#bilky no
pete-serves-cunt · 5 months
I want a man who loves me like Billie Joe Armstrong loves his wife Adrienne
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dyingenigma · 5 months
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ariesbilly · 21 days
Steve taking Billy to a fancy steakhouse on their first date and billys looking over the menu making all these faces and when the waiter comes over he just orders a salad and Steve’s like “a salad? Seriously? This place has the juiciest steaks in the state what gives!”
And billys like “im a vegetarian, steve…”
To which Steve asks “what the hell is that”
And billy has to explain he doesn’t eat meat and that is a reaaal foreign concept to a midwestern 80s all american boy let me tell you
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zappedbyzabka · 5 months
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Oh he says :3 he says :3 and ♡ often
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enigma-the-mysterious · 5 months
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Rare Supreme Court W
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theshaddowedsnow · 2 years
Y'all ever think Billy just casual hints he's a foster kid/homeless to the Leauge?
Like, they don't know Marvel's identity, but things just kinda Hint At It?
Like Superman and Marvel are evacuating civilians and like... Marvel not only remembers the homeless exist, reminds Supes they exists, and knows all the poteial Aves they are? And all be says is he gets it and doesn't blame Supes because "if I didn't have experiences like them I would have forgotten too" or aome line like that?
Or just how much get gets along with Jason? Like even post-ressurection Jadon. The two talk for hours about the best spots they've squatted or how Captain Marvel of all the Justice Leauge appreciates what Jason is doing. Like, he may not fully approve of the method, remember he's still an idealist and a kid, but he understands the motivation and reason for it and behind it.
Or he just casually mentions he's an orphan and "grew up in some rough spots before finding my family."
Stuff like that.
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hanniballover67 · 10 months
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I need this brat stuffed full of cock NOW!!
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roughridingrednecks · 8 months
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kayhi808 · 1 year
Challenge Accepted - Part 5
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You all stay an hour or so longer after Bill left. You insist on taking the Metro back home, so Sam walks you to the station, "Thanks for inviting me. This was so nice," you lean your head against Sam's shoulder.
"Spill it."
"Spill what?"
"What's the deal with you and Hollywood?" You turn to him wide-eyed. "Nuh uh! Don't play!" He nudges you away from him and you laugh. "I didn't just sit through an entire evening of that fool staring daggers at me, for you to play dumb with me now!"
"Sam!"You continue to laugh, possibly some nervous laughter. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"A! I call bullshit! C'mon buttercup. Tell Daddy what you did to make pretty boy angry."
"EW! Shut up." Sam wraps an arm around your shoulders & pulls you close. You wrap your arms around his waist & sigh, "It's a mess. He's not a relationship kind of guy and at this point I don't want to be one of the many."
His tone turns to serious, "And he knows this?"
"I told him & he walked out on me," you shrug.
"Pfftt, mother fucker's dumb as hell then. You're better off without him." He drops kiss on your brow.
"Thanks, Sam."
"However…" the playfulness returning to his voice, "I think homie is regretting his choices." Sam starts to laugh.
"What?" Sam ignores you, "Sam!"
"Did he follow you to the restroom? Because he came back looking more pissed off than when he left." You frown at him, "I take it that conversation did not go well for him."
"No, it… wasn't good."
"Before he left, your dude was eyeing me up so to fuck with him I grabbed you by the hair & pulled your head back. The boy was going to have an aneurysm or fight me."
Wiggling his eyebrows, "Hollywood like pulling hair?"
"What?! I'd fight 'em. I ain't scared!" You can't help but laugh. Sam is crazy.
You get out of the elevator and you see Billy getting up from the floor. He was sitting against your door. What in the world?!
"What are you doing here? Did you break in again?" you nudge him to the side to open your door. "How long have you been out here?" He quickly follows you in. You roll your eyes, "Come on in."
He notices the couch & table, "It looks good. Your place is coming together."
"Billy, it's been a long night. I know you didn't come here to look at my furniture. What do you want?" You throw your keys & bag down.
"I wanted to apologize about earlier. If I hurt you, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, Y/N."
"You've hurt me worse before. Tonight was nothing," you shrug.
Rakes his fingers through his hair, "Look, I haven't seen anyone since I found out you moved here. I don't understand why things have to change with us."
"Nothings changed between us. This right now? It's exactly the same as it was 2 weeks ago. Zero commitment. We fuck who we want, when we want. Oh, is that why you're here? You want to fuck?" You kick off your shoes & shake off your coat.
"You always have some smart ass shit to say," glares at you.
"Why do you expect me to invest any of my heart & soul into you without you doing the same?" Bill is silent. "You're used to women fawning over you. They give you their bodies, their attention to feed your ego. Or its a trade for you to bring them into the spotlight and buy them shit. Only to have you dump them in a week…a month. I should be flattered that we lasted a year. Then again, I never suggested more until now. I think we'd be great together. We got along this long."
