#this is like a bonding/research activity for him hahaha
krillford · 1 year
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Nice angles, Sixer
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Rubyn was so hyped after they found out about the asteroid pair. Her brain is running in high gear and she wants to try a few things. She knows that the meteorites react on Vlad and Ji Ho and glow when they are near. And that they are connected to their bond magic. But Vlad is not here. And he never would agree anyway. He is determined to cut the Bond and spare Ji Ho from doing Bond Magic - no matter how helpful it was...
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And once the Bond is cut it will be pointless to research the meteorites. The magic will be gone. What we know is, that a Bond never really fades when its 'overwritten' with another bond. We saw that with Wesley and Vlad and Ji Ho and Genji. (Though, we don't know what happens when its cut completely. No one ever tried that and lived to tell...) So Wesley is still connected to Vlad. Since they were bonded. And even though Vlad's meteorite doesn't react on Wesley when he's near - maybe when they touch? Like Ji Ho and Vlad have to - to activate their bond magic. Rubyn knows that Ji Ho hates to be touched - and Ji Ho knows he can step back anytime. But he is also eager to learn more about the meteorites.
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Hahaha even though Leander flirts a lot he doesn't look happy at the thought that someone else is going to touch his Wesley ^^' Ji Ho noticed it and is veeeery careful.
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No, the meteorite doesn't react...
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Ji Ho: "If only Vlad weren't that stubborn. I'd love to learn more about the meteorites... Thank you for bringing me here, Leander!"
And whe he high-fived Leander - Vlad's meteorite lit up!
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Rubyn: "The meteorite!" Ji Ho: "WOW!" Ji Ho is hooked ^^' But also still determined to cut the Bond since the Council won't leave them alone otherwise...
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And somewhere in Copperdale, on a massage table at the Burrow, a certain vampire has a vision again and winds in pain: Vlad: "AAAHHHH!" Jeb: "Oh sorry! Usually you aren't this sensitive to pain!"
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Vlad: "Aaarrrgh! No. It's not your fault. He touched Ji Ho - again! Oh gods! The pain gets worse!" Jeb: "If only there was something we could do to avoid this..."
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In Britechester they agreed to continue the meteorite experiments with Leander instead of Wesley. This is so strange. Leander never had a bond with Vlad and the meteorite reacts so strong on him! (If they only knew ^^')
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning -> here Previous Chapter: 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning -> here
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cheemken · 10 months
i know you have hau as your alola champion but what would be the champions dynamic in your headcanons if kukui was alola's champion?
Kukui as the Alola Champ,, idk I feel like there'd be a lot of "adults talking" kind of meetings and Iris would probs be excluded to most of em. I mean, then again, Iris is at least in her 20s in my hc, but yknow, there's still that,, generation gap?? I think?? That Iris would feel just a bit excluded and such considering that almost every Champion was older than her
W their dynamics, Steven would be close to him bc of Kukui's main research of Z Crystals, so ofc those two talk abt that nonstop hahah Wallace likes the lil thing they do when activating the Z Crystals tho, and became interested in it as well
Geeta I wanna say is cool w him, Kukui does give her some insights on how to handle kids in school, as he was also a teacher. They talk to each other abt the students they handle, or rather the students close to them and look up to them. Kukui was surprised at least that despite Geeta's demeanour, she was rather nice and soft spoken when it comes to children, as shown when they visited Alola once
Idt Diantha would like him that much idk. I always have this hc that the reason why the Mega Evolution Dex entries in the Alola Dex are like that™ is bc they treat Megas the way they treat Z Moves, like it doesn't need that strong of a bond as Z Crystals only power up certain moves, unlike Megas where they actually change appearance along w the stat buff
And she knows that Kukui is a good man, he treats his Pokémon well, he has such a strong bond w his Incineroar, but he also had that mindset that yeah, Mega is basically just Z Moves but isn't limited to powering up only one move. He's willing to learn abt Megas, ofc he is, but like,, yeah, yknow, he doesn't have a good image for her. I think the difference w him and Hau is that Hau was already taught by Diantha at a young age how different Megas and Z Moves are
Does that bit make sense?? I'm sorry I'm like a bit tired still while typing this but I hope that makes sense hahah
Iris, yeah, idk, I think Iris would look up to him, but at the same time she wished there was another Champion that's closer to her age, the other champions are always so serious, and while Cynthia would hang out w her, it still wasn't the same for her
Ah but the rest of the champions, they're all cool w him hahaha
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atopearth · 3 years
Ikemen Vampire Part 9 - William Shakespeare Route
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Well, I guess now we know what happens if the heroine runs out of the mansion! I guess they already warned her before in other routes but yeah, Sebastian should have looked out for her considering how scary it must have been to just tell her that she'll be living with vampires and then be like bye lol, you can go sleep now. But I guess there needs to be a reason for her to meet Shakespeare and she should be glad he happened to be there to save her from these men. The CG was very beautiful btw! Awww, all the guys came out to look for the heroine! That's so sweet, I loved how Theo said if she wanted a walk at night, she should have barked instead of going out without her leash LOL, I died😂😂😂 It was sweet to see the heroine wipe off the blood on Shakespeare's face with her handkerchief, I think he was quite pleasantly surprised at that haha.
Shakespeare is really like her Prince charming since he keeps saving her haha. Shakespeare and the heroine dancing at the ball was so cute~ Anyway, pretty careless of Shakespeare to drop his book about all his research into Arthur and them all and their "antagonists". Unless he did it on purpose? Honestly, I would wager that he did it on purpose just to see how she would react and what she would do. Kinda sad to see the heroine's image of him shatter like that after how "twisted" she thinks he is now. I guess it's kinda cute how she wants to stay with him to make sure that he won't do anything bad to the guys? Haha. Definitely more cons than pros and a very interesting proposal, but I guess they won't bond if she doesn't do something like this so I'll welcome it. It was actually pretty hilarious how Shakespeare was eating the sandwich like a child because he was unaccustomed to eating stuff without a knife and fork, it definitely makes him feel more human and cute lol. It's really nice how Vincent pointed out how Shakespeare and the heroine really seemed to enjoy each other's company even if they didn't realise it. Also nice to see how much the heroine cares about Shakespeare's works and helped him take the stage costumes to safety when it rained. Despite everything, she does like his works and his passion for it. It's sad to think that Shakespeare believes that he has no worth as a person and only has worth as the playwright role that he has, so he feels that if he's unable to entertain others, his life is useless. It's just really sad to think about because everyone deserves a life of their own, especially since he's been resurrected from the dead! Like, imagine continuing to work for eternity because you feel like that's the only place that gives you a sense of belonging and yet at the same time it's the thing that's making you feel empty.
Aww I loved how they went shopping together and Shakespeare bought her gifts, and then when she told him about le Comte buying her dresses before, he decides that he needs to buy her dresses too hahaha, he's so cute. The poor lady agonised over Shakespeare enough that she finally decided to stab him? I really liked how the heroine confessed her feelings to Shakespeare after protecting him from the knife, and le Comte had to interrupt and take her back to the mansion, but I think it's understandable. He's overprotective but he thinks of all his residents especially her as his responsibility so of course he'll want to have her recover in a place he can definitely protect her. Shakespeare can prove his love for her later haha, since he's already missing her. I liked how the heroine told him that his life didn't need to be filled with suffering just to make such tragic and beautiful plays, and that even in writing plays that aren't tragic, people can still see the passion and love he has imprinted into his words, and that the most important thing is the feelings he puts into all his words. Well, regardless of Shakespeare's intentions, Vlad will do his own stuff (btw he is hot!), so yep sad that Shakespeare hurt the heroine but he's finally trying to actively do things to better his "wrongs" so can't really blame him. I'm surprised Shakespeare went in front of Napoleon when he was about to get stabbed, like I knew he would do it for the heroine if it happened but I didn't think he held that much guilt over having been a part of Wellington getting resurrected and going crazy and making Napoleon have to be the one to end him. I guess the heroine's thoughts and feelings got through to him and made him realise how much his actions have and can affect others.
Well, I was wondering why Shakespeare was so intent on doing it with her now considering she just woke up but he planned to die in exchange to protect the heroine and le Comte from Vlad (for leaving him) so I guess it's understandable hahaha. Very dramatic, but I actually really liked the heroine's answer when Vlad told her to die in Shakespeare's place. I love how she knew this would be difficult, because even though she would readily give up her life for him, she also knows that if she were to die, Shakespeare would be living in grief forever and thus basically "die", and it would be the same for her if that happened to him. Their lives are so entwined together that losing any one of them means killing them both and I think it was really sweet how well she understands that, and how much they really love each other. It was also really nice to hear how much Shakespeare respects and loves le Comte too!
Overall, I loved Shakespeare’s route much more than I thought I would. He really doesn’t give the best impression in other routes, so it couldn’t be helped imo haha! I really enjoyed the progress of their love story in this route, I found it really adorable how it went from fascination and interest blossoming into such a pure love where they both just really found enjoyment in spending time together and doing the things they loved together - him directing plays and her supporting his passion. Shakespeare was really so much cuter than I thought, and I loved how far he was willing to go to protect the heroine, and I loved how he expressed his love for her. I think it was really sweet how she helped him discover that he could venture into genres unrelated to tragedy and that his worth didn’t have to be substantiated by his writing, and instead he could be allowed to find other enjoyments in life. I think the way he handled stuff near the end with Vlad and the heroine was pretty dramatic, but I loved it since I really felt how strong their feelings were, and how much they really cherished each other. This route is probably one of my favourites, or maybe even the most favourite haha! Theo will forever be my number one in terms of personality and looks though haha~
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sonderrow-moved · 3 years
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                         LINK TO QUINN           LINK TO JAEL           LINK TO ARCHER
LIKE for a preestablished relationship/plotting line with Roy… BUT have at least one category in mind before I hop in your IMs !
I entirely get the urge of wanting to roleplay, expand our muses together, and this is my personal starting pack for Archer! If you’re hooked to one category but don’t think your muse can fit still HMU about it and I’ll see how we can work that out!
REMINDER I HAVE A LOT OF THREADS. Like often a lot. Roleplaying is something that effortlessly really relaxes me, but I am still one human. I like to see all my threads through no matter how long the wait is and do my best ! Thus we might not be threading right off the bat depending on how much stuff I have, but everything established can get into asks, dash shenanigans, etc. What matters is that it shapes our characters. 🙏
FRIENDS. Ha. Good joke. Roy has no one he’d consider a friend.
ENEMIES. Despite having part of his power stolen by his past disciples, Roy is still a man of incredible talent and martial prowess, being able to take down groups that are even made of supernatural beings through millenniums of trained strategy, paired with a perfect knowledge of his own body and abilities. He uses those abilities to fight corruption in the world, and anyone who does wrong is a target. However, he is still only one man, with time against him. Despite not making your character’s life entirely crumble, he is definitely someone who eradicates any operation he decides will end, even if it is a hydra who will regain its end shortly afterwards.
