#bokuto agnst
buckysmeller · 2 months
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LittleLuxary could easily write Romeo and Juliet but Shakespeare could never write In Another Life
4 years and I still can’t get over this fic 😭
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zzzennin · 3 years
TW: dub-con, domestic violence, depression, mention of anti-depressants.
Hi! This is part of the frozen hearts collab hosted by @kingkatsuki and @bakuroo-writings, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this group suffering!
This fic has some really dark themes, such as domestic violence and toxic abusive relationships, so please don't read if this can somehow trigger you. And for all the victims, you don't deserve this, you gonna be alright, you deserve love.
I chose to do this theme cause I've noticed that sometimes male domestic violence victims are invisible, we don't often discuss this topic and when they share their experience is minimized or motive of laughter and this is not fair. Help make victims, love them show them that they deserve love and safety too 💜
Bokuto was big in every sense, tall, broad, his body sculpted by the many years of hard work in his job, his dream job. A professional volleyball player. His big and callused hands showed the reflection of his effort.
His personality was also very big, he was always the loudest in the room, his presence was never unnoticed, loud laugh, big hand gestures his voice also tended to be really loud but he was always working on speaking a little lower. He was always the sun in the room, radiant, bright.
But that was before.
Before he needed the little pills to make his brain remember how it was to feel happy, to remind him of not overworking his body in the gym in order to feel physical pain just so he could feel something.
If was possible he would tell you the exact day that he broke, his heart was ripped out of his chest. It was the day he called the cops and she was arrested. He didn't want to do that, but for a split second, all that went to his head was how she was going to kill him. He was scared.
The guilt that filled his chest after all the police procedures were unimaginable, he never knew that that kind of sad, overwhelming negativity even existed as he signed the restringing order. She was no longer allowed to get near him, Akaashi had to go to the apartment get his stuff out there. And for the first time he had a bad taste in being a public person, the comments after the first gossip magazine talked about the case and post pictures of his injuries that someone in the station must have leaked. He didn't have the energy to fight back and share what actually happened.
After reading all comments and how people doubted his story, how could such a big man get hit by a small woman? He could defend himself if he really wanted to, what did he do in the first place for such a small woman to go at him like this, he must have done something awful to her. The rape accusations usually followed the speculations.
Bokuto wanted to scream, no, he didn't do anything wrong he would never hurt her, any woman, or any other person as far as he was concerned he wasn't a violent person, the thought of hitting or even raping someone made his stomach sick, is this the perception people had of him? Everyone deep down thought he was a monster? He started to self-doubt, maybe he did something to provoke her, made her feel scared of him for some reason and she only reacted.
He tried to remember that night, why the fight even started? He got until later on the gym, Atsumu was telling the guys about some crazy story about his trip to Brazil with Hinata on the off-season. They went out to drink, Bokuto went home she didn't like it when he went out to drink with the guys. But she was mad anyway, he was late.
She was yelling at the second he was in the living room, she was in the kitchen, she was supposed to make dinner tonight but the chicken was uncooked on the sink, knife on her hand. She hit him before so he was scared of the knife on her hand, she was too hot-headed and maybe could do some damage if she decided to go for him as she later did which prompted him to call the police from inside the bathroom. He had to remember, every night while he laid awake he remembered.
He was there when his relationship died in his arms and he was paralyzed by it, time slowed down because he knew, nothing would ever be the same.
Numbers and websites for women & men:
US: The National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233 [SAFE])
UK: Women’s Aid (0808 2000 247)
Australia: 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)
Worldwide: International Directory of Domestic Violence (a global list of helplines & crisis centers)
Websites for men:
US & Canada: The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men & Women
UK: ManKind Initiative
Australia: One in Three Campaign
Worldwide: International Directory of Domestic Violence (a global list of helplines & crisis centers)
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
Once Upon A Time:
Pairing: Cheater!Bokuto! x Fem!Reader, Kuroo x Fem!Reader
Warning: Cheating,
Song: Happier--- Ed Sheeran
Once upon a time, it was him that held you in his arms, whispering loving words into your ear.
You loved him, but not anymore.
“I miss you,“ he whispered to himself, as he watched your disappearing figure.
He really did.
Once upon a time, there was a prince, who held in the palm of his hand the world. He watched, as his world, his life, was slowly stripped from his grasp. His slippery fingers barley even attempting to latch on. So he watched as his princess hugged her own prince, whispering loving words into his ears. He watched. And waited. And waited.
Once upon a time, there was a prince, who you loved very much.
But the prince was not him.
A/N: I hope this broke your heart! Bro, I always loved the circle ending method, so i uhhhhh tried it!! I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT???? REQUESTS ARE CLOSED, BUT IF YOU GUYS HAVE ANYTHING YOU’D LIKE TO SEE IN THE FUTURE...HMU ;) (Tag reposting)
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Once upon a time, there was a prince. A great prince he was. Eyes gleaming with adoration as he stared at his queen. The grin on his face fighting the light of a million suns. Once upon a time, she smiled. Once upon a time.
He watched you now, numb, as you smiled. Your grin blazed, the corners of your eyes crinkling.You were beautiful. He watched, entranced, by the angelic glow that surrounded your figure as you walked in front of the dim lights of the restaurant. Your eyes, glimmered in the sparse light, mirroring the happiness you were feeling. The happiness that he was not the cause for.
Once upon a time, there was a prince. A handsome prince he was. His arms wrapped, lovingly around his glorious princess as he nuzzled his face into the soft crook of her neck. His princess had laughed, leaning into his sturdy touch. Once upon a time, she laughed. Once upon a time.
Six months. Only six months. But to Bokuto it felt as if only a few days had passed. He could smell the lingering scent of your coconut perfume, a little essence of cucumber added into the mix. He had memorized your scent, as if it were the only thing that mattered. You were the only thing that mattered. You are.
Once upon a time, there was a prince. A loving prince he was. His love battling that of a thousand armies. His loyalty, defying that of the holiest gods. Once upon a time, she was happy. Once upon a time.
“Bokuto,” she had croaked, as she lay in her bed, a wet cloth draping over her forehead.
“My love,” he whispered, as he laid a small kiss against her knuckles.
“I love you.” she whispered, as she closed her eyes, falling into a restful darkness. Bokuto held a breath as he watched her chest. She took fragile breaths, her chest heavily dropping down as she took a larger breath in.
“Y/N, I love you.” he croaked as he laid his head against yours, snuggling into the damp pillow.
Once upon a time, there was a princess. Lonely and cold. She waited and waited and waited for her prince. That prince in shining armor. The one to hold her, kiss her, love her. Once upon a time, she waited. Once upon a time.
You still remembered the first moment you had seen Bokuto. Clad in his new sweater, pants hanging low as he sheepishly held it up with one hand. He drew the other hand up and through his multi-colored hair. He had looked soo… mesmerizing. So...heavenly. The crooked smile that he wore on his face only added to his beauty. You wanted—no need to talk to him. What was his name? What were his hobbies? What did he like?
It was the unusual urge that dragged you towards him, opting to accidentally spill your pile of papers right in front of him. His mouth slightly dropped as he looked at you in surprise. You gave him a small smile and a wave as you bent down, picking up the scattered paper.