"I don't do relationships. I never have," shaking his head.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Billy stands there with his hands on his hips, staring at the floor. You feel like he stomped on your heart. "If this is the start of the 'its-not-you-its-me' speech? Save your breath. I don't need to force anyone to be with me if he doesn't want me. You can't force something that was never there."
"I don't want us to end, Y/N."
"And yet you don't want to commit to me? If you feel that strongly against me, I'm not the right woman for you. It shouldn't be this hard. Of that, I'm sure."
You both stand there in silence. Bill is not making an attempt to leave, but he's not saying anything either. You try to wait him out, let him figure out his feelings, get his words right… After a while, "Billy, it's late and I still have work tomorrow. You need to go."
"I'm sorry." He softly kisses you on the forehead and walks to the door. He actually looks as terrible as you feel but he still leaves.
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11
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ur-fav-alien · 2 years
With s4 Harringrove, the group all finds out in different ways.
Max finds out first, between s2 + 3 when Billy + her become closer and she finds out that Billy + Steve used to date. She finds out they're dating again when she almost walks in on them, it all cool tho. El finds out next kinda due to Max and also kinda due to the fact that Steve + Billy can't keep it in their pants but- She just sees them being all cute with each other and looks over to Max and is like "that's allowed?" And Max is like "yeah." So El asks if they could act like that and Max short circuts.
Then in s3, Robin finds out during that bathroom scene. When Steve says that he's found someone better he goes on this huge rant about this girl whose super strong and has blonde curls and omg he has such pretty hair and Robin's like "he!?" But it's okay cuz they're both gay... duh.
The way that Joyce, Will, and Johnathan find out is after they move to California w/ El. El knows not to tell people about Billy and Steve, but Max had said that bad people would after them. And her family were not bad people. So while they're walking about their new home El sees these two dudes holding hands and being a little close with each other. El points them out and says "oh yeah, Steve and Billy do that" and Joyce, Johnathan, and (espically) Will short circut. Only for El to respond with "what? Me and Max have done that too."
Nancy finds out in s4 when she's patching up Steve. He's hurt and doesn't really know what he's saying but he makes a joke like "Billy would throw a fit if he found out you were this close to me." Nancy's confused because why would Billy throw a fit, that doesn't make a sense, and then she starts putting everything together. Steve's been by Billy's side since this whole thing started. When she wanted to bring Steve to the library Billy reminded Steve that he was the babysitter, when she asked Steve to join them to visit Victor Creel he said he couldn't leave Billy with the kids, when Billy snapped at her like 20 minutes ago because he either went with Steve or neither of them went.
"Oh." She says quietly and Steve responds the same. Steve kinda starts panicking because he just realized what he said and he understand that both her parents voted for Regan and jesus christ if that wasn't an indicator of homophobia then- but Nancy calms him down, saying that she doesn't care as long as he's happy. "And Billy Hargrove makes you happy?" She asks, like a joke but Steve responsed with a slightly teary and awkward smile.
"Yeah, he makes me really happy." He says and Nancy's okay with that. She might've gotten some weird butterflies after hanging out with Steve after so long, but she had a boyfriend and so did he.
Dustin, Lucas, Erica, and Eddie all find out at the same time. Steve's dropping off Billy, Max, Lucas, and Erica at the Creel house when Steve stops them really quickly to grab Billy by the collar and kisses him in front of everyone. It's kinda of like a goodbye because neither of them really know if this is going to work out. Lucas and Erica are in a silent state of shock because they aren't allowed to speak for this plan to work so Max just quietly tells them that if they aren't okay with it they can't walk off. Erica almost walks off but Lucas drags her back because "wtf Erica". Nancy and Robin think the interaction are super cute and find out the other know about and they turn into supportive moms like "omg that's so cute- they're so cute- that's so romantic omg." While Dustin and Eddie are in the background like "WHAT THE FUCK". Once the doors close Dustin just kinda screams and Steve kinda winces because he knew this was coming, what he didn't expect to come was Nancy to turn into the biggest ally ever (or maye she's projecting....?) But Nancy turns around and starts berating the boys like "There's is nothing wrong with what those two boys are doing, they are in love and love should not be judge no matter who it is shared by!" Robin and staring in awe because like... yo? Nancy then threatens them if they say anything and Dustin's like "I'm cool that he's gay and all but... Billy Hargrove?"
"Holy shit." Steve cusses and sits down the driver seat while everyone agrees that Steve dating Billy Hargrove came out of the left field a little.
"If anything, I'm surprised Hargrove is gay." Is what Eddie says, and everyone agrees.
So when everyone sees Steve hanging out by Billy's hospital bed no one bats a eye because they all know. And Dustin comes in one day to ask Steve why he never told him. Steve explains that it's not because he didn't trust Dustin, it's just difficult because what if they start acting like themselves in front of the party and slip up in public? Dustin then goes on to ask a bunch of questions about their relationship and Steve's more than happy to answer because he loves Billy so much.
