#beverly marsh headcanons
morrirylet · 3 months
stanley is a people watcher
stanley uris is a quiet boy and he's always been the quietest of the losers
it's just something that runs in the uris family, they're very calm and quiet people with a lot of secrets and unspoken words. every time stanley talks more than he should or louder than he should he gets this "be quiet, it's inappropriate" look so stanley just behaves and observes
it's just easier to learn what dad's face looks like when he's silently angry so you don't get scolded, it's just easier to memorize mother's breathing rate when she's annoyed. stanley was a people watcher from a young age because he always had to predict his parents' moods
stanley is a people watcher and it's something that he hates about himself. he knows people too well
he just knows why bev's cheeks turn all red when she's looking at bill he just knows why ben's all sad when he sees bev and bill together he just knows when mike's smile is fake because he's sad and needs extra care he just knows why richie's smile fades when he sees eddie not laughing at his joke he just knows exactly what eddie looks like when he's just pretending to be disgusted by richie ("idiots") and he knows for sure that bill doesn't love him the way he loves bill
stanley is a people watcher and he hates it because no one watches him. because stan is a closed book and most people don't try to go deeper than what they see. they see that he's a calm and quiet boy just like his parents taught him to be and that's okay for everyone
that's why stanley prefer watching birds instead. who knows what's going on in those little minds?
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eddiekaspbrakirlsblog · 3 months
I feel like after richie made the carving on the bridge he would always be trying to hurry the losers along when they inevitably walked over the bridge 💀💀💀 like he did it but didn’t think of the consequence that he now has to make sure none of his friends see it, for about two months richie lived in constant fear that one of the losers would see it and THEY WOULD KNOW.
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liv45no · 1 year
One afternoon in the barrens the losers all tried to spell out Eddie’s last name for a bet. All of them failed miserably.
“Noop. Next.”
“Close. Try again.”
“wHaT tHe fUcK-”
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marcomilkie · 9 months
love how we all collectively decided that stan was the first person richie ever came out to
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reddje · 3 months
losers fic writers what are ur losers middle names since they don’t have canonical last names 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
i’ve been writing losers club / it fics for seven years so i’ve had plenty of time to perfect their middle names so here they are
eddie’s middle name when i write him is always isaiah. it’s biblical, it’s pretty, and i just think eddie’s mom is very much about pretty perfect things and edward isaiah kaspbrak is just a pretty little name
alwaysssss wentworth! always! richard wentworth tozier is so ingrained into my mind that it’s almost canon to me. i just think wentworth and maggie are the type to name their kids after themselves and when richie was born they were like okay cute, little boy, dads name as his middle name.
i think stanley asher is so cute and it’s also a popular name in hebrew and it goes well with his last name so i do love it. truth be told i did do a little digging when i was 14 and needing a middle name for stan and asher was one of the names that kept showing up on popular jewish names websites so it kinda just stuck w me. stanley asher uris ur so famous to me <3
william henry 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ william henry denbrough 🤷‍♀️ and georgie’s middle name is james, even though he’s the only one with a canonical middle name 😭
mikes middle name is william bc it’s his dads name , but i also think he could’ve been named “michael leroy hanlon” after his grandfather. i tend to go with william though !
benjamin alexander!!! so so cutie pie just like he is.
beverly grace just screams at me idk. i just feel like her dad would’ve picked it, and she hates it, but richie found out about it and calls her by it all the time and it’s grown on her hearing him call her it. (bc they’re bffs)
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incorrect-losers · 6 months
any stozier friendship hc's?
