#bewwy talk's
bewwy · 6 months
I can't stop thinking about Philza and Forever's arc right now. Each going to the oposite side.
Philza finding a safe heaven, of someone of great power, but that lacks an actual influence in the world right now, maybe it's the lack of a vessel, or maybe being to far to actually intervine.
Forever being currepted, by something of great in fluence, but lacks actual power. It's strength comes from it's ability to intervene, but doesn't have any real mysticism to it, after all, those that have been touched by it still need to use swords and guns.
I wonder if this is will turn to an actual confrontation. The Black versus the Rose, we know in a meta sensse, that the admins can give players certain power ups, such as Foolish's speed on water, it would ve interesting to see it developed further.
Philza making plants grow with a touch, or unlimited acces to healing potions. Forever maybe being able to give blindness when he fights someone.
I really like the theme of oposoties in the QSMP, the federation vs the evil cucurucho, chaos against order, rebelion versus government. And now nature against curruption.
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howlingday · 1 year
POV: You are Roman Torchwick and Team RWBY caught you.
Ruby: Okay, girls! We finally caught Roman Torchwick! Let's go let the headmaster know so we can get him taken away! Zwei, be a good boy and watch mean, old, nasty Torchwick!
Zwei: (Barks happily)
RWBY: (Leave)
Zwei: (Pants)
Zwei: ...
Zwei: You wanna know how I would have gotten away with your crime?
Zwei: (Crawls closer) I would have killed the old man. Burned off his fingertips. Cut his body into thirteen pieces, and scattered half of them in the ocean, and buried the other half deep in the woods.
Zwei: (Shakes head) You got too showboaty. And as a fellow artist, I was amused by your little tricks and gimmicks. But you were still too weak. Too weak to leave that shopkeep alive.
Weiss: (Out of sight) Oh, Zwei~!
Zwei: (Sits away from you)
Weiss: (Walks in) Look what I have~! (Shakes treat bag)
Zwei: (Barks, Wags butt)
Weiss: (Tosses treat, Zwei catches it) He's so adorable~. Oh, you love your treats, don't you~?! Ah, yes, you do~! Ah, yes, you do~!
Zwei: (Rolls over)
Weiss: (Rubs his belly) Who wuvs his bewwy wubs~? Who wuvs his widdwe tummy wubs~?
Zwei: (Stares at you)
Weiss: I don't know why I'm telling you this, but Zwei loves his belly rubs. To be honest, the girls and I wish Zwei was a girl, because we have to be careful of his- Whoops! I just did. (Stands) Well, I should get back to the girls. I'll see you later, Zwei~! I wuv you~! (Leaves)
Zwei: (Barks happily)
Zwei: ...That was too close. She almost caught me talking to you. Now, where was I? Oh, that's right.
Zwei: (Crawls closer) I wouldn't stop at the shopkeep. I'd murder his family, too. Lover. Kids. Grandkids. All of them. Justice isn't pursued if there's no one seeking retribution. So I go from kingdom to kingdom, acting like a stupid, dumb idiot dog getting belly rubs and kissies, killing scumbags like you.
Zwei: I'm only going to live to be twelve- hell, maybe thirteen. And I plan on taking as many souls to hell with me before I go.
Ruby: (Distant) Zwei~! Come on, you dummy! Time to go home!
Zwei: ...Looks like I'm done. Time for me to go.
Zwei: (Steps away) ...Except for one thing.
Zwei: (Leaps on you, knocking you down, Choking you with vice-like grip on your neck) (Your vision gets darker and darker still) (Everything around you grows distant and faded)
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zaraomarrogers · 2 years
Always and Forever - 3
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x fem reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, smut, sexual content, 18 +, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of cheating.
Author's note: Hey everyone! Thankyou for showing so much love and support to this story. It means alot.
Part 3
Y/n splashed cold water on her face. She was going through the tornado of emotions after seeing Steve. She came home earlier than she was suppose to, after putting Malcolm to bed while answering his so many questions about his dad's sudden arrival, she stayed in his bed and kept looking at her son.
Their son.
She had seen Steve’s childhood pictures and she had seen Malcolm when he was born. Nobody could pick a difference because Malcolm was exactly like Steve when he was a baby. Malcolm was still a baby to her but as he grew older, a lot of her habits were same as Steve. Just like when he was in deep sleep, his lips were slightly parted and he’d always cuddle on something, be it his stuff animal or another pillow. Steve had a habit of cuddling his pillow back when they didn’t start dating. After that, he’d always snuggled into her to sleep.
Y/n felt like she’d throw up. It was hard swallowing the lump in her throat. She didn’t want to cry.
She won’t cry.... she kept repeating it to herself. She did enough crying four years ago, she won’t do it again. So she started splashing cold water on her face. It wasn’t working though, she could still feel Steve’s hot breath on her neck. She could still feel the wetness of his tears on her skin. His I’ve missed you kept ringing in her ears. He was back. He had come back.
