#bi van gogh
jfks-phat-cheeks · 2 years
can you do the 19 prompt with jfgogh?
#19 “. . . sorry, I talked too much” “No no no not at all. Keep talking”
jfgogh stays being one of my favorite ships and i am glad most of the fandom likes it as well: Pre-established friendship, pinning, fluff, (unedited)
It became easy for Van Gogh to talk around jfk, the students who once barely interacted were now found speaking everyday. Or at least jfk speaking and Van Gogh listening while working on other projects. Needless to say it was quite rare to see the opposite. But that isn’t to say it never happened, especially on that one warm night in jfk’s studio.
“… and that is why art and music are a perfect mix! They complement each other and tell a story in a way that isn’t just written literature.” Van Gogh rambled, motioning with his hands, adding theatrics that even Shakespeare would be jealous of. Jfk listened with all of his focus, he had taken a break from writing lyrics for his next song to give the red haired man next to him all of his attention. His eyes followed the hands motioning frantically beside him, wondering how they would feel in his own. Would they be soft against his calloused fingers? Gently holding his face? He thought softly, yearning to know.
“Hey are you listening?” Jfk snapped back into focus to the person in front of him, eyed wide and face flushed. Worried he had been caught he put on a grin and shrugged.
“Yeah! Of course I was.”
Van Gogh was not convinced of this, “. . . sorry, I talked too much.” He muttered and sat his hands on his thighs, looking over to the door quickly before his eyes jumped back to jfk. “I’ll go if I am bothering you.”
“No no no not at all. Keep talking,” Jfk was quick to respond, taking a breath he added on, “I- er love your company and what you have to say. It wouldn’t be the same without you around.” For a moment, they both looked at each other. Comfort, reassurance, and maybe something else could be fond in how they looked in each other’s eyes. Van Gogh relaxed back into his seat and picked up his pencil, a soft grin dawned on his face.
“While that may be true, you obviously weren’t listen and so to make it up to me,” he thought for a moment and Jfk stared wider eyed, “I get to do the cover art for your next album.” Van Gogh teased before laughing, a sound of gold to jfk’s ears.
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be-believe-protect · 2 days
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produce-agency · 14 days
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down-sense-strong · 20 days
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foreshvdowing · 1 month
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the fit the fit the fit
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stilesisbiles · 1 year
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Vincent Van Gogh - the Starry Night
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jfks-phat-cheeks · 2 years
prompt 29 with jfgogh? im the anon from the 19 prompt sorry if im annoying i just really like the ship
#29 “Get on my shoulders, you’ll see better”
aaaa don’t apologize for sending stuff in! you aren’t annoying at all /gen <3 also they are at a hozier concert shut up /j Pre-established relationship, fluff (unedited)
“John I cannot see.” Vince yelled to their boyfriend, the music, although enjoyable, was quite loud. Quite loud and quite impossible to see due to the swarm of teens and young adults that had squeezed itself into the small venue. Live music was enjoyable and even better when one could view who was playing.
Jfk looked over at his boyfriend, staring blankly at him for a moment before his eyes widened and a toothy grin took its spot on his face. He looked around before pulling Vince closer, “Get on my shoulders, you’ll see better.” He offered, shrinking down to make it easier for Van Gogh to get on before he could even say yes. Vince simply agreed, too flustered by the look given to him and the consideration.
In a second they were back up, JFK’s hands holding Vince’s legs while he gripped onto his tall boyfriends shoulders. He was able to see everything. The glowing lights and singing crowds, the band playing their hearts out. Vince laughed like it was his first time seeing the sun, causing jfk to look up at him. “Thank you sunflower.” He whispered in his ear before tilting his head to give him a quick kiss.
This would be a concert to remember.
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bidotorg · 1 year
Vincent Van Gogh painting of skull smoking
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sd2006 · 1 year
Finally watched Clone High and you'll never guess who my favourite character is!
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It's Gandhi!
Na it's JFK! But Gandhi is close second though, he has a special place in my heart as a fellow ADD/ADHD person.