looking for a friend
Stan and Richie 100% created their own language when they were 8 and 9 respectively and have continued using it forever. (It’s mostly used to talk shit about the other losers (Bill))
Stan gets really choked up when under pressure/when all attention’s on him (mostly because of his dad), but Richie is always able to see the signs that Stan’s panicking and derails the entire subject (it’s what he does best). They don’t talk about how that’s why Richie did that but Stan’s always grateful
Richie’s usually the only one that picks up on Stan’s overly complicated jokes (he ended up laughing too hard at a joke Stanley said about Bowers being Pavlov given the way he gets his dogs to drool, the losers thought he was mocking Stan)
Stan carries around a cloth to clean Richie’s glasses, them being dirty doesn’t bother Richie but it drives Stan up the wall
They both did little league together, Stan was really good, meanwhile Richie was in outfield picking daises. Stan ended up making the middle school baseball team. After the whole It debacle he told Richie if he had swung at a ball half as well as he swung at that clown he might’ve actually made it onto the team with him
Richie bought Stan his first puzzle as a joke when they were kids, calling it the lame joke present before giving Stan his real gift. Stan absolutely loved it though, it started his love for puzzles and he ended up glueing and framing it
They do a daily lunch swap because Stan loves Wentworth’s egg salad sandwiches and Richie can’t get enough of Andrea’s famous pasta salad
They’ve always 100% without question not skipping a beat said the other was their best friend when asked. Yes, all the losers are all best friends but Stan and Richie have always been the closest and everyone knew it.
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mykidneysbuddy · 5 months
roller skating IT headcanons
Richie CAN skate, surprisingly.. but he pretends not to know how just to be a goofy little boy <3
Eddie is somewhat okay at it, he's definitely not as good as richie when richies actually trying
whenever eddie falls, omg richie suddenly knows how to skate?!?!? and he's over there straight away helping eddie up?!?!?!?!
bev is AMAZING at it, better than richie, she can do all the moves and tricks and stuff, but usually hangs back with ben to help him
bill.. bill is not good.. he holds onto the wall the entire time, just moving along very slowly till he finally decides hes had enough and plays cards with stan till they can leave
stan knows how to, he's pretty decent at it, he just doesnt enjoy it (people everywhere, people bumping into you possibility, ESPECIALLY RICHIE, children crying whenever they fall over, etc.)
mike is the same as stan i'd say in the skill department
ben's not very good, probably around the same skill level as bill, except he actually tries, he doesn't just hang onto the wall -- he gets help from bev
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antisociallilbrat · 5 months
Ben: We’re best friends, of course you guys use me as a personal pillow.
Eddie: We’re best friends, I scold you becuase I care.
Beverly: We’re best friends, I will be forcing you to let me style you at least once.
Stan: We’re best friends, the only person allowed to be mean to any of you is me. I’ll actually kill someone who looks at you the wrong way though.
Mike: We’re best friends, I have a whole album in my phone of photos of you guys.
Richie: We’re best friends, I’m going to give you an annoying nickname.
Bill: Yeah! We’re best friends, of course I’ve a had a sex dreams about all of you.
The Losers: …
Bill: …Did I say something wrong?
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brain--drop · 1 year
Could I request Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, and Eddie Kaspbrak [separatly] with a significant other who buys them gifts all the time, and just basically wastes all their money on them.
Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh and Eddie Kaspbrak with Gift Giving S/O
The first time you give Richie a gift, he's pretty touched since he hardly gets anything out of the blue from someone other than his parents so he cherishes the first gift which was another Hawaiian shirt to add to his collection
The next couple times you give him more gifts, he gets pretty confused but still appreciates it. It takes you giving him about 10+ gifts in a month that he questions you about it, making a joke on how much in debt you're probably in
After you explain to him that you just love seeing him happy over the thoughtful presents (and that you are actually okay on money), he shakes his head and laughs at you thoughtfully
"Christ, looks like I'm gonna have to put that wallet of yours behind bars! At least give me a chance to return the favor!"
When Beverly sees the necklace that was hidden in its small gift box, she immediately tries to hand it back to you saying that she can't accept it, but you reassure her that you want her to keep it and put it on her before she can decline the gift again
She doesn't say it, but the more gifts you give her, the more flustered she gets from the pampered affection. In fact, she can't find the heart to tell you to slow down on them
Really, it gets to the point of her not finding much room to keep the gifts in that she gets you to slow down and even starts giving gifts back to you the further you are in your relationship
"Damn, you beat me to it! I also had a gift for you! Let me go get it then we can rock, paper, scissors on who opens theirs first, okay?"
With the first ever gift you give him, he looks at it with genuine but gleeful shock since wow, you really though of him enough to gift him something which was a nice little keychain that he could attach to his backpack or fanny pack
Each time you give him a gift from then on, the shock doesn't go away and the smile on his face shows you each time that he appreciates it, but he does get a bit concerned on the amount of gifts you throw his way after a while
When he asks you why you give him endless presents and hears your reply that you just like seeing him happy, he laughs and playfully rolls his eyes at you
"You bet that I'm gonna start giving you gifts back because I'll start feeling spoiled! ...By the way, we should really get a bookshelf for these gifts, I think I'm running out of space."
