#bev and troi would walk into this and be like ???
rikardtoenterprise · 1 year
You know the post going on about something like “oh this show would be better if so and so kissed”
WELL, if riker and picard kissed, i’m not sure how it would contribute to the plot overall, but BOY, would it both resolve and complicate SO. MANY. THINGS.
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Happy Pride Month!
I’d like to take this time to say:
Beverly Crusher is bisexual and you can’t convince me otherwise :)
Allow me to demonstrate.
Exhibit A:
That time she barges in on Picard and Vash’s breakfast date knowing it would catch Picard off guard and make him lose his shit and THEN she proceeds to flirt with and actually STEAL his girlfriend lmaoooo
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(GIF via https://captainbeverlycrusher.tumblr.com/post/81020051500)
Plus in the same ep, the time when Worf looks at Vash and says "Nice legs ... for a human" and then Beverly ogles Vash as she walks away and then does a double take to check out her legs and wasn’t subtle about it at all!!!
Bev x Picard x Vash totally happened that night!
Exhibit B:
Let’s not forget that THIS was her reaction to seeing THEE Lwaxana Troi in all her nude glory. She simply doesn’t know what to do with herself! I believe this is what they call “gay panic” lololol Couldn’t be more obvious that Bev loves hot women as much as she loves her man Picard. Yes Bev, don’t suppress your feelings!
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(GIF via https://raffaela-musiker.tumblr.com/post/80734287387)
Exhibit C:
And finally there’s this ... wherein her reaction to having her wrist so lovingly kissed by her former male lover in a new female body makes her pause and consider “Hmmm am I really straight? Probably not”. I like to think of this as when she was in her early baby bi days, coming to terms with her sexuality and challenging all her beliefs about herself and about love <3
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(GIF via https://sapphicstartrek.tumblr.com/post/172940945260/requested-by-anon)
Not to mention all the tenderness she shows to the women in her life, the touches, the caresses, the knowing looks and soft smiles. The signs are all there. So.
In conclusion, Bisexual Bev is canon!!!
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halfwayinlight · 3 years
Title: Stay A Little Longer Part 1/2 Fandom Star Trek TNG Rating: PG Pairing:  Will Riker/Deanna Troi Notes:  follow up to Star Trek TNG season 6 episode Frame of Mind, aftermath of Will’s ordeal. Gratuitous hurt/comfort fic for @cleverdistraction I think it will be a 2 parter
Deanna knew that he wasn’t cleared to return to work, yet. She was sure he hadn’t even finished half of his report. Might not have even begun it. Will certainly hadn’t been cleared by his psych evaluation because she was the person who had to do that. But she was surprised to find that he was still in sickbay.
She hated sickbay. It was one of her very least favorite places to be because emotions were always heightened. Raw. And she could sense the anxiety and a deep, underlying exhaustion emanating from Will Riker before she even stepped out of the turbo lift. She used the corridor to plex and made a more conscious effort to shield herself from the spike of distress.
Walking into an ICU that was empty except for one ensign checking the bio beds was a relief. She hadn’t expected to see Will there, but it was still a relief to have as few crew and no injured or sick patients. But she could still sense that his distress was not easing any time soon. Deanna winced at the flare of emotion and paused.
She’d intended to speak to Beverly first, but her concern and the immediacy of it drew her to the private room. “Will?” she asked, pressing the quiet chime so she didn’t take him by surprise. But when there was no answer, she entered.
The Enterprise’s First Officer was sitting on the floor, his back against the bulkhead, knees bent and feet on the floor.  His hair was a mess, and the dark circles under his eyes were only darker. His hand rubbed over his beard, and he gave a sigh. “Sorry,” he mumbled, head falling back to rest against the wall behind him.
“May I sit with you?” she asked, wanting to move immediately to him but recognizing the signs of post-traumatic stress. So she chose to stand where she was, angled slightly in an automatic positioning that gave her access to the door but also to step aside in case the person she was working with became volatile.
“Yeah,” he rasped, rubbing his eyes and sighing.
Deanna moved slowly across the small room and eased herself down, leaving a foot between them so as not to crowd him. “Will,” she stared quietly, “Can you tell me about how you’re doing?”
He stretched his legs out, grimacing a little, which told her that he had been sitting with his legs tucked in for too long. “I’d really like to sleep,” came his quiet reply, suddenly preoccupied with the floor and his fingers toying with the edge of a non-descript top that sickbay kept on hand.
Despite all her training, she still had to fight the urge not to rush to ask the next question. Deanna let the quiet linger and took a moment to focus on her own breathing to retain the calm in the room. “I’m sure it would help you feel better.”
He nodded and started to say something but close his mouth and swallowed. “I know I give you hell about it, but who can relax here?”
It wasn’t, exactly, a rhetorical question. Sickbay was not designed to be relaxing. Generally if crew were here, it was serious. The very rumpled bed told her that very little, if any, sleep had happened last night. The blanket was a crumpled pile at one end, and the pillow had clearly been through it.  He needed sleep. Desperately. And the plate at the small table was barely touched, telling her that he hadn’t had much of an appetite this morning, either. “Did Beverly tell you how long you need to stay?”
A shrug was his reply. “She wanted to monitor me tonight. Her shift hasn’t started, yet.”
Deanna took in this news. She had hurried down to sickbay this morning, and alpha shift wasn’t quite beginning. “I know you’re very tired, but can you tell me about last night?”
He shifted slightly and peered down at her before taking a few breaths. “I tore down the set last night. The play was over… it needed to come down anyway. It… it felt good.” He rolled his shoulders, and it didn’t escape Deanna’s notice that his right foot was suddenly restless, despite Will’s attempts to keep his hands still by clasping them together. “Beverly stayed and helped me drag some of it to the reclaimator.  And then she said she wanted me to go back here for observation. It… seemed like a good idea at the time.”
She wanted to turn to face him more directly, but vast experience with Will had taught her that he was more relaxed when they sat side by side. “Now—”
“But—” he had paused long enough that she didn’t think he was going to continue. But now they were talking at the same time.
Go on, she nudged gently.
Will sighed and shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t really remember what I was going to say.”
“You said it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
“They ran scans, everything seems normal… But it doesn’t always feel real. Everything felt real. I told you about that… And I felt too restless to sleep much. I’d say it’s stupid, but I know you’d say—”
“Your feelings aren’t stupid, they’re real,” she said quietly in unison with him. Deanna offered a small, affectionate smile. “Will, I don’t think staying here is helping you.”
“I agree with the counselor.” They both blinked up in surprise to see Dr. Beverly Crusher standing in the doorway. She moved into the small room and perched on the abandoned bed. “And I should’ve realized that last night, Will. I’m sorry.”
He tried to shrug it off with a chuckle, but the smile and laugh weren’t there. “So I’m getting evicted.”
“I’m releasing you into Deanna’s care,” Beverly clarified. “I want to give you a boost first, and either  of you should call me if anything comes up. But given what you went through, I think this room is too clinical for you to rest.”
Deanna stood and offered her hand to him. “Please, Will.” It took all her energy to project the warmth and comfort. She moved forward slowly, giving him time to be aware of her movements until fingers brushed through his thick but soft locks of hair. Fingers soothed and stroked, and she cupped his cheek. Imzadi? Can you trust me? She implored.
He finally gave a nod, then took the hand in his. Although she pulled lightly, it was mostly Will who pushed himself up and straightened, taking a moment to get his bearings and balance. Deanna led him to the bed to sit long enough for Beverly to give him a hypo and orders to get eat, to rest, and to let her know if she needed to make a house call. Her eyes met Deanna’s for a long moment, enough to impress the point even if they didn’t communicate telepathically.
And then Deanna was urging him up again. Her hand wrapped around his arm like it often did when she sought him at receptions and other formal events. They had lived this walk way too many times to count. One leading the other out of sickbay. It didn’t even garner attention from the rest of the medical staff, who were busy with reports and labs. Deanna was grateful for the very normal day going on around them.
Good. The more normalcy that they could have, the better for both her and for Will. It wasn’t a magical solution, but as they gained the turbo lift, Deanna could feel the edge of his anxiety easing a bit more. “Deck nine,” she called as the doors slid shut, giving them privacy. Her hand slid to his, the other hand coming to meet it and giving it a gentle pulse as she leaned against him, offering her physical presence. When they finally gained their deck, it was empty, so Deanna laced her fingers through his and led him down the corridor.
She’d considered for long moments which cabin to go to—hers or his. They were nearly identical. They were equally comfortable with either. But she settled on his and continued on until reaching his door. His fingers twitched slightly, subconsciously tightening his hold on her hand. She made a mental note as the door slid shut. Home again.
Turning slightly to face him, Deanna gave him several long moments to absorb the familiar surroundings. From the little bit he had shared, it didn’t seem like this room had factored into his experience. But the intense emotion left her as breathless as he was for long moments. “C’mere,” she coaxed, guiding him as the first cry broke out. I’m right here with you, she sent him.
She took a seat on the sofa and used one hand on his arm to guide him down. “Let it out, Will,” she encouraged, knowing he needed the release. He was being swept away in the immediacy of the emotions and didn’t really seem to notice much more as she eased his head into his lap. Her left hand stroked through his hair, right arm wrapping around his chest and giving as much pressure as she could in hopes of grounding him to the moment.
The ache was intense, and Deanna knew she would be spending some time mediating later to let go of the residual emotions pouring out of him. But for now, she was simply here and present with him. “You’re here with me. We’re on the Enterprise. And you’re safe,” she murmured, offering soft but steady reassurances.
Minutes ticked by, and Will’s emotions ebbed and he shuddered before going lax and letting both the sofa and Deanna support his weight. “That was awful,” he breathed against her thigh.
“I know,” she agreed, rubbing his upper arm for a long moment before gently wiping moisture from his cheeks. “I know,” Deanna echoed again, “Don’t you dare apologize for that. You’ve been through a very difficult and traumatic experience.”  Her hands continued to move and offer soft words, her mind pressing gently at his. She was pleased when he gave a soft sound of contentment and opened a bit to her thoughts against his.
Deanna took her time thinking back through calmer times between them. Walks in the gardens at Betazed. Late night conversations in their own quarters. Drinks in Ten Forward. Dances shared. Dinners. Desserts. Late night walks on the decks. The warmest moments between them.
“In a little bit,” she said quietly, “you’ll need to drink something. Beverly will have my head if I let you get dehydrated. And maybe you’ll feel like eating something.” She could sense the weariness and exhaustion starting to tip toward something that might be sleepiness but there was a hesitation to it as well. “What’s stopping you from letting yourself fall asleep?”
He was still, enough that if she didn’t know him so well, she might have thought he was asleep. “The thought I might open up my eyes and be somewhere else again when I open them,” came his hollow reply, words a little muddled with congestion from his crying session. “I know it’s not sustainable for an officer.”
“For a person,” she countered.
“Want to stay here right now,” he breathed. His eyes, red and swollen from tears, slipped shut, and his breath hitched for a moment before evening out a bit more. Could you stay a little longer?
“I’ll be here,” she assured, hand flattening against his shoulders and rubbing in slow circles. “I’m staying with you.” She leaned down and pressed a warm kiss into his hair, continuing to offer soothing touches even as her own eyes slid shut, and she let herself drop into meditation as Will’s body gave way to the last of his tension, and she sensed his mind drift into slumber.
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fangirl-1523 · 4 years
Bad Dreams: Chap. 01 Bad Dreams
September 6, 1983
Hawkins, Maine. I have lived in this crackpot town since I was ... well as long as I can remember. And I have been the neighbor of both Richie Tozier and Mike Wheeler since forever ago. When I first got to Hawkins, I was five years old. And my father, Stephen Strange, wanted me away from all the chaos that happens in New York City. So, I was sent to Maine along with Daisy Johnson (everyone here calls her Skye).
Daisy left around my tenth birthday. And since then, I had been living on my own. Okay, not entirely on my own as every so often I get a SHIELD agent to spend like a week or weekend with me here or there. I was twelve now and it was the beginning of seventh grade. I exited my home and hopped onto my bike. I didn't necessarily leave it. Why? Well, you see since the beginning of school I always left with Mike (Richie liked to get there late).
