#better link and share privately instead of reblogging
shadowfoxsilver · 2 months
How many scams are on tumblr? A lot, actually! Much like other social media platforms, tumblr is also home to accounts who only joined to get money off people via stealing content from other websites. This can range from various sources sometimes even private ones that are not as easy to locate! Even when trying to locate the real fundraising post that they took from, you don’t often easily find it if it wasn’t publicly posted. These accounts usually try their best to look like a regular tumblr user but there are a few easy ways to tell somthing isn’t right. I’ll explain them below under the readmore.
For short version, a brand new blog asking you for money should be treated with caution since it’s highly unlikely they are a real person needing mutual aid. If they sent you ask after you shared a certain post, it’s probably just a scam. If you are needing mutual aid, please don’t spam asks to users all at once.
If you like this post and found it useful, feel free to use it when you get an ask and also share it to your friends!
For example, these scam accounts often share a few popular trending posts or a few popular tagged posts they find when browsing the ‘For You’ page. These are often accounts who regularly post content that gets several thousand notes in a short span. Usually these posts are constantly then shared by scammers who use them to populate their account with posts of a certain theme or topic that is relevant to what may be going on at a certain time. Occasionally the posts may just be random posts to mix it up a little.
Additionally, the accounts who scam people will have a relatively new account with their first few posts only being a few hours old at best or even a week old otherwise. Keep in mind some accounts may backdate their posts to look older then they really are. For example, a reblog may be dated April 24,2021 but when you use timestamps and check the notes it’s actually dated April 20, 2024. This is a way for scammers to make their posts seem much older than they should be. While this may have a legitimate purpose for writers, it doesn’t really have much of a use outside of that even if someone does it to be funny. If someone catches you backdating posts, it’s better to come clean instead of ignoring the evidence.
At times, these scam accounts also take images off legitimate fundraisers and use them as their own even if a watermark on the image shows it’s been stolen from somewhere else. Scammers will edit these images to make sure locating the original is difficult and then get evasive if you show them the source they got it from. They may even claim that the source stole it from them and that your being mean to them when all you did was provide proof that they don’t own the image their posting and claiming is theirs. These images may range from a veterinarian bill to a hospital bill or images took from news sources about assorted issues going on at that point in time.
Usually, these scam accounts also claim the links they’re using is something it’s not. Or say the link is to a fundraiser, but it’s to something entirely different. Occasionally the link may be made using multiple colors for no real reason so don’t do that of you had the idea to. This isn’t a common thing among scam accounts! But it’s been seen across a few here and there.
Lastly, these scams accounts may pretend to be part of a minority in order to get more sympathy from those who see their accounts. They will also pretend to have some kind of health issue such as claiming they need medicine to stop their lungs from collapsing or medicine to stop their nose from freezing. Usually not much of a common scam attempt, but you’ll usually spot the issue with their claims. Most commonly these scams relate to saying they can’t afford insulin and ask for prices that ,while plausible, can be made cheaper with available resources.
As a bonus point, scammers may yell at you if you call them out so please make sure to take proper care to ensure they can’t do that.
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thefiberfawn · 6 months
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Op of this post blocked me and deleted my reblog and comments as well as from the people who agreed with me that it was not a great practice, on top of making fun of me on the comments with another person (more on that later) and claiming that my moral compass is twisted and I live in a different reality (one in which we try to give credit and link to designers?).
I think it's a bit sad that OP instead from learning and doing better, decided to double down, restrict the comments and turn the post into an eco chamber.
They also retroactively (afaik) deleted their own reblog with all the links they did finally add, but I guess that was giving me too much the point so it couldn't stay up.
If we want awesome free knitting patterns we have to do our best to promote the designers and help them, even if that takes more spoons, specially when sharing things online in a public space, the expectations are different than they are when sharing something in private with a friend.
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On the other note, this is what the other person they were making fun of me with in the comments (this is not a comment, it's a post of theirs, I didn't grab a screenshot of the comments before they both blocked me).
I don't think I'm hyper negative, nor did I bitch about anything, I think it's important to promote ethical sharing of stuff even in niche hobbies. Nobody has to be perfect but we should all be willing to improve when possible.
Thanks for calling me stupid? I do have more than one braincell thanks, and things do work that way and the only thing I asked for was that things should be linked to, not shared in a drive.
Then people complain about designers stepping off and retiring patterns
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thiefhellivator · 5 months
STAYEducated: Plagiarism 101
What is plagiarism?
“Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement." - University of Oxford
Reposting content instead of reblogging/retweeting/sharing it.
Reposting content without asking the original creator for permission, or doing so even if they deny permission.
Sharing or reposting content without giving full, proper credit to the original creator.
Taking someone else's original work and claiming it is your own creation or content.
Why is plagiarism bad?
Plagiarism is unethical. While most general content plagiarism will not be pursued legally, plagiarism is lazy, demoralising, disrespectful and selfish.
Someone whose content is frequently stolen might be dissuaded from creating content at all, or might choose to make their content more inaccessible. It also emotionally harms the content creator.
Plagiarism can often have pretty serious consequences, even if you weren't maliciously plagiarising. Your account could be deleted, your details banned from creating further accounts, certain features on your account(s) being blocked, and it could garner you an ugly reputation within your community which can stick around for a long time.
Plagiarism essentially tells the original creator you don't respect them or value what they do. They're just a tool for you to benefit from.
Plagiarism can also harm the original content creator, who might have to go through undue process to prove they own the content you've stolen from them.
How can I avoid plagiarising?
Link to, share, reblog/retweet or tag people in content you want them to see rather than re-uploading the content.
Give proper credit, even in private spaces. If you send someone's art to a private group chat, tell them who made it and where to find it, or better yet, only send them a direct link to the original post.
"Credit to the original poster" and "not mine" are NOT proper credit.
Avoid sharing content from Pinterest and similar 'sharing' websites. Pinterest's entire model is based on people re-uploading things that do not belong to them and their DMCA process is a nightmare. Use the reverse image search or check the Pinterest post for the original content link and share it straight from the source.
If you're unsure who made something, don't share it or use it. Often it takes me less than 10 minutes to find out something is stolen and who it belongs to originally. If you need to, ask around! Often other people will know if something has been re-uploaded or if its safe to share.
Do your due diligence, always.
I found plagiarised content, what should I do?
Alert the original creator. On many websites only the original creator can get stolen content removed unless you can prove you're acting on their behalf.
Alert others the content is stolen. Be wary that on some sites the uploader can choose to hide or remove your comments, so its often best to take screenshots and make a separate post in conjunction with leaving a comment.
Report the content where possible. In some cases you can use flagging it as spam or stolen content to make a report or you can contact customer support directly and alert them to stolen content.
Don't positively engage with the stolen content. If you have, do your best to remove your engagement by unliking it, deleting your reblogs, ect.
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modelartist-demri · 6 months
Grateful despite everything
I have uploaded at VEF some more Demri uncensored photos that Cliff Feulner took of her and were published in the 1990s at Penthouse magazine, both in the US and internationally. I can send you the link if you request it in a private direct message but I wanr you know that I just login here twice a month.
It's not all of them (yet). Hopefully one day we will be able to live in a free world and share content without being censored, we are in the 21st century. Women can love women, Demri was isexual, and these photos are just posed photos, not real s*x between them.
I hope, despite all the hate and jealousy and secrecy, next year is a better year for the Demri community online. We should support each other, instead of fighting one another or claiming knowing all the facts and all this drama.
I'll see all of you on my blogspot blog for Demri and just reblogging here new content.
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starwarsotsource · 1 year
About reposting gifs
As I mentioned yesterday, one of our gifs was reposted without credit on someone's blog, which I found through my tracked tags. I first left a comment on OP's post telling them the gif was mine, linking to the original post, and to please delete it. When I saw that the post was still up hours later, but my comment was gone, I left another comment repeating what I'd said, and I made a post here warning users about that blog. The blog is deleted now, so I wanted to talk a bit more about what happened.
➡️ Fanwork creators can do very little if our work is reposted on Tumblr
For those who don't know, it used to be that you could report posts to Tumblr as reposted content if you were the creator by providing a link to the original post - this extended to fanworks. Now, only copyright holders can request for content to be taken down. Tumblr has left fandom creators without recourse to protect our work, so the only thing we can do now is ask people to take down their posts when it happens and hope for the best.
I know that sometimes people repost gifs and fanart because they genuinely don't know that it's frowned upon. But there are also blogs filled to the brim with content they stole from other creators and are trying to pass as their own, unfortunately.
Blasting someone's blog like I did is not the kindest course of action, but by having my comment deleted, I assumed it hadn't been a genuine mistake. I also assumed that, after I left that second comment, OP would block me and that'd be that. I shared what had happened so people would know not to reblog that post, because that's the other thing - it's not just that our creations are now in someone else's blog, it's that they're going to be reblogged from that person and there's no way to stop it after that happens.
➡️ What I want to happen if you reposted my work
I woke up today to a private message from OP apologizing and saying that they would delete their blog. This is not what I'd asked or wanted, and I'm very sorry about it. I know I could have been kinder, but again, I had reason to believe OP simply didn't care, and I did the only thing I could think of to stop the damage.