“Oppsie!” he joked as he bent down, helping you pick up the paper. Your fingers brushed as you reached for the last paper. How cliche.
“Sorry,” you squeaked as you tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“No problem!” he grinned, giving you a horrible wink.
“My name’s Y/N,” you offered as you quickly stood up. His eyebrow twitched, intrigued, as you held out an apprehensive hand. Take it, your eyes urged.
And take it he did.
Once upon a time, there was a prince. And a sad prince he was. His eyes dropped, the adoration that had beamed only days before, faltering at the sight of the small barrier. The princess watched, heart wrenching, as her prince slowly fell into an endless pit of despair. Once upon a time, he was happy. Once upon a time.
You didn’t know what to do. It was scary. You watched his back, leaving your small, shared apartment. Soundless, secretive even, as he opened the door, sneaking out. You buried your face in your palms. Digging your fingernails into your head, wringing your fingers through your hair. You were scared. You were nervous.
“What do I do,” you asked yourself as you laid back on the soft couch. You had tried to talk to him. To ask him, what was wrong. He had merely given you a firm look before closing the door.
You wanted to think he was meeting with his friends. That they were merely hanging out. That everything was okay. But, you knew— somewhere in your broken heart, that it was something else.
Once upon a time, there was a princess. She watched and watched as her prince sneaked out of the castle at night. And she waited. And waited. For an answer. For a reason. Once upon a time, she waited. Once upon a time.
“Why!” you asked, rocking on your hands as you leaned on your bed, hands clutching the undone bed sheets. You watched blankly at the purple spots that were splattered across Bokuto’s body. On his neck. On his chest. On his legs. Not a place untouched. He hadn’t even let you leave hickies when you had slept together.
But. there was almost little to no surprise. You could the slow moving separation through the mere span of three months. No more, did you sleep snug in his arms. No more, did you feel the whisper of a kiss as he woke up in the morning. No more did you feel the love. No more. It was almost a dream.
“Why?” your voice grew quiet at his look. Guilty. He was guilty.
“Y/N, I’m—”
“No you’re not,” you smiled as you looked at him. No. He was sorry for being caught.
Bokuto twiddled his thumbs, rocking on the balls of feet restlessly.
“I’ll leave,” you offered as you motioned for him to leave the room. He gasped as you stood up, walking to the closet. You seemed to grow frantic with her motion. With every action, a drop of your emotion leaked from your tightly-sealed bag. It wasn’t going to overflow. It was going to pop.
You let out a ragged sob as you threw clothing after clothing on the ground. Ripping your shirts off the hangers, as tears stung your eyes. You could hear Bokuto let out a low moan.
“No,” you hissed. “No.”
You bent down, pulling out a half-filled suitcase.
“Y/N,” he hissed as he stared at you, “were you—”
“Tomorrow,” you interrupted, “I was going to leave tomorrow.”
You looked up from your suitcase, heavy eyes landing on Bokuto. His shoulders seemed to sag at the gaze.
“Why?” he whispered, covering his hickied chest with his arms.
“I knew,” You knew before today. You just didn’t believe it.
“Y/N, it was a one time—”
“I’m sorry,” you let a whimper fall from your clogged throat, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be a good girlfriend. I’m sorry—”
“No, I’m sorry,” he pointed to himself desperately, “Please, no. I am sorry.”
You looked at him, adoration still clinging to you as you stared at him.
Once upon a time, there was a princess. She was tired of waiting and waiting and waiting. She was tired of giving and giving and giving. Maybe it was time to take the moment. She bid her prince a final adieu, giving a presumptuous bow. She didn’t look back, despite the desperate cries of her former lover. Once upon a time, she waited. Once upon a time.
He watched you, the small sway in your hips, the familiar movements of your fingers as you brushed the edge of your hair. He watched and watched and watched, as you let a small finger, stroke a larger hand. He watched. And watched. And watched.
You looked so happy, happier than you had been with him. Your skin was glowing, your gaze slowly resting upon your new prince’s face. You looked so...in love.
In love.
He looked away, his eyes burning from the tears streaking down his face.
Happy. Love.
He felt envy. Anger. Emotions he never had the right to feel. No. He didn’t the right to feel it. Not when he was the one who broke it. Broke you.
“Tetsu,“ you giggled, as clung to his arm.
“Babe,“ he whined as he grabbed your waist, pulling you close to him. “Why not?”
“Don’t be stupid.“ you huffed playfully, as you cuddled into his chest, looking up to him.
“Fine,“ he pouted, kissing the top of your head. “Love you, baby.”
You smiled, closing your eyes.
“I love you too.“
Bokuto gaped. It sounded so real and genuine, his eyes fluttered close.
I love you.
Tears fell faster from his eyes.
You loved him too, once upon a time.
Once upon a time, it was him that held you in his arms, whispering loving words into your ear.
You loved him, but not anymore.
“I miss you,“ he whispered to himself, as he watched your disappearing figure.
He really did.
Once upon a time, there was a prince, who held in the palm of his hand the world. He watched, as his world, his life, was slowly stripped from his grasp. His slippery fingers barley even attempting to latch on. So he watched as his princess hugged her own prince, whispering loving words into his ears. He watched. And waited. And waited.
Once upon a time, there was a prince, who you loved very much.
But the prince was not him.
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anianimol · 4 years
Hello, Again | Kōtarō Bokuto
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Bokuto x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff & Imagine, Agnst
Warnings: none
WC: 1.2k
Synopsis: Years after your move to Miyagi Prefecture, you reunite with an old friend.
continue reading : ch.2
listen along: to build a home - the cinematic orchestra
a/n: for my beautiful friend kayla☺️🦋 @janellion , I hope you like this one as much as I loved writing it!! i felt super inspired after starting this one and was planning on making it a little series, so please feel free to give feedback below💕🤗
“Remind me why we’re going in the first place?” You groaned to Yachi as you tossed options from your closet onto the bedroom floor.
“Well, I kind of sort of told Kageyama and Hinata that I’d come with them if they passed their algebra test...” the blond trailed off, her sheepish expression visible even through the blurry screen. Sighing in defeat, you flounced onto your mattress, trying not to think about the day before you.
Yachi had somehow blackmailed you into babysitting the mismatched gaggle of volleyball players from across Japan as they headed to the amusement park this afternoon. The idea hadn’t completely scared you; you had met some of them after watching their games and dropping by to see your best friend after practice.
The boys didn’t worry you.
But two words did—Kōtarō Bokuto.
Just hearing those syllables made your chest tight⁠—the thought of him bringing a familiar heat to your face. It had been years since you had last truly spoken; you two had attended the same middle school, growing up practically inseparable, up until your move to Miyagi Prefecture. 
But it wasn’t awkwardness that you feared; more so the feelings that you were yet to come to terms with.
His words seemed to reverberate within you, sending a wave of goosebumps across your skin.
You watched silently as the street lamps above cast twin shadows onto the pavement, one dwarfing the other as they stopped abruptly at a corner.
“So is this it? Am I never going to see you again?”
His voice was hoarse, a stark contrast from is normally bright tone, as he fought desperately to bite down emotions wrestling free.