Did she miss him?
Had she forgiven him?
No!...... but she knew she would..
Did she still love him?
She didn’t know.. or she didn’t want to look into heart and know..
The conflict between her heart and brain was nerve wrecking. She was tired. She didn’t have energy to face Steve or answer Malcolm’s question. She could see the radiant happiness on Malcolm’s face ever since he came back from seeing Steve.
She dried her face on the towel and apply a moisturizer slowly on her face. Once she was done, she took a window seat in her room and sat there blankly looking out the window. She wanted to yell at Steve for coming back into their life, stirring the calm.
"Daddy come with us, mama?"
"I don’t know, Mal."
"You come, Daddy?"
Steve looked at his son's face and then at Y/n' s. She wasn't even looking at him. He gulped hard. How could he say no to this innocent face.
"It’s late, buddy, but if your mama allows, I can come meet you tomorrow. What say?"
"Mama, daddy come 'mowow ouw home? Pwease."
Y/n clearly didn't want that to happen but she couldn't take that away from Mal so she nodded her head with a small "Okay."
"Daddy can come in the morning."  She said smiling half heartedly.
"Yayyyy daddy see in the mowning." Malcom jumped happily and into Steve's arms once again.
"In mowning I show my twucks, I 'ave wed and bwue twuck, daddy."
"Wow, I'd love to see all the trucks, buddy." Steve kissed his both cheeks.
"What is your favourite thing to eat in breakfast? I'm gonna bring it for you?" Steve asked Malcolm, hoping Y/n would answer for him.
"Bwue bewwy pan cakes." Answer came immediately, "Mama, you make pankcakes for daddy and me."  Malcolm turned around still in his father's grip.
"Mhmm..." that's all Y/n could come up with.
There was an uncomfortable silence between them. Steve cleared his throat after a while and began to talk but cut off by Y/n almost immediately.
"Give me your number, I'll text you my address. Malcolm wakes up at around 9 on weekends, so make sure you'd be there by then."
She was looking everywhere but him. Steve nodded and put Malcolm down.
"Y/n...." Steve tried to have her attention on him by gently holding her elbow. He wanted her to stay a bit more.
She pulled out of Steve's gentle grip. The look she gave was enough for Steve to take a step back.
"I just wanted to talk for a bit.... about Malcolm."
Nodding her head she crouched down to Malcolm’s level and said, "Mal, would you please go sit in the car? Lily will take you to the car. Mama’s gonna talk to daddy, okay sweetheart?"
"I wan’ stay with you and daddy."
"My love, daddy and I will have grown up talk. You're gonna see daddy in the morning."
"Okhay mama."
He made the cutest pout and gosh, Steve forgot to blink, four years ago he'd have moved a mountain if Y/n would asked him to with that pout on her face.
Hell, he would still do anything she’d asked him to.....
Malcolm might have gotten his looks from Steve but there was Y/n’s analogy in him as well.
He was purely a product made out of their love and this mere thought spread warmth in Steve’s whole being.
He saw Malcolm running towards Lily who was nearby. Y/n turned towards him, her face stoic again.
"Malcolm Steven Rogers. He is three and a half years old. In five months he's going to be four."
She was looking straight into his eyes.
“When did you.... were you pregnant when... when yo-"
“I found out three-four weeks later after coming here.” She replied.
“He was born pre-mature, at thirty four weeks. But he was a healthy baby.”
“Was there any complication?” Steve asked hesitantly.
“Yes, there was! But that’s none of your concern.” Her tone was cold again, and Steve wanted to say something but she stopped him by raising her hand.
“I am only going to talk about Malcolm here. I would really appreciate you don’t bring what had been left in the past. You’re here for Malcolm, he deserves to know you as a father. Either he wants you in his life or not, is going to be his decision.”
She set the boundary, loud and clear. Steve’s face turned pale. He wanted to say so much to her, may be a hug but he couldn’t even budge a muscle.
“I-I want.. Y/n, I-I....”  A tear slipped on his cheek, he was unable to speak without crying. He was overwhelmed with so many emotions.
“Give me your phone.” Y/n asked.
Punching her number in his phone, she returned the phone and turned away to left.
Steve saw her figure disappear, he thought his heart would break out of his chest. He had spend almost four years without her and it was all his fault if now she didn’t want him around her. Four years ago, when he thought everything between them was perfect. He took his mom to buy an engagement ring for Y/n. He has saved money for the perfect diamond ring. It cost him a fortune but he didn’t care. He was excited to start a new life with her. They had just graduated college and it was the best time to propose. The night of their graduation party at the club in front of the harbour but what happened that night had led him here at this place where he was seeing the woman he had always loved and his son.
“Y/n.... Y/n, you okay?” Alice came to sit beside Y/n with a cup of hot chocolate.
Y/n was in so much distress, she didn’t realise let out a sob. Her tears started falling down freely. Alice pulled her in a hug, after a while when she seemed to be a little calm, she spoke.