He walked out of the house and I waved to his mom who watched him get on his bike. Richie exited the door making incoherent noises I knew to be cursing. Okay, that's a first. And what's with the side glance? Oh well. Richie got on on his bike and we, the three of us, were off.
"How was New York, [N/N]?" Mike asked.
Yes, I was in New York all summer. "Cool. If you think being saved by Iron Man from a pile of rubble that turned out to be a rock covered hulk cool."
"That sounds so cool!" Richie said.
"That. That is not cool. She could have died, Trashmouth." Mike told him.
"Well, she's still here, ain't she? I say that's one reason your shitty logic is flawed." Richie retorted.
"Boys. Boys. Boys. Everything is fine. It is perfectly one hundred percent fine." I told them. "I'm alive aren't I? And joining you for the first day of Seventh Grade. So, please, stop arguing with one another."
The rest of the bike ride to the school was quiet. Me and Mike split off from Richie when we saw Lucas, Dustin, and Will. We parked on the bike rack and hopped off.
"What were you two doing with Trashmouth?" asked Lucas.
"Her neighbor. Coincidence I guess." said Mike.
"Really? No hug? No 'how was your summer, [Y/N]? We missed you, [Y/N]'?" I said with a hand on my hip.
Lucas rolled his eyes. "How was New York, [Y/N]?"
"She almost died." Mike commented.
"You almost what?!" exclaimed Dustin, Lucas, and Will.
"Apparently, a rock covered hulk almost demolished her, but Iron Man saved her." Mike said.
Why is he suddenly cool about that when not five minutes ago he wasn't?
"What?!" the three of them chorosed.
"It's no big deal, you morons. I'm alive aren't I? Well, this is some serious Déjá Vû." I said.
Dustin rolled his eyes. "So, what classes do you have?"
"I have science with all of you before lunch. I know that much. Start with Pre Algebra, then Honors English, then Honors History, then Science, Lunch, Music, PE."
The boys just stared at me. Blinking once. Then blinking twice.
"You share-."
"Not important right now, Will." Mike said, cutting his friend off.
I raised an eyebrow at him. Mike never did that. To anyone, let alone to Will Byers. In our group, Dustin and Lucas were one duo while Mike and Will were the other. I was just the weird girl that held their group together with a weird connection to the Loser's Club. Whenever the four of them had a guys' night (watching Hanna Barbera cartoons while eating popcorn and candy (courtesy of Dustin)), I would go spend some time with the Loser's Club.
I guess I had alsays been a drifter. And I could not leave that legacy behind me when I went to New York. I drifted through teams in New York. I drifted from the Young Justice team to the Spider Squad before drifting back and forth for an entire summer.
"Did any of you guys hear what happened to the Denbrough family over the summer?" asked Dustin, changing the topic.
"Nada." I said while the boys nodded. "What happened?"
"Georgie went missing in the storm." Dustin explained.
Poor Bill. Wait. A storm? "What kind of storm?"
"People are calling it a Mock Cyclone." Lucas explained. "Strong winds, lots of rain, some flooding, some hail, thunder, lightning."
"There was a chance of tornadoes." Mike continued.
"We were under a watch and we lost power for a little over a week. The flooding didn't go down for almost a week and a half." Dustin explained.
"We were at Mike's doing a campaign when it hit." Will said.
"I have never in my life wanted to get out of your basement as much as I did then." Lucas said, jokingly glaring at Mike.
I laughed at that as me and Mike walled away from the rest of them. We came across the Pre-Algebra classroom to see a line of students. With a lady (I'm guessing that's the teacher) in front of her door with a clipboard in hand and a cart beside her. A cart full of Pre-Algebra textbooks.
"Well, that's reassuring." I commented.
"Hi, [Y/N]." Beverly Marsh greeted me when we got to the end of the line.
I forgot Bev was wicked smart. And by wicked smart, I mean it.
"Eddie's already inside." he's wicked smart too!
I nodded going to stand beside her in line. Mike followed suit.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked her.
"Bill, Ben, and Richie are in History right now. Honors history." Bev explained.
Since when is Richie Tozier in an honors class? I understand Bill and Ben, but Richie? Really? I repeat, since when is Richie Tozier in an honors class?
"How?" I asked giving her a look.
She just shrugged her shoulders. "No clue. What's your schedule like, Mike?"
"Same as hers." He pointed to me with his thumb. Wait. What. "Where's Stanley and Hanlon at?"
"English. With Dustin and Will. I feel kind of bad for Lucas, dealing with Richie." I told him.
"I feel bad for you." Bev sighed, directing her statement to Mike.
I knew exactly what she meant by that. Ever since any of us known one another, Mike Wheeler and Richie Tozier have been called by one another's name. It was worse when Richie didn't have glasses (before fourth grade). It still happens, but there is one way to tell them apart. As awful as it sounds, watch an interaction between Henry Bowers, Troy Walsh, and their group of what I like to call the Turd Gang.
One of them calls Mike Frogface while Richie gets called Frogeyes (which is a pun for four eyes, get it??). We had gotten to the front of the line. I told the Math teacher my name, she told me 22 and handed me a textbook with a lot of loose papers, and I walked on in. Eddie was sitting in the seat diagonally to me labeled 27. Mike came in and talked with Eddie taking the seat in front of him (and beside me).
It was just like that with Dustin, Lucas, and Will and any member of the Loser's club. Why haven't their friends group merged yet?
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sharpnothashtag · 3 years
Chapter 41, The Good Ship CrushWay
If you’re keeping track at home (as I’m sure none of you are) this is the beginning of season three!  This began as an idea back in the summer of 2018, when I read all of my friend’s CrushWay fanfic (a considerable amount) in one day. (https://archiveofourown.org/users/SophieD?fbclid=IwAR3H_Q6kcXZThegwEHFBsggHvRXzjNORwNCBTAWq-Fmzmxp5yD1XXrCdO70)  I thought to myself: “What if I took that ship and MADE IT MY OWN?!”  Out of that was birthed whatever this has become.  It has been a great source of solace and silliness in 2020, which could have used more of both of those things. As a general PSA, I should probably state here what I’ve said multiple times in conversation about this fic: I do not claim that this fic is actually any good.  It is, however, a ship-ton of fun! (Author’s note: I’m ret-coning something from the very very first episode.  It is the year 2375.  The first episode occurs in 2373.) With that being said, let’s start off season three the way it should be started: with a Data episode!
Data is practicing violin in his quarters.  His doorbell rings.
Data: (putting down his violin) Enter. Bev: (entering, clearly excited) I got it! Data: (mirroring her excitement) May I see it? (Bev nods excitedly.  She pulls out a golden band with a single emerald in the center.) Was it altered?  Other than it being sized, of course. Bev: It was my idea to include her birthstone, but her father’s ring was just the perfect idea.  I am a bit jealous that I didn’t think of that before Gretchen mentioned it. Data: Kathryn will love it.  Beverly, may I pose a semi-rhetorical question to you? (Bev giggles a little and nods.) Who would have thought that you would be marrying again--and for that matter, marrying someone younger than you? Bev: (feigning insult) You don’t have to rub it in.  (small smile to show that she’s kidding) Just because Kate is 39 and I’m...(she can’t bring herself to say it)  Data: 51 years, two months-- Bev: Yes.  Somehow I always forget that you do that.  Now...is everything prepared? Data: Yes, Beverly.  The crew is to report to the Promenade at 2100 hours to celebrate.  Worf and DeAnna are making a trip for this occasion.   Bev: He’s been baking, hasn’t he? Data: Yes.  He seems quite pleased with his efforts.  DeAnna is, of course, supplying a chocolate bar of sorts. Bev: Wesley said he’s bringing his dom-jot board. (Data moves his head in a very Data way.) What is it? Data: I made a connection I had not made before.  Wesley is twenty seven now, correct? Bev: (blinking, realizing Wesley is older than she was when she had him) Yes.  Well, 26.  His birthday is next week, though. Data: And he is coming in on the Rogelio with the graduates of Counselor Troi’s program? Bev: Yes, the academy is hosting the graduation.  Wesley has been catching up with Boothby for a few days, so he decided to go to the graduation to support Patrick and then come back here for the party.  What is the connection? Data: You know about Kathryn’s new post, correct? Bev: Of course I do; it’s OUR new post--all three of us.  (impatiently) What connection did you make, Data? Data: One of our newest academy graduates is coming to be a part of the crew.  Their name is Daneel Akares. Bev: Hmm, strong Bajoran name.  Why him, though? Data: Them, Beverly. Bev: Sorry, them.  Why did you make the connection from them to Wesley? Data: They have the same January 11th birthday.  And they bear a striking resemblance to Wesley. Bev: ...is that all? Data: No.  There is one more curious similarity. Bev: Which is? Data: When Daneel was 13, they ran away to go undercover to the Cardassians in disguise.   Bev: (horrified) They’re a  Zoma Devo’tá? Data: (gently) They were.  Daneel did some damage, escaped, and returned to their parents.  Together, they fled to an underground shelter, built ages before the occupation.  While they were there, the story goes that Daneel built an undetectable communications system, where they could intercept messages from the Cardassian military and alter them to redirect troops away from Bajoran forces.  They became an exceptional strategist--unparalleled in tactical skills.  From there, the story turns to legend. Bev: Legend?  Do tell. Data: The Traveler appeared. Bev: The Traveler?  There’s a name I haven’t heard in ages. Data: One day, there was a bit of a cave-in.  Daneel had managed to fit a few families into their shelter, and the militia had been leaving food at an undisclosed location.  Each night, one person would sneak out of the shelter, retrieve the food, and bring it back.  It was Daneel’s turn.  When Daneel was almost to the food, the Traveler appeared.   Bev: What did the Traveler say? Data: The Traveler said he was looking for you. Bev: Wait.  Me?  Me, Beverly Crusher? Data: Yes. Bev: Why me? Data: The Traveler noticed you were caught in that warp bubble Wesley created, and he was looking for you to try to get you out.  Daneel was greatly frightened. Bev: Did their emotions activate the sequence? Data: Yes.  This is frightened them even more.  The Traveler realized he had frightened Daneel and reached out to touch them.  Something in his touch diffused the bomb. Bev: What happened then?  Why did The Traveler appear there--Starbase 133 isn’t close to Bajor at all. Data: As no one completely understands The Traveler’s ways, I am unsure.  As for the next part of the story, Daneel is the only living Zoma Devo’tá.  Maybe when they get here, you can ask them.  They are the Chief Tactical Officer. Bev: That’s a big position for a recent academy graduate. Data: As I said, they are unparalleled in their tactical strategies.  They are said to be unorthodox.  When dealing with the Borg, that is sure to be an invaluable trait. Bev: Well, it sounds as if our newest crew member is sure to be a wonderful addition to the team.  I’ll see you later, Data--I should really go prepare to propose now (smiling broadly). Data: I will see you on the Promenade this evening!  The best of luck to you, Beverly.
Beverly grins, nods, and exits.  Data exits and reenters the room with an easel, one featuring an almost finished impressionist rendering of Bev and KJ holding hands and walking in the snow into the Northern Lights..
Data: First Officer’s Personal Log, Stardate 37044.763.  Today, two of my friends are getting engaged.  I have spent several months challenging myself to paint in an impressionist style, and Kathryn encouraged me to paint the Northern Lights.  As their wedding gift, I am playing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You” on the violin and then unveiling this painting. I am looking forward to getting together with this crew tomorrow morning for our first briefing on the new assignment.  While not a crew of traditional taste, the people promise to pose an interesting dynamic for my first real venture into command.  Serving under Kathryn Janeway with me are several returning crew members from the Enterprise and a few from Voyager as well: Communications Officer Seven of Nine, Security Chief Tasha Yar, Chief Engineers Miles O’Brien and B’Elanna Torres, Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher, Ensign Tom Paris on the helm, and Ensign Ro Laren at the conn.  While we are unsure of our need for one, we also have a ship’s counselor on this voyage: Patrick TusNua.  His new last name is Gaelic for “New Beginning.”  I cannot think of a more fitting way to begin his journey.
Data finishes his last brush stroke and hangs the painting on the highest point in his room.  He eyes Spot, who is licking his paws.