You didn’t have the strength to look up. The thought of seeing that pained expression plastered on his face was too difficult to bear.
“Look at me.”
It didn’t matter, you told yourself. How much you ached to give in to him, to confess to the throbbing of your heart each time you met his eyes and felt the scorching heat of his touch; you knew that deep down, you couldn’t, not if it meant bringing upon him that same gut-wrenching ache that tore you up from the inside at the thought of having to leave the boy you loved behind.
He took your wrist gently, his nimble fingers wrapping around gingerly, sending a sharp current through your blood. 
Gathering whatever courage remained, you met his eyes, rendered speechless by their severity. 
His amber irises were in agony; if they held any more emotion you thought they would shatter into a thousand flecks of gold—the death of a star; a supernova. 
“Tarō, I-”
“You can’t leave me. Not like this.” He whispered, his head bowed as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. 
“You know I don’t have a choice,” you choked out, bottom lip quivering as hot streaks trailed down your cheeks. 
Hiccuping, you gathered syllables together, murmuring weakly, “We'll still be friends, Bo, you and Akaashi and me—”
“You know damn well that I don’t see you as just a friend.” 
His fingers slipped from your wrist, hesitating for a moment as he sharply inhaled before sliding his hand across your palm and threading his fingers through yours. 
“My pulse doesn’t race like this when I talk with Akaashi.”
You had never seen his face sport an expression that serious; his eyes were blazing now, some kind of concealed hunger now present in them as they gazed hopefully into yours, his thumb lightly brushing your cheek.
“I’m falling in love with you.”
The tears were flooding now, pouring down your face, your body trembling as you suppressed the gut-wrenching sobs from reaching your throat and the desire to bury your face into the front of his shirt. 
Your lips parted, but words refused to come. 
“You don’t have to say it back.” 
A small smile.
His lips brushed the skin of your forehead, releasing your hand and pulling away after a long, quiet moment. 
A sad smile ghosted his face, as if admiring you for the last time. 
The final words that left his lips hung in the thick August heat, dissolving slowly into the heavy moisture that coated the air as you turned to go your separate ways:
A horn blared incessantly outside, slipping you out of a daze.
You pulled on a cream colored top and a pair of flowy olive pants, sprinting out the door and across the street at the barrage of texts from your blond friend. 
“Sorry, I lost track of time,” you sighed as you pulled the door closed behind you, staring blankly out the window as you pulled away, your mind anywhere but present. 
After a much needed rant to Yachi, you felt somewhat reassured upon hearing of his indifference towards your joining the group—though the uneasy feeling at the pit of your stomach said differently.
Did he no longer feel the same?
The thought had crossed your mind thousands of times over the past few years, resurfacing bitterly as you watched the clementine-haired first year slam ball after ball onto the hardwood floor of the gym, heard those same syllables leave his lips, carving them once again into your battered heart.
Maybe it was for the better, you assured yourself. It was safer that way; slowly drifting from him after leaving had been the most agonizing process, but maybe, just maybe, you had eased his pain, taking on the burden for the both of you. 
As you pulled into the lot of the amusement park, you spotted a striking group of boys heading towards your car: one dark haired and reminiscent of a rooster, a tall blond, a shorter boy with furiously orange locks accompanied by a visibly annoyed partner, and a pair who lagged behind the rest, one with tame, dark waves, the other sporting silver-frosted tips and a large grin. 
Noticing your dumbfounded expression, Yachi dragged you from the car, using every ounce of muscle in her small frame to force your weight alongside her. 
As he drew closer, he seemed to glow like a hologram, the outline of his form sparking with blue electricity. 
Only he was right here, standing inches from you, his presence radiating that familiar, comforting warmth; Bokuto had always felt like home. 
He was the same, exactly the same. That identical cheery, rambunctiously childlike boy you had known. Only now he was a man; his boyish face melding into strong, angular features to showcase that blinding grin, accentuating his telling facial expressions.
By some form of sorcery, it seemed as if he had grown even taller, his shoulder now surpassing the crown of your head as you timidly peered up at him, craning your neck slightly.
Blushing furiously as his eyes landed on you, you began shyly; 
“Hi, Bo.”
He smiled that toothy, sunshine grin:
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kaita0 · 3 years
Kaita’s WIP
I am working on a lot of things for you guys at the moment. 
1. It’s terrfying (Bokuto x Reader) Summary: After a huge car accident, that leads to one person death and another person being stuck in a coma.  TW: Angst, Fluff, Death, Coma, Marriage (Idk some people scared of marriage)  2. Lucilfer’s Little Angel ((OBEY ME) Lucilfer x Male!Angel!Reader) Summary: You were once Lucilfer’s lover but that was when he was still an angel. After his father banished him and his brother you thought you would never be able to see him again. But I guess fate had other plans for you instead.  TW: YAOI, Boy x Boy, Angst, Fluff, Mammon being a greedy little shit
3.  Baby Sitter (Enji Todoroki x Babysitter!Reader) 18++ Summary: You are Shoto’s baby sitter because his mother was obviously in the hospital after the accident. With your charm you made Shoto fall for you, But unknowingly making Enji fall for you as well. And Enji is tired of waiting.  TW: Daddy Kink, Breeding, Oral (Fem-Giving), Cum Play, 
4. Raining (Shigaraki Tomura x Reader) Summary: (MANGA SPOILERS) After Tomura is finished killing all the heroes trying to get him, he goes on a search for you. But it turns out he was too late. And all he can think is how much of a failure he is.  TW: ANGGSSST, BIG AGNST, Death, Flashbacks, 
I will make sure to put the links after I am done with them. 
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
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|| ℕ𝕠 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤𝕚𝕖𝕤 || ft. Kuroo Tetsurou
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|| 𝕀𝕔𝕖 𝕀𝕔𝕖, 𝔹𝕒𝕓𝕪? || ft. Akaashi Keiji
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|| 𝕀 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕄𝕪 ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕖? || ft. Haiba Lev
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|| 𝕏𝕆𝕏𝕆 ℂ𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 || ft. Sugawara Koushi
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|| 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕜𝕦𝕥𝕠 || ft. Bokuto Kotaro
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|| 𝕆𝕟𝕖 ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕪  || ft.Atsumu Miya
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Also this isn’t ALL of the ones I plan to do, just a few to start!!! Also this is just a way to get some writing juices starting! 
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
Can I hit him? With a knife?
S/O with a rude, idiotic ex who insults them in front of their boyfriends. 
Pairing: Bokuto x Reader, Kageyama x Reader
Warning: Slight Language, mentions of NSFW, Violence (in Kageyama’s), toxic ex
A/N: THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS!! ITS AMAZING AND NICE TO KNOW PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE MY WORK! I’m not going to do an event unitl after SHIPTEMBER! Especially since SHIPTEMBER are full blown fics! Anyway thanks and hope you enjoy!!!! Asks are CLOSED for SHIPTEMBER.
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If you had known, you would be seeing you ex at the theater, you would had eagerly missed your last to watch the movie. Even though it was the movie you had always wanted to see.
Even worse, you were sure that you had already caught his eye. You clung to Bokuto’s arm, tugging it to make him look at you.
