#bill and teds excellent adventure x reader
generalkenobee · 8 months
Dilf! John Wick who is old and bitter until he sees you. You in your frilly dresses and pretty heels. He's immediately changed.
He's so tired and has no stamina so you have to ride him and use him as your own personal dildo because you're in your 20s and horny all the time.
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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pairing: ted logan x afab! reader
summary: your teacher gives you the assignment of tutoring one of the dumbest kids in school
genre: smut
word count: 1895
cw: p in v, dick riding
author’s note: this is mainly for @animulnitrate because they asked so nicely and they're my roomie so i can't say no
“Help out Ted Logan? The guy who thinks Joan of Arc is Noah’s wife?” You asked your teacher, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You were usually fine with tutoring others but when it came to Ted Logan, it was a lost cause. He barely knew basic math, spending hours with him trying to teach him history would be a nightmare.
“Yes..I know it’ll be hard at first but he needs to pass this exam or else he’s not passing the year and he’ll have to repeat a grade.” Mr.Ryan, your history teacher, explained to you He knew how bad Ted was and Ted’s best friend Bill was just as bad. You couldn’t imagine being in his shoes and having to teach not one of them, but both of them, at the same time. You let out a sigh of agreement and nodded before walking out of the class running into Ted at the end of the hallway.
“Whoa hey there Dudette! Gotta watch where you’re going.” He said, his hands holding onto your arms as he looked down at you with a grin on his face. You scoffed slightly at him while rolling your eyes and brushing his hands away. “Look Logan, I’ve been given the task of tutoring you tonight in preparation for your exam.”
Ted chuckled while nodding his head, his hair bouncing in the process, “Well alright! Alone time with a babe like you? I’m so down!” You hid back a giggle, as he smiled down at you. “Uh yeah..right. So do you want to study at your place?” You asked him.
“My place sounds sick!” You nodded as he gave you his address and the two of you parted ways before you went to the rest of your classes.
You walked up the steps to Ted’s front door and knocked gently, while holding onto the bag on your shoulder with your other hand. You heard footsteps run down the stairs before a loud bang on the door and the door opened revealing a disheveled Ted with one of those grins on his face, “My savior! Come in.” He said, moving to the side so you can walk in. You walk past him, looking around at the decorations, expecting to see something the total opposite than the preppy vibes you were viewing.
Ted lightly grabbed your arm and led you up the stairs, “Come on we can go to my room!” He ran up the stairs with you closely behind before leading you to a bedroom which was a lot more like you expected. The bed was unmade with posters plastered in random spots all over the walls of different movies and rock bands. Including some homemade posters of something called Wyld Stallyns. He stood in front of you throwing his arms in the air, “Presenting tu casa!”
You paused looking at him, “Actually..” You started before he dropped his hands and raised his eyebrow and you stopped, “Nevermind. Yes this is tu casa.” He grinned while nodding again before sitting down on his bed with a plop and you took your bag off your shoulder, sitting next to him before pulling out books. You sat your history book in your lap, opening it to a page before turning to him, “Okay so I thought I would start with the beginning and then just going through at whatever pace is more comfortable for you?” You asked him, looking over as he looked down at the book in your lip while nodding.
As the two of you looked through the book, Ted would inch closer to where your legs would be touching and you’d scoot away a little more. He would also move his hand close to yours as you held the pages open, lightly stroking his pinky against your hand in the process. Every time he’d try you would awkwardly clear your throat and move away from him, but he’d just go back to trying. Eventually Ted took a deep breath before looking at you, “You know…you’re quite the babe.”
You raised an eyebrow, looking at him as he grinned that same grin he’s had practically all night. “Thank..you?” His eyes widened a little bit and he shifted his position to look at you more, “No what I meant was you’re bodacious! Uh..a sight to see! Hot!” You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at his actions, he wasn’t smart but you did think he was cute at times. He blushed slightly, looking back down at the book, pointing at a picture of Napoleon, “Who’s the guy with the funny hat?”
You started to tell him the history of Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution as he listened closely, nodding while you talked. Eventually you were interrupted by Ted moving in close, kissing you deeply. Your eyes widened as you pulled away and looked at him, “Oh I’m sorry.” He apologized, putting his hand over his mouth. You sat there in shock before leaning in and kissing him yourself. He slowly moved his hand up to your arms, stroking them as the two of you kissed. Your hands gripped onto the black vest he was always wearing as you deepened the kiss.
He pulled away, his lips a dark shade of pink from the kiss as he looked down at you, “Whoa.” He grinned as he slowly opened his eyes, almost as if he were in a trance. You felt your face heat up as you nodded. He bit his bottom lip slightly looking in your eyes, as his hand lightly stroked your cheek.  “Can we do that again?” He asked gently, leaning closer again. You nodded, caressing his cheek before kissing him again. You repositioned yourself, letting the history book fall to the floor as you sat in front of him on your knees.
Both of your hands were on the sides of his face, while his hands moved to your waist. Your tongue explored his mouth as he let out a few hums during the kiss. You slipped off the vest from his torso, and started to pull at his shirt before he put his hands on yours, pulling away. “I can’t.” He whispered against your lips. You pulled your hands away and distanced yourself from him, “Oh.”
“No no I want to,” He corrected before thinking for a minute, “But I just…I wouldn’t know what to do.” He mumbled, looking down at his lap, picking at one of the patches on his shorts. Did he mean? You lifted his face, looking into his eyes, “Have you done anything like this before?” He shook his head, looking into your eyes. You thought for a minute before moving close to him, “I can teach you..if you’d want.”
He smiled as he looked at you, “You would?” You nodded slowly as he nodded back, “Okay!” You giggled while rolling your eyes playfully before kissing him again, leaning him back against the headboard. You straddled his lap, moving your hands to start pulling off the shirt again. He moved his hands to your waist, pulling you close to him. Your hands moved to your own shirt, pulling it over your head as Ted watched, his eyes widening once he saw you in your bra. His gaze lingered on your chest, “Do you want me to take this off too?” You asked him, tracing your fingers along the lace of your bra. He gulped, nodding slowly as you unclasped your bra, pulling it off and putting it next to the two of you.