I don't want you to delete your blog or leave a fandom if you mess up! I just want you to delete the post, apologize and do better.
➡️ Why you shouldn't do this
Saving someone else's gif that you found on Tumblr, or looking up gifs on Google, and uploading them into a new post on your blog along with other gifs you found is not cool. Like artists and writers, gif makers spend years learning how to use software and honing their skills; they spend their own time looking up screencaps, working on their ideas, and fine-tuning how gifs look; they create gifs for specific sets with specific ideas. It's our content. We don't want our credit to be erased, and we don't want our gifs to be part of gifsets we didn't intend them for. If I wrote a fanfic, and someone lifted a paragraph from it and inserted it into their own fic, that'd be bad, right? It's the same here.
And if that wasn't enough, there's been a huge decline for the past years in the number of notes we get, because less people use the reblog button now. Seeing our gifs duplicated doesn't help.
➡️ "What do I do if I want to..."
👉 Share this cool gifset I found on Tumblr? Reblog it! Using the reblog button is not the same as reposting - that is when you save a gif to your computer and upload it to a new post on your blog. We want you to reblog our posts!
👉 Share this cool gif I found on Google? Instead of immediately saving it to your computer from the results page, click on the image so you're taken to the source. If the source is Tumblr, you can reblog the post from there straight to your blog!
👉 Share this cool gif I found, but not the rest of the gifset? People generally create gifs in the context of a set. Say I make a set with gifs of Luke, Han and Leia, but you only want the Luke gifs. I'm sorry, but I still made it for that specific set of Luke, Han and Leia. Fortunately, there are thousands of gifsets of just Luke that you can look up and reblog!
👉 Make a new set with these cool gifs I found in different posts? Same as above. It's not a buffet. You can either reblog the original gifsets as they are, or you can learn to make your own!
👉 Share these cool gifs with my own commentary? Unless you're being obnoxious, attacking OP, or adding discourse, people generally don't mind if you add harmless comments when you reblog a gifset. You can also leave comments in tags, or in the replies section of posts.
👉 What about using the Tumblr built-in Add GIF function in posts? Yes, that's a good alternative! This feature automatically credits the original creator by adding their username that links to their blog, and it can't be removed. The original creator also gets notified if someone uses their gif in a post, which is cool - that way, we can at least see where our gifs are being used. Keep in mind that if a creator asks you to remove their gif from your post for whatever reason, the right thing to do is comply. Can you put together a whole gifset with this function? Technically yes, but a) it won't look good on your blog, and b) it's still not a cool thing to do to creators. Consider using this function only if you want to add reactions, headers, or sprinkle related gifs in your posts. Like this!
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I hope this was helpful!
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simblreenofficial · 9 months
Hello, I was signing up for Simblreen but noticed I had to put in my Tumblr URL instead of Curseforge. Would I just post the link on the 27th,28th, and 29th? Or do I need to find another way to post them on Tumblr? It's my first year and I'd like to make sure I'm doing this right. :) Thank you for the help and the fun event!
Sorry in advance if my answer is lacking, I haven’t been in the sims community for the past year so I don’t know how curseforge works for links.
But first off, we ask for the tumblr account bc you need to make a post on your tumblr, otherwise people won’t know you’re participating, they’ll be checking tumblr and the simblreen tag, not curseforge. This is bc it’s a simblr event, and not a sims community wide event.
Then, it depends on how you want to participate. If you just want to post a public download link directing people to your curseforge account (where I assume your gift would be posted), then that works just fine. You make a post during simblreen weekends directing people to your curseforge account and you tag it with simblreen (so we can happily reblog it, and others can see it when they check the simblreen tag!)
However, if you’d like to participate in the trick or treat part of the event, meaning people would send you an ask or DM for trick or treat, and then you share the download link to them in private, then it would work better to upload your link in simsfileshare, mediafire, googledrive, etc., so the link can remain private during the event. If you don’t know how that works, you can refer to our guide, it’s in the pinned post. And once your porchlight is officially off, you can pick a date of your choosing to post your gifts publicly on your curseforge account.
Did all that make sense to you? :) -rdc
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iriascend · 11 months
Yo hello there! I’m very sorry to bother you at this time of the day, just reaching out if you’d be so kind to check the post that I pinned on my blog and maybe give it a little help by boosting/sharing it? it’s for my cat :((( and we need help to get her the tests that she needs. It would really mean the world to me and I understand if you don’t, still appreciate you and stay safe! Btw, please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately instead as I dont want other blogs to think im a spambot or what, once again im sorry for asking this, praying you’d consider! 🥲🙏
And THIS my friends is why you report and block bots on sight.
This is a scam, just so that everyone is on the same page. Don't click the links in any of those posts.
Let's make it a lesson!
First red flag is the message is as copypaste as they come. There's nothing personalized about it. A person would try to use my name or blog URL at least.
The second red flag is this account doesn't know me. This is not a long time follower, or a friend of a friend. It followed me right after sending this. I've never seen it before. Why the fuck would you go to a stranger (without a big following at that) for this???
Third red flag is though the account has a pfp and bio and even some content that makes it look human enough, the earliest post on the blog is from 3 hours ago. And it's a reblog. There are no original posts (as far as I cared to check) except the one with the donation link.
Fourth red flag is the blatant "plz don't put my terrible scam on blast in public" begging at the end of the message.
Dear followers of mine, don't fall for something this bad. At least have the decency to fall for better-constructed scams.
(now go block that account)
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peachymunmagenta · 3 months
Due to OP and I mutually blocking each other due to a falling out (private affairs they have had the courtesy to not share, which is better than what Abby can say) I cannot reblog this post. So I am linking it here instead.
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t3chborb · 6 months
About me & this blog
Hello, call me T3, Birb, or Borb, whichever you prefer.
I've made this silly corner of the internet because I have an unhealthy obsession with a fictional character and want to contribute to the fandom, be it feeding the algorithms with likes n reblogs n shit or my own produce :P
Unique tags found on this blog:
Borb's Scribbles (art)
Borb's Rambles (thoughts, theories, etc)
Borb's Garbage Dump (works in progress, may or may not get finished)
Borb Answers (ask responses. May sometimes also feature scribbles and rambles, depending on the ask)
Not mine (obvious lol)
Unholy Abomination - universal mature tag, may contain either adultery or robot guts. Used liberally just in case, even if the art is technically sfw
Other noteworthy things:
English isn't my native language, my apologies if my words are hard to read or understand
This blog is hyperfocused on Ramram. Probably a stupid idea in the long run but this account is a semi-throwaway anyway
I don't reblog much as I lowkey don't see the point. This is a place for my produce, not a spam blog. That said reblogs do show up on the rare occasion. I do my best to make up for this by leaving likes and comments on other's posts to show support :)
I'm here to have a good time, not cause or experience discourse, so please don't be a jerk, just block me and ignore me if my existence bothers you
I am, to some extend, a pro-shipper. I barely have any preferences when it comes to Ram ships, I'm fine with just about any (including self-inserts and OCs)
There are some shipping dynamics I don't like, one or both characters being OOC as hell, general toxicity and abuse, underage x adult, non-con, things of that nature, but I'm fine with pretty much anything deemed "problematic", assuming the issue is handled reasonably well (and if it's not handled well... the creator has a right to vent via creative media, even if I don't like said media. Better have them let out their frustrations creatively than... you know. Actually acting on them.)
For Ram fandom's "problematic" ship specifically, I'm neutral on Ramyatta, slightly leaning towards the don't like it territory, but for reasons other than the whole pseudo-incest thing (it's not incest in my eyes because robots don't have genes and monastery titles, but I can see how Ram and Zen calling each other "brother" is offputting)
I generally don't take requests, but if I happen to vibe a lot with a certain concept, I might just draw it
I'm open to talking, but I'm shy and perfectionistic. So please don't take it personally if I don't respond for a while ;-; I'll try to do my best.
I am a-okay with naughty topics, just know that I'll probably be embarrassed about it
About my art:
Krita 5.2 + Huion Kamvas Pro 16
My "style" is inconsistent as fuck as I'm going to be experimenting a lot for improvement purposes
If you wish to use my art, I am fine with the following:
Profile pictures, profile backgrounds, device wallpapers (with credit provided somewhere easily accessible, if it's shown publicly)
Coloring uncolored lineart
Side Note 1: I would like to know about you using my work, but telling me isn't mandatory (provided you follow these rules)
Side Note 2: Almost all art posted has been heavily downscaled from the originals (about 3 times smaller), so they may look terrible in certain use cases. If you want the full res, reach out to me privately, I'll send it over if I'm confident that you won't misuse it
I am NOT fine with the following:
Commercial use of any kind
Feeding into AI generators
NFT nonsense
Modifications of any kind EXCEPT coloring plain lineart
Reposting anywhere, especially Tumblr. If you REALLY want to share my stuff, I'm flattered, but please use links instead...