“Steve’s here.”
“What?” Alice thought she didn’t hear her clearly.
“Steve’s here in Boston... and Malcolm... he didn’t...” she was struggling.
“Okay, take a breath Y/n. Just in and out, in and out....”
“He- Mal invited him for the breakfast. He’s so happy to see his father. You didn’t see how his face lightens up when Steve was holding him.” She told her through tears.
Alice was quite, she was processing all the new information she had just gotten.
“How are you Y/n/n?” Alice asked after a short while.
“I want him to get the hell out of our lives.... away from here.”
“I asked, how are YOU?”
“I don’t know, Alice. I don’t know. I’m so mad at him. I want to yell at him and slap him.... and ask what took him so long. You know what, I don’t want to cry for him. I thought I’ve had done all the crying but I was....” she was sobbing uncontrollably.
“....... he hugged me and said he missed me and I can��t shake that feeling when I was so close to him.... I felt safe and I hate it. I hate it that I can’t be mad at him. I hate it that I still want to be loved by him and only him. I hate myself right now, Alice. I feel pathetic.”  
“No, its not pathetic to feel that way, honey. It’s normal. It shows how strong your love is. All these feelings are pure. Your anger, your frustration and your love. Steve will know what he has lost.”
Y/n's hand was in Alice’ soft grip.
“Everything's going to be okay, honey. You will be okay. Malcolm will be okay. Things will fall into place in time.” She smiled and hugged Y/n, “I’m so proud of you Y/n/n.... Malcolm is lucky to have a mother like you.”
“I’m the luckiest to have him, Alice.” She whispered.
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Bucky saw him sitting in the bar. Him and Wanda with few other colleagues were there to celebrate the success of her first showcase. Bucky found him in the corner of the bar.
“Buck....” Steve smiled. He stood up and hug Bucky.
“Good to see you man! What are ya doing here?”
“I was here for work visit, had to attend some stupid showcase thing....”
“Showcase? You mean for Pepper Potter?”
“Yeah! I’m here on Tony’s behalf, Tony’s her husband....”
“I know him. Who doesn’t know that bastard.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “Well, it was Wanda’s first showcase.” He told Steve.
“How do you know Wanda Maximoff?  
“What do you mean? She’s my fiancé, Steve.”
“Your fiancé? Wait, when did that happen? Does mom know?”
“No, not yet. Wan and I have planned to go to NewYork next weekend. Wana surprise her.”
“I’m so happy for you Buck.” Steve hugged his best friend again. His voice gave way and Bucky was quick to pick that up.
“You okay, Steve?”
“Yeah! Yeah..” Steve cleared his throat.
“C'mon man!” He looked at Steve’s face and immediately knew what could have happened.
“You saw Y/n?”
“And my son also.” Steve swallowed hard. “Buck, did you know about Malcolm... why didn’t you tell me, why did you hide from me?”
“Because it wasn’t my place to tell, Steve. When I came to Boston and met Y/n, she was six months pregnant. We started hanging out alot. I spent almost whatever free time at her house.”
Bucky paused when bar tender refilled Steve’s glass.
“I think Y/n and I... we both were coming to terms with our heart breaks. We were starting to accept the fact that we just have to deal with it. Wanda has been a rock for both of us. I didn’t know how it happened but Wanda just made her way into my heart and I let her have it, she mend my heart.”
“When Malcolm was born, Y/n made me promise not to tell you and Sarah. She wanted to start fresh with her son.”
“I understand, Buck. I’m not blaming you. I deserve this.”
“You know, Wanda and I were on our first date when Y/n went into labour. I was waiting outside the hospital, I thought about calling you here, you know, just so you’d know but Sarah called and told me you were engaged to Peggy.”
Steve gulped down the drink. In that moment, he hated himself. Just thinking about Y/n in pain while giving birth to his child, his whole body went into spirals.
“I wanted to beat you down, Steve. What were you thinking?”
“I still don’t know Buck. I lost the purpose. Only thing I could think of was getting myself indulged in my work. Eleanor suggested this whole engagement thing and the benefits it will bring and I just went with it.”
“Does Y/n know about.... engagement?” Steve asked after a short while.
“Nope. Nobody here knows about it. But I think you should tell her.”
“I’m going to end things with Peggy first.” Steve’s phone buzzed on the table. He saw a text message from Y/n made, giving him the address and reminding him to be there by 9AM. A small smile spread across Steve’s features. Bucky gave him a suspicious gaze.
“I’m having breakfast with my son tomorrow.” Steve’s smile reached his eyes. “Y/n just sent me her address.”
“Don’t break their hearts, Steve.”
“You don’t trust me, Buck. Do you?”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s Peggy and Eleanor I don’t trust. They have done it before and they’ll do it again.”
“I won’t let them harm my son and Y/n again, Buck. I’ll protect them with my life.”