His eyes stayed focused on your chest, as you felt his length growing against your crotch. You bit your bottom lip before Ted leaned in, placing wet kisses on your chest before placing his lips on your nipple. Lightly sucking and biting on it, causing you to let out a moan. Your fingers tangled into his hair before he pulled away and looked up at you, “Is this okay?” You nodded slowly and he moved his mouth to your other nipple before repeating the process.
You moved your hips, grinding your crotch against his. He pulled his mouth away, letting out a breath of air while closing his eyes tight from the feeling. He looked up at you, his lids barely open. You bit your bottom lip before removing yourself from his lip and starting to pull off his shorts. You were slightly confused from the layering he was doing as when you pulled down the shorts, he had a pair of gray sweats on underneath. He bit his bottom lip, “They’re comfier than boxers.” He said softly.
You nodded, pulling down the sweats, revealing his growing length. He bit his bottom lip when he noticed you staring. He was definitely above average and you couldn’t help but let your gaze linger. You slowly pulled off your panties from underneath your skirt and threw them onto the floor before straddling Ted’s lap again. You could see the sweat beads from his forehead as he looked up at you, “Are you sure you want this?” You asked him, your hand caressing his face. He nodded slowly, “I-I’m just nervous. You’re really really pretty.”
You giggled slightly at him before kissing him deeply, moving your to the base of his cock, stroking him gently. He let out a gasp into the kiss, followed by a soft groan. You positioned the tip to your throbbing clit before lowering yourself down, He buried his head into your chest, letting out a small whimper as you continued moving your hips against him. He leaned his head back against the headboard, biting his bottom lip as you slid up and down on his length.
A mixture of moans and whimpers escaped his lips as you continued moving, rocking your hips in the process. You dug your nails into his chest, as his grip tightened on your hips. He thrusted his hips up causing you to let out a moan, throwing your head back in pleasure. Ted opened his eyes partially, watching you before leaning back and starting to kiss on your chest again, leaving marks all the way from your neck down.
Your hips moved in sync with one another as you felt Ted’s stomach tighten from underneath you before his eyebrows furrowed, “I-I’m cl- hmm.” He interrupted his sentence with a hum, throwing his head back against the headboard once more. You leaned down and pressed your lips to his once you felt yourself starting to reach your own high. Ted let out a small gasp as you felt his tip twitch , the two of you releasing at the same time. You rode out your high, practically sinking onto his chest, feeling the energy evaporate from your body. Ted’s face was flushed a deep shade of pink and his hair was sticking to his forehead from the sweat. You pulled yourself off of him, sitting on the bed next to him while processing the events that just happened.
“That was..” You started, “Excellent?” Ted said, looking at you.
You giggled slightly in response, “Sure. Let’s go with excellent.”
“Can we do it again?” He asked, his hand snaking around your waist as he buried his face in your neck. You nodded, knowing the two of you probably wouldn’t be getting much more tutoring done for the night.
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imajinxnation · 2 months
Ted asking the reader out on a date and they r both super shy
Babe In The Records
Ted Logan x FEM!Reader
SUMMARY // You work at the record shop in the Sam Dimas mall and Ted finally finds the courage to ask you out..
TW // Fluff, Short and Sweet..
I agree with Ted.. ya'll are the most bodacious babes ever!!
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Oh God.. there you were, just going through and organizing the records and tapes, and all Ted could do was stare.. He swore you were a goddess. Ted had met you when you were cleaning in the record store and he had bumped into you, quite literally.
The first time you met, Ted was literally running into the store, desperate to get a hold on the last Van Halen record before someone else did. Needless to say, he had mistook you for a buyer as you reached for the record and tackled you to the ground to reach it before you.. You were not impressed. You quickly explained to him that you were just moving it and that you worked at the record store. He felt pretty stupid after you told him that, bought the Van Halen record and quickly got out before he embarrassed himself more in front of you.
Ever since that first meeting, he's been wanting so desperately to make it up to you, and has tried to ask you out multiple times, but each time, he chickens out at the last moment.
But not today, oh no! Today is the day that he's gonna do it! (Though he tells himself this every time and never does..)
"Hey, dude! How's it hangin'!?" Ted asks cheerfully, bounding up to you like a golden retriever puppy.
You jump slightly, not expecting anyone to talk to you. You look up and see Ted, a big goofy smile on his adorably handsome face. You sigh and smile back. His cheerful self always made your day so much better..
"Today's been slow, but that's better than totally packed, I guess," you reply with a small smile, a tint of a blush running across your face, "but what about you, Ted? How're you?"
"Better now that I'm in the presence of a totally bodacious babe," Ted grins, but dies on the inside. Why did he say that's, she's gonna think he's weird, everyone does!
You laugh and blush, bashfully looking down, suddenly interested in the sneakers on your feet and smiling stupidly.
"Aww.. that's sweet Ted, but you don't have to butter me up, you know I have a soft spot for you. So, what do you need?" You ask, placing a hand on your hip, waiting for a request from him.
"W-would you like to, uh.." Ted trails off, blushing wildly, looking everywhere but at you. He shuffles a bit and takes a deep breath before speaking again.
"Would you wanna go and get a cheese pretzel with me some time..?" Ted asks shyly, his cheeks a bright red in embarrassment.
A huge smile forms on your lips, and you nod, excitement rushing through your body, your brain and heart both screaming at you to say something.
"Yeah! Yes, I'd love to Ted!" You bounce on the balls of your feet happily.
Ted's eyes light up at your response and does the biggest air guitar gesture of his entire life, so happy that you didn't reject him.
After he stops doing air guitar, he takes your hands in his, squeezing them lightly.