Data: (picking up Spot) This is up.  Up is no.  (Spot struggles, so Data lets him go.)  Bev: Dr. Crusher to Data. Data: Proceed, Doctor. Bev: Data, could you come to my quarters right away?  I need your help with something. Data: On my way, Doctor. Bev: Data? Data: Yes? Bev: Would you bring your violin? Data: Of course.  Data out.
Bev and KJ’s quarters.  Bev is sitting on the ground, rocking back and forth in an attempt to calm herself down.  Data enters.
Data: Doctor, would you like me to help you up? Bev: No, Data.  Would you come sit with me? (Data sits down, laying his violin at his side.  Bev takes a deep breath.) What if she says no? Data: (confusion) Kathryn loves you.   Bev: Yes, but what if she doesn’t want to be with me in that way?  She’s going to be the Captain, after all.  She shouldn’t be compromised by her feelings toward her crew, especially if one is her wife. Data: Most species are compromised by feelings toward their loved ones.  Humans especially, in my experience.  Also, I believe she understands the risks she would be taking.  If she did not understand that risk, she would not have accepted the command. Bev: What if I’m too old for her? Data: (moving his head in a Data way) She has made absolutely no remarks to me about your age, and you have not told me of her mentioning your age at any point in your relationship. Bev: I know she hasn’t mentioned it, but it’s 12 years.  That’s significant. Data: It is only significant if you require it to be.  Beverly, Kathryn loves you for who you are: age, Wesley, depression, dead husband, and all.  I do not know if she will say yes, but it is highly probable that she will respond in the affirmative based on her past behavior patterns.  Now, why did you ask me to bring my violin?
Bev has laid out a trail of rose petals to the bedroom, where she is sitting in the center of a heart made of fresh-cut roses with the ring next to her.  Data is standing in the corner, tuning his violin.  KJ is walking down the hall and sees a padd on the ground outside the door to her quarters.  It says, “Ring the doorbell first.”  She shrugs and rings the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opens to Data’s playing, accompanied by the computer’s piano, trombone, and saxophone trio: “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley.  KJ follows the trail of rose petals to Bev.  She kneels down with her.
Bev: Kate, I’ve tried to plan out this speech.  I’ve tried to quantify in words how much I love you.  I’ve tried to make this some inspiring, sweeping declaration and it never comes out the way I want it to.  But, I’m 51 years old, and I am lucky enough to have found a woman better than my wildest dreams.  We...fit.  And I don’t want to spend another day of my life without you by my side.  (pulling out the ring) Your mom gave me your father’s ring and her blessing.  I had it sized for your (teasing) tiny fingers, and I put your birthstone in it. KJ: (wiping a tear away) It’s perfect. Bev: Will you marry me, Kathryn O’Dell Janeway? KJ: (nodding, putting the ring on) Yes, of course I will. (Kiss) Thank you, Data. Data: You are welcome.  I will leave now to allow for you to have time alone.  Congratulations.
The Promenade: Miles, Molly, and Keiko, DeAnna, Alexander, and Worf, Tom and B’Elanna, Tasha, Ro, GJ, Wesley, Patrick, Seven, and Data are waiting impatiently.
Miles: Data, when are we starting, again? Data: 2100 hours, Chief.  We have two minutes. Miles: Shouldn’t we be hiding, then? Ro: Don’t be an idiot, Miles.  It isn’t like she doesn’t know it’s coming. GJ: As her mother, I honestly don’t think she does. Tasha: I agree.  She knows most of us are on board, but in her mind, we’re here to be briefed on our mission and to disembark next week. Miles: If we’re going to hide, we need to do it now. Ro: I’m not hiding. Alexander: Come on, Ro.  Please? Ro: It’s something one would do for a child! Alexander: So, do it for me? Ro: (taking a second to ponder.  Since she has a soft spot for Alexander) Okay.  Let’s hide!
A fair amount of commotion as they all try to hide behind various furniture.  Since it’s the Promenade, there’s not much to hide behind.  Worf comically stands directly behind a fichus that does not remotely hide him.  As Ro and Alexander crouch down behind the jumja stick cart, they run into Tasha, who has curled up inside the cart and looks extremely uncomfortable.  Wesley crouches behind a chair, and Seven lays down flat behind a very long ottoman.  A door opens, and Bev and KJ are holding hands, KJ clearly not expecting the lights to be off. 
KJ:...The hell? Computer, lights! Everyone: Surprise! 
Tasha tries to pop out of the jumja stick cart and ends up tipping it over in the process.  It lands with a big crash. Worf knocks over the fichus, and dirt flies everywhere.  Seven sits up suddenly, and she knocks her head on the edge of the ottoman.  KJ laughs a bit too hard at all the ridiculousness, and Bev runs to Tasha to make sure she’s ok.  Since Wesley is closest to Seven, he springs up to help her.  GJ, also laughing far too hard, goes over to her daughter.
GJ: Congratulations, Katie.  Your friends/crew love you so much that they decided to injure themselves in an attempt to surprise you. KJ: I’d have it no other way.
Tasha is ok, but definitely has a concussion.  She and Seven go to Sick Bay for a quick healing and then return to the party.
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A Doctor's Work Is Never Done
Hello, I am doing this as a secret Santa thing! I am @samleerandom (just in case you didn't know)(@startreksecretsanta)I am so excited because I never see this ship anywhere and I support it so much!: This is Beverly Crusher x Diana Troy. This is for @tprings-strap
Placement: Somewhere in in the TV series, I think.
Warnings: Fluff, brief talk of injuries, Beverly GuiltTM
Diana was tired. She was almost always tired after work, however today she was determined to get back to her place as soon as possible. She began set up as soon as the doors were closed. She had heard there had been a couple of rough cases for Beverly today. Not to mention how She had been working herself to the bone. Diana was going to make sure that Beverly would feel better.
She started by pulling out things she had bought to help create a romantic atmosphere for their room. The first thing she did was set up candles with holographic flames, then she laid out tea and food. She smiled as grabbed a spray bottle. It smelled like camellias and she was proud of herself for finding it.
She added that last because Beverly always walked in breathing in deeply and just leaving her negative emotions at the door. She did that just for Diana, to make sure her emotions of the day did crush her girlfriend. Diana made sure there were plenty of petals on the bed, just in case. She sighed with a smile before settling down with a book, trying to make it look like she had been there since the end of her shift.
Beverly was ten minutes late when she finally came in. Diana could feel her frustration before the doors even opened. Unlike normal, Beverly didn't breath in. She marched right over to Diana and collapsed on the couch, with her head landing in Diana's lap. Diana felt shock, almost thinking she should be able to see steam rising off of Beverly's face. Beverly didn't say anything, she just flexed her hands and glared at the ceiling.
"Bev? What's wrong?" Diana asked. At the sound of her voice, Beverly's face relaxed a little. Diana began to worry at the silence.
"I nearly botched a a simple surgery and I am having trouble understanding why. I had a good nurse helping me and it was something I had done a thousand times. A large piece of metal lodged right into a calf muscle? Child's play. But I nearly screwed it all up." Beverly forced out, with more aggression than necessary. Diana raised her eyebrows.
"Beverly, first, no type of surgery is child's play. Secondly, you shouldn't be so... hard on yourself. You have saved many, many, lives. Everyone has off days. Thirdly, how long was the shift you just came off of?" Diana asked as she began working her fingers through Beverly's hair. Beverly sat there a moment, thinking.
"36 hours... I think." Beverly said. Diana sighed and shook her head. She gave Beverly a look to make her actually think about how long she had been working. Beverly looked up at her. That's when it clicked in Beverly's mind. She had been working 36 hours when the night before this shift started, she had worked a 52 hour shift.
She sighed. She really needed a vacation. Her brain paused. That smell. Beverly took a deep breath and realized how dark it was in the room. She sat up and looked around wondering how she could have missed it. It smelled like camellias, and there were candles everywhere. She turned to Diana who was only giving her a warm smile.
"I am so sorry. It looks and smells wonderful." Beverly said. Diana chuckled and sat her book down before kissing Beverly softly.
"It's okay, I know you've been stressed. I just want you to relax." Diana said in a gentle but bubbly voice. Beverly smiled and laced her fingers into Diana's.
"Is this your way of telling me I need to come home more often?" Beverly asked. Diana pretended to think on it for a moment before shaking her head with a determined look.
"No, I'm definitely bribing you." Diana said as she pulled Beverly into her lap. Beverly grinned and chuckled.
"Bribing a Starfleet Officer could get you into trouble, you know." Beverly said. Diana began kissing the stress out of her fingertips.
"How about torturing one?" Diana joked, catching Beverly's eyes with her own. Beverly watched with amusement and love as Diana placed a kiss in her palm. Beverly went retort but it was lost in a yawn. Diana gave her a worried look.
"I'm okay, I promise." Beverly said. Diana chuckled at her girlfriend's poor attempt to trick her. Diana stood her up and sat her at the table. She felt the guilt from Beverly.
"Eat, you are tired but I know you haven't been eating. I usually have to drag you to lunch. But I was busy at lunch so I am almost certain you are hungry." Diana said in an attempt to ease the guilt. It only seemed to make it spike. Diana's brow furrowed as she ate with her. They ate in silence. When Beverly was finished Diana grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed. The guilt when just a little higher. But this time she didn't need to be half Betazoid to see it.
"I am so sorry, Diana." Beverly said as she began to tense up. Diana grabbed her face gently and made Beverly focus on her before taking her hands in her own. She began rubbing them trying to will the stress away.
"Beverly... this was all for you to enjoy in any way you need or want to. You are tired. Are relationship is more than just sex, right?" Diana asked. Beverly nodded. "Then we don't need to have sex because I put petals on our bed. It's alright. Come on, let me hold you." Diana said pulling her towards the bed. Beverly took a deep breath and let Diana pull her into bed as another yawn forced out of her. Diana got them both ready for bed before wrapping around Beverly.
"Thank you, Dia." Beverly said softly as sleep enveloped her. It was hard for her not to relax when Diana was rubbing her hands like that. And when you've been working for almost three days straight, relaxing meant going to sleep.
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soyousian · 5 years
TNG Rewatch 1.11
I’ve got some extra time this week so there are gonna be two (maybe more) rewatch posts
time for......The Big Goodbye!
we’re starting on a first officers log how fun
I love Troi being useful
Picard, canonically, cannot spell
detective time!
thanks for the exposition, captain
so the holodeck is definitely a sex thing, yeah?
why do the characters react to Picard's uniform?
Picard thinks the secretary is complementing his legs, how cute
Femme Fatale! Femme Fatale! Femme Fatale! Femme Fatale!
I’ve changed my mind, star trek sucks
love that theme song though
kisses are NOT part of the fee, ma’am!
tsk-tsk he forgot to end the program
so the holo-makeup can leave the deck but people can’t?
they don’t have city blocks in the future?
Whalen’s gonna die
ajsjkfkaklb RIKER!
RIP to all the federation crews that died to the Jarada before but the enterprise crew is different
why not just download all the information, Data?
group LARP
just a bunch of suit boys going to San Fransico
sometimes the holo-characters react to the arch, sometimes they don’t
no one’s gonna react to Picard’s “””””””French””””””””” accent
no one's gonna react to Data’s yeLLOW EYES
uh oh! the computer’s all screwy!
she’s never walked in heels
they can’t get into the holodeck!
dun dun dun!
Thank goodness there’s a competent woman on the bridge!
the crew would be lost without Tasha
good thing she stays forever!
Bev trying to swallow the gum
all the actors are doing so well
in her heels, Bev is taller than Picard and that is very powerful
Bev and Picard are trying to hookup and everyone is trying to block them
Tasha is so good, I love her
Love the posing!
RIP to Whalen
No exits? In a holodeck episode? OH NO!
everyone takes turns in Riker’s chair
Data and the lamp is very cute
I love Dr. Beverly Crusher
that fake blood is very red
looks like he’s been drinking maraschino cherry juice
“I was created on a planet––South America.”
So Picard wants Data to uphold the ruse but a minute later he’s spilling the beans!
what’s your deal, Picard?
The actor playing Redblock is doing a great job playing the mobster
it feels like a placeholder name incase the writers couldn’t name an item
Whalen is a very hairy man
That was a cool transition
Poor Data!
RIP to those holo-gangsters
Data is very powerful and I love him a lot
This poor holo-lieutenant just found out that he and his whole world are fake
He said the title of the episode!