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nyanpoe · 4 years
(Rough) summary of the last NatsuYuu arc
Featuring chapters 106 and 107, “Visiting a late friend”. 
Note that my japanese isn’t the best, so i might have misunderstood some things.
Also: my own personal notes are in cursive.
In chapter 106 Natsume takes the wrong bus home after going to some far town (if i remember correctly Touko had asked him to run an errand or smth). Yorishima gets on that same bus and after seeing each other (they were like the only ones in the bus) they start chatting. If i remember correctly, Yorishima had offered to show him the correct bus/way home, but he was on his way to return a book to an old friend (named Kusakabe) he used to exchange letters with who had already passed away, so Natsume offers to accompany him.
We get some more insight into Yorishima’s character, how he’s pretty grumpy, asocial and a shut in. If i remember correctly, in the book he was going to deliver, which was one that Natori retrieved from his mansion in the Miharu arc, he found a letter where Kusakabe told him to go visit him someday.
When they get to the house of Yorishima’s old friend, they are greeted by his 3 beautiful daughters AND feel a weird presence in the house.
The chapter ends with Yorishima telling Natsume that Kusakabe only had 2 daughters, not 3.
Here 2 cute screenshots i took of the chapter
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Chapter 107 (later part) starts with one of the letters Kusakabe wrote to Yorishima, where he talks about how he can hear his daughters (note: 娘, musume) played despite having told them to being quiet as he was writing. He also notes how he likes it when it’s lively, and contrasts it with Yorishima’s hypothetical reaction.
The daughters (who are all a bit weird and very pushy) talk a bit about Yorishima and how much their father used to talk about him. Once they leave the room, Yorishima and Natsume discuss how one of them might be an ayakashi, as he is sure Kusakabe had always wrote in his letters about only 2 daughters. 
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Yorishima starts cursing about how nothing good happens whenever he leaves his house and apologizes to Natsume for dragging him into such a mess. Natsume then realizes he feels like his old self, and reassures him that going all this way for his friend is a very important thing and he'll tag along, for Kusakabe's sake, and mentally adds for Yorishima’s sake too. Natsume then kicks Nyanko-sensei outta the room and tells him to go investigate which daughter might be the imposter (since he was just eating cake and being an ass lol).
Natsume asks if there’s lead to tell apart the fake one, but Yorishima says that none of them resemble Kusakabe physically, although their mannerisms sometimes do. 
In it, Kusakabe tells Yorishima (after failing to feed him an onigiri) about how he should have also gone watch the meteor shower, how pretty it was etc and how the stars seemed to go and fall from all directions, to which Yorishima was like bruh how could that be and if it wasn’t perhaps a tanuki or ghost playing a prank on him. Kusakabe says that maybe that was the reason why the rest didn’t seem to react to it, but that was all the more reason why it would have been merrier if Yorishima had been with him.
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Yorishima immediately tells Kusakabe that he should confess to Kyouko-san already and that he actually would have wanted to see the meteor shower with her instead, leaving the other quite dumbfounded as meddling into other’s affairs (or even caring) was pretty out of character of him. Yorishima just answers that if his roommate is being a pain he won’t get peace either so he should be done with his business. He also tells him that he’s a good man, so there’s no way he’ll get rejected.
~end of flashback~
After that we get a 4 pages Nyanko-sensei pov of spying on the girls, who start acting all creepy, making him freaks out and run away.
The last page has a letter from Yorishima to Kusakabe, in which he thanks him for the last letter and congratulates him, saying he was surprised when he learned about his 2 daughters.
Back to Yorishima and Natsume, Yorishima seems to hold his arm, making Natsume worry and ask if it doesn’t hurt (thinking to himself that it’s the rumored ayakashi arm, and wonders if it’s really true) but the other says he was just deep in thought. They discuss about the daughters again, saying that if they look like kusakabe, what similarities they have etc. Since they dont look alike natsume asks if they dont look like the wife then, but Yorishima says he actually doesn’t know about the wife, neither name nor face. He never got to meet her, as he never met Kusakabe after college again. He says that Kusakabe wrote whatever came to mind in his letters and never got to tell him about getting married not his daughters being born, but mentions that he used to date a girl called Kyouko when they were in college. He says that they looked very happy and (not sure of the jp wording here) just looking at each other/at them? made them blush. 
Natsume assumes that that must have been his wife then, but Yorishima says that she had died in an accident. He talks about how Kusakabe used to be pretty depressed after it, but since he didn't want to make Kyouko sad he came back to his usual self eventually. Still, he didn’t date anyone after that, that’s why he was very surprised when reading the letter talking about his daughters. Knowing that he was able to form a family, after everything that happened, made him so happy he started trembling.
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Nyanko-sensei interrupts them and cries a bit about how the girls were Too Much. After that, the lights go off and Yorishima runs to check that the girls are ok. He starts mildly gay panicking bc he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to his friend’s house. He says to himself that it would have been better if Kusakabe had at least told him how his daughters were called, and remembers the note in the book asking him to come pay a visit someday.
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He runs into the youkai and asks who is she, to which she replies that she is kusakabes daughter. Yorishima says that he only had 2 so that's not possible but she says that Kusakabe just never got to tell him about the 3rd (among us voice kinda sus). She tells him that if he catches her she'll tell him the full story. While chasing for her, he starts shouting that it’s Kusakabe’s house, even if he passed away, saying in his mind “isn’t anywhere anymore”, it’s the house of his dear friend, and he won’t forgive her if she tries to do something to his beloved daughters.
He catches the youkai and: turns out all the daughters were DOLLS.
Apparently, Kusakabe bought 2 dolls at an antique shop and when writing the letter, he used the word musume, which can mean either daughter or simply young girl. The daughters say he had realized that Yorishima misunderstood and thought he meant biological daughters, but decided to play along and keep using musume when talking about them. And so, when Yorishima visited him, he would learn the truth. He looked forward to when he would come and find out.  That’s why the dolls decided to carry on with that wish, and tell him about how fun and merry Kusakabe’s time there had been.
(Here comes the part where I’m not really sure about some things, and I’m not sure either what they are referring to Exactly so I might have misinterpreted it.)
The dolls say they were actually upset at him for never once visiting Kusakabe, but that seeing his arm they understand he couldnt come. Then, Natsume thinks to himself "to his dear friend... (deepl translation:) in the midst of all the bewitchment...". Yorishima here regrets not being more sincere in his replies to the many letters Kusakabe sent because he thinks that’s probably why he stopped sending them (i think?),and the daughters ask him if he knows why he died. When Yorishima says he heard he died of illness, they say: "yes, the reason is similar to yours (that i understand maybe i read it wrong). he simply stopped sending letters when he lost the strength in his handwriting". (when he didnt have enough strenght to write properly basically, bc that’s shittily worded).  Here they show that Kusakabe told his daughters that Yorishima is very intelligent and his own handwriting was very strong and beautiful, so he would notice and get weird worries. 
The daughters then say that there are a lot of letters he never got to send. 
In one of those letters, he writes Yorishima that he had ordered a new doll for his daughters, so it seemed like his house would become even more lively (and also something about a job but idk if it refers to the doll or smth else). A sepparate bubble shows: “one day, when you come...”.
With the book being returned, the daughters have then acomplished their mission. When they leave Natsume wonders what will they do from now on.  Here Natsume wonders about Yorishima’s regrets, the reason why he couldnt pay a visit to his friend, and his own duty with the book of friends.
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Yorishima thanks Natsume for his helps and Natsume says its a good thing he came to see him (aka Kusakabe). He is holding the book open, and as the wind makes the pages flip one last note, with a pretty shaky handwriting ,appears between them. Natsume asks what does it say.
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Yorishima says that it just says as usual, just some foolish things.
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lilhawkeye3 · 3 years
wake up call
Alpha-17 x gender neutral Reader
Rating: E |||| Word count: 1.4K |||| AO3 Link |||| NSFW Masterlist
Summary: Alpha-17 ends up in the medbay after a difficult mission. You decide to give him a pleasant return to the waking world. 😏✌🏽
Warnings: somnophilia, blowjob, teasing, Alpha being a smug bitch
A/N: thanks to @ollovae3 for letting me plot this in her dms and also for the art!! ehehehehe if y’all like it I’ll do a part 2, so pls comment and reblog 🥺💕
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It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
Granted, you knew this was always a possibility after every mission Alpha-17 left on. In fact, you knew better than most, seeing as you were one of the lead medics on this Venator.
Still... the sight of Alpha lying motionless against the pristine white sheets of his medbay cot was something you’d never wanted to be faced with.
You’re angry: at Alpha for being injured, at yourself for not being on his mission to help, at the galaxy for forcing himself to fight in this damned war. You’d been managing your guilt by handling his postoperative care for the past cycle. Now there was nothing left to do except wait for Alpha to wake up.
It gives you time to think. The two of you had certainly started out as a simply casual fling, and when your interactions had begun to extend out of the bedroom, neither of you had discussed the change. But then yesterday, you hadn’t even hesitated to move to Alpha’s side when he was carried into the medbay. The ARC trooper had been in a combative state as the other medics fought to sedate him, and only your touch and quiet murmuring in his ear had finally settled him.