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thelosers-club · 7 months
Headcanon that beverly made friendship bracelets for the losers and they all have them on their wrists at all times even richie who made fun of it but wore it anyways
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morrirylet · 1 month
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beth mccarthy — she gets the flowers
so... who got the flowers?
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eddiekaspbrakirlsblog · 6 months
Reddie / IT Christmas / winter headcannons because the voices never stop 🤞
. The losers do secret Santa every year and Richie always trades with whoever gets Eddie.
. There’s a snowman building contest in Derry for who can build the best snowman and Maggie and Richie always sign up for it. They never ever win but they have the spirit.
. Eddie’s always going on at Richie because he doesn’t wear enough layers and gave him a scarf one time and Richie’s never given it back.
. There’s also a winter carnival every year that all the losers go to. They used to be chaperoned by Maggie but once they hit 15 they got the privilege of going alone.
. They have a massive Christmas tree in the town park and Eddie always goes out to see the lights turned on w the Toziers.
. Every year the losers have a literally insane snowball fight like it’s war , they split into teams and plan strategy and everything.
. Reddie making snow angels. That’s all I have to say.
. Beverly claims she can smell when it’s going to snow and somehow she’s always right.
. Beverly is also a girlie who wears skirts and dresses in the winter and she freezes her ass off but looks great.
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greenpidge101 · 1 year
we all know that the losers are all best friends but I feel like there's different sub-groups of the losers
Theres Richie and Stanley who were friends since diapers and basically grew up together.
Bill and Eddie met first day of preschool and have been attached at the hip ever since
The core four who met first day of kindergarten and grouped up because of their assigned seats. (Richie and Bill, Stanley and Eddie)
Bev and Bill shared a first kiss during a play and didn't get close until the summer Georgie went missing.
Ben helping Eddie and Bill build a dam in the Barrens, which led Richie to adopt him into the losers club
Bev and Richie having a strong bond, Beverly considering him to be her best friend
Mike and Eddie developing a deep friendship, hanging out on the farm and fixing up old cars.
Mike and Ben bonding over books and working at the library.
Richie, Bill, and Bev being the groups troublemakers, barely sharing a braincell.
Stan, Mike, and Ben having the braincells of the group
Stan and Ben go birdwatching together, because ben is the only one who can sit still and because he enjoys hanging with Stan
the losers go to ben whenever they have problems because he's a great listener.
Eddie and Ben like to build things together, they build a treehouse in Bens backyard.
Bill and Ben like to write together, they work on different projects and share ideas.
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automnestombe · 15 days
when reddie go to a concert together eddie insists that richie carries him on his shoulders to get a better view and richie pretends to be annoyed by it
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princess-glassred · 1 month
Losers Club Minecraft Headcannons
Constantly hopping up and down with out any signs of stopping. He is literally unable of walking anywhere in minecraft, and he constantly crouches and uncrouches whenever he has to stand still. If he stops being stimulated for one moment he wants to punch things.
Had a serious tnt and flint and steel problem at one point, now it's a server rule to limit his tnt usage and keep it far away from everyone's base.
Built a lot of penis shaped buildings before the novelty wore off.
Basically just a minecraft parasite, never gathering materials of his own and just constantly going "is for me 👉🏻👈🏻🥺". Stan's not even sure he wants to play the game, just wants to hang out with them.
constantly decked out in gold armor until he realized how shitty it was.
names all his animals stupid shit because he knows it annoys the crap out of Eddie
Mic quality is ABYSMAL. he sounds like he's conversing with them from the marianas trench.
His frame rate is also pretty ass
Dies A LOT.
Minecraft skin is a creeper in suit
Very good at redstone and building houses, sometimes using Redstone to create really cool effects around his base.
Has been approached multiple times by Eddie literally BEGGING him to build him a secret space so Richie doesn't touch his shit.
He really likes the End but hates the Nether for some reason
has a collection of secret little redstone projects somewhere he won't let his friends see cause they're kinda personal.