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philosophenstreik · 2 years
selbstbildnisse in der moderne - von vincent van gogh bis marina abramovic
sachbuch von uwe m. schneede
erschienen 2022
im verlag c.h.beck
isbn: 978-3-406-78747-8
(von tobias bruns)
beispielhaft an 25 künstler/-innen analysiert uwe m. schneede hier scharfsinnig die bedeutung und den wandel der bedeutung von selbstbildnissen in der moderne. teil 1 des buches beschäftigt sich mit den neuerern. er beginnt dabei ganz klassisch bei den wegbereitern der moderne vincent van gogh und paul gauguin, die gegen die gängige kunst aufbegehren und so ihren neuen standpunkt der kunst der welt kundtun. er geht dann weiter über munch und dann zur nächsten generation, die ihre biographie in bildern darstellen, wie käthe kollwitz ottilie w. roederstein (der das städel frankfurt gerade eine hervorragende ausstellung gewidmet hatte), und lovis corith, untersucht all deren beweggründe und herangehensweisen, ebenso wie im nächsten kapitel “ich ist auch ein anderer (oder eine andere), wo z.b. paula modersohn-becker und max beckmann ihren platz finden. in weiteren zwei kapiteln werden dann auch kahlo und picasso thematisiert, bevor schneede in teil 2 des buches zum umstieg auf die neuen medien kommt - einem großen schnitt in der kunstgeschichte. künstler, die sich via medien selbst als das werk an sich darstellen, wie beispielsweise günter brus, der sich selbst bemalt bei einem spaziergang durch die wiener innenstadt seinerzeit wegen öffentlichen ärgernisses gar verhaftet wurde. geht weiter über die wandlungsfähigen künstler - sei es in geschlechtsfragen oder anderen - von denen cindy sherman mit ihren vielen unterschiedlichen arbeiten in denen sie stets ihr model ist, jedoch nie (oder immer?) sie selbst, die bekannteste ist. er geht mit marina abramovic, die selbst immer ihr eigenes werk ist, dabei jedoch grenzen überschreitet, die (fast) weit über die selbstzerstörung hinausgeht, und gar dabei die grenzen des interagierenden publikums erschreckend erforscht hin zu den beiden letzten künstlern dieses bandes, die besonders stark für die selbstinszenierung im 20. jahrhundert und bis heute stehen: andy warhol und joseph beuys.
bereits das letzte buch von schneede hat begeistert - paula modersohn-becker. diese künstlerin in nun - und mit gutem grund - auch teil dieses kleinen kompendiums über selbstbildnisse in der moderne. und dieses kleine kompendium (wenn man es so nennen darf) begeistert ebenso. mit profundem sachverstand untersucht schneede hier die unterschiedlichsten arten der selbstdarstellung von künstlern in der moderne - ihre verschiedenen herangehensweisen, ihre verschiedenen intentionen und wirkungsabsichten. das selbstbildnis... einerseits intim und andererseits das naheliegendste überhaupt, mit immer zur verfügung stehendem modell... doch ist eben ein selbstporträt immer mehr als nur die abbildung des selbst. es spiegelt vieles wider, sehr vieles. und dieses riesige spektrum dessen, was ein selbstbildnis darstellen kann, führt schneede dem leser auf eindrucksvolle und spannende weise vor. ein großes vergnügen, für jeden, der etwas für kunst übrig hat und ein trotz kürze tiefer einblick in die großen künstlergestalten der moderne!
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wildzero1999 · 2 years
in yr 7 we had a 'night of the notables' event where we had to dress up as significant historical figures who contributed something substantial to society and they wouldn't let me go as marsha bc she killed herself so i pretended to go as jfk's wife up until the week of the event, when i revealed i'd been preparing to go as brenda howard the whole time and even then they tried to stop me bc i refused to ignore the fact that she was a sex worker and explicitly mentioned that she was bisexual and poly and it was too late for me to redo it so they begrudgingly said yes and tbh i really was so correct for that
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