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citizenscreen · 2 years
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(Caption) Billie ‘Buckwheat’ Thomas, little member of Hal Roach’s famous ‘Our Gang,’ and his mother, Mrs. Mattie Thomas.
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pete-serves-cunt · 6 months
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i-am-kind-of-lost · 1 year
Reservations should be removed
Hinduism has always been supportive of gay people and women
Both political parties are bad
Fault on both sides
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
Do you think that despite everything and despite the nature of Sanatanis as a majority being starkly different from any other majority in the world, we still have any priveleges as a majority? Of course we've already established that being a majority doesn't necessarily mean we cannot be oppressed but do you think we still exercise some degree of privelege that minorities don't? I'm looking for as many viewpoints as I can and you're the only hindutva blog I know.
Hmm, If I’m being honest the only “majority privilege” I can think of is of Sanatan being seen as an inseparable part of our culture in the media.
If you see India being portrayed in other countries, you have a highte chance of seeing a Sanatani person or an idol or a temple in the background than you have of seeing mosques or churches. But I guess the fact that this is the birthplace of one of the largest religions of one and virtually the only country with a sizeable population of us (Nepal, Bali, Mauritius, Fiji and Trinidad aren’t as known still sadly) , so I think half of the times it can be them showing Indians when they have to portray Hindus rather than them showing Hindus when they have to show Indians, though it is certainly the latter at just as many times.
Other than that, being a majority in democracy certainly pays. We have voted in a government we found benificial to ourselves, goes on to iterate that we hold a massive amount of power united. 80% is big afterall. This might sound problematic and it is pretty fucked up aswell, but Godhra and Delhi riots are a negative outcome of “hindus” deciding to unite for the wrong thing, even if for a reactionary reason. The Hindus all over the country uniting against them for righteousness such as in Bilkis Bano case, is a positive example of same. The dominance of Sanatani sentiment in states like Maharashtra,UP and Gujrat is also a result of us unitedly taking action to propagate the Hindu side.
Having 4/5th of power helps outside the political sphere aswell. The Ram Mandir Movement, Temple restoration movements and massive success of Kashmir Files has to show for that.
But our power as a majority is pretty harmless mostly because we don’t bear any ill will, and like you said it does not stop us from being oppressed because we rarely tend to take any fragmented attack on us seriously. So while yes, there are majority perks, it certainly is not half as decisive as media tries to portray it. This is for 2 reasons:
We aren’t inherently malicious. We have a live and let live philosophy which makes us totally harmless sans a few extreme right looney bin dropouts.
We tend to unite less. The examples I stated above are some of the few times we stand together and work as a majority. More often than not, like Bilkis or Kanhaiya case, we are all internally aware of right and wrong but lack the momentum to make things right or fight back against the injustice. And while 1 is totally great, 2 is something we need to change. We hold the power of majority and can get things done, but we waste it on things like a bikini colour and lose the heat instead of channeling it on right kind of stuff. I think people need to speak up more instead of all of us internally agreeing on what is wrong and what is right. so yeah, this is all I can think of, but I hope it helps. Thankyou!
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zappedbyzabka · 7 months
I hope that Ralph’s beard is the scruffiest it’s ever been today and he has a cake to stuff his face in
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meetdheeraj · 2 years
In December 2012, there were protests across India. Large chunk of Indian population was on streets asking death for Nirbhaya's rapists. Including the juvenile. In Delhi they marched beyond police barricades and towards President's palace. There were water cannons used at protesters. But they marched anyways.
At this very moment, AWAY FROM EARTH AND OUTSIDE IN COSMOS, there was an invisible to naked eye comet ☄ hurling towards the latitudes and longitudes of India, the promised land. Just when the protesters crashed the palace gate, just then the comet hit the Indian stratosphere. Comet's dark energies mixed with the sattvik rays of Indian sun. Alongwith the smog of December this created a magical cocktail. And this magical mixture gave rise to smoke everywhere outdoors. Outdoors was where all spirited, courageous, morally driven, justice seeking, conscious intact Indians were. WHEN THE SMOKE SETTLED there was no one to be found in the outdoors. No one. Everyone assumed that they must all have sought refuge indoors seeing the deadly smoke. But it now appears, for certain that all those Indians that day were not chicken to hide from smoke, they stayed put. And the smoke engulfed them. Nobody knows what exactly happened that day. But we now know they all disappeared. They disappeared from the face of earth. What we are left with today are spineless, no-conscious, religiously motivated, lowlife, rape-calling, rape-cheering mad lot who were indoors on that fateful day. These scums that stayed indoors for Nirbhaya, a Hindu rape victim, would never step out or raise voice for Bilkis, a Muslim rape victim. Never.
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