Lie to him Picard
Love that he came back in full Dixon Hill attire
Love Troi mouthing the lines behind him
Data’s just gonna resume his shift in his suit
Rating 7/10––that’s some classic tng right there
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hotdogjumpingfrog5 · 6 years
It’s Strange - Chapter 17
Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve , Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen, Chapter Fifteen , Chapter Sixteen
February 26th, 1987
As the bell had rang at the end of the day after the losers had said their goodbyes for the day, Bill had sat upon the bleachers while Ben and Beverly had their weekly track meet.
Bill was going to study for history with Ben after school
While sitting on the bleachers watching the track meet, that’s when he remembered; Bill won’t be home when his parents go out on another “date night” of theirs next week on Wednesday since he will be at his weekly speech therapy.
Who will look after Georgie?
Not even his parents bothered to acknowledge or even mention it, they hardly noticed what Bill and Georgie got up to anyways. Were his parents even alive? Or human for that matter? He was certain they were unconscious as hell robots.
Bill usually got Mike to look after Georgie when his parents weren’t there and when Bill wouldn’t be present, but Mike’s grandfather wanted him to stay home and study for a “big test” if he wanted to go to public school
Then he asked the rest of the losers while him and his closest friends were at Eddie’s a few days ago, but they all had something planned, and it was on a school night. But he hasn’t come around to asking Ben or Beverly yet.
Bill watched as Ben and Bev were running on the track together, possibly laughing at something funny that Ben had said.
After about 30 minutes of going over his schoolwork while on the bleachers, the track meet had went by so swiftly when the sound of the coach’s whistle echoed in the gym.
Ben and Bev had walked up to him and grabbed their stuff right next to where Bill was sitting
“H-How was y-your p-p-practice?”
“It was good,” Ben responded, “You still coming to mine?”
“Guy time, huh?” Bev smirked
“N-No, j-j-just s-s-s-studying.” said Bill
A few moments of silence had rung between the three of them until Bill had decided to ask
“Hey I was w-w-wondering, a-are any of you able t-to l-l-look after G-G-Georgie on W-Wednesday?” Bill asked, “M-Mike and the r-rest of them are b-busy.”
“I would,” said Ben, “But my mom wants me to go to that painting class with her.”
Bill nodded
“I’ll do it.” said Beverly
“That’s great!” Bill smiled, “Th-thanks.”
As the three of them were walking out of the gym onto the from parking lot of Derry High, about to head separate directions soon.
Ben and Beverly stood close to each other while speaking, that track meet must’ve made them closer than ever.
Before they said goodbye to each other, Ben went more closer to Bill
“Y-Y-Yknow,” said Bill, “Y-You two would actually make a g-good c-c-couple.”
They both chuckled, not knowing what to think, but at the same time flattered
“Really?” Ben cocked his head
“J-Just s-saying.” said Bill
“Thanks.” Beverly chuckled, “Well, I guess I’ll see you guys later.”
March 5th, 1987
Thursday afternoon during lunch, the AV club had gotten together like they always did, having their weekly discussions. Not even AV class felt like a class, since they were all interested in it for quite a while.
It was now 12:40, only ten minutes before the first warning bell would ring. 
They had finished their meeting quite early this time, not knowing what else to discuss, started talking about different things. 
“Yknow guys,” said Mike, “When we get the day off from school in a few weeks, we should go back to Hawkins Middle School and visit Mr. Clarke again.”
“What if he doesn’t remember us?” says Dustin
“Really Dustin?” Lucas responds, “It’s only been nine months since we left!”
“Yeah Dusty, I’m sure we haven’t changed that much.” said Mike, “Besides, we were his favourite students.”
Will nodded
“I think that’s a good idea.” Will responded
Then Dustin and Lucas, of course, agreed as well
The bell had rung for the next class, and they had to say their goodbyes to each other for the afternoon.
Mike had walked Will to his lockers like he normally did, after Will’s bad experiences with Troy and the rest of his greaser gang whenever he went there alone.
Halfway through getting his books out of his locker, Will looked as Mike as he stood there leaning against the lockers.
“Need me to walk with you to class?” Mike asked
Will was still irked at how the party and his family still babied him, even though he’d be 16 this month, but Will was used to it.
“I’m fine, I just got some stuff to do first,” said Will, “You can go without me.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m good.”
“Ok well, I’ll see you later!” said Mike, as he began walking down the hall
Will waved, the turned back to his locker.
Out of the blue, he felt these chills, and it seemed as if the entire hallway has been cleared within that millisecond. Will wasn’t sure why, maybe it was 12:56, a minute after the last warning bell rang. 
He sighed, and only now noticed the red spray paint in his locker that read
Will thrusted his fist against the lockers, clearly pissed at whoever kept harassing him like this. 
Though Troy’s gang never admitted it, the party was 98% sure they were the ones behind it.
Will looked around the now empty hall, hoping they weren’t lurking around any corners. 
Troy and James haven’t bothered the party in quite a while, but who else calls him zombie boy? Everyone, I guess.
He turned around, looking everywhere, but everyone was gone to class by now.
It was 1:01 pm, and he was late to his next class, but he didn’t care at this point. Will was more concerned on the graffiti and the voice he heard. 
“M-Mike?” Will called out, regretting letting Mike go off without him
This was weird, nothing like this has happened to him in a long time, not sure if it was real or if he was hearing anything.
He happened to walk close to the source of the sound, which was at the end of the hallway, right next to a fitness room that was only ever used once in a while by PE classes, and a tiny bathroom that was never used.
Tapping could be heard behind the locked door of the fitness room, and the sound of a dumbbell could be heard clanging against the ground, which had startled Will
Will stared in horror, unable to move or make a sound.
“Yknow, it’s a good thing that faggot friend of yours is gone.” said the voice behind the doors, “Now I can finally have you to myself for the first time in a loooooong time.”
The two doors flung open, and nothing but the silhouettes of fitness equipment and items could be seen in the dark, hardly dimmed room.
Step right up, Willy!
Will started shaking his head, thinking he was going crazy.
He saw someone or something lurking in the shadows, appearing to be wearing a ruffly outfit, but Will was not dense enough to think about going through those doors.
“William Byers!” the principal grabbed his shoulder, making Will jump and yelp out in fear
He looked at the principal, then into the fitness room, which the only sound in the room now was the sound of the March wind coming from the vents.
“What are you doing?”
“I-I I don’t know.” Will managed to spit out
“Not only are you late to class,” said the principal, “But the fitness room is off limits.”
He then went in to close the doors, and walked past Will.
“That room is for educational purposes only.” said the principal, “Now get to class.”
“Yes sir.” 
As soon as the principal disappeared down the corner, Will sighed, and looked at those doors again. Now there was nothing but silence.
Will forgot to even mention what he saw, he was just too scared for that to cross his mind.
March 14th, 1987
It was now Saturday, and Nancy, Johnathan, Steve, and Emma had gotten together for the weekend, as they tried to do so once every few weeks between college.
They had first went over to Nancy’s, the only person that would be home that night would be Ted, and were glad Karen wasn’t, or else she’d complain about the non-existing racket they were making or make some excuse for the rest of them to head home way too early. 
The four of them were planning on seeing a late film that night, and Hopper was the one who dropped both Eleven and Emma and would be back for Eleven later on.
Now being 8:30, Hopper had come back to pick up Eleven while she hung out with Mike. Even though Eleven had a curfew, she knew it was better than not going out at all. 
The doorbell had rang, and the four of them had went downstairs to answer the door, since Ted could not hear the doorbell between his snores.
“Nancy, get the door.” Ted said groggily 
“Hello guys.” Hopper greeted them, “Ems, it’s time for Eleven to come with me now.”
Emma had ran upstairs to get her, and Eleven and Mike had followed behind as they went downstairs.
“So, how’s Joyce?” Nancy asked
“We’re both doing really well.” Hopper smiled as he looked over at Johnathan
“Sucks you have to go.” Mike said as he gave Eleven a goodbye hug
“You’ve gotten tall, Michael.” Hopper smirked, “And so has Will.”
“I know,” Johnathan laughed, “Soon he’ll be my height.”
“Okay Cathy, when do I tell your mother you’re coming back?” Hopper asked
She looked over at the four and Nancy mouthed “Twelve”
“Uh, around 12?”
Hopper nodded
“Don’t worry,” said Steve, “I’ll be bringing us back.”
“Sounds good,” said Hopper, “Hope you guys have a good night.”
The four of them made their way back upstairs after saying goodbye, and Mike was the one to shut the door behind him after saying goodbye to Eleven.
The sound of his father snorting made him glance over into the living room
“Mike, where’s Nancy?”
“Really dad? You just saw her less than a minute ago.” said Mike
As Mike was about to head back upstairs, Ted stopped him with more questions.
“Oh yeah Mike, where’s Richie?”
“At Eddie’s.” 
“One more question,” said Ted, “Where’s your mother and Holly?”
“I don’t know, out somewhere!”
Meanwhile, as Nancy, Johnathan, Emma, and Steve headed back into Nancy’s room, Johnathan began smiling, and they thought it was weird since he never did so unless he was laughing.
“What is it, Johnathan?” Steve smirked
Johnathan smirked, while glancing over at Emma, and she exchanged a look.
“Seriously what is it?” said Nancy
“Emma, do you want to tell them?” said Johnathan
“Tell them what -” Emma asked, “Oh, right.”
She scratched her head, then broke the news.
“So Eleven’s dad, Hopper, and Joyce are doing well.” Emma announced, “Both of our families will be having dinner together next weekend.”
“Does that mean you and Johnathan are going to be -” Steve paused
“Step-siblings? Probably.” Johnathan smirked
“Oh my god,” said Nancy, “That would be so cool!”
Next Chapter: To Be Continued
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sttngfashion · 7 years
Genesis - 7.19
It’s a fashion-light episode but it DOES involve Spot, so. 
We start with Riker in sickbay getting some sort of spiny plant removed from his back after things “started getting romantic” with him and another crew member in the arboretum. 
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Fuck so hard I roll over dangerous plants and don’t give two shits
Nurse Ogawa is here, which is always a pleasure, and she’s rocking a seriously voluminous updo, sort of a 1940s meets 1990s sensible French twist. I’m sure she loves having to remove Riker’s sexytime plant spines. That’s definitely what she went to Starfleet Nursing Academy for. 
Barclay is also in sickbay, because: Barclay.
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He literally claimed he had something called “Terellian Death Syndrome” which is honestly a terrible name for a syndrome
Beverly has asked him repeatedly not to search the medical database before coming to her (AKA Never Search WebMD), but of course Broccoli does. She’s got her gorgeous strawberry shortcake season 7 hair happening:
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MFW Barclay shows up in sickbay for the third time this week
The other patient being tended to is also a beautiful redhead:
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The laying on of hands
Spot is pregnant and at first I was like “HOW THE FUCK DID SPOT GET PREGNANT” but apparently a) there are 12 male cats on board and b) Spot has a tendency to sneak out of Data’s quarters.
Okay, listen.
1. If there are AT LEAST 13 cats on board, WHERE ARE THEY? I want a Bridge Cat.
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Bridge Cat: artist’s rendering
2. HOW IS SPOT GETTING OUT? This is a fucking SPACESHIP. Shit should be LOCKED DOWN. It’s literally AIRTIGHT. I GUESS she could sneak through, like, a vent or something but if you’re going to have cats on board, you need to PLAN for their fuckery.
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This could be really bad
3. If the cats are WANDERING THE SHIP, aren’t you worried they’re going to end up in the warp core? Or that even just their fur is? WHO IS VACUUMING UP ALL THE FUR.
Anyway, Crusher is apparently also a veterinarian (which I guess makes sense since she treats all sorts of species) and says that Spot should deliver her babies soon. Nurse Ogawa then says that she’s also pregnant! THIS WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER, which is the only reason she says it.
Also important for later:
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Oh yeah gimme that t-cell injection
I’ll just tell you now that all the weird stuff that occurs in this episode is a result of Broccoli’s mutated t-cells after he gets this shot (or something). It’s (enjoyable) nonsense so don’t worry about it. I just wanted you to see how much he loved getting this hypospray.
