oraahwellness · 15 days
Vibrant Hair with Oraah Onion Hair Oil! Experience the Joy of Healthy, Beautiful Hair Every Day
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foodieflavorscape · 1 month
From its historical significance to its scientifically proven benefits, black cumin seed has captured the attention of health enthusiasts worldwide. Join us as we explore its remarkable properties and how it can enhance your overall well-being.
Black cumin seed, also known as Nigella sativa, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems across various cultures. Renowned for its potent medicinal properties, this tiny seed packs a powerful punch when it comes to promoting health and vitality. Throughout history, it has been revered for its ability to address a wide range of health concerns, from digestive issues to respiratory ailments.
In this enlightening video, we'll uncover the diverse array of health benefits associated with black cumin seed. From its anti-inflammatory properties to its potential role in supporting immune function, we'll explore the science behind its efficacy. Additionally, we'll discuss how black cumin seed oil, extracted from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant, has become increasingly popular as a natural remedy for various health conditions. One of the most intriguing aspects of black cumin seed is its rich nutritional profile. Packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this superfood offers a wide range of nutrients essential for optimal health.
We'll take a closer look at the nutritional composition of black cumin seed and how it can contribute to a balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Furthermore, we'll examine the role of black cumin seed in promoting cardiovascular health and supporting weight management goals. With its potential to regulate cholesterol levels, improve blood sugar control, and enhance metabolic function, black cumin seed has emerged as a promising ally in the fight against chronic diseases. But the benefits of black cumin seed extend beyond physical health. We'll explore its potential to support mental well-being and cognitive function, shedding light on its mood-stabilizing and neuroprotective properties. In an era marked by increasing stress and mental health challenges, the holistic benefits of black cumin seed offer a ray of hope for those seeking natural solutions to support emotional resilience and vitality.
In addition to its therapeutic properties, black cumin seed has garnered attention for its culinary versatility. We'll share creative ways to incorporate black cumin seed into your daily diet, from sprinkling it over salads to infusing it into smoothies and savory dishes. With its distinct flavor profile and aromatic essence, black cumin seed adds a unique twist to culinary creations while delivering a wealth of health benefits.
As we navigate the vast landscape of natural remedies and superfoods, black cumin seed stands out as a beacon of holistic healing and wellness. Whether you're seeking to enhance your physical vitality, support your mental clarity, or simply embrace a healthier lifestyle, black cumin seed offers a compelling solution rooted in ancient wisdom and modern science.
Find more Videos on YouTube: FoodieFlavorscape
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rajabrachmat · 3 months
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Apa Kata Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah Tentang Habbatussauda?
Dalam buku Metode Pengobatan Nabi ﷺ karya Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah, beliau mengungkapkan bahwa Jintan hitam atau Al Habbah As Sauda ini dikenal juga sebagai Syuwainiz dalam bahasa Persia. Disebut juga dengan Kammun hitam atau Kammun India atau biji Al Barakah, dari biji ini bisa dibuat minyak yang berkhasiat mengobati batuk, membantu pencernaan, menghilangkan masuk angin dan sejenisnya. Al Harbi meriwayatkan dari Al-Hasan r.a. bahwa jintan hitam disebut juga Khardal. Sementara Al-Harawi menceritakan bahwa jintan hitam juga disebut, Al-Habbah Al-Khadra (Biji Hijau) serta buah Al-Butm. Namun kedua istilah ini salah besar. Yang benar bahwa jintan hitam disebut juga Syuwainiz.
Jintan hitam memiliki banyak sekali khasiat. Arti sabda Nabi ﷺ ‘obat dari segala jenis penyakit’, seperti firman Allah, “menghancurkan segala sesuatu dengan perintah Rabb-nya.” Yakni segala sesuatu yang bisa hancur. Banyak lagi ungkapan-ungkapan sejenis. Jintan hitam memang berkhasiat mengobati segala jenis penyakit dingin, bisa juga membantu kesembuhan sebagai berbagai penyakit panas karena faktor temporal. Jintan hitam bisa menyalurkan energiobat dingin dan basah ke sumber penyakit dengan amat cepat, bila dikonsumsi sekadarnya.
