#bird theory
alyara-alyara · 18 days
Theories I think Shane would pass/fail
Orange peel theory
- “Hey, love, can you peel this orange for me?” you said handing him the orange.
- Shane looked at the orange and then looked at you “Uh, sure give me it.”
- Shane peeled the orange with his hands. He stole a few glances at you, happy that you wanted his help.
(I think he would definitely pass the orange theory. Also, I saw how some couples cut the orange or put it on a plate. I don’t think Shane will do that I feel like he will just give it to you peeled.)
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Sidewalk theory
- Shane would not know what the sidewalk theory is.
- You guys went on a trip to the city. Shane just walks on whichever side it doesn't matter to him.
- When you tell him about the theory he'll start doing it all the time.
(The main reason I feel like he wouldn’t know the sidewalk theory is because the town doesn’t really have a street for cars. They all mostly walk.)
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Flower theory
- Shane had brought you flowers for your birthday. You loved them but you knew they wouldn’t last long. You always forgot to water them.
- For the first 5 days you stay on task and watered them. Shane had put them in an old vase you had.
- After the 9th day you forgot to water the flowers but to your surprise, they still looked pretty healthy.
- On the 15th day that's when you realize you haven't watered them for so long. Yet they still looked good. They wilted a bit but not much.
(This theory would 100% pass. Shane has a lot of love for the farmer especially if you have been there for him emotionally and physically.)
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Bird theory
- You were at the dance with Shane. While you were waiting for everyone to get ready you saw a bird in a sky.
- You covered your face to look up and pointed “Shane look at that bird.”
- He quickly turned around. “Where?” he says looking around and then looking up.
- “You missed it.” You said. “Oh, what did it look like then?” he asked you.
(Shane would pass this theory because he already likes birds. I mean he takes care of chickens and I also think he would just love any reason to talk to you.)
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raayllum · 2 months
if callum does fall prey to aaravos bc of harrow / the bird at all i'll believe it solely for the music motif thread ("no song for the occasion?" / "a song of love and loss")
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aroenbydisaster · 9 months
WE WILL SEE IF BIRD EGG THEORY IS CORRECT HOPEFULLY (my ongoing theory that the eggs are bird hybrids just like every federation experiment we know of)
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
is there an accepted collective name for waddle dees? for when they're in a group; like how you have a flock or birds or a pack of wolves?
if not can i formally suggest: wuddle.
because it's cute and sounds like a puddle of waddle dees. but also because it's similar to 'huddle' which is used for stationary penguins on land. (penguins are in fact actually collectively called a 'waddle' when they're walking, so there is... you know. That.)
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
(Don't know if this was asked already but)
What are the Titan's first reaction to Dick calling to them in owl hoots?
And what's their reaction to Batman answering Dick the same way?
At first he wouldn’t make any birds sounds around them at all, opting to wear contacts and talk as little as possible.
The first time they witness the bird sounds would probably be in response to Robin hijacking the comms after Dick didn’t check in with him at the alotted time, suddenly Nightwing is just standing off to the side, hooting and chirping softly in the the comms.
The titans are definitely confused because??? They thought Nightwing was human???? But apparently the name means something after all so whatever. If they can have an alien on the team then a bird-man-whatever is nothing. And Dick, upon seeing that they really don’t care at all, starts making bird sounds more frequently around them. And the Titans likewise learn to interpret some of the sounds (“look!” Is a sharp hoot, “stop!” a chittering hiss, and “nice-move-but-I’m-going-to-show-you-where-it-really-hurts-now” is an amused little chirrup).
The real surprise is Batman and Robin responding to Nightwing with the same sort of bird sounds and it takes them a good moment to realize that—- yep, “tall-dark-and-scary” just hooted at him like an owl. And now, apparently he’s not mocking him because Nightwing appears very happy about it and Robin also makes those weird little cheeps and trills that genuinely don’t sound like they should be coming from a human throat at all and—-
Yep, now Nightwing is??? Cuddling Robin???? Is that a thing?????? And making the softest bird noises yet?????? (One of the Titans definitely tries approaching them but the dead stare Dick gives them makes them backtrack very quickly. The message is clear: no approaching Robin.)
((Jason meanwhile jabs Dick in the ribs hard and pointedly makes his way over to the Titans to cheerfully say hello and let them know that if anything happens to Nightwing on their watch, he’s going to become their worst nightmare. The Titans are reluctantly impressed but also very much aware that Nightwing is still giving them that eerily blank stare that promises a world of pain if anybody even thinks about harming a hair on Robin’s head. Like they ever would. Batman’s wrath alone wouldn’t be worth it, but now they’re starting to see that Nightwing might be even scarier than him.
Wally eventually takes one for the team and introduces himself to Jason, offering to share some silly stories about Nightwing from their last mission and eat ice cream.The speedster is the first Titan to get his individual bird call.))
The Titans obviously aren’t going to question Batman hooting at Nightwing (no way, they value their skeletal integrity thank you very much) but that day, many wild rumors and speculations about Batman are born, some them gaining enough attention that JLA hear of them.