Picard and Data have to drive through an asteroid field to get a stray torpedo (bad). Data asks Barclay to keep an eye on Spot, since she’s about to give birth, and she likes Barclay best of all the people on board. You can tell by the way she looks at him:
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This IS my “I love you” face
Broccoli is pleased, because no one likes him.
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It’s actually very sweet; Barclay even seems to know something about cats and asks Data where she’s planning to have her kittens.
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With Barclay’s luck, she will have them inside his pants while he’s wearing them, somehow
I just really enjoy Data’s display case here, with his violin case juuuuust open enough to let all the dust in, but not quite enough to actually see the instrument.
Spot’s in good hands:
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Yarn, Spot? You cliche
Elsewhere on the ship, Worf is having a fucking feast:
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No I asked for a SIDE of tentacles
This looks delicious, actually. Giant turkey leg? Some kind of weird dried fish? Potato salad on a bed of green beans? I’m in. 
Troi shows up, a little upset that Worf didn’t wait for her, since they planned to have lunch together. He’s mean and it’s weird. You can already tell something STRANGE is happening on the ship, mostly because Troi is NOT wearing a jewel tone:
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Eileen Fisher for Spacefleet
Drink this look in, kids, because it’s one of the two non-uniform looks in this episode. We can see here that I THINK Troi is wearing some Danskin shimmer tights with her beige on beige minidress and matching waterfall cardigan. The color is not what we usually see on her, but it’s not terrible (except for my pre-existing anti-beige bias). It’s certainly along the lines of what I wear when I’m lounging around.
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Secret pajamas except it’s not a secret. It’s just pajamas I wear in public
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Ed. note: I copied that picture of my cat Violet to my clipboard earlier when I was making the images above and I accidentally pasted it here and I can’t bring myself to delete it.
Troi’s hair has reached its astonishing season 7 pouf levels and I just love everything about it. Anyway, Worf is acting like a real dick, but we do get another good look at those Ten-Forward outfits.
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If I ever attend another con, that’s going to be my look because houndstooth is everything to me.
Later, Worf’s dickishness turns into something MORE:
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This scene is super dark and it’s not totally clear what’s happening, but Worf basically just destroys his own quarters, including his pillows, then cuddles up with them on the floor. We do get a decent look at Worf’s jammies, which are brown and might be made of varying colors of burlap.
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If anyone was gonna wear burlap pajamas, it would be the Klingons
I’m not sure what’s going on with that shoulder detail, but it can’t be that comfortable to sleep in? But again - Klingons aren’t exactly a culture that considers “comfort” to be something to aim for. If you showed a Klingon an Aerosole, he would 100% cut it in half and throw the halves in your face.
These PJs might also be linen, which would be WAY nicer to sleep in, but a little off-brand. I mean, a Klingon in linen? Can you imagine? Hold on, you don’t have to:
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Pure white to better show off the blood of my slain enemies
So everyone is acting weird. Troi is like “I’m cold. I need a bath,” and walks off the bridge. The next time we see her, this is happening:
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Deanna, sweetie? It’s more relaxing if you take your uniform off
As she’s taking her fully-clothed bath, Worf busts in and:
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It’s actually very upsetting, and at first neither of them even really know how to react either:
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Oh god did I just bite you
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Did you just fucking BITE me??????
Troi goes to sickbay, where she gets my favorite disco blanket:
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Disco Blanket: Because why shouldn’t a blanket be iridescent
To be fair, emergency blankets ARE shiny, so.
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You better believe that’s an affiliate link, friend
Okay so THEN Crusher is examining Worf and she asks him to open his mouth and HOO BOY was that a mistake.
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Does the replicator not have the recipe for Listerine, or
He SPRAYS her like a fucking dilophosaurus!! 
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Later someone says her injuries were so bad that SHE WILL NEED RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY. That means in every episode after this (not many, but still), we are seeing a RECONSTRUCTED BEV. 
So everyone is losing it, basically, which doesn’t explain why Broccoli thinks this is a normal way to stand:
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Is this how a human? Does a stand? How is stand
Finally, Picard and Data come back, and when they arrive, the Enterprise is just adrift. They board and find this:
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Sir, if the t-shirt does not spark joy when you touch it, the book counsels you to throw it away. I was unable to apply this method as I do not feel joy, nor any other emotion
It’s the shed skin of a reptile, which: whaaaaaat? Ain’t no reptiles on this ship!
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Narrator: actually, there were reptiles on this ship
Troi is still in the bathtub when Picard and Data find her, and she is like, half lizard because the t-cells released when Barclay got that hypospray are making everyone de-evolve. Sure. She looks terrible, which is a real feat since Marina Sirtis is such a Betty:
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Honestly she’s still p hot
I think my favorite part of this makeup is the gecko-like fingertips. Excellent detail. Love the scales, love the contacts, love the unripe banana shade of green they used. All great. 
Data and Picard go check out what else is happening, and they find a caveman at one of the control panels:
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Not a Starfleet regulation haircut
But what’s this? It’s not a caveman at all! It’s...
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I heard dramatic eyebrows were back in
...Riker! I guess! The makeup on Frakes here is SO heavy that it’s not immediately apparent that it’s Riker, except that he’s wearing command red and has a beard. Plus, Picard says “Will?” upon this reveal. 
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I’m saving this as my “flipping the bird” image to use forever.
Data and Picard manage to subdue Riker and get him to sickbay, after which they go to Data’s quarters to use his computer. But guess what happened?
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Spot had her babies! They’re legit VERY small kittens and very cute. Data says they’re hungry, and wonders why Spot isn’t taking care of them. And then comes one of the best shots since chicken in the hallway:
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IT’S AN IGUANA WEARING SPOT’S COLLAR. SPOT DEVOLVED INTO LITERALLY JUST AN IGUANA. I laughed so hard at this shot and I REALLY wanted the kittens to interact with the iguana, but they didn’t. I don’t know if that iguana was even on set.
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Data notes that the kittens didn’t turn into baby iguanas, so he thinks maybe there’s some kind of cure for the devolution from pregnancy? Or something? This is where Nurse Ogawa’s recently-announced pregnancy comes into play. So he goes to sickbay, and Picard goes to see what’s going on in Engineering, and finds:
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Help meeee
Barclay devolved into, like, a spider? I guess? Because this gene mutating thing is just nuts and does whatever the effects people think will look cool. (And they all do look pretty cool.)
Nurse Ogawa has devolved into Standard Neanderthal #4:
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On loan from the American Museum of National History
And finally, the big boss: Worf. Worf turned into something with an exoskeleton that was able to make this dent in the sickbay door:
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Picard and Data speculate that Worf thinks Troi is his mate (sure) and he’s trying to get through the door to her, so they synthesize her pheromones to draw Worf away from sickbay so that Data can focus on making a cure with Nurse Ogawa’s pregnancy hormones. Obviously. But first Picard has to get out of sickbay.
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Picard manages to lure away the Worf-monster, which looks like this:
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Part beetle, part conch shell, all covered in chocolate
It’s hard to see what’s happening but what you can see is just really gnarly:
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Are there horny toads on Klingon?
Ultimately, Data is successful in making a cure and sends it through the air ducts so everyone on board is fine. And when Barclay finds out that it was his treatment that started it all, and that he might have a disease named after him:
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A hypochondriac’s dream
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Star Trek: The Shade-Throwing Generation
Alright, so I just rewatched “A Matter of Time,” and I don’t think this episode gets enough credit for the massive SHADEFEST it is. Like, Starfleet’s best and brightest tackle a Prime Directive-type problem and time travel in a typical standalone episode, but the more intriguing part is the utter sass on the parts of like, everyone.
(Mostly focuses on the ladies here because, lol, you’re talking to me. But there’s some nice team stuff in here as well.)
Quick and dirty recap: this dude whose name is utterly forgettable shows up. He’s friendly and a little awkward and reminds me of like, a Mirror Universe Barclay, so let’s go with that.
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(If you don’t remember him, just read this line in the voice of someone who’d say “Gee whiz!” unironically.)
Anyway, Not Quite Mirror Barclay (NQMB) is a historian from the future who has come back to study the Enterprise - a type of study which honestly would have gotten me much better grades in history class.
Anyway, he’s annoying but friendly enough. Riker and Worf distrust him immediately. Picard is suspicious but allows him to carry out his work. Troi senses that he’s hiding something, but like, how often do we get to see her completely #done?
This is one of those episodes, folks. You’re in for a treat.
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WE’RE BARELY HALFWAY INTO THE EPISODE AND SHE’S ALREADY DONE WITH HIM. (She also doesn’t show up in this episode nearly enough for my liking, which is a shame for reasons we’ll see later, but also because Sassmaster Troi is ALL OVER THIS SCENE.) But like, can we blame her?
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A real historian would have seen that (1) she’s a Troi and (2) she’s Lwaxana’s daughter. A Daughter of the Fifth House would never.
She washes her hands of him after this scene (which again! is a shame! but also maybe understandable), the remainder of which consists of her lingering around just a little but that’s mostly because he and her bff have a thing.
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Also the Netflix-chosen screencap of this episode. A good one. Not the best shot of her hair for the ep (IT IS A CASCADE OF CURLY AWESOMENESS), but like LOOK AT THIS HAIR ACTION. This is love interest episode hair!
Anyway, he’s layin’ it on real thick, and like Bev’s got the hots for him, but she knows what’s up. Her bullshit-o-meter is on point today. Oh, she’s making him want to stay for her? Hmm.
(I couldn’t get this into one frame, but she essentially tells him that she could be his great-great-great-great-great grandmother. Which should kill the mood, but Flirty Bev is in the house, and the next time you watch this - trust me - count the lip bites. On both their parts. SO MANY. Kids! I’m telling you!)
So uh, anyway, spoiler alert, but he turns out to be not who he says he is. He’s actually from the past and stole the identity of the dude from the future he’s trying to be. Which is…really dark if you think about it, but the point is that he, studying all of this dude’s notes, somehow thinks he can still lay one over on Bev.
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(Also god Bev is such a theater nerd - she manages to work that in EVEN AS SHE IS SHADING HIM INTO HIS GRAVE.)
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It makes you want to get him some ice for that burn, but like, remember Bev? Remember who she works with every day? They’re gonna send NQMB’s butt to the brig and turn him over to Starfleet. To be studied. By other historians.
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I mean, Picard freely admitted to be willing to careen right past the Prime Directive like three scenes ago - but also daaaaaaamn.
Like it sounds harsh, but he basically probably committed temporal murder.
But anyway, let’s get back to the point: the utter shadiness of this episode. Because Bev’s not just gonna let him walk of shame in front of her. Nope, he’s gotta do it in front of half the senior crew.
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I mean like, Riker and Data don’t look as great individually, but they get a pass because while the crew’s shady this episode as a group, the real winners of this shadefest are Troi - and Bev. Because like, look what happens when they need to punctuate Picard’s sentence.
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And then the episode ends, but you know that she just went back into Dee’s quarters that night to like, cackle and perform some witchcraft.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Star Trek: TNG Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses
Star Trek: The Next Generation is such a beloved and engaging series for many reasons, from its diverse, beloved cast to its cool sci-fi themes that often spoke of tolerance and acceptance. TNG revived the entire Star Trek franchise, paving the way for more series to follow it, and it remains one of the fandom favorites to this day.
RELATED: 5 Reasons The Next Generation Is The Best Star Trek Series (& 5 Why It Will Always Be The Original Series)
While fans are excited to revisit favorite cast members in CBS's upcoming Star Trek: Picard, the fandom is often mixed with other fandoms, particularly in fanart and even shows like Family Guy, which begs the question: What would it be like if Picard, Riker and crew were at Hogwarts School of Witchraft and Wizardry, and which Houses would they be sorted into?
10 Picard: Ravenclaw
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Is there any doubt which Hogwarts House the Sorting Hat would place Captain Jean-Luc Picard into? Sure, he has the commanding presence of a Gryffindor, the cunning of a Slytherin and the loyalty of a Hufflepuff, but this captain has the style, the refined tastes and the cerebral capabilities of a Ravenclaw.
Captain Picard's keen mind and pursuit of intellectual interests would be best served within Professor Flitwick's House. Jean-Luc would easily be a prefect sipping Earl Grey tea in the Ravenclaw common room, poring over ancient runes and telling his first-year newbies to "Make it so."