“Y/N?” He looked down at you with wide eyes, a grin plastered onto his face, “Sup?” Your eyes widened as you caught sight of your ex making his way. Towards you. You grimaced. You did not want see him.
Especially from the way it ended. You shivered at the thought of seeing him again.
“Babe?” he asked again, following your direction of vision, he stiffened under your grasp, his smile flickering. “Oh,” he softly said, as your ex was walking towards you. 
“Y/N,long time, no see!” Bokuto pushed you behind him slightly, blocking your ex from seeing you. You could act dumb, pretend you didn’t know him, but you were pretty sure that would be useless.
“Who are you!” Bokuto asked, narrowing his eyes as your ex scoffed at him.
“So you’re the dude she left me for,” he laughed, as if that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard, “Y/N, its the muscles isn’t it. You always loved my muscles when we dated.” You blushed at the statement.
You had pretended to like his non-existent muscles, merely just brush his ego. You were a stupid person, all those months ago, but now. Now you didn’t want anything to do with him.
“Bo, lets go”. you whispered to him, tugging on his arm, “Please,” But, he didn’t budge, just looking down at your ex, who was a few inches shorter, and grinning.
“What? Y/N, I just wanna talk.“ He gave your boyfriend a big smirk, “I’m sure she wants to.“ You tried not to roll your eyes. 
“No, I don’t think so.“ He turned around, looking at you with adoration in his eyes, “Do you, babe?“ You shook your head, immediately. No. Never
“See, sorry, but she doesn’t want to talk.“ he gave your ex a big smile, clasping your hand in his, as he made a move to leave.
“So this is the trash you left me for!“ The grin blew of Bokuto’s face as he turned around.
“Your following him like your his little — “
“I wouldn’t finish that sentence, if I were you!“ Bokuto smiled, a dark smile, “Anyway, have a good day!“ It sounded more like a wish for a horrible day, as the words rolled from Bokuto’s mouth.
“Come baby, I want to get some buttery popcorn,“ He gave you a soft smile, clasping your hand tighter, “And, then there’s those small candies, I wanna buy. And also the— “
You looked up to your boyfriend, tugging his hand again, he looked down as he smiled warmly, tilting his head.
“I love you,“ you murmured, throwing your hands over his neck, not bothering with the fact people were watching.
You could feel his smile on your neck, softly huffing warm air, as he grasped your waist, and heaving you slightly in the air.
“Me too, babe!“ his lips tickled your neck. You giggled. I love you
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When you were in grade school, your skirt had fallen down. Luckily, you were wearing shorts underneath, but still. It was awkward. 
A few years later, in middle school, you had chucked a book at your teacher. “To hit a bee,” you had said, as you sat in the principal’s office. 
The in high school you had accidentally insulted someone as you rejected them. “I just don’t like you, you know.” You still blushed at the thought.
But, now. Oh right now was probably the most awkward moment in all your 21 years.  
Hand in hand with boyfriend, you waved awkwardly at the man who came joking towards them. Kageyama stiffened around your hand, you gave him an apologetic glance.
“Y/N, babe, how are you?“ You cringed at the pet name, not even bothering to see Kageyama’s face. It would be one of anger, if you had looked. 
“Hey...“ you trailed off, as he tried to give you a hug, you side-stepped, the second Kageyama pushed you out of the way.
“Bro, just let me hug your sister!“ he huffed. Kageyama gave him an incredulous look. You looked nothing like him, almost every feature of your face contrasting his own.
“Are you stupid?“ he asked, pushing you behind him. You peeked from behind his shoulder. 
“No!“ he puffed his chest, almost proud, “I gradated high school!“
Tobio, tilted his head, annoyed and confused, “That’s not much of an achievement.” You pinched his side, warning him to be a little nicer.
“So, Y/N, is this your...“ 
“Boyfriend.“ you said, wrapping yourself onto his arm, pressing your chest against him in proof, “In love. The whole thing.“
“Oh, how much did she pay you?” he joked to Tobio, who glared at him angrily. Sparks flew in his blue eyes as he scowled.
“Just what are you saying.“
“I’m saying that this thing isn’t worth much of your time,“ he laughed at his own comment, “She’s not bad in bed, though, Maybe that’s why you keep her.“ You burrowed your face in his arm, groaning.
You mentally prayed that Kageyama would ignore the comment and leave. 
“Shut up you — “
“Let’s go, Kageyama.“ you interrupted, not wanting to be the reason he gets hurt, “Please.“ He looked into your anxious eyes and then back at the man.
“Fine.“ he clipped, dragging you with him as started to walk away.
“That’s right. Run away you wuss.“ Oh no. Kageyama whirled around, dropping your arm, as he swung a sharp punch to his jaw. 
He guttered in pain, clenching his face.
“You crazy—“ he winced as Kageyama raised his hand, only your weak grasp on his wrist stopping him.
“He just insulted you.“ he hissed, looking at you.
“Please, Tobio, this is our day!“ He huffed a small response, dropping his hand and giving the man an intense look. 
“Tobio, what was that,“ you let out a breath, one you didn’t know you had held, “That was — “
“I’m sorry,“ he muttered, pulling you in by the waist, “if I scared you.“
“I was going to say unnecessary, yet badass.“ you retorted, holding his face in your hands,”But, thanks Tobio.“
He pressed a kiss, on your palms, his breath ghosting over your wrists.
“I love you, Y/N.“ he mumbled, “Not just because of you in bed — although I — “
“Tobio, leave it.“ He gave a small smile.You pecked his lips.
“I love you too, okay.“
“You have bad taste in men.“ 
“Expect me.“
“Y/N? You just said you loved me.“
You sighed, hooking an arm around his own, and dragging him away. “Let’s go home, Tobio.”
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
But... He died!
this really happened irl.I just finished reading in another life a day ago and I am still sensitive whenever IAL flashes in my mind and idk why the other day while eating a banana i suddenly remember IAL and it made me tear up ; Z ; so can I request a hcs of bois (ur choice) suddenly comforting their s/o because out of the blue they started to sobs while eating somethin' and when asked they answered because they read a vv sad story and still affected by it? tHANK YOU SO MUCH IF U WILL NOTICE DIS- Anon
Pairing: Bokuto x Reader, Tsukishima x Reader
Warnings: Slight language, Assassination Classroom spoilers, The Fault in Our Stars spoilers
A/N: I feel like I’m bad at asks because I go off topic?? But, I loved writing this, anon, please marry me, it was SUCH AN AMAZING ask! LIKE HOW CAN I NOT NOTICE THIS!! Also I never actually ready In Another Life. I don’t plan to??? Like I’m scared of reading it! But, I can tell you the Bokuto x Reader part is from personal experience because I am 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓴. Anyway I hope you Enjoy. Asks are OPEN.
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You had been warned, way before you had decided to watch Assassination Classroom, that you were going to cry at one point, but you didn’t care what’s life without a broken heart?
So, during a long weekend, you built yourself a small fort, snuggling into the covers and started watching
You were emotionally wrecked by the end of it, especially in the last episode. Tears streamed down your face as you watched Koro Sensei turn into small, elegant lights
You stayed in your small bed fort, ignoring every call or text that was sent your way. How could he die. He was such an amazing character.
