#bible verse friend
thewordfortheday · 4 months
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No longer do I call you servants…I have called you friends. John 15:15
What a friend we have in Jesus 
All our sins and griefs to bear 
And what a privilege to carry 
Everything to God in prayer…
Everything, absolutely everything-our worries, our pain, our weaknesses, our failures, our sorrows, our deepest secrets, we don’t need to carry them for a moment. Jesus is our friend. He will stand with us and help us even if no one comes to our aid. He laid down His life for us. Why don’t we carry our burdens to Him, today? See what peace He would offer in exchange for our turmoil.
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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might turn these sketches into smth else later, but for now ill post em here
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Verse of the Day - Proverbs 17:17
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roselise · 11 months
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13) ♡
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okamusame · 3 months
‭‭ A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.
Proverbs 17:17 NLT‬‬ -> https://bible.com/bible/116/pro.17.17.NLT
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saskia-mae · 2 months
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✞ how to be ‘that christian girl’
go for prayer walks
get involved with your church
Bible before your phone
pray when you wake up and before going to sleep
listen to worship music
eat healthily
prayer journal
Bible study
make christian friends
help others
be kind to everyone
give to those in need
I hope this helps! I am still quite new in my faith, but this has helped me, and if i can help just one person that will make me happy! God bless you!💗
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But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
Luke 6:27
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starberryroad · 5 months
i thot pjackk was in philly
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avatardoggo · 28 days
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sooo i gave FG his birthday present 😭🫣🥹
#sorry it’s been a minute since the latest update i haven’t really hung out with FG™️ for a looong time bc of exams but fortunately his bday#is the end of april soo i was able to do a lil celebration with him. sooo backtrack in february when he made me a LITERAL WEBSITE#i was thinking of what to get him so i prayed and the Holy Spirit said a playlist with a journal with all these Bible verses connected to th#songs which was fun to make but just took a lot#of work soo i was vvv busy doing that and classes soooo when i finally finished i surprised him outside his work place and then i asked if#he wanted to go anywhere specific to give him his present and he said no soo i suggested this cafe a lil outside our city soo we were#driving for 30 minutes and in my head i was like ok this is the perfect time to hold hands for a reeeeaalllllyy long time so i was just like#‘i want to hold your hand 🫣’ and he just handed his hand over and he was like ‘it’s that simple 😊 and i was holding his hand with both hands#bc i missed him sososo much so we got to the cafe ordered and i gave him his present and he was tearing up covering his mouth it was so swee#i couldn’t and he kept saying ty and this is exactly what he needed and i was like 😭🥹🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰 and he was sooo grateful and when we got in the#car he couldn’t stop looking at me and we held hands the whole time again 🥰😭🫣🫣🫣🫣#and then when he dropped me home we hugged for a reaalllyyyyy long time and he was just saying ty all over he’s such a darling sweetheart 😭🥰#so ya that’s the latest update i’m going to see him later today and hang out with him and another friend 😁🤗 i really want to hold his hand#again 🫣🥰🥺#vk overshares in the tags#friendly giant ™️#FG ™️
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maple-leaf-in-autumn · 7 months
i have overestimated the power of the alcohol blanket. also i’m tipsy but why is my sober friend reading smut alongside me at 4 am. like i have an excuse. she’s dead sober.
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thewordfortheday · 9 months
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Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip?" —John 14:9
God’s Word makes it clear-the goal of life is knowing Christ. We receive His blessings and know His Word, but do we really know Him?
Jesus said, “…I have called you friends…” (John 15:15). True friendship is rare on earth. With true friends we can pour our hearts out, and spend hours together talking about various things and hours pass by, and you don't even realise it. How awesome it is to have a friend in Jesus! With Him as our best friend we are never lonely. We have total peace and assurance knowing that He is our all in all and there's no room for doubt or fear.
Do you have such a relationship with Jesus?
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gloriousmonsters · 10 months
read camp dama.scus. enjoyed some stuff, really wish i didn't have the experience so often reading a book that's Good and Progressive and about Queer Affirmation etc of feeling like i'm side-eying the author like 'and you know that delineating the people that oppose you as pure evil that therefore deserves torture or death or being eliminated from society entirely is bad, right? you know that, right??'
#it's kind of funny bc the main character is a jack chick tract atheist in a way bc#she rejects her religion (REALLY quickly and easily lol) and immediately starts... conceiving of HERSELF as a prophet/god#as in. starts making up 'bible' verses that are about Her and how awesome she is#and how she's going to bring down her enemies with the righteous flaming sword of vengeance and wrath and truth etc#which i would love as a character Thing if the narrative didn't just treat this as 'super metal' with absolutely no further examination#(seriously she casually drops that she's been making up bible-style verses abt herself and her ideas#in convo with her Token Good Christian friend. by CITING ONE OF THEM#LIKE IT'S A BIBLE VERSE. and then going 'o yeah i've been making those up'#and her friend's reaction is just 'haha that's sick' and moving on)#listen i'm all for god complexes and edgy bullshit but the presentation along w the general#descriptions of the Enemy as 'cartoonishly pure evil' and implicit 'haha nice!' around the idea of THEM getting tortured forever#just leaves me ://///#i might be oversensitive to this after stuff like Sorrowland and Pet but.... just. ech. i wish i didn't have to play the game of#'do you think torture is ok if it's someone you don't like?' and 'do you consider people who do bad things as human?' in the first place#also it was just a HUGELY underwritten book lol it'd make a decent movie but viewed as a book it gets funnier the longer i think about it#was marketed as conversion camp horror. 0 conversion camp content bc IT ALREADY HAPPENED#0 relationship development bc the two people the MC connects with she ALREADY HAD RELATIONSHIPS WITH. THAT SHE FORGOT#so you can 'i'm falling for x again' all you want dr tingle that's not what's happening the work is not there#also ofc the other two people are just. The Tech Guy and The Cool Hot Nice Love Interest (2 aesthetic traits no personality)#so yeah like. some very good horror moments/concepts! but some Problems. For Sure#vic talks#book talk
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But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
Graphic via Verse of the Day - Jude 1:20-21 (NIV)
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roselise · 11 months
The mountains and hills may crumble, but my love for you will never end; I will keep forever my promise of peace.” So says the LORD who loves you. (Isaiah 54:10) ♡
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nothinggold13 · 8 days
1, 10, 20?
Again. 3 years.
10. How do you read your Bible? Electronically? Physical Bible? Journaling Bible, or do you choose not to write in it at all?
Physical. I have a journalling bible which I got for my high school grad but I have not put anything into it yet. Instead I use my "wee college" (basically preschool bible study??) bible in which I highlight things in crayon. 👍
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loveofastarvingdog · 10 months
thinking about how even my experience growing up queer in a conservative environment was less safe than other people in the very same space. because they didn’t understand how important it was to stay closeted for me. because even if i didn’t come out to them, even if the only thing i ever did was show them support in private, they still had the power to hurt me with that just by mentioning it to someone. and now i’m in a place where people ask me “oh why didn’t you ever tell me this person was xyz queer identity?” when i was never given the permission to and grew up in a place where something exactly like that would have put me in danger. just because being queer is more widely known and to some extent accepted now doesn’t mean people still won’t get hurt if you don’t keep your mouth shut. don’t push people to come out. to you, or to anyone, and for the love of god don’t out them to others
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