"Okay! Next time you're free, we'll go and get a cheese pretzel together, and we could chill at my house after and listen to some wicked tunes, yeah?" Ted says all in one breath, the doofy smile on his face never ceasing.
"That sounds awesome, Ted. I'm free on Saturday, okay?" You laugh at his enthusiasm. Not to make fun of him, but in pure unadulterated joy.
"Excellent! Meet me back here at the mall and we'll have the most excellent time, Babe!" He gives you a quick, sweet kiss on the cheek before running off back home to plan more for your totally wicked date.
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neilpissyrega · 10 months
Dating Bill S Preston (Female Reader)
•he leaves you for a man
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catawsome · 3 months
the day i stop liking keanu is the day i die
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sideeve · 10 months
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synopsis ; after being pestered for weeks about going to ted’s party, you finally stepped out of your comfort zone. notes ; evil!ted , i only used pictures of keanu ooc bc i couldn’t find a good one , s*x , i tried making this have an 80’s feeling , that’s about it 🫠 , reader’s race . ethnicity . hair type or color is not specified
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“you’re such a buzzkill. you’re wearing jean shorts and a spaghetti top to ted’s party.” sophie scoffs, applying her red bright lipstick that you advised her not to wear while holding her handheld mirror.
“you know i don’t like going out to parties. they always get ruined by the police.” you shrug.
your friends were not helping your anxiety in any way. they were picking fun at how you dressed, put on your makeup, the way you did your hair. it wasn’t your fault that you weren’t a quick-curl barbie.
“can we just get this over with? i wanna go home.” you stand up, crossing your arms. “yeah, daniel should be here in a minute.”
ah yes. daniel. the boy you’ve tried telling sophie that he wasn’t the one. he’s hit on you many times. sometimes even in front of her. groped you. the whole 9 yards. but she was to in love to see how much of a bad man he is.
you roll your eyes, waiting for this whole night to be over.
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“there’s ted!” sophie squeals, pointing at the party host. he was talking to some jocks that go to your school. all with bad rep.
the house was full and trashed. you could barely make it to the couch without being pushed or sandwiched in between someone.
“someone having a bad time?” ted leans over the couch, whisper ling in your ear.
this wasn’t your first encounter with him. once, you and him and a project together. but of course, you did all the work and only got half credit.
you were real picky about your grades and now that ted logan came in and screwed it all up, you tried avoiding him.
“you just love bothering me, huh?” you cross your arms and your leg. “you didn’t get enough when you screwed up my grade?” he scoffs, “it was a C. get over it.” he jumps over the couch, sitting next to you.
“what are you doing here anyways? you don’t like going out from what i heard.” he rests his arm behind you, watching the party go on. “my friends basically forced me to get out.” you sigh.
“good,” he snickers. “your face was always stuffed in a book.” “oh shut up. you’re mad because you have a 4th grade reading level.” you tease.
the both of you turned your head to each other at the same time, laughing.
you don’t remember what happened in the in between. but now ted was naked and shedding off your clothes. “i knew you were hot under those clothes.” he chuckles, taking a nipple into his mouth and swiping the pad of his thumb on the other, making you shiver.
“fuck, ted.” your back arches. his teeth slightly nibble at your bud, “ted.” you smack his head, making him laugh. “i was having fun.” “not while chewing on my tit.”
he softly laughs, crawling on top of you. “we should’ve done this sooner.” he kisses your collarbone while sliding in you. “you better pull out, ted.” you wince, adjusting to size.
he hissed at how tightly you clenched around him. “fuck, baby. you might cut my dick off.” he laughs as his hips start thrusting in you. one hand was placed on your waist and the other was holding your hand beside your head.
for some reason, the thrusts felt…passionate. like he’s been needing this from you. “yes, yes.” you chant, coaxing him to go faster. “fuck yes.” your eyes were screwed shut.
he rested his head in the crook of your neck, suppressing his moans and grunts as the tip of his cock kissed your walls. “you feel like heaven.” he kisses behind your ear
your toes were curled. legs were shaking. you could barely talk. all signs of how close your orgasm was. “that’s right , baby. come.” he gave one more sharp thrust before the knot in your stomach broke.
he grunts before pulling out and flipping you on your stomach in one quick motion. “te-” his cock was pushed into you again but he was pounding into you.
his grip on your hips were sure to leave bruises tomorrow. the wind was knocked out of you. only pants and grunts slipped from ted’s mouth. “fuck yes.” he bit his lip. “fuck, baby.” his hip snapped before he pulled out, spilling his seed on your back.
“je-jesus.” he pants out, flopping beside you. “your nut is on my back.” you point out. “so?” he shrugs, not understanding why you seem upset. “how am i gonna get it off?!”
he chuckles at how concerned you are then kisses your cheek. “i’ll clean it up tomorrow.”
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taglist ;; @iovesia
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Can you do an headcanon about the perfect Holiday gift for each Keanu's character,please?
Perfect Holiday gift for each Keanu Reeves' Characters Headcanon (John Wick, Ted Theodore Logan, John Constantine)
A/N: I hope I did this right, and I hope it's good for each character. I love this man so much 😩🤚
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John Wick: John Wick, a man who has experienced so much loss and violence, would appreciate a gift that brings him peace and helps him move on from his past. Given his love for his dogs and his bookbinding hobby, the perfect gift for John Wick would be a beautifully handcrafted leather-bound journal. This journal could be customized with his initials and feature a dog paw print as a symbol of his beloved pets. It would give him a space to reflect on his thoughts and memories, perhaps even use it as a diary to express his feelings and find solace in the written word. Inside the book, you could slip a photo of his beloved late dog, Daisy, as a reminder of his past and the love he still carries with him and a candid picture of him with his new dog. 
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Ted Theodore Logan (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure): Ted is all about the music and has a deep appreciation for classic rock. The perfect holiday gift for Ted could be a vintage, limited-edition electric guitar, perhaps a Fender Stratocaster, in a vibrant and eye-catching color. To make it even more special, it could come with a personalized message like “be excellent to each other and party on dudes!”