Watching him be wheeled away to operation, and sitting at his bedside now, you know it would be pointless to deny how deeply you’ve fallen for him.
Your eyes roam his still form again, drifting over his face relaxed in sleep. You’ve never seen him so calm outside of the twisted sheets of your private quarters, both of your chests heaving with the exertion of your amorous activities. His latest mission was obviously rough; you can’t even begin to imagine what he’s seen this time around.
An idea comes to mind. To counter the bad, you decide that Alpha should get to wake up to something really, really good.
No better way than to wake him up with an orgasm.
The setting was perfect for your plan. Because of Alpha’s behavior when he’d been brought in, the medics had set him up in a corner area curtained off from the rest of the medbay, just in case he woke up in the same mindset. The cot was also larger than average to support the Alpha-class clone, so you had plenty of room to lift the sheets and lie flat on your stomach between his spread legs.
Even luckier for you, Alpha was only clad in a set of hospital robes. All you had to do was push the fabric up around his waist, completely baring his thick cock to you.
He’s just… so big. You know from experience how well endowed he is, how it feels each time he thrusts into you and you savor the delicious stretch. But Alpha is a generous lover, and you’ve never had the chance to simply take your time with sucking his cock before.
He’s hot and heavy in your hand. Your mind goes fuzzy around the edges as you get lost in the action of sucking him off: simply enjoying being able to slowly lick him from base to tip. Following the thick outlines of the veins of his cock with the tip of your tongue. Wrapping your lips around his head and letting the precum collect in your mouth.
It’s so… nice. You let yourself lose track of time as you draw out his pleasure and your own.
It’s only when you’re nearing the end– you feel his balls drawing up and tightening, his cock twitching in your mouth– and you know he’s about to cum that the world becomes startlingly bright as the sheets are yanked off your head. You glance up dazedly to see Alpha staring blearily down at you.
The groggy trooper barely has time to groan out, “Mesh’la, fuck!” before he violently clenches the sheets beneath him in his fists and cums down your throat. Long, white bursts fill your mouth and you greedily swallow it down, letting the taste of him linger on your tongue as you hollow your cheeks to coax the last bits of cum from his cock.
You let it get messy when you pull away, long trails of your combined fluids stretching from your parted lips to Alpha’s sensitive flesh. A smug smile crosses your face as you wipe the evidence clean with the sheets, glad that you won’t be responsible for cleaning them.
“Hey there, soldier.”
Alpha visibly clenches his jaw. “You’re just asking for trouble with that smart mouth of yours.”
“Seems just now you liked my ‘smart mouth,’” you sass back. Still, you pull back and bring your knees up underneath you so you’re now kneeling between Alpha’s thighs. He watches you with guarded curiosity as you lean forward to trail your fingers over his scraped cheek. “I missed you.”
His hardened expression softens, and he turns into your touch to press his lips gently against your fingertips. “Y’have no idea how much I missed you,” he replies, allowing this moment of vulnerability between you before his playful aggression returns full force. “Now get up, or my medic vode are gonna see you like this.”
“And if I want them to?”
Alpha growls deep within his chest. “Up. Now.”
You must make enough noise while climbing back to your feet that a medic does indeed pop his head around the curtain.
“Oh, ori’vod! Nice to see you awake alread–”
He doesn’t get any further because he’s stopped by Alpha aggressively pointing a finger at him. “Vod, if you don’t get me a fresh set of blacks and discharge me right this karking minute, I’ll have you on graveyard shifts for the next year.” Alpha ignores the glare you shoot in his direction in favor of staring down the poor medic.
It’s no surprise then that you’re both shooed out of the medbay in record speed. The Alpha-class are the ori’vod of the rest of the clones, and Alpha-17 in particular has quite the reputation. The medics know when it’s not worth the fight to keep a patient.
Although, you aren’t prepared for Alpha to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder the moment you step out into the corridor.
Normally, you’d act bratty and try and squirm out of his hold, but now it is a reminder that he came back (relatively) in one piece. If Alpha is well enough to lift you like you weigh less than a pillow, you know he’ll be fine. Instead, you pull down the neckline of his new blacks and begin to kiss the revealed skin. As he strides through the Venator’s halls, your playful kisses soon turn into bites as you leave behind a trail of hickeys along his neck and jawline. From the way his fingers squeeze your ass in retaliation, you know it’s successfully riling him up.
It also means you miss when he passes by your private quarters and only notice the next time you come up for air. “Alpha, wasn’t the turn back there?”
“Nuh-uh, ad’ika,” he rumbles. “You were so keen on sucking my fat cock in semi-public that we’re gonna continue to put on a show.” He stops in front of a thick door, and your eyes widen the moment before it opens as you recognize that it’s the commander barracks.
Alpha feels you freeze like a tooka caught in headlights, and he smirks your way as he carries you into the room.
You’re been deployed with the 501st on the last few missions, so you recognize Captain Rex and his second-hand Appo where they sit on one of the nearest bunks, a deck of cards shared between them. They both look up with friendly expressions that quickly morph into varying levels of amusement and embarrassment.
“Uh…” Rex starts eloquently before he coughs into his fist and boldly continues on. “Nice to see you up and about, ori’vod–”
“You’re got five seconds to get lost or you boys or gonna have front row seats to the show,” Alpha cut him off flatly.
Both of you know Rex is too polite to stay, and he’s not about to let Appo remain behind alone, so you watch them both leave as fast as they can while maintaining some sense of normalcy.
Alpha huffs in satisfaction before moving over to the farthest bunk and dropping you down onto the thinly padded mattress. You let yourself fall limp as you stare up at him with wide eyes while he looks around the room, clocks in on a group of discarded packs, and returns with a set of magnetic cuffs dangling tauntingly from his fingers.
“Gotta keep you from squirming, don’t I?”
Stars, you’re so fucked.
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eulangelo · 3 years
callout for @genderfluidlucifer
google docs
tw for transmisogyny + TERFs + emotional manipulation
Lucifer is a huge transmisogynist who will complain 24/7 about how TERFs hurt the ace community, but the moment @randomclustermissile , a trans girl (who is not an exclusionist at all) tries to point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles (in the most vague and general way possible, without pointing fingers nor calling anyone names) Lucifer will immediatly jump to block her and so they did with me (another inclusionist) and i have to suppose to everyone else who agreed with that post, even arriving to vagueing about us in private group chats to suggest that we were “sympathizing with exclusionists”. all because we dared point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles. lucifer is TME but apparently they think they’re the authority on TERFs and their talking points but actual trans women are not, according to them, since this is the stuff that they would go and spew to other people. (screenshots from @enbyoctoling​)
here’s more examples of Lucifer (again, a transmasc person) going deep in detail about how according to them, TERFs/SWERFs hate aro/ace people and are an active threat to us
1. link
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[Image ID: Three screenshots of a post by Genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot is of a paragraph that reads, "Hey. So I can actually answer this. Anon your commentary about how you thought terfs would approve of sex repulsed aces is sort of it. Except...not. Basically terfs hate ace people for not wanting sex in the approved by terfs way. Terfs are actually extremely interested in [forcing] amatonormativity onto everyone. Because for as sex negative as terfs are...they don't want to actually acknowledge or change the fact that amatonormativity is at the root cause of rape culture and misogyny."
The second screenshot is a zoomed in section of the post that reads, "So yeah no I have NO idea where exclus allies are getting this idea from that terfs would even remotely care about the sexual rights of ace people. Terfs generally hate any sexualities in the LGBTQ+ acronym that aren't LGB because they can't force a gender binary onto those sexualities. At least, not as easily. That's why it's actually a massive sign of someone who doesn't call themselves a terf being a crypto terf if they use the term LGB in a positive manner. Along with the term SGA, as it is deliberately exclusive of nonbinary and not inherently SGA centric queer-aligned sexualities. /END ID]
link to the full post, these are just excerpts but the whole thing is just a very long rant about how TERFs hate ace people and so on (i think it’s worth noticing that although the actual post is kinda long, trans women are never once brought op in a conversation about TERFs issues and the only time transmisogyny is mentioned is not relevant to the conversation)
2. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is nothorses. It reads, "Because apparently I have to say it: Testosterone is not a 'violent' hormone. It doesn't make you 'more aggressive' or a worse person, it doesn't make you 'dangerous,' or 'toxic.' Transmascs do not need to be 'warned of the dangers of T.' We do not need to spend our transitions terrified that we're going to become a danger to those around us - that HRT is going to turn us into a monster.
Everyone experiences mood swings during hormonal shifts (pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, estrogen HRT, etc.) and while you might have grumpy moments or feel anger/frustration that you need to learn to handle differently, that doesn't make you a bad person.
Testosterone can change the way you access/process emotions somewhat, but if you're already thoughtful about how you handle your feelings and treat others, you're going to be fine. It's normal to lash out on occasion, by accident, then apologize and work to do better. It doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone on HRT is prone to this, and everyone experiencing hormonal changes is prone to this.