Penulis Al Qanun dan kalangan medis lain menegaskan bahwa jintan hitam cocok dikombinasikan dengan Za’faran dalam tablet, karena memang eneginya amat mudah menembus sasaran. Masih ada lagi kombinasi sejenis yang didkenal oleh pakar industri farmasi. Tidaklah mustahil obat panas berkhasiat juga mengobati penyakit-penyakit panas secara khusus. Karena dia mendapati banyak jenis obat-obatan seperti Enzoat serta berbagai bahan obat lain yang dicampurkan dengannya untuk mengobati penyakit mata, seperti juga sakkarin dan berbagai bahan panas lain. Penyakit mata bersifat panas menurut kesepakatan ahli medis. Belerang yang panas sekali juga berkhasiat mengobati gatal-gatal.
Syuwainiz sendiri bersifat panas dan kering pada tingkatan ketiga, berkhasiat menghilangkan gas, menghilangkan penyebab penyakit alopecia (botak), beguna juga mengobati kusta, demam yang disertai batuk berdahak dan sejenisnya, bisa juga membuka sumbatan, mengusir angin, mengeringkan lambung yang basah dan lembab. Kalau ditumbuk dan dibuat adonan dengan campuran madu, kemudian diminum setelah dicampur air panas, bisa menghancurkan batu ginjal dan batu di kandung kencing, memperlancar air seni, haid dan ASI, bila diminum secara rutin berhari-hari. Kalau dipanaskan dengan campuran cuka buah, lalu dioleskan di perut, pasti akan membunuh bakteri. Bila diadon dengan air tepung basah atau tepung yang sudah dimasak, mampu mengeluarkan cacing dengan lebih kuat. Ia bersifat membersihkan, memotong dan mengurai. Berkhasiat juga menyembuhkan pilek dingin, bila ditumbuk dan diletakkan di sebuah kain lalu terus dihirup, niscaya pilek itu akan hilang.
Minyak jintan hitam amat berkhasiat mengobati kepala, bahkan juga mampu menghilangkan ketombe. Bila diminum kira-kira sesendok dicampur air, bisa juga menghilangkan sesak napas dan sejenisnya. Bila dibalutkan ke kepala, bisa juga mengatasi penyakit pusing biasa. Bila diadon dengan air, bisa juga berkhasiat menambah ASI. Bisa juga mengatasi influensa bila dijadikan sebagai gurah.
Bila dimasak dengan cuka dan digunakan untuk berkumur-kumur, berguna untuk mengobati sakit gigi karena kedinginan. Bila digunakan sebagai gurah dalam bentuk bubuk, berguna untuk memancing air mata yang diperlukan. Bila digunakan sebagai pembalut dicampur dengan cuka, bisa mengatasi jerawat dan kudis bernanah. Bisa juga mengobati pembengkakan kelenjar kronis, bahkan juga tumor.
Jintan hitam bahkan juga berkhasiat mengobati Facial Paralyisis (kelumpuhan di bagian wajah) bila digunakan sebagai gurah dalam bentuk minyak. Bila diminum kira-kira satu gelas atau setengah gelas, bisa berkhasiat mengobati akibat gigitan tawon berbisa. Bila dibalurkan dalam bentuk dicampur dengan minyak Al Habbah Al Khudra, lalu diteteskan di telinga tiga kali, bisa mengatasi hawa dingin, angin dan penyumbatan.
Bila disangrai (digoreng tanpa minyak), lalu ditumbuk halus baru dicampurkan dengan minyak zaitun dan diteteskan di lubang hidung tiga kali atau empat kali, bisa berkhasiat mengatasi pilek yang disertai banyak bersin-bersin. Kalau dibakar dan dicampurkan dengan lilin yang dicairkan dengan minyak Sausan atau minyak inai, lalu dibalurkan pada luka di betis setelah terlebih dahulu dibersihkan dengan cuka, berkhasiat menyembuhkannya.
Bila ditumbuk dengan cuka lalu dibalurkan pada penyakit kusta dan panus hitam bahkan juga penyakit hazaz berat, bisa berkhasiat menyembuhkannya.