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John Constantine (Constantine): John Constantine is known for his supernatural and occult interests. The perfect holiday gift for him would be a unique, ancient grimoire or spellbook that he hasn't encountered in his extensive travels. It could contain rare incantations, spells, and secrets from various mystical traditions. To add a personal touch, a silver amulet with protective symbols, ensuring his safety on his dangerous journeys, would be included as well.
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(gif by me)
Pairing : Ted Logan x reader
Summary : Just like every Monday, you study History with Bill and Ted. But during this lesson, Ted seems to be quite distracted, and you're not helping at all.
Warnings : none ! just a fluffy fic w/ Ted ! with some footsie under the table. Also tried to make it G/N reader ;)
A/N : I really like the idea of a reader who's a History nerd (kind of self indulgent there) and who helps them study so, yeah! that again for this fic<3
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Just like any other Monday afternoon, I was in the library studying with my two best friends, Bill and Ted. We always had trouble with school, not being very scholar people. But if there was one subject I'm good at, it's History ! I always found myself fascinated by it; mostly only watching period shows, movies, losing myself in period novels and loving to learn some random facts about History. Sadly, it wasn't the same for my two dear friends who were the complete opposite...No matter how hard they tried, they could not seem to learn a single fact correctly. I made it my personal mission to help them as best as I could, no matter how long it took. That's how "the excellent Monday studying day" came to exist !
As I was going through the history textbook with Bill, trying to choose a subject, I couldn't help but notice Ted staring at me.
"Need help ?" I asked, still looking at the pages. "Ted ?"
"Uh ?" He jumped slightly before rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh no no, still reading about that French girl !"
My brows furrowed slightly. "Which one ?" I looked up at him, right when he looked away.
"You know, the fighting one..."
"Joan of Arc ?" I asked, giggling slightly while Bill chose a page.
"Yup. That one." He let his hair fall in front of his face. "She's very..."
"Fighting dudes in skirts !" Bill exclaims, cutting Ted off. "They look so cool !"
"They're called Gladiator's." I laugh quietly, putting the textbook in front of both of us. "You want us to study ancient Rome today ?"
"Is that the one with the salad dressing dude, right ?" He ask, smiling at me proudly.
"Yup, that's the one." I smile back. "You ok with studying this Ted, or you'll do something else ?"
"Oh yeah no, salad dressing dude is fine !"
"Perfect then !" I clap my hands, straightening my back. "Let's get started then."
As the hour passed, Bill was as serious as ever, which really impressed me. I don't know what's so fascinating to him about gladiators but he seems to love it ! Ted was a whole other story; he was constantly making jokes and staring at me, always looking somewhere else whenever I looked back.
"Come on, Ted," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "We have to study, Mr. Ryan might give us a suprise history test this week."
Ted shrugged, smiling slightly.
"You've been awfully quiet during this hour..." I put my bag on my lap, opening it. "I hope it's because you were studying really, really hard."
I took out a stack of flashcards, one they both knew very well. Bill looked up at the sight of the bright pink flashcards, glancing at Ted with a smirk. "Good luck dude !"
Ted groaned, putting his face in his hands.
"Ok Ted; what was the name of Edward Teach's ship?"
"Who's that ?"
I sigh. "Blackbeard."
"Oh ! That dude !" He smiles proudly. "The Revenge ! Queen Revenge or something !"
I widen my eyes, smiling brightly. "Queen Anne's Revenge ! Wow Ted, good job !"
I continued quizzing him on various historical events, he was surprisingly knowledgeable, answering right at a lot more questions than I would have thought. But every time I caught him staring at me, he stumbled over his words, unable to respond even if he seemed to know the answer. And seeing how much of an effect I had on him by simply looking back was making me feel giddy...
"Um, can you repeat the question?" he asked, his cheeks turning pink. "I didn't, didn't really understood dude."
A smile start to appear on my face as I keep staring at him, letting myself hope. I quickly glance at Bill who's busy writing every information possible on the Roman Empire but, sometimes switched to important American wars. He's pretty concentrated... I looked back at Ted, an idea growing in my mind; how much of an effect do I have on him and his concentration? That's when this genius idea came to mind, why not play footsie with him under the table to try and distract him even more ? I always kind of knew that Ted had somewhat of a crush on me, he's not a very closed guy with his emotions, really bad poker face. And to be honest, I also have somewhat of a crush on him. We're best friends, always been, I don't know if it's a good idea to act on those feelings for now... But nothing say's we can't have some fun !
I try to contain my giggle as much as I can, lowering my head to try and hide it. Sadly, he sees my growing smile right away, probably because he can't stop staring at me every chance he gets. I let myself slide slightly on my chair to get closer to me while he frowns, titling his head a little on the right. He jumps the moment my foot touches his ankle, looking at me with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?" he whispered, his face turning a bright red.
"Just trying to help you relax," I lied with a smirk, feeling my heart beat faster. "You seemed tensed !"
Ted shook his head, clearly flustered. "You're making it harder for me to concentrate dude..."
I continue, letting my foot get higher and higher, feeling a thrill every time I see him blush and wiggle in his seat, going left and right, even up and down sometimes. Every Time I pull a new flashcard, he can't even form one word without stuttering, coughing and moving in his seat.
"Hey, guys, can we focus here?" Bill asked, tapping his pencil on the table. "Dude, stop moving so much ! I can't write if you keep moving the table !"
"Sorry !" I said, letting my foot go back on the floor, making Ted groan at the sudden lack of contact. "You want to try the flashcards, Bill ?"
Ted shot me a disappointed look, but I knew it was for the best. I helped Bill with some of the flashcards, trying to keep the conversation focused on history, but Ted couldn't help himself from trying to get my attention back.
"So, Y/N, have you heard the one about the Roman gladiator who walked into a bar?" Ted asked, stopping Bill from answering my question about the Roman Empire.