RIVALS. Even with his idealistic virtues and actions, Roy is still a strong realist, who realizes the limits of what he can do. This means mingling with people of questionable morals to attain a greater goal. Your character is one of those people. An informant or maybe a lawyer, who probably judge his way of being, but as long as he pays you back (be it with money or something else)...
EXES. Due to social pressure, Roy has had at time to date the occasional girl who fancied him. It, however, always tended to only last a few months and not even be a consummated relationship, as Roy’s partner would, past his dazzling qualities of “marriage material”, figure he never liked them, despite not having done anything wrong during their relationship. This profile fits any presenting female muses who are the upstanding citizens type and would be willing to give Roy a shot at love !
PROFESSIONAL PEERS. Roy studies and work in environmental research, with an emphasis on mammals protection. The field is one where he socializes with many people, from other researches, interns, staff on the field or out of the field, professors or even people involved in politics to get projects funded and approved. It is a notable environment, because it is a field that is truly, deeply important to him, and both his straightforwardness and passion for duty shine the most there... even if his personal life is entirely walled off from this one. Quite self explanatory !  
SUPERNATURAL PEER. Roy is not the only one who has lived longer than what is now nowadays’ humans life length expectation. Even if none are from his time or went through the same thing as him, they can always relate to a brand of pain and obstacles which no others can imagine. This profile fit supernatural beings who wouldn’t fit in other categories, beings which are more defined by their nature than mimicking a mortal lifestyle. They’d usually be relatively neutral people who’d be willing to approach Roy to give him some form of company. Even if it is in the most silent, mundane way, those relationships are of significance. They can have seen the end of mankind once and its rebirth, or they can also be a few centuries old in this era.
COLLEAGUES AND REGULARS. Roy is a masseur at a hotel spa. Despite being seemingly a mundane position, those are people who still get to socialize with him on a regular basis... which basically never happens in his personal life. Witness his peculiar character different moods, and maybe want to get involved with it, or comment on it.
DISCIPLES. In one of his most significant lifetime, Roy had four disciples in a temple set in East Asia. As he grew himself immensely powerful to the point he’d been labeled a deity for the generations to come, so did the students he took under his wing. Tales even imply that those disciples might have come from other time and worlds, as the concentration of lifeflow in the temple affected reality itself. Despite their betrayal, it would be no wonder if such powerful beings, having taken away a piece of power from their master, would be reborn. This profile fits muses with a strong sense of virtue and justice who’d be willing to dip their muse into my canon ! I’d be more than happy to tell you what I set as a reason for Roy’s disciples to turn on him, but if you find an even better idea I am all for it; I am, after all, roleplaying here and not just writing on my own, it can be OUR story too ! The idea here is for Roy’s disciples to have taken as much lifeflow from him as they could for themselves out of his remains, giving them the ability to be reborn with their abilities and appearance, albeit at a much, much slower pace than Roy can do, and without their concrete memory or very little of it (unlike Roy who slowly recalls them at all time).
PAST LIFETIME. Not everyone who supported (or not) Roy was a chosen one, or even a martial artist. In his past lives, Roy had numerous bonds, like them or not. Usually from local villages as he preferred much more tranquil and calm areas to settle, atop of borrowing the local blacksmiths’ workshop at times for his own work. This profile fits muses coming from ancient type of settings as their main asset and would like to interact through Roy’s past lifetimes, who’d, in his own way, potentially carry their own legacy in the next one.
ANOTHER LIFETIME. Roy’s idea of being the last of his civilization is set in stone. However, he has lived many lifetimes, some which were entirely lost and there is no real telling how much he’s been through as he, himself, lost touch with the world and time. The life cycle goes on, even if it is not the same. And people are reborn from the essence of others, maybe to meet again in another lifetime. This profile can truly fit anyone, mortals or not, who’d be willing to have Roy and their muse having met in another life, with the mental memories gone, but the physical ones staying. Energies will naturally bring them close to one another, like they know each others but they actually don’t, not in this lifetime yet.
THE HIGH PRIESTESS (?). The High Priestess’ lifeflow fused with Roy when she decided to give him her gift to be eternal. Although she remains inside him alongside their civilization, life works in mysterious ways. And there is no telling that, somehow, her, but not her power, her as a person, can someday find him again. This profile is not something I’m actively looking for, but definitely an option for someone who wants to go KNEES DEEP in this with me hahaha. It is most likely to fit muses who already has a backstory of being reborn from power, and have a very close persona than Roy’s biography describe. The High Priestess DOESN’T have to be limited to only female muses, they can be of any gender, both in the past and present, or have been a woman in another lifetime and be reborn another gender, etc. since the Firsts’ mentality were in deeper levels than individualistic labels. The matter was of no real importance to them, and the appellation Priestess, as in feminine, was chosen out of a tone that whoever held this title was to be motherly. Despite their strong bond, the Priestess is not the same as she was anymore, and so is Roy. They will never be the same again. Despite this plot running deep, it doesn’t guarantee any form of relationship with Roy, and will develop on chemistry through interactions.
MISC.I’ll add more when I think of them! DO THROW ME YOUR IDEAS LET’S GO.
Like with any interaction, relationships are officially in the singleverse timeline if it is roleplayed to a minimum extensively. Looking forwards to write with you !
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yamisedai-a · 4 years
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this blog is highly selective/private & mutuals only for my own comfort. i’ve had some bad tumblr experiences in the past and i’d rather not have any more. i will only rp with you if you are 18+!!
gore and sexual content may appear on this blog, these themes will always be tagged as 'tw: nsfw'. similarly, any common triggers will also be tagged accordingly on the blog: 'tw: blood', etc. if you have any triggers or need something tagged, please just ask! i personally do not have any triggers that need to be tagged and if i do, i can filter them myself.
if i follow you, i want to write with you! it also means i’ve taken the time to read over your rules and i hope you would do me the same courtesy. if i follow you and you do not follow back after about a week, i will respectfully unfollow.
while i respect everyone’s individual portrayals, i tend to be a little self conscious about my portrayals. it’s a habit i am trying to break. if we’re good friends and get to talking ooc i am more willing to write with dupes. generally i am pretty okay with them. 
i try and stay as true as i possibly can to any character's canon, however i am human and i do not agree with all canon scenarios that are portayed on screen. if there are any canon divergences with miroku, they will be noted further in their respective verses/info tab.
tracking/tagging: yamisedai
vagueposting, constant negativity untagged, or hate of any kind will get you unfollowed or blocked. i do not tolerate any kind of toxic behavior. if i see it? bye. accordingly, if you’ve broken any rules that i have listed here as well, that will also possibly result in a consequence of the same result.
i’m open to different verses and aus with some characters that i know the fandoms of. however, this blog will only be within inuyasha majorly. THOUGH I LOVE OC’S! if you follow me, and i do not see my character and your character interacting/or if i have to do a lot of research on the fandom/character and it is hard to find the information on your blog/wiki, i may not follow back.
i write single, semi, and multi para. sometimes i write novels hahah. sue me. but you never have to match my length! and if you have any issues with the length, just shoot me a message! you are also ALWAYS welcomed to shorten a reply if the threads are getting lengthy, all i ask is that you do give me something to work with.
i am not big on aesthetics. i find it time consuming to edit replies with the little time i do have. i like my tiny text and one icon-- but if you don’t use any formatting or go the extra mile, i don’t mind! i am fine roleplaying in whatever context that you are, even if you don’t format at all! i do have astigmatisms in both my eyes. sometimes small text hurts to read. especially later in the evening, when i do most of my writing, but i can always zoom!
personals - do not reblog threads! you are welcome on this blog, feel free to like threads and posts, however if you reblog them, it messes with my notifications and makes it EXTREMELY hard to find things. I will usually give a warning once, after that i will block.
i do instill mains and exclusives. mains will take priority in threads/asks/etc. i will have around 2-4 of each canon character- a list will be added soon on the bonds tab! don’t be scared of the list! and if you’re interested in becoming a main, just shoot me a message to discuss it!
i do not own miroku or claim to own him! muse does not = mun! & i’m also not here for drama, politics, or ship wars-- just fun and creativity-- that’s all. anything that happens in character does not reflect me as the mun! miroku may be mad at your muse but i am not mad at you!
while they are fine, excessive pestering will also resort in a not happy vicki, i'll probably ask you to chill & if you don't, it will result in a block.
don’t godmod, powerplay, you know-- all that good stuff. if you have a concern you would like to address about myself or my blog, please come and speak with me. my dms and tumblr ims are always open.
i am not a meme or aesthetic source! i am very happy you like the content that i am posting on my blog, but please reblog from the SOURCE. it’s common courtesy and very much appreciated, not only from myself but many roleplayers!!!
hi there! thank you so much for reading all of this! it really means a lot! my name is vicki, please just vicki--not vikki, viki, vicky, vickie, etc. the spelling of my name kinda bothers me since there are like a million of me in this world/it is my actual name and yes, i am very icky.
i’m 28, she/her, est, basically married & i work 40+ hrs a week as a banker. please be patient with me on work days! usually when i work i am only available in the evening. you can always find me on discord and tumblr ims for plots and chit chat though! if you do not already have my discord, please feel free to shoot me a message and ask. i'm not really one for drops on the dash or anything. i love making shit, even if i think i suck at it hahaha. if you ever need icons or screencaps, i am open to helping you out, if i have the time!!
this is not my only blog on tumblr! i am also pretty active within the star wars fandom, i have a multi where you can find more inuyasha muses & i have a rwby blog currently on hiatus. if i am not here, you can find me on those blogs!! if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! thank you for taking the time to read this!! i truly appreciate it and you! <3
blogs: @sundragcn, @greyfulcrum, @anchoredstowaways​
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever known anyone who was homeless? I don’t think so. Families here are always willing to take in their less fortunate relatives, and being homeless is usually the case for only the poorest of the poorest of the poor. I don’t think I know anyone from that sector.
Do you watch movies with the subtitles on? Yes. I have to, I’m horrible at following any foreign accent. Some English speakers will sometimes speak too fast or mumble their words, which can be such an inconvenience for me sometimes. Did you have a treehouse when you were younger? I didn’t. Most trees here have red ants and have never really been treehouse-friendly, sadly. Sports: Would you rather watch them or play them? Watch. Feels so nice to watch and cheer for your favorites with people who like the sport as much as you do. If you were a journalist, what types of stories would you want to cover? Finally a survey question that directly concerns my degree, hahaha. I loved doing situationers more than anything, meaning to say I never liked the fieldwork part of journalism but I enjoyed the hell out of doing research. Situationers are basically research-heavy outputs that will bring readers up to speed on a current hot topic - it can be anything from an extensive timeline, an in-depth analysis, a data-centric explainer, etc.
But if we’re strictly talking stories, I would love to cover marginalized groups and give them a voice. I once had to cover an informal settlement that was in danger of displacement after a corporation bought their land to build a casino/mall complex. That was my favorite story to write, and I would love to cover similar bases like labor issues, plight of the LGBTs, indigenous people, etc. if given the chance.