9 Troi: Hufflepuff
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Like anyone in Starfleet, Counselor Deanna Troi could really be placed in any Hogwarts House based on her skills and personality, but she would best fit in with other Hufflepuffs. Troi is kind and compassionate, with a door always open to the rest of her shipmates who need assistance, and she's always been one of the most loyal characters on board.
RELATED: Star Trek: The 10 Biggest TNG Twists & Reveals, Ranked
Troi accepts people for who they are, a hallmark of the Hufflepuff. She values trust and friendship, forming strong emotional bonds with the people she cares about on the Enterprise. Her half-Betazoid powers would not only be well accepted but put to use in this house.
8 Riker: Slytherin
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Commander William Riker, Captain Picard's First Officer, does have the adventuring spirit of a Gryffindor, but ultimately his cunning mind, pride and ability to look out for (you guessed it) number one make him a Slytherin at heart. The time he remarked, "Speak for yourself, sir. I plan to live forever," was saturated with Slytherin energy, and while he surely wouldn't create Horcruxes in order to accomplish such a lofty goal, he would surely seek out other means to at least get closer to that dream.
Being a Slytherin a fantastic asset for a Starfleet Commander since the position requires every possible angle to be explored quickly to protect the crew (and oneself) from certain doom at all times. Snape could teach him to brew fame and bottle glory, which would be pretty appealing to Riker.
7 La Forge: Ravenclaw
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In a science fiction program, we're bound to have a Ravenclaw majority, especially with so many scientists on board the Enterprise. One of the most obvious Ravenclaws is Geordi La Forge, a man of science who pursues knowledge not only for his job as the chief engineer of the Enterprise but for the sake of learning itself.
RELATED: Star Trek TNG: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Theme Song And Intro
La Forge is absolutely relentless. He once stayed up all night to fix a simple problem in a shuttle craft, and he's often the quickest thinker on board, devising solutions even as problems develop. He would flourish under flitwick's tutelage and likely even come up with his own spells.
6 Dr. Crusher: Hufflepuff
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As the ship's resident chief medical officer and the head of Starfleet Medical, Beverley Crusher would definitely do well in Ravenclaw, but it's under Professor Sprout in the Hufflepuff House where she would shine brightest. The character's biggest trait is her compassion, which is a trademark of the Hufflepuff. It also makes sense for a Healer to have some herbal background.
Dr. Crusher even admits that she should be tougher on her emotions as a doctor to Captain Picard, saying, "Where are all the callouses we doctors are supposed to grow over our feelings?" He assures her that the good ones don't get them, which really sums Bev up in a nutshell.
5 Wesley Crusher: Ravenclaw
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Some might want to joke about Wesley Crusher being a squib, or that he's Hermione Granger's twin, since he can be so insufferable. The Sorting Hat might even pause on Slytherin, as it did with Harry Potter, since he abandoned his chance with Star Fleet for more selfish pursuits, but ultimately this child prodigy has to be in Ravenclaw.
RELATED: Star Trek: 10 Hysterical DS9 Logic Memes Only True Fans Understand
Wesley's child prodigy status, combined with his ability to create incredible plans out of thin air and his desire to leave with the Traveler in pursuit of more knowledge all point toward his belief that wit beyond measure being man's greatest treasure.
4 Data: Hufflepuff
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Data's obvious placement would be in Ravenclaw, but whether by choice or by his true personality, the android would end up in Hufflepuff instead. This is not only where he could learn the most about human behavior, but it would match his self-sacrificing nature. Data has given the ultimate sacrifice for his friends, proving that loyalty is his strongest trait.
Data's sentimentality, adorable pet ownership and willingness to help anyone, anytime fit much more into the Hufflepuff realm than any other house, and while he might be a literal walking computer, his yearning to be more human-like is much stronger than his desire to acquire more knowledge in general.
3 Worf: Gryffindor
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If Worf weren't placed into Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat, his pride could easily land him into the Slytherin House, but he's just too willing to off himself in battle to perish in a blaze of glory to be in Professor Snape's house. Worf doesn't event think that his promotion to chief security officer aboard the Enterprise is even an honorable one since he didn't earn it himself, and obtained it when Yar was offed instead.
RELATED: Star Trek: 10 TNG Logic Memes That Are Hilariously True
By continually risking his life to save others and valuing valor and honor above all else, Worf has demonstrated that he belongs in Professor McGonagall's house.
2 Guinan: Hufflpuff
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Like many people aboard the Enterprise, Guinan could easily belong into a hybrid house, since she has the kindness and loyalty of a Hufflepuff alongside the wisdom of a Ravenclaw. If she had to choose, however, Guinan would likely veer toward Hufflepuff since she introduces herself as someone who tends bar and listens. She is the best listener and giver of advice on the ship, and she genuinely cares about each person who seeks her out.
Due to her age, Guinan is likely the wisest person aboard the ship, with only Data knowing more, but like the android, she's more interested in the human experience. Having lost her own people, she knows the value of compassion and connection.
1 Yar: Gryffindor
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Tasha Yar didn't even finish a full season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but what time she had on the show she portrayed a bold, forceful chief tactical and security officer who showed no fear. She's a fighter who demonstrates her skills during ritual combat, too.
Many fans believe that Yar paved the way for the character Starbuck Thrace in the 2004 when Battlestar Galactica had a reboot. In the show bible, she was one of the most interesting characters, which is why it's such a shame that she didn't get a chance to truly develop on the show.
NEXT: Star Trek: The 10 Best Alien Starfleet Members Ever
source https://screenrant.com/star-trek-tng-characters-sorted-hogwarts-houses/
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sharpnothashtag · 4 years
The Good Ship CrushWay, Chapter 27
Bev, exhausted from a day of surgery and tutoring, collapses in her bed.  Seven of Nine immediately enters her quarters.
Bev: We just had a 17 hour day, Seven.  What could you possibly need? Seven: I wanted to update you on the number of Borg we have in the recovery chamber. Bev: And that couldn’t wait until morning? Seven: There are surgeries in progress right now.  The number might change. Bev: FiNe. (is so tired she starts to change in front of Seven and prepare her bed for the evening) Seven: (in proper Seven fashion, unphased) We have 20 humanoids recovering from surgery right now.  Erin is able to speak in full sentences and sit up on her own now.  I predict she will make a full recovery. Bev: (wearing her blankets as capes) Splendid.  Now go away. Seven: (on autopilot, not budging) Counselor Troi reports that her counselors are beginning week 2 of their studies, and the results in conventional trauma volunteers are promising. Bev: (in the middle of a hot milk toddy, in a comfy nighty, sitting on the bed) Brilliant.  Leave. Seven: The Doctor--(interrupted by the sight of KJ coming out of the bathroom.  KJ sees the look on Bev’s face of pure exhaustion.) KJ: Seven, you’re dismissed.  That’s Starfleet for “Get out.” Seven: (as if back on Voyager) Yes, Captain. (turns and leaves)
KJ snickers and lays down next to a weary Bev.  Bev rolls over to face KJ.
Bev: Tell me about your trip here.  I’m really glad to see you. (small kiss)  KJ: (kisses back briefly) Bev, we can talk about that tomorrow when you’re not asleep with your eyes open. Bev: No, (yawn) no.  I want to know about your day.  What about your mother? (through a yawn) What did she say about u--(sleep)
KJ smiles.  She kisses Bev on the forehead as if to say, “Sleep well; I love you.”  She rolls over and tries to fall asleep.  As she does, visions of the last week fill her head.  She flashes back.
Gretchen Janeway: Katie.  My Katie. KJ: Hi, Mom.  (they hug for a while. from the hug)  GJ: I thought I’d never see you again. KJ: (confused) You’ve seen me since I got back from the Delta Quadrant. GJ: (incredulously) Are you forgetting you fought the Borg since then? KJ: Well...I, uh--I guess I forgot you knew about what was going on. GJ: (finally letting the hug go) Katie, I’m old, but I’m not blind.  Or deaf.  Do you know how many people ask me if we’re related when I’m out walking Rocco and Molly? (on cue, two large Irish setters emerge from behind the dog gate and tackle KJ) KJ: (laughing) I am so glad to see you guys!  (petting, loving on, and playing with them)  GJ: (sitting down on the floor) They’ve missed you so much. (Beat) She asks about you, you know? KJ: (a look as if her blood ran cold) You mean she woke up? GJ: It’s touch and go.  The last time she was awake, though, I told her how you were coming home. KJ: After all the damage done, she still remembers me. GJ: You’re her sister.  Of course she does. KJ: But her brain...it’s being eaten, cell by cell. GJ: You don’t have to put it that way. KJ: Yes, I do.  That’s what’s happening. GJ: Just because that’s the science of it doesn’t mean you have to actually phrase it that way.  KJ: What would you rather me say?  Hmm?  Would you rather me say that my baby sister tried to kill herself?  That she was dead for an hour?  That the doctors thought they saved her? GJ: They did save her, Kathryn. KJ: She had a stroke! GJ: One of their interns had asked to be in on the original surgery.  She wanted to know exactly how to repair a spine from that kind of fall.  She didn’t know she was sick. KJ: Is that supposed to make me feel better?   GJ: The intern was immediately terminated from her position.  Phoebe was supposed to make a full recovery.  They spent another full day in surgery to try to make sure they cleared all signs of the virus. KJ: Phoebe is literally being eaten alive, inside out, by an infection.   GJ: WHY do you have to say it like that?! KJ: BECAUSE. (struggling, trying not to sob) If I say it the way you want me to say it, I’m going to lose all my shit. GJ: (taking her to the couch gently.  Molly whines at KJ because she knows she’s upset.  KJ pets her absently and goes to the couch.  Molly hops up on the couch with her and tries to distract her.) Katie, come on.  Phoebe is dying, yes.  She won’t be with us anymore.  The way the doctors talk, it won’t be long now.  Before too long, she’ll be completely wasted away in front of us.  But the way I see it, this way, I get to say goodbye. KJ: What do you mean? GJ: If she would have succeeded, I would have never gotten the chance to tell her I love her one last time.  I never would have gotten to replicate her her favorite breakfast, or help her paint, or dictate a story she came up with.  I have cherished the last few years. And now that you’ve come home, I want you to cherish this time with her, too. KJ: What do I do? GJ: She’s your sister.  Treat her like you would normally. KJ: Okay.
GJ and KJ join hands.  They walk to a room.  The door opens on a very sick woman.  She’s completely emaciated; her collarbone juts out.  She’s in a lot of pain, but upon seeing KJ, she smiles broadly.   Rocco goes to her with a proud sense of loyalty.
Phoebe Janeway: Katie! KJ: (chuckling in spite of herself) Hey there, Pheebs.  (looking around, she sees a portrait of her, standing on a starship bridge with her hands on her hips.) What’s this? PJ: Didn’t you know? KJ: Know what? GJ: Oh, Katie.  You’d better sit down.
KJ in the present wakes up in tears.  She goes to the living area.  She replicates a fuzzy blanket and some coffee.  She takes a few sips of coffee and then, lying down on the couch, starts a few breathing exercises.  They don’t work, and she continues to try to cry quietly.
Bev wakes up to go to the bathroom.  When she sees KJ isn’t in bed, she gets up to look for her.
Bev: Kate? KJ: (sniffling) Yeah? Bev: (going to her on the couch)  Kate!  What’s wrong? KJ: (sobbing profusely) My sister killed herself because of me. Bev: What?  No.  (obviously still exhausted) What happened? KJ: Three years ago, when Voyager was declared lost, Starfleet command asked my sister to paint a portrait of me to hang at headquarters. She went up to the roof of her apartment building, and she began to paint. Hours later, when she was done, she sat back to look at the painting. My “death” weighed so heavily on her that she threw herself off the roof. Bev: Oh no, Kate.(stroking her hair) KJ: Someone found her immediately and got her to medical. Her spine and skull were severely fractured, but the doctors got right to it. One of the interns asked to assist in the surgery for first hand experience of how to fix a spine and skull that were so badly fractured. She didn’t realize she was very ill until halfway through the surgery. She became ill within a sterile environment with an extremely vulnerable patient unconscious before her. The doctors did all they could to clean her wounds out, but the day after her surgery was over, she had a massive stroke. The viral parasite was in place, and there was nothing they could do to remove it. Bev: Viral parasite? KJ: Basically, it’s a strain of a virus so vicious that it’s comparable to a parasite. (Bev nods) while I was home, she told me all this. Bev: and you think if you wouldn’t have left, she wouldn’t be like this. KJ: she would be alive and well and able to be my maid of honor if I get married. But she’s...not. She’s dead. (rocking back and forth, sobbing profusely) Bev: Computer, replicate weighted blanket, ten pounds, jersey knit. (Bev retrieves the blanket and places it over KJ’s shoulders. KJ relaxes a bit, but still collapses into a puddle of tears in Bev’s lap.) Kate, I am always going to be here for you. The late nights, the tears? I signed on for that, too. I will be there at the funeral, right by your side. Nothing is more important to me than you right now, right here. So cry all you need to. I’m going to shut up now and just hold you for as long as it takes. I love you.
