you wake up alone, and begin wandering through unfamiliar memories. ice fishing, cooking, playful swordfighting- it's only when you watch a small shadow fall into an enormous chasm in the ground that you realize whose memories you're watching, and you observe Childe's shattered life with a lump in your throat. Foul Legacy hugs you when you find him, tight and desperate, silently pleading for you not to leave him alone again. and you squeeze him back, burying your face in his fluff as the memory of Childe emerging from the Abyss with an extra shadow plays in your head. when he finally purrs again, you're tossed out of the mirage and back onto the beach, and Childe nudges his head into your hands fretfully as you run your fingers through his hand and down the sides of his horns and face. there's another shell on the ground, and he picks it up and holds it to his ear. a smile spreads across his fanged maw, and Childe purrs contently at what you can hear is your voice, before dropping the shell into your hands and returning to his task of nuzzling his head into your palms. it makes you smile, too, and you resume scritching the area just behind his horns to be met with purrs of delight. the spear lays forgotten. you'll find your way off these isles, anyway, when you want to.
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golchahrs · 2 years
[10:49 am] jaehyun is trying his hardest, but you can still see the unshed tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. a pout graced his face, and if he wasn’t upset, you would be cooing over him.
“baby, it’s okay,” you reassured him as you applied ointment to the bug bites that unfortunately was all over his face.
“but they’re ugly,” he grumbled, upset that out of all the places he could’ve gotten bitten, it was his face. they were swelling, uncomfortable, and ugly and he hated it. how unfortunate can he be?
“at least they’re not itchy,” you reasoned, peeling open a bandage. he shrugged halfheartedly.
his pout didn’t go away when you put on the last bandage, so you leaned forward and kissed one.
jaehyun recoiled slightly, and you couldn’t help yourself but kiss another bandaged spot.
he whined, pushing you away.
“stoppp, i don’t—”
“feel pretty? no! i’ll show you you are pretty even if your face is a little messed up right now!” you declared, finally pushing yourself onto him to litter his face in kisses.
“hey!” jaehyun protested between laughs, swatting at your arms and leaning away. “i thought you were trying to make me feel better.”
“i am!” you chirped, placing another kiss near his eyebrow. “but—”
“actually, i don’t want to hear it,” jaehyun decided, knowing you were going to tease him about the bites. instead, it was his turn to lean in a give you a chaste peck on the lips.
with his eyes still closed, he whispered, “thanks for patching me up.”
you smiled. “of course. and you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes. today was just an unlucky and unfortunate day.”
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