You thought, stupidly, you would be fine once school started again, too busy on homework and tests to remember the yellow octopus
Oh how wrong you were.
The first incident happened when someone brought up eating octopuses, during lunch, a tear dropped down your cheek as an image of Koro-Sensei flooded your mind.
The second incident happened when someone had mentioned the end of their favorite anime. You sobbed at the thought of not seeing any of the characters anymore.
The third, and final, incident happened in front of your own boyfriend, something you should have thought of twice before doing.
You had walked into the gym, after school. Searching for your boyfriend. Your eyes were red and puffy from the numerous amounts of breakdowns that had occurred.
Your lips wobbled at the thought.  RIP Koro-Sensei
You kept your head down, as you walked into the gym, obviously sad.
It had taken a few minutes for Bokuto, and the rest of the team, to even realize that you had even arrived.
They had quickly surrounded you, encasing you in a small circle as the looked at you. Their eyes widened as you looked up at them tears forming in your eyes.
“Y/N-chan?” Konoha asked, placing a hand on your shoulder, inquiring eyes pierced you as you looked away
“Y/N, baby, what’s wrong” Bokuto asked, bending down slightly as he scooped you into a hug.
“Bokuto” your lips quivered as you clutched his back, pressing your face into the crook of his neck, the slight smell of sweat and mint lingered.
“Bokuto.” you sobbed, tears pooling in his neck, the team lept back in surprise as you had a whole breakdown in front of them
They scattered around, shouting to each other to help you.
“Get her some water.” “Oi, give her your jacket” “Do you want to buy some ice cream? ”
“Y/N, what’s wrong”Bokuto asked, voice slightly muffled, 
“Koro-Sensei is dead” you shouted, as the entirety of the gym froze giving you an odd look.
“Who?” Bokuto leaned back from you tilting his head in confusion, “Koro-sensei.”
You let out another sob, giving a frantic nod. 
“He’s dead!” you cried out, fingers digging into his back. Bokuto felt tears forming in his eyes as he watched you bawl.
“He’s dead!”he whispered, before turning around to his teammates, who gave them an odd look, “Guys, he’s dead!” 
He brought you in, sobbing into your hair as you sobbed into his chest.
“He’s dead.” you simultaneously bawled
The team looked at you both, deadpan and slightly disappointed.
“Petition to get a new Captain.” The vote was unanimous. 
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He warned, quite a few times, to not read The Fault in our Stars. He told you, so many goddamn times, you would cry.
And cry you did. Reading the book, just to piss him off. Nobody gonna tell me what to do
Tears had formed, blurring your vision as you closed the book. You bit your lip to stop the heart-wrenching sob that threatened to come out.
You never expected that. Not that. 
The only thoughts in your mind was the death of Augustus Waters. He was dead.
Your lips were forced apart, as the trembling increased, taking in a deep breath before you let out a sob.
It was loud and forceful, rasping your throat as more continued to come
Drops of tears fell, promptly on your book. You were sure Kei was going to kill you for even letting anything happen to his book, but you were too heart-broken to care.
You took a deep breath as you chucked the book onto your head, watching as it landed with a small plop
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. She didn’t know who she was mad at. But, you were mad. Mad at him for dying. Mad at yourself for reading it. And mad at Kei for letting you read it.
You gritted her teeth, tears falling loosely, as you swiped your phone from the near table, quickly unlocking it
A few text messages from friends and two from Kei. You scowled.
You went into his contacts and blocked him, proud of yourself for giving him some his own medicine.
You turned out the nights, closing your shutters, as you snuggled into bed, ignoring the very tiny rip in your heart from the book. You stupid person
He spammed you through friends, making them send his own stupid collection of reaction memes. Tell me this boy doesn’t have rude reacts on his phone You gritted your teeth, as you turned your notifications off, shoving your phone back in your pocket
“And he got sick” you whirled around, hearing part of a conversation. Your heart raced as you stared. They looked at you, weirded out. You blushed, mumbling a small apology as you walked away. Oh god what was that. That’s heartbreak. That’s the tweet.
You found yourself more attentive as you walked down the hallways of Karasuno High. For two reasons.
One to stay away from your boyfriend, who you caught waiting for you by your locker
And second, well, you felt yourself on the verge of tears, every second of the day. 
To the point where you almost bawled in the middle of your science class.
“Class, today we’ll be talking about the mutation of cells.” You felt your breath hitch at that. 
“Can anyone tell me the name—” A hand stretched out, as someone blurted the answer, “Cancer.” The teacher furrowed her eyebrows, mocking an angry look.
“Correct, but wait for me you pick on you first.” The class laughed, as the student eyed the teacher sheepishly. That student was not me. No wrong Mushroom.
But you. You couldn’t care less about that student. Your ears were blurry as you bent over your desk. 
Cancer that’s what he died by. You choked on your sob as it caught in your throat. Earning her, some odd glances from the people around her.
Shit. Tears were so close to pouring out. It do be like that sometimes
You raised you hand, surprising the class and the teacher
“May I please use the restroom” you croaked out, standing up and motioning to leave the classroom before anyone could stop you. 
You walked, almost running, away from the classroom, trying very hard to hide the sobs that you wanted to release.
“Y/N.” a gruff voice made you stop in your tracks as blonde hair peeked into your sight
“Tsukki?” you questioned, your voice cracked as you looked at him. He was panting, slightly, as he glared at you. But, you could see the anxiousness in his eyes.
“Y/N, what the—”
“Kei,” you sobbed, throwing your arms over his neck, “Kei.”
He backed away, surprised at first, but soon rested his hands on your waist pulling you towards him.
“I hate you.” you hissed, tears pouring down your cheeks as you looked up at him, “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate—”
He slammed a kiss onto your mouth, eager to shut you up I wanna be shut up now
“You read the book didn’t you.” he smirked, as you glared at him in all your anger
“I told you—”
“Shut up you useless excuse of a dinosaur.” you snapped, burrowing your face into his chest.
He smiled, stroking your hair as you sobbed into his chest, murmuring small phrases as you blabbered to him
“Ms. Y/N may I ask what you and Mr. Tsukishima are doing in the hallway?” Oh good Lord, you were screwed.
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
Quarantine: U R A Q T
➳ Pairing: Kōtarō Bokuto x Fem!Reader 
➳ Synopsis:
“But, Bo!” you whined, placing the water bottle to the side, “I need to get fit!“
“I need to need to exercise to get that!“
“But, you’re not doing it.“
Bokuto looked at you, head tilted in a confused fashion. You moaned. God, how did it not make sense.
“I was,“ you replied, “and I have to finish it, but I don’t want to!“
“Then don’t!” he shrugged as he leaned against the doorway, chuckling at your pouting face.
➳ Warning: Slight language, Chloe Ting, Quarantine 
➳ Word Count: 1.2K
➳ A/N: I started doing Chloe Ting, and let me tell you I muted her and started blasting anime theme songs because it really does sound a song from hell. Asks are CLOSED! Taglist is OPEN! ENJOY THIS FIC OF ME COMPLAINING ABOUT CHLOE TING WORKOUTS!