I glanc at Bill who's leaning in, clearly wanting to heard the end of the joke. I roll my eyes, unable to stop smiling at his playfulness. "No, I haven't. Tell me."
As Ted launched into his joke, I could see Bill glancing back and forth between us with a confused expression. I know I have to keep things light with him so he won't suspect anything, especially since Ted had no idea I reciprocated his crush.
"So, Bill, did you know that the Boston Tea Party wasn't actually a party?" I asked, trying to divert his attention back to studying while Ted sighed.
"Yeah, I think I learned that in third grade dude !" He chuckled. "Don't even think they had tea..."
I laughed too, glancing up at Ted only to notice him staring at me again but this time, with longing in his eyes. His cheek was in the palm of his hand, the light from outside making his brown eyes shine perfectly. I felt my cheeks burn while something tightened in my chest, making me look down. This time he kept looking at me while I looked away, how the tables have turned...
"Come on, Ted, focus !" I said, trying to bring his attention back to the History book by putting it in front of his face. "Learn this chapter."
"I'm trying, I'm trying," Ted said, putting the book down in front of him ."You're just too distracting..."
I sigh, turning my attention back to Bill next to me who seemed too focused on his textbook to notice what's happening. I continued quizzing Bill, on the Revolutionary War this time, during the rest of the hour. Then, out of nowhere, I felt Ted's foot brushing against mine under the table, as I try to hide the smile on my face. He's getting bolder and bolder.
"You're killing me, Ted," I said, trying to sound stern. "I'm trying to help Bill !"
"I can't help it dude !" he said, moving his feet higher. "I need help too !"
I blush and look away, trying to hide my smile behind the cards. I knew I had to focus on helping Bill with his History, but it's hard with Ted's footsie game distracting me. Payback I guess.
"Alright, Bill, let's see if you can remember when was the Battle of Bunker Hill over." I murmur, trying to ignore Ted's foot on my calf.
As Bill struggled to answer, holding his hair in his hands, Ted's foot moved higher up my leg, and I could feel myself getting more and more flustered.
"Uh, uh, uh," Bill stuttered, unable to come up with the answer. "It's, like, a date..."
I could see the frustration on Ted's face as I helped Bill with the answer, showing no sign of being flustered like he was, even if I feel warm inside. Hearing him puff, I look back at him once I finished with Bill only to look down at his foot who was just laying in my lap lazily.
"Your shoe is so dirty Ted !" I giggled, trying to push it away. "Get. it. ooooff !"
He puts his hands on his heart, pulling is other foot on my lap. "Calling me dirty, pushing me away, how cruel !"
Bill looked up, laughing at our banter. "Your shoes are dirty dude." He said, trying to help me push his feets off.
"Traitor !" Ted points at Bill, holding the table so we won't be able to get him off. "All of you, traitors dude's !"
"THE THREE OF YOU." We all jumped, even gasping a bit. "OUT."
After hurrying to take our textbooks and bags out while stuffing a laughter, we finally got out and burst out laughing, putting everything in our bags. I sling it on my back, looking down at my tights. "Ted !"
"What is it dudette ?"
"Look how dirty I am, thanks to you !"
Both of them looked at my thighs, laughing even harder seeing the dirt stains. "My bad dude !"
He rubs my thighs to get it off, not noticing my reddening face at this sudden contact. I feel the warmth of his fingers through the fabric, making the lower part of my stomach tingle. "It, It's ok don't worry ! It's ok !"
"Sorry 'bout that." He whispers, smiling up at me.
"Yeah no, don't worry !" I laugh nervously, rubbing my thighs just like he did without noticing.
"Thanks for helping me, Iléna," Bill said, smiling at me. "You're the most excellent babe to ever exist !"
"No problem, Bill. You're going to do great," I said, patting him on the back, blushing slightly at his compliment. "If Mr. Ryan ask's about gladiators I know you'll kill it !"
As we started walking to go back home, I felt Ted's hand brush against mine after he bumped my shoulder into his. I look up at him, and he give's me a shy smile, trying to hide behind strands of his hair.
"Hey, do you dudes want to grab a pizza or something?" Ted asked, trying to hide the eagerness in his voice.
"Sure," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "That sounds like a good idea."
"I'm starving...." Bill sighed, putting his palm on his stomach. "Could we also get slushies ?"
"Oh yeah, slushies !" I said excited.
I glanced at Ted, noticing him staring at me again, his burning hand still brushing my cold one. Suddenly, Ted slips his hand into mine, and I feel my heart skip a beat at his sudden boldness.
"To the pizzeria we go !" He exclaimed, starting to run.
I yelped, catching Bill hand quickly before he dragged me too far away. We all ran togheter, laughing and smiling.
Maybe I'm not ready to confess to Ted how I feel but, at least, I know that no matter what, he will always bring me with him.
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ghoastixx · 12 days
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Not mine!!!!
Let me know if you get a bingo
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parvulous-writings · 6 months
AHHH YOU WRITE FOR BILL AND TED !! there's so little of them on here or anywhere else it's so sad.
If it's not too much trouble, could you write some Bill fluff hcs, or like a mini fic about gn or fem reader tutoring them both and Bill has a crush on them/her?
If not, no worries just ignore. And if you do, thank you for your service 🫡
OKAY OKAY - I'm going to combine these a little bit- so, you tutor both Bill and Ted, and Bill has a bit of a crush on you- as headcanons!
Apologies the sides of tutor/relationship are a tad uneven, I wrote most of this in the early hours of the morning, and muse was... all over the place XD
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Not my gif
Bill had always just scraped by when it came to his grades. He was just about average for the majority of his education - but his teachers had always had an inkling that he could push himself more, the same with Ted as well. Neither of them particularly minded being average grade, though - they weren't failing, so why try change anything?
It's only when they start getting further into their High-School education that they have this... Nagging feeling, that something needs to be done- but, no matter how hard the pair of them try, nothing seems to change. Nothing... Grabs them, or holds their attention for very long. They try again and again - drilling each other, testing one another on the right answers to all the questions they've made based on the subjects. It never works, nothing sticks.