“I know you will. I’m glad that you get to meet Malcolm. Gosh, he’s the sweetest kid.”
“I know right. It’s hardly been an hour since I met him and I love him already.”
“Ofcourse, blood attraction or what Sarah says...” Bucky started laughing when Wanda came over.
“Buck, where have you been? I was waiting for you.” She leaned on his shoulder and Bucky wrapped his arm around her. She tilted her head to see Steve sitting next to Bucky and Wanda frowned.
“What are you doing here?” She asked Steve angrily.
“Wan, he was there on behalf of Tony Stark. Please...”
“I don’t care, I need him to go and never come back here.”
“Wan, please calm down. He’s not gonna hurt them.”
“Oh you can trust him but I can’t and I won’t. Listen Rogers, you have done enough, I don’t want you around my sister and my nephew. You need to go.”
Steve was bewildered to say the least.
“I’m not gonna hurt them, I promise.” Steve said quietly
“I don’t care. I won’t let you go near them.” Wanda yelled, getting unnecessary attention from other people. Bucky had to drag her out the bar to calm her down.
As much as Steve felt insulted, he was happy that Y/n and Malcolm were surrounded by people who actually love them and care about them. It was his duty to provide them with love and safety but he failed them. He had failed her and their son and he will never forgive himself for that, just like he had not forgiven himself for cheating on her.
He didn’t remember that night. They were at the club, Y/n was right beside him. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself because Y/n was looking breathtaking gorgeous in that red dress. He had done all the arrangements to propose to her. It was the perfect night, night of their graduation party and he was so excited.
Y/n excused herself to dance with Bucky. He’d been in the same spot drinking, having fun. but after that it was like a clean slate. He didn’t remember what happened, how it happened. He had thought about it numerous times but he couldn’t remember it. It was like the memory wasn’t even there. In a matter of few minutes, their life had turned upside down and he didn’t know how to fix it.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
more otto and aunt wucy pls!! this time pestering papa 😆
Well we know that Otto has a bit of a potty mouth. Lucy also loves making people uncomfortable. And what makes people, especially Papa, more uncomfortable than a cherub faced Otto not understanding his parents sex life 😂
You Pwomised, Wiar
Summary: Wucy and Otto torture papa
Pairings: Otto White, Lucy Drysdale X Ransom Drysdale
Rating: This kid is funny...
Warnings: mild language from a child, Otto White, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 780
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Lucy Drysdale Masterlist
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Lucy sneaks around the corner seeing her dad relaxed by the pool, drinking a highball glass of straight bourbon, watching you swim in the pool. Lucy wretches at her parents who are still so consumed with one another when she remembers that Otto is here. She hears the little boy attempt to get some ice cream out of the freezer.
"Mimi and papa know your wet feet are in the kitchen getting ice cream?"
"Nope," he answers happily just getting a spoonful of chocolate chip cookie dough, not even bothering to get a bowl. "Went to go poop."
"That's nice. You going back outside to swim with mimi?"
"Yep," he takes another bite of the sweet cream before looking up at Lucy. "Why you asking? You gotta a pwan?"
"You like torturing people like I do, right?" he nods, licking the his lips. "Remember that conversation you had with Blade and me at the mall when we ran off the Tiramisu?" he nods his head taking the biggest bite of ice cream. "I think you should ask papa about that."
"About jumping on da bed? He won't tell me why I can't. I alweady asked."
"No, the ugly words," she gives him a big smile, but he shakes his head no. "I'll take you to Coldstone later."
Taking another bite of ice cream, his eyes get really large, "With cookie dough and sprinkles?"
"MmmHmm. I think papa needs to tell you where babies come from."
"Whewe do babies come from?"
Lucy grabs up his spoon taking her own bite from the carton. "Ask papa."
Otto rolls his eyes, and his ice cream stained face runs back outside to the pool, "Papa!" his little legs shuffle towards Ransom, who holds out his arms for Otto to jump on to him. "Papa, mommy and daddy dey want anothew baby."
"Yeah, I know," he rolls his eyes while you laugh at him. He hates thinking about any of his kids wanting to have babies, until the baby is born. Hating to think of how they were created.
"Daddy...he told mommy he was going to, to..." his eyes drift back to Lucy who nods her head at him. Leaning forward to Ransom he whispers, "Fuck a baby in her."
Ransom's face falls flat, and he starts shaking his head. "Kitten, Otto is moving in with us. His parents are nasty."
"No dey not. Whewe does babies come from since daddy is going to fuc..."
"No! Don't say that again. They come from," your big baby looks over to you in the pool. "Kitten, where do babies come from?"
"Their mom."
"I know dat, but how do dey get thewe? Wike how? Papa, you and mimi had wots of kids, how did you get them der? Did you fu...I'm sowwy what wowd do I use besides that one? Dats what daddy told mommy," Ransom's fingers start cleaning off the little boy's sticky face. Laughing at this conversation.