Do you think American Idol is rigged? They had some super unfair eliminations in the past that made me think it was rigged, yeah. I remember reading a bit from wrestler Chris Jericho’s memoir where he says he got eliminated from a dance show he once got to be in because the producers felt that there were too many male contestants, and the they simply picked him to be eliminated even though he had been doing  well. After reading that, I started thinking most competition shows do the same practice.
Have you ever participated in any type of medical study? No. Psychological studies, yes; but I don’t think I’ve joined anything medical in nature. Do you believe humans should have the option to be euthanized? Sure, though I think it should only be kept as an option for ultimate cases, like if someone with a terminal illness was due to pass any day. It shouldn’t be like an appointment that can be very easily fixed up for anyone. Have you ever taken a road trip with no destination in mind? No. Gas is too expensive for that privilege lmao. Do you give good directions? Not at all. Use Waze, man. I get confused when I’m at campus and someone rolls down their windows to ask me how to get to a certain building like...everything is Waze-able now dude... What do you think of when I say the word 'lumberjack'? Lumberjack matches in pro wrestling. Have you ever lied about your weight? Why? I don’t think so. I never really had to. Do you know how to do the Macarena? I know some steps but I wouldn’t be able to do the entire sequence. Have you ever tripped over one of your pets? Yessssss Kimi is scattered everywhere all the time lol. It doesn’t help that our floor is white and he is white. He’s always a good sport about it though. Have you ever been stuffed into your locker? No. Our lockers aren’t the tall, vertical type; they look more like cubbyholes, so it’ll be impossible to put a person in one of them. Can you make another person blush easily? Just my girlfriend. I’m not interested in making others blush. What would you change about the way your parents raised you? Like, if I myself got to be a parent? I’d definitely be more invested with my own kid - read to them before bed, have mom-kid days with them where the two of us would have dinner or do something else to bond together, be all ears when they tell me something they’re excited about, or support them when they find a new talent or hobby. I’d want to make my kid feel super loved and that they matter. My parents weren’t bad ones; they just didn’t form an emotional connection with me which in reality is just as important as being able to provide. Do you have to look perfect before you go out to the store? I don’t always have to be perfect; just acceptable. What is your state's motto? The motto has the city’s name in it, so no thanks. Are there any holidays that you feel are completely pointless? I was never a fan of the holidays that exclusively celebrate family members, like Mother’s Day. There are toxic moms or dads or grandparents that get completely overlooked during holidays like those and I feel like it’s unfair to those who have to live with those toxic relatives. Then again, maybe I just feel this way because I have an abusive mom and Mother’s Day is always hell on earth for me. Also why wait a year to celebrate the good ones? Do it everyday. Have you ever gone to work with one or both of your parents? Yes. There were a few times when my mom brought us to her workplace. What is the funnest sport that you got to play in P.E. class? Other than table tennis which I already play, futsal was fun. It was during that quarter I discovered that my foot-eye coordination wasn’t bad at all. Have you mastered the plastic guitar yet (Rock Band, Guitar Hero)? Never. I can never get my fingers to work properly in games like those. What is one cause you know you'll ALWAYS support? LGBT rights. What animals creep you out? Cockroaches. Have you ever done a walk/run for a charity or similar cause? I haven’t. It’d be fun to join at least one sometime, though! Do you like the smell of gasoline? I'm not addicted but like I wouldn’t be bothered if my window was down and I was able to smell it. When was the last time you had a piggyback ride? A couple of years ago. Have you ever owned or used a telescope? Yeah I got to use one to look at the moon at our Grade 7 stargazing activity. Do you have to see or witness certain phenomenons to believe them? Bingo. Do you know/remember what Shrinky-Dinks are? I am literally only hearing about them now. We didn’t have that here. Do you talk to store clerks like you know them? Noooooo and I really prefer they don’t talk to me or follow me around. In your town, are a lot of stores closed on Sundays? No. In fact pop-up stalls or bazaars are active on Sundays since that’s the day most families go out. Do you dislike song remixes? Yes. When was the last time you hula-hooped? January at Rita’s place, because they have a hula hoop. Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering? Nope. What are your thoughts on role playing games? Not a fan. But then again that’s me with most video games in general lol. Do you get an adrenaline rush just from watching videos of roller coasters? No, I get sick to my stomach and have to face away from the screen haha. Do you like watching shows that deal with forensics? If they’re documentaries, yes. But I don’t watch shows like Bones or CSI. Do you want to have a bachelor/bachelorette party before you get married? I’m whatever about it. If I have one or if my friends plan one for me, I wouldn’t want anything too wild. Ever been texted by mistake and played along & acted like you knew them? No, I tell them immediately it’s a wrong number so that they stop bothering me. Would you ever get a name tattooed on you? Initials, yes. Not a full name. If you could have unnatural colored eyes, what color(s) would you choose? Does green count? It’s unnatural in Filipino/Asian terms lol. It’d be nice to have olive eyes. Do you always remember your dreams? No. If I wanted to remember them, I’d have to log them down somewhere. Who is your favorite late night talk show host? Jimmy Fallon only because he keeps inviting Robert Irwin back on his show and he’s the best talk show guest ever. Do your parents dress like they're years younger? Does it gross you out? My dad does. It’s nothing to shame a parent about. Do you know who Seth MacFarlane is? Yes. Do you try on clothes in dressing rooms and take pictures? No. I feel weird about wearing something for fun and just returning it haha as a bit of a germaphobe. If I go inside a fitting room it has to be because I’m interested in possibly buying a piece of clothing. What is a band you can't stop listening to right now? Not really listening to bands these days. I have been listening to Hayley Williams a great deal, though.
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 2 - "Fuck I’m on the cursed tribe" ~Moth
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a lil sad to see my girl, Bri, go, but that just makes us one person closer to the goal >:3
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dennis is very sneaky. we all had a tribe call and he said he'd come later but he was actually doing the hunt challenge. like that's totally fair, it's just even afterward he acted as if he was not really focusing on it either. im going to play the game assuming he has something, just in case.
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GAME AND GAME SHOW ARE DIFFERENT DSJKLFHASJDJFH no but this was hella fun pls let's do it again
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Dhsjdjsjskksks. First tribal done. We just finished the taboo challenge ... A good bonding experience with my tribe. However, I have a feeling we lost. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 The fact that I was the guesser. Rip. 
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I filmed confessionals but my internet got disconnected hahaha so that's neat. Hopefully there will be youtube videos here soon, but new update Jodi and I are in alliances with Dennis and brayden separately which I think would be hilarious if they were also in am alliance together. And it will be funny it my internet is still out for the challenge tomorrow since I'm the guesser 😆 whoops
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So this is the beginning of round 2 and here are my thoughts. Might purposely not be helpful in the taboo challenge lol but i have to do it in a way that doesn't show im throwing it? tbh i say this now but when i start playing the urge to win comes in ugh but i just wanna vote one of these people out. I also took a stroll through the wiki page for this org and i love that some of these people (esp brayden and amy) have played before and their stats are there like yassss give me ammunition yassss!!!! anywho i dont care if we win or lose tomorrow i think i set myself up nicely within the tribe and i still really dont think any of these people won the hunt challenge on my tribe but again who knowssss. if we lose the logic would probably be go for josh or ginny aka the least active people buttt i dont think so like i don't wanna go the boring route. i need to keep josh close to get to merge with him we have friends on the other tribeeeeeee so i need them to survive and i need him and i to survive till we swap or merge to link up. im also trying to win a hunt challenge but my god y'all have me fucked up!!!!!!!!! i guess we shall see what happens tomorrowwwwww
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It was nice sitting the challenge out, I'm busy tomorrow and the fact that they could complete it is good for me. Also, if we lose, nobody can blame me for the loss. Only drawback is it appears to me some people can be getting close by bonding over funny things in a game. I have to go back and see who may be close, I don't think I'm next on the chopping block, but I'm definitely not in control. To me, I do not need to be number one on this tribe, I just need to survive the next tribal and hopefully make it to the swap at 14 or 15.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm_dmPuwzzI&list=PLrsCGcojtF16jvLW49C4855pUlLWI9pnn&index=2 anotha one dj khaled
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HEY SO KIND OF A LOT OF DEVELOPMENTS TO MY GAME we didn't lose first challenge!! thats great. whatever. no tribal. I've been trying to connect with fellow tribemates but overall we're all pretty quiet. I did have a small 30 minute call with Jay where we kinda connected on somewhat of a game level. I kinda get the vibe that he may not fully trust me or he might see my as a threat, but I want to work with him. I also really like Anastasia and Elle, I think I can connect with them more on a more genuine level. Perfect scenario for me would be setting up a trio alliance of Me + Elle + Anastasia, and then having Jay on the side as my actual #1. idk if I can pull that off, but that was my plan heading into round 2 BUT. AS ROUND 2 STARTED, MY GAY ASS WON THE HUNT CHALLENGE. AMAZING. idk HOW I managed it because like?? I finished and found the hidden link within like 20 minutes? Statistically very unlikely BUT I'm so glad I did it. I WON A SAFETY WITHOUT POWER. It's kinda like a hidden immunity idol, except slightly worse because I can't actually partake in tribal at all. we went ahead and competed in the Taboo challenge last night and boy it was kinda rough. We lost a LOTTA points because we kept accidentally saying forbidden words (I lost us 2 points, woops). But we ended up with a semi decent score. Elle did an amazing job guessing. I really hope we can pull this out. SO YEAH SORRY THATS KIND OF A LOT. OVERALL I FEEL LIKE IM IN A DECENT POSITION, WAY BETTER NOW THAT I HAVE A SWP. I wanna further my position in the game with some allies now. That's my next biggest goal. toodles!!!
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So I've figured out that Amy is a comp beast based on us discussing our old seasons and how she did in those: she always talks down her abilities because she's worried she's being painted as a big challenge threat, but I don't think she realizes that doesn't matter to me at all. Ultimately, I think she needed to be at tonight's challenge more than me, so I decided it's ok to sit out since I'm sitting out only because somebody has to, not because I don't want to play. In tribal challenges, it means she'll help keep us winning tribal immunity, and further down the line, if anything, I'll be using her as my "Ken" and if she wins everything, it'll keep immunity away from people I want out. 
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I think I did much better in Taboo than I did in endurance, so I'm happy about that. Hopefully my performance this round can help me redeem myself with my tribemates.
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Today in the fools tribe: no one is talking 
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Holy crap we won yet again this is such a great feeling just like last season :)
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Fuck I’m on the cursed tribe this round This time I think I’m on the majority alliance, which is a great place to be. So hopefully everything goes as planned tomorrow 
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So! We did the Taboo challenge and got second place, probs wouldve got first if we didnt get deductions but also we did so good so whatever 😂. I definitely kinda pushed for us to do the challenge last night bc it's Dylan's birthday and I didn't want to have to like, be anywhere specifically today 😅. But yeah we did super good and now I'm gonna go talk to ppl bc I've been gone all day lol
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Bye I hate it here. 
