#billford? i guess?
tiredmutt1999 · 10 months
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Little Gift Shop of Horrors
I've listened to the entire musical at least once a day the past week, I forgot to post it here tho
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lonelysa1lor · 1 month
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They are sooo normal about eachother
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enemywasp · 2 months
Something I keep seeing that's just confusing and ridiculous is Billford shippers shitting on Billdip like they're the only freaks when both ships are at least comships (I think both count as darkships too cause abuse but idk I'm not great with these terms). Like you're still immortal x mortal, abuser x abused, non-human x human. Hell you've still got the giant age gap.
I get it if you personally draw the line there and do not enjoy billdip but hating on it like you're so much better seems a bit hypocritical.
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minatist · 1 month
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not a fan of these but whatevaaa
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equilateralromance · 7 months
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pop off, my liege
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possumbreath · 1 year
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krillford · 1 year
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Nice angles, Sixer
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gfanlocalcryptid · 11 months
I don’t believe you - BillFord
I don’t believe you. You betrayed me, and the worst thing is that to be betrayed there must be trust. There was trust between us, we were so close, and you put an "x" on my head like it was nothing. You said we were friends, remember? "Until the end of time", remember? So you won't leave me now. I don't believe a word you say, after all you've done against me, against our pact. I can't believe you, Sixer.
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 5 months
Wanna see the most bizarre question I've received in reddit after I posted my Gravity Falls Pines Family tree?
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Uh-um-excuse me, what
did I miss something???
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ypipie · 2 years
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weirdnerdygoat · 4 months
Does anyone else ever just go like aghsjkajaka because there's so much beautiful stories out there? Like just sitting down and having your heart ache and brain flooded with all those beautiful stories leaving no space left over for your own thought?
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remember that meme about divorced shipping? yeah thats bill cipher and stanford pines
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toytanks · 4 months
If you’re still taking Billford asks- Ford is stargazing and Bill joins him. Ford admits he named a constellation after him. (The ‘William’ constellation from J3!)
filled under the cut, or can be read on ao3 here! this ones kinda creepy so beware!
Ford is stargazing. His eyes wander across the night sky, travelling from constellation to constellation, between old favourites, eventually finding himself staring at William.
Gazing up at the constellation, Ford found his mind wandering to its namesake, as it often did. A smile worms its way onto his face, gentle and placid, but is cut short by a sharp sense of unease. Ford scanned his surroundings, curling in on himself somewhat, trying to find the threat. There was nothing but cool, dark grass around him, but now the shadows seem cruel and sharp toothed. He hears laughter. Anxiety coils in his stomach and he wraps himself in his arms, suddenly feeling very cold. He shoots a pleading look up at the sky, only to find that the stars have moved. Nausea hits as he watches the stars slide across the night sky like fish in a pool of deep water. Anxiety turns to fear as the stars come toward him. They were shifting, swirling, a giant maw opens, prepared to eat him whole-
“Hiya Sixer! Boy, you look like you’ve seen a ghost! Do I need to give some of the local phantasmic entities a stern talking to?” Bill.
Bill is bright and familiar, and Ford lets out a relieved sigh. He glances back to look at the sky, and feels the remaining nausea curling in his stomach ease up when he sees all the stars back in their place.
He stands up and laughs nervously. “No, Bill, I don’t think that will be necessary.”
“Alrighty pal! But if that ever changes, you know where to find me.” Bill cracks his knuckles and Ford snorts, turning back to the sky. The sky is as he remembers it, of course, but shifted subtly by the simple fact that it was a dream. His eyes find William in seconds.
“Fancy yourself a bit of a stargazer, eh Ford?”
“I suppose. I have always loved the night sky.” He smiles, glancing back at Bill. His glow cuts through the dark, bright and inviting. He could drown in Bill’s light, he thinks, lungs full of strange gold, hot and immaterial. It wouldn’t be such a bad way to die. (Some part of Ford wants Bill to squeeze the life out of him, black-as-pitch hands so soft, ethereally smooth, but he knows- with a shudder -stronger than anything he’s ever known.)