"I'm going to have to ground your parents. When two people love..."
"Ran," you start to get out of the pool, grabbing a towel, you pick up the sweet boy. Ransom whispering a soft 'Oh, thank God.' "Buddy, are you worried that they want another baby?"
"No," his face turns up at you. "I want a bwothew. But, but how did I get der? Because my angel daddy put me dare?"
"Yes," Ransom answers with certainty, thinking it'll be the end. His hands rubbing on his temples. "I knew that one would be trouble. She's too much like her mother."
"Story is just like you. Otto, your angel daddy wasn't an angel when you were put in your mommy's tummy."
"So he just touched her bewwy?"
"Yes, Kitten. That's enough. His parents should talk to him about this, since they want to use that ugly language in front of him," he takes a long swig of his bourbon, "You kiss your mama with that filthy mouth little man?"
"Yep. But dey didn't say it in fwont of me. I got ice cweam. Oh, I gotta get dwessed. Aunt Wucy is taking me to Coldstone."
Ransom's face looks back at the estate, knowing who put his sweet little Otto up to this conversation, "Luciana Violet Drysdale!"
"Traitor," she whispers at Otto who gives her a little wave and you kiss his cheek. "I'm not taking you to Coldstone now."
"You pwomised, wiar," he gives his best pouty face, trying to make himself cry, but it doesn't work.
"Mimi, will take this buddy to Coldstone. Let's go get dressed," he tries to wink at Lucy but it's just a hard double blink. Giving her the best sly grin. "Let's go you two. We'll have a family outing. Even though Otto had some ice cream. You're going to turn into ice cream, bud."
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
If the pokemon could talk, would the baby Pokémon try to sing the Cuppycake Song to express how much they love Phoebe? I don’t think she would survive the cuteness! 💗
All of them would sing Pokemon versions of nursery rhymes and do toddler talk.
UwU me want owan bewwy pwease.
Though I think it would make their crying a bit more unbearable because it wasn't one word anymore. Grimm is the one who complains
But Phoebe loves them nonetheless, she's like a second mother to them since she took care of them along with their parent Pokemon.
They would always call for her, and she gets a mini heart attack from the cuteness. Them chasing after her to catch up to her like little ducklings
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angel-archivist · 4 years
the only things motivating me to push through the last like 98 episodes of tma i have to listen to are 1. ill b able to yell abt it with you and 2. i’ll be able to start a81 and then yell about THAT with you
AHHHH YEAH FUCK YEAH, the day we can talk about tma AND A81 is a joyous one 🥺🦷👉👈 bewwy i just wanna frusteratingly explain to you why i hate what they did with rats character arc awsdhfddfhudfg 💕💕💕💕
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deceit-sandersss · 4 years
Dukeceit ticklefic
“Aww does somebody need a belly rub?~” Remus grinned. Deceit blushed and hid behind his hat. “Noooo it tickles...” Deceit said shyly. Remus smirked and took a step closer and Deceit took a step back. Remus just kept walking towards him. Deceit walked backwards and accidentally tripped and fell. Well... Almost fell. Remus had caught him in his arms, so now Deceit was dipped backwards. Remus’s smirk grew wider as he noticed he had perfect access to his belly. He pulled Deceit back up onto his feet and slipped a hand under Deceits shirt and gently rubbed his fingers into his soft scaly belly. Deceit’s eyes widened and he bit his lip. “Reehehe it tihihihickles..” Deceit grabbed Remus’s wrist but didn’t move his hand. He could feel himself weaken in his arms. “Hehehehehe..” Deceit let out adorable giggles. “Aww you wike du bewwy wubs don’t you?~” Deceit hated when Remus used baby talk on him. “Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Remus grinned mischievously and wriggled his fingers into the little chubby part of his belly. Deceit snorted and trembled. “No I don’ wike it!!” Deceit said childishly. He felt so small in Remus’s arms right now. He felt like a child. Oh god he didn’t want to get vulnerable right now. But it was to late. “Wehehehehmush! Stahahap ihihit!!” Deceit jerked away every single time Remus hit that one very sensitive spot on his belly. Remus grinned and rubbed his thumb into Deceits sensitive spot and watched as he squirmed and squealed helplessly in his arms. “REEHEHE!!!” Deceit squeaked and trembled. He felt so small, so small in his big arms. He snorted and slapped a hand over his mouth. Remus smirked and gently kissed his navel over and over again. Deceit’s eyes widened and he held onto Remus’s arm tightly. Every kiss sent shivers up his spine. Remus smiled and this time he’d moan while kissing him, that way it could send a little vibration to Deceits navel. Deceit squeaked and squeezed Remus’s arm tighter. “REE! NO! STAHAHAP! SNRRK!” He snorted and hid behind his hat. Remus smirked and took a big deep breath in, and blew a giant raspberry on his navel. Deceit basically screamed when Remus did that. He was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. Remus grinned and did it again. “REMUS PLEASE!” Deceit begged, but Remus wanted to make Deceit lose his mind. “Scream for me again snakey~” Remus teased, and kept blowing raspberries all over his stomach. Deceit would let out happy screams and laughter. Deceit squirmed so much but it was no use. Remus blew a raspberry into Deceits neck, and that’s when he had lost it. “AAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!! REEEEEHEHE!!!” Remus went to the one sensitive spot on his neck and blew a giant raspberry there too. “BAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHO! REHEHEHE!!!” Deceit couldn’t handle much more. “Aww can du wittle snakey not take it anymore?