Starting to get desperate, Bill starts to turn to you - not explicitly, initially, though. He sits next to you in a couple of classes, so he starts looking over your shoulder every so often, scribbling down as many notes as he can without being suspicious. He manages it - but nothing makes sense to him OR Ted when they look back on the notes.
Unsure of what else to do, they keep up this little scheme. They've no better ideas, and though they have absolutely NO clue what half of it means, they cannot see any other option for them.
Unfortunately, Bill was not as sneaky as he thought that he was. Nowhere even close. You'd noticed a couple weeks ago- and you'd just let him continue, assuming that he would be able to go up at least a grade with the notes you'd essentially given him. But as you watched, his grades never changed. So, you decided to take a more active hand in it.
You approached him and his friend Ted one day, whilst they sat in the corner of the courtyard together, surrounded by books and notes they had made. "Bill, my most excellent friend," The darker haired one began, looking up from his work. "I can't understand a single thing any of these books say..." Bill looks up at this, looking equally as disappointed. "Neither can I, Ted... Neither can I..." He sighs, before returning to his little endeavour.
You clear your throat, startling both of them. They both turn to look up at you. "Uh... Hello?" Ted breaks the silence, "Can we help you?" He doesn't mean to sound rude at all, and if anything, he just sounds like he's attempting to sound like he's a gentleman of a bygone era. "Well, I was actually wondering if I could help you..." You chuckle back at them. Their eyes light up simultaneously.
And that's how it begins - your tutoring lessons. Twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Any subject, and all of them - you leave it to Bill and Ted to decide what you cover, and you spend however long they need on it. You actually begin to notice some remarkable improvement with this method- they finally start to understand and build on the knowledge you help them to gain. They start to improve in class, and you couldn't be prouder of them.
Ted thanked you to know end - and often showed his appreciation with a non-stop flow of all the musical facts stored in his head. Bill, on the other hand, was a little bit quieter. He often just... Gazed at you. He often stayed longer than he needed as well, thanking you for your time and making sure his notes were correct.
It was roughly two months of this before Bill actually decided to make his move on you. "So... Are you doing anything this evening?" "I don't think so... Why d'you ask, Bill?"
He tries to overlook the way his heart flutters - as it has started to more and more in the past few weeks - when you say his name. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to catch a movie with me, there's this drive in theatre not too far away, and.."
You barely have to hear the rest of the sentence before you say yes - and you don't regret it. It was a sweet little evening - Bill even got you popcorn. He drove you home after that - and over the next few weeks, it became your thing. Go out to the movies, have some popcorn. Ted even comes along with you a few times!
You always looked forward to your movie night with Bill - whether it was at the theatre, the drive in, or even at home. Neither of you minded where it was; it was more of the fact that the pair of you were spending time with one another, outside of the tutoring. Even though it sometimes bled over into your study sessions- with Bill often going, "Hey, isn't that like when we saw..." when it's relevant (and even sometimes when it's not) - it's a nice getaway for the pair of you, and it's a little weekly tradition you have to yourselves for a very long time.
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6lostgirl6 · 10 months
yandere best friend ted logan with fem!s/o and he gets jealous :))
The Jealous Kind
Pairing: Yandere!Ted Theodore Logan x Fem!Reader
TW: General Yandere Themes, Obsessive behavior, Jealous Ted, Mentions of Stalking, Kidnapping, Murder, Details of Drowning, Recorded Murder.
Word Count: 1.6k
Gif Credits: @weirdlandtv @mrbeniciodeltoro @r-hipatiasblog
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Since you two were young children, when you moved into the neighborhood at the tender age of seven, he has been your closest friend. He was the loveliest boy, making sure you were always happy and including you in his activities with Bill. He was the kind of best friend that anyone would want—he never teased you or made fun of you because you were the only girl in the trio.
You were never aware of his other side, which lay dormant for the duration of your friendship. He might be a touch dense, but he was cautious, at least to the extent that was necessary.
The numerous drawings that seven-year-old Ted used to produce were never revealed to you. Your hands holding one another's with a large heart over your heads, in childlike scribbles. Not even the names he would scribble down in a fit of rage for the other local kids in the neighborhood. When they interacted with you, he wished for the demise of those boys.
The childlike doodles changed into photographs as he grew older. Ted has always loved cameras and you; why not combine his two loves into one? He would pose as an innocent by snapping pictures of you and hiding them among the other images in his closet. Some images were only of you, while others showed both of you and him. Bill was the only one he would allow around you since he was confident that Bill didn't harbor any feelings for you. Plus, he already made it perfectly clear to him years ago that you were off-limits with a dopey smile on his face.
Although others would describe it as obsession or infatuation, he knew in his heart that he was merely in love.
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Ted was now a senior and was standing in front of his unlocked locker. The school's hallways were bustling with students making their way to their own lockers and friend groups. Ted wasn't concerned about the rowdy students passing him, though. Standing in front of your own locker at the other end of the hallway, you caught his attention.
Along with your new friend.
As you spoke with Eric, a new student who had just moved to San Dimas a few days earlier, Ted's eyes were fixated attentively on you and the blonde-haired boy. He couldn't stand the way that jerk decided to stand so close to you and try to get your attention. It almost made Ted sick to his stomach.
Your apparent enjoyment of his attention only made matters worse. His fingers grasping the locker door tightened as he attempted to control the mounting fear in his body, as the mere notion of it caused tears to fill up in his eyes.
He has always loved you. Why didn't you just acknowledge his feelings already?
Ted was too preoccupied with watching you to hear the bell that indicated it was time to leave for class. His eyes followed you as you and Eric moved in the opposite direction.
"Hey, dude!"
Bill, his other best friend, was standing there grinning as Ted flinched, drawing his attention to him. The raven haired boy felt some relief from the anxiety that had been roiling inside him.
"Hey, dude." Ted responded, sounding a little dejected as he closed his locker.