Wrote poetry for Bev in one of those minecraft books then threw it in the ocean.
Master of the command block
Extensively checks the minecraft wiki
Trades with villagers the most out of everyone
Knows all the mods cause he's addicted to watching minecraft mod showcases
The only one who can figure out what the fuck education edition is
Minecraft skin is just a space texture
-Constantly nervous about going caving or being out at night, he will start SPRINTING the second sundown hits
Utterly terrified of minecraft cave noises
Overfeeds himself all the time since the hunger bar makes him anxious
freaks out if he's under the water for even a second
Keeps his chests well organized but not nearly as much as Stan
One time Richie pranked him by telling him he better set his spawn point in the nether by sleeping and then the bed exploded, killing him. He's dreaded going to the nether ever since.
Plays minecraft the least since his mom doesn't want him on the computer too much
Spent his first night in minecraft cowering in a hole
In a weird fued with Richie where they only communicate through passive aggressive signs "Why would you keep your mom in a cage, Eddie?" "STAN FOR FUCKS SAKE BAN HIM".
Minecraft skin is literally just him, fanny pack and all
Simply adores doing little art projects on the server. She particularly loves pixel art but if she wants them to have cool effects she'll ask Ben for help red stoneing them sometimes.
Base is absolutely riddled with flowers, she really has an eye for that kinda stuff.
Really good at combat actually, especially when it comes to bows and arrows. She's had to go down and save Eddie and Richie from dying in the mines multiple times.
She fucking loves cherry wood, her whole house is cherry wood
Has like a million dogs with different colored collars
The queen of the dyes, everybody comes to her for dyes and bonemeal 24/7
Hosted a minecraft fashion show using armor stands and all the boys were surprisingly into it.
Minecraft skin in her in a white dress and flower crown
Whenever they wanna take a group screenshot he's the one to do it.
gave everyone a big rallying speech before they went into the end, only for Eddie to get glitched into a block and die right after
Very good at building mob spawners for some reason
Didn't even build his house, just went to a village and stole one of theirs
Richie dared him to write an entire novel in one of the minecraft books so he's ACTUALLY DOING IT
Loves his minecraft horse more than anything. Sometimes you can just find him riding that thing in a circle for funsies.
Always making sure to check on everyone's needs "B-bev you got enough f-fuh-food?" "Mike is your h-health good?" "Eddie is your p-pickaxe almost broken?"
Likes to type messages instead of talk since he's a little embarrassed by his stutter
The only person who knows about the poem Ben through in the ocean, he saw it but he's keepin quiet about it because it was awkward as fuck.
Minecraft skin is some random novel character nobody has ever heard of
The best at minecraft by far, and has beaten the game about a hundred times.
Ate a porkchop one time and everyone freaked the fuck out
Doing the most work out of everyone on this server
Punches Richie anytime he's gettin too rowdy
Has like a million safety things set in place around his base to protect himself from Richie's grubby little hands, including a moat.
He actually owns the server they're on, which makes Richie crack a lot of "Get off good christian jewish minecraft server!!" jokes.
The very first of the bunch to get Diamond armor, followed by Bill
Gear absolutely stacked with enchantments
Minecraft skin is just a much more detailed and higher quality version of the steve skin
Doesn't get to play often since his uncle makes him work
Because he doesn't enjoy killing animals for his uncle he's become the biggest animal lover in minecraft
He has EVERYTHING and he'd adopt a creeper if they'd let him
He has a chicken named Richie, a dog named Bill, a cow named Ben, a mooshroom named Beverly, a horse named Stan, and a sheep named Eddie.
He's also trying to do a vegan let's play cause he really really doesn't wanna hurt the cute little minecraft mobs. He really doesn't even wanna kill slimes.
New to video games in general so Stan is patiently and delicately guiding him through the step by step process.
Everyone's constantly losing track of where he is and then finding him again on like Bev's roof or inside a random hole.
One time everyone got hungry so in a panic he hid all his animals underneath his house.
Accidentally blew up one of Bev's projects and let Richie take the blame cause he was scared
Minecraft skin is default Steve, but Stan's working on a custom one for him.
Feel free to reblog/reply to this with some of your own i would love to hear em.
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reddieswift · 3 months
oooh i have a question!!
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