SO. Here’s the rundown: We lost. Again. Pushing for Shaad to go. Moth, Jared, and Danny all agree with him going. So far I’m getting good vibes with everyone. Danny says he gets along with Jared well and doesn’t talk to Moth that much. Plus, Jared, Moth and I have that little alliance. Jared and I also get along well. Worried for Moth as she doesn’t seem to message a lot. This tribal... I’m feeling safe. I might even make an alliance with Jared, Danny and I. Worst case scenario for next challenge we lose and Moth goes. 
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Yay we won again! Anyways, Dennis messaged me tonight talking about how everybody else knows each other from playing Stings games before. He said he checked the series wiki and got freaked out and told me that we're two newbies amongst vets. While he's telling the truth, I'm actually not too panicked because 1) I actually checked out the wiki before he told me about it and 2) I have pretty decent relationship with Amy to incentivize her to keep me around. I worked tightly with Amy for the specific reason that I knew she'll have others to work with, and for her to keep me as a loyal number. I also know that she was runner up of another series and she already recognizes the target on her, so I doubt she wants to risk me putting a bigger one. WOW FOR ONCE I'M NOT THE FLAMING TARGET I LIKE THIS 
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Round 1 updates: https://youtu.be/5nhSsLNcnZ0 https://youtu.be/S5-0Yw93wc0
Round two rambles: https://youtu.be/CuwgF9IVmUM
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So, tbh I've done some research about some previous seasons and I noticed Moth and Jessica have played together before. Moth still has not talked to me but Jessica has been overly friendly. I know they have a group message with Jared and I know he can be the split vote between what happens in our tribal tomorrow. Jared claims he has voted for Moth but we will truly see tomorrow. But honestly, if he chooses us, then Jessica is next unless the tribe swap or merge has happened.
Also with that research, I've peeped there's other connections in other tribes from previous games so this is gonna be interesting.
I chose Jared to work with mostly because I see he can play strategy.
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Fools tribe is bad at playing games. And its perfect for me because I am safe but i am wishing for drama bcs its fun. rn we are doing small talk and being so nice to each other. I think we will form an alliance officially soon but i am too awkward or like i dont know how to say it or bring it up.
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WHY! DOES! MY! TRIBE! KEEP! WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying to go the fuck to tribal council but noooo we have to beast all the other tribes yet again. Like a swap is probably coming soon and with my fuckin luck I am gonna get swap screwed like they are gonna look at me from the phantoms and be like yeahhhh theyve been winning lets get his ass out. i would love to lose this next one so the sees look stronger. if phantoms go to tribal I know I''m safe (anything can happen but I set myself up well), and thats all I care about. Jodi and I started to really talk about the vets who are playing this season, and we just realized that we're the only newbies on our tribe. like wow. The fantasy would be to get to merge and have a numbers advantage of newbies against these vets, or make the vets eat their own idk. Lots of thinkin lots of thinkinnnnn. I have been strolling through the wiki page some more and mapping out potential connections from previous seasons. The casting directors work hard but i work harder
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Roses are red We’re on day six Fools tribe worse at challenges than a bag of dead bricks
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That im one of the strongest competitors on my tribe, Dennis feels like he is on the outs, but that connects us so i can pull him in as an ally.
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It’s been a tricky round 
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: Jodi remains at the top of the tribe for much of the same reason as last round. Now, she is even in two alliances with no one wanting to come for her nor do they see her as playing both alliances. Hopefully Jodi’s quick alliance making and constant worrying will help strengthen her defenses in the later rounds to come when people will be looking at her more closely.
Amy: Amy is still playing that stellar UTR game. No one seems to register her as a threat despite their access to the wiki and her performance in the challenge. Her social game is just too strong. Additionally, her greater willingness to work with Dennis than Jodi’s willingness to work with him may provide some good allies for Amy if she ever wants to distance herself from Jodi.
Brayden: Brayden rises in the rankings from last round as he has become more closely aligned with Amy and Jodi. The trio seem to see themselves as the only “active” ones on their tribe and are very quick to bond. Additionally, unlike Dennis, Brayden is not viewed with suspicion by either Jodi or Amy. They definitely feel more like a core alliance than they did with Dennis. Furthermore, Brayden is poised to get the people he wants gone out of this game. He is targeting Josh and Dennis which are good targets, especially the latter. All it takes is for Brayden to push a little for Dennis and I am sure the two girls will take the bait. Finally, Brayden’s connection with Ginnifer is very beneficial since he seems to be the only one willing to work with her at the moment. This gives him a very easy ally and Ginnifer doesn’t have much of a choice besides working closely with him. It is certainly an easy number for Brayden if he ever wanted to backstab Jodi or Amy in the future.
Josh: What lands Josh here is that he performed well in the challenge and is easy to like. Interacting with Josh on calls is always a pleasure. However, by not being part of that main trio, he is in danger of being voted out on a whim. Despite that, he seems to be, in my eyes, the least likely out of the bottom 3 to be voted out. Additionally, there is paranoia around people’s “experience” with ORGs surrounding these bottom 3 from others (despite the fact that the top 3 is composed of 2 people with ORG experience). Josh gets this heat the least.
Dennis: Dennis is in real danger if this tribe goes to tribal council. If Brayden pushes hard enough, Jodi can be easily swayed into turning on Dennis. He needs to back off with the strategy talk and just be more social. What saves him from last is that he is in that alliance with Jodi and Amy. This might make Jodi hesitant about targeting Dennis so soon as she may see him as a number. Additionally, Amy does seem keen on keeping Dennis around for a little while which would help his longevity. Hopefully Dennis can realize people’s perceptions of him before it is too late considering that he gives great confessionals and is one of my favorite players this season.
Ginnifer: Ginnifer may be on the bottom, but she definitely has a chance at avoiding being voted out. Most talk around Ginny is about how she is hard to socialize with, but I am sure, when the strategic game starts becoming more important, she can navigate out of this position. After all, she does have Brayden advocating for her which can definitely help. She would need to push for Dennis if she wants to survive until the swap at this point.
Jared: He takes the number 1 spot on this tribe as he is working with both “sides.” He is serving as the perfect double agent for Danny and Shaad. Additionally, he is making the smart move of getting rid of an obvious duo wherein he was the third wheel of that alliance. He has a great strategic mind on his shoulders, but is it too early for him to show that off? Regardless, he has earned this top spot by avoiding the target cleanly and betraying his allies perfectly. Jared is definitely a contender for the winner spot as he has shown some excellent gameplay these past two rounds.
Danny: Danny has done well in avoiding the target this round as well. He seems to be more sociable and active than Shaad which is the main reason that he is not the one getting Jessica’s and Moth’s vote. Additionally, he was the one that brought Jessica’s and Moth’s pre-existing relationship to Jared’s attention which caused this flip to happen in the first place. Finally, Danny made an excellent move by pairing himself with Jared as this duo could be something fearsome to go up against in the future. The cards are being laid out for a force to be reckoned with and I am excited to see what Danny will do in the future.
Shaad: It is hard to tell if Shaad did anything himself to avoid being voted out, but, regardless, he did something right by aligning with Danny and Jared instead of ratting to Jessica and Moth. In fact, even if he does rat, he will still land himself at number 3. He is not going to get voted out here, and has an established alliance moving forward. And now that he is putting more focus on the game, I am happily anticipating what he can accomplish now.
Jessica: Jessica is being blindsided tonight. However, at the very least, she is not the one going. Her performance in challenges have helped her avoid the target for the time being. Here we can see that the boys weren’t inactive, they were just inactive with her which spells doom for Jessica if this tribe goes to tribal council again. Unfortunately, the boys found out about her prior connection with Moth. The only thing Jessica could have done was to distance herself from Moth at the beginning of the game, but that seemed unlikely since people were inactive with her. I hope Jessica is able to survive until a swap because it would be devastating to see her go so early.
Moth: There is nothing Moth did that landed them here. It was just an unfortunate circumstance wherein they are targeted because of a prior connection. Additionally, I doubt Moth is going to see this coming.
Colin: With an advantage in his hands and him being the most popular bachelor on his tribe, Colin is quick to make allies and his allies like it that way. It feels as if everyone wants to ally with Colin. His activity in the earlier stages of the game have definitely born fruit.
Elle: Similar to Colin, everyone wants to work with Elle. Her social game is just that strong. Nothing much else to say besides what I said before, but the challenge definitely helped raise Elle’s standings in the tribe.
Anastasia: Similar to last round. Nothing much to say.
Jay: He is keeping out of the spotlight which is good.
Babs: No developments. Still viewed in the same way though has noticeably been less unhinged in the tribe chat.
Jennifer: Still the same as last time: seemingly inactive and might be targeted for it.
0 notes
multiimuse · 6 years
Dilan HCs
Odds for your boys tbh. B)
I’m never trusting u with meme powers again, kitty.
1. What does their bedroom look like?
Relatively neat, if still rather dusty in corners from years of disuse. Sparsely decorated with a bed and a nightstand, a dresser and a closet. He has a (probably) useless decorative lance mounted on the wall above his dresser, and and a small lamp on his nightstand. There used to be a bonsai on the dresser, but Aeleus rescued it  took it away a few years before the garden fell, when Dilan’s attempt at using it to relax nearly did the poor thing in. (He’s considering trying again, but it would probably meet the same fate if he did.) Overall? It’s not very personal - it’s just the place where he sleeps. His space is the kitchen.
3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Dilan’s more likely to be caught moving than standing still, honestly. If he’s not cooking or working on putting the castle in order, odds are he’s exercising or training. Keeping in good physical condition is important to him - one of the few things that had little to no change during his time as a Nobody. And it’s certainly better than sitting around letting whatever he’s feeling catch up to him. As for what, specifically, he does, he rotates through routines so that he can generally keep from overstressing any one area.
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Unless he’s been actively working up a sweat (which is admittedly rather often), Dilan tends to keep himself and his personal spaces presentable and neat. It’s easier to get things done when everything is kept neat. Really, that’s all it’s about - it’s not so much a personal preference as it is practicality and training. (Although when it comes to the kitchen, it’s also about avoiding contamination and bacteria, because no-one wants food poisoning and unwashed dishes are gross.)
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Dilan doesn’t waste time. If he does something, it’s because it needs or should be done, for some reason or another - and idleness is something he outright refuses to indulge in. Even if that reason is simply to try and make himself feel better? It’s worth doing.
9. Makeup?
Hahaha no. He does groom his sideburns though? (Sorry ladies, those eyelashes are all natural.)
11. Intellectual pursuits?
He prefers to leave science to the scientists, but Dilan does have a soft spot for history. Knowing what happened in the past can prepare one for the future, after all. (He’s also rather interested in nutrition, mostly because it ties into cooking and being able to balance good food with needed food is important.) Really, though - he’s just not that interested in research.
13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
It isn’t something Dilan thinks of much. He fell for someone exactly once, and it ended so badly that even decades later he’s not willing to even consider the concept of being attracted to anyone. (I as mun would tentatively label him as both demisexual and demiromantic, but neither he nor I know if heteroromantic or biromantic or panromantic; it’s something to find out if it ever comes up, I suppose.) As for views of it in general? Love is Stupid and he’ll recommend avoiding it, but doesn’t actually care one whit what anyone’s orientation is. It’s just not a thing that he thinks about one way or another.