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“Babe, what are you doing?“ 
Bokuto paused as he looked at your sweaty figure, sprawled across the floor. He raised a brow as you only groaned, moving to lie on your side.
You finally looked up, towards your boyfriend. You were panting, sweat rolled down your body, making you feel sticky and disgusted. A Chloe Ting workout played in the background, the demonic music continuing as you sighed.
“Exercise,“ you got back, as you let out a yawn, to tired to move from your spot on the ground.
“Come you guys just a few more seconds!“ as the small beeps on the last three seconds rung through the room. 
“Ughh.“ you groaned as you grudgingly sat up, stretching your arm to your phone as pressing the pause button. When, really, you should have just turned the phone off. Out of sight, out of mind.
“Which move is that?“ Bokuto teased as he tossed you the towel he had wrung around his neck. You gave a nod of appreciation as you wiped your face with the slightly, damp towel. You paused feeling the slight wetness of it, and pressed it to your nose.
“Did you just take a shower!“ you asked, as the lingering scent of Bokuto’s shampoo remained.
“Yup,“ he grinned, stretching his arms, “I exercised too!”
You watched in awe. It was only nine in the morning —two hours earlier than you usually wake up.
“But, its nine?“ you said, surprised.
“Yah?“ he said looking at you with a funny face.
You sighed, plopping back on the ground. You were unfit. Incredibly unfit. You had now wished you had taken advantage of gym in high school, instead of suffering by doing a few push-ups.Not that it was fully your fault. Fresh out of university, and fresh into a new job was hard. Still having to remind yourself to keep up with your schedule. Especially in this situation. Quarantine had just started, only a few weeks into it and you were already sick of it. You were sick of the sitting around and doing nothing. You were sick of having online meetings with your stupid co-workers who didn’t even know how to use a phone. You were sick of watching as the world passed you. And you were sick of the music that Chloe Ting chose for her goddamn workout. They sounded like it came straight from hell.
“Babe?“ Bokuto called again, as he tossed you water bottle, “You shouldn’t strain yourself too much.“
“But, Bo!” you whined, placing the water bottle to the side, “I need to get fit!“
“I need to need to exercise to get that!“
“But, you’re not doing it.“ 
Bokuto looked at you, head tilted in a confused fashion. You moaned. God, how did it not make sense.
“I was,“ you replied, “and I have to finish it, but I don’t want to!“
“Then don’t!” he shrugged as he leaned against the doorway, chuckling at your pouting face.
“But, I have to!“ you said angrily, he rose his hands in surrender.
“Then do it!“ 
“But, I’m not motivated,“ you complained slamming your face into the yoga mat below you, “And I only have one more exercise to do to!“
“Which one?“ he asked leaving the door frame and walking up to you.
“Crunches!“ you huffed, “They’re the worst!“
Bokuto nodded in agreement, but you knew that it wasn’t for him. You eyes his bulging muscles, that were even more noticeable in his tight fitted gray t-shirt he insisted on wearing. You could see his legs muscles flex, slightly, has he knelt down in front of you, stroking the back of your head.
“Come on, baby, I’ll help you,” he cooed as you lifted your head of the ground.
He grinned.
“Really, now get up.” 
You heaved yourself of the ground, onto your knees. Leaning backwards, you situated yourself on your butt, legs a shoulder-width apart in front of you. Your arms were crossed onto your shoulders.
“Good,” he stated, as he reached over your shoulder to continue the video. Chloe Ting’s voice immediately blasted out.
“Good job, now take a ten second rest. The last exercise are crunches!”
Bokuto grinned as he placed himself neatly between your legs, grasping your feet for support.
“Just do normal crunches okay?” he said, squeezing your toes, you giggled.
“Three. Two. One. Start!”
You gulped, as you leaned backward, Bokuto’s hand keeping your feet placed firmly on the ground. You let out a breath as you went back up, your first crunch finished. You leant back again, your chest heaving, as you started your next crunch.
You furrowed your brows, looking at Bokuto’s mischievous smile and his sparkling eyes. How was this supposed to help.
“Good, keep on going.“ You vowed to put her on mute the next time you exercised.
You grunted as you felt your stomach squeeze and tighten at the intense action.
“Bokuto!” you said in between crunches. He hummed a small yes.
“Help please?”
He only smiled, looking back at your phone, and at your face. Sweat had started to form, you cringed as a small drop ran down your neck and into your shirt. 
“Bokuto!” you whined.
He grinned, leaning forward slightly, as you came in for your fifth crunch. 
His lips ghosted yours, as you went back down. His grin grew wider at your shocked look.
“Come on you still have,” he licked his lips looking at the video, “thirty seconds.”
You blushed. This is what he had in mind. You couldn’t complain. It was a treat. You gave a small smile, as you came back towards him, your seventh crunch. Smacking his lips on yours for a quick second. You scowled at his teasing smirk. You huffed, as you leaned back. 
The tightness in your stomach, the sweat trailing under your shirt were now the least of your worries. Bokuto puckered his lips mockingly as you came in for another crunch. You scowled in this kiss, as he pulled back the second your lips had touched yours.
“Bokuto,” you hissed. 
You groaned, as you went back. You could feel your muscles aching as you went in for another crunch. But, this time, you removed your arms from your chest, and grabbing his neck. Your thighs clenched as you pulled on his hair, forcing him towards you.
It was a fulfilling kiss. All the teasing had been enough, as you wrapped your mouth over his, not letting him move even an inch. His own eyes fluttered, closing them. 
You moaned in the kiss as his hands moved up your lips and onto your waist, softly squeezing it.
“Great work today guys!“ you pulled back, looking back at the video.
You cursed her, removing Bokuto’s hands from your waist. You turned your phone off, looking back at Bokuto.
“Wanna take another bath?“
He gave you a childish grin, standing up and grabbing your hand.
“Why not!“ You giggled as he dragged you to the bathroom.
Now this was the type of exercise you would never deny.
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
Rewrite the Stars
i cant do cheating fics cheating makes me want to jump into my phone and fight but unrequited love hits different. WITH BOKUTO!- ANON BBY <3
Pairing: Bokuto Kotaro x Reader
He messed up.
And you would never know.
He didn’t mean it.
And you would never know.
He loved you.
And you would never know.
Warning: Unrequited love (kind of), Angst
Word Count: 1K
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You pressed on the small buttons of the remote control, flicking your wrist at every change of the channel. You clicked your tongue at the lack of any interesting on the TV. You sighed, chucking the remote to the side and lying on your back.
“What’s up, Y/N,“ Bokuto asked, as he scrolled through his phone, his grin flickered as he typed eagerly on his phone. You sighed again, pushing his arms with your feet.
“Hey!“ he shouted as your cold toes touched his warm thighs. You gave his a small smirk as you pressed your toes into him. He grunted, but made no move to smack them off. You took that as a good sign,as you snuggled yourself back into the couch.
“Hey, Bo?“ you asked. He gave a low hum, eyes still glued to his phone screen, “Bo!“ you said again, poking his side with your big toe.
“Y/N!“ he whined as he swatted your toes off him. You laughed.
“You didn’t answer me,“ you faked a pout, “And you’re not looking at me.“
He gave you a quick glance, not even looking at your eyes, before looking back at the screen. You clenched your fists, trying to not let the anger inside of you burst. 