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hotdogjumpingfrog5 · 6 years
It’s Strange - Chapter 13
Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve 
October 27th, 1986
The five losers hung around by the entrance by the library, like they normally did. All except for Mike, who was homeschooled, and Beverly and Ella were still at their lockers.
They gathered around talking about their courses, what they were doing for Halloween, etc.
“So g-g-guys, w-what is e-everyone d-d-doing for H-Halloween?” Bill asks
“Me and Richie will be going trick-or-treating.” said Eddie
“Yeah, I got my handy dandy silly string just like I did last year!’ said Richie
“But we’re 15, you guys can come to mine and watch scary movies with me and Mike if you want.” said Stan
“Nah, we’re fine.” Eddie responds, “We do everything together.”
“Seriously, what if you guys get spotted by the people who go here, or even worse, seniors!” Ben said
“Ben’s got a p-p-point you know.” said Bill
“Well, we wear masks, besides, Dusty and Will are coming with us too.” Richie responded
Then, Bev and El joined the group, looking at the ground.
Ella had something in her hand what appeared to be a note.
“E-El, w-what’s that?” Bill asked
“Nothing.” she looked down at the floor
“Are you sure?” Ben asked, concerned, noticing they looked pissed off
Bev sighed and butted in the awkward few seconds of silence
“We found these notes in our locker,” said Bev
The note read: 
Dirty sluts, everyone knows you girls sleep in the same bed. 
Everyone looked at the note with absolute surprise and disbelief, the group have been called fags out of random and are one of the laughing stocks of Derry High, but this had crossed the line. 
“Ooh, spicy!” Richie laughed, while Eddie gave him a punch in the arm. Eddie got used to those jokes about him and Ella’s mom, but wasn’t going to hear anything about his own sister
“Richie, was this you?” Bev said, annoyed
“Fuck no! You guys can’t take a joke? Jesus fuck.” Richie huffed
“Or you, Eds?” Ella looked over at him
“Oh my god, El, why would I write that about my own sister and friends?” Eddie groaned
“Greta.” Bev thought hard, “Who else can it possibly be?”
“Bev, probably not, she hardly said a word to us since grade nine.” said Stan
“I f-f-forgot about her existence even.” said Bill, “D-don’t w-w-worry g-guys, w-we know it’s n-not t-true.” 
Eddie and Richie made the most cringiest faces just from hearing her name, they didn’t want to have the image of that ogre Greta impaled in their minds.
“Even if it was her, she will lay off slowly, like she’s doing already. Like Stan said, she hardly said anything to us since the start of grade ten!” Ben convinced
October 31st, 1986
The night has arrived. Halloween night. It’s after 6:15 pm, lanterns and costumes glowing up the streets of Derry-Hawkins
Steve drives Dustin, Eddie, Will, and Richie to their first destination: the suburbs of Derry.
“No one else wanted to come with you guys?” Steve asked them
“Yeah, they all think we’re ‘too old’“ said Dustin
“We kind of are. This was mostly Richie’s idea, but it’s free candy I guess.” said Eddie
“Oh yeah, how’s Eleven doing, Rich?” Dustin asked, “Haven’t seen her in a few weeks.”
“I dunno, but they’re doing something tonight.” Richie said, “Do I look like Mike to you?”
“Yes you do.” said Will
What Will mentioned made the rest of the car snicker discretely, but as Richie heard their muffles laughs he rolled his eyes at the fact him and Mike are twins.
“But yeah, everyone in our group had other plans tonight. What about the rest of your party?” asked Eddie
“Lucas and Max are spending the evening together, same with Mike and Eleven.” said Dustin
“Ooh, spicy!” Richie said with a weird voice
“Shut up, Richie!” Eddie groaned
“Guys, keep things PG.” said Steve, “Anyways, we’re here.”
The four of them hopped out of Steve’s car, gathering their cloaks and masks they put together, to conceal their identities.
“Remember boys, I pick you up here at 8.” Steve reminded
They all nodded and said their okays, then shut their doors before Steve drove off.
The four of them turn to face the street, while hearing the echoes of ‘Trick or treat!’ ring down the streets
Dustin and Will went on one side of the street, while Richie and Eddie would be on another. Then, they would switch sides of one street before meeting and moving onto the next.
**1.5 hours later**
Before long, the four of them had finished the streets of Derry, and Steve picked them up to go to Hawkins.
“Thanks Steve!” Dustin said when Steve dropped them off to their first neighbourhood of Hawkins
“No problem, so you’re done at 9:30?” said Steve
“No, Steve,” Dustin groaned, “Come on, it’s not a school night! 10:00!”
“Fine. You know people stop answering their doors after 10 right?” 
“Whatever,” Dustin responded, “Just be here at 10.”
“I wonder who I’m going to spray my next can of silly string at.” Richie smirked while looking at Steve
“Richard if you do that, I will end you.” said Steve
“Don’t do it.” said Will, “That’s just rude.”
“Come on, Willy!” Richie responded, “Halloween is supposed to be a night of tricks and treats.”
Eddie huffed at Richie’s behaviour, not even bothering to tell him to shut up this time, it was just too exhausting for Eddie.
“Wow, can I try?” Dustin asked
“No, get your own!” Richie then sprayed a bit on Dustin
“Behave yourselves.” Steve butted in, “And have fun. Remember, 10:00, and you guys better be ready.”
The pairs of them went on different sides of the streets like they did in Derry, and switched sides when they were done the other.
While finishing one particular house, Will needed to take a break. It was now sometime after 9. 
When comforting Will, Dustin found that Will’s eyes were moving in a weird way, back and forth, but Dustin figured this was apart of Will’s strange epileptic moments.
Dustin turned around, and echoing in the distance, was Troy, James, and a few other seniors in the car blaring music, and yelling nonsense at every trick or treater in the street
“Fuck.” Dustin said, then dragged him and Will into the bushes
The two of them stood there in the hedges, they were on a stranger’s property, but they didn’t care. They just didn’t want to get seen by them. 
They notice the car drive slowly in the street, continuing yelling nonsense and didn’t look like they were going to leave just yet. Probably drunk, Dustin and Will thought. As a matter of fact, they had pulled over to the opposite side of the road.
Dustin and Will noticed Richie and Eddie coming along and going to one house, then walk back on the street. 
“Hey, frogface!” Troy called out
Richie and Eddie didn’t seem to notice, and continued along
“Hey, FROGFACE!” he called out again
They still didn’t notice, and one of the seniors honked their horn
“Oh my god are you fucking deaf or something?!” said Troy, “Your Hawaiian shirt is hella ugly. Who’s that, another gay friend of yours??”
“Sorry, but who are you?” Eddie asked
“Fuck off, queer.” said James, “We only care about the one and only, Mike Wheeler. Out trick or treating in grade 10? What a fucking loser you guys are!”
The rest of the gang laughed obnoxiously, Richie rolling his eyes
“Excuse me, but do I fucking look like Mike Wheeler to you?” Richie answered, “I’m the hotter twin.”
“Ah, so frogface has a brother!” said Troy, “Don’t flatter yourself, you’re just a frogface with glasses.”
“Speaking of which,” a tanned figure leered out from the other side of the passenger seat, “I think I know you guys.”
He was looking more at Eddie, and Richie or Eddie thought they recognized him.
“Really?” Richie’s voice dropped, “How fucking so?”
“It’s me, Kevin,” said Kevin, “Thank fuck Ben and my annoying aunt no longer live with us, they’re annoying as hell.”
“So are you guys. Please leave.” said Eddie
“Or what, Kaspbrak?” 
“H-How do you know my -”
“Don’t bother flattering yourself either, girly boy, you and your sister are both ridiculous too. But now I have your stupid friend Max taking Ella’s place at St. Peter’s. Neither of them know any social skills. Fucking idiots.” Kevin rambled
“You have no right to critisize my sister or any of our other friends.” Eddie growled, “That’s our own job.”
“Eds...” Richie nudged
Eddie huffed, knowing if they said another word to those random greasers, they were dead.
“Whatever faggots,” said Troy, “Tell your other faggot twins and the rest of your stupid friends to go fuck themselves.”
Then, the car sped off into the night air, going anywhere, with incoherent echoes roaming down the street
“Fucking assholes.” said Richie
Dustin and Will came out of the bushes, rushing over to the opposite side.
“You guys okay??” Dustin asked
“I guess.” Richie looked down
“Look, I just can’t believe they would insult us or our own siblings.” said Eddie, “They’re idiots.” 
“Ooh, Richie and Eddie don’t like when people are rude to their brother and sis!” Dustin teased
The two of them looked at Dustin, including Will, the look that said Dustin, just stop talking
“Oh, sorry.” Dustin said calmly
“After this street, want to cut this trip short? You know, in case they come back?” Will suggested
They all agreed, not even groaning or arguing, they had enough candy, and Steve was probably right, maybe after 9:30 it’s time to start heading home.
November 1st, 1986
It was now almost 11 o’clock, and Nancy, Johnathan, Emma, and Steve had woke up an hour ago after they fell asleep after a long night of handing out candy and watching horror movies at Steve’s house
The four of them spent time together for the first time in a while, they were now in college which meant not as much time would be spent, so they cherished every moment of it.
After spending the morning having breakfast, pigging out on the leftover candy, and watching television, when it became just after 12 Johnathan suggested they take a walk on the trail behind Steve’s house. The trail lead to different areas, including the centre of Hawkins, a neighbourhood two blocks away, and even Hawkins High. 
As they were walking, they were talking while the November breeze hit their skin. Sweater weather. Cloudy day just after Halloween; perfect. 
Steve often spit every corner they took, the three of them giving him disgusted looks
“That’s just gross.” said Johnathan
“What, it’s normal for guys to hock and spit.” Steve responded
“Ugh!” Catherine exclaimed, looking at the ground
“What is it Ems?” Nancy turned around
“What the hell is this?” Emma said, noticing some string and toilet paper on the ground
“Ugh, probably stuff those immature middle schoolers used from last night.” said Steve, luckily they haven’t come into our neighbourhood.”
“They still come here?” said Nancy
“Nah,” said Steve, “Not after my mom threatened to call their parents and the police last year.”
“I bet weirdos hang around the trail at night.” said Johnathan
The rest of them agreed, knowing for a fact they did. That’s what trails are filled with at night. Creeps.
They continued walking along the trail, and next thing they knew they were right behind Hawkins High. Memories flooded back when they looked at Hawkins High, even though they only graduated in June it felt like years ago. Now their siblings were the ones in high school. 
A few high schoolers and middle schoolers could be seen playing in the basketball court, but they were just leaving. 
“I know this sounds crazy,” Nancy said out of the blue, “But do any of you feel like we’re being watched?”
“Nah.” said Johnathan
“Probably those weird middle schoolers that think Hawkins High is their land but it ain’t.” said Steve
“No Steve,” Emma whispered, “I feel it too.”
Her eyes turned black, and nose began falling like a waterfall out of the blue.
“Emma, you okay?” Nancy asked, “Yeah I think we should go, when Emma does this it usually means there’s some sort of danger lurking around.”
The four of them started fast walking back onto the trail, Nancy clutching onto Emma comforting her, but their choice of going back onto that trail may have been a grave mistake.
As the back on Hawkins High started becoming out of sight, they spotted a weird object that they knew they hadn’t seen when they came that direction. 
A refrigerator. 
“What the hell?” said Johnathan
“What is a refrigerator doing in the middle of the fucking path?” said Steve
As Steve was about to open it, Nancy and Emma exclaimed “NO!”