15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Right now, his biggest short term goal is getting his temper back under better control. Living so long without it has gotten him out of the habit, and the sheer intensity of it’s rather overwhelming. His smallest is to make sure Braig keeps eating because he doesn’t trust the man to look after himself right now.
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
He... tends to stick to his uniform, really? After years of wearing the organization’s coat he’s not exactly prone to thinking about alternate clothing. It... doesn’t really feel right to wear the guard uniform like he has been, either, but - there’s something comforting about it, something that makes it easier to reintegrate into his life as Dilan. Maybe he’ll branch out in the future, but right now, this works. (As for rituals, unless he ended up wandering into the kitchen in the middle of the night and fell asleep there, you’re not likely to catch Dilan leaving his rooms without him being fully dressed in his uniform. He isn’t particularly comfortable with leaving things done only halfway.)
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
He tries not to, actually, beyond lists of what he needs to do the next day or going through what he’s already gotten done. Thinking too much leads to feeling, and he’s really not fond of how free the heart is with forming emotions to even the littlest things. 
21. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
(On: When someone isn’t intimidated by his temper, who has the fire to match himself. Touches to his collarbone. Massages. Soft voices reading aloud in the evenings. Off: the slightest sign of distress, strong perfume, poor manners at meals.)
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
He’s relatively organized? It’s again not so much a personal thing as it really is just the discipline required to be a decent guard. So things tend to be kept in order, he keeps appointments, etc! However... his temper can easily throw that all into disarray. When he loses his temper he tends to throw and/or misplace things, or lose track of time until he’s finally calmed down again. It’s another reason why he wants to get it under better control again.
25. How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
That isn’t something Dilan’s letting himself think about too much - it’s easier to take everything one day at a time. Providing the worlds are still standing in five years, he imagines he’ll be in much the same place he is now: rebuilding his life, whatever method it takes.
27. What is their biggest regret?
He has two: that he never saw his daughter after his relationship fell apart and as such has no idea what her ultimate fate was, and that he did not stop Xehanort, did not even step in, when he knows that he should have. (Perhaps it wouldn’t have made a difference in the end, but that doesn’t negate the responsibility he feels he bears.)
29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
He’s a guard, so he’s trained not to panic - instead, he’ll respond to whatever it is as calmly as possible and if it’s something he can deal with, he’ll deal with it. If it’s not? Get everyone he can out of the way and keep them there until someone who can deal with it has been informed and is on their way.
31. Most prized possession?
If anyone were to ask, he’d state that it was either his weapons or his cooking knives. But the true item he prizes above all others is a soft child’s doll shaped like a knight. He never got to give it to the one meant to own it, but he kept it safe for her on the off-chance that someday he might. Eventually, it simply turned into a reminder that he can’t bear to let go of. (And he’s just about as possessive of it as, say, the Beast and his rose. Never touch it without permission, if you even have been given the right to know that it’s there.)
33. Concept of home and family?
The castle is his home, and its denizens his family - or as close to one as he has or bothers to think about. Family, to Dilan, is made up of bonds of loyalty that can never be broken - if they are easily shattered, then they were never family in the first place. If any physical location could be considered ‘home’, it would probably be the castle kitchen - it’s where he’s most at ease, where his path is most likely to cross with the people he cares for, and where he retreats when he needs to do so.
35. What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
He doesn’t really waste time, so if an activity could be considered as such he doesn’t let himself try it long enough to find out if he likes it or not. ... He probably should, just to branch out a little more, but it would take some persuading to convince him that anything that might be seen as a waste of time (movies, meaningless doodling, etc) is worth giving a shot anyway.
37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
He tries to be analytical, but that was far easier as Xaldin. Now that he has his heart back, there’s something of a push-and-pull going on in his decision making. So unless he forces himself to calm down, his first reaction is going to be emotional. (Have I mentioned he really didn’t want his temper back, yet? Because he sure didn’t.)
39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Cooking, mostly. Dilan uses it to unwind, to de-stress and to be productive in the face of more overwhelming emotions. If he’s too drained to even manage that, however, he’ll simply make some kind of tea and relax at the table until he’s doing a little better. If he’s hit that point, however, he’s not likely to be social, so it’s usually best to leave him be and let him make the first move.
41. How misanthropic are they?
He’s... pretty misanthropic. Naturally a little suspicious and guarded around others, his relationship falling apart led him to drawing farther back, guarding himself further and making it that much harder to trust that anyone has good intentions, and then, after what happened with Xehanort... well, by now he’s more or less given up on humanity as a whole, or bothering with people he doesn’t already have some connection with. (There are a few exceptions, but they are exceptions.) 
43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
Dilan’s family wasn’t particularly wealthy, so that while he had formal education up through the end of high school, that’s where it ended; he enlisted upon graduating, and anything he’s picked up since has been self taught. Primarily, this includes cooking, but he’s also picked up more than he would like to know a few things from being around Ansem and Even for so long. He has no strong opinions on formal versus self-education, save that he wishes more people were taught how to defend themselves - a silly thought, perhaps, before the Garden fell. But now? Now, he’s willing to bet more than a few survivors agree with him.
45. Superstitions or views on the occult?
He doesn’t really have any? Dilan isn’t a superstitious person by nature, and tends to not do a lot of thinking about occult matters. His mindset is more or less one of ‘if I don’t think about it, it won’t affect me’ - which works well enough until you lose your heart and start living an existence that is neither truly living nor existing but still somehow something. (Now that he’s himself again, he’s still trying very hard not to think about such things.)
47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Hahahahahaha, ha. ha.
Never again. (Ideals are for idiots and children, anyway.)
49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
If it’s to the point of a fist fight, it’s usually because Dilan’s too angry to think straight, so the only thing he’s focusing on is releasing his anger onto his opponent. Thus it lacks in his usual finesse and precision... but given that he’s still strong, and fast, and trained in combat, he’s... still pretty dangerous and not one you really want to piss off to the point he’s throwing punches.
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Meet the Apprentice chapters 1 - 2 (request)
As it happens, sometimes I get a random request from someone and if I have the time I'd be more than happy to help. Keep in mind for those who like pictures, I won’t be using reaction images because the hard drive with the hundreds of images has been lost.
Keep in mind not a revival but a small visit from the aunt everyone hates, nice to be back for even a moment. This is a reboot to a story someone submitted to me.
-mod m
Meet the Apprentice
As the engine’s roar died, the driver’s door swung open and a woman stepped out. She raised one of her hands to shield her face from the sun, squinting up at the building. She shouldered a brown leather backpack and self-consciously straightened her pleated yellow dress. Taking a deep breath, she started across the parking lot towards the entrance, shifting the bridge of her glasses as she went.
(I'm bad at summaries and I don't want to spoil stuff but also I'm still working out the plot so I'm basically making this up as I go sorry!
It's kind of good that much I can tell you.)
     Have confidence in yourself! People want to read a story with confidence, there’s no reason to apologize or let the audience know you’re just as clueless
Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated, and if you have any questions, ask away! Have a good day! :)
Chapter 1
The sun sat high in the sky of New Mexico, glaring down on the drab orange landscape and forming shimmering heat waves on the dusty ground. Among the desert scene sat a large facility, a light gray building that had large air conditioners running all along its roof. Around it was a tall chain link fence that had large KEEP OUT signs bolted to it at intervals. As if the locals didn’t know enough to stay away.
The only openings in the fence were two narrow gaps, one along each short end of the rectangular compound, wide enough for your average pickup truck to fit through.  Through each gap was a parking lot, and a metal sliding door entrance to the building. A multi-colored line ran horizontally along the outer walls, half of it red, the other blue. On the blue half, a slightly rusting 1959 Pontiac Bonneville made its way into the lot, pulling into one of the lopsided parking spaces. As the engine’s roar died, the driver’s door swung open and a woman stepped out. She raised one of her hands to shield her face from the sun, squinting up at the building. She shouldered a brown leather backpack and self-consciously straightened her pleated yellow dress. Taking a deep breath, she started across the parking lot towards the entrance, shifting the bridge of her glasses as she went.
      A dress for battle maybe not so but a dress for heat and a simple outfit for simply arriving makes sense. ( pls don’t have her fight in a dress author I have high hopes )
Dust swirled around her ankles, and a warm breeze toyed with her pigtails as she walked up to the metal sliding door. Raising one pale, calloused hand, palm reddened by the heat, she knocked; a reverberating clang cut through the tranquil desert. As she waited for someone to answer, she examined the logo on the door. The door itself was painted blue, gray peeking out where the paint had peeled off the corrugated metal. A large white wrench had been stylistically painted on it, the lower half of the tool made up of the acronym “BLU”. The top half of a bolt was held between the teeth of the wrench, and in the middle of the bolt was a yellow and blue globe. Beneath all of this, in block letters, were the words “BUILDERS LEAGUE UNITED”.
Humming to herself, she wondered what she’d look like in an all blue uniform.
Suddenly, the door began to slide upwards, making a rattling noise that she could only associate with ball bearings, and she shook herself from her thoughts. In the doorway, illuminated by bright fluorescent lights, was a short, stocky man wearing overalls and a yellow hard hat. Around his neck was a pair of what appeared to be some form of welding goggles. His brown eyes were small and deeply set, and the skin around them was rather paler than the rest of his face, but nonetheless they shone brightly and had a warmth to them. The man that the kind eyes belonged to smiled at her brightly.
To be fair engineer's eyes are blue but that’s hardly something to get upset about
“Well, howdy there. My name is…well, we ain’t supposed to share our birth names, just our class names and any nicknames that come besides, but for simplicity’s sake let’s just call ‘em our names. Might as well be, I reckon, since we been using ‘em for so long. But as I was sayin’, th’name’s Engineer. If that’s too long for your fancy, you can call me Engie.”
     it’s a thick accent but acceptable. It’s readable. Kudos
The woman nodded; she’d been informed of the “no-names” rule when she had been registered by Miss Pauling. The secretary had claimed that it was for “security’s” sake, but she assumed it was to stifle as many bonding opportunities as possible.
The man had extended a hand, so she shook it. His grip was firm
“My name is Sa-…sorry, I mean, Apprentice.” She replied sheepishly.
Engie just grinned at her. “That’s alright, it takes a bit to get used to it. Now come on in, it’s just about suppertime. Normally th’whole team don’t all sit in the rec room to eat, but since we’ve got a new recruit Miss Pauling had... suggested we use the time to get introduced, to save time later.”
Read: threatened. For some of them, at least.
But Apprentice nodded as she was led into the building. She sighed as a blast of cool air hit her. Engie led her down a long, gray hallway. There were doors leading off of it, all marked with signs. One read “BUNKS”, and a few others, “BATHROOMS”. Another large sliding door sat on the right, with a sign above it that read “RESPAWN”. She shuddered as she remembered the RESPAWN chip she still needed to have implanted.
       Respawn chips give me so many memories of years ago when everyone played around with respawn ideas….. Even I have a fanfiction out that focuses the start of the respawn and before….