Getting HRT should be positive and affirming; you should not have to spend your entire transition terrified of becoming a monster."
The post then has a reblog by captainlordauditor that reads, "The big danger of T is that needle ouchy." /END ID]
here’s them reblogging from known transmisogynist user @nothorses (once again, the irony that a post about how testosterone is seen as the "aggressive hormone" does not mention transfem at all which are literally the main victims of this rethoric in the first place)
3. link (1), link (2)
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[Image ID: Two screenshots of posts by genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot reads, "Queer exclus: We're not repackaging terf rhetoric! Saying that is transmisogynistic! Also queer exclus: Remove the plus from LGBT!" and has tags that say, "I will pay these people to grow some god damn self awareness. Imagine being this dense. Queer discourse." The post has 15 notes.
The second screenshot reads, "Honestly it is so stupid and frustrating to see ace exclus continue to deny that the ace discourse was started by terfs. Proof was given countless times. And a big name terf like galesofnovember even admitted to starting it. Those of you who demand proof but ignore all of this never wanted proof to begin with." and is tagged with, "ace discourse. The post has 38 notes. /END ID]
heres another two post of theirs conflating TERFs with ace exclusionism
4. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblogged post by furbearingbrick. The original poster is boxlizard, Lucifer's old account. The original post reads, "By the way for people still in denial about it, here's galesofnovember, a terf, admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement. She's taking credit for it. Normally if the victims of this behavior weren't ace/aro or other queer identities y'all be ready to rightfully lynch her. But since it's us, y'all just still wanna stamp your feet and go, 'Nuh uh!' instead of acknowledging facts." The part that says, "admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement" is a link to a galesofnovember post.
There is then a reblogged addition from furbearing brick that reads, "archived versions of the receipts" and has two links to the webarchive. The tags read, "Bringing this back since it's apparently still relevant. Terfism mention. Aphobia mention. Queerphobia mention. Blocklist." and has 1,455 notes. /END ID]
this is their post that ive already talked about but basically they found a 52 notes post made by a TERF in 2012 and this one person said "i dont know why i dont get to be the princess of the anti-ace-brigade" and apparently they are convinced that this means TERFs started the ace exclusionism movement and that this is one of their goals. which is insane when TERFs in real life only care about making life miserable for transfem people first and foremost.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is yu-gay-fudo. It reads, “Just in case you happen to be unaware, some of the “radfem lite” they post to warm you up to their rhetoric, just off the top of my head:
- Ace/aro exclusionism
- Bi exclusionism or claims that bi people are “less queer” bc of “straight passive privilege”
- Saying you have to be dysphoric to identify as transInvalidating nonbinary people
- Calling queer a slur regardless of context, saying people can’t identify as queer, and saying that it can’t be reclaimed
- “Mogai hell”, “kweer”, or otherwise mocking less common labels and claiming they are “just cishets who want to feel special”
- Excluding sex workers from feminist discussions or claiming that sex work is inherently evil
- Basically anyone who thinks they can determine what other people identify as”. The tags read, "queerphobia tw. twerfs tw. no id." and has 70,727 notes. It was reblogged on March 22nd, 2021 /END ID]
another example of conflating radfems to things that, while wrong, have little to nothing to do with them because being a radfem, again, is something very specific that has all to do with transfem oppression.
Emotional manipulation
Lucifer has done nothing but block, break boundaries, spread lies and vague about people, some of which were even mutuals with them knowing they would see the posts. when confronted about it Lucifer's only answer was "just say you hate me and block me" but they actually ended up blocking everyone first, making it impossible for anyone to set some boundaries with them or even just to calmly confront them about anything.
[proof: Io(popncourse) and Lucifer had a disagreement in a shared discord server, which prompted Lucifer to vague Io in a vent post. Io confronted them, as being vagued is one of buns triggers, to which Lucifer initially agreed to delete the vent post, but then proceeded to victimize themself and immediatly blocked Io. later on, Jude(malewifedeckard) was confronted by Lucifer, then after Jude told them “I’m worried that you’ll vague me just like you did with Io” they proceeded to block Jude and vagued about him too. when Io made a post (which was not a callout, it was just bun setting buns boundaries) explaining what Lucifer did, Lucifer immediatly jumped to victimize themself, acting like they were being called out and straight-up lying, even going so far as to say that no one tried to hear them out, which is a blatant lie if you consider the aforementioned Io and Jude’s attempts at doing so, with Lucifer immediatly blocking and cutting ties with the both of them. ] 
(screenshots taken by @popncourse and @malewifedeckard)
as seen in the proof above Lucifer’s behaviour is not ok because they don’t accept any kind of confrontation and immediatly jump to blocking, and after blocking, they'd immediatly go and vague about the people who confronted them pacificly, spreading more lies and painting themself as the victim and even arriving to say “no one hears me out at all” which is simply not something you can say when you block people who are trying to hear you out in the first place.
this is by no means an invitation to go and harass them, send them hate or anything like that. i absolutely don’t want anything even remotely hateful or negative to be sent their way after this post. 
this post was only made because:
1. as an ace person who fully supports the inclusion of aspec identities in the lgbt+ community i don’t want to support an enviroment that costantly downplays transmisogynistic oppression in order to be taken seriously. there are hundreds of ways to make aspec activism without acting like we(as in TME aspecs)are the victims of a system that seeks for the annihilation of transfemenine people in real life everyday. i especially don’t want to support TME individuals who act transfem-friendly but then block any transfem who tries to speak on transmisogyny without a second thought.
2. Lucifer’s behaviour has hurt two friends of mine and i don’t want to associate with someone who actively breaks people’s boundaries without taking accountability when messing up.
3. i cannot associate with someone who spreads lies about me accusing me of sympathizing with exclusionists all while having me blocked so that i can’t see it nor defend me. they complain about people not hearing them out but they’re the very first person who does not try to hear people out, and instead jumps to spread baseless rumors. this is not someone i can nor want to associate with. 
(image descriptions provided by @malewifedeckard)
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writingonjorvik · 3 years
Can We Discuss Game Hiatuses?
I want to preface this enter post with the comment that I am absolutely not saying "Oh, if you're not enjoying SSO, you should just leave the community." That's a bad argument used against criticism that I do not promote. However, I am going to talk about how if you're not enjoying SSO, why you should take a pause from playing.
I'm going to generally credit @centeris2 on this topic, because while I'm not using direct quotes (because private convos aren't exactly the style I want to use for Can We Discuss), we had a long conversation about this topic and she made a lot of good points for this that I wanted to discuss. Some of these points are based on her opinions, a lot of out thoughts blurred together so it's hard to directly credit, and she gave me the ok to talk about it and use her thoughts.
In any case, let's start with the fact that it is perfectly normally to like something and still drop it for years at a time, or to not directly engage with it. For instance, I adore the Legend of Zelda franchise (were it not obvious from my recent to be rescheduled event), but I haven't personally picked up a LOZ game for a year-ish now when I replayed Minish Cap. That doesn't revoke my LOZ fan card, that's a perfectly normal thing to do. Most of you will have done this throughout your life, more and more recognizably as you get older.
This however can get blurred by fandom. It is very often that folks with hyperfixations on a thing, who may or may not engage with something more regularly than other media, will get involved in fandom and make a lot of content for that fandom. These people can produce loads of content on a piece of media and this can fuel a community, even if the rest of the community isn't actively engaging with that media. It also doesn't specifically mean that people with hyperfixations are constantly engaging with that media. Going back to that LOZ example, I wrote LOZ fanfic for years without actively playing more than one LOZ game maybe a year or two. Content can be queued, be entirely original outside of the media, and still last a long time and engage with the fandom at large.
The point is to say, even if you make content and enjoy a piece of media, you don't have to actually be playing/reading/listening/watching it constantly. In fact, normally modern fandom culture makes that pretty easy to do, though it can sometimes make us feel like we're still engaging directly with the media even if we're technically not. But it's good to take a step back and acknowledge that. A lot of younger fans in fandom have a hard time with this, which is why I'm taking the time to point it out. A lot of young fans will hyperengage in a fandom because they want to be involved in this fandom they love, only to burn themselves out and be turned away by their frustration. It's important then to acknowledge this scenario to encourage better, healthier involvement with fandom. Still, in this situation, you can easily bow out of a fandom if you need to take a break and then come back when something new happens in it, like a new release or update. This may feel like a fandom "dies" when a piece of media ends, but for active media, it's a normal and healthy thing to do.
SSO on the other hand does not encourage the ability for people to take a break, or at least it does it at the detriment of the player. Because of the weekly updates, players are constantly checking for the chance that there is something interesting coming out. This is somewhat addressed by the monthly roadmaps the team has been putting out, but that also just extends the period of time people are waiting for news and they're still staying in the release cycle for more clarification. For instance, we know Silverglade Village is getting an update at the end of the month, but knowing SSO's release cycle, are they going to tease some more of the changes? Are they going to reveal how wide the area of update is going to be? Will any NPCs get updates with it? This is still in the weekly cycle and it keeps players from building up actual suspense for updates if we know when content is coming out. It also takes away a lot of suspense when the content isn't main content, like new areas or story. While the suspense for the Fripp quests I would say were quite large, I wouldn't say that any of the other updates have shared the same attention. This is why most companies will release roadmaps for quarters or for a year.