~” Deceit hated when Remus teased him like this. That was the worst thing about this. “Awwh Baby Boy.. it’s ok~ I know you’re very sensitive-“ Remus blew another raspberry. “But that’s alright! Cause then that means I get to hear your adorable wittle giggles~” Deceit was laughing so hard he didn’t really try to fight back anymore. But he did need to breathe. He really needed to breathe, but it didn’t seem like Remus wanted to stop anytime soon. But Deceit didn’t care. “REEEEHEHEHE!!!! BREHEHEHEHEATH!!!! NEEHEHEED!!!! AIR!!!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!!!” Deceit screamed and laughed. Remus stopped but not before blowing a little raspberry on his sensitive spot one last time. Deceit snorted and giggled. Remus let go and watched as the poor snek boi squirmed away and hid behind his hat. Remus smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Come oooon, lemme see that adorable blushing face of yours~” Remus teased. Deceit trembled and let out a small hiccup. He peeked over his hat to see a mischievous smiling Remus. Remus blew a kiss at him and walked away with his hands on his hips. “Love ya snakey~” Deceit bit his lip and sighed in relief and slid down the wall. Deceit giggled and curled in on himself at the thought of all the sides blowing raspberries on him. It drove Deceit wild. But for now he could relax.
Hope you enjoyed!! ✌🏻Might make a Part 2???
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mango-shpango · 4 years
Quiet: who is your favorite person to talk to? (also loving the new blog theme lo!!!!! bewwy cute 🥰 🎃🦇 🍂👻)
Willow rn!! They are v nice and I love em and I'm gay I'm sorry- Jerm is a close second tho cause we just cause chaos- (and thank you!!!)
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bewwy · 6 months
Today the Philza fans ate
Like, there is no other way to say it.
We had a banquet
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Funny As(s)k Friday! What Vine are each of your OCs most likely to reference? (Not one that reminds you of them, but one they love so much that they'll keep using it)
thank you for the FAF question!!
I’ve typically answered internet-related questions with Deity Complex characters, and I don’t think I’m gonna stop now!!
Hunter’s favorite vine would be the one where the two guys are yelling at a duck saying “YOURE NO GOOD, DUCK. YA JUST. LIKE. YA FATHAH” and they would yell that out and random cows along the highway whenever they get bored a;lskdfa;lkfdj
On the other hand, Viola d i e s every time she sees the one vine series with the guy who was really into berries??? you know, the one with the high pitched voice who talked in a sing song about berries?? i dont personally remember the words, but she would combat Hunter’s annoying tendencies with her own, and whenever they got a fruit in the car or saw a billboard with one, or even just saw one in a gas station, she would just be like “whewes mah bewwie?? I FOUND IT” and they’d have to buy them because she licks them on impulse
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muthaz-rapapa · 5 years
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Taking a break from finishing that review technical report ugh why do I need to talk so much? to point out all the adorable, funny stuff going on in these shots cuz BABY PRECURE KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! x333333
Come to think of it, it was awfully thoughtful of Miden to put them all safely in a playroom instead of leaving them out on the street…
…anyways, LOOK AT MIRACLE AND MAGICAL! Even with their Precure memories taken away, they’re still inseparable and omgawd~, Magical looking up at Miracle like she’s the entire world and is our lil’ tsundere dojikko about to serenade a lovely song for her sweetheart?!?!! Dear god, even as babies they’re romantic with each other!! xDD
*lays down in my tears and dies happeh*
And then there’s Marine getting ready to take on Mount Everest while trying to drag Blossom with her, LMAO xDDD;;
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Ok, from left to right:
- Aww, the Precure 5 girls stick together~! <3 As do the Smile girls (almost).
- Mermaid and her dolphin plush, so cute~!
- Sunny got folded. xDD;;
- Heart, don’t eat that! You don’t know where it’s been!
- It’s a variation of Princess Ball.
- Rhythm doing Felice’s hair!!! Kill me, just kill me now!
- For Honey, the ball pit is just as good as the hot tub.
- A puzzled Passion: “Bewwy~, I’m sinking~” and Berry trying to heave her out.
- Moonlight and the quiet corner, heheheheaaaawwww~
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Rewind a bit to the view from earlier:
- Splash Star - lol, Luminous attaching herself to the group that looks similar to Black and White.