Engie pointed at the RESPAWN door. “Through there’d be your ammo lockers n’such, and then there’s another door in there leadin’ to the battlements. We’ll go over this tomorrow when y’all’re given the tour. We get Sundays off, o’course, and when we move to the next compound we get the whole weekend to get settled.”
Apprentice nodded again. She wasn’t much of a talker. The same could not be said for Engie, however, who was talking quite a bit, and the more he talked, the thicker his Texan accent grew. Most of it was just bits of random trivia about the facility and offhand comments about its name (“Ya ain’t gonna wonder why it’s called ‘Turbine’ once ya see the battlements, that’s for sure!”) and the team (“Y’all might think I’M talking much, but you just wait’ll you meet Scout! That boy could outtalk a lil yappin’ dog, I’ll tell ya that”).
     Don't insult my baby!! He’s perf!!
He led her through a small kitchen (the sink was piled with dishes; covering the pile was a towel, and on it was a piece of paper, on it scrawled hasty note: Outta site, outta mind, Engie.)
The Texan snorted at this and muttered, “Darn it, Scout.”
He rolled his eyes at Apprentice. “That boy hates doin’ his share of the chores, ‘specially the dishes. And he can’t spell worth a darn, neither.”
       I was trying to defend scouts education level but the only thing I could find was the track terrorizer and it was when he snuck into a high school track team at 23 hahaha [x]
Apprentice smiled at that and followed Engie through the kitchen doorway, into a room that was the dining room and rec room, according to the sign above it. She frowned a bit when she saw the sign; was everything here labelled?
There were eight men sitting in various places around the rec room, absorbed in their own activities. None of them noticed her walking in. Engie leaned towards her.
“I’m gonna go get the grub, now go’n get yourself settled.” He headed back into the kitchen.
Apprentice took a deep breath and walked forwards. She hated meeting new people, and always felt that they were judging her, that they thought she was weird. But as she got closer, she realized that she was probably one of the most normal ones there. One of them, a light-skinned man in a baggy fireproof suit, sat on the floor, criss-cross style, in front of a couch. He was shifting back and forth, a deceptively childish grin on his face, as he clicked a lighter on and off. His eyes shone bright with the reflection of the flame, but there was a fire to them that definitely wasn’t a reflection. She decided to steer clear of him for now, and looked around for a safer person to sit near. Unfortunately, none of the other options seemed to be very good.
     I don’t like the whole showing pyro’s face thing, and if he had the mask on it would be impossible to see his eyes or skin. This is personal preference to me though, you do you, author.
On one of the three lumpy couches in the room sat a lanky man with thinning brown hair. A pair of yellow shooting glasses were pushed up onto his forehead, and he was sitting on far end of the couch closest to the wall. He was drinking coffee and reading Catch-22. He appeared calm, but the way his eyes were darting around the room and the way he seemed to be trying to collapse in on himself suggested that he wasn’t used to being around the rest of the team after matches.
     Catch 22 came out in 1961 so that puts this storyline closer to the gravel war. The setting is important folks, +1 point for doing your research author. [x]
A bottle flew past her head, drawing her attention to the far end of the room, towards the dining table. Two of her teammates were in, from what she could see, a fight over a…cupcake. One of the men was wearing an overly large army helmet, and the other was a scrawny young man with buckteeth. He had a bloody nose, and the army guy was screaming something about “cupcake communists”. Sitting at the table was a black man wearing an eyepatch, who was laughing at the two so hard that he was punching the table. Also sitting at the table, watching the fight in disgust, was a rather short, skinny man wearing a ski mask and a suit. He was smoking a cigarette daintily.
He looked over at Apprentice, appraising her for a moment, before sniffing and turning back towards the fight (the army guy now had the skinny one in a headlock, which Skinny was valiantly trying to escape).
She glared at him. What was his problem? Rolling her eyes, she moved to the couch in the middle of the room, closest to the television set. Two other men were sitting on it. One of them was wearing round spectacles and reading a thick encyclopedia, titled Gray’s Anatomy. A glance over his shoulder showed her pictures of organs, scientifically labelled. She wrinkled her nose. The spectacled man acknowledged her with a nod, then returned to his book. He turned the page and laughed at something. She scooted a bit farther away from him. The man farthest from her was tall and muscular, with beady blue eyes. He was knitting what appeared to be a pair of gloves. She sat awkwardly on the edge of the couch, waiting for Engie to come back. She raised her arm to check her watch. Five o’ clock, exactly.
this is just as awkward as you can get, man. 
A large hand tapped her elbow, and she turned in surprise to the large man at the end of the couch. He leaned across the man with the spectacles, who grimaced at him and leaned back.
“You are new recruit?” He asked. His Russian accent was prominent in those few words.
“Uh, yeah, I am. My name is Apprentice.” She awkwardly extended her hand. He shook it lightly.
“I am Heavy Weapons Guy. I have question for you: do you have woolen stockings?”
She scrunched up her face in confusion. “Umm…yes? It got pretty cold in Nebraska, so I have a couple of pairs. I brought ‘em just in case, but, uh, doesn’t seem like I’ll need ‘em.”
Heavy Weapons Guy simply shrugged. “It will get cold in the nights.”
Apprentice nodded slowly.
“Right, but, uh, wh-why did you want to know?” She tilted her head to the side, squinting at him.
“Wanted to know if Heavy would have to knit you some. I knit them for new people. Knitted them for Doktor”, he pointed to the man with the anatomy book, ”the little rabbit Scout,” he pointed to the boy fighting, who was still in the headlock and slowly turning blue, “and the Demoman.” he motioned to the man with the eyepatch. “But you do not need them, da?”
Apprentice twitched her shoulder. “Nah I guess not, huh?” She smiled at him.
“Pretty nice of ya, Heavy. I can call you that, right?”
Heavy nodded at her, and returned to his knitting.  The “Doktor” leaned forwards again. He flipped another page, revealing a very realistic drawing of a transparent human body, with all of the organs, nerves, and skeletal system visible. He turned to Apprentice and grinned in a manic way.
    see I hope there is more characterization to medic than just the body obsessed doctor jerk stereotype
“Zis is my favorite part!”
She stared at him for a second, then slowly nodded.
“That-that’s. Nice.”
He nodded his head feverishly, still grinning, still without blinking, then returned to the book. Just as she was wondering if she should maybe switch places, Engie came back into the room, holding a large cast-iron cooking pot. She stood up quickly and moved towards the table.
    Marking the end of chapter 1. The ONLY issue is the cold attitude of the team seemingly ignoring her. Now, this is all our creative differences, I would think a team would be a bit more attentive.
    Still not a flaw, I'm finding no huge issues in the story of any canon characters or your own. ALSO, labeled is spelled like this <<
As Apprentice walked towards the table, the scents of the meal began to waft towards her. Her stomach rumbled fiercely. Engie sat the tall pot onto an oven mitt sitting in the center of the table. He pulled a handkerchief from his overall pocket and wiped his hands, smiling. His face fell, however, when he noticed the cupcake on the table, and the two men fighting over it.
“Soldier! Scout! Quit roughhousin’! And Soldier, stop chokin’ that boy before ya send him to RESPAWN.” Engie barked. The two team members froze in their actions, Soldier dropping the Scout, who was gasping for breath. The Soldier saluted to Engie, crying, “YESSIR!” Engie just shook his head and headed towards the kitchen again.
“Ah’m goin’ to get the cornbread and corn. Demo, y’wanna help get the dishes?” The man with the eyepatch nodded, and stood up with a grunt and went with Engie towards the kitchen. Soldier dropped his hand from the salute position, then glanced at the cupcake that was still on the table. Scout, who was grumbling to himself as he stood up (“Coulda taken him, didn’t need Engie’s frigging help- “) noticed this, and jumped on the Soldier when he lunged for the pastry.
    it’s trivial to fight over a cupcake b ut the more I think about it, the more I think... yes.. this does fit their personalities...
“Oh, no you don’t!” Scout yelled. The Soldier once again began to yell back, and the two continued to brawl. They hit the table, almost spilling the chili. After around a minute of this, Apprentice had decided that she’d had enough. She was hungry, in an unfamiliar environment, and all this yelling was giving her a headache. She was not happy, so she retaliated.
Apprentice stalked forwards, closing the gap of around seven feet between herself and her teammates.
“HEY!” She yelled to disorient them. They turned to her, startled, and before either of them could react, she grabbed Scout by the ear and dragged him away from Soldier, pushing aside the army man as she did so.
“Knock it off.” She growled. Scout, knocked her hand away, rubbing his ear. Soldier, on the other hand, looked stunned, then grinned proudly at her.
Scout sneered at her. “Don’t tell me what ta do, you ain’t my ma. Back off!”
    Nothing like stopping little twink boy from fighting naked man
In all seriousness, this should mean our character has a fit physique, not being itty bitty tiny. Leme see those girls with muscles, author. It’s hard to be intimidating being small and tiny!  
She sneered back at him fiercely. “YOU back off, or I’ll break your back.” Ignoring the Scout’s wounded expression, she grabbed the cupcake from the table and held it up to the two men. “This is what you’re fighting over, right?” She asked. The Scout nodded, and the Soldier yelled, “Affirmative!” Apprentice winced. Didn’t the guy have an inside voice? But she nodded in a way that suggested that she had firmly made up her mind about something. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Engie and Demoman had returned, bearing more food and table settings.
“Well then. You guys can’t fight over something that’s not here, can you?”
Scout and Soldier looked confused. Demoman and Engie were now watching the interactions unfold, Engie with some mild trepidation, Demoman with a grin on his face. Cigarettes had been watching out of the corner of his eyes with interest the whole time, and Catch-22 had gotten up to move to the table, but stood awkwardly near the couch while the scene played out. Heavy and the “Doktor” were still sitting, but began to get up as they noticed the arrival of food.
Scout put his hands on his hips and snorted. “Whaddaya mean, not here? Ya holdin’ it right in front of my friggin’ fa- “
Apprentice stopped him mid-sentence by taking a big bite out of the cupcake, and then subsequently finishing it in two more. The Scout looked hilariously affronted, and Soldier’s jaw dropped. Scout sat heavily in his chair to sulk, but Soldier got right up in her face, yelling.
   What I want to know is who baked said cupcakes . . .
   Is engie the wife of the team
Spit flew from his mouth, smudging her glasses. She whipped them off, standing on her tip toes to look him directly in the eye (or as much as she could, with how low his helmet was). Her green eyes were wide and dangerously bright as her face reddened with anger.
“How about you get out of my face, you sociopathic sergeant! I’m American too, AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO EAT THAT CUPCAKE!” She yelled back. She wiped her glasses off on the hem of her dress, shoved them back on her face and continued to glare the man down.
The Soldier, however, responded in a way that took her by surprise. He grinned and saluted her, relaxing his muscles a bit so that he wasn’t standing as stiff as a board.
“Ma’am, you are a true American woman! I salute you! You take this attitude to those cupcake communists and kick it right up their asses!” He then proceeded to fall into a chair.
    more kudos for not making him a sexist bitch, author.