And this isn't to say that SSE as a company shouldn't be releasing media content weekly, they should. That's good social media. But there are ways to engage with fans that don't drag out a reliance to engage weekly, things like community contests, highlighting fans, or promoting fanmade content. But when every update is super in the eyes of social media, fatigue and apathy are going to start to kill actual excitement unless it's something major.
I don't think it's a secret that I think the weekly updates aren't good for the game on the development side. I think it creates a pseudo-crunch culture on the developers so that they can't work on larger projects that players are asking for, like an engine overhaul (it took FFXIV two years to do theirs, when are the devs supposed to have time on SSO to switch now). But, I also don't think it's good for the players. Yes, there's something every week, but how are players actually engaging each week and how much time can we build up anticipation or get excited when each week that gets diffused by something that's not super exciting the majority of other weeks? Which doesn't mean that that content is bad, but it clearly builds frustration in the community to have "filler" content. When's the next story quests, when's the next map expansion, when's the next major mechanic being added, etc. We're constantly discussing the next big thing and then finding reasons to be excited in the meantime. This does not spark joy.
But in order to take a break, either you need to be on top of your Stable Care (likely to pull you back in), or just stop caring about your horses while you're away (unlikely considering the horse girl is strong in this community). The first requires Star Coins, which is arguably saying "You have to pay real money to take a break," and the second is actively punishing you mechanically for not being committed to playing. Neither of those allow the player to take healthy, normal breaks from the community to engage in other things. And that's an issue.
Yes, MMOs need regular engagement. Active servers and participation are a part of what makes them more marketable. But there are ways to do that without penalizing players. And I'm not suggesting that the care system needs to be entirely removed, but it does need to be entirely reworked so players can leave the game without coming back penalized. Things like the care system not affecting stats, but increasing your RNG for finding doubles of crafting items, or doubling your shilling rewards from dailies. WoW's inn system rewards players for taking breaks by double your exp gain longer depending on how long you were away. Others like Guild Wars 2 will give you log in rewards that build up to bigger prizes over time. There are ways to do this.
And I understand that a lot of folks like the current care system because it's realistic. But there has to be a line in game development where enjoyment in a game is prioritized over the realism of the game, not to mention the health of the player. Yes, the daily care system is more realistic, but if it is developing an obsessive habit of play to enjoy content that is, realistically, months to years down the line, that's not good for the player and should be changed so players can break from the game without coming back to punished controls. There are better systems that can still be realistic, things like crafting feed schedules to recover health boosts faster instead of having to see the vet, increasing how often the mood goes up so it doesn't take a whole week, changing it so when taking a horse for a ride the mood will increase every 10 or so minutes by engaging with a horse you like. Rewarding players for getting on and playing the game instead of making them dread missing when they should be coming back with excitement for the game.
All of that said, I want to encourage all of you to play more games where you can. I know there are system limitations, restricted budgets, and sometimes regional limits because of limited languages or just straight regionlocks. But in the same way reading makes you a better reader and writer, gaming makes you a better gamer (and developer/designer if you go that route). It helps you identify what you like in games and in the same way that reading other things makes coming back to your favorite all that much better, so does playing other games. I'm going to reblog this in a bit with some games I'd recommend with links to Steam and Epic and I'd encourage you all to do the same.
The takeaway I hope to give is that it's normal and healthy to take a break from games. You can still engage with media without directly engaging with it through fandom. SSE can do more to not penalize players for wanting to take a break, and should. And where you can, you should play more games and break for the health of your relationship with a piece of media you like.
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prideandprejudice05 · 3 years
Hi anon! I hope you don’t mind but I am answering your ask here instead of as an actual ask bc I would like to redact my real name! I’ll explain a little more as to why :)
TL;DR Yes I am she from wehaveabucky :) I’m glad you found me! I’m doing much better than a few years ago when I was on that blog which is always good! I’m no longer really an active part of the mcu fandom as I don’t hold as much enjoyment for it anymore however I am writing and making gifs for Star Wars over on my sw side blog @spotchka and do occasionally reblog marvel stuff here :) as for why I no longer use my real name on tumblr, it is for my own protection. I now go by ‘plum’ (an old cheesy nickname) and would like to ask anyone who knew me from my old blogs to not refer to me by my real name on the internet!
If you would like the full story… tw that this story contains mentions of anxiety, depression, stalking, suicidal thoughts and actions and paranoia so I will be putting it under the cut
I’m sharing this now because I would like to encourage young people to STAY SAFE on the internet. I know this is an extreme story but please be really cautious with what information you share where and how accessible you are to strangers!
I deleted wehaveabucky some time before the summer of 2019 (I can’t remember when exactly because I have the worst memory for anything pre summer of 2019 ajsjjskkaksksdjs) bc I was in a very dark mental place and struggling with university
unfortunately, I was never too safe with my identity on tumblr and even linked my Instagram on that blog. furthermore on wehaveabucky, I was rightly and frequently very vocal with my political and personal opinions. unfortunately, some troll would harass me on tumblr daily, sending me messages and making new accounts to tell me I was a liberal whore and a slut and anything else you could think of. I got unsolicited dick pics from this person. They would tell me they wanted to kill me and wanted r*pe me. when I deleted tumblr, this moved to Instagram.
In the summer of 2019 i was travelling around Asia and the harassment ramped up to an unbearable point. This person, whom I would block repeatedly but would then just make new accounts to harass me from, commented on every photo sexual or violent things about me. I didn’t make my Instagram private bc I enjoyed sharing photos of my travels and I realise now this was a mistake. By the end of summer I was going insane. I was paranoid and anxious. I hadn’t told anyone about this guy because I was scared and didn’t know if I was overreacting, but the comments would only become more frequent and more graphic. I emailed Instagram at the time and got a automated response telling me how to block someone.
Eventually I went private.
Unfortunately this didn’t stop them.
After I privated my Instagram account, multiple accounts popped up requesting to follow me. When I went to them, they were accounts of my photos and me but with graphically violent or sexual edits and captions.
That night I had the biggest panic attack of my life and was so exhausted, depressed and overwhelmed by the situation that I tried to take my life.
Luckily I was staying with my parents at the time as they live in Hong Kong and they managed to talk me off the ledge and I deleted my Instagram account.
Even though I was now off the internet, my anxiety only worsened. I feared that this stalker already knew too much about me and would not restrict himself to the internet realm and I would eventually encounter him in real life. I grew so paranoid that I convinced myself he had learned information about me because he was actually one of my friends and because of that I lost friendships. I accused people in a panic without thinking and then isolated myself with no friends around me.
I moved back to England for my final year of university. My anxiety and depression had got so bad and I was hurting myself frequently.
This is when I started a job in a hotel working breakfast shifts. (It was a horrible job and I hated every minute of it but that’s besides the point.) After working there for two weeks, the Chef decided to ‘initiate’ me into the staff by pulling a prank. The oven in the kitchen sounded like a phone that rang and rang till you opened the door. At the time I didn’t know this.
In the middle of service, chef called me over and told me someone was on the phone for me. I instantly started to panic. I hadn’t told any family member or friend I had gotten this job and even though I tried to tell myself it was maybe just the manager calling from upstairs, I also feared it was my stalker. When I picked up the phone and there was no one there, I was convinced it was him and burst into tears. The chef was very kind and apologised and explained the situation but I unfortunately still had a massive panic attack and hid in the bathroom for twenty minutes.
Luckily at this point, I realised I was spiralling into a dangerous place. I decided to reach out to my GP who prescribed me medication and reached out to the mental health services at my uni and was able to get 6 weeks of talking therapy, which gave me the confidence to book in with a regular therapist.
I have been very fortunate to have never heard from this person again.
I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in the last few years and my progress has been hindered thanks to rona, but I can honestly say I am in a better and more well-equipped place than I was then and even before :)
Im really sorry I derailed what was a very positive ask and made it a very heavy story! I just wanted to take the opportunity to share and hopefully encourage people to be more aware of cyber safety!!
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Angel (Pt. 2)
Angel (Pt. 2)
Harry Styles x Reader
A/N: This one was inspired by Harry’s song Only Angel. It’s five parts in total. If you like it, be sure to give it a reblog and check out the other parts linked below. Thanks, and enjoy <3
Warnings: Ummmmmm anger? Alludes to sex. That’s about it. 
Part 1  -  Part 3  -  Part 4  -  Part 5
My first walk went by in a flash. I hardly realized I was out there before I was disappearing behind the curtain again. Still, I was filled with adrenaline and exuberance when I stepped off and realized that I was a true Angel now. Unable to stop myself from laughing, I allowed myself to be ushered to the rack of clothes holding my outfits for the night. I completely forgot that Harry was even there as I quickly changed and got ready to walk again. With every pass on the runway, I gained confidence. Before too long I was having fun and interacting with the performers, just like the Angels who had been doing this for years.