Bokuto had asked you, relentlessly for 3 hours to come over and ‘hang out’. You had tried to calm him down, saying you would later. Or tomorrow. He was stubborn on you coming today. You had sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, as you hung up on him and called your other friends. It was more than embarrassing to cancel the plan you had made months prior, and to say your friends were mad was an understatement. 
“It’s because of Bokuto, isn’t.“ one hissed into your ear. You had shivered at the anger in those few words.
“No,“ you lied through your teeth, but you knew they would see through your petty lies.
“Y/N, we get you have a...crush on him, but—“
“Bokuto is my best friend,“ you had interrupted them, hiding the small crack in your voice, “I don’t like him like that.“
You could almost hear the eye rolls. 
No. They were wrong. You didn’t have a crush on him. No. You loved him. You loved Bokuto with every inch of your being. You loved him. Everything about him. You loved his hair, and you could only dream of running a hand through it. You loved his lips more. The way the curved into a grin when he spikes. Or when he was happy and shouting. Oh god did you love his smile. It was so.. breath-taking. 
You sighed again, as you shook of those thoughts.
“Y/N?“ Bokuto called, you looked up at him in shock. Oh yeah. He was here. You almost forgot.
“Yeah Bo?“ you mumbled as you closed your eyes, covering them with your arm. 
“Can we... talk?“ his voice sounded stiff, awkward even as you felt him squirm on the couch. You felt your heart clench. As if you could tell what words he was going to say. You forced yourself to smile as you sat up, covering your face with your hand, your palms digging harshly into your eyes. 
You couldn’t do this. But you had to. There was no other way. Not without lying to  every day. It almost felt disgusting to call yourself Bokuto’s best friend, when your intentions were anything but. You wish you could restart your life. Maybe choose different schools. Different friends. Maybe then you wouldn’t have to deal with this. This pain. Oh god, he hadn’t even said it yet, but your heart hurt. It felt like — No. It didn’t feel like anything. Your heart was literally being pulled out, savagely ripped out of your chest. You could feel the stinging scars beginning to form, as you took in a rattling breath. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. You couldn’t even breathe. It was so hard. It was almost impossible. 
 Oh god. I can’t do this.
 But you have to.
I don’t want to.
But, there is no other way.
You smiled, devoid of any humor as you uncovered your eyes, looking straight at Bokuto.
“Yes, Bokuto-san,” you whispered as you tucked your legs into your chest.
“Y/N,“ he hissed, as if he was the one in pain, “I—I want you to know that I love you. I really do, but...“ He took a deep breath, looking at your face for any sign of discomfort. He squirmed in his seat. Maybe the emotionless face you made was worse.
“But not like that.“ you finished for him,you let loose an airy laugh. “I know.“
“Who told you?“ you asked, trying to mask the pain that you could feel creeping through, “Let me guess Kuroo?“
He gave you an apologetic look.
So it was him. Well you couldn’t hate. Maybe this was for the best.
“Y/N—“ he sounded desperate, but you didn’t want to hear it. You didn’t want to hear the ‘I’m sorry.‘. You didn’t want to hear the ‘You deserve better’. No. You didn’t want hear it. Not from him. Not with that look on his face. That sad look. That anguished one. The one you caused. No you didn’t want to be the cause of that pain.
“L/N.“ you corrected, “It’s L/N, Bokuto-san.“ 
He could tell. From that line. From the way you made a move to get of the couch. He could tell you were gone.
“I’ll get going?“ you smiled softly as jumped off the couch. You gave him a small wave, as you made your way to the front door.
He wanted to call you. To yell. To do something. But, he couldn’t. He couldn’t. It was as if the universe was playing with him. It was torture. Utter torture, watching you walk away from him. From his life. From his future.
He messed up.
And you would never know.
He didn’t mean it.
And you would never know.
He loved you.
And you would never know.
He heard the door shut, so softly. He would much rather you slam it. But you wouldn’t. He knew that.
He cupped his cheeks, tears falling down his skin.
You would never know.
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
Just A Little
Mushroom reaches 300? Check out my Follower Event! (closed)
Prompt: “There’s a leaf in your hair.” + “Why are you laughing?”
Pairing: Kōtarō Bokuto x Reader
OKAY only if you have time but can i get 9 and 21 with bokuto? YEAH IK I JUST SENT A KUROO ONE AKSJSJWJS but if you feel up to it after finishing ur other rqs i would very much appreciate it 😌 YOU DON’T HAVE TO THO I WAS JUST OBSESSED W THIS IDEA oh and for genre FLUFFFFF again pls, ur angst is always rips my heart out so i’m too scared to ask for it 👁💧👄💧👁 i just realized all of the prompts i chose are pretty fluffy anyway? BUT STILL I’LL SPECIFYYY tysm wifey ily and ur big brain 💋💍💖 - @lizbotw​
A/N: WIFEYYY THANK YOU!! <3. Join me in celebrating 300 Followers <3. These drabbles will be added to my main masterlist!! Send me a prompt from here with a character! EVENT CLOSED! (REPOSTING BECAUSE IT DIDN’T SHOW UP IN TAGS??? AGAIN??/ ;-;)
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“What?“ Bokuto cocked his head, peering his eyes at your giggling face. He crossed his arms, childishly, leaning back against the tree. A warm breeze hit your face, blowing your hair in front of you. You laughed harder, as you tucked the flying strands behind your ears. You glanced him, quickly averting your eyes from his annoyed look. You laughed even harder.
He gulped at your innocent face, turning away. He could feel heat raise up his neck and over his ears. God, it was hot. He fanned his face as he shrugged his school sweater off. You watched as he gave you a side-glance. You gave him a smile, which twitched at your bubbling laughter.
“Why are you laughing?“
You only turned your head.
“Y/N,“ he whined as he looked at you.
God, you were beautiful. From the way the hair shaped your face, to the way your arms were wrapped around your chest. He bit his lips as he watched you give a wink before leaning towards him. He leaned away slightly as you continued to reach forward, patting his head. Oh god, he must be a blushing mess right now. He could feel the back of his neck burn as you caressed his soft hair.
“Cute,“ you smirked as you stroked his hair, looking deep into his eyes.
Oh god, he wanted to kiss you. No. Needed to kiss. It was such an urge to grab your soft face and kiss your lips. He moved his hands under his thighs, sitting on his fingers. It was the only way he could think to contain this sudden urge.
No, not sudden. He had felt this since the first time he had met you. He had always wanted to feel your hands caressing his face as he brought in for a long-sought kiss. He sighed. But, he couldn’t.
“Bokuto,” you called in a sing-song voice. He felt his heart clench, even your voice was beautiful.
“Yeah,“ he croaked out, clearing his throat as he looked away from your curious eyes.
“Look,“ you softly said, as you patted his hair. You giggled as you brought something to his face.
“There’s a leaf in your hair.“
You snorted at his confused face. His hands went to his hair, patting and combing through to see if there was any more.
“Hey!“ he gave you an accusatory glare, “You put it there!“
You rolled your eyes as you let the leaf be swept away.