- Yes!5 - Milky Rose got run over on the slide. xD;
- Fresh - How are they balancing themselves so perfectly?
- Heartcatch - Moonlight and Sunshine look so bored while the other two are busy doing whatever they’re doing. ^^;
- Suite - They’re the one who got here first, right? That’s why they got the best cushion seat in the house, right?
- Smile - Ball…ball…ball…ball…
- Doki Doki - That happened.
- HaCha - I’m betting they got there second.
- Go!Pri - Is…is Twinkle using Flora and Mermaid as a mattress?! A literal rolling mattress? And are they using their hair as some sort of bedding for her?! (Meanwhile Scarlet is like “Oooo, let me try~!”)
- Kira Kira - Aoi’s teaching Ichika how to dance…I think.
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And this last shot (wee~, they all maze-maze-ed!) because why the heck not:
- Nice to see the models hanging out together and the fashionistas hanging together and the stage celebrities hanging out together.
- lol, Miyuki and Itsuki look so confused being stuck between those two people for some reason.
- Minami still has eyes only for Haruka.
- @ Love & Nozomi THOSE DORKS!
- The elementary school kids lined up like matryoshka dolls. Smol, Smaller, Small.
- Aaaannnddd Mirai and Riko are still inseparable. Gewd! (∗>꒳<)b
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goodtimemealtime · 5 years
So I have a coworker who's blind and has a seeing-eye dog, and yesterday when no one but us were in the museum, he started talking in owo and saying stuff like
"Hewwo Bewwy, how aw you today?"
Precious man 💛💛
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
I have arrived a day ahead of blade and lo’s schedule to ask for more squishy baby crumbs 🥺 Like,,, Blade lo and squishy girl just staying at home and chilling probably baking and playing video games. Everything that comes with domestic bliss please 😭
Aww...Blade, Lo, and the Squishy girl! I love these three, and they're just so laid back when they're at home too! Blade found him one that is a bit of a nerd herself.
Saturday Afternoon Naps
Summary:  Saturday’s with your family
Pairings:  Blade/Lo X Fable
Rating:  fluff
Warnings: talking Squish, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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Squish holds tightly to her dad as he walks into the kitchen for breakfast.  Her mouth opens up wide and she releases a long yawn.  Her head shakes around causing the cutest jiggles to her cheeks.  Her lips smack together and she gives you a swollen eyed smile.  “You went back to bed with daddy, and you’re waking up even sleepier?”
“Nu-uh,” she giggles and lays her head on Blade’s shoulder.  “Pancakes and chic-choc,” Blade turns and looks at his sleepy daughter, and presses his lips against her nose, “Eww, no kissy,” her feet try to propel herself off of him, and he goes to set her down.  Those chubby little legs running into the living room to pull out some toys.
“You gonna make the chocolate milk?  I’ll make the pancakes,” you tell your big tatted man, standing on your tippy toes to give him a kiss.  Moving around the kitchen to get what you need for breakfast.
“Add some chocolate chips to hers.  Mine, too, if you want,” the two of you listen and watch over at your little girl trying to wake herself up, and it ends up being a lot of pushing the buttons on her musical toys.  
She’ll randomly stand up and rub at her eyes, “Fabby?” you yell into the living room and she looks up at you, “Daddy’s too comfortable and you sleep too good huh?”
“Yep,” her nose sticks up in the air, and she sniffs like a dog; waddling into the kitchen.  Her nose sniffing up your leg and causing you to giggle, before she moves over to Blade, “Smells good.”
“Not me,” he tells her.  “That’s your mom’s food,” he takes a glance over to the stove as you start turning everything off, and plating up everybody’s food.  He carries her over to her chair, and places her in it so sweetly.  “Here ya go,” Blade hands her the “chic-choc” almond milk, and she greedily drinks it.  Having to stop herself to come up for air.  
Your little family of three eat the pancake breakfast, Fable bouncing around and humming some Disney song, and when she’s finished she rubs on her belly, and then pats it with both hands.  “Big bewwy, wook it,” she giggles at her belly, looking between the two of you.  “Get dwessed?” Blade jumps up to grab her, taking her into her big girl room to pick out her clothes.  Giving her two options of each item.  
Finishing up in the kitchen before you, already been dressed go into her bathroom, and he has her sitting on the sink looking at herself, “Piggy’s or bunnies?”
Squish furrows her brows as she thinks about her biggest decision of the day.  Her hands run through her wettened hair before answering, “Bunnies wike Awweigh.”
You’re not sure how he did it, but he picked up well on dressing a little girl.  Her outfits a bit modern, but comfy.  Opting for bloomer shorts, and a shirt, with her long tube socks.  Sitting her on the ground, she’s finally waking up.  Running into her room, she grabs out some toys, while you and Blade have a short little kissing moment.  “I like that kid,” he tells you.  “I like that kid a lot.  If we can have another one just like her, I’ll give it to you right now.”