The show passed by all too fast, and suddenly it was time for the final segment, the Goddesses. As the assistant strapped on my wings, I realized that this time I would have to walk while Harry performed. My nerves returned in droves as I lined up with the other girls and Harry made his way onto the runway.
Harry’s song filtered through the air and Romee started her walk. I closed my eyes as I waited my turn, allowing the smooth voice of my brother’s best friend to fill me. Despite everything that had happened, it still relaxed me, and by the time it was my turn to walk, my nerves were all but gone again.
“Couldn’t take you home to mother in a skirt that short,” Harry sang as I stepped forward.
I smiled as I remembered a time when he had told me something similar. I was fifteen at the time and wearing a mini skirt for the first time. Harry, who was a few years older than me, had whistled and told me both our mothers would kill me if they saw me. With an eye roll I had told him to fuck off, which earned me another smart-mouthed comment. Five minutes later my mom saw me and yelled at me to go change. Harry teased me about it for weeks.
Seconds later and I was stepping onto the runway, a large smile on my face. Harry’s back was to me as I walked forward, but it wouldn’t be long before he caught site of me. A small part of me admitted that I was excited to see his face when he saw me walk the runway for the first time.
I was at the end of the runway, just finishing my pose and preparing to turn back, when Harry sang the line that made everything about this song click into place.
“Told it to her brother and she told it to me, that she’s gonna be an Angel just you wait and see,” Harry sang, causing me to almost stumble.
My eyes snapped to him, barely concealed horror on my face as I realized that this song was about me. He had written a song about me, of all people.
Then he smirked, holding my eyes and forcing my heart into overdrive as he sang, “When it turns out she’s a devil in between the sheets and there’s nothing she can do about it.”
It took every ounce of my willpower to not drop my smile or blush or stumble. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me because I knew that even though the world didn’t know he was singing about me, both our families did. Unfortunately though, I had to finish my walk with enthusiasm and a smile, all under Harry’s amused gaze.
As soon as i stepped backstage, my smile dropped and my hands began to shake. I made my way to get changed into my final outfit, but I could barely breathe. He had taken the simultaneously best and worst event of my life, written a song about it, and shared it with the world. I knew, even then, that that’s what he did, he wrote songs, but I never thought he’d let the world hear a song about that. To make matters worse, he chose to sing it at the fashion show I had been working toward my whole life. He knew how important this was to me and what seeing him, let alone hearing that song, would do to me. He had ruined this fashion show for me, and had nearly ruined my career, and I was pissed.
I embraced my anger, using it to help me pull myself back together. By the time I was stepping back onto the runway, it was like nothing had happened. Harry was singing the first verse of his song again, but I refused to be swept up in any memories. This time I walked stronger, still with a smile but no longer as playful as I had been before. And this time when I turned at the end of the runway and let my eyes meet his, all that there was for Harry to see was rage.
He didn’t falter as I had hoped, he was too good for that, but he sang the next line with a softer look in his eyes.
“My only angel, woo ooh-ooh,” he sang, his eyes pleading.
Smiling a smile I knew he would notice was fake, I blew him a kiss. harry placed his hand against his heart with a smile that was more genuine than mine and continued singing. Focusing my eyes forward again, I finished my walk. I knew that no one would catch the undertones of the exchange. To them it looked like childhood friends having fun with each other on stage, but to us it was very different. Harry knew me well enough to see the hostility of the action and how angry I was at having my hurtful past forced into the open like that; and I knew him well enough to see the apology in his eyes and the acknowledgement that our pass hurt him too. We were always really good at reading each other, I just didn’t care about his pain anymore. Not after what he did to me then, and especially not after what he just did to me now.
I didn’t have any time to rest before we were lining up for the final walk. Harry stepped off the runway and the first model stepped on. I could feel Harry’s eyes on me but refused to look at him, instead focusing on Martha’s wings in front of me. He would hear from me, but not till after my job was done.
The final walk was exciting, everyone on stage together, confetti falling from the ceiling. But like everything else, it was over all too fast, and we were popping champagne backstage to celebrate. Not in the mood, I made my way back to my rack to get changed into my street clothes. 
“Y/N!” Elsa called just as I was slipping my t-shirt on, “You’re coming to the after part right?”
I grinned, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Yay!” she squealed, giving me a hug then running off to get changed.
I chuckled at her energy, allowing myself to revel in the moment. I had just walked in a Victoria’s Secret fashion Show, as an official Angel, and now I would go to an official after party. Chuckling again, I thought about Harry’s song and how perfect it really was for the show. I told him I would make it, and I finally did. But I was still going to kill him for releasing that song.
Pulling my phone out of my purse that was sitting next to the rack, I searched for Harry’s contact. It had changed a lot over the years, but he always sent me the new one, and for reasons I wasn’t going to admit, I always saved it. Quickly finding it, my thumb hovered over the “message” option, stopped by his contact picture.
It was the same picture it had always been, from long ago when things were happy. Harry was standing with his arms around me, holding me tight against his chest. He was pressing a sloppy kiss to my forehead, and I was making a face at the camera, but it was obvious that I enjoyed it. We were both happy, and our happiness was shining from us like a light. It was after we had realized how we felt, but before everything went wrong.
Sighing, I pushed back the emotions bubbling up at the sight of the picture and clicked on the “message” option. I typed out a quick message and hit send before I could second guess myself.
‘Are you coming to the after party’
Within seconds the little typing bubble popped up. I held my breathe as I waited a few seconds for his reply.
‘Do you want me to?’
I rolled my eyes and contemplated just ignoring him. Of course I didn’t want him to go, but I also wanted the chance to yell at him for that song. Deciding to let him sit and stew for a bit, I gathered up my things instead of replying.
Once I had my purse, shoes, and jacket on, I pulled my phone back out. I decided on, ‘We need to talk’ so I didn’t have to actually answer his question. He replied almost instantly.
‘Is the party really the best place to talk?’
‘Yes, there will be too many witnesses for me to kill you.’
I smiled to myself, pleased with my answer.
‘Lol. Really, angel? You, kill me?’
I huffed, annoyed at his use of the nickname he had given me years ago when I insisted I’d be an Angel one day. When I was younger it was cute, but after the first night we… it wasn’t cute anymore. 
‘Yes. Are you coming or not?’
I waited about a minute for a response, but when I didn’t get one, I decided to head to my hotel room. I still had to get ready for the party after all.
My phone dinged just as I got into a cab. I told the driver the name of the hotel we had been put up in, then took out my phone.
‘Yes, I’m coming. But this would probably be better in private. Come to my hotel room. 839 at the Park Hyatt.’
I laughed and rolled my eyes. Of course he was staying at the same hotel as us. But, he was right. There would be a lot of cameras and people at the party, and this wouldn’t exactly be a casual conversation. I would probably yell, and he would probably try to remind me of the happy times, and I didn’t really want anyone to hear that. Not only would it end up all over the Internet, but the girls and I weren’t exactly close. They don’t need to know about my past.
Huffing, I typed out a reply just as the cab pulled up to the hotel.
‘Fine. I’ll be there in 5.’
I paid the cabbie and thanked him for the ride, then slid out. Summoning my anger back to the forefront of my mind, I stormed through the lobby. Before I could get onto the elevator, however, I heard someone call my name from behind. 
Turning, I saw Alessandra making her way toward me with concern on her face.
“Hey Ali,” I sighed, “what’s up?”
“I just wanted to make sure you’re ok. You haven’t really talked to any of us since the show started,” she said softly.
“I’m fine, I promise,” I smiled softly, appreciating her concern, “I just have something I need to do before the party.”
“Ok,” she said cautiously, not convinced that I was actually fine, “But promise to call me if you need anything.”
My smile widened, knowing she really meant it, “Ok mom, I will.”
Alessandra laughed, pushing my shoulder and telling me bye as she walked away. I smiled after her. She really was like a mom, and I was honestly glad that I had her here with me. Especially since I didn’t exactly have my family anymore.
Sighing, I hit the button for the elevator. I tapped my foot as I waited, my nerves bubbling up full force. I was pissed, but I was also nervous. I hadn’t been alone with Harry in five years, and the last time I was, I made the mistake that cost me my entire family. He was so charming, and so good at getting me to forget why I was mad. But I couldn’t let myself forget, not this time.  This time was too important, and he had ruined my life too many times already.
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. Taking a deep breathe, I steeled my nerves and stepped on. It was time to face the music and to finally face my past.
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pastelsandpining · 3 years
All I Want for Christmas (Yearning)
The third prompt in 12 Days of Christmas by @zelink-prompts​
Prompt List
**Note: For the stories actually involving Christmas, I and a few other authors changed the holiday to Hylia’s Day (credit to @fatefulfaerie​ for this) so that it’s more relevant to Hyrule
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Cover Art: @neezlebums​ be sure to show some love to the original here! I cannot stress this enough guys, PLEASE go like and reblog his work. He spends hours upon hours on every single cover drawing and it’s super disheartening that he’s getting 8 notes max on things he’s working really hard on. So please give his post as much love as you give mine! 