Apprentice lowered herself back onto the balls of her feet, anger being replaced with confusion. “Um…. thanks, I guess.”
    Gr8 first impression apprentice i mean you’re just great at them lol
She turned to Engie, who simply shrugged at her, chuckling. The rest of the team sat down at the table as Demoman finished passing around dishes, and she could see that they had all found the scene to be hilarious. The only one who didn’t appear visibly amused was Cigarettes, who reluctantly put out the one he was smoking when he caught Engie’s glare. There was still an empty seat, but no one else seemed to notice, so she kept quiet. Once they were all seated, Engie clapped his hands together.
“Alrighty then! Now, firstly we’re gonna- hang on, where’s Pyro?” Engie looked around the room, spying him over on the floor by one of the couches, still flicking the lighter.
    pyro being the team child isn’t my fav stereotype but i’ll take it
“Pyro,” he called, catching the attention of the man. “Suppertime.”
The Pyro grinned and jumped up, trotting to the table like a little kid. He took his seat and rested his chin on his hands, his elbows propped up on the edge of the table. He stared off into space, his eyes still open slightly more than normal.
“Now then,” Engie approved, nodding. “First, we’ve got some chili, cornbread, and corn on the cob. Ya don’t like it, don’t eat it, and you can go hungry till it’s your turn to cook. While y’all’re dishin’ yer food out, we’re gonna go ‘round the table clockwise and say our names, just so we all know ‘em. You can start.” He said, motioning towards Apprentice.
“Right. Yeah. Well, I’m Apprentice.”
The rest of the team scrambled for food (and so did she), and continued to divulge their class names.
“Scout, an’ I’m like da coolest- “
“Demoman, who thinks this boyo should quit kissin’ his own arse and let everyone go. An’ you can call me Demo, lass.” Apprentice decided that she liked him. He seemed fun, and had an interesting Scottish accent.
“I am called ze Spy.” Said Cigarettes with a prominent French accent, raised eyebrows. He didn’t seem to be eating much.
“Medic!” She noticed he was still reading his book as he ate.
    All i can see is medic exclaiming without moving his facial expression. One hand shoveling food, eyes locked onto a book in the other, screaming medic but not raising any eyebrows
“…...m’theSniper.” A quiet but harsh voice mumbled, coming from the shy man. He sounded…. British? Australian? Australian, she decided. Even though he seemed uncomfortable in his surroundings, he still had a sharp edge to him, something that seemed to say, “I might be nervous but if any of you make fun of me I’ll rip your heart out.” Not an easy thing to convey simply through body language and milliseconds of eye contact, but he was doing an excellent job at it.
    sniper is so tsundere
    half expecting a b-baka! in there
“Engie, as you know.”
“Pyro!” The man’s voice was rough and deep-throated, but still enthusiastic and almost juvenile. He was making statues out of his cornbread with one hand and twirling his dreadlocks in the other.
“Apprentice already knows Heavy.”
She nodded, and continued with her food, taking in the environment. The rest of the team was either eating in silence, or involved in conversation. The Scout had decided to confront the Soldier about the cupcake, claiming that it was unfair because he was American, too. The Soldier, however, seemed to be mostly ignoring him, choosing instead to “converse” with Demo, in the loosest use of the word. They seemed to be mostly yelling nonsense and laughing. Engie was having a quiet conversation with the Sniper, and the Spy had somehow managed to steal the Sniper’s book, and was currently flipping through it.
“So, uh, I didn’t mean it about earlier, ya know?” The Scout said, grinning at her, revealing his buck teeth. She understood why Heavy had called him a rabbit.
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh?”
He leaned back in his chair, putting one of his arms on the headrest of her chair. “Nah, I was just messin’ around is all! You’re pretty cool, ya know? And dat thing with the cupcake was pretty hilarious, acksually.”
“Actually.” She quietly corrected him.
He tilted his head to the side. “Huh? OH! Yeah, I know, it’s my freakin’ accent, ya know? And den my teeth ain’t helping much, so I gotta kinda speech imped’ment, I guess. But dat’s cool thatchya caught that, you must be pretty smart, huh?”
    Giving scout a speech impediment is a pretty interesting thing. I don’t see many stories where scout actually has a speech impediment but I don’t like it when authors dumb down scout like he is a child.
    My only advice is don’t make him dumb as a sack of dirt? Scout’s position requires him to be fast and smart about his moves, and he was pretty street smart since he grew up with all of his brothers… I'm sure he didn’t pay much attention in school but the boy has some skills and is smart in other areas in life.
“Yeah, I guess.” She squinted at him. “Sorry to ask, but are you trying to…. flirt with me? Or what is this?”
The Scout removed his arm from her chair and exaggerated a wounded expression. “What, a dude can’t just talk to a girl, huh? Nah, I know, my ma says I come off too strong but mosta the girls I evah talked to were the ones I was looking to date so ya know, that’s just kinda how I am now. But nah, you’re cute, I guess, but I’m holdin’ out for Miss P to start recipercatin’ my, y’now, feelings for her. Cuz she’s a classy lady, and waitin’ for her to change her mind’ll totally impress her!”
Apprentice shook her head, smiling. “If you say so.”
This chapter kind of ended abruptly, I had to check the source to make sure I didn’t forget to copy all of it.
I’d day first chapter was fine and ended on good terms but the second makes me think that there was more to real- maybe go into it more and end off of a cliff hanger and not in the middle of a conversation.
You usually end a chapter in the middle of a convo when person A drops an info bomb or something crucial to the plot, but simple chit chat makes it seem like you stopped writing and simply published without looking back. Either way, the ending is FINE, just my opinion.
If you publish anymore you’ll have to ask me directly to keep going on with a review but for now, this is my opinion for both chapters. Lack of words and comments = I had nothing bad to say. I had to search for ways to butt in so there weren't walls of only the story.
I think you’re on a good track, make sure to not make Apprentice a dainty flower and super small, UNLESS her position and role needs her to be small and nimble. Remember you can always make characters, small and nimble, but with visible muscle. Hope you don’t have her uniform as a dress, keep her hair up out of her face, don’t have characters idly fall in love unless you give it several chapters of development.
I think she’s going in strong leaving with a touch first impression. She’s not meek and it seems she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. Keep going with this and you’re set. If you need any character development help or brainstorming or etc, feel free to message me. I’m always here, I'll even hand over my personal on request.
Thanks for submitting, hope to hear back on your thoughts.
-Mod M
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dearjerryyan · 7 years
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Dear Jerry,
Long time no write. How are you? You look great! When my son saw my cellphone wallpaper, the one of you in a teal-colored baseball jersery, he said you haven’t aged a bit! I couldn’t agree more. Seeing you every time I swipe that screen, I smile and feel so happy.
Happy, indeed. I’ve been that these past days. Quietly happy, if I may say so myself. Contentment is such a priceless thing and I am grateful that I am finally capturing these feelings.
If it weren’t for the security issues the world is going through right now, life would be idyllic. On the night of the Ariana Grande concert bombing in London, a city two hours away from ours was bombed by ISIS-aspirant terrorists. It’s been three weeks, and today as we celebrate our country’s Independence Day there is a nervous vibe permeating the city. Aircrafts are hovering over our communities as the ISIS aspirants have infiltrated our city. I just spoke with a lady from the police force, a mother of my preschool student, she said that the confidential information is that these terrorists have already achieved two of the three assignments given to them by their topdog. They are yet (and I pray they don’t succeed) to do a suicide bombing. We all must stay vigilant.
I know I had to take time writing you otherwise I wouldn’t release this gnawing feeling dancing in my chest. My research proposal for my masters degree will be due tomorrow and I have yet to finish it. But with my mind inundated with thoughts of the love stories that are Wonder Woman and Goblin, and the Asian holiday that is Kevin Kwan’s Rich People Problems and the real time security threats, I couldn’t quite concentrate on finishing that damn requirement.
Perhaps if I write you, my thoughts would be put in order and the clearing will give me the space to write my paper.
Well, first off, if you’ve seen Wonder Woman, my golly, Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor and Gal Gadot’s Diana – their dynamics, their chemistry, their love story is so sexy, it’s making an active volcano of my dormant libido. Hahaha! Finally, Hollywood has redeemed itself in bringing back clean, fresh, strong and old fashioned romance to the silverscreen. The ideals of an equal partnership that is not enslaved with wanton sex waiting to be consummated is just so beautiful I could stay in that place with Steve and Diana forever.
That Steve doesn’t take advantage of Diana’s naïvete in terms of normal human dealings, that he isn’t the least bit insecure by Diana’s capabilities, but allows her instead to do what she can while doing what he can (which above average by human standards, even from this perspective) pulls at my heart strings. Though Diana is obviously superior by virtue of being a goddess, she does not emasculate. They are equals in that Steve has brawn and brains and Diana is attracted to this, as Steve is attracted to her uniqueness, wonder woman strength and beauty. The ingredients of a perfect love story. The ideals I have been seeking out for so long – finally, if not in real life, at least I can go back to it in the big screen, for Gal Gadot and Chris Pine have delivered this divinely.
I suppose I will stay in my Wonder Woman cloud for awhile before going back to the magic of Gong Yoo’s Goblin, which I started before the explosion of WW. Funny how my mother’s former co-teacher and I have bonded in FB over Gong Yoo and Chris Pine. She’s in the north, while I’m in the south of the country, yet we are together as women longing for our Steve Trevors and Oppas. She sent me the youtube links to Gong Yoo’s CNN interview and Chris Pine’s duet with Barbra Streisand (I’ll Be Seeing You, my favorite!/ I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face) which is on repeat play in my cellphone. She has not seen Wonder Woman yet as she is still immersed in work – this week perhaps. And then we go back to the chatbox. Which reminds me of my own masters assignment.
In contemplating the simple and beautiful ideals of the Wonder Woman love story, I think of my cousin who is embroiled in her own quarter life drama. Her boyfriend, a professor ten years her senior from the north, has been calling me, my sister and my cousin’s sister, asking for advice for their relationship on the rocks. In a nutshell, I am ashamed to say my poor cousin is playing around with two guys. Her sister, my sister, and I have advised him to break up with her. In love with her as he is, her carelessness, selfishness ought not be condoned especially by him. I told the boyfriend that I am withdrawing my support for their relationship and that the best thing he could do is to endorse her back to her family (as she made the big leap of flying to the north to try their relationship out, only to jeopardize it by deceit). She’s pulling an ugly Daisy Buchanan to his unwitting Gatsby. So I told him that if you love her, you will want her to be a better person, and you will want to be a better man. Look at how Steve and Diana in the last quarter of the movie went their own ways doing what they had to do in the name of saving the world. But, a day after my cousin (the sister), my sister and I advised him to leave the relationship, he texted me, “Sorry, Ate (big sister), I cannot leave just yet.” Apparently, Tiffany won. I heard myself singing “Love is Blind” after more than 20 years.
I wonder what I would have been had I been raised in a happy household headed by parents of a successful marriage. I wonder if I would have naturally made me a good, happy, empowered wife.