“You couldn’t right now, our daughter is in the next room.”
“Get your spoon,” you tell Fable, and she grabs up her panda spoon, licking her lips at the confetti cake batter.  “Uh-uh, it’s gotta be mixed.  Raw eggs are bad.”
Fable starts mixing, and randomly tries to stick her finger in the batter, “Raw eggs are bad.”
“No eggs,” she tells you looking around the batter for these eggs you keep talking about.  “See, no eggs.”
“Because you’re mixing them in.”
“Lo, sweetheart, we eat raw eggs, and we’re okay.  Just let her have just a little taste,” while Blade has his back to Squish, she lifts up that spoon to her mouth.  Sticking her tongue out she licks all the way up, and puts the spoon back in.  “Just one taste won’t hurt her.  She just licked the spoon, didn’t she?” you nod your head, and he turns to face her.  Her cheeks sticky with the batter and she smiles up at him.  “Did you lick the spoon?”
“What’s that on your face?” 
“So if I lick your face, I’m licking snot,” Squish retches at Blade, shaking her head.  “You didn’t lick the spoon already?”
“Nope.  No wick,” her little finger goes closer to the batter needing another taste.
“Fable, you have blue sprinkle on your nose.”
“Bwue snot.  Can I wick da spoon now?”
“No,” you giggle at them taking the bowl from her.  “We gotta put these in the cups, and then you can lick the bowl, even if there’s raw eggs.  And don’t say there’s no eggs.  You did a good job of mixing,” Fable’s practically drooling watching you fill up the cupcake liners.  Her eyes constantly looking into the bowl to see how much she’s going to get to eat.  “What color frosting?”
“Like her snot,” Blade adds in.  You slide the empty bowl over to her and Blade, while you stick the cupcakes into the oven.  Stealing a bit of the batter from Fable who looks at you like you stole something from her. 
“Not youws.  Dis has waw eggs.  No eat.”
“Moana!” Fable bounces up and down when the movie starts.  She walks closer to the tv to see the baby Moana play with the water.  Her hands clap, and she tries to repeat every word.  You let out a yawn and go to lay over Blade.  It was time for your Saturday afternoon nap.  You don’t remember when you and Blade became the old couple that took naps on Saturday while a Disney movie played, but you didn’t care.  It was a nice and comfortable.
Fable turns to look at you, and quickly turns back to the movie, and then back to you and Blade.  Blade gives her a little giggle as she tries to figure out what she wants to do.  “I way wif you?”
Snuggling in deeper to Blade, he doesn’t say a word, just holds out his hand.  Squish climbs up onto the couch in front of him.  Grabbing at your hand while Blade wraps his around her.  “Wuv you.”
“Love you too Squishy girl,” Blade mumbles, giving her a kiss on her head.
“Mommy loves you, too baby.”
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Escoose me!
i are bewwy lil rights now and I needs a fwiend to talks to 😊!
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angel-archivist · 4 years
jormy jormy jormy!!!! i haven’t rly talked 2 u today how are you!!! what’s on your mind??? ilyyyyyy
GRR HELLO BEWWY!!!!!! we havent really talked today >:00000 AM GOOD!!!!! kinda! a wittle tired but p good for the most part!!!! I had fun at the farm today it was very *clears throat* yeehaw /j duhfihuihigf had a lot of time to daydream in the car so the oc brainrot is real HUUSDFUIFG ILY TOO!!!!! what about u??
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seilon · 7 years
hello jsyk this whoole thing started bc some1 wrote a small fic abt jong being kissed on his stomach and honestly i dont understand how ppl got "u belittle jong" from that it was literally just a fic and an author choosing one trait of his to show. literally no 1 said they actually think he is ultra feminine to the point of what u guys r saying and its just so so so out of control
this did not start because of any fic lol. people are hella. hella saying that hes ultra feminine to the point of what im saying. i m not gonna go and list names or something but dude there are people who infantalize him on here and they’re popular too! its not like im pulling this issue from my ass or something. i have NO IDEA what the fic is ur talking about. my dude this did not start from a fic, personally i see people tagging posts with strings of petnames and at this point they were getting objectifying, infantilizing, and in some cases edging on pedophilic. literally it doesnt matter if you wanna headcanon or assume what you will about an idol based on a mix of fact and your own imagination- like, idols are paid as part of their job pretty much to be characters- so write whatever you want, make headcanon or idea lists! make aus! its all good! whatever! a fic like what you’re saying would totally not bother me and shouldnt really bother anyone! im just annoyed at actually referencing the real life person in tags and in posts that treat these ideas as if they’re actual reality when they’re exaggerated and based on a persons personal preference. jjong has said hes feminine, but he didnt say that he wants to be called “hes just a baby wittle muffin pretty pink princess who deserve so many bewwy wubs and kissies!!!!” like that is literally shit im seeing and that is what bothers me. i really dont see how people arent seeing this as disrespectful. 
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