Bila ditumbuk halus, setiap hari dibalurkan ke luka gigitan anjing gila sebagian dua atau tiga kali oles, lalu dibersihkan dengan air, pasti berkhasiat sekali, bisa menyelamatkan dari kematian. Bila digunakan sebagai gurah dalam bentuk minyak, berguna mengatasi influensa dan tetanus, bisa mengusir kuman-kumannya. Bila dibakar, asapnya bisa mengusir serangga.
Bila dicairkan dengan Enzoat dicampur dengan air, lalu dioleskan di bagian bawah lengkaran perut baru di bubuhi dengan Syuwainiz akan menjadi semacam balsem yang berkhasiat sekali mengatasi bawasir atau ambeien. Khasiatnya bahkan jauh lebih banyak dari yang telah kita paparkan di sini. Sebaiknya dikonsumsi secara rutin dua sendok saja. Sebagian kalangan medis menyatakan bahwa terlalu banyak mengonsumsinya bisa mematikan.
Sumber: Al-Jauziyyah, Ibnu Qayyim. 2021. Metode Pengobatan Nabi SAW. Griya Ilmu: Jakarta Timur.
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hkmabusufyan · 1 year
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#sunnahfood #kalonji #kalonjioil #kalonjiseeds #blackseed #blackseedoil #tibbinebevi (at Hijama & Ruqyah Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp42igmv5T1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sabragifts · 1 year
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aajkaakhbaar · 1 year
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biogen1 · 2 years
Black Seed Extract
1. Biogen products are some of the most popular and well-known supplements on the market. This is likely because they offer a variety of benefits that can be beneficial to both your body and mind.
2. One biogen product that offers many benefits is black seed extract. This extract has been shown to improve overall health and wellbeing, including reducing inflammation and supporting cognitive function.
What is black seed extract and what are its benefits?
Black seed extract (BSE) is a plant-based compound with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, and recent studies suggest that it may also have anti-aging properties. BSE is available as a dietary supplement, and research suggests that it may be beneficial for reducing inflammation, promoting healthy skin, preventing chronic diseases, and improving cognitive function.
What are the key components of black seed extract?
Black seed oil is becoming increasingly popular as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. This oil is derived from the seeds of the black needlerush plant. The constituents of black seed oil that have attracted most attention are its cannabinoids, which are believed to have therapeutic effects on a variety of conditions. These include reducing inflammation, treating anxiety and depression, and helping to improve skin health. There are also reports that it can help to protect against cancer and improve heart health. The key components of black seed oil that contribute to its various benefits are the cannabinoids, fatty acids, and minerals.
Nigella Sativa Extract is an ancient Indian spice that benefits the digestive system and relieves you from indigestion. The seeds help in lowering cholesterol levels, curbing appetite and boosting metabolism. It helps in treating stomach ulcers and other health problems related to digestion.
How can black seed extract help improve health?
Black seed oil is derived from the seeds of Nigella Sativa, a flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae family. The plant is native to the Mediterranean region and parts of Asia. The oil has been used for centuries as a culinary and medicinal herb. Recent studies have shown that black seed oil can help improve health.
One study found that black seed oil can help improve heart health by reducing bad cholesterol levels and increasing good cholesterol levels. Black seed oil also helps reduce inflammation, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other diseases.
Another study found that black seed oil can help improve joint health by reducing inflammation and improving joint function. Black seed oil also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce pain in joints.
Are there any side effects to taking black seed extract?
There are many purported benefits to black seed oil, including acting as an anti-inflammatory, reducing anxiety and improving blood circulation. However, as with most supplements, there are potential side effects that should be considered before taking black seed extract. While not all of the side effects listed below have been observed in all individuals, they should be taken into account when considering whether or not to take black seed extract. Side effects that have been reported include stomach upset, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, and a decrease in testosterone levels in men. It is also important to note that some people may experience more than one side effect from black seed oil supplementation. Therefore, it is always recommended that you speak with your doctor before beginning any supplement regimen.