Bill pinched his brows; he wasn't used to seeing Ted seem so discouraged that the taller boy couldn't look at him. He was worried, and he would go to any length to make his best friend feel better.
"What's wrong, Ted?" He inquired gently, his earlier amusement fading. "Did something happen?"
Ted rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, his gaze fixed on the tile floor. He didn't know what to say, or even how to express what he was feeling. All he knew was that he was enraged and that he needed to take action. 
What should he do about Eric?
Ted came to a standstill, his nervous scratching coming to a halt, his focus on the tile floor shifting slightly. Ted wasn't the brightest tool in the shed, but he understood what to do when it came to his emotions and an act of love. The love that was being threatened by Eric Straumer.
"Bill, my most excellent friend…" Ted began to speak, his brown eyes finally shifting to face his closest friend. "Can you help me with something after school?"
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It was late at night when Bill and Ted arrived at their destination, an open field near a lake, located a distance away outside of San Dimas. The cool air conditioning in the car caused goosebumps on their skin. Ted, on the other hand, was shivering for a completely different reason.
The two boys stepped out of the car after turning off the engine, and Bill gave the car a troubled look, his brows furrowed.
"Do you think Missy-Mom will notice...?" Bill asked nervously, pointing towards a noticeable scratch in the door's paint.
It was an obvious reason why the boys didn't have their licenses and needed Missy to drive them around.
Ted walked around to look at the car door before delivering his trademark dopey smile as he slung his backpack straps over his shoulders. "Nope!" He replied, before walking towards the trunk.
He didn't seem too concerned that they had essentially stolen Missy's car and driven it into an open field with just the night sky to keep them company.
You, um... totally tightened the ropes, right?" Bill questioned as he followed him to the trunk and stood beside him. Before Ted could respond, Bill unlocked the trunk using Missy's keys.
"Yeah! I double-knotted too!" Ted exclaimed, smiling, before lifting the trunk lid and inspecting the contents.
Inside the trunk was an unconscious Eric, his wrists and ankles poorly tied with cheap rope, and his mouth clumsily taped shut. The blood from his head wound ran down his temple and cheek.
Ted's smile evaporated instantly as he remembered what had happened earlier that day. His brown eyes hardened as he grabbed Eric's shirt collar, attempting to remove his body from the trunk. Bill sprang into action, grabbing Eric's ankles and pulling him from the trunk.
His body was thrown into the soil carelessly, a tortured cry from the unconscious His body, however, remained motionless as Bill and Ted grabbed his bound ankles and dragged him deeper into the field, closer and closer to the shore of the lake.
The two lazily dropped Eric's ankles and looked down at his pitiful form as they panted. Ted, on the other hand, could only feel a tinge of pride, his pulse racing in his chest from the thrill.
While panting, Bill placed his hand on the taller boy's shoulder and smiled sympathetically. "I'll...wait in the car." He muttered softly before beginning to make his way back.
"Thanks, dude..." Ted returned softly, watching him walk away before pulling off his backpack. He paused when his best friend called his attention once more.
"How did you even think of this idea, dude?" Bill asked, his eyes filled with astonishment.
Ted chuckled and looked down at the ground before responding, his gaze meeting Bill's once more. "I saw it in a movie once."
"Excellent." Bill said, his smile widening as he walked away, not looking back.
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The camera was rolling, perfectly positioned on a giant rock to record the picture. There was nothing but the peaceful surface of the lake and, in the distance, Eric Straumer's motionless legs, the rest of his body out of frame. 
The sound of approaching steps could be heard until Ted emerged in front of the camera lens, stooping down to smile brightly.
"Sup, dudes!" He greeted enthusiastically, his eyes twinkling with boyish delight as he continued conversing with a nonexistent audience. "My name's Ted, and tonight I'm going to do something I should have done a long time ago!"
He cast a glance behind him, taking in the sight of the unconscious boy, before turning to face the camera. "See, someone tried stealing someone I love deeply...and I can't allow that." The smile on his face was slowly sinking.
The distant sound of groaning was heard as Eric began to stir, his poor restraints keeping him immobile. Eric's mind began to absorb the situation quickly, and his muffled screaming could be heard.
"Let's get started, dudes!"
Ted's smile reappeared before he stood up and walked up to the screaming youngster. The camera documented Ted grabbing the distressed Eric and pulling him to the water's edge while Eric effortlessly resisted. Ted was panting as he fought to restrain his struggling victim.
Ted threw Eric face first into the freezing water, his clothes getting soaked as Eric furiously struggled to adjust himself to get some air. The bindings around his wrists and ankles kept him submerged.
Ted gave the camera a malicious smirk before leaping onto Eric's back, his hands grasping the boy's hair and keeping his head under water. Eric was writhing like a fish, attempting to knock Ted off balance, but Ted was much stronger despite his stature. He ignored the cold water soaking him as he continued keeping him submerged.
Eric's struggling ceased after only a few minutes, and his form was utterly limp, his body sinking slightly due to the lack of air within him. Ted paused before cautiously releasing Eric's hair and stumbling to his feet.
Ted walked towards the camera, the frigid air making his soaked form shiver. He crouched down in front of the camera once more and proceeded to address it.
"Babe..." He panted and looked down at the ground, trying to catch his breath. He smiled sweetly at the camera once more. "If you ever see this...just know how much I love you."
"I'll see you at school, babe." He whispered softly before flinging his hands up, his fingers bending to create a heart as he continued to smile. He hurriedly rose up and approached the camera.
Everything went black.