Just for a moment, I recalled how I felt like Diana to what I perceived to be ex-soulmate’s Steve. Equals. Empowered to do what I can, secure that he could do what he could. For awhile, he was my guy best friend whom I could actually kiss and hold hands. It was a dream that was almost a plan. I cried for a moment early this morning for the bursting of that dream. That was the closest to a heartwarming love story in my book. Apparently, it was not meant to be. (Remember, it was Meteor Garden that cried with me.) So here I am, in my own Themyscyra, a land of women, just women – strong and fierce – offering strength, love, hoping to save the world. So much for Chris Pine’s Steve, there’s only women, and no, I will always be attracted to men. Your kind, Chris Pine’s kind, (I wonder if) Gong Yoo’s kind.
Before I end, I also want to share that, OMG, my eighteen year old son and I are talking about American Pie already. After hiding all my American Pie VCDs from him when he was a little boy, there he was in his classmate’s house watching those damned movies. But we did share laughs about MILF (who looks like my beautician), Stifler and the engagement ring in the poop, the asshole who banged MILF (the one who looked like Sheldon, my son said). I told him that watching American Pie with his dad was telling of our doomed relationship: he and I didn’t laugh together at this hilarious comedy. My son replied, I think I’ll make that a criterion in seeing whether my relationships will work in the future. I can’t believe I’m a mom to a big guy now.
Well, this is it, Jerry. Thank you for being my sounding board. I wonder if I’ll ever get to listen to you, or any available men my age at this time in my life, for that matter.
Still, thank you.
Fan love,
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Alright pokemon for games please!
All right! Keep in mind that I do answer gameverse questions in accordance with my ‘verse, just as a general rule. :)
My favorite parent-child relationship
LOOKER AND EMMA. The postgame was my favorite part of the XY games hands down, and Looker and Emma were entirely the reason for that. I absolutely adore their relationship, how Looker took Emma in and taught her how to read and write, gave her a home and the love she had never felt from a parent beyond that point. I love, too, how Emma latched onto him so quickly, how she was protective and defensive of him, how when that one woman who came into the Looker Bureau started badmouthing him Emma was just not having it. Emma was willing to do whatever she could in order to help Looker, and was willing to do whatever she had to in order to stay with him---so the fact that he left her behind, even though he gave her the Looker Bureau and was sure she would be able to take care of herself, still tears me apart. I don’t care what his excuse is, he needs to go back to Kalos and get his daughter asap. Stop going to Alolan restaurants and go get your kid, Looker, ffs. 
My favorite sibling relationship
As far as confirmed siblings go, this is going to have to go to Gladion and Lillie. Unfortunately, Gladion was treated rather poorly by the plot in that he was barely in it, and as such his interactions with Lillie are extremely limited. To that end, he’s stuck at Aether Paradise whereas she is stuck with their abusive mother at the end, so that’s extremely disappointing (and gross) as well. However, it’s still obvious how much they care about each other, and before Gladion left there’s no doubt in my mind that they were each other’s best friend. I have a thousand scenarios in mind for how they reconnect in the future, for how they grow closer again and find strength in each other. They’re definitely both the best twins and best siblings.
My favorite family relationship (other)
In my ‘verse, Lance is Red’s godfather, and I have to say that I’m really attached to this headcanon because of all the angst and heartache that comes with it.
Essentially, Red’s father, Rusty, was Lance’s best friend growing up. The two were extremely close, and so the decision to name Lance Red’s godfather was an obvious and easy one. Unfortunately, when Red was about a year old Rusty was murdered by Team Rocket (possibly by Giovanni himself---see, I said yesterday that even I like to make them more dangerous than they are canonically, and this is true). Lance was so grief-stricken over this that he couldn’t honestly bear to look at Red’s mother or Red himself in the eye, and as such was never around for Red’s childhood. In fact, Red didn’t even learn that Lance was his godfather until they met at the Indigo Plateau, and Lance recognized who he was immediately due to how much Red resembles his father.
But that said, although Red learned the truth and has tried to have a relationship with Lance, Lance keeps him at arm’s length. This is for a few reasons; to start with, it’s still hard for him to spend time around Red due to how similar Red is to Rusty, mostly in appearance, but also a little bit in personality. Although it has been about twelve years by the time Lance and Red finally meet, those twelve years haven’t done much to soothe a wound that Lance is deliberately keeping open in his crusade against Team Rocket. Aside from that, Red is the Kanto Champion, and Lance’s pride has left him feeling rather salty about this. He, whether it’s justified or otherwise, sees Red as a rival, and as such only really interacts with him when he’s challenging Red for the title. This, of course, hurts Red; he really wants an actual relationship with his godfather, especially since he never knew his father, but Lance just won’t give it to him and Red can’t bring himself to ask directly. (Like, he tries to get Lance to, say, get milkshakes with him after the battle---but Lance always refuses, and Red doesn’t push it.) So there’s a lot of angst and hurt feelings here, and that’s painful, but it’s something in my ‘verse that I’m attached to nonetheless.
Aside from that, I really do love Professor Oak’s relationship with both of his grandchildren, because in my ‘verse he raised them after their mother died and their father was worthless. More to the point, their father pretended that Daisy didn’t exist and emotionally abused Green (from a distance) by imposing impossible standards and toxic masculinity on him, which led to Green’s horrid behavior prior to his character development. Professor Oak was a little tough on Green near the end of that journey as a result---to get through to him, and specifically to break through the garbage mindset Hunter (Green’s father) had imposed on him---but through that Green came to see that it was his gramps who really cared about him, not the father who never showed him a shred of pride (much less love), and their relationship became much better for it. Green loves his gramps, and that’s a fact.
My favorite friendship between two people
Morty and Eusine! ♥ This one is a no-brainer for me, honestly, hahaha. Whatever their relationship is, their bond is as solid as folded steel. Although Morty and Eusine are very different individuals, and although their differences lead to near-constant bickering and banter that comes so easily I could probably write it in my sleep, their differences add to more complements than clashes and the fact that they’ve been friends since they were children speaks to how well they work together. They cherish each other dearly, and will always be my favorite duo in the Pokéverse. 
My favorite friendship between a group
THE NUVEMA TRIO, as if anyone even has to ask, haha. Lea, Cheren, and Bianca are an unbeatable team. They’re friends, technically, but on a more real level they’re family. They’re soul siblings. In fact, I would go so far as to say that these three are all platonic soul mates with each other, because that’s just how close they are, that’s how much they love each other, that’s how unbreakable their bond is. Even when it’s stressed, even when it’s tested, at the end of the day these three will always come back to each other. Nothing could ever truly separate them. They’re the best of best friends, and they would do and sacrifice anything for the sake of each other. No question.
My favorite mentorship
I really, really love how Bianca becomes Professor Juniper’s assistant. ♥ Professor Juniper taught Lea, Cheren, and Bianca as they grew up, but Bianca is the one who decided to pursue research and study under Professor Juniper, and I really love that, particularly since it’s an awesome lady teaching another awesome lady. It’s great. ♥
My favorite rivalry
Hmmm . . . prior to ORAS, my answer to this was honestly Archie and Maxie.
I’m talking mainly about Emerald Version, here, in which they’re both actively working to resurrect the legendary of their choice in order to bring about the end of the world. Before ORAS completely reworked their personalities (and did away with the Emerald plot, sadly), the way I was led to see them was as two rivals whose rivalry simply escalated to the point where it very nearly doomed the world. It wasn’t so much that either of them passionately believed that expanding the sea or the land was truly what was better for the world, but rather that they had known each other since they first set out on their journeys and their rivalry just got really, really, really out of hand. Their desire to always one-up the other led to them forming rival gangs, which led to a series of escalating events until finally they decided that whoever could resurrect their chosen legendary and accomplish their goals first won. Well, of course this doomed the world---but they weren’t thinking about that. They were only thinking about how obsessed they were with defeating the other. A long time ago I had a fic planned from Courtney’s point of view about how out of control everything got, but obviously ORAS came along and jossed everything, heh.
In any case, since ORAS has taken that rivalry away, mmh . . . Lance and Clair? The two are cousins, and I’ve always seen their relationship as similar to Edgeworth and Franziska from Ace Attorney. Clair hates losing, and I feel that she has a really passionate, stubborn desire to defeat Lance, which she hasn’t been able to accomplish yet. So their relationship could certainly count.
My favorite hatred/antipathy
MMMM . . . the answer to this is probably a tie between Ghetsis and Lea, but also Ghetsis and Cheren. More accurately, I guess it would be best to write it as Ghetsis vs. Lea & Cheren, haha.
Ghetsis loathes Lea because he blames her for turning N against him and the plan. In his eyes, Lea “corrupted” N. She’s the one who made him consider that perhaps not all trainers were evil, that perhaps his plan to permanently separate the populace from pokémon wasn’t the best, that perhaps Team Plasma was in the wrong after all. (This is actually only partially true. Lea helped break N from his black and white way of thinking, just as N helped break Lea of hers, but what truly changed N’s mind and made him back down was . . . well. That’s #spoilers.) As such, in the two years that pass between Book 1 and Book 2, Ghetsis lets that hatred and resentment fester. He wants his plans to come to fruition, yes, and he’ll do whatever he needs to in order to make that happen---but if he ever gets a chance to have revenge on Lea, to utterly break her to the point where he can make her wish for death, then by Zekrom he will take it.
As for Cheren, well . . . Ghetsis does not have particularly strong feelings against Cheren, though he recognizes Cheren as a direct opponent much later on in Book 1. (In my ‘verse, they actually get to exchange words.) However, due to plot circumstances that I can’t exactly talk about at this point because of #spoilers, Cheren also recognizes Ghetsis as his opponent, and as such as a rather severe and passionate hatred for him, given the fact that Ghetsis has created this entire situation that Cheren now has to deal with (which will directly endanger Lea’s life, and indirectly endangers Bianca’s). Of course, there were other factors that led to all of this as well, but none of it would have occurred had Ghetsis not decided to form Team Plasma in the first place, so Cheren blames him.
Finally, Lea’s distaste for Ghetsis is probably obvious. Part of it is because of N, a much larger part of it is because of Unova in general (and the fallout from Plasma’s actions, the consequences are far more violent and dire in Reversi than in canon), and part of it is due to how Ghetsis does single out Cheren at the end, targeting him, which makes Lea feel about as friendly as a ravenous mountain lion whose cub has just been threatened. N is one thing, but you do not even vaguely threaten either Cheren or Bianca in Lea’s presence. You just do not. (Not that Ghetsis threatens Cheren, per se, but Lea doesn’t want Ghetsis to even look in Cheren’s direction. She wants him nowhere near Cheren. She will claw his eyes out with her dull and dirty fingernails, do you hear her? DO YOU HEAR HER???)
So yeah, that little tangled knot is probably my favorite.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon
I really, really, really want Kukui and Burnet to adopt Gladion as well. He’s Lillie’s twin brother---there’s no reason why they shouldn’t also adopt him, and be his parents just as much as they are Lillie’s. The boy needs loving parents just as much as Lillie does, and I really, really want Kukui and Burnet to give that to him. I really do. ♥
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