Words: 1956
Summary: Link takes Zelda out to the Festival of Hylia in the hopes that she can enjoy it as a normal kid, and they share a moment during the fireworks show.
BotW pre-calamity (not HWAOC related)
**If I don’t have explicit warnings, read with caution. It simply means there’s nothing I could think of that could be potentially triggering, but I could’ve just missed something. In that case, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to put a warning!**
Zelink-mas 2020  l  Masterlist
The concept of soulmates is rather simple for something so deep. Whether it be one soul torn into two, or a red string of fate, or two souls that found comfort in one another, the premise was the same. Lifetime after lifetime, for the eternity that was to come and go, two hearts cried out for one another. They searched high and low, across continents and oceans, across timelines and ages, yearning for their partner—their lost piece.
Yet fate could be a cruel player in the game of existence. It could drive a stake in between a set of mates, or prevent their meeting entirely. It could taunt them with the prospect of forever, and take it away at twice the speed. 
It could take those souls and resurrect them only in times of destruction and decimation. 
How much could a soul handle? How much could it stretch and bend before it shattered? Was it still marked by trauma all those years later, when it was finally placed into a vessel and sent back into the world?
The soul of a hero, for instance, would be battered and bruised until fate decided there was no use for it. 
And until that decision was made, the hero’s soul would stay by the goddess’s side, even thousands upon thousands of years later. 
An impending war, what they referred to as a Calamity, was nothing new to the old souls. Yet they were filled with optimism, a sort of youthful comfort that wrapped like a blanket, and old souls did not entirely push away childish ideas and schemes.
Said hero was scampering through the streets, hand in hand with the young goddess, both tucked under cloaks that fared as a decent disguise given most participants were too drunk to think otherwise at this point in the night. 
“You cheated,” Zelda accused through a fit of giggles, but she made no move to drop the stuffed sand seal.
“I did not,” Link defended with a borderline emergent smile as he stole a glance towards the booth they’d run from. “I was just… a little better than their usual customers.”
“Yes, because their regular customers consist of skilled soldiers of Hyrule.”
“You don’t know that.”
Zelda pressed a hand over her mouth and laughed again. It got harder to suppress his smile. Something about the freedom that came with sneaking out, on top of the thrill of being where they weren’t supposed to be, left him feeling giddy and mischievous. It’d taken a while to convince Zelda to come with him, but attending the Festival of Hylia to only bestow a blessing over the kingdom wasn’t fair. They’d attended earlier in the day, with the princess wearing a grand, white dress to make her look like the goddess, and all he wanted to do was give her a chance to experience the festival as a normal kid. It was the least she deserved, after spending all of her time and effort focused on the Calamity. Of course, the only way they could actually get out was in a disguise, but Link trusted the cloaks would do their jobs so long as the late night attendees were drinking properly.
“You’re positive we won’t get caught?” she asked, for what had to be the hundredth time since they’d left the castle.
“Do you trust me?” he asked in response, fixing his eyes on hers. They were twinkling even in the darkness, and he could see the Castle Town lights reflected in her irises. When he looked at her like this, when there was no one watching them with attentive eyes, he found it hard to believe she was only Hylian. She radiated a light they couldn’t see, but he knew it was there because she was always so warm. Her eyes were always so bright.
“Yes,” she answered with a nod. Once again, Link almost smiled. But instead, he pulled her by the hand over to another booth. The worker looked too tired to care, so he didn’t have to take much caution in sliding over the rupees and asking for a soft pretzel, a caramel apple that had caught Zelda’s eye, and a set of drinks. It was just a shame they had to release hands to hold it all. 
“We used to come to the festivals all the time,” Zelda said after a few bites, letting her shoulder brush against his. “My mother would play the goddess and do the blessings, but after that, father would take me around to the different games and let me play. I was never any good at it, but they gave me prizes anyway. Mother was brilliant, though. She knew just how to get past the games’ rigging.  After her death, father didn’t let me stay out as long. Once I was twelve, my only purpose at the festival was to give the blessings. Did your family always come?”
“Almost every year. My father always took us the first night,” Link spoke with a nod. “Because he was on duty the other two. He tried getting my sister and I to play the games, but I was only interested in the food.”
Another giggle passed the princess’s lips. 
“It sounds like you haven’t changed at all,” she replied, nudging him again. 
“Except now I know how to win,” he said and gestured to the stuffed sand seal.
“I still think you cheated.”
“They cheated us first.”
Zelda had no argument to that one. Link tossed the paper from his pretzel into the trash, then adjusted the fasten on his cloak.
“Do you think we’ll be able to see the fireworks?” she asked. “I used to watch them from my window all the time.”
“I don’t know if it’s better than the view from your window, but I know a place,” he replied. Zelda slipped an arm around his, like she’d done it a thousand times before, and he ducked his head to hide his face from the overhanging light.
“I’ll have to see it in order to judge,” she said simply. He fought back a smile and pulled her through the streets of Castle Town once more, until they’d reached the outskirts. 
Link jumped up to grab the tree branch above them, then turned and held his hands out to her. Apparently his intentions were clear because even in the darkness, he could see that Zelda was appalled.
“We can’t climb on a random person’s house! Link! Get down!” she yelled in a whisper, but he just let the grin cover his face.
“It’s empty. For sale, I think,” he replied with a shrug. She looked around, as if she wanted to make sure they were really alone, before taking his hands. He pulled her into the tree effortlessly, then boosted her up onto the roof of a Castle Town house. “It’s no castle view, but you won’t be eye-level with the fireworks.”
“You can see the entire festival from here,” she spoke when he joined her at the top. “It’s not just lights. You can see everything. How did you..?”
“There was one year when my father had to attend all three nights, so it was just my sister and I. We ran out of rupees trying one of the games, and she was really upset, so I just.. snatched a prize and ran. We climbed onto a roof and stayed there for the rest of the festival, until I was sure he hadn’t sent any soldiers after us. It gave us a pretty good view.”
“You thief!” Zelda accused, giving him a shove. Link bit back a laugh.
“You’re the only person I’ve ever told. So now you’re the holder of some pretty powerful information.”
She hummed in thought and leaned her head against the plushie.
“I could do so much with this. I could tell everyone and finally have my freedom from you.”
“I don’t know if stealing a plushie from a festival booth ten years ago is enough to get me demoted.”
“It’s a serious crime,” but he could hear the laughter in Zelda’s voice. He turned to face her just as the first of the fireworks went off, drowning her in a soft yellow light. Even if he wanted to watch the fireworks, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. She was in a category all of her own, and the word beautiful couldn’t describe her in her entirety. 
He could call her hair golden, but it still didn’t capture her richness. He could compare her eyes to emeralds, and it still wouldn’t tell how precious they were. He could say her voice was a melody, and it still couldn’t describe how much he loved the song she sang each time she spoke. With every passing day, she grew more and more into the goddess whose blood she carried in her veins. She radiated a power and displayed a wisdom he’d never seen before, yet it felt so familiar to him that it never surprised him. He could watch her for hours, whether she was studying the Sheikah technology or praying at the foot of a goddess statue (not that he did, obviously, because that was sacred and private). It didn’t feel like a job--it never had. He’d give his life for her over and over again, like it was written into his blood and soul. Like he’d done it before. 
With how far they’d come, Link wondered just how much could one feel for a single person. If he could shield her from the world, he would. But she didn’t need that. Zelda was strong and independent, but what he wouldn’t give to remain by her side for as long as he could.
She took his arm again and rested her head against his shoulder. Her hold was as gentle as she. Her fingers intertwined with his and he gave her hand a small squeeze.
He hummed to let her know he was listening and ready to answer any question she wanted to ask. 
“What do you want for Hylia’s Day?”
The gift giving tradition held true even to this year, but Link didn’t quite know how to answer her. What he really wanted was her. He wanted her to be happy and safe and secure. He wanted the goddess to respond, and for her powers to awaken so she could just enjoy whatever time they had left. 
Was there a stronger word that fit this feeling than yearning? Yearning for Zelda and her life and her future. 
He bit his cheek in thought, because none of that could be said aloud.
“I want a promise,” he replied at last. “that once this is all over, you’ll keep researching. And that maybe I can stay your knight attendant for as long as you can tolerate me.”
She almost laughed.
“Link.. I can’t promise anything. If I can’t awaken this power, then-“
“You will,” he said, holding her hand tighter. “I believe in you.”
Zelda smiled at him—weak and small, but it still filled him with a warmth that made him feel all the more confident.
“I want a day off to just relax with our friends,” she stated, returning her head to his shoulder.
“All of our friends?”
“Yes, even Revali.”
Link chuckled and shook his head, watching the last of the fireworks pop. He’d never felt more relaxed than he did then. It was like they belonged there. Something about her was so calming that he didn’t want to go back to the castle just yet. 
“Thank you,” she spoke softly into the quieting night. “For tonight.”
He wished he could kiss her.
Instead, he gave her hand a squeeze and said, “Anything you want, Princess. Just say the word.”
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