None of them want to ask, but the running bet is either that the Batfamily are all metas with bird characteristics (“It explains how they can stomach swinging through the city like that Roy! They’re meant to have wings, but now they have to compensate!”), or that they’re secretly some kind of eldritch entities that embody all the weirdness of Gotham City (“No Donna, think about it, it makes sense! Remember all those random owl statues and carvings around the city? They’re literally an embodiment of that cursed place!”)
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ya-boi-haru · 17 days
Plot twist, Quixis was trying to explain to Ven about his death because not only does he deserve to know, but they knew he would run away and hoped Icarus would go with them so they were away from Fable and surrounded by people so they weren't alone. But they wanted them to run away together...
Quixis is a Wet Birds shipper
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rocking-space-dragon · 8 months
So I've been thinking - thinking about the way Phil was ABSOLUTELY targeted, the way that wasn't a dream besides the end, but they made him think it all was, the way that Phil interacts with the Federation and Cucorucho specifically.
The way they call him 'The Wise Old Crow' specifically stood out to me - because the only other person on the island they have a 'Nickname' for is Jaiden, referring to her as 'Bluebird'. Jaiden, who grew up on the island, who has close ties to Cucorucho and the Federation.
And that got me thinking about the other Kidnapped members - among them, Baghera and Quackity. Baghera, another bird, who ALSO grew up on the island under the Federation, and Quackity, ANOTHER bird, who worked with the Federation from the beginning until he was disappeared and brought back conveniently lacking memories.
What am I getting at? Simple.
I think Philza also has ties to the Federation.
The nickname, him being a bird, the bizarre dream-not-dream that was so different to everything else, the way they've been talking to him in notes that's COMPLETELY different to everyone else...it says to me that there's a connection here that nobody else has.
I think Phil used to be part of the Federation; maybe that's why they call him 'wise old crow', perhaps he was a senior member. They could even work in the 'fourth wall' breaking into it. Who's to say he wasn't there before Cucorucho? That he didn't used to see him like a son?
All I know is that I don't think we're done with Phil's lore, or the Federation's connection to him, not by a long shot.
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Insane thought about dismemberment incoming—
"Removing the pinion joint of a bird stops the growth of the primary feathers, preventing the acceleration required for flight and is analogous to amputating a human hand at the wrist" (Source).
If Rafal's hands were cut off, would he be able to fly? Or rather, would he be able to balance properly whilst in flight? I know his flight relies on magic, but logistically, this could be interesting...
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raayllum · 10 months
Hi I saw your post about Callum and Ezrans reaction to Runaan being decioned, and well with Harrow being in the bird how do you think they reaction to Runaan will change considering that they may get their father back? Also Callum may use dark magic to give back Harrows body back, which is very interesting to think about
Ah I see @rayllurn pointed you in the right direction <3
& re: this post, I don't think Runaan's mindset would be that impacted by a possibility of Harrow's return. I think post-decoining he'll be mostly focused on his family and reuniting with Rayla and Ethari, making sure Lain and Tiadrin are alright, etc. And Harrow's sons will influence his perception of the king well ahead of time, presumably. I don't think their perceptions of Runaan will change just because there's a commonality with Harrow but if Harrow is in the bird, it means the blame gets shifted to Viren > Runaan (at least in a way).
If Callum doesn't need to use dark magic to free the Moon fam (and he may, since the quasar diamonds may not work precisely the way he thinks?) then he wouldn't need it to free Harrow (assuming Harrow is in the bird). I don't think Harrow is quite in Callum's 'inner circle' the same way Ez or Rayla are (hence why he chose his brother in 1x03 over his father) but again: anything he's willing to do for the moon fam he is 100% willing to do for Harrow, so. Same hat all around
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blockgamepirate · 9 months
I don't know about the Federation hating bird people, what if it's more like them liking bird people but in all the worst ways?
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harriertail · 7 months
if frostpaw being spayed does circle back around to 'rusty if you become a wild cat you get to keep your balls' TPB moment then can frostpaw go be a kittypet or something
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
i think miquellas curse is more then just eternal childhood. i find it very interesting that it seems none of his plans ever came to fruition, the hailigtree never became an erdtree, the eclipse didnt happen, his knights sword was never given to a knight, he was torn from the trees womb, malenia failed to defeat radahn in caelid. i think his curse then is a wider reaching thing that causes both him and all his work to stay in an infant state. in the same way malenias rot causes things to decay around her miquelas eternal childhood effects everything he does too.
I have to say that I think you are right anon.
I have my own theories but personally, I see that Miquella has been fighting and uphill battle since the very moment that he was born. Not quite on the same physical sense as Malenia, but more in regards to how he is being purposefully stunted from achieving his true potential.
What makes Miquella so interesting to me is just straight up the existence of Unalloyed Gold; a metal so pure that it can purge the meddling of an Outer God. And as we can see, by looking deeper into what's truly going on, is that several Outer Gods are all vying for power in the Land Between. And amazingly the only one that has the power to truly put a stop to their meddling; is Miquella.