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @britany1997 @leiasolo77 @rottent33th @slaasherslut @rynsfandomsfun
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generalkenobee · 9 months
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Me and my mutuals
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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🍯 - fluff
✨ - smut
🔅 - angst
🍯✨ : CIRCUMSTANCES series (matt x f!assistant reader) [COMPLETED]
- circumstances (part one) 🍯
- losing it (part two) 🍯
- working man (part three) 🍯
- entre nous (part four) 🍯
- bravest face (part five) 🍯
- chemistry (part six) ✨
- fly by night (part seven) ✨
- open secrets (part eight) 🍯
- in the mood (part nine) ✨
- closer to the heart (part ten) ✨
- time stands still (bonus christmas part) ✨
✨: tied up (matt x f!reader)
🔆 : kiss the bride (matt x gn!reader)
✨ : first time - kinktober ‘23 (matt x f!reader)
✨ : ten more minutes - kinktober ‘23 (matt x f!reader)
✨ : incapable - kinktober ‘23 (matt x gn!reader)
✨ : not yet - kinktober ‘23 (matt x f!reader)
✨ : smoke signals - kinktober ‘23 (college!matt x gn!reader)
✨ : the rockstar’s gf - kinktober ‘23 (dvda!matt x f!reader)
✨ : reunion - kinktober ‘23 (matt x f!reader)
🍯✨ : FASCINATION STREET series (professor!trey x f!student reader) [IN PROGRESS]
- fascination street (part one) 🍯
- strange attraction (part two) 🍯
🍯✨ : DANCER series (90s!trey x f!stripper reader) [IN PROGRESS]
- part one 🍯
- part two 🍯
- part three ✨
🍯✨ : FAMILY FRIEND series (trey x f!reader) [COMPLETED]
- part one 🍯✨
- part two 🍯✨
- part three ✨
✨ : edge of glory (trey x gn!reader)
✨ : carnival rides (trey x f!reader)
✨ : never again (trey x f!reader)
✨ : purple passion - kinktober ‘23 (trey x f!reader)
✨ : demolition lovers - kinktober ‘23 (trey x f!reader)
✨ : call me - kinktober ‘23 (trey x f! reader)
✨ : secrecy - kinktober ‘23 (trey x f!reader)
✨ : late night - kinktober ‘23 (trey x f!reader)
✨ : drive in - kinktober ‘23 (trey x f!reader)
✨ : across the way - kinktober ‘23 (trey x f!reader)
✨ : new experience (remer x f!reader)
🍯✨ : headcanons - reader with nippie piercings
✨ : hail to the king (remer x afab!reader)
✨ : noise complaint - kinktober ‘23 (doug x f!reader)
✨ : neighbors - kinktober ’23 (doug remer x f!reader)
✨ : between us - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x f!reader)
✨ : did you miss me - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x f!reader)
✨ : trio - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x f!reader x joe cooper)
✨ : locker room showers - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x f!reader)
✨ : queen’s throne - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x f!reader)
✨ : november - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x f!reader)
✨ : alone - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x gn!reader)
✨ : you’re fired (coop x f!reader)
🔅 : masterpiece (coop x nb/gn!reader)
🍯✨ : headcanons - reader with nippie piercings
✨ : trio - kinktober ‘23 (doug remer x f!reader x joe cooper)
✨ : third base - kinktober ‘23 (joe cooper x f!reader)
✨ : ineffable - kinktober ‘23 (joe x gn!reader)
✨ : camera shy - kinktober ‘23 (dave x gn!reader)
✨ : study buddies (ted x afab!reader)
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imajinxnation · 25 days
Can we make an AU where Johnny Silverhand has a son and it's Ted Logan??
Like, Ted's mom was some hooker who Johnny accidentally knocked up, and she didn't want him, so she gave birth to him and gave Ted up for adoption. Years later when Ted grows up and is in 12th grade, his adoptive father tells him the truth and Ted embarks on a journey w Reader (his gf) to go find his real dad (Johnny, who has now commited to a relationship w V)..
Can we make this happen?? Cause like Cyber!Ted needs to happen.
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littlemisslomax · 11 days
Ted Theodore Logan Bots!
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♬ Bill and Ted | "dial anywhere duder!" (choose your own era!) Character AI | Janitor AI
♬ Ted Logan | he's not stupid... Character AI | Janitor AI
♬ Ted Logan | totally wasted! Character AI | Janitor AI
♬ Ted Logan | new girl in class Character AI | Janitor AI
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sideeve · 11 months
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☆ ── you and ted decide to time travel forward in time to see if you two are still together. ☆ ── self deprecating reader , fluff , time travel , reader and ted have children together , himbo ted for real , post bill and ted’s excellent adventure
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you laid in your bed, your pillow stained with tears. you had heard about his trip in england. the princess he mad met. the way he had talked about them made your heart twinge.
you heard a pebble hit your window. you knew it was ted, but you didn’t have the energy to answer. that was until he threw a whole rock at your window, breaking it.
you ran to the window, lifting it up and sticking your head out. “are you fricking crazy? you threw a whole rock?!” he shrugs, “i didn’t think it was gonna break it.”
“it’s a rock!” you shake your head, “can i come up?” “whatever.” he places the ladder at your window as you walk back to your bed. “why are you laying down? it’s like,” he looks at your clock. “4 pm. and it’s summer! you should be outside.”
“i don’t wanna go anywhere. just leave me alone, ted.” you lift the covers over you, turning yourself away from him. “did…did i do something?”
the pain in his voice hurt you. he didn’t do anything, you were just insecure. “no ted. you didn’t do anything. i’m just not having the best day right now.” he sits next to you. “hey, i have an idea! we should go time travel to see what our future lives would look like.” you sit up, smiling. “why not.”
april 13, 2013
you step out of the phone box, amazed by what’s in front of you. “ted, come out here.” you point at your future you.
you were outside, watching you children. then, ted comes out, wrapping his arms around your waist and stuffing his face in the crook of your neck. like he does…now?
“wow! you’re prettier than now.” you knew he meant that in a good way. you laugh, “we have kids together. they look like you ted.”
he laughs, “they do. oh my god! we’re gonna have kids!” he picks you up and swings you around.
this trip lifted the mood for you. it made you realize the you had ted wrapped your finger. “i can’t wait to have kids. i gotta tell bill!”
he really loved you.
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