“What? Why not?”
“There might be something fishy in there. That was not here earlier.” Johnathan convinced
“Fishy! Very punny, Johnathan!” Steve laughed as he opened the fridge door
But what he saw made him fall back in horror and gag and the others gasp in horror, also on the verge of gagging. The retched smell of dead animals and severed human body parts filled the air around them.
“Do you like what you see, Stevey?” said a sinister voice from behind the four of them, making them jump
Behind them, stood four boys. The guys that were supposedly “missing and murdered” in Derry; Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor Criss, and Reginald Huggins. Patrick and Victor were the only ones wearing wigs, but quickly threw them to the side of the path.
“W-Who are you?” Steve stammered
“You sound a lot like B-B-Bill,” Henry laughed, “We were never who we said we were. It told us to mess with you guys too.”
“How do you even know about -” Nancy got interrupted
“Shut up, Tozier.” Henry growled, “I know you are related to that four eyed fuck and his other gay twin. We’ve been watching the losers from Derry and your other loser siblings from Hawkins. All of them. Hargrove has been watching you guys too the past year. We got It and the mind flayer’s handy dandy little friend after the dweebs of Hawkins-Derry. It messed with our final one, but now the thing will probably mess with your minds too.
”W-What thing?” Steve asked
“Spicy news too you guys,” Patrick said slyly, “Marsh and wheezy boy’s sister are lesbian for each other, in case you didn’t know. Everyone know about the lesbian fun they’ve been having. Just like everyone knows about you, Evans. You and those other girls are the most filthy and desperate shits of Derry-Hawkins, and you know it.” 
Emma gulped, she hadn’t heard those rumours about her since that day in March in the cafeteria where she humiliated Carol in front of the school with her telekinesis. 
“Bev and Ella are probably screwing right now. Makes me so fucking horny just thinking about it.” Belch snickered
“More spicy news,” said Victor looking at Nancy, “Hargrove and Mrs. Wheeler got the feels for each other.”
“No that can’t be -”
“Shut up, Wheeler.” Henry growled, “You’re just like your brother Tozier, don’t know when to shut up. Neither you, Evans, Billy’s sister, Marsh, Kaspbrak’s sister, or any girl for that matter should speak. Girls are nothing but pieces of shits and sluts who need to be controlled.”
This infuriated the four of them, but were all too afraid too speak as they were armed with knives and Patrick’s blowtorch. 
The four of them tried to get away, but it was useless since Patrick, Victor, and Belch took a hold of them.
“Just like Bill and Mike’s group, you losers are trying too hard.” said Henry, “You tried to go to the cops on us. They’ll never believe you, even if you decide to go back to them again. They think we’re dead. Oscar Butch cop of Derry-Hawkins was my dad. I was the one who killed him. He fucking deserved it. We faked our own deaths to continue torturing as well as being a slave for It.”
“You guys are sick and terrible people!” Steve said angrily
“Look who’s speaking, the failed Steve Harrington.” Henry chuckles, “Billy Hargrove is the real shit, not you. He’s also Hawkins keg king. You Steve, well, you’re a pussy.”
As the Bowers gang laughed, Emma struck Henry in the face with just a bare fist, while Henry fell back and just stared at him.
“Wow, thanks.” Steve said
Johnathan and Nancy managed to slip in the forest unnoticed by the Bowers gang and grabbed branches as weapons. 
Henry got back up onto his feet, with the other three helping him back up.
Meanwhile, Steve, Emma, Nancy, and Johnathan stood there, ready to take them on.
“You forgot I had a blowtorch?” Patrick chuckled, “You fucking idiots -”
But as soon as he set the flame ablaze, it pointed back at him, and not the others.
Emma’s nose was now running, and the party as well as the Bowers gang noticed the 007 across her forearm as she set the flames on the Bowers gang and destroyed the match and blowtorch.
The Bowers gang rolled around to douse the flames, only to have Nancy and Johnathan hit them with logs while Steve and Emma kicked them.
Patrick, Victor, and Belch fled in fear, and Henry laid on the ground with ashes all over his body, who had gotten way more burnt compared to the rest of them.
“Is he...dead?” Emma whispered
“If he’s been hurting people including Mike, Richie, and all their other friends, I hope to god he is.” said Steve
“The other three, they’ve gotten away.” said Nancy
Johnathan and Steve ran to see if the other three were still running, but the rest of Henry’s gang was well out of sight.
“Come on, let’s contact the sheriff's office.” Johnathan insisted
After returning to the sight, Henry’s body was long gone.
While other officers searched the area for clues, they managed to find the wigs Patrick and Victor threw to the side.
“Are you sure it was them?” an officer from Derry asked suspiciously 
“Yes, we’re positive!” said Nancy
“Then how come the only evidence are the wigs?”
“Try tracing for DNA, something!” Nancy suggested
“Whoops, we forgot our equipment.” the officer responded sluggishly, “Because we’re from Derry, it’s not our job to trace that stuff since it’s in Hawkins and not our hometown is Derry.”
“What?! That makes no sense!!” Johnathan said angrily
“Look kid, we’ll get back to you and mention this to the Hawkins department when we get back.”
**Later that night**
Nancy spent the night at Emma’s house, both getting their minds off of it by mentioning it to Eleven, Lucy, and Emma’s mother, as well as watching a film and putting on nail polish to get their mind off of what happened that afternoon
When it was time to go to sleep, Nancy couldn’t help but stare up at the ceiling. 
“The blonde guy,” said Nancy, “Said something about Billy and my mom?”
“There’s no way.” said Emma
“I don’t know,” Nancy responded, “I don’t know why that’s on my mind. Like I hope it’s not true with Billy and my mom. I wouldn’t know who to trust anymore.”
“Even if it was,” said Ems, “You have your boyfriend Johnathan, me, and Steve of course.”
Nancy smiled
“You are right. You guys are the best.”
As Steve and Johnathan were at Johnathan’s, they also happened to tell Joyce and Will about their experience.
“I am so glad you boys are safe!” said Joyce, “Don’t get yourselves in trouble with the wrong people like that again!”
“You believe us?” said Steve
“Of course!!” said Joyce, “I knew those boys were trouble as soon as I saw their faces in the newspaper two years ago, compared to the other kids in Derry who went missing. I must admit, Butch Bowers looked almost as scary as his own son.”
“I can’t believe the police wouldn’t trace the DNA! How fucking petty of them.” Johnathan huffed
“Language.” Joyce and Will said at the same time
Johnathan looked down, still angry that the police were not believing their story. And worried Bowers might go after them, the losers, party, or anyone else for that matter.
“Bowers mentioned something about a thing that went after the kids.” said Steve, “Will, have you noticed anything unusual?”
“Not recently.” Will replied
“Or anytime!”
“Well, last year I had a violent seizure.” said Will, “I woke up and heard voices, then some man with a suit and a bag over his head appeared in front of me, then vanished, but I feel like It or whoever he was was still there, because that’s when I had my seizure.”
“What about the other ones in your group and Bill/Richie’s group?” asked Johnathan, “Have they seen anything?”
“I don’t know,” Will responded, “I’m not even sure if it’s the same thing. You can ask them though.”
Steve and Johnathan then looked at each other.
Next Chapter: To Be Continued
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sttngfashion · 7 years
Heart of Glory - 1.20
We’ve got a Worf-centric episode here, where we learn some things about Klingons and about Worf himself. What we do not have are a lot of essential fashions, but there are a few jazzy Klingon looks, so settle in and let’s have a look-see. 
The episode starts with Riker and Picard posing for their New Wave album cover on the bridge. 
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Hungry like the Worf
The Enterprise finds a damaged ship drifting in space, and after finding life signs aboard, Riker, Geordi, and Data go to check it out:
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When the New Wave band goes a little industrial
We get to see a little bit of what Geordi’s VISOR looks like, which is a combination of night vision goggles and a Lisa Frank folder:
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Needs more unicorns
But the VISOR glitches, and then Geordi gets only static, which is also beautiful:
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Jake Sisko immediately asked for a jumpsuit in this print
Exploring the ship, they find...KLINGONS:
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The Klingons were hurt in the crash, so the one guy is carrying his friend like a BOSS. We can see here the traditional Klingon garb, which involves:
- lots of grey and black
- studs and spikes in oddly concentrated areas
- vests made of what appear to be the floormats of a 1987 Honda Accord
- fierce boots
They make their way with the away team to the Engineering section of the damaged ship, intending to beam up. 
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Love lift us up where we belong 
You can see here that the Klingon carrying his pal is rocking those fingerless gloves, which shows that he is a TRUE BADASS who values MANUAL DEXTERITY but also HAND WARMTH. 
There is (as usual) an issue with the transporter, and before the crew gets back to the Enterprise, THIS HAPPENS:
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What shape do you see in the explosion? I see Fudgy the Whale
And that’s how Riker, Geordi, and Data all died. Just kidding. 
Once on the Enterprise, the Klingons bring their critically-injured friend to sickbay, where Crusher attempts to save him and Worf looks on petulantly:
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I am the only Klingon in the village
We can see here that this guy’s Klingon leggings, or kleggings, are a lovely aubergine shade, which is a nice change from the “gunmetal to vantablack” spectrum they typically employ. 
Bev tries to save this guy, but it’s not enough, and he gets to do some great Death Acting:
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Death: just, like, a really bad backache, I guess
While this guy is dying in sickbay, his comrades are being dicks to Worf over a nice Klingon meal:
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I’m not sure about you guys but I feel like Klingons aren’t like SUPER into garnishes, so all those dandelion greens seem really unnecessary to me. 
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Klingons love Buffalo wings
I just wanted to point out this guy’s Batman/Wolverine inspired gloves. 
During dinner, the other Klingons are like “ha ha you’re basically HUMAN now you HUMAN lol lol” and Worf is like “no” and it’s a real brief glimpse into how hard it must be for Worf to just, like, LIVE. But then they’re all summoned back to sickbay because their boy just died.
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He died as he lived: with absolutely glorious eyebrows
They check to see that he’s dead, and then they do a Klingon ritual that honestly I would love to implement in Western white people culture:
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Just straight up yelling
I love Michael Dorn, but he does not look very committed to the yelling here. 
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He’s dead or whatever
After the Klingon death ritual, the Klingons are like “it’s an empty shell now, bye, not our problem.” 
We get some quick civilian fashions in the hallway:
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Ba-by jump-suit (👏🏼👏🏼/👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼)
Very much digging this little one’s bright grape, and her mom/teacher/whoever is rocking some truly impressive shoulder overhangs. 
Can we also observe this Klingon’s shoes? That silver stripe is a design feature that looks like duct tape was used to repair them, which feels a little bit like when you buy a “vintage” t-shirt at Target, or pre-distressed jeans. VERY INAUTHENTIC, KLINGON. 
Anyway it turns out that the three Klingons on board are criminals and need to be taken to the brig, so Worf does a walk-and-talk:
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What’s next
In this shot, we have a nice look at how the two of them go together, but don’t match, like Destiny’s Child used to do:
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I don’t think you’re reddo for this yellow
Kelly’s looks like Tina sewed the pieces together wrong and was like “you know what? I think it works anyway.”
On the way to the brig, they encounter a child who is the personification of sherbet:
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Are you my vav
Her handler is rocking a belted poncho and some deep mauve leggings back there. Can we get another shot of her?
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Counselor Troi is my hair goals
Worf is briefly worried the criminal Klingons will take the girl hostage, but apparently, that’s for cowards. 
Also for cowards: being executed! If they’re handed over to the other Klingons, that’s what will happen, but they’re PRETTY eager to die an honorable death during battle, so they break out of the brig with some sort of belt device:
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Fashion...and function. When you shop Klingon, you get the very best
A dance fight shootout ensues...
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I trained under Baryshnikov
...and eventually both Klingons do, in fact, die in battle, with one of them being killed by Worf himself:
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I only just now noticed his Muppet fur sleeves
Worf learns that he isn’t quite Klingon, but he isn’t quite human, and he loves the Enterprise, and hooray. 
A couple of stray hairdos:
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The cleanest sideburns with the messiest literally everything else
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Our band is called The Engineering Updos
Also visible in this shot: just how fucking hard it is to sit in a skant and not show your butt.
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