Miquella has faced resistance all his life from the looming presence of the Outer Gods. Be it the Rot that has a strangle hold on his beloved twin sister, the Greater Will which dominates the Land and terrorizes those it deems lesser in the eyes of its Order, the Frenzied Flame which slandered the Grand Caravan and wishes to burn the world to ash, or the Formless Mother and her Avatar Mohg, who has left Miquella's body as nothing more than a withered cadaver.
Miquella has been fighting an uphill battle against the Outer Gods since day one, and he is without a doubt the biggest threat to every single one of them. And that is precisely why they fear him, and wish to make him weak.
But at the same time: Miquella has vowed to become exactly what it is that the Outer Gods fear of him.
And all he needs is a Tarnished that is too stubborn to die to make his plans come to fruition.
Okay so in terms of Malenia, she too was stunted from birth.
Like, if Miquellas whole deal is is his intelligence/faith, then Mals whole deal is her dexterity/strength. Malenia was purposely stunted with the fact that the Rot hinders her physical growth and strength, along with the fact that she is constantly losing her body/limbs to the Rot, and that she is in an eternal mental battle to make sure that the Rot does not claim her mind/very being.
Miquella and Malenia are two halves of one whole, and both of the Empyrean Twins are hindered from achieving their full potential thanks to the bullshit of the Outer Gods.
But regardless of the Outer Gods meddling, Miquella and Malenia have managed to rely on each other to enhance their strengths, and cover their weaknesses, so that they can make their ambitions come true.
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aingeal98 · 4 months
One little... Not even nitpick but just sad observation. This plotline they're setting up with Dinah and Cass trying to protect Babs from a future assassin looks very fun but I can't stop thinking about the conflict and drama it could create if DC let Babs be Oracle again, wheelchair most definitely included. It was a common character beat that the real Oracle Babs hated anyone seeing her as weak or powerless (Rightfully and understandably so because you know. Ableist society.) like it's a big driving motivation for her! Oracle gives her power and let's her control the narrative. People seeing her or even hinting that she could be weak and in need of protection, going above her head and treating her as a victim or a damsel in distress? Yeah she does Not react well to that. If she found out that Dinah and Cass, two of the people she loves most, were secretly trying to protect her, no matter how good their intentions are there's no way that doesn't blow up into at least one fight where no one is fully right and no one is fully wrong but it gets nasty and hurts everyone involved.
But with Babs in the Batgirl suit I just... Don't see any of that happening. My guess is they'll just let Babs in on everything right away and have very little conflict between the three of them. Of course I'd love to be proven wrong! I think there's a really good set up here for this plotline to do things with these characters and bonds that hasn't been done in a while. And fhey're slowly getting like 20% of Barbara's actual personality back instead of being The Smurfette. But at the same time, I've yet to see anything that makes me think DC would be willing to let a writer dive substantially into that angry, defensive side of Barbara. Because it's messy and ugly and also because it exists due to the trauma and ableism she suffered, and DC would rather print a million panels of her sitting in front of a computer with her legs crossed than ever let her be truly Oracle again.
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its-gjera · 10 months
By this point a lot of you have probably heard me talk a lot about QSMP (Specifically Jaiden cuz she's my little guy)
So how about a maybe controversial opinion I want some of yalls thoughts on? Ready?
I do not care for q!Foolish, q!Slime and q!Roier's inclusion in the Project Blue Bird theory.
Don't get me wrong, I love these guys, but I feel like The Blue Bird theory should just stay as a Jaiden thing. As I pointed out in a previous post, this fandom has a problem with excluding Jaiden from lots of lore, dynamics and events, including her own (Such as the familoier, Bobby's death, the "Can you hear it?" and timer events, the nightmares, etc), which is honestly sad. So it feels good to finally have something that is exclusive to just Jaiden. Something only for her.
That and q!Foolish already seems to have an established lore, being a demigod who has been friends with BadBoyHalo for centuries, so adding him in the Blue Bird theory interferes with that.
Slimecicle seems to have memories of previous smps he's been in. Such as the Origin SMP, and I'm sure Slime can make up some crazy lore on the spot if given the chance
And Roier kinda had this "thing" going on with Cucurucho/Osito Bimbo (and by "thing", I mean romantic tension), so adding him in is definitely weird.
The only other person who makes sense to include is q!Quackity and ElQuackity (Cuz of their duck motifs, being also bird coded and having stange connections with the Federation)
Before you respond (if you want), keep in mind that I'm talking about the theory, not the AU. Include as many characters and headcanons as much as you want in the AU, cuz that's honestly good stuff.
(Btw now that you're here. Do you have any QSMP or q!Jaiden Discord servers or anything of the sort that you could pass me? Please literally none of my friends are into the QSMP as much as I am and I am foaming at the mouth to have a chance to talk about QSMP to someone. PLEASE)
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
High-key want Arya and Varys to cross paths again at some point, like I need Varys to know that he was spied on by a 9-year-old Arya and that his plans could've potentially been foiled by her
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