And then Bill is holding his hands, startling him out of his thoughts. (When had he gotten so close? Had Ford really been paying that little attention?) His heart skips a beat, and his cheeks grow uncomfortably hot. Bill looks so amused, like the world is a joke only he understands. Ford doesn’t think he’s ever felt more exposed.
Bill drops one of his hands and floats to his side. “I could guess!” He gestures to the sky with his free hand. “Why don’t you show me a couple of your favourite constellations, smart guy?”
Ford’s mouth is dry as he points out Orion and Ursa Major, telling Bill about their associated stories, even though he's sure Bill knows it already.
“Is that it, IQ? Are there any others you like?” Ford feels like he's being played with. Nevertheless, trying to put some strength back into his voice, he tells Bill about William.
“I named him after you.” Ford whispers, exhaling. “I hope you don’t mind.”
Bill looks at him like he's the most beautiful thing in the world and his heart soars. “Oh, Stanford…” He chuckles. “I don’t know what to say.”
Ford breathes and Bill strokes his cheek. When the backs of his fingers ghost over Ford’s lips, he grabs Bill’s hand, kissing his knuckles. He chuckles and Ford thinks that, when he laughs, Bill could outshine all the stars in the sky.
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hyperrbole · 26 days
Interaction time! So when did you get into Gravity Falls? Is it something you watched when you were younger or just diving into now?
Alternatively, when did you get into Fillbord and how? 👁️ 👁️
- krill
WHOO BOY! I do love this question! I got into the show essentially when it came out, I wouldn't stop talking about it CONSTANTLY--Now the fandom? Well I've also been a part of it since I can really remember. I actually remember watching it develop with the internet, only making my obsession with this show soooo much worse HAHA! I've very much dove into all the content since the beginning, I've been posting fanart and such since 2014/15 but I have confidently scrubbed my digital footprint behind me every time I move socials so I don't have much to show outside of this golden drawing HAHA!
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Billford specifically? I was never really the type of person to get into ships--still am not--and I remember HATING billdip (super popular at the time) but was always kind of enamored with Ford and his dynamics with other characters. I guess something in 2015 child me brain saw Bill and Ford and was like 'duo of the century' HAHA. TLDR; I've been interested since the shows release, interacting with the fandom spaces since 2014 but stopped in 2019, and just recently came back and decided to start posting again! I've been interested in Bill and Fords dynamic since 2015. I'm so happy to see this fandom still so alive and active, while it may not be as thriving as it was in 2015-2017 it is definitely full of some great people and I'm SO GLAD I've decided to start interacting more hands on !
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Hey, y'all! I just wanna say something about a recent post I did about the BillFord ship recently. I mostly want to say this because I am deeply afraid of starting a ship war or something.
So, please, I beg of you! Don't be mean!
Anyways, the BillFord ship...needless to say, I don't like it.
Though, I wish to apologize for any and all misgivings.
I am aware that, as a writer, you can change things up a little even with the slightest evidence of a redeeming/sympathetic quality to a character. Bill, surprisingly does have that on some level, especially if you look into Axolotl's poem about him. The people who I have responded to on that post mostly ship it under the question of 'What if' (like deeeeeeeep down, Bill felt remorseful once he realized how much he hurt the people around him) rather than they actually want them together in a canon sense.
So, yeah, I was more afraid of the latter.
Does this mean I support BillFord? ...No. No, I don't. Not with the knowledge of what Bill has done. (I'd go as far as to say I'm an anti-proshipper)
I guess what ruins ships for me is the fact that there are shippers who go waaay too far with their ships (like death threats far). And that brings me back to a show called RWBY. There are two characters in it, Blake and Adam. They were in a relationship once upon a time and it was confirmed to be an abusive one. And yet, there were people who still wanted them to go back together canonically, even though Adam was still a tyrant and cruel.
Being exposed to that, as well as seeing some cruelty from other shippers, very much ruined it for me.
...Not to mention of the plethora of incest ships I saw once I got into the Encanto fandom...
I do some lowkey shipping (say Fiddauthor), but nothing to write about (literally) or even draw. I'll entertain it, but keep it as that.
Again, I want to apologize if I had made anybody feel uncomfortable. I guess I wanted/needed to explain my reasoning.
I think I should, stay away from talks about ships all together after this. It's honestly a bit draining.
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krillford · 1 year
Is this anything
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