“Why would I put it in your perfect hair?“ you teased as you settles beside him, only an inch space between you. He gulped again, as he squirmed in his spot. He could almost feel the heat radiating from you.
“Because...“ he fought to come up with a decent excuse. “You wanna touch my hair?”
You smiled as you looked at him, fluttering your lashes.
“And if I wanted to touch your hair?“ you asked as you leaned towards him, “What would you do?“
“I would give you my hair.“ he spat. You paused looking at him incredulously. He wanted to slap himself for being stupid.
“I mean —“
You pecked his cheek, the kiss stopping as soon as it began. He whirled his head towards you, his eyes wide open.
“I—I Y/N?” he looked shocked, yet not disappointing. A drunken smile came across his face as he pushed his cheek towards you.
“No, you big bird, only one.“ you groaned as he pouted.
"Fine," you muttered under your breath as you gave him another quick peck. His heart almost bursted as you gave him a mischievous smirk.
He wanted to tell you that he loved you. But not, yet. He could hold of just a little longer.
He smiled at you.
Just a little.
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
We could Dream?
Pairing: Bokuto Kotaro x Fem!Reader
Warning: Angst
He grabbed her hand, bringing it up to his lips, placing a small kiss on her fingers. She giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears as she blushed. Oh, they were really in love. You watched, estranged from your physical self, as he smiled at her. Full of love. And passion. And adoration. He stared at her like she was the only thing in the world. As if she was the only thing that mattered.
“Goodbye, my lady,“ he gave a sweeping bow, the tips of his multi-colored hair tickling her face. She scrunched her nose, looking at him through loving eyes.
“Goodbye, Bokuto,“ she jokingly swatted his arm, her lingering fingers brushing his exposed bicep. She looked at him so... full. Like he was the one. He was the one she loved.
As if he... He was hers.
Another one. That’s the tweet. I’m probably going to put out a Sakusa fluff to make up for this. (Fun facts have been added to this fic :)
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It was tempting; the idea of grabbing him, clutching his arm, and dragging him away from that woman. That stranger. You knew if you made up an excuse, he would. He would always do that. For you. But, maybe it was the ever-drowning sensation of guilt that overthrew your senses at the mere thought. The unearthly clench of your stomach as you looked at them. Flirting. As if it was the most normal thing to do. Although, maybe when you were in love, it was.
He grabbed her hand, bringing it up to his lips, placing a small kiss on her fingers. She giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears as she blushed. Oh, they were really in love. You watched, estranged from your physical self, as he smiled at her. Full of love. And passion. And adoration. He stared at her like she was the only thing in the world. As if she was the only thing that mattered. 
“Goodbye, my lady,“ he gave a sweeping bow, the tips of his multi-colored hair tickling her face. She scrunched her nose, looking at him through loving eyes.
“Goodbye, my prince,“ she jokingly swatted his arm, her lingering fingers brushing his exposed bicep. She looked at him so... full. Like he was the one. He was the one she loved.
 As if he... He was hers.
As if your Bokuto was —
No he wasn’t your anything. He wasn’t your man. He wasn’t your lover. He was nothing. Nothing.
You chocked at that thought. What a lie. What a stupid lie. He wasn’t nothing. He was everything. He was the apple of your eye. The stars to night sky. The sun to your dark world. He was your light; that beacon of hope you followed with a passion. With a desperation. He was your hope. If he was your anything.
“Goodbye,” you heard the last whisper as Bokuto watched her run off, her handbag swinging on her arm. He was in such a daze. As if that woman — that stranger — had put a spell on him. You had never seen such a drunken look on his face. Never. Not even in high school. Not even when he played volleyball. No. When he played there was a clear, passionate look that echoed in his orbs. As if a fire was suddenly wrung in his eyes.
But now...now it was a drunken haze. A hazy coat of love, replacing the fire. No. Not replacing. Hiding. You could still see few sparks of fire, dancing in his eyes. But, not the fire of passion and determination. No this was the fire of love. The ever-raging feeling of loving someone. Of being loved. 
That’s what you wanted. You wanted someone to look at you like that. More specifically. You wanted him. You wanted him to look at you like that. Not a random girl. You wanted him to kiss your hand and call you beautiful. You wanted him. But, you couldn’t.
You could tell him.
He wouldn’t care.
You could try.
He wouldn’t care.
You could —
“Shut up,“ you hissed at yourself, pinching your arm. But, he wouldn’t you knew that. Never in the five years you knew him. Five years you loved him. You knew that he wouldn’t care. Because he didn’t love you. How could he? Why should he.
“Y/N,“ you looked up, staring at Bokuto, the haziness leaving his eyes. His hands were stuffed in his jacket pockets. He grinned at you, wringing his arm around your neck. It was so tempting, to grab his arm. To intertwine your fingers with his. You wanted to feel his calloused fingers brushing your own as he kissed your forehead.
But, you couldn’t. You shouldn’t. But you can dream. 
You gave him a small smile, stiffening under his hold. He gave you an odd look, quickly dropping his hands from shoulders. 
“So...“ he rubbed his neck.
You looked at him.
“So?“ you coldly responded.
You could see him flinch at your response. It scared you; what jealousy could make you do. But, you didn’t care. Why should you, if he doesn’t.
“So.“ he spat out, as he awkwardly swung his arms.
“What, Bokuto.“ He flinched again. You had never called him that before. It was always Bo.
“Are you mad at me?“ he pouted as he looked at you. Rolling your eyes, you pushed him away.
“I have a date tonight,“ you lied through your teeth. You begged that he wouldn’t catch it. 
“Oh.“ he mumbled as he slowed down, walking slightly behind you.
“Yeah,” you forced a smile on your face.
“Okay, uh, have a great time.“
He didn’t even ask who it was. He didn’t even care. You gave a small wave as you walked away, speeding up as tears clouded your vision.
“Okay,“ he muttered to himself, watching you through dull eyes. His hands shuffled in his pocket, pulling out two tickets.
He really thought you would be going on a date with him. 
But, he could dream.
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Fun fact:
She helped pick out the tickets for him
But, I guess you’ll never know *shrug*
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
From Daddy Universe, To Songs of the Heart. Mushroom brings you:
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|| Just Say It, Kei! || ft. Tsukishima Kei
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
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No NSFW! I don’t write it! However if the head-cannon is slightly NSFW, then be my guest send it in<3
I won’t be doing every head-cannon sent in! This event was made to help me with my Writer’s Block. So I’ll only write what I feel like writing.
This is not strictly a day only event. I actually want to carry this through, maybe closing it, but not forever
Send in an ask! I won’t be taking any comments!
Any ones I won’t be writing I’ll answer them, and if you want we can continue to talk about it!
Here is an example of what it would look like <3
Any Questions?
Send in an ask or DM!
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@riniwrits​ @maramalademadara​ @krynnza​ @dramaqueenweeb1469​ @mochiimii​ @krusty-cheetahs​ @ciels-the-limit
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SMALL THANKS! TO ALL THOSE WHO HELPED ME FIGURE OUT A NAME BECAUSE I AM DUMB. @ciels-the-limit​ (she came up with this name), @snazzieyama​ @krynnza​ @krusty-cheetahs​ @giogama08​
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