Black seed extract has a variety of benefits for both the body and mind. These include improved heart health, better cognitive function, and relief from anxiety and depression. These benefits make black seed extract a valuable addition to any healthy diet or routine. If you're looking for ways to improve your health, give black seed extract a try!
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ayurever · 2 years
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vi-wish · 2 years
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Where nothing hits me ❤️
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thewdkafe · 2 years
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NOW IN THE TEA SELECTIONS... WHITE TEA... -It's Rich in Antioxidants. -May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease. -Could Help You Lose Weight. -Help Protect Your Teeth from Bacteria. -Has Compounds That May Fight Cancer. -May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance. -Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis. 843 44th Street, suite B Norfolk VA 23508- Sat 1000-1800 Sun 1200-1700 #TheWitchDoctorsKafe #TheWDKafe #koffeeanBluntz #wdkuktjahshop #bitters #moringa #blackseed #whitetea (at The WD Kafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChH9nE-OpWz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oraahwellness · 16 days
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Did you know about the incredible benefits of Black seeds for hair? 🌿
They're a powerhouse of vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, promoting hair growth, combating dandruff, and giving your hair a gorgeous shine! 💫
Add Black seeds to your hair care routine for healthier, more beautiful hair naturally!
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empressorganics · 2 years
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Our #blackseedoil is back in stock www.empressorganics.net #blackseed #oil has many benefits and it’s great to use for #immunityboost #immunesupport boost your #immunesystem with #blackseedoil🌿 #OrganicBlackSeedOil 100% Pure Cold Pressed 2 or 4 Oz *Virgin, Cold Pressed #BlackCuminSeedOil *Contains two very powerful compounds Nigellone, an anti-histamine, and Thymoquinone, an anti-inflammatory *The essential fatty acids provided by Omega 3-6-9 may help to support the brain, cardiovascular system, and healthy weight, and joint durability. #BlackSeedOil may help support white blood cell count and contribute to overall cellular health. Vegan & Non GMO #Blackseed is a plant. People have used the seed to make medicine for over 2000 years. It was even discovered in the tomb of King Tut. Black seed is most commonly used for asthma, diabetes, eczema, hypertension, weight loss, immunity and many other conditions. Historically, black seed has been used for headache, toothache, nasal congestion, and intestinal worms. It has also been used for “pink eye” (conjunctivitis), pockets of infection (abscesses), and parasites. Today Black seed is most commonly used for asthma, diabetes, eczema, hypertension, weight loss, and many other conditions. Black seed is used for treating digestive tract conditions including gas, colic, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, and hemorrhoids. It is also used for respiratory conditions including asthma, allergies, cough, bronchitis, emphysema, flu, swine flu, and congestion. Women use black seed for birth control, to start menstruation, and to increase milk flow. Black seed oil has been in use for thousands of years for medicine, food, and even cosmetics. Many people reach for it for the same reason you’d take an aspirin or ibuprofen: In hopes that it targets inflammation and tamps it down. It also has substances that can help protect cells from damage. For centuries it’s been used to treat rashes, psoriasis, and skin inflammation. #cuminseed #blackseedoilbenefits #blackseedbitters #holistichealth #holistichealing #holistic #medicine #naturalist #naturalremedies #herbalmedicine #herb https://www.instagram.com/p/CfIFf4JpiRs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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riffrelevant · 2 years
DESCENDANTS OF CROM IV: Confirmed Lineup For June 2022
DESCENDANTS OF CROM IV: Confirmed Lineup For June 2022
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navy-leader · 11 months
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Dont wantchu to get it on with nobody else but me (Ooh)
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hkmabusufyan · 1 year
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Product information. Kalonji Fairness Cream contains Olive oil, Zedoar, Papaya, Cyperus, Post e santra. Kalonji Fairness Cream is excellent for removing black spots, patches, blemishes, wrinkles etc from the face and helps to remove excess oil from the skin. Keeps face glowing and beautiful. #kalonji #blackseed #blackseedoil #blackseedoilbenefits #kalonjioil (at Mangalore, Karnataka, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmgpv2ALG67/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rockandrolldisgrace · 8 months
guys never put blackseed oil on your computer thats also on your bed........
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